#like what is it about pushing that aspect of yourself? considering he was encouraged to do it by a female manager
angstics · 1 year
itd be interesting to examine how perceived vs assigned gender play into how gerard way has approached the subject in his work. cuz most of the times he's talked about his personal tie to it, he mentions how people saw him as a girl when he was a kid and THAT lead to gender confusion. im not saying i want to investigate his personal history, im saying it's a starting point to other queer readings i dont see talk of
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blainesebastian · 1 year
lunch break
words: 1,631 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (anon request) “what's your take on Aus unexpectedly coming to visit reader at work? :)” notes: masterlist on my sidebar and linked here!  warnings: none tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylesmendeshearted, @rairaielv
You don't consider your job as something very high end or glamorous, it's kinda a step in the direction of what you want your future to be but haven’t yet acquired. Then again, that makes it sound like you aren’t in control of what’s keeping you immobile, behind barriers and walls, but in fact you’re in charge of your own hourglass. When the sand runs out, instead of making decisions, you just turn the thing over and start the process all again.
Wanting to write your own novel is somehow a cycled mixture of self-doubt and self-loathing—every time you think you’ve come up with an idea that would actually prompt you to put words to paper, you get so caught up in your own thoughts that it’s almost paralyzing. One day, you think, you’ll move the needle forward…today’s just not that day.
That isn’t to say that you don’t love your job, you do—you lead an editing team for a publishing company, your hands are constantly touching the pages of books, of someone else’s thoughts and dreams, blood, sweat and tears. There’s no shame in the work…you just feel like you could be doing more. Austin is endlessly supportive, no matter how many times you ride and sink on the waves of ideas. He’s the one constant, the one person in which you can depend on to completely encourage your dream and push you towards it when you feel like running away.
It feels funny to say things like ‘destiny’ or ‘fate’—as a writer, there has to be better words out there to use and yet nothing feels so all encompassing as meeting Austin just in happenstance at a bar near your apartment. You knew who he was, of course, and hadn’t even thought to enter his orbit until he approached you and a few friends playing darts and asked if he could join in. Out of all the other dart boards, in all the bars in New York, Austin found himself at that specific one, with you—and things just bloomed from there.
It's kinda difficult to wrap your head around sometimes, as if these experiences and steps in your relationship don’t always feel real. Austin is someone who lives larger than life in many different aspects…and for some reason, you’re included in that. You’re really working on accepting that you deserve good things like this, despite how many times you may need to remind yourself. There might be plenty of excuses as to why a relationship between you two wouldn’t work…but there are so many reasons about why it does. You lean into that as often as possible.
Among many things that you can say about Austin, you appreciate that he’s pretty private with his personal life. He isn’t very active on social media and he keeps you out of the public eye as much as he can, warmth fluttering in your chest as you think about him being protective, looking out for you. You don’t realize how much you appreciate that with the few events you have gone with him to—it’s not that you don’t want to be supportive, of course you do, but cameras constantly being shoved into your face, the endless questions that sometimes toe the line of appropriate, the pressure to always be on, pleasant, accommodating. It’s a lot to get used to, a lot to be able to adapt to.
In spite of this, in small circles and unfortunately your much larger ones, people know you’re dating Austin. It was a giant ‘watercooler’ topic at work when it first happened, the Elvis film had just come out in theaters and Austin’s name was slingshot into a lot of headlines, a lot of ads, a lot of social media. Most people respected your privacy, but you definitely had moments of being ambushed in the break room with coffee.
For the most part, it’s settled down. There’s the occasional whispering you can hear as you pass cubicles to head to your office, which pretty much only happens when you attend some sort of event with Austin. You’ve never really thought to invite him to anything that’s had to do with your work—not that you wouldn’t enjoy showing him off, because you’re constantly proud of him and the work he’s doing. But honestly? The last thing you want is for it to come across like you have him on your arm like some sort of accessory or cause absolute chaos with anyone you work with who are fans.
Never say never—one of these days you’ll invite him to your office, let him see where you work as you’ve been invited on set. One compared to the other is obviously more exciting, but you want Austin to feel just as included in your world.
Letting out a soft breath, you look down at your phone as it buzzes with a message from Austin. Speaking of—a smile tugs the corners of your mouth as you tap open the message,
Austin: you eat today?
And that’s something you can definitely appreciate him for. You’ve been known to bury yourself in work that you’re always losing track of time. Between edits, meetings, phone calls, a few coffee breaks, it’s easy to get lost in the sauce.
Y/N: not yet—does iced coffee count? 😊
A few moments pass before,
Austin: you definitely know the answer to that
You smirk before setting your phone down, checking the time and rolling your eyes. Alright, he’s right (though you’re not about to message him that). You’ll take a break in ten, you suppose it is two PM already, and get something to eat. You gotta pull a longer night than usual to get this book edit in by six AM tomorrow, so…need fuel for that.
Closing a few tabs on your laptop, you type in a place nearby that has tacos to see if they deliver, when a string of conversations catch your attention from down the hallway. It’s not particularly loud with your door ajar, but something is definitely going on that you’re missing. Maybe someone put an entire order in for food again for the department…that’s only happened once but it was so nice. You don’t think you heard a fire alarm going off or anything…
Letting out a sigh, you pull yourself from your desk to tug your door open, moving to walk out and around the corner when you bump right into—
You blink, “Austin?”
Your boyfriend lets out a soft amused breath, steadying you with his one hand along your arm. You feel like your brain is kinda short circuiting because this…is the last place you expected him to be? Taking him in, the black slacks, typical boots, black leather jacket with a soft blue sweater underneath, you realize he has a lanyard that says VISITOR on his chest.
And then all the blocks start clicking into place—he came up the elevator, stopped at the front desk, actually signed in and asked where your office was and walked…down the hallway, which explains the commotion. Your eyes dart over his shoulder to take in the state of the office and it seems to be a mix of people gawking or minding their own business. Your cheeks kiss pink as your gaze fixes once again on your boyfriend as you realize he’s got a bag in his hand,
“Did you—”
Austin glances down at the bag as you back up in the office and he lingers in the doorway for a moment, “Yeah, you like that taco place on the corner, right?”
You can’t help but grin, your stomach rumbling in pleased excitement as you reach to take the bag, “I do…I didn’t realize you were bringing me lunch.”
“I like to surprise you every now and then,” He teases, moving to brush your hair off your forehead, “Keeps things interestin’ so you don’t dump me.”
You roll your eyes but it’s definitely fond, smiling up at him, “Thank you.” It’s actually really sweet of him to think of you, especially since he knew you were close to skipping lunch anyways…or is it practically dinner? There has to be more important things to do on his schedule and yet he’s here, making sure you’re taking care of yourself.
Austin leans down to press a kiss to your lips and it’s out of instinct that you flinch, tilting your head a little sideways. He raises his eyebrows, a soft laugh leaving his lips, “What’s goin’ on with that?”
God—you hadn’t meant to do that, not exactly anyways. You can feel people’s eyes on you from outside your office, watching your interactions with your boyfriend, like being placed on a slide underneath a microscope. And while you don’t care what people think, it’s more just…wanting to keep things with Austin where they belong, between the two of you, not meant to be shared with anyone else. But the last thing you want is for Austin to somehow think you’re embarrassed to be with him,
“Sorry—” You shake your head, “People talk about me—it’s just,” You roll your eyes, “You know, gossip. It’s just noise.” You wave your hand in nonchalance, giving Austin a small smile. You’re hoping he can stick around a while, maybe share some chips with you.
He hums a little, glancing over his shoulder before rolling back on the balls of his feet. “I see.” He then takes a step forward into your space, forcing you to look up at him as he closes the distance,
“Let’s give them somethin’ to talk about then.”
A soft laugh leaves your lips, your stomach fluttering in heated butterflies as Austin leans down to kiss you and closes your office door.
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saberamane · 3 months
I would just like to share this lovely comment from someone on chapter 65 of 'We Were Born For This', it is just so great to see some just get it when you write something that isn't blatant or right in your face.
I've been binge reading this wonderful story over the past couple days, and when i got to this chapter i just had to comment. It feels almost like the culmination of... a lot of things desmond is overcoming, i don't quite know how to put it into words though i'll try (if it comes across awkwardly just keep in mind i absolutely adore this story with my whole heart, so it absolutely isn't intentional).
The way i'm thinking about it, is that we've been slowly watching desmond reclaim how to be a person, and this is one of the last Big Things that have been taken from him without any progress on overcoming it, so it feels like a big victory for desmond to find a way that feels 'safe' for him to explore this side of himself. While as an ace myself i'm fully aware sex isn't necessary for a fulfilling life, it is a completely different thing to have something forcibly stolen than it is to willingly give it up, so there's almost a feeling of pride in seeing desmond begin to grow past it. I also really liked the subtle dom/sub aspects you introduced, even if it was apparently an accident, because i've always felt like it was almost, natural, for things to go in that direction with characters like that. Let's see if i can put it into words, sorry if i ramble on too much...
Okay, so when you have that human weapon vibe from a character, it almost feels like having some sort of sub vibes (sexual or non-sexual) comes naturally, you know? Like, when someone has been built from birth to be nothing more than a weapon, with no wants or desires of their own, the idea of taking charge of themselves for no purpose other than to serve themselves would probably feel unnatural. Like, even when those characters heal and grow beyond just being nothing more than a weapon, that doesn't erase the past, doesn't change the fact that they feel more like they were /built/ than /born/, and that part of their being is always going to be there in the background. And it's its own kind of healing, to choose for yourself who you /want/ to guide and direct you, to willingly offer what was previously taken forcibly. To still be a weapon, but one wielded by gentle hands that you know would never hurt you, that doesn't even view you as the weapon you know yourself to be but instead considers you as the person with wants and needs you can only allow under their encouragement... still a weapon, but more than just a /thing/ to be used and thrown aside... the inherent eroticism of the weapon/wielder dynamic, is what i'm saying. I like my smut with a side of psychoanalysis, lol.
It was wonderfully executed as well, i must say. The smut was written in a wonderfully visceral way, and you could just feel desmond giving himself over so beautifully. Being a good soft dom apparently comes naturally to ezio, with his easy confidence and understanding of what desmond wants and needs, and sheer delight at providing it. Desmond being able to completely relax into it thanks to the mix of the pleasure (unfamiliar and taboo) with the feeling of being commanded (easy and safe). The shame and fear being countered by the comfort of a person he loves and wholly trusted being the one to guide him through it, turning it from something he's doing wrong and must be punished for, to something he's unquestionably doing right as ezio tells him how good he is for it, all while being considerate to hold himself back and not push desmond too far for his own wants and desires.
Basically, thank you very much for such a wonderful story, i am very happy to read this :)
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hotchs-big-hands · 9 months
feeling super down today 😞😞 idk why but i need comfort in a sexual and non sexual way so what Aaron say or do to make me feel better ?
also can i be 💝 anon pls 😇
Hiya 💝 babes, I'm so sorry you're feeling really down today :((( I'm sending you love and hugs right now and hope you have a better day tomorrow 💖💖💖💖💖 take good care of yourself today babes!
