#gentle reminders
neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
all your stuffed animals love you. they're not sad if they're in a box, or on the floor, or not held/played with as much. they understand. they know that you might need another stuffie more, or that you don't have enough space. they're just happy to be with you, and if you ever give them away, they'll be happy there too. stuffies are for comfort. they understand. they love you too. it's okay.
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honeyymistt · 1 year
i’ve heard a lot of people say “don’t reach out to your friends first and see how many people will remain in your life. those are your true friends” and i get it. it sucks and it’s tiring constantly being the one to message first, to initiate hang outs but don’t take this so literally. some friendships require initiation. i have lost touch with so many people who genuinely cared about me and wanted me in their life because i stopped reaching out. it’s a hard pill to swallow but honestly some people just suck at it and it doesn’t mean they don’t love and value you. i’ve reconnected with some people over the past few months and it’s crazy how genuinely happy they are to see me and how engaged they are in the conversation. i just think sometimes we’re too harsh on each other & too quick to emphasize other peoples flaws and remove them from our lives but then we’ll all be alone and what’s the point of life then!!!!
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honeymooncupid · 7 months
Its okay if you need a longer time to adjust to new things than other people, its okay if you need a little more time to get used to new things, its alright if you take a bit longer to feel comfortable and familiar with new places, people and things. Dont rush yourself and take all the time you need to process everything. Sometimes the mind needs a little more time to take things in, and to let it sink in.
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lil-reminders · 7 months
reminder that it’s okay to still feel bad sometimes even if you’re doing “better.” it’s okay to feel out of control when things are going “right.” and it’s okay to still seek support even if it doesn’t look like you “need” it.
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gentlenotes-moved · 8 months
you got to learn to not sabotage the healing process. i know it's hard to not pick at the scabs, i get it. but the wound will reopen and you'll start bleeding again. let it be.
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lloronajpeg · 9 months
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Something to remember
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
You! Internalize that you do not always need to "improve your art/craft" now! It's great to learn and develop your skills, but you do not need to come from a place of hating where you are now! You certainly do not need to force yourself to improve if it is coming in between you and enjoying the things you do. Improvement for improvements sake does not have to be the only goal, nor the only one that "should matter"
You are allowed to have motifs, enjoyment, ameturism, and "less skill." Kill and devour the capitalist in your head that dictates that you must always improve for everybody else's sake and your "productivity."
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cutthroatkindness · 7 months
I'm gonna be 100% brutally honest with you.
It's OK if you've done absolutely nothing; contributed nothing to anything, talked to no one, ect. Yes, even if you didn't get out of bed.
I see countless people tag or add onto posts things like "am I still worthy if __" "is it still ok to rest if __" and yes! It is OK to to the bare minimum or no minimum at all. 💛 You are still a living, breathing, thinking being and thinking alone takes energy.
Be gentle with yourself. 💚
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writethatdown · 2 years
friendly reminder that you are safe if you choose not to reblog posts threatening ‘x’ bad thing will happen if you don't. i know that it can be anxiety inducing, especially to those struggling with intrusive thoughts. i promise you that you are safe love. if u needed a sign to believe that you and you're loved ones are safe, here u go. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ > this bear is protecting you rn ♡
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thetypewriterdaily · 3 months
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take as much time as you need ❤️‍🩹💌🫧
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ed-recoverry · 2 months
This post exempts you from any and all “If you don’t ___ this post, ____ will happen.” You are hereby immune to it all. You are now protected! Be free!
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neuroticboyfriend · 9 months
hi if you set a boundary or asked for help recently, no matter what the outcome was, i'm proud of you. you are very brave, even if you don't see it.
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honeymooncupid · 1 year
Dont forget to always forgive yourself at the end of the day. No matter how many mistakes you made, no matter how strict you were to yourself, no matter how angry you were at yourself or upset you were with yourself, at the end of the day, never forget to make peace with yourself. You can do something wrong, hold yourself acountable, and still be gentle with yourself.
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lil-reminders · 1 year
reminder that it’s okay to not use every last bit of energy you have in a day. you don’t have to push yourself to your absolute limit.
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gentlenotes-moved · 7 months
"why do i constantly feel so empty and why does life feel like a foggy haze and why does every emotion come with a heavy undertone of guilt"
babe you're self isolating again and you haven't talked to a single friend in 3+ months. you've been emotionally and mentally burnt out for several months (or years) and it's made even talking to the people you love feel like a burden, and your anxiety and depression ain't helping. and you're just so so scared your friends hate you for all of it. they don't, i promise.
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lloronajpeg · 9 months
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nostalgia is a LIAR sometimes!!!
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