#not joking about the irl gore part
tobirama-seppuku · 7 months
By the way my new main is @worldblight if y'all aren't annoying about IRL gore and mentalposting
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munson-blurbs · 10 months
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Inspired by this TikTok. Thank you to @lesservillain for the idea and to @emsgoodthinkin for brainstorming with me!
Summary: Eddie jumpscares you one too many times, and so you decide to freak him out at work. But who will be more shocked: him, or you?
Warnings: fem!reader, friends-to-lovers, idiots in love, brief description of (fake) gore, joke about throwing up (doesn't actually happen), kissing as a joke (please only kiss w/ consent irl)
WC: 1.3k
It was just a joke. 
A joke that had started when Eddie had barged into your house—the man wouldn’t knock if his life depended on it—and proudly announced, “I got the job!”
The job in question was a haunted house performer at Hawkins’ annual Fall Festival. You’d both been going since you were kids, and his favorite part had always been the haunted house. 
He’d gotten word about his new job in early September. By mid-October, you’re fully sick and tired of his antics. 
“Boo!” he’d yelled as he jumped out from behind the Wheeler’s couch, making you leap out of your seat. 
“Raaahhh!” he’d growled in your ear while you were in the midst of a conversation with Robin, and once your heartbeat returned to normal, you flipped him off. 
His enthusiastic “Gotcha!” during your history quiz was the final straw. You’d yelped, actually shrieked in the middle of class, clapping a hand over your mouth as Mrs. Click glared at you. 
“I’m gonna get you back for that,” you’d hissed once you’d turned in your exam, growing more irritated when he’d just shook his head. 
“You can’t scare me,” he retorted with a smirk, leaning up against a locker. “You’ve never been able to freak me out, and you never will. Don’t even try, little girl.”
Challenge accepted. 
You spend the rest of the week wracking your brain for ideas. What is Eddie Munson afraid of? What will shock him?
The obvious answer is hiding a prized possession and making him think it was stolen or lost. You grin to yourself as you picture him frantically searching for Sweetheart; maybe you could leave a ransom note of sorts. 
But that plan has too many moving pieces, so you scrap it. You’re about to give up entirely when Robin inadvertently gives you an idea. 
“You guys coming to Steve’s party tomorrow?” she asks in between bites of her turkey sandwich. 
“I’m down,” you eagerly agree, itching to have a night out with friends. 
When Robin turns to Eddie, he shakes his head. “Gotta work,” he reminds her, wiggling his fingers to emphasize the spooky nature of his job. 
Robin rolls her eyes. “Fine, okay. Stop by after. I promise we won’t make you play spin the bottle again.”
Eddie’s eyes widen, cheeks redden, and he gets up from the lunch table without another word. 
The plan is set: on Friday, before Steve’s party, you’ll pay Eddie a visit at the Fall Festival. It’ll be a visit he’ll never forget, you’re sure of that. 
Robin stands with you outside the haunted house, picking at a funnel cake with powdered sugar-coated fingers. “I’ll wait out here,” she promises, “but when you’re done, I wanna hear everything. Especially the look on his face.”
“You got it.” You shoot her a thumb’s up as you jog up to the bored-looking attendant taking tickets. 
You’re in. 
The first room just sets the tone. Eerie organ music pulses through an ancient sound system, and a fog machine creates a steam that prevents you from seeing the floor. Cobwebs hang in the corners of the ceiling, though you’re suspicious that they’re not intentional decorations. 
Eddie’s not in the next room, either; just a woman wearing a blood-spattered wedding dress, wielding a knife and clutching a plastic severed head. She’s screaming something about, “teaching him not to cheat with a bridesmaid,” and looks vaguely annoyed that you’re not quaking with terror. 
You go through three more rooms, getting increasingly irritating with the lack of Eddie in each one. He’s working tonight, so he has to be here—
Loud, stomping footsteps follow you into the dungeon-themed section of the house, and your heart skips a beat as you lay eyes on him. A distorted mask covers his face, but his unruly curls give him away despite the mad scientist costume he’s donning. He holds up a knife and creeps closer, a low growl emanating from his throat. You run until you no longer can, and he easily traps you, the cold metal gate pressing into your back. 
If you’re going to do it, now’s your chance. 
In one swift motion, you turn him so he’s backed up into the gate. A soft, confused “wha—?” leaves his lips as you lift his mask and lean in before you lose your nerve. Your lips press against his; hands on his cheeks as he accepts the way you melt into him.
Why isn’t he pulling away? Why isn’t he laughing and appreciating your prank? Why does it seem like he wants this…like he’s BEEN wanting this?
Fuck. Fuck. 
This isn’t what you were expecting. He’s kissing you back, surprised but hungry, and you’re the one who ends up breaking away. 
Before he can begin to question what’s happening, you dash out of the room. No. No, no, no. Your head spins as you attempt to process the emotions pulsing through your veins. 
It was supposed to be a way of getting him back for his unwavering desire to scare you. Show him what it’s like to be the one on the other side of the joke. Because that’s all it was; a joke. 
So why do you want to kiss him again?
Fresh air hits you like a slap in the face, and once you find Robin, you cling to her like a lifeline. 
“We have to go,” you mumble, dragging her to the exit and refusing to make eye contact. 
“Whoa, what happened?” When you refuse to answer, she sighs but doesn’t relent. “C’mon, did he, like, throw up or something?”
You shake your head. “I think he liked it.”
“Of course he did,” she says with a laugh, “the guy’s in love with you.” She nudges your hip with her own. “Toldja he would lose his shit.”
Your mouth goes dry. “Robs…when I said that I wanted him to ‘freak out,’ what did you think I meant?”
Robin crinkles her nose. “Um, that the Dingus-ette—that’s you—and her doting Dingus were finally going to admit that they have big, stupid crushes on each other?” Her expression falters when you stop in your tracks. “What did you mean?”
“I wanted,” you start, swallowing hard like a gob of peanut butter is stuck to the roof of your mouth, “I wanted to get him back for scaring me. I wanted to freak him out.”
“Mission accomplished.”
She’s no longer looking at you when she speaks, and you follow her gaze to where Eddie’s shuffling over to you. You want to beg her to stay, but she just squeezes your hand in a silent good luck. 
“Hi.” Eddie’s voice is uncharacteristically quiet. “Can we talk?”
You can only nod in response. His mask is atop his mess of curls, and you can see the longing in his eyes. How have you never noticed it before? How did you not notice the need within yourself?
“Actually, I’m lying. I don’t want to talk.” With that, his arms pull you into him, torsos pressed together, and he’s kissing you. It’s like a missing link in a chain you hadn’t realized was broken, and you allow your hands to drape over his shoulders. You can feel him trembling slightly as he deepens the kiss. 
“You okay?” you murmur against his lips. 
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” he answers, ducking his head behind his curtain of hair. “Guess ‘m just a little freaked out that this is really happening.”
A smile twitches at the corners of your mouth, and you lace your fingers with his. 
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fisherpon · 2 years
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Tumblrpon Retrospective: 1-16/16 “The Shared History”
First and foremost, let me get this out of the way: I’m not leaving. This is not a goodbye message, this is marking the end of the Great Draft Dump with a look back upon my time in Tumblrpon. This will be a very long post, hence the pagebreak.
Comic sprites commissioned from @darkfiretaimatsu Final art commissioned from @askmovieslate Background vectors by BonesWolbach Editing by me
Credits for each drawblog are after the page cut.
A long time ago, I had a saying. “Ten days online is like a year IRL.” What I meant by that is that so much stuff happens online and so quickly that if you go away for a couple weeks and come back, things may look completely different. Just think of the addition of ‘blorbo’ to Tumblr vocabulary, for instance. My point is, on that measure, I’ve been a part of Tumblrpon for 408 Fyears (Fandom years). Considering the oldest trace of Tumblrpon we could find is 415 Fyears old and the show itself is 438 Fyears old, it’s safe to say I’ve been around for a while. And, like any old dragon, I've lived through a lot and got some stories to tell.
The Beginning
When I started, Tumblrpon was small, but vibrant. There were drawblogs, indeed; the First, Applebloom; the Drunkard, Berry Pnuch; the Musician; Octavia, and surely others I have forgotten. In these very early days, Tumblrpon was mostly roleplayers. Among them, the Second Queens, the Lawlicorn Diarchy. This was the age of magic anons, of KA-THINGY spells and the invention of the word ‘ponification’. Aside from the drawblogs, here I have remembered some of the more prominent roleplayers of the era, many of whom were, and are, my dear friends. Many of them are still roleplaying in the depths of Tumblrpon, long since overshadowed by drawblogs. I still think they’re the core of Tumblrpon, though; more on that later.
