#light yandere
best-of-yandere · 1 month
NSFT DC Cockwarming and Lactation Kink Headcanons
Cockwarming ft. Bruce, Dick, Tim, Clark
Bruce: he’d have you warm him while he’s on the batcomputer (facing towards him so that you can’t see the horrors on the screen). His biggest motivation for doing this is so he doesn’t lose himself in his research and the crimes on the screen; you clenching around him brings him back to you, and thus himself.
He’d also want to try it in his office during boring phone calls/meetings. He’ll be in a conference call with some nobody shareholders, while you’re twitching around him. It’ll inevitably turn into him fucking you over his desk trying so hard to keep his voice level (and you quiet) while you’re creaming around him.
Dick: he’s always active, always moving around, but being buried inside you gives him a chance to relax for once…although it always turns into more. Him humping you and cumming over and over until he’s finally exhausted and truly allows himself to relax and stay still. At least until he falls asleep, still buried in you, then his wet dreams (about you) take over and he’s humping you in his sleep. He just can’t get enough of you, even when he’s unconscious.
Tim: this boy is exhausted – yet he refuses to go to sleep, kept too busy by paperwork or cases. Unless, of course, you lull him to sleep with your warmth. It’s the best way to bribe him to go to bed, by spreading your legs and and easing him inside, cuddling with him, your face in his neck and his cock in your pussy. He’ll stay in there as long as he can before the inevitable emergency rises him from his slumber.
Clark: he’d be into cockwarming due to not having a refractory period. When you’re exhausted but he’s still ready to go he can just let your post-orgasm clenching bring him to the edge and past it again. He stays inside you during the night, only separating from your warmth when he has to go to work/patrol.
Lactation kink with Damian, Bruce, Jason, and Tim
Damian: he’s obviously got a breeding kink, and lactation ties into that. It means he’s been successful and you body is providing the means to nourish the child you’ve made together. But he starts thinking that if it could nourish a baby, why not him as well? Used to his breeding kink, the agreement to let him have a taste comes easy. And once he does, he can’t stop. It’s a part of YOU inside him, feeding him, giving him strength. He’s insatiable, which means he’ll just have to keep you pregnant (and as a consequence, never be able to leave him).
Bruce & Jason: both would be into breastfeeding for the same reason – comfort. They’ve both been through a lot of trauma and loss, haunted by horrors that give them nightmares, keeping them up at night. Suckling on their darlings’ breasts and drinking your milk (something that is made to give life, not take it) brings an instinctual comfort that helps lull them back to sleep in your arms.
Tim: his way of indulging in your milk is different than the rest of his family. He’ll have you pump it so he can put it in his coffee, cereal, and any food you make him, sometimes just drinking it plain in a glass. He thinks it’s romantic; you giving a part of yourself to him, him making it a part of himself. You creating something that gives life, giving it to him, to feed and nourish him. And of course, he’ll return the favor by sneaking some of his “milk” into what you consume; he’s just a romantic like that.
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lilacxquartz · 3 days
under the bed, where midnight slept
oc male!demon x human female!reader
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plot: haunted by a strange presence every night before you go to sleep, you decide to get to the bottom of it.
w.c: 2.4k
tags/themes: one shot, oc, maybe light yandere, kissing mentioned, incubus, demons, reader insert, first person pov, light horror, unrequited feelings
side notes: developed a incubus demon oc a couple of days ago :) his name is midnight & i’m basically gonna try writing for him on and off to flesh out his character (but i can’t draw more of him just yet due to the arm situation).
I always went to sleep alone.
Or at least, that’s what I kept telling myself—that’s what I wanted to believe. I lived by myself, after all, so it would have been silly to assume otherwise.
Yet, every single night, I felt it. A presence that lurked within the shadows, watching my every move.
At first, I chalked it up to simple exhaustion, convinced that my job was finally getting to me in the worst possible way. I worked long and heavy hours throughout the week, sometimes even during weekends. My unfortunate reality meant that I was often very tired, leading me to usually be on the brink of dozing off by the end of my shift.
But then my mind began to wander, especially as the recurring experiences became more and more commonplace. My secondary suspicion was that I must have been dreaming or I must have been hallucinating, however, why were the happenings then so linear? I had been under stress before and I have had many nightmares in my life—yet those always manifested in a chaotic manner instead.
And that’s exactly what started to bother me, because dreams, while recurring, couldn’t have been so perfectly refined.
It was always the same experience, in fact.
I would lie down in bed and just as I was on the verge of sleep, I’d hear it—a whisper of some sort, faint and scratchy, like an out of tune radio. Then the floorboards would softly creak and I would feel the second thing; the unmistakable presence of something, maybe even someone else entering my personal space.
For just a split second, right at the cusp of entering the unconscious world; I would feel a strange warmth fill out my otherwise vacant hand. Something unseen that would latch onto my palm, weaving what felt like fingers through mine and squeezing tight.
Yet if I awoke during the night for whatever reason at all, it would immediately vanish from my grasp.
I even checked under the bed with a flashlight once, never finding a single shred of evidence.
And in the mornings, the presence wasn’t felt at all.
Although sometimes, a trace of it did remain; a hint of something that was left behind. It was during the nights when I would get up to drink some water from the kitchen or to go use the bathroom, that I didn’t feel entirely alone. It was an unsettling feeling but it was there—lurking in my peripheral vision, just barely staying hidden.
It was the presence of something uninvited.
Whenever I’d flick the lights on however, there would be absolutely nothing. Not a single trace of evidence remained. Lost overnight, like a distant dream.
It would either happen just as I was about to fall asleep or not at all.
Despite this, it never truly felt like it was a problem.
For one, it wasn’t as if it was actually disrupting my sleep. In fact, I would always wake up feeling well rested with each fresh day no matter how overworked I would be. Yet, I couldn’t quite shake the feeling that there must have been more to all of this. Something that lurked in the back of my mind that refused to let it go as an unsolved mystery.
It made sense given my stubborn personality, I supposed. I knew that there had to be a reason for it all, no matter how insane it all seemed.
So when my unrelenting curiosity finally caved in, I could no longer ignore the unanswered question, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to let it go until I finally found an answer.
Whether it was all in my head or not—I had the right to know.
So, on one particular night, I chose to catch whatever it actually was that lurked away in the shadows. My plan was simple enough; choosing to fool it into showing itself by pretending to sleep. I slipped two wireless earbuds into my ears, tuning them into a podcast to hold my attention before laying off to my side, just like usual.
To ensure that I would actually stay awake however, I would on occasion stretch out my legs or clench my fists to ward off any hints of exhaustion along with deep, slowly measured breaths that casted the illusion of feigned slumber.
I continued with that sort of ritual in mind, just barely hanging onto my remaining consciousness, just about to fall asleep from what I believed to be a failed effort, but that’s also right about when I finally heard it; a subtle creaking, perfectly timed with each drawn out breath to mask its approach.
A shiver of unease crept into my body as I felt a lurking presence loom behind me, confirming to every sense I had that I was no longer alone.
In an attempt of bravery, I continued to feign sleep for as long as I possibly could, staying tucked away into my assigned position, having my hand right where it always was, hoping to successfully delude whatever it was waiting for me that I was actually on the verge of dreaming.
However, the moment that something slipped into my waiting hand, my composure began to crumble away. It was definitely a hand that I felt. I could feel it with every fibre of my being, in fact; so warm and soft, yet with an unsettling firmness, like marbled flesh. It clasped my palm tightly, interlocking its digits between my fingers in what felt like a suffocating grip.
My breath then caught in the back of my throat as the momentum faltered despite my efforts to keep my act running as smooth as possible. Towards the surface of my back, I felt something dangerous settle right behind me. Raw skin, hot against my own, pressed up right against my exposed flesh. A wave of panic coursed through my body, anchoring in the pit of my stomach as I then soon felt something attempt to embrace me.
I gasped in retaliation, unintentionally giving away that I was in fact awake.
Without even waiting for its reaction, my body involuntarily tensed, prompting for it to withdraw slightly and with a surge of adrenaline, I then tore away from the unknown presence—lurching to the other side of the bed and pressing my back right up against the wall.
I knew for a fact that it disliked bright lights, so my next course of action was to seize the opportunity of the moonlight that shone right outside to reveal its identity to me instead. With a swift pinch, I flung the blinds open, bathing my bedroom in a cold glow that revealed a monstrous figure to me, basking it in the soft blue light.
At first when I saw it, I didn’t really have a reaction.
I was left feeling stunned… speechless, even.
It was so beyond anything I could comprehend from this world, that I was left rendered unable to form a single coherent thought.
I mean, who could do anything different in my shoes?
Just over the bed sat a kneeling figure; its form shrouded entirely in wisping shadows—its body flickering like black fire with tendrils of darkness whipping from its void-like core. The creature’s eyes glowed a pale grey with lacking pupils, yet I knew that its gaze was pointed right at me.
My eyes continued to widen as I studied it—a rushed slurry of internal scolding flooding my mind, telling me off for daring to be so curious.
Back then, I didn’t know what to expect.
But it certainly wasn’t a monster.
Still, in spite of my fear, I couldn’t pass on the opportunity to learn more about the entity I shared a living space with.
With trembling courage and an insecure tone, I managed to utter, “What… are you?”
The creature’s initial reaction in response to me was to remain stationary, as if showing hesitation within its otherwise threatening demeanour. It then tilted its head to the side, emitting a low static-like hum that only continued to feed further into my unease.
Finally, however, it spoke.
“Don’t be afraid,” were its first words ever to me; it had a deep and almost melodic voice, almost human-like but tainted with something deceptive below the surface. I felt like a deluded sailor talking to a siren lost at sea, yet I was right at home.
I choked back any possible response I had brewing in the back of my mind though, paralysed by my own panic that locked my words somewhere far away. My heart thundered deep within my chest, drowning out all remaining rational thought and sent waves of fear coursing through my entire body.
I was trapped.
A tense moment passed us both by as nothing was said for a while, but then it started to back away from the bed and slowly arose to reveal its true height. Its features became clearer in the moonlight, revealing protruding horns from its head with long wavy locks of black hair.
I gulped hard as I watched it straighten its back and tower over me, its height just barely contained by the confines of my own bedroom—its horns almost scraping against the ceiling. I could just hardly, if at all, comprehend just how tall this creature truly was.
“I only wish to comfort you,” it insisted, taking a calculated step back. Whether it was to lull me into a false sense of security or not, I couldn’t be too certain and despite its words, I couldn’t shake the feeling of impending dread of it being an actual monster, at least at first.
Such a bizarre and surreal display left me wondering if I was in fact dreaming; my mind desperately grasping at anything that could have explained the impossible sight before me, but upon pinching my own skin, only the sharp sting of reality remained.
