#mainly dick's hugs
graytodd · 3 months
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I saw this dj on pinterest and got inspired to draw a soft!dickjay cuddling moment, (maybe after jay slept over at dick's apartment..?)
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norrisleclercf1 · 4 months
Pairing: Mafia!Jenson Button x Assistant!Reader
Words: 1.4K
Rating: R
Requested: Yes/No
Request: Okay so imagine Jenson had to travel for a business meeting with the Webber’s. Normally whenever he goes abroad for work, he wouldn’t bring his assistant but the time zones make it difficult for him to remain in touch with her so he brings her along. They arrive a day or so before Jenson has this meeting and they spend it at the private beach attached to the villa he rented where she tries to read her book while Jenson goes for a swim. Lewis’ words have never left her and she tries to sneak glances at him to see if it’s true but the swimming trunks make it hard to make out anything beyond the outline. So, blushing furiously at the fact that she’s checking out her boss, she goes back to her book only for Jenson to drop on the tanning bed next to her with a “if you wanted to see my cock, all you had to do was ask pretty girl”
Warnings: Language, Jenson has a dick piercing, sexual talks, etc.
A/N: Hehehehehe for @enchantecafe and also the gorgeous brilliant mind of Mar @percervall for giving me this delicious idea
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"I'm not going, and you can't make me." Jenson wanted to bash his head into the desk before him. All he wanted was for you to join him in gorgeous Balos, Chania, Crete, Greece. With the time zone, he wasn't comfortable leaving you here. He needed you, just like Mark and Lewis would be. "I have work here," You argue further.
"Y/n, pretty girl, I know you have work here, but I need you in Greece with me. This isn't up for a debate." You tap your heel and purse your lips, ready to rip him a new one. "Mr. Button," Jenson groans, knowing you're pissed when you use his last name. "With all due respect, Mr. Button, going to Greece would be ideal for a vacation. As this is a work function and not a vacation, it's not ideal for me to join you. Take Miss. Simpson, she's just as capable." Jenson takes a deep breath and calms the anger bubbling in his stomach. 
"Miss. L/n, you will be joining me. You are my assistant, and besides, you know what this work.... function is for, so please save the attitude for when we're there." Jenson glares at you, and you stop, knowing you are pushing the buttons now. "When do we leave?" You ask, teeth gritted, tapping your foot harder now. "Tonight, your bags have already been packed." You make a noise of annoyance, turn on your heel, and stomp out. Even in his irritation with you, he still found that the skirt hugged your ass pretty damn well. 
You slam your folder down and bitch to yourself but stop noticing the appealing eyes of Lewis Hamilton staring at you from your own chair. "Coming to Greece with us?" He cocks his head with a dopey grin knowing damn well you were going. "Of course, the brat doesn't know how to work without me." Leaning in, you start to whisper. "How in the world is he running an international mafia but can't go to a ridiculous meeting without me?" Lewis chuckles and bites one of his tattooed fingers. 
"He needs his emotional support assistant, or else he gets cranky. And you remember what happened the last time he got cranky." You whine, pressing your face into the cold glass counter of your desk. "Lewis, please talk to him. I don't want to go to Greece." Lewis snorts and knows you're lying. "Please, you don't want to go because then you'll find out if that piercing of his is true." Stopping your pity party and glare at Lewis, who smiles at you innocently. 
"You know, I packed your clothes for you. Some skimpy swimsuits you've got." Cheeks heat up at the thought of Lewis digging around your swimsuits, mainly your underwear. "Lucky man, whoever gets to peel those off you," You grab a pen, throw it at him, and hear his laughter as he dodges. "Fuck off, the last man I slept with was," You close your mouth, remembering that Spanish accent and thick hair. "I know who it was, does he?" Lewis whispers, nodding towards Jenson, who has Mark at his side. 
"No, and it's none of his business." But you hate the guilt that eats up at you. He was just a way to forget. Instead, you couldn't help but compare the two. How you didn't feel the same when Jenson touched you, how he called you pretty girl, all you wanted was for it to be Jenson that was buried deep in you. "Your face says otherwise," Lewis's voice shifts from teasing to that of the overprotective friend that he is. 
"What?" You turn back to face Lewis, who is boring a hole in your face. "He won't be there, just us, Jenson and Mark." You nod and feel Jenson's hand touch your back. "If we're all ready, we can leave now." Jenson's hand stays on your back, making your skin burn to life. "Let's get this over with," You pull away, feeling cold slap you in the face. Mark chuckles and picks up your bags as you four leave, heading for Greece. 
"Just wear it." Lewis urges, shoving the swimsuit into your hands. "Lewis, this is very...revealing. You just had to pick one of my most revealing ones." You huff, holding up the thin fabric. Lewis just smiles at you and nudges your shoulder. "Y/n, come on. We're at a private villa on the beach. No one except for us will see you. Please, just wear it and have fun." Lewis pouts, and you try to ignore it but know you can't. 
"Okay," Lewis jumps off your bed and exits the room. Leaving you to throw on the swimsuit. Putting it on, you stare at yourself in the mirror; you don't turn, hear the door open, and see Lewis stop and stare at you. "Fuck, you look damn good. You'll definitely make Jenson come in his pants." You turn and smack his shoulder and stare at the "one-piece." 
It's held together by one material dyed with orange, dark brown, and other colors. It's got a little wood circle holding the neck and top part together, and it's cut out, showing off your underboob and also your stomach. "Okay, let's go." You walk out of the room and to the open air. 
"Goddamn, if I wasn't married," "Shut up, Mark." You giggle and saunter over to where Jenson is lying, a towel covering his lap as he tries not to stare. He's thankful for the sunglasses as his eyes rake over your body. "What are you reading?" You ask, plopping yourself onto the sunbed next to Jenson, who fidgets. "One of your books," He hands it over, and you smile and bookmark the page he was on. 
"It's hot," You sigh and move, stretching out, and Jenson watches you closely, never been more grateful for the towel he's placed on his lap. "Yes, it is," Licking his lips, he sees you stand and run over to Lewis and Mark on the beach. Sighing, he drops his head, lifts the towel, and groans, seeing that he is very hard. He can't stand up, knowing he'd never hear the end from Mark or Lewis if he stood up. 
Jenson watches you and smiles, seeing you having fun. He relaxes thinking about everything he'd love to give you. "Jenson, come join us!" Mark yells, but you turn and climb out of the ocean. He bites his lip, seeing the waterfall off your body and how your skin glows with happiness and sun. "Jens, go join them. They want to play water volleyball." You run up and stand before him, and he has to control the urge to pull you down on top of him and kiss you senselessly. 
"Yeah," The word comes out choked, and he pulls himself towards the edge and comes face to face with your breasts. "Shit," He grumbles, wanting to run his fingers over the curves of them and pull the top off and fuck you profoundly and properly. Your breathing becomes ragged, feeling the way his eyes move over your body. "Jenson! Come one!" Mark yells, pulling the two of you out of your little bubble. "Yeah, coming!" Jenson stands up and moves away from you. 
Swallowing you suck in a breath and breathe out. "Read, reading is good." You whisper to yourself, trying to stop yourself now. Lewis runs up and throws himself into the chair to your left, leaving Jenson's chair open. "I always loved this time; he wears thin suits, and we always tease him about the piercing." You groan, trying your hardest not to stare openly. Instead, you settle for sneaking glances, hating Lewis for reminding you of the piercing. 
"All I can see is the fucking outline," Whining, you hate that Jenson fucking Button has reduced you to this whining mess. "I'm checking out my boss; what the hell. I hate you, Lewis Hamilton. Seriously, I've been perfectly normal working with him. Now all I can think about is him," "Fucking you so good he ruins you for other men, and feeling the way the piercing feels?" Lewis fills in, and you tighten your legs, biting your bottom lip. You go to reply but stop seeing Jenson within earshot and turn bright red when you know that he's grinning. 
He drops to the sun bed next to you and rolls his waistband, revealing the happy trail and muscle. "Pretty girl, if you wanted to see my cock, all you had to do was ask." Jenson groans, getting comfortable, and you whip your head straight as Jenson rolls to the side. "I'm serious; ask me, pretty girl." He almost begs, and you turn your eyes wide, and you hate the ache between your legs. "Jenson?" He hums, and you sigh, working up the courage and smile. 
"Can I see your cock?" Jenson smiles, and fingers curl around your throat and pull you in. "Of course," 
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
Damian thinking he can cure depression and all of your negative mindsets by letting you cuddle and hug Bat-Cow.
He’d personally drag you all the way to the barn and then promptly point towards the half-awake cow lounging in the farthest corner and with the straightest face he says;
‘Hug the cow y/n.’
You’re confused, you’re depressed and have told him so in confidence, and here he was demanding that you cuddle up to the bovine, who was staring at you both with their dark eyes.
‘Why?’ You’d ask, eyes never leaving the cow and Damian sighs impatiently. ‘It’ll cure your current aliment of depression.’ He says with such certainty that you almost believed him for a minute…almost.
‘Damian this is stupid, even for you-‘ however before you could finish your sentence, Damian was already pushing you from behind towards Bat-Cow, who only watched as you were positioned into their warm side, silently chewing before becoming disinterested and went back to resting their head on the floor.
Bat-cow didn’t smell the greatest but then again…they were a fucking cow but they were warm and fluffy and comfortable, so much so that you ended up cuddling further into them found yourself falling asleep almost instantaneously with a small smile on your lips. ‘Good Bat-Cow…’ you murmur sleepily as the bovine only huffs out hot air, unfazed at you cuddling them as everyone from Damian to even Jason had come once in a while to cuddle up into their side.
Damian made a satisfied noise and was about to leave when he noticed that there was a space big enough for him to slot himself against Bat-Cow also. He shifts he gazed all across the entire barn, making sure he wasn’t being observed somehow, before cuddling himself into the side of the large animal.
Damian wouldn’t find out until way later that he was indeed being observed as he chased after Tim throughout the manor, sword in hand.
Jason who loves to cuddle you as though it’s been forever since you last saw each other.
(It had been five minutes max, you needed to piss.)
He’d even make it his personal mission to carry you in his arms anywhere and everywhere he went in the apartment. He will not hear the cliche ‘I’m too heavy’ bullshit excuse, let him carry you in his arms damn it! He wants to hold you! Do not reject him this golden opportunity!
He doesn’t care if anyone like Bruce, Dick or Roy are present because if anything it shows them that he had someone in his life that he loved and adored more than anything. Roy/Dick -mainly Dick- may tease him to high heavens about it but Jason only shrugs it off and says albeit childishly: ‘well at least I have someone to hold onto every night unlike you dickhead.’ Before casually carrying you into the kitchen with him to grab a drink.
(Remember that ‘Gator needs his gat, you punk ass bitch.’ tiktok Trend where ppl picks up their friend? Yh that’s what goes on in my head when writing this.)
Jason fears as though he’s not spending enough time with you. Which is bullshit because this man spends every waking moment with you being cute and loving and just the absolute best in general.
He’s not use to the whole relationship thing and he’s overthinking everything he’s doing and worries that it might be the breaking limit for you. So all you got to do is hold his face in your hands, rest your head against his own and reassure him that he was spending more than enough time with you. It’ll probably won’t get rid of the notion that he wasn’t doing enough for you out of Jason’s head, but at least it was something that he could be reminded of when he was getting too lost in his thoughts.
He’s a worrywart and a big one at that, but as long as you keep being his anchor, keep being the reason his head feels a lot clearer and so on, then Jason will gradually come to learn that he never needs to worry about anything when you’re more than happy to keep reminding him that it’s okay to worry, and that he wasn’t being suffocating or otherwise.
Jason maybe physically imposing and intimidating to look at for some people but to you, he was like those badly stereotyped big dogs that are the biggest sweethearts. Dogs such as:
XL bully dogs
Pit bull
Doberman Pinscher and more.
He’s a sweetheart who just looks intimidating, nothing more nothing less…unless you happen to be a criminal then Jason is anything but the word sweet or adorable as they’re getting their asses beaten.💀
Dick always asks you if you still love him after every minor inconvenience.
It doesn’t matter what happens or how it happens, he always give you those puppy dog eyes of his and pouts his lips. ‘Do you still love me?’
‘Dick we’ve been through this before, of course I love you.’ You’d reply.
‘But you looked really annoyed right now and I just wanted to know if you still like me enough to date me.’ He then says as he rests his head on your shoulder, pressing himself against your back.
You sighed before looking over at him and pressing a tender kiss to his cheek. ‘Does that clear everything up for you?’ You asked rhetorically as Dick beamed brightly and stole a kiss from your lips, reinvigorated. ‘Yep.’ He’d respond before moving on with the rest of his day.
If you were to accidentally forget to kiss him good morning or before you were leaving for work, Dick would take full offence as he places himself in front of the door, arms crossed and lips formed into that pout you were more then familiar with at this point. ‘You hate me.’
‘Dick I’m in a hurry!’ You cry, looking at the time.
‘And you forgot my good morning kisses!’ He’d cry back at you and you would be several minutes late to work, all because you were making up for the misses kisses. You hate Dick sometimes but you knew you couldn’t be mad at him for long when he’d smother in kisses upon arriving him from work, so you guessed he could be given a pass…just this once.
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 1 year
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Another Aizetsu one shot because... BECAUSE- BECAUSE 😍😍🙈
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Warnings: female bodied reader + demon reader, size kink (big dick Aizetsu), virgin Aizetsu, needy Aizetsu, praising, 69 position, rough sex but love making, mating press
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"Wait, you're joking, right... you and Aizetsu never had sex?" Karaku was shocked and couldn't help but laugh."Come on, Karaku, you know he's always been shy, " Urogi said, trying not to laugh and hiding his face with his wings
"See? This is why I don't talk to you guys. " You groaned and rolled your eyes. The conversation mainly started by you, Karaku and Urogi being alone in the house talking about your sexual experiences and you said you only had one sexual experience when you were human but since Aizetsu was your boyfriend it was a shock to them knowing he didn't make a move on you yet.
Just as when they wanted to ask you more questions about you and Aizetsu, he came back into the cottage with Sekido. You immediately opened your arms with a smile, and Aizetsu dropped his spear to hug you tightly. "What were you guys talking about?" He asked curiously since the room got dead silent when Aizetsu and Sekido walked in.
"Ohh nothing haha just.. uhh," you giggled and started to pet his head to avoid the question. "Y/n was complaining how you didn't fuck her yet" Karaku blurted out "yeah and how your cock is probably small" Urogi said making both him and Karaku fall over laughing loud causing Sekido to shout at them to shut up.
Aizetsu looked at you with a more sad expression than usual, hugging you tighter. "It's not true, Aizetsu. I only mentioned how we never had sex and my only sexual experience was when I was human. Don't listen to them. they're just being a tease ok?" You said to reassure him, but he was silent. He only got up and turned to Sekido. " Me and y/n are going to stay at the other cottage tonight. If a slayer comes, I'll let you know," he said.
Karaku and Urogi ouu'ed and Sekido rolled his eyes. "I don't care. These two are already going to give me a headache tonight, " he said, and Aizetsu took your hand, making you walk out the cottage with him. "Wait a second!" You said, almost tripping over your foot and pulling him back to stop."What's gotten into you all of a sudden? You never walked away when they said something stupid," you said and hugged him, resting your head on his chest.
"Being made fun of for still being a virgin did make me sad, but it makes me sad how you probably wouldn't want to even do it with me since you never asked me... and how a human got to have you before I did," Aizetsu admits with a shaking voice and hugged you back.
Your head shot up and looked at him. "I never asked because it never came to mind. You're so calm and gentle with me. I love that about you, but if I have to be honest... I do want to have sex with you. " Aizetsu blushed at your words and pulled your body to his more, making your boobs squish against his chest."Let's have sex then... please? I really want to," he practically begged
"Of course we can"
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Aizetsu is hovered over you holding both your hands, pinning you down to the bed giving you a nervous look "Don't hate me if I'm not doing a good job" he said and you chuckled "I could never hate you. Your best is always good enough for me, " you said, making Aizetsu blush yet again filling his heart with happiness.
