#daily prompt
Writing Prompt #2712
"What's got you smiling so wide?"
"I...I like myself today. It feels different, but I think that's a good thing!"
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me-writes-prompts · 3 months
-:“Can we please just talk?” Post argument make-up talk prompts:-
(You know who needs this? YOU KNOW WHO NEEDS THIS?! AZIRAPHALE AND CROWLEY! *sobs*)
By @me-writes-prompts
"Look, I'm really sorry for shouting at you. I just...I just lost control. But it wasn't your fault, it was me. Please forgive me?"
"We really shouldn't have fought over a piece of dumpling, don't you think so?" "Yeah, that was rather a vague topic to argue over." (Vmin, anyone?)
"I'm really sorry, I wasn't in the right mind and vent it out on you."
"Are you still mad at me? I mean, it's okay if you are. I'm mad at myself, too."
"Can we talk?" "Yeah, yeah. Let's do that."
"I didn't mean to say you're not enough, okay? Because you are, but I am not. I am not enough to appreciate a person like you."
"I really wasn't thinking straight, now was I? I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to put up with my shit. I'll be better for you."
"Are you calm now?" "Yeah, sorry. Needed to take a time out."
Kissing as apologizing but then also expressing it in words.
Angry cuddles, because they are cold. Definitely not because they want the warmth their partner provides.
"That was a really silly argument we had last night, right?" “Hmm, yet we couldn’t stop the topic.” They try to joke.
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Danny is old(young adult), on the run, and under a fake name. He is also neighbors with young Jason and became a safe place for him to crash or someone he can ask for stuff when they are running out of food.
That doesn't change even when he starts living with the Wayne's. And even after that
Aka next door neighbor unofficial uncle Danny
(It'll be funnier if he accumulated Bruce's kids, becoming their safe space and became their unofficial godfather too, and he's STILL in hiding. Someone save him. Bruce still doesn't know about him least of all his 'meta' abilities)
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l-michalska-writer · 1 year
❤️Ways to say “I love you” / prompts:
All I want is for you to be mine.
I wouldn’t have stayed if it wasn’t for you.
I will always choose you.
I trust you.
I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life.
Is there anything I can do for you?
I hate your pain.
You’re the only one that matters.
I hate seeing you like that…
There’s no one else but you.
I would do anything for you.
You’re closest to heaven that I’ve ever been.
I will never let you down.
I’d give up everything to be with you.
You’re the reason I know how to smile.
You’ll always be my first choice.
I will make the world a better place for you.
I've never been more proud.
I appreciate all that you're doing for me. Really.
I know it doesn't look like it, but you really matter to me.
I can't imagine my life without you.
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pockyyasii · 3 months
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➸ unrequited love - or when you face the rejection of your confession
prompts by @pockyyasii.
"you're my everything, y/n, don't you ever, ever, ever doubt that. but we can't- i'm really sorry, y/n, but we just-" why was he crying? he could just repeat the three words and everything would be okay. yet he took a deep breath and squeezed my hands gently. "i-i know this hurts right now, trust me, i know, but i- i will only make it much worse,"
"it's not that simple, y/n!" he shouted, fisting his hair. "you... us... y/n, you know this isn't going to work"
"gosh, why do you say it like that, y/n!" you watched, holding your breath, as she stole your fry and grinned. "your literally my bestie; of course i love you too!"
"gods, y/n! i can't, i just can't!" he shut his eyes and stepped back, shuddering in a deep breath. "y/n, you're not safe here, you know it"
"y/n" he breathed out your name, so gently, so softly, so hurt. "you deserve so much better than me. you deserve so much, much, much better"
you could hear it in the silence. the way his whole body crashed, the way he looked up at you slowly, as if making eye contact hurt him too.
he was laughing. "where's the camera, sweetheart? i think you got me that time, with the whole shitty speech and roses"
"what? y/n, we don't have to act anymore, there's no one around"'
notes: pronouns are interchangeable!! change them to your liking ♡
taglist: @yasicookies ( open )
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The 'married' couple that is just friends
"You're coming over? bring me coffee I ran out,"
"ah, my friend looks like he's about to kill you, you best leave,"
"I'm going to have to beat people off with a stick aren't I?"
