knysource · 11 months
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romanasuloriginal · 6 months
Iarna, în România, este adesea asociată ... https://romanasul.ro/superstitii-si-legende-romanesti-despre-zapada-ninsoare-lapovita-burnita-si-gheata/?feed_id=29&_unique_id=65516b675f93a Traditii, Anul_Nou, burniță, casă, colinde, Crăciun, credințe, cultura_populară, Dochie, farmece, folklore, gheață, iarnă, Lacul_Sfânta_Ana, lapoviță, legende, magie, mituri, ninsoare, noroc, obiceiuri, povestiri, prosperitate, purificare, ritualuri, românești, simboluri, spirite_rele, Strigoi, suflet_trist, superstiții, tradiții, tradiții_de_iarnă, vindecare, zapada
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ancaxbre · 2 months
Am dat cumva de Ana cu cea mai de cacat viata din toata literatura romaneasca? Nu-s sigura, dar ma cam obsedeaza viata fetei astea. Si, da, stiu ca amestec doua variante destul de diferite a unei balade pentru toata povestea, ceea ce poate n-ar trebui facut, dar sunt pe prea mult paracetamol ca sa-mi mai pese. So...
Fata de imparat frumoasa ca o stea, floarea florilor etc etc, isi traieste viata linistita pe langa ma-sa cand se trezeste unu' sa se indragosteasca de ea. Cine putea sa fie decat cel mai voinic dintre voinici, brat de buzdugan etc, etc, Iovan Iorgovan fecior de....acelasi imparat. Fata normal ca-l trimite la plimbat de ursi, dar afla parintii si ii blesteama pe amandoi pentru incest. De ce pe amandoi? Ca sa se mire cititorii. Fata nu mai poate cu drama asa ca fuge de acasa si traiese in pustiu ca o fata salbatica. Isi gaseste la un moment dat niste prietene cu care se intelege de parca ar fi surori si zburda impreuna prin paduri, dar alea de dovedesc a fi fake friends ca o lasa intr-o zi de izbeliste in mijlocul padurii cand ea dormea si nu mai stie saraca cum sa iasa din padure. Dar totul e OK e un cuc pe aproape si in n mii de balade cucul e defapt un Fat-Frumos care te scoate la civilizatie daca ii promiti sa te mariti cu el. Amamdoua problemele ei s-ar rezolva cu aceeasi pasare, daca ar avea si ea putina bafta, dar cucul ei e doar pasare si n-are chef nici s-o ajute, nici de insuratoare. Apoi un balaur vrea s-o inghita ca n-o avut fata destule pe cap pana acum. O aude un voinic strigand si vine si omoara balaurul. Is fate finally giving her a break? Nu. voinicul ala e frate-su, Iovan Iorgovan, si inca vrea sa se insoare cu ea. Ca cica 'scumpi, nu mai pe tine te vreau ca esti ca Ileana Simziana si nu se mai gaseste nicaieri in lume alta ca tine' si bla bla si bla bla. Fata normal ca-l refuza iar, si incearca sa-i explice 'mai omu' lu' Dumnezeu, suntem pe valea Cernei nu a Nilului si nu merge cu incest pe aicea.' dar nu se prinde nimic de el. Iovan o leaga si o suie pe cal si nu-i mai ramane fetei nimic de facut decat sa incheie povestea aruncandu-se in Cerna. Dupa ce se ineaca se transforma intr-o floare de colt.
Numai una din variante ii da nume fetei si cred ca nu surprinde pe nimeni ca e Ana. 🙃
Exista cumva vreo Ana in toata literatura romaneasca care nu moare si are o viata fericita?
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ratheranonymousgirl · 7 months
*la cina în care Jean i-a cunoscut pe Elena și Andrei (practic părinții Anei)*
Jean : Ce-i asta?
Ana : Mămăligă...?
Jean, prinț crescut numai cu mâncare de fițe : A scuze, nu am mai mâncat până acum
Ana :
Elena :
Andrei :
Obama :
Moș Crăciun :
Iisus :
Eminescu :
0 notes
blogdeinstalatii · 2 years
15 Mituri Despre Pompa De Caldura [Care Este Adevarul?]
15 Mituri Despre Pompa De Caldura [Care Este Adevarul?]
Pompa de caldura e mai greu de inteles decat o centrala pe gaz. Fie arata ca un frigider mare, fie ca o unitate externa de aer conditionat. Dar tot mai multe case si blocuri noi aleg sa foloseasca pompe de caldura pentru incalzire si apa calda menajera. La un moment dat si tu vei lua in considerare sa inlocuiesti centrala termica cu o pompa de caldura. Si cu toate cresterile de pret la energie, o…
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clinicamedicala · 2 years
Cand sunt recomandate protezele dentare?
