#king of staying in your own lane
wrenhavenriver · 10 months
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We meet again. As predicted.
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linkedin-offficial · 5 months
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to forgive or forget
more lore for what ive got going on with carnival hero, for those who wanted to know why he doesnt particularly like kinger.
i like to think kinger was working on the code to remove the collars for a hefty amount of time. poor kinger tried so hard to perfect the code to release his people, but it was particularly hard for obvious reasons. he tried it so many times ; and when it finally worked, it was like a miracle. queenie, along with everyone else was overjoyed!
of course, it wasnt entirely perfect. sometimes, things go wrong when you take your excitement for granted. sacrifices get made, sometimes accidentally. the lovely king ends up forgetting about this sacrifice that was made, like he always does. the reason why shes gone fades in his mind like a bruise.
but others dont forget, nor forgive. hero never forgot this unnecessary sacrifice. he understood everything clearly after that. the collars are there for a reason. sometimes its better to be safe, to stay in ones own lane. to stay confined where you belong, where to remain unchanged is promised. for the greater good.
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Who is Vegetta?
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Had to wait until my hands stopped shaking for this one, I love Vegetta so much. He was recently — miraculously — announced for the QSMP, so here's a rundown for English fans of both who he is and his lore. 
Vegetta777 is a Spanish Youtuber who is one of, if not THE biggest pillar of the Spanish community. He's been doing content for over 15 years now.
He's the creator of the Karmaland series, which he started when he was around Quackity's age.
I cannot emphasize enough: Vegetta doesn't do series or events or tournaments EVER, so him accepting the invitation is a huge deal. This was his exact commentary on it:
Vegetta: Quackity me invitó hace tiempo y le dije que no suelo entrar a series que yo puedo controlar, pero le he dado ese voto de confianza, además le pregunté como sería la serie porque no quería nada competitivo y quackity me dijo que no me preocupara por nada. [...] Si yo confíe en quackity y él confío en mi para Karmaland pues yo le doy ese voto de confianza para esta serie que está haciendo y además se le veía emocionado al chaval, si te soy sincero, Quackity el hijo de Rubius de cierto modo Translation: Quackity invited me a while ago and I told him that I don't usually enter series that I can't control, but I have given him that vote of confidence, I also asked him how the series would be because I didn't want anything competitive, and Quackity told me not to worry about anything (does this confirm QSMP is an RP server? 🤔) [...] If I trust Quackity and he trusts me for Karmaland, well, I give him that vote of confidence for this series he's doing. And also the boy looked excited, if I'm honest, Quackity's the son of Rubius in a certain way. (🥺💕)
Vegetta is very fond of Quackity after interacting with him in Karmaland 5, and he's spoken multiple times about how much Quackity's impressed him. He also said Quackity will be bigger than him someday :') He's very supportive of the new generation, and he spoke highly of Spreen today too.
Vegetta is one of the most talented Minecraft builders out there, and he's fast
While most of the other Karmaland boys were still living in basic houses, Vegetta built a CASTLE within a super short time
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Vegetta loves cats. In Karmaland he had an entire cat rescue with 50+ cats (and yes, he’s named every single one of them). IRL, he shares lots of adorable cat photos and videos. 
His skin, like his name, is based on the Dragon Ball character Vegeta. Vegetta777 is basically the yassified version of Vegeta (just like Phil is the yassified version of Uruhara).
In Karmaland 5, Vegetta was a bit of a wizard, and he had a flock of crows / ravens (remind you of anyone?) 
Vegetta is sometimes called "the father of Minecraft", so many people (myself included) are ESPECIALLY excited to see him and Phil interact because they have a lot of similarities.
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Vegetta is one of the heroes of Karmaland and the unofficial leader of their group. In terms of lore, he's essentially a demigod / minor god, though it's not as direct as Sapo  Peta's contact with them.
Vegetta is typically a staunch rule-follower, however, since he's not in control of the series, he said: "I feel like Rubius: 'Let's see what I can do to destroy everything, let's look for all the legal loopholes,' get ready Quackity, I'm the new Rubius!" (LMAO)
Vegetta’s the king of “stay in your own lane” he never gets into drama or gets involved in controversies, he just watches the dumpster fires from the sidelines like the rest of us
He almost never wears a shirt in the series (and honestly? Good for him)
His character is also, canonically, absolutely shredded
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It's impossible to talk about Vegetta's lore without also talking about Rubius, so buckle in because this one's a doozy. I can't cover everything without this post becoming longer than it already is, but I'll do my best to summarize what I can:
Starting with Karmaland 4 and continuing into Karmaland 5 and beyond, Rubius and Vegetta have created the world's most torturous slow-burn telenovela-esque love story.
Rubegetta (Rubius x Vegetta) is the most popular Karmaland ship that, to some extent, has become an inside joke between the boys and the community. I'll elaborate on this more in Rubius' post.
To simplify years and years of lore and drama, Rubius and Vegetta love each other, but they are incapable of being in an actual relationship. I've talked about it in depth before, but Vegetta said it best in this metaphor-filled exchange with Sapo Peta and Willy: Sapo Peta: I wanted to ask you about your relationship with that Rubius guy. Vegetta: Oh, yes well Rubius likes to be with me a lot, but at the same time he likes to snack everywhere, and he never finishes eating the morcilla (blood sausage). Sapo Peta: So he rejects you? Vegetta: It's not that he rejects me, it's that it doesn't finish clearing up, you know? We could say that our relationship is like a hamburger. WiIIy: You prepare it and he doesn't eat it. Vegetta: Exactly, he doesn't finish you know?
Or, as another person phrased it:
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The fault doesn't just lie with Rubius however; Vegetta himself can be pretty oblivious.
In Karmaland 4, despite the fact Rubius and Vegetta had a kid together and got married, it still didn't resolve anything. As soon as the vows were said and they were married, Rubius revealed it was all just a ploy to get Vegetta's diamonds and immediately asked for a divorce.
You can watch a translated animation of the entire wedding here.
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In Karmaland 5, after deciding he'd had enough of Rubius' BS, Vegetta decided to marry someone else (Lolito), but Rubius burst in at the last moment to stop the wedding. We all thought he'd finally confess his love and stop being so emotionally constipated, but instead he proposed to Lolito solely so Vegetta would remain single. (They're a mess, what can I say)
To quote a meme shared by another Spanish fan, Vegetta's reaction to that was basically: “You don’t want me to be with you, and you don’t want me to be with someone else. How miserable do I have to be for you to be happy?”
I do want to emphasize that even though Rubius and Vegetta sometimes have relationship issues / communication issues, it doesn’t diminish their friendship in the slightest. Even after both wedding disasters, they were back to speaking to each other the next week, being flirty and laughing together. Yes, they have issues, but their love for each other remains – despite everything.
(I should also note here that, even while engaged to Lolito, Vegetta was still flirty with Rubius).
Vegetta is very close friends with Luzu, who supported him during the fallout from both failed marriages.
In Karmaland 4, Rubius and Vegetta had a son named Brayan Dobluque (a mix of both their names).
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There's too much Rubegetta lore for me to cover everything, but Glay has a massive thread of translated Rubegetta clips I highly recommend watching if you'd like more context.
One clip I recommend is the Meteor date, which is one of the few instances where Rubius is honest vis-à-vis his emotions with Vegetta.
As a whole, their friendship / relationship is a romcom novela for sure, but sometimes they'll catch you off-guard with some romantic BS that'll make your heart ache. They really do love each other; they just don't know how to commit.
Vegetta is bi! (Both real life Vegetta and character Vegetta). Pretty much every single character in Karmaland is on the ‘ol rainbow spectrum somewhere.
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Lore aside, I feel like Vegetta, and pretty much all the Karmaland boys in general, have the least machismo (toxic masculinity) I've ever seen. They're all genuinely sweet guys who aren't afraid to be flirty and play gay characters in their queer little telenovela Minecraft series. (With the exception of Willy, who we like to joke is the "token straight friend"). Vegetta's a cool guy, and he's a great addition to the QSMP. I'm excited for you all to meet him!
Other info posts:
Who is Sapo Peta? | Who is Luzu? | Who is Spreen?
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xoxo-sarah · 9 months
Deserved it
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↝a/n: I need a better title for this. Also this has been in my notes app for so long and I've been too scared to post it.
↝pairing:Steve Harrington x fem!Hargrove!reader
↝ Warning: Billy, Reader is Billy's twin sister, angst , fighting, blood, arguing, slight smut, making out, not proofread
↝⎙ 9.9.23
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"I have a hard time believing that." Oh- your smile. How could you look so much like Billy, yet so different? In a good way, of course. One thing that you didn't physically have that was the same was your smile. Yours was, well, nicer. More friendly. Less intimidating.
"I'm serious! Look- ask Nance." If you didn't know any better, you'd probably say he was practically begging you to believe him.
"I dunno, I just can't picture a guy like you being a ladies man."
"Okay, ouch."
Laughing, you couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of playfully picking on this poor soul.
"I was literally known as King Steve-"
That's how it all started. Playful banter between a kid who peaked in highschool and a new girl who had everyone's eyes on her and her own brother. Apparently, your family moving to Hawkins was a huge favor for everyone. You're welcome. You'd probably tell everybody, given the chance.
"Stay away from that Harrington boy." Billy puffed at his cigarette, before flicking it absentmindedly onto the dry ground.
"Oh, first name basis now?" He scoffed, drumming his fingers on the car roof.
"-Is trouble. He's looking for some dumb broad to pick up and have a good time."
"Billy, I don't really care what you think. And even if I was into him, that isn't any of your business." He slammed his hands down on the roof of the car, making you jump.
"Y/n," Billy tsked, "you are a lot of things, but a dumb slut isn't one of 'em. Now get in the car." Before you could respond, he sat down in the driver's seat, starting the engine.
Slamming the door, you slung your backpack over your shoulder and turned around.
Billy threw his arms up and huffed as he watched you walk away. Grabbing another cigarette, he lit it, letting you walk a bit ahead before he started driving. If you were going to act like a brat, he was going to treat you like one. He wasn't one to give in to anyone, but you had moments that made his cold heart ache for you, he was always going to be there for you, but only for you. You literally shared a womb together. There's obviously a connection that no amount of sibling back-and-forth could wilt, right?
Hearing an engine roaring, you didn't need to glance back to know who it was. Billy slowed, looking at your side profile, noting your sour expression. "C'mon, Cookie. The weather isn't looking too promising for you to be acting like this." Cookie. The nickname he had made up when he caught you stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar that was on top of the fridge. You were lucky he was the one who caught you. If it had been Neil, you wouldn't have gotten the cookie and a new nickname out of it.
"Fuck off, William."
That, right there, pissed him off to no end.
He sped past you, kicking rocks and dirt behind as he went, swerving in and out of the lane to taunt you.
You scoffed, "Fuckin' dick."
"Watch the floor!" Stopped in your tracks, it took everything in your being to not spin around and smack the shit out of Neil. Here you stood, soaked head to toe, along with your backpack and everything in it, and he was worried about the floor.
"I'll try to keep the water from falling until I get to my room." Giving him a fake smile, you marched to your room, slamming the door.
Almost as soon as the door shut, it opened again and Billy came in. He had to of just came out of the shower, steam rolling off his skin. Walking over to your desk, he picked up your deodorant.
"What do you want now?" You practically barked.
He held his free hand up, "Relax. I ran out." He harshly applied the stick with his other hand.
Yanking the stick from his hand, you scowled. "Buy your own. Get out."
"I don't have any money." He yanked it back, lathering his other armpit."
"Get. A. Job." You now harshly yanked it.
"I have a job, I just haven't gotten paid yet."
"That sucks for you. Get out, now."
"I don't think I will." Billy pulled out your desk chair, running his fingers through his wet curls.
"I will scream at the top of my lungs if you don't get your ass out now."
"Fine, whatever. Don't forget to clean the water up." Looking down, you watched as more water continued to drip from your soaked clothes to the hardwood flooring.
The deodorant went hurling against the door and clanked against the floor as he slammed the door shut behind him.
"Stop slamming the doors!"
The feelings of wanting to claw at your skin was intensifying each time your father opened his mouth.
You were in deep need of a relaxer.
"Billy would kill me- mmph~" As soon as Steve's lips pulled away, yours were chasing them.
"Shut up."
"M'kay." His hands tightened on your thighs as he felt your hips wiggle and closing against his own. Moaning as your pulled at his hair, he didn't have time to be embarrassed. He wanted you. Needed you. Right now.
You had gotten dried off and practically ran to the Harrington's. At first, it was just to blow off some steam, vent, if you will. But Steve had gotten some weed off of a friend and who were you to say no? A relaxer is a relaxer. Things got a little out of hand and you ended up saying a few things no sober person should ever admit. It didn't take much green for you to end up like you were. You were going to blame the plant either way.
Your other hand slid under his shirt, feeling the skin and hair under it. You groaned against his lips, feeling him unbutton your jeans.
Reluctantly, he pulled away, helping you pull his shirt over his head and throw it somewhere on the floor. His hands went back to your thighs as your lips went down his neck, starting at his jaw and going behind his ear and down. You kissed his body as if you were praising it. Every touch of your soft hands left a fire-hot trail, begging for your lips to follow with a cooling effect.
This is surely heaven, he thought.
Steve made a sound, causing you to quickly pull back just as quickly as you had put your hand in his pants and moved lower down his body. Be slowly shook his head, shifting in the seat. "Mmm, no. I want to touch you." Your unsure expression quickly vanished, replaced with a wicked smirk.
"Yeah? How?"
Steve was so glad he has matured from his King Steve days. Younger him would never take the time to worship a woman's body. But yours, oh God, yours deserved every bit of praise and everyone should worship your perfectly imperfect body. Every stretch mark, every crevice, every indent that society deemed 'ugly'. Hell no. He was set on showing you just how much he adored you and your body.
Steve chased after you, having trouble keeping up. "I didn't - I didn't mean for this to-"
"Stop following me."
"Cookie, please."
You spun around, a look of fury in your eyes. He stopped dead in his tracks.
"Stop following me." You repeated, "I never want to see you ever again."
"This wasn't supposed to happen- not like this."
"Oh please, stop with this bullshit." Steve had to stop himself from wincing at the choice of words. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. "Imagine how humiliating this is for me."
"It was stupid! Carol and Tommy-they made some stupid bet and I was drunk and I just couldn't say no for some stupid fucking reason. Please,"
It was true, they were all plastered when the bet was made. You had just shown up, a fresh face and already the talk of the town. Every boy in their grade had said something about you and your body. At first, Steve ignored the cruel, disgusting words and acted like your arrival didn't affect him. You two hadn't talked much, but he had heard the way you talked to Billy, someone you had literally known since birth, your sweet voice yet snippy remarks.