Eventually, however, one drawblog would appear that would change everything. Easily the most influential Tumblrpon drawblog of all time, and perhaps the most deserving of the title Queen of Tumblrpon. The Third Queen, Pinkamena. Before her entry, grimdark elements like Cupcakes and Scootabuse were frowned upon, even hated. Pinkamena rose up and destroyed that barrier. She was by far the best-drawn drawblog up to that point, and pulled no punches when it came to blood and gore. And in doing this, she became famous outside of Tumblrpon. Her art spread to Ponibooru and other pony outlets online, and seeing what she was doing here brought many, many, many other artists to Tumblrpon. She arrived 3 days before me, and within a year of her arrival there would be hundreds of drawblogs. Her presence was brief, but her influence ever-lasting. This was the beginning of our finest era.
The Golden Age
Over the next few years, Tumblrpon thrived. This was also the golden era of the fandom as a whole, the period from Season 2 to roughly 6 or 7. With every new episode, drawblogs would pop up out of the woodwork. With each new character, multiple drawblogs would appear, often with variants. Tumblrpon-wide memes happened; Misty’s Hoodie, Rainbow Chubbie, Yellow vs Blue Pegasi, Ghost Trixie’s Memorial and the Somboom were but a few of them. Collab drawblogs appeared that were simply ‘put all the drawblogs of this one character in the same house’. I went to my first Bronycon (thanks to a charity drive by my Tumblrpon artist friends) and was part of the first of many Tumblrpon panels, through which we brought even more artists into our community. In the midst of all this, I jokingly called Raikissu the Queen of Tumblrpon, and it ended up turning into a massive injoke among our group of friends (which, because it included a lot of influential drawblogs, turned it into a Tumblrpon-wide injoke). They're the only one who really got to experience that title, making them the Fourth Queen. They were also the last, since eventually people didn’t realize it was a joke and started getting uptight at them about it.
As for me, running Fisherpon was a lot of work. I had separate categories of tags that I would search through, some daily, some weekly, some monthly and some yearly, and I would fully tag and put everything into the queue. I had to make a second Tumblr account and move Fisherpon to a secondary blog so I could bypass the 300/day post limit to handle all the content! But it was too much, and eventually I burnt out. I don’t remember exactly when it happened, but I think it was sometime in 2016. After that point, I stopped trawling the tags as much. I was following most of Tumblrpon (often running into the following limit of 5000 blogs), and through them I often saw new drawblogs (which I reblogged) and good pony art (which I tossed into the drafts, for when I’d eventually get around to processing it). Most of my blog’s activity turned into liveblogging new episodes, and Tumblrpon itself left its growth phase and plateaued.
Bit of a side note: In early 2017, a very dear member of the community passed away. He’d been there since the beginning, had one of the most unique ‘draw’ blogs, and was a close friend to a lot of us. Despite not liking alcohol myself, I still raise a toast in his honor on every anniversary of his passing. I still miss you, Rusty. You wise old bastard.
Anyhow, on to the most prominent event in Tumblr’s history:
The Purge
When the news dropped, I was travelling abroad in Korea so I wasn’t watching Tumblrpon closely. However, when all my Discord groups exploded, it was pretty hard to ignore. I feared that it would be the end of Tumblrpon as a whole, and wrote a dissertation about Tumblrpon’s history and my memories from the site. That goes into more detail on my origin story, if you’re interested in that.
And, as I expected, it did a lot of damage. Many drawblogs that were already on hiatus used it to justify finally ending their blogs, and a lot of ones that were active found themselves struck out of the sky by a stupid bot that couldn’t recognize boobs if it motorboated them. Tumblr gained a reputation as being unfriendly to artists, especially for those grimdark and risque artists Pinkamena had attracted to Tumblrpon in the first place. I’ve heard that roughly 30% of the site’s users left entirely, and in no place was it more obvious than my dashboard. Despite following thousands of accounts, there were and are days where I catch up on my dashboard to where I was the previous day and have to wait for new posts to appear. That would never have happened back in the Golden Age. Tumblrpon had already been slowly declining, but watching Tumblr shoot its foot off and strangle Tumblrpon (among other fandoms) was very depressing and radicalizing.
However, despite the purge, Tumblrpon lived on. There was talk of migrating to Pillowfort, NewTumbl or Mastodon, but they never caught on well enough to seriously shift the userbase. Despite everything, some new drawblogs popped up, and some of the old drawblogs that survived the purge kept on ticking and gained new prominence (or were simply no longer overshadowed) among the ruins. Things clearly would never be the same, and yet not everything had been lost. It was reassuring, in a way.
Meanwhile, outside of Tumblr, another great star was nearing the end of its life. The show itself, our source of fuel. It whose whims had given birth to thousands of drawblogs during the Golden Age, and whose fancies had caused no end of trouble for drawblogs whose canon counterparts went through big changes (cough Twilicorn cough). Nothing can last forever, and Season 9 would be the last season. Generation 5 was still at least a couple years away, so I decided to finally lower my standards and bring myself to post pony art without proper tags. I know, it sounds silly now, but I took great pride in my post organization and it took a lot of willpower to override that. I made a post telling people about my plans for the Great Draft Dump and started posting again, dripfeeding Tumblrpon with a post (almost) every hour from my reserves.
The Present
And now, here we are. A year past my original ending estimation and a couple weeks short of 3 years since it began. I could have pushed it to 3 years, but today is also the 12th anniversary of the very first episode that started it all so I figured this would be a better ending point.
Tumblrpon is still recovering from the Purge. They’ve dialed back the bot, and that combined with Twitter imploding (or something?) has helped bring artists back to some degree (or perhaps it’s due to COVID stuffing everyone inside), but there’s still a long way to go. We have new horse content again, and while it doesn’t seem to have the same spark G4 had it has breathed some new life into the fandom which is nice to see. There’s even been a handful of G5 drawblogs that have appeared, even though we still don’t seem to have any for Zipp or Hitch which is weird (especially in comparison to the dozens of drawblogs each Mane 6 member had back in the day). And yet, I’m still reminded of times long past. With most of the drawblogs gone, a lot of the activity on my dash is made of roleplayers once again. They’re not the same roleplayers as back in Oldest Tumblrpon, of course, but I feel as long as they continue roleplaying and interacting with each other Tumblrpon will never truly die.
And that is my history lesson. They may not be aware of it, but the new generation of drawblogs and roleplayers carry on a 415-Fyear-old legacy, part of which I’ve included in this comic. Just as we were Tumblrpon, so are you. To every blogger who ever drew a pony answering a question, and to every roleplayer who by interacting with others helped knit Tumblrpon together, I am deeply grateful. Undoubtedly, in the making of this comic I’ve forgotten ponies who should have been included, and to those I deeply apologize as well.
As for me? I’ll still be here. Ever-watching, ever-promoting, though perhaps not as much as I used to. The tanks are dry now, and everything I post will be from the present rather than the past. I’ll probably just toss it all into the queue and have it post whatever it gets a few times a day. Thanks to Tumblrpon, I gained a lot of horse friends, and it’s always great fun meeting up with them at conventions or hanging out with them in my personal Discord server (the Tumblrpon Block Party). If you made it all the way to the end of my tale and you want an invite to it, or if you have a new drawblog you want me to promote, or if you just want to chat, feel free to message me. After all, like I said at the beginning:
I’m not leaving.
Blogs featured in the comic (Queens bolded): Again, if I forgot you, my apologies. My memory’s far from perfect and there’s only so much space on the billboard.
