#madame delacroix
Penelope: I don’t have feelings for Colin anymore. So, time for me to go out there and spread my-
Madame Delacroix: Legs.
Penelope: Wings. Get out there and spread my legs?!
Madame Delacroix: Well, either way.
Penelope: No. Not either way. Only wings.
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grace-williams-xo · 17 days
I want Cressida to be happy and I want her and Debling to work things out sue me I do
More than that I ship Cressida and Eloise,,,, frothing for them to kiss actually
Benedict my happy smiling boy with no thoughts behind the eyes I love you
I still want Sophie to appear late in the season
Anthony is so in love and obsessed with Kate it is grotesque like that man has not had a thought about anything other than his wife since he married her
Despite being the world’s biggest Kanthony lover,,,, I have to admit that their absence works better than I expected
Francesca and Eloise’s little friendship moment in ep 1 was so sweet [EDIT: I meant Francesca and Penelope smh my brain]
Francesca has my entire heart I want her to continue to thrive happy in part two
It’s not that I don’t like the Mondrich’s or their plot… it just feels very disconnected. Hopefully this improves
SO happy about Pen and Delacroix’s continuing friendship I always want more of that I love them
Anthony is gonna kill Colin when he gets back, Kate saying no is gonna be the only reason he doesn’t (I can’t fully explain it, I just feel like Anthony is gonna be mad)
Despite what I said in point 6, we do need kanthony in every episode of part two
Kinda loving Portia Featherington this season, sending her thoughts and prayers every time Prudence and Phillipa breathe, but also scared how she’s gonna react to Pen marrying Colin
When Colin finds out about LW,,,,,,
I like how late the introduction of Marcus was, and how slow burn that is
The first threesome scene wasn’t that bad imo and the second one, where he’s not involved, is so blink and you miss it and he’s clearly not into it anyway so also not that bad
This is going to be the longest 27 days of my life
P.S. I don’t know what to say about Polin. I was screaming at Colin for 90% of it. The carriage scene, the proposal; chef’s kiss.
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juju-or-anya · 2 months
It's hard not to find irony in the criticisms directed towards Eloise Bridgerton and the elevation of Penelope Featherington as a more genuine and hardworking figure in contrast with Eloise's supposed privileged circumstances and her discourse on feminism. Indeed, some voices have pointed out Eloise's feminism as something white and privileged, and while this is not without merit, it's akin to rediscovering what others have already noticed, akin to Christopher Columbus "discovering" America.
Understanding the context in which "Bridgerton" unfolds is essential. The series is set in Regency England, between 1813 and 1825. This historical period is marked by a highly stratified and conservative society, where women, especially those of the upper class, were relegated to traditional roles and lacked basic legal rights. In this context, any discussion of feminism must consider the unique limitations and challenges of the time.
It is true that Eloise Bridgerton, being part of a respected family in English nobility, embodies many of the characteristics associated with the white and privileged feminism of the time. However, this should not diminish the value of her role in advancing feminist ideas in her historical context. It is thanks to women like Eloise, who challenged social expectations and dared to question the status quo, that doors were opened for future, more inclusive feminist movements.
On the other hand, when analyzing Penelope Featherington's role in contrast with Eloise Bridgerton's, intriguing nuances worthy of a more detailed critical exploration are revealed. Although both come from upper-class families, Penelope's experiences differ significantly from Eloise's. In the society depicted in "Bridgerton," Penelope is portrayed as a more marginal figure, overshadowed by the prominence and glamour of the Bridgerton family. She is often seen in the background, struggling to find her place in a world where her social status does not put her at the center of attention.
Throughout the series, Penelope exhibits a distressing lack of empathy and solidarity towards other women. Instead of fostering unity and support among her peers, her writings are propelled by feelings of envy, resentment, and desires for revenge. Striking examples of this include her actions to publicly reveal Marina Thompson's pregnancy, intending to undermine her relationship with Colin Bridgerton, or defaming individuals such as Daphne, Edwina, and Kate Sharma, often with no apparent reason other than personal gain.
Penelope's behavior as Lady Whistledown sheds light on her complex nature and motivations. While it may represent an attempt to find her voice in a world dominated by more powerful figures, it also reveals a tendency towards manipulation and selfishness. Ultimately, her role as the mysterious chronicler is more than just a quest for identity; it is a reflection of the moral and ethical complexities underlying the society of "Bridgerton."
In summary, asserting that Penelope is more feminist and hardworking than Eloise due to her role as Lady Whistledown is, at best, simplistic and, at worst, deeply misleading. Both women, while privileged in their own right, have chosen different paths in life and have faced their own challenges. However, the narrative of Penelope as a morally superior and more genuinely hardworking figure should be questioned in light of her actions and motivations, which often reveal a lack of integrity and empathy towards her peers.
