#lord of the rings Headcanon
ballroomfitz · 3 months
I bet after Aragorn became king he would continue to be Just Some Chill As Fuck Dude. You go to the market and there’s the king of Gondor. Buying turnips.
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How the elves prefer to kiss a short parter
(Elves are said to never really be under 6’4 and I’m thinking partners under 5’4)
Standing on a table
They find it hilarious and makes it easy to kiss you or pick you up if they want to continue the kiss elsewhere. They think it’s even funnier if you still have to go on your tippy toes.
Glorfindel and Lindir
Picking you up
Loves feeling you this close and making you feel safe. They won’t lie, they love that it means they can grab at your thighs and ass.
Haldir and Thranduil
Crouching down/On their knees
They like meeting you down to your level. If they’re on their knees it makes you both laugh but they love it because it makes them feel like they’re worshipping their sweet little love.
Legolas and Meludir
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
⭑ He was protective of you before, but now ... he was suffocating. 
“Legolas, I can do it myself!” You said, reaching for the knife. 
   “But you’re with child. My child, and I cannot let you exhaust yourself-”
⭑ Oh and he knew you were pregnant before you even had an inkling. He didn’t want to scare you, or overwhelm you, so he was protective but waited until you missed a period before he was sure. (Sorry that was a really big sentence-)
⭑ Everyone is overjoyed with the news
⭑ Aragorn goes in for a hug and Legolas steps forward. But you give him a stern look, and he backs off. 
⭑ Arwen barely leaves your side. She wants to make sure that you’re looked after and comfortable at all times. 
⭑ Even though Legolas is on your other side, doing the exact same
⭑ He doesn’t like going on quests/adventures for too long. And asks for a bit of time off to look after you in your late trimester 
⭑ Legolas does not care ONE BIT if it’s a girl or a boy. He’s just excited to be a father!
⭑ You kinda want a girl
⭑ And so does Arwen
⭑ But you know this baby will be loved and cherished forever
⭑ Maybe you didn’t have the best upbringing, so you know exactly what not to do. 
⭑ If you have morning sickness then he is always up, holding your hair back and cleaning you up 
⭑ Loves leaning his head on your stomach. Because he’s desperate to have his daughter/son in his arms
⭑ You go to the physician and have your usual check-ups. Yes, Legolas is always there with you. He doesn’t miss one appointment - not ever
⭑ You were picking out names waiting for the physician a mere month before you baby was due:
     “How about ... Ârben?” You mused, trailing your fingers over your swollen belly. 
   “To honour ... Arwen?” Legolas replied, he stood at the foot of the bed and you knew he was listening to anyone who approached. 
   “I guess, it’s a mix of reasons...”
⭑ When the physician came in, and examined you once again. His face changed, and both you and Legolas started to panic
⭑ “What is it? What’s wrong?” 
       “Oh ... no, no! Nothing wrong. Just something I guess I missed...”
⭑ There was silence before he spoke again. 
    “You seem to be having twins.”
NSFW🔞minors dni!
⭑ Your hormones make you hornier. You’re constantly trying to seduce Legolas, even with your swollen belly. 
⭑ Doesn’t want to have sex at first because he thinks it might hurt the baby
⭑ But you’re like ??? This is what everyone does, is it not?
⭑ So your sex life doesn’t cease, if anything, you have sex more often
⭑ You basically become a pillow princess though 
⭑ He doesn’t want you overexerting yourself 
⭑ So sex is basically all about you, because you found that orgasms help you sleep...
⭑ Is not rough though, so sorry if you like that. He doesn’t want to hurt you AT ALL. 
⭑ Orgasms feel so much more intense now, because of your hormones. 
⭑ And you’re a LOT louder than usual. This made Legolas a tad embarrassed at first, because he was used to being so poised and proper. 
⭑ But he got over it, because helping his wife was much more important
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socksracoon10 · 4 months
Being best friends with Legolas
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Headcanons below the cut!
Legolas and you are probably inseparable.
I mean let's be real here, when it comes to friendship, Legolas values it so much.
You're practically family to him.
And you think the world of him.
90% sure as young elves, you two would spend all day in the woods and play tag, practice archery or just run around and laugh about something.
hang out in the trees, swing from tree to tree.
usually you'd instigate the tomfoolery (as Thranduil would point out) and Legolas would just follow you with a soft smile because though he's not very expressive, it's super clear that he loves to just hang out with you.
