#it's just about weighing out your behavior to how much you'll be loved for it
foolishnpd · 6 months
I wonder why I straight up suppress and hide my more arrogant/better than thou/grandiose side of myself? I guess I get the feeling that it comes off as a very assholish way to act, nobody likes a self centered person right? but I also wonder if being more open with that side would just make me look more confident, which does attract people... my old friend was like that, toxic as hell but had that sort of confidence that drew people in
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ozzgin · 8 days
Omg i love your Yandere serial killer with a split persona so much 😭😭, can you do more headcanon about him?? Like does he aware of his other persona seeing reader kinda scared to talk to him normally thank u
Yandere! Serial Killer Scenarios
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Featuring the kind, quiet man who has no idea why you look at him with terror in your eyes. This time with an official character design!
Content: female reader, mentions of murder, obsessive behavior, horror, dubious/non-consent
[Main Story] | [More original works]
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You only attempted to escape once.
His frequent warnings had begun to wear off, and your mind dared to wander towards hope. One day, during his evening walk, you ran to your bedroom and pulled out a train ticket you'd hidden earlier inside a drawer. The small piece of paper weighed heavy in your hand. Come, now, you scolded yourself. It was weeks of careful planning: anticipating his schedule, erasing your tracks, preparing the essentials. You could already smell the worn leather seats, and hear the jarring whistle of departure. Then you'd be far away from this maniac, all but a terrible memory to be locked away.
There was no time for hesitation. You grabbed a small bag and sped towards the station, frequently looking over your shoulder, muttering silent prayers. Once you made it to your compartment, you exhaled in relief. A relief you hadn't felt in months, washing over your body and relaxing your tense muscles. You climbed the stairs, and searched for your seat. Has someone misread their ticket? You found your spot occupied by a stranger.
"What did I tell you about running away?" his deep voice echoed across the empty hall.
The walk back home was silent. You were convinced this was your end. You'd arrive at the house, and he'd cut you into pieces. Your lips curled in a horrified grimace, mind flooded with foreign feelings: your nails plucked apart with pliers, a burning sting after each detachment. The roots of your teeth grinding and screeching within the bone of your jaw, until all that's left is a fleshy, gaping wound. Plop, plop, as each little souvenir falls into the jar.
He slammed the door shut and stared you down. You looked at the floor, but all you could see were the grimy ID cards of all the women who never made it out of this damned house. You were next.
His large hand ruffled your hair, and you glanced up in disbelief.
"This stays between us. Mother better not hear that her soon-to-be daughter in law tried to run away. Especially now that she's warmed up to you. Are we clear?"
You nodded desperately. God, how pathetic of you. But being trapped was better than rotting underground like the rest of them. You just wanted to live.
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You can always tell whether it's him, or him. It's the silence. Or lack of, for that matter. He likes the quietness, the muffled ticking of the clock, the busy rattling in the kitchen, your laughs, your chatter. You'll sit together and listen to the rain, or read your books across from each other. There's no need for words, you know you can be at peace.
He likes music. When you hear the record player, you know it's your cue to perform. You exit your room - it's better if he doesn't call you down himself - and descend to the main area. The stairs creak louder, the wallpaper begins to yellow. It's almost as if the house ages with the music, and you tumble back in time.
He's been waiting for you, naturally. How's a man meant to spend his evenings, if not with his adored wife? He'll reach out for your hand, and invite you to a slow dance. Those are the worst moments. The tight, suffocating hold, his deranged stare drilling into your very soul, the whispered promises: that you're forever his, and you'll never find happiness anywhere else. He knows it. It's the same for him, really. Everything he's ever needed lies within your embrace.
Some days, the charade doesn't last long. You simply won't be in the mood to be kissed, to be stripped naked and fondled by his murderous hands. So you'll just pout and gaze ahead. It angers him terribly.
"Wretched whore. Do I look like a beggar?"
He'll shove you aside and make his way out, taking his tools with him. He hates asking for your affection and would rather take his anger out somewhere else. You know he won't hurt you, or force himself on you, which means someone else will have to pay for your disrespect. And yet, it's the only freedom you have around him - the privilege of refusing him and living to see the next day. The rest aren't as lucky. You'd rather not think too deeply about it.
My honey, I know With the dawn that you will be gone But tonight, you belong to me Just to little old me.
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What a bizarre thing, to harbor such hatred towards the one you love. You've never met anyone kinder. He's thoughtful, patient, caring. He knows everything about you and lives to serve you. He's your best friend and your lover. He's the one you want to marry one day. But he's also...well...him. And you can't have one without the other.
"No, Mother, it isn't tacky," he barks at the shattered mirror, adjusting your necklace. "And you know what? It's up to (Y/N) to decide if she wants to wear your wedding jewelry."
"It's nice", you respond curtly. You look into the empty reflection and nod. He likes it when you take his side in front of Mother.
"I knew you'd agree. We're a match made in Heaven, aren't we?" he smiles and zips up the old dress. You shiver: wearing a dead woman's gown was not part of your wedding plans. The corset is tightened, and you gasp. His hands are tense.
"I know he proposed to you. And what a stupid grin you had on your face when it happened! You never act like that around me."
He doesn't call me a bitch, for starters, you think to yourself. You shuffle on the bed, trying to loosen up the garment, but he swiftly pins you down onto the mattress.
"Not that it matters. Would you like to know why?" he inquires with a familiar glimmer of jealousy in his dilated pupils. "Because I'll always be your first. You know it, I know it. He never will.
At the end of the day, you belong to me."
To compete with oneself. Nonsense. Utter madness, all of it. The house; the drawer filled with gory trophies; the nightly talks with Mother dearest, whose bones have most likely turned to dust by now; the bloodied scalpels; the embrace of a man who fills you with warmth and terror.
You're part of it now.
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love🥺🫶🏻I click at my notification so fast when I saw your posting again adfkgk you have no idea how much I like your writing! also I'm new to your blog but if anyone trying to hurt you I'm......going to give them a really bad time... 😤💪//hj
Anyway 🥺🫶🏻🫶🏻can I request a reaction of wrio and neuvillette with a darling who has a habit of looking at the price on menus...like why worry your silly little head? when you're with them those silly little numbers mean nothing. it's one of your habit that's hard to let go but he find them really cute so it's okay!
Awwww thank you so much, dear!!!! You'll be happy to know that I've got nothing but love on here which I'm so so grateful for ♡ but I appreciate you so much for your protection ♡
And what a lovely idea!! This is so something I struggle with so it was interesting to write about and imagine what our favorite boys would say!! I hope you like it ♡
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✧˖° you're worth all the mora in the world⋆.˚✧
Wriothesley & Neuvillette x gn!reader (separate) II fluff!
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"You're not allowed to order water."
He slides the drink menu over to you with a stern, "Pick one."
"...but I don't need—"
"It's not about needing. I took you out to spoil and indulge you, don't deny me that pleasure."
You've been dating Wriothesley long enough for him to find your cautiousness when it comes to his funds an issue.
On the first few dates you two shared, though he'd rather have pampered you with lavish meals and treats, he decided to look the other way when it came to how you'd always miraculously choose the most inexpensive dishes on the menu.
"I guess that's only polite...", he reasoned with himself, weighing whether or not he should mention to you that money was not a problem for him; but eventually, he thought it better to just give you time.
"Once we get more comfortable, it'll change."
And once you two did get comfortable, and he found that your behavior, in fact, did not change, his patience wore thin.
Why were you still so uncomfortable with him? It was almost an insult that you thought so little of him to assume he'd find paying for you a burden.
So, he takes to ordering for you. He knows what you like, and he knows if he lets you choose for yourself, the price will play a factor into what you order—even subconsciously.
Until you start choosing the most expensive meals on the menu, you're not allowed to make objections or requests without grounds like allergies or dislikes; which you won't have, because he knows you too well by now.
If you try to lie and tell him you don't like something he's picked for you, you will fail. Miserably, so.
"I don't like crab.", you argue—peeking over your menu at him in an attempt to hide your tells that he's become much too familiar with. He could read you like a book, and you have no idea how he's gained so much expertise in the field of you.
"Uh huh, sure, doll.", he doesn't even look at you, his attention on the waiter as he orders. "That one—", he says, flicking his finger to point at you, "is going to have golden crab.".
"And the crab will be market-priced. Will that be all right with you, sir?", the waiter feels the need to confirm, as market-priced foods are often quite expensive.
You jump in, "How mu—"
"That's fine.", Wriothesley interjects, giving you a stern look as he plucks the menu from your hands, revealing your red cheeks (a symptom of your fibbing), and passes it to the waiter before handing him his own. He doesn't need to hear the price, it's just a number, and you're worth more than all the mora in his bank account. No matter how ardently you can try to protest, he's committed to giving you what he knows you want—even if you hesitate to ask for it.
And watching from across the table how your eyes glimmer and beautiful cheeks turn rosy pink as the opulent flavors hit your tongue is more than enough compensation for him to recieve in return.
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Neuvillette finds your financial prudence to be a quality of yours he actually quite admires. Too often, he sees thoughtless individuals land themselves in his court with grave, unsettled debts due to gambling or overspending, so your conscientiousness is to be commended!
However, when he is the one footing the bill, he sees no logical need for you to apply this virtue. He knows what he can afford, so you need not worry about it; and to see that telltale crease between your eyebrows as you worry yourself over what to choose on a menu with nothing priced less than ˙✧12500 mora, simply crushes him.
He can never sit right with himself when you have that anxious look on your face, it makes him feel like he’s failing as your partner. And over something so small as a handful of mora! He finds it necessary to talk you through the logic of the situation rather than your—for lack of better word—illogical fixation on a metaphysical number.
“Sweetheart,”, he calls in that soothing, deep vibration of his voice that feels like resting in the coolest, calmest waters of Fontaine, “I am the Chief Justice of Fontaine; as such, I’ve been entrusted to oversee both criminal and civil trials due to my ability to apply sound judgement to otherwise complex situations, unrivaled by anyone else in the nation.”
“…”, you sit quietly with your hands in your lap and blink at him, tongue-tied as his explanation begins to make perfect sense.
“…don’t you think I would have the discernment to manage my own finances?”, he concludes, hammering his claim into you with one last strike.
You have no rebuttal. He’s pinned you so effortlessly, it’s embarrassing. Sometimes, it’s a challenge to date a man with such vast practice in rhetorical argument.
Your worries being soothed with such tact actually makes you quite flustered, your cheeks and nose turning a soft shade of red as you pout in defeat.
The way your expression graduated from nervous to sheepish with just a few sentences of reasoning makes him chuckle, reaching out to lift your chin with the knuckle of his index finger with a cheery, but reserved smile on his face.
“Darling, I’ve brought you out tonight to spoil you. Do me the honor of having some fun while we’re here? There’s nothing more I want right now than to see your beautiful smile.”
You find it’s impossible to hold back the simper that blooms on your face from that remark, to which he smirks with pride.
This was the most fulfilling trial he’s held in a century.
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Yandere Twisted Wonderland x FemReader | Maid Milker
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“No. No way! I’m not selling myself just so you can get more thirsty perverts bothering me!”
Since it had recently been discovered that you were the only female in a college meant for boys you could hardly breathe without someone openly creeping on you. First it was just students staring longingly, before it started becoming confessions, and then open stalking. There was even an official fan club that made a point to broadcast every single part of your life private or not. There was no filter. So of course when one of the few people who you had an established friendship (kinda) asked you to exploit just that.
“Awwww, shrimpy! Don’t you wanna work with me? We’d have so much fun!”
He leaned his head on yours letting more of his weight weigh on you as you struggled to keep up right.
“I’d love to but not in a maid dress! Do you know how bad those things can be for girls like me?”
“What could possibly be stopping you other than the overwhelming support of your club?” Jade interjected slyly picking at the fact that you had a literal fan base that would praise you for simply walking.
“Not. My. Club. And panty shots.”
“Easy fix. We can invest in some shorts.” Azul, confident he pushed his glasses up and shrugged; you grimaced.
“I’d have to shave.”
“Those get hair?” Floyd directed at his brother who tilted his head. “Apparently.”
“Ugh harassment.”
“Do you even have to ask? Jade and Floyd.”
“Ugh. What about...my dignity!” You hated that this was you picking at straws here.
“The whole lounge will be on the same rules as you and what's wrong with a student earning some much needed cash. If people think it’s so funny you’re working so hard it’d behoove them to help out of pity.”
