#slight crack
vera-deville · 14 days
I told you I would send in a request, so here it is! This is an Obey Me one, if that's alright!
First off, have you ever seen Little Shop of Horrors? If not, please do! One, it's essential for this ask and it's also just a great movie! No pressure though!
Now, onto the real ask! So, if possible, I'd like to request a florist!MC. But a florist who's kind of like Seymour.
(Here's where the whole Little Shop of Horrors thing really comes in)
They come to the Devildom with Audrey II. It's got its roots wrapped around the MC's waist, and it's vines wrapped around their arms while snug. Of course, it's heavily off-putting because.. well. There's a humongous and terrifying plant just.. attached to this human.
But the brothers don't mind it, until months into the MC's stay as an exchange student when Audrey II starts talking. Then, they're all freaked out. They're even more freaked out when the MC is not only fine with it, but is willingly talking to it like it's normal!
(Bonus if they see the MC prick their finger and then just.. let Audrey II clean It off.)
(Yes, this came to me in a dream in the middle of a 20-minute-nap.)
So, what would the brothers think of this?
Feed Me Seymour!
05/17/2024 - 05/30/2024
Pairing: No pairing (you can think of the interactions as either platonic or romantic) Word Count: 3,351 Warnings: Reader pricks their finger, but they'll be alright; mentions of chapter 16 Gender: Gender Neutral (as it was not specified in the request) Tags: @g0dwat3r (if any of you would like to be added to my Obey Me taglist, please let me know)! Notes: Okay, I really love your brain Touya, because this is already a fantastic idea, but you know what I started thinking about? Morticia Addams. I don't know if you've seen the old Addams Family series, but Morticia has a carnivorous plant called Cleopatra, and I really wanted to include her in the story. I didn't, but I'm definitely thinking about writing it.
In which Y/N has a rather interesting plant friend(?)
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We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Royal Academy of Diavolo.
Please return this letter with your sign to confirm your participation.
We are looking forward to welcoming you as part of our new exchange program.
Yours sincerely,
Huh? Royal Academy of Diavolo? Exchange Program? What was happening?
You tried to open your eyes, but there was nothing to see. Just pitch-blackness. It would have been more terrifying, but the soothing presence wrapped around your waist and arms helped. Quite a bit, at that. Clutching the stem of rice flowers close to your chest (although careful enough to not break the stem), you kept trying to see through the darkness for something, anything.
Soon enough, there was a voice. "We welcome you, human, to the demon student council."
The voice was stern, but pleasant, drawing your attention away from the darkness and to a room that was materializing in front of your eyes. It looked like a really goth courtroom, and you truly would have spent more time admiring the place if it wasn't for the ridiculously tall man who arose from the chief judge seat.
The man in question was handsome. Very much so. With burgundy hair, and a well-fitted suit, and skin so coppery sweet, it was no wonder that you couldn't help but stare.
And if you weren't so caught up in the man's appearance and the fact that you had no idea what on Earth was happening, perhaps you would have noticed that you weren't the only one staring.
You had to physically will yourself to pay attention not only to the man when he started speaking but the others in the room as well.
"Welcome to the Devildom, Y/N."
Astonishment enraptured your being for the simple reasons that this complete stranger somehow knew your name, and that every single person in the room was blessed with extremely good looks. The astonishment, unfortunately, did not go unnoticed.
"...Oh pardon me. Feeling a bit shocked, are we?" Asked the man with red hair. "Well that's understandable. You've only just arrived, after all." Arrived? Arrived where exactly? "As a human, it will probably take a little while for you to adjust to things here in the Devildom."
Okay yeah, this was some sort of really weird dream induced by your lack of sleep this past week. That's why there were really handsome dudes and that's why one was telling you weird stuff. Since it's a dream, there was no problem with going along with it, right?
"The Devildom?" You ask, feeling yourself relax a little more, now knowing that this is a dream.
"Yes, exactly, the Devildom. I see that you catch on quickly. Excellent." He replied.
Well, that didn't really answer anything.
You were about to ask for a better reply than that when he said, "I suppose I should start by introducing myself." Curious, you give him his moment. "My name is Diavolo. I am the ruler of of all demons, and all here know me." Cool. The dude's a demon king. Still not the weirdest thing you've ever dreamt. "And someday soon, I will be crowned king of the Devildom." Oh, he wasn't king yet. Then how's he a ruler already? You know what, it's probably best not to think too hard about it.
The so called ruler of the so called Devildom proceeded to explain about a school called R.A.D. and about a bunch of other stuff. The other demons (plus one that came in really late) introduced themselves as different demons of different avatars, and the more they spoke, the more you couldn't shake off a particular feeling.
It all felt too...real. You'd dreamt all sorts of things before, but a part of you somehow always knew that it was just a dream. But you didn't feel that this time. It felt far too real. The anxiety slowly crept back into your bones, a chilling effect settling over your being as your throat seemed to have something invisible lodged in it.
You tried telling them that you weren't meant to be here. That you were meant to be back home. You still had to finish your bouquet for Mrs. Harris, and you had a new shipment of peonies arriving in an hour. You hadn't finished watering all your plants. You hadn't cleaned up the shop. You still had so much left to do! You couldn't just be whisked away to some other world (that you still weren't entirely sure was a dream or not).
But alas.
You were told that there was no way they could send you back.
And if that wasn't bad enough, you had to go to school. You had assignments. You had tests. Oh and you were in what was basically hell.
Ain't that swell?
Throughout this whole ordeal, the plant around your waist remained dutifully wrapped around your figure, even nuzzling against your neck when she felt your discomfort.
Without much of a choice, you steeled yourself for the days in this foreign world that awaited you.
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The latest human addition to R.A.D. was a little...odd. None of the brothers nor the demon prince in the room wished to point out the very large plant that had wrapped itself around the human like some manner of serpent, especially since the human was completely unbothered by it.
Most of the brothers found it odd, of course. Solomon never walked around with a giant plant stuck to him, but then again, Solomon wasn't necessarily normal himself. A few of the brothers didn't find it in themselves to keep their thoughts quiet. Mammon in particular straight up screeched when he saw the plant, and maintained his distance (both emotionally and physically) and still the human did not seem to mind the plant.
Asmo found the plant ugly.
That was really the only way he could describe it.
It was ugly.
Satan had read stories of plants like this. In one book he read, the plant ended up eating a whole bunch of people. He only hoped that this was not a case like that story.
Beelzebub didn't really have an opinion on the plant. He could eat it, but it didn't really look too appetizing.
Diavolo himself was worried at first, because he was sure that humans didn't simply walk around with giant plants attached to them. When he told Barbatos about this odd situation, the ever loyal butler offered to look into the matter discreetly.
He found nothing.
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It had been many months since you had been whisked away to the Devildom (which you are now infinitely more familiar with). It was strange at first, and it took some getting used to, but you did it. Now, whenever you woke up to face the day ahead of you, you didn't do so in fear or anxiety or anything else.
You had grown accustomed to this new world.
In fact, you'd go so far as to say that you'd grown fond of the place.
Audrey II seemed to agree with this. Every morning, Audrey demanded a large meat dish to satisfy her hunger. The brothers assumed that you were a very hungry individual (Beel felt a deep hunger coming from you at all times), and didn't think much more of it. Every now and then, Audrey would crave a Backstabbing Sandwich (apparently it was particularly delicious), and you, having no other choice, entertained her food whims. What's the worst that could happen?
It was after the whole incident with Belphegor that you brought Audrey with you more often wherever you went. Though you and the brothers had slowly gotten past the incident, the trauma it left behind did not magically go away. Audrey II being the sweet thing she is, had no qualms to being carried around the Devildom (despite the lingering stares and questions that were thrown your way).
Today was a day that Audrey II would be coming with you. You were heading off to the flower shop you owned on Dogma Street. You originally were looking to open the shop at Silent Street, but Dogma Street caught your eye. The street itself was the biggest electronic district in the Devildom, and when you first proposed the idea to the brothers (and Diavolo and Barbatos) to open a flower shop there, they were quick to advice you not to. Why would you open a flower shop at a street primarily known for its electronics?
Still, you managed to push through, and you ended up becoming the quaint owner of a little shop next to an eatery on the street.
And wouldn't you know, it actually did pretty well.
Of course, since you were a student, you couldn't be at your shop full-time, and that's where two lesser demons come in - Terror and Dolor - a pair of siblings who often fought, but shared an interest in flora. They would take care of the shop in shifts, and seeing as you gave them the housing area right above the shop to stay in, you could make sure that they would be at your precious flower shop at (mostly) all times.
Today was planned to be their day off, which was fine by you, seeing as you hadn't been to the shop in a week and you desperately wanted to see your babies (plants) again.
You opened the door, causing a sweet bell to ring, signifying your arrival to your empoyees.
"You're back!"
Smiling, you greet your employees, Audrey still wrapped around you.
Terror and Dolor fawned over Audrey (they're really the only ones in the Devildom who do that apart from you) while you went inside to get your apron. Working at the flower shop had quite a few benefits. You could make your own money, go to work at your own time, and most importantly, you could be surrounded by the things that you love the most - flora (and Audrey).
Your flower shop was quaint (despite its large capacity). Many customers have complimented it, saying that it felt homely (which is exactly what you were going for, so mission accomplished successfully you supposed). Even Asmo loved the place, and oftentimes would post selfies from just about everywhere in your shop.
"Dolor, how's that order with the Bloody Acokanthera Oblongifolias going?" You asked the demon pruning Audrey II.
"Just finished it this morning! We shipped it along with the invoice for the flowers. The customer notified us that they would be making the payment by the end of today." Dolor replied.
