#sorry I was craving a quick angst hit
ym523 · 17 days
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🩸But darling, stay with me...🔮
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monarcascension · 10 months
wicked games | c.s
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summary: He led you on for years. The one man you saw yourself with, could never give you what you so desperately craved. Love. After the devastation, you finally mustered up the courage to cut all ties with him for good and move on. At least… you tried to, until he manages to pull you right back in again.
pairings : choi san x fem!reader
tags: SMUT WARNING , MINORS DNI — vulgar language, infidelity, angst, some fluff, teasing, sensual language, unprotected sex, situationship, asphyxiation +♡
word count: 11.3K
(Too damn long + im so sorry yall, but i hope you enjoy the story still hopefully ! lmaoooo 🩶 )
November 24th, 2019
San usually doesn’t ignore your calls like this.
Your worry was starting to grow with each flight of stairs that you ascended to reach his apartment. You sent message after message with no response, giving leeway to the most irrational part of you to think of the worst possible case. You stopped for a moment and opened your chat rooms again, finding Yunho, his roommate in your contacts and shooting him a quick text asking if either of them were home.
Of course San would do something like this after just asking you the night before to go on a date with him and standing you up.
Asshole. You asked yourself countless times why you still put up with him, but you fell short of an educated answer. You just loved him and that was enough of a reason for you. However, you were frustrated and freeing and had half a mind to turn around and leave, but your phone suddenly rang with a new notification.
Yunho had answered you. He said that he wasn’t home, but San was. He had talked to him just an hour ago before you arrived in the area. He said it was possible that he could be playing video games with his headset on and doesn’t hear his phone going off. He told you not to worry about him too much.
Easy for you to say..
The nagging feeling in your chest slowly began to subside at his response. Yunho knew you long enough to know that you loved to worry about San even if unwarranted. He also knew that you were in love with him before you did. Yunho was always present and knowing of everything without actually witnessing it himself. Sometimes his assuring and know-it-all behavior pissed you off; mainly because you wish you had that much confidence in everything around you. You envied him in more ways than one.
81024# is the code for the key lock, you can let yourself in. If he is playing video games he probably cant hear you ringing the doorbell either. Dont steal anything ;)))
You laughed a little harder at that than you intended to. Why was he always so unserious about everything? You would question him on his behavioral tactics later, all you wanted to do was get out of the petrifying cold and be with San. So, you moved quickly– scared that if you stayed in one place for too long your boots would freeze to the concrete beneath your feet. You quickly shot Yunho another text, thanking him for his help.
Shuffling up the last flight of stairs, you grounded yourself on the platform and rounded the corner that led to the first set of apartments on the floor. You continued forward until you came to the eighth door. Your ears perked at the sound of movement inside.
And then a voice. And another.
Unfortunately, it was too muffled for you to pick up anything else, and you assumed that he had company over. More than likely Wooyoung. Maybe Yunho didn’t know he was coming?
Referring to the code that he had granted you, you slid up on the keypad and punched in the digits. A short and kind of cute chime sounded from the mechanism telling you that you put in the right code and the door buzzed, undoing whatever security measurements that came with the system and clicked open. You made your way inside, being welcomed to the familiar, manly, but still good scent of their home. The warmth from the heater hit you and you never accounted for how much you desired to be hot for once.
You pulled your boots off along with your coat before wandering into the rest of the apartment. Peeking your head into the living area just around the corner from the entrance where you knew their joint gaming console was. The television was still on and playing a show loudly rather than a game, which explains the voices you heard from outside, but he was nowhere in sight. Neither was Wooyoung like you expected.
He must be in his room. You thought.
As many times as you have been to his place and even spent nights here, you still felt like you were intruding– that eerie feeling telling you that you shouldn’t be here was looming over your gut, but you continued anyway.
“San?” You called out instinctively as you neared his bedroom. The door was closed, so you placed your hand on the door knob and pushed it open. The worst possible case was that he was naked, which you didn’t mind as you’ve seen many parts of each other anyway. “I’ve been trying to call you, but you didn’t-”
You weren’t sure what look you had on your face, but you were more than sure that it resembled exactly what you were feeling on the inside. Heartbreak. Your eyes went wide and your lips parted in shock at the sight of Choi San, the man you loved more than anything, scrambling from underneath a naked girl. A girl that wasn’t you. But it wasn’t some random girl. No. That dark hair, that disintegrating butterfly tattoo on the back of her shoulder. You knew her.
Your skin glossed over with a chill. And your heart broke into a million pieces.
It was Veronica. Your best friend. At least that’s what you thought until now.
“Jesus… What the hell?! What are you doing here?” Panic was obvious in San’s voice as he sat up in the bed, looking just as frightened and bewildered as you were. He climbed out of the bed and quickly pulled on his boxers.
“You…Are you serious?” There was nothing in you that tried to maintain composure as everything you were feeling began to bubble to the surface and you let it come out. “What the fuck are you doing here, V??”
“How the hell did she even get in here??” She barely even acknowledged you. Just looked to him like a savior of some sort. And that pissed you off even more.
San took a step towards you and you took two steps back. “Look, I can explain.”
You put your hand up to him to stop him from speaking. “Don’t…talk to me. You don't get to speak to me right now.”
“San, can you just make her leave? She’s being a nuisance.”
“Hey, stop. Just let me handle this.” San corrected her and she shifted in place, gripping the covers that were keeping her breasts from spilling out into the open.
Meanwhile, you shot daggers towards Veronica at her words. Your brows furrowed across your forehead, possibly leaving a mark from the tension that you could feel between the bridge of your nose. Your lip twitched with the want to say so many things, but no words were strong enough to show what you were really feeling. Rage.
You looked eagerly around the room for something. All you needed was something. Anything. That’s when your eyes locked onto it. A medium sized glass cup sat dormant on his computer desk, and with the quickness of a quality athletic star as well as the strength of one, you grabbed the glass and hurled it in Veronica’s direction before San could grab and stop you. She let out an ear-jerking screech and covered her head with her hands before the harsh sound of the glass shattering filled the room and silenced everyone in it. You couldn’t control yourself at that moment. You missed her by a few inches as the glass impacted with the wall just above the headboard, sending shards falling on the sheets and her. Part of you wanted it to hit her. You wanted her to hurt like you were hurting, but it still wasn’t enough to quell your anger.
“What the hell is wrong with you?! You’re mental.” Veronica snapped.
“Seriously?!” San grabbed your arms, trying to push you back to get you out of the vicinity of Veronica. “You need to calm down.”
You pressed your hands to his bare chest and pushed him back off of you. “Don’t fucking touch me! Calm down?” You focused your gaze back on her. “You knew. You knew about us the whole time! And you do this?”
“Obviously, there wasn’t an “us” between you if he’s fucking me and not you. Right?” She spoke with such a venom lining her words and they were aimed directly at your heart. “Me and Jamie warned you. You didn’t listen.”
“I should have known from the beginning that you were a grimey bitch. You’d open your legs for anybody that so much as blinks at you.” You snapped back.
“How do you think that I got in his bed then?”
You were going to kill her. You felt like crying right there, but your blood was already boiling in a crimson pot. It not only pained you to hear those words from someone you once considered a friend, but from someone who also knew every single thing that happened between you and San. Every tear you cried was on her shoulder, every message of happiness and celebration you sent her, she sent you her congratulations. She was there for it all.
And she betrayed you. He betrayed you.
“I can’t fucking believe you…both of you.” You scoffed, backing away from San with weak and rigid steps. “You two deserve each other.”
You attempted to turn and walk out, but he grabbed your arm to stop you. “God, don’t be like that.” San coaxed. “This didn’t mean anything.”
He always tries explaining everything away, making everything seem smaller than what it was. Acting as if none of this was a big deal, but he just couldn’t see the pain in your eyes that was hiding behind the blind rage. You glanced down at his hand for a second and then back up to him, yanking your hand away without another thought.
“I don’t give a fuck what it meant. Whatever it is…that I thought we had? It’s over. Keep her for all I care, just don’t talk to me ever again. In fact, forget I exist–forget that we ever existed.” Those were possibly the coldest words that you have ever said to him. It hurt you to even say them, and you could see the sly grin that was on his face soon falter.
“You’re not serious. Come on, we can fix this. She doesn’t mean anything to me. You do.”
“Godd! You’re so full of shit, San! She meant something if it was enough to risk-.” Your eyes burned through him like you had laser vision. You wanted him to hurt. You wanted to tear him down just like he did you over the years. “Forget it.” He just couldn’t know that your heart was breaking into pieces. “And if I really meant something to you, you wouldn’t have fucked my best friend behind my back. I’m done. We’re done.”
He had heard you say that many times before, but now he realized you were serious.
You stomped out of the room, making a b-line for the front door. Quickly stuffing your feet back into your boots and grabbing your coat from the rack, you placed your hand on the door knob and was just about to crank it to leave when you heard San’s voice crowing and breaking from the same spot where you had just left him.
“Please, let’s just talk about this. I- I don’t want you to go. I-” He paused. “I love you.”
You thought when you heard those words from him for the first time, that it would light a fire in your stomach. You would smile like an idiot and throw yourself into his arms like a love sick puppy. It was everything you ever wanted to hear him say, but hearing them now? Like this, when you were on the verge of breaking down? All it did was burn a hole through your heart, severing the last bit of forgiveness you could ever give him– along with whatever love that remained.
A singular tear fell from your eyes but was absorbed by the thick fur of your coat. You didn’t even bother to look at him. If he saw you cry, it would give him the satisfaction of your sadness. It would tell him that you still cared. That you still could possibly love him despite what he had just done to you. That there was still a chance at redemption. And you didn’t want to care about him anymore. So from this moment, you decided to hate him. For good.
You took a deep breath. Letting that numbness wash over your heart. And with the last inkling of strength in your voice, you spoke to him one final time and meant it.
“Fuck you, San.”
Present Day
Those were the last words you ever uttered to him since your relationship ended.
Calling it a “relationship” is a bit of a stretch though, it could better be compared to Hell on Earth. An excruciatingly ugly, painful, heartbreaking, love story that went up in flames once the final straw had been broken. The thought of it filled you with agony and it felt as if the pain would be eternal, which is why you stopped thinking about it completely. But for some reason it resurfaced.
For whatever grudge the universe had against you for whatever reason, the thought of what you once had, had oddly brought you… comfort. If that was the right term to use. It felt familiar even with the blight it left on your heart. That’s how he was, Choi San— albeit possibly your worst decision in a man at the time— he had a way of conflicting every emotion and thought you had just by saying a few simple words. He was a smooth talker, you see. Blessed and born with a silver tongue and a kindness that made his every transgression against you seem minute (my-nute).
He always had a knack of luring you right back into his trap whenever you attempted to free yourself. His smile brought you to the closest feeling of love that he would permit you to have, and his kisses made you fall even harder. If he cut you by his bastard-like actions, he would heal you with his words, or by fucking you so good that you completely forgot why you were angry in the first place. Until he does it again and the cycle continues.
It was all a part of his little game and you were too in deep not to play.
Each night with him that you did not spend yelling and throwing tantrums, you would lay in his arms and let the calm sweep you into a deep slumber. When you shut your eyes all you could see were the same blaring red lights that flashed constantly behind your eyelids. They were your warning. A wailing and urgent siren that was almost deafening to your ears, screaming for you to get away while you were ahead. Every neuron in your brain fired off in an attempt to make you aware of the damage that was set to ensue if you continued this way with him.
You never listened.
That was probably the most justifiable reason behind all of your sleepless nights. Maybe if you had heeded those warnings, and listened to your first mind back then to leave him before you gave him a piece of yourself , you could have been saved from the intense heartbreak later and the aftermath of pain that followed in his wake.
You hated him, but for some reason unbeknownst to you, you still mourned your separation.
He was your first love after all.
You built a fantasy world around your heart to protect it from the truth of who he really was. It was the only solace and peace that you could maintain by giving yourself a place to hide when false hope seeped in. The hope that he would love you back. It kept you content with your situation and never allowed you to think any deeper about a future with him until you stopped hoping completely.
You tried your hardest to forget every moment he made you smile, the softness of his fingers when he touched your most delicate places, the way his lips felt on your flesh, and every warm feeling that resembled even an ounce of love or admiration that you had for him. You tried to forget it all. You wanted to. You needed to. And now the only memories that remained were all filled with regret, anger, sadness, and hate.
Although it has been four years since you have felt that way, those feelings still linger even now, trickling into your present no matter how hard you tried to keep them in the past.
“Soooooo…the company dinner-” Yunho tried the topic again, but you quickly shut him down.
“Hell no.” You didn’t even have to look at him when you said it, just continued to work on the stove, stirring around the ramyeon that would be your lunch.
Yunho let out an egregiously loud, and seemingly frustrated groan. “Dude, you promised.”
You set down your cooking utensil next to the pot and cranked down the heat before turning to face him at the kitchen island where he sat across from you. “Yeah, I did! That was before you so graciously informed me that that evil bitch would be there.”
“I didn’t know that she was the event coordinator this time. The other one got booted off at the last minute, Jamie was the one that told me, and told me to tell you as soon as possible.” He explained, mentioning your— mentionably more loyal— other best friend of almost ten years, Jamie, moving his hands around so wildly while he spoke that it was hard for you to focus on him.
“Look, I’m grateful that you gave me a heads up!”
“Thank you for some recognition! Jamie and I work hard for you.” He said.
There he goes being unserious again. You sighed softly. “But that’s where it stops. I think if I get within ten feet of her I may actually kill her.”
“You tried that once, remember? Didn’t really work out.” Yunho grabbed the glass of wine sitting in front of him and took a sip of it.
Low blow. You flicked him off for his comment, visibly irritated at what he said, but all he did was laugh.
Yunho cocked his head to the side, leaned forward on the marble surface of the kitchen island and stared up at you with the most aggravatingly cute smile. “Did you know that you look even prettier when you’re pissed off at me?”
You rolled your eyes and turned back to the stove. “You’re annoying..”
“You love me for it.” He cooed.
“Debatable topic at best.” You said flatly, moving over to the counter to chop up the rest of the meat slices to mix into the broth.
The chair scraped across the tile. Heavy footfalls began to round the corner of the kitchen island, leaving your mind to the imagination of where Yunho was going as you focused on your task in the kitchen. The muscles in your back tensed when you felt a sudden weight pressed against it. Long, strong arms stretched out beside you; his hands found purchase on the counter and trapped you against it as your breath hitched at his closeness. Yunho cleared you in height alone, standing at a whopping 6’3 compared to you. You weren’t short yourself, but anybody that stood next to him would look like an ant. His presence alone was dominating and commanding and suddenly you felt much less brave than you did 3 seconds prior.
You stopped cutting and slightly turned your head towards him. His lips were pursed against your ear and you were scared about what would follow after.
His breath was cool and it made the hairs on your neck stand on end when he whispered, “I don’t think it’s that debatable..”
He placed a kiss on your earlobe. Another on your jaw. Your neck, canvassing the beautiful tone of your skin. He pressed his pillowy pair against your shoulder and it caused you to shiver. You could feel the smile pulling at his lips at your reaction.
“Yunho..you know we can’t. Jamie will be home soon.” You said almost breathlessly. The warmth radiating from his body also made you hot. You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks.
“You even say my name pretty. How am I supposed to resist you if you talk like that?” His voice was deep and sultry, housing a slight grumble at the end of every word.
“What if Jamie-“
“I don’t care about Jamie. I care about you.” Yunho snaked his arms around your waist and spins you around to face him.
Jamie would probably kill you if she found out since Yunho was just as much her best friend as he was yours. Besides, I doubt she would want to know that the two of you ever had sex in the first place or how you even got there to begin with.
When you ended things with San, you also tried to cut every piece of him out of your life entirely. Including Yunho. Even though the two of you were close, he was even closer with San than you were. You didn’t need to have that constant reminder of the man that broke your heart, so you stopped talking to Yunho as well as his friend group entirely—etching that part of your life out of your head for good. However, Yunho didn’t take that too lightly.
A little bit after the incident one night, while you were crying your eyes out on the couch in the very apartment that you stood in, there was a resounding knock at the door. Thinking it was Jamie, your roommate, who left her key again, you wiped your tears and quickly shuffled to let her in. To your surprise as well as your dismay, it wasn’t the olive toned ginger you had come to spend your teenage years with, but instead Jeong Yunho in all of his terrible timing glory.
You tried to close the door on him and tell him to leave, but he stopped you. Insisted that he wanted to merely check on you since it had been so long since you spoke. He then spilled that Jamie knew you needed a friend and she wouldn’t be home for another two days, so she asked him to come see you. As much as you wanted to yell at her, you knew her heart was in the right place.
You weren’t sure how things got to where they did, but you remembered that he apologized over and over again for letting him hurt you and that he had no idea about him and Veronica. He said they even got into a fight about it and hadn’t seen San since that night. Him telling you that opened the floodgates and you found yourself pouring everything you kept inside out onto his shoulder. He held you with his fingers hooked into your hair and pressing you even deeper into his shoulder for you to cry. He said it was okay and he understood. He pulled you off of his shoulder and cupped your face with his hands, wiping away the neverending flow of your burning tears with his thumbs. Yunho called you beautiful. He hated to see you cry so he smiled and the sight alone unthawed the iceberg that you had locked around it. One thing led to another… and well.
He kissed you. You didn’t stop him. Nor did you want to. You needed him more in that moment than you ever had since you met.
You tried many times to end whatever it was between you countless because of your guilt, but Yunho never wanted to.
“Let’s be guilty together.” Is what he would say to you.
That’s how all of this mess started. Ever since then, it’s been an unspoken thing. There was no commitment there, but rather a comfort. Something only the two of you understood. You felt horrible, but at the same time it was just nice having someone. He was not yours and you weren’t his, but when you were together it was just you two. No expectations. Maybe it made you a hypocrite, but you stopped caring a long time ago.
For the first time you looked into his eyes and saw the hunger lying in his hues. He scoured every inch of your face, but danced around the lining of your lips as if he could taste them just by looking at them.
Throwing your arms around his shoulders, you pulled yourself in closer to him and smiled, lowering your voice to speak as if it weren’t only the two of you in here. “If I knew you were going to be this much trouble, I would have left you outside that night.”
Yunho moved in even closer, so that you could feel his breath brushing across your lips. “Well, since you didn’t, now I can do this.”
His lips collided against yours tenderly. They tasted just as sweet as they were the last time you kissed him, hinting at a slight berry flavor from the chapstick he frequently wore. They felt smooth and delicate against your own. Yunho guided you through the kiss and you followed. The kiss was gentle but firm, like he was trying to let you know that he meant every single word he has ever said to you.
His arms tightened around your waist more, tugging you closer to him so that your bodies were pressed against the other. The two of you were perfectly in sync as you explored each other’s mouths. Your fingers tangled into his thick blonde hair before dropping to his chest, fisting the white shirt he had on. With soft exasperated sighs in between each motion of your lips, Yunho dipped his hands down from your waist and around to your ass, grabbing almost all of you with both of his massive palms. You chuckled softly against him and he did the same.
Then you heard a clunking sound. Something similar to a chime. The door. A Lock. Keys. Oh God. Jamie. She’s home. The cute moment was ruined by the two of you scrambling to look as unsuspecting as possible.
“I’m baaaaaaaack!” Jamie sang out in an awful tune, sending goosebumps across your arms. Eerie.
You cleared your throat and continued cooking your lunch. Yunho acted as if he was rummaging the cabinets for snacks as your best friend came galloping into the kitchen.
“Oh, you’re here. Why?” Her words were laced with disappointment and you knew she was referring to Yunho.
“Ouch. Why did you say it like that? Am I not welcome?”
“You are! It’s just.. you’re a still man. I’m just shocked at your presence.” Jamie said. “Anyway! I come bearing giftsss!”
“What’d you get me?” Yunho asked, suggestively.
“Hopefully out of my house soon.” Jamie bit back.
You chortled, but tried to hide it when you felt Yunho staring daggers into the back of your head. You quickly finished cutting up the meat and added it to the broth to simmer, placing the lid overtop and turning to Jamie finally.
“You went shopping?” You asked her curious about what she brought.
“Of course I went shopping! You know what tonight is.” She sounded more ecstatic about it then you thought she would.
“Ohhh about that.” Yunho scratches the back of his head nervously. “I don’t think she’s going.”
“WHAT?” Jamie exclaims, looking expectantly between the two of you for an answer. “Why isn’t she going? Why aren’t you going? Are you sick? Pregnant?”
“Pregnant??” You questioned.
“Pregnant?!” Yunho also questioned, seemingly more shocked that it could even be an option. The two of you nervously looked at each other.
“I’m asking you!”
You waved her off. “No! God no. Veronica.”
“Oh.” Jamie untensed and set down the bags she brought in down onto the chairs in front of her. “That bitch. I forgot about her.”
“Exactly my point. I can’t be trusted around her.” You tried to plead to Jamie, hoping that she would understand.
“Good, you won't be around her. You’ll be around us. You’re going. I’m not letting that skank control your life anymore.”
“She doesn’t!”
“If you wont go somewhere because of someone they control your life. Look, I know you hate her. Hell, I hate her too for what she did to you but I can’t let you stay cooped up in the house all the time just because there’s a possibility that you might run into her again. Tonight will be fine, I promise.”
You appreciated Jamie for trying to be such an assuring force in your life amongst all the uncertainty surrounding you. She had a knack for pushing you out of your comfort level, and then it may appear to be forceful to some. Jamie never did anything unless it was with love.
“Hey, we won’t let anything happen tonight. I’ll even stay on Veronica watch if it’ll make you more comfortable.” Yunho piped up, leaning against the counter as he delved into whatever odd snack he actually managed to find in the cabinets.
“We’ll take care of you. It’ll be fine. Plus, I also spent $100 on buying a dress for you and it’s really freaking cute so if you don’t put it on, I will. But I’d rather see you in it.” Jamie picked up one of the fancy looking shopping bags, with a designer brand you had never heard of, and held it out to you expectantly.
You looked between Yunho and Jamie and their happy and hopeful stares caused you to cave instantly. “Fine… I’ll go.”
This was the worst decision you ever made. Why were you here? The fabric from your dress was tightening around you with every movement you made, making the long leg slit that was cut into it ride a little further up your thigh than you were hoping it would. The heels you wore were comfortable, but you only wore these things on occasion and still weren’t the best at walking in them especially for long periods of time. And these company dinners are always long.
Yunho was the first to get out of the car, and in a gentlemanly manner he walked around to your side and opened the door.
“My lady.” He bowed before you and offered you his hand to help you out. The gesture brightened your smile and you accepted, feeling much like a princess on the way to a ball.
He assisted Jamie out as well and tossed the keys to the valet who dutifully took his car for him.
The place was flooded with people. Rich people mainly, stepping out of luxury cars and limousines. Almost all of them had a partner that they would ascend the stairs with— some were older men in their sixties with women possibly in their early thirties . Gross. You thought to yourself, but who were you to judge? Although, you were.
You looked to Jamie who was just more excited to go in as anybody else. Her dress was black, strapless and shimmery compared to your steel gray silk. Her hair was curled like a supermodel from the 1950’s, falling over the bareness of her shoulder more on one side than the other. Your hair was in coils, falling down the length of your back. Yunho wore a black tuxedo as well, complimenting the both of you, but his collar was slightly undone without a tie and opened up a V down to his chest where the only thing you could see was a gold chain that he wore fitted around his collarbone. He stepped in between the both you and Jamie and extended his winged arm on both sides for the two of you to take, which you did.
“How does it feel being my dates for tonight?” He chimed, sounding just as much of a man as he had always been. You rolled your eyes, and Jamie physically hurled.
“Is it too late to ask the valet to bring the car back?” Jamie mused.
“Considering that I’m your ride for the night. I would have left the sly comments at the apartment.” Jamie laughed at Yunho’s words and you did too, feeling more loose and less anxious than you did moments before when you stepped out of the car.
The three of you walked up the stairs together, arm in arm, following the rest of the crowd into the party. You felt a tug on your arm and suddenly a Yunho parked right beside your ear. You stiffened immediately.
“You look beautiful, by the way.” He whispered.
His compliment made you hot under the collar, if you had one to get hot under, sending a spark up your spine. You cleared your throat and smiled up at the giant figure beside you. “You look handsome yourself. You clean up nice.”
“I try my best. If I would have known you would be looking like this tonight, I would have tried harder.”
Yunho chooses the worst times to flirt with you. Around all of these people and Jamie being right there, you grew more and more flustered as the conversation went on. He escorted you successfully into the party— giving you a full view of the large dining hall. Not only was it the biggest hall you had ever seen, it was also a ballroom. Tables surrounded the extremely glossy floor that was covered with a sea of people engaged in conversation. Chatter and obtuse laughter filled your ears, but it was so hard to focus on one conversation with how many people it was. Servers walked through the crowd with refreshments and offered the three of you one upon entry. You all took it and thanked him.
“I’m going to go mingle a bit and see if I can find the guys. Don’t have too much fun without me.” Yunho said, pulling himself free from the two of you, he slipped into the crowd but not without rubbing the back of his hand across your backside.
Yunho would be the death of you.
You and Jamie were left to your own devices now and there was no way you were going anywhere without her. You didn’t know anybody here except her and Yunho, so you latched yourself to her side.
“Oh! Oh, that’s the chairman I was talking to you about right there. Come on.” She motioned off to a group of people standing in a circle, laughing about something amongst each other. She pointed to an older guy, stout, but still kind of handsome? His hair was going gray, but still had streaks of black in it and he was dressed to the nines in a bright white suit. Bold.
Jamie clasped her arm around yours and dragged you over to his direction. She called out to the chairman who recognized his name, and Jamie bowed politely to greet him. He seemingly knew her very well because he greeted her by name, welcoming the two of you into the conversation. Jamie introduced you to him and you bowed as well, bowing to the others who you were amongst since they also looked like important people but you only stood there awkwardly. You had no idea what they were discussing, so you were there as moral support for Jamie.
