#lu watches
weirdhunterangel · 1 month
Everyday is a struggle with Ryu Sun Jae because he is a simp. He was born to teach us what an absolute pleasure it is to watch a man simp so hard that he needs a moment to look away and compose himself so that his downbad smile is not on display.
Downbadism is an art and Byun Woo Seok acts like he did a four year degree on it. You go king.
Another thing that absolutely is adorable is that Im Sol is still not in love with Sun Jae. Everything she does is out of the love she has for a person who got her through a hard time, someone she has grown to care about but as an idol. Right now while she has begun to see Sun Jae as the kid who lives next door, it is still her idol that she wants to save. And that to me is pretty nice because she isn't trying to impose herself on him or his life for any other reason but to keep him safe. There is no ulterior motive. And I think thats what makes her so likeable.
Special mention to tae sung, he is adorable in a way that not all second leads are and all his scenes with his banter with Sol are extremely fun to watch. In another drama, they would make an absolutely cute pair. They make a cute pair here too ngl. Love how she treats him like a naughty child and he calls her grandma
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x-lulu · 6 months
I feel so bad for 299, you’re lovely babes
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nerdpoe · 3 months
Little Zuko and little Azula love Lu Ten. They love Lu Ten so much, they successfully smuggled themselves into Lu Ten's baggage when Lu Ten left to go fight.
Lu Ten, meanwhile, finds out that his little cousins snuck along for the ride way too late.
He knows they're gonna lose the fight.
He isn't about to let a couple of little kids die like that, murdered by Ba Sing Se soldiers too hyped up by war.
He may have been prepared to put his own life on the line, but he's not sacrificing Zuko or Azula's. But he also knows that if he flees the field with them, then Ozai will absolutely use that as an excuse to "punish" his own children.
Lu Ten does not want to know what that punishment entails. He is, in fact, more terrified by whatever it may be than the literal war raging outside his tent.
He swallows his pride for his country, his love for his father, and his dreams of being a successful general.
He grabs the kids, fakes his death, and runs.
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kokoasci · 8 months
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comradekatara · 3 months
british people will never truly appreciate the sheer comedy of iroh, the most famous general in the world, naming his son, the crown prince of the fire nation, lu ten. because they pronounce it “leftenant” like freaks.
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stray-tori · 8 months
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in honor of 2k on twt, i forced them to smooch
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yuzuuu4 · 9 months
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they stress me out every friday and i still love them for it
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commanderwindy · 7 months
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sass-squat · 4 months
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I recently saw a post on here saying something about Legend in Howl’s Moving Castle and it made me realize how my favorite boys already fit both blonde and black haired Howl so I knew what I had to do 🫡
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1esor2 · 1 year
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Getting married in 6 hours, so I’ll be offline for a few days! Enjoy this post while I’m gone!
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weirdhunterangel · 1 month
Me realising I can deal with boy Sun jae because he is a kid in love and I'm like aww what an adorable puppy. What will I do with grown man Sun Jae who is an idol and all that. I will swoon or combust.
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x-lulu · 3 months
did netflix miss out on some key moments that made the characters who they are? yes
did I still enjoy watching the show simply because it means more atla content? also yes
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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So, I started watching Link Click...
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wrathyforest · 3 months
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Me once again redrawing my favorite trio <3 Guo Hongxu, Cai Lu and Ji Xiaokun
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groovyfrogged · 2 months
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Been sitting on this since february and at this point I doubt that I’ll ever find the motivation to finish it so might as well post it now
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luna-lovegreat · 8 months
Ok ok so Time and Winds relationship
If you look at their progression of interactions through the comic, their relationship has a very distinct storyline/character arc and it's really really cool ok
So starting at the beginning (their first and early interactions).
Time likes Wind (I mean who doesn't) they have the hero connection, and there's a lot for Time to see himself in him.
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Time doesn't underestimate Wind like some of the others, he knows perfectly well what's it's like to be a young hero (way too young like geez) and still be perfectly capable.
And then everyone splits up. They enter their new timeline/era thing through the portal and they separate into groups to try and find information, and Time and Wind go together. (why is that? Maybe Wind went with who he knew wouldn't underestimate him, and maybe Time wanted to get to know him a little more. Many possibilities.)
