#because youre tired and confused
haunted-xander · 2 months
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Well, I guess you didn't have much of a choice either
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o-wyrmlight · 3 months
Kim teaching Harry how to skateboard and Harry teaching Kim how to roller skate.
Harry thinks he fucking sucks at first because Kim gets the hang of roller skating pretty quickly. As it turns out, skateboarding is a lot harder than roller skating.
I don’t know where I’m going with this. Um. Kim still prefers skateboarding because of the technical aspect and risk factor but he’s surprised he enjoys how chill roller skating is.
Harry enjoys skateboarding because a) time with Kim as a teacher and b) oh wow a challenge? Your physical instrument loves challenges. You will conquer this with the force of your—what do you mean this is more the centipede’s thing? Holy shit no wonder Kim’s so cool
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fortyfive-forty · 2 months
i've been ruminating a lot on it because i think i'm bad at putting my thoughts into words but i need y'all to understand that while there are absolutely a lot of Not Good Things about the finals being held in saudi arabia for three years...the way people seem to treat is as morally black and white is shortsighted and unhelpful.
realistically the players traveling there will be protected. it may be uncomfortable, it's certainly not ideal, but they will travel there for a few weeks, play their tennis, then leave. there are a lot of women, a lot of queer people who actually live in saudi arabia who cannot just leave, who are actually subjected to laws and social climates...and to me it just seems very disrespectful to that actual lived experience, for everybody to sort of turn their noses up and get on their high horses. of course, if the players wish to opt out, that is their choice, but that is their choice to make. that's their judgement. not ours.
and then, what about a tournament like miami? florida is literally experiencing one of the worst active regressions that i've seen in the us (granted i'm young). things like critical race theory and lgbtq+ ed are being removed from curriculums, rights for trans youth, trans healthcare, etc. are going backwards. abortion rights? gun violence? and yes i know that the laws and climate in saudi arabia are different gravy, i understand that, but my point is, no one would ever DREAM of arguing against hosting a tournament in miami despite all of these issues. and we can extend this to a lot of other tournaments! i mean, all the outrage about fifa hosting a world cup in qatar, but we don't have any of these sentiments about doha? i've seen other people bring up that the finals were hosted in singapore when gay marriage was still illegal there. we've already talked about italy's fascist prime minister. and i could go on and on and on about the war crimes of countries like the us or the uk - is the us not participating actively in genocide right now? where is the standard? if you argue against hosting the finals in saudi arabia for the reason of human rights, to me it seems you have to uphold that standard for the location you do land on. and i can guarantee, you will not find a single country in the world with clean hands.
i want to be clear i am not arguing that hosting the finals in saudi arabia is a good thing, especially for three years, especially because it's definitely going there because of money, and not for any of the "good" reasons i think some people want us to believe about "improving the region" (which is very weirdly white savior-esque anyway). i don't really have an official "conclusion" to this discussion.
what i am arguing is that i think a lot of the protests against saudi arabiahosting the finals are more an example of implicit anti-arab bias and islamophobia, rather than genuine discussion. key word implicit: i don't think most people are purposefully trying to be anti-arab/islamophobic. or at least, i'd like to believe nobody is. but i also think, particularly in the west, there is already so much of this xenophobic sentiment ingrained. and this is why i think it's really really REALLY important to check ourselves when we talk about it instead of just jumping straight to the human rights conversation without a second thought.
i'll say it plainly: i don't think the finals should be held in saudi arabia. but for me, it has more to do with sportswashing, with the dangers of the way money is thrown around in sports, and because i think it's more evidence that the wta doesn't care about player welfare but rather about making a profit (what else is new). human rights are absolutely a concern of mine, but how is it fair to hold saudi arabia to a standard that we don't seem to care about for literally anybody else?
literally look at the us's ugly ugly history, past and present, and tell me why we deserve to host a tennis tournament.
