#i’d rather be bored than traumatized and/or infuriated
say what you will but i refuse to be shamed for liking a “vanilla” ship by a bunch of people who romanticize abuse and sexualize teenagers.
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eeechooo · 25 days
Aligned Minds
Fandom : Lockwood & Co.
Pairing : Female Reader X George Karim
Request by @thestrangerblog "Intellectual reader is tired of vain guys who are good looking and know it and think that's enough to get every girl they want. Then reader meets George who is proud of his intellect and who sees brains and character strength in her and not just a pretty face and hot body."
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You were tired of them. The peacocks. The guys who sauntered into the room, all confident smirks and perfect hair, thinking their good looks alone could win them the world. They were everywhere, especially in places like this—academic conferences on the supernatural. You had hoped for serious discussions, intellectual stimulation. Instead, you found a sea of vain, posturing boys who thought a charming smile and a well-fitted suit were enough to make them experts on ghostly phenomena.
Sitting in the back of the lecture hall, you scribbled in your notebook, full of doodles and half-formed ideas about the origins of ghosts. The current speaker droned on about the latest theories, but your mind was wandering. You glanced around, noting the usual suspects—guys trying to network rather than truly engage with the material. Typical.
Then he spoke.
“What about the spiritual residue left by traumatic events? Your theory doesn’t account for the variance in Type Two ghost manifestations,” said a voice, sharp and probing.
You turned to see the source. A young man with disheveled hair and a look of intense concentration on his face. He was scribbling something in his notebook, quick. It was messy, you just knew it.
The lecturer, a renowned but notoriously complacent professor, stumbled over his words. “Well, uh, that’s an interesting point, but—”
“But nothing,” the young man cut in, his tone sharp. “If we don’t consider the psychological impact and the nature of the trauma, we’re missing half the picture.”
You were intrigued. This wasn’t the usual superficial debate. This was someone who cared about the truth, who dug deep into the complexities of the supernatural.
When the professor tried to dismiss the question, you couldn’t help yourself. You stood up. “He’s right,” you said, your voice steady. “Ignoring the emotional resonance of traumatic events skews our entire understanding of ghost origins. We need a more holistic approach.”
The room went silent. The professor looked flustered, and several attendees turned to see who had dared to challenge the status quo. But the young man—George, you remembered—smirked and nodded approvingly.
During the break, you found yourself gravitating towards George. He was still scribbling in his notebook, muttering to himself.
“Mind if I join you?” you asked, trying to keep your tone casual.
He looked up, surprise flashing in his eyes before he smirked again. “By all means. I could use someone who actually gets it.”
You sat down next to him, feeling a strange mix of nerves and excitement. “I’m really tired of these guys who think they know everything because they look good in a suit.”
George snorted. “Tell me about it. They’re more interested in networking than actual knowledge. It’s infuriating.”
You nodded vigorously. “Exactly! It’s like they think their charm can substitute for real understanding.”
“Unfortunately, that’s the world we live in,” George said, his tone slightly bitter. “But there are a few of us who see through the facade. Want to grab some pizza for lunch? We can discuss how wrong that professor was.”
You couldn’t help but smile. “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”
And that is why, over slices of pizza in a quiet corner of a nearby café, you and George talked non-stop. He told you about Lockwood & Co., the agency he worked for, and the various cases they had handled. His stories were captivating, filled with danger and mystery. Jesus, it seemed better than the work you had in your agency, boring, usually the same routine everyday.
“I’ve always been more interested in the origins of the Problem,” George said between bites. “The nature of ghosts. It’s not just about dealing with the manifestations, it’s about understanding why they happen in the first place. This is just... fascinating”
You nodded, feeling more connected to him with each word. “That’s exactly what drives me too. There’s so much more to uncover, so much that the mainstream theories just… gloss over.”
George leaned back, looking thoughtful. “You know, we should team up. Present our own findings. Show these superficial idiots what real research looks like.”
Your heart skipped a beat. “You mean it?”
“Absolutely. I can tell you’re serious about this. Together, we could really make an impact.”
He was right.
Two months flew by in a whirlwind of research, late nights, and shared passion. You had spent the majority of your free time with him, and it felt so, so, so nice. As the day of the presentation dawned, nerves mingled with excitement. Standing side by side in front of a packed lecture hall, you and George delivered your findings with confidence and conviction.
