#rock fight
one-time-i-dreamt · 25 days
I participated in a rock fight against a group of vampires.
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tanuki-kimono · 1 month
Interesting article by Xavier from Archéo'Japon, overviewing the history and beliefs surrounding May 5th Kodomo no hi 子供の日 (children's day) / Tango no Sekku 端午の節句 (Japanese take on Duanwu festival) traditions.
Original article is in French but really worth a read through auto-translate if you wish to learn more about the origins of some of the Kodomo no hi rituals :)
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Okay, no but like imagine the villains of Stranger Things and It swapped.
Picture this: Pennywise tormenting all the st characters because they're all gay and he's homophobic. Like he does what he did to Richie but to all them and they're all trying to deal with it together. And then Steve's like, "I've had enough of you tormenting my friends and children, fuck off!" And he wacks Pennywise with his spiked bat.
And then the Losers Club and the Bowers Gang trying to destroy Vecna in the 50s. Richie and Henry are constantly fighting with each other and Vecna is just like, "I'm still here. Imma kill you."
And Eddie is like, "Kill me instead, you dumb bitch!"
And Vecna just stands there like "..."
And then the Losers Club and the Bowers Gang throw rocks at Vecna until he goes back into the Upside Down.
The end
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trans-girl-azzi · 6 months
Be punk.
Help an old lady carry her groceries.
Donate to local charities.
Help out at a soup kitchen.
Be nice to animals.
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shiftythrifting · 2 years
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Rocks sewn to an otherwise normal pillow, making it a +2 weapon.
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doe-prince · 3 months
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Look what my partner found outside in the snow! The broken mother immediately reminded me of this drawing I made in 2022.
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She's there but she isn't.
I love this sculpture! It's perfect as it is.
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bun-fish · 9 months
Three silly kids and half a ghost.
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I like to draw shiny things and black leather and mustard yellow sweaters and that one show that has been having fun on its own since 2006 👍
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hellenhighwater · 2 months
There's nothing like moving a pile of rocks in and out and around to remind you that you are simply not as yoked as you used to be
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nelkcats · 10 months
Danny was not retired, technically he came when people needed him, he helped or protected them as the case may be. It just turned out that over the years they stopped needing him.
And that was fine, it meant humanity could take care of itself, it meant they were safe. That was what had to matter, no matter that deep down, the halfa was hurt by the information.
It was harder to accept change when you weren't part of it. Danny was immortal, eternal, and powerful, things that no longer fit the world. Not with all the heroes and wizards running around, not with Amity Park fading away, becoming nothing more than a part of his memories.
He fit in perfectly in the Realms, sure, but he knew that if he stayed there too long he'd stop feeling human, and that was dangerous.
So, no, Danny wasn't retired. But he lived in a simple house in Metropolis, though sometimes he got tired of Superman being able to hear literally everything and moved to his house in Fawcett. He used to switch between the two houses frequently, not that it was difficult since he had figured out how to make portals.
He had a few friends, like the orphan boy who lived at the train station and Conner, a teenager who sometimes just needed a house to stay in when he couldn't stand his father.
Neither Conner nor Billy minded his age, which was comforting, although they both got curious when he visited the other house. Danny didn't know how to explain that Eternity Rock and Superman made him nervous if he stayed too long (he didn't like feeling watched), so he just shrugged and told them he had two houses.
Neither of the kids understood but they accepted it. They both had a habit of calling him "Uncle", Danny thought it was odd, given that his appearance wasn't exactly...adult, but it seemed they were comfortable with that, and he left them alone.
Apparently his house (occupied or not) had become a haven for them. Danny always greeted them with a sandwich, or cookies, even though he felt like a grandmother doing so. He smiled for the first time in years, feeling happy to fit into someone's life.
That's why it was quite disconcerting to find the Justice League outside his door asking him to join them. Danny chuckled internally, because the current heroes actually believed they could force him into something, but he accompanied them anyway.
Superboy and Captain Marvel scowled at the League as soon as they entered the Watchtower, when they were told they were bringing in a "dangerous individual" they didn't expect to see their unofficial uncle.