You gave Aizetsu an ok look for him to start unting your kimono, leaving you in just your underwear. Aizetsu throws you clothes off the bed and admires your body and places his warm hand on your waist, and then cups your boob taking a hand full.
"I want this off of you too," you said, touching his biceps, wanting his clothes off. You were excited to see what Aizetsus body looked like since he is the most covered up out of the clones. Aizetsu began to strip and dropped his clothes off the bed leaving him in just boxers, you couldn't help but move your hands on his waist, grabbing it feeling how slim it was which made him bite his bottom lip "y/n... I need you, " he said, and you could see the outline of his hard cock though hie boxers.
"I need you too, I'm already so wet just from looking at you" you admit and took his hand placing it on your pussy. Aizetsu felt your wetness on your soaked panties with his fingers and grabbed the sides to take it off. You lifted your hips up just enough to help him and he started breathing heavy, getting more aroused by you.
"Lay on your back. I want to make you feel good too," you said, and Aizetsu obeyed, laying on his back. You got on top facing your ass towards him "Aizetsu I want your tongue on my clit~ please," you begged and pulled his boxers down just enough to expose his cock.
Aizetsu pulled your hips back and started eating you out with no hesitation. His tounge licked on your wet holes tasting your arousal and pressing his tounge hard on your clit and sucks on it. You moaned out and began sucking his tip and tried to get more of his cock in your mouth.
Aizetsu was huge, you hadn't been a demon for that long so this just proved your theory that a demons cock is way bigger then a humans and you began to dought if it could fit inside you but that thought turned you on even more.
Aizetsu pulled away from your pussy gasping "y/n. I need you, I need you so bad, " he said quickly, moving from underneath you and getting behind you. You laid on your stomach with your legs spread, looking back at Aizetsu. "Slowly okay? Put it in me slowly. " You bite your lip, feeling his tip against your hole.
Aizetsu grabs both your ass cheeks to line his cock with your pussy and puts it in at a slowly. "Aizetsu!" You gasped, feeling him stretch you out and gripped onto the sheets. "I'm sorry haa y-you're just so t-tight. Holy fuck" he whispers "I'm sorry, I'll get it in so you don't have to feel anymore pain" Aizetsu forces more of his cock inside you whimpering at your tightness
Aizetsu only assumed, but he couldn't be more wrong. It was a lot of pressure but his huge cock felt so good inside you all you did was let out moans and gasps. "I'm going to fuck you now, don't worry y/n I'll make your pussy get use to my size" he said leaving soft kisses on your shoulders snapping his hips fucking you slow.
Your whole body was moving to his thrust. You felt yourself getting wetter and were already getting used to the size. Aizetsu sat up placing his hands on your hips pushing you down onto the mattress more to see how his cock filled you up. Aizetsu stuck out his tounge that said "sorrow" letting a huge glob of saliva fall on his cock thrusting it in to lubricant you more.
"Aizetsu, it's so good, so good, keep going! Keep going. " Your back arched more while burying your face into the pillow. "Oh fuck" Aizetsu whined from how much tighter you got "y/n your making such a mess on my cock. Look" Aizetsu pulled out turning you on your back.
"You're creaming all over me. I want to see how good I'm making you feel" he said forcing your legs over your shoulders and shoved his cock back inside to pound into your pussy "Please tell me how good I'm making you feel, tell me".
"It's so good oh my god!" Your voice became Shaky yet your moans were loud with pleasure, loving how deep his cock was inside and how it hit the right spots "Aizetsu I'm gonna cum. Cum inside me Aizetsu~" you said turning him on ever more making him kiss you with tounge making him fuck you harder.
After a few seconds you came on his cock but he kept going, fucking you though your orgasm. He pulled away from the kiss and moans from how you clenched around him "gonna cum, gonna cum gonna- fuck!" he whimpers and let out a loud moan cumming deep inside you gripping into your legs.
After Aizetsu calmed down, he pulled out of you, making you both gasp. He watched as your body rested on the bed with his cum leaking out of you "you must be so tired... but did it feel good?" He asked with a worried look resting his face between your boobs. your hand weakly reached out to him to his head and pets it softly. "You were amazing it felt so good." You grinned, breathing heavy
Aizetsu's face lighten up a bit "then" he said kissing you boob and eventually rolling his tounge over your nipple
"Can we do it again?"
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slut4msby · 5 months
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first kiss. miya osamu x reader
+ tags & warnings; not proofread & v rushed </3 also like quiet a lot of swearing (mainly just the use of the word 'shit')
+ a/n; day 6/7!! one more day to go before i go take a LONGGGG nap (i wish :<) but yeah this isn't the best written but here u go bc im on my osamu shit atm <3
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“So you’re seriously telling me, THE Miya Osamu has never kissed anyone?” You teased the now embarrassed dark harder boy. “Like THE Miya Osamu, like brother to like the schools biggest flirt Miya Atsumu? What’s next your brother hasn’t either? I always knew the Miya twins were FULL of surprises but this, THIS is new.”
“Ew, I don’t wanna know who my brother is kissing and shit.” He said defensively.
“Why?” You questioned.
“Whaddya mean why? Because it’s weird he is like my brother I don’t wanna know what girls he’s snogging and sh-”
“No, I mean like why haven’t ya kissed anyone ‘Samu?” You cut his ramble off, “like I’m sure there's plenty of girls willing to, you have just as many fangirls as Atsumu, just his are louder and more annoying. And apart from that there’s no denying you're an attractive man. I mean you take care of yourself as well.”
“I-I don’t know, Y/N. What I do know is I don’t wanna kiss some fangirl or some shit, I want it to be with someone I care about I guess.”
“Awww 'Samu, that's so cute.” You gushed at his response.
“Shut it, Y/N.” 
As the conversation comes to halt the school bell rings, ending your first break of the day. “I’ll see ya later, ‘Samu. You smile walking down the hall to your class. You sit in your seat next to Osamu’s twin brother, Atsumu.
“Hey, Y/N-chan~” He says as you sit down.
“Hey ‘Tsumu? Ya know ‘Samu has never kissed anyone, like isn’t that just kinda bizarre. Like he’s funny, a good cook, handsome, good at sport ya know what more could a girl want? Like I know he’s seen women and shit but I dunno it’s just weird, I kinda feel bad.” You say towards Atsumu.
“If ya care so much Y/N, why don’t you just kiss him or something? I’m sure that’d shut him up. Ya both never shut up about each other, it’s kinda annoying.” 
“He talks about me?!” You say with a pink stain spreading across your face.
“Did ya hear what Y/N-chan said earlier, did you see Y/N-chan today, I think I’m gonna bring Y/N-chan some food tomorrow, Y/N-chan this, Y/N- chan that and every time I tell him to shut his trap.” Atsumu sighed, placing his head in his hands, “and yer not any better Y/N.”
“I don’t talk about him that much.” You say crossing your arms, frowning at Atsumu. Atsumu just rolled his eyes in response. Not long after your teacher began teaching her lesson, you couldn’t stop thinking about the twins' words. “If ya care so much Y/N, why don’t you just kiss him”  “to be with someone I care about I guess” “Ya both never shut up about each other”. There was certainly no denying your attraction to the silver haired twin. But in your years of knowing him, neither of you showed any romantic interest in each other. You had both seen a range of people, every breakup the same. Ending with one comforting the other, “they were such a dick anyway” or “I never really liked them to begin with.”
As the school day concluded, you decided to watch the volleyball teams practice. A common occurrence at this point.
“Oh hey, Y/N.” Suna said as he entered the gym, Osamu behind him. Osamu looked up to give you a smile, which you returned. No hey or hug like you were used to. There was something different about Osamu this time.
As you watched the boys practice, you would have some casual conversation with the team. Giggling and smiling, but never Osamu. It was always Osamu, but not since your conversation earlier.
Eventually Osamu was alone for the first time the whole practice, so you decided to confront him on his weird behaviour. “‘Samu?” You ask softly, his head poking up to look at you, “you’re acting weird, is everything okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine, Y/N. Just a little stressed, school and all that,” He mumbled softly before returning back to practise leaving you dumbfounded. 
“You know that’s not the reason right, Y/N?” Suna said from behind you. Causing you to look behind you, giving him a look of curiosity. “Apparently Atsumu sent him a message earlier, I dunno what it was exactly about but it was something about you that’s for sure.” After Suna finished speaking he grabbed his water bottle and walked away.
You couldn’t focus on the last part of their practices, instead you were left wondering from Suna’s words. As practice concluded, you could hear the Miya’s bickering as you began leaving before Osamu called out to you, “Y/N-chan!” You stop in your tracks turning to face the twin jogging towards you, “can we talk for a second, please?”
“Oh sure.”
You and Osamu walked in silence, an awkward silence in drastic contrast to the usual comfortable silence before reaching a private area.
“I uhm- about earlier I’m sorry for like acting weird…” he said fiddling with his fingers, “it’s just ‘Tsumu sent me a stupid text and It’s just like bothering me and-”
“Osamu.” You cut him off, looking at him in the face, “can I kiss you? I know you said you wanted it to be someone you care about-”
Your words were cut off as Osamu placed his hand on your chin, pulling you closer before your lips collided. The world seemed to fade away as your lips met, a fusion of unspoken emotions and shared history. As you both pulled away, heat rising on both of your faces. Before Osamu let out a chuckle, “did ‘Tsumu get you too?”
“Mhm. Glad he did though.” You say wrapping your arms around, Osamu. 
“Fucking finally. You owe me some puddin’.” Atsumu said towards Suna, who just rolled his eyes in response.
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yanderestarangel · 8 months
TW: somnophilia, oral sex f!re., blowjob, rough sex, slow sex, creampie, sex without a condom, vaginal sex, smut, porn plot, afab reader, no pronouns used besides "you".
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✦ BI HAN ✦
I really think that Bi Han gives off a vibe that loves rainy days because they are peaceful and refreshing, but mainly because they are the best for fucking you, in this headcanon a rainy day with him would be on the day that he would also be off from his obligations as Grandmaster, you two would wake up late, but you would wake up first and decide to surprise your husband, realizing how tired he was, every day Bi Han would go to be Grandmaster Liu Kuei and you didn't know if he would come back alive for another mission, then seeing the man's dick in his gray sweatpants while his bare and defined chest slowly rose and fell you had an idea, with Bi Han slowly opening his eyes and soon seeing you between his legs sucking him, his dick in your mouth, the big, thick cock with a huge vein on the right side pulsing throughout his member.
The man would be scared holding the sheets a little tighter seeing his eyes closed while sucking his huge member while fixing his eyes on his face, while the volume went to his cheeks taken by the man's speed and need for release, the grand master You soon felt your orgasm coming, gently hitting your head, making you stand up, seeing your husband's eyes shine with lust, he then threw you hard on the bed, tearing your clothes in the process, putting his hands on the waistband of your pants, taking them off. completely, his dick hit your abdomen hard, you whimpered beneath him, wet, looking for release, slowly moving back and forth on the man's defined thigh, rubbing your clitoris while Bi Han watched the scene, until he lost patience and stuck his entire member in. you once and for all, making you moan desperately as you felt the man's cock hit your uterus, filling you completely, going back and forth as he squeezed your waist, leaving the mark of his fingers on your abdomen, his moans were even animalistic, they were rough sounds that made you shiver as he fucked you and the cold breeze of the rain hugged your hot and sweaty body, you really loved having that man to yourself, there, you felt your orgasm come moaning desperately and trembling on the big man's cock above of you who soon released his load inside you, brutally then placing two fingers inside your pussy while not letting a single drop of cum come out.
This man would be an extremely light sleeper, with all the worries he has he wouldn't sleep a few nights and by knowledge it started to rain, Liang had a lot of things on his mind but the main one was protecting you, Kuai saw you as a sweet, defenseless little boy/girl, even if you weren't, he would treat you like that, he sat on the balcony right away watching the rain fall from the tiles and hit the ground, he was in your room looking at your half-naked body between sheets warm and comfortable enough for the prince/princess of him, oh heavens how this man loves taking care of you. He watches you move on the bed while moaning softly, soon realizing that you had some kind of erotic dream about him, he would help you cum, placing his thick fingers at the entrance to your pussy, exploring your clitoris with his mouth, making you tremble above him, the man's eyes shone with lust and beauty, you were the most beautiful thing in Liang's life, but you were even more beautiful when he came all over your abdomen.
You slowly wake up seeing your husband below you fucking you with his tongue and fingers, you can't even think straight, seeing your husband fucking you so well from the outside, moaning his name, Kuai Liang finally sees that you have woken up, rising towards you as his penis marks your box, the man shows his defined body with scars on his back and arms, making you sigh and tighten at the scene, he will release the own cock in his boxers, while making sure you were lubricated and comfortable enough, entering you slowly the feeling of Kuai Liang filling you was overwhelming, he would moan in your ear, whispering how good you made him feel, while the rain still falling outside mixed with the sound of the two of you moaning. He would thrust into your pussy a few times, while quickly pulling his dick out, cumming on your stomach with a series of praises and moans.
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OMG PLS DO COCKWARMING W THE MOOMBOYS AAAAA. and why didnt u tell me that before 👿👿👿
- 🦅🇺🇸
NOW YOU’RE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE🫡 baby I got a whole ass catalog (not really, it’s mainly steven lmao) thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
moonboys x female reader (not as the moon system)
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warnings. 18+ only!! cockwarming, writers brainrot, mdni
cockwarming with marc:
im thinking it will all be very intense and passionate - his gaze would never leave yours, watching you with lidded and focused eyes. you'd be below him, back on the mattress with him above, his cock tucked nicely inside you. he'd have his hands cupped around your face, holding you close as you kiss - it would be slow and sloppy, kinda messy and deep, like a real nasty, carnal snog. he'd cage you to the bed, and you'd wrap yourself around him - hugging him like a bear on a tree. he'd swallow your moans and his own would vibrate your tongue. he wouldn't move - just holding you like that, his dick snug inside you. towards the end (before he starts to move) he'd perch between your thighs, keeping his cock glued inside, and would play with your clit - thumbing over it, using himself as a plug for you. he'd make you cum on his cock using just his thumb, and only then would he fuck you -neigh, make love to you- making you cum all over again
cockwarming with steven:
you'd be straddling him, his cock stuffed inside as you both come down. the side of your face would be nuzzled into the crook of his neck as he strokes over your back - soft, small, gentle circles on your heated skin. he'd be catching his breath, chest rising and falling as he evens out, muttering sweet praises beside your ear about how you're his sweet girl. he strokes over the back of your head too, palm gliding over your hair - holding you almost protectively. super comforting and sweet - lots of reassurance afterwards. maybe you both fall asleep, keeping his dick tucked inside as you drift into a light slumber
cockwarming with jake:
you'd both be on the sofa, you perched upon his thighs/ crotch, your back against his chest. he'd be mean with it, not moving - leaving you completely desperate for any kind of movement. he'd grip your waist/ wrap his arms around your middle - stilling you. he loves the way you twitch and tighten around him, like you're begging for more. he'd rest his chin on your shoulder, looking down at your pussy with him wedged so perfectly inside. (not sure the proportions would be correct, but oh well, just pretend) you'd be a leaking mess, all of your wet dripping down his cock, pooling around his balls, making a mess on the couch. he'd play with your tits from behind, groping and squeezing them, muttering in spanish about you being needy. he wouldn't fuck you until you reach your absolute wits ends - a crying, desperate, frustrated mess - quivering and whimpering, begging for him to move
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
im gonna, uhm, yeah.. what? okay bye
steven taglist: @thewinterv @bubblezuku @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @queerponcho @kinglokisqueen4ever
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erzva · 1 year
⟡ sex with the batboys hc ⸜⸜ jason tim dick
bisexual switch
leans more towards women and bottoming/being submissive
no preference for subbing or domming when he’s with a man. he mostly likes when both of you can just switch and there’s no real power dynamic
PRAISE KINK. not only is he a fucking leo but he also has a lot of emotional issues and trauma that led to him developing a praise kink. pls just tell him he’s doing a good job and that you’re proud of him, it’s all he wants to hear
he doesn’t like being aggressive or violent and isn’t into anything degrading etc.