Aaron is such a gentle and loving man. Like he has a lot of love to give and since he met you he finally feels able to open his heart for another.
So when he sees you're just having a really bad day? It hurts his heart and he will do anything to help you feel even the tiniest bit better. Comfort foods and snacks? He's on it. Whether that means him going to the store or staying home and ordering in if you're not wanting to be alone. Cuddles in bed or the couch? This man is like a teddy bear! Cling onto him as much as you need. His arms are around you holding you close and stroking your head, every so often kissing your crown.
He tells you all about how he's felt about you all this time, how when he first met you he felt his heart rate increase and his whole body felt warm and fuzzy. And when you started dating? He's felt like things are gonna be okay now. It's okay for him to open his heart to another person. You saved him 💖💖
He talks about his favourite little quirks about you, how beautiful and serene you look when he wakes before you and just sits there for a moment just admiring you. He used to just get up and go, but meeting you means his mornings start off more peacefully. He tells you he does not even want to consider the rest of his life without you, he needs you by his side. That he is so deeply in love with you.
And if you need more intimacy? Aaron is the king of giving. He's so gentle, as slow or fast as you want him to go. So, so many words of praise; you're breathtaking, pointing out his favourite aspects of your body and kissing them oh so tenderly. He makes sure you feel so good, helping you climax as much as you want, holding your hand tightly as he guides you through each mind-melting orgasm.
And he doesn't let go of your hands when he finally pushes his aching cock inside you, no matter the position you're in he has a hold of your hands. He makes sure you know how beautiful you are, how fucking attractive you are to him which has caused some... awkward situations for him. He'll tell you you're doing so well for him amidst moans and gasps of your name, pace increasing as he encourages you to clench around him as you cum one more time before he reaches his own climax, either pumping inside you or on his or your body.
He cleans the both of you up gently, making sure you laugh during the process and fixing the both of you something to eat and drink. You'll be tucked in in bed, wearing something cozy and he'll cuddle you again, either watching something or listening to your favourite music, chatting away to you about silly and fun things. He's always gonna make sure that when you are not feeling your best, regardless of if he's there or away, you can count on him. He loves you so so much 💖💖
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a-crumb-of-whump · 9 months
A New Beginning #21: Positive Affirmations
Masterlist | Read on AO3
Content: Self esteem issues, [mentioned] past child whump, recovery, pet whumpee, vampire whumpee, human caretaker, [past] parental whumpers.
I have been in such a slump recently, I'm so sorry for the lack of content </3 either the next chapter or the chapter after is when shit gets real.
“What’cha doin’?” Adam asked one morning as he sat down on the couch with his second cup of coffee. Carlos immediately glanced up from his new diary, a smile coming to his face when he realised that it was a genuine question rather than one asked out of politeness. 
“I’m practicing positive affirmations with myself,” he told him. “Trying to write down three things I like about myself, or three things I think I’m good at, or… really, just three positive things. It’s… uh, harder than the people in the video I watched made it seem. I only have one thing so far.” 
It was almost sad that he’d only been able to think of one thing in the hour that he’d been sitting here. Despite his humans’ constant flow of compliments and reassurances, his opinion of himself was still rather low, and it felt like there was something physically stopping him from seeing himself in any other light. Himself, perhaps?
Adam hummed, still looking half-asleep despite his attempts to wake himself up.  “Can I see what you got so far?” 
Obediently, Carlos rotated his book and pushed it towards the human, allowing him to see what he’d written. A single dot point, written in messy cursive that even Carlos found hard to read at times. He hoped that, with time, it would look better.
I’m good at being good. 
“You are,” Adam reassured him. “You’re always good to us. What about your art, as well? You’re getting pretty damn good at that.” 
The vampire considered that for a moment, thinking back to the last few things he’d scribbled down as of late. He’d certainly been getting better, but in comparison to the few pieces of art Rebel had been kind enough to show him, his was an embarrassment. 
He sighed, setting his hands down in his lap as he slouched a little. “But what if I think I’m good at something, and it turns out that I’m really not?” he asked quietly. “I was gonna put down that I’m okay at cooking, or that I’m getting better at remembering social cues, but I don’t wanna do that if I’m really not. I’m scared that if someone sees that I think of myself like that, they’ll get upset with me for… lying? or thinking too highly of myself?”
“Buddy, if you judge your skills by how the people around you perceive them, then you’ll never get anything down. The exercise is to write down things you like about yourself, right?” Carlos nodded, eyes directed at the table rather than at Adam. “Then, if you like that you can cook or do art or pick up on social cues, it counts. Nobody has any right to tell you you can’t like a certain aspect of yourself.” 
Huh. He’d never seen it that way. For so many years, any sign of self confidence was promptly beaten out of him, to the point where his entire life revolved around how the people around him viewed him rather than what he thought of himself. It was hard to imagine a world where he could be content with who he was without at least a little concern for the opinions of others.
He reached forward to pull the book back towards him again, idly tapping his pen against the open page a few times as he struggled to work up the courage to write down the things he wanted to be there. For a moment he looked up at Adam for some reassurance, and the man silently encouraged him with a warm smile and a nod. 
“I’m… I’m good at cooking,” he murmured to himself as he wrote it down. “I’m good at my art, and I’m getting better at reading social cues. There… those are my three things.” 
“Congratulations, man. Are you happy with it? Do you agree with what you’ve written?” 
There was a small hesitation before Carlos finally nodded. “Yes, I think so. At least, I know that one day I’ll mean it, right? If I say it enough times?” 
It made his heart warm to see Adam nod enthusiastically along with what he was saying. “For sure. You’ll get there eventually. Like most things, it just takes practice. Sort of a… ‘fake it ‘til you make it’ kinda concept. That’s how I did it, anyway.” 
“You had to do this, too?” 
The man shrugged. “Yeah. Both Ryker and I had to, in our own ways. I grew up being beaten horrendously for liking who I was. My mom and dad saw me as a burden and they hated when I didn’t see myself in the same way. You already know how Ryker was treated. That obviously had major effects on his self esteem, too, which… paired with his ADHD, put it at rock bottom for ages."
He took a sip from his cup of coffee, now staring down at his knees with them brought to his chest and his back against the arm of the couch. “We worked hard to build ourselves back up again, ‘n’ I’m so sorry that you’ve gotta go through that same journey. It fucking sucks.” 
“The world isn’t so great,” Carlos whispered after some time spent in silence. His chest felt heavy now, sorrow and guilt having made itself more comfortable there with each word that left Adam’s lips. Humans lived such short lives. Why did so many of them have to spend it recovering from things they had no control over? It didn’t seem fair. “Sometimes I wish that I could create another one, just for Ryker. One where he could have all the friends and family he wanted but never get hurt. He’d have those guardian angels that I read about in a book once watching over him and people to keep him company when he felt alone.” 
He adjusted his weight a little before finally glancing up at his human again. “You deserve to know that I would do the same for you, if I could. You protected Ryker throughout the years that I could not and gave me a real home to feel safe in. I owe you more than I can give.” 
It surprised him to see a dampness to Adam’s eyes as he smiled over at him. Unlike the ones of reassurance or comfort that he usually gave, this one seemed to be caused by what he’d said. Something that indicated he was happy with his words. That made Carlos happy, too. 
“You’re good at making the people around you happy,” he said after another sip of his drink. “Write that down on my behalf.”
Carlos instantly lit up, already pulling his book close again. “Yes, sir.” 
@choppedflowermuffinchild @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @emcscared-whumps @espresso-depresso-system @inkkswhumpandstuff @pigeonwhumps @pumpkin-spice-whump @roblingoblin285 @sacredwrath @some-thrilling-heroics @stabby-nunchucks @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @trans-writes @whump-blog @whumpsday @whumpshaped @paniatheweirdone @whumpycries @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question @thekittyburger @whumpdreamz
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qdbs-writes · 2 years
Can i have a fic with shang tsung training with his s/o and they accidentally faint during the training sesh. (Probably from exerting themselves too much because we all know we'd be stubborn with shang hee hee)
Gender neutral pronouns is fine.
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Impact - Shang Tsung x GN!Reader
Words: 727
Shang Tsung paced up and down the target range where you were training, hands folded neatly behind his back. “Harder! Do you think the enemy will be as kind as I am? Do you think they will be patient as you fail?” he scorns. Training under Tsung wasn’t easy, but frankly precious little ever is. You’d had a late start today, only waking up at 5am. In order to make up for your blatant disregard for discipline, you had begun practice immediately to avoid your master’s ire. It was now midday, with the high Sun beating down on you from overhead. Sweat pours into your eyes as you try to blink it away, you almost can’t hear what Tsung is saying. “Their annihilation must be swift and uncompromising. Every moment you do not succeed may be your last. Harder!” he points to the slowly crumbling target opposite you. But you could never bring yourself to regret Shang Tsung’s instructions, your training was far from just physical, you were also formally educated in nearly every aspect of magick he considered important (which was all of them). He also made sure to train you in formal dinner etiquette and to practice the art of talking, moulding you into a charming and charismatic conversationalist. Although charisma was currently last on your list of priorities, your body aching in all the most unpleasant ways. Your vision was beginning to flicker, and you could hear your heartbeat loudly in your ears. It takes all your concentration to prepare even a single strike on the target. You hear a mumbling that sounds like Tsung’s voice, but before you could make the words out; everything goes black.
The next thing you know is that you’re horizontal and you’ve got one hell of a headache. You blink your eyes open to a blurry ceiling, unable to make out the intricate wooden carvings. You hear the sound of dripping water before a damp cloth is draped over your forehead, with smooth fingers coming to cradle your temples. You pull your eyes up only to be surprised to see your master’s face hovering above your own. Tsung stokes your hairline gently, his gaze remaining calmly fixated on you. “You’re awake. How are you feeling?” he asks in a steady voice.
You take a breath only to realise that your head is currently resting in Tsung’s lap. You swallow your nerves before responding “A little sore. What happened?”.
“You fainted during practice. It was not the softest landing. I’m sorry, I pushed you too hard, I didn’t see that you were so far beyond your limit.” His thumb shifts to stroke your cheek, as he mournfully turned his gaze elsewhere.
You reach up to hold his wrist in your hand, “No, I wanted to push myself. I wanted to be stronger for you, I wanted to make you proud…”.
Tsung lifts your hand in his and presses a soft kiss to your knuckles, “How stubborn of you. Don’t you realise that you need never suffer for my pride? Your pain wounds me more than the sharpest of blades, dearest, I cannot stand to see you hurt.” He grips your hand earnestly.
“I’m sorry…” you mumble.
“Enough of this. You will have a week’s rest from physical training, and—"
“What? No!” You interrupt him, sitting up from his lap and whipping about to face him, clasping your head, “No, Master, please, I’m ready for more, if you’ll just let me—”
“Enough! No begging will sway me, I refuse to encourage more of your recklessness. And that is final!” he asserts. The echo of his words off the walls revealed the anger with which he had shouted. A guilty shame came across his face, “I’m sorry I yelled. But you must understand that your safety is paramount.” He gives you a pointed look, piercing you with his sight alone.
