#original prompt
Writing Prompt #2712
"What's got you smiling so wide?"
"I...I like myself today. It feels different, but I think that's a good thing!"
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"If anyone is going to make you cry, it will be me. Let another person try and they will find themselves without a head."
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shy-raccoon · 6 months
Person A is a commoner locked in a tower. Who has no hope they will ever be rescued because they don't have the land, money, or status to be worth rescuing.
Person B is one of the few truly good knights who applies the code of chivalry to more than just the nobility.
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Y/N & Gaz playing a survival game :
Gaz, gathering materials that might help them survive :
Y/N, notices the sky is slowly darkening (In the game) :
Y/N, went searching for Gaz’s avatar :
Y/N : K, you wandered off too far, come back to me.
Gaz, runs as fast as he could (in game) back to them :
Gaz, dropping off the materials :
Gaz : Don’t worry, I’ll always come back to you. 😊
Y/N : ☺️
Soap, staring from afar :
Soap, looks like a kicked puppy : Damn, I want that too.
Ghost, silently waits for his turn :
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taytjiefourie · 1 year
Dialogue Prompt: Anger
Hey there, my lovely darlings! Guess who's back? That's right, it's yours truly! And I have a little treat for you today. I've put together a list of dialogue prompts that tie in with my 'Show Don't Tell: Anger' post. Pretty cool, right? I've mixed things up a bit this time and added prompts for three different genres. Are you as excited about this as I am? Let me know what you think! I'm thinking of using this format more often in my future posts. Would you like that?
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Anger x Fantasy:
"How dare you speak to me that way! Do you not know who I am?"
"I swear by the gods, I will make you pay for what you've done."
"You have insulted me and my family. Mark my words, the consequences will be dire."
"I am the rightful ruler of this land. Who are you to question my authority?"
"You have defied the will of the gods. They will not be pleased."
"I have had enough of your insolence. It is time I teach you a lesson."
"You have crossed a line that should never have been crossed."
"How could you be so careless? You've endangered us all!"
"I will not stand idly by while you destroy everything I hold dear."
"Your lies have caused great harm. I demand the truth!"
"You betrayed me and our cause. I promise you, there will be consequences."
"I will not rest until justice is served."
"You have made a grave mistake. You will regret it."
"How dare you presume to know what is best for me?"
"You have insulted my honor. I have the right to be angry"
"I have had enough of your arrogance."
"You have violated the sanctity of this place. Leave now."
"I will not tolerate any more of your foolishness."
"You have brought shame upon our clan. You must make amends or be banished forever."
"You have dishonored our family! our People! And you dare laugh!"
"You have failed me for the last time. Get out!"
"You will return what is mine, or suffer the consequences."
"You will pay for your treachery."
"You have underestimated me for the last time. I will prove you wrong."
"You have no right to treat me with such disrespect!"
"You have desecrated this sacred place. Atone for your sins!"
"You have harmed those I hold dear and you expect mercy!?"
"I will not hesitate to use force if necessary."
"You have insulted the honor of our people. You have walked on the blessings of our god. You have no place here."
"You made a mistake, and I promise you will pay dearly for it."
Anger x Dystopian:
"How dare you question my authority? Do you know the punishment for insubordination."
"You betrayed the state. You will face a trial, and the consequences will be severe."
"Your reckless actions have put us all in danger."
"There will be no mercy for criminals like you."
"You wasted valuable resources. Do you have any idea how serious this is?"
"Your disobedience will not be tolerated. We expect you to follow orders, or face the consequences."
"You have shown disrespect to the regime. You will not go unpunished."
"You conspired against the state!"
"You have shown a lack of loyalty, the state does not accept this."
"Your actions have caused chaos and disorder!"
"You've defied the state's authority. They will make an example of you!"
"Their disobedience is a threat to the system. Eliminate them."
"They have shown a disregard for human life. Let them face the full weight of the law."
"They caught you spreading subversive propaganda."
"You will be silenced!"
"You have shown a lack of respect for the system. We will not allow this to continue."
