#popia headcanons
korn-y-copia · 2 years
Popia at Disney World (feat. the ghouls, Sister Imperator, Papa Nihil, and Mr. Saltarian)
So I am at Disney this week, but the Copia brainrot is so real he has seeped into every thought and every scenario in my head, so here are some headcanons I came up with while in the parks!!!
Starting off with Epcot: on “living with the land,” the ghouls (Aether specifically) go wild.
There’s a section of the ride where produce is being grown, and there’s always a banana tree. Aether gets a little hungy, and jumps out of the boat to absolutely devour the fresh fruit. The ghouls follow behind, climbing out of the boat, eating edible (and inedible) plants alike until they are promptly escorted off of the attraction
Meanwhile, Copia remains seated pinching the bridge of his nose like a disgruntled chaperone.
Copia absolutely loses his shit on “Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure.” I mean, ‘nuff said, the guy loves his rats, and the idea of sitting in a rat-shaped ride vehicle while being (literally) surrounded by rats, is just the neatest concept to him.
He would definitely be all “oh, haha!”—kind of like how he is at the beach house in Chapter 13. It would definitely be his favorite ride (because, as part of the fandom has headcanoned, I wholeheartedly believe “ratatouille” is his favorite movie, or up there in terms of his favorite movies anyway)
On that note, he probably sings the song from the movie—“Le Festin”—to his rats before bed every night, but definitely stops when he finds out the meaning of the song, and sobs.
Magic Kingdom: I think Copia would get a set of Mickey ears—like the classic ones (with “Cardi” or “Cardi C.” Embroidered on the back)
He also buys all the snacks: popcorn, Mickey ice cream, you name it—and yes, it gives him tummy aches, but it heals the inner child in him who didn’t to get to have these kind of experiences with, well, anyone 🥺
Haunted mansion: enough said, this is the ghoul’s favorite ride—Copia too enjoys it. (Ghosts dancing in the mansion? Call that “dance macabre” 🥴🥴🥴)
Hollywood Studios: While it’s no longer there, Copia would’ve loved “The Great Movie Ride.” In this ride, you got to go through recreated scenes from classic movies (I’m still not over them getting ridding of it, so maybe I’m projecting just a little bit?) and I could just see him being so excited, and epically misquoting them with not a care in the world ❤️❤️❤️
In the “alien” portion, where aliens would pop out of the ceiling and the walls, I could def see the ghouls screaming their heads off, Copia too probably.
This one is kinda mean I am so sorry, but I feel like Copia doesn’t like roller coasters and I could see the ghouls convincing him that the “Tower of Terror” is not a roller coaster, despite the screams that are coming from it as they approach.
He is totally inconsolable afterwords and refuses to talk to the ghouls so they have to buy him a Mickey ice cream or a churro to make it up to him (which it does) but now he just has another tummy ache again.
Okay, now let’s add Nihil and Imperator + Mr. Saltarian to the mix (briefly)
Even though Nihil is a “phantasm,” he’s complaining about all of the walking he has to do, so he makes Copia wheel him around instead because he wants to spite him or hate him or both idk what the fuck is up Nihil
Imperator makes Copia put on sunscreen every two hours because he has sensitive skin
She also maybe, but definitely does (albeit begrudgingly) carry around snacks for Copia and the ghouls—probably Scooby Doo fruit snacks or some shit
Copia is definitely internally screaming because he can’t just get one goddamn vacation without Nihil or Imperator inserting themselves
Saltarian is there too probably, but what is he doing? I have no idea, the man is an enigma.
I hope these are okay. If they are so absolutely ooc, please let me know! I just thought of them and wanted to share, thank you for reading!
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copias-girl · 1 year
Hey, you posted the Headcanon challenge and I decided to ask you (about Copia):
His angry/violent headcanon, likes/dislikes headcanon and childhood headcanon (as i quoted in earlier asks about TCAC). And maybe a random headcanon too if you want.
