#sooooo fucked up being a teenage boy just messing around with friends one day
haunted-xander · 2 months
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Well, I guess you didn't have much of a choice either
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peach-pops · 4 years
may i perhaps request a continuation of the suga, noya and kags hqs of them meeting ukais niece? like when they start datin and ukai catches them smoochin or just being gross🤢 and kinda stands there like 👁👄👁 if u dont want to just ignore this
Sorry this took sooooo long! This doesn’t have to be a continuation from the first one but if you guys want to check it out, it’s here!
Kageyama, Suga, and Noya Get Caught By Ukai
Kageyama is not a fan of PDA and you may quote me on that
He can MAYBE handle hand holding underneath a table and if he’s feeling a bit bold, a quick kiss on the cheek in the hallways is a possibility only if no one is looking 
He wasn’t embarrassed of you but lets be real, he is always at practice or some volleyball event and it would be pretty awkward for him to start kissing his girlfriend when his coach, and also your uncle, is only a few feet away 
Your schedule was pretty jam-packed and that meant it was really hard for you to go to his games especially since Ukai expected you to run the store when he was off with the Karasuno boys
This meant that you hardly ever got to see Kageyama play but a part of him didn’t mind because that took less pressure off of him
Ohhhh boy but then the day came where you were able to go watch a game and of course, it had to be the most important one of the season. Shiratorizawa vs Karasuno 
That day, Kageyama was a complete mess for a number of reasons but to know that you were going to be at his game terrified him 
The game was intense and you were standing the whole time because you couldn’t bring your nerves down at all no matter how hard Saeko and Akiteru tried, you were a nervous wreck 
Wait this is separate from the hc but can we pls talk about HOW FUCKING HOT TSUKI’S OLDER BROTHER IS ??? 
Sorry anyway
To think that the first volleyball game you were seeing was the one to dictate whether or not your boyfriends team made it to nationals was insane but you had so much faith in the team that they would pull it off
You couldn’t even move when Karasuno won the last point. Hell, you even forgot to breath for a second but once you saw the team celebrate together on the court, you felt so proud because they really did the impossible
You shout for Kageyama and when he looks up to see you standing up in the bleachers, he has the BIGGEST smile on his face because holy shit THEY WERE GOING TO NATIONALS!!!!
After the awards, you wait for Karasuno at the gymdoors and when Kageyama sees you, He runs over to you and literally sweeps you off your feet 
Kageyama doesn’t know if it’s from the adrenaline of the win or the absent nerves but all he wants to do is kiss you
Tanaka and Noya are screaming their heads off their so proud !!! Suga is obviously shielding Hinata’s eyes 
He kisses you so hard as if it would be his last and it catches you off guard because um hello??? Who is this man kissing you?? 
this was the same Kageyama that gave you head pats instead of kisses when he was around his friends and now he’s kissing you as if his life depends on it
But you’re not complaining you’re a bit too busy at the moment trying to enjoy the moment
All he can think about is you; any other sound around him is completely muffled but once the two of you pull away for air, his smile drops so quickly and he almost drops you to the floor 
“ Tobio? What’s wrong-” You turn to look over to where he’s staring and your heart drops when you see your Uncle Ukai with his arms crossed
Kageyama stops breathing and he literally turns white cause he’s TERRIFIED AND SO EMBARRASSED 
Ukai is kinda weirded out more than anything because first off, he didn’t even think Kageyama showed any emotion besides anger or disinterest and second, he’s always known to be the ‘cool uncle’ 
Like should he really be yelling??? They’re just kids??? He did a lot worst stuff at his age-
“ It’s not what it looks-”
“ I think I’m just gonna…” Ukai kinda points off to the side and awkwardly steps around the two of you because he rather not think about his student and his niece kissing 
so he kinda gives Kageyama a pass? Not because it’s Kageyama you’re dating but just because emotions are so high and it’s like eh okay??
If anything, it would just be kinda awkward between Ukai and Kageyama during practice/school like just lil nods like “ okay I guess you’re dating my niece” and “ okay I guess I’m dating you’re niece”
Suga is just so sweet let me put that out there because it must be known
You two had only been dating for a short time but you both were already so comfortable with each other
He knows you work late some days at Ukai’s store so he always stops by after practice to check up on you and makes sure you ate dinner and that you were caught up with your homework
Tonight was no different as Suga walks in and sees you behind the register trying your best not to fall asleep
“ Ukai isn’t here?” 
