#share your thoughts
goldenachilles · 7 months
so, the general fandom consensus for in-universe Hamilton in the Percy Jackson TV show is...
a) neither Hamilton nor Lin exist in this universe
b) both Hamilton and Lin exist and the fact that Hermes looks like this dude is such a long story really Percy there's no time to explain
c) Hamilton is just the product of a very bored Hermes and a very stupid bet with Apollo
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popironrye · 2 months
The Lost Boys
Leisure Headcanons
💋 David 💋
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Is a skilled fire arm shooter. (Loves the cowboy aesthetic)
Has his own gun hidden in the cave.
Doesn't get the chance too often, but will ride a horse when the chance arises.
Likes wood carving. Mostly non specific whittling into basic shapes or animals. It helps him relax.
Movie nut! When the boys go the Max's store to fool around, David makes sure to tuck a movie or two that catches his eye in his coat. Tends to watch them alone, all the questions from Paul would just grate on his nerves too much.
I imagine David would be like REALLY good at origami for no particular reason. He doesn't even try, just once the boys do it just because and he's just the best at it.
I don't know if vampires can emerge in water in the lost boys lore, but if they can David loves to swim. Chilling in water clears his mind.
💀 Dwayne 💀
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Skater boi! Does a lot of sick tricks, but when you can levitate it's less impressive. XD
Doesn't care for guns, but likes archery. Hammers his own arrow heads. Dwayne and David like to pick a spot in the woods to shoot make shift targets.
A real book worm. Will spend a lot of time just silently reading for hours.
Takes up knitting from time to time. He prefers hand knitted blankets and throws rather then the store ones.
Likes to make jewelry. Made his own necklace.
Enjoys all types of puzzles. Cross word, jigsaw, and brain teasers.
Can sew and offers to sew up holes made in all the clothes the boys decide not to get new ones.
🌿 Paul 🌿
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Can play the guitar.
Also likes to sing, and is pretty good at it. Wanted to start a band, but the other boys weren't up for it.
Has the biggest music collection and is always hogging the tabletop/cassette/cd player.
Amateur photography. Just likes to take photos randomly. Some are really artsy.
Got really into tie dye for a while. Although he might have just been high.
When he wants to relax, Paul really likes to stargaze. Laying outside the cave looking at the sky and hearing the waves of the ocean just makes him feel at peace.
When David isn't using the tv monitor, Paul enjoys quite a few video games. He also likes to take on the arcade and carnival games at the boardwalk.
🪶 Marko 🪶
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Aside from pigeons, Marko will try to domesticate a number of animals to the cave, including stray dogs, cats, deer, badgers, squirrel, foxes, bats, and even a black bear once.
He in fact did NOT domesticate a black bear, but he did wrestle one.
He does his own patchwork on his jacket.
Like David, he likes to sculpt into wood, but he usually carves patterns and landscapes into more grand pieces.
He's also a skilled painter. Mostly he'll paint murals on sections of the cave David says is ok for him to paint on.
He collects sea shells on the beach.
He'll style the others hair. Especially David who he'll cut and dye in the way he likes best.
🔥Pack Activities🔥
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Dart throwing. The bigger the target the better. David and Dwyane are very competitive at this one specifically.
Rollerblading. Put wheels on shoes, what more can you want?
Listening to music. The boys have very wide music tastes and sometimes they cross over and they all like the same stuff. They take turns around the player of their choice to just smoke, drink, and listen to the sounds of the music plays.
Card games. Specifically poker when they're all together. They make things more interesting when they make bets.
And of course motocycle cruising and board walk loitering.
Something that always strikes me with vampires in fiction and indeed with any immortal creature with the high and emotional intelligence of humans. IMMORTALITY IS FUCKING BORING!
I mean, think about it. Imagine you're given all the free time in the world with very little responsibility with no fear of getting sick or tired allowed to do pretty much whatever you want. What would you do? Cause I would go stir crazy. So I came up with these dumb little head canons on how I image the boys specifically would pass the time in their little vampire lives that doesn't revolve around murdering and feeding off of people.