Headcanon list here for anyone who wants to request! ♥︎ I’m adding a cut because this got LONG
☠️ Angry/violent headcanon: Copia only truly gets filled with blinding rage when someone is saying something bad or trying to harm someone who he cares deeply about, whether it be y/n, his rats, or even his ghouls! But he especially gets protective over y/n, and although he’s not an inherently violent person, he will get physical if he has to protect you. Also, Copia us 100% the type of person to cry angry tears. (I’m the same way)
As for when someone is insulting him, he becomes a mix of sadness with just a bit of anger. When people insult him, it nags at his insecurities and he becomes self conscious. He often doesn’t feel worthy of defending himself in the way that he vehemently defends the people he cares about.
☯️ Likes/dislikes headcanon: Copia really dislikes when people make assumptions about him. He doesn’t appreciate people who think they have him all figured out, when in reality they don’t. Sometimes people will think he’s shallow, blissfully unaware, or just a happy-go-lucky guy, but they fail to see deeper inside him. They have no idea how hard he worked to become Papa, the struggles and ridiculing he had to face, and the strength he showed while dealing with it all.
He also dislikes when Sisters of Sin try to date him just because he’s Papa. It hurts when they act so sweet, but he can see right through their facade. They think he’s stupid, but he knows that they only want him because of his powerful position. It makes him feel lonely. No one batted an eye at him when he was Cardinal, and now that he’s Papa he has everyone fawning over him? He often wonders if they still make fun of him behind his back.
However, what he does like is y/n. He absolutely loves that you love him for HIM. You love his grey hair, his wrinkles, his awkwardness, his rats. He’s not the tallest man, but you love his height. You don’t care that he eats too much rigatoni. You think he’s absolutely perfect. You love each and every thing about him, and he can literally see the adoration in your eyes when you look at him. He can feel nothing but pure love emanating off you when you hug him, kiss him, wrap your arms around him and squeeze him tight. And especially when you make love. You love him so fearlessly, with every fibre of your being, and he knows it’s real. He’s almost in disbelief with the way you only have eyes for him. And it really gives him a thrill when you display your affection for him in public. You show everyone just how much your Papa means to you, making him blush red hot under his paint by pulling him into sinfully passionate kisses right in front of everyone.
▼ Childhood headcanon: Copia was a gentle yet lonely child. He was brought up as an orphan, not knowing that Sister Imperator and Nihil are his parents. He excelled in his studies, especially rituals and Latin, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t have fun. He always enjoyed riding his tricycle around the ministry, or befriending various rats that lived in the abbey. He would get scolded for it, but he’d always save some cheese from lunch and sneak off to bring it to them. He always felt like he related to the rats, because they’re very misunderstood little creatures. Little Copia would sometimes play with Terzo and Secondo, but they were years older than him and often did their own thing. Primo was much older than all of the Emeritus brothers and he was kind to him, often requesting Copia’s help in the garden. And of course Sister Imperator was always in Copia’s corner. However, Nihil, not knowing that Copia was actually his son, would often become frustrated with him. Which isn’t really anything new because I headcanon that he would get fed up and angry with his own sons anyway, so none of the children were safe from his scolding. However, with Copia thinking he was an orphan, it hit a little harder.
