#kit connor x male reader
malereadermaniac · 5 months
First move ~ Kit Connor x Male Reader
The two of you were in a talking stage, basically dancing on the line between friendly and flirting, so Kit makes the first move
Male reader not explicit but implied! - Fem readers DNI!
I'm quite proud of this ngl
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The atmosphere was calm, it always was with your ginger, *very* close friend
But as calm and comforting as it may have been, tension always made the air feel thick
Romantic tension which was caused by the muscular arm around your waist and your head on his broad shoulders
The film may as well be background noise at this point
Your thoughts were full of ways you could subtly flirt with your very attractive friend who you defo didn't have a fat crush on
Thankfully, Kit was thinking along the same lines, ignoring the film completely and running ideas through his brain of how to somehow kiss you
Your brought out of your trance when Kit shifts slightly, making you aware of the uncomfortable position you've probably been keeping him in for the past half hour
"Oh shit sorry, Kit" you mumble as you sit up, facing the movie as it grabs your attention when some random line is blurted out
Kit remains quiet, regretting shifting in his spot
'Fucking dickhead. He moved now' Kit thinks, already somehow missing the electric touch you provided him with when you were resting on him
Kits slender, masculine fingers tighten around your waist, making up for the previously lost contact
God the atmosphere was suffocating, you wanted to just outright say "date me you dumbass" but you were too pussy to do something like that
As the movie went on, it grabbed your attention completely, so initially you failed to realise what Kit was doing
Which was intently staring at you
It didn't start as an intentional stare, Kit just initially went back to thinking if how to make the first move
His gaze shifting you your gorgeous face in the light of the TV due to his thoughts consisting of only you
His accidentally stared turned purposeful once the ginger remembered a TiKTok he saw
'Pov: when you watch a movie with a guy and notice him looking at you out of the corner of your eye'
He didn't get it at first, but Kit got immediate clarification after browsing the comments
Now he knows that it's cliche, and that TikTok was making fun of men doing this
But the built ginger actually couldn't think of any other way of making a love on you
And trust me, he was desperate at this point to make a move on you
Kit has been crushing on you for as long as you had been on him, which was a long, long time
He couldn't allow this relationship(?) to result in only late night scenarios he would imagine to fall asleep
He was lost in his thoughts for a while, but all that time his head was turned to face you, his eyes fluttering between you lips and nose and eyes and chin and cheeks
Kit was broken out of his trance when you perked up - a result of you noticing Kit watching you instead of the movie
After cementing that Kit was indeed fully staring at you and you weren't imagining things, you start to feel blood rush to your cheeks, your posture straightening up perfectly
After 2 or 3 more minuets, you play it cool and turn to face your close, close friend
"You okay?" You ask him, tilting your head to the side with an inquisitive look
He fucking loved that look whenever you gave it him
Kit liked it when you looked confused or lost - which happened a lot, there's a reason he's the one who uses Google maps and not you
The ginger sits up from his laid back, man-spreading position, his hand still tight around your waist
He tugged on your waist, moving the two of you closer together
It was silent, still comfortable but the tension was fucking choking you to death
As Kit moved his smooth face closer to yours, you liked your lips nervously
You could feel his breathing on your face, warm air making you blush, hard
The ginger moved his soft yet large hand to your cheek, holding your head in his hand as his thumb stroked your cheek
Kit was fucking enamoured by you, you consumed his thoughts on the daily and this was him showing you
His eyes moved between your lips and looking deeply into your eyes, it was dark but you could see the passion and maybe even love in your friends eyes as he looked into yours
His long, veiny fingers brushed up through your hair and Kit gave you a look
One you understood perfectly - a look which turned you on when it was really the bare minimum
Kit asked if he could kiss you with that look, and after waiting for a year and a bit for this moment, you gave a short and sweet nod
Kit's lips are the next thing you know, and the only thing you know and can focus on for the next 3 and a half minuets
It was a soft kiss, his hand gently gripping your hair to guide you to the movement of his lips
He tried to push his tongue against your lips, asking for entrance, but when he felt your hand dart to his thigh and grip just a little tightly he knew to take that as a "not yet"
Kit could taste the chewing gum you had in moments ago, he always liked that about you - you always had gum in
He's bought the same gum as you, he's imagined this moment after putting a piece of it in his mouth - not admitting to himself that he wanted to 'taste' you
Once the two of you pulled away from each other, you breathlessly panted against Kit's face, that same spearmint smell making him feel tingly
The ginger smirked, looking fucking hot in the TV light
His grip tightened slightly around your waist and on your hair
"I like you ya know" he said, feigning charisma but god was it convincing
"Oh yeah? I'm not too convinced Kit-Kat, prove it to me some more?" You respond, looking up at Kit and smiling in a coy manner to tease the taller man
Fuck, there's another thing he liked about you to add to the list.
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supercap2319 · 9 months
He didn't mean to kiss the Rugby king. Really, he didn't. It was in the heat of the moment. They had just won the game against another team and in all the excitement between on the field and the locker room, Y/N grabbed Nick by the face, and kissed him on the lips. It was fast and chaste as Y/N's eyes widened when he realized what he was doing.
"Nick, mate, shit I'm sorry." He blushed.
Before Nick could say anything, the sound of someone dropping their bag onto the floor made them jump as they turned to see Charlie Spring looking at them, mouth opened wide. "Oh my God."
"It's not what it looks like!" Nick protested.
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devine-star · 2 years
Short King!
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Josh Washington, Connor (RK800), Gavin Reed, Jesse, Dylan Lenivy, Nick Furciilo x Male!Reader! (All seperate!) 
Warnings: Small sexual mentions, 
Note: decided to take this request and do it with a few of my favorites from each fandom I wrote for! This is a part one! If you’d like a part 2 let me know! 
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Josh Washington (Until Dawn): 
-Josh LOVES your height!  -He is 6′ even himself so when he first meets you, he thinks you’re ADORABLE!  -That quickly changes when he sees how buff you truly are.  -Hiding it behind baggy and lose clothes, often others will think you’re just chunky.
