#somehow ive never drawn him before
mee1414 · 16 days
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The man everyone is obsessed with
Day 17 - EthosLab
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Badge Bunny Part IV
Masterlist here!
Summary: When it all becomes too much, you're ready to leave Lehigh behind but Gator has other plans in mind.
18+ Only! MDNI!
Warnings: Reader is referred to as "Bunny" or "Bun". Minimal use of Y/N. ANGST!!! Gun use mentioned for protection. Unprotected P in V (wrap it before you tap it). Tad bit of size kink. Creampie.
Word Count: 6.4K
You watched him leave, with tears clouding your vision as they began to roll hot down your cheeks. It felt like a stone sat deep within the pit of your stomach.
It was for the best. At least, that's what you keep telling yourself, while your head and heart are at odds with each other.
He was always stuck in limbo. Never fully present with you even when he was home. At Roy's beck and call any and all hours of the day. It made your heart ache knowing he would never be truly yours.
It surprised you when he hadn't fought back, accepting the finality of it without a single protest.
He'd left that morning and seemingly hadn't looked back.
After spending most of the day in bed in and out of consciousness, with your body thoroughly spent of its tears you trudged your way into the kitchen. Your eyes scanning the living room right away, as if they were drawn there.
He'd cleaned up while you had been sleeping that morning, even going as far as cutting out the carpeting that held those wine-colored stains. A fresh wave began to sting and build at your lash line at the thought of him trying to clear any reminders, as if it would somehow erase what happened all together.
It would be the first night of many that the loneliness was almost unbearable. The house was far too quiet.
Every little sound puts you on edge. He'd left his spare gun, so you moved it to your bedside. It had even crossed your mind to go to the pound and pick up a big dog for security mostly, but you'd also have someone in the house.
Nights were when the walls started to press in around you. Anxiety at its highest. Reliving all those moments over and over again. It was enough to drive someone mad.
You didn't want to go back to work, Henry understood and told you to take all the time you needed. Your job would still be there when you were ready. You also knew you couldn't stay unemployed for long.
Maggie came over a couple of times to check on you. Her hard exterior melted at the first sight of your swollen eyes and bruises barely beginning to heal, pulling you into a bone crushing hug.
You were waiting for that “I told you so” that never came. She didn't mention Gator, which was a first, always having something to say about him or his father. You were grateful for the mindless chatter and town gossip instead.
She'd brought you enough groceries that you didn't need to leave the house for a few days, but you were growing stir crazy.
When you'd finally made the decision to get out it was a breath of fresh air. The house was beginning to feel stuffy and small as you got that caged in feeling thrumming through your veins.
The next day you went back to work, opting for the morning shifts. It was shit pay, but it was better than coming in at night. Still worrying that someone could be lurking in the dark. Ready to finish what they'd started.
Gator finally came and got the majority of his things making sure to avoid you, doing it while you were away. You weren't sure how he knew you wouldn't be home. He hadn't reached out, but you knew he had ways of finding everything out in this town.
Your heart ached when you saw the now bare side of his closet. Drawers emptied of their contents. The finality of it hitting you with a magnitude you weren't expecting. You willed yourself not to start crying again.
That very moment you decided you were leaving Lehigh.
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It's been two weeks since you last saw Gator Tillman.
You'd finally began to work nights, keeping that gun in your purse for added peace of mind. Pulling doubles as much as possible, saving every penny you can scrounge up. It still doesn't seem to be adding up as quickly as you would like.
It's been a slow morning, when you notice Andy walking through the door, not missing the way he tried to avoid looking directly at you when he sits himself at his usual booth.
You sighed to yourself as you headed over, grabbing him a drink before doing so.
“Hey Andy,” you tried to sound chipper, but you weren't even fooling yourself. Sitting his drink and a menu down in front of him.
“Hey Y/N. How ya’ been?” He asked, with a kind smile.
“Uh, I guess about as good as one could… after… all that.” Waving dismissively.
“I'm sorry. That was a dumb question. I…”
“No, Andy. It's ok.” Placing your hand to his shoulder in a reassuring manner.
No one ever asked about it. You wished someone would say something to get it out of the way, but they never did. Instead, looking at you like a fragile piece of glass.
“You wanna look over the menu or you know what you want?”
He ordered his usual. You knew he wouldn't have come here by himself. He never came in here before you and Gator got together. Gator dragging him here at least once a week while on shift just to see you for lunch.
You made more menial small talk, checking on him here and there.
Before he left you made sure to catch him.
“You can tell Gator I'm fine. And if he's so worried about me he can come talk to me himself.”
He didn't try to deny it, simply nodding his head smirking as he went.
“See ya later, Y/N. Stay safe.”
Being completely honest with yourself, you hadn't slept well since that night. A glass of wine quickly turned into a bottle before bed to fall asleep. It didn't help the bags under your eyes, but it took your mind off the pain for a little while. Relaxing you enough to coax your mind into a few hours of rest.
You'd been stocking up at the grocery store each time you went and today would be no different. You made the trek, leaving work at a normal time.
Henry could see your exhaustion and told you to take the night off. Well, more like ordering you to.
You hadn't realized when you left the house, you'd grabbed one of Gator's old hoodies instead of your own, but it would have to do for a quick trip.
Opting for a basket instead of a cart would make it a quick in and out. You browsed the frozen food section picking out a couple of things then heading straight for the wine aisle grabbing a couple of bottles of rosé.
You turned the corner, bumping full force into someone.
“Fuck,” you hissed out steading yourself against a broad chest, looking straight up into hazel eyes that you knew all too well.
“Gator, what the fuck?” He had a hold on your basket, making sure it hadn't fallen from your grasp.
“Sorry Bun… Y/N.” He blurted out, while his eyes roamed over you. He noticed his hoodie immediately, making a small smile creep up on him that was quickly wiped away by your disheveled appearance.
Bags are starting to form under your eyes. The bruise on your cheek is a distant memory now. The cut above your lip is nearly healed but will leave a scar. A small, taunting reminder that this is all his fault.
He'd had a couple of buddies watch you from time to time. His way of trying to keep you safe. Andy had relayed your message earlier today. You were smart he knew you'd see right through him when he stopped by.
He finally realizes the death grip he still had on your basket when you looked up at him with your signature, “what the fuck are you doing?” expression.
He let go and took a step back. Giving you the out he knows you'll take.
“I'm actually glad I ran into you.” You spoke, not meeting his direct gaze, looking back down to the basket not containing much of anything but the alcohol you planned to down for the evening.
“You are?” He perked up at that, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Uh, yeah.” Willing yourself to meet his eyes. “You need to tell your goons to back off. I'm fine. I don't mind Andy so much, but I don't need whatever you're trying to do.”
You weren't fine. You both knew it.
He scoffs. “I… what're you talking about?”
“Come on Tillman.” Titling your head up at him, leveling him with a sharp stare. “That savior complex you've got for me. Plus, you're a terrible liar. It's written all over your face.”
He snapped his mouth shut, gaze falling away from you, and finally noticing the wine. He didn't say anything, it would only make it worse, but you didn't drink. Not like that. And from what he's heard from one of his friends you came by the store daily for it.
“I just worry about you.” He said it so low; you almost missed it.
“You could have called.”
“Would you have answered?” He asked, but when you stayed silent it told him all he needed to know.
“I've got to go. Just… just back off. Please.” You quickly shuffled toward the front, trying not to watch the crestfallen look on his face. You glanced back once you made it to the register, but he was already gone.
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As the days went on, you realize that even the doubles weren't getting you enough to move from Lehigh as quickly as you wanted.
An idea struck a couple of days prior, something Maggie had mentioned when you first got into town. The prospect became more and more alluring with each passing day.
You were stuck and it seemed like the most logical thing to do.
Henry was sad to see you go but he understood. Everyone understood. He was surprised you'd stayed around this long with everything that went down.
“I'm sorry, Henry. I just need to get out of here. It pays the bills but not enough to get me out of town.” Laying it all out on the line, giving him your notice.
“Hey kid, don't be sorry. It's ok.” He hugged you. You'd come to see Henry as a fatherly figure. He often rolled his eyes at your antics but always had a listening ear when you needed it.
“Just take care of yourself.” He added.
“Of course! I've made it this far on my own.” You grinned, leaving behind your apron.
You were headed across town to see a man about a different kind of job.
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Gator stomped through the door of the Lucky Lizard a couple of days later, a man on a mission.
Henry spotted him as soon as he came barreling in, sighing to himself.
“Where is she?” Asking in a huff.
“Gator, nice to see you too.”
“Don't fuck with me right now. I know she quit her job two days ago. Where is she?” He fixed him with a pointed glare.
“Why don't you ask her yourself?” He turned away from him, grabbing a fresh beer for someone at the end of the bar.
“Because she doesn't want to talk to me. But I need to know she's safe. At least give me that. I know she talks to you.”
“Uh… that's a kicker now. Safe? I'm not so sure but I know she doesn't need you causing an uproar.” He was hesitant, mulling it over. Watching the younger man's expression turn a little more rigid. He was already mad; this would probably send him over the edge.
“Gator, now don't be a dumbass about this, but I know she went for a chat with Jeremy Nash.”
He felt like someone poured ice water over him. Anything but that.
“Fuck.” He hissed. Henry called after him, but it was too late. He was already out the door.
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You weren't new to this kind of job, moonlighting as a cocktail waitress a few years ago, but you'd never taken the plunge to actually be an entertainer.
You'd gotten hired on the spot by Jeremy to start the weekend shift, luckily giving you a couple of days to prepare.
You arrived early. He showed you the grand tour giving you a locker and a vanity to get ready at.
The other girls looked at you with disdain and jealousy as soon as you walked in. Seeing you as nothing more than fresh meat and competition to take their money.
They chatted amongst themselves, not so much as a word toward you as they quickly got dressed and left you alone in the dressing room.
“Nice welcome,” muttering to yourself as you continued getting things out of your bag to get ready.
As you were finishing your eye liner, Jeremy came bustling into the room.
“Looking good! Ready to make some dough? You're up next.” He stated enthusiastically, eyes trailing your exposed skin, as if he didn't see tits and ass every day. He was a little sleazy but nice enough.
You were about to go on stage at The Tender Trap.
The only strip joint within 100 miles and it just so happened to be close to Lehigh.
“Uh, sure.” You put on your best fake smile and stood.
“Wow, you look great. What's the stage name again?”
“Ugh, Bunny.” Holding up those bunny ears you'd had stored away in the closet back at home for emphasis. Going with all black, fishnets with thigh high boots, you'd only have white ears. Your body suit covering you until it would be time to remove it. Nothing underneath, leaving those fishnets, making you feel a little less exposed.
He grinned, nodding his head “it fits.”
It felt a little wrong to use the name. But you had the outfit right down to the ears and tail, might as well use it to your advantage. Guys go crazy for that stupid Playboy bunny persona.
He led you to the backstage, curtains drawn as another girl was finishing up.
The bass of the music thumping through you. Doing absolutely nothing to quell the jitters you had.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special newcomer. Everyone give it up for Bunny!” The DJ came over the loudspeaker as Wicked Games by the Weeknd started to play. It was your cue.
Your hand slightly trembled as you pulled the curtain back. Stepping out into the small spotlight, temporarily blurring your vision.
You smiled at a couple of men to your right as you took a few more steps to the center, hips swaying with the song.
There were some whistles and shouts that spurred your confidence. You continued to look around the stage as you slowly walked forward.
Your smile dropped when you locked eyes with a familiar figure. He stuck out like a sore thumb at the end of the stage, as he loomed over the other men.
His arms were crossed over his chest, staring you down, feeling the heat of his gaze from across the room. You froze for a moment before regaining your composure.
He tilted his head as if daring you to continue, eyes dark and zeroed in on you.
You tilted your head toward him and placed your hand around the pole to go ahead with your routine. His presence be damned.
It was then he jumped the edge of the tip rail, much to the grumbles and protests of the other men surrounding you, shedding his jacket as he stalked over.
“What the fuck, Gator?” You yelled, as he held the jacket up around you, pushing you back toward the curtain.
“I don't fuckin' think so Bunny. Let's go.”
With your heels you were nearly nose to nose with him, standing firm, you just stared him down.
“No.” You spat.
“Hey!” Both of your heads shot toward a very angry Jeremy Nash storming your way.
“Get the fuck off my stage! You entitled fuckin’ prick. Your father doesn't own this place Tillman.”
Gator rolled his eyes then narrowed his gaze back to you.
“Gator, just get the fuck down!” You yelled, pushing his chest but he hardly budged.
Jeremy reached the edge of the stage, pushing himself up and over, grabbing Gator’s arm momentarily knocking him off balance.
It all happened so fast. Once Jeremy grabbed him, he'd turned quickly, his fist meeting the other man's nose with an audible crunch that could be heard above the music.
He grabbed his face with a groan and started backing away immediately, yelling for you both to get the fuck out as blood poured down his mouth.
Without a second thought Gator turned back toward you, bending down, throwing an arm around your waist, and in one fluid motion hoisted you up over his shoulder.
“Gator Tillman! Put the me the fuck down right now!” He ignored your protests, as you kicked your feet and pawed at his back.
“Quit it, Bunny. No girl of mine is working at a place like this.” He placed you back on the ground once you'd reached the dressing room.
The other girls gawked and cursed at the both of you before practically running over each other to get out the door.
When he rose up, you reared back and smacked him across the cheek.
"In case you forgot, I'm not your fucking girl." You hissed.
He wasn't shocked but he slowly released a breath through his nose before speaking.
“Get your shit. You can scream, yell and slap me all you want in the fuckin' truck but your comin’ with me.”
There was no point in arguing, you knew as much but at least you could let him know how you felt about it.
You gathered your belongings, tossing his jacket back at his chest and pulling a hoodie over yourself. Moving to the back door without saying a word, you let yourself out into the cool night.
You spotted his truck and got in, slamming the door making him wince.
He hauled himself into the driver's seat and started it, easing out of the parking space.
“You fucking humiliated me in there.”
“You’ll live.” He sighed. “As if you weren't about to humiliate yourself.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? At least it's honest work, unlike what you and your goddamn daddy get up to. And don't play dumb Tillman, I don't know everything, but I know enough.”
You crossed your arms and stared out the window as he kept his eyes trained on the road ahead. You expected him to snap back but he didn't say anything which only infuriated you further.
He wasn't the strong silent type; you can tell he was holding back. He'd throw his own tantrums, ending with you two clashing because you were so much alike.
“Goddamnit Gator you can't do this to me. We aren't together. You can't barge back into my life when you think I need saving. It doesn't fucking work like that!”
He slammed on the brakes, making you jolt forward and quickly pulled off to the side of the road throwing it in park.
“I can and I will! Especially when you end up in some shit hole like that! What the fuck were you thinking?” Sounding more disappointed than angry.
"I was thinking I can get enough money to finally leave this fucking hell on earth you call home behind because I don't want to be here anymore! That's what I was thinking. Anywhere is better than here. I won't have to see you, or your fucking bat shit crazy dad anymore.”
"Bunny," he tries.
"No, stop Gator. I'm not… you don't get to call me that anymore. Just drive me home. I'm done.”
He stares at your profile for a moment before releasing a heavy sigh, pulling back out into the highway. Neither of you bother speaking for a while until his calm voice cuts through the silence.
“You should leave, you know. Get out of Lehigh, hell out of the state. Get as far away from here while you still can.”
You were stunned. You'd expected him to beg and plead for you to stay, not this. Something was going on with him. You watched him concentrating on driving, but he was chewing his bottom lip.
“Is… is that what you want?” He didn't immediately answer, instead he pulled back off the road to give you his full attention, turning to face you in his seat.
“Of course that's not what I want, but if it means you'll be safe from… from all of this shit, then yes. Leave for your own good.” His eyes never left yours. You could see he was fighting his own emotions. “I love you, Bunny. I'll always fuckin’ love you until the day I die. It's just not safe.”
You could tell something was there. He wanted to tell you more.
“You… you could just come with me?” You looked up at him with pleading eyes, tears forming at your lash line threatening to spill. “Please? We could leave tonight. Somewhere no one knows us. Somewhere no one would find us.”