in fact, he hates men who are violent towards women during sex
no choking no slapping. he hates it. he finds it vulgar
hates blindfolds and being tied up due to trauma. and he won’t do it to you either
very ‘vanilla’ so just normal
just bc he’s vanilla doesn’t mean he can’t be rough and fast. he’ll fuck you good dw. or he himself wants to get fucked rough and fast.
if he’s with a woman you best believe her pleasure comes first.
definitely a service/pleasure dom when it’s a woman. but he also likes being submissive with women. body worship. just makes sure you’re taken care of and he loves doing it.
eating you out is relaxing to him. he loves having you ride his face or just being able to bury his face in your cunt after a long day and being surrounded by your smell
giving you head also makes him incredibly hard. he can’t help but pump his cock while you’re riding him and moaning into your pussy. or humping the mattress in the same rhythm his mouth is moving
he loves making out and foreplay such as making out and kissing your neck and ears. he loves how content and relaxed you look and sound and how desperate you get for more
he’s very vocal & loud. it’s all too chaotic in his head and his emotions for him to be reasonable. when he’s desperate he just starts blurting out anything that’s on his mind groaning and whining.
he loves it when you tug on his hair. it makes him roll his eyes and moan. there’s just something about it
besides his name and the usual pet names he likes getting called good boy and puppy. “such a good boy, you’re doing so well” “you’re such a good puppy for me, sweetie”
he likes rubbing himself on you. just bodies pressed against each other and desperately rutting his hips against your body. something about it is just very erotic to him. probably the desperation (a/n: i’m a firm believer in desperate!jason)
he either wants to really take his time and have gentle, passionate, sensual, erotic sex or- you or him domming the other with a lot of dirty talk and orgasms
also a bisexual switch but leaning more towards men and being a bottom
not into anything heavy or bdsm at all. very vanilla. surprisingly, he does really like food play though.. something about it is erotic to him and it’s fun
just covering some of your body parts in something delicious and licking it off
loves it when you ride him and he’s just able to relax and look at you
he is chronically tired bc of his lifestyle so he likes not having to do much during sex and prefers bottoming and normal positions
wants you to take care of him
really likes gentle touches during sex. he often takes one of your hands and puts it on his cheek for you to hold and caress him
loves it when you’re on top of him with your front pressed against his, your lips pressing light kisses against his ear and neck while he’s thrusting up inside you/you’re thrusting inside him
let’s out quiet desperate high pitched whines and moans and breaths
he wants to hug a lot during sex. just as much touch as possible
bisexual switch with a dom lean. likes women and men the same amount.
also a praise kink. mainly bc of trauma ofc but also bc he has a big ego
he would never deny praise. or physical touch. especially from his s/o
he‘s very mischievous and loves attention. so it didn’t surprise you when you got together with dick grayson and he started being handsy in public and in front of others. he didn’t care if ppl saw all the pda, in fact, he liked it. he likes showing you off to other ppl and he likes it when ppl see that you‘re his.
he can be really insecure so having other ppl see that you’re with him makes him feel good
loves giving you head in risky places ex: on rooftops while he’s out on patrol, in bedrooms at galas etc. not really public places but places where the chance of getting caught is high. it’s just really arousing and fun to him and again: having other ppl see that you’re with him makes him feel good abt himself
he loves it when you’re loud and he’ll do anything to draw a sound out of you
he’s very vocal and he’s cocky abt it
when he gets jealous or somebody flirts with you he kisses you with tongue in front of them for a few seconds. you will be having sex that night. and he’ll make you cum multiple times, starting with a handjob, then giving you head twice before the penetration starts
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princessmaybank · 3 months
reader getting a new sports bra and JJ sees her tits pressed together and convinces her to let him fuck her tits
Sports Bra
Pairings: JJ x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fondling, Fucking Tits, Swallowing, Cumming on various places, Oral, Perv-ish JJ, etc.
Summary: JJ sees you in a new outfit and gets a fun idea.
Author's Note: This was written so fast, so I'm sorry for mistakes! This wasn't supposed to be this long 😭 Enjoy!
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You were just trying to show Sarah the new clothes you bought at the mall today. When you made it back to the chateau, you saw the guys outside with Sarah. You asked if you could show her everything in a little fashion show. Of course she'd let you, but she said to give her a minute and she'll be inside.
The first thing you decided to try on was your new little white athleisure set. It was mainly for tennis and when you go to the gym, but it was so cute. The little skirt hugged your hips perfectly and the sports bra squeezed your tits together so effortlessly. It would definitely be enough support for your extracurricular activities. You heard the front door open and shut then some footsteps following after. Must be Sarah, ready to see your first outfit.
"Hey Sarah! This one makes me look s-" You cut yourself off when you opened the bedroom door, seeing JJ standing in front of you. "Oh uhh hey..Sarah told me to come in and tell you she had a family problem and she had to head out.." His eyes stayed fixed on your chest but you didn't notice. "Damn it. She was supposed to see my outfits!" You said slightly irritated but not mad. "Can you tell me what you think of them Jayj?" You asked trying to catch his attention. "Earth to Maybank?" You wave your hand in front of his face. "Oh uhm yeah, yeah I can do that.." He says with a big sigh. "Great! Okay so what do you think of this one? It's perfect for tennis!" You excitedly announced. "It's perfect to fuck you in.." He murmured, but you heard him. Your cheeks were flooded with a pink tint.
"Wha-what?" You slipped out. "Oh I'm sorry.. it's really nice." He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. "That's not what you said JJ..." You said boldly. "If you heard me..tell me what I said then.." JJ moved closer to you, now staring down at you, inches away. You blushed harder. You knew what he said, but you couldn't repeat it. "That's what I thought..what else did you get?" He asked. You were stunned. The words that wanted to come from your mouth, lodged in your throat.
"I guess you really just want me to fuck you in this skimpy little outfit." He huffed out, causing you to gasp lightly. "Jay-" You stopped yourself. "Actually you know what sounds really fun-" he pauses and reaches for your breasts. A low groan escapes his mouth. "Fucking your tits in this tight ass bra." He starts squeezing your chest. A small moan slipped from your lips as he fondled you. "Jay-" You tried again. "Shhhh, just enjoy it." He silenced you. You closed your eyes and did as he told you.
Your attention was grabbed when JJ spoke again. "You don't need this anymore." A ripping sound popped in the air. Your eyes traveled to his hand that was now holding the tag that used to be stuck to the fabric.
Not long later you were sitting on the bed with JJ slipping his dick upwards, between your tits. "How did I convince you to let me do this?" He asked with pleasure lacing through his words. You shrugged in response, causing a loud groan to escape from JJ. "What?" You snipped. "You made 'em bounce." He hissed. That made you roll your eyes. "Hold 'em together for me." He wasn't asking, definitely telling you to just do it.
JJ began thrusting between your tits. "Mmm fuck..." He sighed. You smirked up at him before tilting your head down and opening your mouth. Before he had time to catch your movements, he thrusted into your mouth. JJ was caught off guard by this and nearly came on the spot. His hand reached for a fistful of your hair and started bobbing your head up and down as he flicked his hips upwards. "Fuck yes..." He was unraveling by the second. You did this to him, just by wearing an outfit that he found attractive. Your tongue swirled around his tip as his dick popped through your boobs.
"Damn it..I'm gonna fucking cum..I'm gonn-ahhh" JJ moaned out, but not fast enough. He released his load into your mouth, on your face, and all over your tits. Your new white sports bra was stained. "Damn it JJ." You cursed as you swallowed. He watched you in awe as your throat moved, not expecting you to swallow. "I'll buy you a new one." He announced not really caring about it or the price. "This is the one I fuck you in from now on." He demanded.
"I can't believe I let you do that." Shaking your head at him after wiping yourself off. "Believe it baby." He said reaching for your bra strap. JJ pulled it back and released it, snapping back on your skin. "Ow!" You swatted at him, making him giggle and run away. As you chased him, he went outside. Guess who just so happened to be there? Sarah was sitting on John B's lap. Suddenly you felt the need to clear your throat.
"Oh heyyy..." Sarah said nervously as she stood in front of you. "You're dead Cameron!" You chased her around the yard. "So worth it by the way...thanks Sarah!" JJ yelled.
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Spoil each other
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Sub!Mingi x F!reader cw:pussy-eating, nipple play, dry humping, subby!mingi, mingi eats reader out while shes on a work call, princess mingi :((, lmk if i missed anything out!!
Leaning back in your gaming chair, you yawned. You'd been working from home all day, mainly replying to emails from colleagues on the latest project you were leading. And of course, thanks to your incompetent co-workers, you were stuck reading your supervisors' notes and editing a large portion of the project. Sighing deeply, you rolled your neck in an attempt to sooth the ache there. The door to your home office suddenly creaked open, pulling your attention off the lengthy email on your laptop screen.
You glanced at the doorway to see Mingi standing there. Your boyfriend's large frame looked adorably awkward, wedged in the small gap between the door and the doorframe. His shoulders looked droopy and his expression pouty and sad. Paired with the sweaty towel around his neck and his lounge clothes, it wasn't that hard to tell that he'd came back from another exhausting dance practice.
"Hey, y/n..."
Your heart melted at his meek tone. He even sounded droopy! You raised your arms away from your laptop, gesturing for him to come over. Mingi gladly obliged, clumsily pushing past the door and walking over to you. "C'mere, baby," you mumbled, pulling him into a tight hug. He leaned downwards to bury his face into your shoulder, taking time to inhale your comforting scent. His tense muscles immediately relaxed in your hold. It was a little awkward, considering you were sitting and Mingi had to practically fold himself in half to cuddle you, but he didn't mind.
"Tired, Min?"
"M...mhm... the new choreo today.... was s'hard..."
You sighed, rubbing a reassuring hand over his back. It wasn't the first time Mingi came back so drained and pouty. He was usually the one to comfort and cuddle you after a long day of work, but neither of you minded it going either way. In fact, it was actually a treat for you when you got to comfort your boyfriend like this. And it would usually lead to him asking you for something else...
Mingi mumbled something incoherently into your shoulder, cueing you to tilt your head downwards to hear him better.
"Did you say something?"
More mumbling.
"Mingi, honey, words."
"I want... I want you to spoil me..."
A smile formed on your lips. There it was.
Mingi whined needily as you slowly rocked your hips against his clothed dick. You'd switched places with him, asking him to sit on your chair so that you could get on his lap. He sighed at the friction your hips were providing, the drag of his boxers' fabric against his hard cock making his eyes roll back. His hands, placed on your hips, twitched to force you down and drag against his dick with more pressure, but he held himself back.
"P-please... more~"
You cooed at his desperation, speeding up your humping and kissing at his neck.
"This okay, princess? Want me to spoil you?"
"Ah, ah, ah-- y-yes please!!"
Pushing up his shirt, your hands found his perky nipples. He practically jumped when you pinched at them with your thumb and pointer finger.
"A-ah! Sensitive~"
"Aww, is the princess sensitive cuz I played with his pretty tits?"
You massaged his defined pecs, occasionally swirling your manicured fingers over his sensitive nipples. He let out a breathy moan, earning a hum of approval from you. Mingi's glazed eyes landed on your clothed tits. His big hands left your hips to grope them. You immediately smacked his hand away.
"What d'you think you're doing, honey?"
"I-I wanted to play with... with your boobs..."
Mingi's eyebrows furrowed sadly, strongly resembling a kicked puppy.
"Did you ask for permission?"
"I-I'm sorry..."
You caressed his cheek with your free hand, silently admiring how adorably apologetic he looked.
"That's okay, princess. Try again."
"May I...May I play with your tits?"
His eyes lit up in an instant, and he excitedly pulled your shirt over your breasts. You swear you saw drool come out of his mouth when your tits bounced out in his face. Mingi grabbed your tits and pushed his face into them. His mouth latched onto your nipple, slobbering messily all over your boobs. His hand palmed at the soft flesh, sighing satisfactorily against your warm skin.
You continued rocking your hips against his increasingly hard cock, dragging out another whine from him.
"R-ride me, please!!"
"Want me to ride you, princess?"
Mingi nodded eagerly, mouth still working furiously at your plush tits.
Reaching down, you freed his dick from its fabric confines. Mingi flinched at the exposure, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. He was too far into subspace to react properly. But just as you were stroking his dick and hovering above it, a chime rang out from your laptop.
You frowned and turned your head, just enough to see the screen. After all, you didn't wanna pull away from your needy boyfriend sucking at your boobs like a starved man. Your eyes widened at the sight of a call notification from one of your company's higher-ups.
"S-shit!! Mingi, baby, I'm so sorry, but we need to stop like right now-"
Mingi, however, didn't stop. He kept licking at your chest, hips starting to buck upwards in result of the lack of action. His thick tip hit your dripping cunt, causing you to whine. Out of desperation, you pushed Mingi's face away. He looked up at you, his eyes a mixture of confusion and sadness.
"Baby, my boss needs to talk... I forgot that he said he would call me around 5pm."
Mingi pouted hard, arms snaking around your waist to pull you in. He propped his chin onto your drool-covered tits. Soft brown hair tickled your skin when he tilted his head to the side.
"Can I please eat you out while you're calling him....? I need to taste you so so bad right now..."
Fuck. How could you say no to such a precious face?
You sighed, giving him the green light. He practically jumped out of the chair, shuffling under the table and propping himself in between your legs when you sat down. Before he could reach for your shorts and panties, you looked sternly down at him.
"But you have to be quiet, okay, princess? Promise me! I can't let my boss hear you."
He nodded eagerly in response, starting to push aside your shorts and panties. You looked back up at your screen, pulling down your shirt and adjusting your hair, before clicking on the call button. The poke of Mingi's nose at your entrance surprised you, but you quickly put on a straight face as the call screen turned on. The sight of your company's boss sitting in his sanctioned office flickered onto the screen.
"Ms Y/N! I was beginning to think you'd forgotten our, ahem, important call."
"Not at all, sir. I apologise, I was a little preoccupied."
"Not too busy to miss out on a scheduled call, I hope."
"Well, I'm here now, aren't I? What did you need to discuss with me?"
Your boss started to talk about the project you were working on. You tried to listen, but Mingi was making it increasingly hard. He started off with gentle licks, circling his tongue around the entrance of your pussy, licking up your arousal from your earlier administrations. But he'd started to get bolder, tongue moving faster and covering more area each time. Every lap of the fat muscle against your soaking-wet hole was driving you insane. He slurped noisily, joyful hums sending vibrations through you. You shuddered, momentarily shutting your eyes to compose yourself. Strange. Normally you'd be able to hold yourself back. Was it the fatigue?
"Ms Y/N? Are you listening?"
"S-sh- yeah, I am. Sorry, I'm a little unwell today. Please continue."
Your boss shrugged it off, continuing to ramble on. Now he was saying something about the project's budget? You couldn't tell. All his words went out in a blur. The only thing on your mind was your boyfriend sucking and licking at your pussy. The drag of his fat tongue working overtime to pleasure you. The occasional grunt that sent indescribably hot sensations through your pussy. The warmth of his breath as he panted against your cunt. It was taking everything you had to stop yourself from just moaning out loud. Shit. And you thought Mingi was the one who wouldn't be able to control himself. He got louder and louder, obviously getting into eating you out. You sucked in a breath when he made a particularly loud slurp. It even caught your boss' attention.
"Ms Y/N? What was that?"
"I- uhm."
The knot in your tummy was tightening at an alarming rate. Fuck it. You'd deal with your boss later.