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Oamenii de diferite varste pot avea nevoie de solutii pentru restaurarea danturii. Desi protezele dentare sunt asociate cu persoanele in etate, acestea pot fi recomandate si in caz persoanelor tinere, mai ales ca exista foarte multe modele si tipuri de astfel de lucrari protetice pentru restaurarea danturii.
Inainte de a se decide tipul de proteza potrivit, pacientii trebuie sa fie examinati de un medic dentist. In functie de numarul si pozitia dintilor lipsa, medicul va recomanda cea mai potrivita solutie de restaurare a danturii.
Una dintre cele mai moderne si eficiente proteze este cea montata pe implant. Cei care isi doresc un tratament cu astfel de proteze dentare in sector 2 pot merge la clinica stomatologica Elveto Dent.
In ce situatii sunt recomandate protezele dentare?
Protezele dentare sunt folosite pentru restaurarea danturii pacientilor care se confrunta cu mai multi dinti lipsa. In functie de numarul acestora, pot fi montate proteze totale sau partiale.
De asemenea, protezele dentare pot reprezenta singura solutie de a-si recapata dantura in cazul persoanelor care se confrunta, pe langa lipsa dintilor si cu o retractie osoasa, caz in care nu pot fi montate implanturi dentare.
Clinica dentara Elveto Dent | Proteze dentare in sector 2 | Elveto-Dent.ro
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Desi protezele sunt cunoscute ca fiind lucrari protetice mobile, care au rolul de a restaura dantura, exista si un timp de proteza dentara fix, in cazul careia pacientii nu mai trebuie sa stea cu teama ca va pica in timpul vorbirii sau mestecatului.
Aceasta este proteza pe implanturi, care poate fi efectuata si in clinica dentara Elveto Dent, o clinica moderna si performanta, care se ridica la nivelul clinicilor stomatologice europene.
Mituri legate de protezele dentare
Desi au numeroase beneficii, unii pacienti refuza tratamentele cu proteze dentare, iar acest lucru se intampla din cauza unor mituri existente despre aceasta solutie de restaurare a danturii.
De aceea, este important ca pacientii sa discute mai intai cu medicii de la Elveto-Dent.ro, care le vor explica tot ce au nevoie sa stie in legatura cu aceasta solutie de restaurare a danturii.
In concluzie, protezele dentare pot fi recomandate pacientilor de toate varstele, pentru restaurarea si recapatarea functionalitatii danturii.
0 notes
ch3rriiii-bunn · 1 year
Won't you join us?
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Warnings: black fem!reader, hashira reader, mention of scars from battles, hinted insecurities about scars, minor manga spoilers, scar kissing, 3some, over stimulation (?), praising but some degrading from iguro, dom iguro, switch mituri, switch reader, squirting
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You've been in the demon slayer core for 3 years now. You were actually recommended by mitsuri since she was assigned to save your village, she just couldn't over look your bravery and how you were able to take up a weapon and fight a demon along side her.
You met iguro when you joined the demon slayer core, starting as a low rank. You didn't exactly hate iguro at the time. You understood his overprotective mindset towards his loving girlfriend mitsuri, but it was a bit much at times. Surprisingly, you had a lot in common with iguro.
You had told both iguro and mitsuti your uniform covers you from the neck, down because you wanted to hide all the scars you've gotten from fighting demons. Iguro grew closer to you and told you about his scar on his face. Mitsuri loved how that was the moment iguro finally got close to you since you were very dear to her.
As the years went by, you eventually made it to being a hashira. It was a bitter sweet moment since the spot was open from the former flame hashira, but mitsuri and iguro welcomed you with open arms. "Y/n, we are going to get some food! Wanna come?" Mitsuri always asked you so sweetly, and you could never refuse, that and iguro would give you the death stare wanting you to come as well.
You've spent much more time with a couple, almost like you were a part of their relationship. The other hashira would tease you about it since most of the time they'd invite you on their dates, but you would never be a third wheel. "It's not like that. I'm just close with them, you know?" You laugh but see the serious looks on iguro and mitsuris face. "What's so bad about thinking that!? Y/n is very dear to me" Mitsuri said, pouting. "y/n is a woman worthy of my respects" iguro said.
They'd often say possessive things when it comes to you, almost way past the limit of friendship, but you didn't mind it. Their compliments would be way past friendship levels as well. You've been complimented many times by your braids and how you style them with hair pins and accessories, also how full and beautiful your lips looked when you wore the lipstick most female slayers wore.
Mitsuri and iguro agreed braids looked amazing on you, but seeing your natural hair is where they'd praise you like their girlfriend. "Y/n!!! Your hair is so beautiful and fluffy!! I love it! You look so hot!" Mitsuri would say like it's nothing but then blush in embarrassment when she dose realize. "Your nature hair is beautiful on you. You're only allowed to look this beautiful for mitsuri.. and me," iguro will say with a straight face.
