#katashi harada
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His vision blurred and the pain came back. But this was different, his skull felt like it was going to explode. He grabbed his head cradling himself, his nails digging into his skin, the weight of his great-grandmother’s burden crashing down on him.
He was the great-grandson of Upper Moon 4.
His grandfather was the son of Upper Moon 4. 
“That’s why we’re different…”
“We’re cursed…”
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theblueskyphoenix · 11 months
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More supporting characters for Hospital Team 6. Ranging from teachers, mentors and friends for Hiro. (And mixing in movie and comic characters again with a dash of fan characters.)
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akedocitydespair · 7 years
tw: mentions of genital mutilation in a joking manner, mentions of male genital, swearing
AAAAAAnd that’s all she had left to say, that’s all the energy she had in her. Otome stood before them, incredibly happy. Despite the despair that was evident in every bit of her being she was smiling. Actually, Otome was practically glowing!! She was just taking in every last bit of attention she was getting- attention she finally deserved!! 
“Hey~❤! Do you think that when they see my body~★!! all super gross and mangled up~❤!! that they’ll still be able to get it up~★!!!?”
She looked lovingly at the red button that MonokumAI had provided for her.
“Uwaaa~❤!! I hope they just can’t get enough of it~★!!! I super, duper, duper hope that when they see Otome-chan~❤!! in aaaaa~aaaaaaaaaaall~★!! of her guts and glory that they jerk it so haaaa~aaaaaaaaaard~❤!!!!! that they fucking tear their dicks right off~★!!! Otome-chan hopes that they finish and their dicks explode~❤!!!!!! because that’s how they want to love Otome-chan and Hime-chan~★!!”
She was moving around side to side, hands on her face as she turned a bright pretty red. There was a bit of drool coming out of her mouth. She just couldn’t believe how much she was loved!! They were going to see her first live performance and witness the actual power of a net idol!! 
Otome just couldn’t hold back anymore and pressed that bright, red, juicy button in front of her.
“Woah~❤!! This is going to be Otome’s first live~★!!! Kyaaa~❤!! I hope it goes super duper well~★!!! Otome-chan worked soooooo~oooooooooo hard for this moment~❤!! Dicks out for Otome-chan, LMAO~★!!”
With all that said, Otome winked and stuck her tongue out to the side a little. She was going to be absolutely adorable!!
The doors behind her opened up as she blew a kiss towards the stupid, ugly, dumb, no appeal!! survivors! They didn’t even appreciate aaaaaall the hard work she put into this!! She took MonokumAI’s hand as he led her out of the room.
She turned one last time to face the Big Bad Bully himself: Hoshi Murakami.
“My~❤! City~★! Now~❤!!”
The doors behind them shut closed.
★❤SHSL Despair Otome Ito has been found guilty!!❤★
★❤★Commencing Execution★❤★
The lights were dark all around her. She smiled and hummed, sitting in the nearly empty arena. The room and colors were just sooooo gloomy, a perfect match for the gross, sad little girl that was finally getting what was coming to her.
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Even behind her gold cage, Otome was smiling. She kicked her feet a bit as she hummed. The first pillar reading IKUMOTO SHIROSAI fell. While it didn’t hit her or the flimsy cage just yet, Otome felt the ground beneath her quake. Oh that was going to hurt just sooooo much~★! She couldn’t help but feel excited, hugging the MonokumAI doll that sat on her laps. She whispered something into his ear.
The pillar set off a slow and taunting domino effect with the others.
Her smile grew to match MonokumAI’s.
She hummed louder, hoping that even he would be able to feel just how excited she was.
She sat up straighter.
Otome’s grip on MonokumAI became tighter.
Her blush covered her entire face now!
She was vibrating with joy!!
She began to fidget in her seat.
Humming wasn’t enough for her anymore.
She began to sing, so proud of herself now!
Her voice grew, but she knew they wouldn’t be able to hear her.
There was no pointing in waiting anymore!!
The final pillar stood in front of her, shaking just a bit after the last one. She bit her bottom lip as she watched it wobble. She was on the edge of her seat, practically begging for this final pillar fall. This was the one person that stood between her and despair, while being the person to drag her so further down. She was finally going to unite with this person and free herself from this cage. 
The final pillar: H!MECH@N slowly started to fall towards her.
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Otome could only look up, hugging MonokumAI as tight as possible. Her smile was unnaturally large as she looked up with so much love in her eyes. She felt herself practically sparkling. She would never achieve such star power if it wasn’t for them! Might as well give them one last polite goodbye.