Yeah, Thranduil ain't too happy about that, though. But then again, when has he EVER been happy after his wife passed away?
It's obviously no surprise that when everyone's gathered in Rivendell at the secret council with Elrond that you volunteered to go with Legolas.
Wasn't really a favored choice, though, considering that Elrond gave you the side-eye and Gimli almost lost his mind at the thought of having to deal with not just one, but TWO elves.
Poor dwarf's wringing his hands in the air, and swinging his axe around.
Doesn't sway Legolas's opinion, he's ecstatic about the fact that not only were you joining The Fellowship to get rid of the One Ring (an important task) but you were going to be able to hang out with him even more?
The past few years the two of you hadn't seen each other since he had been with Aragorn, but this was a prime opportunity!
You'd probably eat Lembas bread with him and chat about how your life has been since you've grown up
Not much time for your usual shenanigans and the dynamic has quite shifted since you were young
Rather than trying to do something for the sake of adventure, you were going on an adventure for the sake of saving Middle Earth.
Yeah, BIG change.
And Legolas, being the best friend you could ask for, would certainly help you along the way, guide you through the quest and still be that kind soul you knew when you were young.
You could tell him anything, and he'd listen intently
your own personal little therapist and he'd listen to you rant about something
and he's ALWAYS interest to hear what you have to say, even if it's in the middle of fighting a bunch of orcs or Nazguls.
Y'all got each other's backs ALL the time.
I mean ALL the time.
When Legolas and Gimli are having a face-off at Helm's deep, best believe you're killing these orcs alongside him
"That's not fair! You can't just add your kills together!" Gimli would cry out
"Ah, but you forget, we're practically the same... one in soul," you'd reply with a cheeky grin.
Legolas would totally grin back as Gimli's losing his mind.
The banter?
You're more forward than Legolas, so you're quick to tease Gimli whenever an opportunity comes up. Legolas is more subtle, finding only a few moments to tease the dwarf
but when he does? yeah roasted
Both of you teaming up against Gimli for fun sometimes, hunting together, making plans
Safe to say that when Legolas leaves for the Undying Lands with Gimli, he brings you as well.
Just the three of you guys, on a boat, talking about life and making tons of jokes
Best friends, side by side, with no worries at all.
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oda-cipresi · 3 months
Hello! 👋 Welcome to the LOTR/Hobbit fandom! Since you said you’re taking requests, what would you think of HCs of Aragorn x reader whose has a dragon companion? Either she’s the first one to tame a dragon or she’s from a tribe of dragon riders, whichever you think works best. Happy writing!
Thank you for the request! I'm sorry it took this long to write it and that it's so short, but I had a lot of projects that were due in the past few days/weeks. I also found out that I can't write Aragorn to save my life. I don't want to make him too OOC but I honestly don't know much about his character (oddly enough since I have watched the movies a million times by now and I (finally) started rereading the books after 5-ish years.
Requests are still open but it might take a while for me to write them.
It might not be the best, and there are probably a lot of mistakes since English isn't my first language, so if you see any, please point them out :))
~Ciprese <3
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Aragorn x reader with a dragon companion
• When you first met, he was probably shocked mainly because: one, he thought all dragons went extinct after Smaug was defeated, and two, you have a dragon companion. He didn't know which part was more shocking, but eventually, he has come to terms with the fact that you have a dragon as a companion
• I think he would be wary a bit at first because he knows what happened in Erebor and Dale, but once he realises that the dragon is nice as they get he calms eases eventually
•Would refuse to ride it at first. He would barely let you ride it even if you are experienced, but he would eventually drop it and let you do your own thing
•the first time he rode the dragon, he had a death grip on you, but eased into it after a while.
•Dragons are hoarders and possessive of their gold (if my memory is correct)
• Aragorn would get jealous of the dragon.
• The dragon would get jealous of Aragorn.
•Eventually they would come to peace, mainly because Aragorn bribed it with freshly hunted things (idk what the right word is I apologise)
•Soon enough the dragon loves Aragorn more than you, probably. Constantly following him like a shadow (if the space allows it, that is).
•After Sauron was defeated and Aragorn became the king and you a queen, he had a place built just for the dragon so it had a roof over its head and was free to rest whenever it wished to do so.