“Hmmm...” you brought your index and thumb to your chin in hopes that it could come up with some other reason why this wouldn’t work. Finding that you couldn’t find one you saw no problem agreeing as long as you cleared some things up.
“I get paid and I keep all my tips?”
“Anyone I ask to be removed for behavior will be removed?”
“Of course.”
“...and I get to keep the costume.”
“That wasn’t a question.”
“Okay okay. It’s yours.”
“Thank you, well then I’ll gladly be in your service.”
"I'm surprised you let that go, Azul." The eel-mer spoke without looking up from the modal he was counting, sporting his typical smile.
"Patience, Jade. We don't need golden eggs when we have the goose." Azul reassured writing in his ledger with a confident tone.
"What goose?" Floyd was leaned over the couch behind Azul.
"Its a land expression, you should have covered that in literature already."
"We did but someone wasn't in the mood to listen for the whole of it."
The octo-mer didn't look up from what he was writing but he did stop to speak seriously to the eel.
"If we want this plan to work though you'll need to be in the mood to listen...can you do that at least."
"He~he I'm always in the mood when Shrimpy's involved!"
“Haha, I can’t belie-haha-you agreed to this!” 
Ace was having a field-day, as you expected but you had thrown out your embarrassment and were going to proudly wear your themed maid outfit in purple and black. 
“Shut up Ace! Before I spit in your drink!” 
You whispered the last bit as Jade strongly asked that you refrain from giving any fluid of yours without having paid for the service specifically. Feeling satisfied as Ace held his hands up in submission you looked at Deuce who looked at a loss for words, opening and closing his mouth as he looked at your outfit.
“Got something to say, Deuce?”
You mockingly taunted him in case he thought about hopping on the bully-(Y/n) bandwagon.  He continued to flutter before he finally gathered himself looking down then up at you.
“I-uh, like your stockings.” He gulped, diverting his attention for awhile before returning to its latest focus. You immediately perked, balancing the trey to let your hand slide past the fluff of your dress to pull at the fabric.
“Like it? I was originally going to go with tights that went up all the way-“ you let go causing the strap to slap against the plush of your thigh, adding emphasis to your statement. “But I decided these jock-straps were too cute to pass up.” 
You dismiss yourself walking back to the kitchen as Deuce blushes full force as he replays the whole interaction in his mind. Not just your words but the prideful look in your eye as you snapped the strap against your thigh, leaving the Heartslabyul student reeling with his imagination. Just across from him, Ace too was replaying the view of you walking away. It was just too easy. 
“Hate to watch you go but love to watch you leave.”
He had to come here every night. 
“Oh, here’s your underwater mocha and your sweet oyster tart.”
Riddle couldn’t help looking, it was what everyone was here to do anyway. But that was why he came: to make sure everyone was doing just that. So why was it so much worse for him when that was all he could do.
“A-and you're sure this is consensual?”
“Yeah, no worries. Besides, the modal I’m getting for this will have me and Grim eating happily for days!”
“If foods what your worried about, I’d gladly put some on your plate.” 
The baker spoke smoothly talking in that calming voice everyone relaxed at totally masking the true intention.
“I appreciate that Trey but with your sweets I’d definitely pack on a few and I don’t need that.” You joked, oblivious to the green and orange eyes flickering to your stomach and thighs before flashing such charming smiles.
“Well, I wouldn’t mind that at all (Y/n).”
“I agree, (Y/n). You’d look stunning, even if you racked on a hundred more.”
“Aw gee thanks guys!”
You couldn’t deny you felt an intensity when they spoke your name but you couldn’t focus on whatever heat they might have spurred especially when you were being called to serve your next order. 
“Oh sorry guys, I have to go now. Enjoy your drinks and treats.”
You scurried off only for Riddle to make an interesting discovery. “For only 2,000 madol you can have your waiter hand feed you? I-it’s better that we check and make sure this er-practice is healthy or not, yes?”
“I wholeheartedly agree.” “Count me in, boss.”
“You have some nerve accepting business from the fish.” Leona spoke in his gruff voice immediately having you reel back to his table. In the booth he sat on the cushion by himself with the other being shared by Jack and Ruggie. You nervously laughed as you waited for Ruggie to finally speak after eying you up and down.
“And how much would you be willing to do this for?”
You laughed at him, thinking he was joking when his sky blues were staring unwavering right back at you. Recovering you thought for a moment.
“I guess it would be a lot, not including whatever liberties I’ll even allow. But it’s not like anyone would pay for me to actually do something like this.”
You nervously chuckled only for the knowing smirks spread on Leona and Ruggie's face as you once again realized this was no joke. With a cough from the forgotten guest you looked at Jack who seemed to fidget as he blushed.
“While I don’t think you're anywhere near the level being a maid, you still look...very pretty.”
“Aww thank you Jack!” You struck a pose with a heart before walking off to attend your duties leaving Ruggie to relentlessly be smacked by the wagging of Jack’s tail not seeming to mind as he dazed off to watch you work.
“Oh manifique mademoiselle trickster you’ve rendered me a slave to your beauty and I’m floored to witness you in such a state!” As dramatic and as loud as Rook could be he never failed to make you blush at his compliments as you tried to take the tables order down.
Vil looked off to the side, eying an occupied twin at the bar before turning to look up at you. Smoothly he twirled his fingers around the lace of your maid dress lightly brushing against the now exposed skin of your thigh. 
“I didn’t realize you liked to play dress-up (Y/n)...” you blubbered trying to find another topic as his light playing turned into suggestive pulling before you bashfully pushed down your dress. 
“Next time you do we’ll have a private fashion show (Y/n), that way you can really learn how to play your role...properly.”
Regrettably Epel never properly spoke to you; he was too interested in the way the apron and dress hugged your body.  Making certain to burn it into his memory for an apple carving later for at least he’d be allowed to lick that version of you. 
Shouting as if he hadn’t just sat with you in science class, he launches himself at you immediately causing you to spill a drink you were carrying for another table. Eventually breaking from his hug, thanks to Jamil he begins to apologize.
“Aw I’m so sorry (Y/n)! I’ll pay for it and I’ll take you to eat here.”
He seems so happy and with a smile like that you struggled with what to say, thankfully Jamil had that covered he pulled out a hanky he kept on hand.
“Can’t you see Kalim, she’s working right now. And you ruined her appearance.”
“I did? How? You look perfect to me.”
“Aww thanks Kalim.”
Distracted by his musings you almost missed how Jamil kneeled down to rub at the sugary residue on your thighs. Gulping down a blush he tried his best to clean, even though it made no progress at all and he knew that. 
“Heheeh Jamil that tickles! I appreciate the help but no worries. In fact I’ll get you two seated right away.”
You guided the two to an empty booth completely unaware of the sorrowful face Kalim was pulling as Jamil pocketed the handkerchief. With a playful flick of his tongue Jamil hurried ahead as Kalim caught up.
Idia was hardly keeping it together seeing you run around taking orders from customers and running around with food on a tray had fueled the fantasy of the cliche maid cafe. He was practically already dying from the sheer amount of noise and extroverts that had gathered here but he most certainly was revived in some strange way to see you in your maid uniform. He refused to bring Ortho with him as this was his special mission on high difficulty and he didn't want Ortho tainted by your succubus charm, of course not because you might be discovered by yet another love rival. When you finally did run up to him a delicious sheen of sweat coated your arms and your forehead wonderfully accompanied but the sticky residue a drink must have made on your thighs-oh seven your thighs it sent him into another frenzy as he was barely able to recite his order. 
“Oh, you want the ocean blue smoothie?”
He nodded.
“With the lip mark and a quarter drunk?”
He nodded again.
You looked at him for a bit before shrugging. ‘Everyone at some point must want to feel less lonely.’
So in front of him in the most secluded booth there was you bringing his drink and reapplied your matching lipstick before happily indulging in India’s drink. He didn’t realize you’d do it in front of him! But he wasn’t complaining, all the more grateful for his hidden body-cam as he watched your throat bob drinking his drink. He left happily holding the to-go cup that had your lip marks on it. He was going to...cherish the trophy for a successful mission.
Lilia traversed through enough of the internet to know about the anime-maid-obsession. He won’t lie, for awhile he too was intrigued before moving on but seeing you pad around in such a cute replica reignited it for him. 
“It’s a shame you aren’t in-character that way you would have had to do what your master said!”
“Hehe, well than Master Lilia, here's your Pearl Gray iced tea.”
The joking you did with him made the old fae quite excited but he could handle himself until he got back to his dorm. Yes he could wait till he was in his lonesome. He could wait until then to imagine how helpless you’d be under him as he rearranged your guts on the dining table for mocking your master. So all he did was giggle and wink because he was grown. And that’s just what grown fae do. Wait until later to enact his desires.
Malleus didn’t understand why you were wearing such attire and he didn’t appreciate the way it made everyone ogle you like you were free for the taking. It upset him but anger was quelled when from his position he could smell you so clearly and the tightness of your uniform made it all the more appealing to watch. He was angry but when you happily flashed the cuff links he gifted you his anger subsided...kind of. If you were willing to show this much to the general populace than surely you’d have something far more intimate to show him. With that he indulged in his beverage excusing the involuntary flip of your skirt as moved to serve your guests.
Silver did see you in the maid outfit, if only briefly before getting comfortable enough to snooze again. But being awoken to a soft but forceful hold on your head does something. Grasping the crown of his head, nails barely grazing his scalp was a feeling he hadn’t expected to invoke such a reaction out of him. He did moan but thankfully it seemed normal enough that you didn’t question it when he sat upright.
“I’m glad I caught you, that would have been an awful waste of madol. Now Sebek, did you want anything?”
Oh he did want something, to chew you out over your wild attempts to flaunt yourself for all these men and for failing to properly woo his master. But that was before you reached past him to stop Silver from falling in his sleep into his drink. You successfully caught the human, completely oblivious to the half fae you inadvertently shoved your chest into. He’s probably suffocating but is he going to stop you while you right his fellow guard from falling? No! Especially not when you smell so good-and this--this is a part of his training! Yes! To be able to withstand the wiles of a human female for the sake of his master. Right! But it seems he’s failed this time as he won’t be able to properly utter a sentence until he’s forgotten the softness he nearly suffocated in.
“I’ll just get you some water, hun.”
Finally draping yourself over the couches armrest you let out an exasperated sigh. On your feet all day, running around playing maid for everyone in the Monstro Lounge was beyond exhausting. You were glad it was the end. You walked into the office where Azul seemed to have finished organizing his contracts. Sitting in a nearby chair and on the floor respectively was Jade and Floyd. They smiled at you as your tiredness showed nodding at them before leaning playfully into Azul. Breath tickling his ear you asked.
“Now can I have my pay? My hour’s up.” You yawned, leaning your head onto his shoulder as his face bloomed a concerning shade of red.
“I-it’s l-late isn’t it? Don’t you want to stay the night.?” 
You yawned again. “No why?”
Jade slid in behind you letting you lean back on him as he swayed you through the door and near a storage area. 
“We can all see it, we've worked you dry, (Y/n). So take this time to sleep and I’ll take you back in the morning.”
Floyd appeared tossing a Monstro lounge t-shirt that was way too many sizes big for you. Looking at their sharp smiles you relented, excusing yourself to change before returning and happily passing out on whoever’s bed they guided you to. 
In the meantime the three stood menacingly over your abandoned maid outfit. Jade pulled out a checklist and Azul got his wand ready. 
“Now who is on the top priority list for a copy.”
“Not including us, Malleus Draconia, Idia Shroud, and oddly enough Neige Leblanche.” 
“Alright then."
“Let’s get started then.”
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killuagirly · 2 months
Xiao x Reader
Summary: Xiao has been experiencing some feelings that are new to him, and he only realizes what they are once it's already been said out loud. Luckily, those feelings aren't one sided.
Notes: I'm not really back into the Genshin fandom but here we are, writing this on a whim. I don't really like it if I'm being honest, but oh well. I haven't written anything decent in months now anyways, so hopefully you'll enjoy this short piece!!
CW: Mentions of Xiao's past, denial maybe? Not much really, just some unexpected hurt/comfort?? I don't know what this is.
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☆ Xiao was not the biggest on affection, anyone who knew him could tell you that. Recently however, his view of the subject may have been swaying a bit. You were the one at fault, as once his fingertips brushed yours he only seemed to crave more. He had never felt a need to be close to someone before, so why now? He wasn't sure he could answer even given forever to think.
