#pandora would NEVER
radiohead-spiderman · 5 months
Listen, listen I love Plus Size Lily Evans, glorious headcanon absolutely, however, SOME of you are making her plus size just for the sake of making her insecure, which is odd guys, plus size Lily is like one of my favorite headcanons too, but making her plus size JUST for the sake of making the whole “Lily fell first she just thought James was messing with her” thing work?? Odd, veeery odd
Lily Evans means the world to me and I honestly in my personal opinion hate the “she fell first, he fell harder” trope with jily, let her not like him, let Lily wait till James Potter changes into someone different from the annoying boy that was mean to her best friend, into someone who was kind, let years of James PINING (not harassing her PINING because also the headcanon that he harassed her on the daily is NOT cute) go by before Lily finally agrees to go on a date with him. Let Lily be her own character damn it >:(
Don’t even get me started on making her plus sized just for her PARTNERS to be upset with her body?? That’s just?? Literally all of the ships with Lily, would not care that she’s plus size, you can name any of them and I will back up my point and be right, not even SNAPE would (controversial take I know) care about that, also to add I am not a snily shipper I just can’t imagine young Snape caring all that much about Lily’s weight, still cannot stand older Snape though, I am not a snily shipper at ALLLL. Also, are you telling me you think that JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER wouldn’t WORSHIP the ground Lily walked on?? That’s insane, that man was the most whipped a man could be
Also, name me any other ship with Lily and I assure you they would absolutely also worship the ground she walked on even if she was plus size. James? Already covered. Pandora? Ab-so-lutely head over heels. Dorcas? Idiotic question.
Lily Evans is just THAT girl, let her embrace her body PLEEEEAAASEEE
Anyways, stan plus size Lily Evans for clear skin
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bleue-flora · 3 months
Wait... Dream was born on August 12, 1999 and Dream was arrested in the Disc Finale on January 20, 2021 soo... wait, wait, wait, that means he was only 21 when he was imprisoned for life in a small lava covered box!... Did I do that math right? 21?! Man was barely able to drink legally in the United States and they gave him a life sentence in a boiling cell with nothing but lava, raw potatoes, a clock, and some books?!... oh my god...
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swag696942069 · 3 months
Barty, about to enter Evan: Here comes the airplane
Evan, mortified: Don't ever say that to me again
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luizd3ad · 1 month
Barty: “Hey Black, look it’s your favorite cousin.” Regulus: *looks up from book confused and sees Barty pointing at Sirius.* Regulus: “Who told Junior?” *Looks around Slytherin Skittles* Y/N: *looking away whistling* Regulus: “…” Regulus: “I hate it here.”
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bri-cheeses · 3 months
NEVER give Barty a nerf gun unless you want to be terrorized for the next several hours. There have been full on wars that have occurred, and each one of the skittles has fought in the trenches (behind beds and couches and cushions) in order to try and get the nerf gun away from Barty. Usually, it ends when Evan “betrays” the other side and “joins” Barty, who lets him come unquestionably because of course, and then Evan distracts him enough (I will not go into detail, take that however you want) to get the nerf gun away and secure victory. Each time Barty pouts and whines (“How could you betray me like that?”) for the rest of the day, but it’s okay because Evan gets first dibs on dessert that night because the Skittles are now indebted to him.
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solarisburns · 3 months
Dorcas knew something was wrong when Evan showed up at her door one night. At the start of the war, right before she graduated all three of her-the boys took the dark mark. She wanted, desperately, for there to be more to the story, but if there was they never told her. So when she found out she was furious told them all she never wanted to speak to them ever again, and the only time they would see her face is from behind bars or in a shallow grave. They respected that and before she knew it, its been over a year and she missed them like she misses a limb. but she does not regret her decision.
So when one night evan shows up alone, dorcas knows something is wrong. she nearly curses him outright when he asks to come in but he offers his wand to her and doesn't even flinch when she rips it out of his hand. idly she considers snapping it. Evan didn't look good, he was more wirey than before the war and he looked depressed. his eyes were red.
he came into her apartment and looked around in curiosity, right he had never seen her apartment they had stopped speaking a week before she moved in. he sat on her couch and she pretended not to be hurt about how right it felt to have him here. then he spoke, "We wanted to tell you, I swear we did but he told us that if you knew and someone found out you would be a target. You and marlene and your family. We tried Dorcas we tried so fucking hard but were losing and we don't know what to do and you, your the most powerful witch we know and Reg-" he rambled frantically and when he tried to say Regulus' name his voice broke and Dorcas was filled with this horrible sense of dread. She knew why Evan was here but she didn't want to believe it. She needed to hear it out loud but merlin she didn't want to.
"Evan, what are you doing here."
"Regulus is dead."