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sinestrosmind · 3 months
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was looking through more backgrounds and!!! Donnie Kinnie Brain said "You did mixology" AND SO
I had a ton of fun working on this, it's a blast to work with these backgrounds
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paulic · 4 months
I firmly believe that God made Paul McCartney a little bit straight because the power of him being gay would have destroyed our planet. Can you imagine a man with a face and charisma like that walking into a gay bar. There’d be wars. He’d be like Helen of Troy
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wispforever · 5 months
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do you guys think kakuzu's ever really hard on himself bc of his time in the waterfall and then hidan just unknowingly is himself
bonus under the cut
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goldrogerstits · 2 years
Roger is still the funniest bitch in all of one piece for leaving ace with garp, like no im not leaving my baby with any of my friends, not even the man I raised TWO WHOLE CHILDREN with, I’m leaving the baby with the guy I fight in the local parking lot every tuesday or whatever
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thatsnotahoodjason · 2 years
bruce allowing a reporter to do an article on him and wayne manor. so he shows the reporter around, and shows them the kids bedrooms.
starting with dick's old room, its fairly messy with a lot of photos of his friends and gym equipment. the reporter makes a joke about how most of the photos are redheads. bruce explains how dick stays here a lot so he leaves a lot of his stuff here but doesn't actually live here anymore.
then they go to jason's room where bruce just pretends to be super sad the whole time. emotional moment. the reporter like, gets down on her knees and does a little prayer for jason and jason is just, hiding in the cupboard trying not to laugh because he forgot he wasn't meant to be here today.
then tim's room. where tim is currently playing video games with cassie, bart, and conner. the reporter makes a comment about the bi flag above his bed and tim just stares at her threateningly in case she was about to say something homphobic, the distraction causes tim to die in the game, kon starts to swear as he was teamed up with tim, making bruce threaten to call his dad (kon: which one?) the room is also an absolute tip, and bruce basically just argues with tim about tidying up.
then to duke's room, which he has only just started moving into so its filled with boxes, but it is very overwhelmingly yellow and a little banner on the door that says "y'all need therapy, not me tho. im totally fine." and the door is covered in bee stickers (courtesy of steph, damian, and tim)
then to damian's room, where he is very casually sitting stiffly on his bed with a sword. the reporter is just. very confused. and damian turns his head and tells bruce to kick tim's friends out the house, and bruce is just like, "you're meant to be in school!?" and damian just utters the word "useless" and just carries on staring at his sword until they leave.
they then go to cass' room which has a little flippable picture of her (one side is her smiling, and the other is her with an angry face- basically just telling ppl if she wants them coming in the room- the sign is on the angry face one) and they enter to find her making out with steph. a lot of awkwardness and panic. steph goes on a rant about privacy and disrespect for wlw couples and calls bruce an "entitled, homophobic, billionaire brat." bruce makes them leave the door partially open and cass just rolls her eyes then shuts it fully when they've left.
later on in the tour, they go to the library and jason is just there reading. so jason does an absolutely terrible english accent and pretends to be alfred's grandson, offering them tea and calling them tossers. the reporter somehow buys it tho and they move on.
in the kitchens is duke, kate, and dick arguing about who's actually been kicked out the kitchen as someone threw away the list of ppl with kitchen bans. so now dick is burning stuff in the oven which kate is trying to salvage and its basically that scene in community and they're just full on panicking.
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in the living room is luke helping to fix a wheel on barbara's chair. haley (dog) is scratching the sofa while trying to get into a comfy sleeping spot and a very disturbing horror film is playing on the tv super loudly. while bruce and the reporter are in the room, the main character survives and luke and barbara boo the tv repeatedly.
then when the reporter is leaving, alfred is behind them as they go out the front door, holding onto a cow with damian behind him shouting at him for not letting him have the cow inside.
the reporter is just. so so confused. she never goes back to the manor and doesn't submit the report because who would actually believe this is the bruce wayne's daily life??
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eggsdrawings · 7 months
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dynavity team up!!!
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starflungwaddledee · 7 months
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maybe a little bit generic of me, but i adore the dream land four!
magolor and bandee are tied for tippy top favourite, but this whole group just mean everything to me and i am extremely normal about them. after these guys it's probably a very close galacta knight and marx!
king dedede was actually my first ever played exposure to the franchise (through smash multiplayer at a party where i picked him due to Bird) and marx was my first 'character i recognised + played + was obsessed with outside the mains' in star allies so i still consider him my original Little Freak (affectionate)
ask answer for @trainerbob23!
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