“Baby, I… I can't. I…” he reached out to touch you, but you quickly flinched out of his reach.
“No. This is exactly why we broke up. What the fuck was I thinking?” You laughed out, salty tears now flowing freely dripping from your chin.
He'd had enough of seeing you cry. He didn't know what else to do.
“Bunny, look at me.” His voice was stern, pulling you from your current spiraling thoughts, as he placed his hands on your cheeks. The pads of his thumbs wiping away your tears as you nuzzled into the tender touch.
“Fuck it,” he hissed. Quickly surging forward, pressing his lips to yours.
You pulled back, your hand meeting his cheek harshly. Slapping him before you realized what you'd done.
He nodded, pulling his lip between his teeth before releasing a harsh breath.
“I'm sorry… I…” you began, grabbing his collar, pulling him back and pressing your lips back to his, pushing him further back into his seat, swinging your leg around so you could straddle him.
It was messy, full of want. Tongue and teeth. Pushing and pulling at one another.
“It's okay baby, just… just take it out on me.” He mumbled, between kisses.
His hands found your hips, fingertips catching the holes of your fishnets. His touch setting you on fire as he pushed you down onto the tent already forming in his pants. Guiding you to grind against him, as you both moaned out.
“Fuck, I missed you.” You rasp out, as his lips begin trailing down your jaw, finding that juncture right below your ear, sucking a little harshly before soothing it with his tongue.
His hands trail up, pushing the hoodie up, until your barely clothed chest is on display. Squeezing your breasts in his large hands had his hips bucking up into yours. Already so eager to be inside of you.
“Fuck Bunny.” He leans back to take another look at you, slowly appraising your outfit. “I think ya’ need a reminder of who you belong to. Ya’ can't be showin’ everyone this. It's f’me. All f’me.”
“We weren't together.” Rolling your eyes, knowing it would get a rise out of him.
“Don't care.” He pulls the cups of your body suit down haphazardly, as you hear the fabric tear beneath his rough grip. “You're mine.”
“Gator!” Protesting that quickly turns into a moan, as soon as his plush lips meet your chest, sucking harshly at your nipple while he pinches and rolls the other between his finger and thumb.
He pulls off with a pop, smug grin plastered across his face.
“What was that sweet thing?”
“Oh, fuck you,” you hiss, with no real malice behind your words.
“Don't worry baby. We’ll get to that.”
You roll your eyes again, reaching a hand down to palm his very now prominent erection, eliciting a small moan cutting through his cocky demeanor.
“What's wrong baby?” Looking at him with your best doe eyed expression. “You miss me that bad?”
“You know I fuckin’ did.” He grits out, closing his eyes a moment before his hand wraps around the back of your neck pulling you down into another heated kiss.
Your hands quickly get to work as you ease back, reaching for and unlatching his belt buckle, undoing his pants and reaching in, finding him hot and heavy as you pull him free from his boxers.
Your thumb collects the precum from his slit, dragging it back down the length of his velvety shaft, as you swallow his stuttered moan.
You pull back slightly, his bottom lip between your plush ones, sucking before letting it pop back into place. You take the opportunity to catch him off guard, letting a string of saliva slip between your lips landing on the head of his cock.
“Fuck, Bunny.” He rasps out, hips pushing his dick further into your hand, searching for more friction.
He pulls at the hem of your hoodie, pulling it up and discarding it quickly onto the floor, as your hand comes back to languidly stroke him.
“Baby, please. If you keep that up, I'm gonna cum. I need you.” He didn't let you answer before his fingers slid the side of your body suit over. Bare save for your tights.
His fingertip grazes your clit as you throw your head back. He growled when the fabric caught, restricting his movements and further access.
You knew what he was thinking when he smirked up at you but before you could say anything to stop him, he pulled at the fabric, ripping it at the seam.
“Gator! What the fuck!” You hissed, before his fingers found your slit, sliding down catching at your entrance.
“I'll buy you a new pair. Promise.” You nodded, closing your eyes at the feeling, you ceased your ministrations gripping onto his shoulders for purchase. He circled your entrance, gathering slick before sliding back to your puffy clit. Relief flooded your veins as he began rubbing circles against you.
“More. I need more.” You moaned out, your cunt aching to be filled.
“Ride my fuckin’ cock then. S’all yours baby.” He said, gripping himself at the base and slapping it back against your bare pussy.
You raised up, allowing him to line himself up with your weeping entrance. As soon as his head breaches slightly, you grip his cheeks pulling his face up.
Maintaining eye contact as you slowly sank down around him. You relished in the stretch and slight sting, as he splits you open.
Pleasure begins taking over as your eyes start to roll back, releasing the grip on his face, bracing yourself against his chest. Your jaw went slack, as another wanton moan fell from your lips.
You slide down easily, inch by inch, feeling every vein and ridge as he fills you from beneath.
Your ass finally came to rest on his thighs, with his cock filling you to the brim.
He takes your palm and pushes it against your lower stomach.
“You feel me in there baby? Feel how fuckin’ deep I am?” You feel the bulge from where his cock is nestled within you, making your pussy flutter around him. “No one else could fuck ya’ that deep. Huh?”
“No… mmm… fuck, baby. God, I've missed you.” You breathed out, as you started to bounce, giving you both much needed relief.
“Yeah Bunny. That's it. Shit you feel so fuckin’ good. Missed this pussy. Missed you.” His eyes watch your tits bounce with the movement, as his hands grip your waist, helping raise your hips when you slow down just a bit.
Your bouncing begins to slow to a rhythmic grind, the thatch of hair at the base of his cock catching your clit with each pass as heat starts to pool in your lower belly.
“Keep going baby, I know your fuckin' close. I'm gonna… fuck… gonna fill my fuckin' pussy up.” He grabs your cheeks roughly, as your eyes pop open to look at him.
“Tell me baby. Whose pussy is this? Huh? Who do you belong to?” He growled out, holding you still as he begins to piston his hips, fucking up into you.
“You… it's yours… Gator! Fuck!” You scream out.
“Yeah? All mine baby…mmm…play… play with your clit f’me. I want you to cum with me Bunny.”
He watches intently as you hand trails lower, finding your aching clit as he continues to fuck you from below.
“That's it baby. Feels good, huh?” Coming out a little mocking.
“Ugh… yes… feels so fuckin' good. I'm gonna cum all over your cock.” Your fingertip glides over your nub, feeling that electricity licking up your spine.
“Yeah baby? Gonna cum f’me?” Watching his length move in and out of you creating a creamy ring at the base, a mixture of both his and your arousal nearly sending him over the edge.
“Yesssss baby. Fuck…” His cock continues to nudge that sweet spot within you with every upward thrust.
You grasp his shoulders as your orgasm begins to wash over you, dragging you under with a blinding force.
“Baby, I'm cumming… I'm… ahhh…” It was all consuming, your pussy clenches around him like a vice, as those sparks began to flicker behind your eyelids. Your legs trembled as you writhed atop him.
“That's it, sweet thing. My tight, little…mmm… pussy is grippin’ me so fuckin' good.” He continues to push into you from below, as you try to come back to yourself.
“Cum… cum in me baby.” Your voice comes out shaky, as his cock twitches at your words.
“That what you want? Huh? I'm gonna fill this pussy full.” He grips your hips with a bruising force, pushing you down onto him, somehow impossibly deeper as he begins to cum.
You wrap your arms around his neck, as your hips grind down, working him through his own release. Your pussy milking him of every last drop. His face was turned upward, jaw going slack at the feeling as he breathes out a heavy moan. You loved the fact that only you ever got to see him like this.
“Fuck, Bunny. Baby… stop… I…” His fingers tighten on your hips, halting your movements.
You both still, foreheads resting together, chests heaving trying to catch your breath.
You looked into those lovesick eyes that you've missed so much. Unsure of what to say. Unsure of where this left the two of you.
You slowly lifted yourself from his lap, as he slid from you, you quickly moved off and tried to cover yourself. Your tights were in shambles and your top was ripped. You pulled the hoodie from the floor and pulled it back over you.
He sighs, watching you as he stuffs himself back into his pants.
“No matter what I fucking do I can't stop. I still fucking love you, Gator.” You were transfixed on the window, gaze on nothing in particular. He lets those words wash over him. He never wanted it to go this way.
“I’m sorry. For everything. For not being there. For not protecting you. I should have goddamn been there instead of working that night.” You look over at him with tears in your eyes at the pain and regret emanating from his words. You know he blames himself for what happened.
“I know you're sorry but…” you closed your eyes, trying to steady your thoughts into words. “It's not your fault, Gator.”
You reach your hand out, placing it on his and squeezing gently.
“Bunny, I can't go back to pretending we don't give a shit about each other. I'm moving back home.” He fixed you with a serious gaze. Giving you no room for discussion or arguing.
“And there are going to be some nights I get home late, maybe not until morning.” He intertwined his fingers with yours and gave a reassuring squeeze. “You have to trust me when I say I am doing this for both of us.”
“You aren't going to tell me what's going on?” Your voice trembled.
“Bunny, I can't. Just please, trust me. It's all going to be okay.” There was something in the way he said it so reassuringly and unwavering.
“I trust you, Gator. I love you.” The words came out as you reached over wrapping your arms around his neck hugging him tightly to you.
“I love you, Bunny.”
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In the following days, he moved his things back home as you both fell back into routine.
He rolled in some late nights, but you didn't ask any questions. He would come home and crawl into bed, pulling you into him, just like tonight.
You'd heard him enter, as a small smile crept at the corners of your lips when his arm wound around your waist with his warm chest to your back. His face buried into your neck, freshly washed hair tickling at your cheek as he sighed heavily.
“You awake baby?” He whispered, lips grazing your skin.
“Yeah, can't sleep until you get home.” He smiled at your admission but his heart aches all the same.
“I have to leave early in the morning.” He kisses your shoulder before continuing. “Whatever happens, I love you.”
You knew better than to ask what he meant. You just closed your eyes, praying to whoever might listen that whatever tomorrow would bring he'd come back home to you.
“I love you too.” You whispered through the dark, as the two of you held each other tight.
True to his word, his alarm blared before the sun rose, startling you both awake.
You'd followed him to the kitchen, watching his every move. Boxers slung low in his hips with his hair messy from sleep as your eyes drank in every detail.
“Baby, you didn't have to get up with me.” He chided, back of his knuckles running across your cheek as he sat beside you on the couch.
You curled into him, wrapping your arms around his torso, as he draped his over you resting his hand on your hip.
“Wanted to be with you.” Mumbling from your position, your head resting on his chest. He chuckled into his coffee before taking a sip.
“Whatever it is, you could just stay home. You don't have to go.” You muttered, grip on his waist tightening.
“I wish I could.” He kissed the top of your head, basking in warmth and love that he'd never had from anyone before you. Never thought he would be worthy of it, if he was being honest with himself. If he could bottle this moment and take it with him, he'd never ask for anything more.
He truly loves you more than anything in the world and reminds himself that this is for you. The both of you.
You stayed close to him until he practically had to push you off of him to head out, although reluctantly.
Once he laced his boots, he wrapped his arms around you one last time as you did the same, his hand rubbed your back with his lips pressed to your temple.
“I love you Bunny, but I've got to go baby.”
You hesitantly pull away, as he gathers his vest, slipping it over his shoulders.
“Be careful. I love you.” Saying it as he took his leave. You watched from the kitchen window as his truck left the driveway, taillights disappearing down the road.
You wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so you began getting ready for your shift at the bar. Henry was more than happy to give you your old job back after Gator made it impossible to go back to the Tender Trap with his rescue mission.
It was one of those days that he didn't text very much which usually meant it was a Roy’s business kind of day, always leaving you on edge.
Your shift was going smoothly, which seemed to improve your mood. You checked your phone at break to find a missed call from Gator.
He'd left a voicemail, that you immediately began to play.
“Hey Bunny, I know you're working but I wish I could have caught you. Baby, I know I've been quiet about everything and I'm sorry. Just know that whatever goes down today that I love you. I just wanted you to know that, and… (muffled background noise) shit … I've got to go.”
It caught you off guard. You sat there looking at the phone in your hand, as you swallowed a lump you hadn't realized was caught in your throat.
“What the fuck?” You breathed out.
You dialed his number, but it went straight to voicemail. Your heart rate kicked up with your mind visiting the worst possibilities.
You sent him a quick text hoping he would see it and put some of your worry at ease.
Baby, please call me back when you get this. I love you.
You shoved it back into your apron pocket making sure it was on vibrate making your way back into the bar.
You made your rounds checking tables, as you heard sirens approach, snapping your head up to watch five black unmarked SUVs pass by quickly headed East.
It caught the attention of the entire bar; everyone was silent for a beat as they watched.
“What the hell was that?” Henry, cutting through the quiet.
“I don't know, but it doesn't look good.” You watched them until they disappeared down the road and out of sight.
Andy burst through the door a few moments later, making a beeline straight for you. Looking a little worse for wear, color drained from his face aside from his flushed cheeks. When he'd gotten closer you noticed a cut on his left eyebrow.
“Y/N! Something's going down at the ranch. I think Roy's finally lost his goddamn mind. Feds are headed over there.” He rushed out, breathless as if he'd run all the way here.
So, this was it. His unwillingness to answer questions and sneaking around. It started to make sense. Something big went down and he's known about it, keeping you in the dark.
Gator, what the fuck have you done?
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todayisawthewhxlewxrld · 10 months
"hey Lucid Dreamer make up your mind, caught on the other side."
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"you dream for the one you swoon."
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synopsis// a boy you believed to simply be a figment of your imagination ends up being real.
pairing// izuku midoriya x gn!reader
word count// 3.4k
contents// fluff? maybe like a hint of angst? UA is a hero college, y/n's quirk is never told/explained but plot armor yk.
notes// i feel like this kinda sucks n is kinda cringe bc i wrote this MONTHS ago but i digress !! anyway omg guess what... this is actually inspired by a song... omg i know ive never done that before how unique!!! the song is the dreamer by I the mighty (my fav so good ughhhh)
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You lean against the sink, palms flat against the countertop, your head hovering over the sink bowl, water dripping from your face. You, in a poor and ultimately futile attempt, splashed yourself with water to try and calm your nerves. Tomorrow was your first day at college, but not just any college; no, it was your first day at UA, the ultimate hero college. How could you not be nervous for something like that? You sigh deeply before standing up straight and grabbing a nearby towel to dry your face off; once finished, you begrudgingly shut the bathroom light off and make your way back into your room. You stop at the side of your bed, looking down at your bedside table and the clock on it.
The clock reads one a.m., and you groan; even if you somehow manage to fall asleep right now, you’ll still be completely dead in the morning. You ignore that thought and slip back under your covers, sighing. You lie there for what seems like an eternity with your eyes closed, tossing and turning, trying desperately to fall asleep but to no avail. You quickly return to lying flat on your back before turning your head to the side to check the time. You let out the loudest and most guttural groan in frustration, realizing it’s barely been ten minutes. Once you’ve accepted that you can’t fall asleep and probably aren’t going to for a long while, you decide to just lay there glaring at your ceiling, as if that would help your situation at all. Eventually, your mind starts to wonder toward everything and anything, from your first day of UA tomorrow to your childhood, and you suddenly remember him.
You frown at his remembrance; you haven’t thought about him in ages, nor have you seen him in ages—which makes sense given that the him in question is an imaginary friend from your youth, and typically, most college students don’t have imaginary friends anymore. Now that the first thought of him has occurred, you can’t stop the rest from coming. Recalling how you spent your entire childhood with him. You first met him a few months before you turned five. You had just come to the realization that you weren’t a late bloomer in developing your quirk; no, you simply didn't have one. So it’s safe to say that almost five-year-old-you was absolutely devastated and you cried yourself to sleep that night.
You ended up waking up in a cold sweat, soon realizing that this was not your bed—nor your room, for that matter. There were All-Might posters plastered all over the walls, and even the new sheets that covered you were All-Might themed. After looking around the room in confusion, your attention was drawn to a desk in the far corner of the room and the video playing on the computer that sat atop it. You made your way out of the bed and toward the desk only to find a little boy sitting there, a boy who didn't seem shocked to see you there at all. After a few minutes of talking with him, you learn his name is Izuku, and he’s also quirkless like you, something you were excited about considering how terrible and alienated you felt about it.
