#ok so i have finally started watching downton abbey
sherwoodknights · 6 months
"Kill Him He's A Socialist" by Seb Lowe is actually so early seasons Tom Branson coded, no I will not be taking criticism at this time
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suugrbunz · 3 months
I’m so excited to see your ship request open again and that you’re feeling well enough to be back from hiatus! I’d love to request a MotA ship if you could.
I was born and raised in Illinois in a small farmer/coal miner community so while I’m Midwestern, I sound Southern (and use words that make others cringe like crick instead of creek). I have a bachelors and masters in military history (concentration in world war one and did a dissertation over tunnel warfare) but work in the customer service realm because I love helping others above all.
Others describe me as bubbly, level-headed, positive, caring, deeply loyal, and outspoken when I see something wrong - even if it gets me in trouble (ie: Steve Rogers getting beat up for standing up for others). While I’m quick to stand my ground and fight for others, I don’t do the same for myself. I am told I have the patience of a saint in dealing with Karen’s or ridiculous people, but I grew up in an abusive home life so I try to be patient and give people the benefit of the doubt.. then when they’re gone, roll my eyes at a coworker and lighten the mood with a joke or two. Like any Midwesterner, I love talking and chatting with others whether it’s something lighthearted or serious.
I grew up playing baseball and watching it (go Cardinals and Brewers!). I love the sport itself but it holds a special place in my heart because it was the only time my Dad, sister, and myself could get away from any troubles we were facing as a family. When it’s not baseball season and I’m not with my friends, I’m out doing some photography for fun, taking a walk, reading a book, playing a video game, or watching a TV drama like One Day or Downton Abbey.
Thank you!!
hi! thanks for sending in the desc. for the ship!! 🫶🏼 I ship you withhhh...
☆ Ken Lemmons ☆
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i feel like you two would meet at a farmer's market, idk why but it makes sense? maybe he works at the farmer's market, gives you a really good deal because he thinks you're cute.
cuteness discount.
i feel like he's very smiley around you when you've first met because he's feeling a tad bit shy but its ok he'll get used to that feeling
you two chat for a bit, he asks what your plans are for the produce you're buying, etc
its honestly just a really pleasant meeting and then finally he just asks if you'd want to go to the county fair with him, as date
and that's your date, pure fun.
he tries to win prizes for you
and some kids that were having a hard time winning a game
so now you and some kids have cute stuffed animals
absolute win for everyone— you're happy, kids are happy, and he's happy to be able to make everyone happy.
ooo and the fair food
i feel like he'd accidentally spill his soda on himself
he is a little bummed as he wore one of his favourite shirts on the date but tries to laugh it off for the time being
after the date...he does not kiss you as he believes it's a bit too early for that.
the first kiss happens about two months after dating
he initiated
its a timid kiss ‹𝟹
hes very gentle tbh
he isn't 100% sure about kissing but when you start to kiss back his heart just explodes with joy !!
Song for you two; Lavender Girl by Caamp :)
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thescentofrainonstone · 9 months
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On Class in Britain and why the same kind of actor ends up getting our panties in a twist (see Hiddleston, Cumberbatch, Goode, etc...)
Isn't it peculiar that all this adoration and fandoms tend to be about white-cis mostly het (thought admittedly that's the more laxed of attributes) able thin, tall, pale but most importantly coming from riches guys?
You look at a Tom Hiddleston and his first headshots and roles and the wonder has got to be there: "how much time and means were available to him to get his degree from Oxbridge and then decide to do another entire BA on top of it at RADA?"
Admittedly he gets off easy going back historically("just" baronets in his line) when in his league we have Benedict Cumberbatch, whose existence is literally dependant on the slavery his direct ancestors built their empire on in Barbados, and were paid compensation when the end of slavery came to England. Finally his Wikipedia has a full description of this even though when I worked on the essay that took the Downton Abbey series and films as examples of the inhumane social divide the UK depends upon, it was all incredibly well swept under virtual rugs with a vague quote from Mother Cumberbatch advising her son to change his surname in case "they come after you for money" where money stands for "reparations" and considering the luxury of an arts career like the last few Cumberbatches have had is something intrinsically entrenched in wealth and privilege makes perfect sense if you ask me. A councillor in New York carries the same surname and she is Black. Slaves carried the surname of those who owned them.
Let that sink in: there is currently a commissiomer (and Professor at Columbia) in New York who carries the Cumberbatch surname because they are a direct descendant of the Slaves the Cumberbatches owned and owe their fortune to. Stacey Cumberbatch.
So yeah, when people think the UK is not the US, they Invented class and the divide that come with it. It is so crucial to come from a family that can afford you connections and the luxury to work for nothing while never risking bills or rent going unpaid.
And I guess what I'm trying to say is: it's ok for all the fandoms to salivate over anyone, I just think it's important we know why the media propels in front of our eyes the same prototype of Englishman over and over, and perpetrates the production of new pieces of media that casually seem naturally meant for white, rich, het passing people.
The system works like a bottleneck for privilege and I think the SAG-AFTRA strikes also show that: everyone that had some privilege and didn't do anything to average out the system will see their own reduced over time until only the tip of the top remains. And "eat the rich" is going to be another post but you get the gist.
That is to say, next time I go to Insole Court (the Victorian house where a Lot of A Discovery of Witches was filmed, including Matthew's "rooms at Oxford") will I touch every single book of the reading room because likely I will have touched something Matthew Goode touched when he was there filming? Sure.
I also do know that house was paid for by coal miners who actually died in a tragedy in the mines owned by the Insole family and that admittedly I find the only decent way to keep real estate built with the blood of people can just be that: give that back to the people.
It's about educated choices, that's what I'm trying to say.
Fun fact: I started watching a discovery of witches because after filming the essay at Insole Court, wanting to bring down the bourgeoisie, I learned the show was also filmed there. So i went and found it and now I have another white, pale, lanky, English twink to lose sleep over just because he's been given a character created by the mind of a woman who dreams enough, possibly because unfulfilled in some part of her life -because when we're happy we go out, we don't vomit pages over pages let's be honest -.
If none of those elegant white British men who embody the characters we love come from a program that allowed them to raise from the working class... or are anything but white or adhering to a white-er standard (Rege- Jean Page is the quintessential example of this, better than nothing but still, my point)...Maybe we should ask ourselves why, and how is that ok.
Just a random though on a day I wanted to go back to Insole Court for the aforesaid reason.
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aprikosengamine · 11 months
All My Ships
(with some added context sometimes)
Claire Kincaid x Jack Mccoy (Law and Order), tbh this was the first relationship I saw that made me have butterflies and squealy feelings after something bad happened to me, and made me think about entering another relationship some day. They just had this chemistry and the looks they gave each other, i hate it was never officially confirmed expect maybe in like season 9, but tbh I've never watched past a bit of season 7 cause Claire was my OG, my fashion inspo, my raison d'être.
Sybil Crawley x Tom Branson (Downton Abbey), the way they killed her off, absolutely heartbreaking I've never managed to fully watch that episode again. They deserve to be happy in Ireland with all the babies they want and her career, with the perfect husband who backs her up whenever.
Hermione Granger x Fred Weasley (Harry Potter), I can't even remember why I started liking these two, it was so long ago probably came across a fanedit or a fic by accident. I just love the funny one and serious one matching, and finding that they're actually more similar than you think. But a PSA to everyone interested in this ship, writers sometimes don't say if Fred lives or dies in their fics and getting to the end thinking these sweet characters who love each other are going to get through this with the author being pretty unclear about the final battle only to be hit with "it's been two months since Fred's death" BOOOO!!!
JJ x Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds), specifically in fics where she doesn't get in a relationship with Will, or it doesn't get to the point where they have Henry, not a huge fan of the honorary uncle/aunt then becoming the kid's stepparent trope. I also don't like to watch the show much anymore bc I worked in that field and when it's real on your desk everyday, watching that mixed with the sappy family stuff (also garcia, not a fan) is not enjoyable anymore.
Ellie Bishop x Nick Torres (NCIS), thank god a lot of their episodes were after Abby left, no offense to Abby lovers but dear god she's pushing 50 at the end, act like it??? I think I'm just into hot people bantering with each other.
Keeley Jones x Jamie Tartt or Roy Kent (Ted Lasso), we only saw J&K together at the beginning when he was more of a prick, but the new and improved Jamie I think could be a good match bc they have similar personalities. I liked Roy and Keeley together, they were really different but a lot of what each other needed. I loved pretty much everybody in that show, except Nate. Nate can go fuck himself.
Emily Rhodes x Aaron Shore (Designated Survivor), ok maybe it is just workplace romances, these guys had some banter, on opposite sides of issues, but why did the writers decide nah we're just playing she's going with Seth, no real buildup on that.
In summary: Workplaces romances, or romances that occur when two people are forced to be in the same environment. I've never had an office fling, all the men were way older than me and in much higher positions, the few that weren't yeah no thanks, or like a summer camp forced encounter thing but I live vicariously through these people having to be professional in public and absolutely smitten in private and seeing it melt through. I'm also sucker for the guy loves her more and realizes before she does.