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anastacialy · 10 days
y'know, i keep making a habit of swinging my bat at hornets nests, but i have to say i'm getting so, so tired of people complaining about shows not making perfect sense when they aren't even close to done. we're four episodes into this season of doctor who. we're four episodes into this season of bridgerton. and yet in both fandoms i keep seeing people whine that such and such didn't make sense or it wasn't explained all the way and by god you guys i think maybe explanations might come later in the season. this is something most viewers will recognize as being called a 'plot.'
#like maybe a tiny bit of media literacy... might save you#and if you think i'm being mean like. its okay if you don't get it at first. it's okay if you don't understand the themes. but maybe#instead of stamping your feet and saying this makes no sense and i hate what they're doing and and and#maybe you could try listening to other people's interpretations of things and you'll find that what the show is trying to tell you becomes#more clear! would you look at that. wild how that happens#like im sorry you're entitled to your opinions but calling things bad writing just because you don't quite get it or it doesn't resonate#with you personally... i don't think you should just say this was shitty and worthless#the examples im using are because both resonate with me btw. 73 yards was existential horror it was hill house and bly manor#(im going to write about this in another post btw bc it compels me so)#it was about the way fear of abandonment can haunt you how mental illness can haunt you how you feel like you can drive people away#just by being yourself (the Woman was Herself what caused ruby to be abandoned was Her it's about her feeling as though she was the cause#of everyone who left her even as a baby even the people who loved her most could decide to not love her at the drop of a hat)#colin bridgerton is masking and faking a personality because it has been proven that time and time again#being Himself is Wrong that he annoys people he makes himself into what people expect of him because he's tired of being abandoned too#his family ignores and does not reply to his letters this season PEN stopped replying to his letters#his brother was cruel to him for being a romantic his friends LAUGHED AT HIM for saying sex is meaningful to him and don't they feel lonely#his Fake Rake persona makes viewers cringe because! its!! fake!!! he's faking it! HE GETS CALLED OUT ON IT TWICE IN EP ONE#if you don't understand he's faking it then that's on you at that point! i don't know! maybe take a minute to sit in the discomfort and ask#why did this show make me react this way and do you think maybe it was on purpose#''73 yards was confusing'' do you think confusion may be one of the ways ruby feels about her abandonment?#there is a theme in all of her episodes so far is it ''badly written'' unclear to you or do you just refuse to think critically about it#txtly#and im sorry for tagging this its just for my blog i kinda wish they still didnt show up in tags if i tag them all the way at the bottom#[old lady ruby voice] ''i used to be able to tag things just for myself once upon a time''#bridgerton#bridgerton spoilers#doctor who#doctor who spoilers
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zombiemollusk · 2 years
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nothing against it, but also not gonna lie: deathshipping confuses the utter beans out of me
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freakystinky · 5 months
the way tumblr talks about medicine makes me wonder how many of us here actually have critical thinking skills
#stop trying to explain shit you know nothing about so you can frame it negatively for clout!!!! literally knock it off!!!#there are so many valid opinions but i don’t understand this and therefore it’s bad “ is NOT one of them actually#fuck it’s far from perfect but seeing people talk about people I work with every day as if they’re monsters is honestly so tiring#it’s just all over my dash#if you read something and it confuses you and that makes you angry#the solution is NOT to make a tumblr post flaming it with all of your misinformation and undereducated opinions#“it is batshit to base dx criteria on statistics “ NO IT IS NOT NO IT IS NOT NO IT IS NOT ARE YOU STUPID???????#THIS IS STEM LITERALLY EVERYTHING IS MATH WHAT THE HELL DO YOU M E A N ?????#literally like!!! 90% of dx criteria involves statistical probability!!!! doctors prescribe statins because you are statistically likely#to develop heart disease or endure a major cardiac event#like they calculate your disease risk based on averages and so so so much data and math and shit THAT YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT!!!!#so why are you complaining about it as if you do!!!!!!!!#sorry. I know it’s in good faith for the most part but. it feels like straight entitlement to constantly complain and dog on doctors#I’m a victim of medical malpractice!!! i still show respect and understand that they’re individuals. people. human beings.#who are largely trying to help others#regardless of my personal experience with others in their field#sorry this is just a vent now#i love research I love science I love medicine please stop hating on every aspect of it and my community ty#delete later#not fandom#stinky speaks
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girlcrushau · 2 months
