#or whatever other headcanons y’all have for ‘em!!
houseswife · 5 months
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transgender detector going haywire rn…
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primaviva · 9 months
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PAIRING: gwen stacy x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: your jealous girlfriend, gwen stacy, headcanons and imagines.
WARNING: jealousy and possessive gwen, people not taking no for an answer (nothing extreme), fluff, that’s all ??
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people who say gwen doesn’t get jealous are lying on her name
it’s not like she means to be or makes a big scene out of it, but she can’t help but get a little irritated when people talk to you and she knows they have an interest in you or she sees them eyeing you a certain way
jealous!gwen who can’t help but give people death inducing side eyes when they flirt with you
let’s get this straight: gwen does not get jealous when people talk to you. she's not dumb or controlling she’s not gonna get upset that someone goes up and talks to you while you both go out
In fact, she doesn’t even get upset if they call you pretty. well she does a little irritated BUT she doesn’t get mad when you get compliments because she knows you’re beautiful and she knows she’s not the only one who sees that
when nothing really comes from it, gwen just stares at them w her big blue eyes and she doesn’t even mean to but she’s very bad at masking how she feels in the moment so she just stares at them with a dark, annoyed look. her face is almost blank she’s just so annoyed.
“who is that you with?” they asked you, eyes furrowed.
“huh?” you questioned back as their finger pointed to gwen from across the room.
their face was one mixed with discomfort and confusion, “what’s her problem with two people havin a conversation?”
“no problem. that’s just my girlfriend, gwen.”
jealous!gwen who tells people off when they simply don’t get the hint
gwen does start getting pissed if they keep going with it to try and talk to you in hopes to get an ig @ or number
gwen trusts you.
she knows you’re not gonna entertain anybody or even give them a little hope of the idea that you’ll give ‘em a chance
but she feels like you guys are so obviously together that it’s annoying that this man in front of y’all is still trying to shoot his shot
when this does happen, you always tell let them down gently
“man, look. i got a girlfriend so i’m not really interested. thanks for the compliments but i’m sure the other girls around would be more interested in whatever you offer than me.”
usually, that works.
and as a side note, gwen loves when you tell other people that you have a girlfriend
she slowly feels this smirk growing on her face when the words leave her lips
it just provides a sense of security and ownership but not in a weird controlling way but in the sense that you both belong to each other. she’s yours and your hers.
HOWEVER… when that doesn’t work…
“who said anything about her, ma?” they asked slyly, tilting their head to the side as they leaned in a little closer to your face.
you didn’t expect him to come out with that. you saw gwen was watching, and you knew that she was well aware of what he was doing. but she never wanted to be overbearing and act like you couldn’t handle yourself.
this was one of those situations though. why couldn’t he just take no for an answer and leave you the hell alone?
something changed in gwen when she saw him going to put his hand on your shoulder.
"don't. touch. her."
her voice was so stern and demanding yet it sounded almost like a whisper. you slightly jumped at her sudden appearance as the person immediately put their hand down.
gwen moved closer to you, putting a hand on your hip and leaning you against her side.
“back off already. she's not interested and she's here with me,” gwen informed, her voice stern.
the person flirting with you looked surprised as if they didn’t expect her to match their energy.
“and who are you?” they asked, almost annoyed that someone had gotten in their way.
“her girlfriend, actually. you got a problem with that?” she spat out.
gwen has her fair share of saying some outta pocket things to people… but only when they deserve it
it ranges from:
“you should leave her alone before your face gets a few extra dents."
to remarks as simple and less violent:
"she's not available, get the hint."
gwen always makes sure you’re alright after tho.
she knows it can be uncomfortable especially as a female presenting person herself to just be straight up harassed by guys who feel entitled for you to say yes to their advances
“i don't know why guys don't understand the word no,” she muttered as her hand on your hip began to gently massage your side.
her frown disappeared, replaced with a soft smile as she turned her head back to look at you.
"you okay? need anything? i’m really sorry about that.”
gwen does not want you thanking her if she had to tell somebody off for you because she feels it’s her job as your girlfriend and also she’s doing it for you
she sees you in a uncomfortable situation, she gets you out. simple as that.
"anytime, y’know you don’t have to thank me. i hate seeing you get uncomfortable."
she down at you and tilted her head before speaking again.
"that guy was being such a creep it's crazy. do all people act like that now?"
she’s always first to comfort you about how uncomfortable you felt
if it hit hard and you start to cry… her heart will like shatter
people have different reactions to being hit on like that and if you’re the type to just cry from how fed up you are AND you’re in public she will leave immediately and take you to your home or hers.
if she ever sees the person who hit on you getting the worse jumping of they life or mugged by like eight bald clowns she is turning the other cheek actin like she never saw bro.
jealous!gwen who apologizes if she thinks she made a scene
the last thing gwen wants to do is draw even more unwanted attention to you if she does need to step in when somebody is making you uncomfortable
she has never made a scene before but she finds herself apologizing anyway if she ever involves herself with someone talking to you even when they aren’t flirting heavily or anything and she wants your attention
“was i too much? i don’t want to be the jealous girlfriend but…”
jealous!gwen who gets touchy when you give others your attention
gwen is not the type to just walk up behind you, eat your face, and then say “hello?” to whoever she is jealous of
i am sorry to tell you that but it’s not happening… not our white girl
gwen is more casual with it.
if you two are sitting next to each other, she will put a hand on your thigh. but when it’s more than just her being a little irritated to just annoyed at someone else taking your attention or talking/looking at you a certain way, she starts rubbing her hand up and down your thigh and inner thigh
she does stuff like this because 1) it’s casual 2) it’s in the person's view and it shows them that only she can get close and touch you like that, even if it’s a simple action
gwen will also do other things like put her hands on your hips, waist, shoulder, even neck
but she mainly does this when she wants your attention, that’s where her true jealousy stems from
your breath hitched at the wet sensation on your neck.
“hold on,” you told your friend as you put them on mute. “gwen, what are you tryna do?”
you glanced to your side and there gwen was with a sheepish ‘i did nothing wrong’ look. she had her arms wrapped around your waist as she slowly pulled you onto her lap until your back hit her chest.
“me? what am i doing?” she asked, acting unaware.
gwen started doing it again. she planted open mouth kisses on your neck all the way down to your shoulder.
“you’re not doing this right now,” you said in disbelief at how bold she was behind all that neediness.
however, she showed you just how serious she was when you felt a sharp and tense pressure bite into your shoulder leaving a tingly sensation.
“i’m gonna have to call you back.”
gwen was satisfied with that.
she mainly gets jealous when she sees someone else getting your attention
not in a way where you’re talking to a friend or someone you know and she never wants you talking to them, but let’s just say sometimes she wants your complete and full attention
like if you two are out and someone tries to start a conversation with you? she’s snatching your hand and dragging you along
especially if she ever takes you to spider society and sees someone trying to get a little flirty with you
“don’t you have an mj or something?”
she will literally web their mouths from a distance just to be petty
gwen is more confident doing stuff like that in the spider society because she’s much more familiar
if anything she will web your back and pull you into her just to walk off with you
jealous!gwen who talks on anyone that has shown interest in you
gwen will badmouth literally anyone who has tried to hit on you afterwards
that’s how you can tell it gets on her nerves.
someone could’ve complimented you in a class and asked to hang later and you said no and while walking broke she WILL bring that up
“that guy was so weird. why was he wearing a hoodie in 95 degree weather?”
