#our flag means soup
corttheartist · 8 months
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obsessed with ed’s hair up.
our flag means death s2 slaps btw.
go watch it.
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aqueerpirate · 8 months
You eat fine soup well 🥣
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Let's do soup.
A lot of people have been talking about how soup is doing some symbolic lifting in this season, but I've gotten really stuck on this scene in particular. Ed doesn't know that Hornigold is his own subconscious yet, but he confronts him about a time that Hornigold killed a member of his own crew (hey Ed are you maybe feeling bad about something?) and Hornigold gives him three options for dealing with all the horrible shit he's seen, done, or been unable to stop.
The first option is just "move on, you gotta move on." Or, in other words "toughen up, who cares that you feel bad about it, just lock that shit up and get over it." Ed got this advice a lot in season one. Izzy told him "the love of a pet makes a man weak" and Calico Jack told him "what kind of pirate has a friend, we're all in various stages of fucking each other over." It seems like this is just what pirates do. Frenchie starts out this season talking about how he bottles it all up. It's a stand in for all the toxic masculinity and repression that the show enjoys unpacking - in Hornigold's mind, if feelings can't rebuild an abdominal wall, they're useless.
The second option is "blow your brains out." It's become pretty clear at this point that Ed is trying his best to get someone angry enough to kill him. In season one, Ed is told repeatedly that dying is what happens when you fail to do option one. When Izzy says, "the only retirement we get is death," that's what he means. Ed can't retire, can't stop being a pirate, can't do things differently. He has to tread water until he drowns. When Izzy says "Blackbeard is my captain. I serve Blackbeard, not Edward. Edward better watch his fucking step," he is telling Ed to toughen up or die. At this point Ed, unimpressed, asks "Those are the options?" Hornigold does his little bup-bup-bup thing where he weighs them in his hands and says "Or, we could just make some soup."
Ed says "Yeah, soup. Let's do soup."
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The third option is "soup." Soup can mean a lot of things - it's warm, it's nourishing, it's what you eat when you're sick. The show has been tying it to the crew of the Revenge by having them continually eat soup and talk about how great it is (Notably, in the scene above, Olu asks Yi Sao if she's really a soup seller and she says "Not exactly.")
What does "make some soup" mean for Ed? I think, above all, it's a third option in what has been an inescapable dichotomy of "be tough or die." The first person to break this dichotomy in the show is Stede, when he refers to piracy's culture of abuse and says "And my thought is, 'Why? And also, what if it weren't like that?'" before encouraging his crew to talk through their feelings. To the surprise of literally everyone, that works. The crew of The Revenge took the space that Stede gave them and built a family inside of it. They gave Ed the idea that maybe "tough it out or die" aren't the only two options, and he's still thinking about it even now.
Making soup is also work - Ed's going to have to deal with the fact that he tried to torture his crew into killing him - but it's good, useful work. It could be a metaphor for the kind of work you have to do to repair relationships with people you've hurt. The first thing Ed does in this episode is refuse the soup that Hornigold is giving him. It's poison, he doesn't want it.
So, I'm wondering if there's going to be a moment later in the season where Ed either literally makes soup or accepts it from someone else, and whether that will be Important To His Arc in some way.
Also, I'm really craving soup, so.
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whitmerule · 8 months
anne bonny said 'teehee I shall cause problems on purpose' and I think that's very sexy of her.
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thank you ofmd for recognising that what we really need in fiction is toxic lesbians 😌
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hemali-smh · 8 months
watching the seventh episode of ofmd like: babe hold my soup, this was not supposed to happen
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6th-for-truth · 8 months
** Very mild out of context OFMD S2 Spoilers **
Y’all, I have self-soothed my way through a year and a half of no new gay pirate content by going Deep into the lesbian necromancers brainrot. So please imagine the SCREAMING when there was so much Joddamn soup in the first 3 episodes of OFMD Season 2!
Naturally, I made stickers.
Throughout OFMD S2, I’ll be posting new designs on my Etsy on Sundays, so you’ll be able to find these there on Sunday, October 8.
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cataclysmic-cathexis · 8 months
Our Flag Means Soup
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crabfruit · 8 months
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Prepping a big pot of parsnip and lentil soup so I can observe the sacred ritual of Soup and Gay Pirate Thursday tomorrow
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nicostiel · 8 months
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whimprone · 8 months
Season 1: talk it through as a crew
Season 2: eat some soup as a group
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aqueerpirate · 8 months
Our flag means soup 🍜
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creepypaper · 8 months
Soup Thoughts
Someone on Twitter mentioned that soup in S2 is a metaphor for warmth and comfort and I just think Ed refusing Hornigold's soup because it's poison tells us so much?
Because he made the mistake of accepting warmth and comfort before, disregarding his mother's warning that they're "just not those kind of people" and look where that got him? Alone and in pain.
So no, warmth and comfort isn't for people like Ed. It's poison.
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whitmerule · 8 months
OFMD season 2 dangerous drinking games
take a sip (not a shot)...
every time you yell FUCK OFF ED at the screen
every time izzy crumples
every time someone's facial hair gets a redesign
"babe" 🥺
every time soup
will add more as we continue 🤔
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homoquartz · 5 months
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if you confessed your love for your best friend and they loved you back and you slept together for the first time and then got separated for months with no idea if they were alive or dead, and then you found each other again and didn't get the reunion you deserved, would that be fucked up or what?
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coishen · 6 months
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Modern AU
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6th-for-truth · 4 months
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Frenchie eating noodles on a t-shit. That’s all.
Get it here on my Etsy!
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