Carol had made some jab, and Tommy had found it weird when Steve didnt laugh. Sure, they had grown apart, but it wasn't that long ago when Steve would make those same remarks. The liquid courage had Steve argue with Tommy on how you would totally not date Steve or anyone like him. The next morning, the terrible hangover has Steve promising himself to never drink again. The horrid memories haunted him until he got to school. Tommy had a group of preppy kids huddles around Steves locker. Apparently, Tommy had opened his mouth and spilled out all of what Steve had said. Multiple guys clapped and went to high-five. "King Steve is back!" What was he supposed to do? Almost everyone knew about what he had said, well, not you or Billy. God. Billy would kill me, he thought.
He was surprised no one had told you when you walked though the school doors. Everyone kept quiet, until 3 weeks later. To be honest, Steve had forgotten about it. Or tricked himself into thinking so. At the beginning, you guys getting closer was purely for the bet, but you were so quick witted, so smart, so pretty, so easy to talk to.
Carol didn't keep quiet for long. Just as you and Steve got so close, skin to skin, breath to breath, heart to heart, Carol had gushed about how Steve actually won some bet. Confused, you listened as both Carol and Tommy told you all about it and about what Steve had said. It didn't help that so many people were standing around, watching everything go down. Steve was lucky Billy wasn't there at that moment either.
He tried to reach for your hands, sighing in defeat when you yanked them away. "Please. I can't- we have something good."
"Do we? You embarrassed- humiliated me. You let it happen. No matter what we have done, it never meant as much to you as it did to me."
"It did. It does. Everything we did meant everything to me. Y/n, please."
"She warned me about you, ya know. Everyone did."
"Nancy. She warned me about you. You only ever want one thing."
He was at a loss of words, flabbergasted. "What?"
"You got it. So you can leave me alone now."
Steve watched as you walked away, mouth hung open. He didn't know whether to go after you, or marinate in what you had said.
What did Nancy say and why?
Turning a corner in the supermarket, you didn't expect to almost run into something, or someone. "Shit-sorry."
The girl waved you off, fixing her hair. She looked up, watching as you picked up the loaf of bread you had dropped.
"Y/n, right? Billy and Max's sister."
You looked at her curiosity. "Yeah, you?"
"Nance. Nancy."
"Nancy Wheeler?" Her cheeks became red. You had heard of her.
"Steve has told me alot about you."
Her face fell a little. "What has he said?"
Alarm showed on your face. He hadn't specifically talked about her, just about how they used to be together and how she could vouch for him being a total took a year or two back.
"Oh, just about how you were together."
Well, this is awkward.
"Yeah." Yeah.
"Ya know, he told me to ask you about his King Steve days." Her own face didn't have the same playful smile yours did. It was unsettling.
"Did he now?"
You looked at her confused, what had you just unleashed?
Apparently it was a lot.
Steve tried everything to get you to talk to him. He called, never getting an answer, or when someone did pick up, it was either your dad, the clueless mom of Max, or Billy. He brought you flowers that stayed on your porch and rotted. He tried talked to you in school. He never got a response out of you. It was as if you didn't see him.
He deserved it.
One night, he thought it would be a good idea to try one more time when the parents left for date. You were surely home, he didn't know about Max and Billy, but he didn't really care.
He knocked on the door, 1, 2, 3 times.
"Y/, come on, please! I'm sorry!" His head dropped against the door. He was desperate at this point. Even if you opened the door and told him you hated his guts, he would be beyond grateful to just hear your voice on last time. He'd understand you.
Hearing someone making their way to the door, he fixed his posture, waiting.
Right after the door opened, a blow was delivered straight to Steve's left cheek. He staggered back, his back hitting a pole keeping the screening up around the porch.
"You gonna make another bet about my sister, Harrington? You just can't leave her alone, can you?"
Billy's hands continued to pushed at Steve, pushing him further off the porch and into the yard. Insult after insult was thrown at Steve, he could only take it, keeping his mouth shut. He deserved it.
Was he hearing things? Had Billy hit him one too many times? Your sweet voice rang through his head, bouncing around, wrapped his throbbing brain in a silk bandage, kissing it better as if it was a simple scratch. "Get off of him! Damn it!" The blows at Steve's side stopped. This time, Billy went staggering back after you had pushed him off of the hunched over boy.
You were too nice.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Billy bellowed. He threw his bloody hands up towards Steve. "You're gonna let him get away with humiliating you?"
"You're gonna kill him!" You made a point to look at the blood dripping from his knuckles and then to Steve's bleeding nose and swelling eye.
"He deserves it!"
"That is not your place!" Billy closed his mouth, looking at you in pure disbelief. You had just yelled at him, truly raised your voice, not one ounce of familiarity behind those eyes that burned in hatred. Your eyes softened, biting your lip before going to apologize. "Billy," before you could continue, he stomped towards the house, bumping into Max, who watched the whole thing.
After looking at the door, contiplating what to do next. You would deal with Billy later. Steve had to be gone by the time your father got back.
"What we had-"
" ‘what we had’? We fucked, Steve. That's it." You sounded tired, exhausted.
Steve stood hunched over, at a loss of words. It wasn't just a simple fuck. There was something there. He felt it, surely you did too. Your bodies fit together too perfect for a simple fling. His hands wouldn't remember every curve of your body for a simple fuck that didn't mean anything what so ever. He refused to take that for an answer. Even if it took a while to show you that you did mean more, he'd do just that.
He turned, walking towards his car.
"Steve," you called out, "you're hurt-"
"I got it."
He didn't waste any time getting in his car and leaving.
If you wanted space, he'd give you space. He'd find a way to make it up to you, even if it took a lot of time and a lot of different ideas and apologies. You both needed time to heal, emotionally and physically.
•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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magnorious · 3 months
Pixar’s Cars is still way better than people give it credit for
Am I writing an essay on a kids movie that fell out of relevance after the last sequel seven years ago? Yes. Is it my favorite background animated movie to put on whenever I’m working? Yes.
It goes without saying that Pixar’s catalog is still topped by movies like Incredibles, Toy Story 2, Up, Inside Out, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille, etc. Cars sat at the bottom of Pixar’s “best of” list until its sequel came out and people realized how bad Pixar movies could actually be.
But you know what? I love Cars. Is the story as deep and moving and profound as some of the others? No. But it was made with love and after what feels like the past 8 years of resounding “meh” coming from Hollywood and some of the most shameless cash grabs pretending they’re not, Cars remains my feel-good movie. It doesn’t have that classic Pixar “cry your eyes out” moment, no dead parents, no chosen ones, decently low stakes. It’s a good time, anytime.
Why I’m writing this now, though, is because of this: I knew already that the King and Chick were based off real racers, and Lightning’s “McQueen” is another homage, but I looked up if Doc was also based on a famous racer during my last rewatch and found this on Wikipedia:
Doc’s car model, the Hudson Hornet, was manufactured from 1951-1953 for its original run. In 1954, its manufacturer merged with another company and the Hornet was heavily remodeled to boost sales, only the popularity of the car never recovered. It stayed in production until ‘57. It was used in racing and that’s where Doc’s paint job in the finale draws inspiration.
But do you remember what his backstory is? 3 back-to-back Piston Cups from ‘51-’53, a crash in ‘54 that saw him rebuilt, and obsolescence upon his return.
People complain that they “didn’t need to be cars” in this movie. They’re not like the toys in Toy Story where the plot and message depends on them not being human. They’re not like the fish in Finding Nemo. They could have just been humans who drive race cars and it raises more questions than it answers.
You are wrong, Sir.
Doc’s backstory is why they had to be cars. They aren’t human because the story depends on them being machines – as Cars 3 explores more deeply. A human endurance runner can train to be the fastest, running against other humans with the same chances at success (ignoring steroids and socioeconomic opportunity). Humans aren’t running foot races against mutants or aliens where, no matter what we do, we will lose by nature of what we are.
Cars do. A car model is beholden to its manufacturing and all the complications that come with it. Cars are objects that, like toys, have obsolescence built into them. There is no “outdated” way to run a foot race.
So yes, Doc has a Tragic Backstory(tm) but it’s not just that he was some great master at the top of his game once that faded from glory like any human who got too old. He’s a car, and no matter how good he was, how many Piston Cups he won, the powers that be that made newer models with better mileage and efficiency and mechanics were always going to dethrone him.
The movie isn’t about him, though, it’s about another rookie. A rookie who lives life in the fast lane and thinks his time in the spotlight is never going to end when Doc can look at him and know exactly how wrong he is. Lightning is a race car too and, regardless of the existence of Cars 3, Lightning will also inevitably become obsolete no matter what he does to fight it.
I doubt the writers were going for this when they wrote it but that they’re machines is also a criticism of how we treat celebrities. Lightning is an entertaining story until the next shiny starlet emerges and, through no fault of his own, he’s kicked to the curb for the “new”. And that new will be cast aside for the next new and so on and so forth and the only winner is the greedy producer making money off their cash cow until they drain it dry.
Yes, the movie is about appreciating life and the things that you do have and “the friends we made along the way” but that they’re machines matters. Had they all been human, the movie would have lost half its message, and half the tragedy. If they were human driving cars, Doc wasn’t written with a disability so he could have, in theory, hopped back behind the wheel of a new car and still won against younger drivers. He’s not human, he’s a car, and he isn’t built to go as fast as newer models.
Age affects everyone, but a world made by machines that pits machines against other machines in an endurance test is inherently rigged when the machinery being tested can always improve.
It is unfortunate that both Doc and the King go out in wrecks (even though the poetry is nice) and the story doesn’t explore the existential obsolescence of being a machine designed to only do so well and be improved upon – even Lightning still has to wreck out of his big race in Cars 3 before he starts losing to the newer models.
But maybe having a Cars movie that does explore the existential obsolescence of a machine might have gone over kids’ heads. Or, maybe not? They pulled off some very mature themes in Incredibles with marriage problems and presumed infidelity that kids probably didn’t understand but still knew was not good for the characters.
Not to mention all the other wonderful details in this movie: The car-pun cities on all the license plates, the tire tracks in the sky and car-shaped natural phenomena, all the creative sponsoring brands on the racers.
How the “Life is a Highway” montage hits you over and over again with a straight road that cuts through the winding nature (the snaking river, the mountains sliced open to make room), industry that stops for nothing and scars everything in its path.
If you haven’t watched this movie in a while, do yourself a favor and find time to do so.
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sophie1973 · 18 days
Bloodstream - Chapter 3
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Here it is, chapter 3 of Bloodstream.
You can read on AO3, or under the cut.
Thank you so much Lauren @ash-morrison for the beautiful moodboard.
London, Drury Lane, September 1885
Alex Claremont-Diaz is nervous.
Never mind that he is a grown man of 28 years old (forever, although not by choice) and a big, scary vampire (He’s not. Nora says he’s a big Teddy Bear trapped in a vampire’s body. She’s not wrong.)
Tonight, he’s meeting Arthur Fox.
Or so he hopes.
He, June, and Nora saw him onstage when they spent a few months in London 15 years ago. After a decade in Boston—where June landed a position at a prestigious journal, and Alex settled for a mundane job at a small law firm—their eternal youth, conspicuous, drew too much attention. So, once more, they packed their bags and left.
Back to England.
This time, though, Alex doesn't quite feel the usual pang of regret at leaving it all behind.
It’s not that he enjoyed third-wheeling his sister and her partner, but she had been adamant he would come with them to England and not stay behind on his own in America.
He had not protested, understanding his sister's insistence and the importance of this new chapter in their lives.
Upon settling in London, one of his initial endeavors was procuring tickets for Drury Lane, specifically for the upcoming performance starring Arthur Fox in King Lear. Alex had also caught wind of a post-show tradition: Arthur occasionally emerged from the backdoor to distribute signed photographs to his admirers.
June and Nora had come to see the performance but had declined the backdoor. Arthur Fox was married to a slayer in one of the most prominent lines, so they were not keen on getting too close.
Not that Arthur Fox would be able to guess what they were, but whatever, Alex was still taking that opportunity. Obviously, it would be nicer to share his excitement with someone, but it is what it is. Vampirism was only a good basis for long-lasting friendships if you were lucky to meet and bond with another vampire sharing the same interests as you. Still, unfortunately, those were mostly keeping to themselves and not exactly shouting their condition over the rooftops. 
He had made his peace with that. Mostly.
So here he is now, at the backdoor, his heart pounding with eagerness and nervousness, eagerly waiting amongst a few other people for Arthur to appear, exchange a few words with him, and even - if Alex is lucky - shake his hand. He is surprised that there is not a bigger crowd, but it is all the better for him to get a few extra minutes with the great actor.
Discreetly, he wipes his damp palms on his pants.
The door opens, and Arthur appears, all golden hair and a roguish grin. Alex has never been sold on the eternal life schtick, but if it allowed him to live an extra 40 years to enjoy this moment, it was probably worth it.
Arthur steps forward, his presence commanding and his smile captivating. Alex, his heart racing, tries to maintain composure, suppressing the urge to giggle like a virgin debutante as Arthur asks for his name.
“Alex Claremont-Diaz. It is very nice to meet you,” he introduces himself, proud of his steady voice even though he is screaming inside.
“Lovely to meet you too, Alex. Did you enjoy the play?”
This is the moment Alex has been yearning for, a chance to delve into his profound admiration for the play, to share his thoughts, impressions, and interpretations of the scenes and the source material.
Arthur doesn’t interrupt him, even listen rapturously, until Alex catches the bored face of his assistant behind him and stops talking.
“I’m sorry,” he says with a sheepish laugh. “I have this habit of going on a tangent when talking about things I’m passionate about. Feel free to shut me up and send me on my way anytime.”
Arthur's smile widens, his eyes reflecting genuine interest. “No need for apologies, Alex. I would never dream of silencing such a unique perspective. Your insights on the play are truly fascinating.”
And Alex falls a little bit in love.
Arthur turns to the assistant to get a photograph, but the young man shows his empty hands. “I’m sorry, we ran out.”
Alex feels slightly disappointed but knows he's already taken too much time. Nevertheless, he still gets to have an entire conversation with Arthur Fox, which makes him feel incredibly fortunate.
“Oh, that will not do at all,” Arthur protests. “I know I have some left in my dressing room. Why don’t you come with me? You mentioned you saw Much Ado About Nothing a few years ago. What do you think of the conversation between Claudio and Don John at the masked ball in Act 2?”
To his utter astonishment, Alex finds himself following Arthur Fox through the corridors of Drury Lane, chatting about one of his absolute favorite plays.
He can't believe this is his fucking life.
Upon entering the dressing room, they find themselves engrossed in a lively discussion about the characters and happy endings in Shakespeare's plays.
Arthur swiftly grabs a photograph, scribbles his signature, and passes it to Alex.
"Thank you so much," Alex gushes with gratitude.
"Your insights are truly appreciated. It's heartening to know that even within the vampire community, dear old William finds admirers," Arthur remarks with an innocent grin as if he hasn't just dropped a bombshell at Alex's feet.
Fuck. Blindly following Arthur Fox, especially given his marital connections, might not have been the wisest decision after all.
