#pjo show
https-kreideprinz · 2 days
Sleepy Confessions Part 1 !
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ׂׂૢ Percy Jackson
- "hey you picked up... fuck where did I put my..." Percy rubs his eyes, his voice slurred and sleepy as he looks around. it's late for you too but you don't sound nearly as exhausted as Percy when you hear his voice come on the other end of the call.
"you, ok?" you call out, setting your phone up and frowning. this kind of behaviour was strange, but not out of the ordinary for someone like Percy. he'd regularly call you up at random points at night claiming that 'your voice helped him sleep' and it was 'calming like the ocean' and he would commonly fall asleep on call with you.
more strange shuffling and Percy groans, his voice obviously coming out as muffled when he buried his face in his pillows. "you wanna know somethin'?" his voice comes out in a soft whisper, making your face flush and your heart flutter. you can almost hear the grin spreading across Percy’s lips in his voice when you whisper a soft 'yes'. "ok don't freak out..." he mumbles, closing his eyes.
"I think I like you."
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ׂׂૢ Annabeth Chase
- "hello..." Annabeth's voice comes out as a weak whisper, you can hear the sound of a pen - or maybe it was a pencil clattering on the table, followed by a soft curse in ancient Greek. "you should be in bed." her voice mumbles, the sound of it getting louder when she picks up her phone and brings it closer to her face.
"the same goes for you." you shoot back and she chuckles, voice tired. "what are you doing anyways? why are you up so late workin’ on?" you mumble, resting your palm in your hand closing your eyes. "What 'm I workin’ on? Mmnh... designs... new cabins 'nd stuffs.” she yawns.
you can only chuckle and shake your head. "ok Beth. i think its time for bed." you snort when you hear a soft, defeated 'ok' come from the receiver. you stay on call with her as she slowly gets ready for bed, and once your certain she's in bed and moments away from passing out you get ready to hang up.
Annabeth mumbles something into the phone, too quiet for the speakers to pick up. "what did you say?” your voice comes out in a soft whisper, ears straining to catch the few words that slipped from the girl's mouth. “goodnight.” she mumbles.
"…I love you..."
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Taglist: @thementallyunwellapollochild
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purplehalnw · 2 days
I saw some people on here trying to argue "there is plenty of diversity in Percy Jackson books already, why do we need to change things in the TV show?".
I'm sorry y'all must be thinking of Heroes of Olympus, you know the series that isn't being currently adapted and probably won't ever be adapted, because the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books definitely aren't as diverse as y'all seem to think they are.
There are four poc characters in PJO: Charles Beckendorf, Zoe Nightshade, Chris Rodriguez, and Ethan Nakamura. All of them are more minor characters, none of them appear in the first book, and three of them die by the end of the series.
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sunshines-child · 1 day
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comfiestreader · 3 days
Had this random thought but what if it was Luke that died on HalfBlood Hill when Thalia, Luke and Annabeth first arrived at Camp Half-Blood…
I saw really cute fanart of young seven-year-old Annabeth sleeping on Thalia and, for whatever reason, my brain went, oh yeah, that's Thalia comforting Annabeth after Luke dies. And then I was like, mm, no, it's not because it's young Annabeth, Luke isn't dead, like what?? this is clearly before they get to Camp Half Blood and it’s just Annabeth resting on Thalia. And then I started thinking about this little concept:
- imagine if it was Luke that died when they got to Camp Half Blood and not Thalia, just think about this one. Luke becomes the magical protective boarder of Camp Half Blood because for whatever reason, Hermes decides, Yeah, I'm gonna, preserve this kid, okay? And Thalia becomes Annabeth’s soul family, except she never turns to the Titans like Luke did (As a result of all of this like in PJO), she doesn't necessarily stay loyal to the gods (because I personally don't think she ever was loyal as such except for her loyalty to Artemis), but she didn't want to destroy them because she knew that would be worse.
Annabeth always thought that Luke was always going to be there for her, that he would never have done what he did, but in this case, Thalia actually never does do what Luke did. So everything that happens with Thalia, her joining the Hunters still is in this little head canon, but pre-TLT Thalia is the one at Camp Half blood with Annabeth, Thalia is the one that introduces and welcomes Percy to camp, is the one that that shows Percy around and all of that (takes him in, becomes a sibling figure and a friend for Percy) and for whatever reason, like in the sea of monsters, Luke, whatever he is as the protective boarder, gets poisoned, whether that's by a different demi-god that was tempted by Kronos or just monsters trying to get into camp half blood, he gets poisoned so they still need to go find the Golden Fleece. fine, whatever, that’s all the same (Thalia stays at camp for that quest so all of sea of monsters is basically the same).
So when Luke does wake up, he is beyond angry about what happened (because how could his father let those monsters attack them like that, and cause all this to happen? Basically his anger stems from the same place as it does in the PJO books). Sure, he's super happy to be back with Annabeth and Thalia. but, because of technically being dead while being the magical boarder, he's now younger than he should have been at this point, which is weird for all of them because he was this super cool older guy that totally knew what he was doing because he’d had more experience because he was older. But now he’s not, he’s the same age as Thalia, but with so much less experience than her. he's so angry about all of this happening that he ends up turning to Kronos and all of the betrayal etc. then happens. So Annabeth and Thalia lose him three times:
- they lose him when they get to Camp Half Blood the first time and he sacrifices himself for their safety
- again when he betrays them and joins Kronos’ army
- and finally when he realises what he did was wrong ultimately dies because of everything that he did.