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#me? about to use tumblr as a diary again? in 2024? unfortunately:/#but here have a waterfall i saw on a hike last week as payment#i am sO tired and exhausted emotionally after dating#there's this guy that i fr thought was going to last and be around for a long time. we spent like every moment together that we could for 2#months straight and if we werent physicaly together we were texting or calling or on ft . just every part of our day had the other in it#not once did i ever feel unwanted undesired or uncared for. not once did i feel that i wasnt sure of his intentions. i felt safer with him#in those 2 months than i ever did with any one else i could think to compare to.#until one day he just didnt think it important to communicate any more. after 3 days of nearly nothing .. hardly any talking . i asked if#he was ok if we were ok. what was going on in his head. he said some ive just been with my buddies and family and havent been on my phone#and just. immediately thats heartbreak yanno. thats :// thats what they say when theres a new girl. but there'd never been a reason to think#there was another girl so i was like ok we're gonna trust bc this dude has been So good in every way. so i said imy but i understand. enjoy#your time with your buddies and with your fam -- i cant wait to hear about it (and hold you)#and i havent heard from him in the 3 weeks since. just randomly#so last night#i send the dreaded 'i miss you' text.#i dont expect to hear back and i accept the hurt that will come with that and the confusion that i've felt settles deeper into my heart#until this afternoon i hop on ig and see a hard launch that was posted an hour after my text was sent#that shit kinda hurt different. but also sent me into a bit of a delirious state where all i could do is laugh bc are you for fucking real#did she see my message? i know it. bc i know him and i know that he wouldnt hide anything from the person he's giving his heart#and his softness to. i can almost imagine how he showed her and promised her theres nothing to worry about#and there really isnt anything to worry about because he genuinely is the type to give his all to the relationship he's in#which feels silly to say after what happened w us. like no there wasnt a title ever#it sucks to call it a situationship because a month ago we were laughing in bed together about how we could never bc we were all in.#just the timing of the hard launch makes me giggle. did my text push them to have a conversation about what they are. was she really the#reason that he went away on me.#im trying not to blame myself . trying not to think about the phone calls i didnt answer. about what i could have done differently. trying#not to think about where we would be if i didnt let my anxieties hold me back. if i wasnt scared about what he'd think of the parts of me#that i keep hidden just a little bit longer than the rest.#and at the same time im trying not to put him on a pedestal. but that pedestal is just where i wholeheartedly believe he belongs#he set the bar for me. he set the standard. i was never too much. i was never too little. he made me feel perfect just as i am
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halforcdad · 2 years
The last time we got a shot of Lucy at Whistler's door in 1x11 vs. the scene we got at the end of 2x05
1x11: The relationship's in the early uncertain stages, the scene takes place at night time, Lucy being timid and anxious because she knows that Kate doesn't like surprises and doesn't know how she'll react to her showing up out of nowhere, but still trying to seek reassurance and support, someone else opens the door and she finds out the hard way what secrets Kate's keeping, Kate tries to clarify that it isn't what it looks like, but her explainations sound more like deflections, her actions + excuses do more to protect herself rather than protect or reassure Lucy, their conversation outside the elevator seems very hushed and illicit affairs-like, Lucy worrying that Kate betrayed her because of Cara, because she wasn't honest with her, they fight and fall apart because they aren't on the same page at all and Kate messed up big time, Kate chases after her but Lucy ends up leaving heartbroken, essentially the end of whatever relationship they had
2x05: The relationship is established, it's day time, Kate is the one opening the door, fully expecting Lucy this time and all the time because Lucy's always over, Lucy doesn't tiptoe or beat around the bush she blurts out what's on her mind, Lucy worrying that Kate doesn't want her because she's making it seem impersonal and rational rather emotional and from the heart, Lucy gets the reassurance she's looking for from Kate loud and clear, of course Kate wants Lucy in her life, wants her to be close all the time and wants to share everything with her, assuring her there are no more secrets and she has nothing to hide, wants to be with Lucy all the time because she loves her, they messed up because they were trying to be considerate and didn't want to pressure the other into something they didn't want but they've really been on the same page this whole time, Lucy clarifies that they aren't fighting! just talking things out and realizing they've both been over thinking, they finally let themselves be excited and enthusiasthic about living together, they smile and kiss sweetly before Lucy walks into the apartment that's now also hers, confident and sure about where they stand and how much they love each other, a big step in growing their trust and their relationship further
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drewsaturday · 2 months
obviously different people say different things and you can support something existing while still complaining about things not being to your taste as long as you don't comment it on actual creationssss
but sometimes it does get mentally chaotic seeing posts saying you should be allowed to write whatever you want and bad art is okay etc etc and then i scroll down a little more to see people having incredibly high expectations for things that people make for fun and for free in fandom spaces and it's like...