These aren't all the ships I've liked in my life. I was in middle school during this site's most infamous shipping thing, can you guys guess what I was reading on my phone after I was supposed to be asleep? Here's an abridged list of some of the ships I've liked over the past 10ish years doing this: Sherlock/John Watson, Destiel, Doctor(10)/Rose, Dan/Phil, and those are just the really big ones that made it through the preteen fugue state, I do get a mini heart attack every time someone in my day-to-day life mentions any of these expect doctor who.
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weepinglevi · 3 years
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jean kirstein as your 1920s servant
summary: 1920s!jean as a servant (footman) and his adventures (he also has adventures with the earl's daughter) warnings: nsfw in the end, and also somehow a bit angsty? don't ask me how that made it's way in. overuse of the word "milady" (i can't even say i'm sorry about this) word count: around 950 A/N: i've been watching downton abbey again. this is a mess and i don't even know if you can call this headcanons or a drabble or an imagine - let's just say it's a bit of everything. i will probably come back to this idea, too. not proofread so if you find any glaring mistakes don't be afraid to point them out! i hope you enjoy reading this just as much as i enjoyed writing it! feedback is greatly appreciated and take care. xx
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first of all, he'd look absolutely fine in his livery. the striped waistcoat and coat tails making him seem even taller than he already is, the proud stance whenever he serves breakfast makes you think he’s waiting on the king and queen – not some earl and countess.
fine as heck in his normal clothes, too. a snug fitted corduroy suit with flap pockets being one of his most prized possessions, it’s not even second-hand. he tries to look put together but there’s always some part of his shirt not properly tucked in and his hair sticks out in weird ways at the end of the day – all the pomade in the world can’t help him, though he tries.
he gets in trouble with the butler more often than not. flirting with the kitchen maids even though he should be upstairs, waiting on the lords and ladies, has gotten him smacked over the head more than once. it’s one of the reasons as to why he simply can’t climb up the servant’s ladder – he just likes to have his fun sometimes, ya know? loves hearing the girls giggle at his compliments, too.
on his days off, he’ll take one of them to the pictures. pay for her ticket and let her have a fun time, be a full-on gentleman and bring them back to the estate just in time. he’d never take it any further than that, though. he doesn’t want to get them into actual trouble and with the eyes of the housekeeper lurking around every corner, he’ll settle for a small peck on the cheeks. they squeal anyways, hurrying off to the servant’s quarters to tell their friends all about the evening.
he knows how to drive, too. he’s not good at it, though, and is only allowed to drive if there’s absolutely no other option. whenever her ladyship hears the chauffeur fell ill, she’ll always opt out of driving and take the carriage instead. jean’s just too hot-headed to work his way around the engine and he’s embarrassed to admit but; he’s had a slip of his tongue more than once in front of the lords and ladies because of his rage.
in the evenings, he plays snap with the other footmen and hallboys – always causing a ruckus in the servant’s hall which has him getting in trouble yet again. at this point the others wonder as to why he hasn’t been kicked out like a dog, the butler seems to be on his last nerves with him. they don’t know about his little secret, though – you.
he made eyes on you the first lunch he served on you and your family, practically gawking. thankfully nobody but you noticed, and you made sure to keep it that way. if your father only as much as suspected someone making advances on one of his daughters, that someone would be out of work in a matter of seconds. and you couldn’t have that.
you knew of the trouble the two of you could get yourself into but this didn’t deter you from your plan to have him. maybe it was your rebellious side finally acting up, wanting to break free from the heavy confines of your life – but mostly it was because of the way jean carried himself through the corridors of your home; as if he wasn’t a servant. as if he was head of the house.
you called him jean instead of the formal “kirstein” the first time you spoke to him in private, having him blush and shift on his feet. he didn’t know how to handle himself around you at first, but you knew your way around his defenses – how to make him know that it’d be alright if you and him were to come closer.
it’s been a year since you first shared a hurried kiss in the drawing room and after that you needn’t ask him twice to join you late at night in your bedroom.
he’s cockier now, slipping through your door and getting rid of his suit on the way to your bed – both of you know there isn’t much time until dawn breaks and the other servants would wake up to get the fires started. he had to be gone by then.
pulling the heavy drapes of your four-poster bed shut behind him, he’s already pushing up your nightgown, causing your skin to grow warm under his touch.
this is how you got here, having him breathe “milady” against the crook of your neck as he’s buried deep inside of you, never daring to call you by your first name; no matter how many times you asked him to.
you know he’s had many other women but you couldn’t care less, pulling him in even closer until he is flush against you, trying to drink in his recklessness – his freedom and his pride.
coming undone under him, he is soon to follow, rutting against you desperately. “milady, milady, milady,” an answer to your whispered “jean.”
having him rest on your chest like this, air heavy with his and your scent, you try to imagine a world where the two of you could live a life out in the open. playing with his hair, you make a face as he starts to move away from you.
“you know it’s not possible,�� being the only thing that leaves his lips as he opens the drapes again, soft light of the candles illuminating his features as he gets dressed and sends a glance over his shoulder, “goodnight, milady.”
“goodnight, kirstein.”
his expression turns sour at the sound of his last name out of your mouth, but he nods and leaves through your door without another word.
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taglist: @deludedimagines @aotwrites @peachysimp @blondeboyfriend @odmlevis @bellasw4an @jeageristbaby @starrynightlys (i hope u are ok with me tagging you, claire ahah) wanna be tagged in my next work? fill out this form. addendum: i know this thing is impossible to happen - an earl's daughter frolicking around with a footman for over a year without being caught or even falling pregnant but PLEASE. footman jean. that's all i need.
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eloquentgifs · 3 years
DWJ Reading Project. Part II
As I said here, my 2021 resolution is gonna be READING EVERY DIANA WYNNE JONES BOOK I CAN FIND, and due to my love of making lists and taking notes, I’ve decided keeping track of this reading project here in this post, which I’ll keep updated as I make progress. It’s mostly for my own pleasure, but maybe it helps someone who wants to give it a try to this amazing writer and doesn’t know where to start.
Part I (1970 - 1976 & The Dalemark Quartet)
Part III (1984 - 1992 & Land of Ingary Series)
- The Chrestomanci Series (DWJ’s suggested reading order): · Charmed Life (1977): I couldn’t fully enjoy it because the main premise of the story is the codependency Cat has with his AWFUL sister, and how her abuse shapes everything on his life. He has such a low self esteem and needs so much a hug, it just breaks my heart every page. In any case, the worldbuilding, the magic system and the general vibe are just amazing. If it keeps like this, I totally understand why so many people love this series
· The Lives of Christopher Chant (1988): Ok, this is the good shit. I don’t even know how to describe it in few words. Let’s say that there’s also a kid being abused by his relatives, and there were parts where I wanted to throw the book against the wall, but Christopher is such a fascinating character to read about that you just can’t stop. And this universe, OMFG. Also, is the Asheth thing some kind of homage to The Tombs of Atuan?
· Conrad’s Fate (2005): I’ve binge-watched Downton Abbey a few months ago, so finding out this book is basically DA with magic was just a delight. Christopher and his new BFF Conrad arrive to this big ass manor to work as lackeys, while both having secret agendas of their own. There’s everything one would expect and more: Rich Family Drama, Upstairs/Downstaris antics, crime solving, forbidden loves, scifi-ish reality bugs, and of course abusive relatives (at this point, if I were DWJ’s uncle I'd think she was trying to tell me something). I read it in a day and a half. The only negative thing I can say is that I missed Christopher POV of things. 
· Witch Week (1982): This is about a bunch of pupils and teachers in a deppresing boarding school. Everyone is a little bit of an asshole at some point, but it's understandable because this world must be the worst in Series 12. Not only they keep burning witches in modern times, but witches aren’t even a minority, so you can imagine the amount of hypocrisy. It’s interesting how the witch thing can be considered a metaphor for lgtb kids: everyone is scared of being called a witch because they’ll get bullied (and maybe arrested and burnt), but every time a character find out they’re in fact a witch, they just feel confident and happy because they’ve found themselves, so they can’t even hide it. Also, there are more secret witches around than they would expect.
· The Magicians of Caprona (1980): Two families of famous spell-makers keep hating each other through generations, to the point they put Caprona, the city-state where they live, in danger. Sometimes the Italian stereotypes were too much and took me out of the story, but not gonna lie, I really loved the opera spells, the large families living all together in a big house and being loving and supportive with each other, and BENVENUTO.
· The Pinhoe Egg (2006): This one is also about confronted families of magic users, but this time they’re in the villages near to Chrestomanci Castle, and no one really knows there’s a feud because their spells are based on herbs and plants, not in singing opera on the streets. Cat comes back and shares the spotlight with Marianne Pinhoe, and as always I would love more Christopher Chant, but I can´t really complain.