Of course cruising on their bikes come to mind. And there's a couple in the movie we get to see like Dwayne's skateboarding and Marko's fondness for pigeons but I wanted to throw more possibilities out there. :3
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you think they mess w the baja blast from tacobell
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writethestory365 · 2 months
It doesn’t matter what you start with — just get started.
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dumblr · 1 year
Intimacy isn't just about sex. It's having heart-to-hearts, going on dates, dancing, cuddling, sharing childhood memories, thoughts, fears, dreams & hopes for the future. It's uncontrollable laughter, direct eye contact & feeling each other without touching–it's exchanging energy.
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doitforbangchan · 5 months
Imagine Cockwarming Han
You could listen to his moans all day. Jisung was squirming and writhing underneath you, begging you to move your hips even a little to relieve his suffering but no.
“please jagi. please i’ll do anything just ride me.” he sounded like he was in pain.
you grinned down at him with an evil glint in your eyes. “awww doesn’t my baby like the way my pussy squeezes his cock?” you shifted just slightly causing him to whine. you put your mouth to his ear and lowered your voice “ you should have that before you flirted with that bartender tonight. now this is all you get and you’ll like it.” Jisung gasped as you bit his ear.
he was in for a loooooooong night
idk i just want to ride him into oblivion🤷🏻‍♀️ send me more thots 👀👀👀
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kayleighthekoala · 4 months
I made this thread on the other app so I decided to share it with people here too!
These are all the mods i have spotted/ heard from others that are about to be added and i wanna show you guys how super cool they are too!
(literally just think about it. I really want a party using these items on Hotgirls beach! There are even outfits to wear and so much cool stuff. I need this one to be used for atleast a beach party. Copacabana can also get these furnitures and a party there too!!!!!)
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(My most favourite one. Just look at the pictures it's so cool!!!!!! Need this in Empanada's bakery!! Chay is gonna love it I think too. So many cute stuff! I can't *spins dramatically* *falls down face first*)
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(This one is super cool and it has gonna be super great with this one. So much new cooking stuff it's not even funny how much this mod adds! Chayanne go crazy with this one!)
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(There are a few more left but as there is a 10 image limit and I don't want to not include the beautiful images so I will make another post for the rest of the ones!) :)
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breelynnxoxoxo · 5 months
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shorberson · 6 days
Rolitagni's First Contact
I'm trying out doing some creative writing of my own for a change. I've been following the HASO tag for a while, and wanted to give it a shot. This is moreso designed to be an intro for a series, I guess. If you have feedback, I'd love to hear it!
The spaceport was always busy. The chaotic noise of merchants peddling wares and hulking cargo ships being loaded up for long voyages never gave anyone a moment’s rest. But it was here that Rolitagni felt at home. Sitting in a packed lounge near the loading docks, she grabbed her second glass of Bulemoi, and made idle chat with some of the other workers around. Some were a little weirded out by her appearance; after all, Kemians don’t exactly have the best reputation or the kindest appearance. She could sense that much within the room. But she was familiar enough to the others that they didn’t mind. She listened to her fellow voyagers and their tales; tales of long journeys, of strange planets, and of other species they’d met across the galaxy. Though there was one species that cropped up in more stories than others lately.
A relatively new group to join the collective of various species in the galaxy, the humans had made quite the entrance. The galaxy had been aware of humans, but as a Type 1 civilization, it was more of an occasional entertainment than viewing them as equals. Not that they knew, of course. But humanity had improved. After dozens of cycles of testing and watching, a human spacecraft–rudimentary at best, it’s a wonder it even made it that far–stumbled into the Gree’lek’s territory. What Rolitagni wouldn’t have given to see the faces of both sides when they found out. After some tense negotiations, humanity was deemed more than an attraction, and viewed as a fellow spacefaring species–though woefully behind. How they’d managed to do anything without faster-than-light tech was beyond her. The galaxy helped them catch up, and in a matter of cycles, humanity had transitioned from a one-planet species to a fully functioning part of the Commonwealth of Systems. Rumors floated around spaceports and tabloid headlines about humans and their stories, stories of daring bravery, utter foolishness, and of their quirky nature. Sure, every species had its features, but there had been such a long time without a new species that everything had become rather dull. Rolitagni, being her outgoing, curious self, had been excited to meet a human the moment she’d heard about them.