The two of you were inseparable after that day, or as inseparable as you and a figment of your imagination could be. Considering that you only ever saw him once you fell asleep, you spent more time sleeping than what would be deemed healthy your whole childhood, constantly sleeping just to spend time with your only (imaginary) friend. You appreciated having him around since he was constantly going through the same things you were at the same time. Like when, you realized you truly were just a late bloomer in middle school, and then that night when you saw Izuku, it turned out he was also a late bloomer. Though it was bittersweet, yes, you appreciated it, but how sad and lonely were you that your brain felt the need to provide you with an imaginary companion for all of your huge life experiences?
Though in high school you stopped seeing him when you slept completely, you were relieved at first to finally feel normal. Relieved to not be the only teenager who still had an imaginary friend, but that relief very quickly faded when you realized how lonely you were without him. Even though he wasn't real, Izuku was your closest and dearest friend, and you missed him so much it hurt. Most days, you'd take sleeping pills in hopes of seeing him again, but to no avail, your childhood best friend seemed to have been completely wiped from your brain. So you accepted it; it took a long time, but you eventually came to terms with the fact that he was just your imaginary friend, and that was all he’d ever be; he wasn't real, and he’d never be, so you stopped thinking of him. Until tonight, when you ended up dozing off while thinking about him. 
You groan as you awaken to a faint light shining in your face. Your eyes shoot open when you remember that you didn't leave any lights on or leave your curtains open.
You’re not in your room.
Your heart begins to race.
You are not in your room.
You sit up straight, anxious yet impatient, and are pleasantly surprised to see the familiar walls filled with All-Might posters and the familiar All-Might themed bed sheets, which you can't help but laugh at because if Izuku ages when you do, he'll be a college student with All-Might sheets. Suddenly, your gaze darts all around the room, hoping to spot Izuku, but he's nowhere to be found, and you frown.
“I can make up his room again, but not him?” you mumble angrily to yourself.
You get out of his bed with a sigh and begin looking around his room; everything is mostly the same as you remembered it, but there are some new things. There are new pictures of him and his friends on his walls scattered amid the All-Might posters, as well as clothes thrown haphazardly on his floor and a messier desk. All in all, it appears to be his room, but a more mature version, which you chalk up to your brain just taking after your own room since it seems like your brain likes to do that a lot. You attempt to pick up some things from his desk only to be brutally reminded that anything you touch here simply ripples away before returning to normal, as if you just touched a puddle of water. Except for his bed, you can't physically interact with anything here. You dont hear the door creak open because you're too busy glaring at the stuff on his desk that you can't touch.
“Y/n?” someone calls out breathlessly from behind you. 
You whip around so fast that you momentarily lose your balance, mouth agape, as you stare at the boy in front of you. “Izuku?”
He cracks the largest grin you’ve ever seen from him. He looks exactly how you remember him, yet different all at once. He still has his curly green hair that messily falls in his face despite his best efforts, and his cheeks are still permanently flushed with his constellations of freckles, but this Izuku is bigger. He’s tall and lean, you can see all the muscles that have grown on him, and you think if you ran a finger down his jawline, it would cut you. But it doesn't matter; you can't touch him anyway; he's not real.
“Holy shit! I can't believe it's you!” He exclaims excitedly, and he looks just like he used to when he would tell you about All-Might as a child.
You can't help but giggle at his excitement because you're feeling the exact same way. “When did you start cussing?” you ask, still giggling.
He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. “Ah well, I picked it up from a friend of mine…”
“It’s really nice to see you, Izuku," you mumble softly with a grin as you take a step forward toward him.
Izuku’s entire face turns into the perfect hue of pink. “It's really nice to see you too, Y/n,” he mumbles back, “I missed you.”
He’s not real, what are you doing?
“I missed you too,” you say without missing a beat.
Izuku poorly attempts to bite back from smiling even harder than he’s already been this whole time as he walks to his bed. Once he's sat down, he pats the space next to him, and you go wide-eyed. He remembers that you can only interact with his bed?
You sigh and murmur to yourself, “Of course he remembers; he’s pretty much you, Y/n.”
He tilts his head at you. “What’d you say?”
You shake your head quickly and sit down. “Nothing,” you squeak out far too hastily for belief. 
“Where have you been?” He blurts out quietly, and the way his voice wobbles ever so slightly sends a twinge of agony directly to your heart. God, your brain is very good at making him seem like he has actual emotions.
You sigh and fidget with your hands, which are resting in your lap. “High school was rough, but at least it's over now, right?”
He hums in agreement. “It was rough for me too... Do you wanna talk about it?”
You shrug. Oh fuck it, why not? This is essentially your brain giving you free therapy; you might as well indulge yourself. “I’ll talk about it if you talk about it.”
He nods enthusiastically. “Deal.”
You sigh before lying down, and he does the same, turning your heads to look at each other. “I’m gonna be honest, high school was only rough for like a few reasons.”
He frowns. “You say that like you think it means it shouldn’t have been rough... Any reason is reason enough.”
You give him a small smile before continuing, “One of them was just me pushing myself to my limit to try to get into college, another was just not really having any friends, and uh... The last one was because I missed you.”
You don’t miss how his eyes practically flutter at your words. “Would you believe me if I said all of those reasons were also why high school was rough for me?”
You hum. Yes, because he's literally just made up to make you feel less alone. “Zuku, you have pictures of yourself with your friends.”
“I know, I know! but I didn’t really make them until senior year…” He explains sheepishly. “You mentioned college; you’re going, right?”
You nod. “Yep, I’m assuming you are too?” 
“Yeah!” he exclaims. “What college are you going to?”
You exhale heavily in defeat, remembering that you do, in fact, have college to attend when you end up waking up from this. “UA, I actually start tomorrow.”
Izuku sits up excitedly. “No way! I’m going to UA too!”
Of course he is.
You sit up with him. “That’s great, Zuku! I’m so proud of you for getting in. Not like it’s been the only thing you’ve ever talked about since we were little.”
He laughs, and if you were standing up, the sound would’ve made you weak in the knees. “I did talk a lot about that, didn't I? But didn’t you also talk about not wanting to go to UA?”
Even though you know he’s not real, you're flustered by how much he remembers about you. “Yeah, changed my mind.”
“And what made you change your mind?” he asks, coyly. 
“Definitely not you.”
“Okay, maybe it was you,” you admit sheepishly, mostly because you’re embarrassed at how a figment of your imagination could have such an effect on you.
He smiles at you warmly and places his hand mere inches away from yours. Lord knows he’d love to hold your hand, but he also knows that if he even tries, you’ll disappear. “I never forgot about you, Y/n.”
You go wide-eyed at his unexpected confession, and a lump forms in your throat. “I—I never forgot about you either, Izuku,” you practically have to choke out the words past the lump in your throat.
“You know, we practically grew up together,” he reminisces fondly. “And we've still never actually, um, I don’t know, met in person?”
Cause he's not real.
“I know.” 
“You should find me,” he whispers, his voice deep and low, and his eyes never looking away from yours, sends shivers down your spine.
You swallow harshly. “Find you?” 
He nods, his gaze still unwavering. “At UA, we’ll both be there. Find me.” 
You can’t.
He smiles softly, but there’s a hint of melancholy in it, and you realize why when he says, “One of us is probably gonna wake up soon.”
You feel your heart drop; he’s right; you’ve been here far longer than usual; it’s only a matter of time. “Izuku."
Oh god, this is so humiliating. What has gotten into you? Why are you seriously about to confess to someone who isn’t even real? “Izuku. I lo-“
He puts his hands out in front of him in a stop pose and immediately interrupts you, “Don’t.”
If possible, your heart drops even more; actually, no, it doesn’t drop; it breaks. This is your brain, your imagination. Why is this not going as planned? How is someone you made up rejecting you?
“Don’t?” you ask quietly for confirmation, like you don’t even really want him to clarify what he meant.
“I know what you’re going to say, and I want to say it too, but I want to say it in person.”
Okay, well, that’s never going to happen.
“Please?" he pleads, his expression softening. "Find me and tell me that face to face.”
He can’t help but smile. “Okay.” 
You return his smile before sighing. Oh fuck it, this is most likely the last time you’ll ever see him again. “I’m going to do something, but the minute I do, we’ll wake up.”
He looks at you wide-eyed, slightly afraid even. “Do wh-“ 
He doesn't have time to finish his sentence before you’re pulling him into your embrace, or you would be if you could touch things here, so the minute you do "touch" him, both of you are rippling away like reflections in a pond.
You jerked awake at the sound of your alarm clock, sitting straight up. Your chest heaves as you take in the fact that you’re back in your room and you just saw your imaginary friend, whom you're evidently not over, which is, within itself, embarrassing that you even caught feelings for someone who's not real in the first place, but you digress. You cringe as you have to practically peel your covers off of you from how much you were sweating. You quickly find yourself back in your bathroom, your head hovering over the sink and water dripping from your face. You, again in another futile attempt to calm yourself down, tried splashing your face, but like last time, it didn’t work. Every time you close your eyes or let your mind wander for even a second, you're met with Izuku telling you to find him. You can’t seem to escape how he was staring at you, like he could see right through you, like he was real and sentient. Like he wasn’t just a figment of your imagination. You slap your cheeks softly as if to slap the thought away. 
After a few moments, you take a deep breath and point at yourself in the mirror. “No. Nope. We are not going to be delusional today, Y/n. We have places to be,” you say to yourself, half-heartedly.
And someone to find.
You shake your head at the thought before ignoring it ever happened and getting dressed.
By the time you were finished getting ready, it was already a little past eight in the morning, and class starts at nine, which wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that you have to walk. You practically flew out of your house and down toward UA, never stopping for a second, even when you were breathing so heavily that it sounded like you needed medical attention immediately. You start to calm down a bit when you can begin to see UA, but you’re still running, even through the other college students who are calmly heading toward the entrance. But you can’t stop now because, honestly, if you do, your legs would most certainly give out on you and then you really would be late, so it’s either you keep running or you'll tumble to your demise. The closer you get to the entrance, the more people you have to run past and the more crowded it becomes, so it’s no surprise when you run into someone's back just as you're about to enter UA.
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” You exclaim breathlessly as you stumble backward from the impact.
The person stumbles forward momentarily before regaining their footing. They turn around to face you, reassuring: “It’s okay! Don’t wo-“ 
Both of you grow wide-eyed when you’re face to face with each other, and you feel your mouth go dry.
You don’t say anything; you simply stare at each other in disbelief until recognition flashes in your eyes, then excitement; your whole demeanor shifts as you realize what's happening.
“Izuku!” you exclaim excitedly as you quite literally jump into his arms, causing him to stumble backwards, falling down and taking you with him. You instinctively cover the back of his head with your hands to save it from hitting the pavement. It dawns on both of you simultaneously that you’re touching him. He’s real, you’re real—and you’re touching him, and he’s actually alive. He’s actually a person, a true thing, no longer just a figment of your imagination.
He smiles up at you, who’s straddling him from the fall, your face hovering over his. “You found me.”
You nod fervently. “You’re real,” you remark breathlessly.
Izuku reaches up and cups your cheek with one of his hands. “You’re real.”
You can't say anything or do anything but laugh with glee; he’s real. His curly green hair is real; his constellations of freckles is real; he’s actually real. You push a strand of his hair out of his face and watch how his cheeks flush scarlet.
“You’re staring, Y/n.”
“How can I not?”
You notice his adam's apple bob up and down as he swallows harshly and brings up his remaining free hand to cup your other cheek, both hands engulfing your face, and you know there's no way in hell he doesn't feel his palms burning from your face growing hot.
“Can I kiss you?”
You go wide-eyed, your mouth falls slightly open, and you catch his attention flit down to it before returning to your eyes. You nod slowly and lean down hesitantly.
Izuku meets you half way by lifting his head off the ground, and with his mouth just inches from yours, you close your eyes, nervous from the anticipation. You can feel his breath fan against your face as he prepares to kiss you. But when he does, he doesn't kiss your mouth; he more so kisses the corner of your mouth before pulling away slightly to see you staring at him in confusion, though you aren't confused for long when he suddenly and roughly crashes his lips against yours passionately, as if he’s been waiting for this, dreaming of this, and who's to say he hasn't?
You can't help but smile into the kiss, and he does as well. You pull away slightly, both of you trying to catch your breath, but even so, Izuku is looking at you puzzled and disappointed. Before he can ask why you pulled away, you lean back in and cover his whole face in tiny kisses, eliciting little giggles out of Izuku that make you kiss him even more just to hear the warmth of his laugh.
“I love you,” you mumble inbetween pecks on his face.
Izuku pulls away from your kisses, causing you to stop momentarily and pout, before he's leaning back in and kissing you all over your face.
“I love you.”
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triptychofvoids · 6 months
Autistic medic gives me life ❤❤. Any random hcs for him? /nf /pos
of course! autistic medic is canon to me
ive already talked a bit about him being autistic before so a few of these maybe be things ive already mentioned but ill say them anyway
this is already obvious to everyone already but his special interests are surgery and medicine! anything medical really. hes also very interested in anatomy and pigeons (specifically pigeons. he probably couldnt tell you a lot about parrots for example, but if you want 100 facts about doves then hes your guy). and of course hed have a bunch of other hobbies and interests but those are the big ones
hes more prone to shutdown than he is to meltdown. not that meltdowns would never happen, theyre just more rare. usually a shutdown would come first and on the occasion hes pushed past that then a meltdown would follow, and after a meltdown then hed have a second even worse shutdown. thankfully situations like these are rare
like ive said (and drawn) before his main stims are rocking, hand flapping, echolalia, tensing up and hand wringing, and biting. a few other less obvious/not as common that he has are sparkly/flashy visual stims, he also loves both feeling and seeing anything gorey, he likes petting his birds, certain noises would be very pleasant to him like his doves cooing or coins clinking together and the sounds of the mediguns. hed love the smell of coffee and isopropyl. hed have a few others stims too but theyd be more rare and very situational like hitting himself or toe walking.
hes weird about his gloves and his coat. as in he would put them on for a specific reason but once he gets used to having them on he would absolutely hate taking them off. he has to keep them on for the rest of the day no matter what. and vice versa, if hes not wearing his gloves or coat then he cant just?? randomly put them on?? no no its all or nothing theyre either going on for combat and then staying on for the rest of the day or not at all
hes very excitable and loves to talk and if hes engaged in a conversation or excited about something then his voice will gradually get louder and louder and he'll keep interrupting or talking over people. he wont even notice it until someone points it out to him
you cant take him to the store because hes going to touch everything and then very quickly regret it when hes suddenly overcome with the overwhelming soul crushing need to wash his hands and theres no sink around. its so over :[
bad at left vs right and identifying north, south, east, and west. nothing else to say here, its not that he gets lost easily, he can find his way around just fine its just that hes awful at directions
very strict about his routines and lists. he cannot stand it if he makes plans and they get postponed or canceled. he hates it if he makes a list of things to get and then cant get everything on the list exactly correct. hes actually more than willing to do things on impulse in the moment but only if hes already mentally planned to do that or if it doesnt interfere with something else he has going on
hes very blunt and direct. he says exactly what hes thinking and answers questions very honestly and directly. people often find him to be rude for this but he doesnt get why. speaking of him being seen as rude, he used to get in trouble for always rolling his eyes or talking back to people because for the longest time he didnt realize that trying to stretch your eyes or avoid eye contact or staring could all somehow be considered 'rolling' your eyes. or rude. and talking back... isnt that how a conversation works? hes never been very good at knowing when he is or isnt supposed to reply to statements.
ive said it before but i will say it again. he has little to no empathy. every autistic person is different of course and not all autistics have low empathy, but im tired of low enpathy being seen as a bad trait. im tired of people with low empathy (autistic or otherwise) being seen as evil and uncaring. having low empathy doesnt make you a bad person. he has very low empathy and often struggles to connect with and understand others. he frequently will have the wrong emotion for the situation and may sometimes come off as uncaring when he is not as sad about something as they are, etc etc etc but he is not some horrible evil monster for it and i do not want to see anyone saying that because its just completely incorrect. hope this helps
anyway!!!! theres some autistic medic!!!! i hope you like him as much as i do!!!!