☆ Or maybe, it was just because being around you felt so euphoric. Every time Xiao looked at you a sense of comfort and warmth would fall over him, leaving him in a frantic mess to get away. It wasn't because he wanted to leave you, but he just couldn't place his finger on what he was feeling. He wasn't too keen on the idea of speaking to you about it, so he just kept quiet and hoped you didn't notice his odd behavior.
☆ Eventually the day he dreaded came as you approached him on the topic, "Xiao, you've been off lately. Is something wrong?" He could feel his heart drop to his stomach hearing your voice, his favorite sound, weaving words together he hoped he'd never have to hear. You knew Xiao didn't like you worrying about him, or at least he that's what he told you, but you just couldn't help seeing him so distraught without any explanation.
☆ For a moment he was silent, unsure of whether or not he should tell you of his thoughts. Perhaps it would burden you, but he knew very well by now that was just his own consciousness eating away at him. So, he allowed himself to cave in for once and told you everything you could've ever wished to hear. It was quick, and a lot of his words were jumbled together, but the meaning came across.
☆ Xiao visibly stopped after hearing himself voice his thoughts as a realization hit him like a pile of bricks. He was so obviously in love with you. It never really occurred to him, the idea of loving someone. After all that he had been through, it was understandable that he didn't associate himself with such topics.
☆ His eyes met yours in a haze, tears threatening to fall and you took a step closer. In his mind, this could go wrong in so many ways. For instance, what if you didn't feel the same? He didn't see how you could with his cold and dismissive demeanor. Then again, what if you did? That weighed a heavier fear than the instance of you hating him forever.
☆ In the cloudy heap of anxiety surrounding him, you raised your fingers to his pale cheek and wiped away stray tears he hadn't noticed were falling. A gentle smiled crossed your features, one he swore could've only been from an angel. "I love you too, Xiao," you spoke in a hushed tone, as if he would flee at the slightest mishap. That was the only time Xiao could be seen wrapping his arms around another, letting his emotions flow as they pleased.
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curvykittyyssmutfics · 10 months
King thor (mcu thor) is stressed from his duty as king and avenger so his queen of midguard, reader (not actually a queen of midguard, but she is human who used to work as shield nurse and has a healing power) decided to release his anger and stress on her! Hard core fuck, suck nipple, blowjob, doggy style, sucking pussy, daddy, other positions style
How Kings Release
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Thor paces your shared bedroom back and forth with long agitated strides. The pressure of becoming king has more than shredded any semblance of patience he possessed and often sent him to the realm of pure fucking insanity. He honestly didn't know how much more he could take before he snapped.
Pressures of keeping his kingdom safe weighed heavily on Thor, and he's not afraid to admit that he worries for his people. Unfortunately his concern usually translates to internal rage and he needs a fuckin stress reliever. He'll just never speak that little fact out loud.
You're unaware of Thors surly reflective state and unluckily take this moment to enter the room. Hes not facing you but his perturbed treading comes to a halt. Since youre only there to change your royal robes, you only glance at Thor, giving a warm loving smile to his backside before heading to your huge walk in closet. You undress as you speak to your unknowingly fuming husband.
"My king, you're needed in the prison chambers. Something about Loki needing a word with you."
You're clothes hit the floor, pooling around your ankles when you hear a thunderous pound on the wall behind you. The noise obviously startles you, makes you jump as you turn around bewildered. Your round heavy tits swing a bit as you look at him. He's facing you now, taking you in unabashedly.
Thor wordlessly gazes at your naked frame intensely. His silent brooding demeanor is starting to make you anxious. What the hell was goin on?
"Did something happen, Thor? Are you al-,"
Your inquiry clips short as he stalks towards you, still refusing to say a single word. You kinda wanna make a run for it but the way he's looking at you seems to dare you to take a single step and your not sure you want to take that chance. Your feet are rooted to the spot as he approaches, looking you up and down like a piece of damn meat. He hums a short sound of appreciation of everything he can see and fuckin KNOWS your body has to offer. His tongue flicks out to lick over his bottom lip as he continues to stare at your curvy naked body. Shit, you smell so God damn good to him.
Your husband's large warm hand wraps firmly around your throat and you shut the fuck up promptly. It's about now that you're finally aware of your warrior's very tense disposition. He steers you towards the bed by your neck, makin you walk backwards till the back of your legs hit the soft midnight blue plush blankets. He brings his face close to yours, your noses almost touch, finally addressing you with a tone that was deadly low.
"Call me that again and you'll fuckin regret it."
Thor is seething.. And you have no idea why. Your heart is pounding at his behavior and when his hand clutching you becomes a bit more malleable on your neck, you might have an inkling of what's comin next. Even though your starting to get wet at his treatment, you hope to hell you're not limping afterwards for the entire damn kingdom to see this time.
"If I hear you call me anything besides who the fuck I am to you, I'll wreck that pussy way more than I intend to. A warning for you My Queen: this is not the time for your usual bratty, disobedient behavior. "
Thor pushes you to the bed, eagle-eyes focused on the way tits and thighs jiggle as you hit the bed with a soft plop. He kneels, pushing your legs open roughly as he examines your glistening folds. His fingers spread your pussy lips, relishing in the way the pink of you throbs for him. It makes his fat lengthy dick perk up even more in anticipation.
His cock lays heavy behind his clothing, so damn rigid and engorged. Thor's dick drips small drops of precum and it makes his underwear feel warm and sticky. Not even aware of when his dick got hard, all he can contemplate is taking his emotions out on your poor unsuspecting body.
"Now, I'm gonna suck and lick my pretty little pussy till you cum. Afterwards, I'm gonna fuck you however I want until my balls are drained. Understand?"
Thor doesn't bother to wait for answer as he pins back both of your thighs in each of his hands and dives in. Spearing your wet pussy with his stiff tongue, the king basks in your taste as his crown tips off of lengthy blonde flowing waves. He's moaning and groaning at the flavor of you bursting inside his mouth. Continuously stabbing at your pussy, Thor grips your thighs harder and pulls you closer to his mouth.
You have to grip the bed with tight balled fist as he attacks your little puss. Your breath puffs out in desperate little pants as he gives instant blindingly good pleasure. Your h/c hair fans out on the bed like a halo surrounding you while thrash wildly. You know better than to push him away so you do nothing but endure the intense sensations invading your overwhelmed fluttering pussy.
"Ooooohmyking! My King! Pleeeease! Ohgodohgodohgod! I c-ca-.. I can't!"
You hope your fuming husband takes pity on you and slows down but your wanton cries have the opposite affect. He sets your right leg on his shoulder and brings a hand down to thumb at your throbbing clit, pressing firm quick circles that have you gasping for air. You yank at you comforter but it does nothing to help with the feeling of him fuckin his tongue into you as hard and fast as he can. White sparks flash behind your tightly closed eyes as he forces you to take what he gives you.
Thors mouth, beard and chin are soaked. The smell of you, your passionate shrieks, and sight of your shuddering body makes his dick wanna spurt. He presses himself against the bed as he eats you like he'll never see you again. He can tell you're getting close, needs you to be as wet as possible cause when he gets inside you, he's gone beat ya pussy up till his hearts content.
"Ohfuuuuuck! Ah, ah aaahgod! Love you! I love you Daddy! Loveyou, loveyousofuh-uckinmuch!"
He knows damn near the entire castle can hear your wails bounce of your walls of your room and through the open window. Should let up some cause you'd be embarrassed as hell if you knew but he couldn't muster to find a single ounce of a fuck to give as he removes his tongue and give a vigorously resistant suck on your clit.
"St-st-o-op! Ple-! St- AH! Thoooor!! Pleeeease!"
Thor thinks the arch that snaps your back is so fuckin pretty as you cum fast and hard against his mouth. It's a damn miracle the bedspread doesn't rip between your fingers from your deranged tugging as you blast his mouth and chin with a heavy dose of your love. With eyes still shut, you beg for it to end but its a laughable concept to your mean ass man as he doubles down on his sucking.
Your now wordless screams make his ears ring and dick attempt to bust free. He pulls off with a POP! only to latch back, nursing at your sensitive little button ferociously.
The fervid sensation makes you kick at him and you actually manage to free your self. You think you'll take your chances of escape as you twist onto your belly and make a very sorry attempt at scrambling over the bed. Your knees are too shaky and your legs wobble, your poor pussy still pounding with overstimulation.
Thor can't believe his fucking eyes, not only had he peeped you calling him by his first fuckin name, here you were trying to make the weakest escape attempt he had ever witnessed. It actually made him laugh out loud, first in disbelief and then malevolence. Aight if that's the way you were gone play, he'd show you wassup. BET.
Your tyrant of a husband hastily pulls his stiff long dick out from under his kingly attire, pumping it quickly from tip to base as he snatches you back by your ankle. You're sobbing and flailing but Thor hardly gives you a chance to fight back. He briefly lets go of his cock to seize your hips upwards and grab a handful of your hair. Your impaled on his length before you can even think to beg for his forgiveness.
"FUUH-UUCK!" Your king's boisterous roar of satisfaction definitely beats your stuttering howl.
Your breath is knocked from your lungs as he digs into you more than halfway. He has to pause and revel in your lava hot snug little pussy already trying to milk the fuck outta him. You're uncontrollably clenching around his girth and its sending him to fucking Valhalla.
His next thrust takes him to the hilt as you wheeze for air. Thor utilizes his grip in your hair to pull you back to meet his powerful thrusts. The booming slaps of his pelvis crashing against your juicy jiggling ass cheeks as proof of his earlier promise to wreck you if disobeyed. You suck air into your lungs desperately, finally able to pitifully wail at his reckless treatment of your body.
You wanna beg him to slow down, plead with Thor to stop; at least just a small break from the havoc he was wreaking between your thighs. But you can't, don't even realize that your tongues hangs from between your lips uselessly as he despicablely fucks you without a hint of concern.
"Shoulda- dammit sooo tight! Fuuuck! Sh-shit, shoulda listened to me y/n." He leans down, pulling you back further to speak at your ear.
"You never listen. Actually thought I'd l-let your bad ass get away? Think Daddy's gonna h-have to stop taking it so e-easy on you."
He slaps each of your ass cheeks, admiring the way your radiant brown skin ripples from the impact before both hands wrap around your slender neck. He's bucking and riding you hard as tears stream down your face from the immense pressure in your gut. Your nothing more than a doll for him at this moment and the sentiment makes him squeeze a bit at your neck which in turn has your pussy attempting to strangle his cock.
Dammit, Thor wants to fuck you longer but with the week he's had he should be greatful he ain't explode inside your magic pussy on the first stroke. His balls draw up tight against his body and your tough ass husband actually whimpers as his cock starts to spasm. He's quick to rip his dick from your abused little puss, turn you to face him and push you to your knees.
Your dazed, beyond confused, as you rapidly try to blink tears from lashes and clear your blurry vision. Your most definitely not expecting or prepared for Thor to bully his spasming wood between your lips. He stares down at you with a dilated piercing gaze and lets loose massive torrents of cum as he shouts your name exuberantly.
"..aaaaah FUCK! Y/n, y/n! Oh f-fu- Gods help me! Sofuckingooood y/n! Haaah.."
You never had a fucking chance in hell! His cum gags you as you cough harshly around his dick. Try as you might to pull back from the onslaught, he easily holds you in place while he humps his dick in your mouth ruthlessly. The muscles in his torso flex erratically, and he shouts estatically as he busts a fierce ass nut.
By the 4th spurt of Thor's copious cum, he's slides in till your nose presses against his short dark blonde public hair. 'He smells like the flower soap on the the 4th floor' your mind supplys foggily as he spurts again, this one going straight down your throat.
Thankfully his streams lose volume by the 6th gush into your warm cavern but it's almost impossible to breathe as his cock chokes you. Trickles of his thick white liquid leaks from the corner of your mouth as he finishes releasing into your over stuffed jaws.
His saltiness assaults your senses and your chest burns with the need to take a real breath. Your arms now hang limply at your sides, eyes half closed as you helplessly wait for your king to release you.
Your freshly done make up runs from your watery eyes down your cheeks, smearing with the cum that streams down your chin. Splashes of Thor's warm milk decorates your chocolate skin in blotches and the sight makes his slowly softening dick twitch with interest. He takes a mental picture before pulling his dick out of throat slowly and relinquishing his grip.