The audience was spellbound, hanging on your every word. Even the skeptics couldn’t deny the weight of your evidence. And when the final word faded to black, applause erupted throughout the room.
As the attendees filed out, exchanging compliments and inquiries, you and George found yourselves outside, the air buzzing with post-presentation energy.
“Pizza?” you proposed, a smile tugging at your lips.
George’s eyes lit up. “Absolutely.”
The pizzeria was bustling with activity, but you managed to snag a quiet corner booth. As you sat down, the adrenaline of the presentation still coursing through your veins, a comfortable silence settled between you.
It was George who broke it first, his voice soft and contemplative. “I can’t believe we did it.”
You nodded, a warm glow spreading through your chest. “We make a pretty good team, huh?”
He smiled, a rare, genuine smile that reached his eyes. “The best.”
As you both dug into your slices, savoring the victory and the delicious food, you felt a surge of courage. You glanced up at George, meeting his gaze head-on.
“It’s a date,” you said, your voice steady.
George’s eyes widened, and he choked on his slice, coughing and sputtering. After a moment, George regained his composure, his cheeks tinged with pink. “I—I mean, yes. Yes, it is.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. For a man that smart, he can sure as hell be clueless sometimes.
It was fun writing this, thank you for your request, i hope it was good enough! I'm trying to get back to writing for hours after stopping for maybe a year and oh my i missed it SO MUCH???? also yes i feel like food keeps appearing but oh well it just gets people together. again if you've got request DO NOT HESITATE, i write them based on who commented first but they're all going to be posted! thanks for reading this hehe, take care!!
@neewtmas @cielooci (this is the taglist, if you don't want to be there anymore or if you want to be just tell me!)
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kenzieam · 6 years
The Call of the Void - Chapter Four
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Rating: M (language, violence, mentions of torture and abuse, eventual smut, angst)
Genre: Drama/Angst
@captstefanbrandt @iammarylastar @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @notimetoblog @captain-ariel-barnes @jaamesbbarnes @lancefvcker @bitsandbobsandstuff @softlybarnes @lovelybbarnes @buckitybarnes @bucky-plums-barnes @thottybarnes @moonbeambucky @badassbaker @citylights221 @empress-of-boujee @tbetz0341chook007 @shynara51 @diinofayce @casestudy-mw ​
If I missed any tag requests, I apologize!!
Word Count 3.1 k +
Some fluff and sweetness, tempered by more darkness; enjoy my lovelies.....
**Potential Triggers, please read with caution**
Steve instantly zeroed in on the awkwardness between Buck and Nika when he returned in the quinjet a few days later. He shot a ‘what did you do?’ glare in Bucky’s direction before wrapping Nika in a tight hug, laughing at something she said to him and Bucky felt a sharp pang straight through his heart. He wanted that; hell, he could even say he was jealous of Steve for the relationship he seemed to have forged with Nika; he wanted that easy intimacy, the freedom to sling an arm over her shoulders and feel her lean against him, tell a joke and hear her musical laughter.
He would never willingly deny his oldest friend a chance at happiness, if Nika had chosen Steve over him, but it absolutely broke the shredded remains of Bucky’s heart to watch them. After his bumbling affection a few days ago, would Nika pull completely away? She had so far, avoiding Bucky at every turn, he’d not even been able to catch fleeting glances of her outside. He’d felt it, the same crazy rush race through Nika as it had through him, the lightning bolt of pure energy as their lips connected. He hadn’t meant to kiss her, hadn’t even realized he was going to, but to hear her defeated words, to see the sorrow and shame on her delicate face had broken something deep inside him, and his lips had crushed to hers before he could think clearly, could tell himself to stop, that he had no right and, even if he did, it was too soon.
Nika’s request for a truce was both a blessing and a curse; in one way, she’d felt the same pull as him, the crazed draw and absolute necessity to connect, but she also was willing to pull away, put necessary distance between them. Nika was still far to tangled in her horrible past to even consider such things right now and, even if by some miracle she was, Bucky was mired down too. He still woke almost every night screaming from nightmares, pulse-pounding memories of HYDRA drawing yet another anguished howl from him, the brutal agony as his mind was wiped again and again, the stubborn ache of his arm, the infuriating itch of his scars.