It's important to note that when Theo confronts Eloise, questioning her understanding of the real world and her privileged position, Eloise doesn't reject this criticism but uses it as a catalyst to seek greater understanding. Recognizing the validity of Theo's observation, Eloise actively seeks to broaden her horizons. She engages in conversations with Theo and John, seeking to break free from the bubble of privilege in which she has lived so far.
On the other hand, Penelope takes a different stance towards her own privileged position. Instead of acknowledging her situation and seeking to understand the realities of those less privileged, Penelope vehemently denies any suggestion that she also benefits from the system. Rather than accepting her position of privilege, she portrays herself as a victim, despite her actions suggesting otherwise. Ultimately, this divergence in attitudes between Eloise and Penelope highlights the complexity of individual perceptions of privilege and personal responsibility in an unequal world.
PS: The comment: "Penelope saved Eloise by writing that she hung out with radicals, she doesn't know what it's like to be grateful" is shit. Whose fucking fault is it that the Queen is on a crusade with torches and pitchforks, looking for blood and a rolling head? From Penelope because she doesn't know when to keep her hand still and stop writing, if it weren't for Penelope, the queen wouldn't think that Eloise is Lady Whistledown, Penelope wasn't looking to help Eloise, she was looking to save her skin.
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kat-rose-griffith · 15 days
The way you just know Madame Delacroix was pumped to make Penelope a new wardrobe. Like she’s definitely been itching to give her bestie a makeover forever, finally dressing her how she knows she will look great instead of what Penelope’s mother wants for her. I wish they had expanded on their relationship more this season. I’ve always really loved seeing their partners in crime style friendship
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The engagement ring on her finger.
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easybrainrot34 · 1 month
Lil Random Bridgerton headcanons
These don’t really have a theme, hence, they r random lol. Modern Au (except Colins).
Characters : Eloise, Benedict, Anthony (w/ mentions of Daphne, Benedict, and Violet), Colin (w/ mentions of Anthony and Madame Delacroix ), Hyacinth and Kate together (w/ mentions of Daphne, Eloise, Violet, and Anthony)
Hope you enjoy 😊
Ps my ask and request are open :)
Eloise guilty pleasure is self help books. We all know that she is very independent, but something me tells she would rather pick up a self help book then ask for actual help. Of course she reads these im private, I think she would die of embarrassment if anyone found out. She just doesn’t like people to know when she’s “weak”.
Benedict would take cooking classes. Like he can cook but he knows he’s not a good cook. But I feel like once he meets you he secretly takes cooking classes and he’s very secretive about it. For a split second in the beginning, you were convinced that he might be cheating on you. Instead of letting it eat at you you go and talk to him and this is where he confesses. He’s would be so heartbroken to think that you would think he would do that, but he would also be understanding. Anyway, now both of you go and do little cooking classes and he finally made a good meal.
Anthony is insanely good at practical gift giving. Like if u mention that u found a set of pans that u want for ur kitchen, bam u got them for ur birthday. I feel like he gets Daphne or Benedict to spy / ask around when Xmas or birthdays come around so he can see what people want / need. Although I feel like he always gets Violet and you something sentimental.
Colin is a kind of man to meet up with the modiste to get a special dress made for you. Like idk y I see this, but he’s such a softy and a great gift giver like Anthony that he would head to Madame Delacroix himself. He would get the main things you love in your dresses but little accents of what he likes (certain beating, lace, etc.) He would surprise you before the next Bridgerton ball with it. He would also feel so proud and happy when u flaunt it to your friends.
I feel like one day Hyacinth would ask Kate for tea to ask her how she can become cool and strong like her. Like I feel like part of Hyacinth wants to be so much like the women in her life, but with Daphne living far away, Violet having a motherly filter, and just something tells me Eloise and her aren’t super close, she would go to Kate. Kate would feel very touched, and would tell her to be confident and strong, but also herself. I feel like this is where these two become close and Kate starts to take Hyacinth under her wing. Also Anthony just dies a little over this, like he is so touched. God I love Kate and Anthony so I had to put them together in this one.
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winnie-the-monster · 2 months
“I can not live at home any longer. I must take a husband.”
“Does my lady have a suitor in mind?”
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pensbridge · 4 months
An Outline of the Reactions of the Bridgerton & Featherington Families walking in on Polin
ANTHONY *He is furious, but a toned down and "lighter" furious than that of what he held with Daphne. He's learned...somewhat, and significantly calmed down since marrying Kate, but "How could Colin do this and compromise Penelope Featherington?!?" [in fact he might go to Kate with these words]; eventually he acts as the older brother and after the harsh, hurtful words and unintentioned insults occur comes the sweet, heartfelt and sentimental moment where he gives advice/attempts to find a solution to any situations needing action.