You muttered a quick apology to your confused boss and hung up, hands immediately flew to the sides of Mingi's head, pushing his face further into your trembling pussy. His pointy nose dug into your clit so deep that it made you see stars. Mingi eagerly pushed his face into your cunt, desperately licking up your sweet release. His expert tongue lapped at your entrance, making sure not to waste a single drop of your orgasm. You sighed out, jolting slightly at the overstimulation, but nonetheless enjoying the sensation of his warm breath fanning over your skin. He slowly, and almost reluctantly, pulled away when he felt you tugging lightly at his tousled brown hair. Your boyfriend looked like a hot mess - emphasis on hot - plump lips covered your milky cum. The fucked-out look in your eyes made Mingi groan out loud. You could see he was painfully hard, too, but he was too pussy-drunk to do anything about it. You'd look after that later, of course. "T-thank you, y/n..." "Mm, don't worry about it, Princess¬" Mingi blushed, a red tint appearing on his face. Combined with the thin layer of sweat he'd worked up from eating you out, and the loving look on his face, he was almost glowing with adoration; for you and you only. He turned to look at your shut computer and frowned slightly. " 'm sorry about... about your call...." "It's okay, Min. It was about time I took a short break from work." His eyes lit up, clearly happy with being able to help you relax as well. You couldn't help but coo at him. No words had to be said about how much both of you needed one another, especially after a long day of constant work. The two of you sat in comfortable silence for awhile, before you tried to stand up. Mingi lightly gripped at your calf to pull you back down into your chair. He leaned against the soft flesh of your thigh, pouty lips matching his puppy-dog eyes. "Can we... stay like this for a little longer?" You smiled. How could you say no to him?
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ikissjae · 1 year
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PAIRING … jung jaehyun x female!reader
THEMES … college!au. mainly smut. there's some angst but mainly smut.
LENGTH … 5.9k.
WARNINGS … bathroom sex. throat/face fucking. virgin!reader and fuckboy jaehyun. fingering (fem receiving). please let me know if i missed something! MINORS DNI.
NOTES … i wrote this fic literally years ago as a someone i don't acknowlege anymore fic lol! this is a prequel to "During the Fall" which will be linked in the source link! hope yall enjoy! rbs, comments, and asks are always appreciated ♡
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ㅤㅤㅤ© ikissjae 2023. translating and/or reposting is not allowed.
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“Just…Just put it in your mouth. It’s not hard, ______.”
You whined at his poor explanation, looking up at Jaehyun with a big pout shifting on your knees silently. The bathroom floor was cold and unforgiving on your knees, the tall boy leaning against the sink, tapping his fingers against the marble to the muffled music from the party just outside the door. He sighed down at you, raising his brows as you stared up at him huffing quietly.
“I’ve never done it before.”
You tell him with a quiet sigh, sitting on your heels and looking up at him a small pout on your mauve-painted lips. The tall boy clicked his tongue as he tilted his head down at you, with no empathy on his face just a look of dissatisfaction.
“You’re never going to learn if my pants are on.” He deadpans motioning for you to undo his jeans with a simple downward nod. You looked at his dark jeans that hugged his thighs beautifully before looking up at him with raised brows.
“You have hands. Big ones too. I think you’re capable.”
You snap up at him throwing your hands out in slight confusion, earning a chuckle from Jaehyun who reached down to run a hand through your hair. You blushed softly at the affection your eyes falling from his face to his jeans, your hands hesitantly lifted to hold onto his hips, pulling yourself up on your knees to be at eye level with his crotch blushing even harder. His hand moved to cup your cheek, his thumb drawing soft circles the gentle touches encouraging you to continue. With shaky hands, you unbuttoned his black jeans gently tugging the fabric down his hips letting them fall to his knees. You let your hands skim up his strong thighs, resting on the waistband of his briefs a rush of sudden anxiety washing over you.
“I’ve never seen a dick before.” You blurt quickly looking up at him with big wide eyes causing him to chuckle softly his hand dropping from your cheek.
“Have you never watched porn before?”
You cringed at the thought shaking your head slightly repulsed at the memory of the one time you tried watching a rather loud and brutal adult video. It wasn’t a fun time.
“Once. I didn’t like it that much, they were sweaty and she was making…weird sounds. It didn’t sound like she was having a good time.”
You explained to him making him chuckle softly, a soft smirk on his features looking down at you with raised brows. 
“You weren’t watching the right videos, baby.” He coos his hand returning to your hair stroking the soft locks adoringly.
“Don’t worry. I’ll help you find something that’ll get you nice and wet.” Your breath hitched a little at the thought of  Jaehyun watching porn with you, lying next to you with his long legs tangled with yours, and his hands wandering wherever he pleased.
Jaehyun was very well known at your university he was tall as hell, hot as hell, and cocky as hell. Everyone wanted to be with him or under him. You weren’t going to lie, yeah, you thought about sleeping with him, but you weren’t typically the type to throw yourself at boys, especially boys like Jaehyun. Typically. This party was different, you were tired of being a boring fucking prude so you sought out Jaehyun, who didn’t hesitate to take you into the bathroom for a good time.
God, you were really about to suck this random boy’s dick in a bathroom.
“You’re okay with this, right?” He piped up, his hand still running through your hair, raising his brows at you. You quickly nodded before slowly pulling his black briefs down, eyes widening when you saw the dick every girl in your class went on about.
Holy shit they weren’t wrong.
Jung Jaehyun had a big dick. Every girl you had heard drown on about Jung Jaehyun’s dick was fucking right, you’ve never been turned on by a penis before but now you could feel tension gathering between your legs. You heard a deep chuckle that knocks you out of your dick-induced trance, you looked up at him jaw still hanging open when you tilted your head up to him.
“Impressed?” His voice dripped of honey which only made the tension between your legs more obvious, you shifted uncomfortably nodding quickly like a doll. He hummed quietly his thumb running over your bottom lip, you slowly let your jaw drop further his thumb sliding into your mouth. You wrapped your lips around his thumb moaning quietly beginning to suck the digit, your hands resting on his strong thighs to support yourself.
“Are you going to suck my dick like that, baby?” He whispered tilting his head a little, his hand splaying over your cheek causing you to moan softly around his finger pressing the palette of your tongue against the pad of his numb.
“Yeah? You have the prettiest lips, ______. Can’t wait to see you choking on my cock.” You whimpered quietly at him nodding along to his words, his deep gravity voice sending shockwaves through your body. Slowly he pulled his finger from your mouth running the wet digit on your cheek groaning softly at the image in front of him, you could see his dick twitch out of your peripheral causing you to whine softly.
He quietly began to stroke his cock, your eyes dropping down to the action making your mouth water. He grunted quietly looking down at you, that beautiful smirk glued on his features. His other hand grabbed your chin possessively making you look up at his face, biting his bottom lip as he stroked himself faster. You watched him hiss, his jaw clenching, and his brows furrowing as he swiped his finger over his slit gathering clear pre-cum on his fingertip.
You watched him with wide eyes, digging your nails into his thighs your lips parting giving him a desperate pathetic look. “Open your mouth.” He commanded raising his brows waiting for you to comply which you did without hesitation. Silently he placed his glistening finger onto the palette of your tongue, you wrapped your lips around the digit brows furrowing at the foreign taste. It wasn’t awful you thought you should get used to it, he was going to be cumming down your throat eventually. At least you hoped so, you really didn’t want him cumming on your face ruining the makeup you worked so hard on.
“I’m gonna fuck your mouth so good.”
You whimpered softly feeling him swirl his finger around your mouth before popping his finger out of your mouth. “Want to suck my dick now, baby?” He whispered stroking your hair softly, making your heart beat a little harder before giving him a small nod, swallowing thickly.
“Use your words. I want to hear you say it.” He suddenly had a grip on your hair causing your eyes to widen. You held onto his thighs tightly nodding once again before opening your mouth hesitantly, not really trusting your voice.
“I-I want to suck your d-dick.” You finally got out with bright red cheeks and adverting eyes. He watched you, his confidence building as he watched you squirm looking down at the ground. He hummed quietly as you leaned up nervously pressing a kiss to the head of his cock, he let out a soft moan biting his bottom lip harshly.
Just put it in your mouth, Jaehyun’s words echoed through your mind as you mindlessly let your lips run over his head. You parted your lips engulfing him in your wet mouth, sucking softly onto his head listening to his soft moans. He tangled his hand into your silky hair tugging softly, his eyes never leaving you.
“Gonna push you deeper. Is that okay, baby?” His deep voice sent waves through your body. You nodded once again, he didn’t hesitate to push you further down his length groaning quietly.
You weren’t going to lie, this wasn’t as easy as it seemed. You thought it was just sucking, using your tongue, making sure your mouth was wet, but here you were struggling to breathe feeling your eyes burn with tears. Your nails dug into his thighs as he began moving your head up and down his cock, pushing you further down with each tug of your hair.
“Suck a little bit. Don’t make me do all the work, ______.” He grunted causing you to whine softly swallowing around half his cock which only caused you to choke around him, but he didn’t let you come up from your position. You whimpered loudly pushing yourself off his with all you could with a soft cough turning away from him, shaking your head silently before looking back up at him.
“I can’t suck when you’re halfway down my fucking throat.” You snapped slapping his thigh softly, reaching over to pull some toilet paper off the roll dabbing your wet lips huffing loudly. Jaehyun chuckled softly watching you try to gather yourself, tugging your head back up, smirking down at you his grip only tightening. “Want me to just fuck your mouth while you just sit there?” You looked up at him brows furrowing as you pondered his question, before nodding matter-of-factly.
“Yes. Yes. Just do that.”
You simply replied opening your mouth widely waiting for Jaehyun to fuck your throat. You never thought you would ever say that sentence. The tall boy shrugged a little before pushing himself off the sink, taking his long cock in his hand, watching you as he ran a hand through your hair soothingly.
“If it gets too much just pinch my thigh, yeah?”
You looked up at him with wide eyes before giving him a simple nod, a small smile forming on your lips at how sweet he was. It was probably just part of the act he had going on, you knew what type of boy Jaehyun was. He was going to treat you like you were the only girl in the world, you were going to suck his or let him fuck your throat, and then he was never going to call you again. You knew that when you went into this bathroom with him, you wanted him to walk out of that bathroom and forget you, he’s the cheap thrill you’ve been craving.
He tapped your chin signaling you to open your mouth, which you did, feeling his hand rest on the back of your head. He slid his dick into your mouth inhaling sharply pausing briefly to look down at you. “Breath through your nose. Just a tip.” He adds quickly, his fingers tangling into your locks once again to hold your head in place. He started at a slow and shallow pace, his breathing getting heavier with each slow thrust. You sat there on the cold hard floor, hands fidgeting at your skirt, big eyes staring up at him, your knees were aching but you took it breathing through your nose as he told you to.
You could feel his tip prod at the back of your throat, you shut your eyes at how his hips began picking up speed pushing you deeper. He pushed your head down till your nose brushed against his stomach, a long groan ripping through his throat when you gagged around him letting out a soft moan when he looked down at you.
“Through your nose, princess. It’ll help, I promise.”
You wanted to snap that you were breathing through your nose, but that wasn’t helping, but your mouth was full of his cock you couldn’t really say anything. Taking a few deep breaths through your nose, tears were brimming your eyes as you fidget with your skirt trying to focus on your breathing. He tugged at your hair pulling you back a bit before snapping his hips into your mouth, at this point his dick was literally down your throat making you gag louder digging your nails into his thighs.
You squeezed your eyes tightly shut at how brutal his hips were getting, tears beginning to pour down your cheeks, your jaw going slack after a minute, and you could feel spit spilling from your mouth. This was messy. You should’ve just stopped being a sarcastic brat and sucked his dick like a normal person, but here you were getting your throat fucked like a whore.
Jaehyun groaned loudly, a quiet hiss leaving his lips as he pulled at your roots harshly looking down at you. “God, you look so fucking hot just taking my dick like that. Want me to cum down your throat? You’d like that wouldn’t you?” You nodded your head as much as you could. Finally, you opened your eyes, feeling more tears roll down your cheeks, you couldn’t help but moan around his cock at how erotic this whole thing was. Your thighs clenched at the wet sounds coming from your mouth, you closed your eyes once again feeling spit falling onto your thighs making you whimper softly.
His hips started to become inconsistent, his deep groans began getting higher and whinier, and the grip on your hair was unforgiving. You opened your wet eyes to watch his face and you did not regret it. He looked truly sinful with his dark brows furrowed, his plump lips parted slightly, and his jaw slacking a bit. He was hot even when he was relentlessly fucking your throat.
Jaehyun tilted his head a bit to look into your eyes, a small smirk forming on his lips when he sees how wrecked you looked. “Mmm gonna cum, baby. Can I cum on your face?” He gives your hair a firm tug back on your hair, pulling you off his dick with a small whimper. You tried to catch your breath, coughing off to the side as you dug your nails into his thighs, whimpering softly as he grabbed your chin making you look up at him.
“Answer the question, ______,” he tells you sternly making you squirm softly, a small pout on your dripping lips. You wanted to wipe the spit off your face, you wanted to wipe your tears, you wanted to see if any of your makeup survived this brutal face fucking, but Jaehyun’s iron grip on your chin kept you still.
“D-Don’t get it on my eyes, please. I-I have lashes on.” You tell him shakily with a small sniffle, looking up at him with big glassy eyes. He smiled softly down at you using his thumb to wipe a stray tear that ran down your cheek, before tilting your head up to make you watch his face with slightly parted lips. You wanted to watch him stroke himself, you knew it was going to be a sight, but watching his face was just as pleasing.
He was so pretty. His dark brows furrowed once again, he took his plump bottom lip between his teeth, as his hand worked quickly at his slick member filling the bathroom with slick squelching sounds that made your stomach do flips and tighten.
“I bet you’re dripping right now. You like watching me jerk off, baby?” he groaned looking down at you, his hand moving faster as you nodded quickly a soft whimper leaving your lips.
“Are you going to cum on me, Jaehyun? Didn’t my mouth make you feel good? I want your cum so bad.” You tell him with a slightly shaky voice as you batted your thick expensive lashes up at him causing him to let out a string of beautiful moans, his voice hitching when he finally came angling his dick down away from your eyes. Such a gentleman. Strings of pretty opal decorated your cheeks, a glob falling onto your lips causing you to let out an airy giggle.
Jaehyun hummed contently as he slowed his hand down, milking himself as much as he could. He couldn’t get over how dangerously beautiful you looked with his cum on your cheeks and smudged lipstick. You licked the droplet of cum off your lips, his cum saltier than before making you grimace a little, but he didn’t seem to notice because he was tucking himself back into his boxers, zipping his jeans back up.
You opened your mouth to remind him that you were still here, that it was rude to just use someone for their mouth and not get them off as well, but suddenly he was on his knees pressing his lips to yours. His large hands held your hips tightly to pull your chest against his causing you to gasp softly into his mouth, he pulled away from your lips to lick the string of his cum off your skin. You let out a loud shocked gasp, a shaky breath leaving your lips when he pulled away from your face with a small smirk.
“I just taste so good. I couldn’t help myself…You don’t mind, hm?” He swiped his finger over your other cheek gathering the sticky liquid onto his pointer finger, nodding his head waiting for you to open your mouth which you didn’t hesitate to do, wrapping your lips around his finger, sucking his cum off the digit with a small moan at the taste. 
“So pretty.” He whispers slipping his finger out of your mouth to catch your lips once again, he held you once again this time his hand skimming down your hips to grip your spit-slicked thigh softly.
You wished you had kissed Jaehyun earlier, this was magical. His lips were so soft, so skilled, and so careful. He was holding onto you tightly as if he was going to care about you after he leaves this bathroom, as if he was even going to remember you when this was done, a pathetic part of you didn’t want this to be over. You wanted to be with Jaehyun but you know that feeling will go away once this part is over, it’s just the adrenaline coursing through your veins that made you want him.