-He knows the truth thought.  -LOVES when you two are wrestling (Not sexually, get your mind out of the gutter) and you EASILY pin him to ground or man handle him!  -WILL make jokes about you doing that in the bedroom but plays it off as a joke. -Follows you to the gym claiming its to “Watch your form” But in reality, just wants to see you bench press his weight.  -You would tease him CONSTANTLY about him watching you.  -He would go so far that he would trip on the tredmil and go flying almost half way across the gym.  -But Josh didn’t care! It led to you two back at the lodge with you patching up the few scrapes on his arms and legs. 
Connor (RK800, DBH):  -Doesn’t understand the height thing when it comes to humans. -”Why is height important?” He would ask this CONSTANLY when someone mentions they could never date someone shorter than him. -Admires your form anytime he can honestly, -You’re the main reason he became a deviant but he would NEVER admit that. -Just the way your muscles would press against your shirt as you moved things around the house or even just as you did yard work; it drove him CRAZY -Didn’t fully become deviant until the day the two of you were walking downtown -He went to cross the road and failed to see the car coming straight for him.  -Yelling his name you reach out, grabbing him -Almost lifting him over your head to get him out of the way.  -He sits on the ground as a blue blush covered his face as his eyes covered with red lines as a rush of new emotions filled him. 
Gavin Reed (DBH):  -A somewhat short king himself. -5′9 but tells everyone he’s 6′. -Constantly picks on you for your height but it’s only because he loves you! -Keeps his feelings hidden.  -”Gav, could you get that mug for me?” You would ask not knowing he put it up so high so you would need his help. -But the one, and only, time you asked Connor for help? Gavin is fuming! -Gavin has had his fair share of deviants getting away, why? Because he would be distracted by the way your thighs looked in your jeans as you ran.  -Always wants to sit on the other side of the interigation room, why? Because he wants to watch you go in there in a tank top to intimidate whoever was on the other side. -In a tank top, leaning against the table as you crossed your arms.  -He would be lying if he said he wouldn’t get a small rush of horny whenever you would slam your hands on the table to scare the person you were questioning. 
Jesse (The Last Of Us):  -Doesn’t care for height honestly  -Loves that when you hug him, your face in tilted into his neck.  -CONSTANTLY on edge when you two go on patrol and get ambushed by infected. -He loses you for a solid 10 minutes but once everything is killed, he can’t find you anywhere.  -Comes to find you under a table holding a gash in your hand.  -Panicking, thinking you were infected, he quickly pulls you from your hiding spot before seeing its just a gash from a bottle.  -”What happened?” Quickly pulling out his medical kit -”Oh..uh,” You chuckle while blushing “I busted a bottle due to how hard I was holding it,”  -SWOON!!! -He then convinces you that you need sparing lessons, only so he could be tossed around by you; shamlessly. 
Dylan Lenivy (The Quarry):  -TALL BF LOVES HIS SHORT BF!!!! -You first caught his eye when he brought his group of campers to the archary range.  -The heat of summer was nothing campred to the heat he felt watching you draw your arm back to aim the bow -Dylan even goes as far as to ‘tripping’ near you so you would catch him. -When everything started going down and Dylan sprained his ankle running; you had no issue or struggle picking him up bridal style to carry him back to the lodge.  -Even in the heat of the fight, you fighting a werewolf, fist to fist. He couldn’t stop his swooning.  -Hiding behind you was a THING for him.  -Just knowing how strong you were made him feel SO safe but he knew how rediculous it must look. 
Nick Furcillo (The Quarry):  -Mr. Furcillo is 6′2. The tallest in camp besides Dylan.  -He LOVES watching you teach the kids how to play guitar.  -Sitting there watching the way your muscles move under your skin as you pluck the strings and the way your hands looked; drove him INSANE.  -Now when everything went down and he was attacked; the wolf inside of him CRAVED you.  -Not just sexually.  -All the thoughts Nick had about the way it would feel to have you hold him close and just calm him down ran wild.  -Half of him hoping that when he was hurt that is what you would do.  -Right before he turned he demanded to see you.  -The way you sat on your knees next to him, reaching over to dab the sweat away gently.  -A rush of arousal and anger filled him when you shoved him off after he tried to pull you close to him. -Once everything was over and he found you again; apologies and tears were shared as you FINALLY took him into your arms. 
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thefirstdirector · 2 years
Can someone do kit connor x male reader?
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angel-ixily · 2 years
The Scars You Bleed
Pairings: Nick Nelson x male!Reader
Pronouns: He/Him
POVs: First & Third
Fandom: Heartstopper
Requested by: @coffinheartz
Warnings: Mentions of self-harm, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, snot/mucus, B*n H*pe, H*rry Gr*en
Summary: After what feels like a lovely day with his boyfriend, Nick sees something concerning on Y/N's wrist and is conflicted of whether to bring it up with him or not.
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“It’s freezing out here.” I said, running my hands up and down my arms. My boyfriend, Nick Nelson looked over and glanced up and down at me. He scoffed in amusement.
“You have got to be joking. It’s 73 out here today and you are literally wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. It can’t be that cold.” He replied, a light smile tugging at his lips. I shrugged.
“I don’t know about you, sir. But you are a walking furnace. You’re always warm.” I made sure to make the ‘always’ stand out. Nick shook his head.
“And you’re always cold. Last week it was almost in the 80’s and you were complaining about it being so cold that you went inside and wrapped yourself in your electric blanket!” Nick picked up a random small purple flower from the grass and stuck it behind my ear. It stuck out through my hair, and I giggled.
“Thanks Nick. I wish I could see how it looks in my hair. I don’t want it to fall out.” I told him, reaching around my head. He pulled out his phone and lifted it up so that we would both fit in the frame. I looked at the camera above us and began to fix the flower so it wouldn’t fall out. Nick stayed silent for a moment, just staring at the camera.
“You look so cute. That flower looks so pretty in your hair.” He spoke. I smiled and looked over to him. I heard a click of the phone camera and I looked up. Nick had a look of ‘oh shit’ written all over his face.
“Delete that.” I ordered him.
