#productivity hacks
writethatdown · 7 days
if you are someone who struggles with motivating yourself to attend to your chores, take care of yourself, or feel drained by the thought of hoarding so much responsibilities, i want to share a tip.
if you happen to be standing for some reason, try to complete all tasks that you usually do up standing. so for me, once i am on my feet, i do a sequence of activities like brushing my teeth, washing my face, ironing my clothes, brushing my hair, organizing my stuff for college, making my bed etc. without taking any break and i am able stack around 5 tasks comfortably. also, once the momentum is built, it gets easier!
similarly, if i am at my desk, sitting, i usually have my laptop there and always some work that needs to get done for college, admin or miscellaneous purposes. i try to do as much as i can.
this is particularly helpful for me because i am a big bedrot. especially when i am in pain or uncomfortable in general.
i just thought maybe it will help someone out there. this same hack might go in vain for me in a few weeks lol and i am just always figuring it out to push myself to be a functioning adult.
anyways, i hope u r taking care ♡
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ahb-writes · 8 months
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8 Ways to Write More, More Often:
Set smart goals and stretch goals. Smart goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based. Stretch goals are the little bit extra you can reach if a writing session goes well.
Build small habits. Small habits are easier to build than large ones. Writing fifty words every day for a week can become 500 words daily more easily than starting with a big and daunting target. Big habits begin small. Consider establishing a system that works, instead of setting lofty goals that you aren't quite sure how to reach.
Work on perspective and your locus of control. "Locus of control" refers to whether a person sees events as unfolding due to external forces more, or due to their own agency and action. Keep reading for more on how this connects to productivity. Keeping productive (not just in writing) comes easier to people when they believe in their own agency, in the power of actions they take to create the outcomes they want.
Check in with a productivity or writing coach. If you struggle with creating the systems and accountability to stay productive, ask for help. A writing buddy or coach can hold you accountable with kindness and thoughtful, measured input. A writing coach helps through a combination of discussion about your work and ideas, feedback on writing identifying improvement areas and providing stimulating questions and/or suggestions, and encouragement and support when you most need them.
Embrace the motivating power of groups and teams. Writing is a solitary pursuit but a caring writing group may help you sustain your commitment to your story. It's easier to keep showing up together. The best writing groups provide a safe place to find something like beta readers who are writers, too. A place to renew your focus through productive discussion.
Use planning and productivity tools. Calendars, spreadsheets, or a place where you record your daily writing streaks help you keep track of progress. Your story planning tools may be as simple as a calendar to set alarmed reminders for writing sessions or sprints, or a more complex system.
Build in vital breaks. Build breaks into your writing routine – self-care keeps muses happy. In planning smart goals and stretch goals, writing sprints and sessions, remember to build in breaks. Not writing is not necessarily not writing. Burnout is both easy to reach and easy to avoid.
Feed your writing focus. What are the ingredients of better productivity in writing and other endeavors? Motivation. Focus. Intention. Discipline. Identify your best creative environment. Eliminate prominent distractions. Schedule focused time.
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novlr · 11 months
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7 Tips To Improve Concentration
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It's often said our attention span is shorter than ever, and a survey from energy supplements brand ProPlus found that 41 per cent thought it was worse since the pandemic.
But there are steps you can take to help you focus better.
1 - Minimise distraction
Removing yourself from people and devices will allow you to concentrate better. Work in a different room if you can. If you find yourself sidetracked by digital devices, turn off notifications and train yourself to check them at set intervals. Set a timer.
2 - Find the right sound
Whether it's music, white noise or even silence, you might find there's a particular sound that helps you maintain your attention. This enhances alpha waves-brain waves that promote relaxation and are thought to play a role in cognition and, according to a small 2015 American study, make you more creative.
3 - Move your body
When you exercise, your heart rate increases, prompting your body to release a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, which aids nerve cell growth. This is important for concentration, memory and learning.
4 - Focus on the right foods
You might get a boost from certain so-called "brain foods". These include fish, nuts, blueberries and dark chocolate (in moderation, of course!). One of the best ways to keep your brain in trim is to eat a healthy diet.
