#ignore the clex mention
mcuxhp777 · 25 days
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Part Five; they're teenagers, don't freak out
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idabbleincrazy · 2 months
Fandom: Smallville
Rating: E
Pairing: Clex
Characters: Clark, Lex, Lois Lane
Word Count: 4503
Warnings: under the influence, pwp, smut, dirty talk, teasing, bondage, bottom!Lex, rimming, anal fingering, anal, Lex is a lil slutty and a lil subby (but only for Clark), coming untouched, Lois is looking *respectfully*, mention of the Justice League, canon divergent
Summary: Turns out all they needed was a little shove in the right direction...
A/N: set in an au where Lex never tried to kill Clark in the Fortress, so no hand issue and no need for Queen blowing him up and no clones needed to repair him. so, I guess, Smallville versions of Clark, Lex, and Lois set in other Superman iterations? idk. I had an idea but it doesn't fit squarely in Smallville canon. Opening dialogue prompted from this list.
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"This is wrong." Clark halted his movements, Lex's shirt bunched in his hands, torn open and halfway down the older man's shoulders. 
"So wrong." Lex's voice was a husky rasp as he tilted his head up to close the unwanted distance between them, shimmying his way out of the ruined button-up. "And so fucking right, Clark. Kiss me."
Clark gave in, too dazed and aroused to resist the wet, friction-reddened mouth pressing against his. He let the tatters of expensive cotton flutter to the floor, his hands gripping around Lex's hips and tugging him impossibly closer. He knew, somewhere in the recesses of his brain, that this really, really, shouldn't be happening. He tried to ignore the feel of Lex's tongue slipping over his, oh, so sweet, so slick, and the way their cocks rubbed against each other through thin layers of fabric, to focus through the haze of red clouding his thoughts.
"We…we were…fighting, weren't we? How…oh, God, Lex!"
"Tired of fighting, Clark. Tired of secrets, and lies, of pretending I don't think about this every fucking night." Clark felt Lex's fingers grappling at his belt buckle, his teeth scraping along his jaw. His cock twitched in his pants, throbbing at the pleasurable sting and Lex's rough words sounding in his ear. "Don't care why we're not fighting. That was never what I wanted. This. You, here, like this, hard for me. This is what I've wanted for so long, Clark."
“Shit, Lex…we can’t…I was…angry, at you, some…new experiment with Kryptonite, did you-?”
“That was just a red herring, Clark. It always is.” Lex’s hands moved up from Clark’s unbuckled belt, scrabbling at the tie around his throat, tugging it away to work at the buttons of his shirt. Needed to taste more of that golden skin. “Only way I get to see you anymore is if you’re swooping into my office in that ridiculous costume to yell at me, or snooping around LexCorp with Ms. Lane. And, frankly, Superman, I’m starting to run out of schemes. So, whatever this is, magic, a mutant with some kinky grudge, I don’t care, I’ll take what I can get. You can hate me later.”
“You…you know?”
“Oh, Clark, the second I saw the Red-Blue Blur streaking across the skyline, I knew it was you. How could I not? You could never hide yourself from me as well as you thought. I know you too well.” 
Clark groaned as Lex's teeth scraped over his throat, surprised by how he could feel the slightest sting of pain beneath the pleasure. He'd come to Luthor's office as himself this time, to pose some questions on the latest batch of tests Lois had caught sight of in her constant digging into LexCorp, wanting to see what he could find out as Clark, before rampaging through as Superman like he always did. The last thing he remembered was the two of them yelling at each other about ethics and repercussions, and a flash of red light beaming through the window. When it had cleared, they were wrapped around each other, Lex's lips beneath his, Lex's hands in his hair, his own shredding through Luthor's shirt without a care of the show of strength. 
"Stop thinking, Kent. Use that superspeed of yours and find us a bed before I lay you out over my desk. Not stopping this, Clark, not till we get what I know we've both wanted for over a decade."
Lex's tongue was back in his mouth before he could snap a retort, arms wound around him and clinging. He let himself give in to the desire coursing through him, picking Lex up off the floor and zipping through the tower up to the penthouse. Unerringly, he found the master bedroom, and tumbled Lex onto the orgy-sized bed.
Speeding out of his clothes, he stood bare before Lex, nerves creeping back in as the older man gazed up at him with a hunger more ravenous than any he'd seen in those steel-blue eyes before. His cock, so hard his foreskin had already fully retracted, pulsed out a thick drop of pre-cum, eliciting a groan of want from Lex as he watched it cling from the tip of the jutting erection.