“gwen, you wear hoodies in 95 degree weather.”
jealous!gwen who always has a hand on you no matter what when in public
gwen is not big on pda we all know this
the most you’re getting is her holding your hand or a kiss on the cheek
but when she isn’t, gwen always has a hand on you somewhere
whether she has a hand on the small of your back, arm around your shoulder, subtle hand on your hip or waist, she just will
for her, it’s not only nice to just feel you there but also she wants people to know you two are a couple
it’s just so satisfying to her when she seems someone looking at you and then they glance down to see she has you pulled into her side with her hand in your back jean pocket
“not even in their dreams can they have you,” gwen murmurs against your ear as you feel her breath tickle down to her neck.
you feel your shoulders tense inwards as your face gets all tingly at her words. she smirks, tilting her head and leaning in closer to you.
“don’t tell me you’re blushing! it’s so cute when you get all flustered like this,” she giggles. “what, so you like it when i call you mine?”
tho, gwen is one to act out of impulse sometimes
her emotions just get the best of her YOU CANT BLAME HER !!
one time she was feeling very possessive and just pulled you into her lap and kept you like that
she got really embarrassed afterwards and apologized while also trying to act like it never happened
“what happened? nothing happened. i mean, did i cause a scene? not like that matters! cus y’know, nothing happened… sorry if i did tho.”
jealous!gwen who never wants to admit that she’s jealous
gwen is stubborn.
if you call her jealous, she will call you crazy and that you don’t know what you’re talking about
but overall, gwen just wants your attention and her jealousy stems from insecurity. she struggles with feeling like she isn’t good enough for you and that you deserve someone who doesn’t live a double life. someone who can always be there for you, not flake on dates, and just be the perfect girlfriend
maybe gwen isn’t the perfect girlfriend. but you’re fine with that because she’s perfect to you.
“jealous?” she asked, taken aback that you even brought up how she was acting. “me? jealous? i’m not jealous at all. to be honest, i don’t even know what that word means.”
you just stared at her as she acted a fool. she realized and just took a deep breath, sighing in defeat.
“okay, yeah. maybe i was a bit… jealous. but can you blame me? i mean look at you! i just feel like you could do better sometimes even though i know we belong together. i just hate seeing how others look at you it just— it rubs me a certain way. and maybe i do want all your attention sometimes. ok, i guess i can be a bit of a jealous girlfriend. is it really that wrong though?”
© 2023 primaviva
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rolling-storm-writing · 8 months
Can you please write Týr x Kratos??? It can be headcanons of fluff, smut, or both!!! Just write whatever comes to mind!!! I'll be thankful with anything you write for me!!! 😊💖💖💖
Tyr/Kratos- Headcanons
warnings; NSFW
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Two words… SLOW BURN, first and foremost both are still deeply hurt and grieving.  Tyr is fresh from being imprisoned and Kratos still reeling after Ragnarok.
Kratos is quite weary of the former god as he brings Mimir to speak with him.  If anything the two don’t truly interact without outside help. 
Awkward to the outside eye as they sit in an ominous silence around a camp fire.
The two find common ground when it comes to god hood and what it means.  Learning from one another and finding solace in their differences and similarities.
Their relationship is a very slow but meaningful one in my opinion.
Occasional trips to other realms or taking time to hunt together.  Quiet storytelling or quick “hello’s” when in passing.
There is no big gesture or ask the two simply just fall into place at each other’s side.
Tyr is the more openly romantic one of the two with physical touch and words of affirmation being big things for him.  
After being locked away for so long tho he’s very hesitant about opening up to another.
Kratos doesn’t mind and often finds the gentle touches and closeness to be perfect.  More meaningful than some swooning kiss could ever be.
“May I?” Would come his lover’s quiet voice as they walked together.  And without fail Kratos would offer his hand to him.
Tyr’s larger one wrapped ever so delicately around his own as they continued on their walk.
One thing about this pair is communication and proper boundaries are a must.  Very tentative and careful with one another no matter the occasion.
“Is this alright?” Kratos would mutter running his fingers through the giant’s soft hair.  A soft hum of approval and he’d continue on twirling the soft locs through his fingers.
And in the morning when those larger hands massaged at Kratos’ waist, and soft lips pressed against his shoulder all it took was quiet “continue” and they’d be all over each other.
On his back Kratos looked through hooded lids as Tyr loomed over him.  Legs spread wide and held up at his lover sunk deeper into him.
“So beautiful…” watching as his cock nestled deeper inside, kratos’ hole speared and puffy with glistening silk with every filling inch.
Tyr is so much bigger and it drives the both of them mad with lust.  Kratos is a pillow princess and Tyr’s only cowgirl and the god can’t get enough.
Losing himself as he plows into the smaller man with each bed rattling thrusts. hands on his hips, pulling Kratos back and pushing into him over and over. 
Kratos isn’t a loud man but with Tyr he’s a growling mess.  Low moans filling the room to mingle with slapping skin and creaking bed frame.
These two have so much stamina it’s almost unreal how long they can go.  “So good for me…” Tyr would whisper finally as he buried his cock fully, Kratos holding onto with dear life as he was folded like a pretzel.
cum dripping from his hole as and down his thighs. Eyes rolled to the back of his skull choking on a breathless moan as he too reached a mind numbing climax.
Tyr is very much a service top and lives to make sure his love is satisfied.  Slowly pulling out and peppering Kratos with soft kisses.  Lips pressed together in a soft kiss as hands grasp and caress the other.
Aftercare and just taking care of one another is simply a must as well.  Relaxing in the bath some time later or cuddling up after a previously prepared meal.
These two are honesty just goals in my eyes.  Very sweet and slow in a way that’s just perfect…
A/N; WELL I finally wrote something!! Honestly I really do like this ship and maybe I’ll write more for em.
If y’all have any other suggestions feel free to let me know ! And don’t forget your umbrella<3
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stinkypeanutbutter · 5 months
sbg sleepover hcs because I’m silly
Aiden brings a butt ton of junk food. Tyler balances it out with the healthy crap so they don’t get diabetes.
With a LOT of bargaining, and I mean a lot, they come up with hairstyles for Ashlyn. It’s only rarely she gives in, but it makes the sleepover worth while.
sleeps at Aidens house the most just cause it’s huge, and huge means lots of hiding spaces, and it also means getting lost easily (Taylor)
they have like scheduled calendars for each movie night on who gets to choose. It goes in some kind of order depending on who went first last time.
Aiden and Taylor choose the horror or drama movies, Tyler goes for comedy, believe it or not. Logan goes for any genre of sci - fi or fantasy (he also loves doctor who) , ben likes to put on musicals ( bless him) , and ash doesn’t have a preferred taste, but she really likes disaster movies ( and comedies with Tyler sometimes. Taylor also loves kids movies like trolls, MLP, uhhh idk any 😭)
aiden also puts on the weirdest things he could find. Put on human centipede once, got banned from picking movies for the next 4 nights
dinner ? They just order pizza or burgers. If they’re feeling adventurous, they make something together ( 60/40 chance of succeeding )
Probably do contests and play random board games. Aiden has a ton of them because he would play in his sad little room against himself when he was feeling energetic. ( help )
Tyler forgets his crap sometimes, so he just borrows from the others like a loser
They tell spooky stories at like 11pm just so when the clock hits twelve they drop down and become paranoid about everything
despite not speaking, Ben tells the best scary stories and it’s hilarious cause he’ll go out of his way and plant some fake audios around the house ( or ARE they ? 😦 )
ashlyn would keep her braids in no matter what, even if they keep getting stepped or rolled on or pulled or -
sleeping ? They plan on staying up after 12 ofc, but when they do fall asleep it’s kinda a mess . Ben sleep like he’s about to be dropped into his grave, at least so he’s able to react quick enough to whatever might be bad in the area . Logan sleeps like a caterpillar in its chrysalis stage , unless with the group , then he kinda just lays on his side if he’s comfy . Tyler likes sleeping on his stomach cause he’s afraid something might punch a hole through it again, so just in case . . Taylor hugs things in her sleep. Don’t matter who, just be her stuffed animal for a while and she’ll let you go and roll on her side. Aiden has a similar issue. But he only does this cause he never really had anything to actually cuddle up on besides his pillow so. . he’ll hug on to whoever is closest ( Ash or Ben ) . They don’t mind it , I mean Ash gets trapped but she’ll deal with it later. If no one is around or close enough, he’ll just curl up into a little ball like he did when he was younger ( habit ).
