#look Jason NEVER complains about being in pain
ghost-bxrd · 2 months
Headcanon that when Jason so much as says “ow..” on the comms the rest of the batfam immediately assume he must be dying.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
Why Jason Grace is The Most Tragic Character in the Riordanverse
*in no way is this trying to dial down Nico's own suffering, I'm just stating my case for Jason because godsdamn SOMEBODY needs to say it!*
@most-tragic-character-tournament here's propoganda i came out guns ablazing
List of why fans are saying Nico:
Lost his mother
lost years of his life
found out he was a demigod at age 10
lost sister at 10
rough relationship with his dad
closeted gay
crush is madly in love with somebody else
forced to come out
List of why Jason is more tragic:
Lost his mom to alcoholism/mental decline
Lost his ENTIRE FUCKING CHILDHOOD because Said Mom gave him up to Juno to be raised by a PACK OF WOLVES who would've EATEN HIM if he was WEAK FOR EVEN A SECOND - AS A FUCKING TWO YEAR OLD
Was a trained demigod FROM THE GET-GO (again, TWO YEARS OLD)
Was set up into a "perfect" relationship by Juno/Hera WHILE HAVING HIS MEMORIES TAKEN
Jason may not have had the awful forced outting Nico had to go through, but...that's not really his fault? Nobody has any control over their sexual identity, and Jason? Well. He never really got to explore it. Because that was taken from him too.
then. then his girlfriend breaks up with him - not because of any drama, or even a disagreement, but over a very valid point
their relationship didn't exactly start out very...honestly. Jason had been mind-wiped of all memories and Piper had fake ones implanted into her to make her think she liked Jason as more than a friend. sure. they had a pretty nice relationship, but when everything slowed down and they took a look at their lives?
Piper's the one who sees it first, and makes the decision. Jason is heartbroken, but understands - he even, dare I say, agrees that they should end the relationship. it was built on fake memories - you could say it was built on lies.
and now Jason has this opportunity to step back and analyze who he is and what he wants.
what he finds is depressing. everything he's had, everything's he's been up till now...
it's not him.
he never wanted to be raised by Lupa and her wolves.
he never wanted to be Jupiter's son
he never wanted to be the exalted leader Camp Jupiter praised him for
From day 1 his life was somebody else's. his first steps were under the tutelage of a wolf, not of the loving eyes of his sister
Camp Jupiter only ever saw him as the demigod to be praised and turn to above all others, even before he became praetor.
Jason's life...was never his own.
and now that he's away from all that pressure and expectation...he doesn't know who he is.
Son of Jupiter?
Champion of Juno?
Praetor of the Twelfth Legion?
Member of the Prophesized Seven?
Hero of Olympus?
no. he was never himself under these names.
he was never...Jason.
but maybe now he could start navigating his own life. without some god intervening for once. this would be good for him, and for Piper, to find their own way.
but then. then they talk to Herophile...and find out one of them will die. And Jason? Well, he's not going to let Piper be taken from the life she deserves. he may not be her boyfriend, her knight in shining armor, but he sure as HELL loves her - especially as a friend. And if there's one thing you should know about Jason? It's that he loves his friends.
so what does he do? He sacrifices himself. He duels Caligula himself, and urges Piper, Meg, and Apollo to Go, save yourselves! and -
he's stabbed. through the chest. the only thing he can do? Look to Apollo, to the blue gaze so much like his own drenched in horror, and ask; Remember. because he didn't get to live the life he wished, but maybe Apollo could - no, Apollo can, he can make the difference Jason wanted. Because he trusts Apollo.
Jason doesn't regret his sacrifice. he saved Piper from the prophecy, after all. He saved Apollo & Meg's lives too.
in fact, Jason didn't really mind dying. Because he didn't have much of a life either. And a life like that? shrug It's worth sacrificing for those who deserve theirs.
and as icing on the cake, remember who Jason's father is? The almighty, all-powerful Jupiter himself, King of the Gods?
he doesn't do a damn thing to help Jason. Not a single. Thing.
because Jupiter/Zeus doesn't care about his children. Especially his sons.
Zeus saved Thalia. But he didn't even try to save Jason.
Trying would have at least lessened the pain...
People like to claim Jason is a bland, boring character who's never suffered a minute in his life. That he's a golden retriever with no flaws.
Take a look up there and ask yourself - it that the life of a boy who knows no suffering?
Because it sure as hell don't look that way to me.
To me, it looks like Jason was a used, depressed young man who never got to choose his own path. Who's father abandoned him first to his wife's mercy, then to a cruel emperor's.
Jason Grace suffered.
and he never got to live that happy life he saw within the Fates.
Never got to get that family, those grandchildren he saw himself telling the story of the Argo II to.
Because The Fall of Jason Grace is a true, utter tragedy.
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(I'm feeling kinda angsty today, I guess. If there's a fic/prompt like this already tho, please link me. 👀)
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Reaper of Heroes
Once crowned as the High Ghost King of the Infinite Realms, Danny gains some grim reaper-like abilities and dominion over a specific subset of souls.
People who don masks and capes to protect the innocent from those who would harm them, just like he once did in the beginning of his existence as a halfa. He's was horrified by the responsibility but is eventually resigned to it. Due to bittersweet nostalgia, he quickly grows fond of the heroes that rose up after he took the throne and packed away the suit. Responsible he may be for the collection of their souls, but with council from Clockwork and the Ghost of Time's knowledge of the most desired paths, sometimes he'll just... let a soul slip through his fingers and return to it's vessel before it's chain is completely severed. He doesn't care that the observants complain constantly about those particular actions. If there's still room for a soul to do good for the better of everyone else, they can hardly stop him from straying from their plans. Much less with him as their king and protection as his obsession.
Only he is responsible for the reaping of these specific souls, unless delegated to one of the more common reapers at his command of course. Sometimes he follows his favorite heroes around, invisible to them unless he wishes them to see him or they're very close to death's door. He's trailed them so closely that some heroes have reported seeing a kind but sad looking man with white hair and aurora green eyes when they've nearly been pushed past the limits of their mortal bodies.
Ones who have passed through the veil but came back report vague memories of a similar sort; a kind man who cradled the very essence of their being with hands so gentle it's worth a few awe filled tears once he released them back amongst the living. The JL give him the moniker Grim, for his black and white coloring and for the shadowy scythe he carries not as a weapon but more like a key that unlocks the chain that binds them to their flesh. He never speaks to any of the heroes he interacts with tho. Always silent with a calculating, but sorrowful gaze.
At least until now.
When he appears before a bruised and beaten, young Jason Todd with whisper soft words in his ear as he comforted the concussed boy about to be killed in a fiery inferno at the hands of Gotham's mad clown.
As the explosion comes to a close, an unseen figure cradles the star-like light of a soul close to his chest as he wept and apologized for being unable to save the young soul from such a painful end but was thankful the poor boy this light belonged to could feel it no longer.
What do you think? Angsty enough? I might have a little more to add to this but I'm gonna stop for now. I injured my hand yesterday, so it hurts to type for too long.
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cursedkeyboard · 5 months
Funnily enough, I've never been too big of a Jason Todd fan. Not because I don't like him, he's a great character, but because DC fails over and over again to give him justice and treat him right.
The number of times alone this boy has been beaten by his adoptive father, betrayed, and forgotten are far too many, far too much.
And the constant portrayal of Jason as this volatile, violent, mindless man is tiresome, lazy in all senses of the word and overdone. I understand that Jason was unstable after he left the pit, I mean, who wouldn't? The trauma of his death alone could've sent anyone crazy, but then to experience everything else afterwards, including having to come to terms that Bruce not only did not kill his murder but also replaced him, leaving Jason to grieve what was once his and what he should've gotten, of course he'd be less than okay.
Again, I'm not the biggest Jason Todd fan but I do wish more people would see just how much good Jason has in his heart, how kind and gentle he can be once his walls are down, when he's no longer constantly analyzing your actions and wondering why would you bother talking to him, getting closer to him.
In my opinion, a man who is so gentle with children, who constantly gives second, third, and fourth chances to people who don't deserve it, who despite it all still wants to make a change and protect the city that failed him, couldn't possibly be anything but the most caring partner. Not just partner, no, also brother and friend.
We all know what he did to Tim and Damian, there are reasons, such as his mental instability at the time and rage, and though those are not excuses, I believe Jason would still drop everything to go save his family. He might complain, he might brood, but family is something important to him even when just looking at them hurts him. He lost his loving mother, stepmother, far too early and it's not hard to imagine that even with all the pain and grief inside his torn heart, the little boy inside Jason still craves the warmth of a family.
Just look at the way he treats his friends, at the way he helps them through situations no one else would, how caring and attentive he is. Jason is gentle, sure, he is rough and mean and he's got blood on his hands, but Jason is made of love.
Jason was made to be loved.
So I think, whether platonic or romantically, Jason would treat you so well. He'd scold you for not wearing warm clothes during winter, "We're in Gotham, you fucking moron, you wanna freeze to death?", all while wrapping you with his jacket or scarf. He'd make sure you're eating at least something every day, and if not, he would immediately put you under his arm, maybe over his shoulder, and take you to the nearest food chain he could find, "I don't want to hear you complaining about headaches when all you had today was a cup of coffee and gum.".
Lord, he'd be torn between freaking out and being extremely annoyed that you got hurt, be it at work, a fight, or just out of clumsiness. But no matter what, his hands would always be so, so gentle when touching you. The tip of his fingers brushing under the injury, as light as a breeze, his other hand holding the back of your neck, or your bicep, perhaps even your hand just to make sure you're there, with him.
Jason would both hush you gently, "I know, sweetheart, we're almost done.", and also tease because he's a little shit at heart, "If you had a little more awareness than a ten year old this wouldn't have happened, idiot."
And physical touches? Oh, love, Jason is a sucker for intimacy.
I know for a fact he wouldn't be comfortable for a long time with anyone in his personal space due to the torture he went through. The trauma would make his skin crawl any time someone got too close or brushed past him, he'd hate it so much because it makes him weak but also because he can't let anyone try to hug him without feeling sick to his stomach.
And with you it's no different. It would take a long time, a lot of trust being built up, conflict and confessions, maybe he'd even open up to you with his head on your lap as you brushed his hair softly, a big, big step for him after years of not letting anyone close. He'd tell you about the Joker, about having hope in Bruce, about his biological mother. And he'd feel vulnerable like a child when you wipe his tears gently without a word.
Once he starts craving your touch, though, regardless if you two have a platonic or romantic relationship, Jason is putty in your hands. Forehead kisses when you part ways, cuddling on the couch while he reads and you're on your phone, thighs touching when sitting close, even a little bit of hand holding when he's stressed and needs to play with your fingers.
He's like a big cat that's constantly making his way onto your chest, stealing your breath and making biscuits on your skin, making sure you're giving him sufficient pats every day.
It's a little part of him that he's barely able to properly allow space for. There's still so much hurt in Jason, so much confusion and desperation, hatred and upset, that he'd probably still close off sometimes, try acting tough so you'd see how fucked up he is, how he's not truly worth of your love.
And yet.
And yet all it'd take for him to go soft and pliant in your hands would be a single touch, cupping his cheeks, brushing his skin softly with your thumbs, right under his pretty emerald eyes, making sure his gaze is on you and only you. Just like that, he'd slump his shoulders and bring you into his arms, breathing a sigh of relief and squeezing you close, your heartbeats synching.
He wouldn't remember when he started feeling safest in your arms but it'd feel like it was since forever. Like there was no one else but you.
Jason was made to be loved, though he is a little broken and a little tainted, lost like a child and hateful like a sinner, your love might just be his salvation, something he's greedy for, selfish for, even when he's so hesitant of somehow hurting you.
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Could I possibly have some slasher bois (primarily Jason, Pennywise, and Bubba) reacting to a s/o who when on their period just kind of, shut down and sleep a lot. Been having those bad period days lately.
(I’m sorry this took literal years 🥲)
- Jason only has a vague idea what periods are, the concept horrifies him! His partner had to teach him everything
- He’s amazingly attentive, refusing to leave them for long unless strictly necessary
- S/o has to be the one to go into town for period supplies, so Jason can’t help :(
- This man literally tamed a rabbit because you cried about wanting to hug something soft last time. What a guy!
- Some periods are bad, full of pain and snapping. He knows it’s not your fault you’re so angry, and he’ll take your yelling if it makes you feel better. You always cry and apologize anyway, he knows it’s just the period.
His darling had come back to bed after rushing out, looking sick and exhausted as they collapsed beside him with a groan.
“I living person shouldn’t bleed that much.” They complained, wrapping their arms around him and snuggling into his chest. They always got cold on their period, so he’d scrounged as many comforters as he could to keep their mattresses insulated. He hated to see his lover shiver, the lake got so cold in the mornings, mist hanging over the water like a spirit that spread through the camp and spread its cold.
Jason knew that living people could bleed a lot, himself included, but he figured that this was a different situation and his person didn’t want to be corrected.
So instead he stroked their hair as they dozed on his chest, a fitful rest full of tossing and turning. He should make them their favorite food later! He’d need to cook it far away though, they always hated the smell of cooking meat around this time.
He traced words onto their skin, declarations of love and admiration as his little lover slept. Every time they made a noise of pain and curled around their stomach his heart hurt, he wished he could do more!
His darling had once told him that being there was enough, and so he was determined to stay for as long as possible.
The can alarm jingled.
“Go, it’s fine.” His s/o muttered, sliding off him to retreat into the blankets. No it wasn’t! He would have to leave them! Alone and vulnerable! What if one of those nasty people broke in and tried to hurt them!
Jason was going to prove how much a human really could bleed, and then he was never leaving his s/os side, that much was certain.
- Pennywise knows all about periods and their quirks
- He gets annoyed how boring you can be, but he understands you can’t exactly help it.
- He loved you for your human quirks, which includes the less lovely part
- Tbh he likes the smell of the blood, but when he said that they threw a pillow at his face.
“Humans are strange.” He shook their limp arm as his human was curled in his lap. One of the perks of being a creature beyond human understanding was the fact he was always the perfect size, and his human could fit in his lap like a kitten if they wanted.
“So’re you.” They whined, curling tighter against his ruffles, a throw blanket emblazoned with woven loons and chickadees wrapped around them. He had given them the nickname of Loon once as an insult, but instead had been bombarded with childhood memories of calling out to the diving bird, of red eyes like his own being drawn on paper plates at a log cabin. The nickname stuck.
“My dear Loon, you are the strangest creature of all.” He cupped their squishy little face and peered into their beautiful human eyes, eyes like the Maine sky on a clear day, like the pine forests that stretched endlessly and hid dead in gnarled roots, of muddy lakebeds full of fish and stones and secrets. His human was a wonder of this world, the only wonder. He was older than time itself, had seen countless humans pass like cattle, had seen thousands of memories and life stories end, but this human, his human, was special. They were his everything, and he’d never quite be convinced they were only a human and not some otherworldly being.
One day he’d discover a way to keep them alive forever, and he’d find a way to stop their human ailments like this period while doing it. His human deserved the world, not the pain of biology.
“Yeah, yeah.” He let their head fall from his gentle grip to lay against his chest once more, beautiful eyes closed and breathing even. He may be a creature of fear, but they would dream of home tonight, of escaping into endless pines and swimming in a lake, he’d make sure of it.
- He has to learn about female biology since he grew up in a male dominated family, it’s a long and slow lesson but he grasps the concept after a bit
- It’s hard for him to imagine such a thing and why the body does that! He knows a lot about bodies, and that was a weird thing
- On the bright side anatomy lessons are easy with a diagram
- He’s the sweetest and most attentive boyfriend during this time. All he wants to do is love you and hold you until the monster goes away
- He hates having to do work for once, actually standing up to his brothers if they try and tear him away or -gasp- say something mean about you!?
- He doesn’t see why anyone would be mad at you for such an ailment
“I’m okay hon, don’t hover.” His s/o scolded gently as they walked around the kitchen. It was more of a hunch, arm wrapped around their middle and face drawn tight with pain. He wanted to scoop them back in his arms and bring them back to bed, but they had insisted on getting up to make breakfast for the boys. Southern ideals and all that, though he would have been happy to cook, he used to anyway. He knew his s/o just liked helping however they could, and this was all they really knew when it came to the weird life their family led. Drayton even let them use his kitchen, so that was proof they were a good cook, he just wished they didn’t feel the need to right now.
He made a soft noise of discontent, sitting in an aged stool that creaked under his weight, watching them intently.
They were so beautiful. They insisted they weren’t, but he knew better. Plenty of men, and some women, he’d seen watch them, and while he didn’t like it he knew his partner was a capable person and could care for themselves. They were the most loyal person he’d ever met, and they saw something in him that he couldn’t.