BENEDICT *doesn't care/finds it amusing; proceeds with all the ammunition-> makes jokes to Colin & 100% roasts him on his cluelessness to, in fact..HELP her find a husband that is not him
ELOISE *ACTUALLY furious!; she is shocked as she never foresaw this coming; grossed out and in need of something to obscure her vision from the nightmare she just witnessed//she will question if Colin is clueless to Pen's secret, and (if she discovers them b4 her and Pen make up,) advise Colin to stay away from such a "snake;" however she will also at some point yell at him for going for her friend as her protective-mode chimes in
FRANCESCA *less severely grossed out; possibly saw it coming, because she's been extra observant the past few months; the worst person next to Benedict to be in possession of this knowledge for the fact that they are not subtle-she makes little comments and snarky remarks in front of Mama Bridgerton and the family that lets the cat out of the bag literally seconds after Colin even presents the prospect of a wedding to them
GREGORY *Shocked/surprised; he is tired of all these intelligent, beautiful women-as if they are not sunshine perfection-falling for his idiotic older brothers (makes that face like when Anthony proposed to Edwina)
HYACINTH *complete disgust, though not surprised... also a tattletale
PORTIA *I think she will be shocked/amazed that her daughter snagged a Bridgerton-and already thinking of the benefits (and plotting next moves), but also has a moment to think back on all the suspicious moments between them that she walked in on where it all just clicks!💡
PHILIPPA *shocked; later annoyed at any family gathering that she's not ½ of the only couple, and secretly jealous about how well they work
PRUDENCE *shocked and loud as hell; Portia will know immediately after she steps foot in whatever room, unless blackmail is involved
KATE *apologizes immediately; startled and unsure if she should excuse herself or take a page from Anthony to her new brother-in-law; her Anthony-like scolding turns to coy smiles and knowing looks in group settings that she walked in on the later engaged couple, that some others are completely unaware to
VIOLET *mortified (on both her end and Colin's) -> turns to reprimanding and lecturing
(+) for more fun >
SIMON *a cross between startlement and a chuckle; he lets out his laugh/smile before the door is even fully halted from opening
DAPHNE *she would be startled and surprised; would scold Colin for compromising Penelope and give him a reminder about judgment and if they were to be found out before marriage; also a heart to heart about love, because she would be the one he'd be able to open up to
WILL *laughing all the way back to the boxing ring until he gives his genuine joy that Colin has found his own wife
MADAME DELACROIX *wide-eyed in shock, but then somehow a knowing look that all the while conveys a thought that says "of course"
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the-other-art-blog · 5 days
How can anyone honestly believe Cressida changed???
Sorry, but I do not buy the whole "my dad is mean and my mom pressures me so much and society puts me against women. so that's why I have been the biggest bitch for the last three years."
And it's very telling how some people are ready to forgive her, but they treat Pen as if she murdered someone and is beyond redemption.
May I remind you that Cressida was one of the people who judged Eloise and called her a "radical ruffian" after LW published her column about her.
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Are we to believe that weeks later, she had an epiphany and decided to be kind to Eloise? No! She noticed the rift between Pen and Eloise and decided to go after El. She gets a Bton connection and leaves Pen alone and defenseless. Cressida has a direct beef with Pen, like all bullies she has a fixation against one person.
What's interesting is that despite their supposed tight friendship, El hasn't invited Cressida to have tea with the family every Sunday. It's like El knows that this is not a real friendship and Cressida will never replace Pen or at least whatever they have is not even close to what she had with Pen (I realize that this sounds like I'm talking about a romantic relationship, but so what, they're the second love story of s3). Also, the fact that the rest of the family hates Cressida doesn't help this relationship.
In 3x01 she bullied Pen TWICE. If El hadn't distracted her, Cressida would have said something mean to Pen. In fact, that's why El called her because she knew she was going to bully Pen. Then, obviously, during the ball, even El apologized to her.
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Even in this gif below, and any other time, El looks embarrassed and regretful to be with Cressida. She is miserable and deep down (or maybe not so deep), she knows what she is doing is wrong.
I'm convinced that the only reason why Cressida did not spread Pen and Colin's deal was because El had already called her out on her bullying in ep1. When El tells her that Pen may have a chance with Debling, she laughs! Why Cressida, why is it so far-fetched that Pen may attract the attention of a wealthy lord?