“… Yes, master. Of course.” You double down, the weight of your swallowed ambition sinking into your chest. Perhaps if you had been honest with Tsung, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
A relieved warmth returns to his face, “Thank you. Now please, come have some soup, I had it made specially for you.”.
You decide it’s worth placating Tsung for now, as you’d already upset him. And besides, you got some good soup out of all this.
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merchantarthurn · 5 months
it's funny that 2/3 of the companions i ship astarion (the 3 being halsin, wyll and karlach) with are people who are objectively just lovely, selfless people but in a way that's just... too far. both in their own ways don't acknowledge they give/have given too much away for the good of others and a big part of the healing they need is setting even a single limit on what's "too far".
(under the cut cos it got long but this is more a ramble about character dynamics than romantic stuff so please enjoy even if you don't care for the 'ship' aspect. ive also got a LOT to say about karlach but i don't here im sorry i love her so much pls--)
wyll's willing to give his immortal soul (TWICE) for the sake of a city and father that turned his back on him with barely a moment to reflect on the unfairness to himself (at least in a 'and that's why it shouldn't be expected of me' way, anyway). halsin's given a hundred years of devoted research to the shadowcursed lands and cut himself off from deeper connections in order to remain committed to lifting the curse, not the mention the way he skirts around really acknowledging his trauma from the Underdark as a trauma instead of just a Fun Halsin Fact!TM
now... like all relationships between companions this is a compelling area without any romantic undertones, this is more what's driving my interest in the ships at all, but i find the above level of self-sacrifice really interesting in contrast to astarion. similarly, setting boundaries doesn't initially come naturally to him - he's not in the practice of being able to say no, and getting through the 'disgust' is something he tries to handwave as worth it for the rewards. but when in control, he's very much got selfish goals in mind. personal safety, mostly, being considered useful enough to keep around under the protection of the artefact. and in addition his moral compass is very much not aligned with the above, but does seem to shift in that direction the more compassion he's shown. it's never all the way flipped but... still.
two things that are interesting about that - both the selfish and selfless goals are, in isolation, completely understandable? save a city? well that's a good thing! protect yourself? can't argue with that!! but "no matter the cost to my mental and physical health" ooh never mind. astarion is, out of the three, seemingly much better positioned to understand and admit that? which is what's particularly interesting about either wyll or halsin's relationship (romantic or not) with him. cos any efforts they make to help astarion out with his own boundary issues and healing creates a big ol' elephant in the room with their own deal that i think astarion would, like, push back on y'know? he's already incredulous about heroes and do-gooders for both understandable and dnd-evil reasons but once an established rapport comes into play, then you get that incredibly tasty dimension of "okay, so you spent all that energy encouraging me not to loan myself out to make us stronger but you're gonna sell your eternal soul to a demon for a bit of information? and you're going to keep neglecting any aspect of your life that isn't shadow-curse related, to the point where you rushed in to enemy territory without regard for your safety and would have died if we hadn't stepped in?"
it's just such a chewable way of a bond developing right? both sides changing each other with something they initially might have found deplorable/insufferable about the other? but it both ultimately resulting in healthier boundary setting and the valuing of their own bodies and hhrhghruguhgguh. which is the sort of thing i Need when it comes to ships. man. oog. the list of little scenes i need to write gets longer by the second i swear. we can add shadowheart to the "dynamics i need to explore with wyll" list too ahrghr oogrhg
it's also making bl**dweave conceptually more interesting as an antithesis to this although i honestly haven't stumbled on anything that actually fits this particular niche so [handwaves] but to me that's two men who are gonna make each other Worse actually (this is not inherently a bad thing for Drama but all im saying is im pretty sure if you put those two together for too long you'll end up with a god + ascended ending ok). censoring the ship name cos i see much more fluffy stuff and im not here to ruin fun with opposing headcanons in a search ahaha
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Hello! I was wondering if you could do a fluffy little fic about Izzy being low-key scared of PDA in front of the crew. Cause “pirates don’t show affection”. Reader probably feels a bit hurt and whatnot. But he eventually warms up to the idea. 😎
Izzy Hands Warming up to the idea of PDA:
You knew how Izzy could be when you first started your relationship, and during whatever the two of you had going on before that. You had always respected it, it had been what encouraged to begin letting his walls down around you.
Izzy had always been a little tense when it came to touch, at least touch that wasn't aggressive in someway. You had seen him flinch under it before but, mostly, he just avoided it all together.
So, you knew how much it meant when he sought your touch out, when he let you near without batting an eye. How he would melt into your touch rather than tense up under it.
Physical affection in general had been slowly built up between you both until it felt as natural as breathing. As necessary.
However, there had been one aspect you hadn't considered. That Izzy's reaction to touch could have something to do with the audience that was around. You just hadn't thought about it much, the crew of the Revenge being pretty open with their affection. Sometimes you forget that Izzy has wildly different experiences when it comes to pirating.
It stung. That first time you kissed his cheek while on deck and he stepped away, like he was startled. You hadn't even thought about it, you do stuff like that with him all the time.
He had seen the hurt in your expression. He had later explained that he wasn't a fan of affection in public.
"Oh...well, that's alright. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," you assured him, nothing but understanding. Yes, the reaction had hurt you but public displays of affection just were for everyone.
"You didn't. It's fine. We're just pirates and pirates don't do that shit."
"I didn't mean it like that..."
"I doesn't make you weak or a 'bad pirate' to accept some affection."
After that, you did your best to respect his wishes. But Izzy made it difficult. The way he would stand so close when he simply didn't need too, the way his hand would brush against yours but flinch away when you tried to hold it, the way he looked at you with all that longing.
Why couldn't he just let himself have what he wanted?!
So, it continued on like that.
Occasionally you would forget his rule and press a kiss to his cheek, causing him to startle, you always apologised and he always said it was fine. Always wished you would do it again, always pushed the thought down. When you placed a hand against his arm, he would melt into it before tensing and leaning away again.
You knew it wasn't anything to do with you or his feelings towards you. But it hurt.
For the most part, you hid your disappointment, reminded yourself that this was just the way things were. It wouldn't have bothered you so much, if it wasn't so obvious that Izzy wanted to too. He was denying both of you.
You hid your disappointment until you just couldn't. Until you let it slip.
The crew were on shore leave, excited to get to the nearest pub. You had talked Izzy into joining them for a drink before going off to do your own thing.
As the crew walked through the new town, they spoke and laughed and pushed at each other playfully. Lucius and Pete had their arms linked together, speaking quietly to each other. Frenchie would jump in excitement, lightly hitting and clutching at Wee John's arm as he explained something that he was clearly passionate about.
The atmosphere was light and joyful. It was a good day, the crew was happy, and you let it get the best of you.
So, when you felt Izzy's bare knuckles brush against yours, you smiled at him. He gave you a small smile in return, the two of you walking at the back of the group.
When you turned your gaze forward again, you felt his fingertips brush against yours. You let your hopes build. You laced your fingers through his.
But his fingers didn't curl around yours. No, instead, Izzy slipped his hand out of your light hold and cleared his throat.
And there it was.
You couldn't hold back your small sigh. Izzy heard it and his chest panged with guilt.
You didn't look back at him but he was watching you now with a small frown. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He wanted to hold your hand but he couldn't.
Izzy was a pirate, had been practically all his live. Pirates didn't have friends. Pirates didn't have love. They couldn't love. They certainly didn't hold hands and hug and kiss each other's cheeks. Even if it was nice, because it was nice, Pirates just don't fucking do that.
But when Izzy looked around at the crew.
How Lucius and Black Pete linked arms and lent into each other as they strolled along.
How Frenchie pulled Wee John along, the two laughing and chattering about nonsense.
How even Jim hooked their little finger around Oluwande's.
These weren't pirates, not good ones anyway, not the type he was used too. Even Blackbeard now held his boyfriend's hand like it was nothing but right.
So, if they could do it, if these were the new conditions he would be living under. Why shouldn't he be able to do it? He was just...adapting, right.
Sure, he might receiving a little teasing because he's Izzy, but they wouldn't actually care. And you would be there, right by his side, where he wanted you. And you would be smiling, adoring. Lovely as always.
Izzy looked back at you, you still hadn't looked at him. Your brow slightly furrowed as you thought to yourself. He wanted to kiss the furrow away.
This time, it was you who startled slightly when you felt fingertips brushing against yours again. You relaxed instantly, having just been broken away whatever you were thinking about, looking at Izzy curiously.
The smile he gave you was tight but, cut him some slack, he was trying something new here.
He laced his fingers through yours just like you had done earlier, his fingers curling up to actually hold your hand. You responded innately, holding his in return.
"Are you sure?" you asked, hopeful but concerned. "You don't have too," of course you were worried about him, you always wanted to make him comfortable, were always so patient with him. Perhaps too patient for your own good.
Izzy didn't kiss the space between your eyebrows but he did kiss your temple, light and quick but there.
Just like he had imagined, you smiled at him bright. You shifted a little closer into his side as you both continued to follow the crew through the streets.
Izzy realised that he wasn't going to get shot for holding your hand, for allowing himself these little moments. It was nice.
Pirates don't get nice. But maybe he could.
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a-d-nox · 2 years
dionysus, god of wine and ecstasy (asteroid 3671)
“when talking about such a popular god or goddess i am going to for warn paraphrasing - of course all these stories have more details and all these popular gods have stories within stories. i would love to share them all/in detail but i would need a book and a lot more time to write it. my attempt in writing these posts are to inform you on the high level story of the god’s or goddess’s life. that being said if any one of the events regaled in the post pique you interest - please let me know i don’t mind giving a more in-depth tale of any of the events mentioned.”
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Dionysus is the son of Zeus and the mortal, Semele. This is considered a rare occurrence for such a high ranking god to have a mortal parent. Hera had tricked Semele into making a wish to physically see the immortal’s true form which ultimately ended with her burning to ash after just one look. The fetus Dionysus was saved, after being found amongst the ashes by Zeus who stitched him to his thigh until he was fully formed - this act is was made Dionysus immortal. Hera was disgusted by Zeus having stitched a wedlock fetus to his thigh so she began her plot to have the thing killed as soon as it was fully formed. She had titans tear apart the young Dionysus - Rhea, Zeus's mother, found the child pieces and put him back together again (lol Humpty Dumpty). When Rhea returned him to Zeus, Zeus immediately arranged for the child to be raised away from Olympus. He gave the child to mountain nymphs to raise (there are many stories that say it was Hermes, Rhea, Persephone, etc. but the nymph kind of makes the most sense based on his wild nature and popularity amongst the woodland creatures). As a child he discovered how to make wine - he went around the world sharing this knowledge. Somewhere in his travels, Hera hears of Dionysus being alive and strikes him with madness which causes him to wander around in a haze until Rhea heals him of Hera's curse. In his travels, a cult began to form around wine and the creator himself. Dionysus also was kidnapped by pirates in his travels due to his beauty as they wished to ransom him thinking that he must be royalty. Dionysus told them that he was a god and to release him and when they didn't believe him, he made the boat swarm with vines and pushed the pirates overboard. It is thought that Dionysus turned these pirates into dolphins. When arriving on shore he discovered Ariadne, recently abandoned by Theseus, who he fell in lust with at first sight. Soon after they were married and she bore him a few famous children. Reestablished in Greece, Dionysus's cult grew more rowdy in nature - there are stories of followers killing animals and eating them raw, people being pulled limb from limb, people driven into madness, etc. Needless to say wherever Dionysus is there is chaos. IN MY OPINION Dionysus in a chart represents a) premature birth (harsh pluto, uranus, or moon aspects may be reflected in your persona charts 1h - pluto, aquarius, and/or capricorn - i only know one pre-me baby so lemme know if you see other stuff in your chart if you are a pre-me yourself), b) your connection with your father, c) having a lot of enemies and followers, d) wine preferences, and/or e) the drama your presence causes.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of dionysus along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of dionysus AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede dionysus!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: zeus (5731 / h42), semele (86), hera (103), rhea (577), hermes (69230), persephone (399), and ariadne (43)!