The hashira would just say that you're in a relationship with both iguro and mitsuti. Even if you'd tell them no in the back of your mind, it felt like you were. It did stay on your mind for a while. You'd brush it off, but you couldn't help but grow an attachment to them and often catch yourself looking at them with loving eyes when they speak to you or even around you.
You walked out of the masters house after being called in for a meeting and sighed. "his health is getting worse... I wish I could help him more, " you thought, already greeving for your beloved master and not noticing the small noises you heard as you approached the turning point to leave the mansion.
You couldn't sense any demons. It was still evening, too bright for any demons to show themselves. You slowly approached the turning point closer to make out the noise, your heart dropped when the noises you were hearing were muffled moans and clothes rustling against each other.
You sighed, understanding what was going on the other side and rubbed your forehead in annoyance. As a hahsira you and the others have delt with these kinds of things before where demon slayers will do inappropriate things on their work time and it's always the hashira who have to check them.
You mentally got yourself together and walked around the corner. "Enough. Don't do these foolish things...by the masters... house" all the blood rushed to your face to see it wasn't any regular slayers it was mitsuri and iguro.
They turn their heads, breaking their kiss and gasping, looking at you. Iguro being behind mituri with his hands on her hips and her skirt Hiked up with her legs spread apart taking iguros cock deep inside her. You kept staring at them until mitsuri spoke, "y-y/n let me-" before she could finish, you slapped your hands on your face to cover your eyes. "I'm sorry!" You squealed and ran, bumping into a tree, making you fall backward.
"Y/n! hold on a second- Shit" iguro pulls out of mitsuri and you see his cock hang down with mitsuri's mess on it. You gasped loudly "no no! It's ok! Go back to what you were doing!" You quickly got up and ran away, trying to pretend you didn't see a thing.
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It's been a week since the incident. Iguro and mitsuri couldn't force you to speak to them since every time you saw them, you'd get all flustered and turn in the opposite direction. You didn't mean to be rude, and you even felt bad, but you didn't know how to approach them after seeing what they knew you saw.
The master had summoned you, iguro, and mitsuri to discuss your next mission. It involved protecting a popular village that supports the demon slayers core with medicine and has been having strange demon events happening there.
You raised your hand. "Forgive me for speaking out of turn master... but do you think I'm suitable for this mission? Mitsuri and iguro are much stronger than I, " you said, trying to find some excuse to back out. Iguro stared at you, almost like he was furious, but in truth, he felt deeply hurt. You kept your head down. You knew iguro was staring at you and couldn't brush off the cold sensation.
"I assigned you since your censorabilities will be very usual for this mission, especially since it's on a hasiras level. You'll be accompanied by two hashira you're most close with. Am I mistaken? Are you not close with iguro and mitsuri?" Kagaya asked.
You took a moment to respond. You knew you were being stupid and stubborn by not talking to them about the situation, but at the end of the day, you loved them both dearly. "You're not mistaken master. You're correct. These two are my beloved, close friends. Pardon my rudeness earlier. " You bowed and turned your head to them.
Mitsuri was blushing so much at your words, feeling so much relief she started sweating. iguro wipes her sweat, and his eyes change from narrow to rounded with light in his eyes.
On the mission, things went back to their usual self. Mitsuri was clingy to you as always, and you and iguro bumped heads but in joking seriously ways. The demon situation at the village didn't take too long to handle. You ended up getting hurt, making mitsuri panic so hard she almost failed, but you were fine, of course. "Mitsuri, it's just a cut on my leg, see? They already took care of it. " You try to calm her down "NOOO MY PRECIOUS Y/N!!!!!,
It was still too early to go back. The people at the village offered you to stay one more day to rest and to heal from your injury. After the bath you took with mitsuri in the bathhouse, you went with her to her shared room with iguro. Mitsuri opened the door, and you had seen iguro sitting on the bed, playing with his snake Kaburamaru.
You didn't think much of it and decided to sit next to iguro, letting his snake lick your hand and come towards you. "So what did you guys wanna talk about? Is it the injury I got? Because it's healed already, just kinda sore," you chuckled. "No... actually, we wanted to talk to you about that day, " iguro said. You went silent.
"We're sorry!" Mitsuri burst out loud, bowing her head extremely flustered. "It was my idea to do it with iguro at the time! I was sure no one was around, but you ended up seeing, and then you started to avoid us! I'm sorry!!!" Mitsuri said, and you saw fat tears fall from her face.
You lift Mitsuri's head up and quickly wipe her tears away "Mitsuri it's okay! Don't cry. Please don't cry and don't even apologize. If anyone should be saying sorry it's me, I shouldn't have avoided you guys, " you said and hugged Mitsuri. "Yeah, you should apologize. I could understand how you felt but avoiding us? What did you think we'd do?" Iguro said, almost angry.
