#lucy chen fanfic
eternalbuckley · 25 days
Undercover. — evan buckley
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SUMMARY: You are an undercover detective and assigned to a Job with Lucy. Buck tried reaching out to you while you were still undercover because he missed you and after the job was done, you decided to have a talk with him. Which revealed unsaid feelings from Buck.
word count: 3,504
genre: angst and bit of fluff | gn!reader, queer!reader, bipoc!reader and plus-size!reader friendly
pairing: evan buckley x reader, lucy chen x platonic!reader, 911/the rookie crossover
warnings: talks about drugs, reader got physically hurt (broken rip and a few scratches), mention of a car crash, small descriptio of a physical fight, there is a bartender named marc (in case that's your name), Y/C/N used once (means your undercover characters name), very emotional buck, english is not my first language, slightly proofread — if I forgot something, please let me know!
disclaimer: please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work or post this anywhere without my consent. do not translate my work and post it anywhere — i give you no permission to do that. i only post my stories here, so if you find my work anywhere else please let me know! reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated and welcomed!
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Working as a detective in the LAPD came with its good and bad sides. The stress was not always easy to handle but working undercover came with many more downsides. Things like not being able to be with the people you care about whenever you have an undercover job. It would be too dangerous if anyone in your private life would be a part of the life you created to be undercover and get involved with any case you had. Everyone who was a part of your life knew that, especially your colleagues and your boyfriend Evan Buckley. A firefighter of the LAFD.
You always had to go away for a few days here and there to get done different jobs since you started being friends with him a few years ago. Some years into your friendship, both of you realized that you had feelings for each other and started dating. Now you’ve been with him in a happy relationship for one and a half years. And soon you’d finally move in with each other. Buck knew what he had to deal with, such as not being able to contact you in any imaginable way whenever you were undercover. It would be too risky for you, him, everyone else and the job. You didn’t have to go undercover for the past two months now, as a result of an injury you got from your last job. Since then, Buck got even more protective over you. Naturally, he already was the protective kind of guy but since then it got more.
Buck wasn’t okay with you going undercover again but you had to because it had something to you with one of your old jobs and it was much needed that you would get into it again. And despite Buck being against it, you decided to do it and promised him you‘d be okay and everything would be according to plan.
"You got hurt the last time you promised me that," he mumbled but you reassured him that you would look out for yourself this time. Especially because you weren’t alone and had one of your colleagues, Lucy Chen, with you. This helped him to calm down at least a little bit. You kissed him as a goodbye and left his apartment, shutting down your private life.
Since then, it had been three weeks and the job was taking longer than expected. It was unbearable for you and Buck but it needed to be like this. You knew you were close to being done with the job but you couldn’t risk anything yet. Lucy and you didn’t have all the evidence you needed to arrest the drug dealers and the whole gang you were infiltrating. She had to brew lots of different drugs and you helped her with that. Collecting all the evidence wasn’t as easy as you hoped it would be but there wasn’t anything else you could do. You had to wait and so did Buck.
Whenever he wasn’t on a call, he sat on the couch of the station and kept looking at his phone whenever it vibrated. He hoped it would be you, letting him know you were back but every time it wasn’t what he was hoping for. It was the first time you had been away for such an amount of time since you got together and he missed you. He needed to see you again. Eddie tried to cheer him up by spending time together with him and Chris but not even that helped Buck. He was thankful for the efforts but the only thing that could cheer him up would be seeing you. He knew he couldn’t but he had and needed to find a way.
So, despite everyone’s concerns and efforts to keep him away from doing what he wanted to do, he drove to a bar. Buck knew from your stories about your undercover jobs that this was the place where you usually hung out with a few drug dealers. It was a normal bar; everyone could enter it without automatically being associated with the gang or any criminal acts but it was a known place for this gang. He sat in his car, thinking about if he should do it. Buck knew it was wrong and the risks that could come with it but in that moment, he was too stubborn and got out of his jeep and walked over to the bar. He entered it and looked around, looking for you. And to his good luck or maybe later his bad luck he found you immediately. Your eyes met each other and for a second you thought your eyes were lying to you but they weren’t. You saw your beloved boyfriend walking over to the bartender and watched him as he ordered himself a drink while sitting down there. His back was turned to you but you knew what his aim was. Internally you cursed him.
"Hey, isn’t that your boyfriend?" Lucy nodded towards Buck and whispered to you. You nodded your head and sighed. He wasn’t supposed to be here.
You were currently sitting with her alone, luckily no one else in the gang you both were infiltrating was with you. Giving you a night just together. It was very unusual but you both took it as a chance to plan your next steps.
"I‘ll go and get us another drink, warn me if anyone gets too close," you told Lucy as you stood up. She hummed and nodded her head.
You walked over to the bartender and stood right next to Buck but kept a distance from him. You didn’t want to cause too much attention in case anyone in the gang was secretly watching you and Lucy.
"The same drinks twice again, Marc," you smiled at him. He nodded and started making your order. He was a few feet away from you now.
You didn’t look at Buck since you weren’t sure if you were being watched by anyone. "What the hell are you doing here?" You mumbled quietly but Buck was still able to hear you.
"I needed to see you," Buck took a sip from his drink, "I miss you." He noticed that you didn’t look at him which hurt him but he knew you couldn’t risk anything. It was already too risky for you to talk with him in the first place but he needed to risk it.
You sighed and looked down for a moment, "I miss you too,” you replied eventually in a soft whisper. “But you should go. You shouldn’t be here, it‘s too dangerous for you or us." You continued as you watched Marc while he made you the drinks. He shared a polite smile with you from the other side of the bar.
Buck nodded his head and finished his drink before he finally looked at you. You looked different. You had another haircut and hair colour, you even had a few fake tattoos on your body. You looked good in his eyes, different but good. But not as good as you usually look like.
"Here are your drinks Y/C/N," Marc gave you the two drinks and went back to serving other customers. You thanked him and took the two glasses.
You turned your body to Buck and gave him a small reassuring smile, "I‘m okay, don’t worry about me." You whispered once again.
Buck nodded his head again, "I love you." He whispered as you turned around to walk back to Lucy.
"I love you too," you replied quietly and eventually returned to Lucy without turning around again. Buck watched you go and gulped. He didn’t want to leave but he had to, and so he did.
As soon as you sat down again you looked out of the window and looked out for any people who possibly could follow him as he drove away but you weren’t able to see anyone following him. With a sigh and worry on your face, you looked back to Lucy, who already had her eyebrows raised. But before she could say anything you told her that you would talk with him about it once the job is done.
"I mean he knows that he shouldn’t do it but… It‘s Buck after all," you chuckled with her. You tried to hide your fear that someone might have followed Buck and that he could be hurt…. or worse.
After an hour Lucy and you decided to call it a night and drove back to your motel. The following days were quieter than usual. The gang you were working for didn’t contact you or Lucy, which was weird for the both of you but you decided to wait longer. After a few more days, three men came to your motel and took you with them. The conclusion was that the leader wanted to test you and Lucy. He wanted to see if he would be able to trust both of you any longer. Luckily you seemed to have passed his test because he involved both of you in the next steps of his plans.
Two weeks later the whole gang got arrested during a drug deal. The last days weren’t the easiest ones because one of the closer gang members started questioning the story about Lucy and you. Which resulted into the gang leader starting to question both of you as well but the deal was still being done. But you didn’t get out of it without any injuries. One of the gang members hit you in the side of your rips before he got arrested but that was everything that happened.
Your sergeant still made sure you‘d get a checkup in the hospital in case your injury caused any bigger inner injuries. You didn’t want to tell Buck anything about it because you knew he‘d be too worried but as soon as you entered the hospital with Lucy you met him. He and the 118 team just arrived there because Bobby got hurt on their latest call. You wished you could curse whoever was in charge of all the happening events because you didn’t want Buck to worry about you as well if he already was worried about his captain. Buck immediately stood up and rushed over to you, his face was slightly bruised.
"That‘s my cue to go," Lucy bit on her lower lip and held up her thumbs as she left you alone.
"Lucy!" You whisper yelled and held your rips because of your quick movements. Maybe it hurt you a bit more than you thought.
Your action didn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend, "What… What are you doing here?" He asked you, clearly worried about you. He held you by your arms and sat down with you.
"I‘m just here for a checkup, nothing to worry about," you tried to smile but you knew he‘d see right through it.
He nodded and raised his hand to touch your slightly bruised face but his face turned into slight panic or shock for a moment, "W..wait am I," he looked around and stopped in his tracks, "Am I allowed to talk to you? Is your job over or.."
You chuckled but hissed because of the pain, "It‘s over, we got everything we needed." You looked at him and touched his face to check up on him, "What happened to you?"
"Don’t worry about me. It‘s just a few scratches, we‘re here for Bobby," he told you and explained what exactly happened that led his team to be here.
They tried to rescue a couple after a car crash but another car drove into the accident and the team got slightly hurt. Especially Bobby but nothing too serious, he‘ll be out again after the checkups are complete.
Buck smiled but it was quickly replaced with worry again, "I‘m gonna get you a doctor."
You nodded and Buck left you there. Lucy came back with two water bottles and sat down next to you. She let out a relieved sigh and was clearly happy that the job was finally done. She was tired of brewing all these drugs.
"I guess you won’t talk to him tonight, hm?" She asked you as she gave you one bottle.
You took the bottle and opened it, "About the thing that happened at the bar a few weeks ago?" You took a sip and looked over to Buck who was talking to a doctor. You shook your head and looked back to Lucy, "I don’t think so. He already had a rough day. Talking about this can wait."
Lucy nodded and squeezed your arm after she put her hand on it, "Just don’t wait too long. We or especially you cannot risk it again. The next time it might be too late and one of you might die, or even both of you."
"I know," you sighed as you whispered and pinched your nose bridge. You tried to think about different ways how you should approach him with this topic but you still didn’t find the correct one.
As soon as you were off to go, you went home with Buck. He insisted on staying by your side, especially because it was your first night alone back home in your apartment. Originally, he wanted to drive to his apartment but yours was nearer. Buck waited for you as you got checked and the worry on his face was clearly there. You knew he wanted to ask you so many questions but would he get all of them answered? He didn’t think so, nor did he expect it.  But he for sure knew, he would try to get answers out of you about your well-being and how you got hurt.
"Ugh I require so much sleep," you sighed dramatically as soon as you entered your apartment.
You dropped your backpack on the floor and took off your jacket. Buck immediately came over to you to help you. Any big movement hurt you too much, he knew and saw that in your face.
"What happened to you?" He asked you again and reached out to touch your cheek. You didn’t flinch and just looked at him, "I.. I know you can’t tell me explicitly but.. You got hurt. Again."
You took his hand and squeezed it, "I‘m fine, really. It’s just a few scratches and a broken rip." You watched his eyes scanning your face. He furrowed his eyebrows but relaxed them after a few seconds again. He must have been thinking about something but you weren’t sure if he was going to tell you what he had on his mind.
After a few more seconds Buck shook his head and decided that he wanted to know what happened, "Tell me how it happened." He whispered as you turned away from him to get yourself something to drink.
"Buck…" You exhaled after you took a sip from your glass. You didn’t want to tell him everything but you knew he wouldn’t stop asking you about it. That was something you loved about him. That he would never back down from something.
"Please,” he begged desperately, “Tell me everything you can.”
Your eyes found his pleading ones and you slowly nodded your head. "Okay," you sat down with him on your couch.
Buck held your hand the entire time and listened to each of your words. You told him everything you were able to tell him about the past few weeks. From the point where you two met at the bar until almost all the main people from the gang got arrested. You told him about the gang leader starting to question the story about you and Lucy. How everything almost went down and that they were almost outed as detectives but luckily to you, you and Lucy were good enough at convincing most of the gang members. Of course, some didn’t believe you and watched your steps very clearly. Up until early this evening when everyone got arrested. Before your colleagues stormed into the building one gang member confronted you and Lucy. Having evidence that you two were indeed detectives and he threatened you to tell everyone about your lies. Hoping you two would die. Soon you three got into a fight and you got hit by the gang member a few times. In your face and rips mainly. But right after that your colleagues came in and made sure everyone got arrested.
Buck gulped nervously, "You mean… You could have died?"
You slightly nodded your head but immediately squeezed his hands, "But I didn’t, okay? Everything is fine. Everyone got arrested and everything is done." You spoke softly.
"But you still could have died," his voice cracked. His lower lip trembled in fear of the possibility of losing you.
He didn’t want to imagine getting a call about your passing from your boss or any partners. Buck was afraid that you could die in a job. He knew his own job wasn’t the safest either and that you might feel the same way as he did about you and your job. But he couldn’t imagine a life without you, that’s something he was one hundred percent sure of.
"Buck,” you tried to calm him down but it was not possible. You took both of his hands and pulled them to your lips to kiss him on his knuckles. It usually helped him to calm down whenever you did it but this time it didn’t seem to help immediately. “I’m here, okay? Nothing bad happened. I’m-“
"I don’t know how dangerous undercover jobs can exactly be but I don’t want you to die. I can’t lose you,” he shook his head with tears in his eyes.
You didn’t know about his opinion about your job. Both of you haven’t really talked about it before. Sure, you knew he didn’t like your job because he was scared you could badly get hurt again but that he felt this exact way. That was something new. He never was near crying because of it, at least not in front of you.
"You won’t lose me," you reassured him and put one of your hands on his cheek. He leaned his head into your hand but his worries were still present.
You wanted to promise him that he won’t lose you but you didn’t want to make a promise about this. Not, if you weren’t one hundred percent sure if you could keep it. The only way you could keep it was by staying with him because you deeply cared about him and loved him. But regarding to your job, you couldn’t promise him that. Neither could Buck promise you the same thing and both of you knew that.
"But what if there’s a time you can’t help yourself and you get in danger and-," he started rambling but stopped himself to look at you, “I’m worried about you.”
You nodded your head and whispered a few ‘I knows’. "And that’s okay but if I ever get too close to something dangerous, I‘ll get out."
Buck tried to smile at you but it didn’t reach his eyes.
"But…" you started and scooted closer to him. His hand immediately found its way to your thigh. You were thinking about how you could approach another important topic in this whole situation. Because you still needed to talk with him about his appearance at the bar a few weeks ago. But right now, you decided this would be something you should discuss later.
Buck looked at you, waiting for you to continue. He turned his body completely to you and signalled you that he was listening. With your one hand, you wiped away his tears and shook your head. You cuddled into him and wrapped your arms around his torso and so did he.
"There’s something else I need to talk with you about but it can wait for now,” you whispered softly and closed your eyes. “Right now, I just want to sit here with my boyfriend and cuddle with him.”