“Wish I could fuck you. I’d bend you over the sink, make you watch yourself get wrecked all over again because of my dick, fuck, I bet you’d be so tight. You’ve never been fucked before, have you?” You felt his hand skimming up your skirt causing your jaw to drop slightly at his words but still nodded, letting him push you onto your back crawling between your legs.
He pulled your skirt down to reveal your lacy pale blue underwear, making him groan softly looking up at you as his fingers drew gentle shapes on your smooth thighs. 
“So pretty, wish I could take a picture to remember this forever.” Your eyes flickered up in interest a small smirk on your lips, nodding towards his pocket where his phone sat.
“Will you keep my face out of them?”
“You want me to take pictures of you, baby?” You smiled up at him biting your bottom lip as you nodded your head a little.
“I want you to remember me.” You whispered snaking your hand into his back pocket, a sweet smile on your lips as you pulled out his phone, swiping the screen up to activate the camera laughing when Jaehyun’s lovely face filled the screen. You took a few shaky shots of his laughing face, his laugh rang through the bathroom as he took the device from your small hands.
“You’re so handsome, Jaehyun.” You told him quietly feeling him sit up to position your legs out, crossing your ankles, causing you to giggle softly covering your face with your palms.
“You look so pretty. Blue is my favorite color now.”
He smirks resting his large hand on your hip, humming softly as he took multiple photos as his hand skims down your thigh letting out an obnoxious yet adorable laugh. You peeked out from behind your hands giggling softly at him, placing your hand on top of his slowly lacing his fingers with his causing him to smile down at you.
“These pictures are so pretty, baby. You’re so pretty, ______.”
He took a few more photos from different angles before leaning down to press his lips against your skin, you squeeze his hand softly feeling him slowly push your legs apart. His lips pressed wet kisses to your inner thighs causing you to whimper softly, you could feel him smile against your skin which only made your stomach flutter more. 
“You like it when I kiss you there?” He whispers, his warm sultry voice sending hot waves through your body as nodded quickly.
“What about…” He leans up pressing a soft kiss at the hem of your underwear, making you suck in your stomach with a quiet gasp, “here?” he looks up at you with those beautiful big eyes as his fingers fidget with the fabric hugging your hips. You nod once again, biting your bottom lip anxiously as he hums quietly against your skin, his grip tightening on your thighs smiling softly before kissing down to kiss the wet patch on the front of your panties making you whimper quietly.
“Mmm, I like kissing you there.” He whispers mouthing at the damp fabric, you moaned quietly letting your eyes flutter shut as he presses his tongue against your panties only making you mewl out louder.
“P-Please.” You whine pressing your cheek into the cool tile huffing quietly as he chuckles against your now dripping center.
“Please what, baby?”
“Please kiss me somewhere else.”
“Where? Here?”
With that he leans up to press a wet kiss to your tummy, your cheeks flushing softly with a small shake of your head. “You know where.” You whine spreading your legs wider in a pathetic attempt to lure him in further, giving his hand a tight desperate squeeze.
“I want you to say it. Say you want me to kiss your pussy and I’ll do it.” You whined loudly covering your face once again, your cheeks burning harder than you wished.
“P-Please kiss my pussy. I’m so wet i-it hurts, Jaehyun.” You told him with a rather loud swallow, waiting for his reaction with fidgeting fingers. You heard him chuckle softly feeling him nod against your skin, pulling your blue underwear down your legs only making you blush harsher.
You looked up at the ceiling as your stomach twisted harder than ever when he spreads your legs further to reveal your dripping center to him. You felt exposed. This was weird but a good weird. You couldn’t form coherent thoughts about how you felt because Jaehyun was hovering over your pussy, you could feel his breath ghosting over your sensitive clit which made you whimper loudly.
You covered your face with your palms again causing him to chuckle softly, reaching up to tug your hands away from your face.
 “I want to see your pretty face when I make you cum.” with that quiet testament, he pressed his tongue flat against your core. You let out a short shocked moan at the new enticing feeling, his doe eyes flickering up at you for a second before flicking back down.
He let out a soft groan at your taste pulling away with a life-ruining smile. 
“You taste so sweet, I knew you would,” he whispered to himself before diving back between your legs, his lips pressing hotly to your clit suckling softly on the sensitive bud. You arched your back up off the floor, a rather loud moan leaving your lips as you lifted your head to watch him with furrowed brows and parted lips.
You couldn’t believe something could feel so good. You felt him move your legs till they were over his broad shoulders, you put your hand out to him waiting for him to hold it again. Jaehyun blindly laced his fingers with yours as he kept his head down between your legs, making the most obscene sounds you’ve ever heard. He sucked a little harder at your clit before pulling back with a soft pop.
You let out a shaky moan when he pulled back looking up at you with glistening lips, he whipped his shiny chin with the back of his hand chuckling softly. 
“You look so wrecked right now.” He laughed causing you to roll your eyes playfully, his fingers gently massaging the subtle flesh of your thigh.
“Just make me cum, Jaehyun.” Your voice was a shell of what it used to be, which only seemed to boost his constantly inflating ego. “I want to cum.” You tug at his grey hoodie with an annoying whine, that seemed to encourage him to slide two of his fingers on your clit making you whine loudly watching his fingers draw slow circles on the soft flesh.
“I’ll make you cum, ______. I’ll make you cum so good, baby.” He whispered crawling up to lay one head next to your head before leaning down to press his lips softly to yours. You sighed contently into the kiss, your hands resting on both sides of his face to keep him close. His fingers trailed their way to your entrance as his lips danced across yours like a peaceful distraction, silently he slid one long digit into your tight pussy. You tangled one hand in his hair, tugging softly at the long locks every time he moved his finger in you.
You let out a small gasp when he curled his middle finger, feeling him press against a spot that had your brows furrowing and back arching slightly. “Right there?” He asked quietly against your lips his voice turning sickly sweet, you nodded anyway moving your hands to hold tightly at his hoodie. Wriggling another finger inside you, which made you shift a bit uncomfortable at the stretch, he pressed a soft kiss between your furrowed brows chuckling softly.
“You look adorable like this.” He told you as he looked down to watch his hand move in and out of you slowly and rhythmically, your jaw dropping fully at how easily his fingers moved in you. Then when you’re getting used to his gentle rhythm of in and out, he changed it completely. His fingers moved shallowly in you, zoning in on that spot that had your jaw dropping before, massaging the bundle of nerves with a small smirk. He watched you wither against him, watching your eyes flutter shut, you tossed your head to the side to get away from his scrutinizing stare.
“No no no.” Jaehyun pushed himself up, his hoodie falling from your grip, using his now free hand to grab your chin and make you look at him. “I want to see that pretty face when you cum.” You whined in response but listened to him, a sudden moan ripping through your body feeling his thumb toy with your clit again. A tight twisting feeling began to form in your gut, you moaned louder which made him smirk softly.
You squirmed softly at the feeling of him beginning to move faster, curling deeper inside you causing a friction that made your hips lift off the title with a loud whimper. You felt hot. Your cheeks were burning, the cold tile was the only thing keeping your body from overheating, the tightening feeling in your stomach growing more intense making you clench around his long digits.
“You gonna cum, baby?” He whispered feeling you tighten around his fingers, he rests a hand on your stomach rubbing soft circles, humming quietly when your quickly nod your head. Jaehyun moved his hand to your hip to turn you on your side, lifting one of your legs to get better leverage to move his fingers faster and deeper. You let out a loud high-pitched moan, squeezing your eyes shut as his fingers hit new spots you didn’t know you had.
“Who’s making you feel good, sweetheart? Hm?” You opened your mouth to say his name, to say anything, but only pathetic little moans left your lips. You swallowed thickly looking back at him with a soft whimper, you couldn’t stop staring at his lips hazily. 
“Y-You make me feel so good. Oh my god!” Was all you could get out before the tightening in your stomach became too much making you cry out his name in pure ecstasy, something you’d been craving to have for months now.
You pressed your cheek against the tile, multiple waves of body-wrecking pleasure washing over you, leaving you a whimpering mess on the floor. Jaehyun slowed his pace but kept his fingers curled up against that wonderful spot that kept you whining. You grabbed his wrist with a loud whimper, shaking your head a little with a soft whine unable to find your voice again.
“Did I make you feel good, baby?” He asked you quietly before leaning over to press his lips softly against your cheek, scattering soft kisses all over your face as you tried to catch your breath blinking hard to see straight with a small huff. 
“You did…A really great job.” You whispered with a breathless giggle looking back at him with a hazy smile.
Jaehyun slowly pulled his fingers out of you, turning you on your back, making you look up at him with a small sigh. He tilted his head a bit, tapping your bottom lip with his glistening fingers his pink lips curling up slightly as you obediently opened your mouth to take his fingers once again. You tasted sweet just like he said, you sucked quietly on the digits with a content hum, resting your hand on his bicep.
“You looked so pretty when you cum, baby. I never thought I would like fingering a girl on a bathroom floor but fuck you looked so good.”  He pulled his fingers out of your mouth, wiping the now dripping digits on your blouse. There’s a brief pause, you staring at him in a post-orgasm haze, before reality hits you.
“A-Are my lashes still on?” You question quietly causing him to chuckle softly looking down at you. He nodded slowly letting his fingers run over the soft lashes causing you to turn away from him with a soft laugh.
There’s another silence but this time it isn’t as comfortable, you feel…dirty. This wasn’t you. You didn’t fuck boys in bathrooms, hell, you didn’t fuck anyone ever, but here you were laying on the bathroom floor thighs slick with your arousal. You pulled away slowly push yourself up, clearing your throat as Jaehyun pulled away from you watching you collect your clothing.
Maybe hookups weren’t your thing, maybe you didn’t like the thought of Jaehyun telling everyone about the girl he throat fucked in the bathroom, or maybe it was that you were just another name on his list now. You shouldn’t think about it too much, you shouldn’t think about him too much, it was bringing your mood down.
You struggled to stand up after pulling your skirt and underwear back on, you felt hands on your hips to help you. You smiled back at him with a quiet laugh, he squeezed your hips playfully causing you to shove his hands away with a small sigh.
“I’m never gonna forget this.” He whispered pressing a gentle kiss to the side of your head before unwrapping himself from you to lean on the sink smirking down at you. 
“Don’t lie to yourself.” You teased shaking your head a little as you looked up at him with a shake of your head. For the first time you see a confused look on Jaehyun’s face, he scoffs a little crossing his arms across his chest.
“What do you mean by that?”
“You sleep with a lot of girls. You’re not gonna remember me.” You tell him with a similar scoff. You watched his face fall which caused a twisting feeling to form in your gut. 
“Is that what you think of me?” His tone changed from playful to a deeper serious one. Now your brows were furrowed, and you shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly.
“You’ve fucked almost every girl in my Government class, Jaehyun.”
“Okay, but you didn’t even know me before tonight. So, how could you form an opinion on me without even knowing me?”
“I just...I just did. You can’t seriously be upset over that.”
You chuckled in disbelief at how he was acting, he couldn’t be serious. He let out another scoff. if he scoffed one more time you were going to choke him. You cringed softly at that thought, no one has gotten that big of a rise out of you, and even if it was internal you still hated it.
“I’m not upset. I just expected more from you, you didn’t seem like that kind of girl.”
“You don’t even know me. Stop acting like you didn’t meet me just an hour ago.”
“You seem to know everything about me though, right? Because you heard a few girls talking about me, isn’t that right?”
“I never said that? You’re being a complete bitch right––”
There was a loud thud on the door making you both turn away from each other staring at the door. He took one last look at you before turning back to the door, opening it with the same irritated expression on his once harmonious face. A boy stumbled into the bathroom causing you to shift into the corner watching the scene unfold in front of you.
The lanky boy wrapped his arms around Jaehyun smiling lazily up at him with a soft giggle. “I want to go home, Jaehyun.” His voice was delicate and woozy, it was obvious that he was wasted. Jaehyun held onto him tightly sighing quietly down at him with a small nod, his friend mumbled incoherently babbled about wanting to go home which Jaehyun nodded along to.
“I’ll take you home, Jungwoo.” He looks down at the boy one last time then back up at you, huffing softly as you stare at him intently raising your brows waiting for the conclusion to this pathetic excuse of a romantic endeavor.
“I’ll see you around, _____.”
And with that he left the bathroom, practically carrying Jungwoo as he walked out, not even looking back at you as he did. You almost followed him but you stayed still against the wall, you watched him disappear into the dimly lit party scene making your chest ache slightly.
You blinked hard trying to ignore how awful this once great experience ended. You went to close the door. You could feel your eyes getting wet, which was pathetic and you knew it but you couldn’t help it. Before you could react you saw the ridiculously tall boy shove through the crowd to get back to the doorway of the restroom, grabbing the back of your neck, leaning down to press his lips harshly to yours.
You knew kissing him was going to be addictive, he held you tightly like you were going to run away from him, and you felt warm almost protected when you were in his arms. He pulled away with a small sigh, he pressed another soft kiss to your lips before leaning up to nuzzle his nose against yours.
“You won’t forget me?”
You whispered feeling the urge to tug him back into the bathroom, back into the small world your two created in there, but you refrained and just held tightly onto his hoodie once again. He nodded simply, you could hear his friend calling him from the front door which almost tore your attention away from him. Almost.
“I promise.”
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joeshiestyslover · 1 year
fed up
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pairing: lsu!fratboy!joe burrow x lsu!softballplayer!reader
summary: you and joe constantly bicker about anything and everything, but you take it just a little too far, and joe is anything but happy
warnings: language, drinking, mentions of weed, joe is an asshole, smut, oral (f+m receiving), fingering, p in v action, slight degradation and praise, some pillowtalk 
lowercase intended
the moment you met joe you couldn’t stand him. he was extremely cocky and walked around thinking he was hot shit.
every interaction the both of you have is anything but pleasant. he constantly shits on the fact that you play softball for lsu, him saying that nobody cares about the sport. you know he’s always bluffing when he says this because he shows up to every single game, even if it’s only to check out your teammates in their uniforms.
after your practice, your teammate, nat, walks up to you in the dugout. “hey y/n!” “hey nat what’s up?” you ask her as you stuff your mitt into your bag. “you know how i’m seeing that guy on the football team, justin?” “yes i remember. why do you ask?” “well, he invited me to this party tomorrow, but i really don’t wanna go alone. so-“ you cut her off, “you want me to go with you.” “if you want to, you totally don’t have to.” she quickly tells you. “don’t worry nat, i’ll go with you.” you laugh a bit at her nervousness. “thank you so much y/n! i’ll meet you at your dorm at 8 okay?” “sounds good nat.” you swing your bag over your shoulder and begin to walk out of the dugout. “okay perfect. thanks again!” she yells at you, walking away.
the next night, you’re getting ready for the party when your roommate, harmony, speaks up. “what’re you getting all dressed up for?” she asks you. you forgot you never told her about the party because you usually fall straight asleep whenever you get home from practice. “oh i forgot to tell you, i’m going to a party with one of my teammates tonight.” “wait. joe’s party?” she asks you, knowing how much you hate the football player. “it’s joe’s party?!”, you ask. nat never told you that joe was the one hosting the party. “yeah he hosts a party every friday. i thought you knew that.” “do you really think i keep up with that asshole?” you ask her. “i’m just saying i thought you did, but anyway, good luck y/n. you’re gonna need it.” “thanks harmony.” you turn back to your mirror to finish your makeup.
at exactly 8 o’clock, you hear nat knock on your door. putting your earrings in you open your door to find her in a black, skintight minidress with red bottom heels. “wow, y/n, you look hot!” you check yourself out in the mirror, “you think?” you ask her. “fuck yeah, you look great. you ready to go?” “yeah, i’m ready, but quick question: who’s party is this?” you ask, already knowing the answer. “ummm it’s joe’s.” she tells you, not able to look you in the eyes. “i’m so sorry i didn’t tell you, but i knew that if i told you who was hosting, then you wouldn’t wanna go.” nat rambles. “it’s okay. i’m not gonna let that dick ruin my night. i’m sure there’ll be a bunch of people there, i can just avoid him.” you tell her. “yeah you’re right.” she nods. “then let’s go.” you grab her hand and lead her out of your dorm.
you and nat arrive at the frat house, and you can hear the music blasting from inside. you walk in and are immediately overwhelmed by the smell of sweat and weed. “justin!” you hear nat say, and you look to your left and spot justin and ja’marr walking towards the both of you. you are actually fond of both of the football players, mainly because they are nothing like joe. “hey nat!” justin greeted her with a hug while you greeted ja’marr. “hey y/n! i’m surprised to see you here, considering a certain quarterback is here.” ja’marr tells you. “please, i am not scared of him, if anything he’s scared of me.” you scoff. “let’s go get a drink.” nat grabs your wrist and pulls you into to the kitchen. 
as you’re pouring yourself a drink from the punch bowl, you hear a familiar voice nearby. “bro it was fucking crazy, she literally had her legs wrapped around my head. that’s some contortionist shit.” you look around you before you see the 6’4, misogynistic jackass standing to your right with a red solo cup in his hand talking to someone you assume is one of his teammates. even though you hate him, you’re not blind, it’s obvious he’s hot as fuck, but his personality manages to cancel that out. 
before you have the chance to look away, joe locks eyes with you. shit. you immediately break eye contact and walk out of the kitchen to find nat. you see her on the couch making out with justin. you walk up to the both of them and tap your teammate on the shoulder. she pulls away from justin and looks up at you. “what’s up?” she asks. “ummm i think i’m gonna go home.” you tell her, looking around. “why, what’s wrong? did something happen?” she slowly becomes more worried. “not really, it’s just that i wanted to have a good time tonight, and now that joe knows i’m here, i sure as hell won’t.” “oh okay, do you want me to go with you?” “no, don’t worry about it nat. i’ll see you at practice.” you say as you start to walk away. “text me when you get home!” she calls out after you. you give her a thumbs up, and start walking towards the front door.