Instead you looked out at the rest of the crowd and all of the different people in it. It was fascinating how many rich people were all in one room— hell you didn’t know this many of them existed. The ballroom itself was currently the most powerful place on earth. There were old men, young men, young women, old women. So many different types of people dressed in their best. You wondered where Yunho was and wanted to see if you could find him, but he was nowhere to be seen. He must have found his friends. Your curiosity got the best of you so you stared for a little longer to see if you saw them by chance. And you did, knowing that they were the only people in here with those hair colors. Most of them had their backs to you, so you could only tell based on that alone, who was who. Seonghwa with his black hair was standing beside Wooyoung and Maddox, who you had only met once or twice, Yeosang with his dark hair on the other side of him, and Hongjoong with his light brown was next to Jongho who stood in the middle of Mingi and…
Silence fell over you. You couldn’t take your eyes off of them. Off of him. No Yunho in sightz Only San. Veronica. Together. You didn’t realize how long you had to be looking at him because by some miracle he noticed that someone was staring straight into the side of his head. He suddenly turned and looked directly at you. His shock was just as apparent as yours, and you lost your footing for a second, stumbling into Jamie who was beside you. The chairman and the others turned to you with concern.
“Whoa, Are you okay?” Jamie asked, gripping your arms to hold you upright. “What happened?”
“I-I” You stammered.
Jamie cleared her throat and bowed to the Chairman. “Excuse us for a moment.”
She took you out of the circle and placed a hand on your shoulder. “What’s going on? Are your shoes hurting you? Are you hungry? Thirsty? You feel cold.”
“He’s here.” You said softly to her.
“San.” You said through gritted teeth, looking around, hoping not to conjure him up around you.
“WHAT?” Her voice elevated among the crowd and a few people turned to look. “What? He’s here. Why the fuck is he here?”
“He’s with Veronica and the others.”
“Oh that son of a bitch. He’s got some nerve. Where is Yunho? Is he with him?”
“I didn’t see him. I think I need a drink.”
“You need more than that. Come on.” Jamie grabbed your hand and weaved through the crowd that was gathering.
You followed her, not knowing where you were going in the slightest. Once you made it through the wave of bodies, you were pulled up to the large bar top.
“What can I get you ladies tonight?” The bartender asked, whilst cleaning out a glass with a rag.
“The strongest thing you have.” You said with no resistance.
“Coming right up.” The bartender immediately got to work, fishing out a few bottles from the shelves behind him and started pouring and mixing, taking orders from the other customers who walked up as well.
In a matter of minutes, he placed two orange colored glasses down to you and Jamie , sticking a lime in each slit of the glass. You thanked him and immediately drank it.
“I’m so sorry. I had no idea he would be here. I even looked at the guest list. That's how I knew Veronica would be here.” Jamie explained. “This is my fault. I should have let you stay home.”
You separated from the glass and leaned against the counter, putting all of your weight on your hands. “It’s not your fault Jamie. I just- I just need a second.”
“Okay. Okay…um. Do you want to leave?” She asked, placing a calming hand on your arm. “I don’t want to risk you two running into each other.”
Downing what remained of your drink, you let the liquor burn a stream of worry down your throat. You grimaced from the pain, but took it, sucking in a vat of fresh air to cool your lungs again.
“Yeah. I think I should go. I’ll go find Yunho.” you insisted, waving off Jamie from taking on anymore hassle.
“Alright, I’ll be waiting here and we can leave. Just scream if you need me. Well- don’t actually, but just call me.” She nodded to you half-heartedly. You had a feeling she was itching to follow you, but you didn’t need her to babysit you.
Seeing San was not what you had expected to happen tonight, but who were you kidding? Of course he would be wherever his friends were, they were inseparable. You just assumed that you would not have been there to even know it in the first place.
You slammed your drink back down on the bar top and gathered your clutch purse and your phone. Returning a reassuring nod to a very visibly anxious Jamie and wandered off into the thicket of the dinner crowd. You maneuvered through countless bodies, searching for a remnant of your friend. There was nothing really differentiating him from the other patrons despite his long blonde mullet in a sea of pepper-gray hairs so you looked out for that. You peeked through conversations, from behind the backs of stockholders and possible CEOs in the hopes that one of them would be Yunho who magically disappeared.
You wandering about so curiously earned you some concerned glares from the partygoers, but you gave them a soft smile in the hopes to ease their tension from seeing you so confused and distraught.
Where is he? The ballroom was large and there were so many people, you could be searching for him forever, but time was of the essence and you needed to find him so you could get out of dodge as soon as possible. The last thing you needed was to run into San or, equally, Veronica again tonight. You’ve had your fill of both of them for a lifetime even if it was for five seconds. A few minutes went by and you had searched a good sum of the ballroom floor, but there was still no sign of Yunho anywhere.
He wasn’t answering your texts or your phone calls, which was weird because he always answered no matter what. Where could he be that has him caught up? You looked around and thought for a moment and then it hit you. Standing on the tips of your heels, you looked around at the looming walls above the party hoping to find some kind of sign that pointed to the direction of the nearest bathrooms. Your eyes latched onto a black sign pointed towards a dark hallway that would lead you exactly where you wanted to go.
Quickly, you dashed that way, calling your pardons and excuses to the people you plowed through and or pushed by. There were people coming out of the darkness of the hallway, some men, some women who had just seemingly handled their business. None of who were yunho who you were hoping for. So you tread further. The hall was dimly lit by a few candelabras attached to the wall, giving it a soft yellow glow. Thanks to the light, you finally managed to locate the restrooms decorated with their set signs to let you know which was which.
Then, the door to the men’s bathroom flew open with a screech. Happiness filled your features. You waited for the moments that the striking, tall blonde would appear in front of you and crack a joke about how he drank too much and didn’t realize it.
“Yunh-“ You called out, hopeful.
But your hope was misplaced because as soon as the door opened and the man stepped out into view, you were met with black. Not blonde like Yunho was.
Your happy appearance fell. You locked eyes and both stood there awkwardly yet again. San. Of course it was San. Why wouldn’t it be San? You cursed the gods at the moment in your head.
All you could think about at that moment was escape. You needed to get away from him, you could turn around and get lost in the crowd, return to Jamie and tell her that you both lost your ride and couldn’t find him anywhere, but San was fast enough that he could catch you before you even managed to think about leaving.
So you had only one other option to make it look less suspicious. Your eyes left his and flickered over to the women’s restroom.
San called out your name, but his voice was lost to you as you charged through the door and let it shut him out.
There was no way he was going to come in here, anybody could walk in or walk out in a moment’s notice. He’ll have to leave or wait for you to come out and there was no way that you were doing that with him still here. Due to the lack of movement in any of the stalls, you assumed you were alone, so you walked over to the sinks and set down your purse, going back to your recent call logs and ringing Yunho again. You put the phone to your ear and paced against the polished tile floor.
“Pick up, pick up, pick up.” You repeated, wishing it was the magic words to make him reappear.
The phone rang and rang and rang. No answer.
“God dammit, Yunho.” You cursed and hung up the phone.
The bathroom door suddenly pushed open. You thought nothing of it, but silenced yourself to not disturb whatever woman was coming to do her business.
“So, you and Yunho are a thing now?”
Your heart slid from its position in your chest and down into the pits of your stomach. You quickly glanced up to see Choi San standing before you with his back perched against the door. In the women’s bathroom. He seriously came in here? Is he fucking insane?
He was simultaneously blocking you in and keeping whatever potential savior there was for you outside.
“What the fuck- you need to leave.” You commanded.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“I don’t have to answer you. The door is right there. Leave.” You pointed towards the exit again, but he didn’t budge.
“Are you together? Fucking? What is it?” He asked again, this time moving off of the door and taking a few steps towards you. He was working the last nerve you were willing to give him right now.
“Why does it matter to you anyway?!” You bit back, your voice echoing through the emptiness of the restroom. “You know what? Fuck this, I’ll leave.”
You grabbed your things and tucked them under your arm, heading right for him. You put your hand on the door handle and pulled it open slightly, but San slammed his palm against it and closed it on you again.
“It matters because he’s my best friend. And he wouldn’t give me an answer, so I’m asking you.”
You laughed. You didn’t mean to, but you found the irony in his statement too funny to pass up the opportunity. “I’m sorry, that’s just really rich coming from you, San, considering you fucked my friend behind my back.”
“And you fucked mine. So, that makes us even.”
“Not even close. Yes, I had sex with Yunho, but I didn’t fuck him behind your back. You lost all my loyalty, when you chose Veronica over me. That’s on you.”
He huffed, staring down at you with those piercing brown eyes. Now that you could see him up close, his once baby-faced features were replaced with a stoic disposition. His brows were thicker and sharp making them more prone to furrow. His jawline was sharp and tense from how he was gritting his teeth, seemingly trying to hold back whatever words were about to come out of his mouth.
“Look..” San spoke your name so gently that it threw you off guard. His eyes softened and he looked upon you with no awkwardness or fear. He looked.. genuine. For the first time in forever.
But you couldn’t bring yourself to hear whatever it is he had to say to you. “Save it, San. Please.. save it. I don’t want to hear whatever excuse you cooked up in the last four years, or rehearsed to say to me whenever we saw each other again. I don’t.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.”
I’m sorry? That’s… not what you expected. You didn’t have a snarky comeback for that one, it completely threw you for a loop. He doesn’t apologize for anything. Why is he apologizing to you now?
“I fucked up. I know and I realize that, even if it was too late when I did. I had already lost you at that point, I just didn’t know how to fix it. I hurt you. What I did with Veronica was stupid and it was on me. It was no one’s fault but mine. I’m sorry for everything that I put you through. You can keep hating me forever if you want, that’s your choice, but I couldn’t keep going on knowing that you were the only person who ever loved me and I ruined it and never apologized.”
Each word was like a shot to your stomach. Every ounce of resolve that you had was slowly beginning to crumble before him. You turned your head away from him, staring down at the ground for a moment, folding your arms across your slightly exposed chest.
“Why did you do it?” You asked firmly, still keeping your guard up with him. “Did you like her?”
There was a push on the door that startled you both and then a knock. You looked at one another in a panic and motioned to San to handle it since he was the one blocking the door.
San didn’t say a word and neither did you. He just kept a steady pressure on the door as they tried to get it open, until they only assumed that the door was jammed. There were a few disgruntled noises outside the door and then they walked off, leaving the two of you alone again.
“To answer your question. No, I didn’t like her. I didn’t love her—I didn’t feel anything for her that was remotely close to what I felt for you. I don’t know why I did it…it just happened. We were with friends and we were hanging out, we talked a bit, I guess a bit too much. Next thing I know, we kissed and well.. the rest was history.”
“And tonight? Did you come with her?”
He scoffed. “No. I’m not stupid.”
“Well?” You sang.
San glared at you.
“Sorry, it was too easy.” You shrugged. “Go on.”
He rolled his eyes. “Well, I did come with her, but I didn’t technically come with her. She just needed a ride, Seonghwa and I gave her one. I cut it off with her a few weeks after we…” He motioned between the two of you. “You know. She was already on to the next by then and we haven’t seen each other much since, until now.”
You nodded your head, feeling somewhat lighter now that he told you. “I see. Well, uhm. About Yunho and I..”
San stopped you before you could start. “You don’t have to explain to me. Let’s just say that it just happened.”
You nodded. “Yeah, it just happened.”
There was a mutual understanding in those words. Though you and Yunho had a deeper connection than what San and Veronica had, it was merely an understanding of position. You didn’t forgive him for what he did and San was probably livid deep down and probably couldn’t forgive you either, but the anger that was there from before was subsiding.
The two of you stood in silence for a moment before you spoke. “I- thank you for that, San. It was nice of you to apologize, but I have to go.”
You tried to open the door again, but instead of slamming it shut on you like he did last time, he grabbed you by your hand and held it in his. You whipped around to look at him and were met with the most heartfelt look you had ever seen him wear.
“Did you know that I’ve thought about you everyday for the last four years? I couldn’t get you out of my head for the life of me.”
“No. It’s always been you. Everything has always been you. I can’t go to sleep at night without seeing your face. When I laugh, I think about yours. When someone smiles at me, I think about how yours was always brighter.”
“San stop.” You begged. You wanted to pull your hand from his, but for some reason you just couldn’t move. You had to get to Yunho. You needed to find him— you needed to leave. Why can’t you leave?
“Do you know what that feels like?” His hand tightened around yours. “It’s agony.”
“Why are you telling me this?” His grip only tightened.
“I meant what I said back then. I just should have said it sooner. I love you. I never stopped loving you and seeing you tonight only confirmed it. And if you don’t feel anything for me at all, we can free each other from this fucked up game right now. I’ll get out of your life for good.”
You stood there like an inanimate object. Not knowing what to say or what to do. You had felt everything that he was feeling ten times over and then some. Of course you thought about him in the past. You had thought about him living a life without you more than once. You thought about him every second of the day. The two of you were tethered by a string of damnation—you two were messy and you knew it, but you always thought that there was a possibility that you could work. Maybe he could love you the way you loved him. Maybe you could love him again. Maybe.. You wished maybe was a guarantee.
You wiggled your hand free from his grasp. San looked at you obviously distraught by the way the light in his eyes suddenly faded. You dropped everything that you were carrying in your arms as your phone and purse went clattering to the bathroom floor. Your hands moved faster than your brain ever could. You reached out to San, clasping both of your hands against his face and pulled him into you, lips crashing into a fiery slope of passion as he wrapped his arms around your backside like it was second nature to him. His build was much wider now and you felt incredibly small in his grasp, but San held you with every intent not to let go of you again.
As the kiss grew deeper, San careened his hands across your body, feeling the very places that he had been missing for the last few years. He worked your frame like he was trying to remember what spots connected to what, which ones were your favorites to be touched nowadays— he was trying to figure what kind of person you were now in just a matter of seconds.
Removing your hands from his chiseled features, you found new purchase on his suit jacket, which you tore off immediately, pulling the expensive fabric over his muscles. San pressed you against the door, letting your back meet the cool, polished wood; a single hand wrapped around your neck while an extended tongue flicked across your bottom lip, nonverbally asking for entrance, which you granted him with no hesitation. He slid his tongue between your parted lips and into your mouth, swirling his own instrument around yours. The kiss turned frantic, more hungry and needy. You moaned into his mouth, fingering the strands of his slightly long black hair while he simultaneously shifted the leg slit on your dress to the side, gripped the back of your thigh and pulled it to wrap around his slim waist.
This somehow brought the two of you even closer than you were already. He fell into you perfectly like a missing puzzle piece. You could feel his growing erection between your thighs each time he ground into you. The two of you were a bumbling mess of hormones and unsatiated emotions. San broke the kiss, using the same hand that was wrapped around your throat to tilt your head to the side. He attacked your neck like a predator, and you let him. His mouth was warm and wet and your body reacted almost instantly. You could feel the temperature rise inside your body. San continues his performance, lapping up the skin on your neck like it was refreshing to him, his kisses led down to your collarbone, your breasts. Unfortunately with the minimal time you had as well as the fabric of your dress covering the rest of you, San was limited in the love he wanted to show to your body, but that did not deter him.
Falling to his knees before you, he took the very thigh that he had wrapped around him and began to pepper it with kisses as well. Your hand was caught in his hair as you guided him, your mouth agape at the sight. You watch San with intention, as he kisses further and further up your thigh, inching the silver silk out of his way. You stuck your teeth into your bottom lip and smiled naughtily. San pulled his sharp gaze to you, and you could feel a gush between your legs. Why did he have to look at you like that? Your immediate reaction to this excited him and he continued onward in a devilish manner. Using both of his hands, he caressed your legs admiring you in all of your glory and fiddled underneath your dress, finding a latch on your panties and tugging them downwards to your ankles leaving you completely exposed.
San repositions himself as well as you. He places your leg just over his shoulder now, giving him a full view of your womanhood that was now glistening with your moisture. San licks his lips, practically salivating and grumbles with satisfaction even when he didn’t have a taste of you yet.
“God, I miss the way you taste. I think I need to remind myself again.” He said sweetly before moving forward against you.
Your breath caught in your throat once his lips connected with the sensitive hood of your clit. It was a small kiss to it, but it had so much power as well. You closed your eyes and rested your head against the doorframe, moaning softly into the air while San worked his magic. You still played with his hair offering some encouragement to continue even though you could not speak very clearly without a moan following soon after. San flushed his mouth against your pussy, you could see the lust swimming in his eyes as he stared at you the entire time.
“You’re already dripping for me. Good.”
He widened the part in your lips to give him enough room to slither his tongue inside, invading you, but of course you did not mind. It felt good already, you almost couldn’t believe it.
“Fuck..” you groaned to yourself, putting your eyes back on the beautiful man that was between your thighs.
His tongue prodded at your insides, slurping and sloshing about your velvety walls and sipping on the honey-like thickness of your juices. Every lick sent you further into the depths, you couldn’t control your moans. You almost felt too loud, but you couldn’t stop. And by the look in his eye, you almost felt like that was what he wanted. San continued to suck and kiss along the flaps of your portions , savoring every ounce of your flavor.
San separated from you for a split moment, leaving a string of his saliva as well as your wetness which his mouth was completely drenched in, and smiled at you deviously. “Damn, you taste so good.”
You could feel the rope that was holding your senses together slowly begin to unwind itself. You were too sensitive for your own liking sometimes and San knew that much about you. It didn’t take much for you to cave and now was no different. The way he was eating you out was almost too much to bear, but you didn’t want him to stop. You were just getting started.
San followed a figure eight movement on your clit, but moved his tongue like an expert inside of you, never leaving a single part of your pussy untouched. Your moans got louder and louder, you grabbed a handful of his hair and pressed him deeper into your temple. Your hips worked against his mouth and he invited it, digging his nails into your hips and pulling you closer to him. You whimpered, sounding more desperate than you had hoped to. With the way you were grinding on him, you were practically riding his nose at this point— each buck getting more uncontrollable than the last. San’s satisfied groans vibrated against your clit and you were even closer to losing it now. And he knew it.
San put more pressure on your clit using his free hand, massaging it in light circles with his thumb while he ate you out. You were getting attacked from all angles and you couldn’t handle it anymore. You let out a blood curdling yelp, followed by sharp moans and heavy breathing — releasing all of your pent up aggression onto his mouth. You twitched in place and tried to find some grip on the wall beside you to right yourself but there was nothing to hold you other than him. San lapped up your climax, and planted a kiss on your pussy before coming to meet you again. He didn’t give you a second to think as he kissed you. This time more direct and with intent. You could taste yourself on his lips. It was sweet and sticky.
“How bad do you want me to fuck you?” He asked lowly between kisses.
You were in a state of delirium, but you responded coherently. “Really fucking bad. I just want to feel you right now.”
“Good. Take it out.” He commanded.
You didn’t hesitate much to do so. You lurched forward, hooking one finger inside of his dress pants and pulled him closer to you. You undid his belt without issue, and his button followed, giving you free access to what you wanted the most. Your eyes were locked on San as you did this and he watched you with joy evident on his features. You swiftly pulled down his pants along with his boxers in the same fashion he did your panties, the belt hit the ground with a clanging noise leaving San exposed to you. He was just as big as you remembered him being if not bigger. It frightened you almost the way it stood massively at attention, twitching with eagerness. A smirk found his features, his tongue ran smoothly across his K-9’s and you had a feeling that you were in for a treat.
San pressed you flat against the door again, closing the space between you with his body. He kissed your lips again, and then your cheek and hummed lightly against your skin. “I can’t wait to see how pretty you look while I make you cum.”
San wrapped his hand around his hard-on, glancing down as he rubbed himself against your warmth, letting out a low rumble in his throat from the sensation. You soft groans mixed with his as the adrenaline pumped through your veins, filling the next few moments with anticipation. He pressed his tip against your opening, and slowly pushed himself inside of you— filling that space that he left empty. Your mouth fell agape at the shock of his size, it felt like he was stretching you out completely just to adjust to his size.
He started moving inside of you slowly at first, helping you to get used to him. “I got you baby just keep taking it, you’re doing so good.”
“You’re so fucking big..” you huffed out, holding onto San’s wide shoulders as he dug you out.
His pace quickened slightly, he wrapped your leg around him again, angling himself to hit you in just the right spot while he bounced you on his dick. His thrusts were powerful, but cohesive. His hips had a flow to them that made it feel like he was fucking you in waves.
“Yeah, you feel good wrapped around my dick. You take me so well.” He complimented, lurching into you at a speed that you were trying to keep up with. His hand was still wrapped around your neck, squeezing the air from your lungs. The pressure was comfortable, but just enough to heighten every sensation. You held onto his arm, scratching at his skin.
Still sopping wet from the last climax you had, the sounds of skin on skin contact along with the constant sloshing of your insides, was the perfect storm for the both of you. San gripped your thigh tightly, hiding his face in the thick of your neck as he roared loudly from the pressure building up against you.
“Oh San, Right there!” You coached, holding him close to you as he fucked you. Your nails clawed at the fabric on his shirt so harshly you thought that you would pierce it. The remnants of your sexual encounter were running down between your legs and you were almost at your limit. “Oh fuck, I’m going to cum.”
“Cum for me.” He stammered. “God, you’re so wet.”
His dick pumps into you at a pace no man should reach, making you cry out for him in pleasure. You grip tightly onto his backside, struggling to keep yourself upright while he fucked you senseless to the point you lost your balance. If it weren’t for his strength, there was no way you were standing up on your own.
San was committed to making you cum first, but he becomes sloppy the closer he gets, but he doesn’t stop. “Cum for me babygirl,” he demands, “Cum for me..!”
And like a dog with a whistle, you obeyed his command and came. Your orgasm smacked you like a ton of bricks, and everything came rushing out of you all at once with no forgiveness. San followed suit with your flow, hearing the beauty of your moans and bursted inside of you. His pants were ragged, and his grunts were deep and gravely. The two of you tried to catch your breath, but the air escaped you. The two of you stood sweaty and stuck together with your juices intermingling inside of you. You were high off of all the sensations. It took you more than a second to come down off it. San collapsed into you and you did the same.
“That felt good..” He said into your skin.
You stared blankly up at the ceiling, admiring the intricate designs of old Renaissance paintings that you had never noticed until now. Your vision began to come back to you, and you were welcomed to reality once more. And the realization hit you.
“Yeah..” You responded shortly.
San pulled out of you and collided with the door beside you. sweat beading off his brow.
“About what you said earlier. About me feeling something for you?” You turned your head to look at him.
He glanced back at you with a wandering look, but still curious as to what you were going to say. “Yeah?”
“I still feel something for you, San. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t, but…” You paced yourself, swallowing your own spit to lubricate your throat as you said the words. “After everything we've been through, I don’t think I can love you..”
“Why not? You said you felt something right?”
“I do,” You paused for a moment trying your best to find the words to say it, but you took a deep breath and finally let it out.
“I…I think I fell in love with Yunho.”
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futterurl · 7 months
Hii do you do angsty smut? I’m craving angst & smut for Josh futturman . Love your first work here btw ❤️
tysm anon i fucking LOVE angst and smut mixed. literally two in one combo. i got u :b apologies if this wasnt what u were looking for!!
WARNINGS: angst, bleeding, pretty graphic, smut (mdni!), oral(f!receiving), p in v, creampie, afab reader
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you clutched your side, agony hitting every inch of your body. getting shot in your side wasn’t how you thought this mission was gonna go.
it was supposed to be simple: have everyone eat the Kronish balls, save the day, yada-yada. in and out. that wasn’t the case, however, when everyone who wasn’t borderline poisoned by the kronish balls turned out to be bionic.
josh wasn’t looking behind himself, not seeing a bionic creeping up to him at a quick pace with a knife in hand. you ran as fast as you could, trying to tell him to watch out.
you pushed josh out of the way, causing the bionic to stab you right in the side. the pain hit immediately, agonizing pain. you doubled over, wanting to remove the piece of steel. you knew this would only make it worse. you had to keep it in, at least until you were able to get somewhere safe.
“shit.” tiger panicked, seeing you on the ground, clutching your torso for dear life. you looked up at her with weak eyes, coughing up spurts of blood.
“gotta. got’ get help.” you tried to speak as hard as you could without exerting too much effort. she was able to pick you up and avoid the bionics, which wolf was going crazy with.
“guys! abort the mission. s’ in critical condition!” tiger yelled at josh and wolf, seeing their expressions drop as they saw her holding you, borderline limp in her arms. as they fended off the last of the bionics, they raced over to see you, crying and tired.
“fuck, fuck, this is my fault, fuck.” josh started talking at 100 miles an hour.
“this is nobody’s fault. someone get a goddamn car and bring us home.” wolf yelled. they all raced over to the car they took, tiger slamming on the gas the second you all piled in, josh now gently bringing you into the back.
“fuck, hurts s’ bad, fuck.” you grit through your teeth, hand bloody from holding onto your side. josh had propped you up against the car window. he kept his hand right on top of yours, whispering endless strands of “i’m sorry” and “this is my fault” through tears. this was the last thing he wanted to do, especially to the girl he loved, even if she didn’t know.
you were so selfless, you took a fucking knife to the torso for him. he owed you his fucking life, if you were okay after this, that is. he was gonna make sure you were okay. he clung onto your other hand and held onto it for dear life.
in just minutes, tiger was stopping the car in front of josh’s house. josh took you into his arms, racing up to his room, flat out ignoring his parents.
he laid you onto his bed, propping you up high with a good amount of pillows.
“i have a first aid kit in my bathroom. go get it. it’s in the cabinet.” he yelled at tiger and wolf. he couldn’t stay one second away from you. not like this.
wolf ran to get it, coming back in mere seconds. he had a wet rag. “we gotta take the knife out and put this over it immediately.” he panted.
“take my hand. this might hurt.” josh offered, holding out his hand to you, which you took into yours with ease.