5 - Sleep well
Who doesn't suffer from brain fog after a bad night? Everyone needs different amounts of shut-eye but aiming for seven to nine hours is considered the ideal.
6 - Structure your life
Having a daily routine, including breaks, will minimise the brain fatigue that goes with having to make endless on-the- hoof decisions and allow you to focus on the really important stuff.
7 - Fix attention-sapping health issues
Tackle hearing problems, which demand excessive and sometimes exhausting concentration, sleep apnoea or depression, and consider whether you might have ADHD.
👉Follow @everythingaboutbiotech for more helpful posts
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rohanscornernz · 1 month
Do Hobbies Help??!!??
Having a hobby offers numerous benefits that contribute to overall well-being and quality of life. Here are some of the positives of having a hobby: Stress Relief: Engaging in a hobby provides a healthy outlet for stress and tension. It allows you to unwind and shift your focus away from daily worries and responsibilities, promoting relaxation and a sense of calm. Personal Fulfillment: Pursuing…
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unspirationaldaily · 3 months
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xerserise · 1 year
In a little over a week, this lovely monstrosity will be in my living room... making it a room I can live my life in comfortably. I'm still too tall for it—but only by an inch or two (according to the chair's specifications), making it the most personally ergonomically correct recliner I could find.
The sockets on the arms that can hold tables, lamps, and tablet holders (which I ordered, too) have other options, including wine glass holders and a table that's also a wireless charger. And there's built in USB ports, under-seat and drink-cup lighting, in-arm storage, powered adjustable headrest, powered reclining, memory for chair positions...
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This is what I can build a workish nest space around. This is what I can sit in for hours while using a keyboard and mouse. This is a spot I can rest and recover in briefly without laying down, allowing me to be more active. This will fit my body properly, not pushing things out of place the way standard furniture that's been designed for someone nearly a foot shorter than me does.
This is a disability accommodation.
This is a productivity tool.
This is a mobility aid.
This is pain relief.
This will be delivered to me.
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etherealstudiocraft · 6 months
Reaching New Heights of Productivity: Leveling Up Through the 7 Stages
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Let's get real - who couldn't use way more productivity superpowers these days? We all have mad untapped potential when it comes to getting stuff done. But maximizing your effectiveness can feel impossible.
That's why you gotta shift your mindset! View your productivity skills as something you can always take to the next level. Build them continually through 7 advancing stages that I like to call:
Level 1 - Newbie
We all start as newbies! At this basic level, you finally create structures like daily to-do lists and calendar reminders to wrangle the chaos. But you still get derailed on the daily by distractions, while procrastination leaves you hustling down to the wire, leaving you pissed. Been there, my friend!
Level 2 - Put Together Beginner
Now you crush it by establishing routines to hold the line. But you overcommit to meaningless meetings and extras tasks that overload your schedule. Can't bring yourself to just say "NOPE"! And sticking firmly to your plans is quite hard when fires keep starting left and right! The struggle is real...
Level 3 - Grasshopper
Here is where major progress mounts defending against distractions. You finally block addicting social feeds and disable those pesky notifications to find your flow...
Level 4 - Efficient Expert
Now we're cookin'! You've gained mad skills knocking items off your daily to-do's quickly. Delegating tedious stuff, collaborating with your squad, and setting up automation like data collection has freed up mega time! But continuing adulting on those stretched out goals still needs some help...
Level 5 - Sharp Shooter
This is when you become stone cold eliminating distractions and hyper focused on big rocks priorities. You set goals with military precision following SMART models. Health regimens with smoothie cleanses, 7 minute workout apps, and vision board manifesting amp up your drive! Tons of progress, but more beast mode is possible!
Level 6 - Virtuoso
You produce at an unbelievable level through balancing workload and life fuel. Tracking mini-wins gives you little bursts of dopamine to stay hyped! Your toolkit is fine-tuned and failures bounced back from fast thanks to Jedi mindset mastery. Sky-high standard through next level prioritization makes you prime mentor material!