“leaving already?” you hear from behind you. “not in the mood burrow.” you tell him as you continue walking. “what has softball taken a toll on you now?” he replies sarcastically. you turn around, tired of his comments, “listen joe, all i wanted was to have a good time with my friend, but like always, you made sure that wasn’t possible.” “what the fuck did i do?” he asks, as if he has the nerve to be offended. “what haven’t you done? you always have some dumb comment about me or my softball skills, even though i highly doubt you actually pay attention to the game.” you say to him, becoming extremely annoyed. “and?” you roll your eyes. “look, burrow just let me go home, so i can get away from this party and away from you.” you turn back around and start to walk away from joe.
“why do you hate me so much? what the fuck did i do to you?” he yells at you. you ignore him and continue walking to the door. “i know you can hear me y/n!”, but you once again ignore him. you feel his hand grip your wrist tightly, and turn you around to face him. “don’t fucking touch me, asshole.” you pull away from him, but his hand is still holding on to you. “let go of me!” you yell, desperate to get away from him. “no, not until you tell me what i did!” “you really wanna know joe?” “yes! just fucking tell me!” he tells you as he lets go of your wrist. “it’s because you’re an asshole! you always disrespect me every chance you get! you know, i was willing to be civil to you when we first met, but you made that impossible! by telling me that sports are a guy thing? really? that’s an elementary school insult! but i see something everyone else doesn’t.” you take a step towards him and look him in the eye. “you are not who everyone thinks you are. you’re not really some overconfident, smug, and reckless fratboy who was no problem sleeping with girls then leaving the next morning.” you can see joe clench his jaw. “you know what i think?” you take another step. “i think that you’re a sad and insecure boy from ohio who obviously has to compensate for something.” you say as you look down at his crotch.
“oh? i’m compensating? and how can you be so sure of that?” he asks as his eyes go dark with lust. “i’ve heard things from people. word travels fast around here ya’ know?” “then i might just have to prove them wrong.” he replies, starting to back you up against the front door. “maybe you do.” you say, biting your lip. you see his eyes flick down to your lips. his hands come up to cup your face as he leans his head down to yours. you can feel his breath on your lips, smelling the whiskey he was drinking before. after looking into his icy blue eyes for a few moments, you crash your lips to his. 
the kiss is everything but soft, your teeth and tongues clashing together. “you wanna go upstairs?” joe mumbles against your lips. “fuck yes.” you basically moan. joe pulls away and grabs your hand to take you upstairs to his room. you try to hide your face so that people won’t recognize you; you couldn’t let it get around that the captain of the softball team fucked the football team’s quarterback. 
once you get inside joe’s room, he pins you up against the wall and puts his lips to yours once again. as he slips his tongue into your mouth, his hand begin to roam your body, the pool in your panties getting larger. his hands go from your waist to your boobs, grasping them. your nipples start to get hard underneath his touch, and joe can obviously feel it because he begins to smirk against your lips. joe’s warm hands crawl underneath your tiny crop top, and you lift up your arms so he can take it off. he  gets a look at your black lacy bra, and even though you didn’t think it was possible, his smirk got bigger. “wow y/n, just for me? it’s almost as if you planned this.” he says cockily as he connects his lips to yours once again, his hands going back to your lace covered breasts. “maybe it’s not for you.” you say against his lips. “ya’ know, ja’marr’s kinda fine.” he immediately pulls away from you and yanks you towards the bed, and pushes you onto it.
“oh really?” he reaches his hand under your skirt and feels the pool of wetness between your thighs, “is this all for ja’marr then?” he asks you. “maybe.” you tell him with smirk. joe loses his cocky look and replaces it with a dark one. “i’m getting so fucking fed up with your attitude. i think i’m gonna have to fuck it out of you aren’t i?” joe reaches his hand up to wrap it around your throat as his other hand goes on your waist. “you look so good with my hand around your neck.” he tells you. “mmmm” you moan as he lightly squeezes your throat. “you’re so quiet. what happened to that big mouth you had earlier hmm?” you can’t say anything except, “please joe, just touch me.” “oh you want me to touch you now?” he asks condescendingly. “mhmm” you lightly moan out.
he removes his hand from your throat and snakes it up your skirt. he lightly rubs his knuckle against your clothed clit. “don’t tease joe.” you whine, desperate for his touch. “uh-uh, you’re not the one in charge here y/n.” he brings both his hands to the waistline of your skirt, and pulls it down along with your panties. he looks at your pussy, glistening with your wetness. “god y/n, look at you, all wet and i’ve barely even touched you.” he groans, turned on by how wet you are, and all because of him.
he leaves soft kisses across your thighs, starting with your left then leading to you right, purposefully avoiding the place you need him the most. “please joe.” “i’ve always dreamt of what you taste like.” joe tells you while leaning his head on your right thigh. “i’m not gonna rush this baby.” he finally brings his lips to your clit, sucking on it. you lean your head back and let out an embarrassingly loud moan. “shhh, do you want everyone else to hear? i bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he says against your pussy. you never thought this would be happening: joe burrow eating you out at his party with everyone else downstairs. you also never imagined it would feel this good, his tongue flicking back and forth against your clit, and occasionally sucking on it. “fuck joe, that feels so good.” you say as your hand slips down to tug at his blond locks. “yeah. well, if you’re good, i might just give you a reward.” he brings his hand up to your slit and rubs his middle and ring finger against it. joe then pushes his fingers into you, your hand pulling his hair much harder than before. the feeling is becoming overwhelming, the coil in your stomach winding tighter and tighter. “you gonna cum baby?” joe asks, looking up at you. “mhmm” you moan out. “well, too bad.” he pulls his fingers out of you and pulls his face away from your pussy. you whine at the loss of contact, but once you look at him, you become even more turned on. you can see the mixture of your wetness and his spit glistening on his lips and chin. “i said you would get a reward, i didn’t say it would be you finishing.” joe crawls toward you and pulls off the bed so you’re both standing up. he reaches behind your back and unclasps your bra, and you gasp slightly, a little surprised about how quick he was able to get it off you.
“get on your knees.” he tells you. “on my knees, right now?” you ask as you slowly sink to the floor. “right now.” he says as he starts to remove his shorts and boxers. once they’re fully off, joe’s hard cock springs up in front of your face. you lick your lips, desperate to have his dick in your mouth. you can see the beads of precum leaking from the red and enlarged head of his beautiful and huge cock. “come on baby, you can take me in your mouth right?” he asks as his hand comes down to grip the back of your head to lead your lips to his dick. you open your mouth and engulf almost all of him in one go. his hand remains on the back of your head, but he lets you build your own rhythm. you hollow out your cheeks so you can take more of him into your mouth with your hands stroking the parts of him that won’t fit. you can feel the tears pooling as his tip constantly rams into the back of your throat. you look up at joe through your watering eyes and see him leaning his head back and closing his eyes in pleasure. you moan around his dick, the vibration causing him to groan loudly. “fuck y/n, i’m not gonna last very long if you keep doing that.” this gives you more confidence, so you bring one hand down to cup his full, heavy balls. after a few more seconds, you feel his cum shooting into your mouth. he moans your name loudly and pulls you off his dick.
joe pulls you up off your knees, and lays you down on his bed. he climbs on top of you and kissed you deeply. you can taste yourself on his lips and joe can taste himself on yours. he drifts his kisses from your lips to your cheek all the way to your neck. he kisses on your neck until he gets to your pulse point, and sucks on it. hard. “joe don’t leave any marks.” you tell him, leaving your euphoric haze for a few seconds. “i wont apologize for marking you up. everyone should know you’re mine.” he says as he continues sucking and biting your neck. suddenly, joe sits up and removes his shirt, opening your legs. “you look so pretty spread out like this baby, just for me.” then, he brings his dick down to your pussy, rubbing your slit with his tip, teasing you until you can’t take it anymore. “joe, fuck me properly or ill find someone else to do it.” you tell him grasping his biceps with your hands. without warning, he slams his cock into you, and you scream out at the feeling of being filled. “come on y/n,” he teases. “be a good girl and take it.” he quickly sets a fast pace, showing you no mercy. your moans start to become much louder as you feel the coil in the pit of your stomach start to slowly wind up again. “fuck baby, you feel so good wrapped around me, like you were made for me.” he groans out. he drops his head into the crook of your neck as he continues to rut into you. by this point, you just know everyone in the hallway can hear you, maybe even some people downstairs. he removes his head from your neck to hover above yours. he grabs your chin and says, “open.” you immediately obey and you can see his lips start to pucker as he spits in your mouth. “swallow.” he tells you sternly, and you do. “fuck, you’re such a good fucking slut for me aren’t you y/n?” you’re so fucked out that you can’t even reply to him. “i’m fucking you so good you can’t even speak, you’re such a fucking whore.” he pulls out of you and flips you around so you’re on all fours. he quickly slips his cock back into you, and the new position allows him to just perfectly hit the spot that makes your vision go blurry. “you’re mine, you understand? mine. all fucking mine.” he tells you as he grips your hair and yanks you up so your back is to his chest. he wraps his hand around your throat as he continues to thrust upwards into you. “fuck, i’m gonna cum y/n. do you want that? hmm? i’m gonna stuff you so full, my cum will be leaking out of you for days.” he mumbles into your ear. “yes i want it. please cum in me joe.” you tell him, the first full sentence you’ve been able to speak within the past ten minutes. he lets go of you and you drop back down onto your arms. you can feel yourself about to cum around joe’s thick cock. “ugh-fuck joe-i can’t, i’m gonna cum.” you moan out. “come on baby, cum for me, you can do it, i know you can.” he encourages. with that, the coil snaps, and you’re cumming around him. “that’s it baby, let it out. shit, you look so pretty cumming around me.”
joe’s thrusts start to slightly falter as you’re cumming around him, your pussy clamping down on him making his vision blur. after a few more thrusts, he cums in you with a load groan of your name. he stills in you for a few seconds before he pulls out, and rolls onto his back. you land on your stomach for a while before remembering who you are and who you’re with. you sit up and start to collect your clothes that are scattered across the floor. joe notices you getting dressed again. “where are you going?” he asks you. “umm i’m leaving? isn’t this what you usually do after hookups?” you’re starting to become confused. “will you just stay? please?” you think for a moment before replying, “yeah, yeah of course.” you lie back down next to joe and he wraps his arms around your waist as you lay your head on his toned chest. 
you lie there together for a few second before joe speaks up. “i’m sorry for being such a jackass to you, you don’t deserve it.” “thank you joe, and i’m sorry too. i haven’t been much better either. at least you’ll actually pay attention to me at my games now right?” you ask jokingly. “i’ve always paid attention to you baby. only you.” he tells you as he kisses your forehead.
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changisworld · 4 months
any hard thoughts about lee know? 👀
~ j
Hi j!
of COURSE i have hard thoughts of this man, who the hell DOESNT?!
this was pre-written ready to post but this was the perfect ask for me to post this to so THANK YOU
PSA FOR ASKS/REQUESTS: i WILL get around to posting everyone’s requests i’m just sorry if it takes a bit of time but whatever you request i’ll post it!! IM ALSO MAKING AN ANON LIST!! just send me anything & tell me what emoji u wanna be!<3
Word count; 911
18+, MDNI!!
main masterlist here
this man is obsessed with you & i MEAN IT! Leeknow loves to show this to you by making you feel as if you are on cloud9 every time you get into bed. He gets you SO riled up by doing the simplest things, whether that be from simply holding your waist as you both brush your teeth, twirling your hair or playfully biting you.
In bed however, he knows he is filing you up & knows exactly how to tease you. Says things like;
“but i am touching you baby, what else do you want? tell me” As he is teasing your folds with his fingertips, avoiding your needy clit completely.
“You want my tongue so badly? beg me for it then.” He would say, cat eyes looking up at you as he is in-between your thighs blowing cold air onto your puffy cunt.
“you take me so well baby, i have no idea how you’re always this tight.” He says as he finally buries himself inside you, your walls welcoming him like a really tight warm hug.
“already gonna cum? cum for me then but i wont be stopping until you squirt then baby.” (this man definitely has a huge kink for you cumming in general but especially squirting??)He groans as he is already pounding into you, your cunt is definitely not gonna be pain free later, already red from the constant abuse it’s getting from his dick, pelvis hitting against it & his fingers.
DEFINITELY DEFINITELY DEFINITELY has a dick around 6 inches & thick & KNOWS how to use it. He is all for ‘vanilla’ sex & enjoys it a lot but he knows you love dirty talk so he makes sure to make sure you know how dirty you are, letting him fuck you open as your eyes are leaking tears from the pleasure. he loves overstimulation especially on you, he loves watching you squirm around him, trying to get away from the pleasure but also to try get more.
He’s 100% more of a dom but he has let you switch roles a handful of times mainly for your enjoyment but he would be lying if he didn’t find it hot as fuck to watch you get off on him, using his thigh, stomach, dick or even face to get yourself off. He likes to say that he’s ‘acting’ when he lets out whines, begs & pleas to fit into the ‘sub role’ but you both know it’s leaving his lips subconsciously.
“M-mommy plea-se can i have your cunt… need it so bad” He whines as you edge him for the 3rd time.
“s-slow down! t-too wet, guna cu-cum!” he stresses with glossy eyes, trying to hold back but doesn’t dare touch you since you told him not to.
Definitely has an oral fixation, whether that be him watching you swallow his cock around your lips, gagging & gurgling as spit drips down your chin & his thighs, him watching you suck his fingers as he plays with your clit, eyes glossy or even you letting him suck your fingers which he always gladly accepts. He LOVES LOVES kissing you, tongues wrapping around eachother, fighting for dominance, the taste of your lips has him addicted. Loves biting your lips as he kisses you just to hear you whine. LOVES eating you out, he might even say it’s his favourite part of sex with you, your taste all over his tongue & lips could be all he tastes forever & he would be happy. knows exactly where to nibble, lick & suck.