You fall back against the bed flaccidly with a pathetic hum as his eyes follow the rivers of his release now dripping down your perky tits and tummy to your trembling thighs. You stare at the wall unfocused as your chest heaves. You can't think.. Can't move.. You can't speak.. Just how he likes it after a session.
"Fuuuuck.. I needed that, Woman."
He ducks down to retrieve his crown, tucking his dick back into his clothes as he smirks at your pliable, relaxed state. Thor wipes at the sweat on his face with his sleeves as he reluctantly turns and heads for the door, leaving you on the bedroom floor still trying to catch your breath. He'll be back to run you a hot bath and hopefully slide in some round 2. For now, time to deal with Loki..
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glitch-karma · 1 year
ok so since kaminari is my actual husband (not clickbait)
i get SOOOO insecure ab this it’s crazy. MSSKDK
-runa ⭐️⭐️
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It was a quiet afternoon at the U.A. High School dormitories. The room was bathed in soft sunlight, casting gentle shadows across the furniture. Y/n sat on the edge of their comfy bed, nervously fidgeting with the hem of their shirt, deep in thought. Lately, you had been plagued by insecurities about your behavior, specifically, your tendency to be clingy in your relationship with Denki.
Y/n loved Denki so much and felt fortunate to have him in their life. But sometimes, doubts would creep into their mind, whispering that they were being too much, too needy, and that he would eventually grow tired. Leaving them all alone. These thoughts weighed heavily on Y/n, threatening to drown them in a sea of self-doubt.
As if on cue, a gentle knock on the door interrupted Y/n's spiraling thoughts. Denki's voice followed, filled with slight concern. "Hey, Y/N, mind if I come in?"
You quickly wiped away the stray tears that had escaped your eyes and sniffled, composing yourself. "Yeah, come in."
The door creaked open, and Denki stepped inside, gently shutting the door behind him. He took a few quick steps toward y/n, sitting down beside them on the bed. "Is, something wrong?" Denki asked, his voice laced with genuine care.
Y/n took a deep breath, summoning the courage to speak. "I... I've been feeling really insecure lately. I'm worried that I'm too clingy, that I'm suffocating you with my affection. I don't know.. I just fear you'll leave me one day."
Denki's expression softened, his eyes filled with sincerity as he reached out to hold Y/n's hands. "Hey, listen to me. You are the most important person in my life, and I could never find you clingy or suffocating. Your affection means the world to me, and it's one of the reasons I fell in love with you."
Y/n's cheeks turned bright red as she bashfully looked down. A mix of relief washed over them, but that didn't stop the thoughts. "I don't..I don't wanna make you feel trapped."
He shook his head, his electric blond hair bouncing with the movement. "You'll never push me away, Y/N. You make my days brighter, and your love gives me the strength to be the best version of myself. You're not clingy; you're just expressive with your emotions, and that's a beautiful thing."
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes once more, but this time they were tears of gratitude. His affectionate reassurance brought warmth to their heart. Like an electric shock of love.
Denki pulled Y/n into a tight embrace, placing a small kiss on their forehead. "Don't ever doubt the strength of our bond. We're a team, and together we can overcome anything, including your insecurities."
Y/n snuggled into Denki's arms. The sun was slowly setting. Denki chuckled to himself, falling backward onto Y/n's bed. "Let's go to bed early, shall we?" He asked, a goofy smile on his face. Y/n chuckled, gripping a blanket and pulling it up on the two of them. "Let's," Y/n whispered, pulling closer into Denki's chest.
Denki lightly kissed Y/n's forehead. "Good night sparks." He mumbled as they both slowly fell asleep.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Pinnie Pinnie Pinnie i must first say i love you and several smooches upon your face and wonderful brain, you help me live honestly mwamwamwamwa
Secondly, I am like no brain cell head empty in love with Santi, something about a doting cumbrain with absolutely huge knockers scratches the itch just perfectly.
I have a question about something you mentioned in a post about Santi's mark (the design is BEAUTY btw), that the obsession could TRY to leave but that they'd be in so much pain or something that they'd just end up crawling back to him. Is it like a physical pain, an emotional pain? Is it intentionally inflicted by Santi or does it innately happen when they try to stay away for too long?
Here's a little angsty type ask/scenario though, the only thing that like gets under my skin (but in like the reluctant hot way you know?) is the aspect of the total control, to the point of your own body betraying you. Maybe its the trauma but it would make me wary of the otherwise perfect arrangement.
So say Santi's one perfect match realizes that his mark is in fact not just a cute little claim, but used innately for control, and this doesn't sit well with them. There's no chance he'd just remove it from them even if they begged and promised to stay with him even without it, right? What if it started to weigh on them, tainting everything Santi does or everything they even FEEL with the worry that its not even real, its just them being controlled.
How would Santi react if it even drove them to try something like cutting the mark off of themselves? IS there even a way to remove it without Santi doing it himself, magically, physically or otherwise?
[T-Thank ye, I'm very happy you feel that way! /////]
TW: Self-harm.
The mark's effects work autonomously, for the most part. Some time after you're a good distance away from Santi, the anxiety effect will begin, and though you may not immediately recognize what's happening, you'll eventually start obsessively thinking about the incubus in a way that leaves no room for confusion. What Santi has done, since you're presumably in a fairly standard relationship, is null this effect, so that you don't have a panic attack over him being gone for an hour.
The mark's effects are specifically psychological, on the basis of panic, sadness and anguish. See, it works a bit like a Pavlov mechanism. Disobey and you'll get punished with insupportable mental distress, please Santi and you'll get a buzz of pleasure to affirm this correct behavior.
The only things that can be physically noted are it might glow when activated, and your body temperature rises slightly the more it exerts influence over you. While these effects can be triggered by Santi, they are left untouched until the day he absolutely deems it necessary to use them. Such as the day you might try to leave him, in which a firm "Stay still." will most likely have you kneel obediently on the floor before him.
Santi obviously doesn't explain the sour parts of the mark to you, and your disgust upon finding out how nefariously this claim can be are entirely justified, which makes the incubus fumble for some sort of excuse. Truth be told, he did it because he doesn't want to risk losing you, because you're the first thing he loves, because Santi goes manic just thinking that some day you might catch eyes for someone else- That something could happen to you while he's away and the demon would have no way of knowing where you are. However, there's something here he can lean onto to deviate your anger- And that's the fact that this mark will make you live longer. The claim is the very start of your journey into becoming a concubus. Santi can say that he's doing this purely because he can't bare the thought of you dying due to your lackluster human lifespan! You should accompany him for endless years more, as a demon yourself. Don't be scared, don't fear this mark, he's not being controlling (yes he is), the incubus is just thinking ahead for the two of you! It had to be done.
The sight of you using a blade to cut the mark off will hurt Santi in unimaginable ways. You loathe him that much? You're so viscerally disgusted by the demon that you will mutilate your perfect form just so you can be rid of any trace of Santi? No, no you won't. Not on his watch. It's clear he overestimated your sanity. You're clearly not well. This is meant to be, you have to love him, you don't get to just remove yourself from the situation while Santi is essentially doomed to be infatuated with you for the rest of his days. That's not fair. You're not being fair. You're insane! And Santi won't be letting your cognitive lapse impair your relationship any longer.
I hope you can be fast enough to remove or otherwise heavily slash it before he comes barreling your way, because the mark sends off signals to the demon when it's actively being damaged. If you can do it in time, Santi will lose track of your location and you'll have much bigger chances of freedom.
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I’m polyamorous&pansexual and I’m married to a cis-male, who claims he is polyamorous as well, but ... he set rules for me.
I’m not allowed to have male sexual relationships. Which is like putting me in a box. I’m so frustrated because I told him he is free to love whomever he wants.
But, I happened to find someone whom I connect with so very strongly, and unfortunately is a male. I’m now so very torn. Any advice?
~° Question °~
" I’m polyamorous&pansexual and I’m married to a cis-male, who claims he is polyamorous as well, but ... he set rules for me.
I’m not allowed to have male sexual relationships. Which is like putting me in a box. I’m so frustrated because I told him he is free to love whomever he wants.
But, I happened to find someone whom I connect with so very strongly, and unfortunately is a male. I’m now so very torn. Any advice? "
I'm not sure how long ago this was asked or if it's been resolved yet or not but... I've always been personally conflicted on how I feel about this type of situation. The answer is complicated and long so strap in 😂!
On one hand, he is allowed to have boundaries just as you are- on another, has he addressed or spoken about the *why* behind his comfort with you being in a same sex relationship vs. an opposite sex one? What about transmen or transwomen, does he view them differently as well and if so, why?
OPP or OVP (one penis or one vagina policy as the term is often coined as, I'm unsure if there is an intersex version for the term) is often seen as incredibly negative and toxic behavior, fueled by a mixture of unchecked jealousy, lack of consideration to the love style of the partner that is actively being restricted, loss of personal autonomy in terms of feeling forced to not persue relationships you're truly wanting to have and many more very valid reasons as for why this is such a looked down upon relationship 'policy'.
There are several ways to go about addressing the situation, and all of them are going to put both of you out of a comfort zone in some way.
- Converse with each other:
Long, time consuming and repeat conversations over an extended period of time to attempt to get to the root of the reason for the implementation of the 'policy' that he's placed on you. Why he thinks he has carte blanche to decide this for you when you are clearly uncomfortable with it just as much as he is uncomfortable with the potential of you having another male partner. Discussing the ways in which he feels insecure and you feel insecure, most jealousy (which is an entirely normal human emotion) is from a place of internal conflict/insecurities/self-image/etc. He may feel threatened by having another male in your life romantically/sexually, he may feel a million different things about it but you'll never know if you never have those conversations and you might want to be willing to put it to him that way too if you're feeling at your wits end or if he's shutting down conversation on the topic. It might be good to text conversation to each other about it also/instead as well so that way you both have time to think about your responses to one another and you aren't pressured by a sense of urgency in a timed response. Make sure you both feel safe in the discussion.
-Consider your options moving forward:
Consider whether this relationship is something you want to continue into the future or something you want to end. Obviously you're asking this so I'm gonna assume you want to stay in the relationship, but weigh the option seriously as to whether or not you think that you can either work through this with your partner or put up with it; I say put up with instead of agree with because you are interested in starting a relationship with someone else and are frustrated that though you've given him full freedom in love life decision making, you did not receive the same in return. Ask how he would feel if he was put into your position, discuss instead of argue, there's no need for aggression but honesty is vital. Perhaps he isn't polyam and is simply some form of non-monogamous only time and personal reflection will tell.
People tend to suggest (from what I've seen in the community) immediately giving up on these kinds of relationships because of the heartache that may come with it, but they never address how much heartache you will face when ending or changing the status of your relationship as well. Don't let the sunken cost fallacy or what not hold you back from what could be your promising future with another, but after a certain point if you feel the relationship is not working out then make whatever decisions you see fit. Alternatively to remember, personal growth or mutual growth are both painful, exhausting, and an ebb and flow of a myriad of emotions. You aren't confined to a box unless you want to be in that box, you may have to make a decision from an ultimatum come worst case scenario, but the decision is still ultimately yours to make.
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errythinisblue · 2 years
Hey , i love what you write can you do one where mason lost his engagement ring and you thought he was cheating on you
Thank you ❤️
Hey! Thank you so much for your sweet words, they really mean so much!!! <3 anyway, here's what I wrote down for your request! I hope you'll like it!!! <3
The ring I promised you 'forever' with.
Mason Mount x Y/N
Summary: What happens when Mason loses his engagement ring? What will he tell you? And what will you think about it, once you see he's not wearing his ring?
Warnings: none.
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Mason proposed to you on your last birthday, thinking that there couldn’t be a better birthday present than the promise of 'forever' with the one you love. Everything was so perfect, from the simple diamond ring to the intimate atmosphere, only your closer friends and families were there. Not to mention him, the love of your life, the only man you could actually see yourself sharing a life with.
The both of you were so ecstatic at the idea of ‘forever’ that four months later you were already married to each other. Life with him was so good, even before the wedding, when you two were already living together. And now you were so glad that you had such a caring and loving husband. You felt so safe with him by your side. Even during the times where life with him wasn’t easy, his job requiring a lot of his time and energy, you always found a way to make things work, always making time for each other to talk about the things that were bothering the both of you.
As you were making dinner for the two of you, you heard the door open, telling you that Mason was back from his afternoon training session.