He nodded his head with a chuckle and squeezed your arms, he tried to make sure he wasn’t accidentally hurting you. He finally had his angel back in his arms. You nuzzled more into his body and hummed, feeling calm and happy. You didn’t want to let go of him and neither did he want to. There was an underlying tension between you regarding you and being an undercover detective but Buck knew he couldn’t change your opinion. You loved being a detective and especially working undercover. After all, it wasn’t just him who was scared every time. Whenever Buck had a shift, you were scared you would get a phone call about his passing or that you’d see anything about it on the news. You deeply cared about each other and were scared for each other but the love between you was stronger than anything else. But little did you know what would come sooner or later.
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afictionaladventure16 · 2 months
Safe & Sound (Tim Bradford x Adopted!Teen!Reader)
The Rookie Masterlist
Summary: While Tim and Lucy are on their first date, Y/N and Tamara face some challenges that ends with the realization that Y/N's past has come back to her new life.
Author's Note: I know Tamara technically doesn't find out that Tim and Lucy are dating until later on but uhhh this is fiction so yee. All requests are open!
Warnings: Mentions of fights and stabbing
Word Count: 4,630
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You watched from the distance as your dad tried on different dress shirts in his bedroom. You had seen your father go on many first dates… maybe ‘many’ is an exaggeration, but that was beside the point, the point was that you had never seen him this nervous. He looked like a girl trying to find the right dress for the school dance, you couldn’t help but smile. He was in love. 
You pulled out your phone, sending a quick text to Tamara
 He’s a mess, you sent. 
A few seconds later your phone buzzed in your hands, 
So is she lol. 
You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, “What’s so funny?” Your dad asked as he gave you a quick glance. 
You shook your head, “you guys have no idea how nervous you both are.” 
He sighed, “Should I call her?” You gave him a nod. Tim gave you a smile, “First, what do you think?” he raised up a dark grey shirt next to a light gray one. 
You rolled your eyes, “Does it even matter?” 
“What if it clashes with her outfit?” He asked. After the two years you had lived with the man, this was the first time you had heard him say that phrase. 
“I think all that matters is that you both are enjoying the date,” you suggested. 
Tim looked at you with a smile on his face. After Isobel, he felt so lost within himself and somehow he found himself becoming a foster father to a young ten-year-old. It was only a year later that he began the adoption process. It was a long one, especially with the history with Isobel, he had waited a year and a half until the adoption was finalized. It was the best day of his life and he knows that there will be other days in his future that will try to complete, but he will always hold that day close to his heart. It was the day he learned how to be himself again, the day he learned that family didn’t always have to be by blood. 
Now you were fourteen, looking forward to your fifteenth birthday coming up soon. A day that Angela was so busy preparing for because she knew as a Latina that you had to have a quinceanera, and Tim always tried his best to help you grow within your culture. It was one of the main reasons why he learned Spanish. 
He let out a sigh as he reached for his phone, “do you-” 
“If you don’t call her right now, I will call her myself, but I will video call her so she can see-” 
“Alright, alright!” Tim chuckled as he dialed Lucy’s number. 
You walked out of the room, sending Tamara another text. 
I’m assuming you’re coming over with pizza? You sent. 
You know me too well. 
Ever since you met Tamara, she has been like an older sister. Maybe it was because the two of you were in the system and bonded over the traumatic shit both went through. Or because you both lived with cops that took you in and, although Chen is technically just her roommate, they were now your family. 
Tim walked out of his room minutes later, “Alright, I am just a phone call away. Don’t forget to let Kojo out and please tell Tamara I said hi. Um- Am I forgetting anything?” He asked as he began patting his pants pockets. 
“Keys and they’re in the key bowl by the door,” you stated as you scrolled through Netflix, Tim walked over to the key bowl, rolling his eyes as he grabbed his keys, “Bold of you to assume Tamara is coming over.” 
“Is she not?” He asked. 
“No, she is,” you smiled. 
“That’s what I thought,” he sighed, “Don’t open the door for anyone but Tamara. You know the drill, make sure it’s her before you even op-” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, Can you go already so we can get this whole Lucy and Tim being continuously nervous over with?” 
Tim took in a small breath, he couldn’t help but catch that you had called him by his first name. It had been two years already and you were still calling him Tim. Of course, he didn’t know how to tell you that calling him dad was okay with him and he didn’t want you to feel pressured to do so; but just hearing it would mean everything to him. 
He gave you a small nod, “Call me if anything, alright? And make sure to turn on the alarm when I leave.” 
“Yes, sir,” you watched as he walked out of the house, you waited for the sound of the lock before turning back around to continue your scrolling. 
Twenty minutes later, you heard the doorbell ring, which was then followed by a phone call. 
You quickly answered, “I assume you’re outside,” you said as you got up from the couch. 
“Your assumptions are correct,” Tamara said. You opened the door to let Tamara in. She had been carrying a bag, of what you assumed is junk food, along with a box of pizza. “Alright, so I found this new candy that you just have to try!” 
You locked the door behind Tamara, “Alright, but first I need a slice of pizza because I am starving!” You followed Tamara as she walked into the kitchen to put down the box of pizza. You instantly opened it and grabbed a slice, “I can’t believe I watched Tim go through every single nice shirt in his closet like he didn’t even do that on his first date with Asley!” 
“Oh, you think that’s bad? Lucy’s whole closet is now on her bed,” Tamara commented as she unpacked the bag of junk food. “Do you guys have sodas?” 
“Yeah, in the fridge,” you gestured towards the fridge. Tamara helped herself, as she always does when she comes over, and she came over quite a bit. “Why do you call your dad by your first name?” Tamara blurted out. 
You shrugged, “I dunno, I guess… I guess I just feel like I am not allowed to call him dad.” 
“But he adopted you” 
“Yeah, but… I don’t know. I’ve wanted to, I just feel like I lost the moment to do so since it’s been two years since the adoption.” Tamara opened the box for a slice of pizza, “Has he talked to you about it? Or Lucy?” 
Tamara looked down, “I know Lucy’s mentioned it. Something about he feels like he’s doing something wrong.” 
You sighed, “What do you think?” 
“I’m the last person you want to ask that.” You gave her a pleading look, and she let out a sigh, “Look, if it were me, the timing wouldn’t matter. He gave you a family, a home, he made you feel loved after everything you had been through in life… in a way, he gave you a second chance that not a lot of us get.” 
She was right and you knew that. It had meant a lot coming from Tamara since she never got the opportunity to get this chance. She would argue that she did when Lucy took her in, but in a way it was different. 
“Should I just do it randomly? Like just ‘Good morning, dad,’ just nonchalant about it?” You asked. 
“Something like that,” Tamara smiled, “You’ll know how to do it when you feel ready and I think you know that you are.” 
The two of you ate pizza and watched Game of Thrones for the next hour. At some point, you had gotten up and let Kojo out to the backyard, he had been whining by the door for a while.  Tamara had taken that opportunity to get up to grab some snacks when all the lights went out, you looked over at Tamara. 
“Whoa,” She exclaimed.
“This is fine,” you stated as you got up from the couch. “Tim usually keeps a flashlight in a drawer in the kitchen,” you walked over to the kitchen, rummaging through the drawers. It didn’t take you long to find the flashlight. You shined it at Tamara who had her phone flashlight on.
Tamara sighed as she walked over to the window, “That’s weird.” 
“What?” you walked over to her. You were quick to notice that the houses across the street still had power. 
“Looks like the neighbors next door also have power,” Tamara pointed out. You looked over at the neighbors to your left, she was right, “Did Tim forget to pay something?” 
You scoffed, “No, he’s pretty good at paying the bills on time.” 
The sound of the floorboard creaking caused the two of you to quickly turn your heads, “I didn’t move,” Tamara whispered. 
“Neither did I,” you whispered back. You felt your heart leap into your throat, “Maybe I should call Tim,” you whispered as you took your phone out of your pocket. As soon as you had unlocked it you noticed the no bar signal on the top right corner. “Fuck,” you whispered. Kojo was scratching at the door, whining to get back in. 
You showed her your phone, “I have no signal.” 
“W-what? How?” 
You looked around for something to use as a weapon, “I’ve heard Tim mentioned this before. Some people use jammers in order to block a phone’s signal.” 
“You think someone is-” You held up your finger, Tamara stopped talking. The two of you fell silent, listening to the floorboards creaking increasingly. 
“We need to get out of here,” you whispered. You glanced over at the door, “I’m gonna grab kojo-” 
“No, if Tim were here he’d want you out, Kojo can fend for himself,” Tamara stated. Tamara quietly walked over to the kitchen grabbing a pan that was on the stove. You slowly walked through the living room, you knew Tim had a bat lying around somewhere for emergencies. 
What happened next was a blur. One second you were looking over at Tamara as she inched closer to the front door and the next you were on the ground and you heard yelling. You fought back as the person who was attacking you pulled out a knife. You were trying your best to use the techniques Tim had shown you, but this man was tougher than you had ever imagined. You knew that it wasn’t an excuse, that even if he was tougher and bigger than you, you had to find a way to defend yourself. 
“I got the other one,” you heard another voice yell out. You hadn’t realized there were two of them. 
You looked over at where Tamara was, “Tamara, run!” You yelled out. You could see the hesitation in her, “Go!” 
Tamara felt like running would be the biggest mistake, but she knew there was no way of getting help by staying here. The second man inched closer to her, she swung the pan that she had in her hands, hitting the man in the head, it was enough to stun him so she could get a running start. She ran out of the house and into the neighbor's front yard, running up to the door; she began banging on it, “Help!” 
You, on the other hand, were trying to get out of the man's grip. You sucked in a breath knowing that you had to do something you never wanted to do. You opened your mouth and bit the man's arm as hard as you could, he let out a loud yell and let go of you. 
“You bitch!” he yelled out as he lunged towards you with his knife. 
You lunged away from him, trying to dodge the knife, but he was bigger than you and still quicker than you. You felt a sharp pain in your side, “What the fuck did you do, Rick?!” The other guy asked as he came back inside. “Do you have any idea what he’ll do to us if we bring her in like this?” You reached down to where you felt the pain coming from, feeling something sticky. The more you touched it, the more pain you felt. Your knees buckled and you fell to the ground. 
“Fuck,” the man named Rick, looked at the knife and then at you. “I-I can fix this.” 
“No! Forget it! It’s been compromised! We have to go, the other girl ratted us out!” The man began to make his way to the back door. “Let’s go!” he yelled out again. You lay on the ground, watching as the blurry image of them ran out of the house. 
Tim couldn’t help but look towards the door every other second. Was part of him worried someone from the station would see him? Yes. But also, he had a habit of looking at the door every time someone walked in, especially when he was nervous. 
“Are you worried someone from the station is gonna walk in?” Lucy asked. 
“You are,” Lucy said in disbelief. 
“No, I-” 
“What are the odds?” 
Lucy rolled her eyes, “It’s likely.” She cleared her throat, she didn’t want to have this discussion right now. “So, Y/N’s quince is coming up, how is that coming?” 
“Good, good. I um probably going to be in debt for the next year so you can expect a nice Christmas card from us rather than nothing but emptiness inside.” 
Lucy chuckled, “Angela is running you dry with this quince.” 
“That she is. Anything Y/N wants, she gets. I swear she spoils her like she's her own kid.” 
Lucy smiled, “I’ve noticed.” Lucy’s phone began to ring, she took it out, letting out a small chuckle at the sight of the name. “It’s Tamara, the girls are probably trying to check in on us,” she rolled her eyes. “Should I let it go to voicemail?” 
Tim wanted to say yes let it go to voicemail, but there was a voice in the back of his head telling him not to. “Answer it,” he smiled, “Two can play this game,” he teased. 
Lucy placed the phone on speaker, “Before you even ask, yes we are still at the restaurant and no I am not bringing you leftovers, I know you guys had pizza,” Lucy said with a hint of laughter behind her voice. 
“Lucy,” Tamara cried out. 
Lucy and Tim’s facial expressions changed, “Tamara, what’s wrong?” Tim spoke up. 
“It all happened so quickly,” Tamara began. 
“Just take a deep breath, Tamara,” Lucy began, “What happened?” 
Tamara let out a soft sob, “Someone broke in the house. They cut the power and we had no way to call anyone. I-I ran to the neighbors for help, but Y/N was still inside, I-I’m sorry, I couldn’t get to her.” 
Tim felt his chest tightened, suddenly this world no longer felt safe. In all his years working as an officer, he never imagined this to happen. Yes, he was prepared for it, or so he thought he was, but now, this world was more of a menacing place than he had realized. 
Tim wanted to tell Tamara that it was okay, but he couldn’t, because to him, nothing was okay at the moment. He had failed the one promise he had kept to himself the day he took you in and that was to keep you safe. Now the one day he decided to be vulnerable and comfortable, it all came crashing down. 
Tim got up from his seat, “Where are you?” Lucy asked. 
“St. Vincents,” He heard Tamara say as he left a few bills on the table and began walking away. Lucy told Tamara that they’d be there in a few before catching up with Tim. 
“Tim,” Lucy began, you could hear the pain within her voice. “Tim,” Lucy pleaded. Tim quickly turned around as they got outside. “I’m driving,” Lucy stated as the exited the restaurant. 
“No,” Lucy exclaimed as she got in front of Tim, “you’re not in the right mindset to be driving right now.” Tim opened his mouth to argue with her, “I’m driving.” 
Tim closed his mouth and gave her a nod. They got into Lucy’s car and drove off to the hospital. Lucy broke a few laws that day, but Tim probably would’ve broken a hundred just to get there sooner. Tim didn’t wait for the car to be fully parked to hop out, he was already inside the emergency room making his way to the receptionist when Lucy made her way into the hospital. 
“My daughter was just brought in, her name is-” 
“Tim,” Lucy choked out, her eyes had landed on a horrific sight in front of her. 
“Lucy!” Tamara called out, Tim turned around just in time to see Tamara running over to Lucy. He looked around for you, hoping to see you running up to him, but his heart sank deeper every second that passed. He walked over to the girls, his eyes landed on what Lucy was focusing on. 
“Oh God,” he let out a shaky breath, as he watched nurses surrounding work on your wounds. He ran up to you, one hand grabbing yours and the other brushing the hair out of your face. “Y/N, sweetie, it’s me,” Tim began, “I'm here, okay?” he brought your hand up to his lips and placed a small kiss on them. He felt the tears begin to stream down his cheeks. “Is she going to be okay?” 