"Your actions have endangered the security of the state. You will be dealt with accordingly."
"Sir, they've attempted to escape."
"You have violated curfew."
"Your disobedience is a threat to our way of life!"
"They have shown a lack of faith in the system. This is treason."
"Your actions have led to the deaths of innocent civilians. You should be held responsible."
"You have shown sympathy for the enemy!"
"Your resistance will not be tolerated!"
"You have shown a lack of respect for our leader. You dare say that this is not blasphemy!"
"Their words are dangerous. Silence them before they can spread it."
"You have attempted to incite a rebellion. Your life is now forfeit to the state."
"They are unacceptable. Reprogram them."
"You will be eliminated."
"They have shown a lack of compliance. Remove them from their homes."
Anger x Romance:
"How could she betray me like this? I trusted her with my heart."
"I can't believe you're leaving me. After everything I gave up for you?"
"You broke my heart when you chose them over me. Forgiveness is not something I can give you."
"I thought you were the one for me, but it turns out you were just playing games."
"You promised me forever!"
"I can't believe I fell in love with someone as heartless as you."
"You shattered my dreams of a happy future. How could you be so cruel?"
"I never thought you would hurt me like this. Everyone else, yes. But you?"
"You used me for your own pleasure and then discarded me like trash."
"I thought our love was strong enough to overcome anything, but I was wrong."
"You cheated on me with my best friend!?"
"I loved you more than anything, but you only cared about yourself."
"You were my everything."
"I gave him everything, and he still chose someone else. I don't understand."
"You made me believe in love, only to break my heart in the end."
"I trusted you with my heart, and you abused that trust."
"You led me on. Why shouldn't I be angry?"
"I loved you with every fiber of my being, but you only saw me as a toy."
"You played with my heart like it was a game. Now it's my turn to play."
"I never thought love could hurt so much, until I met you."
"You used me to fill a void in your life, and then discarded me when you found something new."
"I thought we had something special, I was a fool."
"You promised me the world, but you couldn't give me your heart."
"I loved you for who you were, but you only loved me for what I could give you."
"I'm not sure I'll ever be able to trust again."
"I thought I had found my soulmate, and you found you next victim"
"You're just a stranger in my life."
"IYou ripped my heart out and you want forgiveness?"
"You had other plans."
"All I got was heartbreak and tears."
Can you believe we've made it through a whopping 90 prompts? Wow, time flies when you're having fun! Sadly, this is the end of this post, but don't fret! I'll be back on Monday with the next 'Show Don't Tell' post, so be sure to tune in!
But, if you're eager to get a sneak peek of next week's post, you can always throw a tip on my BuyMeACoffee account and get an early view. Or, better yet, you can join our membership program and receive up to three amazing writing posts a week! Sounds like a deal, right? I can't wait to see you all next time!
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aethernaga · 2 years
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Eternal Sight
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Character Dialogue Prompt
Character A: So, how’d they take it when you told ‘em?
Character B: With stiff drink. Neat, double.
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d3sperate-enuf · 1 year
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°𝐷𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑟, 𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒?°
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𝑌𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑠 ;
"Don't look at me this way mi amor, you know I did it for us."
"Just keep talking dear you know I'll never get bored."
"Bold of you to assume I didn't think of you escaping."
"Remember all this was because of you, you did this."
"You're so nice to me,tell me you're mine and I'm yours."
"Come darling let us dance to your final night of freedom."
"For someone who got kidnapped you really have a snarky mouth."
"Pleasepleaseplease don't leave me, I'll be good I swear."
"For only you could love something horrendous as I."
"If you could just accept me, it would be safer for a lot of people."
"Sometimes I can't believe that you actually agreed to marry me after all I've done."
"Oh dear I didn't mean to hurt you that much."
"Face it you need me and that's the only way it should be."
"Don't cry, don't waste your tears on worthless me"
"Master why do you keep playing me this way..."
"You know I would've gone out with you if you had just asked."
"I know this hurts but it will get better I swear!"
"Just say it! Tell me you love me, I know you do!"