“You taste better than pudding y/n, they should take inspiration.” He says nonchalantly as if your eyes aren’t rolling back through your skull & your juices aren’t all over his cheeks & nose.
“ahh, you like when i lick you here too now huh? i’ll remember that baby, can ya cum if i keep it up hm?” he asks with a slight cheeky grin, knowing he found another hidden sweet spot.
“cunt is so wet, so sloppy all for me baby, you’re dripping absolutely everywhere.” he says with a slight cheer in his voice, watching & feeling you clench around nothing.
This man doesn’t really have a favourite position since he knows how to adjust how he fits inside you to make you both see stars regardless but if he had to choose, he would choose mating press since that is the position that gets you into the floaty cloudy state you beg him to put you into.
He isn’t insecure of himself at all so likes to use vibrators, handcuffs, dildos & flavoured lube to make it even more enjoyable for you both & to also help achieve what you both want out of each specific time you are in bed, if it is a bed you’re both in seeing since this man has no issues with fucking you in every square inch of your house.
This man is an aftercare king tbh, always has water next to the bed & drowns you in kisses & cuddles & most of the time will let you choose something to watch, already knowing it’s gonna be the same few random movies you’re obsessed with & he thinks he can recite every single sentence at this point.
“You did so well baby, let me do this to you” He says as he pulls out slowly, eyes darting from your cunt to your flushed out face, his cheeks blushed along with his ears too.
“I love you so much y/n, my favourite thing on this earth is you.” He mumbles into your neck as he kisses it softly.
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breezybangtanbebe · 3 months
Mine: JJK💋
A/N: an oldie from my WP Oneshot series🥰 might be slightly unedited because I pulled it from the archives. Forgive the typos por favor..
Tags: JungkookxReader,established relationship, possessive boyfriend Kookie 😋, Halloween party themed, public sex, teasing, edging, raw sex, creampie 😌✨
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4.3k words
"Hold up.....that's what you're wearing?"
Jungkook stops midstride as he stepped away from the steamy bathroom, the small towel shifting quickly underneath his hands as he dried his damp hair. Water still dripped down his bare chest and torso, collecting in the dips of his abs and naval. His bath towel that was barely clinging to his waist shifts as his dick stiffens at the sight of your exposed skin.
You were standing in front of the wall-sized mirror beside your vanity, touching up your make up and fluffing your hair, which laid in full wavy coifs all around your head and down your back. You didn't glance over at Jungkook at the sound of his question, but a part of you knew exactly what was going on in his mind.
The two of you were attending Jimin's yearly Halloween party at his family's lake house just outside of the city. Since freshman year of college, this party was a regular thing, gaining more and popularity as time went on.
Costumes were optional, ranging from minuscule to extravagant. And the two of you tended to ride that middle line when it came to what you wore to these functions.
Well, more so you.
Jungkook could wear a brown paper bag as a costume and still turn heads. Something that before dating him was much less annoying. You stifled your distaste for what Jungkook had set out for tonight. Mainly because it was hot as fuck.
Your boyfriend's normal aesthetic consisted of dark colors, loose-fitting, and a bit emo. But tonight he was going for a bolder look.
Blood red pants that hugged his buff thighs, a matching loose blazer lined with patterned silk and print button-up that you knew would NOT be buttoned up.
He'd always had an amazing physique and filled out whatever he wore. Something you had a love/hate relationship with since making things official. And by no means were you unnattractive. You just preferred to play it cool with how you dressed as to not attract unwanted attention.
But this year, you figured it was time for you to switch it up as well.
"Hmm?" you murmur in response to the question, leaning closer to your reflection to check your lashes. You then planted a gentle hand on the mirror for support, extending your back and deepening your arch to give Jungkook and eyeful of your plump curvy backside from where he was still standing off to the side. He gawks at your voluptuousness for a few seconds before blinking away his thoughts and snapping out of it.
"Don't 'hmmm' me. Turn around." Jungkook steps up behind you, pulling you by your elbow so that you faced him. You huffed stubbornly as you turned on your heels and looked up at him with a full-on pout.
"Whaaaat Kook..." you whine, but your boyfriend isn't phased. He only examines your outfit, glancing over your shoulder at the mirror to see the way your dress stopped just below the curve of your ass cheeks. You unconsciously reached back tug at the hem to pull it only a fraction lower. Jungkook smirks but the expression doesn't meet his eyes when returns his gaze to you.
"I thought you said you were dressing up as a witch..." he quirks a brow at you.
You looked down at your outfit as if you hadn't picked it out yourself and frown innocently.
A witch, indeed you were.
Your skin-tight black dress clung to your body perfectly, accentuating every dip and curve on your somewhat petite body. The sleeves were long, wide at the opening, and hanging down from your wrists at a point. Seeming ordinary from behind, disregarding how short it was, the front of the dress was the real focal point.
A deep plunging neckline, stopping just above your navel, exposed the smooth skin of your cleavage and sternum. Thin black strings were woven through tiny holes lining the v-neck, creating diamonds up to your bust.
"I am. See?" You point to the witch hat a black pair of tall thigh-high heeled boots laying on the floor near the door and Jungkook follows your finger with his eyes. His jaw drops are the shiny leather and he does his best not to drool at the visual of you in them.
"Well...Don't you think this ...costume...is a bit much? I mean...My friends are gonna be there and..." he stammers, pausing as he returned his gaze to you.
"Aaaand..so are mine. What's your point?" you tilt your head and bat your lashes, making Jungkook clear his throat. He takes a look at the back of your body again in the mirror then stared down at the woven laces cutting down your front and between your breasts and drags his teeth over the pink flesh of his inner bottom lip.
You smirked.
"My point is...don't you have a dress that's longer than that? One that covers your ass and tits a bit more?"
You don't even attempt to stifle your scoff at his words, taking a tiny step back to look Jungkook up and down. Which might have been a mistake considering he was still naked and incredibly tempting.
But you held your scowl as you continued.
"Did I say anything about your costume last year? Or now? What the hell are you supposed to be anyway?" you fold your arms over your chest.
Jungkook narrows his brow and shrugs before pointing to the bed, where his outfit was draped over the comforter.
"I'm a vampire...see?" pointing with emphasis at the set of fake fangs placed next to the collar of his blazer. Your eyes follow his hand and you roll your eyes at the tiny white fangs.
"And last year was different. Last year, you weren't mine..." Jungkook pulls your gaze from the bed with his tone as he continues with a pout.
"Are you saying you don't like it what I'm wearing?" you say and Jungkook snorts, reaching up to rub at his nape with a conflicted expression.
"Babe.....is that a serious question? It doesn't matter if I like it or not. I don't know...I just don't want you to be uncomfortable...."  he drops his hand and steps up to close the gap between you, glancing over your shoulder again to stare at your ass.
When you notice the crease of uncertainty in his expression, you let out a sigh.
"Well.....would you be uncomfortable if I wore this?" you gazed up at him. Feeling your eyes, Jungkook tears his away from your reflection.
"Huh? What?...no...Im just saying.." he stammers, his eyes still flitting back to the mirror at your outfit and you can't help but be amused by his distracted features.
You knew you were playing with fire. But tonight was supposed to be fun. So after allowing him to oggle you for a few more seconds, you turn around to face the mirror with a smirk. Jungkook watched you fluff your hair, smudge your dark lips together, and cup at your cleavage to make sure everything was as it should be. Then you locked eyes with his and shrugged.
"Then I'm wearing it. Hurry up and get dressed. We're already late...."
As you turned to walk away from the mirror, you yelp in surprise when you feel Jungkook yanking your arm back, turning you and pressing you against the glass forcefully.
"Jungkook what are you...ah.." your voice trails off into a moan when you feel the front of your dress being lifted. Jungkook nudges at your foot with his, making you spread your legs and grant him access to the apex of your thighs.
Your breathing hitched when you felt his fingers grazing the thin fabric of your panties, the tip of his middle finger drawing a line over the slit of your lips teasingly.
"You don't think...I'm insecure? Do you?" his voice drops an octave, almost to a rasp, and your bottom lip trembles as you struggled to find your words.
"Hmm?" Jungkook questions as he lifted his hand to let it slip under the elastic and down beneath the lace. When his hand makes contact with your sex you gape at the feeling.
"N..No..." you stammer as Jungkook rubs your pussy gently, not trying to focus his touch on any particular area just yet.
"Good...because I'm not...because I already know this..." he pauses as he presses his middle finger down over your clit, creating that pressure and friction your boxy craved.
"...is all mine. You know that right?" Jungkook says slowly, matching the pace of how he rubbed your swollen bud with intent.
You braced your hands at his strong shoulders, moaning softly in response, encouraging Jungkook to up his efforts.
"Mine?" he repeats, leaning closer to kiss your lips tenderly. He pulls back to catch your reaction to his touch, dipping his fingers through your slit to lubricate his actions over your clit over and over until your mouth gapes.
You knew he was waiting for you to respond...
But who could talk with a hand stuffed into their panties like that?
His finger repeated the teasing action on your clit and whimper softly, making Jungkook smile.
"Wear whatever you want baby...Just remember who you belong to,"  he says softly, leaning in briefly to press his lips to your forehead. As he did, you were barely aware of his fingers abandoning your clit until you felt them gliding past your entrance, plunging deep inside of you.
You gasp at the sudden intrusion, letting your head tilt back to hit the glass as Jungkook trailed feather-light kisses down the side of your face and neck, his fingers curling inside of you as he rubbed at the rigid wet flesh.
"This is mine?" he murmurs against your throat, parting his lips to draw his tongue over your pulse, already getting in character for tonight it seems. His teeth graze your skin and your knees start to weaken at the pace of his fingers.
"Mmhmm" you hum in response, pressing your lips together to keep from crying out. Your breathing quickened and your eyes began to roll as you felt your fuse beginning to burn out. The familiar heat building deep inside of you, the tingle of sensation signaling the nearing of your release.
Jungkook chuckles softly as he bit down on your neck and sucked it gently as his fingers began to move faster against your spot until he could feel your walls clenching hard around him, almost pushing him out as you came on his hand.
"That's my girl..." he hissed as you cried out, shaking and digging your nails into his shoulders as his fingers slowed inside of you.
Jungkook slowly pulls his hand away and lifts his head to catch your blissful expression.
Red cheeks and glossy eyes.
Smeared black lipstick beyond the line of your mouth from biting your lips.
You were so perfect to him despite all of it.
He glares down at you with fondness and adoration, his freshly scrubbed skin glowing a smooth tan underneath the lights of your bedroom, and the ever intoxicating scent of his body wash and shampoo fills your senses. You resist the urge to bite your lip as your eyes skimmed over the smooth marbled flesh of his chest, only inches away from your face.
"You're....an..asshole..." you murmur as you panted. Jungkook grins wickedly as he stepped away, brushing his wet hand over the towel at his hips. He bites his lip as he looked down at your trembling knees and dark panties, which were completely soaked through and dripping between you spread legs.
As you widened the gap to keep your dress from getting wet, Jungkook backs away still grinning as he began to dress. He pulls his underwear up beneath his towel, tossing it aside before reaching for his pants.
He cuts you a brief look as he dressed and smirks.
"Looks like you'll have to take those off....."
Jimins house was packed. Cars lined the street and driveway and music could be heard all the way down road. It was a good thing they were deep in the woods, otherwise, there would have been a plethora of noise complaints plaguing the local police station.
The two of you entered the large house hand in hand, greeted happily by mutual friends and classmates. There were many new faces among the familiars, many people not in actual costumes. The looks of wanting and approval of Jungkooks "costume" didnt go unnoticed by you. But neither did the gawks and stares of appreciation for your curves in your dress go unnoticed by your date.
He played it cool though.
Jungkook's behavior wasnt too peculiar as the night progressed. Sure he stayed on your ass majority of the night, dancing closely and holding you by the waist or clutching your hand possessively. But you didn't mind the attention. You absolutely loved it when Jungkook got like this.
He was absolutely the jealous and possesive type but in a healthy way. He never stopped you from being you. But he also had his own ways of coping with it. And he intended on letting you feel how much the attention your costume was drawing was effecting him.
The fact that he knew you still werent wearing panties didnt help that either.
As Jimins house grew more and more crowded, and your feet were beginning to feel sore from dancing and standing in those heels, you and Jungkook eventually found large plushy love seat in farthest corner of the living room.
You were seated comfortably between Jungkooks legs, your back to his front, vibing out and mingling with friends as they passed.
After a while, as the alcohol really began to settle in, you found yourself nestling against your boyfriends hard chest and mumbling along to whatever song was playing.
Jungkook held you close, cradling you in his lap, rubbing at the exposed skin of your thighs gently as his buzz deepened.
"i looove this song.." You groaned out suddenly as the musc changed and a sultry guitar began strumming and the smooth vocals filled the wide space.
Jungkook lifted his brow as you pushed up from his chest to sit up and let your feet touch the floor.
You slowly began dancing from where you were perched on his lap, humming the melody drunkenly and winding your hips in slow circles to the beat. You felt Jungkooks body stiffen slightly beneath you and you smiled inwardly at the feel of his hands slowly coming up to grip you at your waist.
"Hey Beautiful.....what are you doing...." Jungkook says to you, his chest vibrating against your back as you continued to grind back against his lap.
"Babe....." Jungkook he sighs in your ear, a warning in his voice evident as you reached back to touch his hair, still snaking your body to the beat.
"Dont think you can tease me baby..." you hear and feel warm against your cheek as Jungkook leaned into your touch, gripping your hips and letting his hands slide over your thighs and back to your waist.
".....and dont think I wont fuck you right now....in front of everyone....Im not that drunk..." his husky whispers make you bite down on your lip, mischief sparking in your eyes and excitement strumming in your chest at the thought.
You looked around at the many people only a few feet from where you and Jungkook were tucked away. Sure the music was loud, the dim lighting and smoke was concealing them enough. But anyone could walk over to the couches to sit. Any of their friends could come over to talk. At any moment.
That alone was enough to turn you on even more. The idea of getting fucked in front of everyone and the possibility of getting caught had you clenching with need and you already knew you were beginning to drip because pf the alcohol.
Fuck it.
You ignored him as you kept rubbing your ass over him, knowing exactly what you were doing. Teasing him in small circles with your hips and letting your hair sway over your back. Seducing him with your curves and shameless lapdance as if no one was watching.
This only went on for a few seconds until you felt Jungkooks body relax, his hands at your hips gliding back to tug at the back of your dress. You gasp when you feel his warm hands on your bare ass, squeezing at your pliant skin as you continued to move.
Jungkook shifted behind you, lifting his hips just enough to unbutton his pants and push the front of his underwear down to free himself.
Your breathing hitched when you felt how hard he actually was, almost pulsing beneath your heat. Jungkook eased back in the seat, his chest heaving at the feel of you sliding the face of your pussy over his shaft, slicking his length with your wetness.
"Youre so fucking wet baby..fuck..." Jungkook murmured as you slid over him, the tip of him brushing against your clit and entrance with every movement.
You whined at the delicious tease , your hands braced on the arms of the chair as you rocked your hips back and forth. You lifted up slightly  and Jungkook takes that as his opportunity to grip himself at the base, lining the head of his dick up with your slickness and rubbing it against you gently as you moved.
Seeking permission to enter.
With hooded eyes, you glanced around at the party still occurring around the two of you. Everyone seemed completely distracted, drunk or high and under the haze of the atmosphere. Nobody even paying any attention to the horny couple in the shadowed corner of the house.
So slowly, you sank yourself down on him, a low groan and hiss of satisfaction escaping the both of you at the feel of finally being connected. You pressed yourself back until your bare ass was flush against Jungkooks pelvis. The stretch inside of you was welcome, your walls already quivering and trembling around him. They ached for more. They ached for stimulus. They ached for movement.