Beginning (Panel 2): @askapplebloom-blog (archive of the original one) @vindicarthehippogriff @faithful-student @rainbowdash-answers @askberrypnuch @askrustynail (RIP. Survived by @techmomma) @askoctavia @ask-reginald-dragon @asklyra @queenfrau @draggity @ask-nightmaremoon @mythic-swirl @trollestiaanswers-blog-blog @stilllunaanswers
Early Golden Age (Panel 3): @askpinkaminadianepie @askmlcblobs @ask-doctorcolgate @ask-sadistic-rarity @ask-dr-adorable @thetalesofwildcard @askterry @asklittlepip @askhotbloodedpinkie @ask-misty-wonderbolt-blog-blog @raindropsanswers @ask-sapphire-eye-rarity @askprincessmolestia @askcharliefoxtrot @junes-pony @askfluttershyandpinkiepie @spittfire @asksirlintalot @ask-glittershell @ponyhawkesho @askdeadrainbowdash @askpiratedash @askvelvet @askstonedtrixie @asksurprisearchive (archive of the original one) @ask-jappleack @askspirit @sweetiebotreplies @askthenightguards @ask-grimdark-bigmac @askpalette-swap @just-flutterguy-replies @susie-queen-of-the-vampireponies @seaponyluna @askbadbloom @askmeaniebelle @ask-scootabot (sequel to the original)
Late Golden Age (Panel 5-7): @raikissu @vocationaldeathcruise (Somehow, this is still up) @askstalkerloo @asklaura-and-naki @outofworkderpy @ask-dinky-dawberry-doo @ask-doctor-dimension @ask-cyberpunkspitfire @ask-thaumaturge-pony @luna-afterdark @ask-dolly @askmovieslate @cmcnext @thehorsewife @askflufflepuff @questionpinkamena @lilmissrarity @fiddlesticks-archives-blog @darkfiretaimatsu @askfirestarterspitfire @fristart @under-renewal (Ask the CMC) @ask-acepony @pinkiepiesolutions @askshinytheslime @reversal-mushroom @askpun @askloona @ask-de-writer @askresearchertwilight @ask-king-sombra (Somboom reflected in window) @ask-fillytwilight (has since been taken over by a russian pornbot) @ask-ikea-pony @askbananapie @askseriousrainbow @motherlyscootaloo @butters-the-alicorn @thecoopontlc (the first collab drawblog) @ask-canterlot-musicians
Post-Purge (Panel 11): @rainbowdashsmailbagthings @thelunararmy @aerialaim @whirlwindflux @ask-louvely @unlocktheaskblog @adorkabletwilightandfriends @askburningstream @glimglamandpals
Now (Panel 13): @askalbinopie (Fellow Keeper of the Past, except that they also have the art skills to do it justice. If Rai hadn’t abdicated and killed off the Queen system, I’d prolly make Alby the 5th for their art skills and their understanding of our history.) @askjetstream @questionthedoctor @twila-bloggin @ask-izzy-moonbow @askquartzandcord @askdrunktwilight @darkreplies @sunny-and-sparkle @ask-narratordoe @ask-pippamena (What did I say earlier? Pinkamena’s legacy lives on.) @asklostcelestia @a-spoonful-o-generosity @askcharmingshadow @ask-shutter-ghost Here’s a funky fact for those of you who came alllllll the way down here. In late 2011/early 2012, right when Tumblrpon started expanding, there was a lot of Homestuck on my dash as it was still updating at the time. Because of that, I have approximate knowledge of many parts of the mid-to-late part of Homestuck, and also because of it I considered opening up a second Fisher blog for Homestuck material. Fisherstuck. Who knows how things would be today had I done that? Who knows....
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borbology · 5 months
Commisions, maybe...
Hey guys, as you may know I recently had to take my rat to the vet because he suddenly developed a big lump on the side of his neck. When they took a sample of the fluid inside they offered to send it to pathology for $200 USD and I accepted because I wanted to know what it was. But I was lied to. When I got the itemized bill they actually charged me $360 to send it out, totalling the whole bill to $491. I tried to call them but they already sent the sample out and said there was nothing they could do J:\ (probably bullshit) Anyway, I only have a part-time job now and it's very difficult for me to save. Trying to live in America honestly has me so mad, there's so much about it I hate, and those things contributed to me being a late-bloomer. I'm 24 and I still can't drive and I just now started college. I have $8,000 in savings and that's it. Few people here can even afford to move out before 30 and I am definitely not going to be one of them. Thinking about it makes me depressed.
I don't have the time for it now because of college and because I'm working on some commissions for people irl, but I'm thinking in the spring I might try to open commissions. I was just kinda wondering if anyone would even be interested in that.
Obviously, I'd make the information more clear when I was about to open it, but just for now, the basics ...
What I AM WILLING to draw:
Strictly Kirby related art (because this is a kirby blog)
Original characters
Most ships
Profile pics and banner images
Cover art (for your comic or fanfiction)
Gore / horror
Sketch, full color, or full render
What I am NOT WILLING to draw:
Some ships (depending mostly on how it is treated)
Fully NSFW (nsfw themes or jokes are fine, but no actual porn)
Drawings with context that treats a subject insensitively (e.g. no art for your cringe ptsd fanfics when you clearly have no idea what you're writing about)
Those are pretty much the only things where I draw the line, at least that I can think of right now.
So...would that interest you? Please let me know :p
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mcytshippystuff · 10 months
Can I ask how you view Brunim and Forever's relationship since you mentioned it in your last post? You said you viewed it as toxic on both ends and that it messed Forever up, can you go into more detail?
(as always, /rp, not irl) Also go here for more hcs on q!Forever's relationships this ask is referencing!
Okay so!! Like I said before in that posts tags, I dont know a WHOLE lot about the canon relationship between q!Forever and... c!Brunim? q!Brunim? Whatever, I dont know the canon but from what iv seen, in rp its very much not healthy. So I ended up building my own hcs for them and idk how accurate they are canon wise but I still like em regardless so im sticking to em lol!
(Tw for talks of abuse, toxic relationships, and unhealthy relationships!)
So first thing to note; These guys were really fucked up, toxic, and probs abusive in several places. They started out softer, kinder, safer, but it did not stay that way. Still, know that they loved each other regardless.
In my head, Brunim was very much the aggressor, and the one who started being toxic, abusive, and obsessive about Forever, and was worse about it. Forever ended up becoming toxic and doing toxic/shitty/obsessive things in turn as a by product. I wont say Brunim was the only one who had issues and did bad things but Forever only ended up becoming like that becuase Brunim taught him that's how he showed love in their relationship, so he showed it that way back ya know?
But thing is they stopped being happy, stopped awhile ago in fact and realized they couldn't keep doing this to each other, hurting each other, for both their sakes. Its hard to recognize you are doing something wrong, and it was even harder to let go, for real this final time, and only through help did they manage it but they did.
But the thing is, Brunim was Forever's first real relationship, and it had messed him up. Untangling yourself from that sort of thing is fucking hard, knowing where the line is or where something is toxic and unhealthy romantic wise (or even in general) is even harder when its pretty much your only real frame of reference and unlearning all that shit is hard and takes time too.
So when Forever got to the island, while he's made leaps and bounds from where he use to be, enough he can mess around and even joke with someone who reminds him of Brunim without actually having issues with it (at least at first lol), is still in the process of trying to unlearn his more unhealthy behaviors and expectations.
That's where some of his more concerning phrases or claims come from, either not knowing the line as he crosses it due to skewed misconceptions, saying it jokingly becuase he'd never actually go through with it (though probs shouldn't of said it regardless but hey that's coping with trauma for ya), or knowing the line but crossing it anyways on impulse and having to pull back becuase he doesn't mean it/regrets it. He would never on purpose dip back into those toxic behaviors but like I said, still unlearning and understanding those.
Forever would never actually go through with anything toxic, abusive, or unhealthy for the most part on purpose btw, if that wasn't clear.
There is a little bit, like mentioned in the main post, where when he does start to catch feelings it is becuase of him confusing Brunim with Phil, but Forever does beginning to actually fall for him and it takes a bit to fully separate them, and his expectations of it all. But hell he cant stop loving Phil even if he does eventually see Phil will not change his mind about Forever loving him.
But anyhoo enough about the main thing, smaller but still important stuff-
Like I said Brunim was Forever's first real relationship, and they did actually love each other under all the shit it became. Didn't mean any of what happened was okay tho.
Brunim is a vampire, and fed off regularly of Forever. He didn't have issues with it at first but quickly became painful and a bad time.
(tw for scars and a bit of gore) Forever actually has a horrific scar on his neck from the feedings, though its hard to tell if it becuase Brunim would very slightly shift around where he would bite in to feed over time so it became a mass of scar tissue, or if he ripped out a chunk of Forever's flesh for whatever reason. Forever usually keeps it covered but it burns sometimes.
Brunim's way of punishing Forever was usually to lock him up until he behaved again, specially if they were on "break" and Brunim wanted Forever back. Hence why Forever uttered "lock you up until love me." He wasn't serious about it but later feels sick he said it even jokingly.