But lately, in the last few days, his night terrors had taken on a different flavour; whether true memories or just more tangled misery his brain had decided to torment him with, Nika had now entered his nightly horrors. Images, or perhaps memories, of her made to stand in front of him, fresh blood reddening her pale, delicate skin, while he towered silently; the Winter Soldier, awakened and ready to comply. Had they been made to fight each other, as his nightmares suggested? Had Pierce wanted to ensure she was his equal or better in battle, and they’d been ordered to fight each other to investigate this? Time and again struggling to near death, until either hers or his handlers called them off, pulled them away from each other to observe with clinical detachment the wounds they’d inflicted on each other? It was definitely a strong possibility, at least in the first few years of Nika’s training, before the accident; she was meant to be his destroyer, of course HYDRA would want to ensure she could not only hold her own against the Asset, but defeat him as well.
Equally as horrifying as these was the possibility that Bucky had completely wrecked any chance he’d ever had with Nika. By giving in, by losing control of himself so early, had he broken the fragile thread between them? He would have no one but himself to blame, Steve had warned him to stay away and beyond simply accepting his hand, Nika had not given him any further encouragement that warranted his actions. She needed a friend, a confidante, not a tie to her past panting after her like a dog.
Slinging an arm over Nika’s shoulders just as Bucky feared, Steve wandered towards Bucky, feigning nonchalance but watching the former Winter Soldier carefully. He halted a few feet away.
“Everything go alright?” He asked, eyes boring into Bucky’s.
Bucky swallowed, about to give it all away; he could never lie to Steve, when Nika replied instead, pressing a hand to Steve’s broad chest in a surprising display of trust.
“Fine, Steve. Pretty chill actually.”
Steve glanced down at Nika before looking back at Bucky, who schooled his features carefully and nodded. Suspicion flashed briefly through his eyes but Steve nodded back, returning his gaze to Nika. She dazzled him with a wide, genuine smile that sent a fresh spike of pain through Bucky.
“How was the mission?”
“Boring, wish I could’ve stayed here.” Steve replied. Reaching up he rubbed the back of his head, hand rasping through the short strands. “I’ve actually got to head back to DC soon, as much as I want to stay, what-”
“I’ll come back too.” Nika replied, dancing out from under Steve’s arm and falling into a playful boxer’s stance.
Glancing back at Bucky in surprise Steve turned to face Nika, blocking her gentle jabs with a chuckle.
“Bored?” He drawled.
“It’s beautiful here,” Nika conceded. “But it’s too quiet, I have way too much time to over-think and fixate on things I can’t change, I’d rather be doing something,” she paused then, dropping her fists. “I have to talk to Nat, we.... we need to talk.” The playful gleam in her eye stuttered out, replaced by a bleak sombreness that tore at Bucky’s heart. Nika was too young to carry this weight and Bucky ached to relieve her of the burden.
“You sure?” Steve asked. “You haven’t been here very long-”
Nika lifted her head and while her eyes were red-rimmed with unshed tears, they were calm and confident. “Yes.”
***************************************************************************************************************************************************** Bucky had considered staying in Wakanda after Steve and Nika left; she’d attached herself to the Captain like a barnacle, Bucky thought sourly; and all but ignored him. Whether this was punishment or self-preservation he didn’t know, but it hurt all the same. The night he returned, after Nika had dragged him out to ooh and aww over the sunset, Steve had tracked Bucky down and cornered him, demanding to know what had happened. Chronically unable to lie to his best friend, Buck had stuttered the truth and, while he hadn’t liked it, Steve hadn’t quite lost his shit like Bucky expected him too.
“She’s just got on the right track, Buck.” Steve sighed, running his hand through his spiky hair. “Shuri and Wakanda helped her with this amazing breakthrough, I mean look at her, she’s glowing; but she’s still fragile.”
“I know, I-”
“I know you love her.” Steve replied bluntly, crossing his arms over his chest and Bucky stumbled to a halt; had he been that transparent?
At Bucky’s expression Steve scoffed gently. “You didn’t really think you could hide that from me Buck, did you? We’re brothers, I know you, I’ve never seen such a heartsick look on your face before, but hold it back, okay? Give her time to decide what she wants. Even though Tony’s chomping at the bit to have her join the team, she’s free to do whatever she wants, and if that doesn’t include you, you have to accept that.”