“Y-you’re real?” I could only ask, a hint of dismay colouring my voice.
“Yes,” it nodded, confirming my fears.
Another strained silence brewed between us for another minute. I stared at the monster and it looked directly back at me. I did my best in the meantime to express my visual discomfort, hoping that it would continue to leave me alone, however, it instead misinterpreted my stunned silence as an invitation to move forward and close the distance between us.
As it leaned in, I pressed myself harder against the wall in a last attempt to convey my reluctance, hoping—praying, that it would take it as a hint to finally back off, but it persisted, ignoring my silent protest and leaving me frozen from fear instead.
With continued building terror, I watched as the creature reached out, extending its hand towards me with what appeared to be sharp fingernails—brushing against my face before cupping my cheeks. I felt its fingers curl around the base of my skull, pulling me closer than what I was comfortable with, daring to press its face against my own, planting a kiss upon my lips.
I shuddered in relief as it slowly withdrew, leaving me once again separated away from it by a short distance. I still couldn’t make out a single feature on its form despite such closeness and yet the memory of its lips on mine lingered with the taste of its ashen breath.
I couldn’t help but feel violated after, yet some familiarity brewed, prompting a disturbing revelation to consider; has this thing done something similar to me before—perhaps when I was fast asleep?
My mind stirred at the thought either way, leaving behind a chill of unrelenting unease that rolled down my spine.
The monster continued to back away until it stood a comfortable distance away from me, leaving me feeling somehow confused. It was a strange situation no matter how I looked at it; it didn’t seem to want to harm nor consume me, rather only offering its touch and comfort.
It was almost as if it sought companionship from me instead.
I watched warily as it drifted just a little closer once more, as if struggling with its own inability to stay away.
“Please,” it pleaded, its tone bordering on desperate, “I only wish for you to sleep well.”
Perhaps it was the lingering aftermath of the kiss that was clouding my judgement, or maybe it was the lack of sleep after a long day, but something within me urged for me to finally surrender to its will, to let my guard down at long last.
Even if it didn’t feel like it was my own decision, at the time.
Swayed by a force unseen, relaxing my senses like some type of sedative.
So against my better judgement, I reluctantly gave in with a reassuring nod, allowing for it to move closer again all the while I did the same.
It wasn’t that I was suddenly unafraid of the monster that was on my bed, rather that I wanted for the peaceful nights to continue.
They were all I had left going for me in this otherwise unforgiving world, my only remaining comfort at the end of a long day.
I proceeded to lay back down on the bed, turning my body off to the side as usual, feeling its presence press against me once more. Its form seemed to envelop me; the shadows that spilled from its core encasing me in a suffocating shroud that pulled me into the darkness along with it. I felt as my own body gradually stiffened, slowly losing the ability to move a single inch at all, yet oddly enough, I didn’t feel a single hint of dread at all anymore.
All I felt was its comfort and warmth instead.
My eyelids drooped heavily as I finally surrendered to my own exhaustion, feeling them weld shut.
I then felt as the monster tightened its grip around me, pulling me even deeper into its personal space. Its breath felt fiery against my flesh as it dug its face into the crook of my neck, displaying an almost protective and maybe even wanting embrace.
As I drifted off into sleep and as its hold continued to tighten, it whispered something into my ear just as I was about to truly go under.
With a body that could have been sculpted from fire alone, its words felt somehow chilling and devoid of any remaining warmth. Its voice was no longer laced with a friendly tone, instead spiked with something much more sinister in its place.
“I’m never letting you go.”
And in that moment, everything changed.
My life was never the same again.
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constesplanetarium · 6 months
Scales Scraping against Wood.
☾⚠︎ Stalker Naga x GN! Researcher-ish Reader
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✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
a/n: something small, more in notes at the bottom. this is my first oc fic not made for tumblr, but instead, one i made on my own time :)
Darkness: 2/10: "The smallest mention ever."
TW!!! Light Yandere shenanigans (possessiveness, stalking, collecting your fallen things as a collection.).
Word count: around 800
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
Dark brown eyes look your way as the leaves and twigs crunch under you with every step. Shame you haven’t noticed him yet, up there in the trees, his pale white hands grasping onto the branches as he hopes, for just a little, that you’ll look his way. His tail flicks back and forth happily as he sees that adorable smile on your face that he loves so dear.
Humans never venture into this part of the forest, that he knows, so it’s intriguing to find you here, observing the wildlife without a care. Whether it be nagas like himself, or orcs, or even werewolves, you’ve seen it. Even more, this isn’t your first time. You don't even know about the poisonous, and perhaps carnivorous flowers that lie deep down here, do you? How silly.
Why do the other species get your attention, but not him? Why not?
Maybe one day you’ll observe him from afar, just like he’s watching you now.
White strands of hair fall off his shoulders as he stares at you dreamily, claws scraping at the darkened bark as his white tail, speckled with dark orange and brown, curls around the branch in content as you pick and peer at the daffodils, writing down some things in your small journal, than plucking some up and setting them into your basket.
What he would do for just a peek into your head…
Just a small one. It’s all he needs.
Having lived for so long, humans come and go everyday that passes, as he’s witnessed first hand, but why’re you still here? Why do you keep coming back after all of these days? What’s the purpose? To just gaze at the flowers? It must be more than that, surely.
Medicinal purposes, maybe? Or just for the sake of it?
He jolts up, breaking out of his daydream-like state to see you wandering off again, humming that familiar tune he’s heard from you before.
A wince forms and twitches on his face as he watches you go farther, and farther away from him, claws digging into the branch with frustration. You might hear him if he moves from branch to branch, so maybe moving on the ground is a bit better…
His eyes stay put on you for just a bit longer, watching you bend down to pluck up more flowers and herbs, and you set them down into the basket.
Finally, after some time, he sprawls out his body slowly against the trunk of the tree, claws digging into the bark as he starts to slither down.
The branch feels weak around his tail. Ah, wait, the branch-!
The branch snaps loudly as it falls to the ground with a thud, and you look around as your eyes dart to it, shakily grasping your journal harder as you fidget with the basket in your other hand, rising up onto your feet to make a run for it.
“Wait.” He tries to murmur, reaching a hand out to you, but before he can even get a syllable out, you’re already running away in fear, slipping onto some mud, in which the basket tosses itself out of your grasp. You wince, yet swiftly get up and run off, leaving the basket in fear of your life.
… How pitiful. How unlucky.
Or maybe not unlucky?
It looks like you left a small gift for him.
Slithering down the tree, he gazes dreamily at the fallen flowers on the ground, covered in dirt and mud with the basket beside it all. With a small look around to make sure no one's nearby, he scoops up the flowers and tosses them back into the basket, snatching the handle up. If only you had dropped your journal too…
Well, it doesn’t matter.
Wiping the filth and muck off the petals of each flower with a finger, and flicking it onto the ground, he holds a daffodil up to the sun, small bits of sunshine raying through the petals. He twists it around as the petals become semi-transparent due to the light. How pretty.
Oh, he got so lucky today, to finally have a small piece of you, after watching you for all these days and nights.
Hopefully, you do come back to the forest sometime soon. Did he scare you too much? Ah, what a terrible thing to think about! No way! No way, no way, no way! You’ll come back, won’t you?
Right? You will, right? Won’t you? He could even give you a small bunch of flowers from deeper inside the forest, so much deeper that no human in their right mind would go there! No one else would ever do that for you, so it makes him special. So, so, very special. And you're so special to him too, even from afar.
Without even noticing it, the flower he was holding has been crushed and ripped beyond repair, his twitching hands wrapped tightly around the basket as he fights back the urge to chase you, never stopping until he finally gets the chance to wrap his arms around you.
Please, do come back.
ミ★ 𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴. ★彡
heyy, im back again, sorry for leaving :( i'm trying to get back into the swing of things, but it might take me some time.
it wasn’t burnout, i just had a really big disinterest in writing ever since thanksgiving, and i think its mainly bc of lack of ideas, but also restricting myself to that yandere label, so i think ima branch out a bit from here on out :)
still expect yandere’s though!!!
also i’ve been watching jujutsu kaisen recently, but lets not talk abt that…
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icycoldninja · 4 months
Hey it's me again, how are you?
So ....if you're free a request on how Dante/Vergil will react to their rather reserve and prude s/o saying that they meet a guy who she thinks is Dante/Vergil level attractive, as for s/o they were the epitome of handsomeness. And if even the guy tries to hit the reader under the guise of friendliness
I'm doing great, thanks, what about you? 😄 About your request, I chose to do a separate fic for each boy cause they deserve it. Vergil's will be out later--enjoy! 💜
Hot (Dante x Reader)
Warning: Light Yandere-ish behavior towards the end.
The one thing in the world that Dante aspired to obtain, more than anything else, was your admiration.
Getting it wasn't easy; you were very quiet and preferred not to make remarks on people's physical attributes. You liked to silently judge them from afar, noting everything about them and locking these observations away into the secure safebox that was your mind.
Only on incredibly rare occasions would you voice your opinions on someone's look aloud--and even then, you used your words sparingly.
So when you complimented Dante on his new haircut one day, he was absolutely flabbergasted. Finally, after all this time, he had earned your recognition.
From that point on, you were a little more open with him, and soon, chatting became more relaxed and natural. You began to disclose your true thoughts about him, which soon led to you admitting (though somewhat nervously) that you had a crush on him.
Dante was shocked, not expecting you of all people to be interested in him. He wasn't complaining though--this was great! He'd had hidden feelings for you as well; your reticent behavior was quite attractive to him, as he needed a stoic rock upon which he, the wild card goofball, could lean upon.
With confessions finally out of the way, you found it easier to inform Dante of just how highly you thought of him--something that sent his ego to the moon.
"You're hot, Dante."
"I'm hot?"
"Very hot."
"How hot?"
"The hottest."
"Well I'll be damned, you finally admitted it. I'm just kidding, thank you for your compliments. Love ya."
Though rare, compliments like that from you made Dante's day. There was nothing more meaningful to him than your praise and the knowledge that you considered him the greatest and most attractive person in the world.
Imagine the devil hunter's absolute astonishment when you came home one day and told him about this random guy you met who was supposedly as hot as him. He was unable to believe his ears--you, a normally quiet and reserved person, was now gushing about this man! Gushing! Praises were flowing from your mouth like water from the bathtub faucet, something that was not only rare, but unacceptable!
"He's really good looking," You continued, as you had been for the last hour or so, while toying with the hem of your top. Dante shifted boredom in his seat, resting his chin against his palm. It was obvious he didn't like this conversation, but you were too busy talking to notice. "I don't even have words to describe it...he's hot on your level. Yeah, that's it, he's Dante level hot."