·  Mixed Magics (2000): Four short stories settled in the Chrestomanci Universe, more or less linked to the main characters. My favourite is the third one, Carol Oneir’s Hundredth Dream, mostly because the idea of a kid selling her dreams as stories is brilliant, but also because I loved that little moment where Christopher reviews Carol’s dreams and everything he says is the kind of critique that Diana always received on her books.
- The Homeward Bounders (1981): There are some misterious powerful people who seem to be addicted to Age of Empires, but they play it using actual worlds and actual people. When someone from these worlds find this out, they got exiled and doomed to jump from world to world, only able to stop when they manage to get back to their original world.  The first act remind me a little of those stories from Arabian Nights where the main character keeps arriving to weird islands and getting into the most bizarre troubles but always manages to survive. Due to life circunstances I couldn't focus 100% on the reading, but I did enjoy the characters, mostly Helen, and Jamie eventually grew on me too. I must confess I got kinda lost with the final explanation about the game and the nature of this multiverse and what it's Real and how Hope acts literally as an anchor that keeps the system going (although I find the notion really interesting as an allegory, and once again a really cool message for kids: hope can be your prison)
- The Time of the Ghost (1981): Ok, this one was a dark trip. I can’t really say that much because everything is a spoiler. Let’s say it’s about an amnesic ghost who’s drawn to their family, and there’s a lot of sadness, pagan blood rituals (one chapter in particular has A LOT OF BLOOD for my taste), abusive relationships, and a little bit of the theme in the previous book: the negative side of hope that makes us cling to things in an unhealthy way. Also, I’ve read this book is kinda autobiographical, and it explains so much about the way DWJ used to depict families in her books, it’s heartbreaking. It has its moments of fun and sweet melancholy tho. It’s never 100% depressing with Diana. I think that’s what make it feel so realistic.
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in-flagrante · 4 years
Michelle Dockery reveals how Anatomy of a Scandal is being filmed in the pandemic
Michelle Dockery isn’t going to lie. “I’ve watched more television in the last six months than I have in my whole life!” she says with a laugh.
Same here, Lady Mary. Also just like the rest of us, the actor is having to become accustomed to new ways of working. After twiddling her thumbs for most of the year, the actor best known as Downtown Abbey’s heiress-apparent is, finally, once again gainfully employed, filming London-set thriller Anatomy of a Scandal.
The Netflix drama is adapted from the 2017 bestseller by former political journalist Sarah Vaughan, and is being co-showrun by Big Little Lies series creator David E. Kelley. Rupert Friend plays a married politician accused of raping his aide; Sienna Miller is his faithfully disbelieving wife. Dockery is the ambitious and tough young barrister determined to prove his guilt.
It is a story with powerful contemporary resonance, of the abuse of patriarchal power and how instances of sexual assault are not believed and/or not pursued.
“Certainly there are themes of privilege at the heart of this tale about dark goings-on at Westminster, the underbelly,” says Dockery. “So, yeah, of course, it’s a timely piece and a very important story to tell. So I’m excited to get deeper into it. It’s still early days, but it’s great that we’ve started – and we can keep going!” she laughs again.
Cast and crew are only three weeks into filming, and so far the bulk of her scenes have involved only two actors, helping make the rigorous pandemic protocols easier to follow: Covid tests every other day; daily temperature checks on arrival at the set; everyone masked; 10-hour days, which are shorter than the filming norm.  
“It’ll be interesting to see how they’ll shoot the court-room scenes to make it look as though it’s full,” says Dockery. “They can do one shot and you can see a certain amount of people behind the actors, but you don’t have to have the room entirely full.”
She continues: “It’s a really wonderful cast and I’m excited to get into the real heart of it. And I’m very happy to be in London. My last few jobs have been in the States, so it’s lovely to be [working] at home.”
Dockery is back working in other ways, too. The 38-year-old is the face of a new campaign for Scotch whisky brand Glenfiddich, for which she’s been photographed by Misan Harriman.
The Anglo-Nigerian’s imagery of the summer’s Black Lives Matter protests in London reverberated around the world. That led to him being commissioned to shoot Vogue’s September cover, a triple-fold out activist-themed story – an achievement that, made Harriman the first Black man to shoot a cover for the hundred-year-old fashion title.
“He’s the photographer of the moment,” says Dockery. “What he did this year, I just think he’s extraordinary. And more than ever, this is a time for change. And Misan is really at the helm of that. His Vogue cover is historic, and it’s a real moment.”
And how is her own industry harnessing the positive energies catalysed by BLM? Dockery – who was nominated for three consecutive Emmys for Downtown Abbey and received a fourth for Netflix’s 2017 Western series Godless – says she’s seeing it already. “There’s definitely a change in casting, and behind the camera.”
Personally, too, she recognises the need to question the status quo.
“When you’re reading a script, if there’s no definition over where the character is necessarily from, then it should be open to [actors from] all backgrounds. And I think that is being challenged much more in our industry. That is something that needs to be constantly looked at.”
Dockery spent lockdown at home in northeast London “close by” Stoke Newington. She was snapped on her doorstep in late May with Jasper Waller-Bridge, talent agent brother of Phoebe, as the couple joined in with the weekly Clap For Carers.
“In lockdown, Thursday was the day of the week, wasn’t it?” she reflects. “We really looked forward to it, and it was an opportunity for everybody to come together and applaud what the NHS and keyworkers were doing. It was an important time.”
Equally, it was a boost for blocks of flats, and streets, and neighbourhoods. At a time when we were all necessarily isolated, London, I suggest, never felt closer.
“Yeah, because you weren’t seeing anyone other than the people you were living with,” she agrees, “so it was a time to come out and see everybody else in the street. I got to know my neighbours much more. It was something I’ll never forget.” In fact, she adds, “I still feel like we should be doing it, shouldn’t we?”
That sentiment, of unstinting support for our health professionals and carers, may be born of personal experiences. In 2015 Dockery’s fiancé, John Dineen, died of cancer after a long illness. In her childhood, her mother worked as a care home assistant. I ask if that gave her extra insight into how gruelling it’s been inside the country’s care homes during the pandemic.
“Of course, that was the thing that used to play on my mind: how are people managing? I used to go with my mum when I was a little girl, I’d help her take the food in.
“It’s been a really challenging time for people,” she continues, “and I’m just in awe of the work that’s had to be put in to make sure everybody’s safe, with doctors, nurses and carers doing what they can to make the system still work during a time like this.”
All of which means that our next trip to the 1920s can’t come soon enough. After 2019’s first Downton Abbey movie proved more successful than even seasoned Crawley watchers anticipated (it grossed almost $200 million worldwide, over 10 times its reported budget), a second feature is due to go into production in spring.
“I can’t tell you that much, except that there is potentially a second film. We’ve got that far!” prevaricates Dockery with an audible smile. “It’s exciting to think that we can do another one. It felt like after the first film there was immediately an appetite for a second one.
“I’d be thrilled to get back together with the gang and do it all over again. We have so much fun doing it. But that’s all I can tell you, really!”
OK, but please tell us that granny – the Dowager Countess of Grantham, played by Dame Maggie Smith – doesn’t die.
“Ha ha ha!” hoots Dockery in a cheerfully un-ladylike manner. “I’m not giving any story away to you! You’ll just have to see.”
Michelle Dockery fronts the new Glenfiddich Grand Cru campaign "reimagining a contemporary future for whisky"
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gabagaba05 · 3 years
kindly ignore the "people we know" section, i made this for a presentation party
onto your questions!
- i indeed to band!! i play clarinet, but we have a marching season coming up so i was at percussion rehearsal. i’m one of the new drum majors for my band (so i conduct the show/im 2nd in line to the director). i’m my free time i fuck around with the ukulele and guitar. im not great but it calms me down.
are you in band?? it's so much fun dbsbsbs!! when the event ends we have to keep in touch (even if it's just to share shitty pics of me in a uniform)
1) i read svt as seventeen! it's really funny though because i don't read skz as "stray kids", i read it as "skizz" fbsbsbshja
2) i'd rather never meet them and b able to consume their content!! i've made it this far already :))
what are your answers to those two??
some sleepover questions!!