Bucky heard the simple wisdom of Steve’s words, but they clawed at his heart nonetheless; he’d chosen to join the Avengers, to try to amend for his past sins by fighting for good, but what would Nika do? She’d been brought into the KGB as a child with her older sister, then stolen into HYDRA without her consent; she was well within her rights to wash her hands of the entire business, do what Bruce did a few years ago and go completely off the grid, start raising chickens or spinning wool or something.
Just because Bucky’s entire being now depended on her didn’t mean she belonged to him.
Steve tutted sympathetically, slapping Bucky once on the shoulder before turning away.
***************************************************************************************************************************************************** In the end, Bucky had decided to return to DC too, and spent the majority of the flight slumped in the rear of the quinjet, watching Nika and Steve in the cockpit. At one point Steve had even let Nika take the controls, and Bucky had been unable to resist a wide smile at her happy squeal, a pure, carefree laugh of joy and excitement. She’d even forgotten their imposed separation and looked back over her shoulder to yell eagerly at Bucky, tease him and laugh at his cheerful reply.
Nat was waiting nervously beside Clint in the common area, waiting to see her sister again. The air was thick with tension; although Nat had not been involved at all, Nika had always been told that her beloved sister had betrayed her, and all of their previous interactions had been traumatic and stressful. But Nika was different now, having shed a heavy weight in Wakanda, woken up from cryofreeze with a new hunger for life. She was by no means cured, but was definitely in a much better place than when she’d left, would her new benevolence extend to her sister as well?
Surprise flashed through Nat’s eyes when Nika arrived; Steve had just told her a joke and her laughter rang through the hall, sounding like the most honey-sweet melody to Bucky’s biased ears. The rest of the team stood off to the side, informed of Nika’s progress through Steve, but wary to see it or, in some accidental way, wreck it.
Nika came to a halt suddenly upon seeing Nat in front of her, losing her balance enough that she needed to lean against Steve for a heartbeat to regain it, then taken a single, slow step forward. Mirroring her, Nat took a single step as well, pulling out of Clint’s protective embrace. For a long beat, they just gazed at each other, eyes conveying untold number of words and thoughts, then Nika smiled.
“Sister.” She greeted, her Russian lilt musical.
Nat sagged with relief, instant tears streaking down her cheeks. Letting out a choked sob she bridged the space between them and wrapped her arms around Nika, both sisters starting to cry in earnest, pulling apart only enough to wipe tears from the other’s cheeks and giggle wetly before embracing tightly again. After a long moment they stepped apart and, after wiping at her eyes again, Nika turned to the rest of the team.
“Hi,” she started nervously, sounding nothing like a highly trained Russian assassin, “I apologize for my... behaviour before, I hope you will all give me another chance.” She startled slightly at the team’s instant clamouring, their immediate reassurances and welcomes, glancing over her shoulder at Steve, who stood looking like a proud father a few feet behind her, then moving closer to the mob, tentatively shaking the various extended hands before being pulled bodily into a bear hug by an over-eager Thor. After a moment, the Captain took over, sensing Nika’s slight faltering and waded into the pack, elbowing team members aside before pulling Nika to his side comfortingly, a pang shooting through Bucky’s chest as he saw Nika lean gratefully into him.
“C’mon guys, let her breathe.” He scolded gently before looking down, asking with a raised brow if Nika was alright.
Sensing they’d perhaps pushed too far, the team fell quiet, eyeing Nika and her blond protector uncertainly and it was Tony, the sarcastic but caring uncle who spoke next.
“Who’s up for pizza? “ He chirped, glancing around. “Y’all get your party clothes on, we’re going to eat ‘till we puke and watch ridiculous sci fi from the ‘60’s.”
“No way,” Sam cut in. “We watched that Plan 9 shit last time, it’s cheesy ‘80’s action movies tonight.”
“Uh uh,” Clint laughed. “It’s ‘90’s Rom-Com night.”
Sam blew a raspberry. “You just wanna make out with Nat-”
“Perhaps,” Thor boomed, not even needed to raise his voice, “our treasured guest should choose our amusement.”