"God, you're beautiful, Clark. Perfect. Just like I knew you would be." Lex tore at his belt as he scrambled further up the bed, desperate to be rid of his pants, to pull Clark to him and feel him, skin on skin. "Shit. Little help?"
Clark smirked a quick Luthor-worthy shark-toothed grin, his eyes flashing red, and pounced. Lex was naked beneath him before he even felt the air whoosh out of his lungs, warm skin pressed against his own from chest to cock. He really didn't know what had triggered the change between them from hurling verbal pain at each other to clinging to each other, sucking face, and he truly didn't care. He'd wanted him for far too long to give up what might be the only chance to know what it felt like to be fucked by Clark Kent. And from the feel of the thick cock brushing against his own as Clark's lips latched onto his throat, he was going to enjoy every inch of it. Arches his head back to press into the mouth sucking bruises into porcelain skin that he hopes will last more than a day or two, legs spreading to accommodate the width of Clark's hips. He trails his hands up the brunette's sides, one digging clawed fingers into a shoulder, the other tangling into thick hair he's only dreamed of learning the silky-softness of. 
"Jesus, Clark, just take me already. Trust me, I don't need foreplay right now. We can be soft and sweet next time," Lex groaned half in arousal, half in frustration, as Clark began slowly moving down his body, licking and nipping at random points of skin. "I want it hard, Clark, rough, and raw, and everything you couldn't be with anyone else. You know I won't break so easily."
"Fuck!" Clark didn't curse often, hard to just leave behind the two decades of small-town politeness drilled into him, but it was worth it to feel the subsequent shudder that ran through the lithe body beneath him. He was so hard it hurt, Lex's urgency thrilling him to a level of desire he couldn't remember feeling with any other lover he'd had. "What do you want, Lex? My mouth, my cock…my ass? Tell me, baby. Anything, everything, anything you want, and I'll do it. There's nothing I haven't already imagined when it comes to you, Lex."
And just where had Clark learned to talk like this, Lex wondered as he groaned louder, pulling at his hair to urge him back up, capturing his mouth in a desperate kiss, tongue teasing along Clark's, memorizing the precise dimensions of that mouth he'd spent far too many nights fantasizing about. Superman presented himself to the public as this otherworldly Boy Scout, all wholesome and polite, and here he was, spouting filth that would probably make even Lois blush. Let it never be said Lex Luthor couldn't dish it out as good as it was served.
"Want you to fuck me, Clark", Lex panted against his lips, nipping harshly at the bottom one. "Dreamt about that huge cock filling me, splitting me open so I feel it for days, leaving me aching when I have to sit through meeting after meeting. Want to be spread open for you, taken…make me yours, Clark, make me scream, make me beg."
Clark had to close his eyes at the unexpected burning he felt building up, his control slipping at the onslaught of dirty talk. His heat vision hadn't reacted that way to his arousal in years, but then, he hadn't felt this much need for someone since he and Lex had become embittered towards each other. Only someone like Lex could test his resolve this way. One of his favorite fantasies popped into his head as Lex spoke, fire tingling behind his eyelids at the images flashing through his mind. 
Once he was back under control, he did a quick scan of the room and sped off the bed, grabbing what he was searching for from various drawers. Setting the lube beside Lex just as the older man registered the movement, he held up the handful of silk with another shark smile. Lex's breath hitched, and he nodded at the unspoken question in Clark's gaze, limbs spreading out to the corners of the bed.
"Do it."
Before Lex could blink, his hands were secured to the newels of the headboard by the expensive ties Clark had rooted out, tight enough to keep him in place without cutting off circulation, and Lex couldn't help but feel a surge of jealousy at the font of knowledge he didn't know the Kryptonian had possessed. He pushed it aside as Clark laid himself back over him, deciding it better to take advantage of the gained experience rather than sulk or rage at not having been the one to teach him.
"Let's see just how flexible you are, Lex." Using the other two ties, Clark bound Lex's feet beside his hands, folding the businessman practically in half. Kneeling back, he looked Lex over, his cock leaking pre-come at the sight of him spread open for the taking. Lex's cock bobbed, hard and proud and leaking, against nearly-washboard abs, surrounded by a smattering of coppery curls, and as Clark's gaze drifted lower, he could just see the tiny hole twitching from between slightly spread pale cheeks. "God, Lex, all the times I imagined you like this, all the times I've x-rayed through the layers you hide behind, never did you justice. So sleek, and smooth, and yet, still so fit. Look how your muscles flex and strain like this. Gonna put them to a true test tonight, baby."