And the worst part is, Dorcas knew, they all knew that Regulus would not make it through this war. One way or another, no matter what side, this always ended with Regulus dead. She feels a stab of resentment for the dead boy.
"Were spies, we um have been for years. Regulus stole something from Voldemort, he uh he died to get it. He told us if he didn't make it back to bring it to you, that you would have the power to destroy it. It's with Pandora at the moment, we try to keep it moving so theres less of a chance it can be tracked, but we wanted to tell you now. I'm sorry. And I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you, I know you never wanted to see me again but Pandora is telling Sirius and Barty the Potters." Evan was crying, and he was desperately trying to hide it. Then Dorcas realized she was crying to. They sat there and cried and cried, it could have been for hours the two of them cried.
She clears her throat and looks at the clock, "Marlene will be home soon, you should leave. And uh tell Pandora she, alone, can bring whatever it is over tomorrow afternoon." Dorcas wants to forgive them but she can't, not yet. And Regulus is dead, it doesn't feel real except for the way it's all too real.
Evan nods, "of course, whatever you need." he holds his hand for his wand and turns towards the door when he gets it, but hesitates. "I know I have no right to ask this, but Cas, can I have a hug?"
She's up before he finishes his sentence and pulling him into a hug "Sure Ev." she whispers into his ear as she rocks them, their the same height now, she used to have an inch on him. he huffs what might be a laugh. and before she knows it their letting go and he's almost out the door.
"See ya around Meadowes?"
"See you around Rosier."
And then he's gone and if she closes her eyes she can pretend that he was never here at all. That somewhere in the world the three boys are out there getting drunk and ruining peoples lives and growing up without her. The boys are spies and lied to her for years and Regulus is dead. She sinks down the closed door and sobs.
(She never does see Evan around, he died two months later)
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arl-the-beloved · 8 months
Kaito having red eyes after he "broke" Pandora cause it needed a physical item to latch on to but now every time Kaito cries, his tears are the elixer of immortality
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cricketclan · 7 months
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also went ahead and started adding pronouns as well
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i miss ctommy and i miss cwilbur and i miss cjack and i miss ctubbo and i miss cniki and i miss cquackity and i miss cpuffy and i miss cponk and i miss csam and i miss cranboo and i miss cbad and i miss cfundy and i miss cfoolish and i miss cboomer and i miss cslime and i miss ctechno and i miss cphil and i miss cantfrost and i miss caimsey and i miss channah and i miss ckarl and i miss ceret and i miss ceryn and i miss cpk and i miss cmichael mcchill and i miss cskeppy and i miss cpurpled. not cdream tho he can die <3
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triple1st · 6 months
forever thinking about how this is romana's last conversation with the doctor
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yakou furio's character is so tragic to me. i wanna meme about how they used the fridged wife trope but other than that it's like. he lost his family and later all of his coworkers and just. existed alone for years.
looking at the state the submarine and especially his bedroom was in, with everything being a mess and all the cigarette butts in his bed, yakou was clearly depressed. he wouldn't even take on any interesting cases to fulfill his passion as a detective because he was so afraid of the peacekeepers. instead he just kept his head down. surviving but not actually living.
and then he finally gets some new detectives to work at his agency and the first thing he can do is fail to save most of them from dying horribly. but the five that yakou did manage to save latch onto him and he starts getting into a leader role! even if his new coworkers are all rowdy and get into trouble they still respect him as a leader and look up to him.
the detectives keep picking fights with the peacekeepers that yakou has been trying so hard to dodge. and usually the resolution is kind of messed up because the victims die but the detectives prove themselves capable of handling the peacekeepers! they're helping people! for the first time in a while, yakou comes toe to toe with peacekeepers willingly, to help his new friends. he realizes that he is able to stand up against amaterasu corp, with the help of the others.
but by the time he realizes this, the stage has already been set. the letter from yomi turned his grief into anger and a thirst for vengeance. although yomi gave him the information and opportunity, yakou was ultimately the one who chose to murder the man who murdered his wife.
yakou has already rebuilt his life after his wife's death. the detectives at his agency look up to him and he would do anything for them. it would never be the same as the life he had with his wife but yakou had the chance to turn over a new leaf with a new found family who cares about him.
but instead, yakou plans a murder. he needs to die, over and over, in order to access the man he wants to kill and he accepts it. he needs to trick two kids, who look up to him and who he cares for, into becoming his accomplices to the murder and he accepts it. in the wake of forcing his detectives to witness his murder, he needs leave them in a lab filled with peacekeepers who want to kill them and he accepts it.
and it's not that he doesn't care about his detectives. yuma and halara disobeyed his orders and assaulted several peacekeepers, and he was willing to be arrested himself before throwing his employees under the bus. yuma and fubuki were implicated in terrorism and yakou and the others solve the case for them, then prepare to fight an army of peacekeepers to protect yuma.