At that moment, something within Dante snapped. It was like a light switch had been flipped on, except instead of turning on a light, it activated a quiet, hidden rage. Thankfully, you didn't notice; you were too busy rambling on about your newest obsession. "Say, babe, what's this dude's name?" Dante asked, careful to keep his tone casual. You replied without a second thought, not bothering to second guess Dante's reasons for wanting to know this.
Satisfied that he'd gotten the information he needed, Dante patiently endured the rest of your overly exuberant conversation, taking comfort in the fact that once you were tired of talking, he could go out, track this guy down, and make sure that he would never steal your attention ever again.
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wo3backup · 1 year
My daddy issues won today.
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Uncle Sun and Papa Moon. Moon becomes so obsessed with one of their children at the daycare he decides to surprise adopt her. Meanwhile the other daycare attendant supports and helps his brother by hiding the evidence and is deemed the little starlight's uncle.
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m1sa-w1sa · 4 days
Would it be possible to request Junko enoshima with a S/O that she loves more than despair, if you want you can even put a yandere spin on it but honestly that's normal for Junko isn't it.
(okie dokie! Coming right up!)
Better than despair
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•Lets start off with how you gotta be a absolute legend for you to get junko to love you more than despair (idk why I almost said hope help—) She spoils you ROTTEN if you look at something or even if something glazes your fingers it’s instantly yours, no objections, no buts, its yours. ‘Babe! Look at this cute bag! You totally need this!’ ‘But Junko I already have like..10 expensive bags in my closet..’ ‘TO BAD!’ Yes, she still gushes about despair but if it was that over you, then she would actually pick you and if you question it she would gush about how it brought her despair by not even choosing it anyways! She loves you lots and she shows it in words, touch, and buying you things that you make you more valuable than Bayakuya (i think i spelt his name right..) For example if you get put in the killing game then she would MAKE SURE that you wouldnt get killed, yes you made friends..blah..blah.. BUT! She loves you more than these..hope filled ultimates.. She is VERY protective of you, not letting anything happen to you on her watch she would make the whole world burn for you if it makes you happy, she would kill for you and make the person that hurt you suffer, and if you just want someone dead then why not?! She still does love despair! So lets say you tragically died, she wouldnt say that she feels so much despair as you bleed out, no she would actually be sad and it doesnt FEEL good to watch you bleed out in your final moments, just cradling you in her arms while the light drains out of your eyes giving you one last kiss on the lips while you can still feel it
(I HOPE U ENJOYED!!! If you requested i will still get to your post!)
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somethingblu3 · 4 months
I'm praying to God your requests are open holy shit. Simon walker. I want to fuck him. That's is all I have to say. If your requests are open I would love to just have a smut of him x reader. Fem bodied reader is preferred but anything is fine. If you don't wish to it's fine you can just delete this ask <3. Also if possible may I ask what emojis are available to take as an anon?
Thanks for being my first request! You can be any emoji. This took kind of a turn and is slightly yandere! (probably more possessive) Walker, I don't know if this is what you were looking for. Lightly edited.
TW: Public Sex, Public Dirty Talk, Grinding, Marking/Biting/Ownership, Dom/Sub relationship, Slight humiliation, orgasm delay/denial.
Word Count: 893
Smut below.
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"If you really are mine, you'd let me mark you right here right now," Walker mumbles as his lips graze against your neck.
"Walker-" You groan. Not this.
There were too many people. Chez Chez was crowded, but the people were too busy focused on the music and having a good time. None of them had noticed how far Walker had your skirt hiked up, not even Joel. He was far too focused on his set, and luckily, it was loud enough to mask your moans.
"Please- I want them to know everyone to know that you are mine," He growled into your ear, biting your earlobe firmly.
You give into him, nodding in response; you're too lost in the soft movements of his hips against you even to care.
His fingers dug into your skin, bound to leave purple marks that wouldn't be as easy to hide. He always wants to show you off. Maybe you should have known and shouldn’t have worn the skirt tonight; you knew it would end up with both of you on the floor sooner or later.
"I'm going to take you right here where everyone can hear you scream," Walker murmurs in between kisses, which turn into violent bites.
You hear his belt buckle from behind you. If you had any sense left, you would have stopped, pushed him away, and rolled down your dress. You blamed it on the alcohol, but you knew that was just an excuse. Walker had some kind of hold over you, one that you could never escape. The minute his hands were on you, there would be no way to turn back. 
“You're going to be a good girl for me, aren’t you, baby?” Walker asks, his hand already stroking your clit, your drenched soaking.
“Yes, Walker, please,” You beg. He chuckles in response; he knows he’s got you, and you'll give in to his every whim, especially here somewhere so public. "I need you inside me."
“Everyone could be watching us. Watching me take you,” He taunts into your ear, and you can feel his hardness against you. Before you know it, he’s pushed himself into you, and you can feel your feel yourself bending over. Walker places his hand in your hair as he starts rocking his hips.
“You don’t even care, do you?” Walker asks with a smirk. “If someone watches, I think you enjoy it, don’t you? The thought that someone…Someone like Brendan could be watching us? Watching me fuck you like a good little slut you are,” Walker taunts.
You feel yourself heat up from his words. He grunts from behind as his hips pick up pace. Now he has one hand on your neck, the other still in your hair.
“Look how drenched you are,” Walker comments. You can’t even see it’s so dark in the nightclub. “You're taking me like a good girl, aren’t you? You are so needy and desperate that I don’t think I'm going to let you cum. I’d rather watch you squirm,” He ridicules
“Walker-Please I need- please let me cum” You whine, eyes rolling. You can feel yourself shiver from your own admission. It was embarrassing how he had made you so needy in public that you wanted to curl up into a ball, but you couldn’t focus.
You couldn’t concentrate as you felt him thrust in and out of you again; you weren’t going to last long. You swear his words alone could make you just as needy and desperate, plus the fact that you were both in Chez Chez, where everyone and anyone in the village could see you, seemed to make you even wetter. Walker hadn't been inside you long, and yet he still ruined you.
“Why, Sweetheart? give me one reason why you deserve it.” On the last word, he pulled you into him harder, slamming you violently. Your clothes had to be ruined by now, not just from the stains but from his gnarly nails digging into your backside. There were more than just bruises now. Cuts too. 
"I love you," You whimper. The words just fell out. You weren't even sure if you truly did love him, maybe at that moment, but it was enough to convince him.
At first, he was silent for a moment, but then that silence was broken by a grunt. The roughness of his cock pounding into you turns you numb. It's like you've been drugged. You can't feel anything, especially your legs. All you can feel is his rough hands on your chest, teasing your nipples, which only makes you even more sensitive.
"You've been such a good girl, so good to me," He whispers.
"Walker, can I please-"
He cuts you off, hand wrapped around your neck. "You can come now. Let it all out."
And you do. The sweet release you've been craving, you're sure you've. Feel eyes on you in the club, but you don't care as you feel the pleasure wash over you and run down your legs. You wonder how you're going to walk home. You at least hope Walker will drive you home on his bike, even though you don't live that far.
"Come on," Walker says, placing a hand firmly on your thigh. "I'll take you to the bathroom, get you cleaned up, and then I'll drive you home."
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kit-williams · 4 months
Space Marine Husbandry NON CANON
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I humbly ask that you all don't tag these as space marine husbandry you can at most use the space marine husbandry sentience since that is the tag I only use for mine but at most these are considered non canon given how I wish to keep the setting platonic.
Ari and his human
Gabriel and his human: Scenting
Such a good boy, Gabriel
Sirus gives advice to Gabriel
Happy Valentines day from Gabriel
Khornite Affection
Night Lord nesting
Romantic novellas
Gabriel: To Give
Gabriel: The Consequences of creation and love
Gaius: An Oath of Devotion
Gabriel: The green eyed monster
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Hi hi! Takeyour time of course. I saw your yandere props and will it be okay if you could:
"Every day I fall deeper in love with you. Your scent, your looks, your smile. They all belong to me."
For Outertale Grillby
For sure! I love this on >w< thank you so much for this!
I wanna write for Grillby's more...
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Phoenix met them for the first time when they came into his ice cream bar. It was one that he got once they made their way back to Earth, and sure, he missed his old one, but this one was so much more popular! There were a lot of people, and they all seemed to love his treats.
I mean, of course they did! His stuff was always so good. Everyone loved it. He couldn't try it himself, of course, but other people could, and seeing their reactions made him so happy.
But when he saw them? Phoenix would just about say he thought he dusted right then and there. They were… perfect. They were so perfect! It made him feel nervous, and he could feel his flames getting stronger. He tried to gulp his nerves down and go to take the order, but hearing their voice made him clam up. He just nodded along to whatever they were saying, and he gave them their order, then ran off to get started on other stuff.
How embarrassing!
Even after that… accident, they kept coming back! They said his ice cream was the best that they had ever tasted and asked how he made it. He could get a giggle out before telling them that he was sorry, but sadly, he couldn't tell them. They laughed, and he knew that his eyes were probably shaped like hearts behind his glasses.
What was it? What was it about them that made him fall for them? Why did his soul hurt whenever they left? He didn't want them to leave anymore… he moves his hand to rest where his soul was, looking up at the roof. Maybe it was the kindness in their eyes? He always loved humans with kind souls.
He remembered the war all those years ago. The kindness humans were always the ones that caught his eye during the battle… he shuts his eyes, trying to get his mind off that fact. The war didn't matter anymore; it was so long ago, and everything was better now.
It had been another few days since Y/n last came in. Phoenix was worried! What if something happened to them? He asked his skeleton friend if he had seen them, but he just laughed and told Phoenix to calm down; he was sure that Y/n was fine. Phoenix didn't want to calm down! He wanted to know where his favorite person was!
And, luckily, they came in the next day. "Y/n! I was starting to get worried. Are you okay?" he asked them, and they smiled that beautiful smile at him, telling him that they were fine; they just got caught up in work. Their new boss was being a bit harsh on them with deadlines and stuff. As they spoke, Phoenix could see that Y/n had faint bags under their eyes… they seemed so tired.
It sucked when their boss' house burned down a few days later. There were no survivors, Phoenix heard… how sad. He continued working as he normally would have. Y/n came in the next day, talking about how they got a raise! They also spoke about how they were sad about the Boss' family. Phoenix ignored the 'sad' part and focused on the raise! He told them that they could have their ice cream for free that day, as a congrats! Y/n seemed happy about that.
It had been a few weeks since that, and Phoenix was pretty happy. Y/n seems to be in a good mood lately! Plus, you know, his ice cream bar had been coming along nicely. It was very popular, even though there were some people who still hated monsters. Today it was raining, so not many people were here, but he heard the door open, and Y/n walked in, tapping their umbrella on the ground outside to get the rain off the best that they could. "Hey Phoenix, sorry I'm a bit late… the rain just came out of nowhere."