“I didn’t mean for the photo to make a sound.” He said quickly as he tried pulling his phone closer to him. I began to try to reach for it. He pulled it closer and tried pushing me away.
I rolled over so my head was leaning over his chest. “Come on Nicholas! Delete it!” I said with a smile. He just shook his head as he pulled the phone up and over him. I reached up to grab it, my sleeve coming down.
It took me a moment to notice the scars, and at that point, Nick was staring right at my arm. I quickly pulled it down. Nick just stared off to space for a moment before biting his lip. My heart began to race nervously. A smile returned to his face.
“Given up, huh?” He asked. I felt relief come to my heart. I crossed my arms to make sure the scars would stay hidden.
“You’re just really impossible in moments like these.” I fake-complained. He scoffed.
“Impossible? What do you mean by impossible?” He asked. I just shrugged.
“Just making up insults, I guess.” I said, turning away from him stubbornly. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my cheek and spoke.
“If you really want me to delete the photo, I will.” He mumbled into my ear. I turned my head towards him.
“If you want to keep it, that’s okay. Just don’t show it to anyone else. I looked dumb.” I chuckled nervously. He shook his head in disagreement.
“You never look dumb. I only see that cute face of yours.” He complimented before rolling us both over so that I was on top of him.
*3rd person POV*
Nick sat in his bedroom, biting his lip. The image played over in his mind.
The scars on Y/N’s arm.
He just bit his lip, staring off in space. When he finally zoned back in, he looked to his laptop on the left of him. He thought for a moment before picking it up and placing it on his lap.
He went to Google but nothing was in his mind. It was blank. He didn’t even know where to start. He clicked on the search engine, watching the curser blink.
Nick began to type.
'What does it mean if you see scars on someone’s wrist?'
Nick pressed ‘enter’ and links popped up, the first one reading “How To Respond To Self Harm.”
Nick’s heart almost stopped. He had hoped that it wouldn’t be that. That maybe Y/N’s puppy had just scratched him. Maybe even bit him.
Nick slowly clicked on the link. Reading through the passage. The list being; show compassion, respect what the person is telling you, listen, encourage. Things like that. He just pressed his lips together. He felt tears coming to his eyes but he just went back to the search engine.
‘Self-harm scars’
‘Why do people self-harm?’
‘How to help people with depression’
‘Are people with depression always cold’
‘Signs of eating disorders’
‘Why do people have eating disorders?’
‘Is depression curable’
‘How to get rid of depression’
‘How to help my boyfriend with depression’
Were the multiple questions he asked Google. His heart broke with every question he searched.
Nick slammed the laptop shut and cried into his hands. He couldn’t take it. Y/N had mentioned the fact that, yes, he had anxiety. But he had never mentioned his other mental illnesses. He had never mentioned anything about his scars or battle with self-harm. But a part of Nick knew that if you battled with that stuff, you don’t really tell anyone.
That’s what hurt Nick, though. Y/N knew that he could tell Nick everything, right? Right?
Nick just laid down, grasping onto his pillow, and sobbing harder. He cared for Y/N more than anything else in the world. He should have seen that something was wrong. He should have known that something was wrong. He was his boyfriend! He should have done something. Maybe confronted him about it when he saw them.
He didn’t know what to do at this point. He didn’t want to confront Y/N about it and scare him. He didn’t want to make his lover nervous or anxious. He wanted Y/N to be happy. And Y/N wasn’t happy.
But all those thoughts led Nick to a conclusion. He felt as if it were all his fault.
*Y/N point of view*
I woke up to that stupid alarm. The alarm that always made me want to kill myself. Not literally, only on some days it did. But those were the days that I hadn’t been doing so well.
I laid in bed for a few more moments, letting myself wake up a bit. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and checked the weather. Another day in the 70's. I checked my messages. No new texts from Nick. I pressed my lips into a thin line.
I looked at my dresser, trying to figure out whether or not I had already washed my school uniform. I didn't want to get up, but I decided I wouldn't want to miss out on my form with Nick.
I sat on the edge of my bed and walked over to my dresser. Surprise surprise! I had already worn my school uniform, so I just grabbed some Lysol from the bathroom across the hall, and sprayed it on them so it would smell halfway decent.
I began to take off my shirt and I took another look at my scars. Some days, like right now, I regretted ever making them. I looked at them and just felt pain. Why would I ever do that to myself? Other days...I just felt like I deserved them. I stared at them a bit longer before I put my arm down.
I put on the uniform, grabbed some sneakers, and fixed my tie, before walking down the stairs and greeting my older brother, a university student. He was munching on a piece of toast with some Australian spread that his girlfriend had gotten him obsessed with.
"It's Pride Month, Y/N." He said, swallowing a large piece of the toast. I looked over to him, just blinking.
"And what do you expect I do? Spray-paint my uniform rainbow, get on a rainbow clown wig, tattoo "I love Men" on my shoulder, and start skipping down my street happily to Lil Nas X while wearing drag makeup and stilettos?" I asked him. My brother just smiled, reaching for the class cup beside him to get a swig of his water.
"I mean, I'm not entirely sure how this gay thing works. But that's definitely not what I would be expecting you to do. But tell me if you ever decide to do that, because I need to take photos." He put the glass down and came over to me.
"Have a good day at Truham, bro. Love you." He ruffled my hair a bit, going up the stairs. I rolled my eyes and scoffed amusingly before I walked towards the living room and walked out the door.
Truham wasn't that far from my house, so I just walked. The neighborhood smelled of dampness and the dew spread over the grass. Girls heading towards Higgs passed and waved at me. One girl took it as far as to winking at me. I just gave an awkward smile and kept walking my merry way to Truham.
When I got to the gate, Nick was leaning on the fence, possibly waiting for me. I smiled brightly. He seemed lost in thought. He looked like he had barely gotten any sleep that night. His eyes looked puffier, and he looked truly exhausted. My smile slowly faded. He looked up at me, his face going from the lost puppy look, to a more neutral face. But at the same time, he looked completely heartbroken. Had I done something?
I walked over.
"I need to talk to you."
