#rune reading
rougecreator1 · 1 month
Magic Stones ||
|| Wednesday Addams x platonic!sibling!reader
|| Warnings: bullying, some swearing, Wednesday starting a fight, brief mention of death during rune reading
|| Summary: reader is Norse Pagan. Wednesday and reader are out in town, as Enid had dragged them out for coffee when some town teens bully reader because reader had brought along a rune set and was doing a reading for Wednesday. Wednesday shows the teens not to mess with an Addams and they head back to Nevermore where Wednesday comforts reader.
(anon request)
Requests open!
Started: April 24th
Finished: April 28th
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Enid had dragged you and Wednesday into town one weekend, the both of you really hadn't wanted to go but she gave you those damn puppy dog eyes. You and Wednesday shared a look, sighed and got dragged along the moment Enid realized you weren't going to complain. How did this become your life?
She was really happy to have her two roommates out along with her, she's been DYING to get the both of you to the Weathervane for a hangout. You knew Wednesday had already been, but as for you you're more of a homebody. So you don't leave Nevermore unless you absolutely have to; such as when Wednesday drags you along on her monster hunting adventures. That's really the only time you leave.
When you guys got to the Weathervane, Tyler took your coffee orders and you noticed he put extra care into Wednesday's. Making you raise an eyebrow at your sister, who either didn't notice your look at all or didn't care enough to comment on it. Knowing Wednesday it was probably the latter.
You guys sat and chatted, mostly you and Enid while Wednesday made the occasional one liner.
Though, at one point Wednesday looked directly at you and raised an eyebrow." Y/N. Do you have your rune set on you?" She asked suddenly, you looked at Wednesday and nodded. You never went anywhere without it; you've relied on it in quite a few situations and its always helped you out.
Your trusty black obsidian Norse runes.
"Yeah. Always do, why? Need a reading?" You asked her, taking out the runes from where you kept them in a small black velvet bag in your coat pocket.
Wednesday nodded.
The way you did your readings was the circle method, so you got up and went to ask Tyler for paper from a note pad. He gave you a confused look but handed it to you, along with a pen. You went back to your seat.
Enid was watching with pure curiosity in her eyes, she hasn't seen you do a reading yet and was interested in how it worked.
"What's the pen and paper for? How do you know which rune means what?" She was rambling out a bunch of questions, you could see the annoyance in Wednesday's eyes and you sighed yourself.
"There's a few main ways people cast runes, everyone has their own different style of it. This is just the one I feel connected to." You explain so Enid could understand what you were doing, you were going to just explain how it all worked instead of answering her individual questions; you figured you would probably answer them anyways during your explanation." It's called the circle method."
You took your paper and set it down in front of you, taking a breath and closing your eyes for a few moments. You didn't have a whole lot of time to meditate, so you just did a brief one to clear your mind. You opened your eyes and drew out the circle.
Enid's eyes stayed fixed on what you were doing, Wednesday kept her eyes on you as she watched. She always found your rune readings intriguing and insightful, they've helped her out a few times during this whole monster hunt and she was hoping they could help her again.
You shook your bag of runes, letting them move around for a moment before looking at Wednesday. "What's your question?"
"I need more insight on the monster." She informed you, you nodded.
You weren't sure what all your runes would be able to tell you about it; but you hoped you could pull out enough information to be at least somewhat helpful to Wednesday.
You reached into the bag, taking out five runes that you feel have a connection to the specific question. Taking those five runes you gently tossed them into the circle you've created. Four land around the middle, two touching each other while the other two are more spread out. The finale one landed just outside the circle; meaning this involves some outside force.
You move your gaze to the two runes that were touching, deciding they were the most important to the reading. The first rune that catches your attention is Eihwaz; a symbol of death, transformation, and understanding.
You figure the first two were the most important meanings for this specific reading. "A creature of transformation, causing death. Which we already know." You lean back in your seat and sigh, looking at the next rune that had landed beside Eiwaz. You raise an eyebrow when you see what it was.
Ehwaz; partnership, movement, progress.
Partnership? You looked at Wednesday.
"Someone close to you is the monster." You explain, getting a sinking feeling in your stomach. You scanned the other runes for more information.
Mannaz. Man. Well, that narrowed it down.