for his murder plan, yakou only needs desuhiko and fubuki's powers. but he brings halara and vivia along as well because they would be able to protect the two younger detectives and fight their way out of the lab after yakou dies. he enacts his plan on a day that yuma wasn't around because he won't be able to help fight peacekeepers, so it's better to just keep him out of this mess. he covers up his murder-suicide to protect his detective's feelings, but also because they would be implicated as his accomplices if his plan was revealed.
and yakou probably expected that the other detectives would be fine. if they'd left him behind to die, the other detectives probably would have been able to either fight their way out or hide out in the lab a bit longer and figured out a good plan to escape. if yakou had his way, he would have gotten his revenge and his detectives would have gone home grief-stricken, but unharmed and forever unaware of their roles in his death.
but yakou doesn't account for the fact that the other detectives would try to save his life. yuma doesn't run after the hitman and escape the peacekeepers, he stays behind to beg yomi to help yakou. fubuki uses up all her energy to rewind time to try to prevent yakou's death instead of helping the others escape the lab. halara, vivia, and desuhiko not only have to fight off peacekeepers, but they also have to carry yakou to a hiding spot to give first aid. and instead of calmly planning their next move, everyone is desperate to solve the case so there would be any chance of getting yakou to a hospital as quickly as possible.
one major theme of rain code is that despite tragedies that may have happened in the past, people can work together with those they care about to live a better life in the future. and yakou could have had that. his wife's death should have stayed in the past, and he should have continued to mentor the other detectives, solving mysteries together and enjoying each other's companies.
but yakou couldn't let the past stay in the past. he had every chance to not go through with his murder. he has new people he loves, but he manipulates them and puts them in danger in order to get back at the person who killed the last person he loved. his victory was a pyrrhic one. he got his revenge but in return, he destroyed himself and his detectives' trust in him. he enjoyed his revenge momentarily before dying and leaving his new family, who he used their love and trust for him to his advantage, to pick up the pieces.
yakou furio had lost everything in the past. but in trying to pursue it he destroyed everything he had in the present. that's the tragedy of his character to me.
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ghostfires · 1 year
are u telling me the lab people jus LET spider go out into the wild as a child on his own with just a mask 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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ozlices · 3 months
unhappy 1 yr off a decade since ph ended. unhappy decade since i last saw my son oz vessalius. feral warnings of maximum unhinged nature to anime companies... GIVE HIM BACK GIVE ME MY GODDAMN REBOOT OR ELSE
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swag696942069 · 6 months
An idea I got while watching Home Alone
Sirius and Remus, on the plane, enjoying life
Sirius: I have a gut feeling like I'm forgetting something
Remus: Pads, we have everything, we have everyone, we did all that we needed to do. We're fine!
Sirius, slightly shaking his head, looking through his bag: Still I can't shake the feeling. Did we turn off all the lights?
Remus: Yes.
Sirius: Did I lock the door?
James, popping his head up from the seat infront of them: No. I did *smirks*
Sirius, tilting his head: Did we lock the gate?
Remus, thinking for a second: You know what? That's what it is. We forgot to lock the gate.
Sirius, let's out a sigh of relief: Oh.
Peter: See? Everythings fine Pads.
Sirius, nodding along: Yeah, right. I don't know why I was so worried. We'll just have Reg ask Crouch to shut the- *moment of realization* OH MY GOD WE FORGOT REG!!!
Everyone starts panicking
Meanwhile back at home:
Regulus, sitting down at the kitchen counter, bed head, looking around: Siri, James? Remus? Peter? *Looks around some more, takes a breath as realization hits* DID THOSE MOTHERFVCKERS FORGET ME!?!?!?
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atlasdoe · 2 months
no but y'all don't understand Amelia loves Pandora SO MUCH. She would crave her heart out to give it to Pandora if she so much as asked.
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steelycunt · 1 year
ridi im sorry i need to rant and i think youll get it 😭 like not to be a bitch but this fandom kinda going off the rails and annoying the shit out of me https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRbYASpf/ everybody in the comments unironically loving it,,, i mean wtvr ship who you want but its kinda getting delusional like ppl are just operating on thin air and pretty fancasts atp and i do Not understand or emotionally connect with any of it. at least w wolfstar theres so much material and foundation to explore but what is all the rest of this?? just hot celebrity fancasts and crack. to be fair part of me respects taking a terfs canon material and making everybody gay but the way it seems to be so oversaturating fics and the fandom that characters dont even feel like their original selves .. atp its all just surface level OCs
hello! yes! i'll be honest talking about things like this always make me a little nervous, and i feel obligated to preface anything i say with a disclaimer that none of it really matters, nothing i say matters, and you should do what you like, because--who cares. i am not an authority on--anything, frankly. my opinion holds no more weight than the next guy's, and all i'm doing here is giving it, so. essentially what im saying is--people are perfectly entitled to disagree with me, but people are not entitled to be mean to me about it xx
having said that. it is my personal opinion that s x barty is one of the worst fucking things i have ever heard lol. who even is barty who is that guy. why would s be interested in him at all. i do not understand it it does not make sense to me. from where are we sourcing the character traits and personality that we are giving barty that would ever endear sirius to him, because it objectively cannot be canon.