ൠ Random headcanon: Ok Copia definitely watches old black and white Italian romance and comedy films and also old horror films with his rats! 🐀 Matrimonio All’Italiana is one of my personal favourites so I’m making it one of Copia’s faves too >:3
He puts on his silk pyjamas and reclines in front of the television with some of his ratties! They share some cheddar popcorn while Copia makes comments and explains certain aspects of the plot to his rats <3 Sometimes you can find your sweet man passed out on the sofa with his rats all curled up sleeping on him! And his face lights up with excitement when you tell him you’d love to join the next movie night ♥︎
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littlemissemeritus · 29 days
im so mad majesty didnt get more votes :(( anyways!! cirice won, so we're now onto prequelle :3
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tasty-ribz · 1 year
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@nocturnal-birb enjoy my shitposting
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lemonemlyn · 1 year
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Baby Copia 🐀💛
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revelisms · 7 days
Cleaning out the headcanon drawer again. These have no context, just an assortment of things I've been associating with each Papa while untangling all these fic ideas 👽
Long blazers, pointed boots, velvet
Crimson and indigo
Offputting humor and motherly scolding
Dragon's blood, soil, fresh herbs
Rubber aprons, dirt-dried hands
Wrinkled smiles and soft tenderness
Mandolins, quiet harps
Blood-magick, ritual daggers, elemental spells
Wizards, ornamental hermits, bats
Cuffed sleeves, dark vests, suspenders
Teal, viridian, coal
Heavy footsteps, chuffed laughs
Bullish grumbling and hidden kindness
Soft eyes in a rough face
Hand-rolled cigarettes, sweat-stippled guitars
Humanities, literature, historical studies
Fanged beasts and vengeful spirits
Black leather, gold rings, half-tamed hair
Violet and burgundy
Razor-sharp wit, constant teasing
Long lashes and dimpled smirks
Incense, neroli and clove
Music rooms, chipped pianos
Poetry and coffee-stained notebooks
Dark Messiah, Cassandra, yin and yang
Black cats, dogs that bite, strays
Soft wools, heavy coats, frills
Navy and yellow
Freckles, puppyish eyes, twitching lips
Parchment and linen
Grotesquely-sweet tinto de verano
Battered microphones, weathered scarves
Fresh-peeled oranges and rainy mornings
Classic films, romance novels, roses
Demons and dark magic
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themratts · 1 year
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trans gender
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ghost goes to ikea
swiss: running around very irresponsibly with a shopping cart.
sodo: inside that shopping cart, screaming and cursing and holding on for dear life.
sunshine: also inside the shopping cart, giggling excitedly.
aether: fell asleep on one of the bed exhibits.
rain: carefully trying to wake aether up before they get kicked out.
mountain: keeps hitting his head on the lamps and apologizing even though they're inanimate objects.
cirrus: mispronouncing the items' names on purpose, trying to make cumulus laugh.
cumulus: absolutely dead laughing.
sister imperator: frantically looking for copia.
copia: laying inside one of these things (he fits because he is very small) and refusing to leave until imperator buys him at least one toy rat
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Nothing ever lasts forever, neither does Copia.
Copia x Reader
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Around 1500 words, NSFW under the cut.
His bare chest was glistening with sweat, the hairs there damp and you could practically see the steam coming off of him. He heaved with heavy, uneven breaths. Fingers gripping the sheets in a white knuckle grip and his thighs trembled almost aggressively. 
You were bent over Copia on the mattress, your hand somewhere down his body. His back arched, legs kicking out as he twitched. His mouth was open, panting as he looked on at you, helpless to your touches. His gaze was wide and pleading, you were surprised he could hold this strong eye contact for that long. His face, neck and chest flushed a pretty shade of scarlet, matching the cassock discarded on the floor and the leaky tip of his abused dick.
He’d been writhing around under your hands for what felt like ages to him, it was far beyond the point the pleasure had turned into a mix of pain, only relieved whenever you touched him; you were seeming to try and make it a sport not to do that. His eyes finally left yours, shutting tight, he clenched his teeth and sucked in a painful sounding breath as you reached into back pocket to turn the steady hum in hs ass he had finally gotten used to up to an even more intense vibration. His head thunked back on the cushion, lifting his hips in an attempt to keep any pressure off of his bum. You pressed the palm of your hand to the base of his cock, forcing it up against his stomach and kitten-licking the sensitive underside of the head. He whined loudly and his back arched impossibly further, one of his hands left the sheets to fist his own, unruly hair, tugging at the strands. Tears pricked at his eyes and trickled down his already paint-streaked cheeks as you took him into your mouth and suckled, prodding the tip with your tongue torturously. He gasped, slinging one leg over your shoulder tightly, the other kicking at the mattress next to you like an angry bull, trying to dig his heel into the springs for stability. 