“one, two, three”
tiger removed the knife, to which wolf covered you with the wet rag. you screamed and wailed as you crushed josh’s hand with yours. you had never experienced that amount of pain in your entire life.
“the worst is over. you did it.” tiger tried to ease your worries, offering you painkillers in the first aid kit wolf had brought.
“fuck. still hurts s’ fucking bad, fuck.” you silently cried. this felt like torture. you felt like you were going to puke.
“can you guys give us some privacy please? sorry, she’s overwhelmed and i know how to help her.” josh said, looking at tiger and wolf. “can you guys go talk to my parents? tell them we’re all good?”
they got the signal. they quickly left and shut the door behind them.
josh looked at you. “fuck, i’m so sorry. this is all my fault. i didn’t want you to get hurt like this, i’m so sorry…” he started to tear up.
you caressed his face. ���it’s okay, josh. it wasn’t your fault, nothing you could’ve done. i’m still alive, aren’t i?”
“i know, but it shouldn’t be you with the fucking knife in your side.” he replied. he was really worried about you, his heart racing. he didn’t want you to be hurt. at all. he’d gladly take a knife for you for this to be overwith. for you to not be in any more pain.
“it’s okay, really. i jumped in.” you yawned, starting to get tired.
“okay, okay.” he wasn’t gonna argue with you anymore. “is there anything i can do for you?”
you squeezed his hand. “go to sleep with me for awhile?” you asked in a hushed tone.
nothing would’ve made him happier. he couldn’t be away from you, not now, not ever. he wanted to make sure that you’d be safe. with him. in his arms.
“of course. i..i’ll stay here with you. as long as you need.” he took a few pillows from under you, letting you lay down, he laying down next to you. you cuddled up to him a bit, making him blush. thank god the light was dimmed low.
“thank you…” you drifted off as you muttered those words. josh looked down at you, watching you fall into a deep sleep. he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. even after dying, you still looked so fucking perfect. how?
why would you take a knife for me? he asked himself, over and over. i hate seeing you like this.
the last thing he wanted to do was to see you in pain, and now he saw you in pure agony, on his behalf. he felt lime such a shitty person. the least he could do is lay with you.
he wouldn’t admit that was what he secretly wanted all along. he caressed your cheek before laying his head down, joining you in a peaceful slumber.
you spent the next couple days attached to josh like you two were conjoined at the hip. he was constantly there for your every need, whether that be for water, food, painkillers, anything.
you were healing up nicely. sure, you were still in pain, but it was significantly less than what it originally was. having josh by your side helped a lot.
you two were laying in his bed, when the painkillers sort of wore off. you winced.
“you okay?” he asked, concern in his voice.
“yeah, just hurts a bit.” you responded.
“you need anything? i can get it.” he offered.
“no, josh, really, it’s fine.” josh had been there for you at your every need, you were starting to feel bad. it felt like he was being a servant for you.
“i don’t want you to be in pain though.” he looked lost in thought. it looked like he wanted to say something.
“is there something on your mind, josh?” you asked.
“uh..uh, kind of. you ever have something on your mind but you don’t wanna say it because you don’t know if it’ll ruin something but you really don’t know what reaction you’ll get-” he started to talk faster and faster as he talked more and more.
“josh, we’ve known each other for what, how many years? we’ve talked about anything and everything. you can talk to me.” you propped yourself up to look at him.
he looked nervous. well, he always looked nervous. this time, however, he looked super nervous. something was on his mind.
"i was just gonna say, um, that, uh, i know a way to make you feel better...but, uh, it's kinda weird...yeah." he started stammering over his words.
"what is it, josh?" you asked. did he just bite his lip?
"i...i could make you...y'know..." he looked from your face down to your body, back up to you.
"make me what?" your heart started beating ever so slightly faster. might he be alluding to...?
"i...i could make you...make you cum. i know it's not a painkiller or anything, but it might take your mind off stuff. it's stupid, i..i should stop talking now. i shouldn't have said that. it's stupid. i'm sorry-"
you cut him off by putting your hand gently under his jaw and kissing him passionately. you started to grasp at his hair, holding it in fistfulls.
once your lips disconnected, you started breathing heavily. "josh, i'd love that. please. really." you never thought he'd ever ask you to do anything like this.
"really? am i dreaming?" he asked, rubbing your forearm gently.
"no. please, josh. make me feel good." you pleaded. now that the idea was out there, you were dead set on this. you didn't want anyone but him.
he got on top of you, starting to kiss your lips, your cheeks, your jawline, your neck. everything. it felt perfect. you could already feel your focus on your pain being subsided to this.
he lowered himself, settling in between your thighs, rubbing your hips. he held the ends of your shirt.
"can...can i see how it's doing first? just to check? don't wanna make it worse." he played with the hem of your shirt.
"yeah, yes. do it." you responded.
he lifted up your shirt to your ribcages, examining your bandages. it still looked pretty nasty, but it had certainly healed a lot since a few days ago.
"fuck...i'm still so, so sorry. i really am." he started to get a bit teary eyed while tenderly rubbing the skin by your bandages, careful to not get too close to where it would hurt.
"josh, really, it's okay. it happens. please. i don't want you to feel bad about this. it really is okay." you scratched at his hair.
"okay, okay...m'sorry. lemme make it up to you." he pressed a kiss to your stomach as he unzipped your shorts. he pulled them down slowly, not wanting to make your body jolt or be in any more pain that it was already in. he lost his breath, looking at you in just your shirt and panties. he still couldn't believe it.
"you...you okay?" you asked.
"y-yeah. i'm great. just...can't believe this is happening. you're so beautiful." he lay his head on one of your thighs, giving it a light kiss. that made you shudder. you didn't realize your thighs were that sensitive.
"thank you, thank you..." you started to mumble, becoming a bit nervous.
josh sensed your nerves. "you know, you don't have to let me do this, if you don't want me to. i know it's very up and personal."
"no, i really do, it's just...i'm just...nervous, is all. just...go slow please." you asked.
he played with the hems of your panties. "don't worry, i'll go as slow as you need." he pressed a kiss to your hip bones. "would you...would you mind if i took these off?"
"please. take them off." you were starting to get desperate.
he slowly eased them down your legs, getting a glimpse of your glistening pussy. he felt his eyes widen.
"can i...can i make you feel good?" he asked, pressing a kiss on your pubic bone.
"please, josh. want you to make me feel good so badly." you were practically begging at this point.
he lowered his head just a bit, propping himself truly inbetween your thighs, licking a stripe up your slit. you shuddered, new to the sensation. it felt weird, but in a good way.
"that feel okay?" he asked.
"yes, josh, for the love of god, please...more." you begged.
his tongue rested on your clit, rubbing it with the wet muscle. this sent shivers down your spine. it rubbed back and forth on the tiny area. you let out a moan, back starting to arch off the bed.
"shit...feels s'good josh, oh my god." you moaned, him drinking up your moans.
his lips attached themselves around your clit and just sucked. this sent all sorts of waves of pleasure through you. you pulled at his hair as he sucked at your clit. he ran his tongue in circles around the sensitive bud. had he ever done this before?
his tongue ran down your cunt, entering your tight hole with a moan from you. his thumb snuck up to your clit, not giving it a break as he rubbed tight circles around it.
"feels t' good, holy shit..." you were becoming putty in his hands as he tongue fucked you.
"you taste s' fucking good." he moaned into your pussy as his thumb became even faster around your clit, using your slick as lube. "love every part of you, fuck."
it didn't help that he was practically groaning into your cunt as he went down on you, letting out little whimpers and moans into you.
he heard you start to get louder and louder. he knew you were getting close to your release. his head went back up to your clit, giving it even more stimulation.
"josh...so close, oh my god..." your hips were starting to slightly buck up into his mouth.
"i know, pretty girl, not gonna stop until you cum down my fucking throat." he pleaded, urging you as he sopped at your clit, constantly hitting the bundle of nerves. your thighs got tighter around his head.
"i...oh my god...i think i'm gonna..." you started to pant hard, getting lost in the pleasure.
"c'mon. let it out. cum in my mouth. please. make me happy and cum on me. wanna make you feel so fucking good." he said in between licks.
one of them in particular make the tight band forming in your stomach snap, you finally getting that sweet, sweet release as you moan incoherent babbles to josh, as his tongue slowly eased at your cunt.
once you came down from your high, he started to rub little circles around your hips again. "you okay?" he asked.
"fuck...that was really fucking good, josh. oh my god." you panted as he peppered your stomach in kisses.
"good, m' glad." he rubbed the skin close to your bandage. "did i do anything to make it hurt any more?" he asked, worry etching on his eyebrows.
"no, it's all fine...i feel really good right now." you looked down at him, his face a mess of saliva and your slick. that was hot.
"good." he came up a little bit, you getting a peak at his erection standing through his pants.
"do you...do you want me to take care of that?" you asked, alluding to something more.
he caught his breath. "uh..are-are you sure? i know you just...y'know. you sure you want to?"
"please, josh. i want you to fuck me." you had never felt so desperate than you did right now. you needed him.
"i don't know if this is gonna hurt you. if it does, tell me and we're done." he said, getting out of his pants, his erection standing up in his boxers. your eyes widened. you couldn't believe he was going to be inside you.
"thank you josh, i will." you pulled him in to a kiss, your hand traveling down to his boxers, lightly gripping at his clothed cock. he let out a whimper.
"that feel good?" you asked.
"yes, fuck yes that felt good. but this is about you, not me. gonna make you feel good again. promise." he pulled away as he swiped down his boxers, freeing his girthy erection.
he positioned himself, sitting up on his knees, pulling one of your legs over his shoulder, alligning his cock with your dripping cunt. he ran his tip over your clit, you both shuddering.
"i..i'm gonna put it in now, okay?" he asked for permission, hands gently holding onto your hips, careful not to hurt you with the pressure. "i'll go slow, i promise."
"please." you whimpered.
he pressed it at your entrance, his tip slowly going inside you. he let out a shudder as he traced his thumbs back and forth on your thighs, trying to ease your nerves.
"fuck, oh my god. only have the tip in but it feels s' fucking good. you're so tight. fuck." he started to become a whimpering mess.
he slowly pushed his hips forward, entering you even more, at such a slow pace to make sure you weren't in any pain. sure, you had done this before, you told him, but it had been some time since. the last thing he wanted to do was make you hurt down there too.
"put the rest in josh, please." you whimpered.
he obliged, slowly bottoming out. all the sensations hit him at once: your tight, sopping cunt squeezing his cock. he knew he wouldn't last long.
"god, you're so tight, holy shit, feels so fucking good." he wailed, praising you as he caressed your hips. "you good?"
you nodded. you felt so full, it felt amazing. he looked at you with care and concern, like you were the only person in the world right then. it was perfect. he was doing all this for you.
"please start moving. feels good." you pleaded.
he nodded furiously, taking an experimental thrust into you, to which you both moaned out to. he was constantly letting out strings of "oh god" and "fuck" into the room as he started to grip your thigh.
he started to get into a motion, him pistoning in and out of you at a quick pace. your tight gummy walls pulled him in with every thrust, his cock hitting every sensitive spot inside you with every thrust.
"oh my god, you feel so good. love this pussy so much, holy shit." he was practically worshipping you at this point as his hips drove into yours, you letting out moans in response.
one of his hands found itself at your cunt, his thumb starting to bully your clit in tight circles, you letting out a loud moan in response.
"josh, getting close, oh my god. fuck!" you pleaded for him. his thumb around your clit started to move even faster as his hips drove into you, hitting every spot.
"gonna cum soon, please cum with me." he pleaded in between moans, hips moving even faster. you broke down into a moaning mess as you felt another orgasm coming.
"you're so hot, holy shit. wanna fuck you like this forever. wanna get lost in this pussy. please. want you to come on my cock over and over again. shit." he let out rambles as he started to reach his peak.
these words let you to your second orgasm, your cunt becoming even tighter around his cock as you moaned as loud as possible, yelling his name. your cunt squeezing him made him come undone, cumming inside you.
he kept thrusting into you, riding out both of your highs, until you came down. he put your leg down, him slowly pulling out and laying down on you, being careful to not lay down on your bandage.
"that...that felt so good josh, oh my god." you started to play with his hair and rubbing his back.
"good. m' glad. i really wanted to make you feel good." his head lay on one of your breasts, paying attention to your breathing pattern.
"you..you really helped. i feel really good right now. thank you." you squeezed him into a hug.
he put one of his arms around you, enjoying the warmth of your body. "i'll always be here for you, i owe it to you. i'll stick bt your side, no matter what.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
a/n: womp womp sry if that was kinda mid (im a loser if u couldnt tell)
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oinkawasleftoe · 1 year
The Spider (Pt 2)
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We quick with it?!
I wanna say thanks for enjoying the first part tho which is linked here
Character: Miguel Ohara
Type: Angst + Fluff
Warning: Violence, Yelling, Swearing, Slight suggestive content, Male Reader, Scars
Word Count: 553
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You swung through the community of spider-people, feelings rushing through your head. Anger, Sadness, Fear. It all hit you like a train. You made it to your destination within short timing. It was a small abandoned corner of the community, perfect to hide away.
You set down the bag and sigh, your heart was still hurting. With shaky hands you touched the bandaging on your face. “And he claims he’s sorry..” you mutter, venom laced in your voice. “You don’t just apologize for that shit!” You kick the bag, sending it into a wall.
After the sudden outburst you leaned against the wall, sliding until your butt landed on the hard concrete. “Miguel my love, what even made you do this..” you hold your face with a sigh. “I wish I understood him..”
While you were hoping to understand him better, Miguel was having a full tantrum. Yelling at anyone who came in his sight, throwing things around in your room. For a man who hurt you, he was pissed.
His little temper tantrum continued until there was nothing left for his talons to tear into. As the reality of the situation set in, he slid down the wall with a sad look on his face. “Mi príncipe..” He spoke, guilt running through his system.
“I didn’t mean to hurt him, I would never…I mean I didn’t mean…” He groaned in frustration as he argued with himself. “I need to fix this. Lyla, track (name)’s spider suit.” He spoke into his watch. “Tracking…” The AI responded, showing a small GPS of your location.
Miguel smiled and rushed to the location, leaving the destroyed room for later events. On your side of the community, you had finally calmed your emotions down. Your head rested on the temporary pillow you had formed with your bag. It was peaceful, only for a second sadly.
“(name)!” Miguel bursted into the area, surprising you. “You- How the hell did you find me?!” You question as you stood. Miguel hadn’t really planned this far. “Look (name) I know I screwed up but I want to make this right-“ Slap! You interrupted him with a harsh slap.
Miguel stood frozen like a deer in headlights. “You wanna make this right? Don’t go chasing me after I asked for space! Don’t go threatening teenagers! And especially don’t go hurting me after you promised not to!” Your voice cracked as you said the last sentence.
Miguel’s eyes softened. “(name)…mi príncipe..” You could feel tears in your eyes as Miguel held your cheek. “Mi amor, I’m gonna do something about my anger. I’m gonna do everything to make this better, just please don’t cry.” He brushed his thumb across your lip.
“It hurts Miguel..it fucking hurts.” Tears ran down your face only to be wiped away by him. “Don’t cry baby I’m here.” He coo’d. You wanted to push him away, you really did. But your body craved for his touch, for reassurance.
“I hate you, bastard.” You lean on his chest in defeat. “Yeah yeah, a lot of people do.” Miguel chuckles softly and rubs your back. You flick his nipple, causing him to freeze before laughing. “Heard loud and clear, let’s go home mi príncipe.”
And waiting at home for you was a destroyed room. Miguel certainly got an earful that night.
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Hope it was to y’all liking
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kawataslvr · 2 months
Can I request a Mikey (tokyo revenger) x male reader.
Where they both know they love each other, but the reader is scared to date him 'cause they're both men. And Mikey is just trying to convince him (at the end the reader agreed), please ?
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Summary : Angst -> Fluff ,, Internalized homophobia ,, hinted at homophobia from readers parents ,, He/Him Pronouns .
A/N : guys i rlly like mikey 😍🙏 this one hit very close to home 🪂
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You really liked Mikey, yes he really did, well, as a friend.. right??
So why did his heart pound faster and faster whenever he was around him, its not like he was afraid of rejection.
He’s been told multiple times Mikey had a thing for him, everyone knew it. Wasn’t ever a secret since you two met.
You tried to ignore the feelings, everyone was just playing around. Because you couldn’t like a boy that was GROSS.
Right? thats what your brain told you, so why was your heart betraying you so badly? why was it craving Mikey so often?
It was probably just the teasing from everyone that was getting to your head.
Maybe thats why your heart dropped and then rapidly sped up way too quick when Mikey gave you a confession letter, you could tell Emma had helped him on it with how cutely it was decorated.
How cute of him..
You smiled to yourself before stopping yourself when your brain processed what the note really said.
Mikey just confessed his feelings , and he was in front of you.
He was waiting for your answer, what the hell were you supposed to say.
At least no one was watching, he had the curtsey to do this in private.
You still didn’t want to hurt his feelings “I..Im sorry.. I just..”
“It’s okay for you to say no L/N.” oh, your lastname? You’re heart dropped again.
You liked Mikey, loved even. But.. he was a guy, these had to be just friendly feelings.
“I.. I just don’t know how you feel about dating a dude..” your tone sounded a bit shaky, as if nervous to admit this. It’s not like you were completely against the idea of gay people, you didn’t care if one of your friends or someone around you were gay. You just thought the idea of you being gay was gross, because that wasn’t you.
“Well do you like me?” Mikey said bluntly
“Yeah, I mean.. I guess I do, but that doesn’t mean we can date we’re both guys..”
“Give me one chance, please Y/N.” Mikey did look a bit disappointed, not mad. Not sad.
You didn’t know what to say, “I can’t, even if I did my parents wouldn’t allow me.” Mikey put his hands on your shoulders
Was your heart beating this fast because he was so close? or because the leader of Toman was grabbing onto him.
“Please Y/N, we both like each other.”
After one final Denial Mikey left you alone, at least for the time being.
That whole situation didn’t stop him from sending you flowers and gifts after school and leaving you sweet notes during school.
No not at all.
He made sure to write his name in big bold letters on every gift or card, he needed you to know it was from him.
The feeling inside of you couldn’t deny how much you loved the gifts, how much you wanted to be with Mikey.
You had been avoiding him and his friends.
Mikey had sent you multiple messages practically begging.
If you weren’t so in love, you’d call this pathetic.
Finally coming to terms that you like him you were the one to message him this time, even if you never really gave a reply to his countless messages.
You asked him to meet you, quickly getting last second regrets whenever you thought about it.
It was too late now.
“Y/N!” Mikey said in a cheery tone, this being the only real interaction he’s had with you for almost a month now.
“Mikey.. I wanted to tell you something.” You became a mess again, why the hell were you all flustered? Just spit it out.
“If you want me to leave you alone I’ll stop.” he said in that same blunt tone, again.. but this time it was neutral and more understanding.
Mikey was ready to accept the rejection.
“No! No! I—“ why were the words so chocked up on your throat? ugh.. you were more annoyed with yourself than anyone else.
“I like you too.”
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grace-writes-shit · 1 year
Perfect For Me (Steven Grant x Reader)
Words: 2.2K
Warnings/Themes: Angst,Self-hatred, body insecurity, hurt/comfort, fluff, light nudity (non-sexual)
Characters/Pairings: Steven Grant x reader, Marc Spector
liavaleska asked:
Hellooo! How are you? I hope you are doing great. Can I request something where reader comforts Steven Grant when he is feeling insecure about his body? Ty❤️
A/N: Sorry it took me a while to get this up! But here it is and I hope you enjoy it. It came out a tab bit angstier than I intially wanted but I'm quite proud of this one! Let me know what you think :)
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Tired eyes mindlessly watched the little goldfish bob around its tank. The only sound filling the apartment was that of the tank’s filter. Rain pattered against the windows. Each door that opened or closed in the building had her peeking at the door through the tank. It was a quiet evening. As it had been for the past few days, nearing two weeks.
Nearly two weeks of silence. All because the other occupant of the apartment was hardly around anymore. Something was up with one of the boys. She had hoped one of them would have confided in her. But they are alters of Marc Spector. Mr. Secret.
The notion of her husband keeping secrets saddened her. It wasn’t hard to suspect that something was wrong. Steven would be up before her and leaving for work earlier than usual. Before he would wrap himself tighter around her when her alarm would go off, begging her to stay in bed for a few more minutes.
He had also picked up the habit of jogging. At first, she had been happy for him; happy he had found a healthy hobby. But now she’s questioning how healthy it really is. The bags under his eyes darkened with the passing of each day. Getting up early, going on jogs, and working as Khonshu’s personal plaything, had to be tiring. Not to mention she didn’t really see him enough to confirm that he had eaten that day.
“At least you’re around, huh, Gus?” She murmured, chin resting on her palm. The fish swam into his pyramid. A groan left her as she hung her head. Great. Even the fish didn’t want to spend time with her. Pushing out of her seat, she decided it was time for bed. The clock on the wall read 1am.
A quick glance at her phone showed that her messages had been read. But there had been no response.
‘Hey, love. Just wondering when you’ll be home. Any ideas for dinner?’
Read at 7:30pm.
‘Hey, again, you’re probably busy so I wrapped up dinner for you. Chinese takeout, your favorite! Love you <3’
Read at 10:46pm
With a heavy heart, she typed out one last text.
‘Going to bed now. Love you, darling’
She didn’t wait for a reply and stuck her phone on the charger. Tears pricked at her eyes as she stared at the empty bed. This would be the sixth night in a row that she would be going to bed by herself. The cold, white duvet laughed up at her. Sniffling, she padded over to the closet and pulled out one of Steven’s hoodies, and tugged it on. His scent filled her nose but didn’t bring the comfort she craved. Rather, it broke the dam holding back her tears.
She wished she could help him. Wished he let her help him. Wanted him to know that he wasn’t alone in whatever he was going through. If only he would just let her in. Her teeth bit into the soft flesh of her lip as she tried to stifle the sobs. Curled up on the bed, she hugged Steven’s pillow to her chest.
Keys knocking against the door had her freezing. The door slowly creaked open and heavy, tired footsteps entered the apartment. The sound of a duffle hitting the floor broke her out of her trance and had her shooting up.
“Steven?” The figure outlined by the light of the fish tank shuffled over to the bed, standing at the foot.
“No, sorry…” Marc said, voice low and, dare she say, sad. She quickly flicked on the lamp on her nightstand, beckoning him towards her.
“What’s wrong, Marc? Are- are you guys okay?”
Marc was silent for a few heartbeats, his silence giving her time to think of every possible thing that could be wrong. Steven doesn’t love her anymore, Khonshu’s asking too much, they have some terminal disease… Her lip wobbled more with each new possibility.
“No… No, we’re not okay.” Marc whispered, “Steven doesn’t want me to tell you… but I don’t think he’s okay.”
He sounded so tired, and his eyes didn’t even come up to meet hers as he spoke. Whatever was wrong, it had been going on for a while and it’s become too much for Marc to handle. With a frown, she grabbed his hand to tug him onto the bed.
While she wasn’t in a romantic relationship with him, Marc was still important to her. He was like a brother to her. Without him, she wouldn’t even have Steven.
“Tell me, Marc… Tell me what’s wrong,” she begged softly. If he closed the door now after letting her get a toe in, she might completely break down. He sagged forward with his elbows on his knees, head in his hands.
“I just wish I could have protected him better… All of this is my fault. I’m so sorry, Y/N. I know this has been hurting you too, but I don’t know how to help him. He won’t eat; he runs until we have blisters… Hell, he’s been fronting during almost every fight and I can’t make him give me the body…”
It was as if once the words started pouring out of his mouth, they wouldn’t stop.
“The only reason I’m fronting now is that I think he was just too exhausted to…” The sigh that left him was far beyond his age. It was the sigh of someone too tired to continue. “You gotta help us, Y/N… You gotta help Steven.”
With a tear-streaked face, she nodded.
Marc had showered and changed into Steven’s favorite pajamas before climbing into bed. Y/N lay on her side of the bed, wishing that it was her husband she was falling asleep next to. She wanted to hold him close, to protect him from the dangers of his own mind. She could only hope that when she woke up, it would be Steven kissing her awake as he used to.
Her sleep was a light and fitful one. An odd form of sleep paralysis. She could hear the sounds of their apartment, and Marc’s heavy snores next to her. But she couldn’t move. Worry and fear gripped her body like a vice.
Time seemed to still be flowing as one moment she was hearing Marc’s snores, then the next Steven’s much softer breaths. Unconsciously, her hand drifted toward her husband. Her love. Her partner who needed her help.
She couldn’t be sure if her hand ever touched him. Because it was his strained whispers that had her fully conscious. The lamp in the living area was lit and he stood in front of a full-length mirror.
“You overstepped, mate. I told you not to tell her.”
She blinked heavily, unsure if this was a dream or not. A quick hand over his side of the bed told her that it was not and that he hadn’t been gone for long.
“I don’t care! If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be here with a big bloody scar on our chest from that fight! Or the other dozen scars everywhere else!” His voice started to rise.
She couldn’t help but stare at his back as he whispered furiously into the mirror on the other side of the apartment.
“She’s not gonna… she wouldn’t want a human scratching post. Y/N deserves more than… this. I mean, look at us…” He inhaled a shuttering breath. His strong hands gripped the edge of the standup mirror. “A million scars, rubbish bags under our eyes… gross stretch marks, unflattering dad bod.”
His final whispered confession had her finally jumping out of bed.
“I just wish I could be the man she deserves.”
She gave him no time to react before she slammed into his back, wrapping her arms around his middle and bunching the fabric of his shirt in her hands.
His breath caught in his throat, shame filling him. He could feel her sobs more than hear them. Gods, he made her upset. That had been the last thing he wanted to do, but Marc’s words from earlier rang through his head.
“You’re hurting her. Leaving early, coming home late, not making love with her, and keeping the lights off when you do. It’s hurting her. She told me so.”