Just think on this. Feel free to add to this, I think there is so much potential with this head canon and I really want to explore more ideas with it!
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batcavescolony · 5 months
I seen a lot of people argue at Percy is too smart in the show but One, Sally Jackson used Greek myths as bedtime stories, she took him to museums, she did her best to teach him about the God's and monster's that were gonna come to hurt him, was he ment to not learn anything? And Two, Perseus Jackson isn't an idiot! The books are from HIS point of view and he's is an unreliable narrator that THINKS he's an idiot. He's not ACTUALLY an idiot.
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electricmaimer · 6 months
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and so it begins
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venator-signum · 5 months
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is this anything
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sallyjacksonsson · 5 months
The fact that when they say “we know who stole the bolt!” Luke’s reply isn’t “who?” but “how do you know?”
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3amandimstillawake · 6 months
while we're on the topic of talking about changes the pjo show made that i love, im glad they didn't push the whole Annabeth saying she and Percy *have* to be enemies because athena and Poseidon have beef. Instead she's just this cryptid autistic strategist 12 yr old who stalks Percy and pushes him into the water. She's like "hmm this white boy will perfectly serve my purpose and schemes" and she's so real for that
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eurydicees · 6 months
i spent THIRTEEN YEARS waiting for an age accurate casting of percy jackson but now that it's here and i am no longer a child looking at heroes my age, i'm just plain HORRIFIED on behalf of these children.
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professorhayforbreath · 5 months
part in the book where percy starts to realise something is Wrong about the casino because a guy he's talking to says "groovy" you will always be famous to me
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Sleepy Confessions Part 2 !
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ׂׂૢ Jason Grace
"you finally picked up." Jason's voice leaks through the receiver, slow and tired. his voice makes you smile as you shuffle through the sheets, laying down and closing your eyes. "i did pick up yea..." you whisper, eyes growing heavy with every passing moment. "what did ya wanna talk about." you yawn, stretching as you rub your eyes.
it was so late. what did he need at this god forbidden hour?
"i wanted to talk" he whispered. you merely paused. "we are talking Jason." you say plainly and you can hear him groan softly. "no- well yea- but that... 's not what i meant. i want to talk. about us. about this... thing that we’re doing." he whispered, and you frowned. "what thing?" you said softly.
yea you two were bickering... flirting... throwing longing gazes across the room when the other wasn’t looking… but it was all platonic right? you thought it was. that Jason was messing with you. that your dreams of holding him, kissing him.
loving him.
devoting your soul to loving him.
was nothing that just that. a dream. and now really wasn’t the best time to ask. you were so tired you could barely keep your eyes open. Jason mumbles something inaudible on the other end. "what?" you call out, fighting the soft wave of sleep that threatens to take over your mind. straining to hear what he wants you to know. something so important it could only happen mere minutes before Apollo drove through the sky with his chariot, bathing you – and the rest of camp in a soft warmth of the morning sun.
"I think I like you." 
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ׂׂૢ Leo Valdez
an obnoxious tapping pulled you way from your peaceful slumber. there's only one person who you are one hundred percent sure would pull a stunt so annoying at four in the morning.
grumbling you slide the window open. "what do you want Valdez!" you shout. Leo merely grins, shrugging as he slides into your bedroom. "i can't see my favourite person?" he grins and you let out a groan of pure annoyance. "not at four in the fucking morning Valdez! what is so important that you have to ruin my sleep for it?!" you seethe, crossing your arms.
Leo hums, plopping himself on-top of your bed, tossing pillows aside to make room for him. "can't sleep. thinking about something." he said plainly. as if that made it all better. "want do you want me to do about it Leo."
the boy in question runs a hand through his hair and shrugs. "cuddle?" he looks up at you with gleaming eyes, the kind of look he knows will get you do to whatever he asked you to. with a defeated sigh you slip under the covers letting Leo curl right up against your side, letting him rub his face against the sheets of you bed and sigh contently. "i'm sorry if i bother you." he whispers. "i really can't sleep unless you're near." his voice sounds slightly defeated. like he's ashamed of it.
you shrug. "it's ok. no harm done." you mumble and he smiles. "thanks... hey can i... tell t you something?" he whispers, meeting your eyes. "go for it." you nod and Leo takes in shaky breath.
"I think I'm in love with you."
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Taglist: @thementallyunwellapollochild
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theoraclesattic · 4 months
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this scene is sooo important to me like the first time percy sees his dad and its him saving his life? surrendering to his brother just to protect his son? they captured this scene so well.
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sunshines-child · 1 day
Annabeth and Percy (MX paint)
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peecyjacksoo · 5 months
Knowing that Annabeth canonically had a crush on Percy since she was twelve was insane to me at first, but now, seeing the show, she probably loved him almost immediately. This dorky kid that chose her for a quest just because he knew she wanted to go.
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personally i think they should make the s2 announcement via video with aryan in a wedding dress, leah in a fancy white dress, and the two of them holding a little guinea pig. yknow. to confuse the new fans.
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