“Fuck!” He watched them drop an egg as tried to crack them into a bowl to beat, the egg shattering on the floor. They had always been a bit clumsy, so this was hardly a shocking event.
But- but instead of cleaning it up with a little smile and self deprecating joke they sniffled. Tears welling in their soulful eyes and hands shaking as they scrubbed at their face.
He stood up in a panic as they let out a strangled little cry, stifled by their hands over their mouth as they hunched away, trying to hide.
He hated not being able to talk sometimes, how they could avoid listening if they didn’t look when he signed.
He lay a hand on their shoulder, dwarfing it.
“I’m okay, give me a second.” They protested, trying to shrug him off before giving up to lean into him. They looked exhausted, ready to fall asleep there in the kitchen. They should be in bed!
‘I make.’ He signed in front of them, arms around them and chin on their head. They fit against him like a puzzle piece, a perfect fit.
“No, I… You know what, fine.” They sagged into him, letting him scoop them into his arms without protest. He would’ve been able to carry them even if they did, but he hated forcing them to do anything they didn’t want to, it made him sad.
“Once this is over Drayton and I are making Texas style barbecue I swear.” They sighed into his shirt as he carried them to bed, tucking them under covers and throw blankets he’d taken from the empty cars. He would look forward to that, their barbecue was amazing.
He smoothed down their hair, pressing a kid to their head before lumbering off to furnish breakfast before his brothers woke up.
I’m not dead! Suffering from my own bad period, but not dead. Endometriosis is a bitch let me tell you! I made do other slashers too, I really want to do a Carrie piece, but for now here.
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seidenbros · 2 years
Kiss You Inside Out
Requests are open | prompt lists for inspiration | Stranger Things Masterlist
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Word count: 5363
Summary: After breaking up with Jason for being controlling, you spend more time with Eddie. When you go to watch a movie (which isn't officially a date, but feels like one), Jason keeps watching you, so you ask Eddie to kiss you. Up until then you hadn't had the courage to do or say anything in that direction, but to your surprise Eddie kisses the air from your lungs, and it's no wonder you end up leaving the cinema
Warning/Tags: shameless smut, oral sex (m receiving), fingering, vaginal sex, semi-public (but they move to his place), falling in love (let me know if I missed anything) | 18+ MINORS DNI
Author’s note: Smut Sunday? I just had to write that down, and this song gave inspiration for the title. So... enjoy! 💚
Read on AO3
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Breaking up with Jason had been the smartest thing you’d ever done. When you’d started dating, you’d been over the moon, completely smitten because one of the hottest boys was dating you - not that you would have put it this way, but it was what everyone else had said. You’d never been particularly interested in basketball, hadn’t had a thing for jocks, but Jason had been so sweet to you, and in all honesty, it had been a pretty much perfect first date. He’d been patient with you, had taken you on a couple of dates, had introduced you to his parents, had treated you well, you really couldn’t complain. The only thing was that he thought so highly of himself, that he thought he was the best catch anyone could get, and that he made the girls so happy in bed - which wasn’t true at all. Even the night you’d lost your virginity, which had been awkward, a little painful, and quickly over had been a lot better. Because Jason only cared about himself. He never lasted long, never made you come, and had never heard about aftercare. All that should have sent you screaming in the opposite direction, but you’d stayed with him for a little while, because it had been comfortable.
He started complaining about you reading too many books, instead of giving him attention, that you had to practise playing the violin every day, all the things you enjoyed. You found yourself spending more and more time in the library reading, so that he wouldn’t find you. That’s when you started spending more time with Eddie Munson. When he saw you reading The Neverending Story in there, sitting quietly in a corner, he came over to talk to you. Of course, you’d talked before every now and then, but you’d never had a deep conversation up until that day. After that, you’d met up in the library again and again, reading together, and sometimes you’d even spent an afternoon together talking about the books.
Jason hadn’t known about this until two weeks ago, when he’d caught you hanging out with Eddie books still in hand, laughing about something Eddie had said. You really enjoyed his presence, more than you probably should considering you were in a relationship, but there was something about Eddie that drew you to him. The shared interests were one thing, but it was also the way he always made you feel, the way your skin tingled when he touched your elbow to guide you somewhere. All the things Jason didn’t make you feel.
“What are you doing with that freak?” he’d asked, snatching the book from your hand.
Eddie immediately got up from where he was sitting, taking a step towards Jason, but you stepped between them, a pleading look on your face that was levelled at Eddie. It was sweet that he wanted to protect you, but despite Jason being able to get all up in someone’s face, you knew that he’d never hurt you.
“He’s not a freak, Jason, he’s my friend.”
“Since when?”
“For some time now.” You’d taken the book back from him, putting it in your bag.
“This ends here and now! Can’t have my girlfriend hanging around with someone like him.” Jason’s eyes had narrowed at Eddie behind you, and he’d crossed his arms.
“Yeah, make that your ex-girlfriend.” It had been something you’d been thinking about for quite some time, but that day, Jason had finally pushed you far enough with trying to tell you what to do.
“You’re not being serious!” The incredulous look on Jason’s face had nearly made you smile, because nobody had ever broken up with him.
“I am. Nobody tells me what I can and cannot do, Jason. Especially not someone who doesn’t know how to give a woman an orgasm.” You’d heard Eddie gasp and then chuckle behind you. It had been something that had been bothering you so long, something you’d already told him, but Jason hadn’t listened.
“You…” Jason had stammered before he’d taken another step towards you.
“Fuck off, Carver!” Eddie had stepped between the two of you now, making sure that nothing else had happened. Jason had stared at him for a moment before he’d turned on his heel to walk away.
“That… was the best thing I’ve ever witnessed,” Eddie had said, turning towards you with a big grin. “Come on, I’ll drive you home.”
It didn’t even take a week for Jason to have the next girl by his side, and you really hoped that she was standing her ground with him, didn’t let him belittle her. But what irked you about it was the fact that Jason was parading her in front of you, always walking past you, eyes set on you to make sure that you were watching. You weren’t jealous of him or her, not at all, but his constant looks really annoyed you, especially because you were spending more time with Eddie now, finally really enjoying his presence, warming up to him even more. You’d even made plans for the weekend to go and watch a movie together, which you were rather excited for, because you liked him more and more - you’d finally allowed yourself to explore your feelings instead of trying to ignore them.
While you knew that this movie night wasn’t technically a date, it did feel like one, and your whole face lit up when Eddie picked you up to take you to the movies. He paid for the tickets and while you were waiting in line to get drinks and popcorn, you spotted Jason with his girlfriend, his eyes practically boring into you.
“Fucking hell,” you cursed under your breath.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie looked at you, leaned over so that you didn’t have to speak so loud.
Eddie looked past you and saw Jason still staring in your direction. That guy really needed to leave you alone and concentrate on his own life. Did he think he still had a chance with you? Eddie couldn’t tell, and it didn’t matter, because you’d made it clear that you weren’t interested in Jason anymore.
“Kiss me!” you suddenly said. A bold move, maybe a little foolish, but on the one hand, it would hopefully get Jason off your back, and on the other, you’d been thinking about doing this way longer than you’d like to admit.
“What, you’re not even buying me dinner first?” Eddie teased, a smug grin on his face that, while your words certainly made his heart beat faster. He wasn’t sure whether you were being serious or not, but by Ozzy, he really hoped you were.
“I was just about to buy you popcorn, does that count?”
“Mhhh… I can make an exception.” Grin still in place, he pulled you against himself by your hips, your body now flush against his. His eyes darted to your lips, before he leaned in to bring his lips to yours.
You hadn’t expected him to follow through, especially because it had been such a stupid idea, but all tha was forgotten, when you opened your lips beneath his, felt his tongue sweep into your mouth, tasting you. No, definitely not what you’d expected when you’d asked him to kiss you - it was so much better and lit a fire inside you. Your fingers curled around the collar of his jacket, pulling him even closer to you so he didn’t pull back - and he didn’t. His grip on your hips tightened for a moment, before he wrapped one arm around you, his palm flat against the small of your back. The other hand found its place on your neck, his thumb brushing the shell of your ear, making you shiver involuntarily.
“Get a room for fuck’s sake!”
The voice made you slowly pull back from Eddie, and when you turned your head, you saw Jason looking at you, disgust and anger written all over his face. What a prick… it was okay for him to do something like that but not for you? It didn’t matter in the end, because your whole body was tingling, your heart racing in your chest, als while your body screamed for more of this, more of Eddie.
“You know, that’s actually a great idea Jason,” you said with a smile, turned back to Eddie and kissed his lips once more, before you took his hand in yours and led him out of the building. You didn’t care about proving anything to Jason anymore, not that you’d needed to in the first place, but it was rather satisfying to see that look on his face. And you’d gotten so much more out of this, and that would hopefully continue.
“So uh… where are we going?” Eddie asked, still following you. You were walking straight to his van, not letting go of his hand.
“Like I said, Jason had a great idea back in there.”
“So all that just to prove something to him?” You could hear the hurt tone in his voice, which made you turn around once you’d reached the van.
“No! Well… that was a bonus and the thing that gave me the courage to finally make a move.” You let go of his hand, bit your bottom lip, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious. Back in there, fueled by adrenaline, you’d been oozing confidence.
“I like you Eddie… A lot. And I’ve been thinking about kissing you even when I was still with Jason… That was just one more reason why I broke up with him in the end. Because of you.” Because Jason had tried to tell you to stay away from Eddie, and because you’d been thinking about Eddie way too much. About his lips, about his hands all over your body… It had been Eddie you’d been thinking about, whose name you’d been moaning whenever you’d made yourself come, because Jason hadn’t been able to achieve that.
“That so, huh?” Eddie couldn’t stop grinning to himself, as he stepped forward, caging you in between the side of his van and his own body. He leaned forward, hands on both sides of your head, nose nearly bumping yours. You felt your breath hitch because he was so close, his own breath fanning your cheek when he leaned in close to your ear.
“I’ve been thinking about this ever since that first day in the library,” he said just above a whisper. Your eyes fell shut, a shiver racking through your body upon feeling him so close. He straightened again, grabbed your chin between his thumb and index finger to make you look at him. “Couldn’t get you out of my head, sweet thing.” He pressed a kiss to your lips but pulled back again. “And when you dumped that idiot… that was really one of the best days.”
Eddie’s eyes dropped down to your heaving chest, momentarily transfixed by the bit of cleavage you were showing. He leaned down to drag his lips across the exposed skin. Your hands landed on his shoulders, looking for some support, because when he pressed his body against yours and you felt the growing bulge in his jeans press into your lower abdomen, you felt your knees buckle.
“You feel what you’re doing to me?” he asked against the side of your neck, pressing his opened mouth against your pulse point, flicking his tongue against the sensitive skin.
“Mhm…” You couldn’t think straight, couldn’t form words right now. The whole situation, his words made you so wet that you could already feel your own slick form a wet patch on your panties. While you weren’t able to form coherent sentences, your hands still worked perfectly, and you pushed them beneath his shirt, grazed your fingernails over his sides to his back, inching slowly upwards. This was not the right place to be doing any of this, but you were rather impatient.
“You meant what you said about Carver?” Eddie’s lips were close to your ear again, teeth nipping at your earlobe, while his hands smoothed down the fabric of your dressover your thighs, only to slip beneath it once he reached the hem. His hands felt hot on your skin, softly kneading the flesh until he reached the lace of your panties.
“Yes…” you answer him breathlessly, nails digging into his back, eyes closed to blend everything else out, but he made that easy for you. You knew what he was referring to, didn’t even have to ask. “Noone did…” You were the only one who’d ever made you have an orgasm.
“What a shame…” His right hand reached between your legs and he groaned when he felt that wet spot on your panties. He’d barely touched you, and you still couldn’t hold back a moan. “So needy already, hm?” You could feel him smile against your skin as he pushed your panties aside, let his fingers run along your cunt, pushing two of them inside you without a warning.
“Jesus!” you nearly screamed out, but muffled your voice by pressing your face against his shoulder.
“I don’t think Jesus would be doing something like this,” Eddie said with a chuckle, pulled his hand back and left you feeling horribly empty all of a sudden.
“Who knows?” You took a deep breath, but couldn’t suppress the whimper that fell from your lips when he put his fingers in his mouth to lick them clean.
“Who cares?” he asked, putting his hands on your waist again, but not to press you against the side of his van again, instead he pulled you away from it. “Get in… and take those panties off.”
Eddie leaned in for another kiss, before his hands fell from you and he unlocked the van, climbing in. “You coming or not?” He stuck his head out of the open window, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
“Oh, I hope I will be,” you managed to say, feigning confidence, ignoring the heavy beating of your heart. You were so aroused that it was hard for you to walk straight, but before you got in the car, you followed his orders and took off your panties.
As soon as you were inside the car, Eddie took them from you and stuffed them into the front pocket of his jeans. The wheels were screeching when he got going, which made you chuckle, but that chuckle died down when you felt Eddie’s hot palm on your thigh, inching upwards.
“Spread your legs.” He cast a quick glance at you before he looked back out on the street. He couldn’t keep his hands off you, but he also didn’t want to drive right into a tree with you by his side.
“You think that’s a good idea?” you asked, trying to be the reasonable one here, but your legs still fell open, giving him the access he wanted and needed.
“Think we’ve got a lot of catching up to do. If no other person ever made you come… we better start now.” When his palm slid further upwards, you instinctively scooted down in the seat, your dress bunched up around your hips now. His calloused fingertips rubbed over your clit, making you moan low in your throat. While you held onto the seat with your right hand, your left one landed on Eddie’s forearm, neither guiding, nor stopping him, but you needed this kind of contact.
“Can’t believe nobody ever took good care of you.” He alternated between looking at you and looking at the street. He was going slower than usually, because he didn’t want to risk anything, but he also knew the way like the back of his hand. “Of this needy pussy that’s just aching to be touched… to be filled.”
His words only made your arousal grow even more. Your fingernails dug into his forearm when he pushed his fingers inside you just like he’d done before, the cool metal of his rings only adding to the sensation. When he didn’t move his fingers, you bucked your hips against them, begging for some friction.
“Look who’s a little impatient here.” Eddie laughed, but still started moving his fingers inside you, quickly picking up his pace. The heel of his hand rubbed against your clit again and again, making you moan, and you weren’t quiet. When his name tumbled from your lips, you heard him groan as his hand stilled just for a moment.
“Please Eddie…” you whined, looking up at him, your mouth hanging open while ragged breaths left your lips. “I need more.”
“Say my name again,” he demanded, but started moving his fingers again, adding a third fingers to stretch you, see how much you could take, and to prepare you for when you finally reached his trailer.
“Fuck… Eddie!” you moaned again, even louder this time, arching your back. You’d completely forgotten that you were still driving in his car, consumed by the feeling he gave you. He picked up his pace again, listening to all the little noises, quiet and loud, that you made, because it turned him on even more. When he curled his fingers, rubbed them against that sweet spot inside you, your orgasm washed over you immediately. No sign of warning, just pleasure that flooded your whole body, made you moan his name once again. Your hips lifted from the seat for a moment, legs shaking.
Eddie stayed with you throughout all of this, enjoying the feeling of your pussy contracting all around his fingers, trying to pull them even further inside. Only when you were calming down, when your body stopped spasming, did he pull his hand back. You whined again as the cold air hit your exposed middle, but your eyes slowly opened so that you could look at Eddie.
“D’you know how fucking hot you are when you let go like this?” He unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over to kiss you. Your fingers danced across his cheeks, over his throat, down the front of his shirt to the buckle of his belt. “Could listen to you and watch you like that all day.” He nipped at your bottom lip, but before you could get to work on his belt, he grinned at you. “How about we finish this inside?”
You hadn’t even realised that you’d reached his trailer by now, but you wondered just how long you’d been standing here. In the end, it didn’t matter, because you just nodded and got out of the car with him. You were still a little wobbly on your legs, but Eddie wrapped his arm round your middle and walked you to the trailer. You’d been here before, but not for long. You’d gotten to know his uncle, but Wayne was working right now, so you had the whole place to yourself.
Keeping that in mind, you pulled Eddie in for a kiss again as soon as the door was closed behind you. His hands were still above the dress as he tried to manoeuvre you towards his room without bumping into any furniture. He didn’t want you to get bruises, at least not from something like this. Only when he sucked them into your skin.
He kicked the door shut with his foot, so that his hands could keep roaming your body, but you suddenly pulled away. His eyes were blown wide with lust when you looked at him, probably mirroring your own. You wanted him even more now than you’d done at the cinema.