1) do you have any movie or tv show recs?? i've been watching buzzfeed unsolved and criminal minds on repeat and it's getting to me 🙄🙄 i plan on watching vip, the one about the north korean officials son, and the wind rises
2) do you have any funny school trip/ band (if your in it) stories? i have quite a few band related ones if you wanna hear them
3) where do you live (this is not supposed to be creepy). i’m from new jersey!! (we might have talked about this but i have a brain the size of a pea
4) what grade are you going into/ are you currently in. i’m gonna b a junior and i am NOT ready for it 😩😩 it's so scary
girl i have no good sleepover questions 🙄🙄 all i do at sleepovers is reenact fanfiction, watch movies, and gossip 😩
if you want gossip from new jersey -> i got drum major over a guy who's harassed me, my sister, and at least 3 of my friends and i’m so happy!! it felt so good to finally have a win 🤤🤤
ooo i’ll check out the slides later!! (i’m babysitting rn lol)
omg i don’t do band and can’t play any instruments, but i’m so jealous of ppl who do!😫 like,, u can just make music! that’s so cool!! and yes we *absolutely* have to keep in touch after the event!! (i would love to see pictures of u in ur uniform alsnksjsks)
ok so i read “ess vee tee” and ya i’d also choose consume content and never meet them, i mean,,, i’m a fan of the content so it just wouldn’t work for me to not consume it anymore lol
ok so for ur questions:
1) ok first of all i love buzzfeed unsolved!! in honor of them ending the series ive been rewatching all of it too lol (i just got to the iconic goatman episode) but i’d recommend downton abbey (i’m only on season four but i’ve rlly been enjoying it) and i’m currently making my way through disney’s tv adaptation of this book series i rlly loved in like,, late middle school-ish? it’s called the mysterious benedict society and the way they’re making the tv show feels so much like the book i rlly love it
2)uhhh so i don’t have any band stories (obvs lol) but i did dye my hair for the first time (well the first time i permanently dyed it) at midnight in the girls locker room? so i go to a rlly small jewish day school, and on the first night of hanukkah they do this thing where all the girls in the high school get to sleep over and light the candles for the first night and then watch movies and wtv and sleep in the not heated gym (and then wake up to pray and go to classes because hanukkah started the day before winter break that year and so we had to actually go to classes the next day🙄) but i had brought hair dye with me so two friends and i (shoutout to @eb4 for being one of those friends and seeing the chaos firsthand shakhskahs) left during the movie (it was parent trap so i almost stayed lol) and went down to the girls locker room and busted out the hair dye! we had to dye it in the sink cuz the school showers r 🤢 and don’t have curtains and i was already in my pajamas. so then an hour later we washed off the dye in the sink and voila! it was box black hair dye and my natural hair is rlly dark brown so it wasn’t like i was dying my hair some crazy color like the blue i have now) i for sure have other stories if u wanna hear them and i’d love to hear some band stories!☺️
3)omg it’s not creepy dw 😂 and i live in massachusetts! also i didn’t know that u live in jersey!! (ok so these two kids who joined my grade this past year r from jersey and they’re so chaotic and i get very similar vibes from u and now i’m wondering if it’s just a jersey thing sksnsjs)
omg re-enacting fanfic sounds like such a fun thing to do at a sleepover!! i only have one friend who reads fanfic and we were in seperate fandoms before covid so no fanfic re-enactments for me😔 i’ll def b putting that in my back pocket for when sleepovers r finally a thing again sjhshaha
aaaa that’s so awesome for u!!! i’m not quite sure what that means but u won and that’s always an awesome feeling!!❤️
ok now for my questions:
1) do *u* have any band/school stories???
2) do u do any extracurriculars other than band?
3) ok i know u told me u have a sister but is she younger or older? (lemme predict real quick….💭💭ur the younger one!)
4) what’ve u been doing so far over the summer?
5) shaniac or boogara?? (or shitfish lol)
i hope u have a good night and am sending u tons and tons of love!!❤️❤️
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zalrb · 4 years
You mentioned before how you started watching oth cause of Brucas. Any other shows you’ve watched specifically for a ship/characters?
It’s funny, Lost Girl was mentioned the other day and I didn’t really care for Lost Girl as a show but I found it vaguely entertaining and I liked Dyson and Bo
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I stopped watching when Dyson and Bo stopped being a thing.
I only watch The Handmaid’s Tale for Nick and June
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Without Nick and June, I can’t deal with the blatant white feminism of the show, like it’s infuriating, so in season 3 I stopped watching when I realized Nick wasn’t coming back. I think he might be back in season 4 so I’ll start watching agaiin.
This is kind of weird, I hate HIMYM, the only thing I like about that show is Robin and Barney
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so I started watching it for other reasons having nothing to do with the show and then only continued watching for Robin and Barney and then obviously freaked out at the series finale.
I only watched Shadowhunters, well for Drunk Reviews, but for Jalec.
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The minute initiumseries and I realize Jalec isn’t going to be in anymore scenes, you can see us go elsewhere mentally.
The first time I watched Downton Abbey, I only really held on for Matthew and Mary
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I quit when he died. I only rewatched the series because I was super bored and I didn’t even finish it.
I never got past like the first three episodes of The Man In the High Castle but I only was interested in watching it because I saw a gif of the leads and I was like OMG WHO ARE THEY (it was this gif)
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then I was like all of the characters are super weak and their narrative is weak and the only character I want to watch is a nazi because I like the actor and he has a certain gravitas and I just can’t deal with the fact that I’m only interested in seeing what a nazi’s getting up to so I stopped watching the show.
I only watch This Is Us for Beth and Randall
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when it was looking like Beth and Randall were going to get a divorce I was so ready to stop watching the show.
I did watch Misfits for Misfits but Nathan left
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and it wasn’t the same  so I was only really watching for Simon and Alisha
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but then they die, so I was like OK WELL FUCK YOU.
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asterlark · 4 years
check please in quarantine
how many things has bitty baked and who is eating them
jack's season may have been canceled but even he can't eat all this pie
is he fedexing them to people
how many pies is tater getting
what will happen when he runs out of flour and can’t get more
speaking of bitty this adhd bitch is NOT ok and has severe missing his friends disease
he & jack go on a lot of walks & runs together to get out the restless energy & have a change of scenery
i think his first cookbook would’ve already come out before 2020 but now he’s probably working on another one just so he can have a project to focus on & not lose his mind lol
bitty & jack have discovered the television genre that is at the center of the venn diagram of their interests: soapy period dramas
yes they’ve watched downton abbey, no they’re not prepared to talk about it, especially not after holster tried and failed to make jack watch it when they still lived at the haus together & would be LIVID that jack agreed to watch it now without him
jack is “coping” with the NHL season being cancelled by working out, eating a lot of bitty’s baking, and rewatching all his fave documentaries but the boy misses hockey :(( (the falcs were on a good run! & they might’ve even won the cup again!! :((( )
there are weekly SMH alum crew skype sessions, they are very chaotic, no one can hear a damn thing
they’ve also been playing cards against humanity & jackbox games online to mixed levels of chaotic competition
shitty’s like...... a real lawyer now?? working at a legal assistance nonprofit?? and he’s trying to help workers, renters, & undocumented folks with free legal advice as much as he possibly can :,)
holster hosts regular netflix watch parties “so that you all can finally become cultured”
ransom has succumbed and started watching 30 rock with holster & he regrets it almost instantly bc the dude is insufferable & pauses the show every 30 seconds to explain why it’s so good. this ruins the experience completely but he can’t stop himself
lardo has limited art supplies at her disposal so she’s started making “trash art” (self explanatory)
hours spent in animal crossing new horizons.... endless. unfathomable
they've spent at least one entire skype session debating which villager they're most like. you'd think one being named bitty, one jacques, one chow, etc would make this easy but OH NO. personality, looks, aesthetic must all be taken into account
bitty’s other Thing right now is watching hgtv shows and redecorating his & jack’s condo
an undisclosed but definitely large sum of money has been spent on wallpaper
jack has tried to stop him from going on pottery barn’s website and it did not go over well
since dex basically renovated & redid the whole haus before he graduated in 2018, they have a lot to discuss (who knew these hockey boys were so into interior design??)
the waffles were set to graduate this year but their ceremony has been canceled & moved online so they’re bitter
well. louis & hops are bitter, bully is surprisingly chill as always
louis hasn’t been able to go home to sweden since all the covid-19 shit happened so when samwell closed down, instead of staying at the haus alone he was invited to stay with hops’ family in philadelphia
hops’ family know way too much about the underground music scene in sweden now. they wish that they didn’t
on the other hand tho, louis now knows way too much about anime from hops and has been forced to watch naruto against his will (”hops!! this is not my brand!!!”)
games of smash bros played between louis, hops, & hops’ siblings: approx. 1000
games won by hops: 999 (wildcard baby sister wins a match once & hops questions his whole life. some stay he’s still muttering “beginner’s luck... it has to be.....” to this day)
it’s been................ interesting 
the frogs are heartbroken that they’re not quarantined together (well okay.  just chowder is heartbroken. dex & nursey keep joking about how if they’d been quarantined together they’d have killed each other by now (mostly they’re just relieved bc if they’d been quarantined together the Feelings would’ve caught up with them. can’t catch me gay thoughts!))
they do text & video call constantly though. chowder is lucky enough to be quarantining with his family & farmer so the fearsome frogsome foursome do a lot of talking, game nights, & filming tiktoks
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kahlanmars · 5 years
Bad Behaviour
Ok guys! I’m italian so I’m very sorry if I made some mistakes, it’s not my mother-tongue.
Yes, it’s about Morgan’s sister, my OC. I do not own anything about the MCU, RDJ or Gwyneth Paltrow. Sadly.