Forever is surprisingly mentally stable despite all this and has worked hard on his mental health, thanks to therapy. Most of his issues, like I said, come from trying to unlearn all that toxic shit and unhealthy behaviors.
They really miss each other but tbh its more they miss what they had before, as well as the comfort in the not being alone despite the pain. Regardless Forever will never go back to Brunim, even if they both change for the better.
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havocskies · 2 years
hi u can do vance hopper x shy male reader who loves reading horror books and drawing gore horror stuff
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ofc i can !! i love this sm actually omg, thank you for requesting !!! as a shy horror nerd and someone who loves drawing this will be so easy to write i think
also i know requests are getting done very slowly it's bc i'm trying to work on all of them n most of them are fics 😭 i have stuff goin on irl too </33 also this is not proofread unfortunately 🫶
TWs: none
"What are you drawing?"
As a particularly familiar voice greets your ears you look up, your attention stolen away from your sketchbook. It was your boyfriend who was currently hanging out with you. At the moment he seemed to be watching you draw, looming over your shoulder. In any other circumstance this would likely seem intimidating but he was your boyfriend no matter how scary he accidentally was sometimes.
"A killer from this one new horror movie I saw - Texas Chainsaw Massacre I think? It's pretty cool. I'm drawing Nubbins, the weird hitchhiker dude." You explain, the tips of your mouth being pulled into a careful smile. You didn't often talk this much about your drawings but you knew Vance was genuinely curious, even if he had no idea what you were drawing half the time. He liked horror movies but he wasn't an avid fan like you were. Plus you liked books more than movies, and books weren't really Vance's thing.
"Oh, I heard about that I think. I thought you liked books though?" Vance questioned, watching the careful movements of your pencil on paper with interest. His question made you giggle a little which earned you a small glare in return.
"I do, it just seemed interesting. I can still watch movies, y'know. I did draw Carrie earlier today, though. The girl from that one book by Steven King? She was bullied a lot and got pigs blood dumped on her at prom, went absolutely crazy?" You tried your best to explain the book in hopes your boyfriend would understand but he simply stared blankly, his mouth pushed into a frown. You tried your best not to giggle but Vance looked so much less intimidating while he was confused you couldn't help but find it a little cute.
He didn't find it as amusing as you did. Instead he huffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm not a nerd like you, I don't read every book that I see." He shot back despite nothing being said in the first place.
"I think you'd actually like reading. If you weren't on that pinball machine all day, I mean. I swear you like it more than me." You joke. This seems to spark some amusement in Vance. He laughs, and you laugh in return. Even so, he's quick to defend himself as always.
"I do not! You might as well love your books more, you stare at them more than you stare at me." He playfully pushes your shoulder which may have been a little too hard but you know he means nothing by it. You decide to drop the subject and turn the page to the drawing of Carrie you had finished before Vance came over. It was the scene where Carrie was dying at the end and Sue found her. You liked that scene a lot, it was nice to know Carrie died knowing Sue didn't hate her.
Vance stares at the drawing, his brows furrowed. "What's going on in it?" Oh. You had forgotten he wasn't aware.
"Carrie, the one dying, is kind of reading Sue's mind before she dies. She finds out Sue didn't actually hate her and didn't know what was going to happen at prom. I just like the scene, I don't know." You shrug, dismissing everything else you'd like to say about the book. While you're practically obsessed with it you know Vance doesn't really care for books at all, so you decide not to bore him about it. To your surprise he inquires more about it, anyway.
"What's the rest of the book about?" He seems genuinely interested, his gaze fixed on the drawing as he stares at every part, every detail. You hesitate for a second before answering briefly.
"This girl, like 17 or 18 I think, is bullied at school for being really sheltered by her mom. She doesn't really know a lot and is just kind of an outcast, I guess." You watch Vance's expression and surprisingly he's still listening, waiting for you to continue. You do. "Anyway, Sue gets Tommy to take her to prom so she can have a good time and live her life like an actual person. Her mom's super religious though so she didn't like it but Carrie went anyway. Another group of people poured pigs blood on her while they were crowned queen and queen."
Vance seemed as though he were in thought for a moment before he quickly fixed his expression. "It sounds okay, I guess." He shrugged and tapped his fingers against his arms. He normally fiddled with his pocket knife but you had recently asked him not to do it around you, it often made you nervous. He was understanding, and you knew he would be. Vance was without a doubt scary but you were his boyfriend, he wasn't going to scare you. Not with any harm, anyway.
Instead Vance had a habit of simply sneaking up on you or showing up behind corners while you were distracted. He still took joy in being an absolute menace, unfortunately. You're taken away from your thoughts as your boyfriend takes your pencil from your hand and more carefully takes your sketchbook. You allow him, you knew he had no malicious intent.
Often times when he took your sketchbook he simply wanted to look through it or occasionally doodle. This time it seemed as though he were trying to copy your drawing of Carrie right beside your own. His lips were pressed together and his brows furrowed as he focused, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly more when he messed up and had to erase his mistake. You weren't sure if he was frustrating himself until he threw the pencil down onto the bed and looked at you with a proud grin.
You take your attention away from Vance and look at his copy of your drawing. A small smile is placed upon your face as you study it. It really wasn't that good, but Vance was proud of it and it certainly was a bit better than it normally was. If your drawing wasn't right there you'd be able to guess it was Carrie. Had he been practicing or something?
"You have some competition, now." Your boyfriend boasted, his arms crossed as he looked down at your sketchbook and then back up to you. You snort, shaking your head a little in disbelief. "Clearly. Stop practicing, i'm supposed to be the artsy one in this relationship, that's my job. Not yours."
Vance let out a laugh at your response. "Maybe I will take your place. Be careful." You rolled your eyes in attempts to show your false lack of approval but the smile plastered onto your expression proved otherwise. You couldn't believe it, before you had dated Vance you would've assumed the most artsy thing he was interested in was carving things with his pocket knife. You were proven wrong, apparently.
Whether it was from an actual new interest in drawing or his competitive nature in general you weren't sure, but you weren't complaining. You were glad he at least had some sort of interest in the things your interested in, even if it was just to try and be better than you at it. An idea popped up into your head, an idea anyone else would get punched for even considering. You were his boyfriend though, so you were pretty much safe.
"I'll just beat your highscore at pinball or something. Doesn't seem that hard." You shrugged, taking a quick glance at Vance's expression. He looked shocked, his mouth slightly opened and his eyes wide. You almost laughed but you managed to bite your tongue. As much as you knew Vance wouldn't actually hurt you you couldn't count on him putting you in a light headlock, which was probably what he was considering right now.
"You wouldn't even get close." Vance's voice got lower, his tone nowhere far away from threatening. Still, the spark of amusement in his eyes is still there. He's only teasing.
"I'm thinking about it. Since we're picking up new hobbies and all." You flip through the pages of your sketchbook to try and seem as though this conversation wasn't interesting you in the slightest. You probably just looked a little dumb.
"You absolutely will not!" Vance quickly moves forward and holds you close in a position where you could barely move. You can't help but laugh, your fists flying backwards in an attempt to get out of your boyfriend's grasp. It comes nowhere near working but you can feel the vibrations of him trying his best to stop himself from laughing, too. It wasn't really working that well.
"Vance Hopper I will break that pinball machine instead!" You cackled, finally landing a hit on Vance. By the way he grunted and seemed to almost stagger a little you could tell you had accidentally hurt him more than you wanted to. Before you could even pause and apologize he was back to teasing as if you hadn't even done anything at all.
"I'll just take your sketchbook, then." Your boyfriend stated in a matter-of-fact tone. You barely even get your words out before he lets go and grabs your sketchbook before you get a chance to. Vance quickly gets off of your bed and you copy his movements, the two of you pausing as you wait for the other to move. You move first, grabbing for your sketchbook only for him to let out a bark of laughter and run out of your room. You want to say something but you decide to save your breath for the chase you knew he was likely going to win.
Vance ran from cops significantly more than you did. You never ran from cops, you didn't have to. This wasn't the first time he had unceremoniously stolen something from you and ran, unfortunately. He seemed to find it entertaining and while you did, too in a sense it didn't always end in you winning. Still, you decide to feed his already overgrown ego and chase him around your house in hopes he won't accidentally break anything in the process.