Lex twisted against the ties holding him in place, wishing he'd turned over before allowing Clark to strap him down. At least then he'd be able to get some much needed friction on his aching cock. All the times he had pictured himself at Clark's mercy, or vice versa, had never been this intense, and he just knew that by the time this was over, he was going to have come harder than he ever had before. He couldn't hold back the moan that fell from his lips as Clark finally reached out and touched him, that huge, warm hand stroking down the back of his left thigh, fingers trailing down to the curve of his up-turned buttocks. God, he must look every bit the wanton slut, trussed up like this, but, fuck, if he didn't revel in it. 
Clark felt a thrill of possessiveness rush through him at the slight whine in Lex's voice, the word full of need, but not yet a real plea. Bending down, he swiped his tongue through the growing puddle of pre-come pooling on Lex's stomach, growling in pleasure at the taste of him, and the twitch of muscles that rippled across his torso at the touch. Nothing was hidden from him now, every bit of skin bared to his sight, emotions clearly written on Lex's face, everything Lex had tried to keep from him, revealed in the depths of those stormy blue eyes. 
With his cock throbbing against his own abdomen, Clark followed his own hidden desires, taking the tip of Lex's erection into his mouth, suckling the bulbous head briefly before releasing it. Lex groaned out his displeasure at the too-brief contact of wet warmth around his cock, the sound going high at the end as that slick tongue trailed down the shaft of his aching length.
Clark would've been content to suck Lex down, to taste him as he poured down his throat, but his cock had other plans, needing the tightness promised by that enticing pink pucker teasing his sight from beneath the heavy, full testicles as he licked and teased his way further down between Lex's stretched and straining legs. He relished the whimpers Lex voiced when he mouthed at his balls, engulfing first one, then the other, in the heat of his mouth, letting his tongue roll around each, unconsciously cataloging the weight and give of them. 
Releasing the right sac with a hint of suction, he continued his downward path, tongue licking over the sensitive patch of skin beneath them and trailing slickly down, along the perineum, nose pressing into damp flesh and inhaling the musky scent as he neared his target. He braced his hands against the tautened muscles of Lex's thighs as the older man strained against his bonds again at the first flick of his tongue over the furled ring of muscle, keeping him in place as he licked around the rim of puckered flesh. 
"Oh, fuck! Clark…shit, never thought you'd - oh, yeah. Yeah, baby, like that, just like that." Lex tried futilely to buck up onto the slick appendage teasing his asshole, his cock leaking steadily at the knowledge that it was Clark, his Clark, giving him the rimjob of his life. That broad, nimble, tongue lapping over his hole, dipping into it, humming noises of hunger and satisfaction like he was devouring a fresh slice of homemade pie. No one had ever eaten him out with such naked enthusiasm. "Christ, Clark, in me. Want you in me."
Ever the people-pleaser, Clark smirked against the saliva-slickened hole, thrusting his tongue into it, deep as he could. Using his x-ray vision to help guide him, he flicked the tip of his tongue repeatedly against Lex's prostate, his grip tightening around his thighs as he renewed his thrashing at the sensation. He'd never done this before, though he knew of the act's existence. Never wanted to. Never wanted to be this intimate with anyone else, knowing he would only have been imagining Lex in their stead anyways. Everyone knew how obsessed Lex was with Superman, no one knew just how much the reverse was also true. He craved every part of the man he'd thought was his enemy, his body, his heart, his soul, everything. He'd stopped fooling around with men after college, realizing it wasn't fair to them when all he saw was Lex when he fucked them. Women were easier, kept him in the moment, with their soft curves and softer voices, not as likely to leave him biting back the wrong name as he shouted out his release. And now he had him. He tasted better than he had ever dared to imagine, musky and masculine, dark and raw and thrilling beyond belief. 
"Clark! Oh, God, stop, you have to…too close, Clark. Don't wanna come yet. Not till your cock is in me."
After a final flick, Clark relented, his mouth retreating from the glistening pucker. Quickly, he snatched up the lube he'd set aside, warming the cool gel before slicking up his fingers. As he circled a finger around the twitching rim, he turned his head to kiss along Lex's left leg, nipping lightly at the corded tendons to feel the muscles spasm minutely between his teeth, trailing his mouth up to the slender ankle. Tongue laving over the sole of his foot, Clark slid his forefinger into the twitching hole, pleased to find Lex relaxing into the stretch so easily. 