"Someone masculine." You continued, giving brief explanations. Your eyes felt drawn to the rune that was just outside your circle. Kaunaz; a symbol of knowledge and fire.
You knew knowledge had something to do with it, you didn't know what but you were sure it didn't mean literal knowledge. The knowledge was a representation of something or someone.
a teacher. cough.
You just couldn't figure out what and before you could think about it anymore, you were pulled from your thoughts by the sound of mocking laughter.
Wednesday's head snapped around and she saw a group of boys, standing not too far from where you three were seated. She glanced at you and then back at them with an intense gaze.
"You really believe in those dumb stones?" One boy said with a laugh, hand on his chest and doubled over from laughing so hard," Ooo! Look at me with my magic stones!"
Your cheeks turned pink with embarrassment and looked away. Using your hand to shield your face from them. You knew your "stones" weren't just a bunch of made up garbage. You'd seen them come true time and time again; but hearing them mock you did make you a little insecure about your beliefs.
"Only a Nevermore freak would believe in such bullshit." Another chimed in.
Enid glanced at them, but kept her focus mainly on you. Giving you a soft smile," I think they're cool, don't listen to what they're saying. Okay?"
You were about to respond, when Wednesday suddenly stood. You quickly looked at her and your eyes widened as you watched her punch one of the boys.
"Wednesday!" You got up and locked your arm with hers, trying to pull her back.
Very. Very reluctantly she lets you.
The guy had stumbled back into one of the tables and was trying to pick a fight with Wednesday now.
"You're not getting away with that!" He yells, you were about to intervene but Tyler beat you to it.
"Woah, woah, alright! Wednesday, can I speak with you?" He looked at Wednesday, you couldn't help rolling your eyes as you let go of her.
She glared at Tyler but went with him while Tyler kicked the boys out of the cafe.
You and Enid shared a look.
Back at Nevermore, you and Wednesday were in your dorm alone. Enid had gone to hang out with Yoko and her friend group for the night; which the both of you didn't overly mind.
You liked having the space to yourselves.
Wednesday had just finished her daily hour of writing and had turned to look at you. You were seated on your bed, which was located in the middle of the room by the big window. You sat there, meditating and trying to calm your mind from today's events.
"They were wrong." Wednesday says suddenly, you open your one eye and raise an eyebrow at your sister. Was she trying to comfort you?
"Your... runes are quite insightful. You are very skilled with what you do." A compliment from Wednesday was rare, but she was always softer with you. So it wasn't impossible.
You smiled softly, Wednesday's opinion meant more to you than you cared to admit. Even those simple words were enough to ease your insecurities from earlier.
"Thank you." You replied, she nodded her head and stood. Grabbing her cello and taking it outside, clearly ending the conversation.
One compliment must've taken a lot out of her social battery.
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attichaos · 1 year
Rune Meanings
These are a few keywords and themes for rune symbols along with their modern alphabet equivalents.
*longer read*
Ansuz - Message, A
God, Ancestors, Revelation, Signs, Visions, Insight, Message, Knowledge, Communication
Berkana - Birch, B
Earth Mother, Birth, Fertility, Growth, Renewal, New beginnings, Creation, New projects, Creativity
Kaunaz - Torch, C/K/Q
Fire, Knowledge, Enlightenment, Comprehension, Insight, Illumination, Calling, Purpose, Idea
Dagaz - Dawn, D
Intuition, Light Within, Day, Awakening, Consciousness, Clarity, Hope, Balance, Growth, New cycles
Ehwaz - Horse, E
Twin Gods, Relationships, Progress, Movement, Harmony, Trust, Loyalty, Friendship, Assistance, Duality, Animal instincts
Fehu - Wealth, F
Wealth, Mother Rune, Abundance, Luck, Hope, Prosperity, Fortune
Gebo - Gift, G
Divine Interaction, Generosity, Partnership, Gifts, Talents, Charity, Service, Assistance, Luck, Fortune
Hagalaz - Hail (as in the type of weather), H
Transformation, Egg of Life, Destruction, Natural wrath, Uncontrolled forces, Testing, Change, External input
Isa - Ice, I
Cosmic Coherence, Suspension, Delay, Stillness, Frustration, Blocks, Pause, Waiting
Jera - Harvest, J
Earth, Right Action, Year, conclusion, Life cycle, Endings and beginnings, Abundance, Learnings, Growth
Laguz - Lake, L