(Gif not mine)
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 When I wake up everyday I’m perfectly aware that I’m one of the most lucky person in the world being one of the richest heiress alive. The last daughter of the great Tony Stark.
Everyone thinks that we, me and my sister, are going to be heroines. Wrong. We got everything from our father. The brain, that’s Morgan. I’m the bad behaviour.
Truth by told, Morgan is the perfect daughter. Not only she has a superior intelligence, the kind of intelligence that could build an armour in a cave, but she has our mother’s character. She’s always calm, delicate, careful. The eldest daughter.
When I wake up today, I sense it’s too late to have breakfast. Maybe lunch? …I hope not dinner. I’m used to wake up at midday after a party. Mary Stark, the troublemaker. Mary Stark, the party girl.
«MARY NATASHA STARK.» …Mary Stark, the girl who’s gonna be grounded for the rest of her life. A very furious Pepper Potts comes into my room. She doesn’t mind the AC/DC posters, the mess in bookcase or even my messy hair and make-up, but something tells me she minds the car that I crashed last night.
Ehi, it wasn’t all my fault. I was distracted. By a boy, but I don’t think it’s a good idea that I tell her that.
«Mother, how are you? Do you want a proper cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot?» I’m very proud of my ability to say this tongue-twister without stumbling. According to her face, she’s not.
«We can’t do this anymore, Mary.» Her warning face is something she only has with me, my privilege. Morgan never got that. Well, my beloved sister never disobeyed like that.
Don’t get it wrong, I love her. She is America’s little star and I think it really suits her, and she’s sweet, she is smart, all perfect. I am… I am what Tony Stark was when he was twenty years old. I’m following my father’s footsteps too!
«What? I’m back home! Safe!»
«They saw you last night with Cruz Beckham.» Her voice is so desperate that I almost feel sorry for her but really, how many eighteen years old girls stay at home knitting? I’m just famous. I never asked for my mother. Or father. Or the money, but I have it.
«And so what? He’s great!»
«He’s thirty! And you were drinking! And you were dressed like…» She doesn’t finish the line, but I can imagine.
«Like a slut?»
«I never said that.»
«No I get it. You think I’m a slut. If Cruz Beckham does the same thing that I do in a party he is a great man and if I do that I’m America’s Whore.»
«Language!» I hear it while I slam the door. I’m not in my pajamas, I’m in the same black skirt I was last night, a purple crop top, but of course I took off the heels before going to sleep. And apparently I didn’t wash my make up, because I look like the Winter Soldier, according to the pictures. Not as good looking as uncle Bucky, tho.
Morgan is staring at me, with a sympathetic look on her perfect face. I can see she’s struggling to evoid the judgment.
«You’re home.» I start, walking in the kitchen with a huge smile on my face. Nobody needs a kitchen that big, let’s face it. We have it because we are rich. We are famous, that’s what famous people do, right? It’s stupid that I’m so hated. “Mary Stark in trouble again”, “Mary Stark walking in the streets with no jeans on”, “Mary Stark fails to be the perfect daughter”. Not that he could see it, obviously.
I’m not the first heiress who goes a little crazy. Paris Hilton. Kim Kardashian. Blair Waldorf – I watch Netflix at night, old shows and everything.
«Yes, mama wanted to talk to me.» She answers. Morgan is twenty-three, rising and shining. She had five years with dad. I look at her, she’s majoring in law in college so I never gets to proper see her. Brown hair, like mine (but combed), dark eyes, not so tall but petite, cute.
«She is scared you could be Iron Girl.» I warn her. The thing is that Morgan can be Iron Girl. She has the brain, she has the heart. Mom is just scared and I get it, but Morgan wants to help.
«So having me here, with all dad’s machines… is not a great idea.»
«Completely controlled, Happy behind every door.» We laugh. I bring the milk, even if it’s midday, hoping that Miss Potts doesn’t show up.
«Mary… Happy isn’t doing a wonderful job with you.»
«Happy likes you, cheeseburger’s girl. He loathes me.»
«He doesn’t! He is just concerned.»
«Of what? I’m safe and sound like Taylor Swift.»
«You are in, like, all the magazines. In lingeries. Playing, or flirting, or… dancing.»
«You brought the magazines?» I ask with a bit of impertinence. She glances at me. Just. Like. Mother
«I’m just worried about you, sis.»
«No reason. I’m a Stark, right? Not the “Winter is coming” ones, that family is unlucky. But we are!»
«Sure.» She mutters back. «It’s just that you are so good when you behave. You have an artistic mind, great sense of colors, if you just-»
«So what are you working on?» I try to avoid another argument. One day at a time. And I know Morgan always works on something.
«Pardon? Nothing. I’m very busy studying.»
«No you are not. You passed your final test studying the night before it while I was chatting with you about Peter Parker.»
«You had a huge crush on the guy.»
«I was thirteen and stupid and he was always around. Morgan! C’mon!»
«Not this time. You will see it when I will finish it. Don’t be the annoying little sister.»
«But I’m the annoying little sister! And I will go to the garden, so mom won’t find me.»
«Dressed like that?» She looks at me and immediately blushes. Sometimes she seems like she is the main character of Downton Abbey. A fiancé, a good job, perfect hair, so boring, no fun. In a lovely way, because I love her.
«Mom is in my room, I can’t change myself.»
«Well wash your face at least.»
I obey, Morgan commands more gracefully than mother. I just think that after the flawless experience she had raising Mor she would never expect me. I don’t blame her.
«Oh, Mary? Don’t go to the garage please.»
The next place I go to is the garage. C’mon, it was a hint. She wants me there. Otherwise she would never tell me that, she knows the first thing I want to do is the forbidden one.
I sneak through the garden and I end in front of the garage. I never came here. That’s dad and Morgan’s place, not mine and I respect that. It’s large, in cement, and the door is locked but… my sister is the mastermind of this place. And she would never change something dad created, even a little code.
Five. Two. two thousand nineteen. Her birth date.
Well that’s normal. I feel happy for her, she has memories of the past, father loved her. He would have loved me too, he just never met me.
The inside of the garage is wonderful. I imaginated it as greasy, old and grey, and instead it’s a tech paradise. Not really my kind of paradise, but still… a paradise. Desks, labels, tables, it’s written in greek according to me.
«Wow I’m so stupid.» It’s the first though it comes to my mind. I could never project something like that. The second is “I need some music”. I search until I find a vynil. Wow, so edgy, daddy. Or sis, I don’t know, but I bet on daddy.
The first notes of “Back in Black” fill the room and now that’s my place. I scream, and I sing and I dance like there’s not tomorrow, who said I can’t enjoying myself while I’m hiding from my mother? I find myself dancing in the middle of the room and for a moment, just for a moment, I think that maybe mom and dad did that too when they were young. Dancing in the lab. No, mom would never do something like that.
The song ends and I stay there, getting out of breath. Just a moment after I become aware that there’s something wrong with my thumb. Something on it. A liquid? A fluid? I try to get off me but suddenly everything is very heavy. My eyes want to close themselves. I try with all my strenght not to fall asleep. It would be a terrible idea. Well, if I just fall asleep for a minute Morgan will find me… eventually.
Hey! If you want to be in a list just ask me!
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marksarmel · 4 years
Another edition of What I’m Consuming for you to consume.
What I’ve Been Consuming 05/13/20
Look, we are not heroes for staying home and watching ungodly amounts of tv, but it’s the smart thing to do. So let’s all be smart while calcifying our brains with movies, tv, video games, comic books, Zoom meet ups, the FUCKING INTERNET that contains the entire collection of human creation and knowledge and our favorite snacks. I’m settling in with Flaming Hot Cheeto’s popcorn, Pork Rinds and the occasional edible with my favorite cocktail. I wash all this down with my nightly dose of Simvastatin, my cholesterol medication. 
Also, let’s get out and walk around since it’s beautiful weather right now. This is especially important for those of us in the Midwest who were blessed with snow just last week!
Recently finished the Amazon series Hunters. It was good, but looking at it as a whole it seemed  to be holding something back. The characters felt like they were supposed to be larger than life and more bombastic, but they were instead subdued. Even Al Pacino is reserved. Was it a comic book adaptation or an inspired-by-actual-events type show? it was a compelling story somewhat overshadowed by not being sure what kind of show it wanted to be.
Midnight Gospel! Oh my god where to begin? This is simply great tv. The rhythm of the show sets in super fast and all you can do is hold on for the duration. I’m nearly done with the season and it’s deconstruction of philosophy and life and death are pretty timely, but never preachy. Just sit down and enjoy. Best served with a side of your favorite marijuana infused edible.