So you obeyed your body and began to wind your hips again, rising a few inches and sliding back down.
"Fuck..."Jungkook grit his teeth and shut his eyes tight at the feel of you taking him, your body swallowing him and enveloping him with your warmth. Out of reflex, Jungkook thrusted upward to meet your stroke.
You couldnt stifle the moan of surprise at the feel of Jungkooks tip hitting hard at the very back of your desire. It almost hurt but the pain quickly subsided when you felt Jungkook shift behind you.
The chair begins to recline a bit, allowing Jungkook to lean back enough so that his range of motion was extended. And just when you were about to continue riding him, he holds you still by the waist and starts flexing his hips up into you.
Jungkook fucks you deep but agonizingly slow, stroking your body to the soothing rhythm of the song drowning out your moans.
He felt so good, too good. And you bowed your head in an attempt to hidd your face from those in front of you. But you didnt hinder your moans of pleasure as you tried your best to fuck back against Jungkooks deep strokes.
Jungkooks bottom lip stung from his bite, the skin trapped between his teeth as he focused all of us strength into his core and legs as he rammed into you. His hands were digging into your hips, squeezing you and holding your body in place as he chased your high. You were so close, your walls clenching him in and your head falling back as you cried out.
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes and your vision fell out of focus as Jungkook hit your spot with ferocity and it only takes a few more strokes for you to explode around him.
You felt Jungkook sitting up to wrap his arms around your waist, still moving inside of you but more staccato as he relished in the feel of your cresting orgasm.
You felt his shallow breathe at your ear and your head lolls weakly to lean back against his as Jungkook slipped in and out of your walls.
"Mine?...This is mine?" His husky tone sends a chill down your spine,adding to the overwhelming combination of sensations already rushing over your flushed skin.
You moaned softly in response, biting your lip and tightening around him as if that were the answer and Jungkook groans low in his chest as his strokes became stagnant. He held you close, trapping your body against his as he spilled himself deep inside of you.
You felt the warmth of his seed coating your walls and another shiver hits your when you feel Jungkooks lips at your ear. His breathing was heavy and his mouth was hot. His teeth nibbled at your lobe softly before he parted his lips to speak
"Kiss me.." he exhales and you immediately turn your head, craning your neck back to lock lips with Jungkook sloppily.
He slowly loosens his arms around you, letting his hands slide back to hold you at your waist as he kissed you. His tongue tasted like green apple jolly rancher and tequila, rolling and twisting with yours, humming low in his throat.
Your walls contracted around Jungkook reflexively when you felt his hand circling your throat gently, coaxing you and leading the kiss as he softened inside you.
The air surrounding the two of you felt thicker, every sound and movement suspended in a place apart from where you were. In this corner, in the house full of people..
The two of existed in a little bubble of bliss on the couch in the shadows. Kissing each other tenderly and passionately, wrapped in Jungkooks strong arms as you leaned back against him.
As if it were instinctive, your eyes open to notice someone approaching the corner and you break the kiss just your little bubble of love is popped by..
"...shit...Taehyung! Hey!" you blurt out, forcing Jungkooks eyes to open wide.
Taehyung steps up through the smoke ,a red cup in hand and his eyes hooded in his half assed Joker costume and stops right in front of the loveseat.
"Tae..Bro...whats up?" Jungkook sits up, repositioning you on his lap and pulling your dress down as much as he could. The movement makes you even more aware of the fact that Jungkooks dick was still inside of you, trapping majority of his dripping cum from drizzle out of you as you both looked up at a drunk and oblivious Taehyung.
"You guys are so fucking cute...its gross" he chuckles, tipping his cup up to take a sip. He takes a long draft of his drink and swallows before continuing.
"Anyway...Jungkook! We're setting up for a round of beer pong in the back. How bout it? Me and you vs Jimin and Hobi..." he slurs loudly over the music.
"Cool. Yea...We'll be right out..." Jungkook yells in response, masking his annoyance seamlessly and Taehyung nods. He shoots you a knowing wink before turning away and youre eyes widen.
He didn't know what had just occurred over here....did he?
You dont have much time to ponder over the thought though.
As soon as he disappeared among the crowd, Jungkook was lifting you from his lap and guiding you to stand, still holding you at your waist. The moment his dick slipped out of you, you pressed your thighs together as tight as you could.
The walk to the nearby bathroom was comical, the two of you shuffling closely with one in front of the the other. Both sheilding each others wet and soiled areas until you reached the privacy of the bathroom.
After doing the necessary things one must do after spontaneous raw couch sex, you were standing in front of the sink assessing your appearance as Jungkook stood wide legged nearby over the toilet with his head back.
"Well...This dress is done for." you huff at your reflection, the seat of the black fabric stained with sex and release. Jungkook lifts his head and gazes over at you and grunts in amusement as he flushed.
His eyes fell to the back of your dress that was not only stained and wet, but parts of it were ripped and stretched beyond repair.
"Here.." he says as he turns to you at the sink while you turn to face him curiously.
Without a thought, he removes his red blazer and drapes it over your shoulders.
"There...We're going outside anyway and Im kind of over Taehyung staring at your ass." he mumbles bitterly as he fixed the garment over your petite body.
You smirk at his jealous remark.
"He can look... But he knows who I belong to.." you arch your brow and Jungkook mirrors you as he placed his hands at your waist beneath his blazer. He pulls your forward into his chest and reaches lower to cup your ass cheeks.
"Act like you fucking know then...." he growls as he dipped his neck to hover over your lips.
You lift your chin to plant a few soft kisses to them, rolling your eyes and giggling against him when he squeezed you harder.
"....that is too bad about the dress though...."he murmurs as he pulled away, loosening his grip on your ass and stepping back to look down at your body.
"I kinda liked it..."
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ilovebuckers5 · 3 months
dating nika muhl hcs
(warning this is mainly Nika x Fem reader so I apologize)
talking stage-
enemies to lovers no doubt. everyone would talk about Nika around you and all the girls on Nika's team would point you out once Nika came clean about liking you.
"look its lover girl" was mainly said by KK as she points in your direction tapping on Nika's shoulder. Nika's usual reaction is to just smack her shoulder.
once she actually got the guts to talk to you, you were so terrified when she came up to you. all of your friends said she was a more aggressive basketball player (true.) but they were wrong when they said that Nika's personality is the same as when shes on court.
the more Nika approached you each day, you fell in love more. finally you guys got each other's numbers and socials. a text was thrown around every couple days until you guys actually started to text everyday and called each other nicknames here and there.
both of your guys' friends couldn't get off your dicks about it. nudging your shoulders when the smallest smile shows up on one or the others face. they treated your talking stage like a highschool crush.
beginning of the relationship -
nika seemed tough on the outside around you but alone or with her friends she was a hot mess. everyday it would be something like "I swear to God if there's another girl-"
dont ask me why but you initiated the relationship. I just feel it in my balls.
the second you guys started dating she ripped out her phone and texted the team groupchat. the rest of that week all she could do was rant about you even though she tried her hardest not to.
it was very awkward in the beginning... a lot of like awkward kisses on the cheeks and weirdly long hugs. it took a while to get used to but once you did it was perfect.
this is obviously a forever thing but she has the most protective personality to ever exist. I mean when someone even says your name and any negative word she blows up inside. if someone gives you a dirty look she gives a FILTHY STARE back. she doesn't play when it comes to her girl
getting comfy -
once the moment came, she would spend almost every night sleeping in your dorm/apartment.
started to get more soft around you instead of tough guy.
holds onto your waist all the time like there is not a moment where her fingers aren't curled around your hips.
calls you all sorts of nicknames in English and croatian (only when you guys are alone though)
she does her own skincare routine and makeup and stuff but will ALWAYS let you do your routine on her.
makeovers are a must.
she can never pick between big spoon or little spoon so you guys just go with whatever that night brings.
loves to play with your hair when you are doing homework.
even though she is completely capable of distracting you while you do work or homework or anything serious, she loves helping you out.
arguments (sadly)
ok I'm dreading this part.
you guys only argue over like actual serious things.
tries to not accuse you of anything but fails most of the time
attempts to hide the fact that arguments are her literal worst fear.
after any argument she goes to the bathroom and kind of slams the door not too much tho.
has her hands on her face and is pacing around the room
the reason she leaves is so that you don't see any emotions she picked up from the argument.
most of the time she leaves to go cry and then tries to ignore you for the night.
the moment you go up to her door she cant even look you in the eyes.
you both just stand there for a second before she pulls you into a hug and keeps you there for a while
(angry sex after)
ok guys that's it for now... maybe I'll write more later if I'm feeling up to it.
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skelliko · 8 months
★-Tokyo revengers
-how'd they comfort you when you're crying,
๑-featuring: kazutora, chifuyu, Baji
Tumblr media
°- Kazutora hanemiya
• he wouldn't know what to do at first, he'd stand/sit there staring at you with a neutral expression for a good minute, on the outside it'd seem like he was silently judging you- which he was for a brief moment thinking your weak before it actually clicked into him that your upset and that he's being a major dick rn
• him trying to comfort other people made him uncomfortable more than he first thought it would, boy hardly ever got that sort of comfy treatment so having to comfort you when he doesn't even know what comfort feels like. it's like putting a cold blooded reptile in the cold and expecting it to survive
• but after a short while he seemed to get the hang of it after he'd ask you stuff like "what happened/ what's wrong?" to then "who made you cry?" if you didn't give a direct response
• would give slight touch like pat's or rubs on the head or arm and would hesitate in hugging you, though if you hug him first he'd give in and hold you tight and close to him like your the last pillow in the entire world and that's when he starts to act more protective of you
• if the reason is because of another person kazutora would hold in on the hug for a minute longer before getting up without a word to look for his ass. he won't even say anything about it but it was clear as to what he was gonna do, you could try and make his stop but he wouldn't care, he'd do his own thing in what he feels to be the right solution
• despite knowing what kazutora was gonna do you'd find out the results on your own by seeing 'that person' in school or in public and their face is all bruised, and if anything else probably in a cast too.
• kazutora definitely took his anger out on the person when he first heard that they were the cause for your tears
• the next day/days he wouldn't bring it up, and if you tried to he would quickly shut it down and say not to bring it up or avoid it by bringing up a previous conversation but doesn't add anything new to the subject and just repeats things he's already said
• if the reason is cause of a bad mood, mental health or anything of the sort that is out of his range then he'd just stay with you keeping you close by and play with your hair while softly ranting about his day trying to calm you down to stop you crying
• he'd move positions so that the side of your back would be slightly resting against his chest and kept you physically close, the side of his head resting against yours and at the corner of your eye you could occasionally see him staring at you, its hard to tell what he was thinking but he had good intentions
• he'd whisper sweet things about you in hopes of possibly helping you but he'd be a little hesitant in the first place of that idea since he's not the sappy type.
• he'd mention a few off things about himself and his own bad moods in hopes of giving you that sense of understatement. maybe just being able to relate to each other will give that comfort.
• despite his earlier hesitation in hugging you he would never give up a perfect opportunity to kiss you, whether its on the cheek, forehead or directly on the lips, in his mind something like that is smaller than a full on body to body hug,
• he'd hesitate in leaving you alone but after he does he doesn't bring the situation up at all and pretends like it never happened, though it is secretly stored at the back of my mind for a next time
°- chifuyu matsuno
• he'd freeze for a split second before immediately walking close up to you with a concerned expression on his face
• he's quietly repeat "it's okay, it's okay" while resting his hand on the side of your upper arms, though that was mainly to assure himself that your okay (since the boy was panicking a lot on the inside) before he'd ask if you're okay and if you're hurt or anything whilst bringing you into a hug and rub the back of your head to try and soothe you and your emotions
• his mind would be racing with all sorts of possibilities and reasons, his own overthinking made him worried and anxious and even angry at the thought that another person had made you upset enough to cause tears
• he'd talk in a soft voice at first but then he'd get a little lower if you haven't given an answer yet to his previous questions "I need to know what happened" almost protective but also a little impatient so that his own emotions don't swallow him
• if someone was the cause of your tears he wouldn't know what to do, not in a way that he was clueless but he didn't know if he should go after the person or stay with you, he wanted to do both at the same time
• but soon enough he knew your emotions were important to deal with than hunt down some guy
• he'd try to cheer you up by saying dumb little jokes or stories to you that he made up in hope of you getting to smile or laugh even if it'd be for a short moment, however it's his smile that usually works but he doesn't know that and always assumes his humour did the trick
• he'd compliment you in any way he could but not shower you in compliments, just something small like "your hair's really pretty by the way"
• once you've calmed down and grown slightly apart from the hug, before leaving he'd double make sure you're okay and give a quick and gentle kiss on the cheek before parting away
• the second he's away from you he's ringing his friends up to find any other information about he person but did the beating up himself, he wouldn't go gentle on the person at all, chifuyu would make sure to leave him sorry
• after the beating he wouldn't say anything about it but he would hint it by 'accidentally' showing his slightly bruised knuckles to you making you ask what happened even after knowing he gets into many fights and from there on he'd subtly mentioned that he went after the guy that hurt you
• he wants to be appreciated and show off in a positive way 'like look I gave him what he deserved' and sure enough, he very much is appreciated, though he was ever so slightly nervous to think that you wouldn't have approved of it which was why he was kind of subtle about it
• if the reason for your tears is cause of a bad mood, mental health or anything out of his grasp he'd stay with you for as long as you needed him to with no complaints or second thoughts
• he'd do the same thing as he did with the jokes and stories in hopes of seeing you smile and even raise your cheeks up to slightly force you to smile and it usually would work since it would cause small laughing fits
• he would say he needed to leave and would do a whole parting act but would come back after 5 minutes with your favourite snacks in his hands as a small suprise for you and would end up staying until he actually needed to leave which was a good few hours later
°- baji keisuke
• he'd think carefully on how to go by the situation, though the first thought he had was that someone made you cry, the boy will always find any sort of excuse to punch someone
• he'd calmly walk up to you with open arms and wrap them around you keeping you close to his chest and speak lowly and quiet but due to him being so close to your ear it was loud and clear, "who do I have to beat up?"
• would gently rock you side by side when hugging you
• if the reason for why you're crying is because of someone else then his hug will tighten a little but not enough to hurt you, anger will rise up immediately and it'd be quite obvious since he doesn't exactly try to hide it, he'd do a little, angry yet 'i understand' hum listening to you talk about the shitty person
• though he doesn't leave straight away to beat the person up as he'd wish he could, he'd make sure to stay with you for a good few more minutes or even a few hours, as long as you needed him to stay he would
• before leaving he'd give a small and quick kiss on the temple
• we all know Baji can knock someone unconscious with just one punch, however he'd make sure that wouldn't happen as he'd want to make the person suffer a little (a lot) for causing you any sort of harm, making them unconscious wouldn't be enough and it'd give them an easy way out since their just a sleep and the only downside they'd have is waking up to a purple face and a skull cracking headache, they need to be awake through it all not a sleep like a baby.
• after Baji beat the person up he took an hour to himself to calm down from it and wash up his bloody hands before coming back to you with a sly grin, "he's all delt with sweetheart" as if he's proud of it (he is)
• thought if the reason is cause of a bad mood, mental health or anything of the sort that is out of his range he'd make sure it'd be in his range in a positive way by helping you
• he'd calm you down first with his words and actions, keeping you close and whisper sweet words that could also make you both flustered and laugh
• once you're calmed down a little from the tears he'd take you out on his motorbike for a calming ride to let your mind wander away from the negativity and instead focus on Baji and the surroundings
• bit less than half way through the motorbike ride he'd speed up but not in a way that could put you in danger but enough to feel the wind hit you through your clothes and be faster than most cars around you. he does motorbike rides when he himself is upset so he knows exactly how to calm you down by doing the same.
• he loves the feeling of your arms around his torso to keep you in place on the bike, part of the reason why he took you out.
☆ ----
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