"Ah, it isn't any sort of problem, Y/n. How are you?" He asks them with a smile, even if you couldn't exactly see it on his fire body. "How has work been treating you?"
"Oh! Hey, it's been pretty good. A bit more work after I got the raise, but the pay is the best part." They walk over and sit on one of the chairs, spinning on it. He smiled at their cuteness, letting out a happy hum. "How's work been for you?" they ask.
He hums, then shrugs his shoulders. It's been fairly normal, so he didn't exactly have anything that he wanted to say? They started to chat about stuff, and after a while, Phoenix decided what he wanted to tell them that day.
Slowly, he breathes in and out, then holds out his hands for Y/n’s hands. They look down at them, turning their head then they take his hands and ask, “Is something wrong?”
“No, no, not at all.” Phoenix looks off to the side, looks back at them, and smiles weakly. “Y/n…” he starts, "Every day I fall deeper in love with you. Your scent, your looks, and your smile. They all belong to me. I love them so much, and I… hope that you can return my feelings.”
Their eyes widened when they heard him say that, their cheeks flushing with bright color, and now he was waiting for their response. Whatever the choice, it would change so much of their lives.
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jplupine · 8 months
Day 12: Akon ~ Portal
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Pairing: Akon x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~6.5k Date Published: October 12, 2023 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Sub!Akon, Pervert!Akon, Light Yandere!Akon, Small Dom/Big Sub, Teasing, Portal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Praise + Degradation, Vaginal Sex, Breeding Mount, Finger Sucking, Anal Fingering [Male Receiving], Biting, Creampie, Dub/Non-Con Note: Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used. Wynter also uses terms like 'good boy', 'dirty boy', 'pervert', and 'darling' to refer to Akon. If that makes you uncomfortable, you might want to skip this fic.
Summary: Wynter shows affection through food, and Akon handles his budding feelings in an unusual way.
You can also read it on AO3!
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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  "Wynter, pass me that pen, would you?" Mayuri gestured at the table in front of me, and I glanced down to pick it up. "Take this one. It's dried up." He tossed the pen he had at me before taking the one in my hand.
  "Sir, you know why I'm here."
  "So, I'd like you to stop pestering me."
  "I would stop 'pestering' you if you let me get a look at you." Mayuri walked away while writing on some paper pinned to a clipboard. "You seem to have some anomalies according to your physicals that I want to get a better look at."
  "You're not even supposed to have access to those records!" I raised my voice out of frustration, and Mayuri spun around to look me in the eye as he towered over me.
  "Watch your tone with me. Be glad I'm even offering rather than cutting you up while you sleep."
  "You don't scare me, Captain. So stop trying."
  "....That wasn't a threat. I am truly tempted to just slice you open and have a look inside." Mayuri tapped my nose with the end of his pen before poking me in the chest with it. "But I fear your death would interfere with the findings. I'm not yet certain if these anomalies can only be studied with you alive or not."
  "Then you're not getting those findings. I'm not stupid enough to let you anywhere near me with a scalpel." I retorted, and Mayuri began to chuckle.
  "We'll see about that." He then swiftly turned to walk away while scribbling more things down on his clipboard.
  "Asshole." I hissed under my breath.
  "Mind your words. He has better hearing than you might think." I looked to the side to see Akon tinkering with something on the table he was hunched over.
  "See if I care. I'd say it to his face if he hadn't walked away so fast." I sighed and leaned on the table with my arms crossed. "What are you working on?"
  "A portal." He answered while picking up a screwdriver. "It reads brainwaves to connect to wherever the user desires. Or at least it will." Akon stood up straight and stretched out his neck while sighing. "I'm thinking of using it to transport food so I don't have to waste time going and getting it."
  "Don't you think leaving the lab sometimes is good?"
  "Not during important projects."
  "I dunno. You're looking kinda scrawny, Akon. You should get out more and eat better food." I glanced over at the taller man and raised my eyebrows. "You don't look like you've slept much in a while either."
  "I'm fine." He waved me off, and I sighed through my nose.
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  "What's this?"
  "Food." I stated after setting a brown bag down on the table. Pulling out containers, I scooted some tools to the side to make room. "I cooked it, so you better eat it."
  "....You made me food?" Akon finally looked at me with a blank expression, and I nodded.
  "Home-cooked meals are better than prepackaged and heated-up ones. I'll be back later for my containers, so don't throw them away." Patting his shoulder, I then left.
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  "Wow. You really did eat it all." My eyebrows rose at the empty, cleaned-out containers stacked in a neat pile.
  "You told me to."
  "Aw. You really are a good boy, aren't you?" I smiled while teasing him, but he fumbled and dropped the tools in his hands. Akon managed to catch them before they fell to the floor after rolling off the table. His eyes were wide and his knuckles were white from how hard he was holding the tools.
  "I, uh, I am an adult."
  "I know."
  "I'm not a boy. Let alone a good one."
  "Akon, I was just teasing you."
  "Oh." He seemed to relax and turned away from me to focus on the tech he was building. He glanced at me from the corner of his eye for a split second, then made it clear that he wanted me gone without even saying another word.
  Taking the containers with me, I couldn't help but smirk while thinking about how severely he had reacted to something so small.
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  "My patience is wearing thin, Captain!" I shouted while storming through the lab. "Don't you ever try going over my head again! No one can give you permission but me, and I sure as shit won't!"
  "If you agree, I can make it as painless as possible." Mayuri stuck his hand through a metallic circle, and it disappeared into a swirling blue before suddenly appearing right in front of my face. He roughly grabbed my jaw and dragged me forward while forcing my mouth open.
  It wasn't hard to figure out Akon had finished building his portal if Mayuri was using it now.
  "Hm. Foul mouth and yet good oral hygiene all the same." The Captain was using the portal to get a look in my mouth while staying several yards away. "Ow!" He hollered when I bit his hand and pulled away from the portal that had been created in front of me. "Someone can't take a joke. Look! You even made me bleed, you little rat!"
  "You're more of a rat than I am!" I shouted before turning on my heel. "And I won't tell you again, Mayuri! Stay out of my files!" I heard him mock me by pitching his voice higher. The rage boiled, and I was about to start yelling again when I instead jolted with a surprised yelp.
  Spinning around with my face burning, I was going to raise Hell.
  Except, when I looked at them again, Mayuri and Akon were just shoving tools through the portal and sending them flying across the room. Neither of them were paying attention to me at all anymore.
  "This could actually have many practical uses." Mayuri held his chin before sending a screw through, and it clattered against the floor on the opposite side of the lab.
  If they were toying around with the portal by throwing things around and no one else was nearby....why had it felt as if someone pinched my ass?
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  "I'll make you dessert if you do it." I said while setting new containers of food down on the table next to Akon.
  "And we both know he won't back off just because I ask him to." His eyes were glued to the computer screen as he typed away on the keyboard. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but it looked like he was putting in data based on how the numbers were grouped together.
  "Then what do you suggest? You know Mayuri better than anyone else here."
  "I suggest you agree to be a research subject."
  "Don't make me hit you. Now get to a stopping point and eat."
  "Define 'stopping point'." Akon droned, and I sighed through my nose. Taking the lid off the container in my hand, I then grabbed Akon's shoulder to force him to turn in his seat. With a spoon full of food, I shoved it into his mouth as soon as he went to vocally retaliate.
  "Eat." I raised my brows at him while his eyes narrowed. He chewed and swallowed with his arm resting on the table.
  "You're annoying."
  "Does it look like I care?"
  "Now think. How can I get Mayuri to leave me alone without him studying me." I gestured with the spoon, and he heavily sighed.
  "Given his stubbornness and tenacity, killing him might be your only option." Akon then paused while looking to the side with his head tilted. He seemed to be thinking before he looked at me again. "Or let me do it."
  "Let you do it?"
  "Yes. He'll be jealous not being able to do the work himself, but he'll want the results more." Akon waved his hand. "I can also do it without any surgeries. Virtually painless." He then leaned forward, bringing his face closer as his dark eyes seemed to glitter.
  "Well....you certainly have more tact. But why virtually painless instead of just painless?"
  "Blood samples and the sort will come with a little prick." He seemed serious, and I couldn't believe I was actually considering it.
  "And he'll stop badgering me?"
  "He will with the research being done."
  "All right. Fine." I put another spoonful of food into his mouth. "What's your favorite dessert?" His eyes lit up, and even if he was just as knowledge-hungry as Mayuri, at least he went about it in a different way.
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  "This auxiliary lab will give us more privacy. I doubted you would be comfortable enough in the main lab." Akon led me into a wide-open room filled with equipment and shelves of materials.
  "That was a correct assumption. So it's just us?"
  "Yes. You needn't worry."
  "No offense, but I know your colleagues aren't exactly known for respecting boundaries." Placing my hands on my hips, I then looked around the room again. "So what's first?"
  "External examination. I'll need you to take your uniform off."
  "All of it?"
  "....Even my underwear?"
  "Yes. This is purely research, Wynter. Think of it like a more extensive physical." Akon turned on a computer with his back to me and pointed to a table a few feet away. "You can put your clothes there."
  Shifting on my feet, I took in a deep breath before loosening my sash. Pulling open my kosode and shitage, I then folded them over and placed them on the table. My sash and sword were next, followed by my hakama.
  The chill air in the room gave me goosebumps. Leaning on the table, I lifted one foot while listening to Akon type away on the computer. When I took the ties out of my hair, I heavily sighed since all that was left was my underwear.
  Glancing at Akon, I saw that he still had his back to me as he clicked on a few things. Taking the last garment off, I was left awkwardly standing there with my hands over my crotch while feeling the cold floor against my feet.
  "Before we start, do you have any scars other than the one on your mouth?" Akon spoke up.
  "Uh, yeah. Two on my chest. I had a double mastectomy."
  "Any others?"
  "That's it."
  "Good. Then this should be easy to get through." Akon finally turned around and paused while looking at me. I nervously shifted on my feet and dropped my gaze. "You have more muscle mass than I thought. Hm. Whoever did your mastectomy did a good job. Having the incisions follow the lines of the muscle tissue and with such clean cuts...." He trailed off while holding his chin and getting a closer look at my chest. "Does this hinder you in any way?"
  "No. I had no complications even during healing, so no problems."
  "I see." He stood up straight before reaching his foot under a table to pull out a stool on wheels. Akon sat down on it in front of me while sanitizing his hands. "You seem nervous."
  "Just hoping you'll be gentle with me." I chuckled, but he paused with a blank expression on his face. He then took in a deep breath and stretched his neck until I heard a few pops.