One of the nurses let out a deep sigh, “The stab wound barely missed one of her aorta’s by an inch, it did knick her one of her lungs causing her to loose a significant amount of blood.” one of the other nurses began to lift the handles on the side. 
“We’ll be needing to take her up to surgery now, to repair the damages,” another nurse said. 
Tim couldn’t find the strength to let go, but he knew he had to. “Tim,” Lucy began, “they need to take her.” She placed a loving hand on his shoulder. 
Tim felt tears begin to well up in his eyes, he placed a small kiss on your forehead, “We’ll get through this okay? You can’t leave me.” 
Lucy felt like the villain as she pulled Tim away from you, but she knew he wouldn’t have been able to do it on his own. 
Tim looked over at Tamara, “What happened?” 
Tamara let out a small sob, “I-I don’t know. One second we were watching Game of Thrones and the next the power goes off.” She took in a deep breath, “We decided it was safer to be outside of the house once we realized we had no signal, she wanted to get Kojo but I told her to just leave him outside and that’s when they attacked her. I should’ve stayed with her,” she looked at Tim with remorseful eyes, “I’m so sorry, she told me to run, but I should’ve stayed.” 
Tim shook his head, “No, you got help, if it weren’t for you, you both would’ve probably been worse off.” 
“Tim,” Lucy called as she spotted Sgt. Grey walks towards them. 
“Sir,” Tim began. 
 “I came as fast as I could, How is she?” he asked. 
Tim sighed, shaking his head, “She’s in surgery, the stab wound hit one of her lungs.” 
Sgt. Grey shook his head, before turning to Tamara, “We’re going to need your statement if you’re up to it, if not we can always wait for tomorrow.” 
“I think after all they’ve been through, I think it’s best if we wait for tomorrow,” Lucy chimed in. 
Tamara gave him a nod, “Tomorrow it is.” Sgt. Grey stated. He looked over at Tim, he noticed he hadn’t said much. His eyes were focused on the double doors where they had just wheeled you through. He walked closer to Tim as Lucy and Tamara walked over to some nearby chairs to sit down. “How are you holding up?” Sgt. Grey asked. 
Tim shook his head, “I wasn’t there.” 
“And you won’t always be there,” Sgt. Grey confirmed. “You can’t always be there, it’s one of the things we have to get used to when being a parent. We have to hope we raise them with enough knowledge so they know what to do in situations like this.” He let out a sigh, “trust me, it isn’t easy.” 
Tim nodded, “I’ve noticed.” 
“You let me know if you need anything,” Sgt. Grey gave Tim a soft smile before walking over to the nurse's station. Tim walked over to Lucy, sitting down beside her. No words were exchanged and somehow he preferred it this way. Lucy held his hand, squeezing it every once in a while as if she were checking in on him and he would squeeze back. 
Tim felt like he had been waiting for days when in reality it had only been an hour. His eyes never left the double doors that were ahead of them, his body would jump every time someone would walk through them. 
Eventually, a man in scrubs walked through them, his eyes scanning the lobby of people waiting to be seen or waiting for a patient. “Family of Y/N Bradford?” He called out. 
Tim quickly got up from his seat, “I’m her father,” he quickly stated as he walked up to the man. “How is she?” 
“Hello, I’m Dr. Avery, I was the lead surgeon. I am happy to say that the surgery was a success,” Tim let out a relieved sigh. “We’ll need to keep her for a few days for observation of course, but she’ll be good to go home after.” 
Tim smiled at the man, “Thank you, when can I see her?” 
“She’s in recovery right now, I can only allow one visitor,” The doctor stated. 
Tim looked at Lucy, “Go, we’ll come back in the morning,” Lucy said. 
“Do you mind stopping by my place and picking up Kojo? I think Y/N would kill me if she knew he stayed the night outside.” 
Lucy let out a small chuckle, “Yeah, we’ll pick him up.” 
“I’ll have you follow me,” the doctor gestured for Tim to follow him. 
Tim followed Dr. Avery to the recovery room, he knew this hospital too well to know where he was going, but he never thought he would have to be here for a reason like this and he never wanted to be in this hospital again unless it was for work. Once he got to the room, the doctor left to finish up some paperwork. 
Tim sat beside the bed, he gently held your hand. You looked so fragile to him as if you were a newborn, he was scared that one wrong move would hurt you. He waited by your bedside throughout the night. The morning sunlight began to peak through the windows, causing him to wake up. He gave you a small glance, sighing once he realized you were still asleep.  
He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes once again, hoping to get some extra sleep. 
You began to stir, you could feel the pain in your abdomen and you heard beeping. Slowly opening your eyes, beginning to realize that you were now in the hospital, the last thing you remember was watching the two men run out of the house. “Dad?” you called out with panic in your voice. 
Tim’s eyes darted open, “Hey,” he said as he sat up in his chair. He grabbed your hand, he was overjoyed that you were awake, but also overjoyed of the fact that you had just called him dad for the first time. Although he was trying to hide his excitement because he didn’t know how to react to it, he had been waiting for this moment for so long and now it was here but the situation was overshadowing it. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked. 
“Like shit,” you stated. 
You winced as you tried to sit up, “Let’s try not to do that for now, alright? I know you’re uncomfortable, but I can get the nurses in-” 
You waved your hand to stop him, “No, I’m fine.” 
“You want to talk about what happened?” He asked. 
You shrugged, “It all happened so quickly. The lights went out and Tamara noticed that the neighbors had electricity and that’s when we tried to call you, but our phones had no signal.” 
“Looks like they used a jammer,” Tim speculated. 
“That’s what I thought, we decided to leave but I wanted to get Kojo-” 
“Kojo can take care of himself,” he stated. 
“Tamara said you would say that, but someone attacked me as I got into the living room. Tamra was already at the door and she hit the other guy with a pan before running to the neighbors. I used all the techniques you taught me,” you felt tears well up in your eyes, “I tried-” 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. You fought back and you’re alive. That’s what matters right now,” Tim placed a kiss on the top of your head. 
“I remember one more thing,” you began. “When the guy that attacked me stabbed me, the other guy got mad. He said ‘Do you have any idea what he’ll do to us if we bring her in like this?’ in those exact words.” 
Tim felt the panic rush through his body, if his gut was right, he knew what these men were talking about. “Do you think they were planning on taking me?” You asked. 
Tim didn’t want you panicking, he didn’t want you to feel like you couldn’t be safe because someone was looking for you. “I don’t think so,” he began, “But Angela is on the case, you’ll tell her what you told me and we’ll get this straightened out.” You nodded, “Now, how about we talk about the elephant in the room.” 
You looked at him with a confused expression “What elephant?” 
“You called me dad,” he smiled. 
You rolled your eyes, “I can go back to calling you Tim.” 
He chuckled, “No, no, it’s about time you called me dad. I was starting to worry you weren’t going to.” 
“I felt like I lost my chance to do so,” you confessed. 
“Honestly, if you had waited twenty years to call me dad, I would probably be sad that you waited twenty years but, overjoyed that you did,” he smiled.
“Be honest with me,” You began. “There isn’t anyone from my past that’s looking for me right?” You hadn’t spoken about your past in a few years, it was something you wanted to leave behind. “The last thing I need is these fantasmas (ghosts) coming back,” you added. 
Tim sighed, “I don’t know, but you have me there and I can promise that from here on out–” 
You shook your head, “You can promise to keep me safe but let’s face it, you’re not there with me when I’m at school or when you’re at work.” 
“You’re right, I’m not. But I’m a cop. I have my ways and I know you too well.” 
You smiled, “Yeah, I think you do.” 
“Plus, if anyone does kidnap you, they’ll return you in two minutes.” 
Your face turned into shock, “Wh-what?” 
“Trust me, I don’t think they’ll be able to stand the twenty questions they’ll be getting from you or even the karaoke. I give them two minutes before they return you,” you let out a small laugh before you winced in pain. Tim sighed, he knew no matter what that he was going to protect you, and if he failed to do so, he was going to do everything he possibly could do, to get you back. 
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schoollover · 4 months
Au: your camera roll, but you’re dating Eric Winter from The Rookie
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annalu86 · 4 months
“So what was your training officer like, Officer Chen?”
The reactions of the group around the small table couldn’t have been more different upon hearing this simple question.
John Nolan’s eyes grew wide, he lent forwards slightly in his chair, becoming very interested in his lunch in front of him. His eyes regularly darting to watch the reactions of his friends and colleagues.
Angela Lopez on the other hand lent back in her chair, arms crossed over her chest openly taking in the scene in front of her. Ready.
Lucy Chen let out a slightly nervous cough of surprise as she was mid bite of sandwich, she began chewing frantically so that she could answer the question before someone, mostly likely Angela, could embarrass her.
And lastly Tim Bradford. Who upon Arriving at the table had smiled politely at the new face, who he knew to be Johns new rookie (Nolan had lent across and quietly whispered “Tim Bradford, Metro Liaison sgt” as way of an introduction), and taken his seat next to Lucy. Brushing the quickest kiss against her cheek as he sat, they were both in uniform after all, he hungrily set about demolishing the sandwich Lucy had pushed in front of him. Tim’s demeanour didn’t change upon hearing the question, his eyes didn’t flicker, his focus on the food of in front of him unswerving.
“Please” Lucy said, still swallowing sandwich “it’s lunch time, call me Lucy” she stalled
“Ok, Lucy” Officer Mason smiled “Officer Nolan has been so kind, so helpful! I’ve learnt so much already” she enthuses glancing at John who preens despite the obvious attempt at flattery “and I’ve met Detective Harper, who I know helped train Officer Nolan and Detective Lopez here was also a TO. Everyone seems so different, style wise. So how was your experience?”
“Yeah Lucy, how was your experience?” Angela grins widely, earning the briefest of glares from Lucy
“It was great actually!” Lucy says cheerfully, an involuntary snort of surprise erupts from John, earning him his own glare from Lucy. Tim’s focus remained on his lunch. “He taught me so much and made me the Officer I am today” Officer Mason nodded happily.
“It was all smooth sailing then Officer Chen?” John wasn’t going to let the months hed spent listening to Lucy moan about her nightmare TO slide just because Tim was now her boyfriend!
“Well…” the smile on Lucy’s face dropping for a split second to deliver another well aimed glare at John “if it had all been easy I wouldn’t have learnt as much”
“That’s so true!” Officer Mason enthused “it’s so important to learn from your mistakes” lucy nodded kindly.
“And you always got along?” Angela couldn’t help but take her turn
“No one gets along all the time, spending all that time alone together. There are going to be disagreements, but you work through them as adults, as professionals” Lucy finishes with flourish. She can’t help but notice the slight smile creeping at the corner of Tim’s mouth.
“So it was always very professional?” Angela pressed, before Lucy could wonder what she was getting at Angela continued “he was never unreasonable in his expectations? Didn’t punish you for simple mistakes?”
“Angela” there was a warning note in Lucy’s tone but Angela just grinned. Tim, nearing the end of his meal continued to keep his head down and ignore them all.
“He didn’t ever kick you out the shop and make you walk?”
“Or take your duty belt on a bathroom break” John added helpfully
“ Didn’t get you into a fist fight with a man twice your size”
“Or refuse to let you wear short sleeves in the middle of summer”
“Didn’t” Angela and John were in full swing now “take a picture of you when you fell asleep during a night shift, get it printed on a bunch of shirts and then pass them out around the station!”
“I’d forgotten about that one!” John said with a roaring laugh, turning to an increasingly shocked looking Officer Mason “I wear mine when I garden”
“Didn’t nickname you the goat whisperer, didn’t set a powder bomb off in your face, didn’t”
“Enough” said Lucy quickly eyes flicking between Tim and Officer Mason, trying to judge each persons reaction to the retelling of Rookie Chen’s adventures with her TO. “I think Officer Mason has got the idea” she laughs gently.
Tim, having finished his meal quietly began clearing up his trash.
“I look back on my time as a Rookie with nothing but appreciation and fondness, like I said, it made me the cop I am today. I’m very grateful to my TO for that.
“Wow.” Officer Mason shook her head from side to side “honestly it sounds like a bit of a nightmare! I haven’t heard any of the other rookies mention anything like that, please tell me he’s moved away from being a training officer now”
“Yeah, actually” Lucy says with a grin “I was his last Rookie”
“Except for the one after you that washed out” Angela whispered, as helpful as ever.
“Is he still in the LAPD? What’s he doing now?” Officer Mason gulps, eyes wide.
The sound of chair legs scraping across concrete draws everyone’s attention suddenly as Tim pushes to his feet
“I think he’s the metro liaison sgt now right?” And with that he simply leans down and once again plants a soft kiss on Lucy’s cheek, then silently turns and strides away.
Lucy can't help but chuckle as Officer Mason's already wide eyes bulge and her mouth opens and closes a few times, like a goldfish.
"He really was a great TO, a total pain in the ass, but a great TO" Lucy smiles at the young woman reassuringly.
"And as a boyfriend?" Angela asks, having clearly enjoyed watching it all play out.
"Still great.." Lucy grins wickedly "still a total pain in the ass!"
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callsign-dexter · 5 months
Flu Season
Summary: Flu season hits the Bradford residence.
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: sickness, vomit
Baby Bradford: A Little Fighter
Banner done by @callsigns-haze
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The flu had been going around Y/N's school and she was fortunate not to get it until late last night. When she got sick it was bad, she did have a good immune system but for some reason, she just got violently sick when a bug or the flu hit her.
It was around 3 AM when the pain and shivering started. Her stomach hurt so much that it woke her up. She knew she needed to go and get her dad or wake him up somehow but the thought of her moving herself just made her shake and tense up. She laid there for a few minutes until she finally decided to get up. When she pushed the covers everything started to ache. Just moving made her feel nauseous but she needed to push through and get to her dad. She took a few breaths and slowly sat up and her world began to spin. After a few minutes of sitting there, it stopped and she started her journey again. When she stood up on the floor her legs started to shake like a newborn foal using its legs for the first time. She slowly but surely made her way to her dad's bedroom using the wall as support. When she got there the door was open, thankfully, and she walked in, her breathing was labored if she didn't sit down soon she would surely pass out. Tim was sprawled out on the right side of the bed meaning the left side was open. Y/N crawled into the vacant spot and curled into him shaking.
It took Tim a good minute to feel the extra warmth and when he did that woke him up instantly. He opened his eyes to find his daughter curled up to him and grew confused. "Baby Girl, what's wrong?" He asked and at first, she didn't answer she was just shaking. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her forehead and felt it was burning up. "You're burning up." He said and she nodded having registered his voice.
