tellerficraz · 25 days
Girls when beast
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"There's something that i see in the way you look at me..🎵"
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sscorpiiio · 6 months
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wearing the same colors and everything
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Trending now in Algeria: Image of the Carina Nebula from James Webb space telescope matching the eastern coast of Algeria
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glorbs-dominion · 4 months
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marvelmaniac715 · 4 months
Linda Monroe doesn’t want to become her father but both father and daughter end up running a cult devoted to a dark god, flanked by adoring cultists, disguising it as something it isn’t so it’s more palatable - a ‘Honey Festival’/‘Honey Queen Pageant’ and a ‘fun new religion’ respectively, and they both lose their romantic partners in the name of their god (presumably) - no mention of Linda’s mother (one of the first Honey Queens perhaps) and Linda dies apart from Gerald, unable to see her boys for one last time.
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disneysooner · 6 months
Similarities between two of the “opposites attract” couples of anime: Tamaki Suoh x Haruhi Fujioka and Jinshi x Maomao
1. The ladies are super smart on most things; all except when a boy is trying to woo her with their charms. They were also both “kidnapped” to some degree into a world they never would have imagined themselves being a part of.
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2. The gentlemen are both flirtatious and make most every woman they come across swoon; all except they really want to impress.
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3. Most times, when the boy tries to flirt with the girl, they either cringe or give them the look of disapproval.
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4. When things don’t quite go the way they want and they hit a depressed state, the boys tend to find a good corner, sulk in the darkness, and grow mushrooms.
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5. What the boys have learned, though, is the ladies can be swayed a little easier with things they especially like.
Haruhi can easily be swayed with yummy foods.
Maomao can be swayed with anything medicinal related and occasionally food.
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Finding similar expressions between these four has been so entertaining.
Sure, they're not exact, but they're close enough!
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They're one in the same.
(I might change Lucifer's later.)
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This one is my personal favorite.
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Squint and you'll see it.
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pratchettquotes · 9 months
"I suppose men are the same the world over," said Polly.
"On the inside, certainly."
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
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drama-glob · 2 months
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Wally just has his hand in every form of money-making venture. XD XD XD Also, yeah...definitely not gambling. ;)
Poor Wally...but his expression is hilarious and understandable. XD
I can't stop staring at the one stuffie that they decided to give Asmodeus's face to. XD XD XD
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desi-pluto · 6 months
Hmm I wonder why I always end up loving the outgoing pink female lead and her savvy black haired love interest 🤔
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OH LOOK ANOTHER ONE (added 12/25/2023)
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Is it because of them?
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Hope you have some more guessing in ya, because it’s time for more similarities! Namely, we have Nya (Demonbane) and Flemeth (Dragon Age):
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Compared to everyone’s favorite Earth Mother, Tiamat!
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Care to guess the similarities?
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mapsontheweb · 5 months
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Places with similar shape
The shape of a state is determined by the political boundaries and geography that determine its territory, and that shape impacts the politics and economies of the state. The six categories of state shapes are: compact; elongated or attenuated; fragmented; prorupted or protruded; perforated; and compound or complex.
by theflagmapguy_2.0
In a compact state, the distance from the center of the state to any boundary does not vary significantly. According to Derwent Whittlesey, a Harvard professor (1939), the ideal state should be compact ("chunky") rather than elongated. Poland is an example of a compact state. A compact state has a minimum frontier to defend, and generally roads and railways are relatively simple to provide. An elongated or attenuated state is much longer in one direction than the other. Norway and Chile are examples of elongated states. Defense and transportation can be more difficult in an elongated state. A fragmented state has several noncontiguous pieces of territory. Archipelagos such as Philippines, Indonesia, and Fiji are examples of fragmented states. A prorupted or protruded has an extension that protrudes from the main territory. Thailand is an example of a prorupted state. A perforated completely surrounds another state (country). South Africa is an example of a perforated state because it surrounds Lesotho. Compound or complex refers to states that have characteristics of multiple categories. For example, the Contiguous United States is compact, but the United States of America which includes Alaska and Hawaii is fragmented.
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mogitz · 4 months
I’m not saying Elucien is going to be some kind of retelling of Claire and Jamie’s story in Outlander (in fact I hope it’s not) but it’s always comforting to me to know that SJM is a huge fan and Lucien was based off of Jamie Fraser. That both couples were “thrown” at one another despite the circumstances. That both couples grapple with fate and agency.
That when Claire and Jamie married they were not “in love” - but that fate had other plans for them and they created their love story beyond what life had given them.
Claire was still in love with Frank, unsure how or if she could ever go back to her old life, and basically forced to marry Jamie.
Jamie was a bit lost and exiled from his home, had no real sense of where he belonged, and immediately took Claire on as his family. He married her without question or judgement.
Oh he also believed Claire immediately about her time traveling through the stones. Kinda like how Lucien immediately believed Elain’s vision and went to find Vassa??
Claire and Jamie fell madly and deeply in love, to a point where Claire tells him that she used to search for the reason for everything, all the pain she’d gone through going to the past thru the stones, and that ultimately it was because she was meant to be with him. I mean, come on. I would die if we got an Elucien scene like that.
I’m just curious (excited??) to see the parallels when we finally get their story. SJM would never waste all this angsty, romantic potential for potato steam and a retelling of sad Archeron sister falls for dark Bat Boy.