I went wide eyed. My heart rate slowly began to increase. My eyes switched between both of his, unsure where to look. He stopped leaning on the fence, walking over to me slowly.
"Uh sure...what about?" I asked. I stopped looking in his eyes and began to shuffle my feet. I felt intimidated. I looked to the ground our feet.
"Not here...Just...meet me in the practice rooms after school. The room that locks you in if you close the door." That's all he explained. He just stood there for a moment, before he turned around and walked towards the school. I stayed there. Just looking at him walking to the school. I looked around me, watching people pass or walk around.
I finally walked towards the school after the first bell.
Throughout the day, thoughts would appear in my head.
Was Nick going to break up with me?
Did he love me anymore? I mean he loved me yesterday...at least it looked like he did...
What if this was all a plan for Nick to just lock me in the practice rooms?
Hell, not even in form did Nick even bat an eye at what he was going to say after school. He would just talk about whatever. At least that soothes my thoughts a little bit. But they were still there.
I just picked at the skin where my scars were. I stopped when I accidentally re-opened one. The blood soaked my wrist and sleeve, but I just held my sleeve closer to my wrist, hoping it would hide the fact of what I accidentally did.
It got worst during the last hour, anxiety and thoughts swirling my head. My leg bounced. I picked at my other wrist. I didn't pay attention to anything the professor talked about during class. I just looked out the window. Hell, I didn't even talk to any of my friends. It felt like I was alone. Like there had been nobody else in that room but me.
I would sometimes look back and forth from the clock. It went from an hour. To 50, to 40, to 30, to 20, to 10, to 5 minutes. The clock struck down to seconds. And finally, the bell rang. I packed all my stuff into my bag, and made my way down the hallway.
I felt as if everyone was looking at me. I felt as if they were all muttering about me. I picked up the pace and walked into the music section. I walked through the gymnasium where the concerts took place, hearing my footsteps echo and bounce on the walls. I opened a large double door, walking into where the practice rooms would be.
The hallway leading to the practice room Nick would be in, felt extra long. And when I caught sight of the door, time seemed to slow. I was now in the doorway, and Nick had been sitting on the floor, messing with a pillow that had been sat against the wall.
I cleared my throat.
Nick looked up. He gave me a soft smile. One that said, "I've been waiting for you." His face fell again. He stood up and walked to me. He looked into my eyes, opening his mouth to say something. Nothing came out. He looked down at my chest, closing his mouth and swallowing some saliva. He looked back up and opened his mouth again.
Once more, nothing came out.
"Nick," I paused, looking to the left of the doorway. I gathered my thoughts. "Are you breaking up with me?" I asked him, a nervous look on my face. My heart was thumping, a shallow pain within every other beat.
Nick immediately looked up, shock in his face. "What? No! No, no, no! Why would you ever think that? Did I make it seem as if I was going to do that?" He asked, a concerned and sad glint laying in his eyes. His hands trailed up to my face, cupping my cheeks. My heart was calming down now. My face softened. But there was still some nervousness in my heart. If Nick wasn't going to break up with me, then what was he going to say?
Nick lay his forehead on mine. His hands still, and carefully, placed on my face. He sighed. "I'm sorry. This is just...so hard for me to say. I don't even know where to start." He mumbled softly. I bit my lip for a moment and grabbed his wrists lightly.
"Take your time. We have all the time in the world. Use it." I mumbled back. Nick giggled and the smile that lay on his face afterwards was enough to make my heart jump.
We stood there for a while. Nothing but silence and our breathing accompanying us. Sometimes a cloud would move in the way of the sun, and the rays coming through the window would go dark. My thumb was caressing his arm softly. His eyes were closed. If I were high, I would have thought that he was asleep.
He opened his eyes and took his hands off my cheeks. I went to go remove my hands from his wrists, but he stopped me. Instead, he grabbed my hands and just held them. It's as if he were admiring them for a moment before his hands began to etch up the fabric of my sleeves, moving them up a little. My heart sped up.
Immediately, I moved my hands away, guarding my wrists from Nick. I took a few steps back. He looked up at me, shocked at the sudden movement. I pulled my hands closer to my chest and just shook my head. Fear overtook me.
Nick nodded. "It's okay. You don't have to show me. I just..." He went quiet, putting a hand through his hair and looking everywhere but me. When he began to speak, he looked back up. I saw tears pricking his eyes. "I saw them yesterday. In the fields. You went to go grab my phone and your sleeve came down. I saw them. At first I didn't know what they were. I hoped that it wasn't that but something about them just bothered me all day until I searched it up." Tears were now trickling down his cheeks. His breathing becoming uneven.
I felt a lump in my throat. A lump that you would feel when you're about to cry. I held back my tears and I looked to the right of the room. My left hand held my right backpack strap tightly. The other hand lay underneath the left arm.
My voice quivered as I began to speak. "I don't want to talk about it, Nick..." I uttered. A tear or two started falling out of my eyes. I began picking at the skin on my left arm. My left-hand nails began scratching into the strap.
"And you don't have to. You don't have to talk about it...I just," Nick took a step closer to me, more tears falling down his face. My wrists tensed. Nick had his hands out in front of him. "I just want to let you know that I'm here. I'll always be here. I care and love you so, so much and I don't want to see you hurt. I especially don't want to see you hurting yourself. You're way too important to me. Hell, you're the best thing that's possibly ever happened to me. There's so many amazing things that have happened to me and you're the best one. You're handsome, cute, kind, caring, loving. I want you to see that about yourself. I want you to see that you can talk and tell me everything you need to. Please, I want you to know that. God, I just don't want anything to happen to you." At this point, Nick was begging me. His voice was cracking, his face was pale and red from crying, and he was trying to prevent snot from coming down his nose.
Me, well there were 1 of two things happening. 1. I was crying as well. Tear after tear fell from my eyes and down my clothes. Some even landing on the floor. And 2. Nick Nelson had just told me that he loved me. That was the first, 'I love you.' I stood there, heartbroken from seeing the boy I love crying. Yet shocked, because he told me he loved me.