"I don't feel good." She said and he could hear the scratchy voice and then it was followed by a cough. He rubbed her back which soothed her. "I think I'm gonna be sick." She said looking at him with wide eyes and immediately Tim jumped into dad mode. He jumped up and then scooped his 7-year-old up took her to his conjoined bathroom and sat her down just in time for her to expel whatever she ate for supper the night before.
"Just let it all out. It's ok. You'll feel better afterward." He told her as she finished and left her dry heaving. Once she was done she collapsed into her father's chest as silent hot tears raced down her cheeks. "Feel better?" He asked and she nodded her head and then turned in his arms and cuddled into him. He reached up and flushed the toilet. "Wanna try to get some more sleep or drink something?" He asked.
"Sleep." She said and he nodded and stood up with her in his arms. "Wanna sleep with you daddy." She said and he nodded as he walked to his bed and laid her in it.
"I'll be right back." He said and she nodded. Tim walked into the kitchen to grab a bucket and headed back to his bedroom. Y/N watched his every move when he got back. "If you feel like getting sick then do so in this bucket." He said and she nodded and he sat it down on the floor beside her side of the bed. She was out like a light in an instant. Tim debated going back to sleep or just lay there with her. He went with the second option and slipped into bed on his side and sat against the headboard and turned on the TV with the volume low. After 30 minutes of nothing on he found himself drifting off.
Tim wasn't a heavy sleeper to begin with and when it came to Y/N he pretty much had trained his body to listen for her. He started this when she was just a baby and Isabel was gone a lot. They both got a restless 3 hours of sleep before he woke to the sound of her throwing up. He had at some point cuddled up with her and she was just shivering in his arms despite her being hot to the touch. He was quick to sit up and rub her back "You're ok. Let it all out." He said and his heart broke when she started to cry and dry heave. After a good 2 minutes, she stopped and flopped back into the bed exhausted. He looked over at the clock and saw that it was 6 AM. He was already awake and this was his normal time to be up. When he looked back over to his daughter she was fast asleep. He carefully got out and started his routine of getting ready for the day and he needed to call into work and her school as well as make her a doctor's appointment. When he finished he sent a text to Marina to let her know what was going on.
Tim: Hey, Y/N is sick, I'm thinking it's the flu. I'm going to try and get her a doctor's appointment soon. I don't want you sick so I'll be staying with her. I'll let you know what's going on.
In an instant he got a text back.
Marina: Oh no! Poor baby! Yes just let me know what is going on and let me know when you need me. If there is anything you need me to do let me know. I hope she feels better!
He went and checked on her and she was sound to sleep curled up near the edge of the bed. He noticed that the bucket was a little bit fuller than the time he got up and he sighed, he hated it when she was sick. He walked out and back into the kitchen to pour some coffee and call the doctor's office. It rang twice before they answered
"Thank you for calling Clearview Family Physicians. My name is Emma. How may I help you?" She asked
"Hi, my name is Tim Bradford and I'm calling on behalf of Y/N Bradford. She started throwing up at 3 AM and twice more around 6 AM and 6:30 AM. She is also hot to the touch. I know there is the flu going around but I just want to make sure that's what it is." Tim said
"I'm sorry that she's feeling under the weather. We'll certainly get her in and looked at. I have a 10 AM this morning." Emma said and Tim smiled.
"That would be perfect." He said
"Alright. I have her down for 10. We'll see you then." She said
"Thank you." Tim replied back.
"You're welcome." She said and then they hung up.
Tim looked at his phone it was only 7 AM. He figured he would let her sleep in for a little bit before trying to get her to eat or drink something. He needed to call the school next and figured they had enough time to get in and open it. He dialed their number and almost instantly they answered after he pressed call.
"Thank you for calling Clear Creek Elementary School. I'm Brenda. How may I help you?" Brenda asked
"My name is Tim Bradford and I'm calling to let you know that Y/N will not be in school today. She's come down sick." Tim said
"Oh dear. I hope she gets better soon. I'll mark her as absent." Brenda said with so much care in her voice.
"Thank you. We'll let you know what happens and when she'll be back." Tim said with a smile and taking a sip of coffee.
"Sounds great. Thank you for calling. Hope to see her soon." Brenda replied and then they both hung up.
Tim looked down at his watch it was only 8 AM. He had one more call to make but first, he needed to check on Y/N. He sat his coffee down and headed to his bedroom but when he heard the sound of vomiting he rushed to his room and was quick to his daughter’s side. "Shhhh, it's ok baby. Let it all out." He said he was amazed that she had so much left in her. When she was done she caught her breath and looked up at him with unshed tears in her eyes.
"I don't like this." She said and Tim's heart broke.
"I know. But I got you a doctor's appointment at 10 AM and you won't be going to school." He said and she nodded top exhausted and that made him frown. He could see the fight wasn't there and her eyes weren't as bright. "Go back to sleep. I'll wake you up when it gets closer to leaving. You can sleep in the car too." He said and she nodded and laid down and was out like a light. He sighed and stayed there making sure she was asleep before he got up and took the bucket to empty it and then set it down again. As he was checking on her one last time he bent down to kiss her head and felt she was burning up and then how congested she was and then she let out a cough and that made him frown. All those were new symptoms. He got up and saw that the clock only read 8:16 AM he sighed and left the room while digging his phone out and went to Grey's number and hit the contact and it rang for a minute until he picked it up.
"Officer Bradford. What pleasure do I have for you to call?" Grey asked and you could hear the chuckle in his voice.
"Hey, Y/N is sick and I'm gonna need to stay home with her. She tends to cling to me when she's sick." Tim said
"She always has, ever since she was a baby." Grey said with a chuckle. "You take all the time you need and let us know if you need something. I know everyone around here would love to help out. If you need Luna for something just let her know, she would drop everything for that little girl." Grey said and Tim smiled and it was true. When his daughter met Luna it was an instant attachment.
"Thank you, Sir." Tim said "I'll let you know if there is anything." He added.
"Good. Now go and take care of that sweet baby girl. We have it handled over here." Grey said
"I'll keep you updated. I got her an appointment at 10 AM." He said
"Good. Talk to you later and keep us updated." Grey said
"I will." Tim replied and then hung up.
Tim sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He didn't like taking off but when his daughter was this sick he would do anything for her.
When Isabel was around she never took care of Y/N when she was sick all that responsibility fell on Tim and this caused several fights. Then again fights happened because she wasn't around to take care of their daughter. It frustrated him to no end. Yes, she was in her life for 6 years but she was just there she wasn't an active parent and when Y/N tried to be interactive with Isabel she would just shoot her down and send her off to go and find Tim. Tim had watched it happen and watched her face fall and her world shatter a little bit more each time, then she would come over to Tim and he would help her or look at what she did and when Y/N wasn't looking he would just glare at his wife who wasn't even paying attention. She was always too invested in work and going undercover. Tim sighed angrily thinking about all the times he wished he had Isabel's help but she just simply abandoned them.
He looked down at his watch for what seemed like the millionth time that morning and saw that it was 9:20 AM. The doctor's office wasn't that far but he liked being early and he needed to get Y/N up and somewhat dressed. "Alright sweet girl, up we go." He said and lifted her up and that woke her up.
"Daddy?" She asked groggily.
"Hey, Baby Girl. We need to get your teeth brushed and then head to the doctor." He said and she nodded and laid on her head on his shoulder.
"My throat hurts." She said and he nodded as he walked to the bathroom and had her brush her teeth and then he let her throw one of his sweatshirts on and he grabbed her bucket and they were out the door and into the truck. She was so congested and she was coughing nonstop. She was also starting to shiver despite her being in her dad's hoodie. She had fallen asleep on the drive over. He parked in the closest spot he could find to the door and killed the engine and then got out and then got her out she was still asleep as he carried her into the doctor's office. He smiled at the receptionist and with practiced ease he held her and signed her in and then went and sat down with her in his arms as she slept. 10 minutes later and her name was being called.
"Y/N Bradford." The nurse said and he was standing up with her and walking through the door. The jostling around made her wake. "Hey, Sweetie." The nurse said and smiled and Y/N just coughed and snuggled into her father and that made her smiled. "I'm gonna take your temperature, blood pressure, pulse, height and weight." She said and Y/N nodded. Tim put her on the ground and she got her weight and height taken and she just shook like a leaf once those two things were done she was allowed to get back on her dad's lap and she gladly did so. Her temperature was taken and when it beeped the nurse took it out of her mouth "102. She does have a fever." She said and Tim nodded the last two things were taken and then they were taken to a room. Y/N coughed and sniffled and Tim just held her closer.
A few minutes later Dr. Spring walked in and smiled sadly at the sight of the little girl. "Good morning." He said and Tim smiled.
"Good morning." He replied back.
"It says here that she might have the flu. and it looks like she has a fever. Is there anything else?" Dr. Spring asked and Tim nodded.
"She also told me that her throat hurts after I got off the phone with the receptionist and she has started to cough and sound congested. She also started to shiver and when asked to stand to take her weight and height she was just shaking." Tim said and Dr. Spring nodded adding it into the notes.
"I want to run some tests." He said and Tim nodded and slowly began to wake his daughter up and she groggily woke up and the doctor introduced himself and explained everything but she didn't say anything. Her eyes weren't as bright as they had been before she was sick. "Nurse Glass will be in here soon to run the tests." He said and then walked out of the room.
5 minutes later Nurse Glass was walking in and began taking the samples for the tests that Dr. Spring ordered. The flu one went up her nose and she hated that and she started to cry but Tim just held her tighter and when she tried to turn her head she was met with his chest. The other was for strep and that had to be done by swabbing the back of the throat and she reluctantly opened her mouth and when the sample was gotten she started to gag and the nurse was quick to grab a bucket and Y/N threw up. After she was done the nurse threw it away and then walked out.
A few minutes later the doctor was walking back in "It looks like she has the flu, strep, and a sinus infection." He said "I'm gonna get her started on some antibiotics." He said and Tim nodded and then they were free to leave. He carried her out and she was out like a light on his shoulder. He said bye to the receptionist and he was heading to the pharmacy to pick up her meds. Once they were picked up they were heading home and he was parking in the driveway and walking into the house with her. He laid her on the couch and let her sleep.
Tim got her medicine out and read the directions and got some Gatorade out that he had for when he worked out. He walked over to her and woke her up and had her take her medicine and of course she protested but he was quick to let her wash it down with the Gatorade and then she was out like a light again with the TV on low. He made himself busy around the house while still checking on her. "Daddy?" She called out and he was rushing to her from the laundry room.
"Yes, Baby Girl?" Tim asked
"I'm hungry." She said and that made him smile because that was a good sign.
"You wanna try to eat some crackers?" He asked and she nodded. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed them and then headed back. He sat down and opened them and gave her the package and she began to eat slowly. She was keeping them down and the was great. He also had grabbed the thermometer and he checked her temperature and it read about the same. He watched her eyes droop and then she was back to sleep snuggling into her father. He let everyone know what was going on.
This had gone on for serval days and on the 4th day her fever broke and she was back to playing a little bit. She was still congested but her throat didn't hurt anymore and she was still coughing. Her eyes were starting to brighten back up and that made Tim smile.
On the 7th day she was back to her old self and the antibiotics were done and she was no longer congested and her eyes were bright. It was a Wednesday so she was cleared to go back to school with her doctor's note. He watched her skip off into the school and he smiled he was so happy to have his little girl back. Once she was safe inside he started his drive to work, he hated taking time off but if it was to take of his little girl then so be it. When he arrived he was asked how she was and he smiled and told them that she was better and that she went back to school and was back to her old self. Everyone was happy about that now she could get back to her shenanigans, like scaring the living daylights out of Officer Smitty and conning him into doing stuff because he was slightly terrified of her.
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morganwrites12672 · 1 year
Tim Bradford x Reader
Tags/Warnings: Officer!Reader, Female!Reader, Established Relationship, not any real spoilers
"How was it?" You ask as Tim enters your car. His RBF turns to a smile as he sees you.
"She's not the worst," Tim says. Tim would never admit if he liked a rookie. Okay, he has made the occasional comment about a rookie being okay.
"But how was your day?" Tim asked as you began to pull out of the parking lot. You and Tim's shared apartment was an incredibly short distance from the station. Very convenient.
Tim rests his hand on your thigh as you begin to speak, "Shitty. I was tied up watching over a crime scene until the detectives arrived. Half of my shift. Six fucking hours," you complained.
"Oohh, so that's why I barely saw you," Tom responded. "sorry it was shitty," he added and fought a smile that was forming.
He thought you were adorable when frustrated.Hell, Tim thought you were adorable almost all the time. When he didn't find you adorable was when you were in action. During those times he found you very, very hot. Watching you kick ass turned him on way more than it should.
You both sit in silence as you drive. The busy streets of LA truly did suck. Especially after twelve hours shifts. Even more so after having had a very shitty twelve hour shift.
"God I just want to sleep. We both have tomorrow off and I want to stay in bed until four P.M." you said and tim laughed.
"Babe, you can stay in bed all day, but I don't think you will. We could go to the shooting range? It's very romantic," Tim says with a smile.
Neither one of you ever questioned how your relationship worked. It wasn't very much like a "normal" one though. Most couples don't spend dates at a shooting range or hand to hand combat training. Or, the best one, the gym. There still were many dates spent at a restaurant, but LA restaurants have lines longer than the great wall of china.
There were the occasional dates when you could convince Tim to go paintballing or when you two would get tickets to a football or baseball game.
"I think that sounds lovely," you say with a smile as you park the car. Tim hated that you always insisted on driving. Not that you were a bad driver but chivalry wasn't dead.
Home at last.
Reblogs and comments are appreciated! Feel free to send in requests!
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It starts slowing; a picture of Kojo, letting her take him on her days off. Then a shared hike with the boy every once in a while. The joking and teasing comes back, sitting side by side in the shop when Aaron is pulled into something else. The conversations no longer suffocated by the awkwardness of their breakup. 
He tells her about his new therapist, and then, slowly, what he talks about in his sessions. But never what he says about her . 
And then suddenly, six months after he left her crying in the parking lot, they’re back to how they were when he was simply her sergeant and she was his aide. 
He’s even pining after her like he had back then. 
No, not like then. 
Because before… before he didn’t know what it felt like to kiss her — the taste of her after a shared bottle of red wine. To hold her as they drift off to sleep — the way her head nestles so perfectly on his chest, her legs tangled with his and her hair tickling his nose. 
The way it felt to have her soft curves and even softer skin under his hands. 
He knows it all now, and it makes the yearning for her all the worse. 