"Iguro, be nice," Mitsuri said, still hugging you. "I don't know what I was thinking. I just went stupid and lost all common senses on what to do in the situation. For that, I am sorry, " you said, looking at iguro. There was silence in the room before iguro spoke again. "Why did you just stand there that day. Usually, if someone sees people having sex in public, they'd be grossed out, but you didn't look grossed out, " iguro said.
"I just... well. It's you guys and I'd never be grossed out by you" you said letting go of Mitsuri and looking down at your knees "I guess I could say I didn't mind it but I left after because I shouldn't be watching" you chuckled nervously. "I wouldn't mind if it's you y/n," Mitsuri said.
You could've sworn you heard her wrong. What did she mean by that? You had so many questions running in your head and then stopped once you felt the two hold your hands. "We would never mind if it's you seeing us like that y/n. Right iguro?" Mitsuri asked with a big smile, and iguro nodded. You look at them and couldn't hide your feelings anymore, "you know... the other hashira love to tease us about being a relationship, but now it feels like we are having a couples talk."
Iguro scoffs. "What if I told you mitsuri and I would want you to be in a relationship with us. Would it be awkward?" Iguro asked, intertwining his fingers with yours. "No, it wouldn't," you said softly, looking at iguro. Mitsuri scoots herself closer to you, getting in the middle, and leans closer to you. "y/n. Is it okay if I kiss you?" Mitsuri asked.
You bit your lip and nodded. Mitsuri leaned in, cupping your cheeks with both her hands, kissing you passionately. Her lips were so soft, so plumbed you loved the taste of her lipstick on your lips and getting lost in her hold with her warm, soft hands. You noticed moments after to see iguro taking off his mask and revealing his scar.
You took a moment to look at his scar, stretched almost to his ears, and noticed how iguro didn't look at you, only waiting for your response. Once mitsuri pulled back from the kiss, you went closer to iguro. "You're beautiful," you smiled. Iguro looked at you, almost shocked and tried to not get emotional, only letting himself smile at your response.
Iguro leans closer to you and puts his hand on your neck, pushing your clothing aside just enough to see the scar that starts at your neck. "So are you," he said. You chuckle "its just one scar you're seeing. Would you still think im beautiful with many scars?" You flirt but also being serious. "Of course I would" iguro said, putting his hand on your neck bringing you into a deep kissm
Moments after you two pulled back and looked at mitsuri, who was so happy to see her two most loved ones see the beauty in each other, almosy bring her to tears. "You're both so beautiful," she said, cupping your cheek with one hand and iguro with the other taking turns by kissing you and iguro switching a few seconds.
The sun went down, darking the room, and the three of you were still on the bed. Mitsuri took out her braids and laid down on her side and iguro laying next to her with just enough space for once more person to be in the middle.
Mitsuri pats the spot in the middle and looks at you with a sweet yet seductive smile. "Won't you join us tonight, my love?" She asked, blushing even with her ears turning red. "Let's make you ours tonight," iguro added, holding out his hand to you.
You didn't even need to say yes. You took iguro's hand and laid down between the two to get the long night started.
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It was hot, the bed was a mess, clothes scattered and moans filling the room with mitsuri on the right side, playing with your nipple between her fingers kissing you deeply and her tounge swirling around yours. Iguro on the right side, having his thumb rub your clit with his twi fingers deep inside feeling your wetness and having his lips on your neck, bitting and sucking on it.
Mitsuri broke the kiss with a moan, grinding her pussy against your leg "y/n your legs won't stop trembling, are you going to cum?" She asked and leaned her head down to lick at your nipple. You nod looking at her with teary eyes "not yet" iguro said pulling his fingers out and you whined from your ruined orgasm. "Tell her what you want, Mitsuri." iguro looks at mitsuri.
Mitsuri holds your hands and kisses your jawline "I want you under me, licking my pussy with iguros cock inside me. Please can I feel your tounge on my clit? Please y/n. I've always thought about it," Mitsuri begs. "I've always tounge about having my tounge here too" you confess touching mitsuri's pussy, rubbing at her clit making her mewl at your touch.
"Look how wet she is" iguro crawls over to mitsuris side to open her legs and uses his fingers to spread her pussy open. "Mm, you're more we than ever. I saw how wet you were from obed there." iguro slides his fingers through her wet folds. "Is it because y/n is here?" Iguro pointed out with a smirk, and mitsuri covered her face. "Yes! Don't be a tease iguro!" Mitsuri whines. Iguro and you exchanged looks, smiling at her cuteness.