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supercriminalbean · 9 months
Sneaking around.
Derek Morgan x GN!Reader.
Summary: Derek and Reader start a relationship but keep it secret because their Dad is David Rossi.
Warnings: Kissing, swearing, drinking, (I think thats it, let me know if ive missed anything)
Words: 2.4k
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Derek knew dating you would have its risks, but he didn’t really care. How could he because whenever he looked in your eyes he felt at home and that his world is perfect and
full of love. He met you one night at a family night hosted by David Rossi. Dave decided it was time to introduce his team to his kid, one he had kept hidden from most of the team, knowing it was safer to keep his family hidden away from the spotlight.
Morgan was given a stern warning from Rossi just minutes before you were introduced, of course Morgan promised to stay away from you, knowing the reputation he has. But the moment his eyes set on you, he regrets making that promise because he has never seen someone as gorgeous as you. The way your smile just brightens up the whole room, the way your laugh is the most addicting sound he has ever heard, he wishes he could hear it every single day. That night is filled with the team getting to know you, you don’t know how but you find yourself being drawn towards Derek Morgan. Your dad had warned you to stay away from that man, according to him he's a good man but Derek Morgan can be a bit of a player. You can’t help but laugh at your dad’s warning, you're not after a relationship, especially someone on your dads team, plus you're a little bit of a player yourself.
That night is full of talking and getting to know your Dads team, so you know who has back when he's in the field. Somehow that night ends with you being invited to a Doctor Who marathon with Penelope and Reid the following week and the next day you're going to go and help Derek Morgan pick out some window frames for his house he’s renovating. 
You met Derek nine months ago, and you two started dating six months ago. You both decided to keep it to yourselves for now, none of you wanting to tell your Dad about it. You both hang out and go on dates on the low, having to make sure you're not ringing him when he’s near your Dad at all. You enjoy being secretive with him, enjoying the private moments with him. It becomes hard at the dinners your Dad hosts, doing your best to keep your distance from him, not being allowed to hold his hand or lean into his side, it sucks. Especially tonight, tonight is your six month anniversary and somehow your Dad decided to do another pasta night and it would look suspicious if you both ditched tonight. So here you are, standing in the middle of the living room, talking and laughing with Aaron and Penelope. Glancing outside to where your other half is, he’s sitting down on the outside table with Jack and Henry, helping them with some sort of project, and your heart can’t help but melt at how good he is with kids as you finish your glass of wine.
“Ciao ragazzino, can you get some more wine from the cellar for me” Dave calls out, walking out of the kitchen, his eyes landing on you. Looking over at your dad you send him a quick smile, wiping your mind off your boyfriend.
“Sure thing Dad” Smiling you quickly make your way downstairs to the wine cellar. You take your time grabbing the bottles, enjoying the quiet.
“Need some help?” His loud voice makes you jump.
“Jesus hell Derek” Huffing feeling annoyed as you turn around to look at him. Spotting him leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed with the biggest cocky smile on his face.
“You need to be less jumpy cupcake” Derek chuckles as he walks over to you, his eyes sliding over your body before landing on types pretty eyes of yours. 
“Hard to do when you sneak up on me” You grumble softly as you let him pull you into his arms, resting your head in his chest.
“I missed you” He whispers softly as he kisses your forehead, resting his head onto yours. “I haven’t seen you all week and I wasn’t even able to hug when I finally saw you today”
“I know baby, but you know why I can’t tell my dad yet” Biting back a sigh as you could just imagine your Dads lecture if he found out. 
“I get it pumpkin, but I still don’t like it” He slowly pulls away, his arms resting around your waist.
“Maybe next week we can tell, maybe it's time” You smile lightly as you look up at him, meeting his kind and loving eyes.
“Good, because then I can hug you whenever I want” he chuckles before kissing you smoothly.
“What a flirt Derek” You can’t help but laugh when pulling away. 
“Come on, you better get back before they wonder what you're up to” Derek chuckles, passing you the bottles of wine before following you out. 
You make your way back to the living room, via the kitchen leaving a bottle of wine for Dave, bringing the rest back with you, topping up your own glass. When you enter the living room you're glad to see Derek is already there and talking away with Reid and Garcia. You stand by yourself for a while, you can’t help but stare at Derek, the way he is with his friends always warms your heart, the way he is just always himself makes your heart flutter. 
“I thought you may have gotten lost down there” Aaron smirks to himself as he comes to stand beside you unnoticed, your eyes too occupied with something else across the room.
“Oh I just couldn’t find the right wine he wanted” You lie quickly, without a glance at Aaron, knowing if you did he would easily read straight through you. Your uncle has alway been the best at reading your lies especially when it comes to your love life.
“Huh, I thought your Dad kept them in alphabetical order” Aaron smirks more when you finally look at him, your face heating up under his stare.
“He does, but I don’t like reading wine bottles”
“Oh right, well I think Dave wanted to come and check on you. Luckily I managed to distract him, isn't it?” Aaron's grin widens just slightly as your eyes narrow.
“Are you implying something here, Aaron” You have to hold back a smile as you stare him down.
‘Only that it's been over six months now that you have complained about anyone while babysitting Jack for me” He looks so cocky when you don’t respond right away.
“Well, cockneys doesn’t suit you Uncle Aaron” Groaning softly as you sip on your wine. 
“Oh come on, you can’t hide from me” Aaron laughs softly, his eyes lingering on you. He can’t help but appreciate the look in your eyes as they turn back to Morgan, the same look Morgan had on his face every single time he’s texting away on his phone.
“You two should just tell Dave already, If i have figured it out, it won’t take him long” 
“Yeah but he told us to stay away from each other when we first meet” You grumble before looking up at Aaron for advice.
“Yes, but this was before you two look at each other like no one else exists, just tell him, he’ll understand” Aaron smiles, but smirking over at Derek then back at you. “But maybe warn Mogan, that if he hurts you it's not just Dave he needs to worry about” Aaron sips on his wine before glances down at you, where you're rolling your eyes.
“Yeah yeah Aaron” Rolling your eyes before smiling. “He could take you both anyway”
As the night goes on, it's filled with laughter and drinks, once dinner has finished everyone is seated on the couch. You're not sure how much alcohol you have consumed tonight, you stopped counting after glass number four and Garcia brought out tequila. Aaron and JJ have left already, claiming they have to get back to their kids, leaving Dave on ‘Dad’ duty. The team starts playing truth or dare, excluding Dave who has headed off to bed already, making sure that everyone knows where to sleep for the night.
A takes a few rounds and some shots for the game to get interesting, Spencer was staying sober and laughing at his overly loud drunk friends. 
“Okay okay, (Y/n) your turn” Penelope exclaims, putting her glass down, grinning at you “Truth or dare” 
“Hit me hard Pens, dare” Laughing as you lean into the couch, all four of you are sitting on the floor, while Spencer watches from the couch.
“Ohh okay Ems, help me think” Penelope whines leaning into the women, who smirks evilly at you.
‘Oh no no, you love evil” Smirking back at her, never one to back down from a challenge.
“I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room” Emily sniggers as you glare at her.
“If you just want me to kiss you Emily all you gotta do is ask” Your laugh turns into a groan, as her smirk widens.
“Oh we all know it's not me you were staring at all night” Emily teases back while Penelope giggles while throwing some ‘Ohhhhhs’ at you. You glance over at Derek who is smirking widely at you before wiggling his eyebrows making you laugh. Pulling yourself up on to your knees, you crawl carefully over towards him.
“Well hi” His smirk is adorable as he cups your face.
“You're annoyingly cute” Giggling softly as you press your lips against him firmly, almost losing yourself as he starts kissing back, his arm wrapping around you pulling you into his lap. Cheers erupt around the room, forcing you two to finally pull away, snuggling down in between his legs as you all look around the room laughing with them.
“So this is who you're dating then” Penelope grins at him.
“Wait you two are dating, like officially” Emily mouth falls open as she gawks at them.
“How the hell did you figure that out Babygirl?” Derek groans softly, wrapping his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder. 
“Oh come on” Garcia scoffs before smirking. “It wasn’t hard, you’ve been smiling at that phone of yours to much lately and also you haven’t spoken about anyone else but (Y/n) since you meet them”
“Aww you like me” Laughing sweetly as you lean into him.
“No I love you, dummy” He rolls his eyes as he laughs pressing a kiss against your neck.
“Aww you love me”
“Okay that's cute, but sickening” Emily fakes gags before smiling.
“So does Dave know?” Reid asks.
“No, no one knows about us,” Morgan answered.
“Well, not no one, Aaron figured it out tonight” Groaning softly, as you tell Derek.
“Oh great, my boss knows” Morgan huffs out a laugh as he leans backwards.
“He also threatens you with bodily harm if you hurt me” A soft chuckle slips through your lips as your eyes start closing, the alcohol making you sleepy.
“Oh, an overprotective uncle and Dad, goodluck Morgan '' Emily laughs as his face drops.
“Funny Prentiss” He pokes his tongue out at her, before slowly standing up pulling you with him. “We are going to bed,” Morgan informs them, his arm wrapping around your waist.
“Penelope beat you to it” Spencer smirks, as he grabs a blanket. You three all turn around to spot an asleep Penelope, cuddled into Emily's side.
“Guess I’m sleeping here tonight then” Emily laughs, taking the blanket from Spencer, snuggling down for the night. 
Dave wakes up to a quiet house, walking out he spots Emily and Penelope cuddled up on the couch, a blanket spread over them and an empty bottle of tequila on the coffee table. Dave chuckles softly as he leaves them before, walking past the guest room where he figures Spencer and Morgan are before heading to your room. He opens the door slowly, hearing low voices coming through, he guesses your awake. He peaks in quietly and he wishes he never did.
“What the fuck” He exclaims, his eyes almosting falling out of his head with how wide they are. He wasn’t wrong, you are awake and currently laid on top of Morgan, pressing your lips against him. Both you and Derek’shead shoot towards the door with fear, your heart pounding away. 
“Ever heard of knocking” You gulp thickly as you stare at your Dad, rolling off of Derek quickly, thankful you both were still fully dressed. 
“Downstairs, five minutes” Dave glares at Derek before walking out, the door closing with a slam.
“Well that went well” Derek groans as he sits up, meeting your amused look.
“Hey at least we had clothes on” Laughing softly as you hug him, kissing him gently. “You ready?”
“Don’t have a choice, do I cupcake?” He smirks lightly, standing up.
You both make your way down stairs, hand in hand. Making your way to the patio where you can see your Dad is. You both take a seat opposite him, taking a deep breath.
“So how long has this been going on” Dave sighs, looking up at you both.
“Six months” Derek informs him, a small smile on his face.
“Six months” Dave huffs, holding back a smile of his own before glaring at Derek. “I told you to stay away from them”
“I know, and I tried but I can’t resist them Dave, they're different and this isn't just some fling for me I promise” Derek smiles just a little more as he speaks, his hand squeezing yours.
“Better not be”
“It's not, I love them” Derek smiles, glancing over at you, always loving the way your face lights up when he says it.
“And Dad, I love him too” You smile back at Derek, his growing even more.
“Okay okay I’ve heard enough” Dave smiles, shaking his head. “Well Derek you know if you hurt them, I know how to kill you and make sure no one ever finds your body” 
“Dad you don’t need to threaten him, Aaron already did that” Laughing quietly as you inform your Dad, his face dropping.
“Aaron knows? Excuse me, I need to make a phone call” Dave grumbles as he stands up walking past you two. “Oh yeah welcome to the family Derek” Dave Pats his shoulder before walking out.
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finchinmoria · 3 months
LOTR Characters as surgical hospital staff
I've had a million surgeries growing up (give or take) and was in the hospital again recently, and I coped by casting my comfort characters as hospital staff, as one does.
Please allow me to present my over-idealized hospital scenario in the form of... LOTR characters as hospital workers:
Frodo: Works the surgery admissions desk. Even at 5:45 in the morning he is cheerful and attentive. He always jumps up to help people with wheelchairs/canes or to point out the most comfortable seat in the waiting room. He asks questions gently and translates medical/insurance jargon so that different types of patients can understand them best. After he secures your hospital bracelet (verifying name and date of birth, of course) he walks with you down the hall to your next stop to get ready for pre-op. He enjoys being the first point of contact for patients because he can try to set the tone to ease anxieties. He doesn’t say he hopes everything goes well with your surgery… he assures you it will!
Merry: Pre-op nurse. Going in and out between rooms sometimes gets hectic but he’s pretty laid back and somehow has the timing of changing into hospital gowns down to a science so no one is ever waiting too long or interrupted disrobed. Gets your IV in with no problem and is more than generous with heated blankets, to the point you could probably make a blanket fort. Always talks about the randomest things to keep your mind off the surgery you’ll soon be having. Has nothing but praise for the anesthesiologist.
Éowyn: The anesthesiologist. She’s covered in medical PPE, but communicates clearly just from her eyes and voice. She sits next to your bed while she goes over everything and gives you honest answers even if they’re scary. When you ask for a little pre-anesthesia sedation she mixes up the perfect dose that doesn’t hit you too hard. It actually makes you feel relaxed, not just sedated.
Arwen: The OR nurse that accompanies you from pre-op into the surgical room. She hooks up your oxygen and talks to you while everyone else rushes around. She has a talent for reassuring eye contact. Everything is bright and overwhelming but her gentle, low voice gives you something to focus on. She asks gentle questions, explains what is going on, and holds your hand if you need. She’s the one telling you to count backward from ten as you get a little dizzy, and it’s her soothing words that give you permission to drift off to sleep.
Faramir: Post-op nurse, monitoring you when you’re waking up from the anesthesia. He knows all the right things to say to all your weird questions and nonsensical statements as you come out of it. Gently keeps you from disrupting your oxygen tube. Interprets enough of your loopy sentences to discern that you actually need nausea medicine and stays on top of it.
Aragorn: Inexplicably the only phlebotomist the hospital apparently has. He’s the one that takes your blood in pre-op and you think you’ll never see him again, but when they decide they need an emergency lab done late one night during your hospital stay, he’s the one that shows up, knocking incredibly soft on your door before he enters. Somehow he remembers everything you had talked about when he first saw you in pre-op, and picks up the conversation pretty much where you left off. He has a talent for talking about the things that make you just happy enough to distract you from getting blood drawn. Of everyone, he looks the most out of place in scrubs but that somehow makes you trust him more.
Pippin: The night shift nurse technician with the worst ever luck. If he’s on shift it’s pretty much guaranteed the blood pressure cuff will never work properly and the IV pump will explode, or at the very least make all manner of beeping noises at the worst times. He’s visibly relieved when you tell him you couldn’t sleep anyway, so you don’t mind, after five solid minutes of trying to shut the machine up. After things settle down he’s genuinely concerned over how difficult it is for you to sleep and checks in on you more often through the night. After his shift, you recall some lighthearted chats you’ve had with him through the night and it’s enough to help you finally get some rest in the early morning.
Galadriel: Radiologist that shows up to whisk you away to a different part of the hospital with cool art on the walls and stained glass panels on the ceiling. Everything is kind of floaty and you’re still unsteady but she’s way stronger than she looks and gets you on the table for your imaging with ease. It’s quite comfortable and the only thing you’ve done in this place since you checked in with Frodo that hasn’t hurt. This makes you kind of emotional, plus you’re still out of it from pain meds and not sleeping so you blurt out that she’s the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your life. (She probably hears that all the time.)
Haldir: Day shift nurse that keeps everything on the floor running the way it needs to. He keeps you informed exactly of what to expect with everything you have going on: meds, IV changes, checks on your incision and drains. He always makes sure you’re ready for physical therapy on time, though he absolutely hates it when PT plays games in the hallway. (He tries not to let his feelings about this show to patients, because he knows they love playing games in the hallway, but he certainly will not hesitate to confiscate various sporting accoutrements if they become disruptive.)
Legolas & Gimli: The two physical therapists that work your floor, and they take turns. Of course their trading off turns into a competition. You walked half the length of the hall with Gimli, but the next day you walked the entire length of the hall with Legolas. Gimli gets ahead when you tackle not one but TWO stairs. It becomes obvious you are making better progress on Gimli days, so Legolas tries to win by bringing a volleyball for you to kick around the hallway. When things get out of hand and Haldir intervenes, Legolas says it was Gimli’s idea. (He then hides the volleyball from Haldir in your room.)