Fertilty, Living Renewal, Water, Intuition, Imagination, Healing, Dreams, Mysteries, Insight, Instinct, Knowing
Mannaz - Man, M
Divine Union Manifestation, Humanity, Collective, Mortality, Community, Relationships, Morals, Values
Nauthiz - Neccesity, N
Needs, Friction, Shadow, Restriction, Disagreements, Resistance, Survival, Lacking
Othila - Heritage, O
Genetics, Legacy, inheritance, Spiritual growth, Abundance, Values, Contribution
Peorth - Destiny, P
Divination, Luck, Primal law, Fate, Mysteries, Occult, Feminine fertility, Chance, Fortune, Mysticism, Unknown
Raido - Journey, R
Solar Chariot, Rhythm, Progress, Movement, Evolution, Perspective, Journey, Travel
Sowulo - Sun, S
Thunderbolt, Wheel of Power, Success, Vitality, Inspiration, Justice, Success, Joy, Happiness, Abundance
Teiwaz - Victory, T
Masculine Gods, Warrior Rune, Leadership, Rationality, Honour, Bravery, Courage, Strength, Perseverance, Endurance
Uruz - Power, U
Primal Creative Force, Gateway, Strength, Endurance, Health, Courage, Vigour, Vitality, Force, Perseverance
Wunjo - Joy, V/W
Kinship, Heritage, Joy, Pleasure, Feast, Celebration, Comfort, Belonging, Community, Success, Festivities
Thurisaz - Thor, X, th
Protection, Polarity, Regeneration, Defence, Challenge, Danger, Attack, Strength
Eiwaz - Yew, Y
Tree of Life, Dreaming, Magic, Connection, Inspiration, Endurance, Sacred knowledge, Protection, Life cycles, Divinity
Algiz - Elk, Z
Divine Protection, Sanctuary, Protection, Guardian, Awakening, Courage, Defence, Instincts
Inguz - Fertility, NG
True Love, Music, Harmony, Fertility, Virility, Inner growth, Virtue, Peace, Harmony
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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maceofpentacles · 11 months
trigger warning for cancer!!
just got off the phone with my dad and my corgi, macy, does have bladder cancer. the vets have been taking their time trying to figure out everything but they finally got back to my dad today to tell him the news. we have 3 options for treatment and none of them are cheap. i hate to do this but i’m in the process of moving 2 more hours away from my family and i want to help them out as much as i can while also not having to ask them for money.
i’m not asking for donations, i’m really not, i sell divination readings so if you’d like to help my parents, myself, and most importantly — macy, please consider buying a reading from me! i have p*yp*l, v*nmo, c*sh*pp, ko-fi, and z*lle ((message me for that))
i’m more than willing to offer multiple readings for a lower price, i’m just desperate to help my parents and my dog. we have 4 dogs in total so having to spend a lot on macy is going to cause issues for everyone in the house so please, please consider sharing this post so people can potentially buy a reading from me.
this is a post that no one ever wants to make but here are some silly pictures of macy begging for my siblings food!!
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tastesoftamriel · 5 months
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'ere we go again...
The final hurdle is here: finding a house and moving in uhhhh 11 days. After the visa, I cannot afford a housing deposit. I do not have a guarantor and have been told by multiple agencies that they don't accept guarantor services. Oh yeah and I have to cull down and slog six years of crap with me south. So...I am once again asking for your help, as horrible as I feel about it.
I am now offering rune and tarot card readings to help foot the cost. £5 for a simple three rune/card draw and a more comprehensive nine draw reading for £10. I have been reading tarot since the age of 12 and runes since I was 15, and am an actively practicing Heathen (Nordic Pagan).
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Simply drop me a donation on Ko-Fi of £5 or £10 based on your preference and DM me there or on Tumblr with your name and whether you have an intention/question or if you just want a general reading. Readings typically take 5-15 mins and will be conducted via messages. For an extra £5, I am also happy to do a "face to face" Discord/Zoom reading for those of you who want something more personal.
Thanks for reading!
Please share and circulate this post if you can't donate or aren't interested...I could really use the boost right now as I am scared shitless about my living situation next week.
Stay safe, eat well, be kind. ~Tal
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feraltuft · 7 months
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astroyongie · 8 months
🦇˚。・゚✧:・.: Rune Reading 🦇˚。・゚✧:・.:
How to ask for a rune reading?