Shooting a smile of satisfaction at him, you shooed the brothers out your shop, wishing for them to have a lovely day to do...well, whatever it was they did outside the shop. Right before they left, Terror told you that a certain demon butler had visited the shop earlier and left a letter for you, and how she placed it in your office.
With that in mind, you walked back into your shop, petting Audrey II as she sat on a table before walking into your office and grabbing the aforementioned letter.
Even without the knowledge from the siblings that Barbatos had delivered this letter to you, you would have been able to tell that it was he who wrote the letter. By this time in your adventures in the Devildom, you had come to recognize the handwriting of those you know. And while a few had impeccable writing (in cursive too), no one's writing was as elegant as Barbatos - not even Lucifer.
The letter read:
"Dearest Y/N, I am pleased to inform you that Lord Diavolo requires a fresh shipment of Dark Roses for an upcoming event at the castle. I sincerely apologize for the short notice, but please note that the master and I truly would have given you more time to prepare the notice had we been able to do so. We shall need enough roses to fill out the Crimson Room. I estimate that the number be around 50. We will need the roses delivered by tomorrow. Thank you, Barbatos"
You smiled, already having a good idea as to why the roses were needed. Some of the higher officials (not including the brothers you lived with) had been a little too finicky with their positions and though not a threat to the heir of the Devildom, they were starting to get on his nerves.
No matter.
Despite how sweet Diavolo seemed (and actually is), even the Crown Prince of the Devildom had his limits. Oh well. Those officials would get what was coming to them.
Your job was to simply provide the best roses for such an event.
With a newfound vigor, you made your way next door (you had originally bought two plots in the street and simply joined them together to create one shop. This area was where you kept some of your best grown flora (the rest were in an undisclosed location only you and a few others knew about). Typically, you the plants you grew in this area were popular - loads of customers would buy them. The rest of your plants were grown in the aforementioned undisclosed location. Despite this, there was one type of flower you grew in your shop which was by no means popular, but rather extremely rare.
Dark roses.
You fondly recall you and Barbatos planting a fresh batch of dark roses at the Demon Lord's Castle, and how he had given you some seeds to grow for yourself. What started off as a few roses quickly became much more, and now you were the exclusive propagator of dark roses in the Devildom. It was a monopoly you gladly encouraged (something Mammon also did).
The first step was to cut the roses. The roses had to be cut in a specific manner - a 45-degree angle and they had to be put in water immediately. This same method was used with roses back in the human realm (and gardeners would use the stems to grow new roses out of), but there was one key difference between the roses from back home and the dark roses in the Devildom. One of them could actually survive a little while without having to be immediately placed in water.
The other could not.
And that's part of the reason why dark roses were so rare in the Devildom. They were ridiculously hard to grow in the first place, but cutting them was an even bigger pain.
Luckily, you had loads of experience with these finicky things, so you had this in the bag.
After some time, you'd harvested almost 60 roses (some extras, just in case), and it was time to remove the thorns from their stems. Removing the thorns from the roses could be done using one of two different tools you had available in your shop. The first one were rose thorn cutters (made specifically for that purpose) that didn't look too different from a pair of nail cutters. The logic was that you'd slide the tool up to the top of the stem, press down on the handles gently, and then drag it down the stem, thus cutting off the thorns.
Though very efficient, the second tool was your favorite - a simply knife. Roses were woody in nature, so all you had to do was simply slice all around the stem of the flower. Admittedly, this took a lot more time than the thorn cutters, but in a way, it was stress relieving. You were sure that you'd end up using the thorn cutters, but you'd enjoy using the knife for as long as you could.
And so you got to work - de-thorning all 60 something roses by hand.
You'd gotten through more than half of the roses when you heard the bell of your shop jingle. Turning around, you saw none other than the brothers you shared a house with. But in doing so, you'd accidentally run the blade of the tool you were using right across your finger.
Hissing, you pulled your gaze from the brothers and back to your finger. You could see the cut, but it took a moment for the blood to come out. It was painful, and you weren't too good with cuts (a little ironic, considering your profession), but before you could whisk your finger away to wash off the blood, Audrey II yelled, "Feed me! I'm starving" before she chomped down on your finger.
Of course, she didn't actually bite off your finger, but she sucked the blood out, and it made your finger more sore than it was already.
It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, of course. You'd gotten hurt loads of times when working (and even when you weren't working), and if there was blood (which there usually was), Audrey would just lick it off for your. Same old.
The brothers had seen you talk to Audrey II plenty of times before, hell (literally), you'd talk to just about every plant you came across, but never had they seen Audrey II talk to you.
If that wasn't shock enough, you just wiped your hands down on your apron before turning back to face the brothers and greet them with a smile as though you hadn't just nicked yourself and had your plant(?) lick your finger for you.
Of course, the greeting faltered on your tongue as soon as you saw the faces of the brothers.
Asmodeus spoke up first.
"Sweetie, your plant just talked!"
"Yeah?" You asked rhetorically. "What about it?" You watched as the brothers tried (and failed) to come up with words to say, although you didn't really understand why they were struggling so. Even Levi was stunned. In an attempt to make a joke (and to stifle the stifling atmosphere), you said, "It's not like you guys didn't know that Audrey could talk."
One look at their faces, and you knew that you were wrong.
"Wait, you guys actually didn't know that Audrey could talk!?" You asked, stunned at this new revelation.
At last, Lucifer gathered himself. "Ahem. We were not made...aware of the fact that your plant was sentient." He sure looked uncomfortable trying to explain his mind without offending you or Audrey.
"What do you think all that meat was being delivered for every morning Lucifer?" You asked sardonically.
"Wait, I thought that yer the one eatin all that meat!" Mammon exclaimed. Bewildered, you shot him a look conveying as such.
"How the hell would I eat 2 whole pounds of meat every single day genius?" You retorted.
"We just thought you were hungry." Beel offered.
"I'm a human. I'd literally die if I ate that much meat every. single. day." You enunciated the last words.
"I'm rather fascinated by Audrey II. How did you come to meet? Was she always this size? Did she always have a deep carnivorous craving?" Satan asked consecutively. Before you had a chance to answer any of them though, he continued, "Actually, now that I think about it, it makes sense! I've been an utter idiot! All the signs were there, and I've read about these kind of plants in A Complete Guide to Carnivorous Plants and How to Care for Them!"
You didn't even bother reminding him that you were the one who recommended the book to him.
Belphegor seemed to be the most chill (although you could still see some semblance of surprise on his sleepy visage).
Figuring that this was probably going to take a while, and you had a whole bunch of Dark Roses to prepare, you invited everyone to grab a chair and sit while you worked.
It turned out to be a good choice, because you ended up finishing a few hours after you'd originally thought you'd finish, and by the end of the day, Audrey had made (official) friends with each of the brothers. In fact, you would say that Audrey and Asmo got along particularly well.
And yes, the roses turned out spectacularly, and the House of Lords were reminded once again of who was truly in charge.
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Author's Note: I took some liberty with the Reader's personality in this fic. Seymour's a very timid guy, and (spoiler alert), that's what ultimately lead to his demise (in my opinion). Being thrust into a world full of demons, I think you're gonna need a little more tenacity that Seymour, so I made the Reader timid, but not Seymour-level timid (if that makes sense). The second thing I took a decent amount of liberty with is making Audrey II not entirely evil. She is after all a villain in the original story, but I made Audrey a little bit like Cleopatra. (Sorry if that's not what you wanted)! Masterlist
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aureliaporter · 11 months
family dinner
summary: ayato ropes his long term partner into meeting his family
a/n: he would so do this and i would so slap him for it >:(
cw: gn!reader, like one curse word, meeting the family (ayaka, thoma), mention of yeeting ayato off the cliff his estate is on, clingy!ayato
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OF ALL THE ways you were expecting today to go, it was most definitely not like this. but of course, part of ayato’s schedule had finally cleared up, so you suppose it couldn’t be helped.
“(y/n)? could i implore you to be a dear and pass me the salt?”
you shot a scowl at your partner, passing him the salt with a sarcastic, “but of course, my lord. would you like the pepper as well?”
“that would be much appreciated, darling.”
you stared at him, trying to convey how very frustrated you were with him at this moment, but he merely smiled cheerily at you. unbelievable. you passed the pepper as well with a sigh, quickly schooling your features into pleasant indifference as ayaka’s gaze passed to you, her asking about you and her brother’s relationship.
that’s right. instead of taking you on a date to celebrate his night off, or even a stroll or just a quiet dinner together, he had decided it was time you met his sister. which would’ve been completely fine, if he’d just told you beforehand.
so now, you were in awkward conversation with your boyfriend’s sister and his best friend, who had also been invited - but of course ayato had told him just what kind of dinner this was. a half fancy, half casual, completely awkward and stifling dinner. or maybe you were the only one feeling the nerves.
“so, how long have you two been dating?” thoma asked, eager to escape the silence. ayato glanced at you expectantly, as if to tell you to respond.
“oh? did you happen to forget?” you asked ayato, leaning your chin on your hand. “it hasn’t been that long, really-”
“we’ve been dating for a year and four months,” he cut off, pouting at you. his eyes were pleading, as if asking you to punish him for this later on instead of now. you sighed, relenting.
“yeah, a year and four - nearly five, actually - months. he asked me out during the irodori festival,” you said, offering your partner a small smile at the memory. you may want to toss him off the cliff his family estate sat on at the moment, but you still loved him.
“oh, that’s so sweet! how’d he do it?” ayaka asked, leaning forward a bit. you exchanged a glance with ayato, wondering if he wanted to tell the full story. he had ended up embarrassing himself quite badly during it, if you recalled correctly.