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bubbleonice · 8 months
Luke Thompson - Career / love life reading:
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Angel of pleasure: Luke needs to start to take pleasure in the things he do. It’s not all about hard work, achievement and performance. What is more important is for him to make every moment count and to make the most of every moment. More pleasure, less stress and effort.
Go for it: this is a card about success. Go for it. Stay on the present path, and it will lead very far.
Rebel: sometimes it is ok to rebel a little bit. There’s no one to answer to but yourself. It is time for Luke to let go of past authority figures who still run his inner world. He needs to step into command. Be free from the past. Don’t submit to past fear and threats.
Integrity: he demonstrates the truth and honesty and manifest love with his every action.
3 or cups: he is encouraged to gather with his closest friends and have a good time together, talking, laughing, sharing and creating. Together, he gives and receives the love, support and compassion each of which he needs from one another. The meaning behind the Three of Cups represents a period of happiness. He will be able to forget the worries of his daily life and spend quality time with family and friends.
A close friendship may also turn into romance. If he’s already in a relationship, social gatherings will bring the two of them closer together.
The three of cups signifies celebrations in all aspects of hislife. If it appears to relate to his career, it may be that a number of work-related events are on the horizon.
3 of wands: The meaning of the Three of Wands hints that he is planning or going to plan for the future with more conviction. This could mean that everything around his plans is going smoothly, as he has taken the time to plan his future, and are taking steps to turn plans into action. It hints that he is perhaps creating a stable foundation for himself. Should he find himself in a new relationship, it looks like he’ll have to make sure to create a strong foundation for lasting commitment. If he’s in a committed relationship, this can be a great moment to set sight of his goals as a couple, and work together to achieve those goals.
Right now, he is likely to experience new opportunities to explore his career. Beyond that, his career can push to make bold choices that he might otherwise be hesitant to make. Here, it signifies a new chance or daring opportunity.
The fool: The Fool card is numbered 0, which is considered to be a number of infinite potential. Consider him a blank slate. To see the The Fool generally means a beginning of a new journey, one where Luke will be filled with optimism and freedom from the usual constraints in life. When it comes to love, Be willing to take risks, be bold and he needs to expand his vision of the world and he may end up finding love in the most unlikely places.
As to love, I think there is already a chosen one. A special person in his life. As the three next cards indicate this.
Get to know eachother: As you reveal your innermost selves to eachother your bond deepens.
Keep an open mind: your soul mate may differ from your usual type and expectations.
Make en effort: great love is worth taking the steps you’re guided to take.
I hope you enjoy this reading. And please keep in mind that this is done for entertainment purposes only. I use tarotcards and oracle cards actively in my readings, as well as my intuition. Energies come and go, what is relevant for today’s reading might change in a few weeks time. But some aspects will always remain constant and the same. Thank you.❤️
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
6:14 AM 4/26/2023
I still like to read El's fatal flaw as her unrelenting Resolve. The same ideal that's advocated by so much Shonen Manga and anime in general, shows off it's negative, flip side in FE3H through her. As I've said before, she never doubts herself, but that also means she never checks herself. She is always moving forward, unquestioning her path. In my opinion, it's also why she neither seriously considers changing her overall strategy, nor questioning the costs/"ends justifying the means". She laments the costs of her path, but she never lets it change her---which I think is the big difference between Dimitri's past of "villainous deeds" vs her past/present of villainy. (She's the villain of 3 out of 4 routes, the character designers put horns on her head and dressed her all in red like a devil, and then named her house "black" like darkness even though her house color is clearly red. FE3H did a lot to hint she's the villain. But that doesn't mean she still can't be the hero of her own story, and I think the FE3H devs honestly wanted that too.) I think it's symbolic that at the end of Azure Moon, she tries to kill Dimitri with the dagger that he had given her once in their childhood, which she says encouraged her to move forward, and a second time as adults, while Dimitri told her to use it to cut her own path. At the end of Azure Moon, El is defeated and Dimitri offers her a truce. But she is so myopically focused on her predetermined path, that she brings out the dagger that symbolizes her moving forward with her plans, no matter who/what she has to cut through or at what costs. And she uses it to try to kill Dimitri, because she honestly thinks she can still win. She can't see any other path for herself, besides the one where she wins thru force and conquest. But as admirable as Determination and Resolve are, in and of themselves, she demonstrates their tragic aspects by not even considering the alternate path of cooperation and drastically changing her strategy.
It's kind of ironic that she is so tied to her predetermined path of solving all of Foldan's problems through conquest, even if that path was determined by herself. Because she has so many moments where she almost sighs forlornly up at the sky, like at Gronder, and simply moves forward saying "And so we fight on", as if she's so sad about fighting all her old classmates, but helpless to stop it---or worse, willing to push down and ignore those feelings of dissonance and compassion, in order to make their deaths acceptable costs. And that latter is supposed to be "strength"??? El demonstrates a lot of good questions that the writers probably want us to ask, but blindly following her like she "did nothing wrong" deprives people from those productive questions. As I understand it, she has many moments throughout her route, of feeling bad for what she "must" do. But for all her "strength" in following her Determination and Resolve, she seems more helpless against it and powerless because of it. The ironic thing being that it is within her own power at any time to stop the war, cooperate instead, and/or pinpoint her attacks onto specific problematic authority figures (whether Rhea, the Agarthans, or those Faerghus nobility she mentioned, I think in 3Hopes, who were too tied to the Church). But instead, she is helpless against a predetermined path of her own making…knowingly, because she thinks it gives her strength.
(Not to bring up Sengoku Basara 2009-2011 again, but… This is just like Toyotomi Hideyoshi, thinking he has to prove his Resolve to himself, and thus his commitment to becoming "stronger" or his Resolve in being "strong", by killing the person he loved the most. As if killing those you care about are proof to yourself that you can achieve Resolve and walk a path towards "strength". But is it really Strength when you're killing off your compassion towards others? Making calculations weighing some lives as worth the nebulous "better future world" you're still speculating to make?)
Anyway, another thing I thought interesting was how each of the 3 main lords seem to represent different paths by contrasting each other.
People often say they don't understand the point of the Golden Deer, as if Claude's route seems too unrelated to the personal drama between Dimitri and El. But I think Claude was a vital contrast to El. Not only was he someone who was shown in his Supports to question himself, when confronted with being wrong, immediately pivoted to fix his flaws, but also when confronted with his blind spots, he took them in earnestly and head on. He is not someone who only finds Strength in rigid Resolve, but also in flexibility and adaptability. He also constantly reminds us that there are better ways than war to get even the dirty jobs done. I find it so strange that we have one lord, El, who acts like war/conquest is the only solution, while we have a prominent lord character, frequently reminding us that poisoning, subterfuge, and manipulation ARE A THING. To paraphrase an old ninja saying, a general killed in his bed in his sleep, is just as dead, as if you had sent hundreds of your soldiers to die on the battlefield, trying to take the general down. It is continuously ironic to me that El worked with subterfuge practitioners like Hubert and the Agarthans, and yet she is too set in her ways to consider making full use of such tactics.
The 3 main lords tell 3 different types of stories, which are made more interesting in how they clash and contrast with each other. El is on the anti-hero path in her route and the villain path in 3 other routes. She is in a tragedy story, because she refuses to acknowledge or change her flaws; she does not change/Grow. Dimitri is on a more typical hero or anti-hero route. He has a fall and does a lot of terrible things for a long time, but we witness his journey through that, towards repentance and redemption. He CHANGES and is the one forever bringing up his commitment to change and repentance. Claude on the other hand is on more a paragon story. He has already done almost all his Growth before the main story even starts. By the time he reaches Fodlan, he has already settled into an ideal of turning his tragic experiences into fuel for constructive change in himself and compassion extended outward to others, while not letting his past bog him down into sadness or obsession. And his plans to extend his compassion outward, also takes into consideration, respecting others' differences and accepting the hard work it would take to persuade dissenters without always resorting to violent force. He is already mature enough to not be looking at only himself and his past trauma, unlike the other 2 main lords. Meanwhile, we experience with Dimitri, his obsession with his past trauma, his reconciliation with his past trauma, and his eventual mature state of mind, focusing his efforts more on others than on his revenge, just like Claude. Meanwhile, El uses it as motivation for all her actions, which could be said to be pretty much revenge against the Church, the Agarthans, her past, the systems of Adrestia, and the whole world. She does all this self-focused mindset and actions, while refusing to acknowledge how she's centering everything in her world around her trauma and in a non-constructive manner towards others, thus still actually making everything about herself and her trauma. Meanwhile, Claude has already looked past his trauma and focuses more on others, and Dimitri's entire story is about his process of working to look past his trauma, to focus on others instead. As someone mentioned once, the majority of Claude's Supports are him offering help to the Golden Deer and solving their problems. Similarly, Dimitri takes on the mantel of king as a responsibility to serve his people, taking it as even more important than whether it's a position he deserves or if his past crimes can ever be redeemed.
I once said of Sengoku Basara 2009-2011's Date Masamune that his infinite Strength came from his heart being externalized outward. He seemed invincible because the thing he cared about most, wasn't obsessing over his past trauma or his own selfish wants---which he demonstrated in episode 1 he was willing to forgo for the sake of others. The thing he cared about the most, were his soldiers, the normal people of Sendai, the normal people of his entire country, who just wanted to live peaceful lives. There are only 2 times in that series when he actually puts his hand to his eyepatch, as if his traumatic lost eye was actually painful to him: When he worried about endangering the lives of his soldiers. A warrior of Strength and maturity, extends their concerns outwards, not centered on themselves. A general, waging wars to prove their own "strength" to themselves, to become "stronger", to avenge their past traumas, all while ignoring how it effects the normal people, who shouldn't have to be soldiers, is not a good leader. Whether Toyotomi Hideyoshi or El.