"Man, thanks, I haven't been able to get to the dishes, you're a life saver,"
"do you have my sad hoody? I need my sad hoody,"
"Can you come over? I need your cooking,"
"We have plans! why do we have plans?"
"you're like my child, call me daddy.... nevermind, that sounds wrong,"
"we're going to your parent's for Mom's birthday tomorrow?"
"I left you lunch,"
"who's apartment are we in?"
"I have a key, it's not breaking an entering,"
"I don't care if it's 2am, I'm lonely, come watch a movie,"
"you remembered my snacks right?"
"Did you just get slapped? oh man, I need to high-five them, where are they?"
"Nooo let me sleep,"
"do you remember where I put my purse?"
"Buy me food, I'm broke,"
"Of course, you're my ATM, who else is going to give me money and not expect it back?"
"I forgot my wallet, hey! I need your bank card,"
"This is why I love you,"
" I can't believe you're making me do yoga,"
"What are we married?"
"yeah sure take it,"
"we're out of brain cells,"
"no milk? aw man she hates black coffee,"
"Is it safe yet? I brought Icecream?"
"I got us tickets to the concert, you owe me,"
"if you're going to cry I'm going to punch someone,"
"Hey, hey, It's okay, I'm here,"
"we won!? man, I'm good at this,"
"he did it,"
"excuse me? I was innocent, you corrupted me,"
"you fixed my sink! thanks!"
"I gave a dude your number, he wouldn't stop bothering me, give em' hell,"
"What's for dinner?"
"you have plans that don't involve me? since when?"
"Happy Birthday hoe,"
"isn't this illegal?"
"who's body are we hiding?"
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pictureinspday · 6 months
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Image by keyouest from Pixabay
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forestryprompts · 8 months
Character A (Hero): I used to think defeating you would bring me peace, but now I'm not so sure…
Character B (Villain): Why the change of heart, hero?
Character A (Hero): Because every time I see you, I see the person you could have been.
Character B (Villain): And every time I see you, I'm reminded of the hero I could never be.
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echo-does-art · 4 months
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I'm back for Amphibiuary Day 1!
Tried a different approach than my dragon last year :)
Prompt list by @amphibianaday for anyone who wants to join in!
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Write a piece about someone who should have died, but didn't
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Writing Prompt #2711
"Just because he's family doesn't mean you have to forgive him."
She began to nod, but then shook her head. "It's complicated, you know? He hurt me, but people hurt him, too. We both should have had things better."
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me-writes-prompts · 9 months
-:“I’ve had a really rough day and I need you to make it better” Soft Prompts-:
By @me-writes-prompts
Person A comes stumbling home into Person B, and slumps down in their arms while Person B lovingly holds them.
“Oh god, it’s been such a hard day. I missed you so much.” They say as they kiss the living heck out of their partner and drag them to their bed.
Cuddles cuddles cuddles.
“You don’t know how much I wanted to be here, wrapped up in arms.” “Shh, I’ve got you.” >>>>>>
“Can we please put on my favourite movie and snuggle up with hot chocolate?” “You don’t need to ask, love.”
When Person A comes home, they're surprised to see Person B cooking for them and they almost tear up.
Back hugs while they softly whisper in your ear and pepper you with kisses is all you could ever ask for.
“I’m sorry you had such a shitty day, what can I do to make it better?” “Sing for me, kiss me. Anything you do will make me feel better.”
Soothing messages<3333333
"Come here, let me take care of you." They say with a kiss on your forehead, nose and then finally your lips as you loose yourself in their arms.(AHHHHHH)
"Fuck, I'm so tired, baby." "Oh. We don't have to do this then." "But not tired for you, I want you right now. Please." They say as they pull their partner close and start marking their neck.
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Danny accidentally starts a cult without even realizing it. Danny is going to college and he noticed a few of his classmates were struggling so he ops to help them study, when they're still having trouble Danny gives them his summoning sigil, without saying it's his, and says he knows someone who can help, just leave a can of soda or some snacks as an offering. So his classmates do that and Danny shows up as Phantom in the form of the ancient of space and helps his classmates via showing them what is basically a small sphere of space. He leaves them with a small crystal when they understand and disappears. A few weeks go by and he discovers he's feeling a lot more powerful recently, it's around then that he discovers that his classmates built a shrine to Phantom with candles and an alter. Danny has accidentally become the God of a small cult
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l-michalska-writer · 1 year
Villain prompts
You won't save her.