“Bye~❤★! Bye~❤★!”
Almost immediately after, the only thing that could be heard was the crashing of the pillar and the bending of the flimsy metal. Maybe if they tried hard enough they could even hear the cracking and splatting of the former idol’s body. 
What beautiful music!!
[Art credit goes to: Emmy @cuttlefishcrew]
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luna-orlha · 7 years
Title: Bones beneath her feet Chapter: 16 - Dust and Shadow: Part 5 Fandom: Naruto Genre: Action ; Adventure Ship: Kakashi & OC Word count: 2,118 Triggers(s):– Rating: T Additional Tags: Rebirth, SI/OC Summary: She had died only to be reborn into this world as Kakashi’s younger sister. The world where peace was a mockery and the hopes and dreams of their children living their lives out was a big sham. Perhaps this was her penitence and retribution.
Ao3 | FFn
Fuuko sees Shisui watching her from the tree, sees the red in his eyes and sees him watch her be carried forward onto the podium. She hasn’t hoped to survive this. Her memory, though haphazard at times, reminds her that in the short history of Konoha, the village had been built on sacrifices of their people. She isn’t one of the main cast, she doesn’t have that so-called main protagonist shield.
She is going to die again. A part of her screams to run away, the older part of her is resigned to her fate. Dying the first time hadn’t hurt. Drowning had, but it was far more like going to sleep.
She watches the Kurama clasp his hands together, each sign done slowly with precision. A heaviness overwhelms her.
At least it isn’t painful at all, Fuuko thinks as she lets the darkness take her.
This time, it isn’t like her first death. It is dark, not like the nights in Konoha, but like the nights in…
Blinking, she turns her head to the left and sees a stand of light slipping through the drawn curtains - light, unlike the ones in Konoha. She draws a rattling breath as though to steady herself. The pain she remembers having since a child isn’t there. Her body doesn’t ache. No, why would it? She isn’t waking up, she’s dead.
Her legs still don’t work so well when she tries to stand but she makes it far enough to heave herself onto the wheelchair. She’s not at all bitter about it. Wheeling about in her wheelchair is strangely comforting. Who is she again? Fuuko? The shinobi that could jump off buildings, the body she inhabited for a mere year. Perhaps the real Fuuko had taken her body back. She guess she’ll never know.
“Fumiko?” A male voice calls out, followed by the sound of a door shutting. “I was in the area and thought I would pop by.”
“Nii-san.” She wheels herself into the living area, looking at him with a fond twist on her lips. “We both know you’re never just ‘in the area’.”
He rubs the back of his neck, stacks the bags onto the counter. “Well if Mother would give a damn about you, I wouldn’t have to worry so much. You and I know that you’re terrible at asking for help.” He spits the words out with venom as he unpacks the groceries he brought.
“Nii-san… I’m twenty-five. I’m capable of taking care of myself. And you need to stop buying groceries every time you come by.” She smiles sardonically, drinking in the sight of him. “My pantry is overflowing already.” It feels like eons since she last saw him. His dark brown hair is still standing upright like he never bothered combing. Their hair always did have a life of their own, which is why she always plaits her hair.
“Fine,” he bites out, and sighs, putting away the rest of the groceries in silence. His phone rings and he straightens up. “Katashi Harada speaking.”
She rolls into the kitchen and catches the sight of her reflection: a girl with dark grey eyes and plaited silver hair running down her chest, instead of her brown haired, green eyed version.
(You promised. You promised you’d protect Kakashi!)
“Did I? I allowed them to take me with the promise that they would let Kakashi go. I already died for him! What more do you want?” She wheels angrily away from the mirror and the reflection moves to the distorted one on the fridge.
(Don’t forget the promise you made in the lab.)
The lab? What lab?
Suddenly, a cold chill ran down her spine, remembering the pasty white face and yellow eyes, remembering the last words the man said.
“And I asked myself, can a body exist without a soul?” His lips arched from ear to ear, his brush finishing the last portion of the seal. “And I said yes.” His fingers pressed down onto the seal, lighting it up with chakra. The pain that had simmered to an aching throb flared up like fire beneath her skin. The searing heat was grinding her organs to death. Fuuko tried to breathe, her mouth opening and closing in an imitation of a goldfish. Her lungs burned, her throat burned. She was dying.
Save me.
Someone save me.
Panic clawed up her throat as she felt herself fade into nothingness.
She turns to stare at her brother, who is still pacing the length of the kitchen, talking rapidly to the phone, then back to her distorted reflection.