You wrapped your fingers around his girth again, giving tight strokes and squeezes and within no time he hurt with how close he was to cumming. ‘‘abbi pietà di me, non plù, per favore-’’ It was babbled out without thought in a sob, his plump lips flushed and dribbling with spittle at one corner. You pulled back for a moment, scanning his face for anything that may tell you he actually wanted you to stop but within no time he made it clear by humping his hips upward needily and propping himself up on his elbows to look at you that that was not what he’d intended, after all, it was not his safeword. Through the break his building orgasm had frilled back out to the small tingling pleasure of the vibrator sat snugly in him, and he gave a high groan of frustration. He’d lost count of how many times he’d been edged by now, though he did admit to himself this time was kind of his own fault.
You returned your hand to his cock, pumping him and smiling in amusement as his jaw immediately went slack and his eyes rolled back, arms giving out where he’d leaned on them and he fell back heavily, you continuing to stroke him again and again. Copia draped a hand over his face, the other once again tearing at the sheets. All his muscles tensed, ready for you to stop any second and ruin him further, but he pleasantly noted that this time you didn’t stop. In fact, you sped up the flicks of your wrist. He gasped loudly, his entire body rigid as he came in warm ropes all over your hand and his own stomach. The mewl he let out was almost ear splitting, his body thrashing and shivering through the intense aftershocks of his much needed relief. 
He slumped against the mattress, basking in the afterglow that was cut short when he twitched. However, you did not plan on stopping the fun so soon. Copia whined as soon as the pleasure went from tides of relaxation to an unbearably overstimulating wave. Almost immediately he trembled through another demi-orgasm when the way he wiggled shoved the vibrator in him to a different angle. Copia all but screamed, the tears that had died down a bit ago resurfaced and spilled over. He was breathing in loud, open mouthed pants and gasps, the rhythm his chest rose and fell in ragged and hitched. When you finally released his softening dick, Copia breathed a forced sigh of relief, even though his hips still twitched repeatedly upward, trying to escape the vibe that was still bullying his ass.
His hands flew to your hips, grip like a vice, eyes wide and begging. ‘’Spegnilo, per favore, I beg you, Tesoro.’’ You merely gave an innocent smile. ‘’I’m not done with you yet, love.’’
Defeated, he dropped his head back with a wrecked whimper, said whimper immediately followed by a flourish of surprised mewls and moans when you bent down to lick a stripe up the side again. He thrashed, and in no time his cock was back flushed, hard and leaking. Your fingers drifted around the head of his girth, giving a tight squeeze that had his head shaking wildly from side to side. One hand stays rubbing him, the other travels a finger through the patch of hair at his base, running up to the following trail on his soft stomach to twine in the wiry curls on his chest. Following that trail up and down a few times made Copia twitch at the ticklish sensation, followed by a nervous giggle. Your fingers soon left their trial to move to one of his nipples, taking it between your pointer and thumb and giving an experimental tug. His back arched, eyes rolling back. ‘’Cara, no- Can't. Can’t handle it. T-troppo!’’ His hips shot upward into your hand with a gasp as you rolled it between your fingers, crawling up his body while still keeping one hand on his cock, now pumping the head, smearing the beads that formed there and leaked down the length. You took his other bud between your teeth, nibbling it gently before sucking at it and he was quickly overwhelmed by all the sensations you provided him. He screamed. Another orgasm tore through him, he felt like he nearly fainted from the intensity. He shot up against your hand before pushing his hips back into the mattress to rock against the vibrator. His hands all over to place to claw at your body; He dug his nails into your back, groped your behind and shoulders, hips, pulled you down on top of him to cradle you close as he sobbed. 
Weakly, he lifted his hips upward as the buzzing grew uncomfortable once again, and he grudgingly released you from his tight arms so you could reach for the remote.You turned it off and got off the bed to head into the bathroom. Copia squirmed like a blind kitten on the sheets, whining in distress as you left. In the bathroom you collected a damp, warm washcloth, cotton pads and makeup remover, as well as you washed your hands. By the time you walked back over to the bed he’d wrapped himself around a pillow, shivering. You sat on the edge of the bed and Copia wiggled over to you. 