A sob forced its way from his throat, and hot tears fell down his cheeks. His teeth bit harshly into his lip as he bowed his head, unwilling to look at the reflection of Marc’s pitying look.
“I’m so sorry…So, so sorry.” His hands grasped hers over his chest, right over the scar that had started this whole thing. She shook her head, whimpering into his shirt.
“No, please, Steven.” She took a shuddering breath, “You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m not mad; or upset with you… I’m upset for you.”
His eyes screwed closed, his lips pressed into a line to suppress his cries.
“I wish I could take this pain away from you. I wish I could love these thoughts out of your mind. You do such an amazing job of protecting me; I wish I did a better job at protecting you.” She pulled her hands from his to drift to his sides and gently turned him to face her.
He kept his head bowed. The shame, the self-hatred, the ugly expression on his face, it wasn’t something she needed to see. The flinch he gave when her gentle hand cupped his cheek was uncontrollable. Her hand dropped back down to her side.
“Steven, let me help you. Whatever you’re trying to keep from me, whatever it is you are trying to hide, I will still love you. Nothing will ever make me not love you; nothing will ever make me think you are undeserving. You are the only man in this entire universe that I will ever love.”
He didn’t flinch when her hand touched him this time. Instead, he pressed his tear-stained cheek into her palm. They both let out heavy breaths. A hand littered with scars he hated so much, gripped her waist. The other, just as scarred as the right, cupped the back of her neck and he brought their foreheads together.
“I’m sorry that I’ve upset you, love. I just... I don’t know how to… how to let someone help. But I know I need it.” Steven swallowed the lump still stuck in his throat. “I am truly fortunate to have you be the one to help me, though.”
“I’m even luckier to have you,” She whispered before leaning forward to press her lips to his. His grip tightened and he pulled her flush to his chest. Flames followed in the wake of her fingers tracing up his stomach to rest on his chest, lovingly stroking the raised skin of the scar. His heart was thundering and he was sure she could feel it under her fingertips.
Salty tears blended on their skin, hiccupping sobs breaking from his sweet lips. As if touching glass, she wiped his tears away, cooing and shushing him. Chocolate eyes locked with hers. Walking backward and not breaking eye contact, she tugged him by the hand towards the bed. Steven followed obediently while wiping his tears with his sleeve.
The bed was cool against her skin as she leaned against the pillows, opening her arms for him. The air was thick with tension as he stood still, watching her. The stifling air was broken when he pulled his shirt over his head with shaking hands. His body is on full display in the dim lighting. While the suit heals wounds, it doesn’t erase scars.
It didn’t seem possible, the amount of love and acceptance in her gaze. It made his breath catch in his throat and warm goosebumps break out over his skin. Wishing for him to be in her arms, she made grabby hands for him. The action made his lips quirk up.
Slowly, he crawled in between her legs and she sat up to wrap her arms around his middle. Soft lips ghosted over the scar as her hands smoothed over his sides. His head was nuzzled into her hair and his arms wrapped around her back.
After breathing each other in, she leaned back and guided him to rest his head on her chest. His strong arms constricted around her middle. Her socked foot caressed his calf while her lips kissed the top of his head.
“If I get too heavy, I can move.” He couldn’t help but mumble. Gentle fingers carded through his hair and trailed down his back. Painted nails lightly scraped over his skin, leaving a trail of more goosebumps.
“If you dare move, I’m going to handcuff you to myself and swallow the key,” she threatened.
Steven let out a breathy chuckle and relaxed more into her. The patterns she was tracing into his skin were hypnotic and slowly, his eyes began to drift closed. A low sweet hum filled his ears.
As he focused on her fingers, he realized she wasn’t just doodling random patterns. It was letters. Words.
‘I love you’
Tears pricked his eyes once more. He tilted his head to press a lingering kiss to her collarbone.
“I’ve got you, Steven. I’m not going anywhere. Not when I’ve got the perfect man for me in my arms.”
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sc0tters · 9 months
Moving On | Adam Fantilli
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summary: 4 occasions that Luca thought he was losing his best friend to Adam and the one time he realised it was both of you that he lost.
request: yes/no
warnings: none
word count: 1.92k
authors note: I should honestly make a series called Maddie told Kei the idea and then I wrote it out. This is meant to be a platonic Luca pairing too. Also it is the start of angst week, you can find the masterlist here!
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Luca wouldn’t have predicted this twelve months ago.
Adam had been flirting with you for weeks as you had paired up with the younger Fantilli boy “can I help you?” Adam asked as he turned to see you staring at him.
Your cheeks turned pink as your eyes went wide “sorry,” you were quick to apologise as your head dropped to look at your notebook “don’t be.” The boy slid his hand over your knee as he moved closer to you.
The distance between you two decreased “like it when you looked at me.” He confessed letting his breath fan against the shell of your ear.
When your head didn’t move it made the boy sigh “like to look at you too.” Adam added hooking his fingers under your chin as he forced you to look at him.
You smiled letting your eyes drop to his lips “what about Luca?” You sighed looking back at his eyes as the thought of your best friend quickly came to the front of your mind.
Luca had met you at a hockey game in Michigan and you traded Instagram handles causing you to hit it off. So it’s safe to say that Luca was more than grateful to see you at freshman orientation “what about him?” Adam always had to admit that he was jealous that Luca got you first.
It was clear he wasn’t interested in you romantically but that didn’t make Adam feel any better as he would watch you pull Luca out of the dorm desperate to have a gossip session with him.
What Adam didn’t realise was that you pulled his brother out for those conversations because you were nervous about seeing the younger Fantilli boy. He just never seemed to notice that you were wrapped around his finger “he’s your brother.” You reminded Adam causing him to laugh “never knew that.” His sarcastic comment had you rolling your eyes.
You moved your body towards his “I can’t do this to him.” You sighed making Adam push his head back in annoyance “why don’t you think about yourself or about us for once?” Adam crossed his arms like a child.
The boy craved an apology or something from you as he stared at you “about us?” You raised your eyebrows hearing that phrase come from his lips.
He nodded wrapping his arm around you “I like you y/n.” Adam mumbled cupping your cheek as he rubbed your warm skin with the pad of his thumb.
A grin formed on your face “I like you too Adam.” You confessed with your breath growing shaky when his nose hovered over yours “if you’re serious just kiss me.” You gasped feeling his hand drag across your waist as his lips captured yours in a kiss.
You groaned as you’re practically pounded out of your chest.
Luca was going to have to put up with this.
You and Adam were surprised to say that you lasted an entire two days before Luca found out.
It was the perfect time for you to come over as Luca had class. So you were sat on Adams lap smiling as the boy tucked your hair behind your ear “like this view,” Adam grinned watching you bury your head in his shoulder.
The door opened causing you two to whip your heads around “what is going on here?” Luca asked furrowing his eyebrows as he locked eyes with you both.
Adam was quick to squeeze your waist as he saw how tense your body grew “don’t get mad at her.” He blurted out as you got off of his lap.
Tears welled in your eyes as you watched Luca remain silent “hey don’t cry,” Luca sighed quickly wrapping his hands around your shoulders as he pulled you into a hug “you’re not mad?” You sniffled resting your head on his chest.
You didn’t realise how worried you were about Luca not being happy for you “of course not.” He mumbled placed a kiss on your head causing you to look up at him “no breaking her heart though.” Luca warned pointing his finger at Adam causing you both to laugh.
Adam held his hand out to you making you quickly drop your arms from around Luca “don’t plan on doing that any time soon.” Adam confessed placing a peck on your lips.
The older Fantilli boy was quick to regret his decision “you want to do that then go to your own dorm.” Luca made his stance very clear as it made you both laugh.
Now Luca loved you both, there was no doubt that you were both his favourite people. And that’s why he kept his mouth shut, his desire for your happiness outweighed his fear for being left behind.
You and Adam had been together for six months and you loved every single second of it. Which is why he was the first person you went to when you had the big news.
The soccer season you had in your freshman year was on that most people could only ever dream of, if there was a record you broken it, if there was a goal you scored it, everywhere you needed to be was exactly where you were.
So it was no surprise when you got offers from teams all over North America to come and play rather than going back to Michigan for your sophomore year.
Your feet dragged you along to Adam and Luca’s room as you knocked on the door so hard you swore you might bust it open “what’s up?” Adam asked almost being surprised when you nearly knocked him off his feet.
A squeal left your lips “I’m on the team!” You announced jumping up with excitement.
Adam had heard most of the conversations that you had with the teams that displayed interest in you so of course he knew about your favourite.
Columbus Eagles FC.
“what team?”
The voice pulled you away as your eyes went wide “oh hey Lu.” You remembered you hadn’t told him about it.
You knew how bad it sounded but you forgot to tell him that you weren’t coming back so now instead you were going to have to tell him that you were going to Ohio instead “I’ll let you two talk.” Adam placed a kiss on your head as he grabbed his shoes leaving you in the dorm alone with your best friend.
Trying to keep Luca happy whilst you worked on your relationship was tough, yes he was still your best friend but you were no longer as close as you once were “what are you talking about?” Luca grew nervous as you sat on his bed with him.
Your fingers raked through your hair “so some teams have been talking to me about joining them next season.” You began licking your lips as you tried to figure out what the right words were in this scenario.
How does one tell their best friend that they aren’t coming back to college? Luca’s cold fingers pulled you away from your thoughts “just spit it out y/n, I can handle it.” His words were soft as he started to connect the pieces.
A single tear ran down your cheek “I’m moving to Ohio Lu.” Your lips smacked as you expected him to be upset.
Luca’s heart broke at the news “that’s great!” He forced a smile onto his face as he pulled you into a hug. The worry of Adam leaving him was already hanging over his head. Luca never thought about you going “really?” You asked surprised that he wasn’t crying like you were.
If there was a moment for him to tell you the truth it would have been that one “I’ll come watch you play whenever I can.” Luca nodded smiling as he continued to lie to himself.
Luca still wanted you in Michigan but he was willing to settle for the move to Ohio.
Because for you? He only wanted the world.
You knew who you wanted Adam to get drafted to, the whole family seemed to want Adam there too. Whilst your boyfriend was predicted to go second to the ducks you hoped that he went third instead to the blue jackets “c’mon baby,” Adam smiled rubbing his hand on your knee as he shared your level of nerves.
Luca felt like the next few moments were a blur as when the blue jackets staff called Adams name the younger Fantilli boy pulled his brother into a hug.
Now Luca wasn’t jealous but he had to admit that it hurt knowing you two were going to be together whilst he was all alone in Michigan. Yes he was happy that you two were living out your dreams, but he contemplated if those cost was worth it “how you thinking about having a roommate?” Adam asked turning his attention to you as he smiled.
A laugh left your lips “have to think about it,” you joked pulling him into a hug before he could send a rebuttal in your direction.
Adam leaned down to kiss your lips causing the crowd to erupt into a louder cheer before you pulled away remembering that you weren’t alone “go enjoy this moment.” You reminded him patting his chest before he went to hug his parents.
It gave you the chance to slip into the seat next to Luca when Adam got his cap “you know we love you right?” You asked wrapping your arm around his.
You knew Luca needed a few words to be reminded that he wasn’t the front wheel of a tricycle in this relationship “I know.” He nodded tapping your hand letting out a soft sigh as Adam waved up at you guys like a crazy man.
If only Luca truly felt your love.
Luca didn’t think it would hit him in the way that it did. Over the summer he didn’t think about you and Adam leaving him, he couldn’t do it without feeling sad.
But the day reality truly struck was move in day.
The first moment for Luca that felt off was walking into his room to see Rutger as his roommate, sure he loved Rutger but that wasn’t Adam.
Secondly it was when you started sending him messages asking about the room and how the boys all were, you topped this off with a picture of Adam getting you your morning coffee.
Now the moment that truly broke him was when he saw your old teammates walking down to the practice field.
His chest grew tight as your old roommate was now talking to the freshman that was taking up your old position, to replace you.
And before he knew it tears were strolling down his reddened cheeks as he went into panic mode “you okay dude?” Rutger asked turning around as he heard the sound of his friend crying.
An answer couldn’t leave Luca’s mouth fast enough so instead he just nodded “I gotta call her.” Somehow so few words said so much to the boys as they watched Luca run back to the dorm hall.
Luca’s hands were slick with sweat as he struggling to dial in your number as his eyes went blurry “hey Lu you okay?” You asked answering the phone call as you smiled.
But the sound of his tears quickly made you concerned “you got a minute?” Luca pleaded as his body slid down the door of his room as his arms wrapped around his legs.
“Always for you Lu.”
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always-andromeda · 11 months
Can you write an Adam Warlock x GN! Reader Smut fic? You can write it however you want...I'm just desperate for non fem smut fics of adam
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– ⭒ 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 ⭒ –
𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ▹ 1,283
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 ▹ Being friends with benefits messes with Adam's head far more than either of you are willing to let on.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ▹ I don't think I've ever done gn!reader smut? So I'm really hoping that I did this justice for you, anon!! This little concept popped into my head randomly because I can so easily see Adam falling into this kind of situation. Also, I am so sorry my writing has been so sporadic lately </3 I’ve been having various health struggles for the last month and haven’t been super cognizant lmao.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ▹ smut (minors, please do not interact), reader's appearance, pronouns, and genitals aren't specified, thigh riding, general heavy petting, little bits of friends with benefits angst, kind of implied dom!reader and sub!Adam (if you squint), nothing else I can think of!!
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No matter how many times you and Adam end up like this, he still finds himself questioning what exactly is going on. Your lips move so fast and he's just trying to keep up; trying not to let on just how long he's been craving the taste. Which has basically been since the last time you kissed him about a week prior.
It'd been after the team's last mission went particularly well. Quickly – and without any of the other Guardians seeing – you'd placed a chaste kiss on his lips and commended him for his performance. It was so fast and your tone had been so matter-of-fact that Adam had second guessed it had even happened to begin with. It wouldn't be too surprising if he started fantasizing about you.
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Unfortunately for him, that was just you and your mixed messages. One minute you were all business and the next you were like this: keeping him anchored in place with a hand on his cheek as you took his breath away.
He supposes he can’t blame you. It made sense, wanting to keep a relationship like this hidden from the others. Though he wasn’t particularly well versed on the sensibilities of those around him, he could imagine this not being a good look for either of you.
And though he may not care what the others thought of him, you seemed to care. And that was enough to mean something to him too.
"You gonna touch me?" you rasp hurriedly.
Yes. Every single time it was a resounding yes. Even if his mind was telling him that he was in too deep, he couldn't help but dig himself deeper. He hates himself for it, but secretly he hopes that at some point he'll find more than the physical contact you provide. Maybe someday he'll hit some underground bunker and that you'd be gracious enough to let him in.
So he nods vigorously, his verbal agreement reduced to a hum as he captures your lips with his once more.
He's still inexperienced and, God, he hopes that you can at least tell that he's trying to learn. For example, he's gotten better at letting you take control. The first few times his hubris had gotten the better of him, making the encounter feel more like a power struggle than a release of stress. Now, he lets you set the pace; lets you figure out right where you want to be.
And right now you want him pressed up against the wall of the ship. You want his leg between yours. And you want to feel his chest heaving as you grind down on him in the secluded and quiet darkness of the hangar.
As soon as Adam pulls back long enough to meet your eyes, he catches the glint of want in them. Then he watches how your gaze sweeps downward. Right to his strong thigh.
You're both grateful that Adam's such a quick learner because he catches the hint before you have a chance to get impatient. With his back against the wall, Adam half expects it to crumble behind him as the scene before him unfurls.
His hands on your lower back keep you steady against his rigid torso. You're so close that he has no choice but to look in your eyes once more. They're half lidded and dark, already almost fucked out despite the fact that you've only just begun to grind against his thigh.
Adam holds you closer, increasing the pressure that comes with each brush of your hips. And pride floods his chest cavity when you groan deeply.
You let out a staggered little laugh, "Fuck, you're so good at this, Adam."
"Only as good as you've taught me to be," he quips with a tinge of tenderness. After all, there's something special to being so tuned into your body like this. He wouldn't trade that mastery for anything. The sentiment comes through tenfold when he nuzzles his nose against yours.
Briefly, his forehead touches yours. You feel the slight chill of the smooth golden gem that's right between his prominent brow. And it becomes all too apparent to you once more who he is; what he is. The chances that this means anything more to him are very little. What could one touch-starved mortal mean to a golden, god-like being?
You merely roll your eyes and dip your head against his chest, hiding from both his soft expression and the impending wave of pleasure that both threaten to knock you off your feet.
Truth told, with your body all over his, all Adam feels is the warmth. There's your hot breath as you work yourself closer and closer towards the edge. Then there's the pulsing heat between your legs that makes him painfully hard. That combined with the cramped confines of the hangar has him picturing you both discard your stifling jumpsuits.
His wishful thinking is interrupted by a groan that gets caught in your throat. "Ah, fuck, I'm so close–" you pant.
Before you know it, one of his hands snakes around the nape of your neck, cradling your head as it lolls back. Then his lips are on the side of your throat, kissing and nipping at the flesh as it trembles from the vibrations from your hums of pleasure. You can't help but wonder if he's somehow trying to absorb your sounds. Either way, the action makes you acutely aware of his strength once more.
If you didn't know any better, you'd fully believe that every part of him was built for this.
But you do know better.
Adam pulls back to chuckle, "I can't wait until we get back home."
And there's where the guilt starts to set in. Like clockwork, it inevitably hits. Whenever he talks so eagerly, you can't help but feel that giant pit in your stomach.
You try to match his energy with a hesitant smile. "What, being down here isn't enough for you?"
"Of course not," Adam furrows his brow teasingly. "Maybe we could have a night to ourselves when we get back."
The cavernous pit grows. You can practically feel your soul shriveling away as you mutter, "Maybe we should lay low for a while. Don't want the others to get any ideas."
Don't want either of us getting ideas too, you want to say.
The way the light fades from his eyes makes you feel worse. But he agrees. He says a small, "You're probably right," and you wish more than anything that you were wrong.
You don't care if the others catch on. Something else about this intimacy bothered you. Because if there was anything that being with the Guardians had taught you, it was that no matter how important love was...things would always happen.
You thought back to Peter and how lost he was when the team had lost Gamora. As much as he'd hated to admit it, that love and loss had changed him so thoroughly that the idea of it happening to you was terrifying.
Adam may not have been the child of a genocidal warlord. But he was still the child of an unstoppable master race of superhuman beings. And no matter how normal things may feel, especially being with him like this, you could never kid yourself into believing it could ever actually be normal.
So you offer him a halfhearted apology. You push yourself off his chest and shakily regain your own balance before returning to the upper decks. Most importantly, you don't look back. And you hope that sends your message sufficiently. That he stops wanting this. Because you doubt you could stop wanting him on your own.
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beanibon · 1 year
Big fan of the eriks/bakery reader and wondered if you could write like a part 2 of it where eriks and reader actually have sex it was so good ty!! absolutely great work
Absolutely! Again, I love eriks x reader short fics and will 100% indulge in them
TW: softdom!eriks, creampie, alien genitalia, sex with food, cockwarming, a sprinkle of angst, probably my most vanilla smutfic
~ Prequel ~ Part 1 ~
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Eriks x Baker!Reader Part 2
Eriks watched you from his seat, finding it hard to divide his attention between Lina and eye fucking you. After he had you quivering around his face, struggling to talk calmly to your remaining customers, he couldn't stop craving more.
You plagued his thoughts, every night he'd dream of you wrapped around his cock, screaming his name. It drove him wild, like an animal in heat.
"Mr Eriks, you haven't ordered your usual." Eriks blinked, realisation that he was face to face with your breasts. He jumped back, sitting upright as he hid his blushing face.
"I'm sorry, just thought you had it downpacted by now." He covered up the throb in his pants by laughing obnoxiously, only to quieten at your stern look.
"Mr Eriks, you have ten different usuals at best, I can't guess which one you crave by the way you stare at me." Lina snorted, concealing her laughter as Eriks's face turned bright red.
Lowering his head in embarrassment, he mumbled out his order. You nodded, mockingly patting his head as you walked away. Just that small action had him wanting to throw your body over the counter, fucking you covered in sweets and whipped cream. Instead his head hit the small bakery table, inwardly groaning at his inner turmoil. He couldn't stand another second without you, he wanted to rub himself against you, tickling your beautifully soft, plush skin with his peach fuzz, the smell of your arousal like an intoxicating drug as he ploughed into your sex.
Eriks wasn't listening to Lina anymore, distracted by the way you laughed along with a familiar older couple, he remembered you mentioning they were your favourite regulars. Though try as he might, Eriks couldn't stop staring at your ass, more filth filled thoughts swarming his mind.
Eventually it became unbearable, he couldn't take how you actively ignored him yet swayed your hips just that tiny bit more, or bent down to pick up some 'clumsily' knocked over paper cups. Every action was filled with purpose, knowing that Eriks gaze burned into you, knowing that he was struggling to stay composed. So when he abruptly rose from his seat, a blushing, flustered mess, you smiled. . . Innocently.
And that's what made him snap.
Apologising profusely to the couple you were talking to, that he so rudely interrupted, Eriks rested his prickly chin on your shoulder. That pleading, longing sideways glance he gave you had you giggling, patting his hair.
"I'll close up early, wanna wait upstairs for me?" He nodded, pretending not to notice the way Lina's glare drilled holes along his spine.
You gave Eriks a quick kiss to cheek, returning to your conversation, now bubbling with praised coos at your display of affection. While slinking off behind the counter, Lina stormed towards him, if looks could kill he'd be burning in hell.
"When were you gonna tell me you and Y/N were a thing?" She demanded, hands slamming down on the counter.
"We're not really a thing Lina, I just help them on some occasions ya know." If only Eriks was a better liar, maybe he could've spared himself from his friend's fury.
"You're so full of shit, Eriks! Not a thing? Then why did they kiss you? Don't lie to me, or I'm taking away donut day!" Eriks couldn't help the whine, pouting as faux tears streamed down his face.
"Perhaps, just maaaaybe we are a thing." His voice was so quiet that Lina had to force him to repeat himself a few more times before she could understand.
"Was it really that hard to tell me? Just be back by morning, now shoo." Eriks couldn't contain his excitement, nodding so rapidly that his head looked as if it would fly off.
Lina just shook her head, yet she couldn't help the smile on her face. It had taken the dork weeks, hell months even, for him to gain enough courage to speak to you. Now he was able to openly display affection towards you, eagerly waving a hello the moment you're in sight.
He was like some lost puppy, sulking until he's presented with a treat. Now he's run off again, chasing that very person who'd treat him like he was their own personal ray of sunshine.
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Your moans were as addictive as a sirens song, spilling from your bruised, drool coated lips. How his name rolled off your tongue, eliciting tingling sensations down to the pit of his gut.
Eriks released your swollen tit with a lewd, loud 'pop' of his lips, face messy with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. Those beautiful eyes sparkled with clouded lust, staring at you with an adoring gaze.
"Taste...so good," he mumbled, a dopey smile on his face.
"That's because you insisted on covering me in whipped cream, chocolate and cherries." You chuckled, fingers tangled in those luscious blonde locks.
"Taste good without all that." His tongue lazily circled your perked nipple, the taste of chocolate seemed to infuse into your breasts.
Your lips parted, a soft gasp echoed through the quiet room. Finger nails dug into the scarred flesh of Eriks shoulders, back arched against him as he slowly rolled his hips, finally moving the cock buried deep within your warm folds.
Lapping up the last of the dessert that turned your body sticky with sugar, Eriks used his arm to hoist his body up. Starting of gentle and slow, his hips begun to thrust into you, stretching you around his cock. As if on cue your walls convulsed, clenching Eriks as he grunted.
"Mayfly, you gotten loosen up, you got me in a choke hold here." He whined, lips pressing themselves between your slightly bouncing tits.
You whined, the two of you weren't foreign to penetrative sex with each other, but everytime was still a struggle to adjust. Eriks genitals weren't normal and you were quick to discover that Eriks himself wasn't normal either, in more ways than one. So when it came to sex he was patient, allowing you all the time you need to relax against his foreign cock.
Finally releasing your death grip, Eriks sighed in relief, placing a ticklish kiss against your lips. Whispers of praise filled your ears, all of them melting that hard, mean exterior that you'd always put on around the blonde when on the clock. But in private? You'd turn into an absolute angel, one that captivated the heart of certain disguised gunman.
"Eriks," Those soft, bandaged hands brought him back from his trance, thumbs caressing his rough face. "I can't cock warm you all night."
Humming against those beautiful hands, the same hands he'd watch knead dough, or throw handfuls of flour at him. A few kisses placed against their palms, Eriks smiled down at you, eyes shining with something he could only describe as love.
With his arm now wrapped tightly around your hardy yet small frame, Eriks began thrusting once again, only this time more harder. He watched as you tilted your head back, mouth wide as sweet, sugery moans poured out. Those sounds were pure ecstasy, encouraging him to move at a faster pace.
Soft praises were murmured into your ear, with kisses pressed against your neck, teeth nibbling at your throat. Your clit throbbed as Eriks pelvis rubbed against it, feathers tickling against the nerve bud and your spread thighs.
That ball formed in the pit of your stomach began to ache, on the edge of bursting until movement pulled you from your sweet release. Eriks repositioned himself, turning you onto your side with a leg dangled over his shoulder. The new position allowed him to fuck you deeper, hitting that spot that had you arched until your joints ached.
Eriks chuckled, revelling in the sight of you quivering beneath him. You always looked so ethereal whatever the position be, voice singing his name like honey.
Only it wasn't his actual name.
Clouded eyes looked to him, confusion etching its way onto your blissed out features. "I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"
"Please, call me Vash."
It felt so taboo, saying his actual name, but he wanted to hear it. He wanted to hear you say it.
Your calls of the name Eriks soon faded, willingly moaning his true name. You didn't question him, demand to know why the most wanted man had openly lied to you about his identity for one and half years. You simple complied.
