ikiprian · 3 months
ugh i know bruce probably has some lame ass ubiquitous american broadcast voice, but SO BADLY i want him to have just. the world’s THICKEST jersey accent
“jason peetah, swear ta god, i’m gonna cawl alfred and get ‘im to tawk some sense into ya. do you want him to know what you been up to? yeah no. yeah no! ‘swhat i thought! yeh breakin ya butler’s heart!!”
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>Your mate’s back online, you’re on good terms with Snips (or so you hope), and your pitchmate is a troll, and a hot one at that. Plus your picture got a lot of notes, so you guess you’ll have to take that more risque one you said you’d do, but save it for tomorrow.
>How much better can your day go?
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ikiprian · 4 months
I think Danny should get to be in more situations where he can’t use his ghost powers. I also think that suppressing this half of him ought to make more ghostly features appear on his human-self. Longer teeth, difficulty recording him on camera, tapetum lucidum and silent footsteps. He doesn't blink enough. He doesn't always breathe. If you sit too long in a room with him, you'll get a ringing in your ear.
Danny’s still a good kid! Kind and helpful and funny, there's just something about him that’s just a little too far to the left.
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ikiprian · 2 months
there’s a lot of interesting stuff that can be made by examining the objectively scary stuff the robins face in a realistic light, but also? i really like the robins making trauma jokes. humor’s a coping mechanism that makes a lot of sense for them, given their previous role as the lighter side of batman. and, perhaps more importantly, i think it’s funny
Dick: did you just house an entire family-sized bag of chips? by yourself, in less than an hour?
Jason: as an orphan, i qualify as a family of one
Steph: but you died too, so that would make you a family of zero
Damian: multiple of us have died. it doesn’t make anyone special. i, however, am naturally special, on account of being heir to the batman
Steph: ah, heck. well, i’m no longer special, guess it’s time to fake my death and flee to africa
Dick: are you really heir to the batman, though, if bruce kicking it anytime soon would just put me in the cowl? which is a terrible job, by the way, to which nobody should brag about being heir?
Tim: hey, guys. has anyone seen my chips? i coulda sworn i…
Jason: [makes direct eye contact as he tips the bag up, funneling the bottom-bag chip crumbs into his mouth]
Jason: oh, sorry. did someone take something from you? steal it, perhaps?
Tim: [deep breath]
Tim: do you want guns batman. because this is how you get guns batman
Dick: [muttering] at least someone wants the job
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ikiprian · 3 months
yeah yeah, jason todd’s dip in the ecto-lazarus pit changed something in him irrevocably, enough that he feels a resonance with fellow living-dead danny we’ve all been there
but you know who else has been killed and was revived by the lazarus pit? another member of the batfamily, a fellow hero, world class fighter, stubbornly believes in second chances and redemption? cassandra motherfuckin’ cain
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ikiprian · 3 months
kon and bart are the kinda guys to have heartfelt public engagements and messy public breakups to see if they can get free food from rich people restaurants.
cassie is eventually drawn into the chaos. between the three of them, they end up creating elaborate scenarios where one of them plays the other woman, one of them begs another to leave their relationship, one of them is an antagonistic ex who gets thoroughly shut down by the hero partner who then proceeds to propose to their partner in front of god and everyone, effectively destroying the ex’s ego and sending them to the shadow realm. they quickly forget the goal of free food and find themselves kicked out for public disturbance. they keep doing it anyway
tim is too public a figure to join in the shenanigans. its literally the worst thing ever, until he remembers Mr. Sarcastic has no such qualms
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ikiprian · 3 months
if there’s a superhero out there who is maintaining a secret identity, please know i WILL be trans allegory-ing you in my head. this goes double if you’re a teenager with at least one living parent (or parent-adjacent), triple if the parent doesnt quite “get it.” if you havent been transed yet i promise i havent skipped you, you’re in the queue, just wait your turn
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ikiprian · 4 months
i have sooo many thoughts about damian and his pets. of course titus is the most obedient dog you've ever seen! of course alfred's coat shines like a show cat's! they're the best of their species, chosen and raised with care. they are one of a kind. they are indispensable. they are assets.
damian trains his animals with the same desperate fervor talia trained him. if he is strong, he will not be sent away. if he stays ahead of the curve, he will not be sent away. if he follows orders, embodies league values, grows quickly into his role of perfect heir, he will not be sent away.
(of course, mother sent him away, anyway. and it's not until years later, when titus tears a ligament in his knee and must be carried into the vet's, that he understands. as much as he prepares them for the scrutiny of the world, as much as his heart aches and fingers worry at the subpar upholstery in the waiting area— some aspects of their health and happiness are better delegated to others.)
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ikiprian · 4 months
in a danny phantom pokemon!AU tucker would have a rotom. sam would have a phantump that later evos into trevanant. danny would have a clefairy that can transform into a gengar à la going-ghost (space-themed mon into a ghostly one, plays into the “gengar is the ghost of a clefairy/clefable” theory)
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ikiprian · 4 months
i think some people forget that amity is kinda. big. like its not some sleepy small town in the midwest its like, got a downtown area. and skyscrapers, too
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ikiprian · 3 months
haha yeah outcast child! you should definitely center your sense of identity on aspirations of heroism! the elite ruling class will definitely accept you if you demonstrate guts, grit, and embody the values of your society to great personal detriment! this is the way of upward mobility, for sure! you can totally succeed, you are so special and unlike those you grew up with. disavow them! dress like us! speak like us! fight for us! in no way will you either become a recuperated symbol to support the system that scorned you, or fall into disillusionment when inevitably rejected for your authentic self. no way would that happen ahahaha
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ikiprian · 3 months
anyone who writes sam/danny/tucker as a polycule may please kiss me on the lips. also those who write peter parker/ned leeds/MJ as a polycule. and while we’re here, any poly combo of young justice (comics). im chapsticked up, im in prime smooching position. mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah
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ikiprian · 3 months
i think batman’s little horns should go back when he’s grumpy. airplane ears. as a treat
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ikiprian · 3 months
“uh whuh tim is asian because hes smart” WRONG. tim is asian because his hyperindependence and desperate compartmentalization of his life are his most powerful traits, and they make it so he has trouble connecting with his white dad and his dads white gf after his mom dies no matter how much affection there is
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ikiprian · 3 months
all writers need to be more cringe. we need to write x readers and crossovers and self-insert ocs. we need to write silly self indulgent low quality stuff that makes us happy in-between the labor-intensive canon-grounded thorough-world-building elaborative stuff. like take a break. write porn. and only then will the gates of heaven open and bliss will be known to us
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ikiprian · 3 months
jason is also asian to me. if you even care
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