(You. I am dead already, what do you want?)
I can’t leave my brother alone.
The hair and eye colour might be different, but the features are unmistakable. Katashi Harada is an exact replica of Kakashi and she, an exact replica of Fuuko. The reflection leans forward and places a hand where her hand is.
(We are) Hatake Fuuko.
(Remember your promise.)
Kakashi clips the pack onto his pants, hoisting himself out of the window even before the Nara courier can finish relaying his message. Plan F wasn’t a plan he liked. He understands the need for fallbacks, but among all the plans, plan F had the highest amount of chance to it.
His sandals barely graze the tiles on the roof as he dashes across the village. Even without turning to look, Kakashi can feel Genma and Gai flanking him. Why had Shisui interrupted the execution? Had he not known about plan B?
Genma slides his fingers down his left shoulder and scratches his neck to indicate that he was splitting to act as bait. The patrol had picked up their high speed run across village even with the alarm bells tolling. Kakashi fights with himself, convincing himself that Genma can damn well handle himself. He can! Logically, Kakashi knows that, but at the same time, he wants to make sure that Genma succeeds.
Kakashi jumps off the roof, bouncing off the wall, quickly casting a genjutsu to throw over Gai and him as they duck into the shadow of the building. The shadows lengthen, tightening themselves around the two, hiding their presence from the pursuing Anbu. He watches as Genma attempts to stop the Anbu from going after his clones, diverting them down another road. It is another agonising minute before they move. The sun is setting below the horizon, the rays spraying out across the rooftops. Kakashi flickers briefly through a ray, letting another shadow hug him. Pulling his mask down, Kakashi sniffs the air, picking out Shisui’s scent across the forest. He taps four fingers on the right side of his neck and Gai immediately splits to the right to intercept the four even before he can tug his mask back on.
The trees speed past him as he jumps from branch to branch, chasing his sister’s scent. Will he get there in time? He curses Shisui. Had Shisui not taken Fuuko, Fuuko would be safe and sound by now. Izumi was supposed to inform him. Did he not get the message or did he ignore it? No, he knew Shisui. Shisui wouldn’t have endangered Fuuko by ignoring it.
Approaching the fight, Kakashi sees Fuuko lying behind Shisui as he fends off the Anbus. Kakashi jumps on the first one, knocking him out, letting his Nara backup pick off the other. With only three guards left, the Anbu makes an attempt to escape, but the Nara do not let him, instead swiftly knocking the Anbu out with a twist of his shadow and dropping the body next to the others.
Kakashi turns to Shisui, anger bubbling just beneath his skin. “You fool!” he yells, slamming Shisui into the tree. “Did you really think I was going to let my imouto die? Of course not. Kaiko was in the whole plan, he was going to put Fuuko to sleep so we can fake her her death. You stupid man. Now everyone knows she's still alive-” He stops, breathing heavily, then releases Shisui.
Shisui stumbles to the ground and runs a hand down his sweaty face. “Shit! I… I… I didn’t know. Why didn’t anyone tell me!? I could have- would have-” He shakes his head.
Kakashi doesn’t like the implications of that. Izumi was supposed to tell Shisui the plan. That she didn’t means Izumi is either dead or captured. Neither of which is good. He should have gotten a Nara to pass the message instead.
Guilt, doubt and anger stirs in him. All the time and effort placed into saving Fuuko with the least amount of repercussions, all washed down the drain now. He doesn’t have time for this now. With the Anbu in pursuit, even with Inoichi’s conflicting reports and Shikaku purposefully being uncontactable, he has only so much of a head start. Kakashi takes a deep breath and scoops Fuuko up.
“What’s the plan now?” Shisui demands, watching him swing Fuuko across his back.
Yamato will have gotten the message that the plans have been moved up. He will grab Naruto and meet up at the safe house. Yes. No need to worry about him. More important things now, like calculating the speed he has to travel to outrun his pursuers. With his stamina, he only has enough energy to get Nanporo, which isn’t far enough or even big enough for them to blend in...
Kakashi jumps onto the branch, making his way out of the village. Gai will be cleaning up all the trails.
Kakashi schools his breathing. No point wasting time or energy on being angry now. “We move to Plan F,” he says, unapologetically curt. “Bait and run.”
“Affirmative,” Shisui replies, instantly picking up that he is to act as bait. Kakashi chooses to ignore the tremble in Shisui’s voice. Shisui increases his pace, taking point. “Do you have supplies?”