  It was hard to tell what just happened.
  He grabbed one of my wrists to bring my hand closer. Akon was surprisingly delicate as he spread out my fingers to look at them. He even checked my palm when flipping my hand over before his gaze moved up my arm.
  It was quiet in the room as he continued to get a close look at me. He briefly squeezed my bicep and shoulder before humming inquisitively. I was able to relax since he was maintaining professionalism, and I'd yet to see any sharp instruments.
  Akon had me turn around and swept my hair out of the way. His hands brushed down my back with his thumbs going along my spine.
  "You have no internal body modifications?"
  "I don't."
  "Your training and genetics seem to have gone hand in hand quite well. From what I'm seeing, your skeletal structure is nothing overtly impressive, but it does have more range than average. Reach back with both hands." Akon's hands left me as I put my arms behind me. He then grabbed my wrists and raised them with my elbows straight. "See, here is where most people will reach their limit, but you seem able to go further."
  "Being my size means I have to take advantage of what I do have and work with it." I chuckled, and Akon raised my wrists higher.
  "So you've trained to increase your flexibility?"
  "And agility." I replied as he lowered my wrists.
  "Hop up here. I'm going to look at your legs now." Akon pat the examination table, and I pulled myself up onto it. It was freezing cold against my ass. Once I got comfortable, Akon started at my feet, checking my nails and soles like he had my hands. "From the looks of it, your medical files are correct in that the noticed anomalies aren't visible externally. I'll start with blood, saliva, and epithelial cell samples to see if there's anything there."
  "And how do you plan to get the cell samples?"
  "I can just scrape your forearm." Akon walked away to gather supplies, and I was honestly relieved. Given the research department's reputation, I feared this might sour, but Akon was sticking to our agreement.
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  I softly grunted while pulling my pillow closer. It was dark in the room, and I was too groggy to tell if I was still asleep or not. The moon peeking through the window near the bed did have a dreamy glow.
  I vaguely registered feeling something moving over my ass as I lay on my stomach. There was a gentle squeeze before something slowly swiped over my core. The next squeeze had my body unconsciously leaning into the touch since it felt good.
  I on some level realized it was a hand touching me, massaging my ass in a wide palm with long fingers. The hand traveled higher, hooking its fingers behind the waistband of my shorts before pulling them down. A tingle went up my spine when a few fingers traced the crease between my ass and thigh.
  The slow caresses and feather-light touches felt nice. The hand dipped lower and squeezed my inner thigh in a way that made my gut clench. Knuckles brushed against my core before pressing harder through the fabric of my underwear.
  Fingertips then traced over my labia before adding more pressure against my clit. I clenched and softly grunted as those fingers continued to stroke and gently push. Heat rushed beneath my skin and pooled between my thighs the more I was touched.
  Even if this sex dream was a bit strange, I wasn't opposed to it.
  My underwear was pulled down, exposing my ass and wet heat to the cooler air. The hand was joined by another when both grabbed my ass in a firm grip. My breath shook, feeling thumbs drift lower and sliding through the accumulated slick between my lips.
  They spread me open while exploring more. Those gentle fingertips tracing over my skin and circling my pussy kept me in a relaxed but needy state. My hips raised as I groaned into my pillow.
  One of the hands left me before two fingers pressed against my core. Given how wet I was, they slid right inside. The thumb found my clit and rubbed slow circles over it while the fingers began to pump in and out of my pussy.
  This damn dream was torture as I craved for the other hand to come back. In fact, I wished this stupid dream would give me more of whoever my mind was conjuring up.
  The fingers curled inside me, causing my spine to arch as I moaned. Whoever it was never went faster or harder, keeping a steady pace that made me squirm. Clutching my pillow, my brows knit together while my breath shook.
  The delicious torture continued, and wet sounds reached my ears with every thrust and curl into my pussy. The thumb on my clit also never stopped working, making sure that throbbing bud had attention that shot sparks of pleasure through my nerves. The slow, steady rise of building pressure just might actually release if this continued.
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  "So how do they look?" I questioned while watching Akon studying the X-rays in front of him.
  "Normal enough. I'll have to go more in-depth. I have a hypothesis the anomalies are possibly related to your Zanpakuto's powers or even just hyperactive pheromones. Perhaps both."
  "Pheromones? Do I stink?" I grabbed my kosode and pulled it closer as I sniffed it.
  "According to those with more sensitive noses, you give off stronger chemosignals. I'm trying to figure out if this is just a natural occurrence or an influence of your abilities. There are also a few other things that showed up in other scans that are far outside of the normal range." Akon turned to look at me with his hairless brows furrowed. "But your bones, muscles, and other organs seem to be like any other."
  "A win for me, I'd say." Running a hand through my hair, I glanced over at the sectioned-off area hidden by curtains. "So what's back there? The curtains weren't there last time."
  "Some equipment had to be moved in here to make room in the main lab." Akon replied while entering data into the computer in front of him. A nagging feeling made me think he was lying for some reason.
  Standing up, I quietly went over to take a peak. If it really was just equipment, no harm no foul. But if it was some contraption Mayuri was planning to use on me, I'd break it before he could.
  "....Akon, I might be mistaken, but that just looks like a breeding mount." I stated with the curtain pulled back, and Akon's head whipped in my direction.
  "Which is equipment."
  "So it is a breeding mount?" I made a face, and I saw the tips of his ears turning red. "What the Hell would you guys need this for?"
  "We pride ourselves on thorough research, which happens to include the breeding habits of certain subjects."
  "So why the curtains if it's 'just equipment'?" I raised my eyebrows at him, and his gaze averted to the side.
  "Some people get....uncomfortable around such equipment. I wasn't sure if you were one of those people."
  "Thankfully, I'm not." I let go of the curtain and crossed my arms while walking back.
  "Then why did you react that way?" He looked at me again, and it was my turn to avert my gaze. Should I tell him the truth? "Wynter?"
  "Look, I don't know. Maybe you guys are a bunch of perverts or something."
  "Wha- I- We-!" Akon stumbled for words and actually looked embarrassed with wide eyes and red cheeks. "We are researchers! Scientists! N-Not perverts!"
  "Yeah, yeah. My bad. Come on. Let's go get dinner."
  "Unbelievable." Akon huffed.
  "Maybe if your entire department didn't have such a weird reputation...." I muttered, and he rolled his eyes while putting the X-rays away.
  Dragging Akon away from work to go eat had been easier than usual at least. However, he'd been quieter than normal. From the look on his face, I could only assume he was thinking about something. Probably work.
  After parting ways and going home, I was plagued by yet another dream so much like the previous few nights. The same hands gently caressing and groping tenderly, leaving me aching and throbbing.
  But this dream finally gave me more. It gave me sweet kisses to my inner thighs creeping closer and closer to my dripping heat. A broad tongue followed, lapping at my arousal with such hunger that made me shiver.
  Hands on my thighs spread my legs more before soft lips pressed against my clit with a kiss. I knew who I dreamed to be touching me this way. It was the first face that kept coming to mind even if I didn't actually see his face in these dreams. But those hands....those careful touches....and the low groan that vibrated his tongue had familiarity.
  I panted while clutching my pillow and silently begging for more. I was at the mercy of my dream that never truly gave me what I wanted, and what I wanted was all of him. To feel his entire body against mine, the warmth of his skin, and listen to him whimper my name.
  His mouth and agile fingers tried to coax as many orgasms out of me as possible before the blaring morning alarm had me waking up with a jolting start.
  Panting, I saw my bed in utter disarray as the morning sun lit my room. Heavily sighing, I groaned in frustration as my head fell back. These damn dreams kept leaving me with soaked underwear and terrible bedhead.
  Perhaps giving in to what I wanted might make the dreams stop. But there was no way trying to fuck Akon wouldn't have consequences.
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  Going into the auxiliary lab late at night, I found myself unable to sleep due to the things running through my mind. I hoped talking to Akon could help clear things up and kill these things eating away at me. And since he hadn't been at home, this was the next best place to find him.
  The lab was mostly dark with some light coming from behind the curtains in the corner. I could hear music playing at a low volume with heavy bass that got louder as I got closer. As I had guessed, Akon was working late again. What project could possibly be keeping him up this time?
  "You're a sick fuck." Akon grumbled and heavily sighed. "'Pervert' is putting it lightly." My brows furrowed in confusion as I wondered what the Hell he was talking about and to whom.
  Grabbing the curtain, I slowly pulled it back to peek inside. I didn't want to interrupt if Akon was having a private conversation.
  But I only saw him casually leaning on the breeding mount while looking at a metallic device sitting on top of it. It looked like the portal he'd been working on before but with a few changes to it. Was he talking to his own invention or himself since no one else was there?
  "No. It's for research." Akon reached a hand toward the device before snatching his hand back and walking away from the mount. "If it was for fucking research, you wouldn't hide it, and you know it." His tone went harsh, and he leaned on a table littered with tools, a computer, and an ashtray with crushed butts.
  The heavy bass continued to play as he silently stood there. He then sighed and turned back around to reach out to the portal again.
  "You're an idiot and an addict." He turned on the device, seeming to have finally come to a conclusion after arguing with himself. I kept quiet hoping to figure out what the fuck was going on.
  Gone was all his previous hesitation as he put a few of his fingers through the portal. I jolted as my spine went stiff, and I covered my mouth with my other hand. My eyes went wide with utter shock as I could feel fingers rubbing between my thighs.
  My heart began to hammer in my chest as realization dawned on me, and I couldn't look away. Akon tilted his head while sighing as his fingers found my clit and began to rub slow circles. I watched as he changed his position and got closer to the end of the mount. Akon was still touching me through the portal when he grabbed the knot of his sash and loosened it.
  He was going to fuck the breeding mount while touching me.
  "Akon!" my voice made him jump as he twisted around.
  "Wynter?!" He looked shocked as his voice cracked, and he quickly backed away from the portal. "I-I-I-" He kept stepping back as his face flushed red until he ran into the table because of me advancing on him.
  "How long have you been doing this?"
  "I-I can explain-"
  "How long? Those weren't just dreams, were they?" My tone was firm as I placed my hands on the table on either side of him. He was trapped with nowhere to go.
  "Back up! Back up, back up, back up!" He sounded frantic, and I already knew why. I'd seen his erection before trapping him between me and the table.
  "No. You're gonna answer me." I took a step closer, forcing his legs to spread as he leaned one arm against the computer monitor. I could feel his dick getting harder as he looked down at me.
  "....A....A while. Please, you're too close."
  "What? Ashamed of getting caught in the act?" He turned his face away as his jaw clenched. "You owe me a big fucking apology."
  "I'm sorry."
  "You don't mean it."
  "I do."