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audhd-nightwing · 5 months
okay lemme just-
dick grayson:
- eldest brother
- watched parents die, swore revenge on murderer
- raised as a child soldier from a young age (9 y/o)
- complicated relationship with (adoptive) father, lots of unresolved anger but still defends him
- believes he has a better understanding of his father than his younger brother does (has spent more time around him)
- copes with humor, bottles up emotions, feels he has to ‘be strong’ for his family, doesn’t talk about his own issues
- extremely loyal to those deemed ‘family’
- bi coded
- spent his childhood moving around constantly (traveling circus)
- seen as a playboy/flirty, uses it to get information
- had to raise his little brother / was basically a parent to him
- self-sacrificing as FUCK, total martyr complex
- constantly wears a fake persona and rarely shows his true self to others
dean winchester:
- eldest brother
- watched his mom die, swore revenge on the demon that killed her
- raised as a child soldier from a young age (4 y/o)
- complicated relationship with father, they have unresolved issues but he still defends him
- believes he understands his father better than his younger brother does (has spent more time around him)
- copes with humor, bottles up emotions, feels he has to ‘be strong’ for his family, doesn’t like talking about his own issues
- extremely loyal, values family above all else
- bi coded
- moved around his whole childhood
- seen as a playboy/flirty, uses it to get information
- had to raise his little brother, was more of a parent to him than their dad ever was
- self-sacrificing to a worrying degree, definite martyr complex
- constantly wears a fake persona and rarely shows his true self to others
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disneysooner · 9 months
Similarities between two of the sweetest, kindest, beautiful inside-and-out women of anime: Miyo Saimori and Tohru Honda
1. Both come from a family that looks down on them and treats the poorly.
For Miyo, the cruel members are her step-sister, step-mother, and even her father.
For Tohru, it’s her aunt and her cousins. Grandpa is the kindest of all of them.
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2. Despite that, they had mothers who loved them very much. Unfortunately, these mothers died fairly early in their child’s life.
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3. With that loss, they had a special item that played a large role in the remembrance of their mothers.
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4. Due to unforeseen circumstances, they both wind up living in a house that belongs to a stranger.
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5. Both have a personality that tends to win the hearts of all they come across, especially of the family they have become a part of.
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6. These ladies are both amazing cooks, and are happy to make meals for their new “families”. It’s one of their many ways they help out around the house.
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7. Both end up falling in love with a man that can be considered cold, distant, and stubborn at first. You get to know them, and they are the absolute gentleman who truly loves and cares for their woman. They will do whatever it takes to protect her.
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anonnnimaaa · 4 months
Why does the main couple of Alice in Borderland have so many similarities with Aruani? LET'S ANALYZE WITH ANÓNIMA
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Similarities between Armin and Arisu:
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1. They are both extremely intelligent and at first are not able to see their potential, they always depended on their friends to believe in themselves. Examples: When Armin convinced the troops that Eren was not an enemy thanks to Eren and Mikasa's motivation and when Arisu won his first game thanks to Karube telling him that he would get them out of there.
2. Both had survivor syndrome, as a result of these events, in the case of Armin when he received the serum on Erwin and in Arisu's case after overcoming the game of tag. They both have low self-esteem and, in the case of Arisu in that game, he also blames himself for not thinking of a better solution, since logic and strategy was always his strong suit and he desperately wanted to protect his friends, do you think? remember someone?
3. Both go through a period of wanting to die and hating life, they are constantly thinking about sacrifice for the good of others, we see this facet of Arisu more developed in the second season (the game of the king of clubs) while with Armin remains persistent throughout the anime.
4. They have been seen planning strategies with their respective teams, being the ones who organize what will be done next and give the respective orders, they influence others thanks to their great intellect, ability to speak that they develop thanks to the fact that they acquire more confidence in themselves. People listen to them and admire them, they also expect them to be the ones with the answers and they put responsibilities on them that they feel unworthy of most of the time.
Similarities between Usagi and Annie:
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1. They are very reserved girls, they hardly open up to anyone easily, although if you break their shell you can see that they are a teddy bear. This shell is born because they have Daddy issues, Usagi because her negligent father preferred to climb the mountain rather than stay with his daughter, and Annie because Mr. Leonhart's son of a bitch treated her as if she were a weapon.
2. Because of these, the two women believe that the only one they can trust is their father. However, due to the trauma, they both begin to feel more alive when they are away from home, Usagi in Borderland, because she does not have to feel that her father abandoned her, and Annie in Paradise, away from her father's abuse. For both of them, their father in almost the entire series is their reason for being and acting.
3. They are both athletic, again due to the influence of their dads. However, they never leave behind their intelligence or their human senses despite wanting to be lone wolves. Usagi shows great empathy for those around them and despite her traumas and believing that at first she had to be alone to survive, she manages to open up and give life another chance. Annie is shown to be kind in Paradise, saving several comrades she had to betray and in the end, returning to save the world, because atoning for her sins and having a new beginning becomes more important than her father.
4. Both Usagi and Annie are the only ones who manage to motivate Arisu and Armin. Not only do they look for answers in them, but they challenge them and make them rethink things, making their romantic interests grow thanks to that.
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