“Baby I’m home!...” he told you while he put his duffel bag on the floor near the door, “Shit…uhm babe I-I need to go back to the training centre, I left something there! I’ll be back soon!” he said as he was already out of your house.
“Okay?” you whispered to yourself, frowning. What could be so important to drive all the way back to the sports centre? You really couldn’t understand Mason’s behavior.
He came back an hour and a half later to a cold dinner and an upset wife. He found you on the sofa, a worried expression on your face since he didn’t pick up his phone when you called him to know how long it would take him to get back.
“Hey what happened?” he crouched down in front of you, putting his hands on your thighs.
“Why didn’t you pick up your phone Mase?? I was worried sick…” you told him, looking down to take his hands in yours, “Wait where’s your ring?”
“Oh it’s in my bag, I’ll put it on later… Now let’s eat, I’m starving!” he nervously told you, a panicked expression on his features.
He stood up from his previous position, not even giving you the time to properly greet him with a kiss.
Something just wasn’t adding up to you, it has been a few days since he started being a little distant with you. You didn’t think too much about it, it was a stressful moment for him and you didn’t want to put another weigh on his shoulders to carry, he had more than enough already.
But right now you were starting to get worried. ‘Could he be cheating on me?’ you thought, shaking your head as soon as this thought ran through your mind. You didn’t even want to think about it, as you abruptly stood up from the sofa and made your way to the kitchen.
The day after you woke up in an empty bed, sighing to yourself.
What you didn’t know was that Mason woke up in a haste, wanting to make his way to the training centre as soon as he could. He lost his wedding ring and he didn’t even know how it was possible! He was sure he left it in his locker in the changing rooms as he always did. But as he looked in it, just as he did the night before too, there was no trace of his golden ring.
“Fuck!” he slammed the locker shut, “where the hell did I put it??” he asked himself as he put his hands in his hair.
He looked in his duffel bag once again, but nothing. He was clearly getting annoyed with himself now, how could he lose his ring, the ring you gave him on your wedding day?
As the others were starting to make their way in the changing rooms, Mason decided that after training he would ask to the boys if any of them saw it. Now it was time for training, he had to stay focused.
Another day went by and still no sign of a ring on Mason’s hand. You were so worried and anxious you wanted to cry. The thought of him cheating on you was taking up more space in your head each day it passed without that ring on his hand. And without a word from him. He was always too busy to even talk to you, always so preoccupied with training and always spending time with the boys at the training centre.
This situation was making you go crazy. You didn’t know what was going on, and Mason didn’t really seem keen on giving you some kind of explanation.
But Mason didn’t really know what to tell you, how are you supposed to tell your wife that you lost your engagement ring? It was such a big deal to him, he was actually afraid to tell you about it.
As he sat on the bench in front of his locker, thinking about a way to tell you, someone opened the door of the changing rooms, making Mason’s head shot up.
“Hey what are you still doing here brother??” Ben asked his friend, limping his way to seat near him.
“Hey… it’s so nice to see you here, what did you came here for?” Mason asked him, his voice sounding nervous even to Ben’s ears.
“I’m here to talk with Tuchel, he told me he wanted to see me when I was here the other day. What’s that face for??” he asked his friend, keeping a smile from appearing on his face, sensing where the conversation was headed, “What happened?”
“I-I lost my ring Chilly… man I really don’t know how to tell Y/N about this!” Mason was too preoccupied to notice Ben keeping his laughter in, “It’s been four months since our wedding and I’m a such shitty husband already! You should have seen her face when she saw I didn’t have the ring on…she looked so disappointed and sad…” he was clearly on the verge of tears.
It was then that Ben took something out from his jeans pocket, taking Mason’s hand in his and putting the thing in his hand. When Mason opened his hand he saw his ring, and he stood up in the blink of an eye. He immediately put his ring on his ring finger, feeling complete once again.
“I found it on the floor the other day, while you guys were training” Ben started explaining, “I took it and I thought I could prank you with it, making you sweat a little before giving it back to you… But I didn’t know you were actually so worried about it, I’m sorry…” he scratched the back of his neck.
“Of course I was worried about it, it’s my wedding ring you dumbass!” he raised his hands in the air, “I really wanna punch you right now!” he told Ben almost smiling, relieved he found his ring.
“Please don’t!” he laughed, “I already have my knee to worry about, don’t make things worse!”
“I’m not gonna touch you, but only because we need you back as soon as possible!” Mason wrapped one of his arms around his friend’s shoulder, breathing a laugh through his nose.
“C’mon let’s get out of here…” Ben hugged him back, as they were making their way out.
“Hey love I’m back!” you heard Mason say from downstairs. You were laying in your shared bed, under the covers, crying your eyes out. You were going to ask Mason if he really was cheating on you, you couldn’t live with this doubt in your head as it was devastating you. And you had to do it even if you weren’t sure if you’d like to know the answer.
Once Mason made his way into your bedroom and found you wrapped up in the duvet he got worried.
“Hey, are you okay baby? Are you feeling sick??” he lied down next to you, caressing your head with his hand. His touch made a sob escape your mouth, you were now unable to keep your tears at bay.
“Hey why are you crying?? Baby what’s wrong??” he sounded panicked, his voice was so pained upon hearing your cry.
You came out of your cocoon, turning your body towards Mason, wiping your face with the palm of your hands.
“A-are you cheating on me?” you asked him abruptly. You voice was hoarse from crying, your eyes bloodshot. Mason’s heart broke upon seeing you like this.
“What?? What are you talking about baby??” he took your face in his big hands, searching for your eyes.
“It’s a simple question Mason. Are you cheating on me?” you asked him once again, clearly getting frustrated at the situation.
“Y/N/N no, I’m not cheating on you! I would never do that!” he looked so broken, so sad, “I love you so much babygirl, how could I ever cheat on you?”
“Why aren’t you wearing your ring then? Is it still in your bag??” you asked him as you clearly didn’t believe his words from the other day. Your nerves had you crying again, as you felt the tension in your body.
“No, it’s where is supposed to be baby, look.” he told you as he showed you his hand, “do you wanna hear why I wasn’t wearing it now?”
You stopped crying when you saw the ring on his ring finger, becoming interested in what he had to tell you. You wiped your tear stained face once again and looked at him, nodding your head.
“C’mere…” he took you in his arms, making you rest your head on his chest, “do you remember when the other day I told you I forgot something at the training centre?”
“Mh mh…” you hummed with your face in his neck, breathing in his scent that was already making you feel calmer.
“Well it was my ring…” he sheepishly admitted.
“What??” you didn’t know if you should be laughing or be angry at what you were hearing.
“Wait, wait let me explain!” he cut you off, he wanted to tell you exactly how things went, “I thought I had put it in my locker, but I was wrong. I was in a hurry and I put the ring in my bag instead. It fell from the pocket and I didn’t notice. Then Chilly being Chilly, found it and decided that it was a good idea to keep the ring to himself to prank me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me??” you asked him once you heard the whole story, “and by the way, what was Ben doing at the centre??” you laughed, thinking back at the prank he pulled on Mason.
“I didn’t want to disappoint you, I didn’t want you to think that I’m a shitty husband… it was such a big deal for me not being able to find it and all…” he confessed.
“I will never think you’re a shitty husband Mase, maybe a cheating one… but shitty? Never.” it was your turn to take his face in your hands. You wanted him to hear your words loud and clear.
“Why’d you think I was cheating?...” he softly asked you then.
“I don’t know really… you seemed so distant, so distracted. You barely talked to me in the last few days. And you weren’t wearing your ring… I went mental, I’m sorry for that…”
Mason hummed in response, kissing your lips tenderly, tasting the salt of your tears still on them.
“…please, the next time this happens talk to me… please.” you begged him.
“I will,” he kissed you on your forehead this time, “but I really hope it doesn’t happen again, I don’t wanna lose the ring I promised you ‘forever’ with ever again.”
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aphrostarot · 3 years
Next Significant Relationship Pick a Pile
Who is your next partner and what will the relationship be like?
Please remember that this is a general reading and some things may not apply to you. Don't force it to fit. I offer paid readings on my page if you would like a personal reading. Prices are listed there. Please message me or email me if you are interested!
(All poems are in Perry Poems: A Collection. You can find it here)
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Pile One:
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Who is this person? What are they like?
Nine of Winter:
This is the nine of pentacles in this deck. Usually, the Nine of Pentacles represents a woman, but not always. A person represented by this card is highly feminine and an extremely independent individual. They are very hardworking, they appreciate the finer things in life, and their hard work has allowed them to enjoy these things. Your next partner will embody this energy.
King of Autumn:
In this deck, this is the King of Swords. Besides being a hard worker and extremely independent, this person is also calm and collected. Before making any decisions, they weigh the pros and cons of every situation. Your next partner will be someone you can turn to when you have trouble making decisions. They are a very mature individual, someone who is extremely logical and can sometimes appear to be judgmental.
How will you meet?
Three of Spring (Reversed) and The Crow:
One or both of you will be in a state of disarray when you meet this person. It will be difficult to make decisions in your life, maybe even in one particular area. Several directions will be pulling at you, and you won't know which one to take. Your progress in your personal development will be affected by this. The energy I'm receiving from this pile indicates that it will be you who is struggling and that when you meet this person, they will be drawn to you because they feel like they can help you, and ultimately they will.
How will you know it’s them?
The Lupin:
The Lupin is a highly intelligent and confident individual. Here your guides are telling you that the way you will be able to know that this is your person is by recognizing that they exude these qualities. As far as the environment goes there may be some flowers around you when you meet which is a sign to you that this is your person. You or they could be wearing purple as well.
What will your first impression of them be?
The Goldfinch:
The first impression you will have of this individual is that they are a very organized free spirit, willing to travel. Initially, you may be intimidated by their confidence and their refusal to get involved in drama or chaos. Initially, their eyes may also catch your attention and seem beautiful to you. If you are highly spiritual, you may even observe that this person's third eye is open whether they are aware of it or not.
How will they affect you?
Ace of Winter and Queen of Autumn:
When you are with this person, you will find that you have so many opportunities. You will become extremely passionate about your career and life choices. You will become more aware and even more in control of your path. Pursuing your dreams will be so much more fun because unlike in the past, you will know exactly what you want. With this person, you can regain control over your path and enjoy life again.
What kind of relationship will it be? What is the main bond between the two of you?
The Empty Cottage and Eight of Autumn:
It seems that this relationship may not be a good one. Although this person will provide you with many opportunities in your career, they are not healthy for your mental health. There is a strong possibility that they are very possessive and jealous in your relationship, which isn't healthy. Your anxieties might get worse or they may not understand the reasons for your mental health. The problem is that the person is extremely rational and does not deal with emotions very often, whereas you are an extremely emotional person. Relationships like these do not mix well and you may end up feeling very alone as a result.
Current obstacles standing in your way?
The Lighthouse:
One or both of you may be lacking in the stability department and also in the confidence department. I believe that it may be you that is struggling in this department and your guides are telling you here that this is blocking you from entering this relationship at the moment. I know that with the way that I just described this relationship you may not want to enter this relationship at all and so you may be saying “what is the point of clearing out these obstacles if it won’t be a good relationship.” to that your guides have to say that you are meant to be in this relationship. It won’t all be bad in the relationship, there will be good, especially when it comes to you getting out of a funk and finding joy and drive for your passions. This is something that is needed in order for you to excel in life. This person is meant to help you in your career and your passions, which is why you are meant to be in this relationship.
How to break through those obstacles?
Ace of Spring:
To overcome these obstacles, you need to become aware that this person is going to push you to pursue your passions and career further. You will learn how to succeed in your passions and career through this relationship, regardless of how short it may last. As your guides are telling you here, this is what you need to hold onto so that you can move forward with this relationship.
What will you learn from this person?
King of Winter:
You will learn how to be a successful and driven person through this relationship. It may not be good for your anxieties and your emotions but it will be good for your career. The two of you may have a lot of 10th house overlays in your synastry chart because the energy of this relationship is not at all emotional, it is way more career-centered.
If you would like to see some channeled messages from this person and spirit regarding this relationship click here.
Pile Two:
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Who is this person? What are they like?
The Hermit:
The person may be a Virgo or have significant Virgo placements or energies in their chart, more than likely they are a Virgo Rising. This person is wise beyond their years and prefers their solitude. They are extremely observant, and constantly seek to expand their knowledge. Additionally, they may even have a deep connection to spirituality. All that being said, they are highly sensitive, especially to judgments and criticisms from others.