  "Don't lie to me, Akon. I don't deserve that. Especially not after what I've done for you." I grabbed his thighs to hoist them onto my hips, causing him to make a sound of surprise as things on the table rattled. "And you're right. 'Pervert' is putting it lightly." His sash came loose with a simple tug, and I dropped it to the side.
  "What are you doing?"
  "Call it revenge. You left me to clean up your mess morning after morning. I think it's well past time I left you a mess."
  "Wait, what?" His eyes widened, and I opened the front of his uniform to expose his torso.
  "Hm. Look at what just a little bit of care does for you." Akon's skin looked smooth and unmarred, and he no longer looked as if he'd break just by touching him. It was still dark under his eyes from the lack of sleep, but I had a feeling he'd be sleeping fine when I was done with him.
  He watched as I pulled my own clothes off and didn't say a word the entire time. However, he spoke up when I grabbed his hakama to pull the garment off.
  "Wait. Shouldn't you be....mad?"
  "Akon, I've been bringing you home-cooked meals. I agreed to let you research me. I'm mad and I want to fuck you. Now get up." Grabbing his kosode that was barely hanging on his shoulders, I yanked him to his feet. "What do you think Mayuri will say if he finds out you've been using that portal to be a massive perv?"
  "That one is for personal use only. The one for the lab stays in the lab."
  "You made more than one?"
  "So you made a portal just to mess with me?"
  "I don't think I should answer that." Akon muttered, and I scoffed. Letting my gaze drop, I looked over his naked body with excitement flooding my veins.
  Letting him go, I went over to the portal and plucked it up from its stand. Akon tensed while watching me.
  "You know, something's been bugging me about the modifications you've made. It got me wondering...." I trailed off before slotting the portal into a bracket that held it perfectly right in front of the hole in the breeding mount. It fit too well to not be an intentional design. "You really are a dirty boy."
  "I didn't think you would notice that."
  "I notice a lot." I shrugged while leaning against the mount. "Now get over here." Akon seemed hesitant but did as told. "Mount up, stud." I pat my hand against the padded surface of the breeding mount, and Akon's blush deepened.
  "I didn't stutter." Our eyes were locked as we stared at each other.
  "You know where that will lead to right now."
  "I won't tell you again. Or do you need help?" I smiled while grabbing his wrists to pull him closer. Placing his hands onto the mount, I then stood behind him. With one hand on his lower back, I reached around with the other and wrapped my fingers around his dick.
  Akon took in a sharp breath before I began to stroke along the shaft a few times. He was hot and thick in my hand, making me even more eager to have him inside me.
  "What are you planning to do to me?"
  "Are you scared?"
  "You're making me feel as if I'm pinned beneath the paws of a predator, but I can't stop being hard. It's a very confusing mix of fear and arousal."
  "Honey, the only thing you need to fear from me is being devoured." I nipped his shoulder blade and smiled. "And you look pretty delicious." Akon's blush spread, turning the back of his neck a shade of pink.
  Guiding him forward, he tensed right in front of the portal. Keeping my hand on his lower back, I rubbed my thumb against his skin.
  "You can think of it as research. Believe me, having your cock inside me is very different from just your fingers or tongue." My voice was close to a purr as I looked down at his length in my hand. I was aching to feel him more, and he took a shaky breath before moving forward.
  The tip disappeared through the portal, and I felt it press against my core. Akon dug his nails into the mount as he could feel how wet I already was. Between his earlier touches and pinning him to the table, I was already close to just pouncing on him.
  Shifting on my feet to spread my legs a little more, I then used my own arousal to wet the head of his dick. I kissed Akon's shoulders and back as he slowly went a little further. His tip pushed inside first before inch by inch of his shaft followed.
  He was going so slow as I held his hips in both hands. Resting my forehead against his back, I bit my bottom lip while focusing on how he felt inside me. The sound he made, so soft I nearly didn't hear it, made me lose patience.
  Shoving his hips forward, he hit the mount while going balls deep. He made such a guttural sound as he hunched over and crumbled. I hummed and kissed his spine.
  "This is.... Fuck." Akon muttered as I smiled.
  "That good?"
  "It's so hot." He leaned against the mount more. "So wet....for me."
  "That's right, sweetheart. But you better get to work, though. You've got plenty of nights to make up for." My hands traveled up his back before going down his sides. He shuddered and pulled his hips back before thrusting.
  Akon's breath shook as his hands gripped onto the breeding mount. My palms ran up and down his thighs, exploring every inch of him that I could reach. His inner thighs were so soft as I raked my nails up them. He clenched and whimpered from my touch.
  My hands then went up his stomach to his chest, feeling his heart pounding beneath his ribs. I licked over his spine as he continued to thrust into the portal and in turn my pussy. His panting and muffled sounds had my clit throbbing.
  "You don't have to be so gentle, Akon. Here, let me show you how to do it." Placing my hand on his lower stomach with my fingers on either side of the base of his cock, I put my other hand on the mount. With my hips pressed against his soft ass, I thrust my pelvis forward.
  I kept his body between my hand and hips, grinding against his ass as I taught him how to fuck me. He moaned with his forehead against the mount. It was hard to keep control of myself when he looked and sounded so enticing.
  He clenched his jaw to muffle his moans and quiet grunts, and I nipped his back.
  "Open your mouth."
  "I want to hear you. Tell me how good it feels, Akon."
  "Good. So good."
  "Better than your hands, huh?"
  "Yes! Fuck, yes."
  "Keep going." I cooed and grabbed his ass, making him jolt. "I said, keep going."
  "Like this?" His breath shook as he maintained the pace I showed him.
  "Just like that." I bit my bottom lip with my eyes closed in bliss. Feeling his thick cock filling me to the brim over and over again while listening to him was utterly delightful.
  Looking down at Akon, I held his hips again as my thumbs brushed over the dimples in his lower back just above his ass. The curve of his spine and how his muscles rolled beneath his skin as he squirmed was like looking upon some forbidden delicacy. I continued to grind against him and moaned.
  Leaning over, I littered more kisses over his back, and each nip made him buck. I could hear him panting curses while whimpering beneath me. It drove me wild.
  "Are you sorry now?" I questioned with my lips brushing up his spine.
  "No." Akon didn't hesitate in giving his answer this time. His horns nearly tore through the mount when he groaned.
  "I knew you were lying."
  "You feel so damn good."
  "What made you do it?" My arms wrapped around him as I leaned against his back. He didn't stop thrusting and dug his fingers into the mount's padding.
  "I wanted you....all to myself." Akon panted, and I hummed.
  "What a greedy boy you are."
  "A-And the way you taste.... I couldn't forget it."
  "Yeah? You really are an addict, huh?"
  "Y-You heard that?"
  "I did." My fingers slid up his throat to his lips. His hot breath rolled over my skin with each heavy breath. "This more than you bargained for?"
  "Unexpected. Not unwanted."
  "How far are you willing to go, little pervert?"
  "As far as you want. Make me yours. Please." Akon whined when I pushed my fingers into his mouth.
  "I'll take good care of you." I muttered before kissing his shoulder blades. My fingers pressed against his tongue as he moaned. It didn't take long for his saliva to be dripping down my knuckles and palm. It was even dripping from his chin onto the mount. "My, aren't you a drooler?" I chuckled while pulling my fingers free.
  Akon's saliva bridged between my fingertips and his bottom lip. Moaning, I lowered my wet hand between us. He nearly jumped when he felt me touch his ass with my slick fingers.
  "Shhh. Relax, darling." I cooed against his back while feeling the tension in his muscles. Rubbing my drool-soaked fingers over the puckered muscle of his asshole, Akon began to shiver. "Relax. That's it."
  I would've preferred proper lube, but his own spit would work well enough this time. Pushing one finger inside, Akon tensed again with a whimper. I didn't move any further and continued to kiss his back and shoulders to help him relax.
  He took a shaky breath, and I slowly began to pump that finger. His hips stuttered with his cock still buried in my pussy through the portal, making me smirk. Akon tilted his hips back as if seeking more, and I obliged.
  Getting in a second finger, Akon gave a broken moan and nearly fell from his knees shaking. The breeding mount kept him standing as I chuckled.
  "Oh, I'm gonna love this." Thrusting my hand, Akon nearly squealed while ramming his hips into the portal. I moaned and placed my other hand on the mount for stability. I didn't stop pumping my fingers, and Akon was turning into a mess under me with shaking legs and drool still dripping from his chin.
  He reared back while crying out my name as his hips went back and forth between the mount and my hand. I couldn't stop grinning while watching his body writhe and twitch from pleasure.
  "You're so fucking cute. Look at you. Barely even able to stand." I bit his shoulder while groaning, and his hips bucked. I knew when I'd found his prostate because he gave a broken moan as his voice cracked. He had to lean his elbows on the mount and was moaning with every thrust.
  He was getting close and losing rhythm. Curling my fingers, Akon's back arched while his voice filled my ears. Electricity danced across my skin with my eyes closed and my mouth hanging open in a moan.
  Akon's cock began to twitch as heat flooded my core and began to drip down my thighs. He groaned while giving a few more shallow thrusts that made more of his cum spill down my thighs. And, as he was deep inside me, I also hit my peak and orgasmed while groaning and biting his shoulder.
  Panting, I leaned against his back and slid my fingers out of his ass. Akon grunted, and I kissed the red bite mark. He slowly rocked his hip back to pull out while trying to catch his breath.
  As cum kept dripping down my thighs, I glanced around and spotted a sink a few yards away. Leaving Akon, I went to wash my hands and legs. When I was cleaned up, I glanced back and saw Akon collapsed on top of the breeding mount with his arms dangling over the sides and his cheek against the padding as he panted.
  Getting some paper towels, I carried them with me back to Akon. Folding one up, I used my other hand to tilt up his face and clean the drool from his chin.
  "You did so good." I cooed, and he hummed in response. Helping him get cleaned up, I then threw away the dirty paper towels. "You can have a little break, but I'm certainly not done with you." Brushing his hair back, I kissed his forehead.
  "My knees are still weak."
  "Are they?" I chuckled and gently held his face in my hands. "You poor thing." Kissing his cheek and then the other, I paused with my nose brushing against his. "Maybe I'll ride you next time to give your legs a rest." Akon's breath shook as he glanced down at my mouth.
  Leaning in closer, I press my lips against his with my thumbs brushing over his cheeks.
  "I'd like that." He muttered.
  "Good. You've only made up for one night after all." I kissed him again, and his arms wrapped around me as he leaned into it.