Gandalf: The random hospital chaplain that never shows up at the same time twice, even though he always says he’ll stop by “right before lunch.” Sometimes it’s 8 AM sometimes it’s 2 in the afternoon, once it was almost midnight, but you were awake and it was nice to have company for a few minutes. (The only problem is if he shows up during PT. Legolas will cut your session short so you can visit, Gimli will make him wait.) You think Gandalf should maybe be talking about religious stuff since that’s his job but he talks about anything you bring up or are interested in. Has been known to hang out and watch entire movies on the Classic Films channel with patients and sneak in vending machine snacks.
Boromir: Fills in one night as night shift nurse (he’s usually in the ICU). He doesn’t talk much at first, but he’s incredibly observant. As soon as he enters the room, before you can say anything about it feeling uncomfortable, he notices something is wrong with your incision drain and immediately fixes it. You’re kind of worried when you see Pippin is the nurse tech that night, but they actually work well together and Boromir doesn’t seem to mind even the fifth heart monitor malfunction of the night. By the end of the shift he’s cracked a few jokes and takes your vitals before he leaves so Pippin can avoid another altercation with the blood pressure machine.
Sam: The nutritionist that is responsible for the plate of waffle cut fries showing up to your room at 3 am the night after you’re cleared off the liquid diet. Because you need the calories and can’t sleep anyway. And when you were on the liquid diet, he wrote in a request on your behalf to only have cherry Jello sent after you mention that you don’t care much for orange or lime. He makes helpful suggestions but never pushes anything. (However, he does show up to chat with you in person after you didn’t order anything from the kitchen except cheese sticks and ice cream sandwiches for three meals in a row.)
Elrond: The surgeon with an odd, distant, but ultimately endearing bedside manner. He always severely over-estimates the recovery time for his patients. It’s only after reading the third night report that you were eating french fries and kicking a volleyball around the hall with Gandalf at three in the morning that he reluctantly discharges you.
Note: I was in a pediatric ward as a kid for like two months once, and on certain days they would indeed let us play volleyball in the hallway. I doubt anywhere allows adults to do this, but for this little fantasy, I couldn't resist. Thanks for reading!
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backsideattackkkk · 3 hours
you hate the columfags so much but I want to hear your thoughtz,,,,Who do you think was dyl's halycon girl?
oh yippie. i've already answered this before, but i like to yap, so thank you anon :]
my main thought is: dylan did not love one girl, he circled around numerous girls that he thought he was in-love with, but in reality was just in-love with love, and that it could save him from his misery.
in klebold's journal, specifically the page dated: 1/2/98, the text reads:
man I dont know what's up lately...never do in existence. All this shit w. [edited] and [edited] friends.... so wierd & different from past... yet again, thats the way in existence. I wonder if i ll ever have a love...my love. [edited] got his, I dont, wont ever get mine. Here's all the people ive loved, or at least liked (or thought I loved) - all the same meaning.
followed by this image:
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now he says "all the same meaning" and because of the hearts, I will assume the list is of people he had crushes on or thought he was "in-love with".
perhaps the halcyon girl was part of this list, or maybe these are past crushes, but still it gives an insight that dylan was not focused on just one girl and he was just kinda having little crushes on girls and was somehow convincing himself (that at least some) were 'true love'.
I've seen a few names thrown around. those being:
rachel joy scott
marla foust
kristen theibault
erin boortz
i'll try to explain why each girl has been said to might've been her halcyon girl, there's a LOT of info for some, and I'm just typing what I remember.
why rachel joy scott? oh boy.
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the letter R in the heart drawn in the klebold's diary. but there is no direct information about them being close. like at all. other than they both had devon as a mutual friend. they knew each other and probably only just because of the saved performance.
why marla foust? marla is picked mainly for two reasons: the acoustic poem, the mention of "mara" in klebold's writings and that he supposedly asked her to prom.
In his journal entry of november '97 called "ThoughtS":
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"church was so fun.... the rec thing w. mara". there's speculation that he just misspelled her name, which isn't far fetched seeing that he misspelled his own middle name at some point.
the acoustic poem:
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there's 10 letters, marla foust, is 10 letters. it's possible to fit her name in:
M is for the moments of joy she gives me A is for how she Always Leaves me helpless with her beautiful gaze. R is for the RARE moments she shares w. me L is for the Lost & found love that I've been Looking for all my Life A is the Aspect of us as a couple. F how Fondly i hope to spend time with her O how she is the only one i love, that i have ever Loved U is for the universe where we can Look at the stars. S How Supremely beautiful she is T Her Taste for everything she does.
as for the prom, marla told investigators at one incident klebold asked her to prom, but had to declined his offer because she already had a date. (however some people think she lied about that because dylan didn't even know the date to prom and robyn had to basically beg him to go).
why kristen theibault? klebold a girl in his june ‘97 entry called "my 1st love??":
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“such a strange name, like mine”, the theory is derived because of her last name, ‘theibault’ pronounced a lot like ‘klebold’. plus, kristen not only have friends in the TCM, (joe stair, chris morris and tad boles) she and dylan definitely knew each other at-least, to the point that dylan's dad mentioned her.
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why erin boortz? again, the acoustic poem, but instead, with erin:
E = is for the (everlasting, eternal, ecstatic) joy she gives me R = is for how she (renders) me helpless with her beautiful gaze I = is for the innocent (infinite, intense) moments times she shares w. me N = is for the (new, newly) found love that I've been looking for all my life B = is the (both, beauty) of us as a couple O = is for how (often) I hope to spend time with her O = is for she is the (only) one I love, that I have ever loved. R = is for the (roof) where we can look at the stars T = is for how (truly, totally, terrifyingly) beautiful she is Z = her (zeal, zest) for everything she does
fun fact: erin's chevy blazer was hit with bullets during the shooting. I can't find much info about her than that lol.
that's about all I can think about tbh. I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of these girls, or maybe all of them at some point. or just a few. I've seen some people say he may had feelings for devon, but who knows.
a few things from his journal like:
"girls i know (mainly [edited] & [edited]), how i know i can never have them, yet i can still dream..." - mentions two girls and how he can't be with them.
"The one who I thought was my true love, [Edited], is not. Just a shell of what I want the most... The meanest trick was played on me - a fake love... She in reality doesn't give a good fuck about me... doesn't even know me..... I have no happiness, no ambitions, no friends, & no LOVE!!!" - ok. so bro really has the habit of just saying some girls are his true love and then realize they aren't. u see what i'm saying? he was playing hot potato.
"Goodbye all the crushes ive ever had, just shells.... images, no tu truths... BUT WHY?" - alright, first. crushes. plural. and again, frustration that said girl(s) didn't meet his halcyon expectations.
"[Edited] who i think i love deeper than ever... I was hollow, thought I was right. Another form of the Downward Spiral... deeper & deeper it goes. to cuddle w. her, to be one w. her, to love; just laying there." - ok. see, and now he just goes to another chick he's SUREEE is his true love.
"I don't know my love: could be [edited], or [edited], or [edited], or [edited], or anyone. I don't know & im sick of not KNOWING!! to be kept in the dark is a punishment!!!" - this could go on forever, but i think my point is made. he didn't love one girl, he was just desperate for something of "not knowing". he just wanted something or in this case, someone to save him.
tldr: dylan was lonely and just wanted some girl and the love they'd have to "save him".
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hueningsloverr · 5 months
౨ৎ making the bed !
pairing: hueningkai x slightly toxic!reader summary: life was miserable for you. it wasn't for kai. and while he could never change your circumstances, he was there for you. word count: 0.6k extra: inspired by olivia rodrigos making the bed ! and it's not happy. y/n has mental health issues !! implied death of a loved one . lots of mentions of being drunk .
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you were notoriously aggressive. not in a negative way, just well... set in your ways. you always got what you wanted in the end, even if you didn't always go about it in the best ways. which is why it was shocking huening kai was so drawn to you.
kai was thoughtful, where you were thoughtless. not much happened in your brain before you made a decision (not that you were dumb anything, you just were brash!!!) yet kai was meticulous, calculating.
to you, everything was a sign for something else. you played pretend, dressing up behind fake smiles and forced laughter. there was such little joy left in your left. anything fun you somehow managed to ruin.
and kai was all too familiar with your behaviour. it worried him.
some nights, you would disappear, only to show up at his door at an ungodly hour. drunk. only propped up by two slightly-sober friends. he'd let you stay with him. he knew you couldn't go home. not like that.
yet come morning, you'd be gone. you'd push and push him away for around a week, then show up drunk once again. your drunken confessions usually lasted under ten minutes, yet they made everything make sense.
you were miserable with your life.
you were more miserable when you would startle awake in the middle of the night, kai instantly rushing to your side.
he was always there.
he had to be.
the one night he wasn't, everything changed.
"i’m sorry, i heard about-" kai began, already fumbling for words. what do you say to someone who may lose the person they hold closest to their heart? there is nothing to say. nothing to fix the wrongs.
"don't. she is not your sister lying on that hospital room." you snapped, yet there was no visible anger in your eyes. not towards kai at least. towards the world, maybe. but not towards him. you were hurting.
"i know what it feels like to have someone you care about in danger. when there's nothing you can do for the one you love. all there's left to do is sit through the storm, and pray it doesn’t sweep them away."
two years.
every night whilst you slept terribly, battling the nightmares, he sat awake in bed, wondering what could have been different had he been there.
he brought it up once to a friend, who simply laughed in his face. they told him you had a 'victim complex'.
you were fucked in the head, basically.
and kai knew that if there was even any truth to that statement, you were already trying to fix that. you were seeing someone, getting help. your life was out of your control, and you were working to get it back.
some days were simply worse than others, for both you and kai. you teetered on the edge of love. drunkenly, you would tell him you loved him. and stupidly, he would believe it.
a chemical imbalance in your brain. or so kai tried so hard to believe. anything besides the choice that sometimes, you were just cruel.
it was hard to believe that, though. because when you were good, god you were amazing. you could be so sweet, so apologetic. you regretted being who you were. and it was obvious to kai when you would cry into his sweater, a sobbing mess.
you, at the end of the day, were the one who made all those bad decisions. you were suffering the consequences. you were the one to blame. there was nowhere to hide. accountability was knocking on your door. and while you refused to answer it for the time being, kai would be there when you were ready.
he always would. you're the one making the bed, but kai would always be by your side.
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authors note : this is the one based off of making the bed! i am a terrible person. i don't know why i chose to injure a sibling. maybe cuz i feel like ive lost mine idk. lol. idk i might go on hiatus im not doing the best rn and i think how terrible this is reflects that like this was just projection.
©2024 — all rights reserved to hueningsloverr , please do not plagiarise or translate any of my work
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Hand in Hand (part eleven)
cw: aftermath of whump, hospital setting, adult language
prev ///// au masterlist
~ ~ ~
Fleet soldiers come to collect him with weapons drawn and cuffs to replace his chains. They lift him from the bed and strap him to a stretcher, tight enough that he can barely move. Dan doesn't fight it.
They'll take him aboard and throw him in the brig. Probably interrogate him, probably transfer him to a place he has no hope of escaping once they're done. He doesn't care. Whatever they do to him, it can't be worse than Swift's ruthlessness and cold manipulation. Unlike her, the Fleet has rules.
He isn't so naive as to believe they actually follow those rules, but being an intergalactic organization puts them under a certain level of public scrutiny. And even if the Fleet-aligned public hate Dan, they won't be bold enough to condone his torture. He isn't safe, but he's safer. Wes is safer.
Maybe he can cut a deal with them. Comply and give them anything they want, in exchange for his friend's freedom. Something he'll never know again, but again, he doesn't care. He took his last breath of free air months ago.
He just has to hope they get to Wes in time.
The soldiers lift the stretcher, and he winces as the movement jostles his leg. He's barely left the bed at all since Swift dragged him away from Wes, and the few times he's been pulled from it have been agonizing. He's sure his leg is getting worse, not better. Is it bad enough now that it won't get better at all?
He can't linger on it. There's bigger things to worry about.
Like Wes.
Dan tries to get a look around as they carry him onto the ship and secure the stretcher, but he can barely lift his head.
"Where... where's my friend-- th-the other prisoner? Is he alive?"
He doesn't get a response. Fuck, he can't just not know. He needs to know that they have him, that they won't leave him behind.
"Please, give me an answer," he says, straining against the straps that hold him. "Just tell me you aren't leaving him, please."
"Shit, am I supposed to tell him something?" the soldier who speaks is talking to her teammate, not Dan, but he still picks up her whisper.
"Maybe it's best if we sedate him for the flight. I mean, it's Melchior."
Sedate him? No, they can't. Not until he knows Wes is okay. Not until he sees him being brought onboard. If they can't even promise him that, what does that mean? Is he dead?
"Don't, please, I just wanna know--"
But the soldiers only ignore him as one of them preps a needle.
And as much as he tries to fight it, Dan can't escape the drug as it pulls him under.
~ ~ ~
He wakes to fluorescent light and a low ceiling, metal ringing his left wrist, connecting him to a hospital bed.
A ship. He's on a Fleet ship.
His leg has been heavily bandaged, and he can't feel it. They must've numbed the pain there somehow. For a moment, Dan just stares at the blanket, at his own hands. He isn't free. But isn't Swift. It isn't---
Realization hits him like a bullet and he shoots up, his head spinning and woozy as he looks around the room. Wes. Where...
It doesn't take long to spot him. The med bay is small, and there's only one other bed. Wes lies in it, asleep or unconscious. His skin looks even paler in this light, his many wounds a sharp contrast. He's hooked up to an IV bag. Dan is too, he realizes.
Wes looks awful, looks like he's in so much pain, but he's out. He's here, he's alive.
"Wes," Dan croaks, though he doubts his friend can hear him. Tears are building in his eyes, but for once they're falling in relief. Whatever comes next, whatever sentence he has to take from the Fleet, Swift can't touch them anymore. She can't hurt Wes anymore.
And he'll die before anyone else gets the chance to.
~ ~ ~
@kira-the-whump-enthusiast @kixngiggles @shywhumpauthor @whumpsday @whumpacabra
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topazy · 2 years
Pairing: Liam Dunbar x reader
Warnings: None
Chapter: 5.09
Liam leaves your side and storms towards his alpha, “What do you mean no?”
“Liam, look at her,” Scott says quietly. “She’s too weak. It will kill her. Plus, we don’t know what attacked her; it could be something that’s already started to turn her.”
Your attention is drawn to Theo, who starts cleaning some of the sweat off your forehead, “I’ve got a confession to make. I found out who your biological dad was, which was pretty easy considering how hard your mom tried to hide the truth from you.”
You give him a pleading look with your eyes, mentally begging him to somehow end this. “You were right, btw. The name you scored off your list was in fact your dad's name.”
“You promised!” Liam yells. “You promised me you’d do everything you could.”
“Which is why I’m not going to do something I think is going to kill her. There has to be…” Scott begins to gasp for breath. “There has to be…”
Theo winks at you before putting on a concerned voice and giving Scott his inhaler. “Guys,” he says, squeezing your hand. “We need to do something, otherwise she’s not going to make it.”
You awake with a burning pain shooting through your body. You feel as if your heart and head are about to explode at the same time. The inside of your ears start to hurt when multiple alarms start to go off at once.
“She is awake! She’s awake! Mason, go get Liam now!”
You open your eyes to see Melissa McCall standing over you, adjusting one of the IV drips. She smiles at you brightly, “It's working. You just need to keep fighting, okay?” When you try to speak, she frowns and says, “No, no, honey, you've got to save your strength.”
“He's…” Your voice comes out extremely hoarse and crackly. “Is..." in…”, you start to gasp for breath.
“Shh, shh, please don't say anything else.”
You ignore her instructions and continue trying to talk. “Theo... Scott... danger!”
She leans in closer to you, looking alarmed at hearing the word danger right after her son's name. “He's... he's…” Tears spill from your eyes as the pain becomes more intense, but you refuse to give up trying to warn her. “He... he...He’s going to kill Scott.”