overall i do not get the new interest in barty + evan + pandora (+ regulus, but we won't go there)...at all, other than guessing that people were bored with the marauders and wanted a new version of them (and new celebrities to fancast) while simultaneously changing next to nothing about them other than superimposing them onto the first slytherin side characters they could rustle up. i expect ive become a bit of a broken record in regards to my dislike of the popular meow-meow-ification + complete absolution of regulus as a character in order to make him a loveable oc (just as i think erasing all the negative traits that r/s have in order to make them more likeable is just as boring), and all of that applies to those other guys as well (with the slight difference that they are, somehow, even less interesting and significant than regulus in canon), so i won't get into that too much. but i think what you say about having no emotional connection to any of it is exactly right lol--it is a sort of shift? i guess? in the fandom that is simply of no interest to me. they are characters that i just have no emotional investment in and admittedly struggle a little to understand why other people do. i am emotionally invested in, like, five characters overall (and even out of those--there's only two i'm really here for innit xx) and i personally cannot extend that investment to a creepy little side character who is mentioned maybe twice in the entire series.
and that is okay! i do not need to understand it. i don't want to say it annoys me because honestly--i don't go there, its nothing to do with me. if i dont like it i just wont interact with it, and the fact that it doesn't interest me has no bearing on what other people are into or want to do, and i couldn't give less of a shit what people do with the canon material, which is largely garbage anyway. take the bits you want from it, play around with those and ignore the rest. in that respect we are all doing exactly the same thing. but yeah i think s x barty is genuinely awful lol. hate it. very terrible. he's already got a loser werewolf boyfriend and he loves him so so much. leave him alone.
#i know most people are reasonable and thus it is perhaps overly cautious of me to insist on shrouding my unpopular#opinions in like. layer upon layer of placatory disclaimers but. well im a rather anxious guy i can't help it xx but im going to use these#tags to have a bit more of a consequence-less hater hour so. if you like regulus or barty or any of that lot i suggest you look away now#because i am about to express opinions about them that you probably wouldnt agree with + wouldnt enjoy reading!!#like full warning what im about to do is NOT any sort of analysis or defence of my opinion i will just be hating on them. is that clear.#okay. having said that. hater hour. barty and evan and honestly regulus were all cunts? like they were terrible people why do we care#about them now. regulus interests me solely as a piece of context for sirius' character. i could not give less of a shit about him as a#person in his own right. which leads me to my next hater moment: why oh why oh WHY on earth would canon james potter be interested#in canon regulus black. it makes sense in like a muggle au where they are virtually completely different characters but canon?#why would he be attracted to him. there is nothing. there is no chemistry i am ASLEEP and so is james. he would not give that#guy a second look. like it just baffles me it truly does. i feel like you have to bend over backwards to create a situation in which#james potter would ever show an interest in regulus. and i know jegulus is a fucking force to be reckoned with nowadays but god i just#do not like that ship. also i think the fact that barty and pandora and evan are essentially just oc characters who have been coloured#in by general fanon consensus shows in that what they have become is just. not interesting or complex or well fleshed out lol. like#idk i feel like they are just. very shallow. deliberately. so they are easy to like and easy to ship because that is what theyre there for.#god it feels so good to say all this. i will never be a hater again (<- lying) but i needed to be able to just. say this just once xx#also if you needed any more indication what barty and evan and regulus are here to do you just have to look at their#super-hot super-conventionally attractive celebrity model fancasts. like it all adds up its like but what if these death eaters were#not actually evil :-( what if they were really sweet and also? so so hot. like they were all so hot and actually really good#and none of them meant to be evil they didnt want to be :-( they were just hot good guys all in love with each other and the evil stuff#they did wasnt their fault :-( like that has to be. the most boring thing you couldve possibly done with these blank slates. surely.#anyway. im done now but i enjoyed hater hour immensely this was so fucking good for my soul xx thanks and goodnight xx#anon#telegram#scream hang on sorry. just looked at the comments of that tiktok where people are saying they were prison besties. girl. girl.#girl they were in prison for very different reasons baby. baby you know that right. baby look at me. look at me
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