"How?" Alex inquires, unable to conceal his concern. Not that he believes Arthur will suddenly drive a stake through his chest. Sure, being staked by his favorite actor would carry a certain poetic irony, but he hasn't anticipated his sorry existence ending tonight.
Arthur smiles and nods to Alex’s right hand. "Your daylight ring. I'm a Wizard, Alex. I've supplied a few of your kind with those."
Alex hesitates, processing the information before a quirky thought bubbles to the surface: "How does that sit with your mother-in-law?"
With a crinkle of his nose followed by a chuckle, Alex responds, "Let's just say she's not exactly a Shakespeare enthusiast nor an enthusiast of mine. But we have an understanding, and I try not to let her poison my kid’s brains.." He gestures proudly to the family photos adorning the wall. "Meet Philip, Beatrice, and the youngest, Henry," he says, a loving look in his eyes as Alex lingers a bit on the last photograph of a beautiful young man, all blond eyes and clear eyes, a soft smile on his plump lips. A small mole is on the upper right of his mouth, and Alex is strangely fascinated by it.
“I should head home to them now. Do you need someone to escort you back?"
"No need," Alex assures him. "Thanks again. It's been a pleasure."
Arthur smiles genuinely, extending a handshake. "The pleasure's mine, Alex. Perhaps our paths will cross again."
"If you ever find yourself performing in America, I'll be in the front row. Take care, Mr. Fox."
Exiting the dressing room, Alex's mind buzzes with excitement, eager to share the encounter with June and Nora.
London, Mountchristen-Windsor residence, Mars 1888
Philip has a bad feeling about this meeting.
It’s not unusual for their grandmother to call them into her office to discuss slaying business, but something feels different this time. He can’t quite put his finger on it, but he generally trusts his instincts.
After all, they’ve kept him alive in the field all these years.
It’s why he never revealed to his grandmother that the woman he recently married is a witch.
It’s not that he thinks she could hurt Martha or worse. Her magical practices have dwindled to innocuous potions and healing arts, but he’s not blind or stupid, and he notices how Gran sometimes looks at his father.
It’s not a pleasant look.
It's much like the one she’s wearing now, her face stern and closed off, her gaze piercing and frigid. She’s not a warm woman by any stretch, but something about her demeanor sets off all kinds of alarms in Philip’s head.
Judging by how Henry and Beatrice sit rigidly together on the settee, he’s not alone in his thoughts.
Mary sits behind her desk, looking like a headmistress about to severely punish her unruly pupils.
“It has come to my attention that Henry is spending time with Percy Okonjo.”
Philip’s stomach drops as he turns to his younger brother, whose already pale complexion has gone ashen. He purses his lips and lowers his gaze to his lap as Beatrice releases a soft gasp.
None of this escapes Mary’s attention.
Philip gestures towards Mary, trying to divert her attention while giving Henry a moment to collect himself. "Percy Okonjo comes from a well-respected lineage and is involved in numerous charitable endeavors. He recently inaugurated a new orphanage in Brooklyn."
Mary shoots him a piercing glare. "But he's also a vampire. How did you come to know him?"
"He's not a malevolent vampire," Philip argues, though Mary's expression suggests his efforts are futile. "We run in the same circles. Mom and Dad supported his orphanage initiative, and—" He cuts himself off mid-sentence because he knows he made a mistake just as the words are out.
How bad of a mistake he doesn’t know yet, but the look on Mary’s face doesn’t bode well.
The tension in the room heightens as Mary's gaze narrows. "Is that so?"
He doesn’t answer, a sour feeling crawling at the base of his stomach.
“There are no good or bad vampires, Philip. They are just filthy creatures, and it is our duty to get rid of them, no matter what they look like. Henry is not supposed to engage in any way with them, and he knows better than that, which is extremely disappointing.”
Realizing the futility of further discussion, Philip refrains from elaborating, wary of drawing Mary's ire or endangering Henry further.
Henry, silent until now, betrays his discomfort through tense posture and flushed cheeks. Philip senses his brother's simmering anger just beneath the surface.
“Am I being clear, Henry?”
“Perfectly clear, Gran,” Henry replies. The tone is dry, but thankfully, Mary doesn’t call him on it. 
“I hope so. I would hate to have to take matters into my own hands.” 
The threat is limpid, even ominous, and with one last warning look, she leaves the room, leaving the three of them in various states of shock and confusion.
“Fuck,” Philip mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose and ignoring the surprised looks his siblings throw at him. Indeed, he doesn’t swear often, and certainly not in front of them, but the situation seems to require it.
“She certainly did not seem happy to know about Mom and Dad’s involvement with Percy,” Bea says, her voice quivering slightly and her complexion drained of its usual color. 
“I should have kept my mouth shut, but I honestly thought she knew. Which, in retrospect, is a bit daft on my part,” Philip sighs.
“It’s alright, Pip. You were trying to defend me. Besides, it’s not like they hid anything. It’s only because I spent time with him that she took notice, and we all know why,” Henry chimes in, his face closed and somber. 
Bea reaches for his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.“I’m not sure what offends her the most: that you would shag a man, that he is black, or that he is a vampire.”
“Bea,” Philip chastises her half-heartedly, but when he hears Henry’s soft laugh, he lets out one too. “Probably all three.”
“So,” he adds, “I don’t want to sound alarmist, but I still think we should warn Percy. Just to be on the safe side.”
Beatrice’s eyes widen. “You think she could….? I know Percy is not a peerage member, but he is still a prominent name in society. His…disappearance would definitely cause some stir.” 
"It pains me to admit it, but I believe she could. And she will. I don't want to dwell on the negative possibilities," Philip emphasizes, noticing Henry's distressed expression. "But it's Gran."
"I suppose we should exercise more caution for a while. Percy mentioned expanding the shelters to America; perhaps it's the right time. Like you, I can't trust Gran to remain passive, even if Percy and I no longer cross paths," Henry murmurs softly, clearly disturbed by the thought of parting ways with his closest friend. Philip senses Henry blaming himself for inadvertently involving Percy in their predicament.
"It's just a precaution; I'm sure everything will turn out fine," Philip reassures, though he doubts his own words. Yet, seeing Henry and Bea's tension ease slightly, he feels relief despite deceiving them.
Philip has always trusted his instincts, and the fact that he has been so catastrophically right about them will haunt him for the rest of his days.
Two weeks later, Arthur Fox is found dead in an alley behind Drury Lane, allegedly the victim of a random mugging.
Six weeks later, with the help of Percy, who made arrangements from across the pond, Philip puts his siblings on a ship to America, wishing desperately it won’t be the last he will see of them.
Brooklyn, Prospect Park, April 1891
The situation isn't exactly dire, but with four vampires closing in on Henry, the odds aren't exactly in his favor. However, as they say in America, this isn't his first rodeo. (It's amusing how you pick up expressions when you befriend a Texan vampire with ridiculously long eyelashes, but that's beside the point right now.)
Henry swiftly dispatches two vampires (not that he's boasting). Dealing with the third requires a bit more effort, but he handles it easily (again, not boasting). As he prepares to face the fourth, stake at the ready, the vampire vanishes in a cloud of dust, revealing another vampire with glossy dark curls and an infuriating smirk.
“You’re welcome, your Majesty.”
Henry's heart skips a beat at the warmth in that voice and the mischief in those brown eyes, cursing the effect it always holds on him.  
“I was handling the situation. But I have manners, so thank you, I suppose.”
“Where’s Beatrice?”
“At home. She was feeling a bit under the weather.” 
Alex frowns. “Oh. Will she be alright?”
“Just a migraine. I’ll send her your regards. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.”
There is no sarcasm in his voice, but Alex raises his hands defensively. “Hey, your sister likes me. She hasn’t threatened to stake me in a while.”
Henry’s lips quirks up. “Did she before?”
“Once. Not in so many words, but still. We were talking about you.”
“Ah, yes. Protective older sister.”
Alex rolls his eyes. “Tell me about it.”
"Was that where you've been these past few days? Visiting your sister in Washington?" Henry inquires.
Alex's grin widens. "Ah, so you noticed my absence."
Henry considers denying it but quickly decides against it. What would be the use? He simply shrugs. "Perhaps."
He heads back towards the park entrance, where his carriage awaits, confident that Alex will trail behind. He's starting to understand the vampire's patterns.
True to expectation, Alex follows without fail.
"So... Are you finished for the night?" Alex queries casually.
"I believe so. Why?" Henry responds.
Alex shrugs, a picture of nonchalance. "Care for a drink? The Club on Seventh Avenue might still be open."
Henry’s heart rate quickens its pace. So far, they have shared a few drinks at receptions, but this is different. He knows men often frequent such clubs for political discussions and entertainment over expensive spirits, and he wouldn’t even think twice about going with anyone else. But there is something in Alex’s eyes when he looks at him, especially since that evening in the library. A dangerous glint, a hunger that has nothing to do with his lust for blood and everything to do with pure, carnal desire.  
A temptation Henry knows he must resist, no matter how strong the pull. 
"I should return and check on Bea," he replies, listening to the voice of reason in his mind while silencing the one in his heart.
Disappointment briefly flickers across Alex's face but swiftly transforms into a smile. "Of course. I understand."
Henry's attention drifts as he catches sight of something behind his companion. He tenses, every sense heightened.
"Alex..." he murmurs, the shift in his tone catching the vampire's notice.
"What is it?"
"A werewolf is headed our way."
Alex pivots, spotting the creature further down their path, its fur gleaming in the moonlight.
It seems oblivious to their presence, swaying slightly on its feet and emitting low growls. Henry watches it closely for a moment. This isn't a predatory werewolf; it appears disoriented and lost.
Instinctively, Henry seizes Alex's arm and guides him behind himself. They retreat cautiously, seeking cover behind a nearby tree.
.“Please tell me you have that handy little pistol you pulled on me that first time,” and Henry feels Alex’s exhale of relief against his neck as he fishes out the gun from his coat. 
Alex is standing very close to him, closer than it is strictly necessary, but Henry doesn’t feel the need to call him on it. He already knows the werewolf is not a threat to either of them, but for some reason, having Alex squirming behind him is kind of thrilling. Also, it’s not as if the vampire doesn’t tease him frequently on all sorts of things.    
Alex clears his throat as the werewolf slowly approaches. “What the fuck are you waiting for, Fox? I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how fucking lethal a werewolf scratch would be to little old me, right? And that there’s no cure?”
“Of course I know,” Henry says, eyes still on the creature. Just because he enjoys this moment doesn’t mean he will take any risk with their safety.
“Then shoot it!”
Henry turns to him with a smirk. “Only if you say please.”
The disbelief on Alex’s face at that moment is priceless, prompting Henry to laugh, which attracts the werewolf’s attention.
“Oh shit,” Alex whimpers, and Henry decides to take him out of his misery and pulls the trigger, shooting the creature in the leg. There is a howl of pain as it falls heavily on the grass. 
"Wouldn't it be more efficient to aim for the heart?" Alex quips, dripping with sarcasm. Henry brushes off the comment, moving closer as Alex follows cautiously.
“You’re a little shit, you know that?” he calls out, his tone both exasperated and amused.
Henry laughs again—something that seems to happen a lot when Alex is around, but now is not the time to dwell on that —and by the time he’s kneeling next to the body, the werewolf has returned to its human form. Henry is glad to know his instincts were right.
Alex finally joins him. “Woah. It’s just a kid.”
Henry nods. “He's a fledgling, which is why I shot his leg. He’s been recently turned.”
“You noticed all that while he was walking towards us?” Alex asks, and Henry tries hard not to preen under his impressed tone.
“It’s my job, Alex. Though my Gran would have me exterminate them all, I've learned things aren't always so black and white.”
"Guess having half-demonic blood helps," Alex remarks casually, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.
Henry whips his head around while tending to the young man's wound. "How do you know?"
“Your father told me he was a wizard when I met him in London a few years ago.”
Henry, taken aback, says, "I remember you mentioning seeing him on stage and meeting him once, but you never mentioned having a conversation where he outright told you he was a wizard."
The revelation puzzles Henry. While not entirely a secret, Arthur wasn't one to flaunt his magical abilities, especially after marrying into a lineage of slayers. Discussions about it were rare, particularly in the presence of his grandmother, who harbored evident disapproval of the union and her son-in-law, maintaining a chilly civility towards him.
Now, Henry realizes she was merely biding her time.
His father's openness with Alex that day suggests there was something about him Arthur found trustworthy.
Like father like son, right?
Shaking off the distraction, Henry refocuses. "Well, that's a tale for another day. Will you assist me in getting him into my carriage? I need to take him to Percy."
Alex does a double-take. "Percy? As in Percy Okonjo?"
"The very same."
"You're acquainted with Percy Okonjo?"
"He's my best mate, Alex. Haven't you noticed us conversing at recent gatherings?"
"No! Wait... Percy Okonjo is your best friend? Vampire Percy Okonjo?"
Henry, growing irritated, crosses his arms. "Repeating his name several times will not summon him magically. How do you know him?"
"I've been assisting him with the shelters, contributing financially when possible, and aiding newly turned vampires. I met him a few months after he settled in New York."
"Seriously?" Henry reflects on his recent chat with Percy, where the latter had played coy about Alex. "That little weasel," Henry grumbles, though he knows it's unfair. Percy was just respecting Alex's privacy, much like he does for Henry.
"Oh, come on..."
Henry sighs. "I wasn't talking about you. Never mind about that. Can you help me or not?"
"I can, but we're not done talking about this," he remarks as Henry grabs the unconscious young man by the shoulders while Alex grabs his legs, and they head towards the park entrance.
“I’m serious, Henry,” Alex persists, and Henry rolls his eyes. Does that man ever stop yapping? It’s endearing, but now is really not the time."I need to know everything about the slayer and his vampire best mate," he adds with a dreadful British accent.
"I fail to see why you're so surprised. You know where I stand on the whole slaying business. Plus, I'm here with you, right? And unlike my sister, I've never threatened to stake you."
"No, you threatened to shoot me instead, which isn't quite as lethal, but still. And we've only met in public places so far, and, most importantly, I saved your life earlier tonight."
Henry snorts. “Alright, let’s not get carried away here. And please tone it down. I don’t want to attract every vampire and their grandmother nearby. It’s already a miracle no one has shown up yet after the gunshot.”
They carefully place the body in the carriage, mindful of his injury.
"How long have you two known each other?" Alex queries as Henry prepares to take the reins, prompting a chuckle from the slayer.
“Good grief, you’re like a dog with a bone.”
"More like a vampire with a tasty neck at his disposal," Alex quips, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. "And yes, I know your stance on this, but you two are so different, even putting aside the slayer/vampire thing. And oh my God, I have so many questions. First, how-"
Henry is not sure what goes through his mind at that moment, but what is certain is that his brain is not involved in any way in his impulsive action.
His heart is. His heart wins for once in his life.
He seizes Alex by the neck, drawing him into a fervent kiss that leaves no room for words. For a fleeting moment, a serene quiet envelops them as Alex stiffens, then yields, wrapping his arm around Henry's waist to deepen the kiss.