You dragged the warm fabric over his stomach and chest, then his thighs and you carefully worked over his once again softening dick, he merely gave the quietest mewl of protest and the twitch of his mustache, but he felt too heavy to be able to achieve anything else.
You grabbed the cotton pads, adding some makeup remover onto them before dragging them gently over his flushed, tear tracked cheeks, wiping the small bits of black that hadn’t smeared away from around his puffy eyes and his top lip before turning him around, slowly, gently pulling the small vibrator out of him. You went back into the bathroom one last time to discard the products. 
You made your way to the bedside drawer, fishing out a juice box for the man currently half in dreamland on your shared bed. Gently, you asked him to sit up, and he did with stiff movements, his body protesting loudly; you’d give him a thorough massage tomorrow if he allowed it. Opening the juice box for him he noisily slurped at it. While he drank you undressed down to nothing, crawling in next to him and fluffing the duvet over you both. He finished the juice and placed it on the nightstand, shuffling down so far only his puppy-like eyes peeked out from under the covers. You pulled him close, kissing all over his face; his neat, thin mustache, his sideburns, his nose, the crinkles of his eyes, his strong cheekbones, his chin, the worry lines on his forehead and the smile ones on his cheeks. Copia nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck when you were done with at least four rounds of kisses, breathing you in before tucking his head under your chin, your arms coming to wrap around each other while one of his thighs tangled between the two of yours.
You hummed to him and before you knew it he was sleeping like a baby, the top of his head where your chin rested on it the only thing visible other than the large lump under the sheets. This man was so adorable you could eat him right there and then. ‘’I love you Copia. You did so, so good.’’
You swear you heard him snore a ‘’Love you.’’ back.
A/N: Ty so much anon for the request! I have some other requests I'd love to get to, but those will likely be after kinktober. Also special thanks to @delulluart for helping with the title!
Taglist: @sweatandwoe @copias-girl @lightbluuestars @papasmicstand @random-bl-fan
(Want to be added or removed from/to the taglist? Send an ask or dm!)
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cirrus-ghoulette · 1 year
The ghouls visiting Copia in hospital after he's has top surgery
All of them keep their glamours up, but Dew has to wear an oversized hoodie because he's so worried that he can't control the horns poking out of his head (nor the tail lashing in his jogging bottoms)
Dew absolutely hates the medical smell coming off Copia, hisses and bares his teeth at him because he knows that's his Papa, but it certainly doesn't smell like his Papa
When they take Copia home, he rests for all of three days before starting to go about his duties as much as he can while recovering from major surgery
On the third day, he's sat upright in bed, writing sermons and lyrics
On the fourth, he's taking shuffling walks (with Aether's help) around the Ministry
On the fifth, he hosts his first sermon, much to the ghouls' displeasure. He's clearly in discomfort, he has to have another sibling swing the thurible for him, and he can't kneel to pray, but he refuses to rest.
People would be suspicious if they saw their Papa resting.
He holds walk-in sessions in his office and takes confessionals as normal while definitely not bleeding through his bandages
In the end, it's Swiss who ends up stepping up to his Papa.
He sits in the confessional, switches his voice (part of the magic of being a vocal-based ghoul) to replicate one of a sibling's, and asks "Papa, is it a sin to rest? I've just had... A medical procedure and I feel bad lying in bed all day."
Of course, Copia responds "Of course it isn't a sin! My child, we encourage sloth here. Especially if you are recovering from a procedure. Now, go back to bed. Go."
And Swiss slowly opens the window between the booths and goes "So, you'll tell others to rest, but you won't follow your own teachings?"
Copia just grumbles and allows himself to be taken back to bed.
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copias-girl · 1 year
I love the fact both canonically and in your writing style Copia is just this skrunkly old man with near debilitating anxiety, stomach issues, and for all his social shortcomings he still manages to have bit of a petulantly childish attitude lmao. Not to mention absolute net 0 rizz and despite all that, we all collectively just thought 'yep, i need that disaster man inside of me asap.'