"Come on. Let us take care of you, mitsuri, " you said, getting in a 69 postion with you lying down and mitsuri's lower half hovering over your face. you saw iguro line his cock up with mitsuris pussy teasing her. "He's big, isn't he y/n?" Mitsuri looked down at you through her boobs hanging down. "He is really big. For a short guy" you joked and touched iguros cock. "After I'm done with mituri I think I won't go so easy on you for that little joke" he said, putting his cock inside her making mitsuri let out a moan.
You hum and held mitsuris thighs licking at her throbbing clit and already felt her become a trembling mess, moaning at the doubled pleasure she's receiving. "how's y/ns tounge baby? You're clenching down on me so hard it must feel good, mm?" Iguro asked mitsuri. "It's so good! Your tongue feels so good y/n, and with iguros cock in me! Oh, it's so good~ " She whines, moving her hips in circles to feel more pleasure from your flatten tongue.
Your hand went down to your clit, rubbing at it from how turned on mitsuri's moans were, getting eaten out by you, sucking on her clit and her taking a cock at the same time and how dumb she became from the pleasure. "aahh!! I'm cumming! Cumming cumming!" Mitsuri sobs, almost screaming as she orgasm.
Iguro made a big thrust, filling her up and pulling out moments after. You crawled out from underneath mitsuri and cleaned your mouth off from her juice. "You also tasted amazing mitsuri," you commented, making her hide her face. "Now it's you're turn" iguro whispers in your ear, biting it softly. "Lay down on your side y/n." Iguro said
"Mm," you hummed with a smile, laying down on your side with your back arched to tease him. Before iguro got started, he began to kiss at your body, especially where your scars were. "You're beautiful. So beautiful, " he said with each kiss, and mitsuri did the same."Your body is beautiful. No scar could ever take that away, " she said so sweetly, bringing her face to yours
"it felt so good having your clit played with while being penetrated. You should feel it too y/n" mitsuri said and licked her fingers, lubricating them and started to rub at your clit. Iguro got behind you, lifting your leg up and shoved his cock inside you without warning making you gasp.
You used your hand to reach behind you to push iguro back by his abdomen, but he cups your boob and grabbed it to hold you in place. "Don't run from it, y/n. Look how good your taking my cock." Iguro kisses the back of your neck "squeezing me in so much you cant let me go can you?" he says lowly in your ear, thrusting his hips slow yet hitting hard making you whimper out. "you're gonna be good and listen to me yeah? Since you want to make that joke earlier. How dose my cock feel in your messy pussy from a short guy?" He chuckles
Your mouth hangs open with your loud moans filling the room. You tried to hide your voice, dare someone walk by and hear you but iguro only puts his fingers in your mouth, preventing you from hiding your voice "what whoreish moans your letting out. Looks like you want more if your moaning like that on my cock. Or is it mituri giving you more pleasure? Tell us y/n" iguro said, snapping his hips faster.
Mitsuri began to rub your clit faster and lifts your chin up to look at her. "I love you y/n" she said and kissed you "I love this face you're making for me right now, if only iguro could see it. So pretty" Mitsuri smiles "you're voice is so cute. Why would you hide it from us?" she kisses you and goes down to your boobs and starts sucking at your nipple.
"Dose it feel good when I do this?" She asked and you nod quickly, to fucked out to even answer "You're such a good girl, cum for us" Mitsuri kept rubbing your clit, not getting tired since she could do this all day thanks to her given arm strength. "So good, such a fucking girl" iguro moans.
They say that with their sweet words and iguros, soft kisses and love bites almost distract you from their rough actions. "Please, please, I'm so close. Please let me cum" you begged "yeah thats it, cum on my cock. Show me what a messy slut you can be" iguro said, pouding his cock, bullying his tip on your spot.
"Let go y/n. Cum for me" Mituri said. Your legs tremble with tears rolling down your face from the over situation and squirt. Iguro cums inside you through your orgasm and he chuckles with heavy breaths "good girl" he spanks your ass and pulls out of you. Mituri pulls you in her arms and pets your head, laying down. "You did so well, my love," she said and kissed your forehead.
You gave her a half smile and rested your head on her big, soft boobs. You felt iguros hand run up your thighs and grabbed your ass, rubbing it and him doing the same action to mitsuri. "Just lay back and relax. I'll clean up the mess, " he said, and mituri nodded happily
"Thanks, iguro," you said, closing your eyes.
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apsephion · 11 months
Here's the fluff I spun a wheel and it picked Danganronpa V3 and Demon Slayer characters so..... Here you go make sure you enjoy.
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Characters: (Demon Slayer) Obanai, Mitsuri, Shinobu, Giyuu, Sanemi (Danganronpa V3) Kaede, Shuichi, Korekiyo, Kaito, Kokichi and Maki
Fandoms: Danganronpa V3 and Demon Slayer
Title: sleeping at night with these characters
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Demon Slayer:
Man is a silent sleeper prove me wrong
He is also extremely still so you'd prob think he is dead sometimes
He gets cold easily so in summer it would be fucking perfect but in winter...