That itself brought tears to Vash's eyes, hiding his face against the leg bent into the shoulder missing its arm. Tears began to soak your flesh, sniffles filling you with alarm as you hoisted your body up, leg dropping to wrap around his waist.
"Vash? What's wrong, why are you crying?" For the second time that night your hands held his face, forcing him with gentle yet firm force to look you in the eye. Those soft blue eyes were filled with tears, and for the first time since meeting the mysterious man that showed up out of nowhere, you saw just how tired Vash truly was.
Offering a smile, you placed several kisses upon his face, leaning against his forehead as he wept. The pace of his hips colliding with yours never stopped, slowing down slightly as you caressed his features with love and care. Each touch graced his scars, lips kissing every one that you could reach. Perhaps you were a little harsh to Vash every other day, but here and now you treated him as if he were a cracked, fragile vase.
"You're perfect Vash, I love you so much." You whispered, looking into those tired eyes once again.
Vash shook his head, sobbing. "You shouldn't, if I stick around too long you'll get hurt. People I care for, they'll always get hurt."
"It's a good thing you're stuck with me then, no matter what I'll always be here, to love you, to kiss your scars and to bake you the best donuts in town." A quiet laughter filled the room, Vash's pace faltering. "I'm yours as you are mine, Vash the Stampede."
Vash bit his lip, holding back a fresh wave of tears. With one final buck into your hips, both of you came, lips pressed together in a passionate kiss.
As new tears filled his eyes, Vash nuzzled into your neck, soft cries echoing off your thin walls. You allowed him to cry, leaning back so he was laying on top of you. You both stayed like that for about an hour, listening the Vash's cries as you quietly soothed his shuddering shoulders by whispering lovefilled words in his ear. He appreciated every word spoken, every comforting circle rubbed between his shoulder blades, you were too perfect for sinner like him and yet you chose to stay, even after finding out who he actually was.
"I mean it Vash, I'll always be here to love you and make sure you know that you are loved." His grip tightened around your waist, as if scared you'd vanish after saying those words.
Vash didn't speak much, mumbling out shaky 'thank yous' or 'I'm sorry'. Yet you didn't mind, laying there with the man you loved tangled in your arms, it was all so perfect. And as Vash's tears stopped, sobs turned into sleepy whimpers, you knew he'd cried himself to sleep.
You cradled him in your arms, tugging a blanket over your naked bodies as you gave him a final kiss on the crown of his head. Mumbling a final "I love you" you soon followed as you drifted into sweet embrace of your lover and sleep.
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AAAAAH I finally completed it! This was so fun to write and of cause had to sprinkle a small pinch of angst, hope you all enjoyed!
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justwritedreams · 1 year
Nowhere left to run | San
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San x Reader, bffs to lovers au!, dystopian au! Word count: 5107 (sorry lol) Genre: Angst, fluff, kinda action Author: maari Warnings: Mentions of death, ship hijacking, assassins, bruises, cuts, punches, a little suggestive in the end but nothing really happens. No proofread because I was too anxious to post this one to worry about mistakes so forgive me. Note: I've been watching too many Gerard Butler's movie so I wanted to try to write something like that and the fact that I dreamed this entire scenario last night helped so enjoy! Summary: When it seems like the end of the world, you and San have nowhere left to run.
⩥ Ateez Masterlist
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“Good morning, sleeping beauty.”
Y/N smiled at the voice behind her and turned after she closed her cabin door, meeting the dimpled smile that made her heart skip a beat.
“Good morning, San!” she responded excitedly and the best friend pulled her into a quick but warm hug.
"Feeling better?" he asked as he pulled his body away from hers, Y/N pouted slightly at the lack of contact, but nodded in agreement.
“Yes, I am, the medicine made me a little groggy, but I'm used to the rocking of the ship.” she shrugged and the two of them started to walk towards the main hall.
“You should have told your parents that you get sick easily.”
“Hey, I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to travel the world on an all expenses paid ship before starting university.” she said and San laughed, nodding in agreement. Y/N glared at her friend and then her eyes dropped to his outfit. “Why the sweater?”
She didn't want to stare at him for so long but even wearing such a simple outfit, black pants and a black sweater, he managed to be the most handsome guy on the entire ship full of foreigners and tourists. And well, San had been working out lately, even though the sweater was slightly too big, it framed his broad shoulders very well and the image made Y/N miss all the air.
Couldn't she have a less handsome friend? It wasn't good for her heart.
It was hot outside though, so much so that Y/N was woken up by the hot sun hitting her back.
"I saw that it's going to get cold in the next few hours, I anticipated it, I don't want to get sick on vacation." he explained and got a laugh out of Y/N.
"What? I'm cautious."
"So I guess no pool for us today, huh?" she asked and San scratched the back of his head.
It wasn't like she was going to take it badly, seeing San wet in a tank top would be too much for her poor heart. And she wouldn't even be able to hide it or make up an excuse since she wasn't feeling bad because of the ship and she wasn't even taking the medicine for cravings anymore.
San stopped and Y/N did the same, glaring at his friend.
"I think-" San's speech was interrupted by a loud crash.
Everyone in the main hall stopped to cover their ears at the noise, but then the ship rocked hard, as if it were made of paper, and people were thrown to the ground by the impact. Y/N closed her eyes as she fell to the ground and felt San's hands clutching her body, as if somehow he was going to protect her.
The still strong noise began to hum in the ears of the people who were confused, in pain and fallen, the ship gave another lurch and the lights failed, glass was broken and the shrapnel was thrown everywhere. Soon then desperate screams were heard.
Y/N opened her eyes and tried to locate the screams, noticing San did the same, and when she saw where the screams were coming from she wished she hadn't seen any of it.
The glass elevator had broken in half and fallen, the people inside were screaming for help, and Y/N swore she saw blood. Then she looked around and the main hall looked like it had turned into a war zone, everything was out of place and broken, the lights were dim now and she strained her eyes to adjust. "Are you okay?" San asked worriedly and stood up, holding Y/N who followed him still confused.
"Yes." she replied low. “And you?” “I’m fine.” San's voice didn't sound good but she didn't question since looked around, seeing a lady lying on the ground and she ran to help.
The lady was just as scared as she was and thanked her for her help with an almost smile, Y/N looked back at San wondering what the hell had happened there.
Strangely the ship had stopped rocking, as if it had stopped where it was. People started to help each other and a group of men went to the elevator to help the victims and Y/N put her hand to her mouth, she had stopped biting her nails when she was nervous but at that moment she didn't even remember her bad habit .
And it got even worse when she saw the lifeless bodies being taken out of the rubble, she looked away at the same moment that San hugged her and stood in front of her so that she wouldn't look at the scene anymore.
She didn't want to cry but there, with nerves on edge and in complete despair, some tears came out that she couldn't control.
Everyone in the hall started talking at the same time, wondering what had happened and why the captain hadn't said anything until now, Y/N didn't know how much time had passed but it seemed like an eternity. "Okay, look, at times like this we need to stay calm." a tall, foreign, and older man spoke a little louder, getting the attention of all the tribulations that were there.
Including San and Y/N.
He must have been Y/N's father's age, if not a little older.
"And how are we going to calm down? People died!"
"It's easy for you to say that!"
People started snapping at the man's speech and Y/N took a deep breath, she felt like her body would collapse at any moment and if it wasn't for San's hand stroking her back, it would have already happened. "And what do you suggest we do?" Y/N asked the man, who turned to face her.
"Each floor of the ship has a way to contact the captain's cabin, we try to talk to him."
"What if we don't?" San questioned, making the man sigh.
"Then we'll have to go there and find out what happened."
Y/N gulped, something said they wouldn't be able to reach the captain the quickest way.
"My cell phone has no signal!" one person alerted and then everyone got their devices.
Y/N did the same and also found that hers was without signal too, she faced San who was doing the same and they exchanged an accomplice and terrified look.
The man then started looking for a way to contact the captain through the hall, it wasn't that difficult actually as people who weren't complaining offered to help him.
Y/N clasped her hands together, mentally praying that he got what he had planned as he put the phone to his ear. But when she saw him huff and hit the phone, she knew the first plan hadn't worked. "Does anyone have the ship's map?" He asked and no one answered.
"I have it on my phone." San spoke, lifting the device and Y/N looked at him with a frown.
"Can I borrow it?" he asked, extending his hand and with the other he took his phone, turning on the flashlight.
"I think you're going to need help." Y/N cocked her head to the side as she heard her friend speak. "I'll go with you."
He took a step forward but Y/N grabbed him by the arm, feeling her heart sink.
"San, no!" she asked desperately. "Y/N please, we don't have a choice." he turned to face her, determined and she eyed him suspiciously.
Why of all people did San have to go? There were so many men in the hall, why not another one?
"It could be dangerous." she warned and he sighed, bringing his face to kiss her forehead, and she just closed her eyes at the contact.
"I'll be back faster than you know." he tried to smirk, but he was just as worried as she was. "I promise."
Y/N took a deep breath and nodded. He was one to keep his promises and she clung to that, even though her heart squeezed even more. San made a move towards the man and Y/N followed.
"What is your name?" she asked the older one when she got close to him.
"Why are you so sure you know what you're doing?"
"I used to be in the US Navy."
This should have made Y/N feel more at ease knowing that San was accompanying Mike but in fact it only made her more nervous.
"Take care of him, please." she pleaded and saw the man nodding in agreement, before giving San's shoulder two light slaps.
San looked at Y/N one last time and she held his gaze, visibly worried, and she didn't stop watching him walk away until she lost sight of him.
In the midst of that chaos and despair, the only thing she could think about was San getting well and returning safe and sound.
[...] Y/N walked from one side to the other, she didn't know how many minutes or hours had passed since the incident, she had already helped more people than she thought she could in the state she was in, but San and Mike didn't come back yet.
San hadn't come back as fast as he had promised, and that made Y/N cross her arms so she wouldn't have to bite the skin off her fingers since her nails had all been destroyed. She was scared, terrified, anxious and seeing people hurt and scared wasn't helping her keep calm. Her heart beat faster when she saw two silhouettes coming back and one of them she knew well but when she saw San resting on Mike's shoulder she despaired and didn't think twice before running to him. San rested his hand on his forehead and smiled guiltily at Y/N.
"What happened?" she asked, putting an arm around his waist and the other hand went to his, pushing San's hand away she could see that he was bleeding. "Oh my God."
"It was an adventure" he replied and Y/N wanted to smack him for sounding so...excited.
Now was not the time for him to be so himself.
"We tried to get into the captain's cabin but..." Mike started to speak and Y/N stared at him, confused.
"All are dead." San replied quietly, looking at the other crew members behind Y/N, as if she didn't want him to hear.
Y/N felt her jaw drop.
"How is this possible?"
"The cabin door is locked, we can't access it from the outside." Mike started to explain.
"So I had the bright idea to see through the glass." San continued and Y/N glared at him. "But the glass was all broken so I could see a masked person strangling the captain."
Y/N felt a shiver go through her body and the hand that was holding San's fell to her side.
"When he saw that San was there, he punched him in the face."
"The glove had sharp points so that's why the cut on my face." San pointed at his wound and Y/N grimaced in pain. "And what happened to the masked guy?" Y/N asked, curious and angry at the same time.
San and Mike exchanged a knowing look.
"It was him or San. I had no choice." Mike shrugged and Y/N glared at him.
She didn't want to understand what he meant but she did and although she was a nervous wreck, she was grateful that he had saved San's life.
"Look, some people here need to go to the hospital urgently!" Y/N pointed back and Mike saw the situation.
A man had a deep cut on his chest and was having trouble breathing, a woman had a piece of glass stuck in her thigh and it was bleeding a lot, but if they removed the glass she would lose a lot more blood because the glass had caught an artery. Other people had less worrying injuries, like a broken finger or cuts on their arms and face, in addition to the bodies that they had to cover with their own clothes and cloths they found in the hall, so as not to scare the two children who were there even more. "Yeah, I really wanted that to be possible." Mike responded and walked away, going to the crew to see what he could help with.
Y/N frowned and without understanding pulled San to the ground, she went to the first aid box that they had managed to rescue and returned to take care of her friend.
Seeing that the cotton and bandage were already gone, she tore off a piece of the thin shirt she was wearing to stop San's forehead from bleeding.
He hissed when she placed the cloth on the burning cut and grabbed her wrist. Y/N stared at San with concern and fear.
"We went down to the communication room." he began to speak quietly so that no one else could hear. "Mike knows that part so we tried asking for help."
"And?" she encouraged him to continue as she removed the part of the cloth already stained with blood and put the clean part back on San's forehead.
"All communication is down, something is blocking the signal." "And what does that mean?" she asked, startled.
"I asked Mike what he thinks, he said he believes they are trying to hijack the ship."
"What?!" Y/N spoke louder and San covered her mouth while the other crew members looked at the two.
"Shhhh! Don't scream." he begged.
Y/N was wide-eyed as San's long hand covered her entire mouth to muffle the sound.
"Promise me you'll keep your voice down."
She nodded and when San let go of her hand, she took her hand away from his forehead, it wasn't bleeding anymore but the cut was still ugly.
"Okay, tell me what you found out." she asked for bass and took a bandaid out of the box to put on San.
While she busied herself with bandaging his forehead, San shared what they had discovered.
The ship had received a message from a Japanese ship, warning that there had been a leak in the sea where the ship was going to pass, so they had to change the route and ended up in unknown areas, near the East China Sea, far away from the original path that it was the Philippine Sea.
San warned that he found the message very strange, he had studied Japanese and the accent of the voice in the message was completely different from what he had studied.
Hearing this statement from his friend only made Y/N's heart sink even more, because if the original theory was kidnapping, it would make sense to manipulate the ship's route.
They had probably fallen into a trap. One that not even the captain had noticed. "And the rest of the crew?" Y/N asked San after sitting down in front of him, they would have no other way to pass the time than talking.
"They're all dead." San replied, lowering his head and Y/N hugged her own knees. "Before Mike killed the masked guy, he said that anyone leaving the ship's premises would inhale a deadly toxic gas, so he was wearing a mask. When the ship's windows broke, the gas went into the saloons and rooms further exposed, the captain's cabin and killed everyone."
"Then why was the guy strangling the captain when you arrived?"
"It was to ensure that the captain had died."
Y/N felt her entire body shiver with panic and hugged her legs even tighter, to give the false feeling that she was safe.
"The lower decks of the ship may be safe."
"May?" Y/N stared at San in confusion. "We don't know how many masked guys boarded that ship." San shrugged and Y/N ran a hand over her face.
What a great vacation she had!
"I'm not enjoying this, San, not at all." she said and he sighed, moving his body closer to hers and putting an arm around her shoulder. Y/N sagged at the contact and rested her head on his shoulder.
"On the bright side, our cabins don't have windows and the locks are with keycards so we'll be safe there."
"If no killer got there before." she said. "Will Mike tell the rest of the crew?"
"Only about the gas."
Y/N took a deep breath and nodded, feeling her head spin, so she squinted her eyes tightly and didn't bring up the subject. She stayed there with San for who knows how long, he was stroking her shoulder the whole time.
When she heard more screams, she opened her eyes again and saw that the ship's lights had completely gone out, the pitch black didn't last long as everyone turned on their cell phone flashlights, Y/N didn't even bother to turn on hers since the others were enough to light the place.
"Okay, that's enough!" a woman spoke, getting up from the floor. "I'm going back to my cabin since apparently nothing is going to work around here."
She started walking towards the stairs and other crew members started to do the same as Mike got between them.
"I really wouldn't do that if I were you guys."
"Oh come on man, we paid for this trip, don't tell us what to do." a man responded, shoving Mike by the shoulder to get him out of the way.
San got up to help Mike stop the crew and Y/N did the same.
"You can't go!" San spoke loudly and practically pleaded with the couple carrying the child with them.
"And you can't make us stay here!"
"If you open that door, everyone will die!" Mike pointed to the door closest to the stairs and everyone stopped to stare at him.
At the same moment, a strong lightning echoed throughout the ship and everyone jumped in fright, including Y/N who grabbed San's arm tightly.
"What?" a chorus sounded and Y/N looked at San, foreseeing what was to come next.
"Great, now there's going to be a storm while we're out in the middle of the ocean while some guy wants to scare us!"
"What's this about us dying if we open the door?"
"I’m serious." Mike replied, glaring at the crew. "There is a deadly gas outside the ship."
Y/N sighed when Mike spoke and everyone spoke out loud at the same time, some believed, others doubted and others didn't know what to believe.
"Americans and their fantasies!" the man rolled his eyes and Mike started to laugh. "Do you think this is funny?"
"First, I'm Scottish." he replied, laughing. "And I'm not lying." he was more serious this time.
“He’s not!” San said but no one paid attention, making him frustrated. “Bullshit! If this had really happened, the captain would have warned the entire ship.” San and Mike exchanged a look, as if debating whether to tell the whole truth.
"Look guys, I really need to get back to my cabin, all my jewels are there!" A young woman spoke and her eyes hovered over San, something that didn't go unnoticed by Y/N. "Hey, pretty, you could walk me there, couldn't you?" Y/N stared at her in complete disbelief while San looked extremely confused. “Excuse you?!” Y/N spoke and grabbed San's arm tighter.
"If you help me, I can give you something." The woman took a step towards San and Y/N stepped in front of his friend, letting go of his arm to grab his waist as she kept facing the woman.
"He's not going anywhere with you!" you horny bitch, she thought. The woman glared at Y/N who raised an eyebrow, challenging her.
The world ending outside she worried about jewelry? And she still wanted to put San in danger!
That woman couldn't be serious. “Yeah, I don’t think I-” San's speech was interrupted by Mike's scream
"Sir, don't do that!" he asked the man at the top of the stairs and everyone turned to face him.
The man who was arguing with Mike had already gone up the stairs and had his hands on the door, San grabbed Y/N's arm that was hugging him.
“Now you’re going to say that a murderer is going to come in here." the man rolled his eyes before opening the door.
The moment he put his foot on the other side, a knife hit his neck squarely and the man fell forward lifeless.
Y/N's eyes widened and San took a step back, bringing her with him as he saw a person with the same mask as the guy he and Mike had found. "Y/N, run!" San spoke and she blinked a few times trying to react while the entire crew screamed.
But her legs felt as stiff as cement so San pulled her by the arm to follow while Mike yelled for everyone to run to the cabins below.
San and Y/N ran so hard that she almost twisted her foot on the stairs, hearing the desperate screams of the rest of the crew behind her made her extremely scared, it felt like she was in a scene from the movie Scream. "Which cabin?" she asked in a hurry to San
"Yours!" he answered quickly and she took the card out of her pants pocket.
Once they arrived in front of the door, she put the card in place but her hands were shaking so badly she wasn't helping to identify the code.
“Shit!” San took the card from her hand and put it back in place, the door opened and San pushed Y/N inside when he saw that the masked guy entered the corridor where they were, the knife was dripping blood and even though he couldn't see anything of the face of the person, I knew it was terrifying.
Seeing San standing still, Y/N pulled him into his cabin and the two struggled to close the door before the masked guy had a chance to reach them.
They took a deep breath, both with their hands on the closed door and when a loud thud followed by a curse was heard, Y/N backed away from the door. She stared scared ahead and San turned his head to look at her.
"He's not going to come in here, is he?" she asked, feeling her eyes fill with tears and San walked over to her.
He hugged her tight and closed his eyes, his heart was racing as fast as hers. For a second he thought he was going to die.
"No, I promise he won't touch you." he assured her and she nodded, burying her face in his chest.
San felt Y/N tremble and soon a sob escaped her lips, she couldn't control her tears anymore and all the mixed emotions that went through her.
"It's okay, I'm here." he brought a hand to her hair and stroked it as he sat her down on the bed.
Y/N gripped San's sweatshirt tightly as if her life depended on it and cried.
She didn't know how much time passed but they continued in that position, when Y/N took a deep breath and pulled her face away from San's chest, he looked at her tenderly, taking a hand to dry her face.
"Do you want to wash your face?" she pointed to the bandage she had made, they now had the advantage of having a bathroom in the cabin.
"No, it's fine. But I really need to get this off." he held up his sweatshirt and Y/N nodded, stepping aside for him to do so. The room was warmer since she had turned off the air conditioning when she left the room.
San was wearing a black tank top underneath and Y/N had to control a sigh when he saw his bare arms, but when San got up from the bed to put the sweatshirt on top of the armchair in the cabin Y/N saw that his back was also bleeding.
"San, your back!" she said and got up from the bed.
"What?" he turned to try to see but it was impossible so he put a hand behind his back, looking for what she had said.
"It's bleeding." she warned, staring at the cut on his back.
"Oh, I think it was when the guy punched me in the face, I fell against the shards of glass."
Y/N looked with concern and before she could say anything or even blink, San took off his shirt while complaining of pain.
Although the rational part told her to stop staring at San's bare back like that since he was bleeding and apparently in pain, the emotional part of Y/N completely ignored it.
She'd seen him shirtless, of course, but that was before he started working out, when he was still skinny. Before she saw him more as a friend. And seeing him so close, made her legs shake and it got even worse when San turned to face her, showing his defined abdomen, right there in front of her eyes. Y/N cleared her throat to try and disguise that she was staring intensely at her best friend, not that she succeeded because of course he noticed, she was far from acting discreet even after they went through all that panic. "I will..." she pointed back, taking steps back trying to focus on San's face, which had an almost imperceptible smile. "yeah, I think there's a first-aid box..." San nodded for her to continue and she lost focus, ended up hitting her back against the bathroom door. "Ouch! Yeah, I'll get it from the bathroom." she spoke too fast and looked for the box while San laughed quietly, going to bed. Y/N glanced at the mirror quickly as she took the box.
"Jesus Christ!" she spoke quietly, raising her eyebrows in complete surprise.
Yeah, San had the famous chocolate abs and she loved chocolate. How could it be the same boy who had the cutest dimples in the world?
She shook her head to clear the thoughts surrounding her best friend's strong body. Now wasn’t the time to be acting like a fervent teenager.
When Y/N returned to the room, San was sitting on the bed and she placed herself behind him, placing the box on her lap. She treated the cut with care as San hissed when she touched the wet cotton to the cut, first cleaning and then bandaging. During the process they both remained silent, he sighed every now and then as she tried not to focus on how soft and warm his skin was. As soon as it was finished, Y/N sat next to San and tried to properly take care of the cut on his forehead, the first time it had been in a hurry because of the confusion but she didn't want it to get worse so she would take advantage of having all the tools to take care of it. She noticed that the apple of his cheek was purple, probably from the punch he had taken, and after he finished the bandage, her fingers went to the bruise. "It hurts?" she asked, quietly.
San took her hand and brought it to his mouth to kiss her fingertips.
"Not anymore." he stared straight into her eyes and Y/N pouted as she couldn't smile after so much tension.
"You scared the shit out of me."
“I’m sorry!” “Yeah, you should be. Never do that again.” San nodded nonstop and she sighed. "I'm scared, San. What are we going to do now? We have nowhere to go."
"We should have gone to the kitchen, at least there's food there."
"And knives." she remembered, she was still tense, thousands of thoughts swirling in her head, coming and going without permission.
"Hey." he called, bringing both hands to her face, gripping both sides to make her face him. "We'll figure it out, don't forget we're not the only survivors, Mike will probably find a way to get us out of here. Someone will miss us."
"What if they don't?"
San saw the concern in Y/N's eyes and stroked her cheeks trying to give her hope.
"We'll find a way to send a signal!"
She took a deep breath and gave up, San gave her so much confidence that she couldn't do anything but believe his words.
"I'm not going anywhere." he guaranteed.
Y/N laughed wearily.
"Because you can't go anywhere else." she answered and waited for San to laugh but he didn't.
"Even if there was any other place, this is where I wanted to be." he intensified his gaze and Y/N stayed quiet, unable to speak. "With you."
She continued to stare at him, San's gentle eyes didn't make her want to look away from the dark iris.
That was all she wanted to hear for a long time.
And no words needed to be said, she didn't need to ask him if he was serious because she felt the truth in his voice.
As if it were a magnet, San approached Y/N's mouth and captured her lips with such desire and desperation that she sighed before she could even reciprocate in the same way.
Holding her by the waist, he started a quick and at the same time sweet kiss, she was forced to take her hands to his shoulder gently, not wanting to hurt him.
San's hot lips were driving her crazy and the room became hotter, she then climbed her hands to San's neck as he pulled her onto his lap.
When their tongues met, Y/N adjusted herself better on San's lap and rested her knees on the bed, making him stay between her legs, the position made the kiss intensify and his hands went up all over her extension of her back.
She wanted to continue but the lack of breath was greater than her desire and she broke the kiss, touching their foreheads.
San's heavy breathing against her face made her smile before she even opened her eyes.
And when she did, she saw San smiling widely and the dimples showing, making her take her hands to caress, without restraining herself now.
"We should have done this sooner."
Yes, they should.
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runa-falls · 2 years
Sharing is Caring
Summary: Ari is going to teach you how to share
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Pairing: Cruel Stepdad!ari x reader 
Rating: Explicit 18+ (DNI if you’re under 18 -.-) 
Warnings: SMUT, angst, oral f!receiving, spanking, infidelity, mean!ari, daddy kink, whore!ari, cuckholding/voyeurism, facial, dacryphilia, choking, threesome (kinda), no aftercare ._.
WC: ~4.3k
A/N: Look, this shit is kinda fucked up ngl, so I’m sorry for this ;-; I just have to write hurtful things??? 
You can feel his body heat glide behind your bent body as you work on pulling a clean fitted sheet over your mattress, the hardest part of making your bed. You feel large hands grip your waist before you’re pulled back against him. 
A breathy whine spills from your lips as he tries to distract you from your task. 
“Daddy, stop! I have to get everything ready before she arrives!” Ari tsks and pushes you onto the bed, face first. 
“How long ‘til you learn you can’t tell me what to do, huh, sweetheart? Mom’s out, and I’m hungry.” 