Lex arched his head back into the pile of pillows as Clark's finger sank into him, the slick digit nearly as thick as his tongue. Between that and the attention being paid to his foot, of all places, he felt like he was going to crawl out of his skin, shivers of arousal coursing through him with each new movement from his alien lover. He knew sex with Clark would be far from ordinary, how could it not be? But this…oh, this was beyond any scenario even his overactive imagination could have conceived. He didn't know how he had managed to keep from coming this long, every move Clark made was orgasm-inducing in and of itself. It was merely the thought of that thick, steel-hard cock finally thrusting into him that kept him holding out. He'd never edged himself like this before with any other lover, delayed gratification had never been his thing. But Clark, Clark was worth the wait. After years of it, what were a few more minutes, here or there? 
"More. God, Clark, more."
"Shit, Lex, you're beautiful like this. Your eyes, so wild and open, showing me everything. Tell me we won't go back to how it was before, Lex." Clark slipped another finger in beside the first, scissoring the digits as he watched Lex's face, his head leaning against his foot, nosing at the smooth skin. "Tell me we're done pretending. Can't go back to acting like I hate you, Lex, I won't. I'll never be able to look at you and not see this. The honesty on your face as I fuck my fingers into you."
"Oh, Jesus Christ! No, Clark. We won't go back to that. I'm done pretending." Lex was panting, forcing the words out between thrusts of nimble fingers. "Now that I know what you look like underneath those cheap suits and…brightly colored spandex…I can't fake the anger anymore. If you ever yell at me, oh, God, I'll only remember all the other things that pretty mouth can do. Fuck, another finger, Clark, stretch me wide for you."
Clark obliged, the third finger a tight fit as he tried to ready the loosening hole for the girth of his cock. He knew he was big, bigger than most human males, and he didn't want to cause Lex any undue pain, regardless of the healing abilities the older man possessed. They'd caused each other enough unwanted pain to last a lifetime.
"Now. Please, Clark," Lex begged, flexing harshly against the ties strapping him down, growing desperate as he tried to fuck himself on the broad fingers spearing him. "Please, fuck me. I want to feel you, your cock, oh, fuck, please."
Clark growled at the sound of Lex Luthor pleading with him so wantonly, the megalomaniac façade gone, just Lex, as he was always meant to be with Clark, needy and uncaring of showing it. He could feel the last few bits of whatever it was that had overtaken him fading away, leaving him with only the pure lust he had harbored for his former friend, still just as strong, still unfettered and raw. And judging by the growing, uncharacteristic but so obviously honest, desperation Lex was displaying, the effects of the flash of red light were leaving him, too. At least he could come away from this without the guilt of thinking he'd done anything to Lex that he didn't truly want. 
Easing his fingers out, Clark slicked his throbbing cock and positioned the head at the rim of the stretched hole, moving to brace his hands on either side of Lex's head. He kept his gaze locked with Lex's as he started to slowly push into him, watching every minute reaction as his cock stretched him even further than his fingers had. Pausing when the body beneath him stiffened, Lex's breath hitching in his throat, he held himself halfway in, waiting for the nod to continue. The feeling of Lex surrounding him so securely, his hole clenching and grasping around the shaft of his cock, set the fire tingling behind his eyes again, and he gritted his teeth against the threatening loss of control. Inch by inch, tortuously slow for both of them, he sank into Lex. 
"Yes," Lex gasped out, as Clark finally bottomed out within him, the sting of the stretch only adding to the pleasure of the fullness he felt from the huge cock invading him. He suddenly regretted being tied up, wanting nothing more than to wrap his limbs around the broad body looming above him, clutch Clark tightly to him, keep him from ever leaving his body, this bed. "God. So big. Oh, fuck, never felt so full."
Clark heaved a gusting breath as he took control of himself, fighting back the urge to thrust hard and fast into the still-adjusting body pinned beneath him. He dipped his head and captured Lex's lips with his own, kissing him deeply and hungrily as he felt the tight grip around his cock slowly relax. 
"Move," Lex moaned against his lips, trying to buck down on Clark's cock, his own twitching and leaking profusely against his stomach. "Please, Clark, oh, God, need you to move!"
Clark bit at Lex's lip, pulling back at the waist to give him what he was begging for. Faster than Lex could track, Clark reached up and untied the silk wrapped around his ankles, guiding his legs around his hips as he thrust back into him. Lex yelped out in pleasure, his heels digging into the small of Clark's back. 
"God, you're so tight, Lex. So perfect. Can't believe how well you take all of me, baby. Never been able to fuck anyone like this."
"Told you, Clark. You don't have to be so careful with me. Want it hard." To make his point, Lex bucked his hips, meeting Clark's next thrust with a deep moan. "Wanna feel you, oh, fuck, yeah, all of you. Everything you can't be with anyone else, be it with me. Let it go, baby, and fuck me."