He might cling to you in his sleep but that's a small chance of happening
I'm sorry but mans would move away from you and push you in his sleep
Overall 5.5/10 could be better but still very nice to sleep with
My baby
She snores a lil bit tbh but cutely somehow
Will cuddle you in your sleep no debate
Might accidentally punch and kick you in your sleep
If you're bigger/taller than her she will sleep on top of you
If you're smaller/shorter than her she will little spoon you, you have no say
10/10 would recommend if you love physical contact
I personally she would be a fucking menace.
Prolly can't sleep so messes with you defo
She is a light sleep so don't move too much or she finna get annoyed with you
But if you ignore all of the she's actually a pretty good person to sleep with
Prolly snuggles up to you
But if you sweat in your sleep leave her the fuck alone she hates the moisture
She is smol so she likes being little spooned, but when she wants to feel confident big spoons you
She's a peaceful sleeper when she can finally sleep
A solid 4.5/10 would recommend if you're a deep sleeper if not I totally don't recommend
Doesn't sleep
But when he does end up sleeping like a log
Cuddles you and blushes like a mess when you tell him about it in the morning
Likes to be little spooned simple
Doesn't really like heavy blankets so your just gonna have to suffice
He is cold.
So he loves you're warmth whether in the summer or winter
Prolly cling asf
8.5/10 would recommend
how do I say this...
Don't sleep with him please he is an absolute menace
A kicker and a puncher no debate
A heavy and light sleeper so he'd switch between the both
He will take your blankets even if you get your own
Pushes you if try to get close while he's light sleeping
But he would wrap his arms and legs around you
Protective so holds you closely and tightly
Won't let you live
Danganronpa V3:
Baby I love her btw
Amazing cuddler
Comfortable body heat
Prolly switches between a light and heavy sleeper through the night
Holds you
Rests her head on your shoulder
10/10 sleep with her, amazing experience
My love, the reason I wake up
Hugs you,holds you, clings to you. Physical touch is just a must for him
He will not let you go while sleeping
Gets cold easily so you're a liability for him to keep warm
Little spoon frfr
10000/10 Soooooo recommend
I love this man like pleasss fuck me with your fingers
Ahem anyways
He is a gentle cuddler
Slight cold body temp
I personally love thinking that he would play with your hair
Sweet nothings while you're falling asleep
Sleeps late so he might coddle you while kissing the crown of your head
10/0 would recommend
Chaotic sleeper ™
Blanket hog
Sleeps right on you despite his weight
Squeezes you tightly
Big spoon
7.5/10 though he's annoying sometimes he's a great cuddle-bug
He doesn't like sleeping periodt
So he would be a fucking nuisance
Pokes your face while you sleep
Kicks you purposely
Takes your blankets
Why does he do this? Because he's kinda lonely being awake alone
So you have to mom him
When he gets to sleep he is a cuddle bug
You wanna go get water you have to bring Kokichi with
You wanna pee Kokichi's tagging along
2/10 annoying asf
Doesn't sleep
Has trained herself to not sleep
But understands sleep is important
So what's the next best thing for her? She cuddle with you
Very nice body temp she adapts to winter and summer
Your thirsty? She gets you water
You need to pee? She accompanies you
Basically very comforting even if she rarely sleeps
7.5/10 would recommend
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Sorry for not getting this one I live in South Africa so I didn't have lights but I'll get the smut one out as soon as possible. Love you guys
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©Apsephion 2023 (forgot how to copyright sr)a
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djuvlipen · 9 months
Here is a VERY good article in Romanian about medical racism against Romani women. I am going to run it on Google Translate because I don't speak Romanian and add the translation in a reblog in a second. I would recommend anyone who speaks Romanian to read it as it's a very essential reading.
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skullywullypully · 6 months
Imagine Ben and Mituri!reader always getting excited when Miguel gives them a mission, they be scampering off before he could even give them the details.
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neppttune · 2 years
“my love is mine all mine”
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↳ ⭒— warnings: loading…
↳ ⭒— synopsis:
holding hands with the hashira of the taisho era!
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彡tomioka g
⋆ he enjoys holding pinkies, due to not being too big on PDA.
⋆ he'll silently interlock with yours when on a mission, taking a walk, or even when you both sit somewhere silently basking in each other's presence.
彡mituri k
⋆ she will literally hold your hand in any way she wants as long as your comfortable in doing so.
⋆ like the way a bride does with a parent coming down the aisle, pinkies interlocked, sometimes only holding one finger because of how you jokingly complained how your hand was sweaty.
⋆ doesn't matter where your at, if you allow her to hold your hand you always will be.
⋆ she'll hold your hand gently because she's scared she'll squeeze too hard.
⋆ your hand is niceee and sweaty by the end of it. :)
彡ōbanai i
⋆ probably not too into pda...