“well, i took them on a stroll away from the city, and we watched the star shower that happened on the last night, remember?” he said, smiling at you. “and then i asked them, and they said yes. and they haven’t gotten sick of me yet,” he added, chuckling and nudging you with his shoulder.
you pursed your lips to hold back a laugh, recalling a slightly different version of events. thoma noticed, raising his eyebrows. “oh? is lord kamisato withholding information?” he asked, an amused smile tugging his lips up.
a glare from ayato made thoma cover his smile with his hand, but you plowed on through. “of course he is. have you ever known him to give the full story?” you asked, chuckling softly. ayato’s eyes widened, realizing what you were about to do.
“(y/n), if you have any love for me, you won’t tell them,” he pleaded, holding your hand between both of his. “i’ll buy you boba for three weeks straight. i’ll cancel all my meetings for the next week.”
ayaka and thoma both started laughing lightly at his blatant attempt of bribery. you smirked at your boyfriend, taking one of his hands to kiss his knuckles teasingly.
“i don’t know, hun. i feel like thoma and ayaka deserve the truth, don’t you?” you asked, pressing your lips together to hold back a grin.
he groaned, thudding his head on your shoulder. “please, (y/n), don’t you love me? you can’t go around telling people about that.”
you merely giggled softly, patting his back. “well, your servants already know, don’t they? what’s the harm if two more people find out?”
“my ego will be harmed.”
“it’s far too big to begin with, dear brother,” ayaka chimed in, an amused smile tugging at her lips. “it could do with deflating.”
he shook his head, holding you tighter. “no, it doesn’t need that. my ego is perfect,” he grumbled. you saw thoma and ayaka shared a glance. the head of the kamisato clan is practically a child.
“alright, then i won’t tell them,” you said, trying to tug ayato off of you. “your secrets are safe with me, milord. happy?”
he perked up, pulling back from your shoulder only to tug you into a hug. if he had a tail, you swear you’d see it wagging. “very much so, my dearest. in fact, i think it’s time we retire, hm?” he said, pulling you up from the table - most likely not wanting to give you any chance to change your mind.
ayaka and thoma waved at you two as you left, ayato leading you outside to the garden. he didn’t say anything at first, but he slumped against you, leaning on you from behind and making you stagger underneath his weight.
“did you have to tease me like that?” he asked, his arms wrapped around your shoulders. you could hear the pout in his voice, biting your lip to keep yourself from smiling.
“i don’t know, did you have to keep the fact that i was officially meeting your sister a secret?”
he kept silent, his hold around your shoulders slipping to around your torso. “.. no. i’m sorry,” he said softly, his breath tickling your neck.
you sighed, raising a hand to pat his head. he practically melted into your touch, enjoying the feeling as your fingers danced over his hair. “it’s fine. but next time you pull shit like this, i’m going straight to miko and publishing the story of how exactly you asked me out.”
he whined, clinging tighter to you. “fine, fine. i won’t do it again. just don’t go to miko, please.”
you chuckled, tugging at his hair to get him to whine again, this time in slight pain. “i won’t, alright? truce?” you asked, offering your hand to shake his. he ignored it, nodding and squeezing you tighter. “alright, let go before you manage to cut off my circulation,” you said, attempting to wiggle out of his hold. he grumbled but released you in favor of looping your arm through his.
“shall we go for that stroll you wanted?” he offered, smiling softly at you. you nodded, letting him lead you out of the estate grounds and along the path, lit only by the moonlight.
your combined laughter wound through the air as ayato tugged you along, a smile on his handsome face and his hair a mess from the wind. you tried to reach up to fix it for him, but he caught your hands, not caring for his current appearance and preferring to pull you along the beach. you both stumbled along, too caught up in each other and the star shower. then he was wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pointing to the sky. a gasp left your lips as you watched the millions of lights that whizzed through the sky towards the ground, mimicking rain. you didn’t even notice ayato moving behind you, stepping into the shallow water.
“(y/n),” he said softly, his voice calling your attention. you turned around, surprised to see him holding a small bouquet of flowers - small enough to fit in his sleeves.
“ayato?” you said, tone curious. what was with the flowers?
before he could say anything, he took a step forward, foot landing on a slippery rock and stumbling. you reached forward to help him, but before you could, he was landing in the water with a splash, clothes soaked, flowers hanging limply, and expression shocked.
“i..” he started, an embarrassed flush covering his face. you couldn’t help but chuckle, reaching down to help him up.
“ayato, i know you’ve a hydro vision, but that doesn’t mean you won’t get a cold. c’mon, let’s get you home,” you said, pulling him up and hurrying him back to the kamisato estate. when you attempted to leave, wanting him to rest and then to see him tomorrow, he merely clung to your wrist, pleading with you to stay. so you stayed until he was dry and in his nightclothes, the pair of you sitting on the edge of his bed.
“ayato, i should get going. you need to sleep, and there’s a lot of work with closing the irodori festival tomorrow,” you reasoned, looking up at him. he had been looking rather deep in thought ever since he’d fallen into the water, eyebrows constantly knit together. “ayato?”
he looked up, his expression now determined. “(y/n), i.. have something i’d like to ask. that i couldn’t ask earlier.”
you tilted your head at him, curiosity piquing. “alright. what’s up?”
he reached for your hands, holding them in his and brushing his thumbs over your knuckles. “(y/n), i.. i understand this may seem a bit.. out of the blue, but i have been thinking of this for a while. and i had it planned perfectly, to be honest. earlier, with the star shower, and the flowers, and the beach, and you.. and i was the only thing that wasn’t working right,” he said, sounding oddly self-depreciating for a moment.
“ayato..?” you started, worry painting your tone. “what are you getting at?”
he sighed, squeezing your hands. “(y/n), i.. i would be very happy if you’d do me the honor of courting me.”
silence wrapped around you two for a few seconds, you blinking at ayato as you attempted to form a response. eventually; “you do realize you could’ve just asked me on a date like anybody else.”
he shook his head, squeezing your hands again. “i wanted to be better than anybody else. but i messed that up, too.”
you sighed, tugging one of your hands out of his hold to cradle his cheek. “you’re an idiot,” you said, kissing his cheek. “i would’ve dated you if you sent thoma to ask me in your stead.”
“.. would you actually have?”
“.. so we’re official?”
“yes. now go to bed. i don’t want you whining to me about how tired you are tomorrow.”
nevertheless, the pair of you ended up staying awake late into the night, talking until you both passed out. and when ayato whined to you the next morning, you merely passed him a cup of coffee, patting his head gently. who could hate a cutie like him?
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ayato is my baby so i am implored to right fanfic about him. however its a slight crime i wrote for him before xiao since xiao is my forever bby but its okay its okay
anyways! hope you guys enjoyed once again! also holy shit im shocked at the love my last two got :0 thank you guys so much!! <3
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
Rent-A-Boyfriend — Zeke Jaeger x fem!Reader
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synopsis: You need — a boyfriend who can trick your friends into thinking your love life isn’t inept. You receive — Zeke Jaeger, a man who’d do pretty much anything for a bit of cash and a night out
warnings: none
“Heeeey, baby.”
With a saccharine smile, Zeke waltz into the small VIP section where you and your friends were currently sat.
Instantly you get up to greet him, the smile on your face wide, but the blonde didn’t give you a chance to greet him back.
“Ahh! Zeke, He—”
Unexpectedly, Zeke wields his arm behind you to grab a handful of your ass. You let out a squeak in retaliation as he uses the momentum to pull you closer so that he could land a hot kiss to your lips — as if the action just couldn’t wait until you were both within more private confinements.
In reaction, your girlfriends make various noises behind you; some of surprise and some of neutral judgment.
Once you pull away with a breathless sigh and wide open eyes, your hands automatically find their way to the plane of his chest.
“Well, hello to you too.” You finally cheese.
But alas, your smile matches his own, and you’re more than enamoured that’d he’d be this affectionate with you in public — just as you both planned.
From behind, you hear one of your friends speak up.
”So this be him, huh? Your ‘Zachary’ man?”
Both you and the blonde share a look.
Seeing as your back was to your friends you mouth a quick ‘sorry’ to him, but before you could retaliate, Zekes poking his head pass the side of you so that he could give your friend a pearly white practiced smile.
“Uh, well. Funnily enough, it’s actually short for Ezekiel?”
His tone wasn’t (that) condescending. If anything you think he was a tad bit too nice. But concerning how there was a dead stare from the other girls and not a lick of response, Zeke thought to back track his words.
“Buuuut I’ll take Zachary. Sure.”
The mood is still slightly stale, and you can hear some of the girls upwardly clear their throats. Internally you start to panic because God, were things really going wrong already?! However, being the perceptive man he was, Zeke notices your uneasy attitude and therefore tries his best to alleviate it.
"Hey. How about I get us some drinks, huh? Liven you girls up a bit. We all a fan of fun stuff?!"
A preppy chorus of 'yeah's, 'sures' and 'why nots' echo around the table, but it's you that Zeke looks down at for confirmation. With a thankful expression you nod in permit of his suggestion.
"Yeah, that sounds great, Zeke. Thank you."
Zeke buggers off towards the bar in order to get the shots whilst you easily welcome yourself back down at the table. But as soon as you sit, your friends hunch inwards with giddy expressions.
”You know, I’ve got to give it to you. I really thought you were lying out your ass when you said you had a man.”
A few of the other girls hum in agreeal but you can’t help but feel a twang taut at your heart. If only they really knew.
“Right! Now look at you, pulling all Mister Zack and shit!” Says another.