Read the rest on AO3
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wandawxdow · 1 year
The Rookie fic recs
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Tim Bradford / Lucy Chen
something new to fall into by fromiftowhen
fake dating au, sharing a bed, feelings realisation
i met you in the dark (you lit me up) by fromiftowhen
misunderstandings, emotional hurt/comfort
come a little closer by poppypickle
chenford making a bet, steamy
something wicked this way comes by ellitheria
stalking, post caleb, protective tim, feelings realisation
to build a home by ellitheria
emotional hurt/comfort, slow burn, tim’s childhood trauma
the parallels of me and you by ellitheria
post 4x17, chris is a bad guy, kidnapping
falling apart, falling together by ellitheria
hurt/comfort, hurt lucy, chris is a bad guy
oh baby, how was i supposed to know? by ellitheria
5+1, unplanned pregnancy, soft tim
time, curious time by wisedgirl
tamara’s pov, dadford, found family
café au lait by ellitheria
coffee shop au, enemies to friends to lovers
breathe again by RogueTwelve
5x22, hurt + comfort, protective tim, hurt lucy
After by Ellitheria
post-jackson, mental health, hurt/comfort
open heart, open container by wisedgirl
post-jackson, developing relationship, emotional hurt/comfort
tell me that you’re still mine… by niamsagram
6x01, chenford fighting, anxiety
After the Storm by RogueTwelve
hurt!lucy, supportive!tim, hurt/comfort
veggie burger with fries, extra pickles by romantashas
post-breakup, hurt!lucy, hopeful ending
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thecavalrywife · 5 months
Why is there almost no fic for The Rookie women?
They deserve some love as well.
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makeitastrength · 3 months
Why yes, I am sitting in the front of my classroom writing a shower sex fic on my phone while my students are taking their exam.
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afictionaladventure16 · 3 months
A Little Unsteady (Tim Bradford x Teen!Fem!Reader)
The Rookie Masterlist
Summary: Y/N finds herself back at square one and desperate for a break. Tim has always felt like something was missing in his life and when Y/N stumbles into the police station looking for his girlfriend, he feels drawn to her, like he was called to help her.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and death
Word Count: 3,138
Authors note: Let me know what y'all think of this, might make it into an angsty series! Send in the requests!
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“Fuck,” you whispered to yourself, your mind racing to a million thoughts. The sound of a million voices rang through your ears as you entered the building, but that was all an exaggeration, it was only a room with maybe a good thirty people. 
Spending your lunch period at the police station was the last thing you wanted to do, but you were desperate and eager to find that familiar face. You knew Rachel hung around the police station when she wasn’t in her office, whether it was for work or personal, this had to be the place she was gonna be at. 
Walking up to the front desk, anxiously tapping your fingers on the counter catching the lady behind the counter's attention. The lady’s eyes landed on your fingers, “Can I help you, hon?” 
you clenched your fingers to your palm, “Sorry,” you gave her an apologetic smile. 
She smiled, “I get it, police stations give lots of people anxiety. What can I help you with today?” 
You were quick to notice police officers standing near the counter looking through files and some sitting down and typing away on a computer. “I- Um, I’m looking for Rachel Hall. She’s a social worker and sometimes she’s here.” 
“Rachel Hall,” the receptionist repeated as she looked through the log-in log. 
One of the officers quickly turned his head, “You’re looking for Rachel?” He asked. 
You looked over at him, giving him a nod. “You know her, Officer Bradford?” 
“Yeah, she’s… a friend. She’s actually here doing some paperwork.” He walked over to where you stood, “I can show you where she is.” 
You gave him a hesitant nod, and he gave you a reassuring smile in return before thanking the receptionist and walking out of the room. You followed his lead, he turned to look over at you before asking, “So, how do you know Rachel?” 
“She used to be my social worker before…” you trailed off, clearing your throat. “Doesn’t matter.” 
Tim decided not to press on any further as he led you to a meeting room where a lot of social workers come to do wellness checks and supervised visitations, among many other things. He knew Rachel had been at the station for a supervised visitation, one that unfortunately had to be conducted within the police station for safety reasons. Thankfully, she was done with her visitation and was just finishing up on her paperwork before heading back to her office. Tim liked to believe she stayed longer just so she could see him or even catch a glimpse before she headed back out. 
“Rachel!” You exclaimed, letting out a sigh of relief as Rachel quickly turned her head, surprised to see who had called her name. 
“Y/N?” She got up from her seat, “What are you doing here?” 
You walked over to Rachel, “I needed to see you, you’re the only one who would believe me.” 
Rachel glanced at Tim who just gave her a shrug, “What’s going on?” 
“I can’t stay at that house anymore, there has to be something you can do.” 
Rachel sighed, “Y/N, I’m not your case worker anymore. Anything I do would get me in trouble.” As much as she wanted to do something, it would be putting her job on the line and it meant she wouldn’t be able to help other kids as well. She was already at risk for making a huge mistake on a case a couple weeks back. 
Tears began to well up in your eyes, “I can’t stay there.” 
“Y/N, why can’t you stay there?” Tim asked.
You glanced over at Tim, remaining silent. “Y/N, what did they do to you?” You didn’t respond, you had come here for help but the words had escaped you. You didn’t know how to tell the one person who helped you escape a hellish home a few months back, a home that almost cost her, her job; that the home she thought would be safe is far from it. “Did they hurt you?” Looking back at Rachel, you gave her a nod. 
Rachel let out a shaky sigh, there were times when she lost hope for the system. This was one of those times. She looked over at Tim before looking over at you, “You have to tell Sasha, Y/N.” 
“I did tell her!” You said in frustration, “But she hasn’t done anything! It’s like she doesn’t even care.” Rachel didn’t want to defend her friend's behavior, but this didn’t sound like her. At least not from how she knew her. 
“I-I,” she sighed, “I can’t do anything Y/N.” 
With pleading eyes, you gave her an understanding nod, “I just don’t want to go back there.” 
Tim hated seeing this part of the job. Seeing how the system worked and how it meant that kids within the system went to homes that didn’t even care about their existence. “What if I did a wellness check?” Tim asked, “That way, I can come in and check on you, and then your foster parents will know that someone knows about the situation?” 
“Like a scaring tactic,” Rachel added. 
“Exactly, It’s not the best but it could help,” Tim tried his best to be hopeful. 
It wasn’t what you wanted. It was far from it, actually, but beggars can’t be choosers. “Alright.” 
Tim offered you a ride back to school and you accepted. The whole car ride back, you felt defeated, given that all you had received was damage control. Nothing could be done about your situation, not yet at least. 
“So, what grade are you in?” Tim asked, trying his best to distract you from your thoughts. 
“I’m a freshman.” 
He nodded, “any thought about college yet?” 
You shook your head, “even if I did, I doubt I would even be able to go.” 
“There’s always scholarships,” he said with a hopeful tone. 
“Did you go to college?” You asked. 
“No, actually. I went into the military then I became a cop, obviously.” You nodded, “That could also be an option too.” You didn’t say anything in response, you drew attention back to the houses you passed by on the car ride. Tim cleared his throat, he knew what it was like to be in your shoes. Wishing for someone to help you from the people that were supposed to protect you. “So, what’s your story?” 
“What’s yours?” you retorted. 
Tim rolled his eyes, usually, he wouldn't have played this game. But something within him felt like you needed to hear his story, maybe it would you realize that everything could turn out okay, even if everything at the moment felt a little unsteady. 
“I grew up with an abusive father, I spent most of my life fighting to survive.” He gave you a quick glance before focusing back on the road, “So I know what’s it like, to wish someone would just help, for someone to just take you away from the one place you’re supposed to feel safe in.” 
You remained silent for the next few minutes, Tim groaned at the sigh of the traffic ahead of him. “We’re going to be here a while,” he commented. 
You sighed, “my dad died in front of me,” you spoke up. 
Tim glanced over at you, “my parents were high school sweethearts apparently and when my dad passed away, my mom couldn’t handle it. I’m sure if you went down skid row, you’d find her lying on the ground somewhere with a needle stuck in her arm. I’ve been in and out of foster homes since I was eight. My mom's been in and out of rehab since then.” 
“That’s not easy,” Tim commented. He had a lot of things to say about how your mother handled things but to each their own. His heart ached at the thought that you didn’t have a good structure in your life. 
“Nope,” you responded. “Rachel was the only one that ever did something to take me out of my previous foster home, even if it almost cost her job.” 
“And now you feel like you’ve wasted all your resources.” 
“Yeah,” you said softly. “Just five more years and I’ll be out of the system's hands.” 
The traffic began to move again. Minutes later, Tim pulled into the school parking lot. “Before you go,” he began as he reached into his shirt pocket, took out a card, and handed it to you. “If you ever need anything and I mean anything, you give me a call.” 
You took the card, giving him a small smile, “Thank you, Officer Bradford.” you got out of the shop, closing the door behind you. Giving Tim a small wave goodbye before you snuck back into campus. 
Tim made it his personal assignment to check up on you from there on out, to make sure you were all right, not just for you but for Rachel too. It was the least he could do, even though everything within him wanted to do more. He wanted to save you from your personal hell, but it was impossible for him at the moment. 
When he made it back to the station, Rachel was there waiting for him, “How’d it go?” 
“I gave her my card, and told her she could call me if there’s anything she needed. I’ll do a wellness check before the end of my shift,” he stated. 
“Thank you.” Rachel sighed, “She was one of my first cases, so she means a lot to me.” The two of them remained quiet for a moment, the situation between the two of them has been different since Rachel got a job in New York. “Promise me something?” 
Tim looked up at her, “Anything.” 
“Look after her for me? While I’m gone. She could use a guardian angel.” 
Tim smiled, “Of course.” Tim couldn’t help but feel a dreading sensation within him, he hated that he couldn’t do more. 
The weeks to come were difficult for Tim, with Rachel leaving and all the shit that went down within the station. He felt drained but didn’t show it. Tim needed a change within his life, something to make him work harder within his life. He had his dog and he was happy with his dog, but he still felt like he was missing something. 
There were times when he couldn’t help but wonder if everything hadn’t happened with Isobel if they would have had children by now. What their life would have been like. That’s all he could think about, the what-ifs. 
“Look, everyone has their first puppy, it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Tim commented. Lucy, his boot, had been dealing with her first puppy as a rookie. He couldn’t help but tease her about it. 
“Whatever,” Lucy brushed off. 
Tim chuckled as he kept his focus on the street ahead of him. They were heading back to the station to end their shift. Tim was ready to go home and watch the game, to just relax for the next couple of days. 
“Any plans for tonight?” Lucy asked. 
“There’s a game on tonight.” 
“Of course,” she rolled her eyes. 
Once they arrived to the station, Tim was quick to do all his end-of-shift duties before clocking out. He groaned to himself as he stepped outside to be met with darkness. He hated how quick it was to get dark in the winter. 
He got into his car and began his journey back home, listening to music on the way. He came to a slow stop as the light turned red, he glanced towards the sidewalk. It took him a second to process what he saw, he quickly took another look, “What the,” he muttered to himself. The light had turned green and the car behind him honked. Tim groaned and turned his signal light on before pulling off to the side. 
Quickly getting out of the car, he tried his best to catch up to the person he had just seen, “Y/N!?” He asked. 
You quickly turned around, “Shit,” you muttered under your breath. 
“What are you doing out here?” 
You held the strap to your duffle bag tighter, “Um, I-I I’m” Tim waited for you to come up with a good excuse, “I’m on my way home,” you smiled. 
“Really?” You nodded, “then you wouldn’t mind if I gave you a ride?” 
“Y/N,” he said sternly. 
Tim smiled, “let’s go.” 
You followed Tim to his car, getting into the passenger seat as he waited until you had your seatbelt on before driving off. “How you’ve been?” He asked as he began driving in the direction he had just come from. 
You sighed, “Fine.” 
Tim sighed, “I know it’s been two weeks since I’ve done a wellness check.” 
“I didn’t say anything about that.” 
“I know, I just felt the need to apologize,” He reassured. “Have they-” 
“If you’re gonna ask if they’ve hurt me, no. Not since you’ve seen me.” 
“Good,” he responded. 
“You can drop me off at the corner,” You commented. 
“No, I’m going to drop you off in front of your house,” Tim stated. He knew what you were doing, you weren’t fooling him. You were walking the direction away from your home and you had a duffle bag. It was obvious. 
He stopped in front of the house, “here you go,” he said with a smile. 
You clenched your jaw, you hadn’t stepped foot in that house within a week. Going in now would be a death trap. You couldn’t do it, you couldn’t open the car door and get out of that house. Knowing that Tim would wait in his car until he saw you walk inside that house. 
You sighed, feeling defeated. “Stop acting like you don’t know.” 
“Where have you been staying?” You shrugged, “Y/N,” he said sternly. 
“Under some bridge near Skid Row.” 
“Near skid row!? Y/N!” He exclaimed, “do you have any idea how stupid that is?” 
“I was desperate to get out!” 
“This is the second house we’ve gotten you since I’ve met you, you know what Sasha said! It’s either this or the shelter.” 
“And I chose neither!” 
Tim pinched the bridge of his nose, “how long?” 
“A week.” 
Tim looked at her with wide eyes, “It rained for three days straight this past week!” He sighed, “I gave you my number so you could call me if you needed something and this is what you do.” 
“I wasn’t gonna call you, so you could just have Sasha send me to another home that’ll treat me the same way.” 
“What’s wrong with this one?” He asked as he sat back in his seat. 
“Well, when you say it that way-” 
He sighed, “I’m asking because I need to know.” 
You rolled your eyes, “I caught him watching me…” you looked down at your hands.
“Watching you?” 
“He watched me shower,” You hated how it made you feel, how you just felt exposed every time he would look at you, even if you had clothes on. Tim undid his seatbelt, “Please, don’t go in there.” 
Tim wanted to disregard your request, but he knew the last thing you needed right now was for him to make things worse. It was an issue that would be dealt with tomorrow, for now, he needed to find you a place to stay. “You have a place to stay tonight?” You shook your head, “You do now,” he commented. 
You gave him a confused look, “I have a guest bedroom, you can stay there tonight.” 
“You don’t have to”
“I’m not letting you stay under some bridge near Skid Row nor am I letting you stay in that home. I’ll call Sasha in the morning, for now, you can have my guest room.” 
You wanted to argue with him about how you could defend yourself, but who were you kidding. You’re only fourteen and let’s face the facts. You wanted to sleep in a warm bed. 
The ride back to Tim’s place was quiet and usually, you hated it. The quiet meant you had time to be left alone with your thoughts, but for the first time in a while, your mind was at ease. The drive wasn’t long, Tim helped you carry your duffle inside his house. You heard the tapping of nails hitting the floor, and you were quickly greeted with paws on your chest and a tongue slobbering all over your cheek. 