"I...you love me?" I asked, my voice breaking more than Nick's had been. Nick, who was now less than 3 inches away, nodded rapidly. My hands untensed and I stopped picking at the skin on my left arm.
"Yes, I love you so much. And I know it hurts you so much when you do that to yourself but seeing those on you just hurts me. I couldn't help but think that it was my fault. If I had noticed those in the first pla-" I cut Nick off. Now it was my turn for my hands to be on his cheeks. The tears that had been threatening to come out of my eyes, now falling. Hearing Nick blame himself was the most painful thing I had ever heard.
"Don't you ever blame yourself for my scars. None of these are your fault. None of my mental illness, is your fault. Whenever I'm with you, it's as if they all go away. It's as if I don't suffer from the depression, or the thoughts, or the anxiety. It's as if I'm free from the pain. You make it better. you make me better," I looked into his eyes, my right thumb caressing his cheek. "It's nobody's fault but mine. I cut myself. I drew them. It's been a rough few years. But Nicholas Nelson, never blame yourself for my regrets ever again. I might have to tell you that I love you or something if you do." I threatened. My voice and body shaking. I couldn't believe that those thoughts had been in Nick's head all throughout the day. Thinking of it just made my heart hurt worse.
A slight smile began to form on Nick's face. he looked into my eyes lovingly. "You love me too?" He asked. I scoffed, amused.
"Of course I love you as well." I whispered. I connected our lips. Both of our mouths were wet from the tears, but we didn't seem to care. It was just us.
We had to pull away faster than we normally would've had to, due to the fact that our noses were clogged with snot, and we couldn't breathe. But we still looked at each other lovingly.
Nick grabbed my hands again. He looked down at my covered wrists. He wasn't even going to try to pull up my sleeves.
"This is the last thing I'm going to say because I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but please...next time tell me when you feel like you're going to hurt yourself. I will run through the wind, the snow, the rain, the ice, the heat. I'll run through Ben and Harry to get to you. Do you understand?" He asked sweetly. I nodded. He smiled and grabbed my hand.
"Let's get of here before the door slams on us and we're trapped until the janitor finds our bones." He joked. I laughed and followed him out of the building.
I don't think the sun had ever shone brighter before.
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johnnys-breastmilk · 3 years
* = smut
Multi-Part Series
Peter Parker
Strawberries Make You Horny (Gender Neural Reader) Pt. 2*
Accidents Happen (Gender Neutral Reader, Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker)
Safe With Me (Male Reader, Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker)
Quick Thought: Vampire!Reader
Quick Thought: An Average Store Robbery
come out and play (Gender Neutral Reader)
weed 'n' crushes (Gender Neutral Reader)
The Ticking Clock of First Love/Late Spring (Gender Neutral Reader)
Escape the City (Gender Neutral Reader)
Red and Blue Match The Lights (Gender Neutral Reader)
Stupid With Love (Gender Neutral Reader)
sweet tooth (Andrew!Peter, Male Reader)
Quick Thought: Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Out (Gender-Neutral Reader)
the elevator ride* (Andrew Garfield!Peter)
Superseded (Andrew!Peter)
and they were roommates (Tobey Maguire!Peter)
The Standard Enemies to Lovers (Andrew!Peter)
a summer's dream (Tom!Peter, GN!Reader)*
desirable* (tom!peter x gn!reader)
Steve Rogers
aftermath (male!spiderman!reader)
Bucky Barnes
Years Gone By (Male Reader)
Smoky Ahegao (Gender-Neutral Reader)
Chaos Theory (Gender-Neutral Reader)
i'll love some littler things (Gender Neutral!Reader)
early hours (Gender-Neutral Reader)
Pietro Maximoff
Post-Mission Sleeping
Quick Thought: Tony giving Pietro bad advice
Kate Bishop
Milky Way Toss (Gender-Neutral Reader, Platonic)
Venom/Eddie Brock
Quick Thought: Venom Learns About Advent Calendars
Bruno Carrelli
American Horror Story:
Kit Walker
Marches Won't Do A Damned Thing
Jimmy Darling
Quick Thought: Performing with Jimmy before Halloween
Austin Sommers
New to P-Town*
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington:
On the Slow Days*
Eddie Munson:
Tommy Hagan:
Billy Hargrove:
Detroit: Become Human:
Connor (RK800/900):
Horror (Various Franchises):
Currently N/a
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luna-jaden-shadow · 2 years
Fandom List
The following below are fandoms that I'm in as well as a few characters that I'm willing to write for. Feel free to ask about someone who's not named on the list (I'll most likely only list 4 per thing for space reasons (I could go on forever with MCU people alone)).
