#meme friday
bent-rod · 2 days
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“Friday Funny!”
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geminiwierdo · 24 days
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My mind
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housesystem · 1 year
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So true
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meowgram1 · 23 days
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iknowmorethanyou · 3 months
Follow up
Follow up
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darkenforcer · 4 months
❛ i don’t have time for distractions right now. ❜
DIALOGUE PROMPTS || not accepting !
"oooh, busy guy, are ya?" yuri has to fight the urge to roll his eyes; it's a struggle, but he manages (and that's worthy of a goddamn trophy).
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"look, i know you're the tall, creepy dude who keeps giving eiden a hard time," he has a vague idea of the situation, at least, he's even seen the man once or twice on his way to meet up with their mutual friend(?) now that he thinks about it. it's just, y'know, never been his problem. "i'm not here to get on your case about that, believe me. just wanted to know if you could shoot a quick text, is all. my phone's dead 'n i need to tell 'im something important."
...he's probably wasting his breath. honestly, the guy's hard to read-- smiley, but cold... yeah, the vibes are definitely off.
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underteika · 9 days
who’s your pokémon partner?
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Well, would you look at that! It seems a Happiny wants to be your partner! Happiny, also called the Playhouse Pokémon, adores round things and will habitually place objects within its pouch to carry. Like most normal Pokémon, Happiny are drawn to people who are amicable and passive individuals, though they are also known to also be exceptionally generous but shy Pokémon. They make the perfect partner for trainers who are kind and thoughtful, though can be very self-conscious and struggle to trust themselves. My friend, this marks the beginning of your and Happiny's journey together. Welcome to the world of Pokémon!
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sageshadowed · 16 days
repost, don’t reblog !
basics !
FULL NAME. six-eared macaque TITLE. nope  NICKNAME. macaque. mac. liu'er. shadow. GENDER. somewhere around guy but fuck if he knows PRONOUNS. he/him but he'll accept whatever HEIGHT. 4'11, 150cm AGE. few thousand ZODIAC. who the fuck knows SPOKEN LANGUAGES. mandarin chinese and probably a few other dialects esp. from the suzhou/jiangsu area
physical characteristics !
HAIR COLOR. black. EYE COLOR. gold. SKIN TONE. medium brown. BODY TYPE. lean and hungry. his body's ability to retain energy/nutrients is kinda fucked from dying, and he can't really gain or hold onto weight VOICE. annoying and dramatic, but softer when he's being genuine DOMINANT HAND. left by birth but learned to use his right POSTURE. lazy scoundrel, but he can pull into a more formal performer's persona easily SCARS. large, old scar splitting his right eyebrow; clouded-over right eye (scarring over the cornea). network of them across his chest TATTOOS. nope BIRTHMARKS. red feathered mask across his eyes. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).  he's a monkey. blind right eye
childhood !
PLACE OF BIRTH. mount huaguo/flower fruit mountain HOMETOWN. ^ SIBLINGS. none unless you count the brotherhood but that's more like a fucked up polycule PARENTS. naw
adult life !
OCCUPATION. performs at a theatre and hangs out at an abandoned dojo. probably some amount of poorly paid gig work. also he's a criminal CURRENT RESIDENCE. his dojo. in isola, fibonacci 106 CLOSE FRIENDS. mk..? hangs out a lot with the other journey to the west-adjacent freaks in isola RELATIONSHIP STATUS. beautiful monkey boyfriend and weird angel metamour FINANCIAL STATUS. works odd jobs to just barely eek it out in the city. it's kind of dire DRIVER’S LICENSE. legitimately cannot remember if macaque has a car or motorcycle or anything in canon. probably doesn't have a license but drives anyway, extremely recklessly. CRIMINAL RECORD. is a demon. escaping diyu. also lots of petty crime VICES. drinks, probably. crime for the sake of the adrenaline rush
sex & romance !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. aro bi. LOVE LANGUAGE. used to be more into physical touch/words of affirmation but nowadays swings more toward acts of service RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. finds it difficult to get close to people nowadays. stone butch is a lesbian term but he's pretty adjacent to that. turns out it's hard to build relationships when you're kinda constantly dissociating from the experience of being alive. cluster b gang rise up. etc
miscellaneous !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. uhhh he definitely has a motif+instrument, it's two notes an octave apart played on........ the guitar probably? it might be the guqin or guzhen? i'm bad at identifying instruments. none of that is a theme song but i'm not thinking of a song proper because i'm very tired. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. waking up from naps in a cold sweat. theatre. videogame development. stealing wukong's food. weirdly into tea. draws poorly but he doesn't care. graffiti. PHOBIAS. dying. attachments, but not in the buddhist way. currently rapidly developing a massive fear of turning to stone, also SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. high, but he usually knows when to take it down a notch VULNERABILITIES. sun wukong
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curseshared · 1 month
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"...Is this a prank?"
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bash-the-fash · 10 months
🏴Casual Friday Meme Dump🏴
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light-imperfected · 3 months
ok i'm on my phone and haven't looked at my dash all day but i wanna send ppl stuff for meme friday. so i'm doing the thing care did once which is: like this post for me to look through ur memes tag and send u shit. ooc > anon ic prompts > ic as gabe/mac. thanks
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bent-rod · 4 months
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“Friday Funny!”
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livingfastandfree · 1 month
ennegram personality test
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You are optimistic, enthusiastic, and playful. That’s because your personality is built around the belief that pain and suffering will never catch up with you as long as you fill your life with excitement and pleasure. You are always planning the next big thing, even at the cost of enjoying the current big thing you’re already in. Afraid that negative feelings will overwhelm you if you ever let them come too close, you like to focus on the positive, spinning any defeat into a victory. For you, there are too many things they want to do than your calendar has space for. So many foods to try, countries to visit, new people to meet, parties to party, projects to plan and, most unnerving of all, unwatched Netflix shows to watch – it’s no wonder your list of things to do rarely gets any shorter.
Strengths of Enneagram 7s
Have a gift to brighten up the mood wherever they go
Are good at seeing the big picture of things
Don’t take themselves too seriously
Are great at making plans that are fun for everyone
Have an agile mind that is able to switch between multiple things quickly
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housesystem · 1 year
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meowgram1 · 24 days
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hammertarot · 1 month
ennegram personality test
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People of type Two are incredibly generous, selfless and attentive. That’s because their personality is based on the belief that you are only as valuable as what you do for others. They try their best to fulfill everyone else’s needs before others even ask for it. At the same time, they have a very hard time asking for what they need themselves. Instead, they unconsciously hope people will give them what they want if they just do enough for them. Type Two gets a tingling feeling in their chest whenever they see someone who needs their help and are able to offer them something: their time, their attention, or simply a bowl of hot soup. When there’s a relationship crisis, type Two is the first to respond. When there’s a dinner party, they won’t leave without offering to do the dishes.
Strengths of Enneagram 2s
Are generous with their love, their time and their resources
Have lots of empathy, especially for the lonely and marginalized
Are great at sensing what other people need and finding out how to fulfill those needs
Are attractive to almost anyone with their open and charming attitude
Build warm and welcoming homes for themselves and others
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