#kid blink x mush
knockoff-conlon · 26 days
anyone wanna send writing prompts or something for ships or anything?? im really bored.
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frogmanfae · 10 months
Me about to write some angst for some special newsies side/background characters
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uncertaininnit · 4 days
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this but blush my beloved. Why are there no good pictures of them at all
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sl-newsie · 1 year
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Here’s some cheesy Newsies Valentine content! ❤️💕💙💜💗💛💖💞💚❣️💓🧡🤍🖤
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thewritersofdeceased · 3 months
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The sequel to Papers, Post-It Notes, and Protests is here and completed!
This is a sequel to the Newsies College AU and here is the summary for this story:
It's senior year! David's nervous about taking his art credit, Jack is struggling with his internship, Race and Spot have growing pains while Spot starts grad school, and Specs has decided he's going to say something to Romeo about his crush; all while the threat of real life and graduation looms over them.
This has 12 chapters (11 full chapters and an epilogue) and is around 35K words! Every chapter is up on ao3 so you don't have to wait for the next chapter to be uploaded! I hope that if you read Papers, Post-it Notes, and Protests before you'll check this out and if you haven't ready either, please take a gander at my Newsies College AU series on ao3!
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cute-sucker · 19 days
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note: inspired by @lionasvault diner!jj x deer!reader ! <3
short masterlist: part two here, part three here, part four here, part five here !
being a single mother with a rafe camerons child was never easy.
the little girl hung on your shoulder giggling as she held onto you, and you tried to hide the squeezing pain that you felt in your heart. she knew nothing about her situation completely obvious. 
you were a kook. all through, the short bikinis, strutting upon everything you owned, winning pageants, and academic awards. it was your life. you were a soccer player on the side of it all, a crazy defender. you had enjoyed your life, knowing that you were going to marry someone. 
that's who the person was going to be. the sweet boy who gave you roses on your anniversary, telling you was better than any kook girl he had met. and it was all fun and games, sneaking away to be with someone older, someone bad, someone playful and someone who treated you "well." it helped that he was kook too, smug about his place in the world, and a callous hand dragging you across to show you around at parties. 
school ended on a good note for you, and you headed to university, with high dreams and a cute boyfriend at that. sure he was brooding, sure he was mean, sure he dropped notes about you not needing a higher education because you were wife material. but your parents had told you to go and be independent. 
so that's what you were doing. now, escaping from his clutches, a six-month-old baby girl gurgled at you as you tried to ignore the unfamiliarity of the whole new place you had rented. it was a cute town you thought, the little painted signs, and you found yourself staring at the flat. your landlord's little painted key felt warm in your hand, and you found yourself tearing up. 
finally, you set down your small brown suitcase, willing yourself to be stronger. willing yourself to look at the bright side of things, the fact that the apartment had 1 room for the two of you, and the fact that the sink had pretty roses on it, and the fact that you were finally free. 
you gazed back at your baby, her sleepy smile, as her eyes blinked and when it found a familiar face - gurgled with happiness. you felt as if your heart was going to burst with happiness, and with that, you decided that you should explore the town
the town was better than you thought it would be, there was a small ballet studio across the street, meek book stands nearby, and a farmers market that sold you the ripest strawberries known to mankind. so yes, when you saw those strawberries you bought a carton. immediately your baby girl made grabby grabby hands, and you smiled down at her, brushing a curl of hair away from her face. 
"what, baby? you want one too?" you cooed, before giving her a red strawberry. she squealed before taking a big bite out of it, mushing it in her claw hands, giving you an inquisitory look. you sighed, and continued to push the stroller. 
jj's diner. 
that's what it read on bright rusty red letters, it was colored a gorgeous gray, and the glass windows showed a homely setting. grandparents sat with one other, sipping on coffees, you watched kids take big bites out of syrapy pancakes and stripes of bacon. this was a scene to beyond, and you couldn't help but yearn for it, as you opened the door of the diner. 
a sweet smell wafted by, as if fresh blueberry muffins had just been made. it felt like home, like a safe space, and before you knew it you were dragging in your stroller, and sitting down near the window. finally you found yourself smiling with joy as you looked down at the laminated plastic menu. 
"i'm jj, what can i get 'cha?" a gruff voice muttered, and you pursed your lips before looking up. it was a guy with dirty blonde hair, a backward hat, and white tee with what looked like mustard to you? "c'mon mama, i don't got all the time in the world." 
he looked at you pointly as if annoyed. the name 'jj,' seemed to flash in your mind. that was the diner's name? this was his diner, wasn't it. clearly they were short on staff. 
you flushed quickly, and you picked up your menu, "yeah i'll take the pancakes? extra syrup, and maybe some..." you crinkled your nose before looking at your baby girl who had a menu in her mouth, giving you a gumless smile "can i have mashed banana?" 
he looked baffled, chuckling while putting a hand on his hip, "mashed bananas? i don't serve that." once again you felt like an idiot stammering out your words. finally it was as if he looked at you properly, your creased clothes and messy hair. you had been up all night worrying about this move. 
he shook his head, and then swiped a hand to pick up the menus, "yeah. it's alright. mashed bananas and pancakes. got it." and somehow when he gave you that half smile you felt your heart lift up. 
by the end of the trip to the diner, you had gotten up to clean your hands asking a kind lady to look after your baby for a second - and when you came back jj was sitting next to your baby cooing. 
he gave you a confused look when you came back, as your baby chewed on his finger, giving a delighted shriek. you found yourself trying to figure out what was happening. 
"she yours?" he asked, and you gave him a quick nod before trying to pull her into your arms. you avoided his gaze. you didn't want him to say anything about it. after all, you had enough people judging you. 
instead you zoned on your baby who gave a final cry before letting you pick her up. she still reached her chubby arms for jj's, eyes welling up as if she was going to cry. 
you sighed, "really sorry about this. i know it's not okay." 
jj looked at you again, reaching for his hate before waving his hand to console you, "nah. i don't mind." 
you gave him a tightlipped smile, and then put your baby in your stroller to head out, "thanks for everything." 
"don't mention it." 
somehow you felt as if you had made a friend. 
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famwhy · 9 months
"Do you have any idea how long I've waited..."
"...for this moment?"
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Yandere! Rodrick Heffley X F!Reader
Synopsis: Rodrick Heffley couldn't believe his own luck; you noticed him—you noticed him. This must've been fate, right? You must've loved him, there was no way you didn't. And if you loved him, then what he was doing was okay, right?—there was nothing wrong with it? Of course not, after all, you two were going to get married in the future, he was sure of it! All of this would just turn out to be a silly story you would tell your future kids about how you two first met. Yeah, that's all this was—one big, silly story.
Warnings: Mean!Reader, Depictions of toxic relationships, Stalking
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"Dude, you're staring again."
Rodrick knew; he knew that he was staring again. But, how could he not? How could he not stare when the most drop-dead gorgeous girl in school was within just 10 feet of him?—when you were right there, before his very own eyes?
So close, and yet, so far.
You stood by your locker—lips painted in that really pretty shade of cherry red to match with your striking eyeliner—basically demanding everyone's undivided attention; attention which you undoubtedly got.
Though, even if you—by some chance in this fucked up world—didn't receive that attention, Rodrick wouldn't hesitate to give it to you; Rodrick would give all of that attention times ten to you. Hell, if you so much as asked him for it, Rodrick would give you the world.
He was melting—he knew he was—turning into putty at your very arms, even if they weren't anywhere near him. Regardless, his bones morphed into mush and his face went as red as the lipstick you adorned on that pretty mouth of yours he longed to get a taste of. 
He could gaze at you for days and never get enough.
What he couldn't gaze at for days, however, was what occurred next.
A pair of strong arms sprung out of nowhere, wrapping around your torso and lifting you into the air in a way that had molten lava coursing through the Heffley's veins, heating up his insides and igniting a fire within; a fire that ached to burn the male adorning a bright, varsity jacket beside you.
His eyes narrowed, teeth grinding over one another and skin losing all hints of previous colour, going as blank as an empty canvas sat aboard an abandoned easel at the sight before him.