“Take your clothes off,” you told him. Up until now, he’d told you what to do, now it was your turn. His fingers flexed against your hips before he took a step back.
“I think I like where this is going,” he said with a smirk before he pulled off his jacket and let his shirt follow suit. Your eyes followed his hands to his pants. On the one hand, you wished that he would hurry up and just drop his pants, on the other, you enjoyed the show he was putting on for you, when he slowly unbuckled his belt and pulled it out of the loops. But it seemed like he got impatient as well and made quick work of his pants so that he could drop them right along with his boxers.
When his cock sprang free, he sighed in relief. Your gaze dropped to his already leaking cock, your tongue darted out to wet your lips, before you looked back in his eyes.
The corners of Eddie’s lips twitched up, but he sat down on the edge of his bed, eyes never leaving you, curious to find out what you were planning on doing. When you dropped to your knees between his legs, he swallowed hard.
“Been thinking about this as well,” you said to him, not breaking eye contact when you wrapped your hand around his shaft, ran your thumb over his tip to smear the precum around it. You ran your tongue along his length, feeling his dick twitch when you reached his tip again. Eddie’s eyes nearly drifted shut, but he wanted to watch you, see what you were doing. When you wrapped your lips around his cock, swirled your tongue around the head, he let out a guttural groan and grabbed a fistful of your hair, not really tugging or hurting you, just kind of holding on.
“Fuck that’s so good,” he mumbled, opening his eyes again to look at you. Still keeping eye contact, you took him deeper, started to bob your head up and down.
“Fuck… fuck y/n… Been dreaming about this so long.” He started to guide your head a little, not adding pressure, just showing you what he liked, and you followed, but you surprised him when you took him even deeper. You gagged a little, but it was worth the reaction he gave, the sounds he made.
“Jesus Christ, you have to stop,” he panted, gently pushing you back a little so that you had to release him. Beads of sweat were covering his forehead, but the grin on his face was what you were concentrating on. Still, you weren’t sure why he’d stopped you.
“I don’t wanna come like that… not today. Some other time.” His words held the promise of more than just this one night, and it made your whole body tingle. You hadn’t really thought further than tonight, because right now, you both wanted each other, and whatever came after that… you didn’t know. But his words made you play back the words you’d exchanges, that he felt the same way that you did.
“Oh…” you managed with a chuckle, when he pulled you into his lap, pushing up your dress in the process. Eddie started kissing your neck down to your shoulder, while his hands got to work on the zipper of your dress so that he could finally take it off you. You helped, threw it aside to his clothes.
“Mhm… I bet you feel so good around my cock… when I fill you up.” When his lips reached your breast, he closed his lips around your left nipple, pulled it into his mouth, teased it with his tongue and teeth as well.
“Yes… please,” you managed between sighs and moans that he elicited from you, that only grew louder when he pushed his hand between your legs again, let his fingers run along your slit, which were immediately coated in your slick.
“Wet again already?” he teased, looked up at you when he kissed your sternum. You wanted to answer, but instead you moaned his name when he pressed his thumb against your clit.
“‘Cause of you,” you eventually managed, pushing your hips against his hand, seeking more friction, because he was driving you insane.
“Good to know.” Eddie tapped his fingers against your clit once again, before he pulled his hand back. He kissed you once more, before he lifted you off his lap and turned you so that you were on your knees in front of him. You braced yourself on your hands and looked back over your shoulder at him, growing impatient.
“Eddie….” you whined.
“Just a second,” he said as he reached for his bedside table and pulled a condom out of the drawer.
“Please… fuck me already!” That made him groan again and he nearly dropped the wrapper, but then he managed to open it up, roll the condom down his length.
You felt him come up behind you, his knee nudging your legs a little further apart. His hand was hot on your hips, nearly burning into your skin, while he took his dick in his other hand and ran the tip along your pussy, coating himself in your juices. He gave himself a few more quick strokes before he pushed the tip inside you. He stayed like this for a moment, but you were so impatient that you pushed your hips back against him.
“No, no, no,” Eddie admonished, breathing heavily as he grabbed your hips with both hands now, keeping you in place. “A little patience, sweet thing.”
“That’s really mean… Eddie please!” you practically begged. Your words were followed up by a gasp mixed with a moan when Eddie pushed all the way inside, burying himself to the hilt. Pleasure mixed with pain and your head hit the pillow for a moment. He gave you time to adjust, his hands smoothing over your back, up and down, before they settled on your hips again.
“Everything alright?” he asked, leaning down to press a kiss between your shoulderblades.
“Yeah,” you breathed out, raised your head again and looked at him over your shoulder “But I swear, if you don’t move any time soon-” Your words were cut off by your own moan, as Eddie pulled nearly all the way out and slammed back into you.
“You were saying?” Eddie had the audacity to chuckle, but that chuckle died down when you contracted your pelvic muscles around him.
“Two can play that game,” you managed, even though you didn’t want to play any games with him, and neither did Eddie.
“No more playing,” he said as he gave your ass a little slap, which resulted in another moan from you.
“Fuck, you feel incredible,” Eddie breathed out, hands fanned out over your hips as his own hips slammed into you again and again. Your hands were gripping the sheets beneath you. “So tight around me, y/n… Unbelievable.”
Eddie wrapped one arm around your middle, pulled you up against his chest while still buried deep inside you. His lips attacked your shoulder, your throat, while his right hand grabbed your right breast, thumb flicking over your mipple again and again. His hips moves against you in a more languid rhythm now, slowly rutting into you.
“Eddie…” Your whole body was tingling under his touch. Your hand came up to caress his cheek, the roughness from a moment ago seemingly gone and replaced with a more loving touch, bodies as close as possible. “Feels so good!” You liked the change from rougher and faster to slow and sensual, which represented the phrase making love more.
Eddie placed open mouthed kisses against our throat, sucked on your skin to leave a little mark there, before he moved on to your shoulder again. When he felt your legs tremble from keeping your body in this position, he pulled back and out of you.
“What are you…” you wanted to protest, wanted to pull him back, to make him fill you up again with his dick, but in one swift movement, he’d turned your around so that you were lying on your back in front of him.
“So goddamn pretty, y/n.” Eddie shook his head and leaned down. “Such a good girl for me.” His words were whispered against your lips, before he kissed you again. You pushed his sweat drenched hair back from his face, let your fingers roam his back, your fingernails digging into his shoulders when you felt him push inside you again. Your moan was swallowed by his mouth, because he kept on kissing you.
Eddie picked up his pace again, thrusting into you faster, harder, making your moans come out louder and louder, which was music to his ears.
“You gonna come for me again, sweet thing?” He raised his head again to look at you. “Wanna see you when you come. Wanna hear all these pretty sounds you make when you ride that high.” 
His words did things to you that you couldn’t even describe, but they went straight to your core. A loud fuck came over your lips, when you felt his fingers between your joined bodies, rubbing lazy circles over your clit, but he got faster, because he felt his own orgasm come closer.
“Eddie… I’m gonna come…” you breathed out, clutching onto his body, as you felt your orgasm wash over you in waves. His name along with some curse words tumbled from your lips as your walls contracted around him, and you saw stars behind your closed eyes.
“That’s it, come for me,” Eddie spurred you on, looking at your face to implement this image in his memory. Seeing you like this was so hot in his eyes, that he couldn’t hold back anymore. His movements became more erratic, hips stuttering and his thumb fell away from your clit, so that he could steady himself with both hands on the bed next to your head.
“Fuck… y/n… you feel so good.” He barely managed to speak these words, before he came inside you, hips bucking against yours as he spilled his seed into the condom, a few more moans along with your name coming over his lips.
Heavy breathing filled the room, as Eddie’s movements slowly stilled. He kept his weight on one arm to not put it on you completely, but he needed the other hand to brush your hair back from your face and look into your eyes.
“You alright?” he asked quietly, thumb brushing across your cheek so gently, that you could nearly cry. But instead you smiled, cradled his face in both your hands and pulled him in for a kiss.
“Better than ever.” You smiled against his lips, pecked them again, before you put your hands on his chest. When he pulled out of you, though, you whimpered because of the loss of connection to him, but also because you were so sensitive by now.
“Good… me too.” Eddie kissed a trail along your jaw, down your throat towards your shoulder, but then he pushed himself off the bed. He rolled off the condom, tied a knot into the material and threw it in the trash can.
He stepped up to his closet and pulled out a towel. With that in hand, he kneeled down next to you, took care of you and cleaned you up, before he did the same to his own body. Then he flopped down between your legs, dropped his head on your stomach. His chin was digging a little into you, but it wasn’t uncomfortable, quite the opposite.
“So, how were your first orgasms from a guy?” Eddie had to know, had to hear you say it.
“You need an ego boost that badly, huh?” You chuckled, ran your hands over his wet hair.
“Who doesn’t?” Eddie laughed, the sound reverberating through your whole body. He kissed your skin right next to your navel, fingertips grazing your sides leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“Better than I could have ever imagined, alright?” You laughed, but it was the truth. It was different with someone else, someone who actually took care of you. Someone like Eddie.
“I meant what I said.” He was suddenly serious, his thumbs rubbing circles into the skin just beneath your breasts, making you shiver involuntarily.
“So did I, Eddie. I like you.”
“And I like you. Glad we got that covered.” Eddie chuckled, but he’d needed to hear that, needed to know that this wasn’t just something for a night, but that there were more nights to come.
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Tag-list: @violetpenguinkris @tellhound @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @spideyanakin-interacts @bellamy-barnes @beepisbeep @snapefiction @hardysbitch @give-em-hellfire @sadbitchfangirl @ravenclawkimmi @lacrymosa-24
Let me know if you want to be tagged for the Promises-series, Eddie stuff in general or Steddie-fics 💚 
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Actions, Not Words // B. Wayne x f!reader
Requested? yes!
WARNINGS: swearing
Summary: It started with a simple question. It ended with a discussion. Could be read as a sequel to guy.exe 
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It started with a simple question.
“If you could choose anywhere in the world to visit, where would you go?” Your boyfriend’s oldest child spun around in the chair next to yours. You let out a noncommittal hum, barely processing his question in favor of focusing on the live camera footage broadcasting from the various vigilantes operating on the streets of Gotham right now.
“Is this the part where J’onn comes down, wipes my memories, and Bruce relocates me to the Bermuda Triangle?” You were doing three things at once and didn’t really have the headspace to think about anything other than overhearing the comms conversations between Oracle and the boots on the ground, scanning the streets for anything that the team would need, and sticking gold stars onto the geography tests your kids took yesterday.
“Bold of you to assume he wouldn’t send you to the Arctic Circle,” Dick commented dryly. He made grabby hands for the papers in front of you and you passed half of the stack over and a few sheets of stickers. Nightwing was currently benched thanks to a nasty break so Batgirl and Black Bat were patrolling Bludhaven for the night.
“I would just move into the Fortress of Solitude.”
“Honestly, I think B would hate that more than sending you away.” The both of you looked up at the screens as Red Robin and Red Hood engaged in a fight with a few low level mob enforcers. Shots echoed through the cave speakers and you winced, your fingers curling tightly around the edge of the desk as you watched the boys take down the men with an ease and efficiency that two teenagers shouldn’t possess.
“They’ll be fine,” Dick said. His voice was light, but he was betrayed by the tension in his wrist as he jabbed another sticker onto the test in front of him. Every single bat and bird hated being benched, but for Dick it was especially hard. He was the oldest and watching his little siblings getting shot at, smacked around, and having a litany of toxic chemicals thrown at them on the regular added to the mountain of stress on his shoulders.
The fight appeared to end and you couldn’t help yourself. You leaned forward towards the mic and pressed the “on” button.
“Reds, report.”
“Applebee’s and I are just fine. Tell N to stop being such a mother hen and get his escrima stick out of his ass.” Jason’s modulated voice was clear of any sign of pain and you relaxed.
“Aw, Jaybird, if you cared about my nerves then you wouldn’t get on them so fuc-” Dick started to say.
“Names,” Bruce interjected over the comms just as you called out a reminder of, “Language!”
“And no, Hood, N wasn’t the one worrying. Now, pay attention. Cave, over and out.”
You turned off the mic and leaned back into the chair with a sigh. You wished you had taken Alfred up on his offer to take over your monitor shift that night. There were two weeks left of the school year and you were exhausted. That, and the fact that Dick was injured right after Damian was removed from the injured reserve now that his broken wrist was fully healed.
You had been dating Bruce Wayne for a year and while you never regretted falling for Gotham’s resident vigilante and subsequently adopting his family, it was getting harder watching them come home with bruises and sprains and bloody cuts. You loved Bruce and you loved his kids, but you didn’t know how much longer you could just sit here and watch them get the shit beat out of them.
It was hard enough hearing disparaging comments about Bruce when you were out and about in the city, but hearing people complain about Batman when you knew for a fact that he had crawled into bed the night before with a stab wound in his shoulder made you wish you had Kryptonian powers so your glares left a lasting effect.
“Hey,” Dick said quietly. You refused to look at him, knowing that his damn puppy dog eyes would destroy the careful facade you had applied. If you were going to be part of a family that wore masks, then you needed to learn to wear your own.
“You better not be adding double stickers to those tests,” you warned. “You spoil those kids.”
You knew that the kind-hearted acrobat was considering his next words before he decided against what he was originally going to say.
“You never answered my question.”
Your temples were throbbing with an oncoming headache thanks to late nights, end-of-year student tantrums, and your annoyance with the Gotham criminal underworld. Leaning back in the chair, you grabbed the bottle of painkillers Tim kept by the coffee maker and downed two.
“I want to see the world’s largest teapot,” you deadpanned.
Four weeks and a six hour car ride later, you stared up at the supposed world’s largest teapot with a blank face. Bruce leaned against the car next to you, looking ever so comfortable in jeans and a maroon sweater. Outside of the suits, both business and vigilante, Bruce always looked more relaxed. Right now, however, he looked like a smug fucking bastard.
“I thought it would be bigger,” you admitted.
“Fourteen feet by fourteen feet in diameter,” he said. “Brought here in 1938. Originally a root beer sign.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose and thought about good things. Happy things. Alfred’s cooking. How comfy Bruce’s bed was at the manor. The way Cass smiled when you braided her hair. The fact that Damian chose to sit next to you during movie night, even if Dick shot him a betrayed look and pouted until Jason let him cling to his arm.
“We drove six hours to see this,” you stated calmly. He shrugged and turned his head so he could grin at you. It wasn’t that fake society smile you saw plenty of or the small smirks the kids elicited when they did something royally stupid. It was a genuine, crooked grin and you couldn’t stop the warmth that unfurled in your chest at the sight.
“Dick was pretty insistent that I take you here,” he replied. His blue eyes sparkled with just a hint of amusement and you narrowed your gaze in response.
“I knew I should have said the Maldives.”
Bruce let out a low chuckle, his arm snaking around your waist and pulling you into his side. You turned your focus back on the roadside attraction and pressed your cheek against his shoulder. He hummed and dropped a kiss to your hairline before rubbing his hand up and down your back.
“Do we need to start heading back soon so you can get ready for patrol?” you asked, checking his watch.
“I rented us a little cabin about thirty minutes outside Pittsburgh. We’ll drive back tomorrow. Dick is taking up the suit tonight. Just for tonight. Alfred and Barbara will both keep us updated through the night and I know they will make sure everyone gets home safe. I…I trust them.”
You raised your head to study his handsome face, one of your hands coming up to rest on his chest. He had that faraway look to him that signaled he was deep in thought and you knew where his head was at.
“They’ll be fine. You’ve been away on League missions longer than that,” you reminded him. He glanced down at you and nodded. His calloused knuckles brushed against your cheek.
“The kids saw that you were getting overwhelmed with things and I’m sorry I didn’t notice.”
“You’re focused. Dedicated. I know, Bruce. I wouldn’t date you if I didn’t understand.”
He pressed his forehead against yours and sighed. “You shouldn’t have to put up with me. You should be with someone who can give you the attention you deserve.”
“Pretty sure I’m the one who gets to decide that. I love you, Bruce. I love you and the kids and Alfred. I love the way your hair sticks up in the morning and how you still can barely tie a tie. I love how compassionate you are, both in your day job and night job. I love how much you care. And most of all, I love how you love. Not with words, but in actions. I mean, what other guy is going to take me to see the world’s largest teapot?”
That made a smile break his stoic facade and you grinned. He bent down and kissed you, slow and sweet and every bit tender. His lips were soft and pliant and you could taste your own strawberry chapstick on him. Thieving bastard, you thought with no malice behind it.