As she sat in the lounge and daydreamed, she felt a buzz from her pocket. Her datapad, signaling that it was time to get back to work. With a sigh, she stood up, stretching a bit before handing the bartender some paeolenta. She strolled out of the building and into the busy streets. A nightmare of colors, sounds, smells, and species roamed about. But she loved it, taking in a deep breath of the artificial atmosphere. It was such a smorgasbord of gasses and chemicals to allow for all visiting species to breathe it, and it left a strange taste in the mouth. She strolled down the walkways, making her way back to her ship, nudging her way past Slaniums, Tre’as, and many more species that she probably couldn’t pronounce. After some distance, she arrived at the loading docks. The hulking cargo ships loomed overhead, being anchored in every which way by cargo tubes and walkways. Following her datapad to find her ship, she looked up to see the brilliant logo of the ship she’d served on for so long: “G.S.V. Laneyla”. Supposedly the captain had named it after his late partner. It didn’t matter too much for her. Whatever the name, it’d been her home for dozens of cycles. 
As she walked up the ramp she saw one of her coworkers, a Jlinin by the name of Mreswi, waving to her and holding a datapad similar to her own. “Hey, Roli! We’re just finishing getting loaded up. Got a few dozen more crates and we’ll be good to go. Think you can take over?”
Roli giggled to herself. Mreswi’s strange tendency to drag out the vowels of his words never failed to make her smile. Well, as much as she could smile with her canine-esque skull-like face. She beamed her message into his mind, though he was used to it. After all, she couldn’t exactly speak. “Sure, I’m coming! Just finished relaxing at Poaters’ place.” She whipped out her datapad and pulled up the manifest for this next trip. Standard stuff, like spices and materials, bound for wealthy buyers or companies to make products. Then there were some odd things, like a pallet of seventeen Bremni skins. A predatory species, and not one with intelligence, they were often hunted for their strong, yet soft skins. And as she scrolled down the list, she raised a metaphorical eyebrow at the last entry. Rather than cargo, it displayed that a new member would be joining them. Roli got excited. It’d been a few cycles since anyone had joined the crew, although everyone was still reeling a bit from the death of their last engineer. She shuddered at the memory. Turns out that having many tentacles in a room with plenty of moving gears was not exactly the best combination. They’d still find pieces of them in the system from time to time.
She gave a nod to Mreswi as she began watching the cargo arrive through the conveyor systems. She couldn’t imagine trying to haul all this up, despite her four-armed strength. As she surveyed and checked off the supplies as it arrived, she felt something. A small sense of nervousness from around her. Sure, to a Kemian like her who could sense life-forces, that was normal. But something about it was different. Each species had their own chemical and neural responses, but she’d never felt one like this before. As the last of the cargo arrived, she felt the presence getting closer. She looked down the ramp towards it, and gasped to herself. She could feel her own giddiness boiling up inside her. She’d dreamed of meeting one, but to have them as a new crew member? It was almost enough to make her squeal.
She watched as a human slowly approached. The stories had always painted humans in different lights and appearances. He slowly approached, looking around anxiously while toting their large baggage. As he approached her, he looked a little more scared, which was understandable to her. After all, pale white skin with tens if not hundreds of stitches, four arms, a pitch black skull mask, and being about a foot taller than the human was not a combination that was exactly easy to expect or understand. 
The human cleared his throat and spoke in a gentle, yet curious voice. “Um, hey. Is this the ‘Laneyla’? I was told to meet someone here.”
Rolitagni beamed with happiness, her attitude completely betraying her appearance. She nodded and looked down at the human, sending her message into his mind. “Yep! Sure is! I guess you’re the new guy, huh? And a human, too!”
The human froze for a second, seemingly shocked by her telepathic nature, along with the lack of a universal translator needed to understand her. After a moment of stammering to himself, he worked up the courage to speak. “Yeah, I am. I’m supposed to be the new engineer here.”
Roli nodded again vigorously while her twin tails swept behind her in eagerness. “Sounds great! Why don’t you go ahead and have a seat over there,” she said, gesturing to a bench by the back wall of the cargo hold, “and I’ll show you around soon? We’re almost ready to shove off.” She beamed as she checked the manifest on the datapad in front of her. “Oh, by the way, what’s your name? I’m Rolitagni, but most folks call me Roli.”