With the group split they end up fighting a bunch of monsters (of course). And the scene after the battle is just... Time takes Wind’s sword and compliments it, the art is so soft, it's just... it's the start of them have a really caring connection
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Look of a hero, discipline with the blade... those were phrases used in twilight princess by Hero's Shade (Time's skeleton ghost thingy?) when he’s teaching Twilight how to fight and become the hero he needs to be. And the fact that Time is quoting that to be Wind's mentor and guide him as a young hero is so cool. (So. Cool.)
And at the end, after the battle, Wind asks him that question, “I was wondering... about your original journey” And Time actually answers Wind's question. He tells him about his journey, and this starts a whole new chapter in their relationship. Because guess who went into detective mode? Wind.
He starts theorizing, and actually tries to get a chance to bring it up at first (“speaking of history-”), but eventually finds (makes) a moment to explain his findings.
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And Time's skeptical, of course he is.
There's a few reasons why, but here's the main one: Twilight. In this scene where Wind is explaining why he believes he is the hero after Time, his descendant, Twilight, makes two appearances.
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But Twilight is not part of the conversation. He's sitting a distance away, and we have no indication that he even knows they’re talking. Yet Time still looks over to him, because Twilight is his descendant. He KNOWS Twilight is his successor, but in this conversation they puzzle out a bit more of the timeline split.
And Time realizes... he has two hero's that came after him. Twilight in the main path, the one that Time previously believed was the only timeline, but there's actually more...
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And at the end of that section, Time’s a little overwhelmed (who wouldn't be when you're figuring out you broke the flow of time...)
But, this is the start of Time and Wind’s relationship with Time knowing Wind's one of his successors
Yet even though he's overwhelmed, he touches Wind and acknowledges the facts he's puzzled out (and it's so so sweet)
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Buuuuuut this starts a whole new chapter in their relationship. For the section where they’re puzzling out the timeline, and the next, look at their faces. You can see it in those conversations, they're uncertain. Time is trying to reshape his understanding of the world (he’s shaken and looks pretty tired, probably because he found out he left a whole timeline without a hero whoopsies)- but he also cares about Wind and wants to be there for him as well. And Wind looks very nervous around Time. He's excited that he knows he's the hero he heard about before him, but he's nervous about getting closer to him like he wants to.
Then Time goes into detective mode.
And there’s one thing Time really starts wondering: how the hell did Wind’s hyrule get flooded? It was not, in fact, a giant ocean when he left that timeline. So he asks, and Wind answers, but they don’t really start timeline talk with the rest of the group yet.
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And I would like to point out that apparently Time and Wind have like. Half the brain cells of the entire group. Because we see literally no one else (at this point) has had whole sections where they’re puzzling out the timeline, but these two are over here obsessing over it lol.
After they have those talks about timelines and kingdoms, they don’t have all the answers yet, but what they have established is this: in Wind’s timeline, he is Time’s successor, and they both want to be close because of that.
And then Time just like!! Adopts Wind :)
With all this build up and conversations, we now see Time and Wind spending so much more time together.
In the group they start ending up walking near each other more often, and they start fighting closer together in battles a bit more
But it’s not one sided- we see Time keeping an eye on and watching out for Wind during battle, as well as Wind defending Time when a skeleton was like. Falling on them. And they’re just working and fighting for each other and it’s awesome.
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And it’s cool because through the storyline we see the progression: Time’s the hero dad for everybody, but then he and Wind fight together, and start talking about their journeys to each other, then puzzling out the timeline, then acknowledging that Wind is a successor to Time, and asking questions, and then we see them get so much closer throughout the storyline.
(And Time is still so close to Twilight obviously, he’s his descendant and they have such a special bond but then he’s also developed this unique relationship with Wind too and it’s great)
And so it’s just evolved into a really sweet relationship because Wind looks up to Time, and Time is kind of his mentor, but at the same time he respects Wind’s strength.
And the fact that in the first place Time was willing to tell Wind about his journey simply because he asked, leading to all these discussions and getting closer… well. They care for each other, and it shows.
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