#mia ‘maps’ mizoguchi my beloved - they can never make me hate you
ditzybat · 29 days
bruce: everyone this is mia mizoguchi, she —
jason: okay we need to host an intervention, this is getting ridiculous
damian: i thought when he brought the starfish home he would realize his problem
tim: this is bruce we’re talking about, bruce who collects robins like pokémon, of course he doesn’t see his problem
steph: hopefully this one won’t die, we all have at least once and it’s making me think the mantel is a curse
dick: i think bruce needs to go to the child hoarding equivalent of alchohlics anonymous - nothing against you though mia!
duke: honestly it’s not that bad, you get free housing, a vaguely parental shaped figure, food, and a complimentary red head or super when you join this child bird-hero militia
mia: i have parents, why am i even here??
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