“It’s Zeke.” You find yourself saying.
The girl dismisses your comment as she rolls her eyes. You can only let out an awkward laugh before shuffling backwards into your booth seat.
Once Zeke comes back with several shots between his fingers balanced under two plates of limes, the table erupts with whoops.
“Alright!” He encourages.
The blonde places the drinks onto the table and your friends all take at one. Zeke takes two from the lot and hands you one of them.
“For you, mi lady.”
The limes are passed round and the tables buzzing at the sudden kindness of your newly met boyfriend. Seeing their happy faces made you pleased and so you easily leaned back to thank Zeke, your words sounding like a whisper over the pumping music.
“You didn’t have to get them the drinks.”
Rather than turning in your direction, Zeke’s eyes keep track of the lime plate that’s coming his way. His hand closest to you easily finds your thigh as he squeezes it in solidarity.
“It’s no problem. They looked like they needed to loosen up so I thought ‘why not?’”
An easy smile danced over your lips as you bumped your arm next to his.
“But still, thank you for buying them.”
“Oh. No, you needn’t thank me.” Zeke picks up a lime before passing you the last one. “It’s not like I brought the drinks with my own money, I just used your card that I slipped out your back pocket.”
A shock passes over you, so much so that you accidentally drop your lime into your lap.
“I—Wh, what?!”
“Bottoms up, ladies!” He suddenly shouts.
Zeke is quick to clink his shotglass against those of your friends. The other woman, unbeknownst to the information you just got landed with, cheer in accordance with the blonde man as they all take their shots. You back your drink with a delay, your mind still processing Zeke’s audacity.
The familiar fuzzy burn down your throat wasn’t comforting but it was enough to distract you from everything that’d been difficult so far.
Zeke makes a squeezed face at the sizzle of the lime before turning his head towards you, his lips only about ghosting over the shell of your ear.
“You should really mind what you put in your back pockets. Any sick fuck who’d happen to get their hands on this could really drain your account.” The blonde waves your bank card in your face before placing it on the table in front of you.
Whether he was being serious or not, you couldn’t tell but something about his words rubbed you the wrong way.
Your friends looked on with googly eyes, seemingly thinking that Zeke was saying something risqué in your ear. Not wanting to possibly give yourself away, you distract yourself by trying to smudge lime juice out of your jeans.
“And you should really mind who’s money you spend because who knows if they’ll end up plotting your demise?” You mumble.
Zeke only smirks reservedly. Despite being a heavyweight, it seems like the affects of the singular shot was already doing it’s work. You wonder if he pregamed?
“You wiiiiish.” He says teasingly with a low voice as his mouth finally latches onto the shell of your ear with a soft bite.
It didn’t hurt, but not expecting the action, you jumped away.
“What the hell?!” You screech below your breath.
Your girls jump along with you — clear confirmation that their eyes were on you both — but the pull away was too suspicious to explain. Not knowing what to say or do to try and lighten the situation, your hand tugs onto the sleeve of Zeke’s top.
“Uhh. Let’s…let’s dance. Let’s go dance.”
Giving you a credulous yet giddy look, the blonde’s eyes wash all over your body. Even whilst getting up his eyes are still on you, and part of you wonders how much of him being your date for tonight he was taking for granted.
“If you say so.” He snorts.
As you pull him by his arm, Zeke makes a damselly ‘oh!’ sound before he’s wiggling his eyebrows over at your friends and causing the lot of them to childishly woo. It only makes you scoff more as you pull him away from the group.
Squeezing between a few bodies, you plugged the both of you in a nice enough spot that meant you were still in view of your friends but not too squashed up against others.
The music pumps much louder over on this side of the venue and so you have to wince for awhile in order to adjust to the volume. However, once you do, you wrap your arms up around Zeke’s neck in gruff gesture.
Automatically, Zeke’s hands are on your waist and that sleazy smile of his is back on his face.
”Never took you for the dancing type?” He says into one of your ears and you have to force yourself not to roll your eyes.
“I’m not.”
At your words, Zeke’s hands start to rub against the small of your back. You subconsciously have to remember everything that could possibly be in your back pockets — not wanting to be a victim of theft a second time — but once you realise it’s just a lip balm, you relax a bit.
As he leans in closer, you could smell the light scent of alcohol that still clung to his tongue.
“Then why’d you pull me out here? Tryna get away from your girlypops?”
You lightly tread atop of the man’s toe. It was an accident but you definitely weren’t sorry.
“Shut up, Zeke.” You hiss. “This isn’t about them, this is about your behaviour.”
Zeke briefly pulls back to give you a credulous look, his hand briefly flying to his chest. If being a fake boyfriend wasn’t enough, he should definitely go into acting, you think.
“My behaviour? Oh no. Is my performance poor?”
“Poor? Not so much. Agitating? Entirely.” You mumble.
The both of you continue to dance tightly against each other. You’re sure anyone looking from the outside would think there was a passion between you both but you definitely know that wasn’t the case on your side of things.
With your mouth close to his ears, you bend him in forwards by the nape of his neck.
“In all truthfulness, Zeke, you’re pissing me off. I know you’re doing this as a favour, a help-out for one of your brother’s ‘little friends’, but you’ve got to take this seriously.”
Zeke sighs but simultaneously brings his hands down to hook over your ass.
“How much more serious about this do you want me to be? Because according to your girls, I’m doing a stellar job.”
With a comedic twist, Zeke turns round so that he could wave back to the table where your friend’s sat. All of them whooped and hollered in retaliation which only pissed you off even more.
Kneeing him brought his attention back to you.
“Zeke, I’m being for real!” You seethe.
A scoff leaves the man’s throat but his hands are back on your ass and his cheek flat against your temple.
“And I don’t doubt that you aren’t, my love. But I think that’s the issue — you’re taking this too seriously.”
You know this relationship was supposed to be fake but you really believe this man was trying to fuck you over by being as overbearing as he could. You wriggle within his grasp, attempting to alleviate some space between you both but the blonde only squishes you against him more.
A loud groan leaves your mouth but Zeke playfully taps your ass to make sure you understood his heed.
“Come on, don’t be like this. If you continue being this anal your friends are gonna know somethings up so I suggest you keep your cool and act the part.”
Another groan left your mouth but because you had somewhat accepted that the man was speaking facts.
After all, you hired Zeke on the basis that you’d be able to convince your friends your love life wasn’t as bad as they made it out to be. The last thing you wanted was them pairing you up on blind dates again with the many incompatible options they thought would suit you.
With resignation, your body intensity relaxed into Zeke’s embrace. The man was able to feel you give in before you said it.
“Ugh, fine. Whatever.”
You could feel the vibrate of the hum Zeke made through his chest so you knew he was appeased with his slight win over you. But you couldn’t let him have that — you needed him to know he still wasn’t doing everything right.
“Also, you don’t have to use petnames when it’s just the two of us.”
“I know.” He smugly chirps.
And you sigh because even though you can’t see his face, you could only guess the one he had on.
Surprisingly to you, Zeke does fix up for the rest of the night. Well, sort of.
He doesn’t spend anymore of your money or steals your card. He does at one stage brazenly ask if you could buy him a bowl of peanuts but you give him a look that ceases his ask.
He steals your lip balm. Which, actually, you weren’t too annoyed about because he only did so once you’d told him his lips were unbelievably dry after he tried to kiss your neck.
Apart from those various things, Zeke was fine. The night had gone reasonably smooth and best of all — your friends had brought the schtick!
“Alright, boo. Make sure you get home safe, okay?”
Your friend kisses both of your cheeks with excessive mwahs. She wordlessly pats Zeke on the shoulder before getting into the uber that had just arrived. You make a small finger-to-palm gestures to her in order to bid her farewell. Zeke only nods.
Your other friends wave as they pile into the uber, a chorus of ‘byes’ singing throughout the night.
“I’ll text you when we get in.” Another friend gives you a side hug before blowing a kiss as walks to the passenger side of the uber seat. Whilst in transit, she waves to Zeke.
“It was nice meeting you, Zake!” She shouts before getting into the car.
Both you and Zeke play the part as you wave at the uber. Smiles wide as you watch the car pull off and around the corner. Once it’s out of sight, your acts are dropped and you both turn to each other in seriousness.
As you dig into your purse, Zeke’s already got a cigarette in his mouth as he brings the lighter to his face.
“A hundred, right?”
Zeke nods.
You count the money to the side, although you already know you had the right amount since you checked it before you left home. Once you counted it thrice, you reluctantly hand the money in Zeke’s direction.
Before you could even think about reconsidering the amount, the blonde snags the wad from you without thanks. He gingerly counts the amount in front of you, cigarette lodged between his lips as he focuses on the value of the money.
With a sigh, you defensively shrug your shoulders.
“What, you don’t trust my counting?”
Zeke makes a weird noise before ticking his head to the side and sucking in a sharp breath.
“Can’t lie, for what I had to put up with tonight? You’re gonna have to add in an extra forty.”
“An extra forty?!” You almost screech. “For what?!”
Zeke glances at you before looking upwards towards the night sky. A small hum leaves his throat in contemplation before he removes the cigarette from his mouth and looks back down at you again.
“I’ve been called everything but my actual name tonight. You know that kinda stuff can cause identity dysmorphia, right?”
It was so obvious he was pulling that out of his ass. And considering how he’d been spending your money tonight, you’re surprised at the sheer audacity of his ask.
“But how is that my fault? It’s them who couldn’t get it right, not me.”
Shaking his head, Zeke folds his arms over his chest. He takes a puff of his cigarette through the side of his mouth, all without the use of his hands.