When you broke apart, breathless and grinning like foolish lovesick teenagers, you brushed your nose against his and chased after his lips. He kissed you again, his steady form pressing you against the car. One of his thighs slid between your legs and you moaned against his touch.
“How far away is this cabin? Because I am not desecrating the grounds of the world's largest teapot,” you panted as he bit and sucked a hickey on your collarbone. Bruce pulled away in an instant and rounded around the car and headed towards the driver’s seat.
By the time you returned to the manor with sore hips and more than a few hickeys all over your body, you knew that you were right. Bruce was a man of action not words, and he loved you.
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bicycle4two · 1 year
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christmas oneshot starring  jason and his little mouse from built to love, but broken now
find more ficlets of this couple here
I saw Jason kissing...
Honestly, Jason didn’t mean to forget Christmas.
To be fair, it’s Christmas Eve so he didn’t actually forget Christmas itself, but still,  it’s cutting it close and, well,  it’s a holiday that’s kind of hard to miss with all the red and green décor. Frankly, he hasn’t had much to do with the holiday the past two years, never really had anyone to celebrate it with, to buy gifts for, so it was more out of habit that he paid no mind to the lights, the music, all the peppermint flavored food advertised on café and restaurant windows.
It’s in pretty poor practice that he doesn’t notice such obvious signs, he’s a detective, he’s supposed to see these things, observe, but he’s been busy. There were finals to study for, drug deals to bust, bad guys to rough up and throw in jail, sometimes even the hospital first. Jason’s got better things to do than stuff some stockings or prepare chocolate chip cookies and milk to leave out for Santa Claus.
The jolly old saint wouldn’t be able to get them anyway, what with Jason’s new security system set up.
So, really, it was only when Jason stopped a robbery by criminals dressed in red with sacks thrown over their shoulders that he finally got the hint. The red hats with white cotton balls glued to the ends of their point helped, too.
“Pretty sure Santa’s supposed to be leaving the gifts, not taking them.” He says as his only warning, just so he could see the look on their faces when they realize who’s caught them, before he shoots, careful to not kill anyone, but definitely aimed to scare, to immobilize.
It’s an easy fight. The Santa-wannabes go down easily, so easily that Jason’s a little disappointed.
But it’s Christmas Eve, so maybe it’s a sign that he should head back home, spend the holiday with someone he actually cares about.
It’s just that he doesn’t really have a gift to give, nothing to put under the small tree—now he realizes that it’s a Christmas tree—she had set up on the table next to their sofa and all the shops are closed early so that employees clock out and be with their families. Maybe he could make something, but no, that’s a bad idea. It all circles back to everything being closed and not having enough time.
He really should have been paying more attention. He’s pretty sure the grocery he was at the other day was blaring Jingle Bells, maybe even that song about the reindeer with the nose, while he looked for ingredients for spaghetti and meatballs.
wer r u?
come home soon?
The words, like always, tickle when they appear on his skin, like a gentle caress trying to get his attention. Jason stares at the words on his skin, the way her penmanship looks so soft and dainty against the harsh scars and thinks that he’ll just make it up to her when he gets home. He’ll cook dinner tonight, he’s sure he can whip up something Christmas-y and if he can’t, well, cookies are always an option. It’s the first thing Alfred taught him to make and the years of anger and hurt could not wash away those memories.
“There you are!” She greets once he’s inside the door.
There’s Christmas music playing softly in the background and Jason notes that their apartment is dimly lit, a sort of orange makes their living room seem warm, cozy, in theme. She’s set the mood. But he needs to get out of his boots first so he doesn’t track any dirt or grime onto their nice clean floors. It takes a second, it’s needlessly complicated but he needs the support so he can’t really complain.
“I’m back, mouse. Sorry I’m late,” he says, voice distracted as he works on the other boot. His gaze is lowered, focused on the clasps and the laces, but once he’s free from it, he straightens up, which, hurts, but at least he’s home and she’s always been good at alleviating his pain.
The first thing he sees are her white, thigh high socks. No, that’s not right. They’re not completely white, no, each leg has a red bow tied around her thigh, squeezing the flesh in such a way that Jason’s first thought is that he wants to bite it.
Which is shocking, he normally tries to push those kinds of thoughts away, but his eyes continue their journey anyway, taking in the shortness of her red dress, the way the white lining barely covers what Jason has yet to be privy to. There’s a thick black belt around her waist, cinching it, revealing curves that she doesn’t normally show off. Then there’s that white lining again teasing him, taunting him, daring him to keep his gaze on her chest, on the exposed skin.
And Jason, Jason is only human so he lingers for a second longer than he normally would.
He wonders what else he’ll find her wearing, wonders if she’s wearing a Santa hat, too. He thinks that red is definitely her color and Jason’s pretty sure he’ll never look at a gold belt buckle the same way again. So, he’s excited to take in what she looks like above her tantalizing costume, see what she’s done with her make up, her hair, but what he sees once he moves on from the slope of her shoulders, her neck, makes him to burst out into laughter.
“Mouse. Seriously?”
“What?” She says in the most innocent tone she can muster and he’s pretty sure she’s grinning behind the white beard she has on. “You don’t like?”
“I just didn’t expect—is that glued on?”
She strokes her beard in a thoughtful manner and Jason finds himself laughing all over again.
“I think it completes the look.”
“You’re looking very festive, yes. Have you been wearing that the whole night?”
“Nah. I threw this on just for you.” She approaches him now, hips swaying, and the image is very confusing with the beard. She’s slow to wrap her arms around him, always giving him a chance to stop her if he wanted to, but Jason’s used to her touch, craves it, so he welcomes her embrace. Even if the beard is a little itchy. “So tell me, have you been a good boy this year?”
“Oh, most definitely not.” He tugs on her beard, sees that its simply looped around her ears.
“Darn. Guess that means no present for you.” Her shoulders sag and she even manages to look a little disappointed.
“I’m sure you can make an exemption?” His hands seem to have a mind of their own, they’re enjoying the velvety texture of her dress, rubbing up and down, daring to even go lower.
“No can do. I’m a stickler for the rules.” But still she manages to step even closer, craning her neck to look at him and Jason has to tilt his chin down so he can keep her gaze. His hands take this as their chance to make a move and oh, would you look at that, she doesn’t seem to mind. “But, I am a sucker for tradition.”
It says a lot about their relationship, how in tune they are, that Jason can practically read her mind, can tell that she wants him to look up with just a pump of her eyebrows, a flutter of her lashes. And when Jason tears his eyes away from her to see what she has hung on the ceiling, he grins.
“So, what do you say?” Her voice brings his attention back to her and Jason, Jason has never been more in love with her. “Feeling the Christmas spirit?”
“Lose the beard, mouse.”
And she tears it off quickly if not a little violently, snapping the elastic off and tossing the beard over her shoulder. Jason feels the sting behind his own ears, but he finds that he doesn’t particularly care right now because there’s his girl, his pretty little mouse, all decked out in his color.
“Merry Christmas, Jason,” she whispers, eyes closing as their faces draw closer together.
Their kiss is sweet, she’s definitely had some hot chocolate while waiting for him, and Jason can’t help himself, he deepens the kiss in a way that makes her let out a surprised squeak before she melts into his embrace.
And Jason, Jason thinks he’s never going to forget Christmas now.
happy holidays to you all!
didn't think i'd be writing a christmas special(?) but i've been home the whole day and well, why not? i hope you enjoy this piece ☺
thanks so much for all the love and support you give these two, too!
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night-wilf · 2 years
This is awkward
Short version:
Tim has a crush on a new classmate (aka Danny) and eventually works up the courage to confess. Hallelujah the feeling is mutual! After a few months the families want to meet and Bruce agrees to wine and dine them at his expense (Tim promised to make him cakes in return). He also wants to meet his son’s boyfriend’s family, having not met the family of Jason’s girlfriend yet.
Dinner comes with Jazz still a few inches taller than Bruce with her younger brother and twin. Behind her being the living tank and equally as tall ‘twin’ brother. Turns out he’s Bruce’s long lost brother who was stolen a few months after being born.
Long version:
A new face in Gotham was a surprise, however Tim isn’t complaining as he does look rather cute. Maybe they can be friends? Yes in spades! With the crush growing the more he gets to know Daniel over weeks of helping him catch up with class work. After a few months, he confesses during study and is over the moon to know that Danny feels the same towards him. Not caring for his family name and Tim as an individual. It feels natural and not forced like his relationship with Sam previously, she’s drifted from him as the years went on and always make sure to at least send a card for significant occasions.
Jason knows that love struck smile very well and takes great delight in embarrassing Tim until he tells him the whole story to make him stop. Having had the smile when he first met Jazz on patrol one night and Dick had the same talk with him. Also helps she’s taller than Bruce so she’s hard to miss most of the time with a fantastic personality to match.
He also helps Tim get out patrol to go to a date and not worry about the time he has to leave. It ended when Danny’s ride showed up on time.
Face hidden by the helmet like the times he picked up Danny from school. Tim guesses he’s the father of his potential partner and just hopes he can make a good first impression. The usual brotherly advice has already been thrown at him so he’s okay for most of the date with his slip ups being taken in good stride by Danny.
A first date spirals into working on projects together and going out the odd weekend for a date. Jason already does this with Jazz so Bruce knows what’s happening and doesn’t care. He’s never have much of a personal life to enjoy at times so his sons enjoying their own are something he doesn’t like to interrupt. Though he would like to meet Danny’s family…
Danny somehow manages to convince his reserved, rather anti-social older brother to take them to a fancy dinner. He doesn’t enjoy going out much thanks to how he was treated by their parents (a ‘trial run’ as he’s not really their son). However therapy is doing something to dig him out the closed off hole he’s buried himself in for the last 20 years. Trying to make up for the rage fuelled violence he’s done towards them in the past and redeem himself for all the jail time he took to return home and get everyone out to a different city with what money he’s saved. May be in the law as a broken man, there is still a heart underneath the protection he has built up to prevent any more pain to his family.
With Bruce paying for everything, who is already dreading the fact Jazz is one of the few people he has to look up to meet gazes with. Dan agrees after promises of doing all homework without complaint and drives them all in the well-designed armoured car he has built from scratch while there. It looks like a normal mid-range car so when he pulls into a parking space next to the Wayne’s there is no odd looks.
Tim and Danny embrace with bright smiles as does Jazz and Jason, well more Jason holds on for his life as she swings him around in her happiness. There must be a super strength gene in the family because Danny is just as strong as Jazz, in fact probably stronger. How? Who knows. Bruce thinks they are all minor metas existing in a normal life.
Felt like he was holding the hand of superman when he tried to do his normal intimidation tactic and almost got a broken hand instead.
Danny excitedly introduces his twin sister and his older brother: the living, breathing human tank unfolding him out the car and just as tall as his twin sister. Icy blue eyes scanning the billionaire and his kids, long black hair in a tight bun so it is going nowhere that evening. Seemingly disgruntled and annoyed at meeting them all, rather reading at home that coming to a restaurant. His glare on Bruce more than the others knowing how much political power he has in Gotham. Does not help a billionaire was instrumental in aiding his travel to Amity park when only a few months old.
He lets up a little after a jab in the ribs from his sister and just stays silent as they walk towards the entrance for a table. The poor employee going pale as they approach, mostly at Dan thanks to his height and overall size. Guy looks like he could make superman make a run for his money in a fight, which is saying something!
With that… good start? Dan does warm up after some conversation, he’s a nice person under the cold façade with some prodding from his siblings. Though he’s very cautious as their parents appear nice when they are in fact absolute maniacs who died from their own twisted experiments in the basement. No detail is given so the Wayne family guess it was very traumatising to all of them.
Additionally, Bruce can’t help but find Dan is like himself in many ways. Sure his siblings all have black hair and blue eyes like the adopted sons. However, Dan has the same build and facial shape as him, changed a little by the scars he has. That’s when Dan shares the fact he’s actually Bruce’s younger brother who was stolen by smugglers a few months after being born. Birth name Matthew Wayne and adopted name Dan Fenton. This floors everyone in the bat family as they process this and Dan just has a sh*t eating grin knowing they are having an existential crisis.
Don’t worry, Danny, Dani/Ellie and Jazz are still biological children of Jack and Maddie.
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madnessformunson · 2 years
Double Daddy Part 5
Warnings: pregnancy, mean girls, a little angsty, mentions of food, mentions of pain
Note: I wasn’t going to post this yet but I just can’t wait. My account it being super weird and I’m unable to reply to any comments 🥺
Part 6
You had stuck the book Joyce gave you into your backpack so you could look through it during your free period. During your first class you pulled your notebook out of your book bag making the “What to Expect When You're Expecting” book fall out. Jason Carver glanced down and saw it, “whoa I think you dropped your book about pregnant ladies”
“Can it Carver” you yelled at him. Causing him to put his hands up in defense.
Later at lunch Eddie and the rest of the party sat at their usual lunch table. El and Will distanced themselves from Eddie after finding out he was the baby’s father but you knew how much Will enjoyed Hellfire. You told him to go ahead and keep playing, that it wouldn’t bother you. Chrissy was sitting practically on Eddie’s lap as she pushed around her meal on her tray. Gareth told a slightly crude joke making the whole party break out into a laugh while Chrissy sat making a face. “I don’t see how that’s funny at all” she snapped. Jeff rolled his eyes. Gareth replied, “I wish y/n still sat with us, she always thought our jokes were funny.” Eddie stiffened up and Chrissy let out an annoyed groan. “How is y/n doing anyway?” Jeff asked Will and El.
El shrugged, “good I guess. She complains a lot about how her pants don’t fit and she acts really strange all the time” Will continued, “yeah I know last night I saw her dip her banana in ranch dressing” as he made a disgusted face. “Ew that’s actually really gross” Chrissy said with a huff. She got off Eddie’s lap and started pulling him up to leave. Eddie looked over at the table you sat at with Robin, you were laughing as you dipped your banana in the ranch and Robin gagged. You looked to be really enjoying it.
It was Friday night and you were laying in bed as usual. You never went anywhere besides school and work anymore. You heard a knock on your door and perked up. It was Steve. “Hey y/n/n, whatcha up too?” He said as he entered and sat on the end of your bed.
“Clearly I’m extremely busy” you said moving your arms around and you both chuckled.
“So I was thinking, what if me and you go out tomorrow night? Maybe to Starcourt and the diner? You’ve been cooped up in this room for far too long”
“I don’t think my dad would let me Steve”
“Already checked! He said it was fine as long as with bring Will and El”
“Will and El being our babysitters? I don’t think so” you scoffed throwing your head back down on the pillow
“Come on, it will still be fun! Pretty please!” Steve said with big puppy dog eyes that were hard to say no to.
“Ok fine” you whispered.
“Perfect, I'll be here tomorrow at 4 to pick you up!”
As soon as he left you called Nancy and Robin asking them to come over tomorrow to help you get ready.
Saturday afternoon came and the girls sat on the bed as clothes covered your bedroom floor.
“I’m getting so fat, ugh none of this looks right” you said as you threw what felt like the 100th outfit you tried on to the floor.
Robin replied with, “you do know you’re pregnant right?” And nancy leaned over and hit her shoulder
“Ow sorry” Robin muttered.
“You are not fat at all y/n” Nancy said as she came up to stand next to you in the mirror Robin followed behind her.
“She’s right, you look amazing! I wish I looked like you right now” Robin replied.
“Says the two people that can still fit in their jeans” you mumble.
You finally settled on an outfit and Steve came to pick you, Will and El up.
Will and El ditched you as soon as you got to Starcourt leaving Steve and you to wonder about. You enjoyed spending time with Steve, he was funny and caring. After some time you found Will and El and made your way to the diner. You sat at your own table, facing Steve as you looked over the menu.
“I’m starving” you muttered as you flipped through the menu.
“Says the girl who had a slurpee, pretzel bites and an ice cream sundae at the mall” Steve laughed, making you turn red in embarrassment. Steve noticed and quietly said, “but you are eating for two so gotta make sure my girl is fed” which made you feel better.
“I really just want a chocolate shake with some fries” you finally said.
“Then that’s what you and baby are gonna get!” Steve said as he turned to get the waitress so he could order it.
A few booths down Eddie sat with Chrissy.
“So Chris I was reading a pregnancy book and noticed you don’t have any of the common first trimester symptoms? I’ve never seen you have morning sickness or anything” Eddie questioned her.
“Not everyone gets those symptoms Eds, I think I’m just lucky!”
“Yeah I guess that’s possible…maybe we should get you to a doctor so we know everything is alright”
“I called to make an appointment but there was a waitlist, I’ll call again this week I promise. Everything is good here” Chrissy said, forcing out a smile. She knew she was going to have to step her game up. Eddie was starting to get suspicious.