They won't see what's coming for them.
You won't survive this.
There's no one to save you.
You're only a mortal.
You save everyone, but who saves you?
You really think you can defeat ME?
I won't stop until it's done and they're six feet under.
Don't worry, I already despise you.
Kill them.
Open the fire.
Execute them.
When I kill someone I expect them to stay dead.
If you ever need me, just call my name.
The dark side awaits you.
I'm here to end what I started.
Say your goodbyes while you still have time.
She'll die, unaware of your love.
You call yourself a HERO?
Oh, how I love that you're trying so hard to defeat me.
I wonder when you'll realise I already won.
Even your undying love couldn't save her.
I'm here to kill me.
I'm getting tired of trying to kill you, human.
Fire at will.
You're just a child. You don't stand a chance.
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pockyyasii · 3 months
Hiyee! Would you mind doing some prompts for calming an angry person down (idm, only if you have spare time)
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➸ ❝ you need to calm down ! ❞ - or when you need your s/o to calm down after being stressed or anxious!!
prompts by @pockyyasii.
tracing hearts. the initials of you and him or words (like "i love you!") on the back of their hand (or on their back if they're sleeping away from you!)
writing them sweet + goofy messages on sticky notes (i.e. your bed hair looks so scrumptious today!) and then sticking them on things they usually use (a certain pen or their bedside table.)
^^ i think it'll be really cute to make them a little trail of sticky notes, so each one as an arrow or direction (i.e. look to the left / look up!) and then they all lead to one note that says "i love you!"
^^ if this is too much maybe just repeatedly sticking irrelevant notes everywhere to the point they get fed up (they're mad at you now, but how could they ever get properly mad at you?)
another cute thing is first stroking the knots out of their hair ( which is basically you running your hand through their hair over and over again) then doing little braids (especially whilst they're cuddling you!) once you've finished it
kissing them on the cheek and then running away
cooking with them! its honestly a cute way to get to intimate without touching someone~! and you never know, cooking scenes have great potential for showing love to eachother too!! (im talking about when she burns herself and then he hugs her from behind, washes her hand under cold water, then kisses the pain away~ anyways &lt;33)
notes: pronouns are interchangeable!! change them to your liking ♡
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tag me in a reblog or in the comments or or send me an ask if you use these!! it'll actually mean the world to me and i'd love read your writing <33 mwah!!
taglist: @yasicookies ( open )
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Anger Prompts list
"Are you out of your mind!?"
"did I say I needed your help!?"
"When was I meant to find out? when it was too late!?"
"get out of my face!"
"you're ruining it!"
"I worked my ass off on this and you just had to walk right over my effort!"
"I would push you in front of a train if murder wasn't illegal!"
"How many times do I have to say no!"
"I don't care!"
"Is that it!? you're giving up!"
"I won't let you beat me!"
"I'm better than you could ever dream of being!"
"Your words mean nothing to me! nothing!"
"What is your brain for!"
"go be a fucking ornament,"
"I don't need you dragging me down,"
"you!? what are you doing here!"
"I refuse to work with a useless brat!"
"If you didn't jump in, she would still be alive!"
"you ruin everything!"
"What did you say!?"
"Why are you crying!?"
"Just because I don't deserve it, doesn't mean I'm not going to take it!"
"where did you even get that idea!"
"use your damn ears!"
"what use are you!?"
"don't fuck up this time!"
"give me a god damn break!"
"I work harder than everyone in this entire place!"
"There isn't a way to turn back!"
"you crashed!?"
"I'm perfectly calm!"
"you utter moron!"
"Why won't you just leave me alone!"
"take a dive off a roof! see if I care!"
"Who ate my food!"
"I'll break you myself!"
"there's a grave waiting for you!"
"oh, now you show!"
"Who's stupid idea was this!"
"I can't believe I fell for that!"
"you like toying with me!?"
"I'll show you what the best looks like!"
"I am not cranky!"
"go to hell!"
"like I'd choose to waste my time around you!"
"Break a leg, and I mean literally!"
"There is no way I'm getting on that!"
"Why am I always in the wrong!?"
"Forget it!"
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