Pancakes in the morning let’s gooo !!!!!!! Most of them collectively use a bunch of whipped cream . I mean , who doesn’t ? Lame - o’s. Aiden likes to see how many pancakes he can stack on top on eachother before it falls
No pancakes ? Cereal it is . Ash likes Frosted Flakes cause of the texture, and how they don’t crunch as loud when you chew em. Plus, they’re tasty. Taylor got them captain crunch and lucky charms. Tyler likes Honey Nut Cheerios cause he’s basic , but can’t resist honeycombs . . Cause he’s still basic . ( They slap tho idc what y’all say 🫠 ) Logan prefers fruity pebbles ( me fr ) or cinnamon taste crunch . Ben doesn’t eat too much cereal, but he likes rice Krispys cause their soft on his throat. Aiden likes whatever, he’s probably gonna add random crap in it anyway lol
that last part wasn’t really a sleepover headcanon but uhms ignore that 😅😅😅😿
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stardustshimmer · 9 months
Woohoo, new intro post!
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Hey, y’all! I’m ✨stardustshimmer!✨ But you can call me Stardust, or Star,or even Starry (if you really want to).
A little bit about me:
She/They, Aroace
Aspiring artist and dancer
Clown enthusiast
My current interests:
Animal Crossing
The Amazing Digital Circus
And a few other things that aren’t that strong of an interest rn.
This blog will mostly be dedicated to Kirby stuff, so let me tell you about my interest in that:
As of now, I’ve been a part of the fandom for, like, 2 years.
My favorite older game is Super Star, and my favorite modern game is Return to Dream Land Deluxe.
My favorite character is Marx.
I have a few AUs, but my main two are the Dream Circus AU and the Meta Pirate AU. Feel free to ask me about ‘em if you’re curious.
I currently ship Metadede, Kirfluff, Magoranza, Marx and Poppy Bros Jr, Adeleine and an OC of mine, Caraselle (I’m calling their ship name ClownColors), aaaaand that’s all I could think of for now. Know that these are all subject to change.
💫Please feel free to talk to me about Kirby. I’m always willing to hear about your headcanons, OCs, AUs, whatever you wanna tell me!💫
Intro post over! Have a fantastic day, peeps!
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haysprite · 1 year
Yippee, Susie Headcanon time! This isn't even close to all of the HCs I have for her, just like with the other three, but some of em are like super specific or are Joey/Susie related (which I'm saving for later teehee), but this'll have to do! As per usual, this is my interpretation of her character, blah blah blah, whatever, let's get to em <3
• AuDHD REAL (y’all should expect this by now)
• Has a special interest in plushies/stuffed animals and the 80s/90s My Little Pony shows/toys
• Is really quiet and shy when you first meet her, but once she grows to like and trust you, her personality shines a lot more! She’s a lot more talkative, bubbly, and loves to mess around with you!
• It takes her a while to warm up to people, though, and often finds it hard to trust others unless Julie or Joey are already friends with the person
• Looks up to Julie big time, who’s always been her cool, older role model
• She’s a BITER lmfao, it's her main way of showing affection as off putting as it can be for some people. It’s also a great way for her to get people to back off, since who tf wants to get bit. Tries not to do it as much since she got her braces, but sometimes she just can’t help herself
• Will hide her hands in her hoodie sleeves and whack the hell out of people
• Was really insecure about her braces at first, and got teased about them quite a bit at school. She still gets insecure about em every once in a while, but Julie, Joey, and Frank all make her feel a lot better about having them, so she tries to have fun with them by choosing fun colors every time she gets her bands replaced
• Has an extensive plushie collection! Her favorites consist of a lil black n white cat, a seal, and a worn out teddy bear
• Also has a collection of MLP merch, most of which were gifts from Julie
• Rarely ever seen without a hoodie or some sort of jacket on, both out of comfort and cause she gets cold very easily
• Her room is covered in random art supplies just laying about, and her desk is stained with a shit ton of paint
• Rarely ever stood up for herself when she got bullied, she just had a really hard time with this, so most of the time Julie or Joey would come help her out. Being a part of The Legion helped her gain a bit more confidence outside the mask, however, so she started standing up for herself more often
• Has the most energy of the group, and is practically always bouncing in her seat wanting to do something, whether it's just talking to her friends or going out and actually doing something
• Despite all her energy, though, she will CRASH at the end of the night, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to wake her up until morning, as she’s a very heavy sleeper and will sleep through just about anything
• Owns a lot of clothes with cats on em :3c She just really loves cats
• She’s a nail biter, so Julie started painting Susie’s nails so that she’d stop biting them as much
• Heavily dislikes the holidays, since they tended to feel super lonely and depressing for her growing up. She just felt like she got jipped for most of them, and got pretty jealous seeing how happy other people compared to her.
   • Struggles a lot in school, so she tends to get Julie’s and Joey’s help a lot, and sometimes they’ll have little study sessions just to help her out. She excels in her art and English classes though
• She knows a little bit of French! She’s not at ALL fluent, but she can read, speak, and understand some here and there
• Either has to work in dead silence or with her favorite music on, there is no in-between
   • Whenever she’s not at school or out n about with her friends, she loves to spend time alone in her room working on her art 
   • Has a little diary that she writes EVERYTHING down in, including some of the most insignificant details about her day. Nobody’s allowed to look inside it, not even Julie. She made the mistake of bringing it to school once, and just barely managed to grab it back from some girl who snatched it from her before the girl got to read any of it
 • Hates coffee with the PASSION, she thinks it's absolutely disgusting. She’s not a big fan of tea, either, but she does enjoy milk tea
• She enjoys reading, and has a few books that she loves to reread over and over again
• Loves to bug her friends a lot, and will find little things to do that’ll annoy them without making them upset at her
• She tries REALLY hard to fit in, especially within The Legion, and wants to prove to her friends how cool she actually is. Of course, the other three already love her dearly, but sometimes she doubts herself and thinks she has to try harder despite not even needing to try at all in the first place
• After finding out that Julie liked Frank, she bugged Joey to get him to tell her if Frank liked Julie back. After getting this confirmation, Susie annoyed the HELL out of Frank nonstop about this, and always called him out whenever she caught him staring at Julie or somethin, much to Frank’s annoyance
• She was the one who made the friendship bracelets for the group, and she was SOOOO excited to give them to everyone, since she spent quite some time making them
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c4tgvtz · 2 years
Hi Velvet! If isn’t much to request, can I have the continuation to your Cater headcanons? (GN reader if possible) Maybe a little nsfwish just bc you mentioned making out? Btw I love so much your writing, I’m happy to see another twst writer! Thank you in advance and don’t forget to take breaks and drink water!