The human paused for a second, then looked up to her and spoke. “I’m Aidan. Nice to meet you, Roli!” His translator crackled slightly. They hadn't been updated to be able to translate this “English” very well yet, but it worked well enough.
“Nice to meet you, too, Aidan!” The name was slightly strange to Roli, but so were plenty of other species' monikers. She’d get used to it in time. After all, they had a long voyage ahead, there'd be plenty of time to get to know the human. She watched as Aidan took his things over to the bench and sat down as she finished up the inventory. She walked over to the bench and looked at him. “Welcome to the ‘Laneyla’! You’ll have a great time here. Ready to get started? I'll show you around the ship for starters.”
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cutecinnamon · 2 months
I might write a sequel for a broken teacup
After Concurrence IV, I might write a sequel for my one shot A Broken Teacup, But it will focus on how Levi and reader rekindle their relationship. I also want to know if you guys will be interested^^
You can read "A Broken Teacup" by clicking the pink text for its title,
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[Since the promo was just bachelor related]
Blocking the Buddie part of my brain for a second and thinking about a possible platonic storyline for the stills, and...I have NOTHING that warrants:
The late hour? That lighting? The face expressions?
Whatever the actual hell that hand placement is?
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popironrye · 2 months
Max's reveal at the end of The Lost Boys is another one of those scenes I've been overthinking about. Particularly the few seconds post revelation that the boys were all dead.
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When Max and Lucy return home he takes little time to head to where David died. An obvious choice given the fates of the other boys what with Paul being soup, Dwayne blown to pieces, and Marko's body being way back in the cave.
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In the background Sam, the Frog brothers, and Lucy are pretty loudly arguing and talking over each other in the other room but this scene is eerily quiet. The scene plays out is a realistic view of mourning. Max's actions here are rather tender and you can tell by the look on his face that seeing David like this does have an affect on him.
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There's a blatant pause. I like to think that was Max grieving, coming to terms with what's happened. His boys are gone, probably reliving a lot of memories. It's never revealed, but I choose to believe Max turned David first, and the following boys were slowly turned the same way Michael was, by drinking Max's or David's blood. And I headcanon he was turned a long time ago, meaning Max had a lot of years with the boys. He is shown as hostile in the beginning to them when they come in the video store, but I like to think that's just Max wanting to keep a reasonable distance to keep suspicious eyes from prying (and to keep things a twist for the audience) especially since he's playing the childless bachelor as that's what's has worked for them for so long so far (although come on Max, if you played up the single father to Lucy, you would have totally won. Just saying.)
But what about the rest of that scene? Max recovers pretty quickly from losing his boys. While some may argue it's because Max didn't really care for them, I choose to believe that's not the case at all. I think he's putting on a face to remain calm in front of the others, especially Lucy. Since he still wants to turn her into his vampire bride, even without his boys to mother. Perhaps he could just be thinking he can start his vampire boys over with others boys, but then there's THIS scene!
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The scene where Star reveals to the audience that David was hiding Max's involvement from her and Michael. David wasn't just keeping Max a secret, Star declares that he was "the secret David was protecting." Key word being, 'protecting'. Max's identity as the head vampire is important and it's in his best interest for the vampire boys to be seen around him as little as possible. Especially since Sam figured it out early on in the movie he was one of them. And so, David and the boys choose to act on their own most of the time. Not only to give themselves the feeling of carefree freedom, but also to keep Max safe. And it's clearly a situation they all like, or at least tolerate, as while there is no hope in them turning back if Max were killed first, but David and the others had no intention of ratting him out and letting him die.
My favorite part of this scene. Max's smile. After Star says her line, Max nods in agreement, but the smile afterwards is interesting. I think he looks proud. Proud of David. Proud to have heard that David, even as he died, was protecting him. I choose to believe Max cared a lot for the boys and I also choose had he be given the chance later, would feel very lonely without them.
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aly-corner · 25 days
GoldenLock Apocalypse or Golden Virus.
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Dear AGA community. I present to you the Goldenlock Apocalypse or Golden Virus.