“ Nope, he texted me and said he was going to stop by the house before coming over with dinner. I wish he would hurry up. I’m about to pass out” You yawned as Suga greeted you with a kiss on the cheek as you kicked over a stool so he could sit on the opposite side of the counter,” how was practice?”
“ Kageyama and Hinata got into it again during practice so you know, the usual. I missed you a lot today though, I feel like I hardly ever get to see you.” 
*Cue sad puppy dog Suga*
You two weren’t the type of couple to always be attached at the hip. You had your own things to do and so did he but that didn’t stop you both from missing each other
“ I know Koshi but at least you’re here now.”
You had a point, he cherished any time that the two of had together, even if it was only for a few minutes and now that he was with you, he could show you how much he missed you
Suga got rid of his pouty face and leaned over the counter to kiss you but this time, it was way different than any kiss the two of you shared before. His lips were so warm and you practically melted into him because you two hadn’t had time alone in a quick minute
Ukai was on his phone as he stepped into the store but when he looked up to see his niece smooching with one of his students, he was so freaked out he just shouted
You pushed Suga off of you but the force of your push sent you falling backwards in your chair and you landed on the ground with a thud
You groaned and held your head as Ukai and Suga peeked over the counter to make sure you were still alive,” Wah! You said you weren’t coming to the shop until later!” 
“ Change of plans, my Uncle senses were going crazy and I’m glad I listened to them! What if a customer walked in and saw two hormonal teenagers going at it?”
“ AIYA alright!” You shouted, feeling more embarrassed than before as you got off the floor. 
Suga was lowkey panicking cause he wasn’t even sure what to say. How could he even ease the tension between his girlfriend and coach ???? 
“ I uhm-” Suga started as Ukai looked over at him,” I’m sorry Ukai-san! I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N!” 
Suga bows respectfully as you and Ukai watch him leave the store. Once he’s gone, Ukai only laughs and grabs an apron from the hook. 
“ Why are you laughing? You basically traumatized him!” 
“ A little fear never hurt anybody but good job, you managed to pick a decent guy for once,” You uncle teased as he patted your head and started to sweep the store
Ukai was definitely protective of who you dated and he had a suspicion that you were going out with someone but now that he knew it was Suga out of all people, he wasn’t worried at all 
Of course, he could never say that outloud because again, fear keeps guys in check 
Oh god okay 
You live with your uncle Ukai because your parents always traveled a lot for work and since Ukai is literally the coolest uncle in the world, you liked living with him
He would’ve let you live with him anyway but because you offered to help him out at the store, it kinda stuck and that’s how you got into helping him out
Noya and you had been dating for a while now and while Ukai knew the two of you were together, he never really brought it up because a big part of him didn’t even want to acknowledge the fact that his niece was with someone as crazy as Noya
But again, if you and Ukai didn’t bring it up then that’s just the way it is
You and Noya were always pretty busy and since you barely saw each other during the day, you would sneak Noya into your room late at night just to makeout cuddle whatever
And just like any other day, you opened up your bedroom window as Noya carefully climbed in, being extra careful not to make any noise
Now you two hadn’t spent quality time with each other in sooooo long and again, two hormonal teenagers that are touch starved is bound to happen. This is basically a long-winded way to say that it was obvious you two would makeout
No matter how heated the makeout sessions would get, that’s all they would ever be because you two both wanted to wait before taking it to the next level 
99% of the time Noya would take off his shirt and today was no different. Your hands were tugging at his hair as his body hovered over yours as your lips moved against each other
Even in the dark, he always told you how pretty you were cause he’s a goob and you would just smile and get back to kissing him 
Noya inhaled deeply because this is what pure bliss felt like and he couldn’t be happier being so close to you
“ Hey Y/N, tomorrow I need-” Ukai barged right in and turned the lights on as his eyes landed straight on a shirtless Noya on top of you 
You screamed as Noya rolled off of you and was frantically trying to find his shirt while avoiding eye contact with Ukai
Through all of the panic, Ukai looked down and saw the shirt on the floor. He just picked it up and threw it at Noya’s head,” Get dressed, and both of you see me downstairs.” 