Kneeling up and gripping Lex's still-bound hands in his own, Clark did as Lex pleaded, his next thrust going as hard and fast as he dared, Lex's nails digging uselessly into the back of his hand as he held on tight. Lex arched into it with a loud, delighted moan, stretching his neck taut to mouth at the edges of Clark's collarbone. Taking the approval at face value, Clark thrust again, starting a quick rhythm of in and out, speed building up slightly past the limits of human motion. 
"Oh, yeah, fuck, Clark, that's it. That's it, baby. Shit! Right there, please, Clark, right there." Lex felt Clark's cock pummeling his prostate, every thrust splitting him open anew, and he could feel his balls pulling up, his climax nearing the point of no return. He hadn't come untouched since he was a teenager, but he knew it was damn well going to happen now. And soon. "Don't stop! Oh, God, fuck, don't stop, baby, please. So close, Clark. So fucking close. Ohh…I love you, Clark Kent."
The last was uttered in so soft a whisper, Clark barely heard it. His rhythm faltered for the briefest fraction of a second, time slowing as he looked down into Lex's face, seeing the truth there. Time went back to normal speed as he ripped the ties from around Lex's hands, needing him free to move with him. Fingers immediately tangled in his hair, tugging him down to a pleading, gasping mouth. He kept thrusting into Lex, arms wrapping around him to pull him close, his own orgasm threatening on the edges of his control.
"I love you, too, Lex Luthor. I never stopped. Oh, God, Lex, I've always loved you, through everything. Come for me, baby, let go. Let me see you." 
Lex's eyes, wide and wild, were watery as he cried out once more, his cock pulsing between their close-pressed bodies. Clark rode him through his orgasm, groaning at the renewed tightness of clenching muscles around his aching cock, stray drops of come landing high on his chest. 
"Beautiful. So beautiful when you come, Lex. Oh, just fucking perfect."
Capturing sobbing lips with his own, Clark thrust one last time and stilled, his own release rocketing through him. He felt Lex's cock spurt again, an unexpected second climax catching them both by surprise as Clark filled his twitching hole, swallowing down Lex's moan. 
Lex's limbs flopped limply to the mattress as he came down from his release, drained of more than just the come that covered them both. Clark, still embedded deep within him, collapsed lightly onto him, taking care not to cause injury, breathing harshly into his neck as he pulled him close. 
Neither of them had recovered from their explosive orgasms before the door to the bedroom swung open with a resounding slam as it bounced back off the wall. Lois Lane stood in the doorway, staring at them, her face caught somewhere between disgust and lust as she took in their bare, tangled bodies. 
"Dammit! Bruce said the spell would be worn off by now." She started marching across the large room, gathering up articles of clothing at random and tossing them on the bed. "Guess he didn't account for the red Kryptonite enhancement skewing the timetable."
"I don't care what your monkey brain is telling you right now, Smallville. Get dressed and release the evil CEO."
"Lois!" Clark snatched up the pair of pants thrown at his head, scrambling into them to hide his most private bits. Lex, of course, just stretched his sore muscles, spreading out like the Adonis he was, unabashed by his nakedness.
"No, Clark. You may think sex with Lex is what you want, but that's just the red K talking, okay?"
"God damn it, Lois! Stop. Whatever happened, it wore off at least twenty minutes ago. And red Kryptonite has never made me do anything I didn't want to, only took away any reasons I might have had for not acting on it. Now, please, leave."
Lois dropped the torn remains of Clark's shirt, turning back to face them again, unable to stop her gaze from drifting over towards Lex's lithe frame draped across the bed.
"Fine. But you are debriefing the League about this. I am so not going to be the one who tries to make Ollie understand that Lex is now untouchable."
"Goodbye, Ms. Lane", Lex drawled from where he was snuggling into the pillows. "Tell the Bat, no hard feelings, huh?"
With an eye roll and a huff, Lois stormed back out, the door swinging shut with another slam. Clark sank back onto the bed, somewhat deflated. He felt the mattress shift as Lex sat up, his hand sliding up to rest on the back of his shoulder.
"Guess you'll need to head off the calvary before they come barging in, too, hmm?"
Barely pausing to think about it, Clark took Lex's hand in his, tugging his pants back off with the other as he rolled over to face him. Pulling Lex into his arms, he waited until the older man finally met his gaze. 
"They can wait. I've more than earned a little vacation time."
Lex smirked and allowed Clark to maneuver them both under the comforter, letting himself fall asleep in the warm embrace of the only man he'd ever loved. If Clark wasn't going to freak out over the events of the evening, then why should he? It had taken them nearly a decade to get here, and they deserved to enjoy it.
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