That man—Lenwood Heath—oh how Rodrick loathed him; despised the very air he breathed; cursed the very home he inhabited. If the ground you strutted over was worshipped by the aspiring musician, then the ground that Lenwood trudged over was spat on by him.
Oh, how he could just picture it now, wrapping his hands around the neck of that pathetic, little—
Rodrick blinked, suddenly able to register the hand waving before his very eyes. "Huh?"
The blurry form in front of him quickly grew clear with a couple more blinks, revealing one of his best friends with a brow raised, lips pulled taut, and a pointed look on his face. "You fazed out staring at her again."
A longing sigh left the lips of the drummer. "Can you blame me, Chris? She's just so... so..."
"Ethereal," Rodrick smiled, tunnel vision drowning out the dumb teen next to you in favour of only seeing you. "She'll love me one day, I know it."
"Dude—" Chris deadpanned, "—she doesn't even know you exist."
"Uh, yeah she does," responded the other musician, "Of course she knows I exist."
Chris' lips pulled up after that, and—even through his peripheral—Rodrick could see the smugness radiating off his friend's smirk. "Oh yeah? Prove it. Walk over there right now and say hi."
"What do you think this is? Some high school drama? I'm not doing that."
"Alright dude," came the voice of his friend again, taking on a bit of a defeated tone this time, "just tryna help you build up your confidence, that's all."
Rodrick's face scrunched up, now turning to fully face his friend and fellow band member. "My confidence is—"
A light 'ahem' cut through the air.
The Heffley whipped his head to the side—brows furrowing and lips parting in preparation for a sassy speech—when he saw just who exactly was clearing their throat at him.
His breath audibly hitched in his throat, wind getting stuck in his pipe—hindering his ability to respire as his vision flooded with that familiar pink he knew all too well. 
"Do you mind?" The question came out your pretty lips with an air of both boredom and your own bit of sass—both fists placed upon your hips as you stared at him pointedly.
Oh, you stared at him—you were staring at him.
Holy shit.
He didn't know what to do; what to say; what to think. His mind was a muddled-up mess with you sat in the middle of it all—in the eye of the storm, occupying your throne within his thoughts while the rest of his head went to shit.
But, the real you, the one stood before him right now, was quickly growing impatient. He could tell from the way you started tapping your foot against the ground in a quick rhythm—one of your cuter habits, he noticed; not that they weren't all cute.
A huff—escaping your lips; exasperated and very much fed-up. He was losing you. 
No, no, no, no, no.
His eyes widened, pupils shaking as his breath grew quicker and shorter and sharper. A tightness grew about his chest, contracting his lungs—folding them in on themselves—and tensing his muscles to the point they turned into multiple ropes that unfairly seized him by the throat.
He was panicking, and so—as any panicking person would do—said the first thing that popped into his head—
—it was your name, of course. That was always at the forefront of his mind.
You scrunched up your nose in that super cute way that you do before speaking again—tone sounding a little... judgemental—"Do I know you?"
A harsh jab to his side and a pair of smug eyes burning a hole through his head followed after that sentence. Annoying.
With a quick glare directed straight at Chris, Rodrick rose his right arm to rub the left—as if to get rid of the lingering buzz of pain left in his friend's wake—before devoting his full attention back to you. "It's uh, Heffley—Rodrick Heffley?"
You narrowed your eyes, staring at him a little incredulously now—but he didn't mind, so long as you were staring at him and not past him, he didn't mind at all. Rodrick was on cloud nine anytime you gave him just an inch of attention, be it good or bad.
Everything about you was just so—
"Wait..." Rodrick blinked—today must've been his lucky day because you were gracious enough to greet him with lit up eyes once you broke through his thoughts. So pretty. "Heffley as in the same Heffley who destroyed Heather Hills' Sweet Sixteen?"
He grimaced a little at the memory, but nodded nonetheless. 
Your lips quirked up—by God, please place them on his—
"Y'know, I've been meaning to thank you for that..."
"Thank, uh—thank me?" Dear lord, he could feel his own heartbeat drumming against his ears.
"Yeah, thanks to you, I was able to take Hills' throne." A glint reflected off your beautiful eyes after you said that but Rodrick was too busy admiring your everything to decipher what it was. Was that a new pair of shoes? They suited you.
His eyes snapped back up to your face when a sudden warmth coated both of his shoulders, a familiar hand making its way into his peripheral. "Yup, that's my buddy." 
Your eyes briefly left the dark-haired male's form to flit over to his companion, and he found himself grinding his teeth against one another just as he had done before; the pink in his gaze quickly being replaced by a heated crimson.
But, as quick as the overwhelming urge to slam his own friend against the wall came—to rip his very skin off and watch as blood flowed straight out of him—it was gone—just in time for your eyes to return to the Heffley and send another explosion of those pretty, little insects to attack his insides and fill him with so much warmth, he found himself wishing to share it with you—
—God, please let him share it with you.
"Can you move now? I need to get to class." 
"Oh, uh, right." He damn-near stumbled over himself in order to make way for you, harshly shoving Chris to the side too—and if he could, he would've rolled out a red carpet for you as well. Your precious feet deserved more than the filthy school floor.
"Ack! Dude!"
Rodrick paid no mind to his friend's scowling form beside him—choosing, instead, to train his gaze onto your figure as it slowly grew smaller the further you walked away.
For a moment, as you brushed passed him, an overwhelming cherry scent flooded his nose, coursing through his innards to roll his eyes towards the back of his head and whisk him up into the air so that he could sit upon a cloud as high as the earth would allow; as high as you would allow.
But, of course, not higher than you—never higher than you. 
"She loves me—" Rodrick smiled; dopey and wide, "—I just know it."
"Whatever you say, dude."
'Whatever he says'? No, this was written in the stars. This was the epitome of fate; of destiny woven upon the finest of silks and stored in the most beautiful of halls—indestructible and unalterable.
This was love—true love.
And you knew it too—you must've. Why else would you have approached him the way you had? 
And it's because of your reciprocated feelings, that Rodrick felt perfectly fine with leaning forward in his seat next period—right up to the back of your neck—and taking another huge whiff that knocked him straight out of commission.
"The hell are you doing, Heffley?!" 
A voice snapped him out of his appreciation time—cruelly ripping him away from his blissful state of basking in your glory and forcing him to look over to his side.
Rodrick rolled his eyes, leaning back in his seat to kick his shoes atop his desk and rest his hands behind his head as he said, "Nothing."
The jock narrowed his eyes, brows furrowing as he parted his lips—gearing up for a threat, no doubt—when another voice cut through the air.
"Something the matter, Mr Heath?"
The jock quickly muttered out a denial before turning to face forward again.
Rodrick smirked.
"Mr Heffley, feet off the table please."
He rose his brows but said nothing, choosing to obey quietly—if only to have the opportunity to stay in the same room as you for just a little while longer.
Speaking of you, the commotion seemed to have caught your attention, because you spun around in your seat, eyes landing solely on his figure for the second time that day.
His breath hitched. It was definitely meant to be.
It stayed like that for a few moments, the two of you just staring at one another as the world dissipated into irrelevance around you. Your beautiful, E/C pools were enough for him to get lost in for hours—just as beguiling as the rest of you was. 
Alas, the moment couldn't last forever, and you shattered it with the tug of your lips downwards alongside the cute scrunch of your nose before spinning back around with the elegance of a ballroom dancer.
Ah, he could stare at you all day and never get enough.
He said that already, didn't he? Oh well, it deserved to be reiterated if the subject it was referring to was you.
Today had been a good day—one that he was sure would only end up getting better with the upcoming pep rally in a few periods time. An excuse to devote his entire attention to you without getting weird or judgemental looks? Yes please.
Though, to be entirely honest, he didn't care for those looks. He was too busy hoping, wishing, praying to be the one you woke up next to in the morning; the one whose embrace you cuddled into and found comfort within; the one who'd get to spend the rest of his life with you—
—God, please let him spend the rest of his life with you.
He couldn't help it—staring at you with the intensity he had during your cheer session once the pep rally did come around. 