As the weeks went by you started to show more and the pregnancy symptoms got more intense.
Joyce made you a doctor's appointment where they gave you a due date and confirmed you and the baby were healthy.
As you were ending your 1st trimester you started to feel better, occasionally still experiencing morning sickness but the doctor told you that was normal.
Steve and you got super close. You hung out all the time, he tried to get you out of the house more but you often just settle for some scary movies and popcorn at home. Your dad even allowed him to take you to and from school (with Will and El supervising of course).
Steve pulled up to your house to take you to school. He knew the second he saw you that you weren’t feeling good. He got really good at reading your expressions.
You huffed are you threw yourself and your bag in the front seat.
“Not feeling well today?” Steve questioned as he rubbed your thigh.
You shook your head.
“What’s going on? Do you have a headache or just nauseous again?”
Before you could answer he said, “oh no are you getting those round ligament pains already?”
“No” you chuckle, “just feeling nauseous from the smell of my dad cooking bacon. How the heck do you know what round ligament pain is?”
“Oh I’ve been reading a pregnancy book. I’m not a girl thankfully so I have no idea what you are going through but I like to have somewhat of an idea so I can help” he said with a small smile.
“That’s really sweet Steve”
“Yay Steve that’s so sweet of you” Will mocked in the back sit with El. You turn around and punch him in the shoulder.
“Ow” Will said as he rubbed his arm.
“I made you some ginger tea y/n, I read it’s supposed to help” he said as he passed you the travel mug. “Oh and there are some crackers in the glove box, just in case”
You smiled and thanked him.
When you got to school you noticed Chrissy’s belly was still pretty flat. You weren’t huge yet by any means, and to the average person wouldn’t even guess you were pregnant. You just looked bloated.
After one of your classes you went to the restroom. Afterwards as you made your way to wash your hands you saw Chrissy at the sink fixing her lip gloss.
“You are getting fat” she said not looking away from herself in the mirror.
“Yeah weird huh. I guess you aren’t far behind me” you said with a wink as you dried your hands to leave.
The next day you had another doctor's appointment so you were late to class. You rush into Mrs Clicks class with your books in hand.
“Sorry I’m late Mrs Click here is my doctor's note” you handed it off to her. As she inspected it you noticed Eddie staring at you. You didn’t notice that your book pulled your top up a bit, slightly exposing the side of your belly. You quickly adjusted yourself and when Mrs Click accepted your note you headed to your seat.
Later that night you were home alone. Steve had to work and your dad took Joyce out for a date night. El and Will went to Mike's house so you decided to nap. That’s until the phone started ringing.
“Hello?” You picked it up slightly out of breath.
“Uh y/n? It’s me, Eddie”
Your heart dropped.
It was silent on the line for a few moments.
“Hello, are you there?” Eddie said.
“Yeah, I’m here. What do you need” you said, trying to control your tone.
“Just wanted to see how you were doing”
“So all of the sudden you care about me? After what 12ish weeks?” You scoffed.
“I never stopped caring y/n/n I promise. I just, I just got confused. Chrissy got in my head.” He sounded so small on the phone.
“Oh so you believed a girl you just met instead of me, your best friend for literally years” now you were getting pissed.
“I’m sorry”
“I don’t want your ‘sorry’ I don’t care what happened or what Chrissy said. You abandoned me when I needed you most. You made me feel…used. I don’t care what you have to say Eddie, the damage has been done”
“If you’d just let me expl-“ you cut him off, “I don’t care to hear it, Eddie seriously! I’m done with your shit. You left me to deal with the aftermath of something we both did alone. I can never forgive you for what you have done.” You started to sniffle but stopped yourself. You didn’t want him to hear you cry.
“Ok I’m-“ he started to talk again but you felt a stabbing pain in your abdomen.
“Ow!” You let out, not meaning to but you couldn’t control it.
“Are you ok?” He sounded really worried.
“Yeah I just- ow ow ow!” Tears started forming in your eyes, the pain was so intense. You dropped the phone.
“Y/n? Hello y/n!” Eddie called out but you were doubled over in pain.
“I’m coming y/n just wait right there!” Eddie yelled as he hung up the phone and ran as fast as he could to his van.
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wrencatte · 1 year
was trying to give Jason another cat, but I ended up getting side-tracked by a headcanon I have about one of his Joker inflicted injuries, how it didn't heal properly, and the subsequent chronic pain that comes with it....
Jason wakes up to a paw on his face. It’s not the first time and it certainly won’t be the last, but it’s ridiculous every time. He presses his lips closed as he opens his eyes. Turtle stares back, eyes wide in the darkness, nose inches from his – close enough he can feel her whiskers. Her paw moves from his mouth to his nose in a little boop then back to his mouth. The amount of times she’s stuck the paw in his mouth has made him very quickly train himself to keep it closed during the waking hours. He grins and she lets out a little mrrp!, purring heavily on his chest.
Then her feeder clicks on and she’s gone in a blink, scrambling off the bed and bulldozing her way to the bowl. Jason sits up slowly, feeling the reemergence of every hit from patrol last night. His dreams were okay – better than okay. He doesn’t remember anything at all. But waking up is still a chore, muscles aching, nerves lighting up. His feet settle on the ground, and he hooks his hands over the back of his head, elbows on his thighs, and does his best to massage the pain away before it blooms into something that’s gonna knock him flat.
It could be worse, he reminds himself. It could be so much worse.
Jason brings his hands around, presses his thumbs to the hinge of his jaw on either side. One side is fine. Normal. The other one screams in protest at the pressure and he can’t stop the pathetic little whimper from escaping between his teeth. What hadn’t hurt (yet, his mind supplies him) now brings tears to his eyes, a sweat breaking out all over his body.
Oh. So it’s gonna be one of those days. Fuck.
The Joker broke his jaw. Shattered it really. It hurt so much to scream that eventually couldn’t. Couldn’t breathe around the blood in his throat. He remembers Bruce lifting him up, cradling him so gently, just before the end, and he couldn’t even get out Dad around the mangled bone.
Of course, as his luck would have it, the Pit didn’t heal everything. It couldn’t heal everything. Either it was too much damage, or it was too old, or a combination of both plus whatever resurrected him in the first place – it just. It couldn’t keep up.
Which means that his jaw likes to lock up occasionally. Another little check box on the endless list of shit that’s wrong with him. Makes it hard to talk, makes it hard to fucking eat – a great thing for a guy with all the food issues he has. Chronic food insecurity will do that to a person.
He cups the side of his face where it throbs, breathing through his nose as steadily as possible, willing himself to not burst into tears. It’s not the first time this has happened. It’s just – the first time it’s happened since he’s come back to Gotham. Since the weird orbiting the family has done has settled into being in the same space instead.
Jason doesn’t know how long he sits there, wondering how he’s going to function. His vision is blurry. His head hurts. His face is agony.
Fur brushes his leg. He blinks and looks down to see Turtle curling around his ankles the best she can at this angle. She pats his toes, rubs her face on his exposed ankle, purring up a storm. He’s never had a cat before and Alfred never purred this much, but he’s not complaining. Her purrs have become literally one of the most comforting things in his life and he wouldn’t give it up for anything.
He scoops her up and cuddles her to his chest. She’s tiny compared to him, but she’s not scared. She’s never been scared even as a small kitten in that rainy alleyway. Turtle presses her nose to the underside of his chin and kneads his arm.
Jason swallows thickly around the nausea building up, his stomach churning. He’s too hot and too cold at the same time. He can’t afford to puke with his jaw like this. He squeezes his eyes shut and presses them to Turtle’s fur, breathing slowly. This is fine. He’s fine. Everything’s fine.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Disabled reader x jason angst?
You were used to feeling invisible. You and your cane and your dog against the world. For a long time, you'd even prefer it that way. It felt better. Safer.
No expectations. No disappointments.
And then Jason noticed.
It was impossible to hide from him. He was there. At every turn. Seeing things most people over looked. He wanted to protect you. Aware of you, hearing the things that you didn't say. He made you believe you deserved the things you'd quietly put away. As secret little longings, pulled out to torment yourself on the nights you were in too much pain to sleep.
With Jason you were never invisible. Until now.
From the minute you'd arrived at the Gala, he'd hardly had time to look at you. Pulled in different directions. People demanding his attention. Pretty women; women who didn't have to wear flats with custom orthotics and lean on canes, were flirting with him.
And you were relegated to the background.
No one noticed you- Or Cola, being the best boy. As you did your best impersonation of a potted plant, watching another woman hang on him, you felt stupid. "Time to go home, Cola?" you murmur, reaching down to pat his head.
A pathetic little tail switch and a whine made you smile a little and you let Cola lead you towards a door. It didn't, evidently, matter if you were there or not. So why be there?
It felt like Prom. And a dozen other parties and dances and Galas before. And all you wanted to do was cry. You hadn't even wanted to go. You'd wanted to stay home and get work done. But Jason insisted. If he had to go he wanted to go with you.
Alfred looked up from the letter he was writing and frowned. No one was supposed to be home for hours- but when he heard the telltale clicking of claws on the floor and the clack of a cane- and no accompanying heavier steps, his frown deepened.
"Everything alright, my dear?" he asked, standing, ready to offer assisstance.
"Fine, Alfred," you murmur, not looking at him. "I was just-"
"You've been crying," he said sternly, folding his arms.
"Just a headache," you sigh, wiping your nose on the sleeve of your coat before bending slightly to unclip the dog's leash. "I didn't want anyone to worry."
He made a soft disbelieving noise, but didn't press. He'd seen a headache make you cry. But this reeks of something far less medical in nature. "Master Jason didn't see you home?"
"He was busy," you answer shrugging, "It's aright-"
"It certainly is not," Alfred said, making a note to have words with him about it. While you were perfectly capable of getting around, he'd feel better knowing you had more than your faithful hound to protect you.
"Please," you sigh, "I just want to go to bed."
Alfred nodded, frowning. And watched as Cola trailed after you, keeping close to your side. His back against your hip.
The slap caught him off guard when he walked through the door. To be perfectly honest, it caught them all off guard.
Silencing the chatter and complaining as they all walked through the door.
"Alfred what the-"
"I'm doing it because Miss Y/N is too upset to do it herself," he said sternly.
"She had a headache!" he protested.
"If you really believe that you're an idiot," Alfred scolded. "It's not like it isn't all over social media."
Bruce folded his arms, watching several pieces fall into place and suppressed and sigh with effort. He'd watched you leave. Slinking out like you usually did, as soon as everyone was distracted. Looking hurt. Looking tired. And like it usually did, it made his chest hurt. But this time it made him angry.
"Fuck." Jason groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Is she still awake?"
Alfred shrugged elegantly, "If she is, she declined to answer the door when I went to inquire if she wanted anything from the kitchen. And as is his custom, Cola kept his own council."
Jason nodded slowly and took off his jacket, rubbing the side of his face as he walked down the hall. He was genuinely surprised Alfred hadn't punched him. He would have punched him.
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sunflowersandink · 1 year
Hi! Just read For All the Just Alike Birds. I was wondering if i could ask you about an excerpt from your fic?
“When I left him, he was on the phone with one of his lawyers about you, Timbo,” he says seriously.
Tim lets his forehead sink down onto his knees. “Fuck,” he mumbles.
“Okay, look, you don’t gotta be grateful that some grown-up is finally doing the right thing, but you can be a little grateful,” Jason huffs, his tone not as biting as it probably would have been a week ago.
“I’m not ungrateful, I’m just - ” he lets out an exhausted groan. “This isn’t how my morning was supposed to go.”
“Yep, a billionaire superhero is chomping at the bit to adopt you, your life is a series of horrors,” Jason drawls in response.
Tim doesn’t think he’s imagining the hint of bitterness in his voice.
I feel like Jason has been so wishy-washy with the way he's been with tim during this conversation... He recognizes that tim was allowed his outburst in the batcave, strongly empathetic and even listing the ways in which he thinks bruce fucked up. But then he's now on about and mad at how tim could be a little more grateful to bruce now that he might be adopted.
And like, WE KNOW why Tim was immediately morose, scared, and frustrated. because abuse victims sometimes grow into this habit of not wanting to make a big deal out of their pain. It scares a lot of abuse victims when their abuse comes to light and how it signals an upheaval. And tim has come to this behavior because 1) no one has noticed for the longest time, 2) he's grown up to rationalize a lot of the abuse, and 3) his father makes him guilty.
But the thing is. The readers aren't the only ones seeing where the cards lie. Jason coming clean to tim about the similarities of their experiences with abusive parents tells us that he has so much more context than any other normal person would have. He even spots and calls out tim's exact behaviors.
Which makes it even more confusing when he's deliberately ignoring now why tim isn't jumping with joy and singing hallelujah when he's already caught on to tim doing similar and interconnected things due to trauma. Bruce is making a big fuss over Tim's lifetime experience with parental abuse. It IS scary.
Him sharing in great detail how his father had been abusive too, to tell him he gets it and then looking at tim- saying he could be a little grateful to bruce and then doubling down on tim by implying that tim has nothing to complain about, is just. So confusing.
It was clear Tim's reaction was never about him being ungrateful and wanting to complain or treating it as one big nuisance. Things get tricky when jason, knowing the most about how abuse works and having already seen and known about Tim's trauma responses, chooses to suddenly "not see and not know" for his own convenience.
Why spend all that time talking about abuse and making a whole moral stand for it, then go bitterly invalidate an abuse victim when they inevitably act like an abuse victim?
That their conversation about abuse ended on that note leaves me asking: what was the point if he was going to be like that anyway?
dear reader I don’t know how to tell you this but the serial killer who beat up a teenager and dropped him in a dumpster prior to the events of this story did not graduate therapy with straight A’s. That’s why he’s like this hope that helps <333
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
Also its okay that the DP x JL x MLB isn't your cup of tea, so whenever I ask about what I'll call the Halfa-Siblings au ( heh ) it'll just be in the JL x DP world.
With that out of the way, I was reading reading family reunions but at the worst time au, and I wondered about how that must had went down in the Dark Dan timeline 😬.
Because despite being willing to kill his own family and friends again to ensure his existence, I'm sure when Dan found out that his bio dad was Bruce Wayne, he was stunned because to him, Jack is his dad, full stop. And Maddie isn't the type to cheat, how how did this happen?
Also, if he found out as a late teen, then he might jump to the wrong conclusions and because of bad experiences with Vlad, thinks that Bruce could have taken advantage of Maddie, since he is a powerful rich man and then gave his family hush money, and if they complained, who will believe them?
*The part that got Vlad's intelligence thought that maybe he could be a baby from an open relationship but that thought never took root because despite being evil, there are things not even Supervillians want to think about what goes on in their parents bedroom, thank you very much*
And the JL would have tried to stop Dan at one point since he's causing so much damage and getting more powerful, so a fight had to happen( and they probably either lost horribly or even died, ) Dan finds out about Bruce being Batman because that tech is expensive and he'll need money and connected the dots, and blows up at him, revealing that he is his long lost son that he never even cared about and how he treated his mother like a used toy.
If Dan did kill Bruce with the League, the Batfam, including Damian would tried to get revenge. Dan sees they he has a younger half-brother and goes ballistic and yeah I don't see that ending well for them either.
Maybe Damian did get away and he was leading some resistance out there, and he and Dan despite knowing their blood bond, hate each others guts.
What do you think went down during that Father-Son confrontation? And what did the Dark Dan timeline Bruce think about Dan, and then finding out that's his son?
—I made a short bit of how i would write that interaction cuz I couldn’t help myself cuz I LOVE angst at the best of times!—
Dan held the man by the throat and glared up at him, teeth bared, “what do you have to say for yourself?” Bruce—even while being held like this—looked down at Dan with sad eyes. He was confused and in pain and this young man who was going to kill him was another son he knew nothing about. “I asked you a question, old man!” Dan growled, tightening his grip ever so slightly.
Bruce gargled before finding his voice, “I’m. Sorry.” He says softly, “I didn’t know about you. If I did I would have done everything in my power to have met you…” Bruce’s vision began to blur, “I failed you, son….”
Dan stares up at Bruce, eyes wide and full of dangerous human emotions. But it didn’t last long, Dan throws Bruce onto the ground and puts his foot on his head. Dan looks up at Bruce’s family and smiles wickedly before putting pressure on the man’s skull and crushing it beneath his foot. The screams of anguish that came from his so-called siblings was music to his ears.
How dare they live here and be happy while I had to suffer, how dare they call him a monster when the world made him this way! Dan stalked forward like a wild animal walking up to its corner mes prey. “Now what to do with you brats?” He asked, looking at all of them bound by his ecto energy.