But since El is all about "the ends justify the means", why not interpret this by her own terms. She's doing all this horror, in order to establish a system that will supposedly be more beneficial for all. And that's where I think the contrast with the other main lords becomes interesting again. Claude is repeatedly said, within the canon text, to have the same goals and interests as El. Yet they contrast in their methods to achieve those goals. In a war story like Fire Emblem, it would be very easy, and often is the case of such stories, to just assume war as the only option. It's how the plot happens for the expected genre. But it's very interesting that we have a 3rd lord like Claude, who comes in to remind us that not only can conflicts be resolved through negotiation, but he is often spoken of (and in 3Hopes, shown) to be actually doing the hard work of negotiation with other authority figures, until he can convince them to his side. The best part being that Claude is flexable enough that we can trust him to be open to compromise, rather than rigid stubbornness in his positions. We've seen him admit mistakes and blind spots in his Support conversations. He knows how to meet conflict with a laugh, then actual practical argument points (see his Support with Lorenz), as well as pivot to integrate what he can learn from those that he has had conflict with. Even with people he conflicts with, Claude is always smoothing things over and encouraging cooperation. (Not just in his Lorenz support, but also in his Fire Emblem Heroes conversations with El. He is always luring her in with agreement, but then sliding in a contradictory point to consider, with the least amount of intimidation, until he moves the conversation the way he wants it to go.) Claude demonstrates that El's methods are unnecessary and methods more true to Compassion can achieve the same goals.
(And anyway, as the video essay "Edelgard Will Always Lose" by BOOFIRE191 noted, she is essentially creating the same system and similar problems as Rhea. A pure meritocracy always sounds nice, until you realize it's ignoring needed equity, for twisted versions of equality, while pretending external misfortunes don't exist, as if everyone in misfortune deserves it for not "pulling themselves up by their bootstraps". Or as Dimitri said, "It is the path of the strong, so it can only benefit the strong.")
Anyway, that was too much rambling about my problems with El. I guess I had stuff to get off my chest for a long time. As someone mentioned, Claude's flaw was being too secretive and still having a little more Growth to go, towards being as open to forging bonds with other people, as would have ideally better facilitated cooperation. Maybe some people wouldn't have felt the need to start wars if they were earlier and better made to feel they could collaborate with and trust others. Who knows? And Dimitri's flaw was his obsession with his revenge. We know that; we saw his entire Growth through his story. But that's as even as I'm willing to get about the 3 lords' flaws. I still have more problems with the Emperor, than the other 2 lords.
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funeralcryptid · 2 years
Hello, how is your day going?
thank you for clarifying my question about what to offer you. I offer you the bust of the Bratz doll that my mom gave me with whom she played as a child to do her hair. 🥰
I remember my question was about Deities.
I would like to know which deities are interested in working with me or which ones I would have a good affinity to work with and why. Thank you very much 🥰♥️
Initials: A.T.G.A
Hope you have a nice day.
And thank you so much!
Thank you for resending your request with the offering.
First I asked how many deities are looking at you, and I believe currently it's only 1 deity. She is feminine and is very in touch with her intuition. That is, she seems to be a goddess of knowledge and intuition. You have caught her attention but she doesn't seem to plan on approaching you first. She is mostly open to you reaching out and seeing how things go.
I am feeling very angry for some reason, so she might also have an aspect or side that goes into battle or oversees war, much like Aphrodite.
I got many water cards so look out for imagery that associates the goddess to water. This doesn't necessarily mean she is a goddess of water though, she is simply associated to it in a way or more. She is someone extremely loyal to herself, and she appears emotional both in temper (anger is not strange to her) and matters of the heart (like love, joy). I see that this goddess has a lot to share only to the people she chooses and look up to her, and those who have been left behind and are left to survive by themselves. She is a very nurturing goddess both resourcefully and emotionally. She knows a lot about balance and understanding the multiple conflicting nature that a person can have.
She is also someone that provides and makes her devotees understand the importance of planting a seed and nurturing it through hard work, sacrifice, love and commitment. She is a goddess of growth and inner transformation through tradition and rituals, so she encourages doing what it takes to understand yourself and truly accept who you are.
I went into this thinking of Aphrodite, but I finish this section thinking of a sort of nature goddess. The water association with bits of earth are the main elements in this. Anyhow, try looking at your own culture and its goddesses because she might be more closely related to you than you think.
In regards to what gods would be a good match for you, I first got all earth cards. I see a god that rewards hard work and slowly building up your way to being a better person while also getting what you want and need. In other words, this is a god of manifestation and getting you out of your comfort zone. Is the kind of god that will ask you to focus on your life and your environment, what you can learn from it and by interacting with it. This god makes people open their mind to new aspects and people, he rewards teamwork, and also accepting your conflicted nature in the face of pressure, conflict and inner turmoil. We're talking about a god that pushes you to grow in your own way, someone that cares about you having what you deserve but by manifesting through action and also relying on him. Offerings and maybe music are very important to this deity. The one deity that comes to mind is lord Ganesha, but there might be other most fitting deities for you.
There is also another goddess who would be a good match with you. I'm seeing a goddess related to the moon and/or someone that focuses heavily on the subconscious. Someone who works through transformation and a lot of self introspection. Perhaps she is a goddess of withcraft, magic, and/or divination. She is a very feminine and emotional deity and she is deeply rooted in tradition. Hekate comes to mind but I can't guarantee her identity.
Hades keeps coming to mind in this reading, maybe consider looking into his lore?
Anyway a multitude of different deities, but both that's what I got.
All in all, I hope this reading was insightful.
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sunshinetomyrain · 10 months
The Aftermath
As I near the end of Esther Perel's "The State of Affairs," I find myself rethinking my last relationship. Consider this an autopsy of the heart, as I begin to heal from whatever damage it may have caused me.
There's almost a certainty in sharing your values with someone you share your life with. Companionship works easier that way, even though there will surely be adjustments and compromises on both ends. As someone who is just starting to grasp her core identity, although I believe that there is no singular truth about ourselves, as we are ever-changing creatures, I used to struggle with seeking external validation. During my early 20s, I felt like my external appearance and sexuality were what people valued the most. If I'm being honest, I really grew fond of the power it gave me and felt joy exercising it against people. But as I grew older, I realized that it somehow hindered me from being taken seriously, especially in terms of professional achievements.
Approaching my mid-20s, I began to shift my approach to relationships, especially romantic ones, and redirected my sexual energy towards a more ambitious path. And then there was my last relationship—the one where he mistook me for a driven, ambitious young woman, assuming we shared the same values. Unbeknownst to him, I buried my sensual desires and my love for feeling sexy to gain his approval because I thought that's how life had to be lived. His value was ambition and achievements, and I thought that's what I had to prioritize to be "successful" in life, whatever that means. So, I played along, as the pain from my earlier days served as a constant reminder to choose a different path for myself.
After almost a year of concealing my identity and suppressing my erotic desires, those desires began to seep into everyday life, causing problems during our daily conversations. The way he pitted sexuality and ambition against each other did not help, as if these two aspects couldn't coexist within one person—as if individuals couldn't be multifaceted.
I often make the error of tying my self-discovery to my relationships. You might call it aspirational dating, where I actively pursue someone who makes me feel different from my usual self. Someone capable of revealing aspects of myself that were once beyond reach. I’ve never desired to be with someone who is in a less advanced stage of life than I am. In this context, the element that was once beyond my grasp—professional achievements—was encouraged through my last relationship.
But here’s the thing about relationships. They serve under two ideals—one, inspiring you to better yourself and strive for a greater good, and the other, providing a safe haven for you in case you stumble and fall. After two years of pursuing professional achievements, while juggling work and my master’s degree, I started to run out of steam. It was here that the flame of the relationship began to dwindle as well.
The stresses of maintaining both my identity and the façade I had adopted began to take their toll. The intricate dance between my ambition and my suppressed sensuality grew more difficult to manage. The agony of rejection, whether it was from him or self inflicted which deeply affected my sense of worth and self, exacerbated the situation.
After ending the relationship, I began to realize that what was once promised to me was never guaranteed. The safe space that was once there to land had become nonexistent. I struggled to pick up the pieces and rewrite a better narrative for my story. I needed to reevaluate my value as a person, navigating the intricate push and pull between my identity as a sexual being and my identity as an accomplished young woman. I came to understand that I was blessed with the ability to comprehend the nuances and many colors of human beings, something that many people struggle to grapple with. Self-awareness was a gift I possessed. It’s my responsibility to stay true to myself and to choose not only to celebrate all that I am, but also the people to celebrate with. After abandoning myself for so long, I believe I owe it to myself.
As I prepare to close the final pages of this book, I am filled with a sense of renewal—a deep understanding that my journey is not defined by a single narrative. It is the amalgamation of all that I am and all that I aspire to be. This aftermath, this introspective exploration, is not a reckoning with the past, but a stepping stone towards the future—a future where self-discovery, self-love, and self-acceptance stand as pillars of strength.
In the wake of this journey, I embrace the complexities that define me, both the sensual and the ambitious, understanding that they are not contradictory but complementary. This autopsy of the heart has unveiled the intricate layers of my being, allowing me to mend and grow, to learn from the past and pave the way for a future that celebrates all that I am.
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Bring me home - Chapter 6 
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Summary: Y/n should be happy right? I mean her family owns one of the biggest technology companies in the world and she is wealthy. But what happens when the perfect life involves inheriting a family business she doesn’t want and marrying a woman that her parents have arranged? Cue Wanda Maximoff the most intelligent, compassionate, selfless and charismatic person Y/n has ever met. Will she find her true home in Wanda and give everything up to be with a woman she meets in a bar or will she fall victim to her parents’ control and marry the woman her parents tell her to?
Words: 5.6K
Warnings: 18+ in future chapters, implied homophobia from parents, emotional neglect from parents, drinking and some fluff. Let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: Hi everyone! I can only apologise for how long this chapter has taken to get out but I am back and back with a longish chapter. This was supposed to have been released back at Christmas so enjoy reliving Christmas temporarily whilst you read this chapter and the next one ahahaha. Thank you all for your continued support and lovely asks I have received about this chapter and I am glad to say it is here. Also a small shoutout to my friend @chelleztjs18 for helping with an aspect of this story and encouraging me to write it. I hope you all enjoy and as always any likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated :)
MASTERLIST // Join my Taglist! // Chapter 1 ,Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5
Since you made Wanda Maximoff your girlfriend you have been on top of the world and nothing, not even your parents or Sharon, could bring you down. 
Or so you thought.
The morning after you get up, shower and get dressed before having a quick breakfast with Wanda and kiss her and heading off to work, noting the domesticity of it all. 
In the taxi on the way to work you giddily phone Tony, as excited as a small child, and tell him to shift stuff around and meet you for lunch so you could tell him all about your day with Wanda. Tony already knew you asked Wanda to be your girlfriend because you texted him before Wanda and you went to bed that night but he doesn’t know the circumstances that led up to it. 
You show up to lunch and you aren’t surprised to see Pepper sitting beside Tony at the table. You smile to yourself and shake your head before making your way over to the table to greet your two best friends. 
“I wish I could say I’m surprised Pepper you’re here but I’m not” you laugh as Pepper stands up from her seat and wraps you in a warm hug. Pepper has always looked out for along with Tony and when Tony decided to get his shit together and be with Pepper you couldn’t have been happier for the both of them. You always loved how Pepper kept Tony in line which was always extremely entertaining to watch. 