"My body is a temple for you, use me how you wish."
"You never needed them anyways. What have they done for you?"
"Ever heard of proper communication instead of threats?"
""Oh oh! dear mark me there, it's more noticeable."
"Why would you say that, it hurts you know?"
"Such a pretty smile, you're spoiling me too much with this."
"The fact that the pictures you took of me sleeping are flattering."
"Why don't you understand? You need me, you always needed me."
"Say we'll never part and I will put the universe at your feet."
"Just let me in mon chéri, it'll be better for the both of us"
"Such a delectable creature you are. I could just eat you up!"
"Don't you get it? I would give up everything if it mean to wake up with you."
"Hi! This is my s/o, please do stay at least an arm length away from us for safety reasons."
"Never has my dead heart felt this warm."
"Don't you know what they'll do to pretty face like yours?"
"Please understand, I had to do this. It was for the good of us. Our relationship!"
"Oh darling don't be like that, you know it makes me sad."
"Please what do you want me to do? I'll do anything if it makes you stay with me."
"To be honest, I never expected myself being into this."
"You look quite divine tonight my love."
"Of course I won't hurt them dear!"
"Such a delicate thing you are, may I join you in bed?"
"Isn't it romantic? We look just like that scene from (movie name)"
"For someone who threatened to limit my contact, you sure are bad when it comes to lying."
"If you wish, I would rip my heart out for you."
"You know you're never truly rid of me."
"It's okay darling, take your time I'm always here."
"You have no one. You come back to me just you see."
"If you're professing your love at least make it sound better!"
"It's not worth to cry over them, they meant nothing anyways."
"Don't be afraid, I would never hurt you!"
"Maybe in another life I would've loved you back but not this one."
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°𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑠𝑘 𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡
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eampro-blog · 24 days
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Writing Prompt #55 Stranded
[You're the sole survivor of a commercial plane crash. You are now stuck in the middle of the jungle and you have no idea where to go. Echoing in the distance, you swear your hearing someone's voice. Maybe your not alone after all. But is that a good thing?]
Write a short story based on the writing prompt. Challenge your writing abilities and see where your imagination takes you.
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dryndelicate · 2 months
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she, wearing a floral iridescent pastel orange full body zentai suit and a matching corset with multiple ribbon bows tied around her arms and legs, exhibited as a museum sculpture, color photo
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creation-help · 1 year
"Get away from me! What even are you? What kinda hell did something like you come from?!"
The human, known to most as simply an asshole, though hiding much worse, backed into the corner. The entity, dangerous, beastly, monstrous, stepped forth.
"I didn't simply 'come from' anywhere. I was made.."
"What kinda sicko would make something like this?!"
The creature hummed, feeling amusement about some aspect of this. "You see.."
"Monsters make monsters. The ones who do, are usually much more heinous than their creations."
The human frowned in disgust. "Well I don't even wanna imagine what the freak who made you is like.."
The monster, though wanting to laugh in the face of that remark, couldn't help but be overcome by bitterness over its sad fate. "You know the kinds of freaks who can make me.. Who do make me."
"W.. What's that supposed to mean..? What kind of freaks?"
"Look in the mirror." the monster rose a pointing claw at the human's face, in prosecution. "Freaks like you."
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Writing Prompt #2711
"Just because he's family doesn't mean you have to forgive him."
She began to nod, but then shook her head. "It's complicated, you know? He hurt me, but people hurt him, too. We both should have had things better."
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"I will set this world on fire with my own two hands if that's what is needed to keep you safe."
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cykrow · 4 months
Writing Prompt #1
"Is this really what life has become? It happened so quickly I just... can't accept what's happening"
"If you worrying about trivial issues like that, you'll never survive the night"
*He pulled out his gun and cocked the pistol. Without a second's notice, the barrel is faced right at the bridge of my nose*
"Now... Why did you do this."
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blackrosesandwhump · 1 year
Whump Prompts Masterlist 100-199
Here's Part 2 of my original whump prompts list.
