#shane and ryan
thatonegeekygirl · 3 days
okay look we all know and love the classic “demon shane” theory, but just hear me out: slenderman shane. he's gangly. he's looming. he's got obscenely long limbs for days. if i had to place a million dollar bet on which cryptid-energy exuding youtuber is actually a cryptid, no contest im picking shane madej. you're telling me there ain't an ounce of slenderman blood in that man's family tree? i don't believe you.
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theghoulboysblog · 2 days
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chronic-solitarian · 2 days
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artblogbyhailey · 2 months
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The most important comment in this whole mess
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helpwhatsthis · 2 months
steven lim: we actually need more money for higher production value so that you guys have the best! and we're bringing back a super expensive show! for you guys, the fans!
the fans:
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edit: i see a lot of people arguing over the 'eat the rich' thing and i'd like to clear up my standing currently! i know they aren't the same kind of fancy multi-million corporation that our beloved phrase talks about, and the reason i agree to a point with this comment is that watcher is evidently trying to become that. they're doing some shitty things in regards do disregarding poorer fans, and are seemingly blatantly ignoring the economic crisis by saying 'everyone can afford that!', all in direct contrast to their entire branding of being leftist and openly supporting things like eat the rich.
"You said 'eat the rich' then handed us the forks, laid on the plate, and expected us to spare you?" at least from my understanding isn't flat-out saying watcher are now the rich we eat, but are well on the track to becoming so, and are quickly developing the same ego.
BUT!! don't like people directly hating on steven like that!! they're all grown men who can make their own decisions, and pretending like shane and ryan are out little baby beans and then calling steven evil and whatnot isn't okay. they can all be held equally accountable. though i do somewhat understand being the most disappointed in shane, as he's the one who speaks on shit like eating the rich the most, and is generally more outward with his ideals, so it's perfectly reasonable to feel betrayed more deeply. but bottom line is they're all equally accountable for this decision.
some shit we can't take back. i probably got pissed and said some weird/uncool shit initially because of the intense emotions i was dealing with, which other people amplified. i do regret some of the things i've said to a point when it comes to being hateful, but i can't just un-say it all, so i'm not even going to try. i'm going to leave everything be and allow it to serve as something to look back on for what not to do in future circumstances. while this new path for watcher is, in my opinion, not the smartest and generally really shitty, they're human beings who make mistakes, and they deserve our acknowledgement of that.
in short, i don't like it but i'll stop being a bitch about it because they don't deserve that. also sorry for the wall of (probably incoherent lmao) text i got passionate <3
edit 2: guys. im screaming. the apology was amazing imo and i genuinely think they really mean it, like it doesn't seem bullshitted. i think they realized they fucked up for reals and feel bad. im so happy for them, but also for us as fans. yay :D
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loveinstreams · 8 months
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i am unwell over this btw
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shaniacsboogara · 10 months
Shane Madej is so good at ghost hunting because no matter how haunted a location is, he still carries himself with the same cheerful whimsy during the investigation, like a kid in a museum on a field trip
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top5series · 2 years
Tumblr Top 5 - Episode 4: Ships
Put your life vests on, batten down the hatches, and prepare yourself to be absolutely soaked as Ryan Bergara, Shane Madej, and Coppy dive into the sopping wet world of ships.
Stay aboard for an exclusive sneak peek of Tumblr Special Event, Total Ship Show, with guests Michael Vlamis and Tyler Blackburn from The CW’s Roswell, New Mexico.
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murasaki-cha · 1 year
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Truly some of the greatest detective minds to ever detective
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energeticwarrior · 2 months
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numbuh424 · 2 years
ryan "I believe in ghosts but please do not show up or I'll actually die" bergara and shane "I don't believe in ghosts but I want them to show themselves and kill me" madej
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its-ticsticstics · 2 months
As a long-time fan of Watcher and even BuzzFeed back in the day, I'm beyond bummed out at the decision they've made.
I can't afford a streaming service. Paywalls are ruining the internet and turning it into cable TV.
This came with absolutely no warning and it feels like a weird betrayal of loyal fans.
Best of luck to them, but this isn't a journey I can support.
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suetrim · 2 months
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They can put their clip back in the green
Remaking a meme I made this weekend after the Watcher apology
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