Your lashes fluttered prettily as you peered up at the stands, hands covered by the balls you adorned and lips jutting out in that perfect pout that he just wanted to completely devour—
Ah, his throat was feeling a little dry. Just another effect you had on him.
Unfortunately, he had to part from the stands for a few moments to go grab himself a drink but, for you—his darling pretty girl—he made sure to rush back as soon as he possibly could.
Unfortunately, this speed of his meant that he wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings, and not paying much attention to his surroundings could only lead to one thing: an incident.
The can in his hands slid straight out of his grasp, falling to the ground with a loud 'crash!' as liquid scattered the area, still bubbling and fizzing up even out of its container. A pair of white shoes seeped into brown at the end, and Rodrick found himself trailing the legs adorning them upwards, eyes falling upon a white skirt stained in the same brown that was slathered over the floor.
His gaze kept going upwards, only stopping when they met with an infuriated pair of dazzling eyes narrowed back at him; a familiar, infuriated pair of dazzling eyes.
"Ugh! What the fuck did you do, you freak?! You ruined my outfit! No wonder why Heather fucking hates you!"
No, no, no, no.
He was sorry, he was so sorry. Just don't hate him, please forgive him. God, he didn't know what he'd do with himself if you didn't forgive him.
He wanted to beg for your forgiveness—grovel on his knees and hold onto you like his fucking lifeline—but you were ushered into the toilet by those... friends of yours before he even had the chance, and he was left there, eyes wide as his whole body trembled.
Make it up to you. He had to make it up to you
But how could he when you were constantly surrounded by people who got in his way?—when you both were?
First Lenwood, then his own friend, and now, your friends.
Where could he get you completely and utterly alone?—when it could just be the two of you?
That was when it struck him, and his feet started moving before the cogs in his head even could.
He arrived before you—bathroom trips always took awhile when it came to you and your posse, so he didn't have to worry about you being faster than him.
Setting up wasn't too hard either, he knew where everything was and also learned enough from his dad about women to know how to woo one back into loving you.
All he had to do... was wait for you.
And wait he did. It felt like years had passed as he stood shrouded in darkness, each second as agonising and torturous as the last—if not, more so. But it was worth the wait—you were worth the wait—and soon, the sound of the door opening was accompanied by a loud yell.
"Mom! I'm home!"
Again. Nothing.
"Fucking—of course."
His lips tugged down, heart practically being pulled on by the words that spilled from your mouth.
Yeah, sure it was convenient that your mom was never home, but he couldn't help the way he cursed the woman who gave birth to such an amazing being but didn't have the heart to properly stick around and bring her up.
But nevermind that, he could hear thuds growing closer to him.
A click. Then a flip. Then—
"What the actual fuck?!" 
Rodrick grinned, arms opening wide as his heart picked up in both pace and volume, drumming against his ears like he often would his set in band practice. "Welcome home, sweetheart!"
"Heffley?! What are you doing in my house?!"
Your eyes were wide, pupils shaking as your muscles lost their strength and your bag went tumbling down. Aw, you must've been happy to see him.
"I wanted to apologise," said he, "for earlier."
You blinked, still staring at him with that cute expression sewn onto your face.
For a few moments, nothing was said, and Rodrick found himself lowering his hands to awkwardly clear his throat.
Then, you spoke again, "Heffley, get... get out of my house."
"Do you have any idea how long I've waited for this moment?" As he spoke, he started slowly approaching you, and you started slowly backing away.
"No need for that anymore, babe." His smile grew wider and his cheeks grew hotter as the wall blocked you from moving any further—allowing the distance between the two of you to grow... shorter. "Just call me Rodrick, or honey, if you'd prefer."
"You're crazy..."
He could feel your breath now, right up against his skin. It was perfect, and only proved to send shivers down his spine. "It's okay, babe, no one's here now. It's just you and me. You can speak your mind without worrying about anyone else. Go on, tell me you love me."
Your features scrunched up at that, teeth grinding against one another as you spat, "I don't love you, psycho."
"Uh, yeah you do." He dismissed your words with a wave. "It's okay to admit you're in love."
"I'm not, you psycho. I barely know you."
Ah, you could be so cruel sometimes.
"Sure you do. You know me just like I know you—" another whiff, "—and how I know this is your favourite scent."
You were shaking much more violently now, body leaning up against the wall for support in a way that made him envy it—all this effort to get to where he was and your wall got more attention than he did? Absolutely not.
He looped an arm around the curve of your waist, basking in the way they fit together as perfectly as puzzle pieces, before pulling you into his chest and taking another deep inhale.
And just like that, you went limp in his arms.
Oh well, at least now he got to carry out his fantasy of being the one that got to wake up next to you.
Omg guys, I acc feel so bad for turning Rodrick into a creep in this, he's such a cutie in the movies.
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takotakigum · 10 months
when i smile — michael kaiser.
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characters: michael kaiser x gn!reader
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, established relationships, idiocy, and parent!reader&kaiser.
word count: 1.5k
synopsis: stupidity takes a hold of kaiser when he decides he would eat a spoonful of baby food to show your baby that they should eat it.
note: the nicknames/callsigns “schatz” and “kleine” mean “treasure” and “little one”.
aged up characters | please read at your own risk!
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kaiser has never once thought feeding your baby would be near impossible.
“eat it, come on.” kaiser waves the spoon in all sorts of direction so that your baby would find interest in it, and inevitably, eat it—but they won’t even spare a glance! “do you not like this?” kaiser looks at the mush on the spoon, a muted color fills his vision as some of the excess baby food falls on your little one’s high chair table. “i see you eat it all the time, though!” what kaiser fails to take note is that your kid does do it but if it’s only with you. he’s only ever seen his kid eat it so happily whenever you’re the one feeding them.
almost, kaiser gently forces the rubber spoon on your baby’s mouth, their lips frowning in disbelief while their face altogether looks like they’re about to cry. “i’m sure it’s not that bad, why’re you so dramatic?” kaiser matches your baby’s frown, hand dramatically resting on his cheek. “ahh, come on, say ahh.” kaiser’s patience is running thin, and he doesn’t like it. “kleine, stop making this hard on us both, i promised i would take care of you today!” your husband begs, dropping the spoon on your kid’s table and cupping both their hands with his.
kaiser pouts, and so does your baby. and then suddenly, as kaiser continues to plea for cooperation, your baby’s stomach grumbles. kaiser laughs hysterically, poking at your little one’s stomach as they continue to pout. “see you’re hungry!” kaiser teases the little one, his eyes searching for the disregarded spoon in an instant; however, your baby’s face is now really looking like it’s going to burst out tears. kaiser pats your baby’s head, cooing at them for such reactions. although, it can’t be helped, so kaiser waits until your baby is just pouting once more.
“how about i try it first, then will you eat it?” kaiser negotiates with your little one, as if a lightbulb has shone above his head, deceiving your baby. they make a sound, your kid’s tongue sticking out and blabbering something. kaiser nods, like he’s understanding it all when in reality his eyes are too occupied by the substance he’s looking at on the spoon.
it looks utterly disgusting—at least, for kaiser’s eyes. somewhere in his brain, he truly thinks he shouldn’t feed his only little one such a mysterious concoction. however it’s not mysterious, and it’s very much far from what a vile concoction is. the small glass jar reads ‘peas’ and even so kaiser does not particularly mind the taste of it with his meals, he can’t stop his nose from scrunching up at the consistency—of which he hasn’t even touched, tasted, or smelled. your baby blinks at kaiser examining the baby food, and with one final glance, kaiser dips the spoon into the jar once more and takes the baby food in his mouth.
kaiser thinks that he should’ve pretended to eat the food, and not have been a brainless idiot ingesting it. because the moment the baby food hits his tongue, kaiser gags. and he gags hard. so much that he has to cover his mouth with his hand, afraid of making a mess with the baby food. then, kaiser remembers that the moment he shows any displeasure with eating the puree, your baby will certainly not eat it anymore! so, back with his brainless idiot persona, kaiser swallows painfully. when kaiser brings his hand down to smile at his baby—to show them that it’s not so bad and that your little one should eat it—kaiser rushes to the bathroom nearby.
the timing is cinematic, really.
because, as kaiser is bent down on the sink, coughing so violently he thinks he’s going to vomit—the front door opens. for a split second, kaiser believes he’s lightheaded, that he’s hallucinating because of some baby food.