Bucky’s fists clenched with suppressed rage when Thor winked Nika’s way and Steve elbowed him subtly, indicating that he had in fact growled out loud and not just in his head like he’d thought.
“Whatever,” Tony quipped, “we’ve got like four thousand to choose from, by the time the pizzas get here we should have something hammered out. FRIDAY!”
“Yes, Mr. Stark?”
“Pizza night, order the usual. Hey, wait!” He turned then to Nika, raising a brow. “What kind do you want, little Widow?”
Nika shrugged, glancing uncertainly at first Steve and then Nat. “I’ve haven’t had pizza for a long time.”
Tony turned with a flourish and continued to holler at the AI. “One of everything they got FRIDAY and tell them to not to frickin’ dawdle; there’s an extra Benjamin in it for the delivery boy if he gets here before I park my ass on the couch!”
“Yes sir.” The AI sounded almost dry.
Tony whirled again, absolutely in his element. “Thunder Thighs, you and Chickenhawk are on drink duty, and bring more than just Asgardian Mead and Mountain Dew this time.” Thor and Sam traded a glance before turning and disappearing, grumbling, into the kitchen. The rest of the team began to wander away, arguing about how many bags of chips to bring, leaving Nika, Nat, Bucky and Steve standing in a small circle.
“Make yourself at home, Devushka. Nat’ll show you your room then it’s time for a refresher course in Western indulgence.” Tony sauntered away, reminding Bucky of a bantam rooster.
Smirking wryly Steve turned back to Nika, offering a soft smile. “Doing okay? Tony can be a bit.... much.”
“He’s like a little rooster,” Nika mumbled, so quietly only Bucky caught it and he snorted a laugh, clasping a hand over his mouth and choking back a howl.
Frowning briefly at Bucky Steve grinned, “yeah, he’s a hoot, give you the shirt off his back however, once you’re in his circle.” Clearing his throat he looked over at Nat. “You want to get Nika settled? Despite whatever Tony says that pizza’s going to be at least half an hour.”
“C’mon sister,” Nat smiled, arm looped in Nika’s. Gently she tugged her in the direction of the team’s rooms, Bucky and Steve staying put, watching them. Steve smiled warmly as he saw the girls tip their heads together to touch, talking quietly as they walked away.
“She’s so strong.” Steve murmured, almost to himself. Inhaling sharply he turned to look at Bucky, frowned good-naturedly at the brunette’s scowl. “Down boy,” he quipped.
***************************************************************************************************************************************************** After a spirited debate and many threats of mayhem the stalemate was finally broken by Nat rolling her eyes dramatically and grabbing all the DVDs being waved around, dropping them into a bag, shaking it briefly and holding it towards Nika to reach in and choose. Howls of mock-outrage rose as Nika pulled one free.
“‘Wall-E’? Who the hell wants to see that?” Sam was absolutely scandalized, side-eyeing the whole group. Bucky looked down, cheeks reddening.
Nika glanced at him, then stared at the cover. “It looks cute.”
Sam rolled his eyes.
Wall-E was just staring in awe at his new spork and Rubik’s cube when the pizza arrived. Nika stared in awe at the array of food that was brought up, while Tony played a rather highly strung host, prying open boxes to sniff at them suspiciously before announcing the flavour, brushing off Steve’s attempt to point out the name of each pizza scrawled on the lid.
“I can read, Captain Underpants,” he replied dryly before flipping open another box with a flourish. “Hawaiian!” He declared.
Even with Tony being no help whatsoever, everyone was soon situated back on the couches, armchairs and floor, plates piled high with pizza slices, cups overflowing with the rainbow of drinks Thor and Sam supplied, and the movie was resumed.
Nika was absolutely entranced by the movie, absurdly touched by the lonely little robot and his gentle journeys, his clumsy attempts to gain E.V.E.’s attention. The rest of the team were paying similar attention, even Sam; and it amused Nika to see the fearless and heroic Avengers staring almost awestruck at the screen. Squished between Thor on one side and Steve on the other, Nika was occasionally distracted by Thor’s booming commentary, ducking a pillow thrown by Clint at their self-appointed Master of Ceremonies with a giggle, laughing outright when it cut Thor off mid-word, making him sputter in surprised indignation and consequently missing Bucky’s longing gaze at her.