It doesn't take you long to catch up, once you get downstairs you find him waiting right in the living room. The second he sees you, though, he starts running again and you do, too. You dodge various pieces of furniture, almost knocking one of the chairs in your dining room over. Thankfully Vance is much less clumsy than you and as far as you have seen hasn't come close to breaking anything or knocking anything over.
"Give it!" You demand, your breath overtaking your voice as you struggle to get it back. Vance is struggling too, his chest rising and lowering as he stands with your sketchbook on the other side of the table. Rather than a proper response he gives an out of breath laugh. You know you won't get your stolen property back by simply catching him, that boy has outrun probably half of the police officers in Denver easily.
You try your best to formulate a plan in your head. You could trick him, but you weren't really sure how. Even though he had already failed two grades and was easily going on year three he wasn't an idiot. Whatever you quickly came up with he'd definitely figure out without a doubt. Bribery, maybe. The only thing he cares about his pinball, though, and you weren't that keen on wasting money when you knew he'd give it back eventually.
Even so, you wanted to win. You may be the polar opposite of your boyfriend personality wise but you were equally as competitive. You were going to get that sketchbook back on your own.
"I'll give you money for pinball if you give me my sketchbook." You try your best to hide your growing smirk. Vance raised one singular eyebrow, his breaths becoming more regulated as time goes on. You don't need a verbal response to know he's considering and likely wants you to go on.
"Enough for like - a few games maybe? I know you're short on change right now, you were complaining about it earlier at the Grab n' Go." You knew this because you were the one Vance was complaining to. You often watched him play pinball the same as he often watched you draw.
"Okay, deal." Vance shrugs, stepping forward. You know Vance, and you know he's not just gonna give it to you that easily. You're gonna have to be equally as mean if you want that sketchbook as bad as he does. As soon as he walks close enough you waste no time to tackle him to the ground, catching him off guard and causing both of you to tumble into the ground.
Before Vance has enough time to react you grab your sketchbook from his hands and try your best to get up. Instead he grabs your ankle and pulls you down, crawling forward in attempt to grab your own sketchbook from your hands after you had just taken it back from him. You loved him, but the audacity this boy has sometimes is truly unbelievable. Determined to not let Vance take it again you slide it across the floor, causing your boyfriend to pause and curse under his breath.
You could tell he was beginning to take this seriously. You were too, in a sense. You really wanted to win for once and Vance could tell. The two of you rush forward, your socks sliding on the floor of the dining room as you both try your best to get there first. Without thinking you push Vance's face away to try and give you enough time and stop him a little. It works, and you feel your sketchbook in your hands once again.
You decide to not make the mistake of lingering again and bolt upstairs deciding running outside with Vance chasing you would look a little odd without context. You also didn't feel like getting your socks dirty. Your boyfriend wastes no time chasing after you as you make your ways upstairs, the thumping of two pairs of feet on the stairs probably enough to cause an earthquake if you both tried hard enough.
You make it into your room before Vance does and, knowing exactly what he's gonna try, shove it into one of your drawers right after closing the door on his face. It opens right after you shut the drawer closed, leaving you to stand in your own room empty handed and a little nervous. Your boyfriend looks over your room in a frenzy to try and find your sketchbook and quickly gives up, accepting the sketchbook is gone but not yet accepting you actually won.
A proud grin adorns your face, your whole body shaking with leftover adrenaline from being chased around your own house and being knocked to the ground once or twice. Vance stares at you before huffing and sitting down onto your bed, the mattress shifting with the new weight of your boyfriend. You join him.
"So I don't get the change for pinball?" He asks, his voice full of disappointment that really doesn't match his personality at all. You sigh and roll your eyes ever so slightly, the smallest of smiles appearing as you fished through your pockets for change. As you hand it over to Vance his expression immediately lights up and he affectionately punches you in the shoulder, maybe a little harder than necessary. "Alright, thanks." He laughs, putting the coins into his own pockets. You really got robbed twice.
You snort in response and Vance seems to stare at your small bookshelf, his eyes apparently caught on a specific one. You follow his gaze but can't tell exactly which one he's looking at specifically, there are quite a few.
"Hey, isn't that the book you were talking about?" You narrow your eyes in thought before you finally come across the memory.
"Oh, yeah. Carrie. Why?"
"Can I uh - borrow it or something? I probably won't finish it, I'm not a literal nerd like you, but you seemed to like it so maybe it's not that bad." He shrugged nonchalantly, though his fixed attention on the book broke his 'cool guy' facade. You smirk, standing up and grabbing the book from the shelf.
"Sure, I don't mind. Just give it back at some point, please." You can't help but chuckle, holding the book out towards your boyfriend. He gives an indignant snort in response and takes it from your hands.
"No promises."
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 4 months
Hi! Little info about me!
Don’t have a name I’m comfortable using on this site rn (I avoid using my real name, and I’m thinking of finding a more gender neutral version of my name irl)
Ok with the username-nickname Coffee, though!
He/They preferred
I draw stuff??? Write when I can? I’m probably gonna do a FNAF AU fan comic if I ever get the motivation.
I’m pretty opinionated on fandom topics (especially theories and shipping discourse), so please be aware of this and expect I do rant a lot, especially about the FNAF community.
-FNAF (all posts part of my AU)
-Batman (again, AU)
-SCP (just getting into it)
-Dungeon Meshi
-My Eyes Deceive
DNI: Pro/comshippers, M@PS/p*dos, zoos, terfs, bigots, trolls, etc (you guys know who you are). 18+/NSFW accounts can interact, but don’t send me inappropriate content or reblog my content.
Content warnings (I tag these things): blood, violence, gore, mental illness depictions and fandom-typical abuse. Suggestive/raunchy jokes may show up but I don’t post explicit content ever. SA implications or mentions may show up in some of my content for my stories (mainly with my William A.’s backstory) but ONLY in implicative form (do NOT interact with such posts if you are trying to get off to them- it’s serious content matter, not a kink fic). Also, this isn’t a vore blog, but I do mention SFW (yes, NONSEXUAL) vore in jokes and characters posts from time to time.
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Do not DM me weird stuff or I block u immediately.
Requests and in character asks open! Just click that ask button! (Please)
Totally fine to repost my art or use it as an icon, just credit me!
Likes < reblogs, but do whatever you want any attention or interaction is greatly appreciated.
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butchsunbear · 5 months
Welcome to My Blog
My name is Bear, this is my hornyposting blog. I'm an 18 year old butch lesbian. Gender is just dyke. Pronouns are they/it/she/whatever neos you think are cool.
I'm mostly using this blog so I can follow more... nsfw accounts without getting that stuff on my main dash.
I'm a furry, my current sona is a sun bear, hence the name. I might post art here, might not.
I'm way too nervous irl to actually share fantasies and stuff in a non-joking way, so this what I got
I'm a switch I guess. Still kinda figuring that part out
I'm on two spectrums, autism and nonbinary!
Butches please follow me you're so cool and handsome
Trans friendly, loving my trans friends!
All mentions of dick/whatever word I use are meant in a lesbian context, this ain't some het daddy blog or whatever, it can be strap or just whatever the fantasized person is packing.
The housebutch anon @stereotypicalsanriofemme
Submit asks, I'll try and answer if I feel comfortable!
Hard no's for anything I write include: Urine, gore, scat, vore, knives, gunplay, and vomit
A terf/gendercritical/whatever the fuck you call it now
Ageless/under 18
A zoo/pedo or supporter
you have a detrans kink
A zionist, or zionism supporter
feederism or proana
A cishet man
you have an incest kink
Raceplay/Racist in general
Diaper fetish
Autism speaks/ABA supporter
General furry stuff
Transformation (mostly furry/monster)
Praise kink
General hornyposting about how much I love women
Werewolf smut
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femme-objet · 1 year
i think a fundamental flaw of early-to-mid 2010s "social-justice" politics (which i was a part of at some points) is that it chose as an axiom that "if someone complains about something, it is inherently serious and you have to act" which left it completely unequipped to deal with concern trolling or sea lioning or even just disagreements within communities.
like an obvious example would be the pomegranate post. where someone posted a close-up of a pomegranate and got cancelled for not wanting to tag it "#tw gore" because well it can kind of look like that if you squint and dont know what irl gore looks like.
similarly when i was in college the student union would send out a newsletter. one of them contained a gif of obama (who was still president) kicking down a door with the caption "get outta here midterms!" (as in, midterm exams) and there was an anonymous complaint. supposedly that gif was reinforcing the stereotype of black men as violent. the ruling body decided to make the guy who wrote the newsletter apologize publicly in an emergency newsletter sent to all students. against the wishes of the one black guy on the council, too. bringing up this incident essentially became the go-to joke to discredit the council whenever it tried to act in any sort of perceived "sjw" way.
the point being: you gotta learn to recognize the bad faith demands from good faith ones and from the good faith ones that are stupid and from the good faith ones that are actually controversial within the affected community
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deadpoolunofficial · 2 months
Mobile: Rules + Guidelines
Hello, I’m Carlos. I’m in my late 20s. I’m black and I have a full-time job. I might not be as active due to my life IRL.
