#ocd brain
writethatdown · 2 years
friendly reminder that you are safe if you choose not to reblog posts threatening ‘x’ bad thing will happen if you don't. i know that it can be anxiety inducing, especially to those struggling with intrusive thoughts. i promise you that you are safe love. if u needed a sign to believe that you and you're loved ones are safe, here u go. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ > this bear is protecting you rn ♡
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titan-god-helios · 1 year
the autistic urge to perfectly categorise every single aspect of my identity is back and im now researching ocd at midnight and wondering if im faking it to be quirky tm or if this is a real and valid thing i might be experiencing (from what ive looked at so far it's likely that i have it but i feel like it just looks as if im diagnosis shopping from the outside, especially because ive already self dxxed with autism and adhd albeit with quite literally months of research so i know theyre valid diagnoses but imposter syndrome and hhhhhhh) that being said, if y'all have any resources and good research things//articles etc PLEASEEE reblog with em or link in the comments tyty
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lanaknowsitried0 · 1 year
Just a girl who stays indoors all day and drowns in her thoughts <33
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That moment when your therapist introduces a new treatment modality you’re gonna try with an acronym that makes it sound like you’ll be getting an electric shock through the head that is going to fix your entire brain,
but then you find out you’re literally just gonna be feeling the feelings and remembering the remembories that you spend every day trying to NOT feel or remember
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thegriefbutton · 11 months
I wish I didn't overthink. I wish I didn't feel everything at 200% with very little reprieve because my OCD brain likes to hold on to things.
I am so bloody tired.
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Today I learned about OCD-based hyper-responsibility and I don't want it.
I had looked up a responsibility based complex because I constantly struggle to relax when I'm out with friends. This is mainly because I constantly feel responsible for their well-being. The definition for hyper-responsibility is "the idea that you can and must manage things around you to prevent harm — even when those things are totally out of your control." I had to take a moment after that. This perfectly explains how I constantly feel whenever I leave my house.
It explains why I carry a backpack filled with items that most people don't usually have on hand in case of emergencies. It's also the reason why I have the count to make sure all my friends are still in the general area. And if one of them is missing I start to panic and imagine the worst.
I wasn't going anywhere really with this but if this helps someone else that's all that matters.
Definition taken from this article:
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dogsscareme · 11 months
I enjoy watching science videos. But something I notice whenever they bring up certain health statistics is that for sure not many of the subjects for this test are neurodivergent. Which I understand why , but in recent years shouldn't tests that take into consideration the difference between neurotypicals and neurodivergent ppl be at least a little more common
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luffysno1supporter · 2 years
at this point in my life, every time i get the “vibe” that i’m gonna get an intrusive thought, i don’t even wait for the moment that i actually think of it, i just start doing the compulsion cause i literally can’t be arsed to know what it’s gonna be about this time
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kittenkes · 1 year
I honestly hate OCD brain. I've developed an unhealthy fear of falling through the ceiling since I'm a top-floor apartment. I think about it when I lay in my bed and I think about it while I'm bathing.
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a-lone3 · 2 years
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ugh i hate my body right now… i need to make new rules and stick to them. at least ive been keeping up with my workouts. new rules to come
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madpunks · 2 years
it's okay if you get confused easily. it's okay if you forget things easily. it's okay if you lose track during conversation easily. it's okay if you have to ask for clarification often. it's okay if you struggle to parse information or sensory unit. you're not "playing dumb" or "doing it on purpose". it's okay to be disabled, some people just refuse to be accommodating.
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dandiestoflions24 · 1 year
Switching up the jewelry you wear bc the way you were wearing it was becoming a compulsion
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passionesolja · 2 years
Y’all better not be making cognition hazards a mf youtube trend istg yall terrible. First it’s Intrusive thoughts being uwu-ified now it’s this. Y’all tryna get us OCD mfs put in an mental house istg
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bpdohwhatajoy · 4 months
People are all “mental illness acceptance” until someone has homicidal urges and empathy issues and intrusive thoughts and
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eat-rock · 2 years
“nobody understands me” but not in the “edgy suffering from teenager syndrome mad at mom” kind of way, but the “lonely isolating young adult realization that the specific combination of mental illnesses and past experiences i’ve had have resulted in a pattern of behaviors that are often misinterpreted and misconstrued by others” type of way
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diagnosed-mess · 2 years
When you have a list of things to do for the day but one of the items on the list doesn’t work out, so now you have to throw the whole thing away and start dissociating
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