All across the AU, Goldies began to feel sick and lose control of themselves. This virus only affects Goldies. It first began in the medieval Aga Goldie AU of @project-isles and got passed on via the Goldie cafe. Nobody knows who made it.
The virus:
Enhance the host's magic, make the host blind and aggressive, the more the host has golden cracks across their body the more they are infected, Infected will go for the kill ( extreme danger for the Freddies) and need to be locked up, it is also making Goldies smile. Some Goldies could resist for some time but they will all be totally controlled by the virus. No antidote had been discovered.
Your only chances at survival: either run, hide or lock your Goldie. Only Goldies can be infected but they will damage or kill other non-Goldie animatronics.
Who wants to be drawn next? Ask away!! Ps: if you want to participate or share ideas together, you can, I would be glad. Have a good night/day.
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lonelyvampyr · 1 year
I hate race washing
Its pointless and serves no value
We do not need to see characters with our skin color to relate to them. I like fluttershy and relate to her but I'm not a pink haired pony.
It is not "representation" and I hate how normalized it is or how if you say anything negative about you're immediately called racist.
representation is important! But not when it's recycled and only made for rage baiting or forced representation
I always hear "Well black people don't get representation" and honestly, its not an excuse to mindless just change the race of a character, especially already established ones.
Ofc theres exceptions like Miled morales, but with him he isnt just an established character turned black but has his own backstory, family, and earth. He isnt just "Peter parker turned black" But his own separate character (and not really a racewashed character but it's an example)
Truly many other black folk think the same as me, but are too afraid to say anything due to backlash but I want to make it known it is not as well accepted or appreciated as people think it is...
I know I will get attacked for my "controversial"opinion but hopefully some people would understand.
Ask yourself, Is black people just representation to you?  Is that all we are?
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for those autistics who are mute, have been mute or are selectively mute. Is it healthy to let yourself go mute? as someone who tends to script, and i force myself to have something to say for every situation, i am unclear as to whether or not its good. i feel this would also be quite informative for other autistics in the same situation as i am.
does it help with burnout? to lessen anxiety? does it feel more natural? if letting oneself go mute counts towards unmasking when you previously didnt go mute? i would love to know if anyone would like to share!
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captaingatwa · 1 year
war ethics in the hunger games
The war against Capitol was a war meant to end The Hunger Games and free the people of the districts from poverty and authoritarian rule. To win the war, violence was always going to be necessary. Peaceful negotiation was not an option against the Capitol. The extent of the violence necessary is the only question.
Starting at the arena in Catching Fire, lives are lost in the name of the cause. Cinna is beaten and later killed for the Mockingjay wedding dress he designed. Mags and the morphling woman from District 6 both sacrifice themselves to save Katniss. These are easy to place morally because they chose for themselves to die.
In Mockingjay, the violence escalates after the tributes are broken out of the arena and the war swings into full scale. Of the battles shown in the books, the ones in District 2 and in the Capitol are the most contentious.
District 2 was the last district stronghold for the Capitol and was the center of their military power so taking control of the Nut in District 2 was an important moment in the war. Gale's initial plan to take the Nut created an avalanche cutting off the exits. His initial plan would trap everyone inside, but Katniss objected to subjecting them to a death so similar to how their fathers died. Gale reasons that in that place, he would sacrifice himself for the cause so he sees nothing wrong with making for the rebel spies in the Nut. Trapping everyone was not necessary though and doing so would have been an unethical tactic the Nut contained civilians and rebels alongside the Capitol aligned loyalists and because there was an option to take the Nut while offering a surrender.
The last act of the war was the bombing in the Capitol that targeted children and medics. It turned the last Capitol loyalists and the rebels to claimed victory after. President Coin authorized an act of violence that is so similar to what the rebels are fighting against. It's an act that in theory would be so obviously unethical, but the alternative is a return to the annual murder of district children for Capitol entertainment. If this was truly a necessary to end the war, there's a possibility it's not totally unjustified. However, the books and movies imply the war was practically over when Coin authorized that final act of violence. That combined with her pitch for a final, symbolic Hunger Games showed that Coin was a level above the cruelty of Snow.
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