“Pretty sure you wouldn’t wanna see me wound up dead on national TV with your name written all over my confessional journals and have forensics blame you for the cause of my death, would you?”
You’re too stunned to reply and so Zeke continues talking, his attitude lazily nonchalant as the cigarette dangled from his lips.
“Don’t think that’d look too good on you concerning you just introduced me to your friends—”
With a frantic gesture, you’re dipping your hands into your purse.
“Okay, okay! Fuck!”
Slapping the crumpled notes onto his chest, you huff before turning your back to him. You don’t walk far but you circle the small space of the pavement outside of the club. You wanted anything but to be in his presence right now.
“Who knew you were such a fucking cheap sket?” You mumble, but it was loud enough for him to hear.
“I’m literally a Jaeger, what more did you expect?” He replies as he stuffs the notes into his back pocket.
And in all honesty, you find yourself not being able to disagree with him because he had a point.
Seeing you were unresponsive, Zeke shrugs. At the end of the day, he’s done his job and gotten his pay — his work here was done. Patting himself down and dropping his cigarette to the floor, Zeke clicks his teeth at you.
“Alright. Well, it was good doing business with you, my love. We should toats do this again sometime.”
You turn back to him with one last look although your stubbornness prohibits you from entertaining him for long. But Zeke knows you’re only being prissy.
With a roll of his eyes, the man opens one of his arms for you to beckon to. He however doesn’t move from his spot.
“Don’t gimme that face, C’mere.” He says softly and you realise it’s the nicest he’s been all night.
You pout, still wanting to be stubborn, but it’s the way Zeke’s glasses glow underneath the streetlamps glow and the way his arm looks so inviting that pushes you to move back to him.
Your arms are folded but slowly you lean yourself into Zeke’s embrace.
As you lay your head onto his shoulder the blonde wraps his arm around your frame, before he bends down to plant a dry kiss to your temple. It’s the most platonic gesture he’s made all night but surprisingly it doesn’t make you think he’s all that bad. He smells heavy of ash smoke.
“I’ll see you around?” He says after awhile. You don’t miss how his hand squeezes your arm.
You pull back from his embrace but you’re unable to look him in the eye as he unlocks his car to then get in. You stand on the pavement, watching him buckle himself in and start up the engine. And you think that’s the last he has to say to you — that is, until he rolls down his window and hangs his arm out it.
“Oh! Before I forget.”
There in his hands, Zeke waves at you a small lip balm tube. Your lip balm.
Instantly your hands fly to your back pocket and unsurprisingly, it’s empty. You give Zeke a crooked look but the man’s already throwing it for you to catch.
“I told ya! Mind what you put in your back pockets!”
Just as you catch the lip balm with several juggles, Zekes already speeding off down the road, leaving you alone on the roadside.
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1wingedtraveler · 1 year
Bimbo scara. Thank you.🤝
Bimbo scara but he's like one of those Facebook moms. He reads that cum helps your skin look better so he bothers his husband to cum all over his body few times a day
If his husband is not going to give him that... then he has to look for some help. Its not cheating, after he just does it to look good for his husband
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annabtg · 1 year
AO3 Is Down
A @jilymicrofics Discord production
“Potter! Black! Open the door!”
She pressed on the doorbell insistently, pounded on the door with her fist. It was a life-or-death situation and it merited all the noise she could make. Since those two twats slept with their phones on silent, they had it coming.
Finally, what seemed like a million years later – but was probably not longer than a minute – the door unlocked and opened, revealing Sirius Black, bleary and annoyed and yet looking haughtily handsome, how did he do it?
“What the hell, Evans? It’s 4 am.”
“I need Potter. The Archive’s down.”
Black closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. Even he, who pretended he only had a marginal interest in fanfiction – though Lily knew he probably carried some dark, deep-fandom secrets of his own if he was best friends with James Potter, the nerdiest nerd who had ever nerded – knew better than to underestimate the importance of such a catastrophe. It was prime reading time in the Americas, and the fans all over the continent were probably going ballistic right now.
He stepped aside and let her enter, then closed and locked the door behind her. Without a word, he led her across the living room to a small hallway with two doors opposite each other. “This is his room.”
“What? You’re not going to go get him?”
He smirked at her, one eyebrow raised. “Good luck.”
Read the rest on AO3
Completed, 1.4k words.
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Title: To: Future Arthur, From: Past Arthur
Author: supercalvin
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Summary: “How can you make me believe that I’ve been reincarnated for thousands of years and you’re an immortal wizard?” Arthur pretended to think about it as he tapped his chin. “Oh I know!” He snapped his fingers. “You can’t. "
Or Past Arthur leaves a video for Future Arthur to watch.
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raileurta · 27 days
Miguel is a tall guy, he always has been and always will be. As someone who is 7'9 it comes with a lot of problems: all his clothes must be custom made, constantly knocking his head against objects, and dealing with tall jokes.He can't even count the number of "how's the weather up there?" jokes he has experienced. It's not as fun as most people might think; but sometimes rarely it has....... its advantages.
Miguel heard the room to his office room open, but he didn't bother from looking up from his screens. He knew it was Miles coming in to talk about a solo mission he just completed. While most spider people just send the files to him electrically he makes his the spiderlings tell him about their missions in person. Miles swung up to his platform not bothering to want for it to go down. Now side by side the height difference becomes extremely evident. Miles barely reached his chest height. He gave him a quick greeting before talking about his mission. Miguel hummed in acknowledgement to Miles' words. It was a little out of behavior for him to do this, usually Miles likes to talk before getting down to business. The only time he doesn't do that is when he has something on his mind or trying to butter him up for a favor. After Miles was finished giving him his report Miguel asked what was going on.
"Morales is there anything you want to tell me?"
He seemed to be a little surprised at Miguel's question before an embarrassed look appeared on his face. He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.
"I- I don't know it's a little um..... can I"
Miles slowly raised his arms all the way out and did a grabbing motion? Miguel had seen a similar gesture with Mayday when she wanted to be held. But Miles always just asks for hugs or gave them to Miguel to show affection.
"Boss I think he wants you to give him uppies."
Miguel didn't jump at the sudden appearance of Lyla having long gotten used to her randomly appearing, Miles on the other hand flinched a little in surprise. Since he had only known her for three months.
"What are "uppies" Lyla?"
"Uppies: When a person wants to be picked up and lifted into the air by another person, specificlly under the arms. It's an old century world that I learned from your boy toy."
"Who now?" 🤨
"IT'S PETER?! Gross, I don't want to hear about your weird kinks."
Lyla seeing that her work was done blipped away to continue the reports she was working on.
"You don't have to deny it tío everyone knows your the Parkers' third." 🙄
Miguel didn't have any response to that and just let out an incoherent rambling of noise. His face was as bright as a tomato that was exceptionally ripe. Miguel crossed his arms over each other and tried to redirect- get back on topic.
"So you want "uppies" kid? Why? Can't you climb skyscrapers?"
"Well I can get to high places, but I can't be as tall as you!"
Miles emphasized Miguel's "tallness" by getting on his tippy toes and raising his hand as high as it can go. It was an extremely endearing sight to see. The kid looked at him with some of the most puppy dog eyes he has ever seen, he practically saw the anime glitter in them that Peni does. While Miguel had built quite a resistance to those types of eyes (especially working with Spider-Mans) in spite of that he felt his heart squeeze.
Oh shock this child is going to be the end of him.
"Okay? Really?!"
"Lyla has been pestering me to take a break anyways. This seems like a good excuse as any."
There was a big grin on Miles' face now. He was jumping up and down quickly like an overly energetic bunny. Quickly putting up his hands doing the grabbing motion again he was ready for the uppies now. With a fond sigh Miguel picked up Miles under his armpits. He hosted him into the air to the height of his eye level letting Miles experience the "tallness" he desired. Miles looked around taking in his new perspective of the things surrounding him. He let out a little ooh sound at what Miguel normally sees. Switching Miles around so he's facing away from him he dropped down from his platform. He walked around his office showing Miles various things that he might find interesting. They talked about the things Miguel was showing Miles. How certain machines worked, if he liked putting things up high to mess with people, etc. It was very nice. Miguel hasn't had such a nice break in a while. A beeping sounded on his watch, it was for an incoming call from Peter b.
(IDK how to describe it but Miguel is holding Miles like this now ⬇️)
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After making Miles comfortable in his arm he answered the call from Peter using his chin.
(Oops just realized I accidentally posted this so it's going to be written while it's up)
Peter appeared as a hologram on his watch wearing his classic pink jacket Spiderman suit combination without the mask.
"Miguel me and MJ we're wond- oh! Who do we have here?"
Peter was looking at Miles where he was laying against his chest. His cheek adorably smushed against him.
"Hi Peter! 👋"
"Hi Miles! 🤗"
They waved at each other excitedly. God he's going to be teased so much for this.
"Welllll I was going to ask Miguel to come on a date with me and MJ but it seems I have interrupted a mamá Migs hangout session."
"I'm- we're not-."
"Have fun and take pictures for me Lyla."
Before Miguel could get another word out Peter disconnected from the call. He huffed in annoyance, he absent mindlessly began to rock Miles back and forth. Since it was on his mind now he thought about how it had been a bit since Miguel had a little session with Miles. Looking down at the boy he was holding his face conveyed the same thoughts he was having.
"Lyla are there anything important I need to attend too?"
Lyla appeared next to his right side by his head, she had been sorting files about various matters.
"No boss we're all good. Also tell Peter I said I will."
Her hologram blipped away to continue what she was doing. He reminded himself to make sure Lyla did NOT take any photos.