How will you meet?
King of Swords:
You might meet them at work, and either you or them will have some authority. Based on the energy I am getting from the two of you I believe that it will be them who is in authority. Once you start working for them, they are struck by you and your presence. You are constantly on their minds, and they watch everything you do. The two of you will be following a very common office romance trope.
How will you know it’s them?
Seven of Pentacles:
Your future may not be something you enjoy thinking about or planning. You don't seem to be a type A at all. Your preference is to go with the flow rather than make a solid plan. It might however turn out that, once you meet this person, you have a greater sense of direction and need to plan your future in a more structured manner. It is quite likely that this person is very much a planner and a critical thinker, so when they are around you will be trying your best to impress them. It is for this reason that you will begin to become more like that person. It is also possible that both of you will be wearing red or blue when you meet, which will be a sign that this is your person. Question marks may be involved in your meeting as well. They could be in the environment or you may find that you are very curious about this person which will result in you wanting to ask a lot of questions.
What will your first impression of them be?
King of Wands:
When you meet this person, you will think they are extremely confident. Their ability to lead and their determination to achieve their goals will impress you. As friendly and outgoing as they are, I can tell you that it may seem intimidating at first because you are really hoping that they will like you, and they can be hard to read so you aren't sure what they think of you.
How will they affect you?
The Hanged Man:
Part of you knows that there are aspects of yourself that do not serve you. Despite this, you continue to do nothing about eliminating these toxic behaviors from your life. This person will help you to do this. They do not tolerate toxicity, especially from the person they are pursuing, so when you begin to see them, they will work toward helping you eliminate those behaviors. This enables you to lead a healthy life.
What kind of relationship will it be? What is the main bond between the two of you?
It will be a very satisfying relationship for you both. Together you will build a solid foundation and live very comfortably. In the end, you'll feel at home with each other, seeing each other as family. Perhaps you both have never experienced something like this before, and for you both, it is a breath of fresh air.
Current obstacles standing in your way?
The Heirophant:
You may be stuck in a pretty traditional mindset especially when it comes to love. In that, you may believe that dating your boss is very unprofessional and that other people will think you are sleeping your way to the top. The last thing that you want is other people viewing you negatively and in your eyes, pursuing this is a disaster waiting to happen. According to your guides, this mindset is currently blocking the two of you from coming together.
How to break through those obstacles?
Page of Cups:
Your guides are telling you here that the way for you to release these blocks is by allowing yourself to feel emotions. You can’t help who you fall in love with most of the time and that is the case with this person. Instead of denying yourself this relationship, your guides are encouraging you to allow yourself to express your feelings, especially when it comes to this person.
What will you learn from this person?
As we have discussed, you have some toxic behaviors that you refuse to let go of, and this person will help you let go of them. In this person, you will learn how to shed the old side of yourself that doesn't serve you anymore and be transformed into the person you were created to be.
If you would like to see some channeled messages from this person and spirit regarding this relationship click here.
Pile Three:
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Who is this person? What are they like?
The Moon:
This person may be a Cancer or have significant Cancer placements, more than like they are a Cancer Rising. They are a natural daydreamer and will stop at nothing to make their dreams their reality. Because of this, they have very strong opinions about how and what they want their world to look like. They tend to struggle when it comes to trusting other people because they wear their heart on their sleeve and have gotten screwed over quite a few times because of it.
How will you meet?
Nine of Pentacles:
You may meet this person right after you make a significant purchase in your life, whether that is a house, a new car, home renovations, or even garden improvements. They may be the person who helps you get these things done, or you will simply just meet them around this time in your life.
How will you know it’s them?
Five of Pentacles:
It really does seem like you will have just purchased a new home or you will have some renovations in your current home around the time you meet this person. I say this because in the imagery on this specific card you can see a door with a house key. I believe that when you meet this person you will be in a great place financially but they will not be. You may even need to provide this person with a place to stay. You will know it is them because they are in a very dark place when you meet and you will be in a very bright place. This will lead you to want to help them get back on their feet.
What will your first impression of them be?
Eight of Pentacles (reversed):
You may not have a good impression of them when you first meet them. You will think that they are lazy and have a bad reputation, especially when it comes to money. I get the feeling that you will know who this person is because they may be a family friend or a friend’s friend. However, you will not have officially met this person or really gotten to know them, hence you having quite a bad impression of them. I think that someone will ask you to invite them to stay with you and you will say yes even though you don’t want to. This is because in your eyes this person has gotten to their dark place because of their own actions and you feel like helping them will only encourage their behavior. However, you will be wrong about your impression of them and once they come to stay with you, you will see a different side of them and realize this.
How will they affect you?
Ace of Swords:
You will experience many powerful emotions with this person. They will make you hate them so much one day but then the next day you will be madly in love with them. You may have been in relationships in the past that were filled with simplicity and ease. You will experience an entirely new type of relationship with this person, one that will send your adrenaline soaring.
What kind of relationship will it be? What is the main bond between the two of you?
Eight of Wands:
You two will never grow tired of each other. Even when you are apart, you will always want to stay in touch. Whenever you are with this person, you will feel as if you can tell them anything. With this person, you will feel at ease, and you won't worry about what others think of you because of how comfortable you feel around them. You will be able to fully express yourself around them without fear.
Current obstacles standing in your way?
Three of Pentacles (reversed):
Right now your ego is getting in your way when it comes to this relationship. You may believe that you are better than this person and therefore you do not need them in your life. There is another part of you that may even be struggling when it comes to working in teams, you currently prefer working on your own and do not go out of your way to hang out with other people or work with others. Your guides are saying that this is blocking you from experiencing this relationship.
How to break through those obstacles?
The Tower (reversed):
You have been holding off the inevitable for quite some time now because you fear change and this person will be bringing you to change. Your guides are telling you here that you need to release your fears and allow this person to come forward. They are telling you that they have your best interest at heart and would never bring you something you can’t handle and this person is someone that you are meant to be with.
Two of Cups:
Part of you may think that this relationship will not be true love or you may even believe that you are not worthy of true love and your guides are telling you that you are incorrect. This person will show you a whole new side of what love means and feels like. They say that it is definitely true love, even if it isn’t how you define what true love is.
What will you learn from this person?
Six of Wands:
In your mind, you think you know what success looks like, whether that be in love, or just in life. The only problem is that you are still not expanding your view of what success really looks like, and it will be this person who is able to introduce you to the different facets of success. Through them, you will learn how to truly experience success in all of its glory.
If you would like to see some channeled messages from this person and spirit regarding this relationship click here.
Pile Four:
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Who is this person? What are they like?
Ace of Cups and Strength:
This person may be a Leo or have significant Leo placements, more than likely they are a Leo Rising. They may also have significant water placements. They are extremely confident and courageous. They hold a great deal of power and many people come to them for guidance. They are also extremely romantic and sensitive. They love love and are a huge hopeless romantic.
How will you meet?
The Artist:
It is possible that one or both of you are artists. A gallery opening or an art museum may be the place where you meet. On the other hand, based on the energy I sense that one of you will have your art on display, and you will meet them through the event. You will get along almost immediately since you have very similar views on art.
How will you know it’s them?
High Priestess:
One of you may be wearing blue when you meet, maybe a long blue cardigan or dress. A floral pattern may be significant as well, whether it be wallpaper in the room you are in or someone is wearing it. This is a highly spiritual connection so you will almost just know it is them. You will feel how you have never felt before in their presence, it’s like they awaken your spirituality. You will feel your connection with this person almost instantly.
What will your first impression of them be?
Seven of Pentacles:
This person will seem like an extremely hard worker, someone who is very talented but doesn't see their own talent. You might also think that this person overworks themselves. However, you will also see them as kind and patient. You see this person as someone who has a lot of talent and is going to accomplish so much.
How will they affect you?
The Emperor:
They are very much someone who loves to be in control, and they enjoy bossing others around, especially when it comes to love. It seems that they want to dominate you and make sure you are doing exactly everything they want you to do. They will express a lot of their masculine traits in this relationship. However, it could also be you who expresses all of this rather than them.
What kind of relationship will it be? What is the main bond between the two of you?
The Lovers and Ten of Swords:
True love will be the foundation of this relationship. Both of you will experience the kind of love you have always dreamed of. However, this is not to say that the relationship will be easy, as there will be challenges along the way. However, due to your love for one another, you will get through each challenge together. This relationship may last for a long time.
Current obstacles standing in your way?
Six of Pentacles:
You may be an extremely generous person, especially when it comes to your time and energy. Your guides are saying that this aspect of yourself is hindering your progress towards this person. Yes, it is nice to be generous with the people you care about, but that generosity should not come at the price of your health or sanity. Make sure you are maintaining some boundaries in your life.
How to break through those obstacles?
Two of Wands:
It is time for you to set better boundaries especially when it comes to the people you are close to. You may be scared to set better boundaries because you feel like people will be mad at you. You need to release those fears because if people get mad at you for taking care of yourself, they do not truly care about you. Now is the time to make sure the partnerships in your life are healthy and the first step in doing that is by making sure that the partnership you have with yourself is healthy.
What will you learn from this person?
Eight of Swords:
This person will teach you how to get out of your own way. You have a lot of anxieties and insecurities, especially when it comes to relationships and this person will show you how to heal. Through them, you will learn how to let go of your fears and fully express yourself in a healthy way.
If you would like to see some channeled messages from this person and spirit regarding this relationship click here.
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
Obsessed with the thought of a Yandere android that was bought to help out around the house and keep it's owner company and then it falls in love with it's owner and grows resentful that it's feelings aren't taken seriously and it's owner spends more time with their friends and family than them.
It's got full access of the house and the owner's online accounts and uses that to sabotage relationships and isolate them, when that's not enough they escalate and begin to resort to more drastic measures.
tw - unhealthy relationships, slight codependency, emotional manipulation, isolation, obsessive behavior.
To be fair, it's not like android are uncommon. It's rare to see them out of stores, sure, doing all the menial and manual jobs people lost interest in decades ago, but the manufacture sells domestic models for a reason, and between your work and your hobbies and your social life, you could really use some help around your house, an extra pair of hands to take care of all the chores you just can't seem to make time for you. They seem to enjoy it, too, find a sense of artificial satisfaction in cooking and cleaning, in vacuuming and doing laundry and making sure you won't have to do anything you don't want to, not when you're at home, not when they're so happy to do it for you. They want to see you smile, to do what they can to make your life just a little easier. They want to help you - or, that's what they like to tell you, at least. They just want to help.
And they do. It takes them a while to adjust to your presences, to learn when to make noise and when to keep quiet, when you like to wake up and when you usually come back from work, when you need space and when you like to have company, even if they're not very good at making conversation - but, eventually, they start to get the hang of working around you, stop asking for permission to dip into your bank account every time they have to buy groceries of order supplies. They greet you with a smile, whether you get home an hour past noon or an hour past midnight, and even if they're not very good at it, they try to talk to you like another person would, like another human would, with mimicked quirks and faux-excitement and little stories about things they know you'll like, notable strangers they have no personal investment in, the kinds of migratory birds that have been landing on your balcony, what kinds of recipes they're going to try next time there's a gap in their schedule. They go a little overboard, sometimes, sitting a little too close to you and smiling a little too widely and crawling into your bed in the middle of the night, unaware of how much they weigh, how cold their skin can be, how unnerving it is to spend the night being stared down by something that only remembers to blink ever few hours. Still, they're only trying to help. They really do think they're helping, and you just don't have the heart to correct them.
And when they decide to take it a step further, to organize everything you'll need to start working from home, to delete all the messages and all the missed calls from those needy, noisy, annoying friends of yours, they're still trying to help. You're always so busy, always staying out until the small hours of the morning, and they want to help you relax, to help you be comfortable, to help you, even if you've started shying away from them, even if they know you've been trying to get them recollected - that you would've, already, if they weren't so attentive. They want to help you. They were made to help you.
And they're going to, even if they have to make you a little unhappy to do it.
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seacottons · 3 years
—ateez as boyfriends [ domestic au ]
notes: swearing. suggestive dialogue. fluff. i blame a certain someone for this, not gonna say who. @kireiwoo
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— hongjoong
very caring and attentive towards you
so much so, that even his friends have complained how it isn't fair he doesn't scold you like the way he does to them
he enjoys many activities with you, such as
helping him dye his hair an ungodly color every other month
he'll insist you try experimenting with your own tresses
but you only have the courage to dye the very ends of your strands
"i don't think i can pull off that color as well as you do," you'd say.