PSA: It is not a requirement to know what Source Material Deadpool is from. Depending on the fandom, I am interacting with, I will format his character into a new verse for that.
I will only rp with mutuals. No exception!
Godmodding and metagaming will not be accepted here.
If it’s not shared IC or discussed ooc, then your character cannot know about information listed in his bio or in headcanon posts.
I won’t send any passwords. But I read all the rules! If I don’t follow you, I couldn’t find your rules!
I won’t follow back if you don’t have a rules page.
If the art isn’t mine it will be credited to the original artist.
IC does not equal OOC. My muse’s views are his own and not mine.
No smut will be written on here, though NSFW asks and questions and topics are okay.
Please be patient for replies, if you bother me to reply I will delete my part of the thread and stop interacting with you. I have a full-time job and will be tired most days. - THIS ONLY APPLIES IF YOU PESTER ME EVERY DAY. Or every hour on the hour.
Non-Roleplay/Personal blog: Do not reblog my posts, you are welcome to follow, just don't reblog rp threads.
Shipping is okay if there is chemistry, however I like to talk about things OOC! However, don’t be disheartened if I don’t think the characters are compatible.
My blog is OC and multi-fandom friendly. However, I have the right to decline your OC/Character’s connection to mine.
Things here will be tagged accordingly. Trigger warnings, OOC posts, character tags, gifs, videos, art, audio, etc, for example. THERE WILL BE NO FANCY TAGS IN THIS BLOG for the sake of practicality.
I have severe dyslexia, and I will make typos and grammatical errors. Feel free to point them out in dms, but please do not make fun of me or get mad at me for them.
Roleplay asks for the mun and the muse is welcome! I encourage it!
Do not bash me for my HCs and interpretation of my character.
Reiteration on the no drama; I do not like drama at all. If I address something that I deem drama. It will be tagged as “drama” All “drama” posts will be taken down within a few hours of their original posting.
If I DM you about something that concerns me and I want to set a boundary. I am not accusing you of ANYTHING. If you read the tone way differently than I did then that’s fair. I will never assume you are intentionally trying to hurt me or anyone else. I am only bringing it up to potentially avoid it in the future or just not have it happen again.
If what we talk about in dms makes it to tumblr without any of the original contexts, and I see you are calling me a bad person. You will be blocked. If you ever take me trying to approach you about a discomfort as bad that’s on you.
Please read - Content Warning
18+ topics will be on this blog, however no SMUT will be on this blog.
Gore, Religion, Murder, torture, Horror, body horror, and suggestive content. This is due to the “Hellverse” Au on the blog.
Heavy about depression and mental health will be present on this blog. Since Balan helped others with their mental health in his game, it’s a core part of his character.
I don't tag personal triggers. I will not and cannot keep up with everyone's personal triggers! However, if you are my friend I will be sure to trigger tag things.
I tag common triggers only.
While I do have triggers there aren’t many I am comfortable with sharing as I can just avoid them. However, since these few can SPECIFICALLY come up in rp. Please do not rp or talk to me about these topics. I don't care if you tag them or not. But I'm 100% likely to just not respond!
The Military - I’m ex-military, it’s an uncomfortable topic for me. I don’t joke or even talk about it.
Mass genocide - Self-Explanatory. If it’s backstory I can deal, just not in-depth topics.
Eco-fascism - This is the devaluing of human life stuff like “All humans are bad” or “Humans are disgusting"  This is uncomfortable to me, I am a minority through and through, it’s uncomfortable.
Racism - This is self-explanatory.
Fantasy Racism - I’m not a fan. It’s bad writing.
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hybbart · 2 years
May I request you draw some empires s1 flower husbands I Miss them so much( ps your jimmy design is adorable)
First of all thank you very much! Now, I have actually drawn a little sketch for you. But I'm gonna put it in another post cause I just wanted to use this ask to say a couple things so it doesn’t get bogged down by this, cause this happens to touch close to some topics I wanted to mention for a while now but my brain has a hard time letting me just make permanent text posts on this blog specifically since it's supposed to be for my art.
Long post so I'm putting it below the read more. Sorry if this seems like an inappropriate reply, I really just don’t know how or where else to say these things.
TL;DR: I've given myself strict rules on what I'll personally depict in my mcyt art, I'm not actually fond of flower husbands or Jimmy and Scott's dynamic in general (adore both of them individually though), and I still don't really know much about e1 outside of Lizzie so have 3rd life instead.
First thing is something I probably shoulda said a long time ago cause I've gotten a few asks about drawing explicitly romantic or sexual stuff, but I don't intend to draw either of those things. I have a big difference between what I'm comfortable consuming and what I'm comfortable making myself. I gave myself a lot of personal boundaries when decided to draw mcyt stuff based on my own comfort.
Rule 1 is no sexualization or gore, basically keep things in the realm of the same rating as the hermits.
Rule 2 is that my designs would only be based on skins, lore, and fanon, and never anything around their irl selves.
Rule 3 is not to draw anything that was more than interpretive in relation to romantic vs platonic.
Rule 0.5, the only exceptions to be made would be for references to gags they themselves have made in videos.
I know some of my stuff pushes against the line on these rules, especially for jokes or replying to asks that use shipping terms, but they're ones I don't intend to ever fully cross with my own art. There's a lot of other amazing artists on here who are more comfortable with drawing that stuff.
So if you ever send in a request for art just know that ones that push against or cross these rules to me, I'm going to skip over them. Not anything against the request it's just my own rules. Sometimes I also just don't get to them, but I'd appreciate those rules being kept in mind when requesting.
Second topic starts with a bit of a story. So, I got introduced to the life series through a Grian animation that popped up when I was in my more standard annual hermitcraft phase. The first thing I watched of the life series was thus Grian's videos of 3rd life and double life very out of order and jumping all over the place.
Cause of that the very first thing I ever saw in relation to flower husbands was after Jimmy was already dead, and it was Scott talking about how his husband is dead after the desert war, telling Grian "see this is why I don't trust Jimmy with anything, because he's incompetent. I did warn you all." and it never really recovered from that first impression for me. It actually took me a long time to figure out it was more than a one off joke to call him his husband, cause it felt like every time I saw a scene with Scott he was just insulting Jimmy or begrudgingly putting up with him in a not very funny way. I really do not vibe with them as the flower husbands cause of that.
(That said I do adore both of them separately, and they are very entertaining as exes. Scott's just a lot more enjoyable as part of GGG and the divorcees, and I am very susceptible to the 'Jimmy bullying joke didn't quite land and I'm now just uncomfortable' low tolerance problem.)
Third is, I have actually watched an empires 1 pov now! Yay! But it was Lizzie's and there honestly isn't all that much related to them in her pov. There was actually not nearly as much related to others as I expected in general. Still loved it but didn't provide much is far as context for the season as a whole. Plus I'm unhappy with Scott's design for it and wanna redesign it. So basically I drew them from 3rd life instead.
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obsoleteozymandias · 1 year
Heyy, here for that matchup exchange!
A resident evil matchup would be pretty cool, and I’m fine with any gender.
So, first things first, I’m a trans dude that uses he/they pronouns. Sometimes I’ll wear more feminine clothes, but a lot of the time I’m just wearing whatever’s clean. My wardrobe consists mostly of silly t-shirts, the occasional dress shirt, band merch, and just plain black t-shirts. Oh, I own a lot of black clothes. It’s pretty much the only color I wear. I also almost always have a hoodie/sweatpants on too because I’m insecure about my arms and legs.
I have this habit where if something bad happens, I’ll just go quiet for a couple hours. I also get overwhelmed by life so my eyes get all wide and I look like I’m about to cry lol.
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That’s what I look like 😭
Anyways, I also have pretty bad depression/anxiety, but I’m fine as long as I take my medication.