“i’m back! did you both eat already?” you call out, hands busy with the bags around your arms to notice anything yet. when you only get your baby’s blabbers as a response, you look around your home. with a gasp, you nearly drop all of what you once held to the ground, rushing to the kitchen the moment your eyes notice your baby playing with the small jar of baby food, it’s contents mostly spilling everywhere.
“what happened?? mihya? mihya-” you call out worriedly, wondering why your little one was left unattended. however, kaiser finally seems to compose himself and rush out the bathroom. “you’re home, schatz! you won’t believe what- holy shit.” it seems as though your husband is near to drop on his knees when his eyes take in the sight of that disgusting green baby food splattered everywhere.
still with a furrowed brow, you gently take the jar out your baby’s hand, and they nearly whine. however, stops when your kid realizes that there’s baby food on their fingertips. kaiser watches in horror from a distance when your baby suckles on their fingers and palm, almost like cleaning it. “no, that’s disgusting. we have to throw it away.” kaiser rushes to your side when you take the disregarded spoon and let the excess baby food from it drop back in the container.
“mihya, what are you saying? i come home to my baby nearly covered in baby food and you…telling me that the baby food is disgusting…?” kaiser nods, his eyes looking like they could explain the whole story—they couldn’t, though. so you sigh, scratching your forehead as you wait for an explanation. “that thing, we’re never getting that ever again. it’s so gross! i can’t believe we ever thought it would be a good idea to buy that for-” your jaw drops, and you place the closed jar of baby food back down on the messy table. “mihya, you ate tasted fucking baby food?” you stare in disbelief, hand coming up to your face to exaggerate.
“i did! i don’t think it’s edible, maybe it’s expired or something.” when kaiser attempts to prove a point, he tries to grab the baby food, but then sees your baby trying to open the container with dedication. “stop that, kleine!” the mere moment kaiser holds the small jar once more, he starts to walk to the trash bin. “mihya, don’t. that’s their favorite.” despite still recovering from your husband’s antics, you manage to giggle. compared to your baby who seems heartbroken, you continue to burst out in a stroke of laughter.
“you’re kidding, you have to be.” kaiser looks back to you, eyes still squinted with pure distaste. he feels nauseous from just seeing you wipe your little one’s face from the baby food. despite the slimy surfaces all around, you still entertain your baby with a tender smile to stop them from frowning. “i’m not, give it to me.” without even looking at kaiser, you reach your hand out beside you, and kaiser prudently places it on your hand.
“baby, ahh,” you mimic an open mouth, and your baby now happily follows. the little one’s eyes seems to light up when the food sloshes around their smiling mouth. within a second, your baby opens their mouth for more, and within that second, kaiser’s mouth also drops to the floor. “that’s favoritism, it has to be!” kaiser moves behind you, his hands on your shoulder as he shakes your being in disbelief.
“it’s not, you’re overthinking it.” you continue to laugh, and kaiser’s scrunched up face forces tears to overlap with your vision. “then it has to be something, right??” now, kaiser is staring at your baby, whose eyes and figure is as innocent as it could possibly be. with a scoff, kaiser sweeps your baby from their high chair and onto his arms, your baby’s arms reaching back to where their baby food is.
“no, look here. stop acting like you wanted to eat that! schatz, why is my kid like this?” kaiser whines, playfully poking at your little one’s chest which still leaves your baby unimpressed. “maybe because it’s also your kid, mihya. probably had the instinct to get back at you for all your teasings, don’t you think?” you continue to laugh when kaiser tries to retort but inevitably gets his mouth covered by your baby’s food-covered hands.
when color drains from kaisers face, you’re certain you can’t breathe from laughing so much anymore—and it’s so contagious that even your baby starts giggling, their cheeks puffing out as their whole body practically shakes with happiness.
kaiser can’t help it, because with one final deep breath of air, kaiser takes your baby’s hand and places it on top of their own mouth, so he’s able to laugh freely for the first time today. with a mischievous smirk, kaiser lounges at you with your baby in his arms and embraces you, and you yelp. “mihya!” on one cheek, kaiser smothers it with his baby food-covered mouth, while the other gets squished by the hands of your baby. soon enough, laughter is heard all around the kitchen, drowning your pleas of your husband and baby releasing you from the messy embrace.
despite it all, kaiser is able to smile and laugh at anything and everything his family oughts to give him—and it’s all he ever asks for.
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© takotakigum | do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works.
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bellewintersroe · 11 months
Daniel Ricciardo x HornerDaughter! Reader- smut
Part 8?! Holy shit, I’m enjoying writing this series so much.
Warnings: Explicit mentions of sexual intercourse, angst, slight argument? I don’t want to give too much away…
Slightly prompted by @urfriendlywriter with “look at me when I'm making you feel good, baby" with Daniel because 🥵🥵🥵🥵
Daniel and y/n reunite and he’s a nervous wreck. Although being overwhelmed with the anticipation of the Hungarian GP looming, he’s still torn about their secretive situation. He is weak in the knees, however, and can’t help but end up back in her Hotel room for the night. Any confusion is momentarily dispersed, until she brings up a topic of conversation that has Daniel feeling on edge.
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“Daniel!” She giddily exclaims, greeting the taller man for a hug. For an onlooker, including her dad, it would just look like an exchange between two friends reuniting, to them however, it meant something completely different. His heart was pounding as he greeted her into his arms, the smile undeniable hard to resist as his stomach turned to mush whilst her body pressed up against his. She smelt so good, he thought, and she looked beautiful, his hands were clammy and she offered him a smile before they broke apart. With her face so close to his, Daniel thought she might kiss him. That was until her embrace was then placed on Checo, embracing him in what seemed to be an equally happy greeting. She knew different, her hug with Daniel was something she’d been dying for all week. It was now Thursday, a day before the practice rounds for the Hungarian GP, and time for her had moved so, incredibly slowly. “C’mon you, have you finished your work?” Christian then asked, stopping her chatter with Checo. “Ah-“ she turned around, embarrassed by the comment. “Yes, dad. I’m not 12.” She blinked with a funny tone causing a couple of the men around to crack up. Daniel saw the saw the way men around here would look at her, eyes quickly glancing down her dress clad body, they’d gaze at her face longingly, giggling like kids whenever she’d walk in a room. He always cringed at it, feeling an odd sense of protectiveness- but then he’d come to the realisation he was just the same as them.
“Ah, you’ll always be my baby.” Christian responded, ruffling her hair slightly as she grumbled out, scurrying away to avoid further embarrassment. Daniel felt his eyes follow her, his head even tilted a little seeing her disappear out of the room quicker than he’d liked. “She’ll chat your ear off.” Christian joked, looking Daniel in the eye. The Australian snapped his attention back, forcing a laugh and shaking his head nervously. He couldn’t give him eye contact, he’d been railing his daughter for the past several weeks now…
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God, it had felt like months since Daniel was last inside of her. She looked fucking angelic as he pushed his cock into her, arms pinned above her on the bed as he swung his hips harshly into hers. “Daniel!” She gasped, hands nudging to be released before she grabbed at his bare back, head lolling around in pleasure. With each thrust her tits bounced leaving Daniel mesmerised, squeezing and groping at them. Her lips were slightly parted, sweet moans escaping as her fingers moved down to rub over her pussy. Any of Daniels prior panicked thoughts had been quickly displaced when she began rubbing her ass into him during an extremely busy lift ride up to the room.
Daniel growled, feeling himself stupidly close to cumming despite being inside of her for a mere two minutes. He pulled out, replacing his cock with his fingers as he sunk two of them into her dripping cunt. “Fuck!” She squeaked, attempting to squirm her way up onto her elbows. Daniel’s free hand pushed her back down to the bed. “I love it when you’re like this.” She gasped, eyes slightly wide as he swallowed thickly at her words, scanning over her face that he couldn’t get enough of. If he wasn’t so desperate to have his cock inside her, he’d fuck that little mouth of hers so good.