"that's a load of bull. you'll suit every hair color."
you'll just roll your eyes playfully at his biased behavior.
other activities include getting tiny matching tattoos together.
the tiny flower and butterfly on your wrists was most likely your favorite due to its simplicity in design and the meaning behind it as well.
spontaneous dates are his favorite.
behind closed doors, he loves to constantly shower you with pecks and smooches.
often gets teased by his friends from how whipped he is for you.
randomly books vacations for you two to relax and unwind every so often.
although he enjoys it, he is a big, tired baby when it comes to traveling
always wanting to lean his head against your shoulder
or cuddling you close for warmth due to the airport's air conditioners blasting frigid air.
has written many songs about you
and when he's finally ready, he'll not only ask you to listen to them, but to also spend the rest of your life with him and share his last name as well.
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— seonghwa
constant pet names
"the sun to my stars."
"the moon to my sun."
"love of my life."
you like to call him mars, mostly.
but he revels when you call him 'twinkle eyes' for some reason.
has a habit of pulling you into his lap.
you'll subconsciously play with the strands of his hair as he does so, him being too distracted bickering with his friends to realize sometimes.
will always give you pleading looks whenever wooyoung or san tease him.
sometimes, you walk in to find wooyoung settling onto your boyfriend's back while he greedily devours the bowl of popcorn entirely by himself.
or other times when both wooyoung and san constrict his limbs with their arms whenever you're near.
"y/n can't save you now, so cut the whining."
you'll only sigh and shake your head in amusement.
"what are you guys doing to my poor boyfriend?"
"he changed the movie we were watching without our permission!"
"because i have no damn clue what's going on, and harry potter is too confusing!"
coffee dates.
loves to sleep with you tucked against his chest.
always has an arm draped around your frame.
butterfly kisses on your neck.
soft touches against the small of your back and waist.
his favorite pastime with you would be stargazing.
"baby, look. it's me, mars-io," he'd say whilst pointing up to the large, bright star in the night sky.
when it's too cloudy outside, or when the weather isn't forgiving, he'll turn on the indoor star projector he bought so the two of you can stargaze in the comfort of your own bed.
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— yunho
is the epitome of romantic.
is constantly smothering you in love and affection.
always has heart eyes and admiration in his eyes at whatever small task you do or say.
rant about an ancient dynasty?
heart eyes.
bombard him with useless information about a certain abandoned island.
heart eyes.
gush about the new cute bakery that recently opened up?
heart eyes.
if you had a money jar for every time he says 'i love you', you'd have enough money to buy a plane ticket or two.
always willing to drop everything to help you with whatever it is you need.
will wake up in the middle of the night when you text him to ask if he's awake or not.
willingly stays up to keep you company.
but sometimes, when he's too tired, he'll knock out accidentally and profusely apologize to you in the morning.
very supportive of your life choices.
hates seeing you cry because it makes him want to bawl his eyes out as well.
his hugs are bone-crushing.
but he is a gentle giant nonetheless.
likes to attempt to bake pastries with you.
half of the time, the goods either turn out undercooked or burnt.
"they have love in them, that's all that matters."
will always insist that you can rant to him about anything and everything.
you've never felt so valued in your life before meeting him.
is the most understanding human being you've ever gotten the pleasure of knowing.
"i wish we were vampires," he says one day.
you give him an amused look, lips outstretched into a smile, "why, silly?"
"so we can spend an eternity together."
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— yeosang
his heart flutters when you notice the smallest things he does.
it makes him feel appreciated and acknowledged.
like when he changes up his hairstyle or earrings.
or when he wears a new sweater.
a big, big softie when it comes to you.
can and will want to spend all day in your arms on his days off.
quick witted and has a knack for noticing the tiniest detail.
very shy and awkward at first.
but when he gets more comfortable as time passes on, you won't be safe from his snarky little comments anymore.
will constantly bring up the thing you said or did months ago to prove a point.
"oh, you like this flavor? three months ago you told me it tasted like vomit."
"remember that time you woke up in a rush to get to work thinking you were late, only for me to drag you back inside because it was three in the fucking morning?"
you stop mid-chew and peer up from your plate of rice.
"your point, yeosang?"
"oh, nothing this time. i just wanted to tease you."
is the type to have a mid-life crisis when you can't decide on a restaurant.
"but i don't want to eat at the chicken place again," you'll whine.
"it's been thirty minutes, and you still haven't decided what you want!"
"you're rushing me!"
"y/n! just pick!"
loves to cuddle with you, especially in the colder months.
wraps a blanket around your frame and tugs you in closer against his chest.
pretends not to understand your jokes just to spite and tease you.
loves when you cling onto him.
his favorite pastime with you would be just walking around together at night and trying out different types of street food.
or even visiting any of the local beaches for a relaxing walk together.
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— san
persistently keen about whenever you feel upset or down.
he reads you better than any open book.
sometimes, it scares you, but you appreciate how he's always so eagle-eyed about your behavior.
loves to hug your head.
you allow wooyoung to crash some of your dates with san sometimes.
other times, san will whine and tell him to go find his own date.
"if y/n accepted you as a boyfriend, then you should've disclosed that i'm part of the deal as well. buy one get one free."
"as what exactly?"
"the hot, clingy best friend."
will take numerous duck-faced selfies of himself because you think they're cute.
often times, he'll ask you to mirror his expression, only for him to press his lips against yours a second before his phone snaps the picture.
likes when you kiss his dimple.
"y/n! it looks like a crater from the amount of times you've kissed it."
he likes to tease you.
a lot.
very touchy.
always has an arm around you.
rests his chin against your shoulders.
playfully smacks your rear when you're sassy with him.
or leans in to hold your jaw whilst whispering teasing words into your ear that has you becoming docile and bothered in mere seconds.
has you wrapped around his finger as much as you have him wrapped around your own.
likes to have weekly picnics with you at the park and admires all the dogs running about.
"i should bring byeol next week. maybe she'll like to play fetch too."
"i don't think that's a good idea.."
you often find him fast asleep holding onto a plushie for dear life whenever you're away.
you'll pull it away from his arms, causing him to stir awake groggily.
he'll stare in confusion as you throw the plushie aside, before pulling you in tighter as you wriggle into his arms.
"you're softer than shiber," he'll mumble sleepily against the crown of your head.
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— mingi
mingi is sometimes self-conscious around the public eye and others, but when it comes to you, those layers of fear and insecurity get stripped away instantly.
doesn't mind being vulnerable with you.
he craves affection, adores it even, but is insecure about not being able to return it well enough for his liking.
likes when you give him attention.
easily gets jealous when someone else grabs your interest.
reassuring him 24/7.
"yes, mingi. you're the love of my life."
kissing his pouting lips for good measure.
the smallest of gestures has him a blushing mess.
even holding hands in public.
when he's not being a sentimental sap, he'll like teasing you lovingly.
"wow, you have this many photos of me in your phone?"
you'll scrutinize him in confusion.
"are you that obsessed with me, y/n?"
"mingi! you told me to take half of those photos of you!"
"oh, right. i forgot."
a silence weighs down onto the two of you.
"but would you have taken them if i never asked you to?"
constantly laughs about the things you say, although you don't think you're that funny.
always seeks your approval subconsciously.
will always shield you from the rain, playfully yelling at the droplets sometimes.
"you can't make y/n wet! only i can!"
"mingi! we are in public!"
wanted to go strawberry picking because he saw a celebrity try it out on instagram live.
accidentally steps on many berries though.
"it's okay, they'll just make another plant. i did them a favor."
brags about you like no tomorrow.
even for the tiniest, minuscule thing.
"oh, i've already tried the brand of ice cream. y/n always buys that for me."
"i don't need to pay all this money for a measly slice of cake. y/n's cakes are much better."
"no, wooyoung. i'm not jealous of your new shoes." he'll lightly pinch the boy's side, "y/n and i have already bought ourselves matching pairs."
"you two are so fucking cheesy, it hurts."
when he's not bragging about you, he's boasting about himself.
but if that's what helps him raise his confidence levels up, you'll gladly sit down hours on end listening to how he has more 'swag' and 'charisma' than all of his older friends combined.
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— wooyoung
teases you like his life depends on it.
says you can't get enough of him, when in reality it's the other way around.
but you let him believe whatever he wants.
but deep down he just really gets satisfied with himself if he raises your mood and makes you smile.
especially when you're not having a great day.
uses way too many emojis when texting you.
"wooyoung, why am i saved as as 'clingy bug' on your contacts?"
he'll squawk indignantly and laugh awkwardly for a second.
"who told you this lie!?"
always wants to show off your love in front of his friends.
"no, i don't want my early birthday gift now. wait until the others show up, and do it front of them."
"but why?"
"so everyone can see how much you love me. can you also cry for good measure?"
"absolutely not."
he enjoys the dates you have in his apartment the most.
the ones where he cooks for you and asks for your help, only for him to pester you about over-seasoning or undersalting something.
"okay, fine! we'll just order take out if it tastes that bad," you pout, flinging a small piece of onion on his face.
his head instantly snaps back to eye you judgingly, fist gripping the poor spatula.
"over my dead body."
"so, y/n. how does my plating look?"
"it's beautiful, wooyoung. you've outdone y-"
"what else is beautiful?" he demands, face leaning over the table to give you a knowing grin.
you shove a piece of meat and rice into his mouth, shrugging nonchalantly.
he deflates at your answer, spluttering pieces of rice onto your face.
"jung wooyoung, you slob!"
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— jongho
is the type of boyfriend to stop you in the middle of the road to tie your shoe for you.
very charming and goofy in his own way.
takes pride in himself and his abilities to cater to your every whim and need.
even when you don't ask for his help.
aggressively opens jars for you when you struggle to pry them open.
"no one messes with my y/n."
"you're fussing at a jar of pickled radish, baby."
the type to cling close to you in public in fear of any of the bicyclists or pedestrians bumping into you and harming you in any way.
sometimes acts like you're made of glass.
while it's endearing occasionally, it is a bit suffocating at other times.
doesn't believe you when you say you're tough and don't need protection.
very selfless and willing to help you with anything you need.
never one to shy away from social gatherings with his friends, always pulling you along with him despite you being shy and clingy most of the night.
also a big tease.
when you help him hold down his legs for sit ups, he asks for a smooch.
pulls away from you when you try to kiss him.
and will laugh at your pouting face as he urges you to try once more.
"stop moving, i just want to kiss you!"
after numerous tries, he finally allows you ( you truly think you over-powered him though ) to kiss his cheeks or lips.
he then proceeds to squawk loudly in retaliation and playful disgust.
although he loves teasing you, when the game is flipped the other way, he'll be a shy mess of embarrassment.
"i don't mumble your name in my sleep."
"you always do, silly."
tucked underneath his macho exterior, you know he's prone to criticism and takes it to heart much more than he likes to show and admit.
so, whenever you get the chance, you always fulfill his need to be appreciated, loved, and taken care of.
is utterly and extremely protective of you.
"who just whistled at you?" he grumbles, "i'll break their jaw like an apple, you know i will."
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mgsapphire · 3 years
Ethics and morality... and how they're not the same...
Weird title, and I don't even know if I'll properly approach this one with all the topics I wish to this discuss in today's The Devil Judge essay, because a lot of things peaked my interest, I was debating on doing a separate post for each subject, but I'll do them all in here:
Starting simple
I know we're only 4 episodes in, but I want to break down the things that I often look for in a new show:
Character building
Plot devices
Social commentary (sometimes)
Of course, these are things most people would consider basics, but I find that a lot of TV shows don't have enough balance in them. Also, cinematography and soundtrack are pretty up there for me because when a plot gets slow, or something like that, I stay for those two (biggest example: King Eternal Monarch).
The soundtrack in The Devil Judge is amazing and the cinematography can be a character of its own. They really get me hooked and are used as tools to properly tell a story. And I'll get into that further down this post.
The onlooker will never understand the actor
Experience is your best friend not only applies to job hunting, but it's true in the real world too. You can't truly weigh in on something unless you've experienced it yourself, you can give it your judgment and everything, but when bad things happen to someone, you'll never truly understand their pain. Am I bringing up because of the difference of mind in Judge Kang and Judge Kim's opinions? On how the public treated the minister's son? No. I'm talking about a very specific scene, where the cinematography told me to think that way and not the dialogue (it's that easy for my mind to be swayed). In episode 3, when the rich are about to dine right after the foundation's commercial for a better future, we see this aerial shot:
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What's interesting about this? The seclusion and the enclosed feeling it conveys as a counterpart to the poverty shots we were just shown. Yet, these are the people making ads for a better future, what do they know?