Melissa drops whatever’s in her hands and runs from the room. Seconds later, everything goes black.
Your eyes flutter open and the first thing you spot is a figure slouched in a chair with her head resting near your feet. You can only see the back of them, but you already know who it is.
He slowly sits up and turns to face you. He looks petrified and exhausted, “y/n…”
“Lulana, I don’t like being called that. Kate was the only one who ever really called me by my first name.”
An uneasy feeling settled in your chest. Why did he come? And was he really your dad?
You try to clear your throat but end up coughing instead. Derek picks up the cup of water from the table and brings it to your lips. You take a drink from it before continuing. “Uh thanks, are you?”
He answers before you have the chance to finish the questions. “They ran a DNA test, and it’s a match.”
Your mind feels as if it’s going into overdrive. Derek Hale was your real father, but the man who raised you as his own was recently killed by your mom. That, paired with all the other shit that was going on, would give anyone a headache.
“Why did you come?”
He sits down on the foot of the bed, “Scott called me.”
“He’s alive?”
Derek nods. Tears of relief fall from the corner of your eyes.
“I didn’t know.” His voice was so low it was hardly audible. “I never knew Kate had a daughter until I saw you that day in Mexico.”
“Believe it or not, I’d made a list of all the potential fathers and removed your name from it because I didn’t actually think Kate would go anywhere near a werewolf.”
“I know. Stiles showed me the list in his room.”
“He just showed you his crime board?”
He shrugs, “I might have twisted his arm a bit.”
You had no idea if he was joking or not. Stiles referred to Derek as a ‘sour wolf,’ and he was very aggressive. You wondered if he’d always been like that or if what Kate did made him that way. hybrid. Theo’s voice echoed in your ears, and you knew what he meant. You were a Hale and an Argent.The thought of coming from a proud family of hunters amused you, and you let out a small laugh thinking about it.
“What’s so funny?” Derek asks, confused.
“The Argent family really is one big joke. Our name literally means silver, but yet we can’t stay away from werewolves.”
He stared at you blankly, “Your boyfriend has been waiting outside for days. He hardly ever leaves.”
“Days? How long was I out for?”
“Three days. Chris was here but he needed to leave. He said it was urgent and that he would be back with help.”
You sigh, “is Liam outside now?”
“No, but your other friends are,” he answers bluntly. “Do you want me to get them?”
“How long are you staying for?”
“However long you want me here for.”
The Calavera Kate, Hunters.
A sinking realization presses on your gut, “I don’t want you putting your life in danger by staying here.”
He lets out a soft chuckle, “I’m not the priority anymore.”
The moment he opens the door and gives a nod for the others to come in, Stiles practically shoves him out of the way to get to you. Derek lets out a low growl, clearly irritated when Stiles pulls in for a tight hug.
"Seriously? Are we doing the overprotective dad act already?” Stiles asks sarcastically.
Not finding him funny anymore, you hit him in the arm lightly. Your eyes light up when Mason walks into the room carrying a tray of food for you. “I knew you'd be hungry,” he says as he places the tray on the table beside you. “You had us so scared, Lu, I honestly thought you were a goner.”
Your eyes continually shift between your two friends, Derek and the doorway, as they explain that Theo had been working for the dreadful doctors. It surprised you how natural it felt having Derek, occasionally chiming in. They fill you in on Hayden dying and coming back to life, but each time you ask where Liam was during all that time, they avoid the questions or change the subject.
“Where’s Liam?” You ask.
“He’s coming by later,” Mason says, faking a smile. “I called him. He was so excited that you were finally awake; he almost cried.”
You look between your friends and notice how shifty they have suddenly become. “What aren’t you guys telling me?”
Stiles looks hesitant, “he’s coming later because…”
“He’s coming later because he can’t be around Scott at the moment,” Derek says interrupting.
“Yip, thanks for that,” Stiles says, giving him a thumbs up. “Now your answer is going to lead to more questions that we can’t answer.”
You become irritated quickly as they go back and forth on how much they should tell you. Suddenly, the door swings open and Liam runs over to you. He hugs you tightly. “I’m so sorry, Lulana,” he sobs. “I had no idea Theo was the one who attacked you. I trusted the wrong person and almost got you killed.”
You can see the rage of emotions on Derek's face, and notice the daggers Stiles is giving your boyfriend as well.
You cup the side of his face, “we all fell for his act.”
“You didn’t,” Stiles chimes in. “You warned me about him. “You figured it out before the rest of us." He stands up from the chair he’s in, “I need to get going. Scott and I are going to Mexico.” He motions for Mason to follow him and taps Derek on the shoulder, “Let’s give them a moment to talk.”
Reluctantly, Derek stands and glares directly at your boyfriend, who is shaking with nerves beside you. “I will be right outside.”
He slams the door shut behind him. You brush it off and look at Liam, “Where have you been?”
He avoids your gaze, “I went for a walk because Scott was here. He doesn’t want to be around me right now.”
“Why not?”
“Because I... I tried to kill him.”
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Sole (nb or gender neutral if possible, but any will do!) being a really good artist, who draws and paints things and scenes from before the war to show their companions?
What a great idea! 💖💖💖💖 Ive always admired people who can draw and paint things really well, I can spend hours just scrolling through other peoples art on Tumblr. Sole was truly a dedicated artist, never seen without a sketchbook in hand and a new idea on their lips. Their house in Sanctuary is completely filled to the brim with drawings and paintings of prewar places and things, kept predestined thanks to Codsworth efforts. It almost looks like a gallery of some kind, with Sole allowing their companion wander through in awe. They walk over and pick up the art piece that calls out to them most, examining it carefully.
Nick Valentine: “Heh, can almost smell it through the paper.” He commented wistfully, before him a drawing of a prewar Slocum's Joe filled with smiling people eating pastries and sipping coffee, just enjoying the moment. Call it stereotypical, but the old Nick was quite fond of a good old steaming cup of coffee and a freshly baked donut right before his shift started. Cant replicate the exact feeling anymore, but this sure brings back some good memories. “You have some real talent Kid, maybe I could use your help in witnesses sketches.”
Piper Wright: “Diamond City used to look like THAT before it became inhabited by bigoted people and corrupt politicians?” She asked with a half smirk, tapping on the side of a painting of a baseball game in the place she now calls home over 200 years later. Sole had some skill, somehow she can almost hear the crowds cheering excitedly through the canvas. “Hah, still looks loud and overly cramped, guess that hasn't changed. Think my office would be right about… there.”
Codsworth: “Oh Sir/Mum, your spouse would be so proud that you managed to capture them so perfectly.” He droned sadly over the biggest painting that happened to be of Soles spouse in their wedding suit/dress, all smiling and happy. Codsworth had seen his Master spend hours creating their many works of art and even helped with some, but this one spoke the most to him and touched his metal heart. Maybe because Sole had done it purely from memory as a way to honor their fallen lover. “They'd also be proud of how far you've come and all that you have accomplished, and that you are continuing to share your gift with others.”
Preston Garvey: “So thats what Concord looked like before the bombs hit? Damn, seems unreal.” He runs his fingers along the sketch of the un-touched city drawn from a birds eye view. How the General managed to capture the city in such a way that makes it seem like a moving photo is unknown, but he is not complaining. “Someday, we will restore the town to its former glory, you'll see. Until then, this will serve a fine reminder of what can be accomplished. Thank you General... Truly.”
Curie: “Oh! A horsie!” She exclaimed happily, gazing at a large painting of a grassy field with a magnificent black horse darting through the wind that flared it's silky mane. Curie has read many books and documents that include horses in their stories or notes, but she never actually seen one in person. Soles painting made it seem so lifelike that she feels like she can reach out and stroke its shiny hair. “It would be wonderful if we could ride such an amazing creature, you did an incredible job capturing its likeness and motion.” (Somebody get this women the finest horse in the world)
Cait: “So this is what passed as a typical family in your time?” She questioned with an unimpressed look, almost glaring at the colored drawing of a family sitting in their dining room eating breakfeast with one another. For some reason, the drawing sent a little lump in her throat when she saw the way the two parents looked at their children with such realistic and loving caring eyes. Sole did a damn good job with getting the emotion across, enough to pierce her heart. “Eh… pretty nice when you squint at it. Better than what I ever got. Well done and all that.”
Deacon: “Thats all it took to woo a girl back then? Dress up like a penguin, grab a quick bite at some fancy pants looking place, then spin her around like a top?” He asked with a wide grin, tilting his sunglasses a bit to get a better view of the colored drawing of a prewar couple dancing the evening away. Seemed very romantic, he'd almost wished to go back in time and set up something like this with Barbra. At least something close to it, she would have liked that… “You mind making one of me next? Get this gorgeous figure captured for all to see? Face would be covered of course, but still would be a fine addition to your collection.”
Danse: “This is what people would do on their free time off work? Interesting…” He commented, eyeing the painting of a prewar beach house with families swimming in the water or playing volleyball on the beach. Some of them were even just laying in the sand, asleep or watching the waves wash onto shore. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves without a care in the world, something that sadly couldn't be done anymore. But Sole did a fine enough job that he could get a good feeling on what that was once like. “It takes great skill and practice to capture something like this in great detail. Im honored you chose to show me your work, Solider.”
Hancock: “Damn. Nuka World seemed like a fine place to take the Darling and the kids, before it was infested with raiders and whatnot” He muttered in awe, practically going inside the painting of the prewar amusement park with how close he was to it. It was almost absorbing him whole, the shining of the rides and the adoring eyes of the folks. Shame the place had to go down so quickly. “Sole, you have some mighty fine talent for this sort of thing. Think maybe one day we can get a ride or two working there? That would be a trip I would gladly take.”
MacCready: “You're saying thats how the streets looked all the time? How did you even get around without running into something or someone?” He inquired, staring at a drawing of downtown Boston choked with traffic and pedestrians crowding the roads and sidewalks. It was weird to imagine the city not covered in rubble and piles of discarded trash and people just roaming around without looking over their shoulders every few minutes. “If you ask me, those people are just begging to get sniped. But thats not something they really had to be worried about back then, right?”
X6: “Must have taken great strength in the ankles to achieve such a graceful performance.” He remarked, staring straight at a painting of ballet performer dancing on stage before an audience of well dressed individuals. While he himself didn't see a good reason to spend money and time just to see someone glide across a stage in a supple manner, he could see how such an exercise could benefit ones strength and agility. Maybe he will try it one day, as part of training, of course. “Excellent work on the painting, Sir/Ma'am. A true masterpiece.” (Just imagine him doing ballet)
Strong: “Why puny human show Strong bunch of blobs and scribbles?” He points angrily at a realistic painting of an ideal Thanksgiving meal, complete with a thick and large turkey in the center. It seemed to be so real, like he could reach out and take a big chomp out of it. Yet there was no smell of fresh meat in the air. “Strong doesn't care about fake food blobs! Cant even eat them!” (He tried anyways and now there is forever a bite mark on the painting)
Dogmeat: Barks at the sight of another dog across the room, sprinting over to greet the new potential playmate or rival. He stops a few feet before them, confused on why they haven't reacted to him yet or even moved. Dogmeat had been with Sole while they were painting this very portrait of a prewar dog sitting obediently with their head tilted, but he fell asleep for most of it. The pup whines, cautiously stepping closer and taking a whiff, looking back at Sole in doggy astonishment when he realizes the other dog is a fake. “Bork?”
Moral Of the Story: If Bethesda doesn't give you enough character background or story to work with, do their job for them and make up your own to give everyone more delicious flavor. (Keep those headcanons coming y'all)
Boom! Another one down! Thank You for the request Darling!!! 💝💝💝💝
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bloodyknucklesforme · 7 months
Don't Blame Me 2.0 | Sneak Peak
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So here's just a little sneak peak of my re write of Don't Blame Me. I've been wanting to revisit this for a while. I will post the rest of it in one go probably on Ao3 for ease but here's just a little peak of some of the extended stuff I'm doing. This is probably chapter 1 or 2. I haven't decided the order yet. It is 100% new material and I hope it gives a good example of what the rest of the re write is gonna be. Hope you enjoy 💕
Word Count: 2k
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Nina stared up at the ceiling. It was ugly. Grayish plaster smeared across to form a minuscule mountain range. She was angry at them with their manmade topography. She wanted to climb up and scrape them smooth. She wanted to destroy something without consequence. 
The bed in the safe house was too hard and the covers were too thin. Made it impossible to sleep and yet she’d spent the past three days laying in it. She missed the warm comfort of her old bed, layers of wool blankets and a fluffy down mattress. She missed the feathers that poked her in the middle of the night. 
Kyle, sat guard by the door - rifle in hand. The curtains always drawn close. She’d long lost track of time, only gauging when offered food. Shopping bags laid scattered across the floor. Price had bought clothes, guessing her size and getting it wrong most of the time. She’d finally asked for something warm and big. 
He’d come back with a large navy sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. They were nice and soft and the sweatshirt was large enough she could tuck her knees inside of it and pull her hands into the sleeves. A small comfort. 
She didn’t like it here but she wasn’t given a choice. Hunted like an animal across countries and continents. All because of her father. Some people may be attached together with red string but he was the rope around her neck. 
The house somehow felt more sterile than the hospital they had her at initially. She didn’t like it there either with doctors and nurses constantly prodding her. Taking blood for various tests, physical exams where she was expected to strip for strangers. Their hands were always cold. 
A week ago she hadn’t even seen another person in years and now she didn’t think any part of her had gone untouched. She’d fought and screamed every time they pulled another needle out. They’d had to sedate her after she kicked a nurse in the shoulder and almost knocked her over. Price stepped in at that point and refused to let them do any more tests or exams until she’d relaxed. She never got the chance.
She woke up to a man forcing his way into the room. Kyle dragged her out of bed and into a corner, ripping an IV out of her arm. Price had met the man at the threshold. The intruder got one good hit in before Price slammed his head into the door. 
Her stomach flipped, hearing his skull crack. Death wasn’t an unfamiliar face but she ached having seen him so often recently. How many just in the past week? She’d lost count. Blood dripped down the door, like a bug that got squished. 
Kyle was holding her arm, bandaging where the IV got ripped out.
“We’re moving her.” Price said. “Now!”
Kyle scooped her up easily, carrying her bridal style, down the halls and stairs of the hospital. 
“Kate, I need a safe house.” Price barked into a radio. Nina clung to Kyle, letting herself get carried away once again. It had been futile to fight previously so she allowed it now. She also didn’t want to complain about not walking across the parking deck barefoot. 
Price drove while Kyle sat in the back, having her lay down on the seats next to him. She stayed quiet, she was good at that. Quiet and surviving. They drove what felt like hours around London in order to lose any possible tails. Eventually Price pulled into an underground parking deck and they switched cars. 
The Russian was driving this time, she believed his name was Nik. A large white utility van. She sat with her back against the side. Her feet were cold. Kyle and Price flanked her. She felt like she should be wearing a black bag over her head. 
It was dark when they got to the safe house. A coat was thrown over her head and she was kept bent over as they led her inside. Lights off until the blinds could be pulled shut. 
“You should be safe here. Kyle will keep watch over ya,” Price assured, holding her shoulders. She was older than he was when they last saw each other. A stranger but the only person on Earth who seemed to remember her name.  A friend of her father’s, his sergeant. He’d stop by their on base house often enough to be a familiar face. He got her a birthday gift once or twice. He’d had dinner with her family. She felt ashamed to say she hadn’t thought about him in years yet there he was at the edge of the world to hold her on the helicopter ride home. “How are you feeling Nina?”
“I’m okay.” What else was there to say? It felt like the ground was constantly collapsing under her and she was treading ice water. “I’m tired.”
“Let’s get the bedroom set up for you.” He rubbed her back as he led her upstairs. She waited in the hall as he checked over the room and pulled the blinds shut. She was glad they left her alone to sleep, even if one of them was always outside the cracked open door. She’d barely left the bed since. Kyle had moved a chair in at one point.
“Just keeping you company.” He smiled. She imagined the true reason was so he could stop her if she tried to kill herself. There was a reason she had to ask for any pain medication, there were no knives in the kitchen and the sweatpants came without strings. Truthfully she didn’t have the motivation for all that. 