•If Aragorn had to visit another lord or wanted to visit his friends from the Fellowship, he'd use the dragon to get there, especially if it's on short notice.
•Will bring the dragon big pieces of meat, which you have told him to stop because the dragon is gaining weight. Aragorn apologises and starts doing it in secret.
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blazemourn · 3 months
My headcanon on what men of Arda can do with their gift that's given by Eru :
Shift realities :
Men's fëar are completely unbound to the world of Arda so I have this idea where when they die and exit the cycles of that world then they can try and live in new realities and timelines because of the fact that their fëa isn't imprisoned just like how the elves and their fëa are. I believe that they can enter a plane of never ending existence where there are billions and billions of alternative timelines and multiverses that they can enter into and even live there for as much as they want, some even being alternative versions of Arda itself.
Astral projection :
Again, this is because of their free fëa. I personally like to think that they are capable of transferring their fëa into another plane or space even if they're still alive but maybe in a little more strict way than compared to the men who have already died and exited Arda. Elves are extremely spiritual but I think their spirituality just means them thinking they are meaningful and being blissful and loving Arda. Not being able to actually enter another realm with their spirit. I also headcanon that when men are astral projecting their fëa freely starts to float and goes higher and higher but when elves try to do that their fëar get hit by an invisible wall and fall back to their hröar.
Control over their dreams :
Just like how everything goes back to men's different and interesting type of fëa I have this headcanon that because their fëa is completely free then they can control their dreams or travel to different places in their dreams if they are trained enough and know what to do. They can't be controlled by the Valar or anyone so I highly doubt that Irmo Lórien would be able to stop them from doing such a thing. I also believe that if they're trained, men can even enter each other's dreams and talk to each other or deliver messages when they feel the need to.
High emotional pain tolerance :
We all know that elves never forget anything and when it comes to emotional pain they overthink a lot because of it and suffer a lot, maybe even for thousands of years. Men on the other hand are extremely chill and easy going when it comes to emotional pain and it doesn't affect them as much and they may feel sad for maybe a decade if very deep, at least in Arda. I like to think that just like how elves are physically stronger, men are emotionally stronger and grief and sorrow doesn't kill them like it how it does the elves.
High level of inner peace :
Men are very chill and forgetful when it comes to emotional pain as I said. Because of this, I believe that they also have a great inner peace inside of them unlike elves who are still mourning for the sorrows of their last ages. This however doesn't mean that men are peaceful as we know that they're very ambitious and may even try to attack each other's territories. But inner peace and peace aren't the same and when talking about inner peace I mean the fact that men are usually unaffected by grief and regret and they forget it after a few years and their hearts aren't heavy like the hearts of the elves.
Hope you enjoyed!
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Everyone in Middle-Earth that's ever met a dwarf knows that dwarves can't keep their hands still. Their fingers are always twitching, always moving, during meetings between lords, between friends, between enemies, at ceremonies, etc. This has led to the idea that dwarves are such great creators and tinkerers because their fingers are always itching to do something, to make something, anything!
Only a handful of outsiders, like Galadriel, know that they're actually communicating in dwarven sign language. Usually out of boredom. Because they want to make something.
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given that, per your last ask, you're familiar with the lord of the rings, do you have *heretical opinions* on it?
Opinions thus far are in here.
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autumnmobile12 · 2 years
Lotr Headcanon
Legolas low-key fascinated by the children of Rohan during The Two Towers.  Since Tolkien elves rarely have children, how often has he seen a small child before?  Does he recognize them as children or does he regard them as he does hobbits or dwarves in that they’re just smaller people?  On that note, the kids have probably never seen an elf before, so they’re just as in awe of him.
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LOTR and The Hobbit NSFW Headcanons pt 2.
(y’all bishes hoooorrrrnnnnyyyyy)
Part 1
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- loves when you ride him
- wants to grab and hold every part of you that he can
- forcing him to be a good boy in public and keeping him nice and hot for as long as you can
- whispering really dirty things in his ear in public but following it with a sweet kiss on the cheek so people just think you’ve said something lovely
- ass kinda hobbit
- sitting in your lap and playing with his cock
- “such a good boy for me” you whisper while he cums on your hand
- loves when you grab at his hair during oral
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- likes to be man handled but in a playful way
- exhibitionist kink
- sweet and playful caresses while he fucks you from behind
- his favourite meal is between your legs 😏😏😏
- will tell you how good you’re making him feel
- buys you pretty night gowns and aprons so he can watch you bake in them
- loves when you put on a show baking, bending over and sitting in his lap while you feed him the cake mix
- holding his face nicely while you bounce on his cock
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- degradation and praise all at once
- make him cry! Make him cry! Make him cry!
