#school system
reality-detective · 4 months
Mathematics 🤔
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ellie-probably · 6 months
hi school system, can you please actually educate us about queer topics and history at school, as well as identities within the community, and also like autism and adhd and things like that... BEFORE we reach the age where 60-70% of people become super ableist and transphobic???? idk just a thought, dont worry too much about it tho /s
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trvheeheeee · 9 months
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After all these years of having a very vague understanding of the American school system, I decided to finally look up how it works.
WHAT THE FUCK AMERICA, do you guys like making things overly complex? Is there some sort of reason behind these shenanigans?
Junior High School followed up by Senior High school takes a total of 6 years, but when you combine them into one they just magically need one year less ??????
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asena9690 · 10 months
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snakeautistic · 7 months
As overplayed as the undiagnosed gifted kid to burned out neurodivergent narrative is, I fall into it perfectly. I have complicated feelings on being labeled as ‘gifted’ and placed into various advanced classes as a kid. Being “smart” was (and still, is, honestly) a deep rooted part of my identity. Any turn of events that makes me feel unintelligent deeply shakes my self esteem.
I think this is particularly potent for ND people because we think in behave in such divergent ways that our differences are considered an extension of our giftedness. In our minds being intelligent is the one good thing we have. We’re often mocked or looked down upon for not fitting in, so our only security is academic achievement.
I’d think admittedly very nasty things about the classmates that would ostracize me as a child. “It doesn’t matter what they think, because I’m so much smarter than them, and they’ll end up failing at life while I succeed” It hurt a lot to be excluded and at times laughed at. Basically little me was just coping extremely hard.
It’s dangerous to attribute success, whether academically or monetarily, to worth, but it’s something almost everyone is prone to. And in a society not designed for neurodivergent people, it’s much harder to meet that definition of success.
So you fail. And then what? Those around you have been sending the you the same messaging all your life- the one part of you that is worth anything at all is not enough.
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cutting-the-strings · 11 months
Autistic school trauma is:
knowing you’re disliked, but not being able to know why
consistently being called out for your stims because they’re “disruptive” or “annoying”
trying to simply mesh in with others to avoid getting targeted
suppressing your anger to the point that you feel it’s not justified
never being able to form connections no matter how hard you try, and thinking it’s your fault
being able to form connections but never being able to be true to yourself or set boundaries since you’re so used to being disrespected
witnessing ableism from classmates but not doing anything about it because they’ll just invalidate you
never feeling like your opinions can be validated because you’re “weird”
being outcasted by your classmates constantly
having classmates either let you know outright or subtly that you’re disliked
eventually believing that you deserve to be disliked
suffering from chronic low self esteem that affects your grades, your ability to function, and even your ideas of love
frequently getting into toxic/codependent friendships
having teachers criticize you constantly for your symptoms
living from a complex of never being good enough
feeling like you have to reach a neurotypical standard on a daily basis and if you don’t, you’re incompetent
if you’re feeling any of these things because of school, autistic or not, know that what you are experiencing is trauma, and that your trauma is valid. You don’t deserve to be in a school environment where you are consistently criticized or made to feel like you don’t belong nor can’t be good enough. You deserve an environment that makes you feel safe enough to be neurodivergent, to be yourself. You deserve to feel loved, to feel cared for, exactly as you are, with no strings attached.
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reality-detective · 4 months
Chicago Public Schools can’t find $23M worth of laptops, iPads and other electronics. 
77 thousand devices were reported lost or stolen in the 2021-22 school year, Lauren Jiggetts reports. 🤔
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part-doctor-always · 26 days
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