➦Ooof course of course! I don’t mind getting a little spicy with it too >;)
I actually have some experience writing cater properly thanks to roleplay so this should be fun!!//
➳Cater with GN S/O Headcanons [non descriptive nsfw]
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CW: y’all know the drill, this one’s kinda spicy
Characters: Cater
Genre: fluff/nsfw
Note: switch cater!! There’s also a kink list :)
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-Cater isn’t the type that you would expect to be all lovey-dovey, but he really is. Often times, he’ll buy you flowers or take you on little dates outside school hours
-As much as he likes going out with you, his favourite thing is to settle into bed with you and watch some old movies, usually ones based around the season (like watching Halloween and Christmas movies in October and December), but he always makes sure it’s something that you’ll like first
-He’s pretty protective! If anyone says anything bad to or about you, you can bet that Cater’s gonna be damn quick to defend you! After all, he does have copious amounts of practice from being a social media influencer
-He also absolutely adores taking pictures of you to post to his Magicam. He finds it cute that the pictures of both of you always rack in the most likes
-When he drags you to his room for his movie dates, he’ll occasionally like to get a little frisky. He’s smooth if nothing else, and often slips a hand across to your thigh under the covers or around your back to hold your waist, whatever you’re more comfortable with
-If you give him a reaction, sometimes he’ll slither in towards your neck with a little chuckle and playfully kiss at your it, and then pull away pretending that nothing happened
-he’s a tease, regardless of if you’re having a movie date or not, even sometimes in public he’ll occasionally whisper something in your ear just to get you flustered, things along the lines of:
“Yknow you should come back to my dorm tonight… I’ve got quite a good surprise for you! I’m sure it’ll have you shaking~”
“You should make little noises like that more, they’re awfully cute… just makes me wanna force more of them out of you.”
(Or! If you prefer a more submissive version:)
“I can’t wait to see what you have planned tonight… keep in mind that I’m willing to do aaaanything you please~”
“You know… we could be back at my dorm right now… and you could use me however you like… but if you have other plans, who am I to stop you!”
-A lot of Cater’s kinks go both ways, in the respect that he enjoys both giving and receiving! Here’s a little kink list for you to fantasise about as you please •.*
Makeup streaks (like. From tears, drool or sweat)
-He might be quite rough and/or demanding when it comes to sex, but though he may slightly push boundaries to test the waters, he’ll never cross them
-He’s surpassingly good at aftercare! Even after just small or gentle things with him, Cater insists on taking care of you and cleaning both of you up, but he does also very much enjoy when you do the same for him, he LOVES being pampered after all
-After-sex-snacks are a MUST with Cater! After sex munchies are an intense thing, you can’t deprive him of his food! Though he’ll probably get you something too, even if you say you don’t want anything. He says that it’s for if you change your mind, bud in reality? He just brings extra for himself
(If you want em? He’s not gonna deny you… but just know that he did. Actually get them for himself, he’d just play it off like “see! I knew you’d be hungry.”)
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➦I hope those were okay for you!! I wasn’t sure how much of a balance you wanted between nsfw and fluff so I just kinda went with what felt most natural SHSH
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reagan-calamity · 1 year
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pride w the new cast!
a bit ago i started to sketch out some of my headcanons for the new total drama cast and today i finally have finished it!! this was originally just going to be a quick sketch, then i started to render it more and more and i’m so proud with how it turned out!!
i know we don’t know much about these characters as is so these are prolly gonna change when the show actually releases but i’d like to give my quick 2 cents with it
non-binary (they/she) aro-ace (woah das a lot) mk seems so much sense to me it just does. i think they’re gonna be like dj in a way,, gives relationship advice to the other campers but doesn’t seek out one herself. they kinda just chill like that.
non-binary zee was something i saw floating around and something i originally thought abt when the cast first got released. they a funny giraffe dude with big hands and a swag hat. and the name zee. zee! oh and i draw them with lashes cause i can they rock em. i also think zee is still questioning their identity,, valid as hell they and mk are just the swag mediators of the season
i originally didn’t see emma as lesb,, in fact the complete opposite but i saw people shipping her with axel and i fell in love with that. she prolly was under da belief that woman could only like dudes but nooo guess she doesn’t like dudes at all and she secretly thinks girls are the shit (yeah i know a poster has her swooning over caleb but whatever)
axel to me is bi. she’s into jocks and emma?? yeah! she likes emma
it took me a bit to think of which of the new castmates would be trans, but i think damien is. i think he’s on testosterone but still wears a binder but is very proud of who he is. i don’t think he’s out to any of the cast except bowie and maybe zee
bowie is canonically into dudes lol, he’s also canonically named after david bowie ,, yeah but i think they also go by any pronouns not just he/him,, and she’s valid like that
scary girl was fun. she’s the obv goth chick of the season but i saw someone joke with how she is the token straight and i think scary girl is just a big big ally for all the cast!!
yeah my hot take but i’d love to hear any of y’all’s headcanons!!
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tokuteasings · 1 year
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED: Rules and Intro~!
Greetings y’all~! After much thought and much inspo from @lunalove25 @toku-fanservice @imaginemaskedheroes and others, I have decided to make a dedicated blog meant to portray all of my writings about Tokusatsu~! Half of this is going to be me...screaming into the void but I’m happy to meet ya’ll!!
Call me Tale (she/they) and you can find me on ao3 at historynut19~!
Requests and Submissions are C L O S E D
Of course, I gotta list out some rules:
Kamen Rider Shows: Ryuki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva, Decade, W, OOO, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim, Drive, Ghost, Ex-Aid, Build, Zi-O, Zero-One, Saber, Revice, Geats, Amazons, Black Sun
Super Sentai Shows: Gaoranger, Hurricanger, Abaranger, Dekaranger, Magiranger, Boukenger, Gekiranger, Go-Onger, Shinkenger, Gokaiger, Zenkaiger, Kyoryuger, Donbrothers, ToQger, Kingohger, Kyuuranger
Other Toku Shows: Garo (The One Who Shines in the Darkness era specifically), Garo: Vanishing Line, Legend Hero, Tomica Hero: Rescue Force and Rescue Fire, Godzilla
I won't take NSFW requests for younger characters who are under 18 and will keep them platonic or romantic depending on the situation. For the ToQgers especially, I will only take more platonic requests for them.
Poly relationships are a-okay! Actually I may write about some on my own volition lol.
Most of the time I'll keep the reader as gender-neutral. So if you want them to be a certain gender, lemme know~!
What I say isn't really law, but my own interpretations of the characters. You're more than welcome to interpret them however you wish!
I'm a simp, don't judge me.
If you wanna kiss any of the female characters, one-offs, villains, movie-only peeps, monsters, go for it! Lord knows I am attracted to like....60 different peeps in a single season.
I’ll post the stuff I write both here on tumblr and on ao3!! That being said, you are more than welcome to request in the comments on ao3 or in my tumblr asks which are preferred.
This work is mostly used for Reader x Character stuff so I won't take much ships between characters because I know everyone doesn't ship the same thing and like...you're free to ship whomever~! I'll write em if they strike my fancy on the day lol.
Please be patient!! I’m working two jobs and have other responsibilities. I also tend to burn out easily....so it’ll be here and there. 
Please also be hella specific and detailed on what you ask me. I’m dumb as hell so ya gotta lay it out for me whether you want like generic headcanons or romantic ones! 
I’ll list out warnings in the front of everything I write, and if something bothers you or if I forget to list something, please tell me! On that note, I don’t mind yandere kinda stuff but like it’s going to be....very.....very sparse and will be labeled accordingly. 
You’re more than welcome to interact with me! I’m so fucking lonely out here in the void...please come talk to me :’)))
So, shall I spin you a tale, my dear?