⋆ until he realizes how much of a flex it is to be your boyfriend so yeah he will be holding hands with you.
⋆ or when people don't keep their eyes to their selves, yeah he'll hold your hand to make it known or do a little more.
彡shinazugawa s
⋆ will complain, but none the less will hold your hand if you want him to.
⋆ you literally have the man wrapped around your finger.
⋆ figuratively and literally in this sense.
彡himejima g
⋆ lord his hands are huge
⋆ his hand engulfs yours in his palm as you guys go anywhere and everywhere
⋆ no matter what your doing, he doesn't mind
彡muichiro t
⋆ awe. young love
⋆ while you two cloud gaze at the sky he has one of your hands in his lap
⋆ he really doesn't care.
⋆ in my mind, there is a difference between not caring and not minding
⋆ he doesn't really care about pda, because it doesn't make him feel awkward or anything so he'll hold your hand if he wants to and if you allow him
⋆ i mean who's gonna try to tell him something?
彡kōchōu s
⋆ she teases you when you ask
⋆ or will acknowledge it with her usual smile, but with more a more genuine meaning behind it.
⋆ she enjoys holding hands however you want, similar to obanai, like 'yes we are together gtf.'
彡rengōku k
⋆ gladly will hold your hand to feel the warmth of your palms.
⋆ always will have your fingers intertwined with his if you allow him.
⋆ does not matter the occasion, when you met his family he was holding your hand, when he introduced you to his fellow hashira your hand was held, it really doesn't matter is my point we get it
⋆ he does give your hand a light squeeze when your nervous or tense and he can tell
彡uzui t
⋆ he lovesss holding your hand
⋆ similar to kyojuro, he likes holding your hand when your tense or upset with reassuring words
⋆ if your uncomfortable with him having his hand on the small of your back the way he generally would, then you would hold hands if you allow him ofc
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a/n: im sorry how short some people's were, i was struggling to figure out ideas for certain characters lol
all rights reserved
do not plagiarize, repost, modify, or translate my work without written consent.
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rubylarkspur22 · 2 months
So I am finally writing the coprotag Nezuko outline
Nezuko is fully self aware when she wakes from her long nap, during Tanjirou´s training. She has vague memories of her family but remembers everything since she became a demon. She meets Urokodaki and he explains the details of her and her brother´s situation. While waiting for Tanjirou to return she and Urokodaki experiment with her condition (they quickly figure out that she regains her energy by sleeping and that while she can eat normal human food, she gains almost nothing by doing so). Urokodaki also makes her a mask.
Afterwards the plot mostly follows cannon, expect more brother sister interaction, until Tamayo. Nezuko starts learning about her condition from Tamayo (and basics of hand to hand from Yushiro) and even borrows a medical textbook in hopes of better understanding how her demonic body works.
Let´s just say that Zenitsu and Inosuke won´t leave exactly best impressions during their first meeting, but they grow on her eventually.
In the spider forest I consider having her face against the spider sister, but the fight against Rui goes the same it does in cannon. The trial mostly follows cannon as well, with the major change being Nezuko ranting at the Hashira the whole time (especially Saneimi). While the 3 stooges recover Nezuko starts practicing swordfighting (but not breathing techniques yet), so she can pick up the slack if Tanjirou is downed.
Train arc goes more or less according to cannon (sorry Rengoku).
During rld Nezuko still goes berserk, Tanjirou still has to stop her, but she regains sense much quicker (basically immediately after Tanjirou starts to hold her). Then she interrupts Gyutaro during his talk with Tanjirou (and even copies his ranged blood attacks with her exploding blood and Tanjirou´s sword). Gyutoro taunts her that she doesn´t have the energy to protect her brother because she doesn´t eat people.
Swordsmith village is a more Nezuko centric arc, with this being the first time she interacts with a larger amount of regular humans who are aware of her conditions and her parallels to Genya. And on the topic of Genya, she actually teaches him how better exploit his abilities, while he teaches her repetitive action. After she gains immunity to the sun, she might at first think she died and that´s why she can suddenly walk in the sun.
During the pillar training arc she might finally start learning a breathing style and continues helping Genya train.
During infinity fortress she helps in the Kokushibou fight and helps mitigate the causalities in that fight (Genya lives!). She might end up joining Muzan fight as well (demon Tanjirou vs demon Nezuko), but I also had the idea of Sanemi stabbing her with the cure, because preventing Muzan from getting his hands on her takes priority. Ending will be mostly the same as in cannon maybe some additional characters survive.
On the topic of Zenitsu, I don´t think Nezuko would be willing to enter a relationship, while she is still a demon, but with her being aware, there might be more chemistry between them.
Also there might be alternate infinity fortress fights such as Mituri and Obanai fighting Akaza and Giyu joining Douma fight.