Noya gulped because he knew he was going to get his ass beat and even when Ukai left your room, Noya turned to you with sad eyes
“ If I don’t make it back alive, I want you to know how much I love you. Tell Tanaka I’m sorry.”
“ Yu, I think you’re being dramatic…”
The whole time you and Noya were panicking, Ukai was losing his mind because he knew what he had to talk about with you and he reallyyyyyy wasn’t ready for it 
Once you two made it downstairs, you both sat down on opposite sides of the couch 
Ukai might’ve looked pissed on the outside, and he was, but he was just so uncomfortable. He didn’t know if it was really his place to bring the birds and the bees but as the adult in the room, it was now his responsibility. 
“ You guys realize I have to give you the talk now right?”
“ Uncle Ukai please-”
“ You brought this upon yourself.”
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thewordjunkyard · 4 years
A Wish Well Made Chapter 1
Author’s Note: Hey! if you think I missed a tag or the rating, then let me know! I’m putting down all I can think of, but I’m only human! Thanks and happy reading.
Fandom(s): Danny Phantom
Summary: A fight leads to Desiree granting a wish for Tucker and Danny. This is a bad thing, right?
Rating: Teen
Tags: Danny Phantom, Danny Fenton, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Desiree, Swearing, Cursing,
Ships: None Currently. 
Chapter 1
He was done.
He didn't want to do this today.
Or any day for that matter.
But he needed to set the record straight.
For his sake.
“No. I'm going home and doing my homework for once.” A boy with raven hair and light blue eyes sternly said. He was making eye contact with a girl in gothic clothing. She has deep violet eyes and dark hair pulled back into a ponytail on the top of her head.
She was glaring back in draggers.
“You can't just say no!” The girl argued. “She could destroy the town! You saw what she could do at the meteor shower last fall!” The girl gestured in a certain direction in the park they were in. “Are you honestly just going to ignore her wish granting?!”
The boy held his ground. “Yes. Sam, I'm going to ignore it because there are other people who can catch her.”
“Oh yeah? Who Danny? Valerie?” Sam's voice dripped with venom at the mention of the other girl's name. “Or your parents? The G.I.W.?” Sam put her hands on her hips. “Or do you mean your sister and us?” She gestured to an African-American boy in a red beret and thick rimmed glasses. The boy was watching the exchange between his best friends in silent horror.
Sam was pushing buttons. The boy knew. But he could only watch.
Danny's eyes flashed from blue to an acid green. It was mostly hidden by his bangs, but the boy in the red beret saw the change. “Um, Sam-” the boy tried to mediate.
“Stay out of this Tucker.” The girl growled at the boy in glasses. Danny snarled at Sam as his hair moved out of his now acid green eyes.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back.
“Don't tell him what to do Sam.” Danny growled out. Sam wasn't phased by the tone or the eyes. “If he wants to talk, then let him talk! His opinions matter.” 
“This is between you and me Fenton. Not him! So his opinion doesn't apply here!” Sam raised her voice.
Tucker started to back away slowly from the two. Tensions have been high for a few months now. Danny was under constant stress from ghost hunting and school. Sam wasn't making it any easier by telling Danny that he was just overreacting to it all. Brushing him off and urging him to keep fighting ghosts. It was going to turn on their heads sooner or later.
Tucker honestly loves them both, but even he knew Danny had limits, even with ghost powers.
Danny was going to snap. 
Like he was right now.
Tucker hugged himself as Danny growled like an animal. “He is a part of this group as much as you.” Danny snarled. Tucker's eyes widened as he saw Danny's teeth. His canines were unnaturally elongated and sharp. “He deserved the RIGHT to SPEAK!” Danny bellowed at Sam.
Sam held her ground fearlessly. She had a scolding look to her face. “What could he honestly add that could be sooooo helpful.” Her tone gave a bit of sarcasm.
Ouch. That hurt Tuck's heart.
She didn't mean for it to come across that way.
Danny stepped closer to Sam's face and said dangerously low. “Maybe if you let him talk, we'll know.” They were a breath apart with Danny a few inches taller than Sam. They were glaring dangerously at each other as Sam turned quickly red in the face.
She moved her arms up to push Danny. Tucker saw the motion and quickly shoulder shoved Danny out of the way. Sam pushed Tucker to the ground. He landed on his elbows. 
Tucker was okay. He wasn't physically hurt.