As Wall-E ended Sam leapt to his feet, declaring they needed some real culture and grabbing the original Star Wars, shushing token protests with a flapping hand before informing Nika she was finally in for ‘real entertainment’.
Thor’s rolling commentary never wavered, although it hovered between certainty and confusion at certain parts, ‘Odin’s Beard! What is that appendage?’ but by the time the end credits were rolling and the team was drifting out of the room Thor had exhausted himself and lay sprawled beside a crowded Nika, head dropped back against the couch, mouth hanging open and snoring. Shrugging off the massive arm the God of Thunder had flung over the both of them earlier Steve stood, offering Nika a hand to stand as well and she couldn’t hold back a giggle as Thor grumbled in sleepy protest, mumbling something indecipherable before falling silent again. After a quick whispered conversation, Nat hugged Nika goodnight then left, holding Clint’s hand tightly.
“Hope we weren’t too overwhelming,” Steve grinned.
Nika shook her head as she yawned. “No, it was nice; back in the program we watched western movies only to learn and assimilate into the culture, never for fun, it was good to just sit back and enjoy for once.”
Bucky, who’d been hovering in the periphery, felt a surge of surprised sympathy. It was easy to forget that Nika had been a prisoner even before HYDRA, kept captive and trained to be a master assassin like Nat had and, if she’d been allowed to partake in anything fun like she had tonight, it had been under the shadow of education and research, moulding her into a killer chameleon rather than just letting her be a kid.
“Heading to bed?” Steve continued.
Nika shrugged. “Yeah. It’s been a long day.”
“Alright, goodnight Nika.”
“Goodnight Steve. Goodnight Bucky.”
Bucky startled slightly, feeling an almost childish shame at being discovered, then swallowed and replied. “Goodnight Nika, see you in the morning.”
Nika drifted away, the epitome of grace and, as Steve turned around to smirk in amusement at Bucky, he stuck his tongue out and flipped his blond friend the bird.
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profoundbond-n-tfw · 7 years
Random ‘To Read’ Destiel Fic List
So with my computer dying and me losing all my info, photos, fics I was writing, my reading lists, etc. I’m starting over and rebuilding. So this list is mostly for me and my files but thought I’d share it in case anyone sees something they might like to read. 
I figure I will finish reading the fics on this list this week…But it might take two depends on how busy I am…lol so with no further ado and in no particular order…
Warning all fics are rated Explicit!
Unintended by emwebb17:
Castiel is a successful defense attorney beginning to doubt the integrity of the work he does. After winning a date with a firefighter named Dean at a charity auction, Cas decides that he needs to make a change in his life. He just has one more case to take care of, but his involvement has devastating consequences.
As The Ink Flows by  CheshireMoon, RexxieConverse
AU- Dean Winchester, known to the world as the gun-slinging western writer Kurt Smith, loves his career as an author, getting to spin his dreams of grand adventure and heroic deeds into best selling novels. Where blood, guts and glory may be Dean’s choice of entertainment, fellow author Castiel Novak, pen name Emmanuel Anael, chose the more philosophical route, using religion and narration of humanity’s condition to drive the plot of his tales. The two could not have more disdain for each other’s style of storytelling, which is made very much known through a happenstance meeting turned heated blow out. As fate seems to have a very interesting sense of humor, Dean and Castiel find themselves accidentally frequenting the same cafe after their disastrous first encounter, and both stubbornly decide to make The Caffeinated Moose their permanent go-to writing destination despite each other’s infuriating presence. Through spilled coffee, ruffled papers, blossoming words, and steam-fogged glasses, will something other than ink flow between these two talented writers?
KAZ by  OnceUponADestiel (Jems_of_Grace)
Dean has always had a weirdly strong attachment to his car that he has never been able to satisfactorily explain, even to himself. He knows that he chose the Impala for his dad on that first infamous time travel experience that Cas sent him on. But now he has another chance to take a trip into the past and this time he finds out exactly why he’s always felt such a weirdly profound bond with this particular vehicle.
Just Pretending by lilypaws
A cool job, a nice apartment, a hot girlfriend. Dean had it all. And lost everything. That’s when he gets the chance to be featured in an article in the famous magazine “Heaven on Earth” and reside in a luxury hotel for four weeks. And win a shit ton of money. The catch: it’s only for married couples. And because Dean’s life is a disaster the only person who is willing to play along and marry him is the person who despises him the most. But playing Couple with Cas Novak for a month can’t be that hard, can it?