Level 7 - GOAT
You're undisputed GOAT status stems from insane discipline hardwired to ambition/purpose. Ruthless in culling tasks with highest magnitude impact daily. Your zen workflow allows handling vastly more output without compromise. Congrats - your productivity sorcery makes you a legendary icon! Time to pay it forward mentoring other up and comers.
While you're exploring the ins and outs of boosting productivity on the blog, consider taking your journey to the next level with my exclusive Productivity Planner. It's designed to enhance your daily routines and simplify your path to success.
This planner isn't your everyday organizer; it's a practical companion in your pursuit of productivity. Imagine your to-do list transforming into a well-coordinated symphony of accomplishments.
Ready to navigate your daily tasks with precision and finesse? The Productivity Planner is crafted to make your workload feel more manageable and, dare I say, enjoyable. It's not just a planner; it's a tool for turning aspirations into achievements.
Explore the possibilities of improved productivity. Check out the planner by clicking here.
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tmetric · 1 year
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chandrashaker · 1 year
Productivity:10 Study Tips for Improved Productivity
Are you looking to improve your productivity in studies? In this article, we will share 10 study tips that will help you maximize your study sessions and achieve better results.
Are you looking to improve your productivity in studies? Whether you’re a student preparing for exams or someone seeking to enhance your learning skills, implementing effective study techniques can significantly improve your productivity and retention. In this article, we will share 10 study tips that will help you maximize your study sessions and achieve better results. #1 Create a Study…
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keyboard-squared · 1 year
5 Tips for Goal-Setting in 2023
5 Tips for Goal-Setting in 2023
The new year is upon us, so now is the time to figure out your goals for next year – or, as many like to call them, your New Year’s resolutions. Why is the new year a great time to reset? It represents a chance to start over with a clean slate. You can take everything you learned from this year and apply it to what you want to do next year. So, I encourage you to make some goals, even if they’re…
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🤖 No 1 ChatGPT Hack! 😁
💻. Reverse Psychology 🏆
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sillyrebelcreator · 2 years
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Hope everyone had a good week :)
This week hasn’t been the best productivity wise, however it’s been a fun one.
I’m still working on improving my pace of completing work and studying. I haven’t seen any progress but it’s only been a week so I’m giving myself time to get adjusted to studying everyday along with completing homework and attending classes. If anyone has any tips on efficient study techniques please do share (insert pleading face*).
Also, I finally watched My Policeman, and oh my lord it is gooood. The actors did an amazing job, and the chemistry between Tom and Patrick, I can’t say anything except phenomenon. My heart broke for Patrick and occasionally for Marion as well. Overall the movie was really good. If you haven’t watched it, go do it now!!
Char soon <3
PS - thank YOU for reading x
PSPS - these are some pictures I've taken during the week
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everythingaboutbiotech · 11 months
The color palette decides whether your project looks interesting or not.
Save time, and instead of searching for colors, use these 6 FREE tools I've prepared for you:
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rohanscornernz · 1 year
The Enemy 👉🏻 distract you. Stay focused 💪 and trust God 🫶🏻 #jesus #faith #bible #trust #shorts
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kay1believe · 1 year
How to Stay Productive While Working From Home
Are you struggling to stay productive while working from home? Do you find yourself easily distracted and unable to focus? If so, you're not alone. The transition to working from home can be challenging, but with the right approach and mindset, it is possible to maintain productivity and motivation. In this video, we will share seven effective tips to help you stay productive while working from home. We'll cover topics such as creating a dedicated workspace, sticking to a routine, using a to-do list, minimizing distractions, taking regular breaks, staying connected, and practicing self-care. By following these tips, you can create a successful work-from-home routine that will allow you to thrive both professionally and personally. Whether you're a freelancer, entrepreneur, or a full-time remote employee, these tips will help you maintain your focus, increase your efficiency, and stay motivated while working from home. So if you're ready to take control of your work-from-home routine and achieve your goals, make sure to watch this video and implement these tips today. Thank you for watching, and don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more informative videos like this one.
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