So now let me raise you this lil hc that's been bouncing around in my think tank and the way i like to write him.
I see his preferred sin as less lust and more greed.
It's pretty prevalent in his day to day life, both pre and post ascension, he has a wicked sweet tooth, he likes pushing limits to see how much of something he can have and still get away with, he likes nice things, shiny things, ffs the man showed up with a bedazzled grucifix off rip, all those precious gems on his mitre, the fact that he has two (2) variants of regalia.
And I definitely see it shining through in his sex skills (or the initial lack there of tcac wise) He may take a little time getting used to reader's attention and definitely needs time to process the fact that she's genuinely into him and more than ready and willing to get down and dirty, but what the man lacks in experience, he makes up for in determination and near freakishly keen observation skills.
Hey, the man's a quick learner! And as soon as he figures out exactly what he likes and more so what he can do to get the right reactions out of reader, it's top priority info that's immediately stored away and saved for later. He's greedy about it in the sense that he's definitely gonna get his, but by all things unholy he's gonna get hers too. Multiple times over, because he WANTS it. He wants her coming back to him, for him, because of him again and again and again. He greedily wants her begging him to have her in any way he can have her. And what he wants, best believe he gets.
anyways that's enough of that, hope you enjoyed your weekend away! back to the void with me lol
- 🍍
First of all yes I love rizzless Copia lmaoo 😂 I absolutely LOVE a dominant Copia too but when he’s all awkward he’s just so cute and fuckable
And about the greed! I DEFINITELY see that! Like, it’s honestly true. You can tell Copia likes the finer things in life, and I love that about him.
In tcac Copia is STARVED for love, attention, and affection. Starvation causes greed. Once he gets a taste, it’ll be like crack to him. Sure it’ll take some time for him to overcome his terrible self esteem issues and get used to the idea of Reader actually liking him, but he’ll be thinking of her attention NONSTOP. Constantly craving it. He’ll be addicted to the way she makes him feel but as you said, also the way HE can make HER feel.
He’ll be addicted to that look in her eyes, the one that lets him know she truly only has eyes for him. He’ll be addicted to the way she screams his name, to the way she whispers her desperation into his ear. He’ll be addicted to the feeling of her little hands grasping the fabric of his cassock and pulling him into the nearest secluded area so she can demand his cock.
And he definitely has the best observation skills, especially when it comes to Reader’s pleasure! Copia is so greedy for her praise. The way she’ll cry and tell him how incredible his cock feels inside her. The way she tells him how good he’s doing for her. After being insulted and ignored all his life, the praise alone is enough to make him cum
And thank you so much! I had a marvellous time! But I’m happy to be back in the horny void lmaoo 😂
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luciferscowgirl · 2 months
Part 3 of sharing whatever the fuck I feed my Twitter kitties on a daily basis:
(As always, pls leave me alone, minors, and do not interact. Pleaseee)
Go get your food pookies <3
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calliedion-dungeon · 9 months
Headcanons of the Papas when you drop your ice cream.
(I'm sure somebody has done this but if these are too similar, tell me please. As far as I know this is what I think)
He looks at you tenderly and gives you money to buy another one, because he is an adorable grandpa.
Similar to Nihil, but he gives you money to buy a bigger one, a balloon and a stuffed animal.
He pretends that he didn't notice, but after thinking about it for a moment he gives you his ice cream.
Without question, he buys you the entire gallon of ice cream, even though you begged him not to, as he is touched by your sad little face.
With tears in his eyes, he hands you half of his, then he drops it and you have to give him back the ice cream before he really cries.
Sister Imperator.
She looks at you and tells you that she won't buy you another one.
Mary Goore.
When you drop your ice cream, they drop theirs too, so no one has anything.
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copias-sewer-rat · 8 months
Thinking about how probably after the surgery and trying his new makeup, Copia just sticks to his cardinal paint when he wants to be comfortable and cosy because that is just him. The papal paint felt like such a drastic change at the start, even if he was proud of becoming Papa, he had worn the cardinal paints for so long that it felt wrong to let it go so suddenly.