Whump Prompts 100: Immortal Whumpee Aesthetic
Whump Prompt 101 (villain whumpee)
Whump Prompt 102 (monster whumpee, self-destruction)
Whump Prompt 103 (dialogue)
Whump Prompt 104 (cursed wound, recovery whump)
Whump Prompt 105 (hero and villain, superpowers, drowning)
Whump Prompt 106 (magic whump, drowning)
Whump Prompt 107 (demon whumpee, captivity)
Whump Prompt 108 (mer whumpee, suffocation, chains)
Whump Prompt 109 (hero whumpee, torture)
Whump Prompts 110: Bandages Aesthetic
Whump Prompt 111 (villain whumpee, near death)
Whump Prompt 112 (electrocution, torture)
Whump Prompt 113 (curse whump, fainting)
Whump Prompt 114 (experimentation, dialogue prompt)
Whump Prompt 115 (monster whumpee, fever whump)
Whump Prompt 116 (monster whump, hero and villain)
Whump Prompt 117 (hero whumpee/villain whumper, breath whump)
Whump Prompt 118 (captivity whump, breath whump)
Whump Prompt 119 (Gothic whump, illness/blood)
Whump Prompts 120: Torture Aftermath Aesthetic
Whump Prompt 121 (poison whump, holiday prompt)
Whump Prompt 122 (hero whumpee, superpower whump)
Whump Prompt 123 (hanging, immortal whumpee)
Whump Prompt 124 (dialogue, begging, implied torture)
Whump Prompt 125 (monster whumpee, implied death)
Whump Prompt 126 (restraints, branded)
Whump Prompt 127 (defiant whumpee, death threat)
Whump Prompt 128 (hero and villain, implied violence)
Whump Prompt 129 (torture, blood, near death)
Whump Prompts 130: Lab Whump Aesthetic
Whump Prompt 131 (self-harm, lab/experiment whump)
Whump Prompt 132 (sidekick whumpee, poison)
Whump Prompt 133 (vampire whumper, claustrophobia)
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taytjiefourie · 1 year
Dialogue prompt: Envy
Hey there, my Darlings! How's your day going? Today, I have something special for you - a dialogue prompt list that will ignite your creativity! Pair it up with my latest blog post on 'Show Don't Tell: Envy,' and you'll be unstoppable. I can't wait to see what you come up with! So, pick a prompt, put those tips to use, and send me your masterpiece. Let's showcase your talent together!
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"Why her? Why is it always her?"
"Wish I could afford that. It must be nice to be rich."
"Oh, so you got the promotion. That's... that's great."
"She's dating him? She can do better."
"Of course, you always get what you want."
"They're laughing. They're always laughing. Why can't they just shut up!?"
"You're so talented. I wish I had even half the talent you did."
"You're successful and me? I'm just... I'm just.."
"I only wish I could control fire like he can."
"How do you have access to all the knowledge in this world and I can barely even write?"
"You have the prince on his knees for you, and I can't even get a child to give me a flower."
"I envy your stupidity. I only wish I didn't understand what was going on."
"You're naïve and happy and free. It's like nothing bothers you."
"He may have caught the eye of the second princess, but he's a fragile little thing."
"Why do you get to be the chosen one? What makes you so special that the gods chose you?"
"I can't believe you inherited the throne. You never even wanted it, yet it fell into your lap. Meanwhile, I've been fighting for years to earn the respect of my people."
"Why does she get all the glory? I've been training just as hard as her, but she always seems to come out on top."
"You have the power of immortality. You'll never have to face the fear of death like the rest of us."
"Why do you get to wield the sword? I've been searching for it for years, and I'm more deserving of it than you."
" You have a natural talent for magic. Of course, you mastered the spell in an hour."
"Don't lie, your name alone can open more doors than I could ever dream of."
"I'm a nobody compared to her. She has the admiration of the entire kingdom."
"I want it! I want it! I want it! Why can't I have it too!?"
"He was born with a powerful body, not sick and frail like me."
"I can pray and pray for years, yet just a single whine and the gods come scrambling to help you."
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