#make spotify and am pay!
Let’s get Hind’s Hall to Number 1. Macklemore has stated that ALL proceeds from streaming will be going to UNRWA to help displaced Palestinian families. So, if you’re struggling financially, this is a brilliant way to raise funds that will help affected families get the help that they need, whilst simultaneously spreading a very important message.
You can find the track here:
Apple Music
Buy on iTunes
TikTok sound
It’ll essentially mean we’re getting streaming services to pay up, as typically they pay artists around $0.003 per stream— so, for example, if Hind’s Hall reaches 10,000,000 (ten million) on Spotify alone, that’s $30,000 for UNRWA. Life changing numbers.
The best way to amplify streaming is by adding it to your playlists, or making a playlist with duplicate additions of the song (with other tracks inbetween.) Again, thank you to Macklemore for doing this and using your platform.
Please let us know of any other artists doing the same! Let’s utilise what we can to get funds to Palestinians.
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seagull-scribbles · 4 months
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Happy valentines! what says ‘love’ like two smelly, unwashed teen boys?
Drew this after a lovely convo with @less-depresso-more-espresso, who also gave me this song to listen to 💕 so this one’s for you bestie aha
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aadj30 · 3 months
There’s pain, and then there’s ✨BROCEDES✨
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moregraceful · 4 months
what jersey did you purchase today??
shit won't even fit i bet, that man was the size of a grain of rice and weighed less than my dog. this org has my balls in a fucking vice
#you guys know how i only wear the john leonard jersey to sharks games bc it was such an ill-advised purchase? me with this crisco jersey#the cuda should be paying ME money. i MAKE them money. by POSTING#i'm sure i make some equally normal purchase of a cvf jersey i can't wear anywhere later this week too. i'm so sure 😭 tf is wrong with me#which btw. downloading every single podcast on the face of the planet for this roadtrip knowing full well what's gonna happen is#i am gonna listen to 5 minutes of a locked on sharks episode and get ripshit mad at jdy and spend the next 7.25 hours listening to#spotify's tropical house playlist while carefully crafting the most dumbass notfic about environmental conservation#which is what always happens when i have to drive by myself for long periods of time#AND BTW. RE: CRISCO JERSEY. THIS ONLY HAPPENED BECAUSE I WAS MAD AT ONE JOB AND THEN RECEIVED A VERY ANNOYING TEXT MESSAGE FROM ANOTHER JOB#AND THEN THE ORG EMAILED. STEF GOT ME IN A VULNERABLE MOMENT. I WAS DYSREGULATED!!! I WAS NOT MYSELF!!!!#the best part is the sharks proshop called me this morning like hey your simmer jersey is ready. i was like oh yay :) <3 UNKNOWING.........#all three of my jobs made me so exhausted today guys it just never ends#but then it's like well. if i didn't have three jobs. i couldn't make insanely stupid purchases either#so even though i burned out so hard i feel dead inside a lot of the time. at least i can create THE most baffling sharkuda jersey collectio#where was i going with this. oh right. mackblack win tn schedule that selena gomez lockdown starting NOW#cage replies#tausendsorgen#LESA
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lavenderselkie · 17 hours
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I searched tumblr for Coco Peila because I wanted to reblog images and couldn't find any. wtf. Anyway here she is.
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mokeonn · 5 months
I recently got an Mp3 and I downloaded my spotify playlist (and got a few viruses in the process (whoops)) and it's really getting me back into making little mixes and burning them onto CDs like I used to pre-smartphone. Honestly? 10/10 recommend.
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sawvidae · 4 months
wait did spotify seriously remove song lengths AND total album runtimes?? what the actual fuck how does that make literally any sense
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chalkeater · 1 year
Im thinking about how some people (ive seen) have this mild hint of Snobbiness when it comes to whether or not you save each song individually like The Old Days (I used to do that) . You download the song + edit the artist name + add a song image… but have you considered that. If you have any form of disability with your hands that its time conuming epecially if you’re just starting and have 500+ songs of backlog? Also even if youre able bodied its just so time consuming and i cant squeeze in the time to download and sort 500+ music if i have more important things to do
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melissonomos · 8 months
Spotify advertising things that make me want to commit homicide
how the guy in the “You love listening to your favorite artists. And we love listening to you. So let’s talk” ad ends each line with an exhalation of pure vocal fry
the Dell XPS ads that disguise themselves as spoken word poetry. equal parts deceptive and culturally appropriative
Charmin’s “we heard you shouldn’t talk about going to the bathroom in public. So? we decided to sing about it” ads
Taco Bell’s breakfast burrito storytime spots where the poetry rhymes (sort of) but doesn’t scan (not even a little bit)
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tomatoluvr69 · 7 months
I want to be someone else or I’ll explode hours
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At work today I accidentally revealed the fact that I don't watch Youtube videos when I have Youtube open. I don't even usually listen to music while I'm at work (unless I'm the only one around), but I put in my earbuds at lunch to listen to "Broken Heart (Thirteen Valleys)" and I even had it open to the music video on YT and even the temptation of how pretty Stuart is in it was not enough to make me watch it I just stood outside of the class I was going to support after lunch with my earbuds in listening to it and staring off with my phone out in front of me in my hands but I was clearly not looking at it. A 6th grader I'd seen earlier in the day (during the class where I actually do my job - so he's one of the students I work with, although I'm just now getting to know the 6th graders who I'm working with this year) even stopped on his way into the class I was waiting for to say hi to me and I was so engrossed in listening that all I did was say hi to him even though I totally remembered his name. :/ (I always try to say hi to students and use their names when they say hi to me so they know I remember them. I'm pretty good with names and faces but every now and then I'll accidentally call a kid by the totally wrong name or I'll just completely blank on their name and I am deathly embarrassed every time. It doesn't usually happen though, once I learn it, but I'm still learning ALL of the 6th graders' names - the 30 or so 6th graders I'm working with this year - so I especially want to prove to those kiddos that I remember their names.)
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pennielane · 1 year
i made the mistake of re-downloading apple music and now i think….i think i need to delete spotify again
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girlscience · 1 year
Two days with family and I feel so weirdly infantilized. I pay for nothing, I never drive, I make no decisions, I can't curse, and I can't listen to 90% of my music. It is literally like I am 14 again. I don't like it.
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
36 is I'm On My Way by the Proclaimers. I have a dog sledding play list I listen to when I'm editing video of dogs running and this song happens to be at a great speed for malamutes trotting/overall vibes lmao.
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weirdsideblog · 2 years
Crumbs for the vore-ish music lovers
“If I could be under your skin//Closer than we’ve ever been”
Because a previous line is like “I get a feeling sometimes that I can’t get close enough to you”
This song gets it
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hoseeok · 2 years
I’ll say it now and then shut up forever but the fact that you can find so many albums on ebay is not because people don’t care about cds and photobooks anymore, no matter how much brainwashing has been going on for years to make you believe that a cd whose music you’ll have forever is worse and expendable compared to a streaming service or digital music in general (which is also of worse quality but let’s not go there). People buy too many albums because they want all the photocards, but this doesn’t mean they don’t want a physical copy of the album in the first place! I agree that for pc collectors buying the pc only is great, it helps the planet etc, but not giving the option of a physical album is still an offence to the buyer, a service many people want that companies don’t want to provide anymore, because it costs them more than printing pcs. I said this about svt and I’ll say it again, having only digital is not the good development you might think
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