He didn't want to forget himself so fast, he had accomplished so much as a Cardinal already that letting that go was agonizing.
The first time he paints his cardinal look on his new face he starts crying. Not because of having messed up and mixing the looks, but because it felt so right, so familiar.
He also cried the first time he had to shave his moustache and his sideburns. Seestor and Nihil had insisted that it would offer a cleaner look, a more commanding one. He did so reluctantly, but he did it and it felt so wrong that he cut himself a couple of times, something so unusual for him.
When he comes back from touring he lets his facial hair grow back. He hates how it itches so bad the first few days, but when he gets the length he wants back he is ecstatic. He looks at himself in the mirror and he cannot stop smiling. He takes his tricycle and rides it all over the ministry, reminiscing about his past self and how simple it all was back then. How in a way he wanted all that back, he wanted his life to be his.
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milkywaybottles · 2 years
headcanons for our beloved copia / papa iv with a gf who's easily flustered? pet names make me blush a lot but pet names in ITALIAN??? those make me swoon tbh i feel like i'd always be a blushing mess around him
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Of course my love. I'm sorry it took so long to come out but I've been flooded with requests, attempting to balance my life outside of the internet and also other series I'm writing (You did specify "Gf" but I made the reader gender neutral, so hopefully that's okay)
Enjoy :)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Copia x gn! s/o Pet Name Headcanons!
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At this point, he does it just to make you swoon. He loves watching you melt at a simple word, becoming putty in his hands.
He uses a variety of pet names such as 'Tesoro', 'Cara Mia', 'Mia Dolce' and so forth. Each of them, while all portraying love and affection for you, have its own tones and he uses them quite differently based on his moods. It can turn into a bit of a guessing game at times.
Copia doesn't speak as much Italian as he used to, considering English became his generalised language when becoming Papa IV. When he does, it's typically a nice surprise and makes you smile to see when he is more comfortable with you. Either that, or it's cursing with no in between, like stubbing his toes on furniture.
So, you justifiably become giddy with excitement when he uses the pet names.
The other ghouls, especially Sodo, have a tendency to mock him playfully whenever you two are close. Sodo will feign a swoon, putting his hand to his forehead and leaning backwards, "Oh Cara Mia! How the moon shines brightly for our love!", he remarks. Copia, of course, will not let this stand, especially as the newest Papa. He will storm right up to Sodo and scold him, worrying he is not as commanding as the previous papas, in an attempt to make up for it. You are a slightly blushing mess, laughing as you watch the two go back and forth, bickering.
He is also very good at taking you by surprise, creeping up on you from the darkness like a little bat. You will be minding your own business when he pounces, wrapping his arms around your waist or putting them on your shoulders while pressing his body to your back. "Mia dolce...", which never fails in sending shivers down your spine.
Satan forbid any members of the clergy from walking in on either of you at that moment.
Politely, it turns him on a little.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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opuswrites · 10 months
i bet phantom ghoul was so amused by the bats the last ritual.
backstage everyone was just getting on with their things to get ready to perform but mountain could barely move bc bats were all over him since he's like nature and all i guess
and ant is just watching him with big eyes, VIBRATING with excitement.
he sticks to mountain for the rest of the day, even when they're out of there and on the bus and should be sleeping in the hotel they're staying at.
of course, he's too shy to ask the most important question, but mountain knows it already so he just asks phantom instead.
"do you wanna tame some when we get back home?"
phantom beams at him. he's in a good mood for the rest of the tour.
when they get home, mountain helps phantom tame some bats and now, ant walks the ministry's halls with one or two or all five of his bats clinging to him or flying after/around him.
he looks like a proud dog owner. babies them so much.
omega and aether (maybe dracopia..) teach him a very hard and special transformation spell and phantom learns how to turn into a bat for a short period of time. and flies around with his bats and hunts with them sometimes.
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