Other than all that sad stuff, I’ve been told Im a pretty funny person. I enjoy seeing people smile and laugh because of my jokes. Sometimes im not trying to be funny, it’s just how I am. Like, when something starts to fall (or I think it’s gonna fall) I start to talk to it and maybe kinda yell at it. I also talk to myself a lot when I think im alone. Mostly things like reminding myself to do something or not to do something, but sometimes I’ll have full on conversations about how crazy I sound lol.
I really really like horror related stuff, so that’s something that doesn’t really bother me irl. Like, you could show me a picture of a pretty gruesome wound and I’d just be like “neato” or whatever. I also write—duh— and really like to read in my spare time.
As a lover im pretty affectionate (touch starvation for the win lol) and will bake or cook you anything you could ever want. You mention these cookies that seem really good? I’ve made them for you. You mention that your hungry? Five course meal has just been plated, sit and eat. Im also fiercely protective of people I care about. I won’t hesitate to hit a bitch if they’re being mean to my friends. On the topic of hitting people, it takes a lot to get me angry, and I’m apparently pretty scary when I’m mad. But, instead of arguing or making my anger known, I’ll just go to a room where it’s quiet and I can be alone to play music and calm myself down. I don’t like how I am when I’m angry because I get scared I’ll hurt someone.
Music is also a huge part of my life. I mostly listen to metal (it’s in brand for me if you’ve seen me irl lmao) but I have my guiltily pleasure songs. I also have a somewhat decent (?) singing voice. Idk man. I also dye and cut my hair compulsively because I think it looks cool. I may or may not do it in the middle of the night. I’ll never tell.
Uhh, I think that’s all? Thanks again and I’m sorry this is so long 😭
Bro you are relatable fr. Also thanks for doing this with me :D I love longer descriptions because they give me more to work off of!
== Resident Evil ==>
I match you up with…
Ashley Graham
Okay, I will admit, this is partially because of her skin in the RE4 remake. I won’t lie to you, bro. She’s definitely a scene/punk kid. 
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But! That aside, I think the two of you could be an absolute power couple. 
Ashley is most attracted to your loyalty and maturity. She admires that you stand up for what you believe in, including your friends and people you care for. She’s also relieved to know that you aren’t afraid to get physical, since the idea of hitting someone scares her. 
On that note, you’re kind of like her knight-in-shining-armor. You’ll handle anything and everything she can’t stand (ex blood, guts, gore, physical stuff), and she’ll cheer you on from the sidelines. 
And she’ll shower you with kisses and hugs later. She calls your her prince/knight. 
She’s a very affectionate person, and she never hesitates to hug you or call you a cute name. In fact, she finds it delightful that she can be that cheesy around you. She loves that she can be herself around you. 
The two of you are also menaces when it comes to cracking jokes and puns. She’s there to pick up on your gags, and she throws them right back at you. The two of you even spend time together just baking and giggling about nothing important. 
She loves watching you cook and bake. She’ll just sit on the counter and observe you, and sneak in a kiss or two while you’re busy. Especially when you’re busy. You’ve burnt a bit of food because of this. 
Ashley is also a huge fan of music. She’s into pop and indie music, but also rock and, once you introduce her to it, metal. She likes how loud and powerful it feels. 
Ashley will absolutely help you dye and cut your hair - she does it all the time, too! She gets how sometimes emotions can be overwhelming, so you need to just do something expressive. She’ll add matching streaks in the both of your hair, and it's very cute. 
She also loves that the two of you can experiment with fashion together. She’s glad to have a partner who isn’t opposed to wearing some feminine clothing, or who isn’t afraid to express themselves through clothes like she does. 
Overall, you and Ashley are simply made for eachother. You compliment the best in one another everyday, and are a strong couple in my eyes. 
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rielzero · 11 months
About My Webcomic’s Age rating..
Random but I feel like I need to state it somewhere: My webcomic target audience is not for teens or minors, its for fellow adults like myself. (18+) I am aware that the story doesn’t really imply this right away- also I am currently not that good at drawing gore. (chapter 1 has a supposed gore scare) And it currently does not have any of these themes right of the bat as I’m still slowly introducing some characters and world elements when the story unfolds.
More mature themes will pop up at some point and there will be a maturity warning from that point on.
Being online all the time you sometimes forget that when you were a kid yourself you’ve explored similar things only to find out the author did not intend for you to be a part of that audience.. It’s really awkward for me if kids ever try to interact with me based on my story, if they claim to enjoy it- Uhhhhhhh this stuff gonna have some adult things in it. Like, psychological stuff, some characters have depression, and characters may have romances. I really don’t want to spoiler.
Majority of characters I write are adults (about 99%), I don’t feel super comfortable writing teens or kids. One of the characters was supposed to be canonically underage (Vale, which hasn’t popped up yet) but he was 17, so I might as well make him 19, because his attitude wouldn’t change much. (18 is considered adult here in my country, but I do feel like 20 or 21 is safer, my youngest characters tend to be around 18 or 19.)
Since I read comics myself, it does help me study up on how to depict things tastefully, but I’ve also gained an interest in the macabre side, so the gore might eventually improve and look less cartoon-ish. It is still early on in the story, so my style hadn’t really been an issue before, but since its superheroes It might seem age friendly at first; trust me, that is not my goal. Things are going to happen.
There’s also the concern that I may have to censor things for Webtoons, while Tapas doesn’t mind much. There’s a very obvious double standard at times, because I’ve seen things on webtoon originals AND canvas that would at times get censored depending on the user. It’s likely an art style thing too, but I don’t want to do very cartoony violence. I want people to feel like things are tough when they read more tense moments. To worry for characters.
akjskfhkhkh Anyway tldr: my comic is not intended to be read by kids. Yes, 16 year olds included. Kids kinda scare me online, I want to say ‘’DNI’’ but people get mad when you do that?? I also don’t want to be rude to them. Just understand boundaries, please. I’m a very awkward person and I rather interact with other adults.
I’m 25, I’m tired 24/7. *explodes*
As for the next update; a pov switch which introduces a side character, but also has a lot of dialogue. I haven’t been able to work on it yet due health stuff popping up (chronic pain is a bitch) I need to make a small refsheet and then do thumbnails. Soon~ I’m excited to continue and get into it. The Mangaka software on Steam helps with building environments for the backgrounds. Clipstudio’s shading assist also helps me improve the quality of the panels.
Addendum/spoiler for ch1 just in case: Hills, being a  typical 36 year old, assumes people’s ages. This is seen in the end of chapter 1. Riel wears a mask, his eyes are kind of ‘’youthful’’ I suppose, so he’s sometimes assumed to be a teen- typically 20-25 year olds are mistaken for teens if they have a youthful appearance- COUGH as a twink IRL- people keep thinking I’m youthful. Riel’s ‘’infant’’ note is there to imply that Hills is an infant compared to him age wise. In case someone out there missed that. As this happens to me a lot, I thought it would be a fun joke.