“W-wait-” Your protests are futile as he shoves your skirt up your hips, sharply pulling at your silky panties. The fabric is stretched and yanked until it gives in and rips in two. “Hey! Those were a really nice pair!” Your complaints muffle against the mattress as he pushes you down. 
“You have plenty of panties, honey. I bought you a whole wardrobe.” 
“But those are all lacy and scratchy! I don’t like-” An unexpected quick spank snaps onto your soft skin. You yelp and attempt to squirm away from him, but his hold on you is too tight. 
His gruff voice seethes through clenched teeth, “Stop being a whiny baby.” Another hit pricks your other cheek, spreading warmth up your body. “Be grateful you have such a generous daddy that lets you wear panties in the first place…You’re lucky I’ve been craving you all day.” 
He doesn’t warn you when he dips down to lick a broad stripe against your leaking cunt, flicking softly against your clit. You cry into the half-made bed, arching your back to push yourself against his mouth. His groan echos throughout your bedroom, warm breath hitting your most sensitive area. “Always so sweet for me, baby.” 
Your thighs attempt to tense together from his words, but they’re stopped by his large hands gripping to keep you spread out. You’re already worked up into a frenzy. He parts your lips with his thumb, getting a good look at the glistening slick that coats your tight cunt. 
You feel his beard trail against the back of your upper thigh, brushing and teasing at your skin. You mentally prepare yourself for his favorite pass time: edging. 
These escapades have always been a game for him. Whenever your mom leaves the house, he pushes your body to the limit, taking advantage of your time alone. He needs to watch you fall apart for him. Craves to stretch out every moment and watch your body tremble for him as he teases you to tears. 
And you crave it too. You love the constant attention and gifts Ari showers you with, but sometimes it’s too much. Sometimes, he wants more than you can give. And he’ll take and take until there’s nothing left. 
Since you met him, you’ve known Ari held a darker side. From the way he makes sure to glance at you when he kisses your mother, to the times he shamelessly cums to the sounds of your sobs as hot tears stream down your face. He needs control over you. And he’s not afraid to show it. 
Your foggy thoughts are interrupted by a familiar ringtone blaring from your bedside table. You instantly struggle to push against Ari’s body, urgently trying to get to your phone. After some resistance, he surprisingly lets you go, silently watching as you crawl away from him. 
You speedily reach out your hand to grab onto the vibrating device, sitting yourself up while trying to ignore the tingling that remains from Ari’s indulgence. You quickly answer the phone, sheepishly taking a peek at Ari’s face. His expression is one of glowering frustration. You’ll probably have to make it up to him later.
“Hi! I just picked up my bag from baggage claim, so I’ll be there in, like, 45?” You squeal into the phone with excitement, completely unaware of the way Ari’s adjusting himself through his sweats. 
“Oh my gosh, I can’t wait! I’m getting stuff ready as we speak!” Your childhood best friend, Lila, is finally visiting from your hometown. You moved away halfway through high school for your mom’s job, and much to your disappointment, you’ve only been able to see her during school breaks. This is the first time she’s coming to visit you. 
“Aw, you don’t have to do anything crazy, it’s just me.”
“It’ll be your first impression of our new place! We’ve gotta make it count!”
“Alright, alright, I’ll see you soon babes.” 
“Ok, bye, love you!” 
You feel your hair brush against the length of your neck as it’s pushed over your shoulder. The bed dips closer to you as plush lips are pressed against the edge of your jaw, followed by small ticklish nips. You let out a faint sigh, unconsciously tipping your head to the side to give him more access. 
A warm hand drifts up your waist and down your arm, snatching the phone out of your hand before you can end the call. Ari blindly turns it off and pushes his body against yours. Your eyes flutter when you feel his palm rub against your thighs, pushing up and under your skirt, but before he could get too far, you gently push him away, nudging his hands off you. 
“Ok, Ari, stop. I really gotta finish what I started!” He pulls at your wrist, and tugs you closer, guiding your hand to press against his hard cock. 
“Why don’t you finish this first?” His low, dreamy voice is really tempting, but you draw back, shaking your head. You feel very responsible, resisting him to finish cleaning up. 
“Lila will be here in less than an hour. I really can’t right now.” Clean pillows, sheets, and blankets are scattered on the floor, waiting for you to fix them on your bed. You stand up, diligently fluffing a large pillow before placing it neatly against your headboard.
“And what am I supposed to do about this, huh?” He’s shamelessly gripping himself over his clothes, eyes half-lidded as he watches you bend over to organize your bedspread. You’re still bare under your skirt. 
“Take a cold shower? I don’t know.” You attempt to send him an apologetic smile, but he’s out your door without another word, letting out an audible frustrated sigh. You roll your eyes at his childish tantrum and return to the task at hand, finally able to work for 5 minutes without a large man trying to feel you up. 
You didn’t anticipate that cleaning would take this long. By the time Lila arrives, the doorbell is muffled by the sound of your vacuuming, making Ari greet the guest in your place. 
It’s only when he calls from downstairs that you realize she’d arrived. You’re practically buzzing as you promptly put away your cleaning supplies and speedwalk to the stairs. 
You’re nearly down the creaky wood steps when you see her at the door, accompanied by Ari. He decided to change into a tight white tee and fitted jeans, showing off his broad shoulders and thick biceps. He must’ve listened to your shower suggestion because his hair is still a little damp at his shoulders.
You try to keep your eyes off him, not wanting to raise any suspicion from the girl who knows you like the back of her hand. 
Ari is leaning against the door frame, casually conversing with Lila, showing off one of his signature charming smiles. She speaks quietly only responding to him with short phrases. 
Your arrival is announced by the noisy stairs pulling them from their conversation. Ari runs his fingers through his hair as he innocently smiles at you. “Finally, she’s been waiting here for a while.” 
“Oh, sorry! I was just vacuuming up there.” 
“Don’t worry about it.” She smiles before opening her arms wide, seeking a big hug from you. You don’t hesitate to jump into her arms, squeezing her until she dramatically acts like she can’t breathe. “Sometimes I forget how intense your hugs are.” She chuckles, pulling you in for one more squeeze. 
“Please, come in!” You pull at her wrist, leading her through the entranceway.  “I’ll give you a tour of the place before dinner”
Ari steps in behind you and shuts the door. “Here, let me take that up for you.” He lightly takes a hold of Lila’s suitcase, accidentally brushing against the top of her hand in the process. 
“Um, okay, thank you.” Lila pulls her hand back in surprise, a blush pricking the tops of her cheeks. Ari winks at you as he walks to the stairs, leaving the two of you alone. The steps of the staircase groan as Ari makes his way upstairs, effortlessly carrying the suitcase in one hand. 
Lila turns back to you, widening her eyes while discreetly motioning towards him. You almost laugh at the exasperated look on her face. You pretend to be confused at her insinuating look.  
“So that’s Ari?” She whispers as soon as he’s out of sight, sending you a suggestive smile. You told her about your new stepdad, but she’s never met him until today. You nod, trying to keep any strong expression off your face. “Dude, why didn’t you tell me how hot he is?”
“Cuz he’s my stepdad?!” 
“Have you ever tried to make any moves? I mean… If I were you I know I would.” Her eyebrows wiggle teasingly.
You scoff out like it’s the most outrageous idea you’ve ever heard. “Ugh, really?” You scrunch your face in disgust, “He’s, like, super old.” 
She shrugs with a smile, clearly unbothered by the age difference. “Well, are you looking for a step-step-mom?” Your face drops into a deep frown, your stomach tightening at the thought of Ari with another girl. “Aw, m’just teasing…Or am I?” You roll your eyes, but a small smile still manages to perk up against your lips. 
“Ok, ok, enough about Ari, let me show you around.” 
You energetically drag her around the house, showing her the upgraded appliances and overpriced furniture that Ari insists on having because, apparently, he has a bottomless bank account. “Damn, a curved tv? What the hell does he do for a living?” 
“Uh…” You never actually figured that out. You’ve asked, but somehow the subject always changes before you can get a straight answer out of him. “...Business things, I think? I’m actually not too sure.” She nods slowly.
“Ok…sure, that’s normal. I mean, it doesn’t really matter when he’s hot and rich-”
“-and old.” You add.
She shrugs, staring through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the pool in the backyard. “He could be in the mafia and I’d still be on my knees.” Before you could respond to her, Ari calls you two for dinner from the kitchen. “And he cooks too? You lucky lady!” 
“Ok, lovebird, let’s just eat.” You chuckle, pulling her towards the dining room. 
The table is neatly set with salad, steaming roasted vegetables, and grilled chicken. Ari’s always one to impress. Three grey placemats lay at the end of the table, one sitting on either side of Ari’s usual spot.  He walks in from the kitchen, placing a bowl of rice in the middle of the table. 
“This looks great, Mr. Levinson!” 
He sends her a bashful smile, “Please, this is nothing, just a simple meal. And feel free to call me Ari, honey.” He winks before heading back to the kitchen to bring plates and cutlery. 
“Ok…Ari.” He’s already out of the room as she quietly says it, giddy at his attention. You shake your head, amused at the way she melts for him. Ari is such a tease, always ready to butter up anyone around, loving the attention and admiration he can garner from others. Obviously, it’s working wonders on your best friend.
“Don’t get your hopes up. He’s like this to everyone.” 
“Mhm, sure...” 
You take a seat to the right of his, where you usually sit, taking in the wonderful smell of the food. You’ll never get over the delicious homemade meals he cooks up. Lila sits across from you, attentively waiting as he brings in the porcelain dishes. 
You can barely eat with all the stories you’ve been saving up to tell her, blabbing about your new school, the neighborhood drama, and the nearby interactive art museum that you need to visit while she’s here.
Lila is glaringly distracted as you’re telling her about a scandal at school between a senior and a teacher. Ari acts like he’s politely listening, but you can tell he’s distracted too. She is stealing shy glances at him every so often, clearly not taking in a single thing you’re saying. Annoyingly, Ari encourages her behavior by sending looks right back, cockily accepting her longing gaze. 
A pout rises to your lips, suddenly less excited about what you were talking about. They finished their food while you were having your one-sided conversation, leaving you to pick around at your plate alone. You let Ari take over the discussions as you take small bites of food. 
“So how’s school?”
“Really good. I’m actually acing every class, so all I need to worry about is the SATs now!” Lila shyly grins up at him, an expectant look on her face like she’s waiting for an ounce of his praise. Of course, Ari is not one to disappoint.
“Ah, that’s a good girl.” Pink blooms up her neck at the nickname as she flutters her lashes. “This one,” He nods over to you. “Needs to focus more on her studies.” He takes a sip of red wine, taking in your scrunched-up face. 
Lila nods, giggling along, “Been that way since we met in middle school.” You let out a disapproving hum at their criticisms. 
“But I’m doing pretty good this year!”
“Yes, pretty good, but you could always do better, sweetheart.” 
“Whatever…” You cross your arms against yourself, not used to this side of Ari. You can’t take the weird tension in the air as you look between them, you’re starting to feel like you’re third wheeling. Your half-full plate stares up at you, but you’ve lost your appetite. 
You abruptly push your chair away from the table and stand up. “I’m done, let’s go upstairs.” 
“Oh, ok. Uh, Thank you for dinner, A-Ari.” 
“S’my pleasure, honey.” He rises to take care of the plates as the two of you make your way to the room you’ll be sharing. 
The sheets pull and bunch next to you as Lila restlessly tries to find a comfortable position. You’ve been in and out of sleep, but she’s been rolling around for, what feels like an hour.
She huffs out a breath before finally deciding to sit up. She pushes the covers off of her as you slowly push yourself to sit next to her. You stretch to turn on a lamp on the table next to you, setting it to its dimmest setting. Taking a glance at the clock, you see it’s already 12:15 am. 
“Can’t sleep?” 
“Yeah, I think I just need some water.”
“D’you know where the cups are?” She hums, stretching as she stands up before flattening down her wrinkled nightgown.
“I think so, but I can figure it out if I don’t.” You nod and watch her slowly pad out of your room, gently closing the door behind her. The faint sound of the stairs creaking follows her as she descends. 
You want to stay up until she returns, missing the sleepover tradition where you’d talk all night until one of you falls asleep. You set yourself up to fight off sleep, staring at the posters taped on your walls to keep yourself busy. Blinking, you realize you’ve been zoned out for a while. You glance back at the clock, it’s already been 15 minutes. 
How long does it take for someone to get water? Maybe she decided to have a late-night meal?
You reluctantly leave the comfort of your bed and quietly tiptoe out of your room. Ari’s door is closed so he’s probably already asleep. You make sure to strategically walk down the side of the stairs to minimize the noise, not wanting to wake him up. The hallway glows from the lights of the kitchen area. 
Instead of the expected clicking noises of someone eating, you are greeted with intense heavy breaths and the wet smacking of lips. You freeze once you realize what’s happening. Your legs weaken as you sneak closer to the entrance, your body was partially hidden by a wall. 
You spot an abandoned glass of water sitting across from Lila who is facing away from you. She’s on the island counter with Ari who stands between her thighs, a hand secured around her throat. Despite being fully dressed, their hips fluidly push against each other. It’s obvious what’s happening. 
Her fingers slowly comb through his hair before lightly tugging at the ends as he nips at her jaw, planting red bruises along the edge of it. A breath is caught in your throat as you watch them with wide eyes. A burning sensation sparks at the back of your throat. 
A quiet whimper vibrates from her chest when he sucks at a particular spot under her ear. Ari tsks as he pulls away from her, giving her a disapproving glare. He places a hand on her mouth to muffle out any noises before continuing to slowly fuck into her. 
You can tell their eyes are locked together because you’re familiar with the look he’s giving her now. You’ve always loved the way he attentively stares into your eyes, showing how eager he is to soak in every one of your reactions as he fucks you dumb.  Your eyes sting as hot tears blur your vision. You want to look away but you can’t.
You feel your stomach sour as you watch him push the fabric of her nightgown up her thighs so he can see where they’re connected. His eyes are half-lidded as he gazes appreciatively at the mess around his cock. His fingers grip bruises onto her legs, tattooing his marks onto her. You painfully clunch your bottom lip between your teeth as you try to keep yourself together.
A quick inhale draws your attention back up to his face. You almost back away when you see him staring right back at you, his hips continue to push against her without a stutter. His hand drops from Lila’s face, letting her unmuffled whines bounce against the white walls of the kitchen. You know he’s doing it just to torment you. 
You shake your head, glazed eyes begging him to stop.  Ari tilts his head as he watches you, taking in your reaction. 
Instead of stopping, he glides his arms down to hold her waist, controlling her body to meet his thrusts and pushing himself as deep as he can go. The soft sound of wet slapping travels through the house.
She lets out a high-pitched hum when he grinds himself against her clit, sparking overwhelming pleasure up her spine. A proud smirk sits on his face when he spots how your tears leave dark splotches onto the grey t-shirt you stole from his closet. 
“Maybe you should’ve let me finish earlier.” He shrugs, voice booming through the relatively silent house, speaking in a casual tone. You freeze, watching as Lila’s body tenses in surprise, completely unaware of your presence until now.  
“Shit!” She gasps out, trying to pull away from Ari, but he holds her still, replacing a hand onto her mouth to keep her quiet. 
“What the fuck, Ari?” You finally whisper out, your tightened throat makes your voice crack. You don’t have enough energy to truly yell at him, no matter how hurt you are. 
More tears unintentionally spill down your cheeks as you step away from the wall and reveal yourself against the warm glow of the island lights. Lila’s voice is muffled as she tries to resist him and look over at you, but her efforts are futile against his strength. Neither of you pay any mind to her.
“Aw, don’t be such a crybaby, honey. Sharing is caring, ain’t that right?” He coos at you like he’s talking to a toddler. Your hands clench at the bottom of your shirt, wringing the fabric tightly in your fists. You sniffle lightly, brushing away teardrops that persist on your skin. 
“But why her, daddy? S-she’s my best friend!” Lila is still pressed against him, frozen as she’s forced to watch the interaction. Now she knows, you’ve been fucking your stepdad. 
“Well, if I can’t have my baby, I need to look for another tight cunt to fill.” He pushes himself deeper into Lila, keeping his eyes on yours as he forces an involuntary moan out of her. “Plus, she was begging for it.” 
Your legs unconsciously squeeze together, knowing exactly what she’s feeling right now. Ari notices and chuckles condescendingly at your actions. “Didn’t realize how much of a slut you are. You like watching, don’t you baby?” 
If anything, you’re mostly upset about the way your body reacts to Ari fucking another girl. You need to actively fight against your lust-blown brain and slick-drenched panties or you’ll end up under him like nothing happened
You shake your head, frown deepening. “S-stop, Ari! I’ve learned my lesson, just please stop!” 
Your begging only seems to encourage him to fuck her faster. “Not until I fill this pussy to the brim. Be a good girl for daddy and quietly watch from over here, hm?” He nods at the floor below him, speaking through clenched teeth. 
He focuses on ramming right against her g-spot, making Lila’s eyes roll to the back of her head. Her arms unconsciously grab at his back to pull him closer. Your cunt flutters as you imagine him fucking you like that, knowing how thick he feels inside of you. 
He looks at your figure expectantly, impatiently waiting for you with bored eyes.
You can’t believe you’re about to do this, but you hesitantly give in, dragging your feet shamefully toward them, sitting yourself at his feet to look up at him. You place your hands neatly on your lap, not knowing what you’re supposed to be doing. 
His hair falls over his eyes as he looks down at you, body continuing to move fluidly against hers. He takes in how you patiently kneel for him, throbbing at the thought of your obedience, realizing you’d let him do anything he wants to you. Ari has never seen anything more perfect than his girl staring up at him with cried-out eyes.
You watch as his perfect cock slides into her, slick dripping down to the kitchen tiles, just nearly missing the tops of your knees. You squeeze your legs together, trying to refrain from touching yourself to the image. Lila’s legs tremble around his waist, her chest heaving with gasps and moans. He decides that he prefers your sobs over her moans 
Ari stares down at your squirming body, gripping at Lila’s skin, wishing it were yours. He brings a hand down to rub against her clit, needing to feel her cunt flutter around his cock as you innocently gaze up at him through your lashes. 
His hips cant forward as he feels her tighten around him, pulling him in as she starts to shake through her orgasm.
“F-fuck, daddy!” Lila squeals out before feeling a sudden pressure around her neck. She’s instantly silenced by the man inside her. 
“I’m not your daddy, sweetheart,” He grunts out, thrusting sharply into her with a punishing pace. She’s forced to take everything he’s giving her while still coming down from her high. “That name is reserved for the angel sitting next to me.”
You fight down a proud smile, reminding yourself of your position. You honestly feel quite pathetic sitting here, watching your married lover fuck your best friend, but the feeling somehow adds to the fire inside of you. It’s disgustingly intoxicating. 
Ari’s thrusts falter when he sees the dreamy look gracing your face as you watch him, heat traveling up his body as he’s pushed to the edge. His cock twitches, but he pulls out before he could spill inside of her. 
“Come’ere and open your mouth, baby” He breathes out, turning toward you. You yieldingly follow his directions, even sticking out your tongue as he squeezes himself right in front of you. “Good girl…” Your eyes are closed as warm spurts hit your lips and drip down your chin. 
You missed his taste, but as you reach up to flick your tongue against the sensitive head, you realize he’s been corrupted by Lila. Her slick makes you pull back with a pout as you wipe your mouth of any evidence of him. 
You stand to leave, needing a second to think about what just happened, but your actions are stopped by a hand grabbing your arm. You’re pulled into Ari’s arms, a warm hand comes up to cradle your jaw as he stares deep into your eyes, giving you the same look he always does. He leans in to plant sweet kisses on your lips, breathing in your scent like it comforts him. 
But you resist him, pushing against his chest before backing away from him slowly, blocking out how he watches you with sad eyes. You forgot Lila’s still there until you hear her whisper your name. Your chest rises rapidly as you stutter out breaths, looking between her and Ari, finally taking in what happened. 
“I-I need to think.” You rush out of the kitchen, needing to be as far away from them as possible. 
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I'm SORRY but,,,,, instead of Legacy accidentally injuring Reader, what if Reader accidentally injures Legacy????
Poor guy is always so careful around them!! Careful with his claws, with his sharp armour, with his inhuman strength. Such a teeny tiny wife person cannot protect themselves from him so he has to be extra careful!!! It does not even CROSS poor guy's mind that they're not all that unable-to-fuck-up either, especially with how they're sometimes prone to being a little absentminded
I'll leave it you your deviously beautiful mind to come up with the details, and whether this is going in the angst direction (YES) or the fluff one (ALSO YES) but,,,,
😌😌😌 yeah
oh, you're devious for this anon,,, however i am feeling fluffy tonight so we shall be silly!!!
it happens, like many injuries do, entirely by accident. the day is warm and sunny, beetles chirping in the trees and only a few clouds drifting across the sky- it's the weekend, too, so you and Foul Legacy are sprawled out in the warm grass, soaking up as much sun as you can before you inevitably have to go back to work. Legacy purrs beside you, stretching his claws happily as his delicate wings glitter in the light. you can't handle as much sun as he can, though- sometimes you joke that Legacy is powered by sunrays and snuggles- and after a bit of dawdling you haul yourself to your feet and wander back towards the house to prevent yourself from getting overheated and lethargic, slipping through the unlatched door and idly giving it a quick shove so it shuts faster
there's a sudden CRACK and a pained screech, and your blood goes cold
Foul Legacy whines faintly as you rush back outside, holding his head and letting out little anguished cries- he had just wanted to follow you back inside! but you hadn't noticed, so the door slammed shut right in his face, making a small crack where it hit. there's no blood, thank god, but you can't help but murmur countless apologies as you gently massage around the area to soothe the pain, Legacy leaning into your palms with a soft whimper. the chitin will repair itself rather quickly, a gauze patch over the crack for good measure, and Legacy insistently buries his head into your lap once you get inside and sit down, craving more of your tender care. he doesn't blame you in the slightest, your shoulder already laden with the guilt of accidentally hurting him- until he gives your hands a quick, careful nip in retaliation, hiding his face in your shirt and shaking with growling laughs when you let out an indignant yelp
42 notes · View notes
Quality Over Quantity
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TW: angst. Smut. Fluff. 
SUMMARY: Your relationship with Trevor is strained from a lack of quality time. He makes it up to you just as you find your own way to do the same…
Word Count: 2600
@beautifulvoidwinner asked
HI! Over the few days I've fell in love with your work. I was wondering if I could put in a request for a fanfic of trevor from hellraiser, maybe a fluff and smut? 
So Basically Y/n and Trevor haven't been spending a lot of time together because he's been getting a lot of shady jobs causing him to not have a lot of time for you so 1 night after work he decides to go vist Y/n at work (she's a bartender) and they start quietly fighting about how much he's neglected her, after her shift they both go home and have sex (so that he can show how much he loves her) then they apologize for everything that was said (while they were fighting), after all that they cuddle and watch a movie maybe??? 
- Your newest fan 
Quality Over Quantity
You should have been used to his absence by now, and yet it set you in a bad mood for the duration of any day you couldn't wake up in his arms. Which had become more and more frequent. A set of schedules never quite in tune as they once may have been as you were left making up for the role he now failed to continue. Such thoughts continued through your mind as you made the bed, craving the specific way the sheets were left in disarray into the way you clawed at them from the multitude of sensations that made up for the time apart. But now it only seemed to be a bittersweet reminder of passions left to simmer. If only you were able to feel the same attention from your boyfriend as the patrons at the bar, you wouldn't have crossed the threshold with that same scowl. 
"Still nothing?" Your colleague and closest friend asked as she finished off a martini for an elderly woman and you crafted a Negroni for a collegiate male trying to impress some girl with his drink of choice. 
"You know, playing hard to get has yet to fail."
"I don't have to. He's never home…" You sighed with your hand set on your hip as you stood in wait for another customer. 
"Maybe motivate him a bit?" A decorative cocktail sword was positioned at the already unlatched button of your uniform top. 
"Slip away to the bathroom and send him a few photos? Bet he'd come home pretty quick…"
"I can't…He is just trying to help make bills. I just wish he didn't have to have such weird hours…weird jobs, too…" She nodded. 
"Well I miss when you smiled. So do what you have to do and just let me know if I need to cover ya." 
A series of smirks and orders broke up your conversation until you became swamped with the happy hour crowd. Those coming in after dinner or with significant others had been the reason you didn't need to follow in Trevor's steps. The tips were well worth the misogynistic comments and sexualized glances. Even those bold enough to hit on you despite the fact you offered only the necessary smirk to warrant a compliment in the form of a few singles. 
"How much?"
"Still not enough for my yacht." You teased.
"Maybe enough for your break to be spent with me?" A familiar voice drew your eyes upwards as you found his tired gaze looking at you with relief. 
"Do you-" You turned to your friend, her arms already pushing you out from behind the bar before you could finish your question. 
"Take care of our girl." She hinted to Trevor, who offered a grin of discomfort before you pulled him to the booth in the far corner. 
"I only have a few minutes before I have to get ready for the delivery for later but-" You let out a sigh, retracting your hands as he'd taken hold of them over the surface of the table. Arms crossed at your chest, eyes focusing on the stain of this specific table, he moved closer towards you. 
"I promise it won't always be like this…"
"You said that last time. Months ago…"
"I'm trying…" He expressed a self-deprecating exhale. 
"I hate waking up alone. I hate seeing you only to say goodbye…Do you even remember how long it's been since we…"
"I know. Believe me, I know…But I also can't let everything fall on you."
"So it's your pride…Trevor if it means we get to see each other, just let me-"
"No. I'm supposed to take care of you, feminism and masculinity aside, I want to."
"Then be home…I miss you…" 
"I have to go…" He explained as his phone buzzed, an alarm set to remind him of the need to be punctual. 