He was panting slightly, mouth agape as he watched her with a hungry expression, one she simply couldn't resist as she cried out, feeling his fingers twitch inside her. “Yeah?” He responded, almost cockily to her little whines. It’s like she’d coerced him out of his shy exterior, and spending some time apart riled him up like no other. “That good?” He muttered, quickening the pace as she choked out a cry, nodding, her head turning away. “Fuck.” Daniel cursed, feeling how tight she was around his fingers. Her cunt was so deliciously tight, in fact, he knew he’d never been with somebody who wrapped around him so good.
“Look at me, baby.” He then repeated, desiring to see her desperate eyes on him before he fully fucked her with his fingers. “Daniel!” She whined out, head rolling back up but her eyes were still closed. He reached forwards, taking her by the jaw and pushing her cheeks together slightly.
“Look at me when I'm making you feel good, baby.” His voice came out as more of a demand, to this she obeyed his order and her eyes opened again. “Harder.” She pouted. “Good girl.” He exhaled against her lips, kissing her harshly before increasing the pace as he fucked his fingers in and out of her so overwhelmingly fast she found herself screaming, Daniel not letting her cover up one sound that left her lips as she squirted all down his veiny arm. “Good girl!” He repeated, clearly proud as he moved down for another kiss.
“Fuck me, Daniel.” She hushed, snatching his hair as he let out a soft moan at the painful tug. He couldn’t resist as he crawled back between her legs, pushing his cock with ease into her lubricated pussy. He continued with the same pace before, arms at either side on her as she reached up, stroking at the back of his neck and then his cheek. The act made Daniel soften inside, dropping his head with a curse before he’d slowed his pace and found himself lifting her closer to him.
“C’mere… up here, baby.” He whispered, needing her body flush against his as he lifted her into his lap. “You want me to ride you like this?” She cooed, beginning to rock her hips teasingly over the outside of his cock. Daniel searched each of her eyes, feeling all control leave his body as her fingers trailed over the tip of his cock.
“Do you?” She repeated, barely a whisper. “Yeah.” He hushed, moving closer to give her a kiss but she purposefully moved her away. “Please.” He repeated, a little harsher as a smirk grew on her face, sinking down over his cock, listening to the delicious moan she’d pulled from his chest.
His hips also rocked against hers, arms wrapping around her waist as they embraced, making out whenever they could as she sucked on his tongue. “Want you to cum like this, inside me- fuck, you feel so good.” She kissed at his jawline, Daniel keeping his head against her shoulder out of pure comfort. “Inside you?” He repeated as she lifted her hips higher, causing more of a friction for them both whenever she dropped back onto his cock.
“Inside me, Danny.” She let out a moan as he gripped her close. For a few moments they were just enjoying the fucking, moaning back to one another as they shared moments of intense eye contact. Daniel stroked over her cheek, holding her face so he could watch each expression he drew from her whilst he rocked his cock into her.
“You like it when I fuck you like this?” He then asked. “Fuck yeah… I do.” She responded, dropping onto his shoulder with a deep groan when his actions caused her stomach to do knots. “You like it when I keep you close, hm?” He nudged her face back up, stroking down the back of her head. “I love it.” She choked.
I love you… thought Daniel. The thought kinda scaring him as he watched her with a desperate expression. He shook it to one side, well, he tried to. She’d started sucking on his finger, the wet sensation of her lips being the only thing that tugged him from his distraction. When she pulled off his finger he pulled her back into his body, a little stunned at the intrusive thought.
“You okay?” She panted, noticing he’d looked a little dazed. “Hm?” He turned to look at her lightly. “Yeah, I’m good.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek, his brows furrowing in a slight worry as he pressed his forehead against her temple. He loved her, fuck he loved her.
When she’d finished, Daniel came inside of her with a groan muffled into the crook of her neck, dropping his head there as he came down from his high, shuddering at the aftermath. They remained like that for she didn’t know how long. He had his arms wrapped firmly around her and seemed pretty content cuddling her close. She liked it, the feeling of his fingers drawing gentle patterns on his tanned skin. I love you.
Daniel thought again as he sat up looking directly back into her eyes. She’d kissed him gently, offering him a gentle smile as he took a deep breath, glancing down seeing as he was still inside of her. She attempted to move but he didn’t want to lose the contact, nor did he want the overthinking to start again. “Just-“ he held her gently down, so lightly that she could’ve moved if she wanted. “-Stay like this for a minute.” Daniel shushed her gentle moan as she sunk back down onto him, feeling him pull them onto their sides as she watched him with softened eyes.
Her eyes fluttered close as he traced the outline of her lips before moving closer and kissing them gently. They remained like that for a few more moments before she’d cleaned herself up and they remained cuddling one another close. His arm was slung over her waist, pressed up against the squeeze of her breasts, whilst the other lazily remained under her neck. It was her favourite, position, feeling so close to him.
Y/n wasn’t sure what overcame her, maybe how comfortable she felt with him, or the fact she was half asleep, but she let those words fall off her lips without thinking.
“Do you think we’ll always be a secret?” Daniels eyes shot open.
The same inner conflict he’d been battling with all week returned as he slid out of her hold sitting up slightly. “What’s wrong?” She panicked, turning over to watch him. “Nothing, just…” “Just what?” He looked freaked out, and she felt panic arise on her chest just from the look on his face. Was he not ready to hear that yet? Had she pushed it too far?
“I was just thinking about it for- for a couple days now.” Daniel rubbed his arm, staring at it as a distraction to avoid anything but those beautiful eyes of hers. Now she’s mentioned it, it made the topic much easier to discuss. She remained silent, waiting for him to continue, there was the worst anxiety building in her stomach, she didn’t like it.
“Like is telling people about what’s going on? Or-or just being more open about it.” Daniel didn’t really know where his words were headed, “yeah?” She straightened her back, finally seeing him meet her eye.
“I don’t know it would be right, y/n.” Whatever she expected him to say, it most definitely wasn’t that. Her stomach sunk and she broke all means of eye contact. Daniel felt harsh, he knew it was and couldn’t shake the regret that filled him, but it was true. How could it be okay? “Wouldn’t it?” He watched her, staring at the bedsheets looking as though she was gathering her thoughts. “How would your dad react?” He finally blurred out.
“I- he’d get used to it… are you saying you just wanna keep going on hiding everything?” The stammer in her voice made it difficult for him to look at her now, the last thing he’d wanted to do was cause her any distress, but he’d be a fool to think that wouldn’t happen. Her stomach was in knots, emotions screaming to be let out, but all she could do was sit and stare at the bed they’d just had sex in. Something about it all felt very very slimy.
“No, that’s not possible.” He slowly spoke as she felt her breathing increase. “So we’re just gonna stop then.” She jumped out of bed, retrieving some clothes off the floor, desperate to cover her modesty whilst he sat naked and pathetically in the bed.
“Well I didn’t say that-“ Daniel attempted to respond, but he realised shortly where he’d dug his grave. Had he made a mistake? It just felt so sudden, the whole conversation, he’d thought about it for all those weeks and now she was coming to the conclusion it was over between them.
“Then what do you want?” She snapped, Daniel’s attention quickly back on her. Bad idea, she had glassy eyes and there was a tension in his jaw he’d never seen before. What do you want? I want you, Daniel thought. But it wasn’t possible. “God, you’re making this so difficult, Daniel.” She turned her back, staring out of the window in an attempt to hide the tears that threatened to spill at any second. He hated the way she spoke to him, of course he was well aware he deserved it, but the sound of distress in her voice was something so unfamiliarly uncomfortable to him.
“I just don’t know how much longer I can keep going on with pretending I don’t have feelings for you.” Her back straightened at his words, she had a bad feeling this wouldn’t last, it was overly complicated, there was an age gap and they’d never once discussed what was going on between them.
“To keep that all hidden, it just feels wrong. I love you, y/n.” Daniel released the tension off his chest, her own heart bulging out of his chest. Whatever reaction he expected, it was not for her to burst into tears.