Oh, but my favorite is when Cressida said she tried to befriend El in s2. Like hell she did! First, she mocked her when it seemed El had screwed up her meeting with the Queen. But when El charmed the Queen (ten seconds later), suddenly she's offering her "a spot "an opening" in her circle, as if friendship with her was a selected club where only the worthy ones had access (Blair Waldorf who? And yes, it's an insult).
Cressida also complains about her lack of proposals as if she were a poor debutante who never got the chance to attract a suitor. The reality is that as the beautiful and popular single daughter of a lord, Cressida could have gotten married quickly. She didn't because even the horrible men of the ton could not stand her. Madame Delacroix said it in s1:
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But to me, the biggest clue that she is still the ton's biggest bitch is her promo video. This last bit tells me that she's still the same.
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Now, I'll be discussing spoilers for episodes 5 and 6 (because there's no way to avoid them unless you go offline). So, if you don't want to know, stop reading.
I will also be discussing potential spoilers that relate to s4.
You're reading this at your own risk!
So according to the ss that I've seen of ep 5 and 6 and the teaser, they are following the storyline from RMB where Cressida lies and tells everyone she is LW. In the book Lady D offers a reward, in the show, it will be the Queen. We know that Lord Cowper is practicing some economic violence by restricting Lady Cowper and Cressida's allowance until C marries someone wealthy. 5000 pounds is a huge amount of money in Regency England, so C will want it, plus all the attention from it. I don't know much else because I did not watch the recap videos. But this shows she's still an awful person.
Onto Benophie rumors.
It is widely believed that the Cowpers are Sophie's family. Why? Because Lady Cowper's given name is Araminta. There were also mentions in s2 that Lady Cowper stole a servant from another house, something the Araminta of AOFAG did. That and a few comments on ig posts that mention Sophie were liked by the actresses. I'm very confident with this theory, especially with the amount of screen time the Cowpers have this season, including their domestic life. I'm sure Sophie is there working as a maid. I don't know if she is Lord Cowper's illegitimate daughter, but somehow she ended up there.
Behind the scenes, this is a recurring change adaptations use to economize in characters. The Cowpers and the Gunningworths can blend into one easily. Plus, imo, the Featheringtons already give the evil step-sisters vibe that would seem repetitive to people who haven't watched the show. They would seem to be mere replacements for the Featheringtons after they leave the show in s3.
If so, then Cressida fits the Rosamund character perfectly. Both are ultra-mean women, both spinsters, both capable of being cruel to someone like Sophie.
What about Posy? Here's where things get complicated, some believe that Cressida's redemption arc will make her a combination of Rosamund AND Posy. I think that is an absurd idea since as this post argues, there's no such redemption arc. Posy is a beautiful character who suffered domestic abuse from the very people who should have loved her. And I do not trust anyone who villanizes her for not speaking up earlier. She was the bravest person in the book for stepping up and defending Sophie, even at the risk of suffering Araminta's wrath. If Violet hadn't adopted her, who knows what would have happened to her.
I'm open to changing my mind after watching part 2, but right now, I would rather lose Posy completely in the show than give Cressida traits of her personality. Let her live in the books with her vicar! If Sophie has to lose her sole source of kindness in her house (aside from the servants), like Pen lost Felicity, then so be it.
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quotergirl19 · 6 months
Currently wondering if the Queen’s spies who followed Eloise to Theo’s print were told that Lady Whistledown has her new issues sewn into dresses & delivered. Because that’s exactly the type of tangible clue that would lead the Queen to accuse Madame Delacroix of being Lady Whistledown in season 3.
The evidence would appear damning since the dressmaker has heard gossip and gossiped frequently with members of the ton like Lady Violet Bridgerton. As a seamstress she will have hidden her client’s secrets (like Marina Thompson’s growing belly) and she would benefit from getting rid of that new dressmaker in season 2 who was her competition.
Also, her majesty questioned why Lady Whistledown hadn’t written until the start of the next season and if you recall, Benedict said Genevieve left London to visit France at the end of season 1 (likely trying to learn how to be more convincing as a French woman because Marina pointed out that she did not convince her because her mother was from France), so it would be nearly impossible for Genevieve to deny in order to prove her innocence.
Penelope swore on her own honor that she would protect Madame Delacroix from the Queen for helping her. Do you think Penelope would publish Whistledown to keep her promise if people begin to speculate that Genevieve is Lady Whistledown?
And if so, do you think it will be after Colin knows the truth and made it clear to Penelope that he wanted her to stop writing. Could he be so furious that it comes between them just as Penelope & Colin had become betrothed?
Because for me, that scenario sounds like a perfect segue to Penelope confessing to the Queen, earning her respect and protection and Colin declaring his love and pride in his bride-to-be to the ton.