"Soon baby…I promise." You allowed the swift peck on your lips but kept still as he produced it. His own frustration would be felt but ignored by you both until he left. As you returned behind the bar, you threw yourself into the remainder of the shift. Wishing everyone a safe night, you moved back to the direction of your apartment at the end of the block, climbing the stairs and struggling to open the door with your frustration. All because you knew what awaited you on the other side of that door. 
Another night of entertaining yourself with some rerun played only for background noise as you ate a meal heated up for the third night in a row, finishing with a lukewarm shower and fighting tears as you fell asleep. At least this was how the other nights had gone. 
The second the door came open, you saw candles lining every surface. The cheap kind with a sentiment meaning as much as the most expensive of wax illuminating the scene. 
"It isn't homemade or anything, but it's the effort that counts, right?" He asked while pulling the takeout containers from the restaurant he'd taken you on your first date. 
"They didn't have those sauce packets you like, so I went to the store and got two that if you mix together should come close…oh, and I'll do the dishes, consider it-" His list was enough of an aphrodisiac against your former frustrations. Pulling him down into you, you fisted the fabric of his oversized shirt until you felt him understand your desperations. 
"You're not hungry?"
"Not for that." You explained as he smirked, taking over the lead as he began at your shirt. A gentle touch to your skin beneath rivaled the best behind your eager grip to leave him bare for you. Even if you knew his body well, rode against his muscles in thrusts as both receiver and instigator, you craved it more now than ever. Having felt prohibited to touch him until now. 
"Wait, don't you have a job in-" You paused as your eyes came to the clock behind him on the stove. The very one that had only ever been used once since you moved in with him. 
"Only one job I need to focus on…" He explained as he teased your hand against his swollen seam. You bit your bottom lip. 
"Tonight's about you, baby…Making up for so many nights alone."
"That is quite a feat, Trevor. So many nights alone…" He smirked. 
"Better get started then." You were lifted around him and into the bedroom, tossed rather abruptly on the bed before he stood between your legs. 
"Did you know this when you went to see me earlier?" He paused. 
"I moved some things around. Prioritized…" You grinned. "So you're mine tonight."
"I'm yours every night." You explained as he pulled your pants clean from your legs, exposing the plumb lace left beneath. 
"Yeah? Well then I've been missing out…" You watched him as he kissed along your thigh as your leg bent in unrest. A sweet string of kisses towards your sex already had your eyes in a roll and your back in an arch as he continued to your center. 
"Just feel me, baby…" His low tone added decadent sensuality just before the volt of pleasure as he began slowly between your folds. His tongue was the artist to your blank canvas below, the intention to cover you to drip for him, a masterpiece possible by his tongue alone. Your fingers ran through the short buzz of his hair, desperate to pull at the absent strands that found accomodations in the sheets at your side. But with each rise of your hips to deepen his tongue or motion for more, he would only slow. 
"I have a lot of nights to make up for…"
"I need more…" To that, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before resting back over you. Palms to the bed for only a moment as he kissed you sweetly enough to forget of anything but his tongue grazing your bottom lip. 
"Don't need this…" He spoke to himself as he dismantled his belt and you crossed your arms over your torso in order to remove your shirt. It took only a second before you were left in only your lingerie. 
"If I thought this was happening, I would have worn something that matched…"
"What do you mean?" He asked as he kissed your breasts. "It's my favorite pair…" Your eyes narrowed. The old bra with the worn clasp was definitely not among your favorites so you questioned how it could be his. 
"Any pair I can make wet are my favorite." You blushed, unaware how you missed such dirty words until now. Even such promiscuous words he somehow made so sweet. 
"But my absolute favorite are the ones on our floor…" He grinned, pulling down the center of your bra until your nipples were exposed. 
"This still feel as good as before?" He asked, taking one nipple behind his teeth, sucking it slowly as his tongue moved over the hard mound. All while his hand accommodate the other side. When you didn't respond in anything but a pair of parted lips and unsteady breathing, he mirrors his motions now to the other side. 
"That good, baby?"
"Please, Trevor."
"You don't have to beg…Just show me what you want…" You rose your hips against his lower abdomen. 
"You wanna be on top?" You nodded. 
"Anyway…." You confessed as his smirk widened. 
"Dealer's choice? That's unfortunate for you, baby…" He kissed you sweetly, onto to set you onto your stomach. 
"It's gonna be a long night…" But where you expected to feel a quick and rough penetration from limiting patience, you found him to pull you to the very edge of the bed. His tongue returned to you, only now, from this new angle. 
"Trevor…TREVOR!" You called out to him in repetition born from desperation and need. 
"Fuck, you're already close for me, aren't you?" You whimpered, facing him and finding only his eyes just peeking from over your ass. His fingers gripped into the sheets having existed as further evidence of his affect on you. 
"Fuck me. Trevor…I can't take it…" 
"Not yet, baby…"
"Please…" You winced before he stood upwards, a swift slap to your ass before that same hand climbed along your curves and to your cheek. The rest only came when he took your hair. 
"I missed how you look at me…On your knees." You were quick to take the hint, crawling into position as he moaned to the feeling of only your breath on his naked cock. 
"It's been a little bit. But I know you remember just how I-" His breath hitched as you took him slowly at first. Savoring his taste and the automatic precum from the initial connection, you took him in depth as your name became the motivation to bypass the discomfort of his length. 
Your hand came in a wrap at his base, twisting to his tip as your tongue broke from his shaft and to the sensitive and heavy spheres beneath. You took your time seducing him, his inability to speak acting as proof of your success. 
"Now." Was all he could muster as he pulled you back up to him. A deep and tender kiss rivaling the selfish need to claim you at this instant, even through your tears and rasps left behind from your endeavors. 
"Trevor…" You moaned as he pinned you beneath him with his weight. His dominant hand pulling both above your head. 
"Don't hold back on me…I want to hear just how much you've missed this…" He explained just before that initial thrusts. The body already failing beneath you as he hid his groan into your chest. Once that first sensation set the stage for the growing pace, be refocused on your body. 
"Fuck, you feel so good…" He groaned with your breast taken by both his hand and his mouth as you writhed against him. 
"Harder!" You pleaded as he obliged. 
"That good baby?"
"Kiss me…" He consented once more. Only now, feeling your desperate breaths behind his lips. 
"Oh my God!" 
"Not yet…"
"I can't wait…"
"Baby…with me…" He slowed before lifting you around him, your body set in a new position of a straddle as you reclaimed dominance as he served as an outlet beneath you. Nails tracing down your shoulders and to your hips until he kept you in place to offer. A break to the ache forming in your thighs. 
"Baby-" Trevor warned as he pulled you even tighter into him, his cheek at a rest against your breasts. 
"Ah…Ahhh!!" A pornagraphic moan left your throat as he took you into your back one final time, ending the final thrusts just as he'd become. Slow and steady. The flex of his cock to release himself would prompt the beginning of overstimulation for you as he lowered between your breasts again. 
"Keep coming baby…" Two fingers back inside of you, pushing his cum in place for further lubrication, and a second release was already in the near distance. Your hands wrapped around his determined hand as he quickened with each thrust. 
"I fucking love hearing how wet you are…" 
"Ah!Mmmhmm! It's too much-"
"Shhh…" He bowed over you. "Just a bit more for me, baby…" Your eyes rolled as he kissed your lips, enough to feel you tremble and ultimately unbuckle for him again. This time, spurt after spurt as you soaked his arm and torso.
"I told you it was too much…" You defended yourself. 
"Wrong…That's just enough…" His eyes darkened before he pulled you to the edge of the bed. 
"Trevor…I need a minute…"
"I know, baby…let's get you cleaned up…we both need it now…" You smiled and followed him the best you could with trembling thighs as he brought you into the shower before him. A tender exchange more sensual than erotic and you were cleaned off with the softest of intentions before you faced him in the mirror. 
"I love you, baby. I'm sorry I haven't been around…but I promise that I want to be…and I'll try to…" 
"And I promise to make it worth it…" You teased on the tips of your toes, ghosting over his lips. His cock swelling beneath the towel. 
"Oh, I'm not done with you tonight. But I still need a minute to recover from before. You always drain me, baby." 
You chuckled as he pulled you to the couch. 
"So what are we watching?" He cocked his jaw, pulling up a DVD from the rental place on his way home. The food from earlier reheated and set on your lap for consumption. 
"Some old movie…Hellraiser…ever heard of it?"
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916 
268 notes · View notes
dinsdjrn · 11 months
everything i wanted | j. miller | track two
track one | track three | masterlist
bodyguard!joel AU
AU!Joel x singer!f!reader
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summary: I'm scared to death I'll scream your name and still there's not a thing I would change. That's okay, but I think about it. rejection never gets any easier, but we all find ways to move on. [w.c: 4.4k]
tags for the series: 18+, minors DNI, angst/fluff/eventual smut, sarah's dead (plot), ellie is alive, parental manipulation/abuse (maternal) (reader is in a classic love bombing abuse cycle please note the mother is not redeemable), depression, drug and alcohol use, sobriety, stalker behaviour from a fan, will update as i go, this ones gonna get dark but it will have the happy feel good too! as always if anything is missing tell me and i will add it!
a/n: i am back from vacation and ready to write the days away. this one is for @tightjeansjavi who keeps me going and reminds me not to quit.
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track two - think about it
It always felt weird to record a song that struck a chord close to your heart. You were pulling on the most exhausting day of your life, and it wasn’t even entirely yours anymore. It had been polished and produced into something you recognized, but not something you knew and understood. It was a frustrating, but undeniably, good song. It held some of the grit you craved, whilst keeping the image that was carefully curated for you.
Overall it had been a successful morning in the studio and your complaints were for you to bury alone. When everyone had taken a break to grab a coffee and come back with fresh ideas, you stayed behind to send a small clip to your parents. 
[Audio Message]
Finally a complete song for the deluxe!! Can’t wait for you to hear the rest :) 
Your dad loved the message, all you got back from your mom was a ‘Call me’. 
You sighed making your way out into the hallway where there would be better reception. To no surprise Joel was just outside the door of the studio waiting. 
“I’m just making a call, uh, to my mom,” you said, not entirely sure why you explained it to him. 
“Do you want some privacy?” He asked. 
“Oh, oh no, it won’t be long. Sorry, I just didn’t know-“ you rambled, cut off by your phone buzzing in your hand. You swiped to answer it, now flustered from the most meaningless interaction with Joel.
“Hey Mom, How’d you like the clip?” You asked excitedly. 
You slowly sat down on the floor across the hallway from Joel. 
It was something that could go either way, but you were hopeful your excitement would deter a rude remark. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” She spat. 
“What?” Your voice dropped, clearly defeated. 
Joel looked at you perplexed. You just rolled your eyes and sighed. 
“This isn’t a hit for the deluxe! Telling your fans you hate them is no way to make people WANT to listen to you,” She exploded, completely missing the point of the song. 
“Well you’ve just heard a bit, it’s about more than that.”
“It’s not what it’s about, it’s how it’s perceived.” She was condescending. 
“Okay, sorry mom.” Your voice broke.
“Well don’t make me out to be the bad guy, you asked for my opinion. At the end of the day it’s your album and whether you sink or swim is up to you,” Her tone was sharp and quick. It dug into your mind in a way only she knew how to do. 
You weren’t sure why you put up with her anymore, maybe you felt guilty, maybe she is just under a lot of stress, maybe, maybe, maybe…
“No, you’re right,” you sighed wiping tears away, “We’ll work on it.” 
“Love to hear it sweetie. The next one will be it I’m sure!” Her tone changed again, giving you emotional whiplash. 
“I have to go, the studio is going back in.” You lied.
“Go on! Make a hit! I miss you!” She promptly hung up before you could reply. 
As the call disconnected you felt the tears welling in your eyes spill over. Her words didn’t hurt you like they used to, they frustrated you to no end. 
“Fuck,” you whispered. 
You weren’t paying super close attention to your surroundings, but you felt a presence sit next to you on the floor. 
“Hey, hey, it will be okay,” it was Joel talking to you, comforting you. 
“I’m sorry, she is just so fucking frustrating,” you leaned your head back against the wall. 
This was so beyond what you’d ever expect of him, but it was comforting nonetheless. Your heart swelled at the sentiment. You weren’t one to really crush on anyone, but Joel had this gravity to him that pulled you in. 
“You’re okay, she has no idea how amazing it is,” he continued softly.  
“What?” You asked, confused at this new softer side of Joel. 
“The song, it’s great. I know people are going to love it.” He offered a small smile.
“We won’t know until it’s out there,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
“Well I know, for a fact, one fourteen year old girl is going to love it,” He continued, “Hell I’ll probably hear it so much I’d pay you to take it off the album for me.” 
You offered a sympathetic laugh for his attempt at a joke. 
“Ellie?” You asked. 
“Yeah, the kid loves you, it didn’t connect until well�� we got here.” 
“What made you finally recognize my music?” You asked out of curiosity. 
“The album on the wall, I’m pretty sure we have it on vinyl. And I’m fairly certain that vinyl rarely leaves the record player.” He rolled his eyes, they were softer than normal. 
You weren’t sure if it was out of sympathy for your pathetic display, or fondness for discussing his daughter. Either way you liked this side of Joel, it tugged at your heart. His complexities making your mind wander, you want to see him, really know him. 
“Well, she is welcome here anytime,” you said. 
You placed a hand on his crossed arms, it sent a chill down your arm and spine. Just a touch sent you into a frenzy. Your hand lingered and the silence drew on for just a moment longer than it needed to. Joel cleared his throat and it brought you back. 
“Thanks, uh, yeah thank you,” he turned away from you standing up. 
You had stopped crying and stood up to meet Joel. 
“Thanks, for being there. Well, and boosting my ego,” You smiled making your way to the door behind him. 
“Anytime,” he said with some southern drawl. 
You didn’t spend much more time in the studio that day. Your head wasn’t in it anymore and everyone could tell. You also had drinks with James to get ready for. Once everyone called it an early day you headed home to change and get ready for a night out. He didn’t say anything the entire way home, just like the day before. Joel followed, he kept his distance, staying in the common spaces looking somehow both devastating and intimidating. 
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“Joel,” you breathed, dizzy and giddy from the atmosphere and the alcohol in your system. 
When you had agreed to go out, you only committed to one drink. Then one drink turned to four, and pounding back drink after drink made the world fade away. The booth gossip no longer interested you, you took James by the hand and made your way to the dance floor, Joel following suit. 
“We should get you home,” he stated, attempting to shuffle you back to the table. 
“This could be fun, if you let it! We could make the most of a bad situation!” You threw your head back and laughed. 
You brushed your hand against his arm. This was bold and unlike you in all aspects, but you were letting go. Letting go of the past 3 days, letting go of the past 5 years, letting go of every rational thought you’ve ever had. 
“No, you don’t know me. You’re drunk. I’m here to do a job, nothing more, nothing less.” He pulled away from you and forced you back to the table. 
“Joel, you don’t understand. I haven’t felt like this for anyone in a long time and you have to tell me you feel it too.” Your tone growing serious, accusatory.
What he said next sent an arrow straight through your soul. It was sobering and rejection hadn’t hit this hard in a long time. 
“I don’t, there is nothing between us. If you got caught up with me that quickly you’ll get over it twice as fast.”
His words winded you, you were too drunk to read him, but you tried. There was no sense of regret, mistruth, no sense of anything really. He was cold as the moment you met and it was harrowing. You’re sure if you were sober you’d see nothing but a cold, uncaring man. 
You had never felt a pull like this from anyone, and in the short time you’d known one another you desperately wanted to believe he felt it too. That’s all it was though, desperation. The first person in so long that made you believe that they might care about you, even if it was just for a paycheck. In less than three days he had treated you like more of a human than half the people you had met in the last five years. 
“Take me home, now.” You whispered. Unable to look him in the eye.
So he did, like any security detail would, he got you into the car with minimal disruption from paps. Not a word was spoken between you, the silence warped to your despair. Being turned down so blatantly was something you were used to from labels, but never like this. Never with someone you felt such a connection to so quickly. 
In the car your phone buzzed, you thought it was James asking where you went. It came from an unknown number. 
You can leave, but I will always follow…
It was definitely from the same person, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to care. This was your secret to keep. You didn’t want to come off as overly dramatic as your mother had previously accused you of doing. So you deleted the message and moved on, it wasn’t like it was a note at your door. 
When you got back to the apartment you made your way to your room without a word, stumbling down the hall. You didn’t want to cry, not for this. You wanted to sleep and hoped that this night would become a hazy memory, bound to your drunkenness like a secret. 
You stared at the bathroom mirror hoping that at the very least you could harness this feeling into capital. The thought made your palms clench and chest tight, you felt like you were suffocating. It sent you into a spiral you hadn’t felt in a long time, the fear of failing, not being good enough overwhelming you. This album was eating you alive and all around you you were surrounded by rejection, from Joel, from your mother, from your label; every direction pulled your head below the water in a new way. 
You hadn’t had a panic attack in years. You reached in the cabinet for your meds, you hadn’t needed them in so long, but as the tension in your chest began to build you felt yourself slowly losing control. 
Gripping the counter you let this feeling fester until it slowly passed. All you were left with was the fading buzz of the drinks in your system becoming a sleepy haze you were sure to regret in the morning. 
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The next morning, the night before wasn’t brought up. It was almost unnerving how cold Joel was toward you but somehow he came off as indifferent. You knew any trust or relationship you had built was officially gone. Nothing left but ruins in your wake. 
By noon, he was gone and his relief Will Jones had arrived. Will was an older gentleman who clearly kept up with himself over the years. He was warmer than Joel and would make conversation the same way you’d make it with your dad. You knew you’d get along fine, but he also wasn’t Joel. 
You weren’t too keen on conversation, somewhere between the dull ache in your chest and your hangover you’d forgotten
your kindness. So Jones gave you your space and you worked on your music. 
And that’s how it went… for three weeks you’d rotate between Joel and Will. Not saying much to either of them. Wake up, go to the studio, get nothing done, go out and forget your frustrations, and repeat. Three weeks of failure in the day forgotten with a bender in the night. 
Texts would come through, always from a different number. Always along the lines of missing you and loving you, never threatening you. You never thought much of them and always kept them to yourself deleting them soon after they came in. 
You were falling apart and didn’t think anyone was going to notice. No one ever had before and there wasn’t anyone close enough to you to care. 
You felt stuck creatively, nothing you were making was impressing producers enough. You felt stuck personally, forever between a rock and a hard place. Your mother berating you for coming up with nothing, receiving a cold shoulder from Joel who you had only grown more fond of, feeling so isolated and alone even though this is what you’ve always dreamed of. You should be grateful for everything you have, but it came at the expense of your soul. 
It had been a particularly bad night for you, Will was with you tonight and you had gotten particularly clobbered. It was messy and no one was brave enough to stop you. You felt the eyes and phones on you and it was the moment you knew this was going to be a mess your team would have to clean up. Your carefully curated image of a humble small town artist was being thrown out the window. Just one night where the eyes at the bar looked a little too closely, they found out a little too much about you. It would all come crashing down in just a few short hours. 
“Get me out of here,” You said to Will, pulling on his sleeve like a toddler.
“Let’s go,” He quickly shuffled you out of the bar and to a car that was waiting outside.
The paparazzi were insane this time around and you had never felt so scared. The word must’ve already been out where you were and everyone wanted the shot that would destroy your image. It was worth so much more than a photo of you leaving the studio, or on a pre planned date with another emerging artist. 
The flashes made you nauseous and the banging on the windows and shouting from outside the vehicle had installed a new type of fear and anxiety within you. You clenched your fists and loved your eyes solely focusing on your breathing and heart rate. It was hard to focus in with all the noise around you and you knew that if their cameras got the shot it was going to be messy but you had to calm down. 
Eventually your car had made it through the mob of people and back to your apartment. You needed to collapse in bed, just sleep and forget everything. As soon as you came through the door you made your way to bed, fully clothed, make-up on, and began scrolling through twitter. Of course there were photos of you from tonight that had begun circling. TMZ was already spinning a story about how you had flown off the handle, with a full segment to come in the morning. Daily Mail had jumped on an article too in the forty minutes it took you to get home. 
Just like that it had all come crashing down so fast. Maybe it was the attention you had wanted, maybe not. Something about having your image fall apart and the world watching you come undone was cathartic and yet you didn’t feel any better. You knew you were making a mess for someone else to clean up. You were still buzzed beyond your capacity to form a coherent thought about the repercussions you would face. You knew what was to come and yet, in your state, couldn’t bring yourself to care. So in the most pathetic attempt to make the pain go away, you fell asleep.
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Someone had woken you up the next morning, it didn’t feel like you had slept for very long. It could also be that you had slept a long time, you were just hungover. You rubbed your eyes which had felt extremely dry, and when you looked at your hands the black smears of mascara reminded you of the night before. You had fallen asleep without even making an attempt at getting ready for bed. You had never felt so disgusting, you’re sure you were a pitiful sight. 
“What time is it?” You croaked. 
“It’s nine in the morning.” A voice you hadn’t expected said. 
“Mom?” You questioned fully opening your eyes and looking at where the voice had come from. 
There she was in the flesh. She looked as if she had just walked off the page of a magazine, not a single piece out of place. 
“What are you doing here?” You sat up and questioned. Your head was pounding and you struggled to put the pieces of why she would show up unannounced together. 
“I flew out as soon as I saw what was going on on twitter,” She started, “And I’m glad I did. This was the first thing I saw when I landed this morning.” 
She stood and stalked toward you dropping a tabloid paper on the end of your bed. 
There you were in all your drunken glory, right on the front page, trying to escape the bar the night before. You flip to the article which basically called you out for cracking under the pressure of fame. Maybe they were right, you had reached your tipping point of rejection. 
You couldn’t stop what came next, but everything just came crashing down. And as if you were a kid again your mom came to your side and wrapped herself around you. 
She whispered that it would be okay, and how proud she was of you and for a moment you believed her. It didn’t matter what her motives were, whether or not she just wanted you back in the studio. It was nice to feel like someone cared, you’d been so surrounded by ghosts who didn’t give a shit about you to sit and be held and be told your love was enough to forgive her all over again. These were the tender moments you clung to for dear life. Without them there would be no one left to care about you, and you would fade away.
“Come on, let’s get you ready to go,” she said when you had started to calm down. 
There it was, she wanted you back into the studio to capitalize on this. For the moment you could forget about that though, because at least she was here, at least she cared. 
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Within the hour you had made it to the studio and started tweaking some of the songs you had worked on before. Your mom had made herself brief and was on the next flight back to New York. Her work was done and you had been put on a strict studio to home lockdown by your team. It was for the best. 
The morning in the studio had been weird, Will and Joel were supposed to switch off today and as the day grew later you wondered if Joel had finally thrown in the towel. Just as your mind got away from you  he came in flustered with a kid in tow. 
“Thanks for covering for me man,” He said to Will.
He turned to you and looked apologetic, “Is it okay if Ellie sticks around today? She got into trouble at school and my brother was already at work, no one was available to watch the kid this short notice?” 
“Oh yeah, of course!” You smiled and said a little too cheer-y.
Joel looked at you for a second longer than comfortable and his eyes grew softer. He was reading you like a book. You’re sure you didn’t look great but no one had made a note of how miserable you looked. 
“Thanks,” he stepped toward you. 
“You alright?” He spoke softly, looking directly at you. 
You melted away at his concern, you felt like you were the only person in the world. His features grew soft just for you and all the feelings you tried so hard to get rid of had pushed their way to the surface again. 
“Yeah, I will be,” And just for a second you believed it. 
Your focus came back to the room and the young girl shifted behind Joel. 
“Hi! Ellie, so nice to finally meet you! I’ve heard so much about you!” you stood and made your way to her. 
Ellie then smiled so big and beamed your way. You pulled her into a hug and she reciprocated. When you pulled away you could tell she was just buzzing. 
“I’m such a huge fan,” She said. 
“So I’ve heard. I hear you’re also quite the guitar player?” You looked at Joel who was smiling fondly at the interaction between the two of you. 
“I’m alright,” She said shyly. 
“Well, I have a song I need some help with so let’s see what you’ve got?” 
You and Ellie took a seat on the couch, you were excited to introduce someone to this world. You always felt like the one who knew the least but you could see the light and excitement in her eyes. 
“So I usually try to tell a story, pull from hardships in my life,” you explained. 
“Oh,” Ellie said and shifted a bit uncomfortable. 
“You don’t have to though? Is there anything you feel you want to get out in the world?” You asked. 
“Well,” Ellie hesitated, “I guess there is one thing, that’s kinda bugging me.” 
“Okay?” you pressed. 
“See, there’s this, uh, girl. She isn’t out yet but we were together for a bit.. and uh, well she ended things but I still have feelings for her.” Ellie’s demeanor changed and became disheartened. 
“Wait, I actually think I have something you might be able to help me finish,” you said frantically digging in your bag for your notebook. 
And that’s how it started. You and Ellie spent the day writing a melancholy love song together. Little did she know the piece you had written was for her father. 
The song spoke of the one person who could derail your whole life if they wanted and you had so much fun writing and recording with Ellie. She even helped with the harmonies and the production. It was a great song and throughout the whole process you and Joel shared knowing looks with one another. For a moment there was a sense of understanding and forgiveness between you.
You wanted to grip onto this moment and never let it go. Forget all the scandal, the fear, the things that got you into this position and just hold onto the feeling of understanding between you, Ellie and Joel. 
All good things must come to an end though, as Ellie left with her uncle so did the warmth that Joel carried. You felt as if you were back at square one and there was nothing you could do about it. 
The drive home was quiet and uncomfortable as it had been the night he turned you down, but you couldn’t figure out why. 
When you returned to the apartment it was so quiet. You and Joel hadn’t spoken much in the last three weeks but this silence was deafening. There was so much you both wanted to say but neither of you could find the words. 
“Goodnight, Joel,” You said quietly, getting ready to take your leave. 
“Y’know I saw the pictures from last night?” He said and you were taken aback. 
“I’m sorry?” You tensed, not needing a reminder of your downfall. 