“Yes,” is all he says, as they leap from branch to branch, with only his barely audible panting filling the thick silence between them.
His sister weighs heavily on his shoulders. Kakashi can see the tiny seals carved into the tree, seals that mark the Anbu patrol zone, seals that signify the end of the hundred kilometre zone around Konoha.
The shadow looping around him detaches from him and Kakashi stops, turning to face the Nara that steps into view. “We will be parting here, Hatake Kakashi,” the Nara says formally.
Shinruku, Kakashi thinks his name is, an uncommonly brilliant combat-oriented Nara. He has, after all, kept up with the pace while hiding their scent the whole time.
“Thank you,” Kakashi says, feeling like the words don’t fully convey his gratitude.
Shinruku only lifts a hand in goodbye, melting into the shadows.
This is it, Kakashi realises. From here on out, Konoha won’t be his home anymore. No more bickering with Genma, no more challenges with Gai, no more hiding from Anko. They had been short of time to stop the plan from falling apart. He hadn’t gotten to say goodbye to any of his friends beyond a brief squeeze of their shoulders.
He looks at Shisui, who stands there silently, watching him with his sharingan spinning slowly. Any anger he has for Shisui dissipates as he watches him reaching forward to stroke Fuuko’s cheek. He’s not the only one who is saying goodbye, Kakashi thinks. He and his sister are leaving the village. They will be branded as missing-nins. Even though he hadn’t known about Shisui’s relationship with Fuuko until recently, Kakashi knows without a doubt that Shisui loves Fuuko. Probably since their chuunin exams, considering Shisui had followed Fuuko into Anbu.
Kakashi lets Shisui burn one last image of Fuuko into his mind, then clears his throat.
“This is it.” He holds out a hand and Shisui grips his forearm.
“Take care.” Shisui’s voice cracks. He doesn’t ask where they are going and Kakashi doesn’t tell him.
“I will.” It goes unsaid that he will take care of his sister to his dying breath.
For three days, Kakashi runs. His sister is a dead weight on his shoulders. He has already taken three soldier pills and to take another would be fatal. At least he’s almost a day ahead of their pursuers and almost at the checkpoint.
He can see the house rising in the distance, the slow climb of smoke into the blue sky. The dark haired man rises at his approach, his black eyes flickering to a bright red pattern.
“You’re late,” Itachi deadpans. “And you have pursuers.”
He has already split off two clones to handle the pursuers before Kakashi can gasp air to reply.
“Yamato didn’t make it,” Kakashi tells him. “It’s just us now.”
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toaster-fashion · 7 years
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Katashi Harada (OC) by colorfulcats featuring mens blue jeans ❤ liked on Polyvore
Levi's mens blue jeans / Hollister Co men s outerwear / Schiesser mens short sleeve shirt, $62 / Vans black shoes
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Another little doodle today!!
My awkward boi
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So I've been cooking up another story with my friend @serenesaku and boi lemme tell you, I'm having a ton of fun with this project!!
Katashi and Tsukiko look so badass together.
Opening theme: Here
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Katashi makes his own nichirin arrows!! He learned from the swordsmiths how it was done with the scarlet ore, but because he only has to craft arrowheads, he can usually get it done in a few days/nights.
A collab I did with @serenesaku (the chibi is hers)
Tsukiko walked in on him, but he didn't notice her come in XD
The man gets comfortable and forgets he is in the presence of a lady...but I don't think she's complaining.
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Do you have any voice claims for any of your OCS?
I do!! It’s just the Japanese voice claimes but yes!!
Chizue: Kaho Nakamura
Katashi: Shūhei Sakaguchi
Here’s a vid to help visualize!!!
Thanks for the ask!!!!
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Katashi Harada
Born: 1880
Age: 37
Father: Daisuke Harada Born: 1837
( took a long time to conceive a child)
Mother: Asahi Mitsuhana
Grandfather: Sota Harada: Died: 1899
Grandmother: Fumiko Kawahagi : Died: 1890
Great Grandmother: Chizue Harada
Great Grandfather: Unknown
Katashi’s father was different from his elders. Daisuke was not interested in hunting and gathering. As Japan was in the throws of industrialization during the Meiji Restoration, Katashi’s father wanted to be involved more with the people. Instead of being a hunter Daisuke, along with many other families, moved to larger areas to assist with the building of railroads and adapting Western technology that fit their needs and social traditions.