“Oh I was not missing the gossip on this one Y/n, I am so happy for you” she gushes. You then move to hug Tony “Hey, Ton”. “Hey kid” he greets you ruffling your hair like he always does as you playfully push him before sitting in a seat at the table across from them both. 
The three of you place your orders with the server before you gush all about your day working at the charity with Wanda right up to the moment you asked her to be your girlfriend. Tony and Pepper smile the whole way through, noting the look of love plastered all over your face but they keep that observation to themselves as they listen intently to the rest of your happy rambling. 
“I am falling so deeply in love with her and I don’t want to stop. I know I should considering the predicament I’m in but it feels so right..she feels so right. When I’m with her or in her arms I feel safe and loved. I need to get out of this marriage and I need to do it soon. I hate lying to Wands and I just want to be with her and live the life I want to live, I never asked for my dad’s company or this stupid arranged marriage. Now I have to go to some stupid masquerade ball Sharon and her parents are hosting as it is supposed to be our first public outing. I told Wanda that my parents are dragging me to some fancy event they managed to bag an invite to” you complain. 
“I know Y/n but Tony and I are on the case and we are doing everything we can to help you find a way out of this marriage. Nobody should be forced to marry, especially when it seems to me that you’ve finally met the person you are supposed to be with and that is certainly not Carter. If we can dig up some dirt on the Carter’s it might just be enough for you to call off the wedding. I doubt the Carter’s want a scandal on their hands well one bigger than a called off engagement that is” Pepper states. 
You thank them both as you check the time before heading back to the office to do some work before heading back to your apartment to start getting ready for the masquerade ball. 
You are dancing in front of your mirror wrapped in just a towel in your bathroom applying your makeup when you hear your phone buzz from your bedroom so, you place your mascara down on as you make your way back into your bedroom to check your phone. You smile to yourself thinking it would be Wanda but when you pick up your phone your smile fades and instead of happiness you feel irritable, as you roll your eyes seeing Sharon Carter’s name pop up on your screen instead of Wanda’s. 
Can’t wait to see you tonight for our first appearance as a couple. Don’t be late ;)
You let out an angry groan as you ignore her message and don’t reply to her, instead you open your text messages to Wanda. 
Hi, my love. I remembered you have a shift at the bar tonight. I hope you have a great shift and know that I will be thinking about you all night, wishing I was with you right now x
You get a reply almost instantly which makes you smile, forgetting all about your anger and irritation moments ago. 
Hi detka, thank you. I hope you enjoy your night and your parents aren’t too bad. I wish you were here with me too detka x
You smile at your girlfriend’s message as you  put down your phone and finish up your makeup, do your hair and put on your dress before grabbing everything you need as you head out the door to meet your parents at the ball. 
As you step out of the car that your parents sent to collect you in, you take in the amount of people all dressed head to toe in designer suits and dresses huddled together probably gossiping and shit talking everyone around them right now. You sigh and take a deep breath. You hate these types of events where CEOs come together and try to outshine each other with who made the most profit this year. Nobody at these events, except you and your friends, ever have meaningful conversations or talk about anything but themselves, their companies and make jokes to belittle people who don’t have as much money as them. 
You sigh heavily before scanning the crowds of guests, waiting to greet each other outside before they head in, for your parents who will no doubt be angry for your tardiness tonight. After a few minutes you spot them and head over to join them where they are standing conversing with another couple. 
“Ahh Y/n, there you are, we were beginning to wonder if your parents had disowned you” the man chuckles as you join them all. The man being none other than Stephen Strange, he has been trying to worm his way in with your father for a while now. He is not a CEO but he is a big shot neurosurgeon which is impressive in its own right and no wonder he is part of this world. If you ever needed a surgeon it was Stephen Strange. He could be a bit arrogant at times but he is usually harmless especially when he is with fellow surgeon Christine Palmer, she normally mellows him down a bit and he allows the best version to shine through when they are together.
“Ahh no unfortunately they haven’t yet” you joke even though to you it wasn’t. Sometimes you wish they would disown you then you wouldn’t have to build up the courage to do it on your own and you certainly wouldn’t be in this arranged marriage predicament either. 
Stephen laughs along with his on-off again girlfriend Cristine Palmer as you catch your father narrowing his eyes slightly signalling for you to behave. You sigh and put on the usual rich person persona you always do in front of your parents when with guests at these types of events. 
“All jokes aside, I am rather ashamed I left my parents standing in the cold for so long. Mother, father, please accept my apologies. I got caught up with work and simply lost track of time at the office”. You direct your apologies to your parents who seem pleased that you are acting somewhat accordingly in front of guests. 
You and your parents bid farewell to Strange and Palmer as they head inside. You turn back around to face your parents and find them standing there glaring at you. 
“Where the hell have you been Y/n?” your father demands. You sigh “I just took a while to get ready is all and got sidetracked” you explain calmly so as not to infuriate your father even more. 
“When will you grow up and take responsibility Y/n, this masquerade ball is being thrown by the Carters in honor of you and Sharon’s impending engagement. The least you could do is actually show up on time to such an important evening for this family. Need I remind you of your obligation to this family and this marriage” he seethes. 
You are beyond aggravated now by his lecture “If you must know father I am aware of the situation you have not so gracefully placed me in. You never let me forget about my so called obligation to the family which by the way is becoming a tired excuse to make me do something.  I never agreed to this marriage in the first place and Sharon Carter is the last woman on earth I intend to be wed to. This whole arrangement has been to benefit the both of you and your precious company that may I add means nothing to me. You know my stance on this and my wish to be an editor but you choose to continue to put your company above your own daughter’s feelings” you quietly hiss so as not to attract too much attention from other guests. You don’t even give them a chance to respond as you walk away and towards the entrance of the ball, placing your mask on just before you hand over your invitation. 
As soon as you are through the entrance doors you make a beeline straight to the bar and order a drink. The bartender places it in front of you before you down your drink, placing it gently back on the bar and inquiring politely to the bartender if you could have another who just simply nods. 
“Wow kid, slow down you’ve only been here two minutes” you smile and relax once you hear Tony’s voice. You turn around to face Tony and Pepper with your drink still in your hand choosing to take small sips of the drink this time so as to savour the burn of the alcohol as it passes your lips and down your throat. The burn of the drink keeps you grounded as do Tony and Pepper. 
“You both look amazing guys, especially you Pepper” you flirt jokingly as Pepper brings you in for a warm embrace. “You look great as well Y/n. Now want to tell us why you are already gulping down drinks?” she queries as her eyes shimmer with concern. 
“My parents, I was slightly late as I got caught up with texting Wands. They weren’t too happy that I showed up to what they consider an event of great significance to the family. More like the night from hell so, here I am enjoying some time at the bar before the she devil notices me” you mumble into your drink. 
“Uh oh kid, I think your small amount of solace is over because the she devil Carter is on her way over as we speak” Tony warns sympathetically. “Fuck” you groan as you down the rest of your drink just as Sharon walks over.
“There you are babe, I have been looking all over for you” Sharon smiles as she grabs onto your arm. You try to shrug her off but she maintains a tight hold, digging her nails into your flesh as if warning you not to even try. 
“Oh cut the bullshit Carter we are Y/n’s best friends do you honestly think we don’t know the truth. So, how about you remove your claws from my best friend’s arm right now? ” Tony snaps as he moves close to you in a protective manner as he sees how uncomfortable you are with her hands on you.
“And what truth is that Stark?” she snarls back as she lets go of your arm. 
“The truth Carter is that Y/n doesn’t love you in the slightest and never has and never will. This whole relationship is a charade and it's time you face reality that you will never ever get her to fall in love with you” he points out keeping you behind him at all times as he glares at Sharon.
“Are you really going to let him talk to me like that?” Sharon fumes looking past Tony’s shoulder to look directly at you. You just shrug nonchalantly and move closer to Tony as he and Pepper glare at Sharon.
“It’s true and I told you as much the day you handed me my invite. You and I will never be in love. The only reason I am allowing you this close tonight is because we are in public and my parents wish for this charade to continue” you reply. 
“Well then I guess it’s time you begin playing your part as the doting soon to be fiance isn’t it?” Sharon lifts her hand for you to take it. You glance one last longing look at your friends to save you before huffing and taking Sharon’s hand in yours as she leads you to the dancefloor.  
You loosely place your hands on Sharon’s waist but you catch your parents’ eyes demanding you at least act like you are in love with each other. Sharon turns her head to see where your gaze and smirks as she wraps her arms around your neck pulling you against her chest. She leans forward and whispers in your ear “do as I say tonight and I will give a glowing report to both my father and yours. I would hate to have to tell your parents you were cold and rude the whole night baby” she purrs in your ear making you cringe. 
Deciding that you have no choice but to act as if you and Sharon are in love you feel a pang in your heart at the thought of Wanda ever seeing you in this position, remembering your first date with her in the bar. You close your eyes and sway with Sharon imagining that it was your beautiful girlfriend in your arms instead, that it was Wanda leaning the side of her head against yours as you waltzed around the bar instead of Sharon. 
The music ends and you snap out of your daydream by Sharon kissing you on the cheek, something Wanda loves to do and you start to feel physically sick. Sharon takes your hand as the two of you make your rounds at the ball and you soon find yourself standing in a circle with many guests including you and Sharon’s parents. 
“Y/n dear, I had no idea that you and Miss Carter were seeing each other” exclaimed Michelle Edwards. Mrs Edwards was married to Thomas Edwards who was a board member in the Carters’ company. 
“Yes, we are and have been for around a year and a half now. We wanted to keep it between us and enjoy the beginnings of the relationship before making it public. We have been very fortunate to create so many amazing memories together” you smile through the pain as you answer the question. 
Soon enough you and Sharon are being hit with questions all over and many people are encouraging the two of you to kiss. Sharon leans in but you swiftly swerve your head to the left and her lips land on your cheek instead as the people watching on boo in jest. 
“It’s alright I think Y/n just feels a little shy and overwhelmed isn’t that right darling” Sharon probes as you feel her hand tightening around yours painfully. “Yes that is it thank you for understanding sweetie” you reply through your teeth but no one else picks up on your tone. A few minutes pass and Sharon excuses the both of you dragging you by the arm, nearly pulling it out of its socket, into another function room away from any prying eyes or ears. 
“What the fuck was that Y/l/n, we had an agreement that you would play the doting fiancé. That was the agreement” she roars. Thank god the two of you are far away from the ball itself otherwise everyone would have been able to hear her temper tantrum. Her shrill voice is almost enough to burst your eardrums, you think to yourself. 
“I did my job Carter. I let you dance with me for the majority of the night as people cooed over how in love we looked, I let you hold my hand and drag me all over the fucking place tonight as I lied through my teeth about how in love with you I am. I think I have held up my end of the bargain and then some but I will be damned if your lips so much as touch mine tonight or any other day or night. As far as the public is concerned we do not show any full on PDA and that includes kissing. You come at me like that again and I will not be held accountable for my actions Carter. I made myself perfectly clear the first time you kissed me but I will reiterate. You will never have me physically nor emotionally as far as I am concerned you aren’t my real fiancé or girlfriend which means people would take a sexual harassment claim very seriously should they learn the truth about this fake joke of an arrangement” you snarl as you feel your whole body shake with anger. 