TO DO LIST: IN NO ORDER AT ALL (listen lord knows whatever the hell Imma write)
Shinkengers Kiss Headcanons
Momotaros, Urataros, Kintaros, Ryutaros - Dating Headcanons
Angst Headcanons Ushijima Hikaru
Protective Headcanons - Zack
Bath Time: Sononi x Male Reader x Kitoh Haruka
Kuroto Dan Kiss Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons - Hino Eiji
NSFW Headcanons - Hiden Aruto
Satarakura x Plant manipulating reader
Houji Tomasu x sassy reader
Gentaro’s friend x Lucky (Kyuranger) Headcanons
Fluffy Fukamiya Kento fic
NSFW Kadota Hiromi Headcanons
NSFW Momotani Jiro headcanons
Dating Headcanons: Sudo Masashi, Shibaura Jun, and Sano Mitsuru
Roomates with Nitoh Kousuke
Dating Headcanons: Kurenai Wataru, Igarashi Ikki, Sakurai Keiwa
Sleepyhead S/O x Sudo Masashi Headcanons
Dating Headcanons: Lucky x Reader
Dating Headcanons: Spada x Reader
BFFs with Sakuma Kotaro
NSFW Tomari Shinnosuke Headcanons
Traveling to different worlds with Tsukasa, Headcanons
Rook with S/O that can turn invisible
Whatever the hell my brain can come up with lol
S.O.S Series - MetsuBouJinRai x Reader 
Some sorta fluffy Neon fic bc fuck the JGP
More Kingohger bs bc I love myself
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bitciziad · 10 months
welcome to my blog || minors + ageless profiles DNI !!
i have zero idea how tumblr works i’m rawdogging it cuz i learn no other way, expect a lot of editing but we got this dwdw
i’ll mostly use this blog for Degrees of Lewdity, meaning MINORS DNI. no age = blocked :(
i do NOT tolerate: -> homophobia, transphobia, racism, the sexualization of minors/pedophilia, etc.
NSFW material will be reblogged, posted, drawn, etc. while the content i personally create might not be that explicit, the community i interact with is - which can include art + stories with nudity, dub/noncon, sex, gore, etc. so just like general cw there. heavy on the might.
viewer discretion is advised!
blog navigation:
#binge!myart - my posted art ! have fun homie
#dol!hc - headcanons kinda (or shitposts)
#bitwip - work in progresses OR unrelated text
#others art - rb art that isn’t mine !!
#reblog - self explanatory text rb’s ykyk
#asks/messages - answered inbox stuff
T.B.C. - the hashtag stuff confuses me but i’ll figure it out so… to be continued ?? tags might change and i’ll link ‘em later.
side note; any specific character art you want to see will just have the normal DoL tag (ex: #kylar the loner // #dol kylar) on my profile, which will also be included with the reblogs! idk i’m figuring it out
other stuff, FAQ:
using my art:
feel free to use my fanart with credit as pfps on tumblr, you can also use/reference my designs for DoL! love that n i don’t mind, all i ask is that my personal art of OCs are not taken (or art that i specifically create for others) and to not repost any of my art on other platforms whatsoever. other than that idc, i get inspired by all y’all anyway so have fun go crazy go stupid
i genuinely have very little clue as to how asks work but i love to see them so we’ll burn that bridge together when we get there ;) it takes me a minute to respond but i’ll try just for you tho bb dw say whatever you want i gotchu i don’t mind if it’s related to DoL or not, be unhinged n curious always babes i’ll absolutely reply when i can
what is DoL?:
if you followed my account without knowing what DoL is - degrees of lewdity (DoL) is basically a free-range-do-what-you-will text-based explicit porn game that contains mostly any and all mature NSFW topics of dubcon, noncon, sex, drugs, abuse, etc. with other world/story elements. all characters in the game are 18+
you can call me bitciziad or binge! i’m 19 and bi as hell (drooling over any and everyone forever and always YUH) anyway i’m a self indulgent (but procrastinating) fanartist n i make out with the homies PASSIONATELY so pucker up we bout to kiss. on the lips.
on another note though feel free to interact with however you do that, i talk a LOT im shameless babes u wanna share music ?? art ?? headcanons ?? just shoot the shit ?? i gotchu BUT THANK YOUU for liking my art/the comments or tags you leave y’all’re great
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anyway that’s all for now i think so have this tiny ass mta doodle i did forever ago for a filler, 100% expect for this to get edited at some point along with everything i will ever post ever™
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ofmagiick · 9 months
pinned post and docs tba, but for now here's the html of the rules on my theme until i can get other admin stuff done:
SELECTIVITY / FOLLOWING - this is a selective blog for my sake, but honestly, if i can see us writing, i will follow back. i am mutuals only, though, and will have anxiety about sending you things if we aren’t, even if you’re cool. i'm iffy on doubles, just because i myself am very self-conscious. it’s a personal thing, chances are i thing your writing is fucking dope.
CROSSOVERS / OC MUSES - two words: fuck. yeah. star wars lends itself to crossovers hella well, we can figure this shit out in a hot second. plus, the galaxy is so vast and diverse, i want to explore more of this universe, as much as i can. as for ocs, y’all brave as fuck, and i love them. just have a rules/about page, and then we’re golden
RP ETIQUETTE - you know, don’t god mod, don’t randomly kill my muse (not saying you can’t, hell, please do, just im me first), don’t reblog threads you’re not a part of, don’t relog my hc posts. and have fun.
FORMATTING / ICONS - match me, don’t, dance the macarena before posting, i don’t give a fuck. i format how i want, when i want. my icons use citrus, by apocalypseresources
WRITING - kind of a slow writer, and easily distracted. poke me over ims after about two weeks, if i haven’t replied before then. not super here for rape/torture, but i have an odd like for eldritch and body horror...
GRAPHICS - all graphics on my blog are made by me/for me. give credit where credit is due. be nice. making shit is a lot harder than just throwing an image into photoshop and clicking buttons. people work hard on shit, and i will come for your knees if you don’t credit people, creators, artists, etc… i have baseball bats.
SHIPPING - fuck yeah fuck yeah fuck yeah !! you come to me with a ship, and by the time i’ve finished processing the words, i’m already hella emotionally invested. crackships are my shit, so please don’t be scared. honestly, i’ll ship pretty much anything. probably even some sketchy shit by other’s standards. if that’s a problem, hasta la vista, and sorry i don’t cut it for you.
NSFW - i and my muse are 18+, my nsfw tag is literally ‘a girl’s got needs,’ let’s fuckin’ do this. i’ll write it, but not with minors. other, general nsfw topics might come up, due to the nature of AUs and canon events. i do try and tag as cw // or cw ment //, so please feel free to tell me things you need tagged.
PLOTTING - do it. done. if i don’t write down whatever idea i have quick enough, it will get yeeted from my head like a brick out the window fuckin adhd, so (with express permission from you) i’ll message at bizarre hours, probably. on the flip side, this is your express permission: i, lily, mun of ofmagiick, give you, [name], mun of [blog], permission to send me ims/ask with plot proposals. it’s signed and sealed as soon as you read this. no take-backsies. you gotta, now. :3c
MEMES - headcanon/ask my muse questions/etc, open to all. interaction-oriented, mutuals only. no reblog karma, but if you aren’t sending me something, reblog from the source, please
ACTIVITY - it can be spotty. i’m a full-time student, adhd mess. hit me up in ims with reminders or ping me on disco/in a server, its all cool.