Unknown to Dan however, Jason managed to free himself and was working on freeing Damien. But in typically Damien fashion, the kid jumps up and tries to attack Dan. Dan sidesteps the kid and smirks when he hears the other bat kids gasp and shout for Damien to just run away. Dan picks the kid up by the scruff of his robin suit and growls when he can’t see the kid's eyes. He rips off the kids domino mask, expecting fear. But he froze when he saw looking up at him with big green emerald eyes so much hatred. even with tears falling like waterfalls Damien glared at him. Frozen in that moment, Dan could only look at this kid. So similar to him—his human half— lost so much in a single day and it was only going to get worse from here on out.
Jason took the opportunity to rush forward and deck Dan in the face, causing him to drop Damien. In one fluid motion Jason houists Damien onto his shoulder and runs out of there. The whole time Damien cursed and demanded to go back, calling Jason a coward and screaming at how he was going to kill Dan. Dan smiled and watched them go, Dan had made a decision and he was excited to see how this would play out. But for now he turned to look at the remainder of the bat clan and smiled a fanged grin before he began ripping into them like a wild animal.
This whole scenario gives me JLD: Apokolips War vibes! If you haven’t seen it I recommend it! Its about the JL fighting Darkside and losing and the whole movie takes place after a two year timeskip where Constantine and the remaining JL band together to fight Darkside.
But if you dont like gore dont watch it! Its SUPER dark and there are many on screen deaths, such as: Nightwing getting impaled protecting Damien, Koriand’r getting ripped in half and so on!
(It also has Dami throwing Dick into the Lazarus Pit and it not working like it did for Jason and Dick comes back wrong and insane!)
Anyway, moving on!
Damien resents Jason and will call him a coward for the rest of his life.
Jason couldn’t care less, he was just glad he was able to save one of his siblings.
Damien will try and run off on his own but Jason isn’t far behind.
After the fall of humanity they are left in the wreckage until they find Amity Park the last city still standing, protected by a tall shield that northern Jason or Damien could get through.(because of the Lazarus pit)
Valerie and Damien bond over losing people they care about (he doesn’t tell her that mother he nor his brother can’t go through the shield after she explained that Dan couldn’t get in because he was a ghost)
Damien and Jason decide that they will go around the world to see if they can find any survivors and bring them back to Amity Park.
Jason becomes a better big brother and takes care of Damien (similar to how Jazz took care of Danny)
They meet Vlad who almost has a heart attack cuz Damien and Danny look so similar.
Dan appears and asks how his toys are doing (because he is creepy like that!)
Damien tries to kill him again but is yeeted into a wall and Dan leaves cackling.
Vlad tells his story
Damien nearly beats the shit out of him before Jason can stop him
Vlad believes he deserves it and moves on
Vlad offers them some weapons that work against ghosts
They take them cuz yay weapons!
Vlad helps supe up their suits with ghost tech like Valerie’s suit and makes an ecto dampener so they can go into Amity through the portal.
—10 years later—
Amity Park falls and Damien, Valerie, and Jason are all that’s really left.
Past Danny comes to the future to stop Dan and he meets Damien (who almost kills him but is stopped by Valerie when she finds out phantom is danny)
Damien explains that they are half brothers which throws Danny for a loop.
Meets Vlad again who nearly cries when he sees Danny. (Danny clocks him in the face and Jason is like, “I like this kid”)
Damien and Danny bond over fighting ghosts. Damien actually starts to like Danny as a brother
Danny finds out that he is technically the older brother and is like “I’m an older brober!” And Damien tells him to shut up and Jason and Valerie laugh! Cuz holy shit Dami is a baby!!!
When Danny is about to go back in time and Damien pulls him aside and is like “it was nice knowing you kid! But if you fail I’m gonna go back in time myself and kick your ass!”
Danny hugs him and Jason, and promises that he wouldn’t.
Then some happy bittersweet sibling banter and Damien warning Danny that if he ever meets Damien like, “bother be warned, if you ever meet me in the past, he will most likely try and kill you.”
Danny laughs thinking it’s a joke and Jason is like, “no seriously! He was raised by assassins for the first 10 years of his life.”
And Danny gets sent back to the past with SO MANY QUESTIONS! Like what the hell
Danny will have a heart to heart with his mom, calming that he just had a feeling and she will then explain everything to him (including his parents open relationship)
And Danny wanting to meet Damien and Jason again goes to meet his bio dad because he wants to be a good big brother!
(This is just a random thought but what if future Damien and Jason are brought back in time too and are tasked by clockwork to look after Dan in the GZ as the more human than ghost protector’s, just a fun thought!)
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corrodedseraphine · 2 years
dreamland | eddie munson x harrington!reader #25
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pairing: eddie munson x harrington!reader
summary: After breaking up with Jason, you end up in a pretend relationship with Eddie to piss your ex off. The more you know each other the more the pretending dissappears.
the story is also avaliable on ao3
masterlist | eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
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"y/n? Eddie?" you were awakened by a loud banging on the door. Snapped out of sleep, you started looking around.
"Shit." you cursed and started poking Eddie's shoulder. The knocking on the door was getting faster and stronger. In a panic, you began to gather your clothes from the floor and put them on.
"What the hell is going on?" asked a sleepy Eddie.
"We have guests!" you whispered sending him a panicked look. When he finally woke up and saw you putting clothes on yourself in a panic he understood the situation. "I'll open the door, and you get dressed!" you ordered and quickly ran out of the room closing the door behind you. You slowly unscrewed the locks on the door letting everyone in.
"What took you so damn long?" asked Steve with exasperation in his voice.
Before you had time to say anything in your defense, Eddie came out of the room. Shirtless. After a moment, it occurred to you that you had hurriedly dressed his shirt instead of yours, and he had nothing else to wear in the room. You felt your face start to burn, you shifted your gaze to the others. They all looked at you confused.
"I know I'm unearthly handsome, but you all don't have to devour me with your eyes." he laughed, walking over to the bag that contained his clothes. As he walked past, he gently ran his hand down your back, making a shiver run through your entire body. In addition, you had the feeling that you were getting redder by the second.
"Can we get back on the main track, please?" Dustin dramatically waved his hands and rolled his eyes walking toward the couch.
"Where's Robin?" you asked when you noticed her absence.
"She and Nancy have found a lead related to Victor Creel. They are now trying to get to him and talk to him." Steve answered.
"And you guys? Did you find anything during the night?"
"All of the victims had the same symptoms they were complaining of," he said.
"Headaches, nightmares..." Lucas began to list.
"We are afraid that visions showing the worst nightmares are also included." sighed Steve directing his gaze to Max.
"Sounds familiar..." said Eddie in a thoughtful tone.
"Like Vecna!" exclaimed Lucas.
"Vecna's curse..." whispered Dustin.
"How do you know about the visions?" you asked.
"Because, uh... I've already had the symptoms they mentioned, in addition, there were also visions. I see Billy in them..." began Max. "I see and hear the old clock..."
"Oh." You went up to her and hugged her tightly. You couldn't imagine how much pain these visions were causing her.
"I'm fine, for real." she tried to assure you. "You don't have to worry about me, you have more important things on your mind, like being wanted for murder." she laughed.
"Stop it, I will never stop worrying about you, about either of you." You said squeezing her even tighter.
"Soon there will be nothing to worry about because you will strangle me!"
"You said that this whole other dimension is under Hawkins, right?" interjected Eddie. "Then how the hell did these monsters get here?"
"Through the gates." Steve replied.
"I thought the gate was closed." said.
"Turns out there's a little more of them." said Dustin.
"Yes, these are smaller, kind of like pocket gates!" interjected Lucas.
"Every time this monster kills someone another gate will appear at the place of death." Henderson continued.
"You mean to tell me that there is now a portal to another dimension in my house?!"
"Unfortunately... yes." Eddie's face turned pale. Fear returned engulfing him all over. He hid his face in his hands praying in his mind that all this turned out to be a dream. He wanted to wake up now and see you asleep next to him, then take you in his arms and not care about anything. However, feeling someone's hand on his shoulder snapped him out of his reverie, feeling relieved when he saw that this hand belonged to you. "What about my uncle?" he asked after a moment.
"I offered him to stay with us for a while, the house is empty anyway... But he said he was staying with Jack." Steve explained. Hearing this was a relief, Jack was a friend of Wayne, he played bass in their former band. He saw that Wayne would be safe there.
"All we have to do is kill Vecna before he gets Max, we'll clear you guys and it'll be over!" shouted Dustin.
"That's all Dustin? That's all?" the sarcasm in Eddie's voice left a long silence in the room.
"So..." began Max. " We know that Vecna wants to get me, so we can use that as an advantage."
"What do you mean?" you asked, wrinkling your eyebrows.
"We can plan a trap. I will try to lure him to my head somehow, meanwhile you will sneak into his hiding place in the Upside Down and kill him. If he hunts me he won't be able to defend himself."
"I think you're crazy." You commented.
"Y/n..." Steve began however, you didn't let him finish.
"No way! You can't expose yourself like that, I won't allow it."
"This may be our only hope"
"What if he gets her? And this time the same thing will happen as with Chrissy?" at the very thought you were getting sick.
"We have to come up with something to break her out of her trance." Dustin stated.
"You're not going to deny it?!" You looked towards Steve reproachfully.
"Maybe Nancy and Robin, after today's visit, will know how to break the trance..." he said quietly.
"Steve!" you shouted in a pleading voice.
"You know very well that I'd most like to switch places with her!" he exclaimed. You knew that this idea didn't suit him either. You knew that if you had another option he would never have put Max in such great danger.
"Stop shouting!" the voice of Max calmed you both down. "You know very well that there is no other way out. And I can handle it, Lucas and Erica will be watching over me." Silence fell. They all waited for you to say that you agree however, you knew that these words would not go through your throat. All they needed was your lack of comment giving tacit permission for this crazy plan. You prayed that Nancy and Robin would get enough information to help Max escape from Vecna if necessary.
"If we're going to kill Vecna, we have to have a weapon." Eddie said. "Do you know what his weaknesses are?"
"So far every monster has been afraid of fire, maybe that's their common trait." Dustin said.
"So we have to burn this son of a bitch." concluded Eddie. "I know one place where we can get a small supply."
"Why am I not surprised?" sighed Steve.
"I have no idea, Harrington." teased Eddie.
"In that case, it's time to go shopping. But we just won't all fit in my car."
"I may have an idea, but you'll have to smuggle us into the trailer park somehow." Eddie said. It was early enough that most of Hawkins' residents were just waking up or sitting down to breakfast, so the streets were empty. Anyway, you walked along the dark streets and corners without being conspicuous. When you finally arrived at the place Eddie pointed your brother to a trailer to knock on. The door was opened by a short man with long gray hair and a beard.
"Um... G-good morning, sir." Steve stammered. "Is Mr. Munson here?" At the sound of those words, Wayne appeared in a flash in the doorway.
"Steve? What are you doing here? Is Eddie and y/n all right?" He asked.
"Yes, but we're going to need some help..." He looked in your direction, seeing your group hiding in the bushes they immediately moved towards you.
"What are you doing here?" Asked the other man, it must have been Jack, whom Eddie had mentioned earlier.
"We...uh- we need to move from Hopper's cabin." the younger Munson lied scratching his neck nervously. "People are starting to sniff..."
"Damn it!" cursed Wayne.
"I thought maybe Jack you could lend us Betty?" He continued.
"Of course, son!" Without hesitation, the man returned to his trailer.
"Who's Betty?" asked Dustin.
"That's the camper we used to drive around the local villages playing concerts." Wayne explained, and in between, Jack returned with the keys in his hand.
"It's all yours, Ed." He said patting the boy on the shoulder. "It's good to see you, too bad it's under such circumstances..."
"It's good to see you too, old man." responsible and hugged him. "Thank you."
"Don't thank me, when you're cleared of all charges I invite you for a beer, be sure to come with your girlfriend! Wayne told me about everything on a regular basis, I'm glad that finally someone noticed you!" he laughed warmly.
"I hate to say it, but you have to go. The surveillance is on." sighed Wayne pointing with his head to a nearby trailer. Not just in one, but in several, onlookers appeared in the windows. He was right, you had to get out of sight as quickly as possible. "Take care." he added and hugged you both. "And Steve, we're in touch all the time right?"
"Yes, sir."
Another long walk awaited you, this time to the garage where Betty was hidden. In the meantime, Steve explained that he talks to Wayne every day reporting to him what's going on with you and whether you're safe. When you heard that he was also worried about you you felt very nice. This was the only family for Eddie and you made no secret of the fact that you cared deeply about his approval. When you told Eddie about this he laughed, saying that his uncle adored you and not just because you made his boy happy. "If we had a fight it would probably be me sleeping on the doormat, not you." he concluded by putting his arm around you. Just imagining this situation made you giggle. His presence made you instantly forget everything bad. You felt like a teenager again, whose only concern was grades and whether the boy's feelings were as strong as yours. However, when you reached the garage you were defied by a wall of reality that reminded you that the fate of all the residents of Hawkins rests on your shoulders. Or, more likely, the entire world. The road to the gun store passed you in silence. Everyone was immersed in their own thoughts. Fear and uncertainty filled the atmosphere despite the fact that each of you tried with all your might to put on a brave face. On the spot, you and Eddie stayed inside while the rest of went off.
"You okay?" you asked, sitting down next to the boy.
"I'd like to say yes, darling..." he replied, laying his head on your shoulder. You slid your hand into his and feeling his embrace you kissed the top of his head causing him to giggle softly.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Why did you lie?" the question hung in the air between you.
"I just- I knew that when I told him the truth he wouldn't agree, and even if he did he would insist on coming with us, and if something happened to him..." Eddie's breathing grew heavier and heavier.
"He'll be furious when he finds out the truth..." you sighed.
"I know, but that's what we'll worry about later, 'kay?"
"You know... I always thought that if they were going to put up posters with my image it would be about the concerts." he laughed softly.
"What do you mean?"
"Look." he said looking out the window. On the wall of the building were two posters. One had Eddie's picture on it and the other had yours. The large letters WANTED made you feel a strange pressure in your chest. Someone had drawn horns and a pentagram on his poster. Next to it in big red letters, the word FREAK caught the eye of anyone who passed by. You sighed deeply and turned your gaze directing it to the table. You were furious. You hated people for the way they treated Eddie, who completely did not deserve it. On the table was a black cup with several pens and markers in it. After a moment's thought, you grabbed one of the pens and headed for the exit.
"What are you doing?" asked Eddie grabbing your hand.
"I'll be right back." You replied pulling your hand away and exited the bus. You put your hood over your head and after looking around for a while, you approached the posters. You quickly began scribbling over your picture. You copied the motifs from Eddie's poster, and right in the middle, where the information about you was given, you wrote 'HUNT THE FREAKS' in big letters.
"You didn't have to do that," Eddie said when you returned to the camper.
"We're in this together, Eddie." You approached him placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "Besides, I was jealous, all the spotlight as usual focused only on you." You joked, wanting to lighten the situation.
"The charms of being a rock star, baby." you felt relieved to hear his giggle. "But don't worry, in my world they all shine right on you." he joined his lips always, this time the kiss was more passionate however it did not last long. You were interrupted by a walkie talkie from which Robin's voice came out.
"Steve? Are you there?" she asked
"Here y/n and Eddie," you replied.
"Good, where are the others?"
"They popped out for a little shopping."
"Tell them we already know everything. We know how to get to that monster."
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halothenthehorns · 1 year
Thalia took the book from Rachel without batting an eye and used all of her immortal grace to grab just a few to many pages as subtly as possible, it would be no major difference to Percy she was sure if he just skipped this one part and arrived at camp without-
Rachel caught her before she could finish flipping the few innocent pieces of paper necessary, gently meeting her eyes and giving her wrist a reassuring squeeze.
How to explain? She couldn't be seen as weak in front of them. She was a Hunter of Artemis, she was Percy's closest friend in here and his guide on how to navigate this insanity. And Jason...
Whether that guy was the ghost of her baby brother back to haunt her or some deranged joke by the gods of a look-alike, he was as lost as Percy. She wanted to be the example for the two of them how to calmly get out of this, and she didn't think she could do that with this chapter.
She wished Annabeth were here, her little sister at least knew what she didn't want to share. Rachel just seemed to know she was afraid of something. Then Thalia glanced at Percy and Nico, both of whom were going through pretty much their most miserable time in this book. Her eyes lingered on Jason, the little two-year-old in her mind crying as his lip bled from that cut as she tried to stop it while their mom had been on the phone telling them to quiet down. The first thing Beryl Grace had said when she'd seen it was it might need cosmetic surgery to hide a scar.