- overstimulation is his favourite thing
- tie him up and make him cum over and over again
- will beg you to stop but that’s because it makes him horny
- if it was too much he’d use his safe word
- “please mistress, I can’t take it anymore, it hurts too much please!”
- wants to be pegged so badly
- will suck your strap
- it’s so fun to grind up against him and make him cum in his pants
- you do it on purpose but then you tease him about it and he loves it
- “did you just cum in your pants? You’re such a dirty little pathetic thing aren’t you, Lindir?”
- he goes so pink
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- has a thing for human partners
- likes feeling small and taken care of but elves are too big
- loves him a squishy partner
- would live laying on your boobs or on your thighs if he could
- pretends he can’t do things like open jars or reach things but home boy gets horny when you take care of him
- playing with his hair is foreplay
- lots of whimpers, light moans and quiet pleas
- if you tug his hair however he’s screaming and eyes are rolling back
- he lives in your lap
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- oral queen 👑👑
- could honestly live between your legs
- whispers the dirtiest things to you and yet it sounds like poetry
- talks elvish in your ear while sitting behind you and taking her time playing with you
- the softest dom in the whole world
- like is literally only dominant because she wants to take care of you
- passing you dirty letters while you try to read peacefully
- loves watching you touch yourself
- she won’t say anything but her eyes won’t leave yours or your body
- breathy moans
- loves having her nipples sucked
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- sweet innocent boy
- surprisingly kinky but only in a proper relationship
- praise kiiinnnkkk!
- tell him he’s a good boy and he’ll just melt
- “oh you’re doing so well for me, baby, such a good boy”
- kinda likes being hurt but will need a lot more aftercare than usual
- likes being tied up and edged
- is into watching you get fucked by someone else but only if he can join later
- wants Legolas to join you but turns into a blushing mess every time you talk about it
- sit on his face pllleeeaaaaassssseee! He doesn’t care if he can’t breathe
- craves kneeling before you during oral
- wants to feel like your sweet little servant
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- size kink!!! He’s a huge dude and honestly loves how tiny you are (you could be tall and still be tiny to him!)
- loves being called ‘my lord’
- you don’t have to thank him when you cum but he sure does love it when you do
- degrades you and praises you in the same session
- he likes degrading you and being rough when you give him oral but if he’s fucking you (especially from behind) he wants to tell you how good you’re taking his cock
- gives you very sweet names during very dirty times
- “you’re just such a sweet little thing for me” he tells you while your face is covered in cum and spit
- bounces you on his lap while you ride him
- lots of loud grunts
- rag dolls you around into different positions
- is either fast and rough or takes his time and worships you
- thinks both giving and receiving hickies is really hot and will show them off with pride
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬/𝐨'𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Warning: scars, talking about scars and how reader got them, self harm, battle wounds, getting naked - not smut, keeping it PG and sfw. 
・It was one of the first few times that you went home to Legolas’ kingdom 
・Sharing his chambers, you had stripped off to bathe
・The candlelight was dim. Slow flickering on every surface, lighting up the room with a warm glow. 
・The bath was warm, not scalding but the temperature that you desired. 
・Legolas had put in lavender oils and sprigs of thyme, and rose petals 
・He liked to do small things like that for you
・The white haired-elf was sitting at his wide oak desk, polishing his blade. His eyes flickered upwards and watched as you climbed in
・But his eyes didn’t cast downwards, instead, they kept on staring at the many scars along your naked form
・He had seen a few in your months of courting. But you never showed him the large red and white scars on your sides, back and arms
・“ Nin mel, hin scars, how did cin get hain?” (My love, these scars, how did you get them?)
・”Ha's a an sinnarn.” (It’s a long tale) you replied, sinking into the depths of the water. 
・You scarcely heard his footsteps. 
・”Man nad im mel na vedui” (it’s a good thing I love to listen.)