Masterlist | DOs, and DON'Ts
I do the following for imagines and requests: X Reader Character Ships Male X Male Male X Female Female X Female Any X Gender Neutral
Below the line is the fandom list + at most 4 characters
Marvel Cinematic Universe Tony Stark Bucky Barnes Natasha Romanoff Wanda Maximoff Others
X-Men Logan Howlett (Wolverine) Jean Gray (Phoenix) Ororo Munroe (Storm) Others
Marvel On Netflix Frank Castle (Punisher) Trish Walker (Jessica Jones) Matt Murdock (Daredevil) Others
DC Comics Joker (Any version) Harley Quinn Oliver Queen Others
Gotham Jim Gordon Harvey Bullock Oswald Cobblepot Barbara Kean Others
Dream SMP Technoblade JSchlatt Wilbur Soot Dream Others
Supernatural Dean Winchester Castiel Rowena Charlie Others
The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Rick Grimes Negan Smith Maggie Greene Others
Fear The Walking Dead Nick Clarke Al Alicia Clarke Victor Strand Others
The Witcher Geralt Jaskier Yennefer Others
Arcane Silco Jinx Vi Others
Criminal Minds Spencer Ried JJ Derek Morgan Others
Law and Order SVU Finn Carisi Amanda Others
Orange Is The New Black Nicky Lorna Maritza Others
The 100 Bellamy Blake Octavia Blake John Murphy Marcus Kane Others
Grey's Anatomy Mark Sloan Lexie Grey Derek Shepherd Izzie Stevens Others
Soul Eater Death The Kid Maka Albarn Soul Eater Evans Others
My Hero Academia Shota Aizawa Katsuki Bakugou Tomura Shigaraki Dabi Others
Attack On Titan Annie Leonhart Levi Ackerman Mikasa Ackerman Hange Zoe Others
Lucifer Lucifer Morningstar Chloe Decker Others
American Horror Story James Patrick March [ Hotel ] Countess [ Hotel ] Nora [ Murder House ] Kit [ Assylum ] Others
Victorious Jade West Beck Oliver Andre Harris Others
NCIS Anthony DiNozzo Ziva David Others
The Office Jim Pam Erin Others
9-1-1 Buck Abby Others
Fallout 4 Nick Valentine Piper Wright John Handcock Others
Until Dawn Chris Heartley Samantha Giddings Others
Detroit: Become Human Connor Kara Hank Others
Resident Evil: Village Karl Heisenberg Alcina Dimitrescu Bela Dimitrescu
YouTubers Jacksepticeye Smosh [ Anyone ] Markiplier Mithzan Others
Markiplier Egos Darkiplier Wilford Warfstache Illinois Yancy Others
Jacksepticeye Egos Antisepticeye Chase Marvin Others
Creepypasta Jeff The Killer Ticci Toby Clockwork Others
Disney Elsa Kristoff Others
Celebrities Jeffrey Dean Morgan Lauren Cohan Robert Downey Jr. Scarlett Johannson Others
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Stories from 2019...
Here’s a list of all the stories (40!) that have gone up on my Tumblr long stories masterlist since the start of 2019. There may be more bits that I’ve missed, but here’s what I found. Feel free to browse in case you missed something! Don’t forget that there’s also the short stories masterlist too!
Thanks for making it a great year and for inspiring me to do more and be better all the time!!
Male orc (Dragh) x female reader (nsfw)
Deaf male tiefling x female reader (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male scarred werewolf (Rhett) x female reader (sfw) Part One, Part Two, Part Three (nsfw), Part Four
Male minotaur x female reader *commission* (sfw + fluffy)
Female space pirate x female reader *commission* (nsfw)
Male minotaur x female reader (sfw and disgustingly fluffy)
Male gnoll (’Poodle), precursory drabble prompt (sfw)
Lich, no gender mentioned, monster’s POV - prompt “Housekeeper wanted; living or dead”. Sfw
Male orc dom x female reader sub (sfw, early stages, meeting up and working it out) Part Two (sfw) *ko-fi commission*
Homeless male merman x reader (sfw) Part Two (nsfw), Christmas Special (nsfw)
Non-binary trickster spirit x reader (sfw)
Poly male minotaur x male orc x female reader (nsfw)
Male dom orc (Bresz) x female sub reader (nsfw)
Male changeling/fae (Mhorrin) x male reader (nsfw)
Male orc (Dhurak) x reader (sfw)  *Starfall Springs*
Male tiefling (Killygren) x male reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male orc (Noah) x reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male reptilian fae (Adan) x female reader (nsfw) *commission*
Female selkie (Bess) x female reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male merman (Connor) x male reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male octomer (Caspian) x reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male hermit crab mer (Leo) x reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male selkie (Dennek) x reader (very light nsfw) *Mermay*
Male each-uisge/sea kelpie (Rhion) x reader (sfw) *Mermay*
Mothman (Fitz) x male reader (sfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male vampire (Ruben) x trans male character (sfw) Part One, Part Two and a slight AU feel extract (reader insert, sfw)
Male white tiger rakshasa x female reader (sfw)
Male scarred fae (Winter) x female reader (Violet from Brenn’s story - see above) (nsfw)
Male samebito (sharkman) (Tai) x male reader (sfw)
Male centaur (Jaime) x reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male lizardfolk (Bik) x female reader (nsfw) (commission)
Male lich (Rhae) x reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male half-orc (Tamas) x male character (Josslyn) (nsfw) *Orctober*
Male orc (Arikh) x male human (nsfw, D/s) *Orctober*
Female orc (Rakasha) x male character (Virion) (nsfw)
Male ice orc (Reshi) x female reader (nsfw) *Orctober*
*Male triton Fae (Kaerio) x female character (sfw) *commission*
Male fae (Winter) x female character (sfw) *modern policeman AU for Winter!*
Mute male siren x female reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male Uruk-hai x reader (nsfw) *Orctober*
Patreon - Browse my Masterlist here
More stories below the cut to save scrolling thumbs... 52 stories and drabbles in total... plus all the Discord drabbles which aren’t listed on there.
Monthly exclusives
January - male kelpie x female reader (Dolen) (nsfw)
February - male living armour x female reader (Berion) (nsfw)
March - android x reader (Iru) (sfw)
April - non-binary alien x reader (Mith'in) (nsfw)
May - male shark mer x reader (Requius) (nsfw)
June - male naga x male mummy x reader (Vashett & Akah) (nsfw)
July - male naga x female reader (Nila) (sfw)
August - male minotaur x female reader (Will - *Starfall Springs*)
September - non-binary demon x reader (Ilya, *Starfall Springs*) (nsfw)
October - non binary leshy/leshen x reader (nsfw)
November - patrons not charged, no story
December - interdimensional eldritch entity x reader ('the Dark' *Starfall Springs*) (nsfw)
Weekly Episodes of Embers, a dragon shifter romance (x reader)
Orctober specials 2019 - using the Inktober 'official' prompts
1. 'Ring' - male orc (Liam) x plus size female reader (very light nsfw)
2. 'Mindless - female orc (Khara) x male reader (nsfw)
3. 'Bait' - male half-orc (Tamas) x male character (Josslyn) (nsfw)
5. 'Husky' - female orc (Renasa) x female reader (sfw)
6. 'Build' - male half-orc (Tamas) x male character (Josslyn) (sfw)
10 'Pattern' - male orc (Arikh ) x male human (Kit) (D/s & nsfw)
Giveaway drabbles *New Category*
#1 - male orc x f/nb reader (domestic, nsfw fluff)
#2 - Male naga x female reader (sfw)
#3 - Storniel x Rashel x reader (nsfw)
#4 - male hellhound x reader (sfw)
#5 - Astriah (arachne) x male reader (nsfw)
#6  - male reader x male centaur (light nsfw)
#7  - female reader x male gnoll  (sfw)
#8 - male shadowborne fae x female reader (nsfw)
#9 - male mershark x female reader (nsfw)  
#10 - female banshee x male orc (nsfw)
#11  - male mothman x male reader (sfw and fluffy)
#12 -  genderfluid demon x reader (hurt/comfort nsfw)
#13 - male shadowborne (Shaer) x female reader (sfw and fluffy)
#14 - non binary shadow monster x ace female reader (sfw)
#15 - shy male scholar x female albino dragon (nsfw)
#16 - male orc x female reader (sfw/comfort)
#17 - male werewolf x female reader (sfw/fluff)
#18 - male naga x nb reader (sfw/fluff)
#19 - male drider x reader (sfw)
#20 - male melanistic chimera x female reader (sfw)
and a few more doodles and drawings and character profiles, plus endless polls etc. which I didn’t pop onto this list!!