MAINS / EXCLUSIVES - i'm okay with mains, you'll be my go-to version of a character, and the one i'm thinking of if mine mentions yours to someone else, but that's gonna be discussed beforehand. exclusives will have to be heavily, HEAVILY discussed, and likely will be way down the line if ever.
CALLOUTS - bitch, no. get that shit away from me. won’t post ‘em, won’t reblog ‘em. call me out if you want, i’ll screenshot it, print it out, and put it up on my wall to laugh at, and remember people are still wasting brainpower to be mad at me. if you have an issue with me, hit me up in ims/off anon, and we can talk like adults.
ABOUT THE MUN - what up it’s ya nerd lily with newest brainrot, this time sci-fi. pronouns are she/her or “hey you ditz”, i am legal to drink in the us and far beyond legal adult there, and i id as a goddamned fucking mess mutuals feel free to hmu for discord if you want it
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poppyseed799 · 1 year
decided I’ll take writing requests (life series fandom)
I want to write! Especially for this fandom! But I want to warm up first! So I’ll take random requests! I also don’t have many ideas for long stories so I just wanna write oneshots and requests are perfect for that!
I’ve not ever really posted my writing on tumblr before. I’m flipping between thinking my writing is bad or that I underestimate my writing skills. Either way I like my style of writing. Hopefully y’all will too if not then.. sorry don’t read it I guess 😭 I like always write third person limited btw don’t think anyone cares but yeah I’m almost like allergic to other styles LOL
- Anything Life Series related. 3rd Life Last Life Double Life Limited Life… maybe just making up a whole new season idk HOW I’d manage that but sure…
- Shipping? Yeah bro. Any ships I won’t do? Nah. I’ll do em. I guess I’m not a fan of shipping between the family dynamics in Limited Life (those ships are fine in the other seasons! Also not calling out ppl who do that I just personally don’t want to I like to treat them like family) (if you specify some sort of au where they’re not family I may do it) (also idk what was up with the bad boys being the clockers cousins I’m not concerned with that too much tbh it felt rather throwaway) anyways Got a rare pair? Sure why not. Want more content for the already most popular ships? Yeah sure man. Want to challenge me by making up a completely random ship? Screw you but yeah do it ig.
- Don’t want shipping? Want some angst or friendships? Just guys doing stuff? Murder and killing? Yeah sure.
- smut? No sorry bro I’ve never written that ever LMAOO so that’s one thing I will not accept as a request. Especially not on main are you KIDDING me? (I guess I could write something suggestive tho idk if I’d be good at that lol practice I guess..????)
- random headcanons? Yeah bro sure. You could even ask me to write my own I’d prefer to write my own but I’d love to take a request for a headcanon that I don’t have too. This goes for pretty much any sort of headcanons. Listen if I don’t like it I’ll just delete it I won’t publicly shame you ok promise. I am friendly pspsps
- AU? Yeah man just give me an au. I’ll do it. I don’t even know what a coffee shop au is. But I’ll write it. Just ask.
- Other servers? No. A personal dislike of mine is connecting other servers to the life series (not shaming ppl who do this I just personally don’t like it much doesn’t fit my tastes!) I’m also not super knowledgeable on other series tbh…… however combining this with AU. I could accept an AU that has to do with other servers, just know that I know hardly anything about hermitcraft and am only mostly familiar with empires, not much. Don’t be afraid to request AU with other server just because I don’t like them being together by default
- “can I request literally a random word?” Sure bro why tf not. Idek what I’m doing anymore. Why don’t you guys request like a character or pairing and make me shuffle my playlist and write them based on the song my playlist is a mess it would be. Terrible. Treat this like I’ve reblogged one of those ask game type posts. Send me a random emoji and a character or pairing or whatever. Idc.
Sooo yeah like I said I prommy I won’t be mean ok request ANYTHING you want if I don’t like it I’ll just delete it but I promise you I am one of the most lenient does whatever ppl say ppl you may ever know I have done. So many bizarre one on one roleplays with strangers and NOT in the way y’all think.
If I get hit by writers block and end up writing NOTHING. I’m sorry. But you’ll have to accept that possibility and that I’m doing this for free and for myself (also keep that in mind if I twist your request into something you didn’t intend lol)
So plz send a request in my ask box even if you don’t have one or don’t care or don’t even want to read it just put something in there
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tendous-socks · 3 years
tw: ⚠️⚠️kisaki⚠️⚠️ and manga spoilers, mentions of death, transphobia,
would misgender and dead-name me
must i need an explanation?😐
2. shion
“ what’re you gonna do about it?? HUH?? WHAT’RE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT ???”
actively looks for a fight
… if y’all are in a relationship he’d still call you his “girl” but beats people up for doing so….
3. mucho
i get the vibes that he’s traditional
would silently stare in judgment
4. mochi
he just doesn’t care clslfkxkslk
thinks it’s weird
“ nor/mal”
7. rindou..
“you either have a pen or a vag. “
*continues dead naming me*
he would be nicer about it when he’s in toman due to inui… but once they’re separated- an ABSOLUTE MEANCE
… reluctantly apart of the protection squad with inui ( enjoys beating people up tho)
10. bontent mikey
… he’s just so tired and doesn’t really care ) that is if you’re not close with him… but then again how close can you really get?)
11. ) PAH CHIN
but if y’all ain’t close he would slowly get the hint… this is canon.
because i said so-
11. sanzu…
he’s quietly judging you
12. akashi
traditional- plus it was a different era for him growing up so…
(would glare at someone if he really did see you getting emotionally distressed)
13. smiley
“ that’s one of the most stupidest shit ive ever fucking heard 😁”
“ you either have tits or a dick “
but would beat people up if you get SUPER upset ( call it his protect instincts with angry, but would send people to the hospital)
14. taiju
“ i wanna church girl who goes to church and reads her bible “
would spit at me
head canon : during tenjiku you were there and had to adjust your transtape cause it was coming lose 🙄
which is literally the most annoying thing in the world-
and shion saw you.
he came up and was like “ HUH WHAT’VE WE GOT HERE?? A GIRL PRETENDING TO BE A G-“
couldn’t even finish his sentence with how fast peh chin clocked his ass 🤭
( peh yan supremacy)
2. my main man takemichy
no explanation needed ( maybe deadnamed you only once cause he didn’t know)
3. inui cause i said so
i KNOW mama baji raised him right ✋🙄
almost clocked chifuyu when you told him about your first encounter kcksldofospdoco
almost clocked your mom when she said “you got it girlfriend”
she was confused when she saw you desperately trying to prevent the next criminal minds episode
best listener for body dystrophia fight me 🙉❤️
6. senju
*comes out*
“..oh okay! anyways as i was saying [preferred name] “
would need some gentle reminders only once or twice cause i will say it does take a bit of time for people to get used to it and there are always a few slip ups
tells akashi about your pronouns ( ONLY WITH YOUR CONSENT OFC)
( promises to try and be more girly if he calls you by them and your preferred name)
she wants you to go into more details about what you’re feeling cause she’s genuinely very interested about everything and she wants to know more about you.
7. emma 😻 vv supportive 🙌🙌
*sicks mikey and draken out on anyone who hurts your feelings
“you know [blah blah blah] from history?”
“of course yeah “
“yeah he ended up calling me slur during class- what’re you doing?”
*emma pulling out her phone
“hm? oh nothing don’t worry about it”
gave more insight about it to draken and mikey
the one of correct takemichy
9. yuzuha
hina but 10x worse
trips transphobes for shit and giggles 🤪🤞
i like to think that the girls (all 4) would just all stare down a girl who was shit talking you and just pick her apart mercilessly ( a little ooc but this is my head canons so they can be whatever i say they are)
ones idk about
1. mikey
he knows that you can handle yourself so he lets you correct people.
sometimes he’ll jump in and correct them instead for one of two reasons.