She thought about taking another shower or maybe a bath. Hot water on demand was another comfort. Something she’d missed. 
She got up wordlessly and walked into the ensuite bathroom. Bottles, jars and tubes also scattered across the counter. Kyle had explained what it all did. Moisturiser, cleanser, masks and other words she didn’t remember. She slathered it all on anyway. It did make her skin feel less tight. If it made a physical difference, she wouldn’t know. The mirror was gone. 
Kyle had taken it off the wall the day before. She’d needed his help turning on the water. Her reflection frightened her. She knew she was older, a woman of twenty five. She still expected to see a little girl staring back at her. In a way there was, how small she looked. How starved she looked. She didn’t like her skin or hair or her face at all really. Price had remarked how much she looked like her mother. She couldn’t even hold her face in her mind. She knew that she never looked sick like this. As tattered and forgotten. 
She’d hung a towel over the edges of the mirror. Kyle took it down and she put it back up. He seemed to understand and it was laid in the hallway facing the wall the next morning. 
She filled the tub with steaming water and squirted some soap into it. She wasn’t allowed to lock the door so she left it cracked to let the steam out. She sunk down till her nose barely scraped the water’s edge. She soaked until the bubbles all popped and disappeared and her skin was pruned. 
There was a knock on the door. 
“The captain is going to be back soon with food,” Kyle broke the hours-long silence. He was extraordinarily kind to her despite having not said more than a couple words to him over the past days. “He asked if there’s anything else you want or need.”
“I’m okay,” she said. She didn’t know what she needed or wanted. Everything seemed like a distant dream, half real. She thought about the things she ate as a child and wondered what was real and what was some elaborate coping daydream. It all just seemed out of her grasp. 
“…Nina?” He asked. It still felt weird to hear people say her name aloud. It was something she had kept like a secret for so long. “Do you like cake?”
She could hear the smile in his voice. She didn’t remember the last time she had cake. Her 11th birthday maybe. 
“I can have Price pick some up for you. I’d say you deserve it.”
“I’d like that…thank you, Kyle.”
“I’ll text him.”
Price arrived a little less than an hour later. She was back in bed, wearing the same sweatshirt and pants. Kyle had shown her how to work the telly. There was nothing familiar on. 
Price had given up on getting her to eat anywhere but her bed, bringing up the food with a tray. 
“Thank you,” She said as he laid a plate of lamb, rice and veggies in front of her. The three of them ate in silence as she periodically flipped through the channels on the telly. 
“What day is it?” she asked as another holiday ad came on. 
“December sixteenth,” Kyle answered around a bite of lamb. 
She didn’t realise Christmas was so close. She changed the channel again, wanting to avoid any possibility of raising hope. 
“Gaz, take the dishes downstairs. I need to talk to Nina.” Price said as they finished eating. She thanked Kyle as he took her plate and pulled her knees to her chest. 
Price had a serious look on his face, more serious than usual. 
“We have to move you again.” He said. She nodded, chewing on the idea of having to leave again.
“My contact in M16 believes there’s a leak and you’re at risk again. They shouldn’t have known what hospital you were in.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “These men are dangerous, Nina. They believe you know where your father is.”
“I don’t.”
“I know you don’t, love. We’re working on tracking them down but until we do you need to be kept safe. You’re going to the United States tomorrow afternoon.”
“The United States? Why all the way there?”
“It’ll be easier to hide you. You’ll be under cover, new name, travelling with one of my mine.”
“No, unfortunately I need him here.”
“Then who?” She wasn’t sure if she trusted anyone else. She wasn’t even sure if she could trust Price. 
“His name is John.”
“Your name is John.”
“Different John.” He chuckled. “MacTavish. A scot. He’ll look after you.” He patted her shoulder. “Get some rest. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”
“Yes, love?”
“Will I ever be safe?”
He laid his hands on her shoulders and got eye level with her. 
“I will make you safe.” He said firmly, like he believed it to be true. “Try to get some sleep. Lots to brief on tomorrow.”
The idea of having to move again twisted her stomach. More helicopters? More high speed chases down mountain roads? More bullets whizzing by? Her hands were shaking already. She pulled her arms into her sweatshirt and scratched at them. Every red line was a release of tension in her body. Another strange man who’s side she would be tucked into. She knew Price wouldn’t put her with someone who would hurt her, at least not knowingly. 
There was a knock on the door.
“Nina? Can I come in?” Kyle asked. 
“Uh…yeah…you can.” She pushed her arms back through her sleeves. He was smiling as he came in. A pastry box and fork in hand. 
“Price says you need protein but cake has eggs so I think it counts.” He handed her the box. She laid it in her lap and opened it. It was a small chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and cadbury flakes on top. Her mouth watered. She wanted to feel the sugar grit against her teeth. 
“Thank you, Kyle.” She said, holding the box close. There was a time when she was younger and she used to close her eyes and imagine a great big party with cake and balloons and streamers and friends and her family. She held onto that fantasy for a long time. She hoped the cake tasted as good as it did in her head. 
“Eat it all if you want but don’t get sick, yeah?” He handed her the fork before going to leave. “Soap’s a decent bloke. He’ll take care of you.”
What a stupid nickname, she thought as she stabbed her fork into the centre of the cake and dug out a chunk. 
It was better than she imagined. 
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I would also like to shout out some of the people who've supported this story over the past year. There are more than I could ever list (I'm adding as I remember usernames) but thank you all so much
@macravishedbymactavish @queen-ilmaree @argella1300 @purplemarmar @devcica @avidreadee123 @water-bearz @glitterypirateduck @murdersheghostwrote @sea--biscuit @coolmaybelateruniverse @pssytrux @mykneeshurt @yearningforsappho @celestiialspheres @fleetwoodmoth
I appreciate more than y'all could ever know 💕
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This might sound a bit dumb, but I have an AU idea where Pepper Mint somehow manages to retain control of his Pepperminteppi form & escape with Cadebra. Cadebra: "So my friend is now an immortal Primordial being that can use massive amounts of black magic. Nice." The Cult has to deal with their God not wanting anything to them (& also being in Wizard Jail for, y'know, murdering children).
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absolute delight and excitement and beige comics under the cut let's go insane
first off this is such a fun idea but i kept getting stuck because how did they get out if he didnt get at least a little violent? they were in a Situation. thats why he started blasting in the first place in the movie! he kills everyone holding cadebra and then kills everyone else who is looking at the two of them funny, and he tells her to get out before he starts hurting her too. but anyways i digress. au! my polite little boy uou (transcipts in image descs to save on space. i realize i should be doing this in the first place to be more accessible but i dont do it. ay. someday ill get over that brain hurdle)
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the profs are so. blank eyed about being Stopped. that’s their GOD. they want him to do the prophesied deeds! but he’s not. “aren’t you our god now” no I’m just that kid but I have this primordial god deity chilling giving me horrible advice now in my head. awful. thanks. i just learned real fast real hard how to love and trust myself
and then also i was like. well like. w. what is everyone gonna say. not nice things. thats a scary insect boy (WHY HE INSECT? IVE NEVER DRAWN PEPPERMINTEPPI PROPERLY BEFORE AND ITS KILLING ME WHY IS HE A BEETLLEEEEE).
and also also. also. ???? drinking the ichor SUCCESSFULLY, is quite literally what og peps just,, keeps saying will Recreate Him, OG Peps, so i guess he did that (?? HELLO) or something similar when he was little but as you can tell he did not uh. keep the scary beetle body. maybe he didnt have a bestie to protect
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anyways. so. pep likes being big. :)
also have this
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poor pep trying to mediate between the gay idiot he used to be in his head (not the gay idiot he still is) and the giant scary monster from the before-nothingtimes he just willingly added to the vr chat
and his poor fuckin teachers
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(ron james is too old and anxious for this shit and life giving magus has a thing about not letting people feel sad :( hes an Emotions Wizard being sad makes him do Evil Magic did you watch the episode Little Dude? gotta keep his students feeling loved and safe or else. especially when they’re um. imbued with massive amounts of dark magic. sorry I like the them)
i also have this from discord
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I don’t know how to end this post this au is fun. none of the kids and few of the adults know the significance of this guy. pep is like hnnnnn just wanna be a normal kid but also scarypowerfulbig. enough. to protect. blaines over here like we are not letting him in the school like that are we and weaponhead is like well. the important thing is we aren’t letting the murderers back in. Blaine.
Maybe larry (cousin got fucking murdered by the teachers) and pep (reached level 100,000 just by drinking juice and now kinda scares everyone) drop out together. just chill quiet together. what do wizards even DOOOOOO, get COFFEE??? make up entirely new schools of magic kinda like those jerky secret societies but less jerky (ron James s6e13 “thanks for the crabapples giussepe”)????? just sit around and wait for Blaine (RULES GUY) and Deb (needs structure in her life and thinks school is fun) to get out of class so they can go do things?
also also I was gonna be Sad tm that you said pep was immortal now, but I insist on believing that wizards have long lifespans. so it’s not like Deb and blaine and larry just fucking DIE ten seconds into pep’s infinite life. they’re there. for a while. (:
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bluebrainrot · 1 year
Here's a ROTTMNT fanfic W.I.P I'm not going to finish,
it's 3k words long.
(TW/CW for injuries and feelings of guilt which result in reckless activity.)
oh god, he was so fucking bored, 
Sure Leo had practically gotten his shit handed to him in a nicely wrapped up present with a tiny blue bow by the Krang a couple months ago,
and sure he ended up passing out for an entire week after the adrenaline passed which gave his entire family a heart attack,
but that didn't stop the numbness crawl it's way through his chest, the small prickling feeling of dread make its way up his neck, or the heavy pit that stayed in his stomach as soon as he was left alone.
Boredom, Yeah, it's totally boredom, it could literally be nothing else, not fear, or anxiety, or guilt that he was the reason his family and the entire world was almost destroyed.
No, he was just bored.
He picked at his bandaged arms, staring at the ceiling scheming, he would make his escape tonight
"Nardo, do not." Donnie had entered the med bay and went to check his vitals,
"I wasn't going to do anything?!" Leo shot back, giving his brother an incredulous look,
Even though Donnie swore that twin telepathy wasn't a thing (or that they were twins because "We are literally two different species' of turtles, Dum Dum.") Donnie always knew when he was gonna pull some bullshit, 
"I mean stop picking at your bandages, Dum Dum." 
"Oh," Leo mentally sighed and decided to fidget with his fingers instead.
The plan was still on.
"And don't even think about leaving the med bay." he said momentarily glaring at leo, after he finished checking Leo's iv, 
"I- Me? Never. I'm out of commission, doc, you know that," He said faking a hurt tone, as if he was offended that Donnie would assume such a thing.
"I'm stuck here, I can barely stand," he pouted at Donnie, that was only partially not true. Leo had practiced hobbling around when everyone was asleep, 
Donnie raised a drawn on eyebrow at him, to which Leo returned with a half grin half smirk, 
There was a pause of silence before Donnie sighed, 
"Alright," Donnie started, 
Leo mentally cheered and smiled, 
"but i guess since you're stuck here," Donnie paused for a second, "I'm sure you won't mind me keeping you company?"
Leo's face fell while it was Donnie's turn to smirk, 
"I'm sure you'd love to have me, your older twin, stay with you." He continued with a smug grin, as he looked at Leo, who was busy looking half terrified,
Leo recovered and attempted to grin back, 
"Yea, sure," He blinked taking a minute, before opening and closing his mouth in thought of what to say next,
"Great." Donnie said, "Now, if you don't mind, dear brother, I need to get somethings done before I join you." He said with a monotone flourish before he left the med bay, 
as soon as he was out of earshot Leo cursed, sour that his dear twin brother managed to snuff out his plans, he laid his head back down on the pillow rolling his eyes at the ceiling,
his head was cramped with the thought of new york, how he used to run along rooftops with his brothers, fight crime, Go to "Run of the Mill" and annoy his second father figure Señor Hueso, 
he mostly missed the sounds, the bustling alive streets that were never quiet, which felt like a stark contrast to the med bay, 
where the only sounds were machines beeping signaling that Leo had somehow survived, dripping of sewer pipes buried somewhere within the walls, the hushed whispers and conversations that would happen infront of the med bay when his family thought he was asleep,
it all felt like too much, or too empty, sure his brothers would come in and talk to him, 
or try to, atleast.
It would usually end in an awkward silence as if they had no idea what to say, because what do you say to your brother who had sacrificed himself, who resigned himself a fate with practically no chance of survival?
it was usually with Raph that conversations died fast, because there was always something else he wanted to say, always something that just died on the tip of his tongue, Leo often wondered what it was, 
a part of him thinks it would be about Leo's stunt at the docks, how because of his inability to shut up they had been spotted, 
how he had disobeyed Raph and went after the key on his own without a single thought or plan on how he would have gotten out on his own, 
how Raph had to sacrifice himself for Leo and deal with the consequences which was forever memorialized on his face, an ugly scar over his eye, a reminder on how it was Leo's fault.
The sane part of Leo knows that Raph did not hold it against him, but it still was a terrifying, ugly thought that felt like hot coals were being shoved down his throat and burned smoke into his eyes.
with Mikey conversations flowed somewhat smoothly, Leo could sense he desperately wanted to bring out Dr. feelings but would supress it, 
They would continue to talk about skateboarding or a meme Mikey got from April, but no matter the subject Leo's eyes were always led to his baby brothers hands and forearms, 
They were painted with faint scars, jagged, thin and ran along his arms like dead tree branches, it was a show of Mikey's love and determination; a mark that shouldn't have to be there. 
Leo knew that Mikey struggled, his hands were filled with tremors, he could barely hold a pencil or a paintbrush anymore. 
Leo may have sacrificed himself, but Mikey? Mikey gave up his art, his ability to breathe life onto a blank page and Leo was the one who took it from him.
He had heard Mikey crying one night, from the darkness he could hear sniffles permeating through the lair, that reminded Leo of when they were kids and Mikey would skin his knees by tripping over his own feet from running too fast, 
Leo hated hearing Mikey cry which is why he had found those old knee pads, but this, this required more than knee pads, a bandaid, soft words and cuddles.
Leo had asked him about it one night and to his surprise Mikey answered truthfully, he had told Leo everything, how even though he was glad that ge managed to save Leo, he missed being able to draw, to paint, to create. 
That night ended in both Mikey and Leo crying, one with relief of finally unburdening themselves with pent up emotions, and the other with guilt.
Mikey was always so much stronger than him in that sense, he was so willing and open with his feelings. 
He would never tell Mikey this, knowing he would most definitely break out Dr. Feelings, but It made Leo feel sick with himself, It was another weight added to his stomach, another way he could torture himself,
Another reason as to why he should have been left in the prison dimension.
Leo couldn't believe his baby brother felt the need to save him.
He didn't need saving.
He didn't want it, not at the expense of his family.
If Mikey hadn't saved Leo, he wouldn't had to give up on his art. Not for a brother that fucked everything up.
But with Donnie it was different, it was easier.
His twin was never one for feelings or emotions, and rather preferred to sit with you in silence, and usually used small touches; a hand on your shoulder, as a way offering his presence as an anchor, or to say I'm here.
Leo was grateful for that in many ways, 
however, in this case, he wasn't.
Donnie had returned with some mush he called Leo's dinner,
Leo couldn't eat anything solid, Thanks to the Krang and his temper tantrum in the prison dimension, which in turn led him to have a diet of liquids and baby food.
Leo whinned as Donnie placed the plate of mushed up peas in front of him, 
"c'mon Donnieeee" he dragged, 
"I've been having shitty mashed peas for the past month. It's fucking disgusting and flavorless and boring."
Donnie gave him an unimpressed look, "Leon, you know very well why you have to eat the peas," Donnie sat down on the chair beside the bed, where for the past month or so, his brothers had been taking turns, to watch over an unconcious Leo.
The seat was, from what Leo had heard, had mostly been occupied by Raph. Donnie and Mikey being very close seconds.
"you're the team medic, and as team medic you know that your stomach pulled an AllMight and half of it got destroyed." Donnie crossed his arms as he talked and shifted in his seat.
"yeah, I know that, DonTron" he rolled his eyes, "I didn't ask 'why?' I just want something other than fucking peas, or atleast something with salt." He glared at the plate on his lap.