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stubz · 2 years
bit of a sequel to my bnha yandere reader post, but you don't necessarily need to read it to make sense of this. Link is here if you wanna read it tho. Also this one isn't too hardcore yandere, neither is the last one but this isn't platonic like the last one
oh and there's swearing and some catcalling, nothing is actually said tho for the catcalling tho
2.2K words
I should have kept my mouth shut, you know you should have simply ignored it, should've just used my breathing skills just like I've practiced but nooo, I had to say something!
I had to open my big mouth and just expose my most guarded secret to the whole goddamn world!
...Well, not the whole world, just whoever watches the news. Nobody watches the news nowadays so we're fine, yeah only old people watch the news...Except they were there so that means there were tons of people watching!! And there was that idiot who wouldn't stop recording everything on his phone which means it has to be on the internet now!
It's official, your life was over. Your villain life that is. After all, who would take you seriously after learning the fact that you have a major crush on the entire class 1-A from U.A.???
It's embarrassing enough when the truth comes out about your crush but it's even worse when the person who outed you was yourself!!
Gah! Why didn't I just "friendly fire" that bastard?!
And why didn't you indeed, in fact, you have experienced plenty of situations like this before and every time you've managed to control yourself. But this time...this time was different.
Let's go back, shall we?
You are a villain, a pretty well-known one too. You started young, in middle school, and built yourself a reputation among heroes and villains, spreading the message that you'll fight anyone for anyone, for the right price of course. But basically, you're muscle for hire, you'll give someone a good beating, kill off a gang or two, or sometimes you're just hired to collect money.
Anyways, your latest job was to be part of a bank robbery just in case some strong heroes came instead of the ones who usually patrol the area. Things were fine, everything went according to plan, everything was fine. Until the heroes showed up.
They were right to hire you because instead of the lower-ranked heroes, they were your little heroes. Class 1-A of U.A. looking gorgeous as always swooped in and were quick to secure the area and evacuate the civilians. Eventually leaving only you and the small gang of villains.
Sadly because of your presence, the gang members felt cocky and all decided to do some trash-talking. Most of what was said were childish taunts or jabs at the little heroes' young age or lack of experience clearly the idiot hasn't been watching the news lately. But as the fight went on the taunts and jabs became less childish and more insulting and... rather untasteful.
And while threats and taunts aren't anything new regarding your darlings, this, this catcalling, was. You f*cking hated it. You f*cking hated them.
Grabbing one of the perverts by the legs you used her as a bat and hit another pervert back into the bank. Another 5 home runs and you had them all in the building, from there you got to work.
A total of a minute passes before Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki come in to see what is happening. While Bakugo tries to fight you, you quickly make it clear that you have no intention of doing so.
"Darling, could you please just give me a moment to deal with these perverted bastards first before I spar with you?"
"Midoriya, Todoroki, loves, could you please bring Bakugo with you and leave the room, please? I wouldn't want my little heroes tooo... f*ck I forgot to censor my pet names—F*CK I SAID PET NAMES!!"
...Midoriya had a radio, courtesy of Yaoyorozu...and she was standing next to a news crew when listening...also Jiro and Shoji basically parroted your exact words. Not that anyone needed their help for that last bit, which you screamed to the flipping heavens.
Plus the villains you were giving a beating did a run for it thus reigniting your hatred for them making you run outside the bank and have another slip up. Curse your goldfish brain
"Get back here you shitheads!"
there was a news crew right in front of you
"...aaAAND THERE YOU HAVE IT, VIEWERS! Creati, is there anything you have to say about this sudden confession from the violent mercenary villain Last, aka Y/N?! Oh! Chargebolt you as well! What do you two have to say?!"
"I-I don't, we both, we all—"
And so that's the story of how you outed yourself to your crushes on national television.
Oh shit they're playing it again, this is the fifth time today! Don't you people have anything better to do than ruin my nonexistent love life?!
Frustrated you turned off the T.V and went on your phone. Bad idea
Oh my god I'm a meme now, why, why are there so many of them?? And there's people reacting to the footage? ...well at least most of them think I'm a good match for most of them
....! Wait, there's a video posted by Mina here
You played the video and saw Mina looking at the camera, looks like she used her phone.
"Hi everybody! As you all probably know by now, I—or well we, have an admirer who basically just confessed to us.
Now I've had a few admirers before but never one that was...a villain, heh...
I'm making this video to let everyone that we don't approve of Last's crimes or violent behavior and that no they have never contacted us, well, as far as we know.
But also I'm making this video to say...thank you, thank you Last for calling out those pervs and while none of us condone violence, thanks for giving them a good beating!"
A hand swipes the camera from her and shows Kirishima
"Yeah, I mean although we learned to ignore stuff like that...it doesn't mean we're not affected by it. So thanks for taking care of them! It was super manly!"
"Totally awesome what you did there!" piped in Kaminari and Sero
"HEY! TELL THAT BASTARD THAT NEXT TIME I'LL WIPE THE FLOOR WITH THEM! See how they like our little "spars" now!"
the camera turns again, this time towards the kitchen where Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and Tsu make food.
"Kacchan there's no need for you to shout, the camera is right there."
"You know this explains why we're always considerably less injured than other heroes after fighting them."
"It would make sense considering that they have a crush on us, ribbit."
"Hey give me back my phone!"
Mina is on screen once again.
"So anyways, we just wanted to say thanks for dealing with the catcalling."
"Mina don't forget the deal!"
"Oh right, thanks Momo! We also have a deal with you! Based on your reaction and pet names it seems like you might actually like us, so we have a proposition for you!
If you return the stolen money and go an entire month without doing any crime you will get a reward from us. But only if you don't do any crime! No robbery, killing, mercenary contract deals, or illegal underground fighting.
So if you follow the deal you'll get a reward from us and then can accept another deal just like this one but with a better reward. Got it? Okay, bye everyone!"
and with that the students said goodbye to the camera and the video ended.
[4 days later in the dorms lounge]
Sitting on the couch munching on some chips is Mina, enjoying her Saturday afternoon.
'I wonder if they'll actually take the deal...probably not. I mean what villain could "love" us enough to give back all that money AND up crime for a whole month? Eh, it was worth a shot tho'
"Mina turn on the T.V!" shouts Sato running from the boy's side of the dorm. Behind him are all the other boys.
"News channel, hurry!" and now comes Jiro followed by the rest of the girls
"Uh, okay...what."
"Just 20 minutes ago mercenary villain Last arrived at All Might's statue and perched on top of it holding a large sack of sorts. Police and nearby pro heroes have arrived but they still continue to perch on top of the statute. No threats or demands have been, in fact, they haven't even said anything all this time."
the camera shows the villain sitting on the statue's shoulders with a large sack over their shoulder.
"What are they doing?" murmured Toru
"Beats me." replied Ojiro
"Wait, they're saying something!"
"Took you long enough! I thought I was gonna be here all day. HEY! You, cameraman, you filming me? ...well?"
the camera nodded up and down
"Good. Keep filming or else. Ahem, hello my darlings! Did you miss me? Well, I missed you! Sorry it took me so long to respond but I had a little trouble getting it all back. Anywho, here you go officers, $50,000 in cash!"
They threw out wads of money towards them.
"Sorry but I had to use a bit of my own cause I spent some of it...ookay a lot of it, but at least half of it is from the bank. Think of the other half as a charitable donation."
"Holy smokes, look, it is from the bank. At least half of it."
"Welp, that's half of the deal fulfilled. All I have to do now is stay good for, hmmm another 26 days? Then you'll give me my reward, right?"
they smiled straight at the camera, a smile that while it was supposed to be charming was actually downright terrifying. Like a predator that's about to catch its prey.
"Which brings me to this. I actually have a proposition for all of you, don't worry I'm not going back on our deal. I won't commit any crimes for the next 26 days. My proposition for all of you is that if I help you by giving you some interesting information, I get to choose my reward. Don't worry, it won't be anything unreasonable and I am open to compromise.
Now, of course, I can't disclose anything about my fellow villains, that'd be terrible business etiquette, but fortunately, that courtesy doesn't apply to corrupt politicians, police officers...or heroes. You'd be surprised by how many of them hired me, specifically for my specialty in violence.
If you accept my deal simply select yes or no, on the burner phone stuck to Mineta's head. You have 30 minutes starting now."
"Holy crap there really is a phone stuck to his head."
"B-but how...I was...my room...all day..." the terrified boy whimpered.
While Kaminari attempted to calm down Mineta the others discussed their options.
"So, what do we do? Do we say yes?" asked Sero glancing around
"And let them choose their reward? Yeah that's a hard no." argued Toru
"But they did say it's negotiable so maybe it wouldn't too bad, plus so far they've followed our deal. I mean they even used their own money to do so." interjected Uraraka
"The problem is that the information could be or not be actually useful. It's a 50/50 chance." added Tokoyami.
"OH SH—!"
"Well that was fast!"
"Sorry! It was an accident I swear!"
"Sparky what the hell did you do?!"
"...really? I have to say I was not expecting that! My little heroes said yes. Well a deal's a deal and you know what? Since I wasn't expecting this at all I decided to...go big or go home with the information. Now without further adieu, catch!"
Reaching into their sack one last time they throw out numerous papers into the sky along with dozens of little cases.
The cameraman's reporter catches a paper and one of the little cases. The camera focuses in.
"Dear viewers I can't believe what I'm seeing! On this page alone is a list of numerous jobs Last has done for congressman Yamato! And this case here is labelled with the Angelic hero's name Hope, inside is a flash drive. Judging from what the papers say it most likely contains some rather shady and unsavoury affairs the hero partook in!"
A whistle can be heard off-screen. the camera swiftly turns back to the villain
"It's time for me to go now my darlings! I look forward to seeing you all in 26 days when you come to give me my reward! Of course, I'll have to think of one first. Don't worry, I won't rush anything! I'm happy to go at whatever pace you all agree on. Until then!"
and with that, the young villain left while the police and heroes were too occupied with gathering the papers and hard drives.
"...I think I speak for all of us when I say that this backfired big time." grumbled Mina
"Agreed" groaned the class
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nell0feey-all · 5 months
Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace || Dramoine #1
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fluff and smut, yule ball cut off, semi yandere
** these bitches are 17 right now
“Next time there’s a ball, ask me before someone else does and not as a last resort!”
Draco’s heart screeched to a stop. 
As one of the many wizards- and. Probably non-wizards too, if he was being honest, which made his blood boil; in the race for Hermione’s hand, he knew what it was to be punched square in the face by this woman. And Weasley had just gotten it, right behind him. Spectacular.
Krum had also beat him by asking her to the ball. He’d been too busy pretending to not give a fuck to wear his heart on his sleeve, just like Weasely. Something about Her put him on the same level as the ginger moron. He needed to fix that.
He inhaled sharply at her first sob, growing distant as She stormed off the signature Hermione way he loved so much. 