I need your name and then you can choose up to 3 of these 12 topics in which I will draw my runes to see the answer:
TOPICS: Self, material life, communication, home, love, health, conflicts, sex, spirituality, work, friends, psych.
PLEASE NOTE !!!!! my runes are extremely harsh and some can give sensitive answers. please think before asking about the rune reading and the topics <3
🦇˚。・゚✧:・.: HAPPY SPOOKY SEASON 🦇˚。・゚✧:・.:
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qldqueerboy · 3 months
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What started as a semi pleasant conversation has moved quickly into a very heated argument today quite unexpectedly. Attempting to nullify the verbal aggression seems pointless no matter what tactics you employ to calm the situation down. It is not a good idea to stand your ground today as the likelihood that it will progress into a physical altercation is very real if you are not careful. The only saving grace in retaining your dignity is to drop the issue and walk away.
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artemis-potnia-theron · 10 months
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apolloendymion · 2 months
emergency divination readings!🃏🔮☕💎🕯️
tarot, runes, tea leaves, pendulum, and crystals!
(info on my situation here)
for $5, you may choose one of the following:
single card or rune (see deck options below)
tea leaf reading
crystal chip scattering (see crystal list below)
pendulum reading (see pendulum options below)
additional cards/runes [$1 each]
my cat will choose your card(s)/rune(s) (see cat pic & bio below) [$2]
my dog will choose your card(s)/rune(s) (see dog pic & bio below) [$2]
I'll recommend a deity/spiritual entity to guide you based on your query and results; you may ask for an entity from a specific culture if you'd like (open practices only!) [$5]
please dm me with proof of payment, your choice of divination method, any add-ons or preferences, and a clear, single-sentence query. you may provide extra context to assist with the reading. tips and dona.tions appreciated.
🕯️ vnm 🃏 cshpp 🔮 gfndme ☕
options and photos of my equipment (& cute pets!) beneath the cut:
deck options:
standard smith-waite: tiny (smaller than a US quarter), pocket size (comparable to a business card), and standard size
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nonstandard smith-waite: the somnia tarot by nicolas bruno (incredible photography project. eerie, dreamlike, liminal, yet the physical props give it a more grounded, tangible feel than your average deck.), the tattoo tarot (stunning art, if you like clean but complex designs, classic playing card artwork, or traditional western tattoo art, this deck will really resonate with you.), the literary tarot (each card depicts classic literary characters from around the world; deck sales benefited charity. my personal favorite. every detail is carefully crafted to appeal to book lovers. elaborate, shiny, magical. also they gave odysseus top surgery scars)
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specialty decks: the caretaker (@cryptotheism, formerly @normal-horoscopes)'s normal tarot deck (completely original oracle deck, feels liminal and dark, but somehow peaceful; great for someone pondering deep mysteries or looking for advice in hard times), moreno & quijada's sonoran tarot (smith-waite's major arcana only; stunning and vibrant watercolors of sonoran desert wildlife. really showcases the power and wonder of the natural world. local purchase from indie artists who I've personally met)
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if you'd like me to use a specific tarot spread template, please let me know. otherwise i will choose the best option for your query + number of cards. you can also pick a spread mat, if you like! you don't need to purchase enough cards to fill the mat; i can get creative with the placement. just let me know if you want the floral mat or the bunny mat:
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other options:
pendula: metal (this was a gift and i don't know what it's made of; brass maybe? gold in color.), howlite, glass beads with sea turtle scene
crystal chips: red jasper, various quartz, flourite, lapis lazuli, lace agate, tigers eye, sunstone, sodalite, bismuth. all stones can be thrown, or you/i can choose 5-10 specific stones that resonate with your query.
runes: elder futhark, white clay, handmade. wyrd optional.
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my kitty cat, nachtus:
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nacht came into my life through my current girlfriend, who has had him since he was born. every time she went into the room with his litter, he scrambled up her pant leg like he knew she would be his favorite person. he's about 2 years old now, and loves cuddles, belly rubs, q-tips, waking up our boyfriend in the middle of the night, bothering people while they're gaming, and sitting on my gf's shoulder like a parrot.
my puppy dog, misha:
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misha came into my life through my current boyfriend, who has had him since he was a puppy. he was a rescue, along with his brother oakley, who went with my boyfriend's sister. misha is a chug (chihuahua-pug mix) and is estimated to be around 8 years old. he loves cuddles, being swaddled in blankets, barking at strangers, lying on the softest pillows he can find, and zoomies!
thanks so much for taking the time to read this. it means more than you know.