1. he felt like it
2. they kept calling you your dead name and misgendering you EVEN THOUGH you already corrected them
but if the person ACTIVELY does that and says some… not so fruity things. he’ll send em to the hospital and end up on life support 😌☝️
like dom tertto, he cares about his family. and toman is his family, and you’re in toman ( not THAT kind of y/n way 🙄 )
“ BE WHO YOU AREE🌈🌈🌈🌈🤪🤞🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈”
1. draken
… listen… idk why, but i just don’t SEE him beating people up for misgendering me… well okay i kinda see it,
but he’d be like, “ i don’t understand what you’re going through, but i support you and if you want to talk about it i’m here”
wants to try and understand so like i said before, he lets you rant about what you’re feeling
would let you handle your own battles cause your strong enough to
a true king 😎🙌
does in fact throw punches when it gets REALLY BAD
2. angry
… idk h o w empathic he is and how mad he’d have to be on your behalf when people actively kept misgendering you to become the blue ogre.
but he’d just start crying at the confrontation.. 😐
my hero ig 🤥
3. izana
“ that’s fucking stupid”
*beats up middle aged woman who said for you to “ have a good day ma’am”
but if y’all close he’ll only say it’s stupid once when he sees you genuinely upset and ignoring him
“ be who you are.. 🌈”
4. kaku
same boat as izana, A LOT less judgmental
5. mitsuya
won’t hesitate to send a bitch flying
actively corrects people
( teaches luna and mana about your pronouns for the next time you come over 🕺🏻)
6. haitani brothers
*actively bullies you
*bullies kid into the grave for looking at your chest area
7. …hakkai
he accidentally slipped up once🤒
( has nightmares about it)
8. chifuyu would only do it in his mohawk era cause he wanted to seem metal and impress da boys 🥶🥶☝️☝️
pulled you aside at the end of the day to apologize
( like i said before, baji almost clocked him when you told him about your first encounter )
who am i kidding they’re all in gangs, they’d probably kill someone if they hurt you cospwpfoslief
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aweirdfan101 · 2 years
Hello, I really like how you did my request again! Can I request separate general headcanons platonic yandere Victor and Albert with younger sibling figure reader? If you only accept one character per request, then write Victor please! Once again, feel free to reject!
Of course dearie! I’ll accept both characters in this post and I’m glad you liked how I did your request! Enjoy!
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Victor seeing GN! Reader as a younger sibling headcanons!Platonic
Swearing! Implications of fighting
💕He loves you very much and shows it whenever he can, you’re like his other half! He always jokes with you and takes you with him anywhere he goes! He just..isn’t the best influence. That’s the right way to put it..right?
💕I really hope you don’t hate being teased because well, he does it a lot, A LOT. He’ll crack some stupid jokes nearly everyday for you, as long as you’re smiling, he’s happy.
💕He would love for you to meet Vincent, he would be ecstatic if you two got along. You both are pretty much his favorite people in the entire world, being able to hang out with you both and share fun moments together would be a dream come true for him.
💕If you were ever upset or down about anything he would immediately be by your side. He’d listen to you rant or ramble on about anything that’s upsetting you, and if it was a person he would in no way mind beating them up for you.
💕He would love to do some of your favorite hobbies together! You like cooking? He might start a fire but he’d love to do it with you! Like video games? Hell he does too, get ready to get your butt kicked! Anything you enjoy, he’ll do it with you as long as you’re happy.
💕He cares and loves you a lot, and he wants you to know it more than anything. He’d spend endless hours explaining everything perfect about you and saying how he’s so happy you’re here with him. He truly does care for you and shows it in any way he can.
Albert seeing GN!Reader as a younger sibling headcanons!Platonic
💜Albert would be a pretty fun brotherly figure. He would do dumb stuff to you, do dumb stuff to your hair, cut your hair, and well.. do brother stuff. *cough* and be a dick.
💜He would love just talking with you about both of y’all’s interests. He could ramble on and on about marine biology and would let you ramble on an on about whatever your interest is. He would also let you hang out with him at the company.
💜He would take you to aquariums as much as he can. He would tell you everything there is to know about marine biology and would love to run around and watch your eyes go wide at some of the marine life. He would want you to stay close to him though, he wants you to not die, so please don’t.
💜If you’re upset he would gladly listen to you talk about what’s upsetting you and do his best to take care of it, he would probably take you somewhere fun and have you focus on other things. If it was someone upsetting you then..he wouldn’t mind hiring a certain type of person to teach em a lesson.
💜He would enjoy causing chaos across the city you two live in and having fun while doing it. He’s not too serious and you can make offensive jokes around him, talk about dumb thing, and be able to relax around him. That’s what he wants really, for you to be comfortable around him and respect him like he respects you.
💜He wants to have tons of memories of just hanging out and joking with you, he’s not serious but he wants nothing more for than you to be happy. He wants you to know he cares and loves you so much, he would always be there to protect you, you’re family to him, and you always will be.
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alovesongshewrote · 3 years
Slurp | Lady Dimitrescu HCs
rival vampire enemies to lovers but it isn’t angsty or dramatic, it’s just a meme
Tags: @blixeon​ @mxcheese​ @prismarts​  @valentimmy​
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Right, so
Re8 takes place in Romania, right?
Y’know what else is in Romania?
Y’know what’s in Transylvania?
More vampires
So what am i saying?
I’m saying you’re also a vampire 
A less moldy vampire, BUT A VAMPIRE ALL THE SAME
picture this
You somehow find your way onto Dimitrescu land
And you get your fine self all the way into the castle
You’re kinda just
Poking around there
Noting how much “wine” these people have
When your presence is noticed 
By the Lady herself
So, she goes to investigate the intruder in her house
Claws out
Daughters out
The whole nine yards
Instead of having the general thoughts most people have when they see a claw-wielding Lady D for the first time
Your brain goes
“Ohh, she’s hot.”
So, uh, yeah, you get captured
Tied up
The whole time your brain is going “preeeeeeeeeeeetty lady”
Because you look like you’re a little Capri-Sun full of blood
Lady D tries to take a sip
Of your blood
And it doesn’t work
it doesn’t work the way it should
She takes your wrist and bites it
Her teeth sink into you
Her lips trace over your skin
and when she tries to drink you
she gets
or maybe dust
you don’t know whether you should laugh or just keep simping 
Because like
Wow, she thought that would work
But also, she’s hot
You decide to laugh while silently admiring her
So you go
“Pft, you thought I was human?  I should probably be offended by that.”
And she’s a little shook, so she yells
“What- what ARE you!?”
And you just fucking grin
like the little shit you are
and you say
“I’m jjust like you, silly.  A vampire.”
It’s then that you break your bonds into tiny little pieces and stand up
You stretch while Lady D loses her mind just a bit
Then you wander over to a cabinet at the opposite end of the room, open the doors, and look inside
Just like at least half of the other cabinets in this place 
You grab a bottle and read the label 
“Sanguis Virginis, huh?  Subtle.”
“How- I- AaAgh”
You’re really driving her nuts
It’s kinda cute
You take the bottle and you’re like
“Well, this has been nice.  Maybe next time, we’ll do my place?  Right.  Ok, say goodbye to your girls for me.”