But he was emotionally exhausted.
“WHY YOU LITTLE- OOF!” Tucker quickly got up and tackled Danny to the ground. Tucker pinned his best friend to avoid the boy from hurting Sam. She didn't mean to push Tucker or tried to with Danny. She was just mad. And people did stupid things when they were mad.
Like picking fights with a teenager who could literally pick up cars and throw them across town.
Oh man… Danny could honestly kill somebody if he wasn't careful.
Danny looked at Tucker with a fury in his eyes. “TUCKER!” Danny screeched. “LET ME GO NOW!” Tucker didn't move, and Danny didn't move him with force like he could have.
A minute passed before Tucker spoke. “You need to cool off.” Tucker looked concerned. “You don't look like yourself D.” Tucker used an old nickname of Danny's.
A really old nickname.
Danny stared at Tucker for a few seconds before relaxing a small bit. He was breathing heavily. He felt like punching down a wall, or yelling.
Yelling down a wall sounded great about now.
Tucker looked back at Sam. She was standing there. Arms limp at her sides with wide eyes. She was staring at Danny. Like she just now noticed how mad he looked. “Sa-am.” Tucker breath shaky. His nerves were fried. “Go.”
“Tucker I-”
“Go.” Tucker added more emphasis this time.
She got the message. 
She jogged up the trail that left the park. When she was out of sight. Tucker looked to the halfa pinned beneath him. 
Tucker had the boy by his hands above his head. He was being pinned by one of Tucker's knees in the admin. His closed eyes had dark circles around them. His canines were long and sharp. He was breathing heavily through his teeth in a way to calm himself.
Danny never forces himself up. He never forced Tucker off of him.
Danny had a weird rule about that.
He would have forced anyone else off him by now. Used his super strength to get up and fight on.
But not with Tucker. Tucker was the only exception. And well… Jazz. Tucker didn't fully understand it, but he didn't have to. It was Danny after all.
A few minutes passed, and Danny's anger slipped into sobbing. Tucker moved off of Danny and released his hands. Tucker was soon wrapped up in an embrace by the young halfa. 
Danny buried his head in his best friend-no, brother's- shoulder and cried. “I-I just wanted t-to get my res-search paper d-done.” Danny sobbed. Tucker rubbed circles into his back. “I don't want to f-fail.”
“I know man. I know.” Tucker soothed. “We can go to my place and get started if you want. There are other folk who can take care of the ghosts.”
“I w-wished I wasn't such a f-freak.” Danny sobbed.
“Dude, you're not a freak. If I had to wish for anything, it would be for you to stay the same, powers and all.” Tucker said. “And maybe for you to be less…”
“Fucked up.” Danny sniffed. “Believe me, I want that. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if the portal never fully opened, or if Sam never talked us into hunting ghosts.” He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
“Didn't Sam make a wish similar to that during the meteor last semester?” Tucker furrowed his eyebrows together in thought.
“It was to never meet me, and in turn you, but she was wearing the Specter Deflector so she remembered.” Danny sniffed again. He stopped crying at least. 
Tucker huffed annoyed. “We never said we didn't want to meet her.” Tucker mumbled.
“Exactly!” Danny leaned up and broke the hug to look Tucker in the eye. His nose was running and his eyes were red from crying. “WHY are we still friends with her!?” Danny croaked. “She has been nothing but a pain since I got my powers!” He pointed to the direction Sam left the park. “She didn't even let you have a chance to talk!”
“Duuuude, that was so uncool.” Tucker slump where he sat.
“And it's not the first time she's done it either! Last week for the molecule model thing, she didn't let you do anything! I saw from my table.” Danny was mad, but he was a lot calmer than a few minutes ago.
Tucker groaned. “It was soooooo unfair. And that was one of the few projects I was looking forward to! I can't believe Mr. Mindle assigned us partners for the thing.” Tucker crossed his arms.
“I know! I was just lucky not to get Dash as one.” Danny grimaced. “I might have actually hurt him that day if we were partners.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It was a looong day.”
Tucker smirked. “Bet it made your day to get paired with the cute smart girl.” Tucker wriggled his eyebrows.
Danny lightly glared. “Seriously Tucker?” Tucker innocently smiled. Danny rolled his eyes. “Okay. Fine. It actually did. But not for the reasons you're thinking of.”