Portalling into his living room in the Spiderman head quarter's top floor he gently placed Miles on the couch. His little boy didn't want to let go of him at first but he told him how he needed both of his hands to get him ready. Reluctantly he did let go and Miguel tried to as quickly as possible get the supplies ready. Going to the bedroom he went inside his closet to get a large box. It had all of his littles that they needed. Coming back to Miles on his couch he placed the box he had next to him on the floor. He looked at Miles face a foggy look in his eyes. He was also lightly sucking on his thumb.
"Okay arañita can you tell me how old you're feeling?"
Miles took out the finger he had in his mouth and looked towards him.
"This many mamá."
He raised two fingers in front of him.
"Hmm my baby fangs is feeling really young huh?"
Miles giggled a little at his words. Miguel couldn't help but also laugh along with him. His baby boy always manages to pull a smile or chuckle out of him. Zipping down the zipper on Miles' suit he tried to shimmy him out of it for more comfortable clothes. With a little bit of struggle Miguel got him out of it. He dressed Miles bright yellow cotton shorts with cartoon sunflowers on them, a white shirt with one pocket "holding" a sun with shades, and one of his plain blue hoodies. Miles always says he likes wearing them while he's little because it is warm and it makes him feel small. Now done dressing the boy he took out a binkie themed after Miles' suit and put it in his mouth. He started to suckle on it as soon as it was in his mouth. Taking the spiderling back into his arms he settled on the couch cushions. Looking down Miles he saw him contently snuggled in his arms sucking away at his binkie. Seeing as the kid was going to take a nap he decided to take a quick one too. He laid on his back and took out a blanket from the box laying it on the top of both of them. He kissed the top of his baby's forehead for a goodnight kiss. Double checking to make sure Miles was comfortable Miguel closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep. Being 7'9 did have its advantages sometimes, like being able to hold his precious son securely in his grip as they sleep.
Lyla totally took photos of them sleeping on the couch together. >;3
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i know i'm late for the @ladrienjune prompt 7 "injured" but my contribution is finally here!
this is my first ladrien fic ever 💞 i know the standards i high but i hope i did these two justice.
Ladybug attempts to visit her husband in the hospital - if only she wouldn't keep being kicked out by security.
“Surely you can make an exception,” Ladybug said exasperatedly, ignoring the staff’s stunned looks. “Since I’m the one who brought him in.” “We haven’t managed to contact his wife,” Wayhem explained. “As his next of kin, she would need to approve any additional visitors.” “Why don’t you just ask him?” “M. Dupain-Cheng is…” Wayhem trailed off, ignoring the way Ladybug drummed her fingers on the counter. “He’s unfit to make any type of legal decision just now. Trust me, I know him very well. He would want to see his wife first.” I’m his wife! Ladybug wanted to yell. Unfortunately, she had no way of proving that unless she walked out, detransformed, and walked back in. A no-problem situation, granted, for a Miraculous Holder wearing hospital-visit worthy clothing underneath. But they had been celebrating Adrien’s birthday. Alone. And she’d been wearing his gift.
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3-cats-in-a-coat · 4 months
An AU where Regulus survives the cave and people (mostly Sirius) keep getting him ocean/fish/kraken themed gifts.
Examples of these gifts include:
A Tshirt with a cartoony fish pattern for his birthday. (Where did Sirius get it?? Stores don’t sell these in adult sizes?? And it hasn’t been made larger with magic because the fish are the same size as they are on the kids shirts.)
One of those fish shaped hats that are supposed to look like the fish is eating your head.
(Feel free to add more if you want to)
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verfound · 10 months
FIC: Melody's First Tattoo (MLB; House Band; Lukanette-ish)
Characters/Pairings: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Melody Couffaine, Roger Raincomprix; Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Melody Couffaine, Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: Teen & Up
Summary: Marinette’s day has been just a little hectic, with her assistant out and the daycare closing and Luka on the road.  But it’s fine, it’s cool, she’s got this – Melody can just tag along at work, right?  It’s fine.  It’s not like her baby’s about to eat something questionable or flip off a cop, right?  Right.  Riiiight.
Author’s Notes/Warnings: Instagram’s been doing this crazy thing where, on mobile, you basically play roulette and see which reel actually pops up.  Quick sent one about a toddler crying because she thought the cop was going to take her away.  I got one about dissolvable cocktail toppers that could be used as tongue tattoos.  This is the result.  😂  (I don’t really know what this is.  Silliness, like most HB fics.  😂)
“Melody’s First Tattoo”
“Joce, honestly,” Marinette sighed, giving her assistant a helpless, resigned little smile.  She wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh or cry - Jocelynn looked ready to cry enough for both of them.  “It’s not a big deal.  Honest.”
“I just hate the idea of even asking,” Jocelynn sighed.  To anyone else, the only sign that would betray her unease would be the slight pitch to her voice.  Marinette could see how tightly her hands were fisted on her knees, though, and she knew the poor woman well enough to know this really was killing her.
“Jocelynn,” she said, leaning forward onto the drafting table she used as a desk.  “How long have you worked for me?”
“Almost eight years now, madame,” she said.  Marinette nodded.
“And in those eight years, how often have you actually taken any time off?” she asked.  Jocelynn’s expression pinched as she looked back at her lap, honestly trying to remember.  Marinette laughed, shaking her head.  “Exactly.  We’re not busy right now.  I’m more than happy to give you a few days.  Shoot, I’d give you a month if you needed it - you’ve more than earned it!”
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unicornlovers10 · 1 year
So I'm still writing the next chapter of Diary of a Raven Empress atm, and I've basically written down the Coven Heads' initial reactions to Hunter. It's basically this so far.
Lilith: I will protect this baby with my life.
Osran: I'm going to figure out the Prince's natal chart.
Darius: I'm not dealing with this shit right now. *Silently storms out of the throne room*
Eberwolf: I will lick this kid's face and no one can stop me. Not even the Emperor himself.
Hettie: I will joke about removing this kid's liver.
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vera-deville · 2 years
what it would be like if Azul and Leona's S/O were excellent in Fencing and very polite and elegant, but when he's fighting or training he gets a more competitive personality and sometimes rigid. (I just love Fencing and no I don't have that personality when I'm training and when I win…. I swear….)
Thank you for the request! I mentioned this with the last request I wrote just a few days ago, but I've been a bit caught in the middle of the maze that is life (if you get that reference, I love you~).
09/05/2022 - 09/10/2022
Pairings: Azul Ashengrotto, Leona Kingscholar x Reader (separately)
Word Count: 691 (for Azul); 548 (for Leona)
Gender: Gender Neutral as it was not specified in the request.
Notes: So, I really love this request because one, I love fencing, but there's just one slight issue. I've never fenced before-
Like, I enjoy watching fencing matches, but I barely know the basics of the sport.
There are most definitely going to be inaccuracies with some of the things mentioned, so I'm going to try to be as vague as I can about the sparring bits as possible.
@kuromiziz, perhaps you could give me some tips on writing about fencing?
Now, another reason why I love this request particularly so is because the reader has a similar personality to me. Normally, I'm very polite, and well-mannered, HOWEVER...
If things become competitive?
Hoo boy you should grab hold of your hats-
Also, random side note that doesn't really matter, but I was listening to Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Rey the entire time I was writing this.
In which Azul Ashengrotto and Leona Kingscholar with significant others who fence.
Azul Ashengrotto:
It seemed only natural that Azul would end up dating Y/N. They were both elegant, albeit in slightly different ways.
Azul was elegant in a very suave, charming, and debonair sort of manner.
Y/N on the other hand was elegant in a very polite, well-mannered, and respectful sort of manner.
Through some events in life, the two ended up falling for one another and the rest is history.
Sort of.
Azul always had this impression that Y/N was quite literally incapable of any sort of rude behavior, as he was convinced that they must have descended from some royalty, what with the way they carried themselves.
Floyd often found humor in telling Azul that Y/N had a certain...competitiveness to them that he hasn't seen yet.
Azul didn't really believe it though.
Sure, Y/N could be a bit competitive, but it was no more than a normal amount. In fact, Y/N was less competitive than others if he really had to describe it.
Now, Azul was well aware that Y/N was an avid fencer, and that they were the reason there was a fencing club established at NRC.
But he'd never actually seen them fence before.
That was about to change very soon.
It was a day where Azul had somehow finished his day's work (and the next few days on that note) and had decided to take a break.
Of course, the Tweels convinced him to go see Y/N at their fencing practice.
He agreed.
He could hear the clashing of the sabres. He recalled Y/N once telling him that beginners usually started out with a type of sword known as "foil."
With the Tweels backing him as they always did, he walked into the fencing ground.
Only to be met with curses of every kind.
Curses which, after the initial shock wore off, Azul realized came from his significant other.
*Cue more shock and Azul being a dramatic octopus*
Y/N was currently cursing the absolute soul out of their fencing partner, who happened to be Leona Kingscholar.
The lion didn't seem that perturbed though.
In fact, anyone watching could clearly tell that he was enjoying the whole situation.
The more Azul watched Y/N fight with Leona, the more he felt that they were rather...what's the word?
Ah yes, competitive.
Pretty soon after his appearance, Y/N noticed him there and almost jumped at the sight of the feared Octavinelle trio.
However, Y/N still had a match to win, and they'd be damned if they lost to Leona of all opponents.
Th match ended with Y/N winning. Obviously.
Expecting Azul to, at the very least, be somewhat upset about them deliberately keeping this aspect of themselves a secret, Y/N began their slow trudge up to Azul, very clearly embarrassed by the inelegant competitive spirit they boasted during their spar.
