#proship dni
nimue-hidden-lake · 3 days
Sometimes it's just fun to imagine teasing your f/o(s).
Yes, I want to be the little menace in their life. I want to be the one driving them a little insane, but in a playful way. I want to embarrass them and have them act all flustered.
Be their little devil. Latch onto them. Call them playful nicknames. Point out the aspects of them you love out in the open. Be the nuisance they do not want to get rid of.
Sometimes being affectionate means being a little annoying~
Proship / Comship do not interact please!
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wickjump · 1 day
something about how it’s “proshipping” and “fiction is just fiction” (ewie) predominantly if you’re under the age of 30 and afab, yet those same people defending pros think it’s gross for a greasy unkempt overweight man in his 40s to do the same. if a 26 year old woman looks at little kids it’s okay because it’s digital art! but if a 47 year old man with no neck does it everyone agrees that fucker’s a creep.
so something tells me you don’t actually think that there’s nothing wrong with the content you put out or consume, you just think pros don’t “look or act the part” of a creep so it’s impossible for them to be one. btw the content you put out as a proshipper can and will be consumed by said greasy unkempt 47 year old men and the people you vehemently claim not to support irl. jsyk
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boneywones · 23 hours
hey chat, had to unmoot and block a person + another for reblogging the fandom “psa” post. if you dont know what that is, its basically just proshipping stuff
if i see anyone reblogging this, im sorry but its an immediate block. i dont care what your intentions are, if the reblog isnt negative then my thought process will go to you being a pro neutral
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lavenderkissships · 2 days
lazy mornings with your f/o(s)...just a morning where there is no rush, no pressure, nothing that needs to happen beside staying in bed enjoying each other's company either falling back asleep within the shared space or chatting amongst yourself about whatever comes to mind. Do you have plans for the rest of the day who knows maybe it's go with the flow type of day but right now the sun is peaking in from the window, the breeze is blowing the trees and you are warm and safe, this is your time together to spend.
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tyrianludaship · 22 hours
Sniper tf2 teeth‼️
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he would bite.
Proships DNI
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neon-emojiz · 2 days
:0 a d20 for all the dnd girlies
here you go, I had to stare at my own dice from above for the numbers 😭
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r0cket-spr0cket · 3 days
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"The two gaze at each other and whisper "This is the last night..." And dance with passion until the end of the night."
GUYS WAKE UP HERE'S SOME RESIN ROULETTE CONTENT FOR @cresmium !! A lil' sketch of Cas/Casino with Karl :3
(Bonus art of the design I made for Casino!)
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circusinthewalls · 8 hours
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[ALL BITE, NO BARK] > Some art I did back in uhh.. May(?) for an upcoming fic. Tumblr absolutely ate the quality, but I wanted to post it anyway. o7
v Version without scanlines below the cut. v
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Art not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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theautisticfroglord · 2 years
if the autism/tbh creature makes the "YIPPEE!!" noise then maybe the adhd/btw creature makes that one "yayyy!!!" sound effect
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sut4tcliff · 1 year
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fingerprot · 3 months
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s1 -> s5
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nimue-hidden-lake · 21 hours
Hate getting up in the morning... Time to imagine one of my f/os nagging dragging me out of bed and see if that works...
Uhh... I'd probably just end up dragging them back to bed instead and force them to cuddle with me.
How would you react to your f/o trying to get you out of bed though?
Proship / Comship do not interact please
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luvstruckmutt · 10 months
he (fictional) wants me so bad
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v1-kisser · 2 months
Maybeeee Imagine your F/O walking into the bedroom while they know you're in bed, trying to be quiet in case you're asleep... n smiling when they see you cozy under the covers...
Maybe they're just arriving home and they can't wait to join you, trying to get ready for sleep as quietly as possible. You can hear drawers opening and closing, the sink running. See the light from the next room cascading on the floor. Maybe you sleepily stare at the shadow of your F/O brushing their teeth or pulling off their shirt. Safe and warm. Almost nostalgic. Knowing that they're near. Sitting in the pleasant fog of drowsiness while someone you love is preparing to come lay with you. And then the distant light flicks off. For a moment you almost miss it, the certainty of where they were... the intimacy without touch. But the second that their weight sinks into the bed, and their warmth graces your back, those feelings dissipate like smoke.
They mumble a "goodnight" in case you're awake.
Talk to you in the morning.
proship/comship dni
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tyrianludaship · 2 days
(the ppl who knew me first in my 'the stanley parable era' deserves a veteran discount; still love y'all)
B3: Cat Ears x Dog Ears
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(old art warning; november of last year)
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{Ask Game Here}
Proships DNI
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How it feels to self ship
If u do rb proship dni
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