Tucker was curious now. “Really? How she made your day?” He was really curious to know how one project together made Danny's day.
“She was just- I don't know.” Danny found it hard to explain. “She just- gave off this welcoming and non-judgy vibe? I think. She was super nice and wasn't all in your face about stuff. She even explained to me what the molecule model was, and the difference between the carbon molecules in diamonds and graphite.”
“Danny, we were told that three weeks ago.” Tucker said after a moment.
Danny groaned and put his face in his hands. “All stupid Ghost hunting is messing with my studies!” Danny looked up at Tucker. “It's a wonder that I'm passing at all…”
“Hey. Solid C+ is better than Dash record F-.” Tucker smirked.
“You don't know that he has an F-.” Danny said. He squinted his eyes at Tucker. “...Do you?”
“Not only do I know, but can back it up with math. Care for the statistics?” Tucker gloated.
Danny lightly laughed. “Maybe another day.” Danny looked up at the sky. It was still daylight outside. “We should get going. How-how do I look?” Danny asks hesitantly.
Tucker did a once over. “Your eyes are back to blue, but your teeth are still sharp.” Tucker kept scanning Danny for anything weird. “You look tired, but otherwise normal.”
Danny sighed and got up. He offered Tucker a hand up as Danny said “I feel tired.”
“I feel you D.” Tucker took Danny's offered hand.
Once to their feet, Danny and Tucker started to walk to Tucker's house, where Tucker's parents and warm fresh baked cookies will greet them. Studying and talking filled their afternoon with a fresh of breath air.
Desiree hazed into existence at the park. The ghost child was too upset with his goth friend to notice her.
She was graceful for that.
The halfa looked ready to kill if his sergeant brother hadn't stepped in.
Their conversation after the goth girl left was interesting, to say the least. Desiree almost granted the ghost child's wish when his brother negated it with his own. But they were getting clever, but she had her loopholes.
The brother left the wish open-ended, and the ghost child continued it with the conversation.
She could use whatever they said to grant their wish. It will take more time to grant it, but it is possible.
Been awhile since Desiree granted a wish like that.
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riskeith · 3 years
yes back to scheduled program:
it’s a super unpopular opinion 😳 i’ve never heard anyone say that skdhdfjdks. but same i think i’ve seen the first two over ten times throughout the years but i’ve only seen the last one Once. the movies do a great job at lore though so i don’t think reading the books are necessary... personal opinion. OH idk how famous it is but it’s a truth and dare fic and it’s super nsfw idk how much you like reading those but it’s called ‘it started with a spin’... it’s a mess but i remember reading it years ago and really enjoying it jshshsj.. also WOW???? you really fell into the drarry hole huh? granted it’s understandable they have some amazing writers. and sooo much content.
BUNNY CUTE CLUNA OH MY GOD HE SAID BUNNY CUTE!!!!!!! 🥺 ok this just made razor and bennett my new favorite duo in the game sorry everybody else..... ok nvm aether + razor too? wait no now i’m confused razor should be everybody’s baby.. including ours yes let’s adopt him... i can’t believe we already have children together 😳
RIGHT? i love that so much too! as much as i enjoy canon bamf midoriya i love fics that contain quirkless midoriya as well. something about him not needing a quirk yet changing the world is just *chefs kiss* that does feel like a you thing to do lmao sjshskks imagine how easy writing would be that way. also i’ve been curious about smth: do you have any favorite fics you can recommend? longer fics perferably i’m feeling Angsty.
it is a long time but idk.. it can create friendships that last for a long time. i’m still bestfriends with people i got to know at 5 years old and i’m 21 now so sjsjdksdk i guess being around each other for so long makes your bond different. but i’m sure it’s the same when you share those crucial teenage years together too.
diluc is always there and he’s so tempting.. damn. but yeah after xiao you could go for it!! imagine having xiao and diluc on your team... the fucking op-ness. is it difficult to get primogems at the higher levels?
WHAT????? are you kidding????? holy shit this game is on something.... how long will it take to ascend hahaha. now i know what streamers mean when they say that it’s okay to stop at level 80 with most characters....
CLUNA DO YOU HAVE 8 TUMBLR ACCS OR AM I PICKING THIS UP WRONGLY.... but jokes aside that the best system you don’t have to worry about spamming one blog or it being messy. i admire that a lot, couldn’t be me but i admire that a lot.