i think there is a gap between seeing our tumblr peers tm as people and creatives having fun, but ourselves as consumers expecting perfect content. you are demanding perfection from those same people you claim to want to support.
#txt#i really wish fanfic dot net weren't dying because lowkey.#although the etiquette over there is abysmal i kinda feel like the expectations for fics posted to ao3 is weirdly high#obviously i have my own personal standards but it really does get on my nerves sometimes#to see such a clash between 'uwu two cakes theory!!!' posting and then 'god this trope in fic/this art style/this vidding style#etc etc is sooooo annoying/tired/overdone/bad/ETC'#again it's not always from the same people and we do contain multitudes or whatever i am sure im hypocritical too and#there are things that do deserve discussion and you can have your own preferences as long as you don't make it a creator's problem#and to be okay posting the things you make publicly anywhere you need to understand there#will be people coming at it from both angles i am just#mostly confused about how prevalent those clashy mindsets are within the same spheres i guess#support creators and reblog things etc but only if they're not being cringe haha#and what is cringe changes depending on the month instead of being grateful people are making things at all#as usual i need to remove myself from caring and start creating things#rather than scrolling through so much of these discussions i forget that oh right making things#is supposed to be fun actually and that's what outweighs those negatives#but alas i am here#making nothing and wishing fandom felt more like a community the way it used to for me#instead of finding ways to cultivate that myself lmao#at least having minimal free time excludes me from the content mill grind for now : )
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sunsage · 7 months
🕯️ sup
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
He really doesn't get it.
Sun Wukong isn't new to forgiveness, having granted it many times and occasionally (though not very often) being offered it in turn. And he's not... new to the concept of forgiving someone you loved who hurt you greatly either.
(But there is a wide gap between being forgiven and having what they once had.)
But he just can't see why Macaque keeps coming back to him. Back in their world, he could always assume it was mostly because of MK, since the kid was first to make an offer of friendship. Amidst the constant threats to the realm's stability, the safest place to be is among the people you could trust to protect you.
(And if Macaque can trust MK but not him, that's fine.)
But why does he still cling to Monkey King's side here? In this place that seems to thrive on change and new experiences, where none of their (his, mostly) enemies were trying to end the world and death was temporary, why would Macaque need to trail him all over the city, spend so much time in his house and sleep in his bed?
That's what he doesn't get.
Macaque is strong, smart and capable. He is handsome and charming and, once you get used to his acerbic sense of humor, quite funny. He can dazzle any audience and get himself out of any situation, death included. He is (despite whatever image he is trying to project) a kind, brave and extremely loyal person. He doesn't need to be anyone's shadow anymore. He can be anywhere he wanted, doing anything he wanted.
So why would he want to be here? With him?..
Wukong doesn't know if Macaque wants to be friends (he doesn't even dare to wish for anything more, not in a thousand years at least). He doesn't know if he just wants to pretend none of that ever happened (they are not going to do that). He doesn't know what he can say or do or give to make things between them better.