Alright, maybe Henry was naive, thinking he just wanted to shut Alex up for a minute. He hadn't expected Alex to shove his tongue in his mouth so eagerly.
(He had absolutely expected it.)
A low moan erupts from one of their chests; Henry isn't sure whose. But he's acutely aware of Alex's body pressed against his, the softness of his lips, and the delicious way Alex's tongue slides against his own, licking, tasting, taking. He pulls back briefly, only to capture Henry's bottom lip, biting it gently.
Even in these circumstances, Henry should have known Alex would be a biter.
He pulls away as abruptly as he initiated the kiss, his breath erratic, his vision unfocused, and his senses reeling. Alex looks dazed, his hair disheveled, and Henry vaguely recalls threading his fingers through those curls. He had wanted to know how they felt for so long, but the intensity of the kiss left his memory a blur.
“That’s one way to shut me up, I guess,” Alex breathes, his voice barely above a whisper. His gaze is filled with wonder, and his fluttering eyelids stir something within Henry.
Stepping back, Henry puts some distance between them to quell the urge for a repeat performance. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It was highly inappropriate."
Alex rolls his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Didn't seem like I minded, did it?"
Henry swallows hard. "No."
“Well then. Feel free to shut me up like this anytime.”
Henry certainly will do no such thing, but he deems it more reasonable to drop the subject.
“Where is your carriage? Did you ride here ?”
Alex opens his mouth and closes it as if he wants to add something about what occurred between them but then thinks better of it.
“No, I walked.”
 Henry frowns. “At this hour? It doesn’t seem very safe.” 
"Henry, I’m a vampire. I can take care of myself, believe it or not. The worst that could happen is me tripping and falling on my own stake, which, admittedly, would be a very undignified way to go."
Henry crosses his arms and nods toward the unconscious form on the carriage floor. "And what about that werewolf?"
Alex shrugs. "I can run very fast," he replies, then adds, "I have trouble sleeping, and walking helps quiet my mind."
Henry shakes his head, a smile breaking the tension. He remembers Alex mentioning his mental struggles and understands the issue with sleep.
"Alright, hop on. We'll stop by Percy’s, and then I'll drop you off at your place."
The drive to Percy’s house is mostly silent—not uncomfortable, but Henry’s thoughts keep drifting to that kiss. The way Alex's body fit against his like two pieces of a puzzle, the sensation of his lips and tongue, the softness of his hair beneath Henry’s fingers—yes, he remembers it vividly now.
Henry also recalls that this is the sole and final kiss they will ever share, a realization that casts a heavy shadow over his mood and leaves a bitter, lingering taste in his mouth.
He unwittingly painted a target on his best friend’s back a few years ago. The thought of potentially repeating that mistake with Alex now fills him with a deep-seated fear and a resolve to avoid such a risk at all costs.
The logical course of action would be to sever ties completely before he’s too deep - even though he knows it's already too late. Moreover, considering Alex's nature, he's confident he would vehemently oppose such a decision. Alex is not one to surrender without a fight.
Bea’s words from that night months ago ring in his head. She was wrong, though. Alex didn’t break Henry’s heart. Henry did that all to himself.
But he has no other choice.
He’s relieved when he sees Percy’s house in the distance. 
Percy owns a terraced house in Park Slope, one side serving as his private residence and the other as the first shelter he established in the area. Henry parks discreetly by the side entrance, designed for horses and carriages. This was the safest way to deliver the unconscious werewolf to Shaan, Percy’s trusted assistant.
He and Alex are then led to Percy’s study, who welcomes them with a big smile.
“Well, this is an interesting development—my favorite slayer and favorite vampire. Seems like you've both had quite the night,” he remarks.
“What happened to your hair?” Alex interjects, pointing to Percy’s new lavender locks.
Percy chuckles. “Ah, just a little experiment. What do you think?”
“It’s... certainly unique,” Henry replies cautiously.
“So, what’s the story there?” Percy prods, gesturing towards the pair.
"I was out on patrol, and Alex here was..." Henry turns to his companion, arching an eyebrow.
"Feeding," Alex chimes in first, followed by a smirk. "And saving your ass."
Henry rolls his eyes. "We bumped into each other, then a werewolf showed up. Alex took cover behind me-"
Alex scoffs. “Hey, you pulled me behind you, and hello, vampire? Werewolf? Not my idea of a fair fight. Excuse me for having some infinitesimal shred of self-preservation. It doesn’t make me a coward.”
“I didn’t call you a coward, Alex. Don’t put words in my mouth.”
Which, he realizes belatedly, was the absolute worst thing to say. He sees the grin spreading Alex’s - so, so soft - lips and turns to Percy.
“I’m parched. Would you have anything to drink, perchance?”
Percy glances between them, amusement and curiosity dancing in his eyes. 
“Where are my manners? You two indeed look like you could use some refreshments. Alexander dear?”  
“Can I use your water closets first? I need to wash my hands.”
"By all means, babes. You know the way.”
Alex leaves, and Percy pours two drinks, leaves one on the table, and hands the other to Henry with a knowing look.
“What?” Henry asks. He knows he won’t escape the Okonjo Inquisition. His best friend knows him too well. And yet, he’s never wholly prepared for Percy’s shrewd mind. 
“You two kissed,” Percy states matter-of-factly rather than asking.
Henry chokes on his brandy, spitting half of it on his shirt.
“How the bloody Hell…?”
“Oh, come one, Hazza. The flushed cheeks, the starry eyes, and the extremely smug smile on Alexander’s face? This is the look of a man who finally had his dream come true.”
Henry shakes his head, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he rubs at his wet shirt with the handkerchief Percy just gave him. “If kissing me is his dream, the bar is not very high. It’s not exactly the grandest achievement.”
“Tsk Tsk, no self-depreciation under my room. Judging by the look on his face, it seemed highly satisfactory. How did it happen? Did you like it?”
Henry avoids the second question.."I kissed him to silence his incessant chatter in the middle of Prospect Park. He would have probably attracted all kinds of unsavory creatures. I had no choice, really.” 
“You could have just asked him to shut up,” Percy says, his dark eyes twinkling.
Henry lets out a brief laugh. "Believe me, I tried. But have you met him?"
Alex returns, and Percy hands him his drink, which he gulps in one go, eyeing Henry’s stained shirt.
“What happened to you?”
“Nothing. Are you ready to go?”
They bid Percy goodbye and head towards Alex's home. Conversation flows smoothly, ranging from Percy's latest hair color antics to the juiciest gossip from high society, all previous awkwardness seemingly forgotten.
Until they reach Alex's doorstep.
"Thank you for the company, Alex. I suppose I'll be seeing you soon."
Alex hesitates before stepping off, meeting Henry's gaze with a sly grin. "So, we're just going to pretend it didn't happen?"
"What are you talking about?" Henry feigns innocence, though he knows Alex sees right through it.
Rolling his eyes, Alex replies, "The kiss, Henry."
"Oh, that." Henry shrugs nonchalantly. "There's nothing to discuss. And it won't happen again anyway."
Alex remains undeterred, his smile widening. "We'll see about that, Lord Mountchristen-Windsor."
Alex exits the carriage, leaving Henry struggling to contain his amusement.
"You're a demon," He scolds.
Alex laughs, opening his arms, his eyes twinkling under the warm light of the lamppost. “Well, yeah. Literally, actually. But you like that about me.”
And then he has the audacity to wink.
Henry raises an eyebrow. “That is awfully presumptuous of you to assume.”
Alex flashes a knowing grin. "I'll catch you later, your Majesty."
Henry watches him climb the stairs toward his front door, his mind racing with thoughts. After a brief internal struggle, he makes up his mind and calls him back.
The vampire turns around, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s not common knowledge, for obvious reasons, but…there is a cure. If something ever happens…find Bea or me. Good night, Alex,” he says, shaking the reins lightly to get the horse going, not leaving time for Alex to answer. He doesn’t feel like being subjected to another barrage of questions tonight. 
Henry’s heart races as he guides the carriage through the dimly lit streets, the echo of their exchanged words lingering in his mind. He can’t shake the memory of Alex's playful demeanor, the warmth of his laughter, and the electrifying moment of their kiss. 
His revelation to Alex of a cure for a werewolf bite—even without disclosing its specifics—is not something he shared lightly. It is a close-guarded secret, known only to a select few inside the Slayer community. If this came out, the scandal and repercussions would be unprecedented, with Henry’s whole family at extreme risk.
It won’t happen, though. Despite their acquaintance dating back barely six months and their blossoming friendship a few weeks ago, Henry is not just convinced but unwaveringly believes that he can trust Alex completely.
Once home, he checks on Bea, who’s sleeping soundly, before retreating to his room, washing up, and sliding under the covers. Fitzwilliam settles on his calves, his weight bringing a sense of comfort.
His body still tingles with the memory of the kiss, and he almost feels Alex’s warm breath against his lips again. Euphoria, mixed with desperation, fills his chest, creating a dichotomy that leaves his heart and mind reeling. 
He knows his chance at happiness is within reach. All his life, he has dreamed of finding someone like Alex, the kind of love his parents shared despite the odds stacked against them. It might sound insane since Alex and he haven’t known each other that long, but every cell in his body calls out to the vampire whenever they are around. A yearning to touch his skin, inhale his scent, lose himself in his chocolate eyes, and create a bubble of bliss and peace for just the two of them. He could decide to throw caution to the wind and seize that chance, consequences be damned.
A pained exhale escapes his throat, the previous euphoria replaced by sudden emptiness. 
He’s not allowed to dream like this. 
It would have been lovely, though.
Portofino, Italy - April 1912
Henry shuts the front door behind him, eagerly unfolding the telegram just delivered to their villa. A smile graces his lips as he recognizes his sister's name at the bottom.
Ascending to the first floor, he steps into the living room, bathed in the soft glow of morning sunlight pouring through the wide-open French doors. The gentle breeze carries the sweet fragrances of blooming flowers from the garden and the unmistakable scent of the Mediterranean Sea, its turquoise waters sparkling in the distance.
His gaze lands on a photograph of Alex and him, captured at the 1900 World Exhibition. His mind drifts back to a spring in Paris, where they whispered promises of eternity on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower. 
Twelve years later, their vows remain unbroken. 
Nearly twenty-one years have passed since Henry took a leap of faith, falling into Alex’s waiting arms, who caught him effortlessly and has never let go.
Henry steps onto the terrace, joining Alex, clad in scandalously snug shorts that leave little to nothing to the imagination. Despite questioning the point of wearing them, Henry certainly doesn’t complain, especially considering their secluded hillside home, a place blessed with privacy and a stunning view that stretches as far as the eye can see. The view from the terrace is truly breathtaking. They can see Portofino’s old harbor with its traditional Ligurian houses painted in shades of yellow, pink, and orange. 
Contrary to popular vampire depictions, Alex is far from the expected archetype. In fact, with his fair complexion, Henry aligns more closely with the stereotype. Currently basking in the sunlight, Alex embodies the essence of his sun-worshipping Aztec ancestors.
“Was it Bea?” he inquires as he hands Henry a glass of lemonade.
"Yes, she's due here tomorrow morning with Philip and Martha. They made a stop in London to visit Mum. And June mentioned that Percy and Nora will join us in the early afternoon."
Alex grins. "Looks like it's going to be a full house this weekend. I love it."
They had invested in the villa a few years back, envisioning it as a perfect getaway bathed in sunlight, with enough space to accommodate their entire family and circle of friends.
With a smirk, Alex grabs a towel from a nearby lounge chair and drapes it over the terrace stone railing. Then, he pulls Henry close, seating him on it and nestling between his legs, planting a deep kiss on his lips. Henry moans in his mouth as Alex presses his pelvis against his, making his intention clear.
“It seems to me your intentions are less than honorable, Mr Claremont-Diaz.”
"Oh, my intentions are positively scandalous, sweetheart. Consider it a reward."
"A reward for what?"
"For railing me thoroughly through the mattress earlier this morning. Definitely one of the best orgasms of my life.”
Henry smiles, recalling the morning's events vividly: Alex, a delightful wreck, surrendering to him as Henry pinned his wrists above his head and drove into him relentlessly.
Alex brings him back to the present as his hands grasp Henry's shorts and ease them down his leg.
"Leave my shirt on, please," Henry breathes. "I don't want to get a sunburn."
Alex chuckles and slips his hands under Henry's shirt, gliding up and down his back.
He wets his fingers, finding Henry’s hole and circling his rim before gently inserting one finger. Henry emits a soft moan as he wraps his legs around Alex's waist.
"Don't hold back, baby. Let me hear those lovely sounds."
There’s an exhilarating thrill in doing this in broad daylight. Henry tilts his head back, exposing his face to the sun, while Alex lavishes his neck with kisses and gentle nips as his fingers work their magic until Henry can’t take it anymore.
“I’m ready, love,” he pleads, heat spiraling low in his belly as he slowly loses the ability to think and revels in the myriad of sensations brought by Alex”s touch.
Alex pushes down his own shorts and puts his hands under Henry’s ass, lifting him, and Henry sinks on his cock as they both let out strangled, matching groans. They don’t move for a minute, Henry relishing in being filled, surrounded by Alex’s everything - his body, his scent, his dick, his mouth trailing on the sensitive inside of Henry’s elbow as he patiently waits to get the green light to move, which Henry gives him by raising his hips slightly before sinking down once again. 
Alex puts one arm around his waist and lowers Henry onto the towel again, his other hand settling beside him on the railing for support as he starts thrusting. Initially slow and steady, Alex quickens his pace when Henry tugs on his curls, eliciting another low growl from the vampire.
“You feel so good, sweetheart,” Alex stutters as their eyes meet, his gaze full of awe and devotion, vast and unending, brighter than the sun shining on them.
Adjusting his grip, Alex hikes Henry’s leg up, tilting his hips so that on his next thrust, he hits Henry's prostate at just the right angle. Henry’s cock is trapped between their stomachs, creating delicious friction with each push. Alex is so deep now that every movement brings them one tremor closer to an earthquake.
“Oh fuck…Bloody Hell,” Henry cries out. The tension in his gut is tightening, and an overwhelming rush of pleasure steals his breath as his cock jerks, and he comes all over their stomach with a soft laugh. Their lips meet for a messy, passionate kiss, all teeth and tongue, as Alex follows suit, falling over the edge right after him. Henry praises him sweetly, and Alex's erratic movements only intensify the aftershocks of Henry's orgasm.
"I love you," Henry whispers as the last remnants of pleasure course through them. They share another kiss, their heavy breathing gradually slowing. A blinding smile stretches across Alex's mouth.
“I love you more,” he replies, and Henry rolls his eyes fondly at their never-ending debate.  