CHONGYUN EATING COTTON CANDY.. i just got a visual like him picking cotton candy from his hair and snacking on it help shdjjdhdjsks he’s so adorable. (pink and blue are equally used here!! i mostly see it during fairs and stuff. do you like it?) dip dye was so famous around that time remember when everybody did it? i remember crying bc i wasn’t allowed. and yeah i dye my hair once a year usually. mostly softer brown colors (my natural hair color is dark brown) and black when i’m feeling emo. i did peachy red hair once and i think that was my prime hsjsks. wbu? have you ever dyed it?
OIKAWAAAAA....... there’s something so fucking good about a seemingly confident boy that’s actually super insecure and very passionate that just hits right. right? and i do have two hq wips actually they aren’t very advanced because i’ve been so busy but they exist. one iwaoi and one kagehina. those two are my main ships in the show so far actually, that might change but who knows. i just love those two soooo much. the dynamics are just mwah. i need to get them out in the world some day.... hbu?? are you currently working on anything? hq or anything else? AND OFC IVE SEEN THAT. i actually love that drawing sooooo much cluna i remember seeing it weeks ago and going aaaaaah wow. the crown,,, his hair,,, i just think you’re the most amazing and i have such a crush on your talent.... 🥺 (just you in general as well actually 😳)
it’s the weekend, aka more time for us! can’t wait to hear from you again babe... <3
HAHAHA YEAH WHEN I SAW IT I WAS LIKE OMGGGGGGG OMGGGGGG!!!!! the things people come up with wow 😩
oooo! that’s good then. i just don’t think i absorb information as well from movies compared to books ahaha. well i’ve learnt all the important stuff through fics now i reckon 🤪 oh i’ve seen that!! but i’ve purposely been not reading it fhdjdjskkwndks i feel like the concept wouldn’t be my thing but.. i might give it a shot. AND YESS there are so many good drarry authors who’ve written amazing fics ugh i love it here
it’s what razor deserves 😩😩 where should we take him first 🤪 family day out
hmmm fic recs which pairing? i could give you a lot of drarry, and a decent amount of iwaoi and kagehina maybe.. i don’t read a lot of fic for pairings/fandoms i write unfortunately.. but for a start the drarry fic running on air i mentioned is reaaaaally good!! a shorter one but just as good one is “to hurt and heal”. and i hope you’re doing alright 💞
omg nice!! that’s so sweet tho.. do you know anyone who’s had their childhood friends to lovers experience <33 ahahah
dude xiao and diluc omg… i am manifesting 🕯 it kinda is! if you run out of achievements and you’ve explored everything you can only really get primos from your daily commissions… i believe. which is why updates with new areas like dragonspine are a big blessing djdjskkdnfjc
yeah same omg crazy.. i think i might try levelling some of my main 4 up with books and then i’ll just like passively let them gain xp as i play lmao.…
omg.… your brain m.a. your brain!!! (i love cotton candy!! we call it fairy floss ehehe. do you like it?) FJSKKDKSMS i wasn’t allowed either 😔😔. oh nice!! omg peachy red??? das cool af. and i’ve never dyed my hair before!! but i’ve been wanting to bleach it lately heheh
iwaoi and kagehina dynamics are definitely top tier… i hope you’re able to work on those wips again soon!! and i have a lot of hq wips!! none i’m actively working on.. but yeah! thank you so much 😭😭😭😭 you’re too too kind to me 😭😭😭 but yeah i was also like??? i really did that??? wow. i must’ve been possessed by some kinda oikawa loving and good at drawing demon when i drew that fr (the feeling is.. mutual 😳)
ALSO THAT REMINDS ME. I HAVE THE PERFECT PLACE TO GO ON OUR CO-OP DATE omg so i was thinking about where we could possibly go together as xingqiu and chongyun before falling asleep and literally startled awake when i realised… won’t tell you yet so it’s a surprise hehehe unless you also know 👀 what i’m thinking 👀
woo!! can’t wait for your reply 💌
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The College Years - Sophomore Year (Chapter 30) - Stiles Stilinski
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles
Title: “The Booty Call Boy”
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Malia Tate & Reader/OFC
Warnings: Cursing, mention of sex.