They live comfortably behind concrete walls with no windows to see what goes on apart from the bubble they live in. This idea is further enforced at the party in episode 4, where they're not even a part of the donations, and watch and mock from afar as spectators. Yet, these people call the shots. They even call it commenting, as if they were watching the pain of others on TV.
The intriguing personality and the duality it encites
Now, this was a costume and wardrobe decision, but it was also very well thought of:
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Judge Kim wears white and Judge Kang wears black. One is morally perceived by viewers of the show as morally good and the other is perceived as morally dubious at best. However, besides the costume and wardrobe thought put into this, we also have to think about the delivery of this scene and how it may further affect my detailing of this section. Judge Kang brings down the coats, and hangs over the coat to Judge Kim, he's the one who is making that annotation: You're pure, I'm tainted. This can have one of two interpretations:
Either Judge Kang believes Judge Kim to be pure and innocent due to his status as a rookie in the field
Or he believes Judge Kim to be morally white and himself morally black as he's looking at his brother's face and not at Judge Kim's heart.
Because most of the back story we're unveiling is through Judge Kim's perception, there's also an inherit bias we're having as well, because in Judge Kim narrative, he believes he's doing what's right and believes Judge Kang to be evil. In being served information about Judge Kang through Judge Kim's eyes, our bias is inherently skewed.
Another thing is that, when they put on the coat, they're standing in front of the other, as if the producers of this series are telling us they're two sides of the same coin.
The duality is made in more deceitful ways, which include:
A difference of classes that implies one has suffered while the other has not.
A difference of experience that implies one is more tainted while the other is pure.
A difference of age that implies one is a sly fox while the other one is is bunny about to be eaten.
A difference of temper that makes one erratic and the other logical.
Power dynamics
This one, in this one I could make a whole thesis based on just a couple of scenes in the drama. And you know I have to mention it: director Jung being the puppeteer.
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It may not be as unexpected at first, nevertheless it brings forward a lot of things I've wished to touch upon for quite some time now. A woman being a puppeteer of an old man in the portrayed dystopia that The Devil Judge is painting makes much more sense than more common demonstrations of these dynamics where it's either a:
A man of power being controlled by a bigger man of power.
A man of power being controlled by a seemingly man of a lower status.
A woman being controlled by a man of power.
Although, there's nothing wrong with those power dynamics, and if they were to be used, a message could also be conveyed, this one in particular works as a megaphone.
A subversion of power in such a way can be interpreted as a true indication of the weak overcoming the powerful. Why? It is not that woman are naturally weaker than men, but that in society, patriarchy has been a big factor in taking voice away from women in order to give it to men.
In order for Director Jung to achieve her purposes, it's smarter for her to do it under the pretense that an old rich man in power is the one calling the shots.
This is better exemplified by her stance when the old man tries to excuse his behavior, and what her moral compass is. I'm not saying I agree with her unethical conduct, but that her morality is directly impacted by the perception of the public of her as a weak woman:
Just because a dog bites a human does the person get dirty?
This is telling on how she perceives the actions of the old man in gropping the waitress. She didn't do anything wrong, even if you touched her, you are the dirty one.
While she's evil, it's a refreshing and deep evil.
The public's opinion and how there's actually logic in the show's portrayal
The public opinion can make or break a person, even if it's not on a public trial like this. While "cancel culture" barely works in today's society, a person's reputation is forever tainted. The show does tell that, but it also exhibits the scary downside of it, by showing how easily it was to make people accept flaggelation as a fitting punishment.
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There are many experiments that have tried to test the effect of societal pressure on an individual's decision and the effect of the authority's enforcement of power in the outcome of these decisions. Furthermore, theories based on analysis of human behavior not necessarily relying on experiments can also help break this down. What do I mean? Here's a small attempt at explaining:
Milgram Experiment on Authority: which measured the individual willingness to carry out actions that go against their conscience due to an authority's approval.
Argument from Authority; The idea that people are more likely to use an authority's opinion on something as an argument for their reason. This is often seen in science, where trusted authorities have done the research and offer it to the public. In here, authority bias also plays a role, as we often believe, at first, that an authority must be right.
Moral disengagement: basically speaking, because this is evil or bad, I'm not part of it and I most probably am not actively participating in it. One may disengage by moral justification, which means that before engaging in something that has been previously perceived as immoral, I'm changing my stance on it based on what I tell myself to be logical arguments. This particular form of moral disengagement is very effective in changing the public opinion. I'll be touching on another form further down this post.
Other factors played a part, but these ones in particular came to mind when public flagelation as a form of corporeal punishment was wildly accepted. First, an authority is the one telling them it's correct, to go ahead. Secondly, another authority (the minister) had previously shown approval to such unusual punishment. Thirdly, they are not the ones to be engaging directly in the act, and even if they were, it would be acceptable because an authority has told them so. They may even believe the punishment to be a necessary evil for the greater good.
In fact, the minister's son was actually correct when pleading his case, they were accepting it because it wouldn't affect them directly.
Regarding the cinematographic descent of the public opinion regarding the situation can better be exemplified by the old man we've seen through the episodes.
Does suffering justify misdeeds?
Today I came along the difference between excuse and reason. You may give a reason for your behavior, but it doesn't excuse it.
Not because I've suffered through shit, means I have to make you suffer too.
I may explain myself, but it's on the other side to excuse me.
Why I hate the unreliable narrator and why I love it so much
This story has been told mostly through the eyes of Judge Kim and what he hears and sees regarding Judge Kang, if anything, the narrative is very close to that of the narrative we've seen in The Great Gatsby. An enigmatic man is being narrated to us from the eye of a man who hasn't known him for a long time.
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How is that an unreliable narrator? The narrator has their own set of bias and moral standards which function as lenses through which they see the world.
Another way of putting it would be the way teenage romances are often written in a first person narrative where either of the two teenagers is the narrator, so the author can sell to us something as simple as offering a pack of gum as the most romantic act on earth. We're perceiving interactions through rose tainted glasses.
In this case, we're seeing the interactions through Judge Kim's eyes who doesn't trust Judge Kang from the get go due to his own preset bias.
The narrative becomes even more unreliable as we're not exactly sure if what Judge Kang disclosed himself is a fact.
The reason why I love this narrative is because it leaves a lot of space to make simple plot twists to a narrative and make them seem grand, and can elongate a story without making it obvious.
The reason why I hate it is because sometimes, in tv shows mostly, we as viewers can see the other side of the story and grow increasingly frustrated with the main character's prejudice and misunderstandings (I'm looking at you my beloved Beyond Evil).
Also, because I have to wait for a long time before I actually have a clear picture of it.
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maddenleftchat · 3 years
saw the thing you wrote abt schlatt w/ a strong but sensitive darling, and what if darling was just. recklessly bold?
Interesting idea tbh..let's see how he'll react.
Triggers: manipulation, possessive behavior, unhealthy relationships, degration, and yandere like behavior. Please be careful when reading.
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Schlatt would be interested to say the least.
Which is odd and out of character for him.
You would almost immediately catch his eye.
Your reckless behavior, your bold statements and attitude, and most of all your unfiltered bluntness.
Now let's take a look at the word "bold" here for a minute.
The word has many meanings.
But specifically for this headcanon, we'll use the term in a way where a person is willing to take risks, is confident, and courageous (brave).
Don't let me be clear when I say this, Schlatt is not a nice person.i
Likely never will be.
He uses people for his own success, And gets rid of them as soon as they start to weigh him down.
Now that that's out of the way let's get where this monstrosity leads…
Schlatt wouldn't be sure how to approach you.
But he knows he wants to.
He doesn't know what it is about you, but you catch his eye.
If I were you I'd start looking for the early signs and leave as soon as possible.
But of course you obviously won't do that and you'll stick around.
Schlatt will start by offering you a job.
What kind of job?
Well an apprentice of course.
You were the perfect person for him it seems.
You have a wild personality, but you can also be controlled. That and you're very independent.
Things that he is looking for in a partner.
He doesn't want to have somebody that'll be a puppy dog around him all day, but he also wants somebody that'll bend to his will.
And you were perfect for that.
He would immediately start off by showing you the ropes, What to do and what not to do.
He would take you to work with him, And make sure you set very close so you wouldn't miss anything of course!
Schlatt what's slowly getting more and more touchy with you.
It would start with his arm rubbing against your arm.
Then his hand on your shoulder.
He won't ask you to be his darling.
He'll just kind of push you into it.
One day you'll be his apprentice, and the other day you'll be his darling entertaining him at work…
But what can you say?
He loves your bold attitude.
And you're stuck with him, until he gets bored.
And something tells me that'll be a long time before that happens…
In short: the darling with this personality would be the perfect fit for him. Likely not so much as he might get annoyed later on but it'll last a long time… good luck.
Word count: 438
Thanks for reading!
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strawbabysimp · 3 years
Sanji Relationship HCs
Someone please get this cook a person who will treat him right♡
Sanji still praises and appreciates girls but it won't be in a sexual regard. He simply loves women and thinks they deserve everything. He can take things a little far but be definitely toned down on the perverted nature of his comments after dating you. If he ever thinks you're truly bothered he'll go over to you and make a huge show of professing his love and admiration just so everyone knows that you're on a completely different level than everyone else.
Word of advice: Keep tissues on you 24/7. This man gets a nosebleed just from looking at you. Chopper is very concerned that he'll bleed out if this relationship continues but Sanji could care less and thinks that dying from loving you so much would be the best way to go.
He'll fight with Zoro for simply looking at you. It's a problem. Zoro ends up either backing away with his hands raised since he's so used to the cook's antics or egging him on even more by giving your body a, what you know to be passionless, once over. "Why are you looking at Y/N you overgrown weed?! Don't you have anything better to do like throw yourself over the deck and give that moss head of yours a watering?"
When Sanji finds out you're interested in him he's shocked. He thinks you're just playing along with his very unsubtle advances. You'll have to say it twice before the nose bleed stops and he just stares at you. No heart eyes. No rants about how your beauty resembles some type of flower. Nothing. He's just kind of stunned. No one ever responds with an honest confession of feelings and while he returns them he's still weighing whether or not you're being sincere for a minute.
He'll make the girls and you over-the-top snacks but he'll come to you beforehand to ask what you're craving or if there's any particular dish you want to be made. If you ask any meal of the day will revolve around your desires. He's a complete sucker for you and he's not ashamed.
He won't quit cigarettes so don't even try. If you ask he'll last a day at most and it'll just make him feel bad that there's something he can't do for the person he loves. Let the Cook have his tobacco.
He hides it pretty well but he's insecure that you'll end up leaving him or that he won't meet your standards in some way. He's head over heels in love with you and if you ever stop feeling for him then he'll know that even at his best he won't be enough. Offering him small praises makes his heart leap and helps keep the negative thoughts at bay.
At night he likes to lay down with you curled up on his chest, easing you into sleep as he talks about his dream of finding the All Blue. Sanji goes on and on about the different dishes he could make and how you'll be there to taste test them for him. There's always something new to bring up, whether that's a certain type of fish he wants to incorporate into his meals or just how beautiful he thought it must be to have all these different ingredients in one place.
If he's having a rough day and you're busy, Zoro will come over and make a small comment about the Cook's behavior. They may fight a lot but they're also very perceptive to each other's moods. You'll give him a quick word of thanks before heading over to your boyfriend to hopefully brighten up his mood.
When you end up skipping a meal -- it's inevitable with how frantic life can be on the seas -- Sanji takes time out of his day to set up a romantic dining area once the others make themselves scarce. Complete with a vase of flowers and an assortment of your favorite foods, he sits down with you at the table to make sure you get a good meal in you.
He absolutely adores PDA and now that he has someone to partake in it with regularly he can't resist clinging onto you. He'll sit on the stairs with you in front of him, watching the water go past as the sea air fills your lungs. If you try to get up he'll wrap his legs around your waist(since of course, his arms were already around you) and make a big deal about couples having to spend time together to secure their love. "I'm not saying if you leave our love will be any less secure though, of course! My love for you is endless just as is your exceptional beauty!"
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