The new limited series RUN from HBO quickly got me hooked. It’s premised on two old lovers who have a pact to meet again if one texts “RUN” to the other. After 15 years one texts the other and our story begins! It was no struggle for me to dive into this show since I’m already well along in my Merrit Weaver addiction. She has been a spoonful of sugar with a side of cake in shows such as Godless and Unbelievable. I’m making room on my calendar now to watch her in Nurse Jackie and I’m super embarrassed to admit that I had no idea she was Denise in the Walking Dead. Ok, enough about Ms. Weaver, Domnhall Gleason is in this show too. 
I’m rewatching Watchmen because it was one of the best shows of 2019. It is great to see Damon Lindelof stick the landing like Simone Biles on this one. It was completely engrossing in every way.
For a much needed salve of humor in these times Middleditch and Schwartz is absolutely sting free healing. It’s a short three episodes and all three episodes are solid, but one and two are the best.
Killing Eve is back and I couldn’t be happier! So so happy to have all of these characters in my life. So so sad at what happens to them.
Quick Bites - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is still living its best life. Real Time with Bill Maher not so much. Still keeping up with Homeland, but season 5 is not the best. The Westworld  season finale wrapped up a wobbly season with a solid if forgettable final episode. I miss the heady hard to understand first two seasons. Props for some good action sequences this season though.
I need to get back too… I started Lock and Key a while back and lost it somewhere in the ether. Also, an FB convo reminded me to get back to Doom Patrol. I never finished Counterpart either. (Looking back at my post from last moth I see that I also mentioned getting back to Counterpart then too, so it’s probably safe to say I won’t be getting back to it.) Not sure if these shows were good or bad or just not coming at me the right way. Oh, oh! Devs I do want to finish that, but yes I do agree with others comments that the main character’s acting is… not the best.
The Apostle - Starring Dan Stevens from Legion, The Guest and Downton Abbey this movie starts out a bit slow, but winds itself up to a flat out bonkers ending. Worth watching with the lights off and no bathroom breaks.
I started the great Korean action flick The Villainess, but I fell asleep before finishing it. Can someone call a movie great if they fall asleep during it? If that someone was absolutely thrilled by watching the opening sequence then yes, yes they can.
Still finding myself indulging in the occasional Mario Kart binge. Also got some friends together for Bomberman which is frivolous fun. Spent a few hours back with Mario Odyssey too. Purchased Child of Light a few days ago so I’m hoping to get to that soon.
Not much in the way of books month. In the comics world I did start JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, but was thrown off by the revelation that the book I’m reading, which is marked book 1, is actually part two in the story. Shrug emoji.
I did finish the first trade in the Outcast series from writer Robert Kirkman, now superrich and superfamous creator of The Walking Dead  and not so famous, but no less talented, artist Paul Azaceta. It is filled with great dread and atmosphere. It does not wrap up the story in the first trade which always irks me.
I was excited to see that Fiona Apple’s new album “Fetch the Bolt Cutters” came out! Then I listened to it. And listened to it again, and then listened to it one more time. It is an uneven album that frustrated me with how many songs are filled with the same refrain. I love the music, the writing not so much. That being said Under the Table, Rack of His and For Her are repeat listens for me.
Drake dropped a new album/mixtape called ”Dark Lane. Demo Tapes” and so continues my love/annoyance with Drake’s music. Listening to  Drake’s music is like being in a 60+ year marriage and still being very much in love, but absolutely hating how your partner chews with their mouth open.
I discovered Coco Rico soda in a local Asian Market. It’s a lovely sweet coconut beverage.
As mentioned earlier Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Popcorn is becoming my new go to snack. Move over Doritos Cool Ranch because Chester Cheetah is here!
I was in a good running routine and then it started snowing and raining all the time. Back to the couch for me.
That about sums it up for this month. Don’t be afraid to skip your next work Zoom meeting. The work will be there tomorrow.
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msfbgraves · 5 years
Disability representation test
You've heard of the Bechdel test. Get ready for the Graves test: AKA Does the Disabled Person Live?
There's three rules:
Is there a disabled character in it?
Is the disabled character played by a disabled actor?
Does the disabled person live?
Now, a lot of media doesn't even pass the first hurdle. Think of anything you've just watched at all. Yesterday, I watched El Camino and the first episode of True Detective, season 2. No visibly disabled person in sight. Next.
Note: This changes, of course, when you look at mental illness - this is represented quite a lot when it comes to disability. El Camino and True Detective definitely score when looked at through that lens. Mentally ill actors are also not routinely kept out of state drama schools, while visibly disabled actors often are. You can totally still do the test! I'm going to focus more on visible disabilities in this post, however.
To start with the biggest clusterfuck in recent years when it comes to representation, Me Before You:
Is there a disabled person in it: Yes, undeniably so
Is the disabled person played by a disabled actor: Nope, even though he totally could have been without having to switch actors in- story
Does the disabled person survive? Nope, disabled people are Better Off Dead for the Good Of All, as they themselves claim
On the opposite end of this spectrum, Special
Is there a disabled person in it? Yes.
Is the disabled character played by a disabled actor? Why, indeed.
Does the disabled person live? Yes, why ever not?
Still, that's quite a rare find. Frida, which seems like positive representation, only ticks one box: there is a disabled person in it, but she's played by a non-disabled actor and she dies on screen. (And yeah, it's a biopic but they don't all end with on screen death.)
Yes, the main character
Not really! House destroys his whole life, there is a funeral service for him and it is heavily implied he will kill himself after the series finale
In Bruges
Oh, this started out so wel!
Yes, a character with dwarfism
Yea... aaah, no, the disabled character is killed off for laughs.
Manages two out of three:
Yes, there is a disabled character
No, Colin Farrell is not an amputee
The Beguiled doesn't fare as well
Yes, there's a disabled character
No, Colin Farrell is not an amputee
Little Women
Yes, Beth
Breaking Bad
Yes, Walt Jr.
Omg, yes!
You made it, baby!!
Yes, Nessarose
No, never, though it's certainly not impossible
No, killed for laughs
Yes, Ray Charles
No, though he totally could have been but for one dream sequence that could have easily been scrapped
You made it, baby!!
Downton Abbey (Movie)
Yes, actually! He has fuckall to do, but Bates is there all right
Nope, Brendan Coyle is not disabled
Yes, they're not even trying to kill Bates!
Game of Thrones
Not too bad!
Yes, thanks to Ramsey Bolton (severe ptsd, missing - is a penis a limb? Anyway, it's definitely an impairment)
? I have no idea whether Alfie Allen has personally experienced mental illness
Sorry, Theon, nope.
Nope (Which is such a copout. They could have easily recast him in later seasons!)
He lives!!
Why yes!!
He lives!!
Call Me By Your Name
Triple no: no disabled characters, actors, and the characters don't survive the film because they're not even in there.
A Star is Born
Yes, main male character has severe tinnitus/hearing loss
The disability is not given as a reason, but he doesn't make it, does he?!
I'm not even getting into accurate or harmful representation here, OK? I'd just like us there, and, um, alive. Which is quite a tall order.
I'm retroactively a lot more fond of Tiny Tim because at least he got a reprieve!
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housewifekiki · 5 years
HI HELLO, ¡HOLA! How have you all (Blogtress included duh) been??? Tis been SO long since I’ve dropped by to chat & as much as I wanna know all the tea™️ (like who is this new goth girl, has Kiki finally decided to give Wes a sister, did Wes just decide to give himself a daughter, is Collette still the sweetest lil bun on the planet, has Joss seen his soulmate again, have Harlan & Brianna had more pregnancy scares), I really needa know if Harvey has watched Diablero yet. (Blogtress too!)-Lily😈
The new Goth girl, Armanda is her name, she was in my AP Bio class last year I got interested in her when I heard her name because I thought she too was the child of a fan of vampire horror erotica. Turns out she was named after Armanda Degli Abbati and not The Vampire Armand AKA Amadeo AKA Andrei. So my pickup lines based on shared life experience of being named after one half of a couple with so few brain cells they decided to take their vampire asses to live in Miami didn’t work out. It’s OK though, cause we’re still hooking up and she knows so many things about the world like she’s always reading and her mom’s a screenwriter so any time we watch a horror movie she knows all these cool facts. She’s just really chill and it’s so easy to hang out with her. 
I’m still not sure what I’m going to do about my eyebrow. I thought piercings were supposed to close, it’s not closing. Do I have to show up at the country club with this on me? 
I’m trying!!! I told Summer in 2020 I want our baby to be born, in 2020 I want to physically hold my baby in my arms. She said OK, we can start trying in the summer of 2019. Obviously, I can’t pick and choose if it’s a girl or not but there are a few tips and tricks online based on old wives tales for increasing your chances of having a boy or a girl and you best believe that I will be doing all of them that I can (and so will Summer) to ensure I have a daughter. 
And if it’s a boy that’s perfect because I’m going to love my baby no matter what. Plus, Summer and I agreed on four kids, what are the odds of them being all boys?....I really hope the odds aren’t high on that. 
Colette is still the most precious and cutest baby in the whole entire world!!! Even though she’s not really a baby anymore because she’s going to be two in three weeks!!! She’s going to be a whole toddler!!!