Donnie sighed, "Leon. Eat the fucking peas." 
Leo frowned at Donnie then the plate of peas, then at Donnie, then peas, Donnie, Peas, Donnie, Peas, and grimaced.
he groaned before using the plastic blue spoon that kindergarden children were most familiar with, and took a bite of the room temperature peas, making a disgusted face as he swallowed, 
He looked back at Donnie who was still seated next to him with his arms crossed, unimpressed with Leo's antics.
Leo scooped another spoonful, bringing it up halfway and paused, stared at the peas, and put it back down, turned to Donnie, 
"DonDonnnn, my arm hurts," he pouted.
Donnie pinched the bridge of his beak and groaned,
Leo smirked,
"Nardo, I swear on the pizza supreme in the sky." He looked at Leo, borderline glaring at him.
Leo stared back with a blank face, before it contorted into one of pleading.
Donnie swore under his breath that his brother was going to give him an ulcer before they turn 18, 
"Fine. Fine. I'll try and find something else."
Leo smiled back at Donnie. "Ohmigosh! Thank you, Thank you so so so much, Donnie, you are the greatest brother ever, have I ever told you tha-"
Donnie held out a finger to shut him up, "I said 'try'." He gave a tired sigh before he continued,
"and whatever I bring you have to eat it. no complaining, nothing. Got it?" He said eyeing Leo.
"Todd scouts honor." He said before drawing a cross with his finger on his plastron.
Donnie got up, narrowing his eyes at Leo as he got to the door of the med bay, before leaving. 
Leo wait a few minutes before he grinned, sat up and stretched over to place the peas on donnies seat, 
he swung his legs over the bed, using the iv stand to stabilize himself, before taking a few explorative steps, 
Leo removed the iv from his wrist and used the stand for a couple more steps, before attempting to stay upright on his own.
he wobbled, and stuck his arms out like a tightrope walker to keep steady, his face focused, tongue sticking out as he tried his best not to fall over.
Leo took a few more steps before he could comfortably walk, more like limp, around the Med bay.
He started making his way through the med bay trying his best to quiet his foot falls, and leaned out the door to see if anyone was coming, after he was satisfied, he went back in and made his way to one of the vents, 
he opened it and scurried inside, closing the vent behind him, his mind made an inkling thought of an among us joke, before he snickered and moved on.
Leo had memorized the ventilation shafts as a way to fight his boredom one night,
He made the necessary turns till he made it to his subway cart room.
He clambered down, and entered his room filled with Jupiter jim and lou jitsu posters and action figures, comic books sat in teetering piles near his unmade bed, as his twin katanas laid across his desk.
he grabbed his katana holders that was draped on his desk chair and struggled it over his carapace before taking one katana and placing it in the holder and using the other like a makeshift crutch.
he made his way to the back door of the subway cart and opened it, 
Leo used this exit many times before, especially on quiet nights when his insomnia was acting up and drinking tea or rewatching jupiter jim or lou jistu movies weren't working,
he'd make his way out of the abandonded subway tunnels, up to the surface and wander around, 
Leo did the same thing he'd been doing in the two years after Shredder had destroyed their first home, Before the krang Fucked up everything.
Except, now, he stumbled down the subway tunnels with his katana as a crutch rather than easily stroll like before.
Leo found his way to the surface taking a minute to stare at the sky, 
The similar sounds flooded his ears. The people. The constant movement and chatter. The soft goan of a new city being rebuilt over an old one.
Leo felt at peace, he felt lighter, as he dragged himself out of the abandoned subway catacombs, and made his way up onto the rooftops with the help of an old fire escape, 
he had at first decided to aimlessly wonder around to take in the sights and the feeling of his city.
It had been a long time. Way too long.
as he walked around he noticed that even though it was familiar, it was all so vastly different.
As the sounds of construction took up most of the air, there were more people than ever queuing up infront of food drives, and there were more crumbling and abandoned buildings than usual. 
Leo's face hardened, as he realized that these were all effects of the invasion.
Of the catastrophic event that rocked practically everyones shit.
He felt the stubbling feelings of guilt prickle its way through his chest, as he stared down at his city, his home.
Leo shook his head, he was here to feel better, to not feel bored anymore. 
That what he was going to do.
he pushed back the all encompassing thoughts and dread, all the way to the back of his mind, tonight is his night. 
The only night he'll allow himself.
Leo needed to get serious; about his family, his city, and himself.
Because it was never about him, it was never supposed to be. 
Leo looked back at the sky almost inky and dark, but dented with the city lights, proof to him that new york was healing and that it would all be ok.
Leo's stomach grumbled, as he was lost in his thoughts.
Leo hummed as if to let himself know that he recognized he was hungry.
a few mummbled thoughts went through his mind before he managed to pick one.
Run of the Mill. Señor Hueso.
He needed to check up on Hueso, and eat something that wasn't fucking flavorless peas.
Leo made his way across the rooftops till he reached the alleyway where Run of the Mill was hidden. 
He opened the mystic door and sauntered in, putting an air of "I'm completely ok, the casts, bandages and sword i'm using to keep myself from falling on my face are a fashion statement nothing more."
Leo was greeted with the warmth, smells and sounds the restraunt usually had, and for a second his mind melted, it was so familiar, it was exactly as he left it, and Leo loved it.
Too many things had changed and he was so glad that atleast one thing was the same.
Leo with the same sauntering pace limped with his sword, up to the counter, flashing a grin to the waitstaff.
"Heeeeeyyyyyyyy," Leo had proped himself against the counter, leaning his sword next to him.
The yokai manning the counter was a type of humanoid black bear who wore a black button down, and had an annoyed snarl placed on their face as they looked down at Leo.
"Do you think by any chance you can get me Señor Hueso? you see he is like a really good pal of mine," He paused expectingly, waiting for the bear to go get Hueso, but they stood there, still snarling.
"we are muy close, super duper close like almost like a mentor/mentee type of deal or one could even say father and son?" Leo stopped, raising his nonexistent eyebrows, a small part of him wondering if he should just leave.
But he continued anyway "actually more like uncle and nephew, anywhizzle, I'm sure he would love to see that i'm doing amazing," Leo gestured to himself, which would more likely disprove his point rather than help it.
"after the entire almost end of the world thing at the hands/tentacles of chewed up bubblegum." He tried to give the bear a smile in an attempt to convince him, 
there was silence as the yokai and Leo made eye contact for a solid minute, the bears ears flicking from time to time.
Leo broke first and groaned, "It's fine i'll just get him myself." and gave the bear a sarcastic smile, before peeling himself off the counter and hobbling into the bustling restraunt with his weight on his katana, towards Hueso's office.
The bear grunted as he did so, and greeted the next customer with silence.
Leo slowly weaved his way through the waiters and tables before making to the door of hueso's office, promptly knocking before he let himself in,
grinning as (humanely?) turtley possible, as he greeted Hueso with a "Heeeeyyyyy Boneman," and finger guns.
Hueso was on his office phone, his eyes, eyesockets? widened as he saw the turtle barge into his office, 
He muttered a quick assurance to whoever was on the phone before cutting the line.
That's it! Thanks if you read this far ^_^
Here's a picture of my grand uncle's cat as thanks.
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blueiight · 1 year
idk if louis decided he was gonna ditch lestat, grace might've accepted him back although the freaky non-aging yeah by that point would've been an issue but i guess psychologically for louis with her around, there was still some hope that he could get out? but once she's gone its like that door is fully closed in his mind too
do recall tho that grace and louis never rly contact eachother after a certain point. louis is too into in his own vampy family, and likewise grace with her own family, even moreso w/ levi symbolically replacing louis as the Man of the House in ep3. the lines r drawn in the sand. once again idk if ur the same anon or not, i think yall being entirely too generous to grace here + assuming she'd just take back her brother who she hardly had that much interest in contacting outside of sending jonah his way + sending a note that maman died. when they did meet in ep4, grace+ levi were both disgusted. ur fine w/ ur white daddy in the quarter aint u lou like how she says.
this falls into the fan issue of seeing black female characters as ever generous empty vessels of servitude for black males/female charas of nonblack varieties w/ no interiority or capacity for any complex human emotion when no. thats not how grace is with louis. grace is convinced by ep4 id say + seals the belief in ep5 when she leaves that her older brother [metaphorically or literally] died somewhere along the way+ was replaced by an evil gay demon. this may sound hyperbolic, but she literally says ur not my louis and buries him. how else can u interpret that lol. she has a complex relationship with her brother that degrades throughout season 1, and in no way can i see canon show! grace being some unconditionally loving confidante to her battered gay brother, vampire or not. she made no indication of disapproving of paul being in the asylum, or disapproving of louis's illicit dealings, its only once louis diverges from being a provider for the dulacs, and comes by in the night/if at all, that grace starts to resent her brother. let black women be complex characters. and like one of my other anons said as i attached below
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louis himself, is prideful as he is tormented.. even in the modern day, he does not self identify as a victim at the very least, for the purposes of daniel's writing + for reasons ive described time + time again, so what makes u think a 1920s-30s lou after being beat would go to his baby sister if she stayed in town somehow? like i said, being part of the historical great migration/s makes a lot of sense for grace + levi's characters. whether louis isnt paying out, or grace is refusing louis's money [lol u aint had no problem when big bro was a trick but now that white daddy pay the bills u aint touchin dat money? who knows]. outside of that theres very few opportunities for the freniere-dulacs, used to their former conditional opulence in the treme, in this here jim crow south outside of going up north. do recall that years before, louis hid the fact that papa du lac was boutta drive their family into destitution for years, even from his own mother, and especially from his younger sister. if we take the pilot draft describing grace as 22 or the books, this means grace is decently younger than show!louis. when he ran away from lestat in ep3 before finding claudia, he didnt go to the treme where his sister + then alive mother was, but to the old poor black neighborhoods, seeking absolution in an abstract sense for his self perceived wrongs, and bringing that redemption to lestat. to be turned, to live forever, to love him in a way his born family could not. eps 2-3 show that louis cannot go back to his born family anymore. something something ziska fill me up post here
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xler0 · 11 months
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it's like they can't commit on a new art style. They tried to emulate doraemon's design because he's a cat robot from the same century as him BUT THEY ALSO WANT TO MAKE HIM LOOK ATTRACTIVE BY FORCING THE NEWER ARTSTYLE (like the one used for Luca in Nobita's Chronicle of the Moon). The same artstyle can also be seen in the three sages but they can just say they are supposed to be beautiful and they emulate adults (ive seen that the adult characters other than the one from original doraemon are drawn differently since 2019 ish maybe) BUT AT LEAST IT LOOKED... NOT AS CURSED AS SONYAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. PRODUCER PLEASE JUST STICK TO ONE ARTSTYLE AND COMMIT TO IT. I CANT BEAR LOOKING AT HOW WEIRD SONYA BE LOOKING IN SOME FRAMES.
okay now that's out of the way let's talk about the plot.
I FUCKING LOVE THE PLOT. It's giving midsommar. It's giving the tip of the iceberg of how easy it is to fall into a cult trap and become a cultist. Usually if fujiko fujio wrote this they'll make it seem like the paradapia creator is the one in the right (bcs honestly fujiko fujio kinda gives off eco fascist stink. i've talked abt this before). So I'm glad that from the start they are already portrayed as an ominous community that seemed to be hiding something more. They tried to make it seemed like that paradapia creator is also suffering that's why he needed to make paradapia but i think bcs of the run time they did not really flesh out the reason and other things are happening so there's no room left for sympathy towards dr ray, and i LOVE THAT. No need for any sappy sad backstory for a fascist villain i'd say, no matter how important he thought his reasons are lol go die in jail. Oh. Yea the run time. For the first half it was paced very nicely. Paradapia started to look even more unsettling with ominous shots and dialogs. However for the last half of the movie it become completely rushed. The rebel characters (Hannah and Marimba) was used as walking lore dump for the audience to understand how paradapia became to be instead of showing more things that make them seemed different. I guess it's because they ran out of run time (the movie was only 1 hr 47 min). Not much scene to be emotional with. When a thing happen it quickly jumps into another thing, not letting the audience to cry much bcs?? SO MUCH SHIT IS HAPPENING??? Nobita become the last piece of the paradapia project (literally why? never explained) somehow a whole island can fit into a plastic bag (why designed the trash bag as a plastic bag anyway? there's already and existing gadget for that), sonya died, sonya didn't die, oit there's dr ray getting surrounded, end scene? There's not even much of chase scene. Not even a chase scene with the big bad villain happening. They've used it for Marimba's scene (the action scene in this one was... let's say they definitely blew more budget here), and a chase between sonya nobita doraemon and marimba through the time hole. OH AND LET'S TALK ABOUT THE CHASE SCENE WITH SONYA BECAUSE-
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THIS SCENE HAD ME IN A CHOKEHOLD. for almost the rest of the movie there's going to be ambient music btw (weird choice but ok). and when important scenes happen the music will stop, dead silence. only the important characters talk and their voice is going to be crisp and loud. this scene started cheesy, the usual doraemon tells sonya he has a heart too and in this scene he'll started to get swayed and then when he was about to lower his gun- BAM THE THREE SAGES THREATEN SONYA THEY'LL DISPOSE HIM AND MAKE HIM NOT PERFECT ANYMORE AND THEN LIKE A PAVLOVIAN CONDITIONING HE INSTANTLY PULLED THE TRIGGER AND SHOT DORAEMON AND NOBITA DOWN LIKE BROOOO??!?!?!? I cant explain it any better it's truly an experience IT'S SO HEART WRENCHING GHRHHHHHHGRRRRR I LOVE THIS ONE SCENE THE MOST
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why is he not in more scenes?- No. In fact, WHY IS HE JUST NOT BECOME ONE OF THE MAIN CAST THIS TIME?
Bro this movie is literally about being HIM. Nobita kept whining and wishing "man i'm soon gonna become like Dekisugi" FOR ALMOST THE ENTIRETY OF THE FIRST HALF. THAT'S HOW SELF CONSCIOUS THE WRITERS ARE WHILE WRITING THE STORY. BECAUSE. THIS. IS. ABOUT. BEING. PERFECT. SCHOOLBOY. LIKE DEKISUGI. FUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKK WE WERE ROBBED IMAGINE THE PROBABILITIES. And if the director said they dont want dekisugi to finish the problem quickly, trust me he cannot. He's a child who doesnt know much regarding doraemon's gadget and the villain is literally a fucking cult. No matter how perfect or smart someone is, a cult will still have their way to make others join them. In fact, it'll be even more interesting because that means Dekisugi's skillset will make him even more vulnerable since he'll thought that he found his people along with paradapia's citizens. ISN'T THAT INTERESTING OR IS THAT JUST ME???? AND MAYBE IT'LL HELP MORE WITH EXPLAINING PARADAPIA'S LIGHT AND HOW IT WORKS? I mean let's say the paradapia light radiate "perfection" and the key is Dekisugi whose name literally means "too fucking good at everything" and nobita is immune to the light because??? idk he's already perfect as is??? that's so cheesy but at least it'll explain how the light became to be and why it's important to go to the gangs hometown???!! FUCK ME AND MY WISHFUL THINKING HONESTLY. WE CAN'T HAVE ALL THE GOOD THINGS HUH
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I want to cry in this scene, honestly. But like I said the pacing is too damn quick and the viewer (me) didnt have enough time to process wtf is happening. It's quite brutal too with how Sonya forced others to leave him by SHOOTING THEIR TAKECOPTER??? Well we already know beforehand that the air pilot suit have parachute attached BUT STILL. Watching Doraemon still insisted on being with Sonya until Sonya had to shoot his takecopter..... I can see now why there's an influx on the sonya x doraemon fanart for like, last march-april. And i think it'll be much more harrowing if sonya stayed dead but hey guess it's still a kid's movie so in the end he'll get to live and guess the sonya x doraemon ship will be sailing smooth (i shouldnt... but i really want to... oh god.... will i add another ship in my ship list.....) okay i think that's it for now. Oh and i wanna draw nobita in the paradapia uniform.... i saw someone did it first and did a blue archive AU tho.... i still want it.... hhhhhhhh..........
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hannah also gives off suletta vibes... cutiee.....
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