・He came behind you and took the washcloth from your hands, gently moving it across your back, shoulders and neck
・ “War can leave both mental and physical scars,” you started to talk and Legolas sat and listened. He never interrupted, only made small noises of encouragement. 
・Legolas was attentive. He memorised every word you said, while tracing the risen healed skin. 
・He asked you about every single one, where you got it, how you got it, which weapon was used. Some weren’t given by another being. The mind was a battle-field, and sometimes it was too overwhelming
・Legolas didn’t judge you, not once did you feel ashamed or guilty
・When the bath grew colder, Legolas helped you from your sitting position, with a towel ready
・He wrapped you up tight and walked with you to the bed. 
・Legolas treated you so tenderly. Brushing your hair, drying and dressing you. He even laid down beside you and kept on listening
・You didn’t even know you were clinging onto memories. That you needed to tell someone about what happened to you, and what you did to yourself
・You fell asleep in the Elve’s arms, and he wrapped himself protectively around you
・Legolas felt closer to you then, like he saw more of you, and now understood you better
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meteors-lotr · 2 months
Imagine the fellowship showing each other pictures and paintings of themselves as children
Everyone cooes over Gimli with the tiniest little beard and mini axe, the Hobbits all sleeping in a little pile of curls and tails, Aragorn in formal elven clothing but his hair is still as messy cause they couldn’t style it even if they tried, Boromir holding a baby Faramir cause he refused to part with him after he was born
And then Legolas shows the ugliest fucking thing any of them had ever seen, looking like a fleshy newborn bird with enormous eyes and ears, and he’s proudly boasting over how he’s seen as one of them most beautiful elven infants in millennium, and the rest of them are afraid to say anything because What The Fuck
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mushroomates · 10 months
the fellowship at fancy restaurants:
aragorn: literally would not care if he ate gas station sushi at a truckstop, does not see the appeal of fancy but appreciates the atmosphere. likes taking arwen out for fancy food, great at scouting out the genuinely good places, not just the expensive ones.
boromir: will fight you over paying the check. his current move is pretend to go to the bathroom, stop by the concierge’s desk and drop off his credit card there. always gets some sort of steak.
merry: deceptively well mannered. is polite and well spoken. offers to foot the bill (rich parents) but it’s an empty gesture cuz my man doesn’t carry a wallet on him 90% of the time.
pippin: gets like 80 appetizers and dessert. eats a little off of everyone’s plate. likes to order of the “secret menu” and enjoys french fries at every fine dining establishment regardless if they are offered to begin with.
frodo: very polite, has a hard time deciding what he wants. ends up getting several things and either sharing it with sam or giving the rest of it to pippin. all hobbits are incapable of bringing home leftovers.
sam: makes frodo order for him cuz he’s worried he will mess up the fancy names. fuckin loves him some fancy potatoes. takes a pic of the menu and tries to re-create it at home, 9/10 times it’s better than what the restaurant has.
legolas: eats the garnish. orders fancy cocktails and then will lick the salt rim off, eat the lemon, or the entire whole cherry, stem and all. likes to get pretty salads and sometimes will requests dressing on the side but not even use the dressing.
gimli: fantastic tipper. will fight with boromir about who pays the bill. has great table manners. will ask staff for recommendations and just order what they tell him to. not a picky eater, even if he hates it he will finish it all.
gandalf: shows up an hour, hour and a half, late. asks for servers to “surprise him” pays in cash, leaves whatever number feels right of hundreds on the table and heads out before the bill comes. he has been known to both dine and dash as well as tip 80%.
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Eddie, Lord of the Rings fan that he is, looks up at Steve Harrington carrying him out of the upside down and says, "I knew you'd carry me out of here, Sam." He then promptly passes out.
Cut to Steve spending weeks jealous of Eddie's boyfriend "Sam" that Eddie obviously mistook Steve for. He just can't seem to figure out who it might be and when they're meeting up. He wishes Eddie would just tell him about his boyfriend. Steve can be supportive even if his heart is breaking.
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Okay, but did the elves ever teach Sam how to make ropes?! Someone tell me they taught him how to make ropes when he reached valinor. This is important to me.
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byrobird · 9 months
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My toxic tolkien trait is to draw boromir as if he survived and lived through all the Lotr events
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