And then you jump out the fucking window
The next time you see Alcina, it is not at your place
It’s at hers
See, life on the
Gets pretty boring, so
You broke in to Castle Dimirtescu through a window and like
Hung out
Until she realized you were in her house again
She tried to kill you ofc, but you’re a vampire
You won’t go down so easily
You kept pulling that shit
Until she got used to you
And her daughters got used to you
And that, kids, is how you go from enemies to friends
You get enemies to lovers through communication 
I mean
It’s not like y’all can do much else
You learn that she’s technically a mold creature and her daughters are technically flies
which you find cool as fuck
you get really excited by the whole mold thing
She learns that you were born a vampire, and you’re actually a little bit older than she is
which she finds pretty hot tbh
You also learn that her family is fucking wild
That could be a whole other set of headcanons 
But whatever
since you’re an old fashioned vamp, who’s been doing this for a while
you help her daughters hone their craft
and seeing you interact with them makes Alcina’s heart go aksjkljdhflsajdhf
and, the lady is tall, so whenever something or someone tries to fuck with you, she just
smacks em
you have very short enemies
Whenever Alcina is feeling stressed, because of her family or otherwise
Y’all crack open a bottle of women and have a fuckin
“Wine” night
The more “wine” nights you have the flirier it gets
Until you’re fuckin
Sitting on her lap while she plays with your hair and you both sip blood
And then one day
Or rather, one “wine” night
Y’all just 
Start kissing 
Y’know the party rockers meme?
It was probably something like that
The two of you just end up smooching 
And not just on “wine” nights
After that, y’all are just
A cute vampire couple 
Going on cute vampire dates to murder people for food
Going on cute vampire dates to ikea, because god fucking damnit, daniella broke the kitchen table again
Not going on cute vampire dates to get Italian food because you’re allergic to garlic
It’s the big soft 
Also, like
Fun fact
She had to get rid of some of the crosses she had around the castle bc, y’know
You’re a classic vamp
Also, you can’t see yourself in half of her mirrors 
But it’s ok
It vibes
And like
It’s worth it if she gets to see you
She later removes any and all crosses when you move into the castle with her
“wine” nights continue 
Y’all dress impeccably, murder ruthlessly
Every season is your hot bitch summer
so yeah
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midoriyas-wifey · 4 years
All I want is some size kink headcanons with kirishima PLEASE HSHSHSH (I prefer fem)
Ok so this kinda turned into a horneé post about kirishima but it definitely has size kink overtones bc you can’t have kiri without a size kink you just can’t 🤷‍♀️ bone app the teeth @shorkbrian come get y’all juice
This man is built for size kink, everyone in the bnha fandom knows this, it’s canon at this point. Usually people headcanon him as being 6ft something, but not me. I’m built different and so is he. He is Fatgum height, and nearly as broad across with muscles. You heard me. He’s a behemoth of a man. 7’10 or bust babey!! I mean All Might is 7’2 so it’s not implausible in this world that he could get that tall.
The God of Himbos ™ there’s literally no one nicer on this planet, which helps make up for his near-cruel dick game. You’d better say a prayer to whatever god you believe in before he drills up into those guts. And he’s so nice the whole time too (usually).
Has thighs thicker around than your entire body. He’s like a tiger in that his legs are so strong that even if he got killed he could die standing up. He’s a beast. Loves it when you straddle his thigh and grind on him, begging for attention. And when his baby girl begs so sweetly, how can he refuse?
His biceps alone are bigger around than your head, his arms are so massive but are so gentle and careful with you. His hands are huge and rough as well, and he loves to cup your face (really your whole head with the size of his hands) and pepper it with smooches and sharp toothed smiles. 
He loves all of you, but your ass really does him in. And he loves thighs too; but especially your ass. His hands are on those cakes 24/7 in some manner or another. If he could just keep a cheek in hand the whole day to squeeze on he’d die a happy man. Pinching, squeezing, smacking, spanking, biting, eating it. If it involves your ass then you’d best believe he’s into it.
He’s not even a tiny bit discreet about it, will stare and watch that thing wobble in your (and his) favorite sundress. 
And if you can throw it back? Make it wiggle a lil for him? My mans is on one knee already. 
You really are too cute for him to handle. He’s all hard edges, his figure large and intimidating. You just look so sweet and soft while pressed up on his chest, tiny hands grasping at whatever you can, moans and hiccups and girlish ‘ah ah ahs’ pouring out of your mouth while he pummels your juicy pussy. Too cute.
Loves to praise because he knows it makes you clench down and gush around him, which honestly he didn’t even know your pussy could get any tighter than it already was, but now you got him stuck inside your heavenly cunny and he’s not one to pass up an opportunity. 
He’s up in your ear like, “Goddam baby girl, this pussy feels so fucking good around my dick. Whose is it? Huh? Who does this sweet little pussy belong to?” all while pounding you out, never breaking pace.
Near folds you in half when he gets down to business, you have to remind him to not squish you too much.
He might sort of have a thing for squishing you a lil 👀
Maybe more than a lil 
He loves the noises his dick can draw from your sopping pussy and drooling mouth. Your tongue hangs out and he has you panting like a bitch in heat no matter what position.
The sloppier the better, he wants all the naughty noises you and your body can make for him. 
One time he called you ‘Commander in Queef’ and you wouldn’t let him touch you for 3 days after that 💀
He wants to live a life with no regrets and that includes stuffing you silly every chance he gets. Every. Single. Chance. Doesn’t matter what AU he’s written in Kirishima lives and dies for your sweet pussy, it was made for him he just knows it. 
Nothing has ever fit him better than his precious pebble’s pussy, even when you whine it’s too much he knows you can take it; he just has to do a bit of prep work. 
He’s always too much in the beginning, no matter how much prep work goes in, there’s always that overwhelming stretch, that sense of total fullness that follows the whole way through. You learn to love it, and now you know that no other dick could possibly fill you up like his does.
You love his bigness, and even if you’re not petite, even if you’re big, up against him? Leedle girl. Leedle girl he likes to pick up and bounce on his dick til he creams inside your sensitive lil cunny and adds to the tummy bulge already present from his dick.
Speaking of which it’s legit like forearm sized idc idc. The first time he whipped it out you sucked your lips into your mouth in surprise because how the fuck were you gonna take that?? It’s so heavy that even when he’s fully hard it dips down below its own weight. It's much tanner than the rest of him, but ends in an angry reddish-purple head that’s oozing with thick precum. He’s got one thick vein that runs the length of it on the left, and then a smaller one running on the underside.
Suck on those veins and right underneath the head of his dick and Lord have mercy cuz he’s about to bust. 
His cum is thick as hell and it comes out in buckets. He prefers to cum inside you because it satisfies his breeding kink and he loves to see his cum leak in thick rivers out of your destroyed little cunny while he tries to scoop and push the thick cream back inside.
He also likes cumming on your face but rarely gets to do that since it tends to get in your hair and fuck tryna get all that out.
His balls are huge and heavy, like each one are the size of a peach. They’re straight up wrecking balls. And they’re sooooo sensitive no matter how much experience he gets under his belt. He can’t keep his cool. 
Like you could be sucking his dick for hours but the moment when you reach to cup his balls and play with them he’s putty.
Suck. On. Them. This man will go apeshit, rutting his hips up and moaning for more, just please keep playin’ with ‘em, pebble.
He wants to smother your face with them while he fucks your throat, or just smother you with them in general. He’s just a nasty dude that loves rubbing himself all over you, and seeing his huge dick plop down on your surprised face while he has you suck on his balls makes him cum HARD.
So yeah he’s just a big dude that you can use as a horny jungle gym, and all he asks in return is you let him destroy that tight little pussy over and over again.
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