In other words, Katashi grew up in what he considered a very progressive and loud world. Unlike his father, Katashi was a quiet boy, timid even and this caused him to be judged not only by others but by his father as well. He had a hypersensitivity to sound and was constantly overwhelmed when being among large groups of people or when a train passed through the “city.” Katashi always respected his father, even though he was seen as pathetic due to his hyperacusis. But his father was strong in mind and body, and that was something he hoped to achieve. 
As the rapid westernization spread across Japan, so did the push for education which Katashi actively took part in for most of his life. Despite participating, Katashi would often daydream which made him the main target of discipline from his teachers and bullying from his peers. Sometimes he would return home with bruises and when approached by it, he would shake his head and say nothing. While his mother did everything she could to protect and nurture her son, his standoffish nature confused and frustrated her which inevitably left him alone to find his entertainment. 
He knew his parents loved him, but the rising disappointment pushed him farther away from wanting a progressive life.
The time he felt the most happiness was when he visited his grandparents. He lived far away in the mountains and despite the hassle, and complaining from his father, he always convinced him to take a weekend to visit.
While there, Katashi’s mother and grandmother would share pleasantries and gossip about life, his father would sit quietly beside her, nodding and grunting.
Despite his old age, Katashi’s grandpa would take him outside for walks, tell him stories and play games. But what Katashi loved the most, was when Sota showed him his hunting bow.
Watching his grandfather’s strong arms pull the string back before releasing the arrow made moments in time slow and he could see flashes of his great-grandmother when Sota spoke of her.
When Katashi was ten years old, his grandmother passed away, and despite his father’s best efforts, Sota chose to remain in the mountains. That was the biggest turning point for Katashi, as it was then that he chose to leave his family behind and stay with his grandfather. During those nine years, Katashi grew in stature and became just as strong, if not stronger than his father. Sota taught him everything that he knew about hunting, sharing his wisdom and helping his grandson adjust to his new environment. Katashi’s world changed as his senses became even more attuned to the world around him. His eyes could pick up the smallest of movements and his hearing had excelled to that of a canine. Before Sota died, Katashi was gifted the bow that enthralled him so much as a child for his 19th birthday. And with it came a warning and promise from Sota.
“Ground yourself, do not let this changing world consume you. The wind cannot be tamed or controlled by man, nor the storms and lightning. You are more than what your father says you are, do not be restricted from your potential.”
After that conversation, Sota joined his wife in the afterlife.
14 Years of Hell
Katashi learns of demons soon after Sota’s death
Unintentionally unlocks the Harada family’s hidden potential (Would soon become Fang Breathing thanks to Saigo)
Has a near-death experience and barely survives the encounter
Becomes a very nocturnal individual
Starts getting plagued by inherited memories of Chizue’s encounter with Hantengu minus the romance
Learns from these memories, and discovers the hidden nichirin arrows used by Chizue
Finds the area where Chizue made more arrows
Begins a merciless campaign of killing any demon that trespasses or kills anyone from the village he lives closest to
Becomes friends with the current Wind Hashira (not Sanemi) and teams up with them to hunt and kill demons.
Introduced and becomes an ally to the Demon Slayer Corps despite not having a breathing technique 
Is given a nichirin dagger as a testament of trust and honor and helps maintain a perimeter to keep demons out of his assigned territory.
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I just wanted to say thank you for all the nice things shared with me.
I may not have responded but I read them all. I took a much needed hike today and took a step back from all this garbage and I’ve come to a few decisions.
1. No more “zesty” or “spicy” art from me… I don’t trust the fandom anymore and I don’t want my art to be stolen/used and posted on that website…or to bully someone else.
Yes I’ll still draw shirtless men, but no more intimate pictures of Chizue and Sekido
2. I’m going to take a break from writing, drawing, and answering asks that are directed towards Chizue and Sekido…I can’t even discuss them without hating what has been done
But that doesn’t mean I’ll stop posting
While Chizue and Sekido will be placed on a hiatus for the time being, I’m going to dive into lore and character building for Katashi and Saigo. The bois deserve more love!!
Thanks again for all who reached out!!!
I’m going to rest now….
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bloodbladesanddemons · 6 months
Did chuize found that sekido is dead with his bros (the clones) at the swordsmtie arc? Or did she just died before he died?
As previously mentioned, Chizue’s story takes place 100 years before the canon story starts.
So sadly she died of old age way before the events of the sword-smith arc happened.
However a descendant of her line was alive during that arc and while he wasn’t there when Hantengu was defeated, he felt at peace and heartbroken at the same time.
If you’re interested, I’ll have more to share about this descendent too!!
Thanks for the ask!!
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