“Kojo, down!” Tim exclaimed and the dog quickly got down. “Sorry about Kojo.” 
You couldn’t help but smile as you kneeled down next to the dog to give him some love, “you should’ve said you had a dog, I would’ve said yes a long time ago.” 
Tim couldn’t help but smile as you giggled at Kojo’s antics, “Come on, let me show you where you’ll stay tonight.” He gestured for you to follow him. 
You got up from your position next to Kojo and followed Tim down a short hallway, “Alright, the bathroom is the door at the end of the hallway, help yourself to whatever is in the fridge except for my beer. That is off limits, even if you were of age.” He placed your duffle on an ottoman that was placed at the end of the bed, “Do you need any essentials? Toothbrush, toothpas-” 
“I have everything, thanks.” You took in the sight of the bedroom, out of all the rooms you had lived in, many in which you had to share with others, none compared to this one. This one felt inviting. It felt warm. 
It felt different. 
“Everything okay?” Tim asked. 
You gave him a nod, “Yeah, perfect!” 
“Alright, I’ll be in the living room watching a game that started an hour ago, if you need me. You hungry?” 
“Nah, I’m good,” as if on cue, your stomach made a loud noise. 
“it says otherwise,” Tim smirked, “I’ll order some pizza. I’ll let you get settled in, feel free to make yourself at home alright?” 
You gave him a nod, watching as he walked out of the room. You weren’t sure what to do first, to unpack your things or take a shower. Should you unpack your things, if you were going to be sent somewhere else tomorrow? You let out a sigh, laying on the bed, you couldn’t help but wonder, What if you just stayed here instead? 
No, you didn’t want to be more of burden to Tim than you already were. He had done enough for you and was already extending his kindness by letting you stay the night. No need to extend it any further. For now, you were going to allow yourself to enjoy this comfort. To enjoy the warmth of the invitation. 
Taglist: @daffodil0darling
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juniperskye · 10 months
Until I Found You
***Potential spoilers of The Rookie***
Pairing: John Nolan x Fem Reader
Sneak Peek: After his breakup with Bailey, John is convinced he will never fall in love again…that is until he found you. (This is taking place pre TO Nolan) Reader owns a Café (food truck).
Word count: 2851
Warnings: Reader has kind of spooky vibes, no use of y/n, Implied age gap, mention of food and eating (no explicit details), brief mention of crime (no explicit details), mention of past relationships, mention of unhealthy relationships, mention of getting ready for a date (details are feminine leaning – shaving, makeup, nails, hairstyling), developing strong feelings quickly, one teeny tiny kiss.
Not edited - please be kind.
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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After his breakup with Bailey, John was convinced he wouldn’t find love again. How would it be fair for him to have had love with Sarah, Lucy, Jessica, Grace, Bailey and for him to expect it again. His love with each of those women differed from one another, but they all had played a very important role in his life. For the last few months John had really just been going through the motions; sleep, work, eat, repeat.
Today had been a particularly slow day on the job for John, very unusual for the LAPD. He had been riding alone today which was honestly making the day drag on even more so. He was counting down the minutes until lunch – at least then he would get to socialize with his fellow officers.
Two speeding tickets, one robbery and a stolen car later, it was finally time for lunch. Heading to their usual spot, John notices that there is a new food truck parked, black with orange script on the side spelling out “Hallowed Grounds” alongside little white painted bats. John’s eyes were drawn to this truck not because it is new, or that the line was at least fifteen people long, but because of the beautiful person running the window.
It was Lucy who had ultimately broken John out of the trance he was in.
“Hey, you okay? You were spaced out there for a second.” Lucy questioned.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m okay. What’s with the new truck?” John wanted to see how much Lucy knew without giving away the attraction he was feeling towards this stranger.
“Oh! It is all over social media, Hallowed Grounds, it is mostly coffee, but the pastries are to die for! I mean literally that is their slogan!” Lucy laughed.
“The line is pretty long, so it must be good. Should we check it out?”
“Sounds good to me!”
With that, John and Lucy made their way to the line. Lucy was talking John’s ear off about some new social media drama, but honestly John wasn’t listening, he was far too distracted by your beauty and the honey sweet tone of your voice. You had this way about you that was breathtaking, moving with grace and just so patient and kind to all the patrons who had been waiting in line. They were finally nearing the front of the line, and John had realized he hadn’t even looked at the menu.
“Hi there! What can I get for you?” You smiled at him.
“Hi, can I get a medium caramel latte and a lemon blueberry scone?” Lucy ordered with no hesitation.
“Of course! And for you?” You looked expectantly at John.
“I um, can I just get a black coffee and, no that’s all.” John stuttered.
Lucy looked over at him confused as she paid, and they walked over to stand near the pickup window. John took note of you disappearing from the window and a young man taking your place.
“Okay, I know that we did not just stand in that long line just for you to order a black coffee. What is up with you?” Lucy questioned John. “OH MY GOD! You think she’s cute, don’t you?”
“Okay, hush! I’d rather not scare the girl off before I even get a chance to talk to her.”
“Okay sorry! I’m just happy for you. You’ve been sulking ever since you and Bailey broke things off.”
“I have not been sulking…okay maybe I have. But I really thought she was it for me.”
“John and Lucy?” You called.
They made their way up to the window to pick up their orders.
“Alright Lucy, a caramel latte and a lemon blueberry scone, and for John a black coffee and a chocolate croissant.” I hope you guys have a wonderful day and stay safe!”
“Oh, I didn’t…” John started.
“Thank you so much, you have a wonderful day too!” Lucy cut John off and began to drag him away from the truck.
The two of them went to sit at a table with Tim, Aaron and Nyla for the rest of their lunch. They were all hoping it wouldn’t be cut short by a call coming in.
“Alright Nolan!” Aaron exclaimed as John sat down.
“What? What did I do?”
“The bag. The barista gave you her number!”
John turned the bag around and sure enough your name and phone number had been neatly printed along with a little heart. John looked at Tim, then Nyla and finally to Lucy. He hadn’t been expecting you to give him your number, especially not after he had made a complete fool of himself in front of you just moments before.
Just as Lucy was about to encourage him to text you, a call came ringing in over the radios. Everyone was quick to get up and head to their respective shops. John heard Tim and Lucy radio that they were responding, and that Nyla and Aaron were acting as backup. He figured they had it covered, and he would continue to patrol, but not before adding you into his contacts.
Three days.
It was three days before John had gathered the courage to text you. He hadn’t seen you either, since he’d worked through lunch one of the days, had a pretty big drug bust on the second day, and was assigned to the front desk on the third day. Today though, he had the day off and now was his time to text you and see if you would want to go on a date with him.
John: Hey, this is John. From the other day.
You: Hi! I was beginning to think that maybe I was too forward.
John: Oh, no, not at all! I’m sorry, things have just been really busy with work. I finally have a day off.
You: Okay, good! I’m sorry work has been keeping you busy. Hopefully you’ve been able to stay safe.
John: I have. Nothing too out of the ordinary this week. How have you been?
You: I’ve been good! I have been testing some new recipes and trying to figure out what to swap in for the fall season.
You: Speaking of which…would you like to be a taste tester for me? I could really use a customer’s perspective!
John: I would love to! By the way, that croissant was incredible. I was actually texting you to ask you to dinner.
You: Yeah, dinner and then we can go back to mine to try these desserts?
You: Wow that was also very forward…I’m not usually like this by the way!
John: No worries. I won’t read into it I promise. So tonight, can I pick you up at 7?
You: 7 is perfect, see you then John!
After confirming your plans with John, you kicked it into high gear. It was 10:07 a.m. and you had a lot to do before you’d be ready to go. You really needed to get your nails done, you needed to finish the 6 different pastries you’d been working on, and you’d really need to shower before you could get ready.
After doing some quick math in your head, you figured that you would have just enough time to get everything done provided you shower while some things were baking in the oven. With that, you place the pre-cut cookie dough into the freezer (these would be easy enough to pull out and bake later when you and John go back), you placed the muffins and two different loaves of bread in the oven. That just left the cake that you were actively frosting and the pie that was cooling. Once the cake was thoroughly iced, you threw the dishes in the dishwasher and headed towards the shower, not without checking your timer to make sure you’d have ample time.
You were sure to go through all the steps of what you’d consider a full shower, washing and conditioning your hair, washing your body with your best smelling body wash, and shaving essentially every inch of your body. You weren’t anticipating that anything would happen tonight, but you wanted to be prepared nonetheless and you’d make sure at the very least that you smelled good.
After drying off and throwing on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, you made way for the kitchen just in time to pull out the muffins and the bread. You set them out on the cooling rack, turned the oven off and then you headed to your favorite nail salon. They were able to get you in right away seeing as it was 12:00 p.m. on a Thursday.
Your nail appointment ended at about 1:30 p.m., which gave you enough time to head over and check on your staff and the truck. Upon arrival you noticed there were a few police cruisers parked along the curb. You knew John was off today, but you still found yourself scanning the crowd for him.  
“He’s not here.” Your staff, Ezra, had called over to you.
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” You tried to hide your blush, embarrassed about getting caught looking for John. Ezra was the one who had encouraged you to give him your number in the first place, having seen how smitten you were with John when you’d met him the other day. Ezra and you had been friends for years, he could read you better than anyone.
“Mmhmm, sure thing. It was a different group this time around. What are you up to? Aren’t you supposed to be off testing new pastries?” Ezra questioned you.
“I was doing exactly that when John texted me and asked me out! I went and got my nails done and figured I would stop by and see how things were going before I went back home and got ready for my date.”
“OH MY GOD! See I told you that if you gave him your number, he’d ask you out. There were definite vibes the other day, he was so enamored by you that he forgot to look at the menu!” Ezra gushed.
“Okay, fine. You were right. I’m kind of nervous, he’s taking me to dinner, then we’re going back to my place so he can taste the new desserts and give me his opinions on them.”
“Girl, you are going to be fine! He seems nice and you are an amazing person, no reason to be nervous. Plus, what have you got to lose?” Ezra had always been your voice of reason in times of need.
“Okay, yeah. I should probably get going then so I can get ready.”
“Okay babe, have a great night! OH and you should wear the outfit you wore to our opening party, it screams you and its hot!”
“Oh, that was a good outfit, I don’t know where he’s taking me yet, but it should be dressy enough.”
You said your goodbyes to Ezra and made your way back home. It was nearing 3:30 p.m. and you knew you should probably start getting ready. You grabbed a glass of water and then got to styling your hair. You curled your hair and applied some natural looking makeup and went to get dressed. To pair with the faux leather skirt and starry mesh top, you slid on some black tights, comfy socks and your Doc Martens. Looking over at your alarm clock you see 6:45p.m. glowing red and you decide to switch to a smaller purse in the time you have left before your date…your usual everyday tote bag not exactly matching this outfit choice. You’d opted for a small leather handbag, with gold accents, it matched your outfit perfectly and was better suited for the occasion. As soon as you organized everything into the purse a knock sounded at the door. You took a deep breath then walked to answer it.
“Hi!” You greeted John as you opened the door.
“Wow, you look incredible.” John was awestruck, you had such a different style than the women he had previously dated, but he was really loving it. You were so confident in your own skin, and you just had this glow about you.
“Thank you, you look very handsome.”
“Shall we?” John gestured to his truck.
You nodded and the two of you walked around to the passenger side. John opened the door for you then offered his hand to assist you into the truck.
“Such a gentleman.”
John blushed at the compliment, he tried to shake it off as he started the truck and pulled out of your driveway. You made small talk on your way to the restaurant, which ended up being a very nice steakhouse.
John parked and looked over to you, he made note of the way you were inspecting the sign, and immediately panicked.
“I probably should have asked and made sure you weren’t a vegetarian!”
“I’m not! I love a good steak; my dad is a self-proclaimed grill master!” You laughed.
John laughed with you and let out a sigh of relief. He once again opened your door for you and reached to help you out of the truck. He was so different form the men you had dated before, so polite and caring. He listened to what you had to say and even asked you questions to learn more about you. It was so refreshing to be around someone like him. Truth is, you had dated some pretty terrible people in the past and that was the main reason you were single now. You’d decided to take a break from dating and focus on yourself and your career, which is how you’d gotten to the point of owning a very successful food truck. You had explained to John that your end goal is to have a brick-and-mortar location of Hallowed Grounds that was a café/bookstore. You wanted to create a cozy space for people to hangout while they enjoyed good food.
John just sat and smiled, he loved how you lit up when you spoke about it. Seeing you so passionate about something was honestly inspiring. He hadn’t expected the feelings for you to be so immediate, so strong, just crashing to the surface as the night went on. John could feel himself growing concerned about whether or not you were feeling as strongly for him as he was for you. The two of you had just clicked and it was so effortless.
What John didn’t know is you were currently battling the same demons. Was it really possible to be this comfortable with someone after such a short time?
Dinner had passed far too quickly for either of your likings, you were honestly just glad that you had already planned to continue this evening. You weren’t ready to say goodnight to John just yet. As John drove you back to your place, he took a risk by reaching for your hand to hold, you were quick to slide your hand into his and you couldn’t help but blush. John couldn’t believe how soft your hand was and it made him think about how rough his must be from his years as a contractor, he shook the thought away as you gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
You made it back to your place relatively quickly and John once again made sure to assist you on the passenger side, only this time instead of offering you his hand, he was a little bolder. He’d placed his hands on your waist and slowly helped you out of the truck. You stood there, chest to chest, your breath hitching from the proximity. Your gazes danced over one another’s face, shifting from eyes to lips back to eyes, silently asking for permission. When you slightly tilted your head, John understood and reached his right hand up to cup your jaw as he brought you in for a kiss. The kiss lasted for what felt like forever but ended far too soon. You wanted to exist in this moment infinitely.
You and John held hands once again as you staggered to the door. You made quick work of the lock and invited him in, guiding him to the kitchen.
“You ready to try some desserts?” You asked.
“Absolutely!” John replied.
You blushed, realizing the double entendre and moved to get all the desserts plated up. You explained to John that you’d need to throw the cookies in the oven, but they only took about 10 minutes to cook. He nodded and asked if you needed any help with anything, which you declined and encouraged him to relax.
John watched as you worked in the kitchen, this had been your element and it was like a well-choreographed dance, the way you moved. He couldn’t help but smile to himself, picturing the two of you like this, years down the road. He knew that you had only just met, but after tonight he couldn’t deny the connection. He realized he had been wrong when he said he would never fall in love again. That was true, until he met you.