Sharon backs up a little as you see the slightly shocked look on her face “you wouldn’t” she counters trying to call your bluff. 
“Try me” you threaten. 
“Tell everyone that I felt unwell and had to leave the ball early. I've had enough of this bullshit for tonight and I am exhausted” you announced before heading out of the function room and straight out the doors without so much as a glance back. 
You hail a taxi and once inside you give the driver the only address you want to be right now. The only person you wish to be with as the night finally takes a toll on you and you let the tears flow. Tears not only of anger but of pure emotional exhaustion spill down your cheeks and drip off your chin. 
Wanda gets out the shower and hums appreciatively when she wraps herself in a warm fuzzy towel as she dries herself off. 
Truth be told, the shift at the bar was exhausting and she can’t wait to put on some clean pyjamas and crawl into bed; however, the only thing missing from her perfect night is you. 
Wanda smiles to herself remembering the moment you asked her to be your girlfriend and how elated she was. 
Ever since Jarvis, Wanda has never truly allowed herself to get close to anyone let alone take anyone to participate in her charity work with her. Wanda knew there was something special about you the night she met you at the bar but she could never have been prepared for the way you make her feel. 
Wanda knows she is falling deeply in love with you and she plans to invite you to Pietro’s New Year’s Party. Even when she was falling for Jarvis she never felt like this. Wanda constantly feels as if her body is fizzling with electricity that lights up every nerve in her body when you so much as graze a finger over her skin. She feels safe whenever you are around and it upsets her at much damage your parents have done to you. Wanda finds herself extremely protective over you and wants to show you what life truly has to offer. Wanda vows she will never hurt you and tears up at the thought of doing so or you ever hurting her but she knows you never would. 
Wanda decides to hair dry her hair tonight instead of letting it dry naturally as it's a little chilly due to winter and her wet hair makes her shiver that much more. Wanda finishes drying her hair and changes into some comfy pyjamas as she sits on her bed and brushes her hair through. 
Wanda gets lost in her thoughts about you and how you are dealing with being forced to spend the night with your parents but is brought out of them by a frantic loud knocking on her apartment door. Wanda jumps in fright and looks at the time to see it is midnight who the hell could be knocking on her door at this time of night. So, Wanda gets up and grabs a baseball bat as she walks towards the frantic knocking as she yells through the door “who is it?” only to hear “Wands, please I need you” being sniffled in response. 
Wanda looks through her peep hole and sees you standing in front of her apartment shivering and mascara stains down your cheeks. Wanda drops the bat and unlocks the door and as soon as it is open Y/n throws her arms around Wanda’s neck and brings her in close to kiss her. 
Y/n captures Wanda’s bottom lip in hers and kisses Wanda as passionately as she can whilst holding Wanda tight against her body in fear that Wanda will slip away. Wanda knows this is what Y/n needs right now and she would be lying if she denied how incredible that made her feel, to be wanted so badly by her girlfriend even when Y/n is upset. This meant that Wanda was Y/n’s first thought of where to go and who to come to, so she cups Y/n’s jaw gently as she brushes her thumb over Y/n’s cheek to provide an additional comfort to her girlfriend. Wanda matches the passion that Y/n has set and runs her tongue softly over Y/n’s lips silently asking for permission to deepen the kiss which Y/n grants immediately. 
Wanda’s tongue meets Y/n’s as their tongues move in sync as they lose each other in the kiss and moan contentedly at how comforting and safe this passionate kiss makes them feel. Eventually, Wanda has to pull away and Y/n whines slightly but relaxes when she realises Wanda is still close to her. 
Wanda pulls away slightly to close and lock her apartment door again and when she turns around she finally takes in what Y/n is wearing. It was a rose pink designer ball gown that flowed slightly at the bottom and it was completely satin. This confused Wanda immensely as she knew that Y/n had said her parent’s had managed to get tickets to a fancy event but really how fancy was this event? Where the hell had she been and what kind of event had it been? Wanda snapped out of her questioning when she heard Y/n sniffling once again and her heart shattered at the sight of her girlfriend crying fresh tears and looking so broken and disheartened. 
“Oh detka, come here” Wanda motions as she takes Y/n’s clutch and throws it on the couch. Wanda pulls Y/n against her chest and lets her sob into her chest feeling Y/n’s tears soak through her sweatshirt. Wanda rubs her hand over Y/n’s back soothingly, her heart breaking as each violent sob wracks through her girlfriend’s body. Wanda gently informs her girlfriend to let it out and fills Y/n’s head with sweet nothings and reassurances that she isn’t going anywhere.  
Eventually, Y/n seems to calm down and Wanda leans back slightly and brings her fingers up to gently brush the hair out of her girlfriend’s eyes. Once she has done that Wanda cups her hands on either side of Y/n’s jaw and pulls her gently towards her as she places soft kisses to Y/n’s forehead. Wanda feels Y/n’s body relax at the comforting gesture and afterwards links her fingers with Y/n’s. 
“How about we take off your makeup and then make hot chocolate and start off those Christmas traditions I promised to show you detka?” Wanda gently offers. Y/n doesn’t seem to have a lot of energy so she just nods and lets Wanda gently lead her to Wanda’s room. 
Y/n sits on the bed “Uhm, Wands do you have any comfy clothes I could change into please” she sniffs as she wipes the last of her tears away. 
“Of course I do detka. Hold on, I'll grab some for you” she softly reassures her girlfriend, kissing the back of Y/n’s hand before she lets go to look for some clothes. Wanda opens her drawers and pulls out a sweatshirt and some fluffy bottoms for Y/n to wear. 
“Are these okay?” Wanda checks showing Y/n the clothes. 
“Yeah they’re great Wands, thank you” Y/n thanks Wanda as she takes them in her arms and silently motions if Wanda will unzip her dress which Wanda does. Y/n lets it pool at her feet as she steps out of it and throws on the sweatshirt and bottoms sighing appreciatively at how soft and comforting the clothes feel against her body. Wanda then sits Y/n on the edge of the bed and gently pushes the hair away from Y/n’s face and gently starts removing Y/n’s make up. 
Once the makeup is fully removed Y/n leans forwards and pecks Wanda on the lips “Thank you Wands. I mean it, my parents were cruel tonight and they knew I was unhappy but they didn’t care at all. It just got too much, I had to leave. You’re the first person I wanted to see and before I thought about it I had given the taxi driver your address. I just- I just needed you, needed to feel the comfort of your lips against mine and to be held in your arms. I should have given you a heads up I’m sorry my love” Y/n tries to apologise but Wanda lovingly shushes her by running the pad of her thumb soothingly over Y/n’s cheeks. 
“There is no need to apologise for detka. I am really glad you came here and that I was your first call. I will always be here for you to seek comfort and love in detka” Wanda promises.  
Wanda and Y/n make their mugs of hot chocolate and sit down on the couch and cuddle into each other with blankets as Wanda shows Y/n the first Christmas tradition which is hot chocolate and a Christmas movie marathon. 
You groan as the sunlight seeps through the drapes and into your eyes, signalling that morning has arrived. You stretch out and run your arm and hands over the other side of the bed only to open your eyes in disappointment and see that it is empty. You whine that your girlfriend isn’t here but then the smell of food and coffee motivates you to get out of bed and go join your beautiful girlfriend for breakfast. 
You climb out of bed and brush your teeth before heading to locate Wanda. As soon as you step into the hallway you see her humming happily to herself as she flips some pancakes on the stove. You sneak up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist, placing a soft kiss to her cheek before leaning your chin on her shoulder. 
“Mhmm morning my love” you hum as you attack her neck with soft openmouthed kisses. 
“Morning, dętka. You seem in better spirits this morning” Wanda giggles as you nuzzle your nose into the crook of her neck. 
“I am thank you and thank you for last night as well Wands it meant a lot to me” you express. 
Wanda turns off the stove and turns around in your arms as she cups your face in her hands. “You mean everything to me, okay? You never have to thank me for supporting you or comforting you when you are upset” she promises as you smile nodding. 
The two of you finish up your breakfast together and as you are finishing putting the dishes in the dishwasher Wanda comes skipping merrily over to you. She throws her arms around your neck and just smiles at you. 
You squint your eyes suspiciously at her “what?” you ask warily. 
“Well detka I am glad you asked. Today we are going to go pick your first ever Christmas tree and decorate it” she explains giddily. You smile and reach your hands round to under the back of her thighs and lift her up as she wraps her legs around your waist. 
“Are you serious?” you beam trying to contain your own excitement but Wanda can see the excitement glistening through your eyes. Wanda laughs and nods and you finally let your excitement show as you spin around happily as Wanda just laughs hysterically in your ear. Man, you love Wanda’s laugh, it's your favourite sound in the world.  
You and Wanda arrive at the tree farm ready to pick your very first tree both in your lifetime and with her. 
“Okay detka, so the main things to consider when buying a good tree are its branches, the needles of the branches, shape and finally the trunk to make sure it fits our stand back at my place” she explains as you nod, taking it all in. 
Wanda loops both her arms around your left arm and leans into your side as the two of you walk around the lot trying to find your tree. Wanda always does this now, she prefers clasping onto your arm majority of the time rather than holding your hand but you adore it as it makes you feel wanted. It means that Wanda wants to be as close to you as possible at all times which makes you feel warm.
After wandering around for an hour you and Wanda both halt in front of the most amazing Scotch Pine tree. It was a medium height and width with great full branches creating a tree that looks the perfect mix of dense and symmetrical. Wanda measures the tree with a measuring tape that she brought with her. 
“It’s the perfect measurement detka” she beams looking at you. 
“Should we do some of the tests you mentioned?” you query unsure of what to do here. If you had been alone you would have just taken the first tree you came across on the lot but thankfully Wanda, who was a seasoned pro, was here to help you. 
Wanda nods and she clasps a branch between her thumb and forefinger before pulling it gently towards her, smiling when barely any needles come off the branch. Wanda then crushes a few needles that did come off in her hand and smells them before holding her hand out for you to smell. The needles have a pleasant strong smelling pine aroma to it that makes you feel relaxed as you close your eyes for a few seconds just to appreciate it a little more. 
After a few more tests Wanda and you decide that it will be the tree you take home. So, you fix it into the trailer that Wanda’s brother had let the two of you borrow before heading back to Wanda’s apartment to decorate the tree. 
Wanda puts on some Christmas music and pours you and her a glass of red wine before digging into the decorating. 
You pick up an ornament from Wanda’s collection and see that it has writing on it. Wanda catches you spinning the ornament around in your hand as she wraps her arms around your waist and rests her chin on your shoulder, mimicking the way you did to her this morning.  
“Every year I write down on a plain ornament what happened that year. We could do one each together right now if you’d like detka” she murmurs softly in your ear. You tilt your head towards Wanda and nod your head “I would love to do that Wands”. 
Wanda reaches into the box and brings out two plain red round ornaments and two black markers as she hands you one of each. You write three things on your ornament. The first one you write “met an incredible woman named Wanda”, for the second thing you write “made Wands my girlfriend” and for the third you write “bought and decorated my very first Christmas tree”. You beam at your three things and hand it on the branch of the tree as Wanda hangs her ornament up as well. 