Alex effortlessly lifts Henry and pulls out, and Henry can’t help but let a small whimper escape at the loss. Alex chuckles softly and moves him to a lounge bed in the shade. After wiping them both with a towel, Alex lies beside him, taking him in his arms, and Henry rests his head on his chest with a contented sigh. They are both sweaty and sticky, but Henry doesn’t care, lost in a post-orgasmic haze. Alex's after-sex scent fills his senses, mingling with his own, its unique fragrance enveloping them in a comforting bubble. Henry lifts his arm, offering his wrist to Alex, who kisses and licks it.  He lets out a soft gasp as Alex's fangs graze his wrist, a shiver running down his spine. The intimacy of the moment deepens as Alex tenderly kisses the spot, sending waves of renewed desire coursing through Henry. He feels the warmth of Alex’s body against his, the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest soothing. Henry's breath hitches as Alex's tongue flicks over his pulse point.
Alex looks up, his eyes dark and full of mischief, as if sensing Henry's cock renewed interest."You taste amazing," Alex murmurs against his skin, the words vibrating through Henry.
Slayer and vampire stamina is truly a wonderful thing.
Alex delicately pierces the skin, savoring the taste of blood as Henry moans with pleasure. Alex doesn't indulge much, but once finished, he delicately licks the puncture wound before leaning in for a deep kiss. Henry never ceases to be amazed by the intoxicating coppery flavor of his blood on Alex's tongue.
“When are we supposed to leave?” he asks after a moment, their bubble bursting as he is reminded of their impending departure. 
Alex squints his eyes, still a bit drunk on Henry’s blood. “April 10th…We have to be in Southampton next Monday. We board on Tuesday morning.”
"Could we extend our stay until next Sunday? I'm not eager to return just yet. Would that fit with your work schedule?"
"I'll make it happen, baby if that's what you want,” Alex says, settling them comfortably on the chair for a nice nap. "I'll reach out to the White Star Line about a refund. Can't guarantee they'll approve it, considering it was the ship's maiden voyage."
Henry nods, a small smile playing on his lips as he relaxes into Alex's embrace. "Thank you. It's just... I want a bit more time with you, away from everything.” 
Their mouth locks together again, a chaste kiss only meant to remind them of the bond they share. It is a moment of connection, a silent promise of love. They pull away, but the warmth of that brief touch remains.
“What do you want to do this afternoon?”
“Alex, you just fucked my brains out. I’m not having any coherent thoughts right now.”
“If you are using the word ‘coherent’, I’m not sure I did such a great job. Still, you’re welcome,” he adds with a smug grin. “We should buy one of those fancy automobiles, see the countryside instead of having sex in here all the time.”
Henry snorts. “Indeed, what a chore.” 
Alex’s hand reaches for his, entwining their fingers, and Henry’s eyes trail to his forearm, where a mark lingers. A reminiscence of a haunting night over two decades ago that Henry will never forget, no matter how hard he tries.
Vampires are not supposed to have scars.
“Hey, where did you go?” Alex asks sleepily, sensing the shift in Henry’s mood.
Henry kisses his jaw. “Nowhere, darling. I’m here with you.”
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jazy3 · 4 months
Wonka (2023) Movie Review
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I went to see the new Wonka movie over the weekend and I highly recommend it! First off, it’s a musical! The marketing for the movie here hasn’t been making that clear at all which is a shame because it’s delightful! The movie made me cry and laugh out loud right off the bat. It’s the first movie that’s made me feel like that in a while. If you loved the original Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory with Gene Wilder you’ll like this one! It’s got the same vibe and spirit to it and the characters feel like ones you’d find in a Roald Dahl novel. It’s a great movie to take your kids too as well!
In the film, Willy Wonka is an aspiring magician, inventor, and chocolatier. He arrives in Europe to establish his chocolate shop at the Galeries Gourmet. Armed with nothing but a hatful of dreams, he manages to change the world, one delectable bite at a time. He arrives in Paris and after using up his meager savings is coerced into staying at Mrs. Scrubitt's Boarding House by a man named Bleacher who turns out to be her henchman.
After falling into misfortune, he hatches an escape plan and with the help of his newfound friends finds a way to finally bring his chocolates to the masses and free himself and his friends from captivity and oppression. The movie is designed to be a prequel to the 1971 Classic but set in Paris and depending on your interpretation either pre-dates Wonka’s arrive in England or is set in an alternative timeline or universe.
This movie pulled on my heart strings and made me genuinely cry within the first few minutes. It also made me laugh hysterically! The comedic timing was great, and Hugh Grant as an Oompa Loompa was hilarious! I loved the back story they created for the Oompa Loompas about how they came to work for him and why they’re so loyal. It was way funnier and a lot less offensive than I was anticipating. I was worried they’d create a back story for them that would come across as prejudice and offensive, but they didn't. They found a way to make the interactions between Wonka and Hugh Grant’s character funny without being offensive.
What really makes the movie work is Timothée Chalamet’s performance. It turns out he’s a surprisingly good singer and you definitely buy him as Wonka! He brings the same sort of mischievous spirit and kindness to the role that Wilder did but puts his own spin on it. Calah Lane, the actress who plays Noodle, his main collaborator in the film, was excellent! She’s definitely one to watch! The movie featured Colour Blind Casting similar to how characters in the Shonda Rhimes universe are cast. So think Bridgerton meets Whimsical Musical. Speaking of which, Abigail the giraffe totally stole the show! An excellent addition to be sure!
The supporting cast was fantastic! Jim Carter, best known as the Butler from Downton Abbey plays an Accountant; Rowan Atkison, best known as Mr. Bean, plays a corrupt chocaholic priest, and Mathew Baynton from Horrible Histories plays a chocolate shop owner who’s a member of the city’s chocolate cartel. Fellow Horrible Histories alum Simon Farnaby plays Basil, a bamboozled Zoo security guard, Colin O'Brien from Dear Edward plays a young Willy Wonka, and Sally Hawkins plays his mother.
Kobna Holdbrook-Smith does an excellent job of playing a police officer with a conscience working in a corrupt system overrun by chocoholics! Keegan-Michael Key plays the corrupt and totally inept Chief of Police, and Olivia Coleman rounds out the cast as the despicable Mrs. Scrubitt! Part of the reason the characters feel so authentic to Dahl’s work is because they are based on characters from other stories of his. Paul King, the Director, worked closely with the Dahl Estate, and Dahl’s grandson Luke Kelly served as a Producer. The trio of villains known as the Chocolate Cartel were inspired by Boggis, Bunce, and Bean from the Fantastic Mr. Fox and the character of Mrs. Scrubbit was inspired by Dahl's short story The Landlady.
Some of my favourite lines of the film were:
“Judgement has come in the most unexpected way!”
“It's a ruined castle.”
“That does defy explanation.”
“Shouldn’t we be focusing on all those unsolved murders?”
“He doesn’t even work here!”
I thought the movie did a really good job of depicting Parisian culture and how expensive everything is! In real life Paris is beautiful but there are so many things that the movies get wrong about what Paris, France as a whole, and French culture is actually like. In real life, things in Paris are very expensive, you have to be warry of pick pockets, and you have to be careful as many of the people you’ll see have an angle or are trying to get something from you or make money off you. I loved that they found comedic ways to show that while also highlighting just how beautiful and charming the city can be.
I found the back story as to why Wonka hates Slugworth so much and their rivalry really interesting. I wasn’t expecting it and I was pleasantly surprised. The implication from the film, if you take it to be a prequel, is that while Slugworth’s co-conspirators Fickelgruber and Prodnose were finished for good after being exposed he eventually rebuilt his empire which is why the rivalry between himself and Wonka continued. I did find it strange that when they went looking for Noodle’s mom, they just went down the list of people with that name instead of starting with the librarians and book shop clerks in town when they know she was a bookworm based on what Slugworth told them.
I loved the castle building sequence at the end! Although I was a bit disappointed as I thought we were going to see how Wonka expanded his operation to London at the end. FYI there’s a cute little bonus scene soon after the credits start so stick around for that! I loved the epilogue song and them taking the time to tell us that there was going to be bonus content and a post-credits scene right after the bat so you didn’t have to sit and wait for it. If you like musicals and loved the original movie I really recommend this one!
Until next time!
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thedeerman · 13 hours
RadioApple Week Day 4: Drinking/Bonding
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An Excerpt of DYWTK Chapter 32: Reaveal:
After a few moments, Lucifer came back through the door and hopped through the still-open portal back into the radio tower. It was amazing to Alastor that the king was still on his feet after the amount of liquor he’d just ingested. How was he not drunk? He sat back down at his spot at the little table and just… Stared.
After a moment, Alastor was beginning to believe that maybe the king was drunk. “Your majesty, do I need to cut you off?” The radio demon had a tentacle bring what was left of the liquor into the void. Lucifer could have it back later.
Finally Lucifer asked, “What… Happened after?”
Alastor was not in the mood to keep going down memory lane. Especially not if it included the… Ugh. My deal. No. No way was he having this conversation right here, right now, a little tipsy, with a traumatized princess at the other end of the hotel and a drunk king staring into his soul. No.
Lucifer must’ve picked up on that pretty quickly, because he said, “Shit, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have even asked. I know this is all probably pretty shitty to have to even think about… You don’t have to say anymore.”
Yeah, the king was seeming a tiny bit intoxicated. He’d pull himself together soon enough though, and then they could discuss what they were going to do about the Vee spy currently under their roof. But until then… Might as well just stay here.
Alastor stood from where he was seated and held his hand out to Lucifer. The king looked at the demon’s hand for a moment before he slowly took it (yep, he’s definitely drunk) and was pulled up from his seat. He almost fell, but the radio demon was there to catch the clumsy angel. Not with his shadow tentacles, just… With himself. 
“Al? Are we going somewhere?” Lucifer's red and golden eyes were staring up at Alastor, and the demon knew that it was probably a good time for a little mid-morning nap. So he picked up his tiny king, Lucifer whining unintelligible complaints the whole way. It made Alastor’s smile feel a bit more real.
The radio demon snapped his fingers and changed both of them into their pajamas. Lucifer looked at what he was wearing, confused. “Isn’t it like… Not night?” 
Alastor rolled his eyes. “Hush, you. We’re taking a nap.” He carried the king to his own long abandoned bed, not filled with nearly as many blankets as the one on the other side of the building. The radio demon set the king down and conjured up a few more pillows just to make it extra comfortable.
Lucifer didn’t seem to have any real complaints about this idea, thankfully. So the two crawled into their secondary blanket nest and got settled. The king was staring straight at Alastor with those huge eyes, smelling a little bit like the whiskey he’d been drinking. Eventually Lucifer said, “Alastor… Thank you for not making me leave.”
Alastor used his clawed fingers to brush stray strands of golden hair from the king’s face, once again questioning how this all managed to happen. After a few moments, the radio demon responded, “Lucifer… Thank you for not leaving.”
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Double the Popcorn - a Malevolent fic (Intermezzo spoilers)
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You think there’s anyone I haven’t seen? Fucked around with? Followed? You think there isn’t a version of you I haven’t tweaked to be the very d-d-darkest you could be, with flesh in your fingernails and blood in your cheeks like a really fucked-up squirrel?
I. Have tried. Them all. And pal… they don’t fucking work. 
Look, I tried them all, okay? 
You think there’s anyone I haven’t seen? Fucked around with? Followed? You think there isn’t a version of you I haven’t tweaked to be the very d-d-darkest you could be, with flesh in your fingernails and blood in your cheeks like a really fucked-up squirrel?
You think there’s a Larson I haven’t used, to see if all that ambition could overcome his natural predilection toward excreting mucus? You think there’s a Butcher I haven’t used, bulldozing his way through everything like a gods-damned rhino and singing like an entire chorus while he did?
I. Have tried. Them all. And pal… they don’t fucking work. 
I suppose the disappointment is my own fault. Could’ve stayed in my lane, lived one life, stuck with time as-is and boring, but-but-but why? What would be the point? And of course, after I started leaping from string to string to string to fucking hammer, you had to know that wouldn’t last.
Did nipping through time make me a little crazy? Crazier? Probably! Who fucking cares?
I tried them all. That’s what I’m saying. And the only one who has ever consistently gotten me close to my fucking goal is the combination of John the Yellow King and his Court Jester, Arthur.
Which I say tongue-in-cheek, because we all know who’s topping in that relationship, and it ain’t the god.
Look. Look. I’ll do you a solid, since you asked. You get to leave! But first you have to understand why. Why you can’t trade places with him. Why you can’t help him out with all your widdle might. 
Because I already tried you, you chowder-eating cunt, and you never get close. Never. Not even insane! Not even blind! Not even inhabited!
Just him. It’s just him, and fuck if I know why. Hyperbole aside, that really is driving me crazy.
Crazier. Craziest!
I should know everything. I should because I’ve played this game too many times! Found all the Easter eggs. Unlocked all the puzzles. Blown all the doors right through the far wall to crush the children’s beds and ooze around their splintered edges like strawberry jam. I even know how to skip unskippable cutscenes!
So why Arthur? And why, for fucking hell, does it have to be Arthur with John?
Arthur alone doesn’t work. John alone doesn’t work. Arthur with any other god-piece doesn’t work. John in any other human doesn’t work. Why? Why these two? They’re fuck-ups!
They’re amazing fuck-ups, don’t get me wrong. They have personally doubled my popcorn budget, but that’s not what I’m saying.
It’s them. Just them. So no, twinkle-toes, you cannot take his place. You cannot help. You are in the way. So! I’m going to send you back because I’m nice (ha, no, it’s just because I’m in a good mood, I love a good zombie flick), and you are going to stay there this time. They think you’re in Spain. You’re staying in Spain. Come back again, and I’ll kill you.
Mmkay? We clear? Too-bad-have-a-nice-life-bye.
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Fucking Lester. Always Lestering people. Who the fuck is showing up next in his corner, I’d like to know. Eh, who am I kidding, I already do.
It’s just Arthur’s next choice I don’t know. 
Time to get some snacks.
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eds6ngel · 11 months
Hi! Can you do Steve and fem!reader sad/angsty fic? Maybe like king Steve cheated on her in high school and then years later they meet again and she’s engaged and he wants her back?? Idk if that made sense but I love your writing!
of course my love! i actually made this even more heartbreaking than you requested, so i hope that’s okay with you :)
warnings: fem!reader. swearing. cheating. mentions of smut (but no actual smut). talks of engagement. talks of children. hurt. angst. no happy ending [1.1k].
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He knew he messed up. Cheating on the girl of his dreams to keep some stupid high school reputation back in ‘83 was up there as one of the dumbest mistakes of his life.
You and Steve were together for a mere three months in the Summer of ‘83. It started off as a simple hook up, which eventually lead to more. You even admitted that you loved each other.
And for the most part, it was true. Steve truly did love you, but, with a growing popularity at Hawkins High, he let that aspect of his life take over his personality.
You were not one to adhere to the crowds. The closest societal group that you could be associated with were The Nerds. But, even then, you did not hang out with that clique.
You stayed in your own lane. So, when Steve started to encourage you to hang out with him, Tommy and Carol a lot more than your group of friends, you were anything but willing.
Which led to the great heartbreak of your life. A heartbreak so bad that you didn’t date anyone for the rest of your high school career in fear of getting hurt again.