I love it! I'll have notes below the cut!
Nezuko getting an extra grandpa in Urokodaki while they experiment with her wonky biology, we love to see it!
Tamayo sees this child, and you know she's confused af. She needed a minute to process. But I definitely love the idea of her giving Nezuko some notes to work with!
Nezuko, looking from her brother to the pair of wack-o's he unintentionally adopted: Really?
Hear me out. Nezuko initially squares up on the sister, but her Tanjirou's in Deep S*** Senses start tingling. Rui thinks he's won, only to get dive bombed by a protective demon sister.
Sanemi is gonna need a minute to process, and some aloe for the burns Nezuko dished out. And she definitely cussed at at least one Hashira.
Rest in Peace, Rengoku Kyojurou!
Yes! Demon Sibling Square Up!
Not Evil Demon Sibling Tag Team! The demons are in trouble!
Heck, yeah!
Yay! Genya lives! Why do I see Sanemi waking up post-Kokushibo, and looking at Nezuko for a minute, confusing everyone? Then he pulls a syringe out of no one knows where and does not hesitate to ram it into her shoulder. 'Cause it took a good few hours to work in canon, iirc. So imagine she and DKT turn back at the exact same time.
This gives them time to actually establish a relationship! Early days definitely featured some good ol' fashioned suplexing.
Ooh! Fun!
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kanae-koc0p · 9 months
Hashiras during a fire alarm headcanon
Modern Au, Kimetsu Academy Au
Shinobu Kocho
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Shinobu probably started the fire due to her ultimate art in demon slayer hinokami chronicals in her school uniform or mixing some chemicals together
she would probably be gone in a few seconds to not give any evidence on what she did
teacher are gonna be like " students, theres an actual fire! get in line blah blah blah...."
while Shinobu just there "opps.🙃"
Tengen Uzui
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He probably also started a fire with him throwing bombs at Zenitsu
evacuated eveyone of his students
(with the help of his wives)
idk but he probably got fired after that
Kyojirou Rengoku
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Rengoku is probably just yelling "Student, there's a fire. Everyone evacuate NOW"
Is very serious
after evacuated
hes just there like "AHAHAHA, There seems to be an actual fire.😃"
Mituri Kanroji
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Sweet baby is just trying to do school related things and did NOT expect a fire alarm
yelps pnce it started
is just like "well that was Very unexpected😖"
" wait! Is Igorou-kun here- o-oh. Thank god you're safe🥺😭😰"
Giyuu Tomioka
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he's sure screaming " EVERYONE, GET OUT SLOWLY. STAY IN LINE" like him yelling at tanjiro in episode 1
after evacuating, hes just like this is fine meme, "I deseverve to die"
nah but some other Hashira just dragged him out lol
Gyomei Hemeijima
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just him smelling some smoke and hears the alarm and just there CALMLY saying "Class, we need to evacuate now."
outside, he's just asking "did anyone of you started the fire? I'm not mad, I just want to know"
Idk how to write for this guy😭😭😭
Obanai Igorou
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although he doesn't like women (exept for Mitsuri) he will still protect them, They are still his students after all
"did any of you mix the worng chemicals together😠."
kabuamaru got scared so bad that it almost took a sh!t on Obanai
" Mitsuri are you here?!!!- oh. Thank god you're safe. I was so worried"
students,feel free to roll your eyes
Muichiro Tokitto
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bro doesn't even react, he's just there cloud gazing and thinking about burnt ass toast
"Muichiro! get out of the building! its on fire!!!"
seone please pick him up and run😰
"oh. Whats hapening?"
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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screams " GET OUT, GET OUT, NOW"
Doesn't seem like he would care but he does protect his students
"is everyone alright? Wait- Is kanae alright?!"
after everythings alright, he pretends that NEVER happened
This was a small request from my friend
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Today’s disabled character of the day is Gilto (Neugdae) from Living With One Leg, who is an amputee with a mobility aid. He was also in a coma, suffered a traumatic injury, and has an unspecified trauma disorder
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of a young boy with messy black hair in a ponytail and  bangs above his right eye. He's wearing a greyish blue durumagi with matching baji and hairtie, a slightly darker jeonbok over, and mituri. He's holding half a rusty do (Korean one-edged sword) with his right hand, a wooden crutch underneath his left arm, and has tied up the left leg on his baji.]
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ratheranonymousgirl · 7 months
Fabian: I typed "bitch" into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway.
Fabian: Vroom vroom, come out already.
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dianapopescu · 1 year
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Peștera: Simbol și semnificație
Ca și căi către lumea subpământeană, pline adesea cu formațiuni de stalagmite ciudate, peșterile apar în numeroase mituri, legende și religii simbolice. https://www.diane.ro/2023/04/pestera-simbol-si-semnificatie.html
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