Basileus by SillyBlue
A basilisk’s egg is said to be able to break any spell or curse and dissolve any claim on a human’s soul. With the ten years he had been given quickly coming to a close, Dean has no other option but to follow this one desperate lead. While Dean’d love to be able to escape the clutches of hell (and make sure that Sam doesn’t take the bait and follow him directly down into the fiery pits), he really, really doesn’t want to go hunt a probably extinct monster in Europe. But he needs a basilisk and apparently a town in Switzerland just happens to have one as its guardian beast.
It’s just Dean’s luck that this one wears a trench coat and is the hottest guy Dean’s ever seen.
All Your Lies by Speary
When Sam is captured in East Berlin, in the summer of 1953, there is some fear that he’ll be lost to them forever. However, Agent Dean Winchester catches a lucky break. His agency has captured a KGB agent. They’ve negotiated prisoner exchanges before, but only after they had extracted what secrets they could. And Dean has enviable skills when it comes to interrogations. His prisoner, Dmitri Krushnic, though, seems to know too much, and he also seems to be somehow familiar. The more time he spends with the prisoner, the more questions he has, about the past, about what he lost in the war, and about the truth that he wasn’t ready to see.
The Other Shoe by Cliophilyra
It has been 10 years since two scruffy boys arrived at Castiel’s home in the Men of Letters bunker. Dragged along by their father, in search of help with a hunt.
10 years since he fell in love with a green eyed teenager.
10 years since the first and last time they saw each other.
They’re all older and supposedly wiser now and Cas could at least pretend to have forgotten all about that day. Until two familiar men turn up out of the blue, dripping blood on the bunkers doormat.
On Gossamer Wings by CKLizzy
Castiel Shurley is an angel. Yes, angel - because that’s what flight attendants of 8th Heaven Jetways are called. Sky Angels. Flying is Castiel’s freedom. Boarding a plane, working above the clouds, to him it’s like spreading his wings. Lifting off and leaving the world behind - how could anyone not enjoy it? Castiel doesn’t understand how there are people who rather stay on the ground. It’s almost ironic that he should fall in love with someone who fears flying more than anything else.
The Devil’s Music by Amazonia_8
The Hunters have been getting on just fine without him, but when his brother gets into a jam, Dean’s called out of exile and given one more chance to strap on a guitar and hit the road with his family.
One tiny problem. None too happy with the group’s hard rock reputation, the investors have sent an agent to keep the brothers out of trouble. The hot as sin, socially awkward agent who Dean may have accidentally propositioned on the flight over.
But you know what’s more fun than misbehaving on the road to the roar of thousands of fans? Seeing if he can get Castiel to misbehave, too.
Kinetics by kittenbot
Dean Winchester can count on one hand the number of good things that have happened to him in his life. With fingers leftover. When Sculpture Magazine wanted to do a piece on him as the new up-and-comer in metal sculpture, he was guarded. But when he met Castiel, who was sent to document his work, he decided to take a chance on the growing connection between them. They learn that they are both in the BDSM lifestyle and agree to explore that together. Dean has a traumatic past, both in childhood and with bad Doms. They have to negotiate their relationship carefully.
Set in the modern world without the supernatural, Dean is a sculptor and Castiel is a photographer. Castiel is also a Dom and Bakushi—an expert that ties people up in the traditional Japanese way; his specialty is suspension ties. Dean is a sub who was never taught the meaning of Safe, Sane, and Consensual. Cas wants to show Dean how wonderful submission can be and he’s absolutely dying to tie Dean up and suspend him. Dean wants to let him. If only he wasn’t being targeted by a psychopath.
Reality of Dreams by kumofu
Dean Winchester has been living a boring life. At least until his brother is missing, the police think he has something to do with it, and a group of people who call themselves ‘Liberi Somniorum’ and live in an underground bunker ask him to join them so they can teach him how to use his dreaming abilities. As if that isn’t bad enough, the police also took his car and then there’s this guy in a trenchcoat who’s guarding him, and some dark secret. Dean does his best to convince himself it’s a dream. But somehow, sometimes, dreams can be very real, and this time, he just can’t wake up.
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