She felt like she'd shared more than enough already, wasn't dying and coming back to a broken world enough? She didn't want to expose this fear too.
Percy leaned forward in his seat as she kept hesitating, he'd watched her try to skip those and wasn't going to say a word. "You want to get out of here Thals?" Eyes flickering to the door in clear invitation, just the two of them could leave. It really wasn't anybody else's concern, and at least if just Percy found out she wouldn't have to endure him mocking and laughing at her like the others would be prone to do. A child of Zeus afraid of heights, who wouldn't laugh?
It was the choice that made her decide to stay though. Like nobody had ever given her before on the course of her life.
If she'd just skipped over every awful thing that had happened to Percy thus far he'd have no clue what was going on in his own life. This wasn't the only time it would come up in hers, and if she started picking and choosing now what unpleasantness she wanted to skip, how would that be fair to Percy and Nico who hadn't once complained of their own pasts being revealed?
"No, I'm, I'm good," she lied. She was glad that Percy had moved away though, she might intentionally zap him when he figured it out. She could still do it across the room sitting next to Jason, but she might hesitate a little more.
She still had to give Rachel's hand a little shake to let go of her wrist, and her friend reluctantly did so with troubled eyes. 'Sorry,' she mouthed, but Thalia knew she was right too. Even being immortal now, keeping this kind of thing buried didn't mean it would never come back. Annabeth might have let her get away with skipping, but she would have protested later about the wisdom in that.
With a ragged breath, Thalia read, "Thalia Torches New England. Wow, it is kind of weird reading your own name."
"Know my pain!" Percy agreed triumphantly.
'You have no idea,' she silently agreed as she forced herself to start over Alex and Jason's spluttering, already laughing protests they wanted her to give a clue she would not be providing.
"When did this happen? Am I secretly dead?" Magnus asked. He'd notice his city on fire, even the Mist couldn't hide that. He was ignored right along with them though.
Artemis assured us that dawn was coming, but you could've fooled me. It was colder and darker and snowier than ever.
"You've never heard the saying the night's darkest just before the dawn?" Nico asked in surprise. Perfect time for shadow traveling.
"Must have missed that one in all the classes I got kicked out of," Percy clearly wasn't impressed regardless.
Up on the hill, Westover Hall's windows were completely lightless. I wondered if the teachers had even noticed the di Angelos and Dr. Thorn were missing yet. I didn't want to be around when they did. With my luck, the only name Mrs. Gottschalk would remember was "Percy Jackson," and then I'd be the subject of a nationwide manhunt... again.
"See, this is why you should have used fake name's Prissy," Alex oh so helpfully reminded.
"They still would have found a way to blame me," Percy said confidently. "The newspaper would have misspelled that into my name!"
"You might even get kicked out of a school before you even enrolled in it for once," Jason chuckled.
The Hunters broke camp as quickly as they'd set it up. I stood shivering in the snow (unlike the Hunters, who didn't seem to feel at all uncomfortable), and Artemis stared into the east like she was expecting something. Bianca sat off to one side, talking with Nico. I could tell from his gloomy face that she was explaining her decision to join the Hunt. I couldn't help thinking how selfish it was of her, abandoning her brother like that.
Nico's throat threatened to close shut and never open again as he heard that. Percy agreeing with him, on top of remembering the piss poor words his sister had used to try and explain how this was going to be great for both of them, some space, like he'd never asked for...
"Thanks Percy," he found himself saying, "I thought so too, but now I'm, I'm glad she did what made her happy." The words sounded more mechanical than if an automaton had pulled them out of him, but somewhere in him, he meant it. He was trying to at least.
"Yeah," Percy said softly, "sucks man." He felt while looking at Nico now he finally had an inkling of why the guy was so weird, just a little off. Had his sister dumped him at camp and not come back yet? There was still something he was definitely missing about the pair of them as he studied his olive complexion and dark eyes he couldn't connect a dot with.
Thalia and Grover came up and huddled around me, anxious to hear what had happened in my audience with the goddess.
When I told them, Grover turned pale. "The last time the Hunters visited camp, it didn't go well."
"Do they torch every place they go?" Magnus asked wearily. "Do you get tricked into joining them early and torch New England in retaliation?"
"Not even close," but Thalia was smiling lightly back, it did sound funny out of context and she wasn't looking forward to when it was corrected.
"How'd they even show up here?" I wondered. "I mean, they just appeared out of nowhere."
"And Bianca joined them," Thalia said, disgusted. "It's all Zoe's fault. That stuck-up, no good—"
"And I thought you hated me," Percy grinned uneasily. "Glad I never did whatever she put in your bonnet."
"That is not the saying," Will corrected.
Percy didn't hear what the saying actually was as he realized Thalia hadn't corrected him, instead studying the wall behind him very intently until she realized Will was done talking so she could keep going.
"Who can blame her?" Grover said. "Eternity with Artemis?" He heaved a big sigh.
Thalia rolled her eyes. "You satyrs. You're all in love with Artemis. Don't you get that she'll never love you back?"
"But she's so... into nature," Grover swooned.
"I really hope you're there when he meets Pan now," Jason chuckled. "If this is his reaction to meeting a goddess associated with nature, he might faint upon the God of the Wild."
Percy laughed along in agreement even as he winced, while Nico sat very far back in his seat with a pit in his stomach. Will did a double take upon seeing that look on his face, but Nico was already going through enough with his sister on display, he really didn't want to push him over what that was about.
In all the retellings of Grover's tale that day, nobody had mentioned Nico was there though.
"You're nuts," said Thalia.
"Nuts and berries," Grover said dreamily. "Yeah."
"Being proud of you who are," Alex nodded saintly.
Finally the sky began to lighten. Artemis muttered, "About time. He's so-o-o lazy during the winter."
"According to her he's lazy year around," Thalia happily pronounced, "the weather makes him different kinds of lazy."
"I think I found my spirit god," Percy shrugged as he rubbed at his eyes. They'd barely been at this for an hour, two tops today, and he was already getting drowsy again.
"You're, um, waiting for sunrise?" I asked.
"For my brother. Yes."
I didn't want to be rude. I mean, I knew the legends about Apollo—or sometimes Helios—driving a big sun chariot across the sky. But I also knew that the sun was really a star about a zillion miles away. I'd gotten used to some of the Greek myths being true, but still... I didn't see how Apollo could drive the sun.
"That's definitely got to be a metaphor or we're all going to die," Magnus said with confidence.
"I thought you were past the whole questioning the reality of all this phase?" Rachel smiled at his naivety.
"Never," he promised.
"It's not exactly as you think," Artemis said, like she was reading my mind.
"Oh, okay." I started to relax. "So, it's not like he'll be pulling up in a—"
There was a sudden burst of light on the horizon. A blast of warmth.
"Don't look," Artemis advised. "Not until he parks."
I averted my eyes, and saw that the other kids were doing the same. The light and warmth intensified until my winter coat felt like it was melting off of me. Then suddenly the light died.
I looked. And I couldn't believe it. It was my car.
"Unless Beckendorf built you a Transformer, I don't think so," Will grinned, his smile weary but genuine as he kept mentioning the old head of cabin 9 with great effort not to wince.
"I'm pretty sure Chiron would ban you and the Stoll brothers from camp if you said that anywhere other than here," Thalia promised.
Well, the car I wanted, anyway. A red convertible Maserati Spyder.
"I don't speak car," Jason informed with a mystified expression.
"A red convertible," Nico repeated with a shrug, "looked fancy."
Percy looked devastated at the pair of them and promised, "I have got to introduce you two when we get out of this."
"Does it show everybody the car they'd want?" Magnus asked with an old smile, imagining he'd see his mom's beat-up truck with that dent in the hood.
"It shows the car Apollo wants," Thalia corrected.
It was so awesome it glowed. Then I realized it was glowing because the metal was hot. The snow had melted around the Maserati in a perfect circle, which explained why I was now standing on green grass and my shoes were wet.
"These books are going to melt my brain," Magnus promised. He missed science class. This was not a good substitute.
"Would it help at all if I said don't think about it to hard," Percy offered. "They, coexist?"
"No, but thanks for trying," Magnus answered, tapping his ears to make sure goo wasn't leaking out already.
The driver got out, smiling. He looked about seventeen or eighteen, and for a second, I had the uneasy feeling it was Luke, my old enemy.
"You're not old enough to have an old enemy," Jason rolled his eyes. Apollo, like all of the strange Greek gods, seemed a lot more relaxed than he'd ever believe possible a god should be, but he kept telling himself he was getting used to it.
"He's your only enemy," Alex added, considering he worked directly under the ultimate enemy.
"You're about to make the list," Percy rolled his eyes, not indicating which one of them he meant.
This guy had the same sandy hair and outdoorsy good looks. But it wasn't Luke. This guy was taller, with no scar on his face like Luke's. His smile was brighter and more playful. (Luke didn't do much more than scowl and sneer these days.) The Maserati driver wore jeans and loafers and a sleeveless T-shirt.
"Just what my dad needs, more compliments about him imprinted in these pages," Will chuckled.
"You look like him," Nico said absently, still internally shaking his head at his younger self. The second god had appeared in a matter of hours and he'd still just been smitten with Percy and now more angry and confused than he ever had in his life at his sister. 
"Thank you!" Will beamed as he stretched out like a cat, though he was wearing flip-flops and an orange shirt, otherwise it was an eerie resemblance to that sunlit morning, he even looked like he was glowing for a second.
"Wow," Thalia muttered. "Apollo is hot."
"He's the sun god," I said.
"That's not what I meant."
"You are so clueless Percy," Thalia sighed, even now he was watching her like he thought her answer wasn't up to scratch.
"Little sister!" Apollo called. If his teeth were any whiter he could've blinded us without the sun car. "What's up? You never call. You never write. I was getting worried!"
"Can't they just pop in on each other whenever they want?" Jason chuckled.
"Oh they do," Thalia rolled her eyes, "Apollo is pretty terrible about it, he is this flamboyant about everything."
"I'm just imagining a god going missing now and Oceanus snapping his fingers to fix it," Magnus rolled his eyes.
"I can't even imagine what would trap a god away," Percy muttered with an uneasy wince.
"I can," Alex said with a dark, pleased look on her face Magnus was a little afraid to know the meaning behind.
Thalia quickly kept going, swallowing a lump in her throat as Percy brushed his hand through a few gray strands of hair.
Artemis sighed. "I'm fine, Apollo. And I am not your little sister."
"Hey, I was born first."
"We're twins! How many millennia do we have to argue—"
"Eternity," Will assured.
"So what's up?" he interrupted. "Got the girls with you, I see. You all need some tips on archery?"
Artemis grit her teeth.
A sentiment shared by her lieutenant, making the next sentence come out muffled and funny.
"I need a favor. I have some hunting to do, alone. I need you to take my companions to Camp Half-Blood."
"Sure, sis!" Then he raised his hands in a stop everything gesture. "I feel a haiku coming on."
The Hunters all groaned. Apparently they'd met Apollo before.
"Frequently," Thalia's smile was nostalgic, and a little sad. It wasn't so unusual to go weeks without seeing Artemis, but even before she'd been trapped down here and heard of Olympus closing it was going on longer than usual. Was it naïve of her to wish Poseidon had a book in that massive pile explaining all of this? She certainly had to wish for something good to come out of this torture she was about to endure herself through.
He cleared his throat and held up one hand dramatically.
"Green grass breaks through snow.
Artemis pleads for my help.
I am so cool."
He grinned at us, waiting for applause.
"Nobody applauded by the way," Nico offered.
"That wasn't five syllables," Alex looked devastated. "A god can't keep count? Isn't he the god of music too?"
Will rubbed the back of his head and chose not to answer that.
"That last line was only four syllables," Artemis said.
Apollo frowned. "Was it?"
"Yes. What about I am so big-headed?"
"No, no, that's six syllables. Hmm." He started muttering to himself.
"I kind of like him," Magnus chuckled, apparently having decided his brain wasn't melting since the sun god didn't blow up the continent from his sister's light ribbing.
Zoe Nightshade turned to us. "Lord Apollo has been going through this haiku phase ever since he visited Japan. 'Tis not as bad as the time he visited Limerick. If I'd had to hear one more poem that started with, There once was a goddess from Sparta—"
"That was the most pleasant sentence she'd yet said to us," Percy grinned.
"The enemy of the limerick is my friend," Thalia nodded along.
"I've got it!" Apollo announced. "I am so awesome. That's five syllables!" He bowed, looking very pleased with himself.
"Someone has to around there," Rachel smirked.
"I want all of this on record," Percy reminded, "when you were all freaking out about how I spoke to Ares."
"Apollo isn't Ares," Thalia scoffed, "he's chill to play along with, most of the time."
"If you're a girl, or one of his kids," Rachel reminded with a proud gesture at herself which only a few got; or his mortal oracle.
"I'm still hoping Percy doesn't press his luck by calling him something worse than big-headed," Jason muttered. He didn't think he'd ever get used to the casual way these Greek kids interacted with the gods.
"And now, sis. Transportation for the Hunters, you say? Good timing. I was just about ready to roll."
"These demigods will also need a ride," Artemis said, pointing to us. "Some of Chiron's campers."
"No problem!" Apollo checked us out. "Let's see... Thalia, right? I've heard all about you."
Thalia blushed. "Hi, Lord Apollo."
Thalia gritted her teeth and talked herself out of getting seven arrows ready as someone muffled a snort. She didn't look up to see who.
"Zeus's girl, yes? Makes you my half sister. Used to be a tree, didn't you? Glad you're back. I hate it when pretty girls turn into trees. Man, I remember one time—"
"Brother," Artemis said. "You should get going."
"Wise words," Will said, but his smile was more sympathetic. "He gets all weepy every time about Daphne."
Percy gave him a blank look and assumed Will was talking about one of his siblings.
"Oh, right." Then he looked at me, and his eyes narrowed. "Percy Jackson?"
"Yeah. I mean... yes, sir."
It seemed weird calling a teenager "sir," but I'd learned to be careful with immortals. They tended to get offended easily. Then they blew stuff up.
"See, that threat keeps being mentioned, but has yet to happen," Alex waved a hand around in disappointment.
"Are you hoping for a whole building, or a state?" Magnus asked indulgently.
"I'll settle for one person who annoys me," she shrugged.
Apollo studied me, but he didn't say anything, which I found a little creepy.
"Well!" he said at last. "We'd better load up, huh? Ride only goes one way—west. And if you miss it, you miss it."
"That was ominous," Alex said cheerfully.
"Your dad's the god of prophecy too, right?" Percy asked uneasily. "He's not as weird about that as he is with the poetry is he?"
Will helpfully didn't answer again by tugging on his ear and not looking at him. His dad had likely fixated on not just Percy in that moment, but maybe even scattered to the cosmos and back as he realized he was standing amongst the four children of the big three, more than had existed in decades, if not longer considering even before the pact they didn't congregate in the same place much. Perhaps Apollo had been trying to sense which of them was the child of the prophecy, or he'd had some internal sense about the Di Angelo kids or even Thalia's coming immortality in joining him as his half sister.
Or his dad could have been arguing with executives in Tennessee and gotten distracted for a moment. It really was no telling with him.
I looked at the Maserati, which would seat two people max. There were about twenty of us.
"Cool car," Nico said.
"Thanks, kid," Apollo said.
"But how will we all fit?"
"I was imagining him tying us to the bumper and was way to excited," Nico admitted, deciding if Percy wanted revenge for him laughing at that guinea pig moment he should get it over with now.
"I thought he'd tie us all to the hood instead like trophies," Percy instead agreed.
"Oh." Apollo seemed to notice the problem for the first time. "Well, yeah. I hate to change out of sports-car mode, but I suppose..."
He took out his car keys and beeped the security alarm button. Chirp, chirp.
For a moment, the car glowed brightly again. When the glare died, the Maserati had been replaced by one of those Turtle Top shuttle buses like we used for school basketball games.
"Does it shoot manhole covers out of the front?" Alex grinned. "Does it have giant nunchuck arms?"
"What on earth are you talking about?" Percy was pleased to see everybody looked as confused as him about something for once.
"And I thought I had a bad childhood," she huffed without further explanation.
"Right," he said. "Everybody in."
Zoe ordered the Hunters to start loading. She picked up her camping pack, and Apollo said, "Here, sweetheart. Let me get that."
Zoe recoiled. Her eyes flashed murderously.
"Brother," Artemis chided. "You do not help my Hunters. You do not look at, talk to, or flirt with my Hunters. And you do not call them sweetheart."