“You can’t tell me that after saying you want to end it!”
“I don’t want to end it though, not if things were easier.” He hurried to pull his clothes on, sensing she wouldn’t want him around for much longer. He felt like a major douche, and he was.
“But they aren’t.” She swiped at her eyes, turning away from him. “Don’t-dont come back and sleep with me just to tell me all this.” She let out a painful sigh as Daniel felt her words punch directly into his gut. “I’m sorry, fuck, I didn’t think it all through.” He pinched the top of his nose, feeling the urge to cry himself. Daniel wasn’t a crier, but there was something about knowing he’d hurt her that really induced tears.
“Just go, Daniel, it could’ve been easier.” She wiped at her eyes, attempting to slow the tears. “No, m’ sorry.” He touched her back, attempting to console her but she stepped away. “No, I want you to leave.” She was humiliated, and how couldn’t she have been?! “Please, Daniel.” She whispered, the two of them standing face to face.
“Y/n, I love you-“ he sighed out, but her face palm indicated she was done with the conversation.
“That doesn’t make anything easier, Daniel, please, please leave me alone.” She begged as he fought a mental battle with himself. “Fuck, I’m so sorry.” He began backing off. One part of him wanted to stay and just take back everything he’d said, another side knew he couldn't continue hounding her like this.
He’d broken her heart, and only when he left his room could she fully break down. Daniel heard it from outside the room, it was a sound he never ever wanted to hear, it made him sick to his stomach, especially knowing he was the cause of that.
Everything had happened so quick, she felt more upset over this than she ever did going through a break up of 2 whole years. Daniel didn’t know if he’d made the right or wrong decision, but it currently felt like the worst decision he’d ever made. Was there even any coming back from this?
@mccall-muffin @benbarneslut @dinodumbass @allabouthappiness @ricciardhoe-3
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
when you're not into PDA but you kiss him absentmindedly in front of everyone
Mingyu x Reader // no plot whatsoever just fluff. Want myself a boyfriend please 😭
Mingyu has always been whiny.
Sometimes it's for show, and others it's just in his nature to be so.
But he's also considerate. Some things he'd whine to no end about while some things he'd immediately shut up the moment you say 'no'. He's perceptive like that and sometimes to a scary amount.
You have no idea how he's able to read you that well; to know when to push and know when to stop just through a glance. Even you can't do it as well as he does and it's your own feeling.
One of the things that he never pushes you for is public display of affections. Mingyu is a big pile of mush, he can't stay to himself if someone he's remotely comfortable with is next to him. He'd grab their shoulder, punch their arm, curl himself small to fit in their shoulder, hug them from the back--just about anything physical that the other party would allow him to.
You love to bask in his embrace, to relish in his kisses, and to feel the shape of his lips in any part of your body. But only when there's little to no people watching, and Mingyu respects you enough to never push any kind of affection when you're together with other people, even his members.
Your affection with him in front of watching eyes are usually limited to hands holding and his arm around your waist or shoulder. Occasionally, you'd lay your head on his shoulder too. And very very occasionally, you'd let him steal a kiss on your cheek or your forehead.
That much, you don't mind.
As much as he respects you, it's only right for you to do the same for him. And while you don't think you'd ever reach the place where you'd be comfortable enough to let him give you an actual kiss in front of anyone, you know how much Mingyu likes to be able to show his affection.
That's just how he loves.
So, even if you're still a little uncomfortable (maybe conscious is the right word?) letting him cuddle you in front of his members, you bare with it because that happy sigh and the small smile he's trying to hide when you settle on his chest is worth it.
"Why are you staring?"
You blink at the question. Have you been staring?
"You didn't even notice, huh?" You mean it when you say he reads you like a book.
You smile sheepishly at him, which he just grins in return and hugs you a little more to himself before he continues whatever he was discussing with Seokmin, Shua, and Chan.
Of all things that make your heart flutter, it's always the way his thumb softly caresses your arm that contributes the most. You're not sure why, but it does and sometimes you feel like purring like a cat everytime he does it.
Like right now.
Your eyes suddenly fall to his lips, a smile automatically falls into yours when you see his do the same.
He's so fucking beautiful it's unfair.
You don't even register what he's saying, and thankfully it's not you he's talking to. The only thing in your mind is how perfect Kim Mingyu is and how you've probably lucked out with him by your side.
He turns to you once again when he feels your eyes on him, this time with a tilt in his head. Seokmin's face fades to the back of your mind when Mingyu raises his eyebrows to ask if there's something wrong.
Your bite your lip before you dive into his for a quick peck, which you pull away from a second later like you're in a daze.
Mingyu seems to be in one too, surprised at the turn of event. And when it registers to him that you've just kissed him in front of his members, he cheeks puff like a kid on a Christmas day.
You don't know if the three witnesses the featherly kiss you shared earlier, but when you see Mingyu biting his lip to contain his grin even if the giddiness is way too obvious in his eyes, you don't think you care even if they do.
A/N: wow im actually satisfied w how this turns out..a feeling ive not had in so long when it comes to my writing
A/N 2: pls drop by and share ur thoughts thank u🤍
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garussy · 17 days
Honestly any Newsie ship can make sense if you push it
Mush x Spot? Sweetheart x tough guy also that scene in the courtroom where Mush is standing very close to him
Kid-Blink x Skittery? 110% at all times x 0 energy and constantly tired
Spot x Sarah? Constant sweet moments between them
David x Kid-Blink? Just sweeties
So many newsie “crack ships” make sense and I love them
My friend and I made a whole fanfic about Spot x Skittery because one of the shortest guys x one of the tallest guys was funny to us
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sl-newsie · 1 year
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I luv Spot so much ❤️
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 3 months
The Morning
The sleepy mornings that followed the night-long parties at Steve’s apartment always felt oddly domestic to Y/N.
Steve-O X Gn!Reader
807 Words
Warnings: Steve’s nasty ass appartment
An: Inspired by the Jackass MTV Cribs episode! I was really interested in Steve’s apartment and like the environment there!! It’s so nasty and awesome XD The fic that resulted from that fascination ended up really fluffy and domestic! I haven’t seen a fic like this about Steve before and I’m really happy with how it came out! Anyways, thank you please keep sending in requests!
It was a shockingly domestic scene for the two of you- sunlight gently diffusing through Steve’s dirty bedroom window as you blinked awake, your head resting on his chest. There was something so cozy about the way your two fit together on his mattress- perfect, like puzzle pieces. Things like this rarely happened in that bed. You lazily studied the tattoos on your boyfriend’s chest and arms with half lidded eyes, your eyelashes tickling against his skin. He stayed fast asleep as you idly traced over them. Christ, it was like you were newlyweds. Chuckling softly to yourself at the prospect of the two of you getting married, your stomach growled. Begrudgingly, you peeled his Batman sheets off of your tired body before getting up, clad in nothing but your underwear and one of Steve’s t-shirts you found at the foot of his bed.
Walking through that apartment was like traversing a minefield. Stepping over the random trash that littered the stained carpet and ducking under the grand Budweiser archway that miraculously appeared in the doorway after a night of partying a week ago, you felt Lucifer, Steve’s cat who just couldn’t get enough you whenever you were over, brush against your leg. You reached down to pet her, smiling when you heard her purr, “Aww…Lucy, baby…” Everything that morning seemed oddly still without your boyfriend breaking a coffee table or having his roommate throw Pop-It’s at his face, like it was frozen in time as you riffled through the cheap plywood cabinets in the kitchen for something to eat, the linoleum chilling your bare feet. Kids cereal, instant Mac and cheese, a couple of roaches- nothing appetizing. Checking the fridge which was always tilted on some weird angle due to the skatepark that ran through the kitchen, you didn’t find anything besides more beer and a few jars of pickles. You did, however, find a tin of cat food on the counter, which you cracked open and placed on the floor as you continued your search.