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torchwood-99 · 1 year
Have to laugh at Pen stans thinking that what Pen does is impressive compared to the other women on the show
Daphne, using her status as a Duchess to literally save an unmarried mother, a girl who she met because she was trying to trick her brother into marrying her, but was so compassionate she had to do her best by her anyway.
Eloise, going against social conditioning and intense sexist brainwashing to question the role of women in her world, following her own initiative to study feminist theories and step out beyond her sheltered, shallow life in order to meet with people outside her social group, while also risking the queen's wrath in series 1 to warn Whistledown about the trap because she thought Whistledown would save Pen's family.
The Queen and Lady Danbury, two women whose diplomacy improved race relations and elevated the status of POC in a racist society, then going on to hold all of society in their thrall.
Marina, making no apologies in her quest to find a better life for herself and her unborn children.
Madame Delacroix, running her own business and making her own way in the world, using actual artistry and talent and creating works of true beauty to do so.
Ditto for the unnamed modiste who Penelope destroyed for her own self serving ends.
All this compared to Penelope, writing a gossip rag that is basically just repeating what she hears, and exploiting the most sexist and petty attitudes of the ton to line her pockets, at the expense of those who trust her the most.
EDITING to add Kate who literally raised her own younger sister and took of her family while she was still a child herself!
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captainbucky-yt · 2 years
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“He rather thought he preferred the wallflowers” - AOFAG
REQUESTED: Benedict and the women of Bridgerton
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bm-blog01 · 3 months
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New edit!
Gen is to Penedict as Eloise is to Polin, but instead of sibling rivalry it’s flirtatious shenanigans
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shewasbornvain · 7 days
I love Madame Delacroix because while I would love for her to be taken care of, I love that she makes her own way even more. She does not have to answer to anyone or anything really. I admire that so much. She has cultivated her own reality. I know she is putting on a show of sorts with her accent and I actually love that. The truth is you often have to save yourself. Even the privileged. We see that with the Bridgerton siblings who constantly wrestle with what’s expected of them versus what they actually want to do. I hope we get to learn more about her and I even hope she receives love, and care on her terms.
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dollypopup · 1 year
thinking about how class is never addressed with Penelope, especially with Madam Delacroix. how Theo gave Eloise a well deserved dressing down about how her privileges as a well off white woman with a powerful family shield her from consequences that he would likely lose his livelihood or life over, in particular when she went to check on him after the Queen threatened her.
thinking about how Penelope came to Madam Delacroix with a proposal she literally couldn't turn down. how she'd already written of her favorably in one breath and besmirched the modiste across the street in another. how she showed Gen that she had the means and fortitude to ruin women like her with just one sentence. how “I have proved to you how I can help you in your business, now I’d like you to help me with mine.”
what was she meant to say, No? Gen told her she'd keep her secret. Gen told her she'd never tell. and Penelope came to her anyway afterward, about how she's been sloppy as LW, about how she'd been spotted once so she'd be spotted again. about how this was a business venture and they would both benefit. that they could be partners.
about how, then, Gen finds out that the Queen of England is involved and chasing after them. how Penelope came to Gen's HOUSE, uninvited, in the midst of the Queen's cat and mouse. how terrified she was. that Penelope dismissed her concerns as 'you were aware there were risks when you signed on to this' and how Gen replied 'yes, risks, but not The Queen of England' because she knows that Penelope would be given more grace than she would be. because she knows women like Penelope would *always* be given more grace than she would be. that they always have been.
i wish Genevieve Delacroix had given her a reality check. i wish she pointed out that Penelope masquerades as a working class woman, putting on a fake accent and maid's clothes, cosplays her way into Gen's world, this privileged white woman from a scandal ridden family she besmirches herself, who makes her own money and does not have to worry about overhead or paying for a storefront or a home for herself, who gets to keep all her wages, who gets to leave it, all the while assuming they are equals with equal struggles. that she wears Gen's working class life like a costume and peels it off as soon as she's home
when will we finally acknowledge that, yes, Penelope works, but she is not a working woman? that, yes, Penelope's family has fallen on hard times, but they are very much a 'distinguished family' who live in a huge house in the middle of a rich neighborhood, titled, that Penelope is a lady with a lady's protections and privileges. that Penelope is invited to all the fancy parties Gen would never be considered for. that Penelope wears the expensive, sparkling dresses Gen makes for her, mends for her, that she herself would never have a reason to wear
that Penelope pretends her way into a working world, is more than happy to do so for a day, a night, an excursion: and then disregards so many people who try to survive in it. and is never once asked to recognize that in herself
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