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lunarkitty333 · 1 month
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Today’s rune reading:
Nauthiz - Need, survival
Sowilo - Happiness, success
Uruz - Determination, strength
Don’t just view hard work and dedication as a means of survival. There should be an element of joy as well. For if we do not love what we do, there will always be a disconnect. Find that thing that truly brings you joy and put your effort and love into that. Then you will know what it truly means to be living.
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thehazeldruid · 1 year
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I should really start making these again. Only sold a few in my brief stint on etsy, but just making them was so much fun.
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geminisunsblog · 7 months
crawl inside this body- find me where I am most ruined, love me there.
- Rune Lazuli
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maceofpentacles · 4 months
hello friends!!
time for me to promote my etsy shop/e-beg so i can afford to go on a once in a lifetime study abroad trip!
i got accepted into my schools study abroad trip this may to go to ~10 cities in greece over the span of 2 weeks! very exciting especially because i want to use my masters degree to eventually get my phd in ancient history :)
with financial aid and the money i get from working as a teaching assistant, i have like 80% of the total cost covered,, but there’s still roughly $2000 that i don’t have yet. everything is due in late march/early april so its not an immediate need just yet but i’d like to have the last bit i need set aside sooner rather than later!
with that being said, here’s my link to my etsy shop — if you’re interested in buying a tarot, oracle, pendulum or osteomancy reading, the listings are all there! i keep forgetting to update my shop with rune readings and other types of readings i want to offer so if you’re not seeing anything you’d like on my shop just shoot me a message and we can figure something out! here’s my old post about paid readings from my pinned :)
if you’d like to buy a custom made spiritual/deity oil or a room spray ((or maybe a custom spell working)) here’s my “apothecary” post with all of that info!
like i said, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me because the next time this trip will come around at my school will be after i graduate with my master degree so ahhhhhhhh
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andromedasdomain · 8 months
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧From the evening of Tuesday, October 31st, 2023 – Wednesday, November 1st, 2023.✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
The period of time to release anything that is holding us back. A time when the spirit veil is thin and the spirits of our deceased loved ones are close to our physical realm. This is the perfect time for us to communicate with the universe and any ancestor you miss. Here are some ideas on how to spend your Samhain and how to decorate your altar!
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ Activities✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✦Have a bonfire ✦Give fall offerings ✦Engage in divination -- Past, Present, and Future spread. ✦Host a dinner ✦Make Moon Water ✦Set out a portion of your feast at your altar
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ Altar Decorations✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ Crystals: ✦Amethyst ✦Black Obsidian ✦Citrine ✦Bloodstone ✦Serpentine ✦Black Tourmaline Herbs: ✦Mugwort ✦Cinnamon ✦Rosemary ✦Roses ✦Bay Leaves Decorations: ✦Pumpkin ✦Cauldron ✦Pictures of passed loved ones ✦Fall Leaves ✦Crescent Moon figurines ✦A statue or figurine of the deity/deities you worship Personally, I have a statue of Freyja on my altar and my preferred method of divination is reading my runes. I hope this season brings you harmony and prosperity and that you have a great Samhain! Bless be!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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lokabrenna13 · 1 month
Good morning! The rune for this week is Wunjo again.
Wunjo is the rune of joy, accomplishment, celebration, harmony, and prosperity. So after Perthro reversed last week, we'll be moving into a more harmonious time when the outcomes are more likely to fall in our favor. This will include improvement in your interactions with those around you. Some of you will have a reason to celebrate some time in the next seven days (this would be in addition to Beltane, if you are celebrating this week -- this will be more personal and will more directly have to do with you), like an accomplishment of yours or someone close to you or a more harmonious shift in a current situation.
Also, some of you are anticipating a difficult week or are facing some major obstacles this week, remember to celebrate those times you experience joy amidst the turmoil. And spend some time doing something that brings you joy this week.
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melpomenismask · 2 months
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My readings are back and better than ever! Check out the link and feel free to request anything on your mind.
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