#making these honestly makes me so happy
sentate · 9 months
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Sentate Haute Couture 2023 - The new collection.
Strutting through the glossy nightlife of 1988 with sharply tailored silhouettes, sumptuous sequin numbers and decadent furs; the Sentate Haute Couture 2023 Collection focuses on elevating your sims wadrobe to new 'diamond heights'.
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Drawing from the legendary Yves Saint Laurent, the glamourous fashion world of the 80s with a slight modern edge; this collection features strong shoulders, opulent textures and show stopping style. Included in the Collection are 23 items all available across a delicious 30 Swatch colour palette plus loads of bonus prints, rich furs, dazzling sequins and precious metals.
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DOWNLOAD: Free on Patreon
Special thanks to @ice-creamforbreakfast, @magnoliapromenadegalleria and @serenity-cc for their help and advice in making this show!
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 2 months
You know what? I don’t WANT an awkward double date. I don’t WANT buck coming out and people having the ‘I know’ reaction or the ‘is it Eddie’ reaction.
You know what I do want?
I want Buck panicking over what to wear for the date. I want Buck flopping on his bed like very teenager after their first kiss all giggly and happy and touching his lips because he kissed a boy
I want Buck smiling every time he says Tommy’s name because maybe it isn’t forever and maybe he’s not even looking for forever anymore but he’s so happy and he’s so light and being with Tommy feels good
I want Tommy to keep calling him Evan, because before Buck was Buck he was Evan and Evan deserves to be happy to be treated so softly and lovingly and Evan deserves to be free.
I want Buck to be happy. To be happy and free and queer in the way we all deserve.
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fandom-geek · 9 months
i think the thing that really gets me about pre-canon durge is their absolute sense of duty, and their utter isolation outside of the cult of bhaal.
most of the cultists seem eager to see durge upon their return, and one even says they were the first to feed him flesh. gortash tells them of an exhibition of a bhaalspawn's corpse and another bhaalspawn's creations and durge immediately plans to attack the hall of wonder to recover them. they then apparently entrust said bhaalspawn's corpse to sceleritas fel to "restore" through taxidermy. they deride orin for her artistry with corpses explicitly because "bhaal will never care" and because orin "[does] not understand lord bhaal".
even their infamous prayer for forgiveness is framed around their absolute submission to bhaal's plans, and the crime that requires forgiveness? admiring his rival's chosen. that's one line, and the next three paragraphs are swearing to carry out his plan exactly as they've been told to, all for his forgiveness.
hell, even their room reinforces this. orin has barely touched the place aside from installing her mother's corpse and her manifesto - and that is some of the only decoration. what was it before orin, an empty room with skulls, a bed, a desk, some chests and a wardrobe?
the durge didn't have any semblance of a life outside of bhaal, aside from gortash. and is it any surprise? the only other hint they ever had a life outside of the cult is the flashback of kid durge murdering their adopted family, all thanks to their father's urging.
bhaal even tries to force them back into isolation after they've been tadpoled by forcing them to kill alfira, and then trying to force a durge who resists him to kill their lover. if they continue resisting, bhaal kills them. bhaal will not allow them to have a life outside of him and, if it weren't for jergal, he would've succeeded.
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cactus-juiceee · 9 months
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anna-scribbles · 5 months
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they should've been at the club(infertility treatment centers)
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dustykneed · 4 months
hey psst. Stop scrolling ensign the triumvirate has some affirmations for you!
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ok you can keep scrolling now. But they think you did a very good job! And they want to remind you that you are loved, and deserve to be loved, and that you are, and have always been, enough.
(live long and prosper out there everyone! remember that they are so very proud of you for being here🩵💙💛)
next affirmations post here
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blackkatdraws2 · 2 months
There are more things in the Parable than Stanley knows about. [Blank Scripts AU]
#hoh boy i was going to make a comic to introduce these monsters but#i couldnt help myself and made an animation instead#because i just think they're so neat and cool okay#listen i cant for the life of me just infofump about my AU and OCs#because i just think that making actual content about my lore and stuff will not only raise the chances of people being interested#but also it will also raise my motivation to actually produce more content other than the same old recycled front-facing-profile drawings#i need to get creative with my stuff or I'll also loose interest and I DONT want that#in order to be happy with what i have i cant just think about it and expect to be given something new NOOOO i need to MAKE it ughh#i cant believe in order to get more content out of my own au i would need to draw it and feed myself ugh ugh ugh unbelievable (kidding)#but also#i wanna make a little music video or animation again for youtube#its been a hot while since ive uploaded anything in there at all#maybe an animation reel will do for now?#i hope so :(#because ive been working on expanding the Black Scripts AU#and honestly i dont regret it#i had a lot of fun making up scenarios and comics for Stanley and the Narrator (Black)#but yeah!#apart from this little video#you wont be getting an explanation on what these things are supposed to be#and why theyre there#actually i was originally gonna make this into a full fledge animation with sound effect/music/frame-by-frame movement/etc.#but i got lazy HAHA#tsp blank scripts au#tsp au#the stanley parable#the stanley parable ultra deluxe#tsp
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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The most evil celebratory kiss
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thunderc1an · 26 days
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a hollyleaf I drew on MS paint with a mouse yesterday
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acekindaneat · 4 months
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I don't want this to end.
A cute little date scene that I really liked from the fic The Big Woo by @tinkertoysdamn !!!!!
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risestarkiss · 5 months
Rise Ramblings #364
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This boy stay tearing food UP! You better eat, King. 💅
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humans-are-tasty · 6 months
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pixlokita · 5 months
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Is this the third or fourth collab trade this week =w= y’all know who did the colors and shading @cookieruma29 🫶
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purpleminte · 8 months
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It’s getting colder, so she’s getting warmer. Funny how that works. 🦇🌨️
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arcanegifs · 24 days
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Happy Mother's Day to our Arcane Moms ♡
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guinevereslancelot · 3 months
what was with cameron house md she spends 90% of the episode saying she wants their patient to die bc he's a genocidal dictator and her colleague husband says "babe it bothers me for ethical reasons that you want our patient to die :(" and she said "hm maybe you're right :/" but when it comes down to it the genocidal dictator lays a finger on her in an aggressive manner and chase instantly commits medical malpractice to murder the guy and then when he tells her she LEAVES HIM bc boo hoo he's a murderer now like GIRL he killed a man for you!!! he's wracked with catholic guilt!!! he's being crushed beneath the weight of his sins because he chose his devotion to you over his devotion to god!!! he literally could not get any sexier at this moment in time!!!
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