But Azul on the other hand was far too busy thinking of the possibilities that have suddenly risen because of Y/N's show of competitiveness.
Perhaps a contract where he can take some (not too much~) of their competitive spirit?
It would certainly help with a lot of things-
The Tweels greeted Y/N and complimented them on their (as usual) excellent match and mysteriously vanished after making some small talk.
Azul and Y/N sat on one of the benches present, neither one saying a word.
At least until Azul complimented Y/N on their match against Leona.
Chuckling, Y/N admitted that they enjoyed sparring against him, since he was such a good fencer.
Small talk ensued with the two, and pretty quickly, a very blushing Azul admitted that he thought that Y/N's competitive nature was rather...charming.
Now kiddos, we have not one, but two blushing children on our hands.
From then on, Azul purposefully made more time to spend watching Y/N at their fencing practices (and tournaments).
The matches almost always ended with Azul being the first to personally compliment Y/N on their sparring, blushing face and all, and of course with Y/N thanking him with heated cheeks of their own.
Leona Kingscholar:
Unlike with the case of Azul and his significant other, Leona had known that Y/N was a fencer from the beginning.
Even before they started dating.
Even before they became friends actually-
After Y/N's questioning incessant nagging of the headmaster because of the lack of a fencing club, such a club was opened. And those who wished to join were allowed to do so, even if they were already in another club.
This was why, despite being in the Magical Shift club, Leona had joined the fencing club.
Now, Y/N was a very elegant individual. They carried themselves with such grace and poise that in the beginning, Leona actually disliked them.
Y/N reminded him of who he was expected to be, but wasn't.
Eventually, he got his issues sorted out and slowly started to simply accept the fact that Y/N was the way they were, and the same logic could be applied to him.
While he knew for a while that Y/N was a fencer, and based off the subtle bragging that had been going on, they were at the very least, decent at the sport, Leona never really knew exactly how far Y/N would go to win.
But that all changed very soon.
When the fencing club finally opened, Leona did not join Y/N for any opening celebration or anything of that sort. He simply spent his day sleeping away, and later on, awoke to a rather angry little magic-less student.
It wasn't after a couple months of Y/N talking about the fencing club and how it had surprisingly been doing well that Leona finally showed up at the ground.
He watched Y/N as they seemingly almost effortlessly won match after match.
Leona knew Y/N was an elegant individual, but he didn't think that this aspect of them was also seen in fencing. He expected some...fire.
After the latest newbie got practically pummeled by Y/N, Leona picked up a sabre and sauntered over to where Y/N stood, proud smile on their face and all.
Surprised to see Leona up and about, and even more surprised to see him wielding a sabre, Y/N questioned if Leona knew how to fence.
They received their answer in the form of a beast-man lunging at them at such speed that almost knocked them on their knees.
And it was as though a switch had been flipped in Y/N.
Their thrusts became more...refined in a way. There were no more of the usual soft but precise movements there usually were.
Instead, the movements became raw in a way.
Y/N practically radiated competitive energy.
The match between Leona and Y/N was fairly long, and the when the match ended, it ended with Leona winning.
This obviously hurt Y/N's pride, but at the same time, it had been a long ass time since they last sparred with someone who could keep them on their toes as much as Leona did.
You can certainly bet your money that Y/N constantly pestered Leona for fencing matches (so much so that he ended up eventually joining the club).
In fact, Y/N annoyed Leona so much that he almost regretted showing Y/N his fencing skills.
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
You're Married?!
Miles Edgeworth drabble
This is in the POV of Phoenix Wright :)
Warnings: none
Word Count: 406
"Hey, pal, does Mr. Edgworth seem a bit off to you?"
"Off?" Hm. Now that he mentions it...
Maya clapped her hands together. "I know! He's happier, right?"
'Happier?' That's not exactly a word I'd use to describe Edgeworth, especially after he just lost a trial... Uh oh, he noticed us!
Miles crossed the lobby, face schooled into the neutral, calculating expression he wore almost all the time. He held a hand out to shake. "Congratulations on your victory, Wright."
"Uh, thanks."
Gumshoe lit up. It was like he already forgot what we'd just been talking about..... Maybe he really did forget. "Mr. Edgeworth, we're going out to dinner to celebrate! You should join us!"
Maya lit up, too. "Yeah! Nick is paying, so get whatever you want!"
Miles chuckled. A small wry grin tugged his lips. "I appreciate the offer, however, I must decline. I have prior arrangements." He shook his head. "Besides, it would be unbefitting for the prosecutor of this case to celebrate with the defense he just lost to."
Prior arrangements...? "Don't tell me you're just gonna go home and watch Steel Samurai?" Apparently, the finale was on tonight. Maya made a big fuss about recording it so she could watch it later.
Miles glared at me. "Of course not, Wright." He crossed his arms, tapping his finger and looking away. "I have dinner plans."
Is he... embarrassed?
That- That ring on his finger!
"Edgeworth... You're married?!"
Maya gasped, wide eyes fixated on the gold band wrapped around his finger. Detective Gumshoe seemed to jump out of his skin.
"No way, pal!" Just as quickly, he deflated, looking like a lost puppy. "And you didn't invite me?"
Miles huffed. "I've been married for two years. I'm surprised it took you so long to notice."
"Why didn't you say anything?!"
"Really, Wright, my marital status has no bearing on any case we've worked on together. There was never any need to bring it up."
The prosecutor checked his watch and stood up taller. "I must take my leave. Until next time, Wright."
"W-Wait!" Miles turned, eyebrow quirked at my sudden outburst. "Who is it? Y-Your spouse, I mean."
He looked away, that wry grin on his face again. His ring glinted in the fluorescent lights of the lobby as he spun it with his thumb. Then, he turned back around, and walked out the door.
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hmsquared · 1 month
You’d think that since Jon is my favorite wrestler and he’s worked for two major companies, he’d be my most written character.
Nope. Somehow, I’ve written more fics with Seth. Not sure how the hell that works out, but here we are.
One day, Rollins. One day!
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cecilxa · 2 years
slight disparities in gift giving
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summary: you and albedo share lots of passions, perhaps painting isn't one of them.
contents: fluff, gn!reader, slighty ditzy reader, slight crack?, reader isn’t quite as good at art as albedo is, modern au, reader is definitely in love with albedo (aren’t we all)
cw: nothing i can think of, tell me if you find any!
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Okay, maybe painting wasn’t supposed to be your life passion. The glob of colours on your paint pallet proved that. Blue, yellow, red, and burnt sienna were the colours that the YouTube video said were essential for a beginner like you. So how did they end up merging into a rather unappealing grey-y brown? 
You sighed. The painting was intended to be for Albedo, a tribute to his skills at fine art, but ended up more as a tribute to your own lack of talent, a pity painting; you might’ve dubbed it if you weren’t so preoccupied with the fact he would be returning to your shared apartment in around… let’s see... 20 minutes. 20 minutes?! Wallowing in your sadness wouldn’t help the fact that he would return home to a messy and unruly living room, you needed to clean at record speeds! This would absolutely not do. Or would it? Maybe he would find the attempt at painting endearing, and you would be rewarded with extra kisses and cuddles. Or perhaps he would find it annoying and demand you clean it up with a punishment of no affection for the rest of the week. You shuddered at the thought. Speed cleaning it was. 
Playing music on your phone, you rushed around taking all of the paints and placing them in the designated “artistic” drawer that only you used because Albedo had a whole other room for his belongings. After closing the drawer, you took the paint palette, grimacing again at the muted brown on the surface, and headed to the sink to wash up. Humming along with the music playing, you went to turn the tap on, only for it to burst out in an explosive jet of water. You may have accidentally turned it a bit too far. Sighing again, you decided on washing up the palette then going to grab the brushes and washing them with you still in your wet clothes. There was still time to change before Albedo came home. 
After getting changed into a clean- and most importantly, dry- pair of clothes, you heard keys rustling and footsteps stopping outside your door. The door that you and Albedo painted together, something that didn’t require so much skill as trying to colour match the skin tone of your lover based on a picture (a very lovely one though). You suggested cherry red for the door, but on a sunny day in August, the last thing both of you wanted to do was look at anything vibrant, for fear of burning your eyes off. A calmer, pale grey would do better. Unbeknownst to Albedo, the reason why you wanted it to be cherry red wasn’t because of the aesthetics, but because the cheery colour reminded you of Klee. If you had adequately explained, Albedo would’ve become so flustered that his cheeks would flame up the same rosy red as his sister’s clothing, just as cute, just as sweet. He wouldn’t have minded getting his eyes burnt out for the knowledge that you cared about his family. That definitely would've been an experiment worth investigating.
The door opens to you latching your arms around the neck of the blonde. He laughs; something that you never got tired of hearing. You actually proposed the idea of using his laugh as your alarm in the past, saying that you would always wake up knowing that he was there with you. He refused, albeit curious as to whether you would keep your word, arguing that you looked, “Extremely adorable, my love.” And that, “I wouldn’t want to disturb your sleep, I would feel guilty.” Doesn’t this man know what he’s doing to you? He’s making you fall in love all over again. Even so, something that you didn’t notice was how his soft smile seemed that little bit wider after your little conversation. Currently, he buries his face into your neck, smiling in the warmth of your body heat. You feel his mouth turn upwards and, wanting to match, do exactly the same thing. 
Albedo reluctantly pries you off his body and gestures for you to follow him into the living room saying that he “has a wonderful surprise for my one and only”. You panic a little internally, assuming that you had forgotten an important date in the calendar that you hadn’t prepared for. Anniversary? No, it’s definitely nowhere near yet. Half-anniversary? No, it’s marked on the custom calendar you both bought together, complete with photos of (mainly) you, a few of Albedo and some of you together (guess who decided on the content). You don’t recall seeing the reminder, so what’s left? As you struggle to remember what was so important, Albedo sneakily presses a small locket in your hands. 