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malereadermaniac · 8 months
Jealousy looks good on you ~ Kit Connor x Male Reader
So you guys LOVED my last Kit post so here's another one
Can I just say how fucking annoying it is to search "jealous male reader" and every post is Yandere and shit??? Like bro I want jealousy in the sense that I feel wanted not always 'death' and 'darling' and shit. Rant over <3
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Before Dating
The two of you were best friends
In the most platonic way, you two were practically already dating
Kit and you were close since Y7
The two of you would cling onto each other, the gingers hands were almost always on your waist if yours weren't on his shoulders
You would sleep round Kit's house every weekend, then he would sleep round on most weekdays "because your house is closer to college"
When one of you got into a relationship, it went one of two ways:
If Kit got into a relationship, the girl would get jealous of you within a week, Kit would get mad at her and they'd break up in a month tops
It was always weird for Kit when he got into a relationship, he'd never really LOVE her, but he just put it down to him being young
What he knew was that he didn't like how his girlfriends treated you, and he hated how because he was in a relationship, you would back off with the clinginess
One time, a new girlfriend of his was alone with Kit, and when he brought you up, she said "Oh that f*g? You're like, actually, friends with him?" - that was the first and last time he'd shouted at a girl
The second option is you getting into a relationship, Kit gets insanely jealous, side comments about your boyfriend and going silent when you would bring him up - totally platonic
Kit would get even clingier, like snuggling his face in your neck "Cause he's tired"
The ginger would even crash your dates 'on accident'
Your boyfriend at the time would go mad, Kit fucking loved it, you were his best-friend after all
But all of his 'platonic' jealousy paid off when the guy broke up with you, and Kit was your shoulder to cry on
He felt bad, but he loved being your comfort, he didn't want anyone else to be as good of a friend to you as he was...
Kit knew he was Bi since Y10, what you didn't know was that you're the reason he knew that
After many failed relationships, the ginger realised that he'd much prefer to be in a relationship with you than any other girl in your year
After all, he had broken down once when you canceled plans to go on a date with your bf - like he cried and all, that must of been his first sign that he wasn't as straight as he thought
And after his glow-up in Y13 (not that he needed one, my god), you fell for him too - HARD
Kit is the most jealous type of man ever
And you fucking love it
Usually it's really little things, like his hand tightening around yours when an attractive guy is talking to you
Or holding you closer when an ex tries to talk to you
He isn't toxic about it at all
When kit gets jealous he talks to you about it - it's so attractive
However, the last time he got jealous was intense
The two of you were out, not specifically on a date, but just enjoying each other's company
The calm and enjoyable atmosphere was interrupted by your most infamous ex
Kit hated him and his guts
That cunt ruined you, and no matter how much Kit loved to comfort you, this dickhead went overboard
And he had the guts to keep in touch with you!?
As you and your ex chatted, he started to obviously flirt with you
You laughed his remarks of as Kit pulled you closer to him
After a while, Kit had, had enough of him
"Hate to interrupt but can't you see we're on a date here, mate?"
Fuck you loved it when Kit went full on Britt
He rarely did that, but it made your face darken slightly with a blush
"Alright mate no need to be dick, bye (y/n), ill see ya round"
You say nothing, just roll your head towards Kit and look up at him with a cheeky smile
"What?!" He asks defensively
"Nothing... jealousy just looks good on you" you tease tour ginger boyfriend
"Oh shut up" he chuckles, his muscular arm around your waist tightly as he leans his head into your neck
It's crazy how such an attractive man gets so jealous for you, but you love it
The built ginger gets possessive obviously, however that's more in the bedroom than in daily life
He always prefers secluded areas for dates, fields or the comfort of your own home
Mainly because of his new found fame, but the man also likes to keep you to himself
Kit also tries to impress you so much, the ginger feels the need to be the centre of your attention at all times
He'll lift you up to show off his strength, subtly show off his muscles or mention his paycheck for last month
You play into his little games and act all wooed and impressed, and he lives off of it.