Your unwillingness to adhere to Steve’s rulebook lead to him cheating on you with Nancy Wheeler. You actually felt bad for Nancy, knowing that like you, she was more of the quiet type. Although, unlike you, much easier to manipulate.
It didn’t surprise you that a year later Nancy also proceeded to break up with Steve, leaving him in the dark once again to try and find a new girlfriend in Hawkins to control.
You attended college in New York, Columbia University to be exact, thankful to move away from the hellhole that was Hawkins for the rest of your life.
But, your parents still lived here, so that meant you did come back occasionally to spend holidays with them. Just like today.
Christmas of ‘92 was planned to be spent in Hawkins, you spending the previous Christmas in Colorado.
Your mom had asked you to pick up a movie from Family Video, the store still located in the same place from when you went as a teenager. The same design too.
Entering the store, the bell rings above your head, signalling your entrance as you walk up to the counter, leaning against it and waiting patiently.
A few seconds later, a very familiar face bounces out from the backroom.
“Hey, welcome to Family Video! How can I help—“ Steve freezes as he sees you, his ex-girlfriend, standing in front of him. Your hair was pulled back in a claw grip, curtain bangs framing your face perfectly. A thick black turtleneck, a fluffy material, sitting nicely on your body as you wear minimal make-up. He could’ve sworn New York had made you even more beautiful.
You cough, “Hey, Steve… How are you?”
Why couldn’t Robin have been on shift today? Steve scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, “Yeah, yeah… I’m fine. How are you? How’s New York?”
You smile softly, “New York is great, thank you. I’m back in town for Christmas though. Can’t leave my parents in the dark for too long,” you laugh.
He chuckles along shyly, “Yeah, it’s good that you’re back. How long are you staying here for?”
“Only a week. I’d love to stay longer by my fiancé has to get back to New York for work by New Years.”
Fiancé. Of course you had a fiancé. It’s you. The most breathtaking woman on Earth. Of course another guy had snatched you up. Why would you want to date him again after all the shit he’d put you through anyway?
“Oh… Fiancé,” he replies, trying not to let the disappointment show, “Well, congratulations…”
But, you noticed it, he was the worst at hiding his emotions, it’s how you found out he cheated in the first place. “Thank you…”
There was an uncomfortable silence, before the sound of crashing VHS tapes came from around the corner.
You click your tongue as a young girl, looking almost identical to you, trots around the corner. She looks innocently up at you, twiddling her thumbs as she has a soft expression on her face.
You shake your head, softly laughing as you say, “What happened, baby?”
“I wanted Home Awone, but all the tapes fell down,” she says disappointedly, saddened that she couldn’t get the VHS herself.
“It’s okay baby, c’mere,” you say, lifting her up onto your hip and pressing a soft kiss to her cheek as you walk over to the fallen pile of tapes, neatly stacking them back on the shelf.
You show her the ‘Home Alone’ tape again, asking her, “This the one you want, baby?”
She nods, holding the VHS in her hands, “Yes please, Momma!” she squeals, beaming as her eyes light up.
Momma. You had a kid?
“‘Home Alone’ it is then, baby!” you say, placing your daughter back on the floor. “Go up to the counter and ask to rent it then.”
She giggles, running up to the front and stretching to place the tape on the counter. “This one pwease!”
Steve stands there in shock for a moment, connecting all the dots on how far you had moved on with your life in comparison to him. He was still working a shitty job at a VHS store whilst you lived in New York with your fiancé and daughter. And he was still pining over you. His life was truly a mess.
He smiles through the sting of pain, “Of course! You want it on your mom’s account, right?”
“If you don’t mind,” you reply, picking up your daughter once more so she can watch in fascination at the transaction going ahead.
After Steve rings up the tape, he gives it back to you, looking down to where you had a hand wrapped around your daughter’s waist, hoisting her up on your hip. There it was: an engagement ring.
“There you go,” he smiles.
“Thank you, Steve,” you say, “I’ll see you around, maybe?”
He nods, softly laughing to himself, “Yeah… See you around.”
The sound of the bell ringing again signals your exit as he watches you place your daughter in the back of your car, before you get in the front and drive out of the parking lot.
He was going to ask you out again. A stupid assumption made that you were single. Why would a 25 year old gorgeous woman like you be in the same shitty position he was? You had everything going for you: the looks, the personality, the sweetness and undeniable kindness. Everything made for the perfect partner. Whereas him? He was stuck living in a run-down one bedroom in his hometown whilst he desperately tries to find a girlfriend.
You were living the perfect life, he was living his own nightmare. You were never made for each other, and he should’ve known that.
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sorry for the lack of happy ending! i hope this is close to what you wished for <3
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Cain and Abel Wept 23/23
TW: Mentions of scars and past torture
Well, here we are at the end. I want to thank everyone who has stayed with me till now. I had fun writing this fic and reading all your comments. I won't write an epilogue because I feel that it ended in a good place.
Phantom, King of the Infinite Realms, Tells All in an Exclusive Interview
How a Young King Has Kept the World Safe
By: Lois Lane
GOTHAM July 3, 20XX—Following the last week's UN meeting, many questions have been posed to Danny Fenton, also known in his small town as Phantom, the King of the Ghosts. One of these questions being: why hadn’t he said he was the King of the Ghosts when he did his first interview? Fenton has decided to break his silence by giving an exclusive interview to me, Lois Lane. Below is the transcript.
Lois Lane: So, your majesty—
Danny: Please, call me Danny. You’re not one of my subjects; even if you were, I hate being called that.
Lois Lane: Danny. Well, my first question. Why did you decide to come out as the Ghost King now and not sooner when we interviewed you?
Danny: Simple, it was strategic at the moment. If I had told everyone I was the Ghost King at the time, the US government would’ve found ways to keep me quiet. Besides, the Justice League said it was better if I did it this way.
Lois Lane: I know you had touched upon this before, by why didn’t you come out and say anything to the Justice League earlier? Why did you wait so long if the US government endangered your kingdom and the world?
There are two main reasons. First, I thought the Justice League would turn me in right away. Looking back now, it was stupid to think that way, but what else was I supposed to believe? They uphold justice; my very existence was against the law. When my family and I escaped the GIW a few months ago, we thought our only chance was to flee the country and ask for outside help.
Second, getting any help from inside Amity Park was close to impossible. Because of the high ghostly activity, the GIW had closed off Amity Park to any external communication. A few townspeople had tried to ask for help when Pariah Dark, the old Ghost King, attacked and then sucked us into an alternate dimension. This was before, during, and after the attack.
Eventually, we figured out we were on our own, and I took down any threat we had. Then a rumor started going around town. The Justice League never showed up because they a. knew about the ghosts and b. thought the GIW was the best way to keep them down. It makes sense. I shudder at the thought of possessed Superman.
Lois Lane: Hitting on that subject. What’s to stop a ghost from possessing a hero, a citizen? They are dangerous, and yet you advocate that they are under attack.
Danny: No offense Ms. Lane, but a human with Kryptonite is dangerous to Superman. A person with a gun can kill a lot of people. Everyone on this planet has the potential to be dangerous; most of us aren’t. It’s the same with ghosts. The most dangerous ones are quickly locked away for the safety of Earth and the Infinite Realms. Besides, the percentage of ghosts that leave the Realms is less than 0.1%. Those that do leave don’t venture away from Amity Park. While there are shades—people that died violently and have not had a chance to enter the realms—they pose no threat to people as they don’t have enough power.
There have always been ghosts around us, and nothing major has happened to the Earth. I argue that the last two years have put the world in more danger than the whole of history when it comes to ghosts. The GIW wanted to destroy the Infinite Realms. As I said during the UN meeting, we are two sides of the same coin. If one is destroyed, so is the other. Humans have been a greater threat to ghosts than ghosts have ever been to humans.
Lois Lane: Hmm, interesting. Now, to get a bit more personal, how did you, a seventeen-year-old boy, become the King of a previously unknown realm?
Danny: [Danny laughs while scratching the back of his head.] Remember when I mentioned our town got sucked into the Infinite Realms? I was fourteen at the time. I had been a hero for under a year and was terrified. I put on a suit my parents had designed that amplified a person’s power and challenged Pariah Dark. He was a tyrant and had been put to sleep by the Ancients to keep him from conquering the Earth.
I found out about him when some of the ghosts had escaped the Infinite Realms out of fear. I ended up fighting the guy in single combat and somehow won. At the time, I didn’t know beating him made me the next in line to the throne until last year during my sixteenth birthday, when a floating eyeball showed up with a crown and ring and said it was time for me to take it.
Lois Lane: I’m sorry, did you say a floating eyeball?
Danny: [Laughs] It’s a long story. I’ll get into them later when I write down the guide I intend to publish in case anyone wants to know more about ghost culture. But essentially, they’re like a council of ghosts that are nothing more than floating eyeballs wearing capes. They pass judgment and are my advisors. They’re annoying.
Lois Lane: Well, that is certainly interesting. I want to wrap up this interview with one final question: Why did you reveal yourself? You could’ve gotten the help as Phantom, King of the Infinite Realms? Now, everyone knows your secret. Why expose yourself that way?
Danny: Hmm, well, honestly, it felt right. I wanted to show the world I wasn’t here only to help ghosts but to help humanity, too. I live in two worlds: the land of the living and the land of the dead. I wanted everyone to know that I understand both words and have them in my heart. What better way to stop any naysayer from saying I have no interest in humanity than by showing them I am part human?
Danny opened his eyes. It was still dark out. He didn’t know what woke him up until he heard soft footsteps on the other side of the door.
“Dami, I know you’re there. You and Jason might as well come in.”
Dami opened the door and entered, followed by a tired-looking Jason.
“Sorry, akhi, we didn’t mean to wake you.”
“No problem; what’s up,” Danny asked as he sat up.
Danny was staying at Wayne Manor for the time being but didn’t go out through the main entrance. They didn’t want the news to find out (at least not yet.) that he was staying with the Waynes and that his biological father was Bruce Wayne. That was a problem for future him when he resolved all the GIW issues.
Things were going better than they had hoped. They had most of the public’s support thanks to the Justice League and their PR team. The US government had banned the GIW and the experimentation of ectoentities. The UN has started drafting laws that protect all persons, ghosts, or beings with an ectosignature.
Danny was now more worried about what was happening closer to home.
Jason had problems controlling his abilities, and his younger brother had become more awkward around Danny, unsure of how to interact with him.
Jason woke up from nightmares in his ghost form (chest bare with a Y-incision weeping ectoplasm. His nails missing, and ectoplasm coming out of his mouth and eyes. Hair white with black stripes. Burn scars ran up Jason’s arms. Jason’s death screams echoed through the manor, haunting everyone.)
Thankfully, x-rays showed that everything was where it was supposed to be, and physically, Jason was fine—one less thing to worry about.
Jason went up to Danny and showed that his right arm was going in and out of invisibility.
“Oh, yeah, that’s a problem.”
Jason scoffed, “I dreamt that—well, I dreamt something, and now my arm won’t stop doing this.”
Danny nodded in understanding. He remembered learning how to control his powers and how terrifying it was when he lost access to or control of them. He couldn’t imagine how much worse it was for Jason.
(At least Danny’s death and revival had been quick.)
Danny sat on the edge of the bed and got hold of where Jason’s arms should’ve been. It wasn’t intangible.
“Okay, concentrate on the feel of your arm. The weight, the way it moves, and then imagine it’s there.”
Danny wished he could explain this better. He felt he wasn’t good enough to teach Jason to control his powers.
Eventually, Jason’s arm appeared again, clean of any blemishes. Jason sighed in relief and moved his fingers.
“Thanks, kid,” Jason whispered.
“I didn’t do anything.”
 “Trust me, having someone who knows what’s going on and has dealt with this is plenty.”
Danny hummed in understanding.
Jason sat on a loveseat and closed his eyes.
“Have you heard from Talia,” Jason asked.
“Yes, she’s been sending me text messages when she destroys a GIW base. I wish she wouldn’t. I don’t want people thinking it’s me.”
“Tt, it’s not just mother destroying those bases. You’ll be fine; no one will ever think it was on your orders. It’s clearly humans destroying the bases.”
That was true. Since the discovery of the GIW, mobs, heroes, and vigilantes have gone after GIW bases in the United States to destroy them. Thankfully, the government hadn’t accused Danny of ordering it. There have been no ghost attacks since Danny destroyed the portal in Amity.
Danny heard a snore. Jason had fallen asleep; good, he needed it. Danny sent feelings of calmness toward Jason, hoping to stave off any nightmares.
“When do you think you’ll go back to Amity,” Damian asked in a monotone voice.
“Not anytime soon. We’re closer to the UN building here. I want to be able to sort everything out before going back to my haunt.”
Damian stayed silent. He wanted to say that Gotham could be Danny’s haunt if they stayed long enough. He stayed quiet. Damian didn’t want to alienate his older brother.
“I’ll visit every weekend. It’s not as if I can’t fly here. Besides, it would be hard for Bruce to find an excuse for why I’m staying here.”
“Tt, don’t worry about father; he’s used to scandals.”
“Dami,” Danny started.
“I know, akhi, I won’t begrudge you going back home but don’t leave because you think it would inconvenience father. He’s dealt with worse.”
Danny smiled.
“I know. Don’t worry, we’ll come up with something, but I miss my haunt. It calls to me. I can’t help it.”
Damian nodded. He’s been reading up on ghost culture. A ghost couldn’t be far from their haunt for long without feeling like a part of them was missing. And, while theoretically, a new place could become their haunt, it was painful for them. Damian wouldn’t ask his brother to give up something for him. He had already sacrificed too much.
“I’ll visit, too,” Damian said, “That is if it’s okay with you.”
“I would love that. I’ll show you my Keep in the Ghost Zone when we fix the portal. It’ll be fun.”
They went quiet, with Jason’s soft snores filling the room.
“You think Bruce will be okay with Jason going to Amity for a while when we leave?”
Jason had decided to follow Danny to Amity Park until he got used to his powers. Father hadn’t taken the news too well. He still feared losing Jason.
“The rest of my siblings will be here to help. Besides, it’s like you said; you’ll visit every weekend. Todd can come with you.”
Danny yawned, and Damian knew he had stayed too long.
“I’ll go back to my room. You need to rest.”
Danny took hold of Damian’s hand, “You might as well stay, you know if you want.”
Damian smiled, knowing an olive branch when he heard one.
“I would love to, akhi, thank you.”
For the first time in years, both brothers slept in the same bed. Both brothers had smiles decorating their faces.
Nobody in the room had nightmares for the remainder of the night.
Thank you for reading until the end!
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sakuraryomen01 · 2 years
Lost Lamb /OG Sukuna x Reader/ .o9
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. . .
✧ Warning: Og Sukuna Ryomen, servant reader, Master x Servant, protector/predator x reader kind of relationship, staying the night in a hotel/sharing rooms, cuddling in the same bed, soft Sukuna, rather flirty Sukuna (back at the shrine), sitting in the King's lap again, brief male masturbation, nakey Sukuna
✧ Reader: Female Reader
✧ Plot: A Master x Servant Fanfiction in which Sukuna, the king of curses, finds you snooping in his temple and he makes you pay for your crimes for the rest of your life..