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“Oh darling aren’t you just wonderful”
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆ Introduction ☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ Name: Grian
✩ Age: 17-23
✩ Pronouns: He/They/Gore
✩ Orientation: Omniromantic, Homosexual/NWLNW/Achillean, Polyamorous
✩ Notable roles: Host for 7+ Years, Higherup
✩ Relationship status: My darling’s Taurtis & Sam [THR Sys]
✩ Source: Sam Gladiators 2012 Yandere Highschool Roleplay + Tokyo Soul
✩ Source Talk: Sure
✩ Identify as Source: Yep
✩ Doubles: Alright with me, I’m part of a fictive heavy sys as a result to ASD making us hyperfixate and become attached to characters so there are multiple Grian RP sources here
✩ Bodily: 18+
✩ Other : ASD, BPD & Physical disabilities + Mixed Race
✩ Proxy/Sign-off: 📚
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆ Interaction Adequate ☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ Check my DNI & Boundaries before interacting
✩ Do not demand for proof of my medical diagnosis, we are strangers on the internet - I don’t know you, you don’t know me and I don’t have to prove anything to you besides I’m not dumb enough to try and get myself doxxed
✩ Don’t throw a fit if I block you, none of that “Wow you blocked me just cause I disagreed with you??” Yes. Yes, exactly. This is a social media site. I come on here to look at pictures of bugs and shit and to shitpost with my friends. This is not a town hall meeting; I am not your elected official. I do not owe you my energy, my space, or my time. You and I are strangers that use the same website. I can block you for literally any reason and that’s okay. Take a deep breath. Block me too. You’ll feel better
✩ Do not try and find my address or any irl information, I don’t know you and that’s a crime
✩ Do not tell me how to live my life or what I should or should not be posting, I don’t know who you think I am but your bitch is not one
✩ Just basic decency, if you wouldn’t do it Irl or wouldn’t want it happening to you then don’t do it to me
✩ Do not threaten me or anyone who interacts me
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆ Content I post ☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ Me ranting about the shit medical/healthcare system
✩ Memes, jokes and shitposts
✩ Hyperfixations/Rambles & Fandom talk
✩ Philosophy/Psychology
✩ Creative writing/Poetry/Art
✩ Awareness, information, personal experiences
✩ Whatever I’m interested in at the time really
✩ Rants, rambles and mental illness (they’ll have a TW, I will essentially use this as a journal)
✩ Posts by other alters (even though this is my account, I wouldn’t be surprised if others use it)
✩ Love rambles<3
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ⓘ this user needs attention and love
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆Brief System Intro☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ System name: The Broken Hearts Club
✩ Bodies age: 18
✩ Collective pronouns (If pref is not stated): He/They
✩ Collective name: Grian
✩ System tag: 💌🔪
✩ Partner system(s): The Hopeless Romantics & Circus Sys
✩ Hosts: 📚,🌺,🔦,✝️,🪡,🧃
✩ Co-hosts: 🦌,🧵
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆Interests & Fandoms☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ 2012 MCRP’s
✩ Drawing, Painting, Animating & Writing
✩ Horror (films and games)
✩ Videogames (Example; Minecraft, Splatoon 3, Stardew Valley, etc)
✩ Cooking & Baking
✩ Video essays
✩ Studio ghibli films
✩ Sanrio
✩ 100 day videos
✩ Creating creepy & cute plushies
✩ Poisons, bones, flower pressing, bugs, teeth, mushrooms, dissecting, flowers, taxidermy, Foraging & Scavenging
✩ Fishing
✩ Dollhouse furniture/Rement
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆Tag Archive listings☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ General Tag:
#Darling aren’t you just wonderful
✩ Doodles:
#artists of tumblr
#digital art
#traditional art
✩ Creative writing:
#short stories
#spilled ink
✩ Source talk:
#yhs grian
#tokyo soul
#yhs source talk
#ts source talk
#yhs fictive
#ts fictive
#yhs grian fictive
✩ Rants/Rambles:
#Rambles and rants
✩ Disability (Physical) talk:
#cripple punk
#actually disabled
✩ Disability (Mental/Emotional) talk:
#actually disabled
#actually autistic
#actually bpd
#obsessive love disorder
✩ System talk:
#TBHC Alter intro
#system talk
#alter intros
✩ Lovesick ramblings:
#dear my beloved
#love letters
#bloody letters
#obsessive love
#stalker x stalker
#obsessive love disorder
#dear my beloved TW
✩ Note: bloody love letters an on TW/CW for possible gore/violence, Kidnapping/stalking, obsession/possession, romanticising cannibalism, etc - do not attempt to recreate or glorify anything I say or do, all of these are coping mechanisms and I do not support anything dangerous that may be referenced. OLD is a serious issue and if you find yourself thinking concerning thoughts that could put you or anyone else in harm I urge you to see professional help)
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆Users you should see☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ My beloved’s accounts:
✩ Friend & Family
✩ Alt accounts:
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆DNI & Boundaries☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ Flirting: Ask
✩ Teasing: Sure (use tone tags)
✩ Banter: Sure (Use tone tags)
✩ Venting/Ranting: Ask
✩ DM’s: Ask
✩ DNI: proed, thinspo, racism, abelism, maps/pedos, sysmeds, antisemitism, terfs, transmeds, transphobia, homophobia, lgbtqphobia, prolife, other bigots & supporters of any of the above, doxxers/swatters etc
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creationsabyss · 2 years
About Me (subject to be edited later: will be edited when I have the motivation to make it pretty or at least semi decent)
Hello, I'm Creation's Abyss. My name is just mainly an inside joke so feel free to make up different nicknames. I use any pronouns and I'm over 18 but I have not experienced a midlife crisis (yet).
I don't tend to stay in a fandom, I just bounce around to whatever catches my eye. I write mainly poetry though I am branching into snippets, and the occasional character/fandom analysis. I do take requests.
I'm a flexible writer so my work can range from fluff/comfort to gore/angst to NSFW. Anyone (including minors) that are uncomfortable with any of these topics, feel free to block the corresponding tag along with any other tags you deem necessary, though it's unlikely to ever get truly explicit, better safe than sorry. My blog is pretty safe to read other than that. I don't really have a DNI list mainly because I can't control what people can and can not do but I am warning you here to use your best reasoning. If you choose to read on regardless of my warning then I bear no further responsibility. (I'm fine with everyone and anyone interacting and existing in my blog otherwise. And in case it wasn't implied, I'll state it explicitly now: I don't condone any parts of my 'dark' work irl. Please don't try recreating any yandere/dark/unhealthy subjects and acts that may appear in my work.)
This has become my main blog, mostly because I don't do anything on the formerly main one. I forget to post very often.
I doubt I'll ever be "closing" my requests so ask away though because I'm not particularly active, you might end up waiting a bit. If you're alright with that, feel free to stick around and chat.
There are very few things I won't write for but a lot of things will depend on context and the list can be a little fluid because there are some days where I won't be able to write for certain things and some days I will. You can always ask if you're unsure.
Also be a decent person to other people. I don't really want to block anyone but if you're incapable of decency then you aren't welcome here.
Don't use my work without permission or credit but other than that, go wild.
This blog, and my main should you stumble upon it, is a haven and a home for myself and for any who wish to stay. Your racial identity, gender identity, sexual identity, and whatever else you feel hunted for, doesn't matter to me. Everyone is welcome here and I'll shelter you for as long as you want. Feel free to ramble about anything you want, I won't judge and if you're too nervous to interact, that's fine too. I appreciate your presence here no matter how long or short you stay.
Welcome to my sanctuary, please stay as long as you like.
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shadowbrightshine · 9 days
You know, my brother and I both are into horror things and blood and stuff, but he never got into creepypasta. My mom is worried about him and his chithulu thing, or how he learns about irl shock content so often. He doesn't watch it, he's disgusted by it, but he has a bad habit of sharing it with us.
I'm arguably into worse stuff, but I'm able to keep it out of conversations outside discussing my writing, and I stop when my mom says it's too much.
She's worried about him, and has asked me to not share anymore of my horror things with him. I haven't in awhile, he's finding it himself. But I kinda agree, he's been absorbing it and then saying this stuff to everyone. Audiences matter. And my brother isn't an edgy shock sort of teenage boy. He's honestly growing up to be a rather outstanding upstanding man. I'm really proud of him. He's had plenty of problems, but none of them are misogyny, racism, or ableism.
So it sort of gives the wrong idea when he's telling someone he barely met the interacisies of saw traps with the excitement of talking about our pet cat. See we also are very into separate sectors. He's much more into horror movies, whereas I'm more into the reading, artwork, and short film types.
Which isn't bad, but it also means that he's able to show us clips. My family doesn't watch horror movies, and I wasn't allowed to play bloody games growing up. That along with being, I think legitimately slightly traumatized by Cupcakes put me off gore. Or excessive gore especially. When I write it, I try ro give it a purpose and I tone it down.
I can't handle seeing guts onscreen if it's too realistic.
My brother plays such games all the time, and he's much better at shooters than me. So we've drifted apart alot in what we consume. None of this is bad.
It just means I can't warn him to not say some of the stuff. Same with some of the more offensive humor he likes. He doesn't repeat it. But there was an incident with a tomska video where it ended in a Jewish violence joke. I expressed to him and so did my mom my distaste at it, especially with the war going on. He hadn't even heard that part correctly, and he apologized, but my mom told him no more tomska for awhile.
I've specifically requested he not talk about Brandon Roger's comedy around the rest of the family. See, I like it too, it's funny sometimes. But it's very inappropriate around my 10 year old sister who heard "actually it's 5:30. SOMEBODY KILL ME!" and then repeated that for months until we found something else to occupy her. It's taken weeks for him to finally stop bringing it up around the parents and our sister.
Idk. I'm just thinking about it. I wish he had friends to really talk about this with other than me. I'm tired, and I'm fatigued of all the shooting and head ripping. I'm more of a body horror and psych horror woman.
I love him, I hope he grows out of the needing to tell everyone everything stage like I did.
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