In the back of the very last cabinet you checked, covered in spiderwebs and maybe an inch of dust, you found this tall, cylindrical device. Out of curiosity you picked the machine up, feeling its weight as you held it tucked in the crevice of one arm while brushing one of the stacks of old pizza boxes and empty beer cans off the counter with a clatter. Steve never had any sort of kitchen appliances so this confused you, especially after having seen him make toast one morning by slapping a piece of Wonderbread on the stovetop and flipping it with two forks. After a brief examination, you figured out what you found was some kind of juicer. Great! The only issue was that the closest thing to a fruit or vegetable you had on hand was an expired can of cherry pie filling.
But then you saw it, sitting in the refuse- a single, juicy, perfectly round orange. It’d probably work, you thought, peeling it, so hungry that you didn't even think to wash the dust out of the inside before stuffing the fruit into it and turning it on. The way that it shook and sputtered like it was on its deathbed made you think that maybe it was broken as it half-mushed up the orange, but you could see it was kind of working.
Just then, your boyfriend stumbled out from your bedroom, pulling his jeans on mid-step over his boxers as he groggily mumbled, “Fucks goin’ on?” Turning it off for a second, you looked up to him, “I found a juicer in your cabinet, so I’m making juice.” Steve leaned against the cheap linoleum counter, reaching into the old, grease stained pizza box from the previous night to grab a cold slice of congealed cheese. He furrowed his brow as he shoved it into his mouth, “I had a juicer?” Cocking your head to the side, you looked him up and down before chuckling, “Is that what you’re having for breakfast?” Steve shrugged, tossing the pizza down onto the counter to wipe his mouth, “Yeah- breakfast of champions, man. Wha’d you got?”
Grabbing a clean enough glass from the sink and rinsing it, you placed it under the spout of the juicer and opened it, letting an unimpressive amount of orange juice trickle out. A shot glass would’ve been better to hold it, but you still held it up like you were proud of it. As Steve raised an eyebrow at the glass, you snatched the pizza off of the counter and took a big bite of it. He cracked a smile at your eagerness, “Oh sure, yeah, help yourself.” It didn’t taste half bad, you thought, and eyes twinkled when his sarcasm fell apart as he eyed your juice, “Can I have some’a that?”
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artemis-lynn · 3 months
Ok. So. I've been needing to make this for a while, so I'll just put down my favorites in no particular order, it's SO hard to pick...
Summer Camp AUs :3
Mountain Ridge Camp for Boys by timetogoslumming
Javey & Sprace, T, 22/22
This is a really good summer camp AU of newsies! I love how it combines canon plot with a modern AU!
Summary: David was just looking for a summer job when he applied to work at Mountain Ridge Camp for Boys. He had no idea how much would change. For the first time in his life, David is part of a brotherhood, but not everyone is on the same side.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation by studentnumber24601 (Itsy Royal)
Javid & Specs/Dutchy (Sputchy?? Idk, but I <3 this ship) & Blink x OC, T, 40/40
The prank war in this is honestly the best + the reluctant ladies man Mush is LOL, it had me guessing the ships till the very end, especially with Blink.
Summary: Modern-day newsboys at summer camp. Will wacky hijinks ensue? Gee, ya think?
Make Off Like a Band(it) by thespiritscalling
Sprace, G, 14/14
OMG. It's the funniest summer camp au I've read that sheds light on band camp (I'm an orchestra kid so this was hilarious to me). I especially love the That's Amore remix near the end lmaoo
Summary: It's the summer after graduation. Race is ready to hit the road- metaphorically, of course- but before that happens, it's time for one last stint at the Camp To End All Camps: band camp. Armed with nothing more than a French horn, two best friends, and reckless abandon, Race decides it's going to be the best final year of camp anyone's ever had. It'll be full of excitement, laughter, music, and an absurd crush on the lead trumpet player. Wait. What?
Canon Era :3
Their Mistake Is They Got Old by PenzyRome
David & Katherine, but the side ships are Newsbians and Javey, T, One Shot
You're gonna need the tissues for this one. I literally sob every time I read it, it's literally one of the best fics I've ever read. It's poetically tragic and heartbreaking and beautiful and HOLY CRAP!
Summary: Katherine Plumber, 17, had been so sure that she could stay the same, that she could stop the world, that she'd stay young forever. The world kept moving, though, no matter how hard she tried to stop it, and it forced her to move with it.
When Manhattan Met Brooklyn by warrior_sif
No ships cause they're kids, T, 4/4 (but the second one isn't finished :( )
Wow. Just wow. This one is honestly sad and I love the brother relationship between Jack, Race, and Spot and how Jack feels abandoned, like Race chose Spot over him. READ IT.
Summary: The only Manhattan newsies that Spot Conlon deals with are Jack and Race. A look back at how they met, eight years before the strike, when neither Jack nor Spot were leaders and Race just wants to sell at the racetracks.
False Rumors and The Truth Behind Them by FrogmanFae
Sprace, M, One Shot
This one is...heavy. The Refuge is such a bad place :( I love it though, the writing is beautiful.
Summary: Rumor has it that Spot Conlon and Racetrack Higgins met when Race started selling in Brooklyn because of his love for gambling. That isn't as true as the other boys in their lodging houses tend to make it seem. Though, they don't necessarily mind the false rumors. They hide the much darker truth. The truth that still causes Race to make the walk from Manhattan to Brooklyn in the middle of the night sometimes, even several years later. Or...It's pretty easy to form connections with someone you're forced into sharing a bed with while you're both being tortured.
The King & The Cowboy by goldenbiebah
Sparah <3, Spot/Sarah/Jack love triangle, T, 11/? (not completed :sob: )
I love this one, it really touches on how Jack is kinda toxic and how Sarah can have someone wayyyy better *cough* Spot *cough*
Summary: Spot Conlon and Jack Kelly are the fearless leaders of all the newsies in Brooklyn and Manhattan. They have a perfect system and hundreds of boys who respect and look up to them. But what will happen when the two leaders let selfishness and pride break up their friendship? And what happens when Spot's dark past begins to catch up with him? And where does Sarah Jacobs fit into all of this? Find out in The King & The Cowboy. Fights will break out, romances will clash, and lives will be lost in an epic struggle to salvage both new and old relationships.
Modern AUs :3
We Are Newsies by VeronicaWeasley (this is my sole ff.net one but likeeee it's too good to be ignored)
There are so many ships that I can't remember but I do know Sprace is one, T, 80/80 (I know that's a lot but it is SO worth it holy frick)
Ok. So. This one is like SO good. It's my fav high school AU because it has a really genius way of incorporating the canon plot with the perfect amount of angst, fluff, and more! :D
Summary: The same old story, the same old song. A tale in which the newsies of Lower Manhattan go on strike, and David Jacobs gets roped into it. High School AU set in 1999. Told through the eyes of multiple characters.
Captivity by Hexmari
No ships :), M, One Shot
I LOVEEE this one it's so crazy and you're in for a wild ride when (it's so cute that you think I'm letting that be an if :) ) you read it.
“Ma– you seriously can’t do this to us!” Jack argued, “I mean it's Halloween!”
Charlie was quick to back his older brother up, “Yeah, do you want us to become hermits? Because that's what keeping us captive here all night will do!”
Medda rolled her eyes, “You will not become hermits by staying in for one night. It won’t be too bad, you can break into our Halloween candy and put on some horror movies, and Ester will be here with David soon. No kids are going out tonight, it’s just a safety precaution. Especially because of recent events.”
When a kid in their town goes missing, paranoid parents decide to keep their kids home on Halloween. Even after their mom forbids them from going out Jack, Race, Charlie, and their friend David sneak out, coming up with a theory that their old neighbor is behind the boy's disappearance.