...He does know that they need to talk about it. All of it. Except every time he opens his mouth he says something wrong and Macaque scowls at him or fires back with one of his favourite cutting remarks or leaves. So he backs down (like a coward), because Wukong would rather keep them in this weird neither here nor there place than risk actually hurting Macaque again.
(It scares him to think that maybe he just doesn't know how to not hurt him again. Sometimes he wishes Macaque would really just leave so he doesn't have this hope that maybe-)
It's not his place to push or to rush things, not this time. Sun Wukong is a patient man, these days. If there is one thing he can do it's to let Macaque figure it out on his own terms. And if he needs to stay close while he does that, that's fine too. He can wait for Macaque to make up his mind even if takes another five hundred years. And he will. He will be right here, always, waiting for it.
Because someone you love is always worth waiting for.
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dormont · 4 months
finished cassette beasts started playing nexomon 👍
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my thoughts on fire emblem will never be coherent because on one hand you have the nerd part of my brain who hates fire emblem three houses for every second it spends outside of traditional fire emblem gameplay flavours and on the other hand you have the gay idiot who just rewatched ferdinand & hubert's A+ support for the 5th time this year and also has about 280 hours put into fe3h
#'i dont really like 3h' i say starting yet another fucking playthrough#when 3h peaks it PEAKS ok. its just that im not a fan of p5r for the exact same reason. the Life aspect for ME takes away from the main draw#id like p5r more if it was mostly just dungeoncrawling with turnbased combat (i know this because i have and enjoy smtv)#and id like fe3h more if i could skip through the months with no repercussions. now that im chaining ng+#and yeah thats on me for wanting to make s rank everything byleth a reality. i know. i just get bored during the months#and also just the entire first act of the game because again. ive played through it so many times#theres a reason i appreciate fates having the option to just skip to the part where the path diverges on subsequent playthroughs#im so tired of tutorials...#'wow byleth have you considered standing in the trees' WHEN THIS GAME RELEASED I WAS 15 ISH AND AT THAT POINT I HAD ALREADY BEEN STANDING IN#FIRE EMBLEM TREES FOR AT LEAST 2 YEARS. ID BEEN AWARE OF THIS MECHANIC FOR 3 OR 4#I GOT MY FIRST FIRE EMBLEM GAMES WHEN SHADOWS OF VALENTIA DROPPED STOP TRYING TO TEACH ME OLD SHIT WAHHHHH#i am once again asking for separate toggles for general fire emblem gameplay tutorials and gmae-specific tutorials#also bring back having harder modes skip tutorialization entirely#i dont even mind playing the prologue or the first few chapters that much i just hate the constant interruptions#only for jeralt to tell me that i can stand. in the fucking forest.#fe3h blew up the franchise. ok. i get the tutorial is necessary for newer players because fire emblem can get really confusing#especially when youre new#but pleas.e... separate toggles... let me turn off gameplay hints including the forced tutorial in the prologue..... im begigng
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nerdnag · 6 months
Today at work a random person who works at a sister company to a client of mine sent me a message like, "hello, I heard that you are responsible for the privacy analysis for the XYZ Tool. We urgently need to get this done and the contract signed so can we please have a discussion about what's left".
And my reply was pretty much, "hey random person, I don't know who gave you that info but I ain't responsible for shit, my job is to make sure the privacy analysis hasn't identified any issues that need to be resolved, and the one who filled it out didn't even know what data is being processed so uhh. I literally just asked the project group to clarify this for me and now everyone seems to think im the one in charge. Of an intragroup project. For which I am representing ONE of the group companies. But yeah sure we can have a discussion"
Then I promptly closed my laptop bc it was 2 minutes past 5 pm lol. I expect to get an unpleasant surprise tomorrow morning...
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avibero · 7 months
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legzeppelin · 1 year
how do i tell jackson that he needs to find a way to not call me every single day and yell and rant for like an hour nonstop about everything thats going wrong for him or im going to have to break up with him without sounding like i dont care about his problems
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munamania · 10 months
called the doctor and said something like hi um ive been trying to get my stuff refilled for a while now so i was just wondering if i could have that done you know relatively soon. how tf are you supposed to make phone calls
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