Author’s Note: Malia was not getting enough love or attention in this fic, and I think she’s hilarious sooooo.
Summary: Stiles and Y/N fill in Scott on their theory about who summoned the rabisu to Beacon Hills, only for Scott to divulge a startling secret about the summoner's connection with the Pack.
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Chapter Thirty - Chapter Thirty-One
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Stiles had his weight pressed firmly against both Scott and the rolling stand that held his IV drip, as they did laps in the hall around the hospital. It had been eight days since he was attacked outside of his house; ending up in the hospital with deep defensive wounds on his hands, forearms, and shin, a broken wrist, a lacerated liver, a perforated intestine, a massive loss in blood, and a swollen brain that had left him in a coma for four days. In the four days since he had been awake, Stiles and Y/N had figured out what had been attacking Beacon Hills: a demon from Ancient Mesopotamian mythology called a rabisu.
"So you think that Sam Wirths summoned the rabisu to Beacon Hills?" Scott asked, as he escorted his best friend around the hospital.
"I don't think, Scott, I know. He fits the bill. You know I have an eye for evil and this kid screams ‘evil’."
"He went to Beacon Hills High with you guys, and then he went off to Berkeley and was literally in my Mesopotamia class with me, Scott. It has to be him." You said, as you walked along with them.
"Okay well if it was Sam, then we should talk to Malia." Scott suggested.
"Why should we talk to Malia about Sam? We talked to him so little in high school that my Dad didn't even think to mention that he was the one who had died. Did she even know him? He was so quiet.. she would've walked all over him with her little coyote paws." Stiles joked.
"Yea, she knew him. You remember.. they hooked up for a couple of months during our first semester. He lived next door to Malia and Cora." Scott told the two of them.
Stiles stopped in his tracks, leaning heavily on the IV drip. "Malia dated Sam last year?!"
"How did you not know about this?" Scott asked, turning around to look at his friend, raising his hands in the air.
"Why would I know about that? It's not like Malia and I are incredibly close anymore, not since we broke up." Stiles said, glaring at Scott.
"Okay, why don't we just get Malia down here and see what she knows?" You suggested, as you took Stiles' elbow and continued leading him down the hall back to his room.
Scott and Melissa helped Stiles get back into his hospital bed. Stiles had made the hospital room his own: taping the crime scene photos, lamassu stencils, and pictures of you and him and the Pack to the wall next to his bed.
"Well, kiddo, you took three laps around the floor and your vitals are still good, I think Dr. Dunbar might release you tomorrow morning." Melissa said as she looked at Stiles' heart rate monitor.
"Thank god. I am going crazy being trapped inside here. I hate waiting around to hear that the next part of the plan has worked and no one has gotten hurt. I mean, when everyone was out painting the lamassu's last night, it was nerve-racking. My nerves were severely racked." Stiles rambled on to Melissa.
"I know how you feel, Stiles, but I've gotta tell you, just because you won't be here, doesn't mean that you'll be out there with them. You had three major surgeries just over a week ago, your arm is broken, and you were in a coma five days ago. You're gonna be confined to your house on bedrest for at least another month." Melissa broke the bad news to Stiles.
"Another month, Mom?" Scott asked from next to Stiles' bed.
"I don't know what to tell you guys, I don't make the rules, I just pass them along to the Sheriff." Melissa grinned and walked out of the room, letting Malia in as she opened the door.
"Okay what's going on? Stiles said it was life and death... and yet you're here eating Jell-O." Malia looked at Stiles, comfortably sitting in bed, wearing a t-shirt, sweatpants and hospital socks, and eating a cherry Jell-O cup.
Stiles put the gelatin treat down on the table, and pushed the button that placed the bed in a more upright position. "It is life or death, Malia. What happened between you and Sam Wirths?"
"Okay, I'm leaving." Malia turned on her heels.
"Malia! Malia wait." Scott ran over and closed the door. "What Stiles should have started with was that Sam was the guy who Sheriff Stilinski and Parrish found in his house with his heart ripped out."
"I know. I heard. Did you guys not know it was him? It’s not surprising, he was pretty weak... and annoying. I thought about killing him sometimes." Malia shrugged, took Stiles' Jell-O cup off his table, and sat down on the chair, putting her feet up on the edge of Stiles' bed. Stiles' jaw dropped and he looked around for similar outrage. "Why does any of this matter though? Parrish said that he didn't think it had anything to do with the attacks." Malia said in between mouthfuls of Jell-O.