The Beast of Brooklyn by ArtemisRayne
Sprace + side Javey, M, 26/26
This one is soooo worth staying up late for, it's amazing in every way and my heart aches for Spottie boy. And Race. And Jack. And David. But mainly Spot :)
Racetrack Higgins always thought it would be his own vices that got him into trouble one day; turns out it's his Ma who does it for him. When Ma Higgins crosses the local drug lord and leaves him high and dry with a target on his back, Race's saved by a mysterious stranger who gives him a safe place to hide—a short-tempered and anti-social stranger covered in horrifying scars, with a past as dark as the marks on his body. However, the longer Race spends in the Brooklyn house, the more he comes to discover about the boy beneath the scars: a boy who is just as trapped as Race and twice as damaged. Befriending the two men who live in as hired help, and chipping away at the mysterious "boss" and his walls, Race might even manage to find a place to call home.*Beauty & the Beast/Beastly AU fusion*
Forever With You by 손 현숙 (safarikalamari)
Sprace, T, 14/14
ajlskdfjalkjdkajl this one is so sweet. The concept of it is super interesting and I just LOVE ittttttt.
Summary: In 1899, Spot Conlon is the leader of the Brooklyn newsies, writing away his thoughts and hiding them inside his desk for safekeeping. Meanwhile, in 1999, Tony Higgins receives an antique desk for his birthday and finds an old letter stuffed in one of the slots, the name, Spot, his only lead in this mystery. What becomes of that summer is a series of time-traveling letters, falling in love, and the realization that Spot and Tony know each other better than the two ever could have imagined.
Pirate AUs :3
The Truth About The Stars by ArtemisRayne
Javey + side Sprace, T, 10/10 (long chapters but it's worth it!)
OMG. This one is amazingggggggggggggggggggggggg I love the fantasy/pirate twist on the best movie/musical on the planet Earth!
Summary: The rest of the world might not think Jack Kelly is destined for much, but Jack knows better. He just needs to get away from the city, to some place where he can be more than just another nameless orphan in the chaos of New York City. So when someone offers to pay his way to Santa Fe in exchange for crossing the Wall and retrieving a fallen star, he jumps at the chance. He just wasn't expecting the star to be so, well, human. Jack makes a deal with the fallen star named David to get them both home, but the magical kingdom of Stormhold has so much more in store for them both. People are tracking David, secrets from Jack's past leave him in danger as well, and injustice is rampant in the kingdom. Throw in a climate of political upheaval, a renegade noblewoman, and a crew of fugitive sky pirates, and soon all of Stormhold will know that change is coming.
A Pirate's Life Is Never Easy by ChaosFairytale <3
Sprace + side Blush & Bumlets x Swifty, M, 9/? (it's an ongoing one shot series that has frequent updates)
OML I LOVE U SO MUCH CHAOS YOU'RE MY FAVORITE FANFIC WRITER AND I LIVE FOR YOUR WRITING TYSM FOR EXISTING!!!!! Her writing is the best and this is such a good story! (read Toss A Coin To Your Pirate first)
Summary: A Pirate's story doesn't start easy and it won't end easy, but there are many fantastic stories to tell throughout it. A series of One-Shots set in the "Toss a coin to your Pirate" universe containing different POVs, Backstory of a lot of characters and shorter stories about the relationships of the characters over the years.
Toss A Coin To Your Pirate by ChaosFairytale <333
Sprace + side Javid and Blush, M, 2/2
YUSSS CHAOS AGAIN!!!! <3 a million kudos. She writes almost exclusively about 92sies and I'm so here for it! READ THIS!!!!!!
Summary: Racetrack hadn't expected to see his hook-up ever again and had certainly not expected him to be the feared pirate Spot Conlon, but he also didn't have time to worry about that right now since his captain, Jack, desperately needed his help. He'd wonder later how he could maybe seduce the pirate captain once more. Because you'd miss every shot you didn't take, right?
Drumroll please...my all time favorite fanfiction....
FIVE by stress
Sparah + Davey/OC/Jack love triangle <3, T, 11/11
I finished reading this last night and got literal chills. The plot twist is wild and I love it so much, but you might need the tissues again! Can't spoil, but you NEEEEEEEEEEEEED to read it >:( It is the absolute best piece of reading on the Earth and I can't get over this. It's just...wild.
Summary: A lot can happen in five years. Don't believe me? Ask David. Ask Spot. Ask Jack, or Racetrack. You can even ask Oscar Delancey. They know. They're the five who've been waiting for this moment. Waiting for what? They'll never tell - but this story will.
Idk if I should be doing this....but I'm gonna plug my own work and also give a fanfic update!
What Feels Like a Thousand Years by yours truly, ArtemisLynn
Sprace + mentioned Jatherine, G (?), One Shot
I'm honestly so proud of this one, it's one of the best pieces of writing I have ever done...
Summary: War has always been a foreign concept to Racetrack Higgins.. Even when America goes to war in 1941, he never gives it much thought....until it hits a little too close to home and his secret boyfriend, Spot Conlon, is drafted into the U.S Army. Will he make it home safely, or will Racetrack's one and only love be lost overseas...forever?
I also have chapter 1 of Jack Kelly's Guide to Being a Parent out, though I don't know if I'm going to complete it....
Fics I'm working on: -I have a couple chapters of this one boarding school newsies modern AU I'm doing done but not posted
-A Sparah fanfic that currently is in the early stages
-A Sparah princess bride AU in the planning process
-I'm toying with the idea of a newsies Descendants AU....thoughts?
Damn this post became long. ANYWAYS. Bye and have a great (insert timezone)!!!
<3 Artie
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dustyy-angel · 1 year
The Best Newsies Thing submissions
Race's cigar
Jack Kelly
The money the movie didn't make
King Of New York
Davey Jacobs
David Jacobs (movie)
Seize The Day
Crutchie (uksies)
Trans Racetrack headcanons
92sies Mush's front flip during Carrying The Banner
Spot Conlon (movie)
King Of New York (movie)
Newsies fanfiction
Kid Blink (movie)
The tony awards performance
Spot Conlon (uksies)
The chair Mike Faist fell through
Ben Cook kicking himself in the face
Jeremy Jordan attempting to dance and almost falling on his face during the proshot bows
Bill and Darcy
Albert (uksies)
Christian Bale falling over every time he tries to dance
Race (movie)
Santa Fe
Les pretending to smoke his candy to imitate Jack
Musical Davey's character development
Mush (movie)
The Delancey brothers
"The woild is yer erster"
Bumlets spinning on the ceiling fan
Jack Kelly (uksies)
Stray x Lucky (uksies)
Santa Fe (movie)
"Hi i'm Andrew Keenan-Bolger and I play Crutchie in disney's Newsies"
Dancing with the stars performance
Carrying The Banner
Carrying The Banner (movie)
"Our man Denton!"
Bryan Denton (movie)
Unemployed by Joshua Burrage and Ben Cook
Ben warming up and Andrew putting on multiple pairs of headphones
Sarah Jacobs (movie)
Specs (Ryan Steele)
Jack Kelly (movie)
Katherine (uksies)
Out There in Santa Fe by Ben Fankhauser
"I am a kooOOOoiiiii"
Andy Richardson crawling around like something from a horror movie
Ben and Sky dancing to What If I Go
“Forget about Trey. Where’s my fucken chair?”
Andrew forgetting the strike sign
Kara accidently throwing the broom into the orchestra pit
Corey Cott singing the Santa Fe key change four bars early
"It's oyster Race" "THATS WHAT I SAID"
Les Jacobs (movie)
Letter From The Refuge
Once And For All
Skittery (movie)
Jess LeProtto falling into the orchestra pit
Finches slingshot
Gay/Trans awakenings caused by the movie
Za Zooming Out
"Up stays, uh upstairs"
Bad weather and shopping
Tommy Bracco pep talks
Letter From The Refuge (Ben Cook edition)
Anthony Rosenthal's vlogs
Newsies fanart
Seize The Day (movie)
Blood Drips Heavily On Newsies Square
The stage directions for Jack shaking Roosevelt's hand
Jeremy Jordan
Ben Fankhauser
Newsies Got Swag
Brooklyn's Here
WWH (reprise) at broadway bakes and Cory keeps messing up
Anything You Can Do by Mike Faist and Adam Kaplan
Ben and Lavon singing Something To Believe In
"AAAHHHHHHHH" "See this, this is Newsies"
92sies Jack saying "ambastards" instead of ambassadors
"Tell me how quitting does Crutchie any good" "Dszahdh"
Crutchie swearing in uksies
The amount of ass-slapping in livesies
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