✧ Words: (I don't exactly know, but it's around 3-4k)
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fic masterlist :: .o1 .o2 .o3 .o4 .o5 .o6 .o7 .o8 .o9 .10 .11 .12
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·A/n: I know all of you were simping like crazy over the last chapter, and I hope you like this one just as much~
♡ Thank you for reading this bit! Enjoy! ♡
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"Y/n, I want you to be mine."
As soon as those words left his pink lips, you felt a fierce shiver be sent down your spine. Sukuna felt this sudden tremor on your body, a coy smirk playing his lips as he pulled away from your ear.
You flushed expression and the way your breathing hitched by a few seconds made Sukuna's chest swell with pride.
He did so enjoy the effects he had on you..
"..What do you mean, be yours?" Your small voice questioned, making Sukuna's smile brighten. "Aren't I already your servant?"
"I mean something else, Y/n," Sukuna said, letting a nail drag up your side and tickle your skin as it trailed up your hip. His voice was low, calm, quiet.
All the things that made your heart flutter and soar.
"I want you to be my love, not my servant." He finished, leaning forward and making your face flush a beautiful shade of pink.
How could he not love you? Your soft voice and those little things you do that make him simply smile.
It had been over a year now that you've been around; cooking, cleaning, making sure you stayed in your lane. Like a good servant. Sukuna though, always had a wish that you'd breach some type of unwritten rule for him. To hug him too tight and to make him smile, or to climb into his bed and sit in his lap again. There were so many things that Sukuna wished to do, but you had to be a free person.
Not just free, but his.
And as Sukuna pulled you up from the springs and dried your small body off, your eyes never left his. Even while he was preoccupied with other things, such as getting you dressed and cleaned off, you couldn't help but stare at him in awe.
He looked so pretty in the moonlight, even after spending a little over half an hour in a hot springs.
The way his pink hair hung over his forehead and clung to the little bits of skin it could reach. His eyes focused on cleaning you rather than your own curious orbs. So much detail could be seen up closer: the tattoos and the way they shined, down to the very last eyelash and the water droplets that clung to them.
He was beautiful, if only you could say it..
"Okay, that should do it.." Sukuna suddenly said, pulling you away from your trance and sending you a soft smile. "Let's get back to the room, yeah? Need sleep for tomorrow."
Sukuna smiled warmly, one that was almost unnatural to be seen, and stood. Picking you up again in a swift bridal hold and taking you to your shared room. Entering the way you left with a new air and feeling entering along with you.
It wasn't tense or hard to swallow, it was calm and relaxing. It was also full of this weirdly warm feeling that you and Sukuna both felt quickly.
The realization that you were about to share a room with your new lover was... embarrassing..
"I-I'll sleep on the tatami mat, you use the bed." Sukuna said quickly, taking you to the bed and dropping you on it. Leaving little time for you to complain and closed the door, getting to the mat on the floor and laying down.
He wasn't ready. It was too soon.
"..S-Sukuna.. just come sleep in the bed with me."
Nope, he wouldn't be able to hold back.
"I'm more comfortable down here."
He could hear your disappointed sigh and the bed creaking as you climbed out and walked over to his small space on the floor. It was embarrassing enough that he had to be brought down to this level, a love-struck curse with no way out. But having you baby him was flustering on a whole other level.
Just go to sleep, you oaf..!
"Sukuna, I don't want you to get sick.."
Sukuna let out a low sigh, turning up to look at you and feeling his cheeks tint a light pink. You were so close to him..
You looked too pretty in the moonlight, eyes sparkling as if you were looking at stars and not him. Lashes flutter every time you blink, and your smile widens seeing him face you. Sukuna and you both stared at each other for the shortest amount of time, though it felt like forever.
"..Fine," Sukuna muttered, slowly sitting up and scratching his jaw. "Get back into the bed, I'll join you for the night."
The smile on your face made it all worthwhile, watching you scramble up to your spot on the bed as he stood. Sukuna walked over to the opposite side and climbed in, the bed groaning as he did so, and he made his spot more comfortable next to you.
You curled up in your spot, Sukuna's legs curling up under yours as his torso practically folded over you. And the fact his additional arms didn't know where to go pissed Sukuna off on a whole other level. How was he supposed to make you feel comfortable when he was just a giant monster?!
"Sukuna, stop squirming," Your cool voice rang out, making Sukuna look over at your blank expression. "You're going to crush me."
"Oh, my apologies," Sukuna said, sarcasm laced with his words. "But I appear to be too big for a small bed. Just let me sleep on the floor.."
As you turned and made your way up to him, Sukuna's voice grew quiet. His heart was racing, palms suddenly sweaty. What was wrong with him? Was he coming down with a cold?
"Here," You mumbled, resting your head on the curse's lower bicep and lifting your blanket up to cover you again. "I'll rest my head here. Now get some sleep, we have to go to the shrine in the morning."
While you were closing your eyes and nuzzling into Sukuna's chest, the man in question was questioning his life choices. Why did he feel such a strong urge to fight every goddamn thing in his cursed forest right now? It was as if seeing you completely accept his every flaw was enough to make him stop breathing. And then he realized that's all he's probably ever wanted.
Before you had stumbled into his pantry and tried raiding him of his goods, he thought that the only thing he needed was his bloodlust and rage.
To conquer cities and towns, level villages and play with the people that were damned there. Have women and children be prepared to slaughter for a meal that he'd consume. Be his own version of God that he believed was right, and killed anyone that defied him. To only make the ones that could provide feel like they were worth something until he had no use of them anymore, to let go of them just as easily.
Even the women that were sacrificed as sluts for slaughter to him weren't like you.
He found you on his own, even if by accident. You had more worth to him by simply breathing, despite his past being a roaring representation of the opposite.
Reaching up to cup your small head, Sukuna's thumb grazed your temple, where a small mark that had been there for a year resided. Even though Sukuna hated the fact it was his hand that brought it down upon you, he still loved it all the same.
Even as your small snores and cute cooes lulled you to sleep, that fluttering warmth of Sukuna's lips connecting to your temple and pressing a soft kiss to your skin still made your heart flip. The elevated meaning behind that kiss and the need for more was overpowering, but you knew that time would come later. Patience, that's what you had for the last year..
..Waiting a little longer wouldn't kill you.
. . .
The chirping and songs of the morning birds and the golden rays of the sun's light wasn't what woke you. It was the delicious smells of eggs and cooking meat that woke you. The aroma being so heavenly that you simply sat up and was surprised by the sight of Sukuna already dressed, cleaned, and eating.
His maroon eyes slowly lifting to look up at you as he shoveled another forkful of bacon and cooked omelettes into his mouth.
Still a messy eater as always..
"Y/n.. I was wondering when you'd wake," He said, wiping his chin clean of excess grease in a sudden frenzy. "Would you care to join me? It's best to get a good meal into the stomach before making a trip."
You graced him yet again with that cute little smile. The kind of smile that'd make others around you smile along with you. Though, Sukuna didn't. It wasn't natural for him to simply share a smile, but yours was always tempting.
"Of course," You said, standing in your little nightgown and remaking the bed before coming over to kneel in front of Sukuna and the table full of fresh food.
Quickly giving thanks for your meal, you picked up a bowel of the steaming hot eggs and practically shoving the food down your throat. Sukuna had to hold back a surprised laugh, watching you eat so hungrily like it was your last meal. A small smirk and a low chuckle was probably the best reaction you'd get from him for now, his chopsticks dipping into some egg fried ramen with chives as he smiled.
You were perfect for him.
"I'm going to be dealing with some village matters back at the shrine, I was hoping you'd accompany me." Sukuna said, slurping up the warm noodles and seeing your eyes level with his.
They shined with curiosity but also another emotion Sukuna knew well. It was fear.
Seeing as Sukuna's business was rather dark and gorey, he understood. But today was different. It was weird, but Sukuna wanted to make a little change in his routine for the years to come, as long as he had you by his side.
"You don't need to be so scared, it's actually going to be appealing to your humane nature," Sukuna continued, making your confusion only broaden.
"It's about these sacrifices and such. I don't find much need in them anymore, so I've decided that I needed a different kind of payment. Money isn't suitable since I have lots of it, and having women be killed over me is rather boring now."
Your quietness was making the King of Curses uneasy. Wouldn't this make you happy? Didn't you feel better? The fact Sukuna felt annoyed with your silence was annoying and he didn't like getting pissed for no reason.
"...You want to stop killing?"
That question had a lot of answers. But it was a yes and no answer. Sukuna loved killing, even if you didn't see it as good, Sukuna felt comfortable doing it and it relaxed him. Then again, killing anything was what really relaxed him.
"Yes, but only the good people," Sukuna said, returning to his food as if that was enough of an answer. "I'll protect the villages, but not for free, of course. I am not going to be a show pony for some measly humans."
God, Sukuna could feel your smile again. It was like a sickness.
"Good for you!" You said, finishing your meal. You placed your empty ramen bowel on the table it came with and pressed your lips together.
Feeling that warmth in your cheeks rise when the only sounds of Sukuna's eating and the chirping of birds outside. After last night, the confession he shared with you, you only felt inclined to tell him how you felt. Even if he already knew, which he did, you wanted to say it.
To say you loved him.
To say you cherished the life he brought you and the sights, smells, and new ideas that he gave you. You had learned a lot being around him and knew learning more with him would be just as thrilling and lovely as it was before. Looking up at the curse, whose eyes were narrowed and looking down at you calmly, you gulped.
"Sukuna?" You started, your hands turning into fists on your knees, feeling that warm ache in your chest again. "I wanted to say something.."
"What is it?" He said, tilting his head ever so slightly to the right, the calm expression never leaving as you lowered your gaze. Though Sukuna's fingers pinched your chin and lifted your head, making you return to his eyes as a sly smile appeared.
"What have I told you about looking at me when you speak, Y/n?"
The sudden want between your legs made you blush. An almost molten hot feeling forming and staying in your lower tummy. You felt so empty inside, you wanted something to fill that void and make it better. Sukuna could probably do it. He could fill it and make that ache go away.
"I wanted to say.." Your voice turned into a mumble, that gnawing feeling in your core hitting you like a truck. "I love.. you."
"Y/n.." Sukuna muttered, feeling his cheeks flush pink, and swallowing a glob inside his throat. Just say it back! SAY IT!
The sudden knocking at the door made you both jump away from each other. Sukuna hit his head on the closet door behind him, making him groan and wince, feeling out the lump that was sure to form.
"Sukuna? Y/n? Are you both up?"
For once, Sukuna didn't want his subordinate around to interrupt him. Though, as the door was pushed open, Sukuna's annoyance didn't leave and Uraume's sly smirk was obviously written on their features. They stepped forward and gave you a warm smile, ignoring the fuming King.
"Y/n, I hope you slept well?" Uraume asked, folding their arms in front of their chest as the broad smile only brightened.
"Yes, I slept quite well!" You said, feeling another wave of blush cascading down upon your cheeks again.
So love-struck that you could barely think without wanting to blush..
Soon, Sukuna, you and Uraume all made preparations to leave. Gathering any spare clothes or items such as the festival toys that you didn't want to forget, and heading out of the inn. Thanking the innkeepers before leaving and headed down the village's main road and finding something else for Sukuna to eat.
Even after so long, you were always surprised by Sukuna's large appetite.
As your small trio headed home, Uraume's eyes were glued to your small hand clasped with Sukuna's. Neither of you had noticed this small inclination, but Uraume read the message loud and clear and they couldn't be happier. For months, they'd been thinking of ways to make you both confess or say something to each other.
But no need. You both found your love together. That's all that mattered. Uraume's smile never faded that day, seeing as their master had finally found something better in that world than death and chaos.
Even during the meeting with a local village chief, Sukuna held you close. Laying your small frame in his lap as the women and men of the small group stared in awe. They looked so confused to see that someone was closer to Sukuna than before, even if they didn't know you, it was a shock.
Though, no matter the stares or the confusion, Sukuna was happy.
He was with a love that he doubted would dare burn out. Your small, soft, plump body and heart would be all he needed in his mind. Money and fame, even if it was mostly of fear, was nothing compared to the smiles and laughs you had. You were his precious little treasure, his little Queen of Curses.
Sukuna knew that you'd be a target eventually. That someone would want you dead. Though, there was little to worry about. Sukuna had taken on thousands of men before and killed them with the flick of a wrist. He was able to be your shield, your sword, and your army.
As the group of surprised humans left, Sukuna's attention left his daily life and focused on you and you alone. Your eyes quickly locked with his, Sukuna's heartbeat escalating while Sukuna smirked.
"Have your eyes been on me this whole time, little human?" He teased, watching color burn your cute cheeks. Your embarrassment was so amusing and sweet, he'd never get enough.
"Oh.. don't go getting all red on me. I'm not even being that much of a tease."
"W-Well, it's kind of hard to when you look at me like that," You retorted, your small kick of the feet as you swayed side to side in his lap.
This made Sukuna's coy smirk broaden, nibbling on his lower lip as he pinched your chin with ease. "It's hard to not look at you this way. You've captivated me in a tight embrace, so don't get all snippy with me when I want to admire you."
"I.." You were stunned, your small fingers trying to wrap around Sukuna's wrist as you tried to come up with a reply. "Uh.."
"Besides," Sukuna said, beating you to the punch and releasing his hold on your chin. Leaning back in his large throne and smiling down at you with that conceding grin he always wore when he felt proud.
"Don't act like you don't stare at me while I'm in the springs. You're a little pervert, aren't you?"
"Ah, stop!" You yelped, a feeling of warmth enveloped your face as you tried to hide behind your hands. "I'm not a pervert!"
Sukuna's laugh echoed throughout the throne room, making your embarrassment that much worse and you fell forward onto his chest and whined. Feeling your warm cheek pressed against his chest, Sukuna felt more like the pervert.
The thoughts that always threatened to surface at the wrong times sprouted. Wondering if you'd hold him this tight if you were both alone together and under the right circumstances. If your eyes flutter open to look at him with the same hot blush on your cheeks with tears in your eyes.
As more thoughts swirled in his dirty cursed head, you began to stand and snapped your fingers in front of his face.
"Sukuna?" You said, gaining his attention for the next three seconds and sighing. "I'm going to go help Uraume prepare lunch. I'll see you soon, okay? Go get in the showers while you have the chance too!"
And with that, you left. Leaving Sukuna alone to deal with the mass that has grown in his lap. How could he? You were probably being poked by his erection that whole time because he couldn't help but tease and think about you..
..He was such a lost cause.
Sukuna quickly made his way to the showers and started a warm bath, knowing that all he'd really use the bath for was fuel for his imagination. Once the warm water was high enough and the curtains were drawn back, Sukuna sat quickly and slowly let his mind drift back to his imagination.