But still an angel!! Even if the only thing she did today was lounge around in her robe and eat pink Cheerios straight out of the box while watching Peppa Pig. She didn’t even want any milk to go along with it. It was straight Cheerios except for when I ordered boba and she snatched her rose milk boba and went straight back to her Peppa Pig. If you tried to get her to do anything else, she gave you her Coco glare and you walked away. 
She’s becoming more aware of her power and the world isn’t ready for it. 
Briana Joo and I have not!!! Because we now spend most of our time in two different states living out our college dreams. Can’t have a pregnancy scare through phone sex although if technology ever goes that far I can promise you Briana Joo and I will be the unknowing guinea pigs for it. 
I’ve watched Diablero twice through and I really enjoy it! It’s the urban fantasy Mexican buddy cop show I never knew I needed. Much better than that Supernatural show Micah tried to get me to watch. 
I hope Son Hee and Elvis give us a good bellieregent sexual tension coupling and that Netflix doesn’t break my heart with this show like they did with so many others. I’m already fearing for Siemper Bruja and it hasn’t even aired yet. 
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-the Blogtress
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sickficprompts · 6 years
So I based this off the There’s a Catch! 34… the one about the character getting their creator sick? If I was better at making this whole Tumblr thingy work, I’d try to connect the two, but at this point I’ll be happy if this just submits properly. This is also probably the wrong place to put this, but if people like this, I may or may not try writing a part two. Wouldn’t bet on it, I tend to forget my projects.
1:53 AM.
The white numbers in the lower right hand corner of my screen seemed to be mocking my insomnia. As usual, I was up at ungodly hours of the night, unable to sleep. Now I understood why my parents ordered me to bed at midnight when they were here instead of Chicago. Staring at a too-bright screen and trying to work on another chapter of my two-year long story. Wishing that the characters could somehow pop out of their black-and-white prison to come have an actual conversation with me. Listening in on the conversations they had between themselves was all good and fine, of course, but to actually be able to talk to them myself, and not through other characters… well, it would provide some useful insight.
I froze, almost too afraid to look at the source. The front door was locked, wasn’t it? I should’ve heard someone coming down the stairs. But I’d definitely heard someone say hello, and they were in here. With me. And no one else was supposed to be in the house.
That meant I had to be hallucinating. Again. Now I understood why my parents ordered me to bed at midnight when they were here instead of Chicago. If I was hallucinating after some meager twenty or so hours, I didn’t even want to think of what happened when I went thirty without so much as a nap. At least hallucinations were something I was used to… but already, I could feel the anxiety creeping through me.
“What is this place? It feels vaguely familiar, but… not quite.”
What. The. Hell?
The hallucinations didn’t normally talk this well. One or two words, tops. Barely coherent. Certainly not a well-crafted English sentence that I could actually understand. Something was wrong, and wrong on more levels than I was capable of counting at this hour. Maybe if I just held still and focused on my writing….
“Do I - yes, or… maybe? Well, uh, I think I know you,” the voice said, getting closer. It was decidedly a adult male’s voice, young and not especially masculine. The accent was odd, too; it wasn’t local, and I couldn’t really place it either. “Is everything all right? You look a bit pale. Not that I have much room to talk, of course, but for a human. You’re - actually, I’m not sure. Who are you, exactly?”
Finally, I mustered the courage to turn around and look at the voice. Most of my vision was varying degrees of blue from too much time staring at the bright screen in total darkness, but I could make out the outline of a very thin man. He didn’t seem threatening - standing a good distance away, the outline of his hands seeming empty and by his sides if nothing else. Still wasn’t going to tell him anything until I knew who the hell he was, though.
He coughed as I turned around far enough to flip on the overhead lights. After I winced and blinked a few times, my vision focused enough for me to get a solid idea of who this man was. Thin, like I’d figured from his silhouette, and jet-black, razor-straight hair tied back around his neck. Maybe it was the hair, but he looked scarily pale, almost ghost-like, the only place with any human coloration being his nose, pink as the pint of strawberry ice cream I’d finished hours ago.
“Umm… hi,” I said, glancing around my desk for something to defend myself with. He hadn’t done anything, not yet, but I decidedly didn’t like strange people standing around in my house. Even if they probably didn’t really exist. “I really don’t think I know you. How’d you get in here, anyway? Maybe you should go home, you look a bit sick.”
“You called me here,” he said. “Louis? Does that seem familiar?”
Oh God. Dear God. Please no.
I hadn’t meant it that literally. What was I supposed to do with him now? Sure, I’d said I’d wanted to talk to him, but I hadn’t meant right here and now at almost two o'clock in the morning. Of course he wouldn’t think anything of it, that was the downside of writing a vampire. He thought two o'clock was a perfectly reasonable time to strike it up.
“Oh,” I said. “Yeah. Yeah, I know you. Hi.” Louis nodded, starting to look a bit awkward. “Why don’t you sit down…?”
He almost mechanically took a seat on the sofa some ten feet away from me, jumping back up at the feeling of sitting on the remote. Right… he didn’t know anything about modern technology. The glowing box in front of me was probably confusing enough, not to mention the large black one hanging off the wall in front of him.
“Here,” I said, getting up and taking the remote. “Do you want to watch a… a play? On that box?” Louis blinked a few times, looking at the box with a painfully confused expression. “Here, I’ll just turn it on to something, we can watch a bit.”
“But how are the actors going to get in the box?” he asked. “Even dwarfs aren’t that small.”
“They just do,” I said, turning it on. Louis yelped and shielded his eyes at the sudden flash of light. An immediate pang of guilt ran through me as I remembered that I had made him overly-sensitive to bright lights as part of his vampirism. Oops. “Sorry, I’ll try to warn you next time. Go ahead and sit down, make yourself comfortable. You’re French, right? So no Merlin….”
“Oui,” he muttered, feeling his way back to the couch. “I don’t mind if you watch something English. I take it you’re English, since you’re speaking the language.”
“…Sure,” I said. Now didn’t seem like the time to try to explain DNA tests and everything else to him. I just needed him distracted for a while so I could maybe fall asleep or come up with how I was going to handle having a vampire in my house. “How’s Downton Abbey? Good enough with you?”
“Never heard of it,” he said. “Dr. Haralson would’ve told me if it was by that Shakespeare he likes so much, so I don’t suppose it’s on of those… what’s it about?”
“Servants, lords, war, the standard stuff,” I said. Louis nodded, apparently satisfied with my lackluster explanation. “You’ll probably like it well enough. It’s about more English people, but there aren’t many French shows on around here. For obvious reasons. Anyway, I’m a bit tired… do you care if I lie on you a bit?”
Louis was already engrossed by the scene, but pulled his attention back to me just long enough to wrap an arm around my body, almost forcing me to snuggle up with him. If we had a blanket - which we did, just some five feet away - maybe he’d go to sleep too, and save me some trouble. A sleeping vampire didn’t usually sink their fangs into your carotid, anyway. That alone almost made it worth the journey.
Well, I’d get it just as soon as it got to the good part.
“M-miss?” Louis whispered, shaking me awake. “Hello?”
I blinked a few times and looked up at him, freezing when I saw his face. The nostrils flaring should’ve been a dead giveaway of what was coming next, but even his eyes were streaming now. He was going to sneeze and it was more than unlikely that he would think to cover his mouth. So much for not catching his cold….
“ATCHOOO!” Just as I’d predicted, he hadn’t made any attempt to cover his mouth, only turning his head down slightly and sneezing towards my chest. “S-sorr… ehh-HTTCHHOOO-ATISHOOO! Hhh-hnnxxt-H'STCHOOOO!” He sniffed a few times, then looked back up at me, sheepish. “Very sorry about that, it’s this blasted cold.”
“…Yeah, I get it,” I said. “Bless you, or santé, or whatever it is in France.”
“Merci.” Louis sniffed a few times, dug in his pockets for a moment, then sighed and collapsed back against the couch. “What is this Great War they keep talking about on here? I don’t want to believe it could’ve happened, but it did, didn’t it?”
“Yeah, it happened,” I said. “Long time ago. Not a really long time, but about a century now. It was bad, but the second one… we call it the Second World War… well, as much as I hate to minimize the suffering in the first one, the second was something else.”
“Oh God,” he groaned. “There was another, worse one?”
“That’s what I’m tellin’ you.” Louis’s face hinted no traces of surprise, only disgust and disappointment. Seemed appropriate enough for someone who’d seen as many wars as he had. “It’s a long story, the second one, or I’d tell you some about it. Not that you probably want to know anymore than you know already. Anyway, even if you do, I’m too tired to go into nuclear weapons and Nazism and all that.”
“…Understandable, I won’t ask.” I yawned, already feeling fatigue returning to plague me again. “Cherié, you’re clearly tired and you’ve been sleeping on me for almost three hours now, perhaps it’s time to go to bed proper? It doesn’t bother me, don’t misunderstand, but I would think I’d make a rather uncomfortable sleeping arrangement, being as bony as I am.” “It’s my fault, isn’t it? You should’ve said something, given the hour. Sometimes it’s so easy for us to forget about the human need for several hours of sleep… of course, you must know this already, but it bears repeating. What day is it, anyway?”