Cut her off at the staircase on the third floor, dickwad! He screamed at himself, pressing deeper into the shadows as Weasley walked past him, clearly having some kind of stroke. I mean, he couldn’t blame him- he’d reacted the same way last year to Her ire, and the growth hadn’t come until two months later. That’s when he came to terms with his obsession. 
It had happened one day in the library. He’d come to see if she’d be there, to fish him out of his misery as the sight of her so usually did, but after doing the entire room twice over had concluded that she was likely out at one of her study spots with her friends. Usually, this would send him stalking right down to the gardens, but today it angered him more than normal.
So instead he’d stalked off searching for someone else. Colin, his name had been, right? He had a flashy muggle thing that stored pictures of people- still pictures, where the person didn’t get to vanish whenever they felt like it. It would be a picture of Hermione, not a pretend Hermione taking life on paper. He needed the real deal.
That’s what spurred him on tonight as he dashed after Her like a madman. The staircase to the third floor was the only place they’d find some fucking privacy- people were still scared of it since the smartest witch in the world hadn’t been able to save her albeit weak friends from nearly dying in there, understandably- he needed the real deal. No more hidden pictures and defending her from his friends and the lock of hair he’d stolen from Pansy Parkinson to stop her from brewing Polyjuice but couldn’t quite convince himself to throw away yet. 
“Wait for me!” He yelled when she reached halfway up those stairs. She didn’t turn around, just collapsed to her knees. He was too far away to catch her.
“Hermione,” he said, falling to a crouch as soon as he was next to her. How was she so fast in heels?
She looked up at him through tears, breaking his heart.
“Now is- really not the time, Malfoy,” she said weakly.
“I agree, it’s not. And I’m sorry,” he said, relieved as her tears stopped for a second.
“Finally got over pulling the pigtails of the girl you like at the playground, have we?” She asked, glaring at him. 
“Yes, yes, we finally grew some balls,” he didn’t bother to be surprised that she’d figured him out- of course She would have him figured out, “and now we’re here to take care of you. Let me take care of you. Please.” 
“I don’t need you.” 
He sighed hopelessly. He knew. He knew exactly how much she didn’t need him, but-
“But I need you.”  ////
Hermione wasn’t sure of what she was doing.
But she’d been protecting herself since she was young, here at Hogwarts, and. And she wanted to be kept safe for once.
“You look beautiful tonight. You’re beautiful everyday, but. People don’t see that because you’re so obviously focused on being more than that. But tonight, you’ve made an effort to look beautiful, you’ve made an effort to have a good time, and let me help you enjoy yourself.”
Now she was dancing with him, his hand on her waist, his other hand gripping hers- he was so much warmer than she’d ever imagined he could be. 
Harry was nowhere to be seen. She didn’t want to see Ronald.
And she felt what Draco had said. She felt it in her heart and on her hips today. 
Let’s give him some kind of fraternization to yell about, she’d said. His smile had been so genuinely happy- happy for her, that she’d decided to let him fix her makeup and lead her back to the ball.
She knew his body, protective and shielding as it was now. She’d watched him enough to know when he really meant something.
“Let me show you a good time, and then let me show you that you are a good time. Let me show you that you are like stargazing.”
Fuck it. ////
“Where, exactly, are we going?” He huffed behind her. She paused.
“Love, you’re breaking my hand,” he said, and she turned around to look and realized that she really was, she was squeezing his hand too tightly. 
“Sorry,” she let go.
“Where are we going?” He asked again.
Well, she’d been leading him to the Room of Requirement. Because she required him really badly, but maybe that wasn’t the best idea. Maybe he’d change his mind in the morning, and then make fun of how badly she’d needed him right now- look at how he was grinning, boyish and excited, and how easily that grin could turn into an evil smirk. The last thing she needed was to be slut shamed by the entire school, more, god knew wizards were really backwards with this kind of stuff- 
“Don’t tell me you were planning to bed me already, Granger.” 
There was that old-fashionedness. It was called sex, Malfoy, but she couldn’t say that out loud.
“There’s this certain type of Muffliato spell I could teach you? Basically, you could cast it on me and I wouldn’t be able to talk about whatever we get up to for the rest of our lives. Make for great teasing later, but mainly you wouldn’t have to worry about me ruining your reputation. Sworn to secrecy, and all that.”
She blinked.
“How do I know the spell isn’t just made-up?” She asked.
He grinned even harder.
“So glad you asked, love.” 
And that’s how they found themselves in the Restricted section, and he was pushing into her against the shelves, murmuring about how long he’d dreamed about doing this to her, and what a dirty whore she was for him, and how he was as much of a harlot for her.
“Fuck, Granger.” Her skirts were bunched up around them, and her hair was getting ruined, and the makeup he’d restored was melting with sweat and his tears instead of her broken sobbing. And she felt safe. 
And then when they were done, he lifted her off him but didn’t put her down. Carried their tired bodies all the way back to his dorm, and half-asleep, she felt him changing her into a sweatshirt that smelled like him. Some kind of curtains around their bed, keeping them from the others who’d fill this room later, and she was cocooned in him and more blankets than she’d ever been under in her entire life. His silent groans as he slid his cock back into her for the night nearly killed her, and then she fell dead asleep. 
Everyone was staring at them. Of course they were.
Hermione had slipped back to her dorm in the morning, and her girlfriends had been shockingly happy for her. She’d tugged her robes on, and then hurried to breakfast before she could bump into Ronald. Draco was waiting for her at the entrance to the Great Hall. He invited her to sit with him. She said no, on the grounds that she didn’t want to rely on him to defend her. He begged her to let him show her off. She’d caved.
And now she was eating at the slytherin table for the first time, with Draco Malfoy, and his pack of raucous friends who were being surprisingly nice to her. If her second year self could see her now… 
Even the fucking Beauxbatons were glancing at them regularly. Ronald wasn’t bothering to hide his death stare, and Harry just… raised his goblet and drank to something, presumably the chaos she was causing. She snorted as Ron dragged him away from the Gryffindor table.
She missed him, but he’d never really taken sides when it came to Ron. Not when it really mattered. 
She felt Draco lean his chin on her shoulder, and realized their friends- their friends?- had gone quiet.
“Oh, Merlin. You’re no better than a housecat,” she said, exasperated. The table burst into uproar, and Hermione suddenly realized that most of the laughter in the Great Hall came from Slytherin.  ////////
“You’re still going to be friends with Potter?” He asked.
“If that’s a problem, I can leave,” She replied.
“Don’t leave.”
“I don’t intend to,” She said, smiling at him. 
Today was Hogsmeade, which was good, because Draco was addicted to her. He wouldn’t have been able to let Her go so quickly. They were sitting in the Hog’s Head, unpopulated and quiet right now. He’d enchanted the tablecloth to hide them from the rest of the pub, opting to cuddle Her for warmth instead.
She stared down at him with big, brown eyes that he was absolutely enchanted with. When they’d first met, he’d really assumed she was part-Veela.
“Are we dating yet?” He asked excitedly.
“What do you mean yet?” 
“Tell me about yourself,” Draco said to her. They were in his bed, Muffliato spells and curtains shed. She liked it here because it was so cold that she had an excuse to cuddle him.
“My parents are dentists,” and then winced, remembering who she was talking to.
“What’s a dentist?”
“It’s… basically someone who rips your teeth out for you. It’s universally regarded as a method of torture in the muggle world.”
“Is that right? That doesn’t sound right,” he said, laughing.
“No, I swear. And they have this trademarked color? It’s this terrifying minty blue-green. It symbolizes fear for everyone but me. I’m the only weirdo who’s comforted by it because I grew up in offices that were absolutely smothered by it.”
“Are you telling me the truth right now?”
“Merlin’s honor.”
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kohhomaru · 1 month
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yandere-writer-momo · 2 months
Yandere Head Canons:
Love After Death
Yandere Skeleton x Fem Reader
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I’m obsessed with Kate Bush’s song ‘Army Dreamers.’ So I decided to write a story about a soldier who died during a war, but he came back to life just to fulfill his promise of coming home to his lover…
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There was a Great War many years ago between monsters and humans. A war that took countless innocent lives all due to the human’s greed. A war that took the life of your lover, Zered. Your childhood sweetheart.
Zered was a young sorcerer from the magic tower. A prodigy and pioneer of magic with a heart of gold. He was the man you had planned to spend the rest of your life with. You wanted to run your fingers through those blonde curls until the two of you were balding and wrinkly. To look into those sea foam eyes until you couldn’t. To press soft kisses against his full lips until your lungs burned. You loved that man more than anything in this world… but the war took him from you.
Zered may have died a hero of the empire, but you couldn’t help the bitterness that seeped its fingers into your heart. Your beloved was no nothing more of a war story. A great sorcerer who was able to take down the dragon enemies to give time for reinforcements to arrive. A war hero. And they couldn’t even bring a single remain of him back to you…
You sighed as you sipped on some homemade ale. Your eyes glanced at the sun’s rays that danced across the hay fields in sorrow. This was the cottage the two of you were going to live in for the rest of your days. The one you’d start a family in that was now cold and empty. It didn’t matter that the sun hit it perfectly each time, Zered wasn’t here.
You rock back and forth in the rocking chair. The birds weren’t singing their melodic tunes like they normally did. Which was odd. Why weren’t the birds singing- you almost screamed when you see a dark figure slink through the meadow towards your cabin. What on earth was an undead doing here?!
You quickly sprang up from your chair and fell over since you were a bit tipsy. Crap. Crap. Crap! You needed to head inside before that creature got to you.
You let out a shrill shriek of terror when the skeleton stood in your porch. Its red eyes stared into your very soul as it tilted its head to the side. Oh god… this was it. This was the end. You were going to be ripped apart by this hideous creature-
You went still when the creature threw itself into your arms as it released weeping noises. The skeleton whined and shook as its arms wrapped around your body in a tight hug.
“H-home. I… home.” The skeleton’s voice was a spin chilling rasp. A small tuft of blonde on its head showed that it was once human.
What did it mean by being home- wait. This cousin possibly be?
“Zered?” You gasped when the skeleton pressed its teeth onto your cheek like it wanted for press a kiss against your cheeks. “Zered, what happened?”
“Home… home.” Zered was barely to rasp out legible words. The skeleton cupped your face in its palms. “Love you… I home.”
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beloved-blaiddyd · 3 months
Yandere prince!Al Haitham/(little mermaid)Merfolk!Reader
aphotic: a sea witch grants you a dangerous wish. it affects your lover.
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@xianyoon (ty so much for the event, this is a fun prompt ^^)
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michaela-o · 5 months
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N-n-not in loove baby it's just luuuust~
( everybody needs this kind of hookup with prowl 😵‍💫❤️ )
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