"She has that speech down pat," Thalia got her last ditch moment to smile at something as she informed them.
Apollo spread his hands. "Sorry. I forgot.
"Be glad he's not the god of memory," Magnus muttered.
Hey, sis, where are you off to, anyway?"
"Hunting," Artemis said. "It's none of your business."
"I'll find out. I see all. Know all."
Artemis snorted. "Just drop them off, Apollo. And no messing around!"
"No, no! I never mess around."
Eight collective snorts circled the room this time, and Thalia's tense grip on the book finally eased just a bit.
Artemis rolled her eyes, then looked at us. "I will see you by winter solstice. Zoe, you are in charge of the Hunters. Do well. Do as I would do."
"Can she turn people into jackalopes?" Percy asked in concern.
"If so, it's not a power I've discovered yet," Thalia said tragically, but she at least got one last genuine laugh too.
Zoe straightened. "Yes, my lady."
Artemis knelt and touched the ground as if looking for tracks. When she rose, she looked troubled. "So much danger. The beast must be found."
She sprinted toward the woods and melted into the snow and shadows.
Apollo turned and grinned, jangling the car keys on his finger. "So," he said. "Who wants to drive?"
Alex's hand shot up like it was on fire, but the look on her face made all of them want to run screaming how soon she'd crash on purpose.
"Well that's already spoiled," Magnus reminded with that same way he always talked to her, like he'd be sitting in the passenger seat through the whole ride. "I'm sure you're not that bad of a driver Thalia, Apollo probably fixed New England," he finished cheerfully to her.
She didn't answer, eyes trained on the pages, the spine to close to her face. It was starting to worry them, they'd yet seen Thalia so unsettled.
The Hunters piled into the van. They all crammed into the back so they'd be as far away as possible from Apollo and the rest of us highly infectious males,
"That toxic masculinity crap is very contagious," Will said breezily.
"Makes you wonder what they were calling Thalia in their head," Jason said defensively.
"Nothing I cared about correcting," she shrugged. Some of the hunters were still old fashioned and thought her casual approach to boys insubordinate to the cause, but were still respectful of her position. It was a fine line she walked. Speaking of her sisters had kept the strain out of her voice for a moment, but Will grew concerned when it jumped right back.
Bianca sat with them, leaving her little brother to hang in the front with us, which seemed cold to me, but Nico didn't seem to mind.
"Seemed to," he repeated, but managed to keep his own ire off the grid much better. He'd sat apart from his sister in busses before, she was usually good at making friends while he kept himself entertained. It never seemed to last, she'd always drift back over to sit with him and make sure he wasn't getting car sick or ask if he needed the bathroom. She hadn't this time. He had kept telling himself maybe Bianca was right and this might be a good change, let him grow up just a little without his sister constantly nagging at him in front of Percy.
"This is so cool!" Nico said, jumping up and down in the driver's seat.
"Your feet couldn't even reach the pedals," Percy told him fondly.
"Apollo could have readjusted it if he wanted," Nico insisted, "he's just as prejudiced as his twin. He wanted to impress his half-sister!"
"Maybe I can talk him into letting me drive it, I'll sneak you in and he'll have no choice," Will offered.
"I'm game!" Percy fist-pumped the air as hard as Alex had, apparently not picking up on the fact Will had been looking at Nico when he answered.
Nico's dark eyes were dancing with just a hint of excitement too as he whispered, "road trip, right. Because we haven't been forced to spend enough time together."
"It's strange, I've yet seen a hint of a hellhound being sicked onto me for this dragging out," Will grinned.
"She's on her way," Nico vowed, knowing it wouldn't take much coaxing to at least sick Mrs. O'Leary on him when they got back. He was pretty sure Will wouldn't drown in her doggy drool.
"Is this really the sun? I thought Helios and Selene were the sun and moon gods. How come sometimes it's them and sometimes it's you and Artemis?"
"Downsizing," Apollo said. "The Romans started it.
"Ouch!" Percy yelped, jumping away from Jason and rubbing his arm. "Dude! Nobody can complain I'm related to an electrical eel if you're going to shock me like that."
Nico's hair was standing on end too from sitting on his other side, but he quickly brushed it back down with an intrigued look at him, and then his forearm.
Rachel was studying him too with those eerie, too intelligent eyes that normally saw more than just the scar on his lip in the gloom.
"I what?" He hadn't taken his eyes off the book.
Percy sat back down beside him and made a few more jokes about the sea life starting to convert Jason, but Thalia was still jittery like she was sitting on an angler fish ready to snap and reading on distractedly before silence had fallen despite the fact she'd have liked the reprieve for a while longer.
They couldn't afford all those temple sacrifices, so they laid off Helios and Selene and folded their duties into our job descriptions. My sis got the moon. I got the sun. It was pretty annoying at first, but at least I got this cool car."
Jason's single minded focus on the book felt as unfulfilled as as popped balloon. Roman. The word battered around his brain disconnecting any smidge of rightness he'd thought he'd gotten used to. 
For just a split second as the strange girl with black hair took a breath, he felt trapped between the Son of Neptune and Pluto. In a room full of enemies he'd have to escape.
Then Thalia kept reading, and Percy was still watching her with a clear feeling of nerves. He'd seemed ten times more on edge all day, with Annabeth now out of the foreseeable picture and his best friend in here as constantly on edge as him. It wasn't a problem he actually felt like he could help to fix, but it soothed away the building pressure in his skull he couldn't unravel.
"But how does it work?" Nico asked. "I thought the sun was a big fiery ball of gas!"
Apollo chuckled and ruffled Nico's hair. "That rumor probably got started because Artemis used to call me a big fiery ball of gas. Seriously, kid, it depends on whether you're talking astronomy or philosophy. You want to talk astronomy? Bah, what fun is that? You want to talk about how humans think about the sun? Ah, now that's more interesting. They've got a lot riding on the sun... er, so to speak.
"Pun, pun, pun," Will chuckled.
"I hate to ask, but your dad invented the dad joke, didn't he?" Nico sighed.
"He'll certainly claim he did," Will nodded.
 It keeps them warm, grows their crops, powers engines, makes everything look, well, sunnier. This chariot is built out of human dreams about the sun, kid. It's as old as Western Civilization. Every day, it drives across the sky from east to west, lighting up all those puny little mortal lives. The chariot is a manifestation of the sun's power, the way mortals perceive it. Make sense?"
Nico shook his head. "No."
Rachel was smiling genially at the end and promised, "oh I'd love to go over this with you later then. My school actually has an interesting art program, and I did a construct take on Western Civilization over the eras and used cars to symbolize it."
Nico looked at her without response. He'd never had a direct conversation with her before, she was around camp more frequently than him but always hung around Percy or Chiron. "Um, that's not necessary, I'm good now."
He half expected her to be like Will and stubbornly insist he'd enjoy it, but she merely looked disappointed and let it go and he was surprised to feel guilty about that too.
"Well then, just think of it as a really powerful, really dangerous solar car."
"Can I drive?"
"No. Too young."
"Oo! Oo!" Grover raised his hand.
"Mm, no," Apollo said. "Too furry." He looked past me and focused on Thalia.
Alex at least got a good laugh out of Percy and Nico's exact same disappointed look, and could all to easily imagine Grover would be even more offended.
"Daughter of Zeus!" he said. "Lord of the sky. Perfect."
"Oh, no." Thalia shook her head. "No, thanks."
"C'mon," Apollo said. "How old are you?"
Thalia hesitated. "I don't know."
"And the number gets murkier every year," she murmured to herself. Being immortal now meant she wasn't to concerned with keeping track of it either.
It was sad, but true. She'd been turned into a tree when she was twelve, but that had been seven years ago. So she should be nineteen, if you went by years. But she still felt like she was twelve, and if you looked at her, she seemed somewhere in between. The best Chiron could figure, she had kept aging while in tree form, but much more slowly.
Magnus let out an uneasy whistle. "That can't be fun."
"It's," she didn't finish, she didn't have to. She was sitting tense in her seat, she wanted to bury this book. She just had to be reminded of all that right before the worst Drivers Ed test in the universe! 
Apollo tapped his finger to his lips. "You're fifteen, almost sixteen."
"How do you know that?"
"Hey, I'm the god of prophecy. I know stuff. You'll turn sixteen in about a week."
"That's my birthday! December twenty-second."
"Which means you're old enough now to drive with a learner's permit!"
Thalia shifted her feet nervously. "Uh—"
"I know what you're going to say," Apollo said. "You don't deserve an honor like driving the sun chariot."
"That's not what I was going to say."
There were several things she'd like to say, most of them in Greek she was hissing now. Will shifted uneasily in his seat and wanted to go check on her, but Nico caught his arm and shook his head. He didn't know what was wrong, but he worried it was closer to Percy's headaches than something Will could diagnose.
"Don't sweat it! Maine to Long Island is a really short trip, and don't worry about what happened to the last kid I trained. You're Zeus's daughter. He's not going to blast you out of the sky."
"Um, should I be concerned!" Percy raised his hand with a lot of concern.
"This is a godly sanctioned trip?" But Rachel didn't sound all that convinced, and she was starting to feel terrible about encouraging Thalia to go through with this. She could feel a storm brewing in the air, and she was sitting next to the eye of it.
Apollo laughed good-naturedly. The rest of us didn't join him.
Thalia tried to protest, but Apollo was absolutely not going to take "no" for an answer.
"I'm going to blow a whistle in this guy's ear and see if he can hear anything again," Alex scowled.
"Err, maybe save that for plan B," Magnus muttered.
He hit a button on the dashboard, and a sign popped up along the top of the windshield. I had to read it backward (which, for a dyslexic, really isn't that different than reading forward). I was pretty sure it said WARNING: STUDENT DRIVER.
"Take it away!" Apollo told Thalia. "You're gonna be a natural!"
'A natural disaster,' Nico kept to himself as he rubbed at his abused rib cage.
I'll admit I was jealous.
"That's twice I've admitted that to you," Percy tried to coax a fun rise out of her like usual, "I'm getting worried, where's the boasting Thals?"
She didn't answer, her bow and arrows were flickering in and out of existence on her back like a hologram swirled in with the plankton floating off the floor now, migrating towards her.
I couldn't wait to start driving. A couple of times that fall, my mom had taken me out to Montauk when the beach road was empty, and she'd let me try out her Mazda. I mean, yeah, that was a Japanese compact, and this was the sun chariot, but how different could it be?
"Speed equals heat," Apollo advised. "So start slowly, and make sure you've got good altitude before you really open her up."
Thalia's voice cracked with stress, and an arc of lightning flickered over her fingers on the purple spine. She cleared her throat valiantly, and they'd all swear they felt thunder rumble on the ocean floor.
"Er, so, what do you think he named her?" Percy tried again. "Sunny?"
"I've never asked," Will admitted, his own hint of jealousy much more well covered than Percy's had been. He'd never actually been in his dads car and it had been a false promise to Nico anyways.
Thalia gripped the wheel so tight her knuckles turned white. She looked like she was going to be sick.
They needed that description since no one could see her face, and had guessed it without the proof.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"Nothing," she said shakily. "N-nothing is wrong."
"Thalia, you sure you don't want to step out of here?" Percy stood up wearily in concern.
"Nothing's wrong!" She repeated in the same convincing tone as she continued reading in. Percy forced himself to sit back down, feeling useless how to help her but ready to drown someone on the spot if anybody else bugged her.
She pulled back on the wheel. It tilted, and the bus lurched upward so fast I fell back and crashed against something soft.
"Ow" Grover said.
"Slower!" Apollo said.
"Sorry!" Thalia said. "I've got it under control!"
I managed to get to my feet. Looking out the window, I saw a smoking ring of trees from the clearing where we'd taken off.
"Thalia," I said, "lighten up on the accelerator."
"I've got it, Percy," she said, gritting her teeth. But she kept it floored.
"Loosen up," I told her.
"I'm loose!" Thalia said. She was so stiff she looked like she was made out of plywood.
"That tree got its roots in you?" Magnus asked uneasily, his mind still on that fleece. Did she get sick when she left the ground?
She was still ignoring everybody, they could see tendons in her neck. It looked painful reading, and Rachel would swear she saw a bead of blood on the page like she'd bit her tongue before she'd violently flipped pages.
"We need to veer south for Long Island," Apollo said. "Hang a left."
Thalia jerked the wheel and again threw me into Grover, who yelped.
"The other left," Apollo suggested.
I made the mistake of looking out the window again. We were at airplane height now— so high the sky was starting to look black.
"That's one way to stop global warming," Alex said under her breath, but more because she felt like it would insult Thalia if they pretended everything wasn't okay. Even if she wasn't listening, the background words had to help a bit.
"Ah..." Apollo said, and I got the feeling he was forcing himself to sound calm. "A little lower, sweetheart. Cape Cod is freezing over."
Thalia tilted the wheel. Her face was chalk white, her forehead beaded with sweat.
Something was definitely wrong. I'd never seen her like this.
Nobody had before, except Luke. She could still vividly recall standing on that roof, the way the world had spun sickeningly- but it was Apollo trying to talk her through this stupid bus! She was fine, she was in control!
The bus pitched down and somebody screamed. Maybe it was me.
"I think Zoe was guilty actually," Nico muttered as he rubbed his ear, but it could have been Thalia, or himself. Maybe Grover could shriek that loud if his fur was in a twist too.
Now we were heading straight toward the Atlantic Ocean at a thousand miles an hour, the New England coastline off to our right. And it was getting hot in the bus.
Apollo had been thrown somewhere in the back of the bus, but he started climbing up the rows of seats.
"Take the wheel!" Grover begged him.
"No worries," Apollo said. He looked plenty worried. "She just has to learn to— WHOA!"
I saw what he was seeing. Down below us was a little snow-covered New England town. At least, it used to be snow-covered. As I watched, the snow melted off the trees and the roofs and the lawns. The white steeple on a church turned brown and started to smolder.
"Talk about divine intervention," Alex offered.
"I thought that was a comet," Magnus said in wonderment, it had all blinked in and out of existence so fast, he'd thought he'd imagined the heat before the snow surrounded them again. That mist was powerful stuff.
Little plumes of smoke, like birthday candles, were popping up all over the town. Trees and rooftops were catching fire.
"Pull up!" I yelled.
There was a wild light in Thalia's eyes. She yanked back on the wheel, and I held on this time. As we zoomed up, I could see through the back window that the fires in the town were being snuffed out by the sudden blast of cold.
"There!" Apollo pointed. "Long Island, dead ahead. Let's slow down, dear. 'Dead' is only an expression."
"Only if you use it wrong," Nico said softly, studying Thalia carefully. She didn't have a death aura, the opposite with her faint, immortal silver glow still around her, but power was crackling out from her in the same dangerous current Percy so often gave off. She was starting to sweat, and he couldn't decide if he should let Will go to check on her or duck in front of the guy if she went off.
Thalia was thundering toward the coastline of northern Long Island. There was Camp Half-Blood: the valley, the woods, the beach. I could see the dining pavilion and cabins and the amphitheater.
"I'm under control," Thalia muttered. "I'm under control."
We were only a few hundred yards away now.
"Brake," Apollo said.
"I can do this."
Thalia slammed her foot on the brake, and the sun bus pitched forward at a forty-five degree angle, slamming into the Camp Half-Blood canoe lake with a huge FLOOOOOOSH!
"That explains that warning sign," Rachel popped the side of her head in relief. "I always wondered why the naiads told me they needed one for no bus parking in there."
Thalia still wouldn't look up.
Steam billowed up, sending several frightened naiads scrambling out of the water with halfwoven wicker baskets.
The bus bobbed to the surface, along with a couple of capsized, half-melted canoes.
"Well," said Apollo with a brave smile. "You were right, my dear. You had everything under control! Let's go see if we boiled anyone important, shall we?"
"Define important?" Percy asked as he rubbed at his head to make sure it was still attached.
"If Dionysus hasn't killed them yet I like her chances," Nico shrugged.
"Oh shush, all of you," Jason jumped in as Thalia still had a strangle hold on the book and didn't even seem to realize she was done despite Rachel trying to tug it away. "We don't have to learn every detail of each other's lives, Thalia's entitled to whatever was bothering her to stay with her."
"We weren't teasing," Nico assured as he got up. "Awkward silence would be worse though, right Thalia?"
She was still taking calming breaths and fighting down shame just the memory of that had freaked her out so badly, but quickly waved Nico on so she wouldn't have to respond, practically throwing it into his chest. So Percy hadn't figured it out, his face as clueless and concerned as ever, but it was just a matter of time until they had to deal with that pig and Percy truly did remember, then the jokes would start. If nobody else got it sooner.
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