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malereadermaniac · 5 months
Actors/Characters x Male Reader Masterlist
Key: ❤️-Smut 🖤-Angst 🩷-Fluff
Categorised by actor - first can be about actor or a role they've played
Kit Connor
🩷 Giddy - Kit Connor comes home tired from work and you two cuddle to sleep
🩷 Jealousy looks good on you - Kit connor is the jealous type
🩷 First Move - Kit Connor makes the first move on you during a movie
Jacob Elordi
🖤❤️ Toxic - Nate Jacobs is a closeted cunt
Robert Pattinson
❤️ Hogwartz' Heart-throb - Your first time with your boyfriend Cedric Diggory
Eric Dane (Mark Sloan)
🩷 Experiment - Mark Sloan's old Med School 'friend' joins Seattle Grace
Mitchell Hope (Ben Florian)
🩷 Too Trusting - Ben Florian is too trusting when it comes to Mother Gothel's son
Devon Bostick (Rodrick Heffley)
❤️Exploring - Imagine messing about with Rodrick and exploring your sexualities (Drabble/Imagine)
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malereadermaniac · 10 months
Giddy ~ Kit Connor x Male Reader
Idk the stance ppl have on fanfics abt Kit, but I've seen countless abt Tom Holland or Chris Evans so yk
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It was late in the evening
Kit had just gotten back from filming, he was so tired it was adorable
"I don't even have it in me to shower, darling..." Kit groans, his face mellow and tired
"I mean you do you babe, but you won't be cuddling me tonight if you don't shower" you tease your boyfriend
The ginger feigned offense jokingly and hugged you tightly
You look up at your boyfriend and kiss him, but as he deepened the kiss, you pulled away and patted his back
"C'mon, shower time big boy~" you joke
Kit groans as you turn around towards your bed, he goes to leave for the shower but not before giving your ass a slap
"Oi!" You shout I shock
"Haha~ I love you, (y/n)" he shouts from the bathroom
"Love you too... idiot" you mumble as you change into your pajamas
A cute set that Kit picked out for you, satin, expensive
A gift for your one year anniversary
You lay in bed, scrolling on your phone as you wait for Kit to get out of the shower
You listen to the sound of the water, drowsiness evident in your eyes as you fight to stay awake
Your eyes snap open when you hear the bathroom door open
Fuck was your boyfriend hot...
Kit was dripping wet, literally
A white towel sloppily wrapped around his waist, barely being held up by his hand
The ginger's abs and pecs were on full display, drops of water on him, his hair darker from the water and dripping onto the floor
"Smash" you say, biting your lip at your boyfriend
He chuckles "I could say the same about you... I love it when you wear those pajamas"
You two act as if you have been married for years, the ideal picture of a domestic couple
Just too cute
You watch as Kit tiredly puts on some plaid pajama bottoms and he moves towards the bed
"Ah ah! Dry your hair, you don't wanna catch a cold" you say as you point to Kit's sopping hair
Your boyfriend groans tiredly as he dries his hair with his towel
Finally, he crashes onto the bed
You giggle at his actions and put your phone on charge as Kit gets under the covers
"I've showered, so I don't expect you to leave my grasp tonight, darling~" Kit jokes, wrapping his hand around your waist and under your leg, pulling you onto him
You lay your head onto your boyfriend's bare chest, hand on his other pec
"Goodnight, Kit..." you mumble, closing your eyes
"Goodnight, love" he smiles, arms around your waist, his other behind his head
"(Y/n) what is it? I can literally feel you smiling" Kit mumbles
"It's nothing haha... I just love you so much..." you whisper
"I love you too, if it weren't for you... I don't think I could of continued with acting" Kit whispers and kisses your head, breathing in the scent of your shampoo
"Now go to sleep, dipshit" Kit whispers with a chuckle
Now, you were smiling because you loved him... but also
Resting your head on your boyfriend's huge pecs made you smile uncontrollably
Something you weren't ashamed to admit, but you felt it wasn't appropriate to say in the moment
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luna-jaden-shadow · 5 years
The following below are fandoms that I’m in and a few of the characters that I’m willing to write for. Feel free to request someone that’s not on the list and I’ll see if I can write them.
I do the following in case anyone was wondering. X Reader Character Ships Male X Male Male X Female Female X Female Any X Gender Nutral
So here we go!
Marvel Cinematic Universe Tony Stark Bucky Barnes Natasha Romanoff Wanda Maximoff Others
X-Men Logan Howlett Jean Gray Storm Others
Marvel On Netflix Frank Castle (Punisher) Trish Walker (Jessica Jones) Matt Murdock (Daredevil) Others
DC Comics Joker (Any version) Harley Quinn Oliver Queen Others
Gotham Jim Gordon Harvey Bullock Ed  Nygma Selina Kyle Others
Supernatural Dean Winchester Castiel Rowena Charlie Others
The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Negan Rick Grimes Maggie Greene Others
The Witcher Geralt Jaskier Yennefer Others
Fear The Walking Dead Nick Clarke Al Alicia Clarke Victor Strand Others
Criminal Minds Spencer Ried JJ Derek Morgan Others
Law and Order SVU Finn Amanda Carisi Others
Orange Is The New Black Nicky Lorna Others
Big Brother Nicole Franzel Paul Abrahamian Others
The 100 Bellamy Blake Octavia Blake John Murphy Marcus Kane Others
Greys Anatomy Mark Sloan Lexie Grey Derek Shepherd Izzie Stevens Others
Soul Eater Death The Kid Maka Albarn Soul Eater Evans Others
My Hero Academia Shota Aizawa Izuku Midoriya Shoto Todoroki Others
Attack On Titan Annie Leonhart Levi Ackerman Mikasa Ackerman Hange Zoe Others
Lucifer Lucifer Morningstar Chloe Decker Others
American Horror Story (Depends) James Patrick March (Hotel) Countess (Hotel) Nora (Murder House) Kit (Assylum) Others
Victorious Jade West Beck Oliver Andre Harris Others
NCIS Anthony DiNozzo Ziva David Others
The Office Jim Pam Erin Others
9-1-1 Buck Abby Others
Fallout 4 Nick Valentine Piper Wright John Handcock Others
Undertale Sans Undyne Papyrus Others
Until Dawn Chris Heartley Samantha Giddings Others
Detroit: Become Human Connor Kara Others
Resident Evil: Village Karl Heisenberg Alcina Demetrius Bela Demetrius Others
Youtubers Jacksepticeye Smosh (Anyone) Markiplier Jenna Marbles Others
Markiplier (Egos) Darkiplier Willford Warfstache Illinois Yancy Others
Jacksepticeye (Egos) Anti Chase Marvin Others
NateWantsToBattle (Egos) Natemare Phantom Others
Creepypasta Jeff The Killer Ticci Toby Clockwork Others
Disney Elsa Kristoff Others
Celebrities Jeffrey Dean Morgan Lauren Cohan Robert Downey Jr. Scarlett Johannson  Others
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