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cfr749 · 1 month
Beneath Your Beautiful: Let Me Love You
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“I couldn’t stop thinking about you today,” she confesses, tipping her head back to meet his eyes and settling her hand on his chest in a way that gives life to a warmth radiating through his center. How is he supposed to function when every little thing she does has him feeling like he’s melting on the inside?
“Yeah, I got that from your 332 texts,” he teases gently as he brushes his thumb along her jaw. Lucy’s steady stream of memes and ridiculous ClipToks and random, entirely irrelevant facts about sea turtles had easily been the very best part of his day. Up until now that is.
She bites her lip, little lines forming between her brows, “Was it too much?”
He finds his focus drifting from the conversation as he allows a finger to continue the journey down her neck and along her collar, finally fully processing the feel of her silk robe under his hands, the deep red of her lips, and the picture perfect waves tumbling down over her shoulders.
“Tim,” a tinge of a whine enters her voice as she tries to draw his attention back to her question. But if it’s conversation she’s interested in, she has absolutely chosen the wrong outfit. He leans in for a better look — what exactly is that bit of lacy black fabric peaking out from the deep V-neck of her robe?
Read it now on AO3
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callsign-dexter · 6 months
"I got you, Baby Girl."
Request: Hmmm this is so hard to pick, all of them are so angst!! How about…. “hey – stay with me.” For Baby Bradford Universe…
❤️love you!!
Starter- Hey-stay with me.
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader, Lucy Chen x Daughter!Reader, Tim Bradford x Lucy Chen
Warnings: angst, guns, gunshot wound
Baby Bradford: A Little Fighter
miscellaneous angst starters.
A/N: Thank you @maverick-wingman for this angst request you really do know how to wreck me......
Banner done by @callsigns-haze
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Tim always knew that his little girl, himself, and Lucy would be in danger due to their job especially when the people got out that they put away wanted revenge. That is why he kept his private life and his work separate but only let the people he worked with know about his little girl, Y/N, because he knew they would protect her with their lives. He didn’t like when she had to be left alone, he always wanted someone with her at all times and for her to have her location on and of course Y/N got irritated about it but she understood and didn’t put up too much of a fight, she loved her dad.
It was a Friday evening and he and Lucy just gotten off, Saturday was meant for them to be off until Monday with Y/N but they had gotten news that they needed to go in to work that day, they weren’t happy about but did as they did what they were told. Now they just had to break the news to Y/N which wasn’t going to be easy because the 15-year-old cherished her time with her dad and, now, mom, on their off days. Both of them had just picked up their kid and were heading home, they decided to tell her over supper. She had just hopped into the car after putting her backpack in smiling at her parents. “Hey, Mom and Dad!” She exclaimed as she buckled herself in and once, she was Tim started to drive off.
“Hey, Baby Girl.” Tim said smiling at her through the review mirror and then quickly putting his eyes back on the road.
“Hey, Buttercup.” Lucy said actually being able to turn around and look at her. She had given the girl the nickname because she loved the movie The Princess Bride and Buttercup was one of her favorites and she also like Reese Peanut Buttercups.
“How was your day?” Tim asked still focusing on the road and she shrugged.
“It was ok. One of the seniors got arrested because he was caught harassing a teacher and was high.” She said and they were surprised.
“Wonder why we didn’t hear about it.” Lucy said having turned back around.
“School security arrested him.” She said like it was nothing and to her it probably was nothing due to her parents being cops. After a few minutes of driving and nothing more was talked about the topic of food came up.
“What do you want for supper?” Tim asked and she looked at him and thought about it.
“I’ve been wanting BBQ.” She spoke
“Make it or buy it?” He asked her.
“Make it. You make the best BBQ.” She said and Lucy nodded in agreement and he smirked.
“You got it. What do you want with it?” He asked
“Mac and cheese.” Lucy and Y/N said at the same time and Tim smirked it was a good thing that Lucy and his daughter had similar tastes. The were home and no time and they were getting out of the vehicle which was now parked in the garage and heading inside. Once they were in, they took off shoes and as Y/N was sitting her backpack down and was about to head upstairs her father stopped her.
“Do your homework so you’re not waiting until last minute.” He said knowing she had a habit of doing so.
“Fine.” She sighed in frustration and sat down to begin her homework which could be done in no time since she excelled in mostly all subjects. By the time dinner was ready her homework was done and they could eat. As they got their plates of homemade BBQ and homemade mac and cheese along with their drink choices they began eating and it was mostly quiet until Tim started to speak up.
“Lucy and I got called in to work tomorrow.” Tim said he and Lucy watched their daughter’s face go through so many emotions while he took a drink of his water.
“What?” She finally asked once it hit her.
“Oh, Buttercup. It’s only for Saturday and then you have us all day Sunday.” Lucy said and Y/N was not satisfied with that answer and they could tell by the quietness that she went into.
“Nolan is going to be with you.” Tim said and she nodded as if saying ‘ok’. They hated telling her bad news because she always seemed to get down but they had to tell her eventually. Tim and Lucy looked at each other but they continued on with dinner and when they tried to make small talk all they got were one worded or short answers. The only thing that made it better was that Nolan was going to be with her while they were working, she absolutely that man and maybe because it was that he was gentle and patient with her. When dinner was over, they put their plates in the dishwasher and then headed into the living where they always had a movie night after dinner, it had become a tradition, after changing into their pajamas. Y/N had fallen asleep with her head in her dad’s lap. When the movie was over Tim had picked her up and headed into her room and tucked her in and then giving her a kiss to her head “I love you, Baby Girl.” He said and then headed back out into the living room where he and Lucy watched an episode of a show they had started and then they were headed to bed.
Saturday rolled around and Tim and Lucy were up early preparing to go into work. After they both had showered and packed the doorbell rang and they knew it was Nolan and Tim went to answer it, as Lucy began to get their coffee ready. She was making Tim’s first because it would take longer because he wanted the coffee pot and her’s wouldn’t take long because it was in a Keurig, he swore he would never use one of those ever. “Hey, Nolan.” Tim greeted him and let him.
“Good morning, Tim.” He said and just about that time Y/N walked into the kitchen and smiled at everyone and greeted everyone. “Good morning, Lucy and Y/N.” He added.
“Good morning, Mom, Dad, and Uncle Nolan.” She said and hugged them all.
“Alright, we’re about to head out soon. You be good for him and Nolan,” Tim said turning towards him “don’t let her drag you into anything or let her trick you.” He said knowing that Nolan had a weak spot for the young girl and he nodded.
“Noted.” Nolan said
“There are leftovers in the fridge or feel free to go out.” Lucy said and Nolan and Y/N nodded. “Alright, Tim we got to go.” Lucy said looking at her watch and then hugging her daughter and kissing the side of her head as Tim nodded and did the same thing.
“We love you.” Tim said
“Love you too.” She said and they headed out after saying bye to Nolan. Once they were gone, they turned to each other.
“Movie day and then out for lunch?” Y/N asked him knowing the answer because that became their tradition as well.
“Absolutely.” He said and she smiled and they went into the living room and began their day. It was only 8 AM so they had some time before lunch. Breakfast consisted of junk food and some movies that had some bad acting especially the cop movies, which everyone liked to nick pick.
 12 PM rolled around and Y/N and Nolan were headed to their favorite café that they liked to visit when they are together and well everyone’s favorite. As they pulled up, they were laughing and having a good time but something just didn’t feel right when they walked in but they decided to ignore it and continue on. They ordered and waited for their food and when it was ready, they went and sat outside wanting to enjoy the sunny day. The feeling of something bad happening slowly ebbed away as they talked and made jokes. It was nearing the end of lunch for them and both Nolan and Y/N were done and she had decided to take the trash up and then maybe she could get him to agree to get some ice cream and everyone’s favorite place. Just as Y/N had thrown away her garbage she heard her last name being shouted. “Yo, Bradford.” The voice shouted and she turned around smiling expecting to find one of her friends but it quickly went away when she didn’t recognize the person and gun was pointing at her “This is for my dad.” He said and before she could answer he pulled the trigger and everyone started shouting and then he took off running. Pain was what hit her first after the initial shock wore off and she made a face as her hands went towards her abdomen and she fell to her knees.
Nolan heard the shout and looked up from his phone and saw the scene and paled and then jumped into action and as he was heading towards them the distinct sound of a gunshot going off was heard and at first, he ducked but then kicked himself into gear. He pulled out his gun and was about to pull the trigger but he was already too far ahead and around other people. “Call 911.” Nolan said to someone and they nodded and then he was off to Y/N. “Hey, Y/N/N. You’re going to be ok.” He said and while covering her hands with his hands but she was losing blood fast and she wasn’t saying anything just staring at him and gasping for air. He was about to say something when he heard sirens and then footsteps behind him and he looked back behind him and saw Tim and Lucy coming over.
“Y/N?” Tim asked and knelt down next to them “What happened?” He asked Nolan as he took over pressure and that made his daughter cry out.
“She went to throw away the trash and I was answering some emails and texts when I heard a shout and looked up. The guy had a gun pointed at her and I jumped into the action but couldn’t get a shot off because he was already too far away.” Nolan explained but Tim didn’t say a word too worried about his daughter, he wasn’t mad at Nolan.
“Angela and Jackson are going after him now.” Lucy said and then Y/N started to cough and blood was starting to come out of her mouth and flow down her chin.
“Hey-stay with me.” Tim said when he noticed her eyes start to shut and breathing started to become irregular. There wasn’t an exit wound and that worried him. “I’ve got you, Baby Girl.” Tim started trying to keep it together but his voice was slowly cracking “Dad and mom are here.” He said knowing she would find comfort in that Lucy was there too. The ambulance rolled up and were quick to load her up and head to the hospital with everyone behind them.
When they got to the hospital Y/N was immediately rushed into surgery and now Tim, Lucy, and Nolan had to wait. Grey had heard and was immediately there as well along with Talia, even though she had moved to a different department Lucy was quick to let her know, Harper, who was quick to grow close to the girl because she reminded her of her child and would protect her at all cost and Nolan let her know, Angela, and Jackson. Wesley Evers even showed up after hearing the news from Angela since she was on the phone with him and he had to admit he cared for Y/N Bradford and she had grown close to him. “We caught the man. He was the son of someone that Tim had put away a few months ago and he somehow figured out she was your daughter. He wanted revenge. He’s going away for attempted murder.” Grey said and they nodded.
Grey had immediately let Tim and Lucy have the rest of the day off since it was their child in the hospital. Everyone else besides Nolan, Harper, and Wesley had to go back to work. Nobody talked while they waited Tim was just staring at his hands, his hands that were stained with his daughter’s blood something that he wished would never happen. He had tried to wash them off but it had worked only a little bit and the same went for Nolan.
4 hrs is how long they waited until a doctor was coming out. Wesley and Harper had gone to grab everything Tim, Lucy, Nolan, and Y/N needed from home. They tried to get Nolan to go home and rest but he refused to leave his niece behind. Grace Sawyer had been her doctor and her heart dropped when she saw it was Y/N that she was going to be working on, even though she had met the teenager a few times the two grew close, Grace saw them and walked over to the small group.
“Grace.” Tim said “How is she?” He asked and Grace smiled but it was a small one.
“It was touch and go and we almost lost her because of blood loss but she’s a little fighter.” She said and everyone nodded agreeing “The bullet entered her abdomen and then traveled and hit one of her lungs and collapsed it which was why her breathing was labored. We got all of the bullet out and fixed her lung. She’s in recovery and everyone can go an see her now Gino will be here nurse.” She said and they nodded. Gino and her had also become close after the short interactions they also became close but then again that was just how she was and nobody could resist her. “I’ll show you to her room.” She said and they followed her “She’ll be out of it for a while just so she’s not in as much pain and it was a pretty major surgery.” She added when they got there Gino was making sure everything was set to go and smiled and greeted everyone when they got there but was quick to leave so that they could have some time with her.
Everyone took a seat and they waited. Tim was sat the closest to holding her hand being careful of the IV. While Lucy beside him and Nolan on the other side. Nobody spoke and they only sound was the steady heartbeat coming from the heart monitor. They knew that she was going to be ok because she’s a Bradford and Bradford’s don’t let anything take them down even if it is a gunshot wound. She also had the best doctor and the best nurse on her side.
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Maybe this is just me (and I'm sure people won't hesitate to let me know if it is. Just know that if you leave hateful shit in my asks it's getting ignored and deleted) but I do not want to see a Chenford engagement/wedding or babies in season 6.
We're going to be lucky to get 12 episodes (realistically it'll likely be 10) and there is a ton to resolve between Aaron, the big bad, Bailan's wedding, and Lucy's detective exam. Not to say that we shouldn't be getting other storylines, I just know it's going to be a rushed season, and I don't want storylines to feel rushed as a result. Especially storylines that could be better suited for season 7 when we have a full 20-22 episodes to work with.
I also feel like
A.) It's too soon for any of that
B.) Tim and Lucy have communication issues that need to be worked on
I (we) waited through 5.5 seasons of a show to see my OTP to get together and I just don't want to pump the gas and have them rush through 3 major life milestones in 1-2 seasons.
Will I write about these things? Til my hand cramps. Do I want to see it on screen just yet? No.
And of course, we have no idea how long we will be blessed with The Rookie on our screens, but at the very least, I'm hoping for 2 more seasons.
This is of course no hate to anyone who wants these things, or has said these things, it's all just my opinion as I go through my 46783 rewatch waiting for the series to return. I just don't want to rush things🫣🤷🏼‍♀️
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chenfordsource · 10 months
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Thank you all for your participation in Chenford Week 2023! Seeing the turnout this year was genuinely incredible; the love for our favorite ship led to nearly 300 creations, including fanfics, gifsets, edits, and fanvideos and playlists. 
With so many creations, there was no way for everyone to keep up throughout the week, so we put together a master list of all the Chenford Week 2023 content.
The list is organized by day and content type; we hope it helps navigate the amazing content created for the event. If we’re missing your entry or any links don’t work, please let us know. 
Thank you all for your incredible Chenford Week work this year!