“It’s… uh, it’s Saturday, I think.” I blinked and stared up at the clock, not sure how long I’d been up before I fell asleep on Louis. It was something around 5:40, which meant the sun would be coming up before too much longer. Good thing Louis wasn’t going to burn to a crisp. “Yeah. Five in the morning, Saturday, and I’ve had a whole three hours of sleep. That’s great.”
“If you’re tired, please don’t stay up on my behalf,” he said. “You can go to bed for a few hours, I’ll stay here. English or not, the show is somewhat like what I’m used to back in the palace. It’s… almost comforting. Any time you want me to wake you up? I could bring you some coffee if you’re so inclined.”
“No coffee, please,” I said. “I’ll probably be sufferable after another four hours, so sometime around nine would be all right. And… if you’re going to insist on bringing me something to drink as soon as I wake up, I wouldn’t be entirely opposed to some tea.”
“Typical Englishwoman.” He was grinning, not scowling, so he probably meant well. “Never mind, I shouldn’t be keeping you. You’re exhausted. Go on to bed, I’ll wake you up later. Sleep well.”
“G'morning. Sleep well enough?”
I groaned and looked up at Louis. As I’d asked, he was standing with a glass of tea for me, but he looked somewhat concerned. The smoke alarms weren’t blaring and if he had destroyed the kitchen, I was fairly certain I would’ve noticed some of the noise. It wasn’t until I sat up that the possibility of being sick occurred to me.
Dang it.
A cold shouldn’t be able to come on this fast - I’d only been exposed some four hours ago, since he’d remembered to get me up on time - but I had all the tell-tale symptoms of a bad cold. Burning throat, nose full of concrete, and a throbbing headache just to top it all off.
“Miss, you look… maybe a little ill,” Louis said. “I-I didn’t give you this cold, did I? I’m very sorry about it, it wasn’t my intention.”
“No, that’s clinically impossible,” I muttered, “It hasn’t been long enough for me to catch a cold off you. Or the flu, if you were wrong about why you’re sneezing.”
“But I’ve been here about that long,” he protested. “Only eight hours, if we’re going to count, but I know that our smallpox takes hold much faster than human smallpox. A day or two instead of a week. It doesn’t seem unthinkable that colds would work the same way.”
Well, dang it double.
“It doesn’t matter,” I said, trying to get up. Trying, as Louis almost immediately shoved me back onto the bed. “Let me up, it’s just a bad cold. I’m fine.”
“I got you sick, didn’t I?” he asked. “You don’t have to try to spare my feelings. Not that I’m sure why you’d bother after all the other things you put me through. Here, drink this and… do you want me to go back to nonexistence? I’d more than understand if you don’t want to see me right now.”
As much as some of me wanted to say yes, I knew I didn’t really want him gone. It was nice having someone around the house, even if that someone was quite possibly a sleep-deprivation induced hallucination that was somehow infecting me with colds and bringing me tea. OK, maybe not a hallucination. But at the very least, a figment of my imagination that had somehow gained independence and a physical form, all while somehow understanding that I was its creator and responsible for all its suffering… and had a history of sociopathic tendencies… and was more than strong enough to rip me to shreds….
“Are you going to vomit?” he asked, taking a few very quick steps back. “You went pale just now… very pale… maybe you have something worse than my cold. This cold was awful, but it didn’t give me nausea. Did you eat anything yesterday? Maybe that’s it.”
“Please don’t kill me,” I whimpered, almost sobbing. “I’m sorry for what I did, I really am, please don’t kill me… y-you must want to hurt me, I won’t hold that against you, just please don’t kill me. I’m begging you, please don’t!”
“What - no! No, I don’t hold that against you,” Louis said. “You seem nice enough. There must be some good reason for it, even if I don’t understand… and anyway, I wouldn’t kill you even if I could. Don’t cry.” Despite his efforts, the tears still welled up and then ran down my cheeks, my hands too shaky to accurately wipe them away. “All right then. It seems like the normal thing to do here is offer to turn on that stage-box and watch something with the other person? Honestly, I’m not sure, but you know that already. Will it make you feel better?”
I nodded, a weak bob that should’ve gone unnoticed. Still, Louis took the remote off the nightstand and pressed the power button - he learned faster than I gave him credit for - and then gave it to me. As I browsed through the shows, Louis managed to find some small part of the twin-sized bed to sit on without crushing my legs. The slight flinch when Downton Abbey came up told me all I needed to know.
Today I was staying in bed with a cold, watching Downton Abbey with someone who shouldn’t even exist. And, at least to me, his company was worth the misery, fangs and all.
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Chapter One: The Day Matthew Goode Saved Me.
I was going to start this blog with an excursus of my life as keeper of a diary, and maybe I will write about my life as the keeper of a diary some day. But that can wait, that will have to wait, because now I have something far more exciting to report.
Today, I was saved by Matthew Goode.
You may remember Matthew Goode for playing the protagonist in Brideshead Revisited, being hands down the best thing in the last season of Downton Abbey, starring as The Tall and Dark Stranger in several of my day-dreams. Ok, maybe you won’t remember that one.   Alright, he only accidentally saved me, without even realising it, and he did save me only from the horrific menace of a three billions calories piece of chocolate cake. Nevertheless, the fact remains: today, I was saved by Matthew Goode. How many of you can say the same? Yeah, I thought so.
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Let me tell you how it went.
Where shall I start? Last night, sitting on the floor of my kitchen, watching Gilmore Girls on my phone as I waited for a ton of spaghetti to cook? (The GG episode was “Nick and Nora/Sid and Nacy” - I guess I needed Rory’s special brand of journalistic girl power right then). Or this morning, when I woke up at a quarter to seven, already wailing ‘craaaaaaap’ because I thought I had overslept and I had an essay to write? No, let’s move forward a little and begin with lunch, the first good thing in my day.
It was around two pm, I had just finished the second of my 2,500 words essays in less than twelve hours (not bad, right? I hope so, at least … ). My uterus was lamenting loudly and painfully, I felt crossed with God and the Universe and Everything, not to mention I felt like eating pretty much God, the Universe, and Everything. Then, just before giving in to the sad reality of yet another 500 grams of spaghetti only accompanied by the dubious improvement of Tesco’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil (I was born in the South of Italy: just don’t get me started on Extra Virgin Olive Oil), when I finally opened my university mail box to learn that my 3pm class for the afternoon had been cancelled. Suddently, then, I found myself with time for lunch, not to mention with the glorious perspective of a free afternoon. Still, I wasn’t happy. I made myself a dish of roasted squash with evo oil, balsamic vinegar and oregano on a peppery salad. I ate while reading Amy Tan’s “The Kitchen God’s Wife”. I love that book and the food was delicious; still, I wasn’t happy (please refer to the bit about my angry uterus). 
Finally, I accepted the ineluctable truth that I simply was not going to be happy today. Thus, growing grim about the mouth but unable to get to sea just yet, I took my laptop and the drizzly November in my soul and decided to go hunting for sweets instead: if I couldn’t be happy, at least I could be on a sugar high. Before realising it, I was out of my college, trying to decide whether I felt more like having an ice-cream sundae or a slice of chocolate cake. What I really wanted, let’s be honest, was chocolate cake with salted caramel ice-cream on the side.  Probably I would have gone I through with it - even though I wasn’t really hungry, even though I was already sort of regretting it - if it had not been for Matthew Goode.
Still absorbed in my cake vs. ice-cream dilemma, I bumped into a crowd of people standing between the Radcliffe Camera and the Bodleian library, some holding cameras, some walking up and down in the narrow space, some telling the ones walking up and down the narrow space how to walk up and down the narrow space in the right way. I stopped, mesmerised. Because, for the last two weeks or so, every cell of my brain that wasn’t otherwise employed has been fixed on the idea of becoming a TV runner. I was looking around me, with eyes as big as teacups, drinking in as much information as possible, wondering if there was any chance they were shooting Endeavour, when Matthew Goode appeared on the steps of the Bod. As the narrating voice in Jane the Virgin would put it, “I’m not going to lie, friends: it felt like fate”.
After that, of course, I could not possibly go and close myself into Caffé Nero for all the cappuccino cake in the world. I had to stay, I had to look - I also had to finish my entry for the Mays Anthology and send it over before 6pm. Thus it was that, instead of guiltily stuffing my face with cake because I’d had couple of bad days, I walked to the Rad Cam, I sat on its steps, I opened my laptop and I began to write, throwing the occasional glance at my saviour Matthew Goode as he stood opposite me on the steps of the Bod, staring out at the winter day with that expression people always have in ITV dramas and romantic novels, his eyes fixed on something only he could see.
Sincerely truly yours,
Raf x
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