The two of you finish decorating the tree together and laugh hysterically when you get tangled in the tree lights. 
Eventually, it is fully decorated and you bring Wanda close to you and pull her into a Waltz position as you gaze into her majestic jade orbs as the two of you dance to “I’ve got my love to keep me warm” by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. The two of you get lost in each other dancing cheerily as the song comes to an end and you lean forward before Wanda meets you the rest of the way and the two of you share the most passionate kiss. 
Wanda pulls away slightly and cups your cheek in her hand “will you be my date to my brother Pietro’s Christmas party? I think it's time my girlfriend meets my friends, don’t you detka?” she poses the question shyly unsure of what your answer will be. 
You lean forward and press a soft kiss to her lips and then to her forehead “I would love to my love, I can’t wait” you accept her invitation gladly.  
Taglist: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx, @wandanatvoid, @yeeterthekeeper, @chelleztjs18, @spongebobtentacles, @i-need-them-to-hug-me, @catswag22, @olsensnpm, @madamevirgo, @unexpected-character, @robnicole, @cristin-rjd, @didujustcallmedumb, @romanoffomixam, @creatorscreator, @wildnightuniverse, @srtamercurio, @raqelacevedo, @natashasilverfox, @wandaspov, @officialbriiiisworld​
As always let me know if you wished to be tagged :)
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fandom-go-round · 2 years
If your comfortable with it could you write some headcanons of the batfam members reaction to their s/o discovering their trans(man, woman or enby either one) and coming out to them for the first time while they are already dating?
Just as a fair warning, my partner is trans but I am not. I’m basing these off discussions I’ve had with trans and non-binary friends but I am not either of these things. Also, I read this as Bat Boys and not Batfam so I’m sorry; if you want some of the gals next time let me know! I really liked this ask, thank you for sending it in!
Warnings: Coming Out (Trans, Enby), Anxiety About Coming Out, Anxiety About Relationship Dynamics Changing, Implied Medical Discussions, No Bat Fam is Straight, Personnel Insecurities (Jason), Damian is an Adult (nothing sexual is implied or said)
Bruce Wayne:
Bruce isn’t surprised that you have something big to tell him. You’ve been acting a little differently and he thinks that it has something to do with being queer. You’ve been asking him a lot of questions but he lets you come out at your own pace and when you’re ready.
He takes everything you say seriously and makes it clear that he wants you to call the shots. He asks about what you want to be called, what things are still on the table in terms of physical intimately and if you need help with name changes or anything like that. He may ask medical questions without realizing that he could be crossing a line but when you correct him, he makes notes and doesn’t do it again.
Money is never an issue for Bruce, especially when it comes to things like this. You need a new wardrobe? He hands you his credit card without even asking. You need to fill out paperwork? His lawyers are right on that. He sees this as a huge sign of trust and it makes him seriously consider telling you about his other life. He’s not there yet but it’s a huge push in the right direction.
Dick Grayson:
Dick can tell that you’ve been aching to tell him something all day. There are a few times where he thinks that you’re going to say something and then just close your mouth and move on. He ends your date night early, taking you back to his apartment to eat ice cream instead of going out. He wants you to be comfortable and tell him whatever you need to.
He is very much the hype man. He focuses on how exciting it is that you’ve figured this out and the euphoria of being true to yourself. He doesn’t ask a lot of medical questions, just how you want to approach this and what it means for the two of you. There’s no question in his mind that the two of you are staying together as you get more details.
He’s supportive in whatever you want to do; he’ll go shopping with you, take you to queer spaces, whatever you want. Dick’s not straight himself and this feels like a good time to tell you. It helps him get more involved in the community too, something he’s been holding back on. He’ll always encourage you to go out and do things so don’t be afraid to push back and tell him that you’re going to your own pace. Going to Pride with Dick is wild in a good way; the man in shirtless and covered in glitter. What isn’t to love?
Jason Todd:
He gets more nervous the longer it takes you to tell him. You’ll never know that he’s feeling anxious because he’s good at hiding it but he does suddenly have a lot of things to do around the apartment that involve his hands. He’s completely sure that you’re getting ready to break up with him so when you come out it’s a relief in one aspect.
Jason loves being in a relationship with you but thinks of himself as not good enough. He immediately starts looking into how to be a supportive partner, finding books and going onto forums. Part of him is worried that he won’t be able to give you the support you deserve and it can fester if you’re not clear about how he can support you. He isn’t over baring about it but will brood if he thinks too long. The best thing to is to share your wins with him and show that you’re comfortable around him.
He has no issue getting in someone’s face when they misgender you or use the wrong pronouns. Contrary to popular believe, he doesn’t come off super strong at first, just correcting people and leaving it alone if people are respectful. He will throw down if people are being assholes and takes a certain amount of glee in kicking their asses, in and out of costume. Goons learn quickly that Red Hood has extra punches for homophobes.
Damian Wayne:
He notices it over time, mostly when you’re in public spaces. You take extra long in shops that are queer friendly, staring at the flags and chatting with people who he knows are not ‘gender conforming’. It’s not something he thinks is a big deal and so he doesn’t comment on it; whoever you want to talk to is up to you. Now he connects the dots as you come out to him, mostly how he should have seen this sooner.
Damian will ask a lot of question around how you knew and how you’re feeling. This isn’t because he doesn’t believe you, it’s more because he has a hard time realizing his own emotions. It’s easier for him to empathize with emotions when people explain their feelings in their own words. It can be a little off putting if you aren’t ready to go into that much detail but Damian is willing to hold off and have that conversation another time if you prefer.
Nothing changes after you tell him and at first, you’re nervous that he doesn’t believe you. It’s more because you’re still the same person in his eyes and he wants to convey that. He’s respectful of any name or pronoun changes but if there’s another kind of support that you’d like, you’ll have to be more specific. He’s silent but steadfast in his support.
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Summary: binged season 1 of jujustu kaisen, you know what that means.
Word Count: 1232
Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Inumaki Toge, Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Yoshino Junpei, Ijichi Kiyotake x Gn!Reader
Itadori Yuuj:
Being naturally athletic and a powerhouse of energy, it’s very hard to keep up with him when he’s in training yuuji mode. He’s very supportive though, always encouraging you to push yourself to your limits in an annoyingly sweet way of his own. Always promising you’d get back to the dorms and pig out with his secret snack stash which you are yet to see for yourself. 
Fushiguro Megumi:
He’s never considered training with someone else before, it was always a solo event for him. Yet when you asked him oh so nicely, he couldn’t help, but blush. He was worried that you wouldn’t be able to keep up or he'd be too sweaty and gross and you’d immediately lose any interest you had in training with him in the first place. He starts slow with the sets he gives you and then builds it slowly, but surely. Making sure you’re doing alright every step of the way, trying his best to be more attentive to your needs in(and out) of training. 
Kugisaki Nobara:
She never really knew she needed to train before coming to jujutsu high, she barely thought she needed training either until almost every person beat her in laps and you were right there with her in training ability. So you took a double pinkie vow to train together and then you showed up only to go get coffee and shop a little more. You finally started training when she picked the perfect outfit to work out in (which was an amazing outfit.) and got to work, spotting each other and pushing each other (affectionately). You both got better and better at the training aspect of learning more cursed technique and you did it together, celebrating with a fun day planned at a festival nearby. 
Inumaki Toge:
His training with you consists of not training and feral running across the school grounds, going long after you gave up. When he’s “training” he basically sits on the grass while you stand above him, stretching your muscles for as long as you can before you completely fall apart while trying to keep up with him. You mostly engage in conversations which mostly consist of you nodding along to everything he rambles out, the other students are surprised at just how much he’ll go on and on and on, most of the rambles completely unintelligible even by the masters of Inumaki interpreters. You can tell he’s getting close to starting when his words start to become less and less frequent , seeing the little cogs in his brain turning as he stares at your usual course. You normally take a deep breath as he stands, giving his legs a small stretch before racing ahead, leaving you in the dust. You always meet at the vending machines after training, Inumaki always chooses to do a lap or two more than you. 
Yoshino Junpei:
He does couples yoga with you on Wednesdays with some old ladies in his neighbourhood. You’re not as flexible as he is, but good god is it nice to see him fold himself like a pretzel every week. Highlight of your week. He was shy about it at first hearing about Yuuji’s intense training at the gym, but once you joined him and made a fool of yourself trying to compete with him, he felt a lot better. He may not have the physical capability to pick you up, but he can climb you like a goddamn jungle gym. 
Gojo Satoru:
You’d like to think he’d train and you’d be right. At least that's what he thinks training is, which is walking barefoot in the wilderness to reconnect his life force with the earth, but he really just wants to be barefoot in the woods. He tells you (lies) and says that he likes to jog in the woods. So of course you bring your joggers and appropriate footwear and you arrive to find him sitting on a rock with already cold black coffee from Starbucks in his hand and eating a cake pop. He immediately proceeds to tell you that you should’ve told him you wanted coffee and cake pops then maybe he would’ve saved some for you (he wouldn’t). You’re almost 100% sure he took you out here to murder you, but when he takes his shoes off, wearing no socks underneath and proceeds to walk deep straight into the thick woods, you have completely lost your mind and he’s just about ready to regain his. 
Nanami Kento:
You mention that you are a bit rusty and need some training most likely within earshot of Nanami and suddenly you are woken up at 5 in the morning with him hovering over you. His training is an intense full body, muscle straining 3 hours of testing his and your limit and your muscles hurt by the end. Sure you’ve been known to train from time to time, but the sheer amount of exercise you have done has probably worn you out for the next 3 weeks. Yet at 5am you are woken up again. You don’t say no of course, how could you when training with you has probably been the most you’ve seen Nanami emote almost ever. Your muscles are throbbing by the time it’s 8am, but instead of nodding politely and continuing his daily routine. He sets a small bento box next to you with a thank you, nods and continues his routine, excusing himself to shower. You happily eat the small breakfast he made you. He absolutely woke up at 4am just to prepare a reward for you at the end of training and continues to do this for as long as you train. He slowly makes them bigger as you get better at his training routine, making sure to feed you well and lingering just a little longer to watch you wolf down his prepared meal, smiling softly as you look satisfied. 
Ijichi Kiyotake:
This man has never run a mile in his life and yet when you asked him to train with you he almost busted his pants. He came wearing what he thought would be appropriate gym wear, something akin to a school sports uniform, but found you in probably the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. You started training without him and you were already building a good sweat and now he was building quite a sweat as well. You don’t expect him to join, content with him watching you and keeping you company, but he insisted on joining in on one of your sets as soon as you paid enough attention to him. He tried. You basically held him up as you helped him take a seat, he was about to burst as he felt the heat from your sweaty sweaty body next to his. That’s the gist of what you could say. He really tried, but by the end he was so out of breath, you decided to stop your training early to take him out for breakfast to make up for the amount of squats he had done for you which drove him even crazy as you insisted to pay for the food and drinks and basically anything he needed to be back in a normal state. You both agreed to keep him off the gym mats forever and he opted to watch you for a bit before you ended so you could get breakfast together.
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