When you feel the cold metal touch the soft plush of your skin, you gasp a little. The locket’s shaped like a miniature flower, daintily sitting on your palm. A sun blossom. Tiny crystals of yellow adorn the four petals and even the dim lighting of your apartment gleams off of them, making them seem like mini suns themselves. The detailing on it is exquisite, the details so minute and precise that you can’t help but wonder how much it cost. You try to say something but your mouth just opens and closes. It opens again and you gape at him in shock. “Albedo…” you finally say, “I- what- how?” He chuckles a little at your response (there it is again) and sweeps you up into a delicately-crafted hug. Your head rests on his shoulder, his arms wrap around your waist. He hugs you so tightly, that it’s as if you were a glass figurine, needing multiple layers of supportive protection. “Just wanted to get something nice for you, my love. Is that so surprising?” 
“Mmph,” is all he hears, your voice muffled by his shoulder. What you’re trying to say is that you also have a surprise gift for your lovely partner. You’ve decided that even if it is pretty- ahem- unique, he’d still appreciate it. He deserved it after giving you such an exquisite piece of jewellery. Said gift was- wait- where did you put the painting? You try to remember your last steps before Albedo came home and come to the realisation that you hadn’t tidied it away. You were so preoccupied with your wet clothes and the painting equipment that you had completely forgotten to stow away the most important thing. Your eyes widen slowly(as much as they could) and you pray to all of the gods out there that he hadn’t seen it. 
A second passes and you resign yourself to your fate. Who are you kidding? It’s a massive painting on an easel smack bang in the middle of your living room, of course he’s seen it. Unlatching your head from his shoulder, you look up at Albedo (who’s already looking at you, waiting for an answer, albeit with a twinkle in his eye) and give him a wobbly smile. 
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anotherizuwrites · 1 year
Friendship Hcs with Atsushi Nakajima & Ranpo Edogawa.
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synopsis. have you ever wondered what will it be like if you were the friend of the soft weretiger & the greatest detective of the armed detective agency? maybe close with them? let's see and find out.
possible tw(s). a bit of swearing at ranpo's part, some sad parts here and there during atsushi's part.
character (s) featuring. Atsushi Nakajima, Edogawa Ranpo. (Separately).
masterlists. | Bungou Stray Dogs Masterlist.
- Reader is gender neutral but no pronouns are used.
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Atsushi Nakajima.
He's such a good friend to have :]]
Would %1000000 support you on whatever you do and your life choices unless if it's something illegal or bad-
Will try to cheer you up when you're upset, sad, frustrated, & etc. and, ofc, you would do the same for him
If you're older than him, I think he might (would) see you as an older sibling/parental figure or if you're younger, you're the little sibling figure ?? (I have no idea tf I'm doing with my life- 😃👍)
N e ways-
The both of you (mostly him actually) would look out for each other when you're on missions and protect/help each other out when the other is in trouble
You & him would occasionally hang out at a café you always would go to and hang out while talking each other about things you have interest in, things you like, and other stuff when you guys don't have any work to do!
Some people have actually mistaken you two as a couple one or a few times, and it still flusters Atsushi whenever this happens while you were used to it/unfazed-
It's so funny to see Atsushi so flustered like that- lmao-
If you're the teasing type (like Dazai-), then you might've teased him about this just to see his cheeks grow red as a cherry-
Of course, the both of don't have any romantic feelings for each other, you view each other as siblings/family!
If you're taller than him, you probably have carried him a few times before, either on purpose or smth along the lines of that (like you have to carry him cause' he was injured on a mission, the way you carry him is your choice)
You'd pat his head and he might do the same to you
He treasures anything you give him, even if it's a singular plucked flower that's slowly wilting away 'til death, a shiny rock you found, or a keychain that resembles him in some way (example: a tiger keychain, a moon keychain), he'll cherish it forever no matter what it is <3
Atsushi would try to help you in situations if you're seeming to be looking uncomfortable when that person starts hitting on/flirting with you, and he would either try to take care of the situation (by confronting that person and tell them to stop making you uncomfortable) or escort you outta the area/place you're at and if any of the other members of the agency are there, he'll let them know about it and take care of the job
You would help him out by using your ability when going on missions that involve a little violence here and there, protecting him from any harm that's coming your way
You find his tiger form, named Byakko, adorable. You probably give him headpats when you can :]]
He thinks you're kinda intimidating at times, specially during when going against the enemies, since you would have this such sweet and kind expression on your face but the words you were saying to the enemies don't even match the smile you have on-
Since he's such a worry wart most of the time whenever someone gets injured, especially if that person is you, you would try to reassure him everything's going to be fine even if it may not look like it
That one friend who probably makes terrible jokes and being awkward about it and there's always someone who would always laugh at their jokes
Random scent hc : Atsushi smells like vanilla and probably also cinnamon & strawberries joined into the mix
I have no idea why, but he seems like he'll smell like that-
Prone to having nightmares at times, so when he comes to you, may be having tears prickling his eyes, please do comfort him <3
If you were to shower him with platonic affection and compliments, he would get so embarrassed & flustered and start stammering nonsense that you don't even understand the hell's he's saying but you vibe with it- 🤷
Since you spend most of your time spending with him, you might as well spend time with Kyōka too since she hangs out with him mostly
Let's you drag him anywhere you want unless you need to keep track on the mission you're on/get lost along the way
If you're really close with him, he might tell you about his past, like the orphanage he resided in for a while before being kicked out onto the streets with nowhere to go for example and you would comfort him
But all and all, he's a very good & sweet boy to have as a friend though he's a worry wart at times but he means well. 9/10 :]
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Ranpo Edogawa.
Kinda chaotic ngl-
This guy likes to be praised alot and it makes you think he probably has a praise kink-
(But of course, we won't get any deeper into that since we're keeping this all sfw and I don't do nsfw at all-)
Back to the main topic; please praise him-
If you do, his ego will go going through the roof-
Besides the president's praises, he mostly craves these compliments from you the most. You always complimented and praised him on his intelligence, skills, his looks, and pretty much everything that he does/have (as it pretty much should be-)
But he really appreciates how you aren't doing it in a way to suck it up to him. You just genuinely mean everything you say positively about him
It's not a secret that he doesn't have an ability like his colleagues but he didn't want any pity from anyone. He doesn't need it, he's one of the most essential members of the armed detective agency. He doesn't doubt himself in the slightest, but though it does something to him knowing that someone has their whole entire faith in him so easily
Even if he doesn't have a flashy, cool, and striking ability like the others, you still encouraged him every time at anywhere you are at
Besides Dazai (and I think also Fukuzawa), you're the very few people who he'll pay attention to for more than five seconds
He's surprisingly soft towards you
If you were to make homemade sweets of any kind (cakes, cupcakes, brownies, lolipops, gummy bears, chocolates, etc.) and give them to him as a gift, he might lose himself-
You're like a parent friend to him cause' you would lightly scold and force him to eat regular, healthy food because eating just sweets and cake is bad for the health of one and a regular human must eat healthy food instead of just eating sweets
This guy definitely smells entirely like sweets, like,, a strong aroma of sweetness emitts from him which can tell you that it's Ranpo even without looking at him or hearing him at all-
He probably shares some sweets with you, and only you if you're that really close with him
Steals whatever sweets you have but you mostly offer some to him or just give the whole thing (unless if it's a lolipop-)
Has asked you to carry him on your back once cause' his feet were hurting from walking
Even if you may be a very sweet and caring person (beside Atsushi), you tend to call him a 'childish idiot' sometimes and he's pretty dramatic about it
He gets lost so damn easily, and you would become his guide 'dog' whenever you find him and guide him wherever he needs to go, please do not look away from him for one second cause' if you do, the greatest detective might as well just disappear from existence and never be found again by mankind 🤷
Not really though-
He may be childish and annoying at times but you love him /p
He manages to convince (force) you to slack off from work and hang out with him where his desk is, you two talk and talk about whatever (mostly him bragging about the cases he's done before-) and maybe eat some snacks while you're at it
When Fukuzawa walked in on one occasion, he did not even bat an eyes or even talk to you about how you were skipping on doing work in front of his damn eyes-
He only smiled, said a greeting to you both, and went back into his office
"Hey Edogawa-san?"
"Just call me Ranpo."
"Ah, Right. Ranpo, why didn't the president reprimand me for not doing work instead just slacking off?"
"Well, I exempted you from work today by doing all of your work because I was bored."
"Ah, I see. okay- pardon?"
Sometimes, you have to deal with him and his love for candy- meaning that you have to try and prevent him from getting distracted and not going on the mission which you were supposed to do
"Ranpo, please-"
"But [name]!! That shop has that new candy I wanna try!! I've been wanting to try it ever since!"
He likes to go to the movies with you, specially murder mysteries type of movies, and then figures out the killer within the first 8 minutes of the movie-
Probably tells you spoilers of some movies you wanted to watch and you would stuff his mouth with a cupcake (or just a sweet of any kind) or just simply slap your hand over his mouth before he could get the words out
Sometimes shares some of his snacks from his sacred snack pile. Everybody in the office was stunned to witness this cause' Ranpo has and will never share his snacks with anyone ever
You might know who Edgar Allan Poe is cause' Ranpo might've mentioned to you about him a few times but you've never met the disastrous ball of anxiety in all your life- (yet-)
He's a great friend but pretty much childish as a first grader. An 8.5/10
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