"Well, I think it does. The rabisu need someone to summon them and we think that person was Sam." Stiles clarified.
"Makes sense, I mean, he was in that Mesopotamia class with Y/n, right?" Malia asked, nonchalantly.
"Oh my god, seriously?! Yes, yes he was, Malia. You never thought to mention that to anyone in the past few days?" Stiles raised his voice, frustration apparent in his tone.
"I thought Y/n would know. They were in the same class."
"Y/n didn't go to Beacon Hills with us, how would she have known who he was?!" Stiles yelled.
"Okay, alright... Malia, can you just tell us what happened between you and Sam?" You interjected, trying to stop the ex's from bickering.
"Or really anything about Sam, I didn't really know him in high school. Did he have a bad relationship with his parents or a sibling, or do you think he was just messing around with the stuff that he learned about in class and he got caught up in something he didn't understand?" Scott asked Malia.
"No, I mean, we didn't talk much, but when he would, he never said anything bad about his family or anything." Malia said, throwing the empty cup into the trash by the door. "And, I don't know, he had only been in the class with Y/n for a month when I dumped him."
"So you dumped him? Were there bad feelings about all of this?" You asked the blunt were-coyote.
"I don't know... Listen, I was in Comm 101 with Sam last Fall and he recognized me from Beacon Hills and he started sitting next to me. He followed me around like a puppy dog, and had a big crush on me. When I found out that his dick was big, I started having sex with him pretty regularly." Malia explained.
"Oh my god." Stiles threw his hands up in the air and rolled his eyes.
Malia looked at you and mouthed the word 'huge'. She then extended her hands from each other to demonstrate how big Sam's penis was. "Okay.. yea." You snickered. "Then what happened?"
"One night I let him be on top, and when I orgasmed, I lost it a little and my eyes turned blue, and I guess that he saw."
Scott cut her off. "Wait, wait, he saw your eyes?"
"Yea, only for a second, but then I had to explain to him what I was, well what we all were-" Malia continued.
"Jesus, Malia, you never thought to mention any of this?" Stiles asked.
"I'm telling you now." Malia replied, matter-of-factly. Stiles slumped in his bed and began biting at his thumb. "Then he became kind of obsessed with the whole supernatural thing, and he was all like 'let me be part of the pack, I could be useful to you all, I love you, blah blah blah' and as good as the sex was, that got really annoying after a few weeks, so I dumped him."
"WOW." Stiles yelled.
"Uh, yea... okay, was he pissed? I'm assuming he was pissed." You asked.
"Yea, I guess. He sent me some really pathetic hand-written letters saying he had gone to therapy and was doing poorly in his classes, but he was learning more about the supernatural and he still loved me and he just wanted to be with me and help the Pack and oh my god, he sent me like twelve of those and they were so irritating."
"That sounds unstable." Scott said, a worried look taking over his face.
"He lived next door to you, right? Did you ever run into him?" You asked.
"Yea, he'd wait for me sometimes, but that stopped when I started bringing Eric home to have sex with... The last time I saw him, he was waiting outside my apartment the day I moved out. He was all 'I'll see you this summer in Beacon Hills, maybe if something comes up this summer that the Pack is having trouble with, I could help.' And I just lost it on the little loser. I was like, 'Sam, you don't even know how many things we've come up against and defeated with ease without ever needing your help. Just get away from me, it's becoming pathetic.' and I left."
"That was harsh." Scott said.
"That was progress." Stiles corrected.
"Okay, well, Sam sounds..." You began.
"I think fucking crazy is the word you're looking for, Y/n." Stiles interrupted. You raised your eyebrows and nodded slightly. "I need to talk to my Dad and see what kind of stuff they found at Sam's house."
"Was there anything else, Malia?" Scott asked, worried of what her answer would be.
"Nah, I think that was it." Malia folded her hands behind her head and pushed Stiles' leg towards the middle of the bed with her foot.
"Ow! Okay, wow. Can she leave now?" Stiles complained to Scott. Scott nodded and walked out with Malia.
You walked over and sat on Stiles' bed. "Your dick is definitely bigger than Sam's." You told Stiles with a grin.
"Damn right."He pouted. “She ate my Jell-O...”
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