Day 1 (Inspired by Canon Day)
Ohio Laundry Room by silverskull
What Tim Needs by aleclightwoodgirl
Ghost of You by girlintotv
More than ever by rissachenford
Chenford Cam Watchers by Angel_Butterfly10FrDeGSMTLC
Watching by fuzzy_wuzzy_wuzza_writer
watching my heart (go round and around) by jennahbennah
We could build a house away from here(I just wanna get warm with you) by niamsagram
Unless it is (Lucy's POV) by TheChandom
fight the frost (of the morning blue) by fromiftowhen
Up is down, down is up by ImperiumWife
Never Underestimate a Bradford by gemma_chenfordfan
you know the greatest films of all time were never made by quesera
A Little Mystery to Figure Out by westwingwolf
Always find you by thatfandomwriter
Your string of lights are still bright to me by Lxvechenford
safe in your arms by Ellitheria
Palms by L56895
Daddy Cop - Arrest me but make it sexy by AllMyTomorrows
Daddy Cop by Lucychenford
It's a Daily Struggle by mom2kmt
Seven Days of Storytelling: Day 1 by elementsofemily1193
let's build a life by itsgrangerweasley
the best thing that's ever been mine by BimadaBomily
i'll make it through if i stick to you (cover your body in superglue) by lucychens
Event Horizon by TheRogue16
My Favorite Line was "Can I Call You Sometime?" by TheAwkwardAnglophile
We Need To Talk by PBenjamin012215
no safer place than with you by madneyfiles
Forever Looks Like This by ameliagiovanna0
Day 2 (TV Tropes Day)
Glad You Exist by aleclightwoodgirl
Bear it all by myrandomfandomramblings
Not our parents by thatfandomwriter
The Night Before - an Epilogue by mom2kmt
'Til Death Do Us Part by girlintotv
when you're by my side by chenfordspiral
Fluff 'n' Stuff by fuzzy_wuzzy_wuzza_writer
Bedtime Stories by Tiger_Lily24
I Won't Say No by firstdegreefangirl
Evergreen by silverskull
maybe we'll discover (what we should have known all along) by jennahbennah
find the one you can't live without by HeyItsEm
Just when I thought our chance had passed (You go and save the best for last) by niamsagram
i had a feeling so peculiar (this pain wouldn't be for evermore) by quesera
I always look after you by Lxvechenford
Woke up in love by TheChandom
Not Our Bed. It's Mine. by Angel_Butterfly10FrDeGSMTLC
Looks Like She's In Love by westwingwolf
Burning For You by meghansarchive
Breathe Again by RogueTwelve
Haunted by liaromancewriter
and i can't sleep at night (every time i close my eyes, i'm torn between two lives) by BimadaBomily
The Weak Link by Ellitheria
Mid-Wilshire Family Barbecue by AllMyTomorrows
Breaking up was Easy in the 90s (Tim's POV) by WannaBeBold
Here Comes the Sun by achegaby
I'll Take care of you by rissachenford
When I Taste Tequila by ImperiumWife
Surprise! by LondonRih
looking at you (with pride in my eyes) by TheRogue16
I miss you, I'm sorry by Lucychenford
Seven Days of Storytelling: Day 2 by elementsofemily1193
i met you on the rooftop, shining with the moonlight by lucychens
My One and Only by PBenjamin012215
This Is It by ameliagiovanna0
A Hell of a View by RogueTwelve
roadtrips & lifetimes by paldogangsaan
Day 3 (Something's Missing Day)
The Babysmitter by westwingwolf
I Think Kojo Had a Nice Day by fuzzy_wuzzy_wuzza_writer
Missing Piece by thatfandomwriter
Lucy's internal monologue during the 5x02 ending by myrandomfandomramblings
man of honor by paldogangsaan
i can go anywhere i want (just not home) by quesera
Angela Lopez, Detective by gemma_chenfordfan
run into the night (like the sun won't ever come up) by chenfordspiral
You Left Them Like That? by Angel_Butterfly10FrDeGSMTLC
One Of These Days by silverskull
Unexpected Turn of Events by aleclightwoodgirl
I Want You to Say (that you want me to stay) by firstdegreefangirl
I only talk to God when I need a favor (But I'll pay for all I've done, just please don't let me lose her) by niamsagram
you OWE me, baby by Ellitheria
You think I'm pretty? by AllMyTomorrows
Drunk in Love by Spindos
Slow Sweet Nothings by BimadaBomily
Silence Runs Deep by MrsHannahLongbottom
True Crime by Lucychenford
The Story Of Us by girlintotv
you're barely waking (and i'm tangled up in you) by jennahbennah
Fly me to the Moon by achegaby
Lost and Found by ImperiumWife
Finally! by PBenjamin012215
Secret Love by WannaBeBold
Anchor by TheRogue16
Seven Days of Storytelling: Day 3 by elementsofemily1193
Trapped by liaromancewriter
make it feel like there's nothing left but you and i by lucychens
Channel 9 (Missing Chenford Moments part 2) by TheChandom
When I Taste Tequila by ameliagiovanna0
Day 4 (Happy Hawley-Day)
The Best Bling Store by fuzzy_wuzzy_wuzza_writer
Just some fall things by thatfandomwriter
If We Took A Holiday by westwingwolf
one minute to midnight (let's start the new year right) by BimadaBomily
you keep his shirt (he keeps his word) by chenfordspiral
And, somehow, I know that you and I would've found each other (We would of been Timeless) by niamsagram
Wedding Day Jitters by ImperiumWife
One Last Secret by silverskull
The Cold Really Bothered Tim Anyway by Bluenet13
I Love You, But No. by Angel_Butterfly10FrDeGSMTLC
Our Secretly Perfect Holidays by girlintotv & thatfandomwriter
How did you know? by AllMyTomorrows
Speechless by Lucychenford
Snow on the Beach by myrandomfandomramblings
I've Got Plenty to Be Thankful For by achegaby
And It's Like the Fog Has Lifted by TheAwkwardAnglophile
in paper rings, in picture frames, and all my dreams by quesera
Time For Me To Come Home For Christmas. by PBenjamin012215
Unless it is (Tim’s POV) by TheChandom
Underneath the mistletoe by aleclightwoodgirl
what do I do with this (with a love that won't sit still) by TheRogue16
when my heart finds christmas (i hope it finds you too) by jennahbennah
three words that became hard to say (i and love and you) by lucychens
Seven Days of Storytelling: Day 4 by elementsofemily1193
I can't lose when I'm with you by Tiger_Lily24
Day 5 (Love Languages Day)
Love Language by thatfandomwriter
i'm just like 'hey, are you okay?' by BimadaBomily
Words of Affirmation by aleclightwoodgirl
I Will Serve. I Will Be of Service. by fuzzy_wuzzy_wuzza_writer
I Swear That I Am Up to No Good by Bluenet13
I'm Glad You're Here by firstdegreefangirl
you know what it was (he is in love) by quesera
We keep this love in a photograph; We made these memories for ourselves by niamsagram
Keeping you Close by Lucychenford
Tomorrow is Another Day by HeyItsEm
Centrifugal Motion by silverskull
i think of you (and it's alright) by jennahbennah
Give Me All Your Love Now by westwingwolf
I love that its not hard ( to be in a place where laughing's easy) by achegaby
i already know that there ain't no stoppin' your plans and those slow hands by lucychens
Hands by AllMyTomorrows
no chance, no way, I won't say (I'm in love) by TheRogue16
Seven Days of Storytelling: Day 5 by elementsofemily1193
Just Like Tim by TheChandom
Goodnight by Angel_Butterfly10FrDeGSMTLC
Day 6 (Get Creative Day)
hope that it's hopeless by magnoliamica
Sunshine bar by thatfandomwriter
How To Train Your Dragon by Chry5alis
The Inheritance Clause by Torreshalstead
I Just Want You To Know Who I Am by girlintotv
i will take care of you (the very best that i can) by BimadaBomily
Take Two by fuzzy_wuzzy_wuzza_writer
You Move Me by westwingwolf
Forget and Forgive by silverskull
Call It Magic (When I'm With You) by TheAwkwardAnglophile
all this chemistry has got me falling (i'm definitely high) by chenfordspiral
Lost Love by PBenjamin012215
The Bradfords by Lucychenford
The Letter by firstdegreefangirl
We Got to Quit Meeting Like This by aleclightwoodgirl
you'll find the real thing instead (she'll patch up the tapestry that i shred) by jennahbennah
There you see her Sitting there across the way (You wanna kiss the girl) by niamsagram
I'm hers, she's mine by TheChandom
come, you spirit that tend on mortal thoughts by TheRogue16
Green by liaromancewriter
Seven Days of Storytelling: Day 6 by elementsofemily1193
groupchat fights by paldogangsaan
take me out to the ball game by lucychens
Day 7 (Free Day)
Nightmares by thatfandomwriter
Mosaic by fuzzy_wuzzy_wuzza_writer
Something just like this by littlesnafu
Tell the truth (I look better under you) by moonycpd
Can you use these tears? (to put out the fires in my soul) by achegaby
Meeting the Family by Lucychenford
I'll Always Be by silverskull
The Night The Lights Went Out in California by westwingwolf
A Late-Night Party by LondonRih
finish what you started (push until you feel i'm about to break) by BimadaBomily
I will ease your mind by TheChandom
Breaking up was Easy in the 90s (Lucy's POV) by WannaBeBold
baby i would die for you by itsgrangerweasley
Happy Birthday by aleclightwoodgirl
ghosts in the eyes (of all the boys you sent away) by jennahbennah
Time rolls by, the clock don't stop by niamsagram
a post is worth a thousand words; a like is a worth a thousand speeches by TheRogue16
My Hero by navywife97
Seven Days of Storytelling: Day 7 by elementsofemily1193
New Years Day by chens_luv
About Last Night by Solo Ojo Jojo
Gifs & Gifsets:
Day 1 (Inspired by Canon Day)
Favorite s5 moment/Inspired by a season five song by livelovecaliforniadreams
Favorite season 5 moments by lightsparkss
Favorite s5 moments by leavingubehind
S5 moments vs. past seasons by westwingwolf
5x01 inspired gifset by firstdegreefangirl
Favorite s5 moments by chenslucy
Favourite s5 moments as Netflix highlights by timlucys
Day 2 (TV Tropes Day)
Season 5 tropes by leavingubehind
Season 5 tropes (Everyone Knows) by westwingwolf
Favorite Season 5 parallels/callbacks by livelovecaliforniadreams
2x11/5x05 parallel (inspired by sick/injured & hurt/comfort tropes) by chenslucy
Chenford + non-sexual forms of intimacy (dating edition) by timlucys
Day 3 (Something's Missing Day)
Chenford + Tumblr hashtags by leavingubehind
Missing kid AU by westwingwolf
Underrated moment: 5x12 by livelovecaliforniadreams
Underrated moment: 5x17 by chenford-fan
Incorrect dialogue: 5x02 by sgtbradfords
The Vow AU by timlucys
Day 4 (Happy Hawley-Day)
"I Can See You" - Taylor Swift by livelovecaliforniadreams
Relationship milestones/firsts: S5 edition by westwingwolf
"God Gave Me A Girl" - Russell Dickerson by firstdegreefangirl
"Love You a Little Bit" - Tanner Adell by sgtbradfords
"I Can See You" - Taylor Swift by timlucys
Relationship milestones/firsts: 5x16 by chenford-fan
Day 5 (Love Languages Day)
100 ways to say I love you by leavingubehind
The original love languages by livelovecaliforniadreams
Love language: Physical touch by westwingwolf
The original love languages by myrandomfandomramblings
Love language: Acts of service by chenford-fan
It's all about the hands by queseraone
10 untranslatable words that describe love better than you ever thought by timlucys
Day 6 (Get Creative Day)
Chenford + after work hangs by livelovecaliforniadreams
Chenford + Wade Grey by westwingwolf
Chenford + phone calls by myrandomfandomramblings
Chenford + beige/neutral color theme by chenslucy
Bumble dating app AU by chenlucys
Chenford + Lucy's apartment by chenford-fan
V.E. Schwab dedication by sgtbradfords
Chenford + otp prompts by leavingubehind
Chenford + written by Alexi Hawley by timlucys
Day 7 (Free Day)
Chenford Google Search by livelovecaliforniadreams
Chenford + Lucy's apartment by westwingwolf
Get creative - angst edition by onlyhereforangst
Chenford + domestic moments by chenford-fan
"Religiously" - Bailey Zimmerman by firstdegreefangirl
The way he looks at her vs. the way she looks at him by chenslucy
Melissa & Eric appreciation by timlucys
Day 1 (Inspired by Canon Day)
Fanart - Favorite s5 moment: 5x10 by myrandomfandomramblings
Picspam - Favorite s5 moments by buckleybrvdford
Picspam - Favorite s5 moment: 5x01 by theflyindutchwoman
Picspam - Favorite s5 moment: 5x16 by chenfordspiral
Scrapbook Page - Favorite s5 moment: 5x10 by thesassywitchofthenortheast
Fanvideo - "GOOD" by Erin McCarley by lovelylavenderrose
Day 2 (TV Tropes Day)
Picspam - Trope: Battle Couple (Couples that fight together) by theflyindutchwoman
Picspam - 2x11/5x05 parallel by buckleybrvdford
Fanvideo - "Mr Brightside" (Trope: Jealousy) by lovelylavenderrose
Day 3 (Something's Missing Day)
Graphic - Missing moment: the morning after by theflyindutchwoman
Fanart - Missing moment: 5x18 sushi date by CauseRSisEpic
Graphic - Missing moment: Everyone reacting to Chenford dating by buckleybrvdford
Graphic - "Missing" Kojo Poster by mom2kmt
Day 4 (Happy Hawley-Day)
Graphic - Relationship milestones/firsts: Tim and Lucy's first (and second first) date and their first (real) kiss by theflyindutchwoman
Picspam - Relationship milestones/firsts: First time by buckleybrvdford
Moodboard - Tim and Lucy's wedding day by queseraone
Day 5 (Love Languages Day)
Graphic - Love language: Physical touch by theflyindutchwoman
Picspam - Love language: Giving/receiving gifts in 5x16 by buckleybrvdford
Picspam - Hands, hugs, or kisses (or all three!) by chenfordspiral
Picspam - Love language: Taking pictures and making videos by theflyindutchwoman
Day 6 (Get Creative Day)
Graphic - Chenford + Kojo (a peek at Kojo's Instagram account) social media AU by queseraone
Picspam - Chenford + parking garage/lot by theflyindutchwoman
Picspam - Chenford + undercover by chenfordsbee
Graphic - Chenford + S5 texts by wanna-be-bold
Day 7 (Free Day)
Graphic - Chenford + Meleric appreciation by theflyindutchwoman
Playlist - Out of the Shade: A Chenford Playlist by tinderbox210
Picspam - Relationship milestones/firsts by chenfordspiral
Handlettering - "I can't lose you the way I lost her" by theawkwardanglophile
Graphic - How far Chenford has come in 5 seasons by myrandomfandomramblings​
247 notes · View notes