As Sukuna dealt with his problems, you began to make yourself a small snack for later since you had finished making food with Uraume.
The main dish for lunch was a large roasted pig with a full salad underneath, complete with tomatoes, carrots, and other assorted vegetables. The side dishes were mostly seafood and western based, some fried curry and a few small pies that you had heard about from the villages before coming home. Purchasing them was hopefully a good idea, since apple and strawberry pie sounded amazing.
"Y/n, can you grab the main dish and take it to the dining room?" Uraume's voice echoed from down the kitchen's hallway.
"Yes!" You said, quickly finishing your snack and putting a small bag with them into your pocket. Picking up the large plate, you made sure to be as careful, but as quick as possible.
Entering the dining room and placing the large animal in the middle of the table like it was traditional. Soon getting the smaller side dishes circling around it and placing Sukuna's special plate and chopsticks, along with his cup full of sake down next to his utensils. After that, you excused yourself from the room and headed towards Sukuna's.
Trying to find him for lunch was normally an easy task, seeing as he should be done and waiting in the bedroom like normal. But he wasn't when in there, sitting on his monster of a bed, which got you a little confused.
Where was he?
Though, as you waited and continued to look around Sukuna's room, there was a creak from its entrance and the man in question poked his head in. Your small form being the first thing he spotted inside wasn't what he expected. Little you wasn't the first thing he wanted to see after what he had just done, even if it was because of you and that was the only thought in his mind.
"Oh, Sukuna," You said, a sigh leaving you as you smiled. "I was worried. Lunch is ready; Uraume and I are getting everything sorted in the dining hall. Come join us when you're dressed."
Don't think about his chest! Don't think about his hair either!
Throughout that lunch, and later dinner, your brain was consumed with other matters. While you sat and ate, listening to the background noise of Sukuna and Uraume's voices, your mind swirled with images of your former master.
They normally came in the middle of the night and left you confused and warm. Sitting in your bed wondering why you thought of Sukuna's hands grazing your hips and squeezing like you've been claimed. Having those narrowed maroon eyes looking down at you like you were the only thing that mattered.
And then he'd rub your middles against each other..
You blinked a few times, seeing Sukuna's worried expression as he snapped a final time. "This is the second time that you've let your mind drift.. are you ok?"
You gave a nod, feeling your cheeks warm and heat up. How could you have such lewd thoughts while you sat next to him!?
As embarrassed as you were, you continued your day as if nothing was happening. Completely ignoring the lewd images of Sukuna and keeping yourself busy with reading and writing. Only one problem.
Reading romance made things worse.
Especially the dirty scene that you read through for one you wanted to finish a week ago. There was another 'sex' part, even though you didn't understand that yet, and your mind replayed to Uraume. The conversation about love and sex, and how you do it with your partner.
Months had gone by when you asked them about sex again. And within those months, you and Sukuna had gotten closer and closer. Hugs and cuddling were almost daily and hanging out in the garden was a pastime for you both. Taking care of the flowers together and eventually Sukuna gathered the courage to ask you to his room.
You hadn't been to his room other than to wake him up and to lay with him and talk sometimes. It wasn't all the time, but it was enough to be comfortable and so that it wasn't awkward for the both of you. But today was different. Sukuna seemed more touchy even though he never acknowledged his own behavior and behaved as if grabbing your hips was normal.
Squeezing them and flustering you to no end. Making you feel warm and fuzzy, but also with a wanting in your gut. How could he make this small action have such an impact on you?
As you finished making Sukuna's bed and laid down for rest, your mind swirled and flooded with thoughts and ideas. And as your eyes began to close, and your mind began to drift off, you wondered..
What could you do to make Sukuna want this too..?
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a/n:: This part took a little longer, since I literally deleted the draft after completing it :D I loved writing this chapter and can't wait to do the next! Sorry for the uncertain amount of words and grammar (I dont have access as of this moment to check on it and get any misspelling fixed.) It's such a joy that you guys love this series and it makes me want to continue making more like it, I hope to make the next chapter soon.
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Chapter Theme Songs: — The Chainsmokers- This Feeling ft. Kelsea Ballerini — Conor Maynard- Royalty- (Lyric Video)
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taglist for Lost Lamb:: @okkotsufav, @gojoscprsaviour, @cafeinthemoon93, @im-a-killer-queen, @lucyrocks86, @pulchritxde, @watermelon-online, @xx-intothevoid-xx, @taetropchou, @pipopeew, @noblemaidenheart, @aepinkoutsold, @tojidilfs, @mageyboo, @zatrinaxxx, @north-st4r, @itadowriii, @pulchritxde, @kawaiipenguin20, @bontenbunny, @delphinefrancis, @tsupi, @hxlalokidottir, @satoritendoucultsacrifice, @justanotherj9, @amigoferal3, @vampirebloodfallen, @hail-homucifer, @pulchritxde, @xeno-fond, @agirlisnow,
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sosauced · 1 year
(Kiku) Japan x female NSFW imagines
I don’t see enough Japan content and it makes me sick. I’m so thirsty for his guy y’all don’t even wanna KNOW what I’d let him do to me. Imagine having mad sexual chemistry with him, oh god oh my god.
For starters, Kiku radiates big dick energy and that needs to be further examined by the fandom cause this man can absolutely lay fucking pipe, he can do so with confidence in the right situation. Like he may not be a “you, me, now.” Type of guy but..Yanno what just read the essay I’ve prepared cause I would fuck this guy so hard.
-Kiku is so attentive and pays great attention to details of his friends likes and dislikes, this leaks into his very being. He can take subtle hints and reads them well. He can use this quality to pinpoint every tiny little erogenous zone on his lovers body and abuse them til you’re practically in heat for him. He’d lick and suck and bite and kiss and rub every inch of your body until you’re begging him to just fuck you. Master of rational thinking, he’d never let your pleads get him to go faster than his own pace. “Clear your mind, my kitten.” He whispers, those dark eyes of his pouring mediation and peace into yours as he slides a finger in. “Focus on what you feel right now, don’t get greedy.” (HNNN NNNNNNNNNGGGGGG IM FERAL FOR THIS)
-Since he has a natural ability to take a hint, he uses that to read when you’re even thinking about something dirty. Imagine it now, you’re sitting across from him, his eyes unwavering as he locks onto yours, you’ve been shifting in your seat more than usual since you’ve sat down. Kiku can read that hazed look in your eyes from across a room, he’s so in tune with what you want. So, although He usually finds it rude to do so but he takes his phone from his pocket, and sends you a quick text. “Settle down, make it through dinner and I’ll give you what you want. Just be patient for me.”
-Natural soft dom, anyone who says otherwise can throw hands with me. He’s direct but polite, and he isn’t shy to tell someone when they have crossed a line with himself or others. If you’re the type to enjoy a gentle reminder that you need to stay in your lane or relax (or If you’re like me and don’t know when to shut up and need someone to help) he can offer gestures of comfort, such as leaning into your neck and blowing gently on your skin, he’d offer his hand to you or latch his pinky around yours to ground you. He’s so intimate, uuuuuugh.
-OH GOD BUT WHEN YOU GET HOME!!!!!! He’s slow and lazy as he traps you up against the wall, his arm resting above your head, his knee pushing your legs apart and his free hand pushes your hair back, idly holding the strands between his fingers and he takes a deep breath of your scent. He’d hum and rest his forehead against yours as his fingers make way down the back of your dress, unzipping you from the fabric. He’s so slow, and your breath is hitching and his eyes look dreadfully intense as he drops your garment around your ankles. “Kiku?” “Y/N…” he’d huff as he pets the pad of his middle finger against your clit, feeling the heat of your pussy spread over his hands. “You did so well tonight.”
-King of appraisals. This guy throws around “good girl” “my kitten” and “that’s my girl” like he’s the pitcher at a major league baseball games. Everyone seems to believe that this guy wouldn’t show skinship but that’s only really in public. Behind closed doors he’s all head pets and couples baths, massages and my god he loves to kiss. His kisses are deep and passionate and so sensual.
-As a soft dom he’s habitually inclined to place his hands on the back of your neck and waist, holding you close as he guides you through his passionate and starved kisses. His plump and soft lips slipping against yours and your mixed saliva lubricates his gentle bites to your bottom lip.
I’m gonna pass out!!!!!!! AAAAAAAH stfu he’s too much!!!!!!
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homerforsure · 1 year
I absolutely LIVE for your Hockey AU so Kidnapped Hockey Buck fic please! 🙏
Thank you! Hockey Buck is, uh, going through it a bit in this fic. It's probably going to end up being the most physical whump that I've done to date.
The shot seems to take forever to land. Pucks ring off the posts beside him and ricochet off into the room. With each miss, the man only grows more furious, his grunts of effort echoing through the space as he launches shot after shot in Buck’s direction. When it finally collides with his left hip, Buck shouts, yanking hard against the bindings holding him up to try and curl in on himself, to try and protect the rest of his vulnerable body from attack. But the only movement he can manage is a pained flinch and a dropping of his chin to his chest as he fights to catch his breath. 
“Bet you wish you were done,” the man says, breathing heavily. Buck thinks he’s somewhere on the other side of the room, but he can’t be sure of anything in the dark. And when the blade of a stick slides under his chin and forces his head up, his entire body trembles. 
He makes a plea that would be wordless even if his mouth wasn’t taped, full of terror and rage. A futile noise of protest that goes unheeded. 
“You weren’t though, were you? Couldn’t leave well enough the fuck alone. Had to come in as the big hero. You wouldn’t even pass when your teammate had a wide open shot.” 
He hits play again and Glenn and Hayley are back, giddiness in their voices as they count down the remaining minutes of the third period. 
Martin: The Stars starting to get desperate now. At one point leading this game 6-1, now tied. Fighting for every inch of ice they can get as the Kings refuse to take their foot off the gas. They do get a shot on Hen Wilson, one of just four they’ve had here in the third. 
Marcinko: There goes Buckley!
Martin: Eddie Diaz with a tremendous breakout pass and Buckley’s away! He’s got Panikkar with him on the wing. Gosh, that kid can fly. It’s a two on one. Panikkar’s got space on the far side. 
Marcinko: Buckley can’t find an angle for a shot. Smith doing everything he can to stay in his way, but the passing lane is wide open. 
Martin: Buckley looks to Panikkar. Oh he fakes the pass and Smith falls for it! Buckley shoots! He scores! 7-6 Kings! 
The sound cuts off as abruptly as it started and all Buck can hear is his own panicked breath. He roars, wrapping his fingers around the stick that he’s bound to, thrashing wildly like he might be able to snap it in two. But the angles are all wrong. He has no leverage. All he does is bounce the stick off the back of his neck while his shoulders scream at the movement. 
“What was that one? High glove side?” Another puck clatters on the cement floor. “Such a selfish fucking asshole. Couldn’t be happy with overtime. Couldn’t let the kid take one fucking shot.”
It was the play. Ravi knew that. They were always supposed to make the opening look too tempting to pass up and trick the defender into going for it. Take the shot while the goalie was screened. 
Not that it matters. Buck would give anything now to go back and make the pass. Go back and change it all. 
This time the puck explodes off the stick with ferocious accuracy. Buck hears it at the same time he feels the vulcanized rubber slam into his collarbone, cracking it in two with all the sharpness of a blade. And he screams. 
Spending my birthday/vacation week writing snippets for my WIPs. List here if you want one
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maisiestyle · 2 years
They're still Mad.
Look at this clown:
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Imagine being this obsessed and bitter. Having read the history of the kind of characters GRRM writes... I can't imagine him being as dumb & simplistic as these haters.
Arya's narrative is more than some petty ass love story or beauty competition. But cateyhightowaaa reduces her own fave to those cliches and you wonder why most people think their distorted version of Sansa is so mid.
GRRM writes about a lot of different tomboy/unconventional female characters who grow up, embrace who they are, fall in love, gain or loss power and were all forced to confront whatever situation the world threw at them. Arya will end the story as old or possibly older than Lyanna Stark so a lot can happen in the coming years/books. If you think Arya will remain stagnant, experience no growth in the opinions she held at 9 or 10 years old - you're completely out of touch and clownish.
Lyanna was the Helen of Troy type, despite being a sword wielding, outspoken, rule-breaking tomboy.
"The crowning of the Stark girl, who was by all reports a wild and boyish young thing with none of the Princess Elia's delicate beauty, could only have been meant to win the allegiance of Winterfell to Prince Rhaegar's cause".
One of her rivals, the conventionally beautiful Cersei (who used to dress up as a boy when she was a young & envied the privilege being male gave others) the same Cersei who drew pictures of herself & Rhaegar riding a dragon only for him to run away with the boyish fierce unladylike Stark girl. Poetic.
The same Arya from book 1 wouldn't care about being graceful and understanding the power of a sweet smile. Yet there she is Mercy, revelling in her own growth. So far, Arya has had only 1 positive female figure in her life (besides the females she idolised in the songs & and stories) and that was Lady Ravella born from House Swann. She washed and put Arya in a dress, told her she was pretty and to always be brave. In TWOW, I think she'll get another positive female figure in the Black Pearl courtesan, a targaryen descendant - the most famous courtesan who seems to feature a lot in Arya's current Braavos chapters. In Mercy, Arya transforms into one of those pretty giggling girls. Which again… is not something old Arya would ever waste her time with.
Arya's story doesn't revolve around Sansa despite how much her haters want it to be. But they're threatened by Arya's potential. Imagine this lonely little girl across the narrow sea has absolutely no idea she is "Lady of Winterfell" and that Northmen are marching to war to save "Ned Stark's precious little girl."
Jon Snow freeing 4,000 wildlings to save "Arya Stark". He even sends a King Beyond the Wall to steal Arya for him. GRRM even has Mance take on the alias of "Abel" an anagram of "Bael" the Bard to do the deed.
Why can't haters stay in their own very limited lane? Your bitterness has you seething, knowing Arya is GRRM's favourite female character and will play a key role in the story ahead.
Stay mad. We get why.
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prettyrealm · 1 year
1. respect my cryppin’ - blueface
i hold my own baby never needed nobody to stand next to me..stay by myself, ain’t gotta worry about nobody tellin (nope) stay by myself ain’t gotta worry about nobody jealous (nope) i don’t even like working with people baby, cause i’m hella selfish…
2. starboy - the weeknd
i’m tryna put you in the worst mood, p1 cleaner than your church shoes, milli point two just to hurt you, all red lamb just to tease you..you talkin bout me, i don't see the shade..switch up my style, i take any lane, switch up my cup, i kill any pain..comin for the king, that's a far cry..the competition, i don't really listen, i'm in the blue mulsanne, bumpin new edition…
3. balm, bool & bollective - yg
can't let 'em get the best of me, my curve skills on deck, they want my recipe. they like “how you do it and then keep it movin?’ cause see, me, i usually lose it”..when people start trippin, i be wantin' to start trippin but I just kick it, and act like the bigger person..got a call a little later bout this and that all drama, had to hang up, like, "this is wack"…
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