“I saw them all, you dancing with those random guys. Shit faced beyond yourself. I couldn’t help but blame myself,” He looked at his feet. 
“Joel it’s not your-“
“I lied to you,” he cut you off.
“Three weeks ago, I lied to you and told you I didn’t feel anything. I don’t know if you were being truthful or if you were just drunk, but I felt that connection too.” He admitted.
You were left speechless. 
“I lied because I have a job to do, and I have to keep you safe. I couldn’t risk that for what I thought was just a fleeting moment of attraction. Seeing you last night though? That nearly killed me. I wanted to rip their damn heads off, the men, the paps, all of them.”
He sighed and continued, “I care about you, I care about the way you feel. I want to know you, I want you to care about me and that’s fucking terrifying.” 
“Joel,” you said barely above a whisper, not sure what to believe. 
You hadn’t realized it but he had made his way to you, and once you noticed his presence was suffocating. 
“I want to keep you safe. After seeing you with Ellie today I don’t want to wonder what could have been. I need to know.” He looked right at you, moving a piece of hair away from your face. Gently cupping your cheek. 
“Joel, I’m a mess.” You turned away from him. “The whole reason you’re here is fucked up, and I clearly am not one to handle things well. I’m so fucking scared and I-“ 
Before you could continue his lips found yours and you were pulled into an all encapsulating kiss. The way his lips moved against yours was like a man starved. It was delicate but desperate all the same. You sighed against him and he wrapped his hand around your waist gripping you close. It said everything you couldn’t say to one another. Nothing had ever felt more right and for the first time in so long you had felt safe, like everything was going to be ok. 
When you finally pulled apart his hand lingered on your waist and you knew there would be so much to discuss in the days to come. Now was not the time though, the what ifs, and logistics could come later. For now you were wrapped in the bliss of the truth, the safety of your apartment, and the idea that this moment was just for you. 
“Goodnight, Joel,” you smiled, and kissed him on the cheek. 
“Goodnight, darlin’,” he said and released his hands from your waist. 
You were on cloud nine as you got ready for bed, tired from the emotions of the day and still nursing a wicked hangover. 
Just as you were getting ready for bed another text from an unknown number came through. Your heart stopped and elation came crashing down. 
How could you? 
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tags: @pedgeitopascal @morning-star-joy @canseethebrushstrokes @skysmiller @contemplatingchemtrails @kyloispunk @skythighs @reader-without-a-story @aryastark-baratheon @thetriumphantpanda @ilovepedro @beskarandblasters @joelsversion once again i am horrid at tag lists but happy to make an attempt at adding u <3
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astyrial · 10 months
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if only life was different atsumu miya x gn!reader (angst) synopsis: you have a tough conversation with atsumu word count: 1k warnings: storm, break up
masterlist | requests are open
    you fumble with your thumbs, your feet planted on the playground flooring. the sky is starting to darken as clouds roll into view. atsumu is late... again. just like he is every time you try to see him. you purse your lips, grabbing your phone and checking the time, 7:58. nearly thirty minutes late. 
  in an attempt to occupy yourself once more, you kick your feet against the ground, swinging yourself. you move with the wind and let your thoughts consume you. should you break up with him? he loves you, you love him. but is it even working out anymore? he's always late, doesn't show any effort. 
  "i'm so sorry," the only voice to free you from the invasive thoughts clouding your mind, atsumu's voice. 
  your feet hit the ground in an attempt to slow you down, your head whipping towards the noise. atsumu gives you a sympathetic smile, his chest heaving as though he just ran miles. "practice ran late again and then everyone wanted to try osamu's new recipe... and it's just an excuse. i'm sorry."
  he makes his way towards you, holding out his hand for you to grab. you shake your head, keeping your hands close to the swing's chains. atsumu's eyes narrow inwards, his mouth shaping into a surprises frown. you nod towards the swing next to you, "have a seat atsumu, i think it's time we discuss the elephant in the room."
  "what elephant in the room?" atsumu attempts to lighten the situation, a dry laugh ringing through the air. 
  you sigh, your eyebrows arched as you look completely defeated, "can you not joke right now, atsumu? you left me alone for thirty minutes. i've been sitting here for thirty minutes. this happens nearly every time we try to get together, can't you see that? can't you see that i'm not remotely happy about this?"
  atsumu's mouth instantly opens, as if he has some quick witted, irresistibly amazing response. however, instead of saying anything smart, he nods. he twists his swing a little so he can look directly at you. "i'm sorry. volleyball is just really taking up my time right now, along with college. i mean, you get it, you play sports and go to school."
  "babe... atsumu, i was here on time. i've always been on time no matter the practice, no matter the test," you shrug your shoulders, not knowing what to say to him next. what do you say to someone who loves you, but doesn't care for you?
  he looks off to the side, his knees close together, his body hunched over. the clouds finish covering the sky, little raindrops finding their way to you. you go to say something to him, to tell him that you should get going. however, you can't seem to free yourself from the swing. 
  you're stuck because you haven't said everything you want to say. you can't leave without some kind of closure. "at this point, there isn't much you can say to change anything, but why? why couldn't you respect me? my time?"
  you look towards him, your eyes searching his. the amber color mixing with the deep reds you missed in him, creating a beautiful rosé mask. atsumu shrugs his shoulders, his arms wrapping around his chest, "i don't know. i know you don't want to hear it, but i don't know."
  "i love you, y/n, i love you so much. you gotta understand that. i want to be with you, i wanna be the one you stay with," he finally looks up at you, really giving you the time of day you craved from the volleyball superstar.
  "you think i didn't know that atsumu? the presents, the extravagant shows of affection? it's clear you're at least infatuated with me... but i never wanted any of that. i wanted a partner who treated like an equal. like someone who isn't some back of the mind promise," you feel the rain picking up, your shirt beginning to gather large splotches of water.
  atsumu doesn't say anything more, his jaw clenching. his body aches to hug you once more, to run his hands down your arms until they reach yours, kiss every inch of you. but now you sit with your body facing away from him, your face contorted into one of sadness. 
  you stand up from the swing, figuring it was time for you to leave, "i think you know what's happening now, we break up, we go to our respective homes. and probably cry. i do love you atsumu, but i think it's time we part. it's just the end of the line for us."
  he instantly stands with his, his body just a foot away from yours. his eyes welling up with tears. "can i hug you goodbye?" you feel a tug to say no, leave before he ropes you back in. however, you simply nod, your arms open.
  it takes him only a mere second before his arms are wrapped around your torso. you can feel his hands gripping at your shirt, his chin digging into your shoulder. a desperate part of you holds onto him, your arms wrapped around his neck. 
  the rain begins to pelt the ground, the tree branches swaying with the storm. you close your eyes and for minute imagine a different story. one where the two of you went out into the rain on purpose. to dance and have fun because that's how you are as a couple. you're perfect for each other. 
  yet when your eyes open to look at the world around you, it couldn't be farther from the truth. "it's really getting dark, i should get home now," you whisper to him, the sentence crackling a little as you clear your throat. 
  "oh. yeah, you're right," he mutters, letting go of your shirt and taking a few steps back. 
  you grab your car keys from your pocket, a sigh flying through the wind. you look at him one last time, "take care of yourself atsumu, like really take care of yourself.”
  a rumble stops atsumu from saying anything, his mind shouting at him to say that he wants to take care of you too. the two of you working together to better the world and yourselves. however, he instead gives a nod, watching as you walk to your car.
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yuzukult · 2 years
yours, but not yours 03 (m) || csc & reader
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title: yours, but not yours 03 pairing: choi seungcheol x fem!reader/oc genre: angst, fluff, smut, fake dating!au, bad influence!seungcheol, nice guy syndrome!namjoon, mechanic!seungcheol wc: 7.4k summary: when a nice guy gets too overbearing, you’re stuck with the option of having a fake boyfriend. warnings: oral sex (f.receiving) a/n: omg sorry for the delay... i’ve been in a really bad writing slump LOL if there’s some errors... ignore them. the fact i even finish this deserves a pat on the back LMFAO also thx @/cheolbooluvr ig for beta reading
Seungcheol stumbles back, wiping the red that formulates on the side of his lips. “Did you just fucking punch me?”
If there’s anyone he hated the most, Namjoon just kicked them off the top of the list and claimed the throne as his own. The fire that sets ablaze underneath Seungcheol’s skin is evident—the milky skin of his is flushed tints of scarlet, deep as wine and grows warm like the scorching sun.
Namjoon smirks, head tilted back with his chin up high like this is his territory and Seungcheol is a trespasser. It makes Seungcheol feel like he’s in one of those movies on National Geographic—he’s acting as if he’s a lion and you’re the lioness, while Seungcheol is just some opponent who wants what Namjoon has. He’s got his arms crossed over his chest, sucking in his cheeks for a brief moment before letting out the most brazen chuckle. He thinks he’s won, that smug look on his face giving it away. “Do you need a playback? I’ll do it again.”
In complete disbelief, Seungcheol scoffs. It takes all within him not to bash Namjoon’s face in but with you standing there, he can’t bring himself to show this crude side of himself in front of you. You don’t deserve to see him tear Namjoon to shreds—you deserve so much better than a guy who gets into fights instead of handling it civilly. He wants to be that, the kind of person you want, but when Namjoon takes the silence as a ‘yes,’ he’s prepared for another swing with a fist by his side. 
“Alright, that’s enough,” you chime in sternly, ready to interject but Namjoon is already pulling his arm back and driving a punch into Seungcheol’s jaw with all his might, awaiting that pleasant sound of his bones cracking from the impact.
Only that it doesn’t.
Seungcheol has his arm extended, palm out and against Namjoon’s knuckles as he continues to dab the blood from the cut. It’s almost like it’s from a scene of a film, out on the schoolyard with rivals from different schools ready to rumble. “Chill the fuck out. You don’t gotta go home but you can’t stay here. I’m not gonna hit you, if that’s what you think is gonna happen because I don’t waste my energy on guys like you.”
The silence is deafening—Seungcheol could almost hear the ringing in his ears from it. Namjoon doesn’t aim very well, but the strength behind his fist is strong enough for Seungcheol to suspect a sore jaw tomorrow. They can’t pull their threatening stares from each other, flames burning in their eyes, with teeths clenched down in semblance to the balled hands at their sides. 
You’re quick to shatter the glass of quietude, caring nothing more than to end this. You see why cigarettes tempt Seungcheol—suddenly your lungs are craving that breath of relief. “Go home.”
“You heard her,” Namjoon sneers. “She said go home. Guess you weren’t being a good boyfriend, huh.”
“I meant you.”
The two men turn to look at you.
“Namjoon, go home,” you reiterate, never stuttering over your words. “You don’t get to come here, to my house and punch someone in the face because you’re unhappy with something. You don’t get to act like a child, throwing a tantrum because you didn’t get the trophy girl and quite frankly, I’m not one. You’ve never once given me a decision tonight, thinking that it was better to come in place for Yubin, and none of this was discussed with me. When did you get to dictate my life?”
Namjoon drops his arm from Seungcheol, attention pivoting to you. “We had fun tonight, babe. I’m just doing what’s best for you,” he says, his favorite, signature line never fails to spill when it comes to you. Namjoon has developed this image of you that’s incapable of determining who would be the right fit for you because you ‘don’t know what you deserve.’ But it feels like every guy you choose doesn’t fit his criteria. “I want you to be with a guy that gives you it all, who takes care of you, who loves you, and gives what you truly deserve.”
“And what? You think that Seungcheol can’t offer that to me?” Inhaling in a deep breath, your lids squeeze shut. He’s your best friend’s brother, and although the trope is a cliche that you love, you didn’t love it in this scenario or when it involves yourself. “Namjoon,” you begin again; when your eyes lock on his, he sees the solemnity saturated in them. “It’s great that you care, but you’re overbearing and stepping over boundaries. Go home.”
It doesn’t take Namjoon long to slam the door with a scowl, driving off with his exhaust puffing smoke in your face. 
Rubbing your eyes, you let out a heavy breath that you’ve been holding the entire time. You felt a mixture of embarrassment and anger—from Namjoon making a move on you when you clearly weren’t interested, to him punching Seungcheol in the face—it's hard to even give Namjoon any type of margin of error when his toxic behavior is so awfully constant. 
“How you feelin’, pretty?”
Even with his jaw fractured and a hand against his cheek, he still manages to compliment you through his cherry stained lips. “If you’re askin’ bout me, I ain’t feeling so hot.”
“I can see that,” you retort with the roll of your eyes, tugging on his jacket sleeve up the stairs of your home. “Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?”
Seungcheol is a simple guy. 
He sees you, and immediately his mind goes blank. Seungcheol is like a smittened 12 year old when they see a pretty girl for the first time; his mouth goes dry, all possible words get suctioned off his tongue, and his lips part as if he has something to say but it never comes out. He’s never been really good at expressing his emotions; elaborating clearly how he felt for you was an obstacle he had trouble 
So when you point to the dining chair placed in your small kitchen, he obediently does as he’s asked while you scramble to find a first aid kit in your storage closet instead of contesting it. He’s better at actions and gestures than words, so if it meant being like a well-trained puppy for you to understand the lengths of his likeness for you, then so be it.
“So… you and Namjoon…”
“Should I just stop feeling guilty and cut him off?” you interrupt, sighing as you drop the plastic box onto the square table. He notices everything here is kept minimal—two seats at the table, a loveseat couch, only two pairs of slippers for guests, and that was it. There is no intention of more, almost like you purposely don’t want anyone else coming in. “If it’s gotten to the point that he’s punching my fake boyfriend, it’s beyond ridiculous. There’s no boundaries when it comes to him, and it’s unfair that I have to constantly watch everything I do or say just to make sure I don’t upset him.”
“Should just cut ‘em off,” he spits, rotating his jaw. “He’s done nuffin’ but upset you. Stop being concerned ‘bout how he’s feeling and worry ‘bout yourself.”
You roll your eyes, tearing the wrapping of the alcohol wipe as you settle in the chair in front of him. “He’s my best friend’s brother.”
“This isn’t some romantic comedy. Stop naming that stupid trope. Tell Namjoon to quit and put your foot down. You’ve got a boyfriend now, and he’s gotta respect that,” Seungcheol says sternly, puffing his chest as if he’s all riled up.
Letting out a laugh, you shake your head as you wipe off the blood that dries on his wound. With a wince, he grimaces as he leans back. “Stop moving,” you nag before grabbing the ointment in the box. Squeezing a dollop into your finger, you apply it on gingerly as he scrunches up his face in fear of the pain, but it never comes. 
Physically, at least.
“If I’m your girlfriend, then why haven’t I met your family yet?” you joke, but Seungcheol tenses up.
Family. The word alone causes his whole body to stiffen and his jaw to tighten. Before he could react, you’re already stumbling atop him as a loud crack is heard, and his first instinct is to pull you onto his lap.
“Oh, fuck—”
“Geez, baby, if you wanted to ride on my dick so bad, you should’ve just said so. No need to break your chair for it.”
Somehow, you find yourself seated on his thigh, arms wrapped around his shoulders, and nose nearly brushing his. You can feel his breath ghosting your lips, the stench of cigarettes permeated in the fabric of his clothes, but you prefer this over Namjoon’s cologne. He smells… heavenly. It’s  like you are intoxicated, unable to control your thoughts properly, heart pacing faster than the cars you see on race tracks.
“I…” you gulp. Is he going to kiss you? His lips are so plump, cherry red, and visibly sweet. Unfiltered thoughts spill through your head; you want to taste his honeyed lips on yours, his hands roaming all around you. But you can’t have that. Right? But he’s so fucking close, you swear he’s gonna lean in for a kiss. Eyes hooded, he’s in a daze of you, equally as drunk on your scent. Notes of white jasmine—whatever the fuck that is, but he remembered seeing it on a body shampoo bottle in the bathroom. You smell sweet, with hints of something fruity and floral. He wants to drown in you.
And he manages to slip out the words that nearly have you tumbling.
“Wanna kiss?” 
Did your heart just stop beating?
You’re vacuumed from any words—you and Seungcheol don’t work, but why do you want his lips slotted into yours? He doesn’t fit the requirements of what kind of guy you want, the kind of guy you see yourself with–the fact that your first encounter with him resulted being under the sheets with your body against his, there’s no way he’d ever be anything more.
So, why does he make you feel this churning inside the pit of your stomach?
He chuckles, pushing his hair back and away from his face. Leaning back against your chair, he watches as you quickly shuffle off of him and clear your throat as heat floods your cheeks. “I’m just kiddin’. Maybe you should get new chairs, love.”
You sigh; the chair on the floor has its wooden leg split. It should’ve been a sign about a month ago when the creaking first started… and when you continued to hear the crack of the wood with each time your ass made contact with it, but procrastination seemed like the better option in those moments. “I—” you puff your cheeks in annoyance. The damaged furniture is the least of your problems right now. Turning to Seungcheol, you place your hands on your hips. “We need to establish some boundaries.”
With a quirked brow, he scoffs. “Boundaries? You’re the kidder now.”
“I’m just saying,” you begin to pace, huffing. “We can’t—this can’t be more than it is. We’re just two people who had sex once—” Seungcheol clicks his tongue as he crosses his arms while narrowing his eyes on you. “—a couple times, but that’s it. You’re just gonna be my fake boyfriend in front of my friends so they can back off with Namjoon. Capeesh?”
“You know, the fact you gotta lie to your friends sorta means that they ain’t good ones.”
“Well, outside of Namjoon, I like them, alright?”
“I’m just sayin’,” he adds, raising his hands up in defeat. “I’ll do what you want, baby, but you’re ova here tryna set boundaries with me when you should be doin’ that with your friends, too. But I like you, and you’re sexy when you’re serious, so I’ll bite. Gimme your conditions.”
Inhaling sharply, you walk over to the desk beside your bed to shuffle through the drawers for a sheet of paper and a marker. “Okay,” you begin, slamming the computer paper into the table. “This is our terms. Let’s start off with number one. No fucking.”
Seungcheol chuckles, watching as you scribble the words. “We already fucked, baby.”
“Well, anymore. No dilly-dallying. We’re strictly business, Seungcheol.”
“Alright,” he raises his arms in defeat. “Whatever you want, baby. What’s next?”
“No catching feelings—”
“—Can we decide on rules that we haven’t already broken?” He quirks a brow before leaning forward with his elbows propped on his knees. “You know I like you. Very much. Not just in the way to get in your pants, but more. So maybe… pick rules that we haven’t already broken, yeah?”
You puff your cheeks. “Fine. We’re just faking in front of my friends, right? So, I need you to be on your best behavior around them—I want them to believe that we’re real so that they can finally just come to terms that there are other guys that aren’t Namjoon.”
“You know,” he begins, tapping his foot against the wooden floors. “I still want my part of the deal upheld.”
You blink. “I must’ve missed that. What was it?”
“This is a trial,” he reiterates from the time before. “This is you considering me outside of just an acquaintance. A potential boyfriend.”
There’s a moment of silence before you let out an awkward laugh. “Let’s uh… let’s get back to the boundaries… yeah? How about… no fucking, no catching feelings, no sleeping over—”
“—All broken, but go on.”
You shoot a glare at Seungcheol before continuing. “No family involved. No telling people that we aren’t together, and lastly, this is exclusive.”
This intrigues Seungcheol. “Oh, well that’s new. I didn’t think you were the possessive type. Thought you didn’t like me, love.”
“It’s to spare anyone’s feelings,” you state sternly, writing down the rules onto the piece of paper. “I don’t want someone coming up to me later down the line, asking why you led them on when you were with me the entire time.”
“You know,” he begins, crossing his arms against his chest. “I keep telling you the same shit like a scratched up record. I like you, and I want to be with you. There won’t be another girl, so that rule is easy for me. The rest—can’t say that they won’t, though.”
He grins. “I’m kidding. But you know I’ll try for you, baby.”
Why does Choi Seungcheol do that thing where he makes the insides of your stomach feel sick? Is it because he’s absolutely repulsive?
Or is it because he’s actually swooning you?
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“Where do you think you’re going?” 
You’re left frozen from how close he is. Seungcheol gently brushes his nose against yours, eyes hooded but irises dark and swirling with lust. He manages to steal the breath from your lungs so effortlessly, the cause of you stuttering over your words, and suddenly unable to be crude and blunt because Seungcheol is intoxicating.
Swallowing, you stumble back a bit. Palms resting against the hood of the bright red Audi in your garage—well now his garage, you’re not even sure how you ended up like this. “Uh, to… to my house.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” he counters, furrowing his brows. “You called me a fuckboy, mocked me, then when I act upon those ‘so-called’ talents, that sharp tongue of yours has nothing left to say?”
You clear your throat. “I’m just… Who cages someone after getting their ass roasted?”
He chuckles; it’s deep and hearty from his chest, head dropped down momentarily before his gaze meets back up with yours. “Wanna see how a fuckboy fucks?”
Mouth parted, now you’re really at a loss for words.
Leaning in, he pecks the side of your mouth with a wink before his hands grab the thickness of your thighs and tugs you lower on the hood of the car. With a yelp, you fall back onto your elbows as Seungcheol slides down in between your legs. 
You’re debating if you should be thankful you chose a skirt this morning or wishing you had on jeans instead so you’d at least have the self discipline to push him away.
But when he looks like that, he makes it hard to.
“Just tell me if you don’t want this,” he says reassuringly, fingers playing with the hem of your miniskirt. He likes this color on you—beige is so neutral on other girls, but when you strut in it, you bring light to it. “But if you do, and you’ve got your hand covering your mouth to hold in those pretty moans, I’m gonna have to ask you to let go.”
And with that, he disappears in between your legs.
Seungcheol pulls your hips even closer to his mouth, desperately wishing he could live in your pussy forever. You taste sweet; his favorite treat from now on, and when he hears those melodic moans slip between your swollen lips, it causes the hardness in his jeans to twitch.
“Fuck, baby,” he mutters against your wet folds. “I could do this all day.”
From the last time you fucked, Seungcheol makes it clear: he hates when you pull on his hair. There’s nothing worse than someone tugging on your strands, especially when they have no sense of control and end up hurting your scalp. And despite the fact that he enmitizes it, there’s something about you and when your pretty hands are knotted in his ebony locks.
“Fuck,” he says, and at first, it sounded like it was from pleasure of eating you out.
But when he curses the second time, it sounds more like pain.
Your eyes flutter open.
Fuck indeed.
You were fucking daydreaming.
Seated on the couch in the corner of the garage, you get the best view of Seungcheol. He’s underneath the hood of your car, working on whatever it was that made that weird sputtering sound yesterday, and definitely not underneath your skirt. Just your car.
“Fuck!” he exclaims again. “Are you just gonna sit there and watch me? I knocked over the rod and your hood fell on my head.”
Immediately, you’re at his side, lifting the hood while propping it back up with the metal rod. When Seungcheol finally shuffles out, he stands there, puffing with his chest out. You could already imagine all the thoughts that were running through his head because how did you miss that entire incident? “What the fuck was that? I was calling you for like five minutes—you were totally zoned out.”
You roll your eyes. “It wasn’t five minutes.”
“It wasn’t, but it sure felt like it.” 
Valid. He was stuck so it probably felt like an eternity.
As he rubs his head with a grunt, you can’t help but get flustered at where your thoughts drove through. Did you really just whip up an entire scenario where Seungcheol was tongue deep between your folds on some stranger’s car? And why the fuck did it feel so realistic?
This thing between the two of you is supposed to end in a fake relationship. No strings attached—no sex, everything kept a secret, and the end goal was to showcase that yes, there are other guys out there that are better than Namjoon and can be a candidate. 
Then again, it was hard to hold off your raging hormones when Seungcheol is just fucking standing there in that tight black tee with the fabric of the sleeves snug around his bicep. He’s not even doing anything and yet somehow he’s got your panties wet. Are you exactly like those other bitches? The answer is yes. And you’re more than just embarrassed by it.
He nods his head. “The fuck you thinking about over there? Lost ya for a second,” he reached over to grab the stained rag to wipe off his calloused hands. “You thinkin’ about me bending you over a car?”
You know he’s joking, but it’s 100% true. And you’d be stupid to ever admit to it.
“I—Honestly, I’m not going to waste my breath answering that.”
He chuckles, just as thick and honeyed as in your daydream, except he’s the reality of it. For some reason, with how the sunset hits into the garage, he looks… handsome like this. Hues of orange, red, and yellow makes him glow, causing your heart to stutter in its beats for a brief moment. His lashes are long, brushing against the highs of his cheekbones gingerly, pomegranate lips plump and look like they’d be pillowy if you got to press your own against it and you could imagine they tasted just as sweet as the fruit. The injuries he sustained from Namjoon are almost entirely healed, but it complimented him well. He sort of had that bad boy-esque look going for him; the bruised cheek, scar at the corner of his mouth, the leather jacket, and the motorcycle?
You’re a liar if you said that you didn’t want to hop on his dick one more time.
And for some reason, your heart wanted to jump his too.
“Well, you came all the way here to talk to me and not just hang. What did you need from me?”
Right. You came here to ask for another favor. Why are these thoughts plaguing your once-logical brain? You have a MBA for fucks sake but all it took was good dick to scourge sanity with horniness.
“So,” you begin, rolling your lips. It’s intimidating to request this from him, only because you know how much he has to go out of his comfort zone to do it. “The girls and I were talking…”
Seungcheol raises a brow at you drifting off mid-sentence as you lean against the car as coolly as possible—even though he stifles a laugh at the sight. “Stop beating around the bush.”
“They want a weekend getaway at a log cabin by the lake.”
Confused, he puts down the wrench he picks up moments ago with a clang. “With just… you… or? ‘Cause baby, I know I’m your boyfriend, but you don’t need my permission for that.”
With a groan, you throw your head back. “No, no, I’m indirectly asking you to tag along and… be my boyfriend.”
“For the weekend?”
You sigh. “Yeah.”
“With… your friends and their boyfriends?”
Where was he going with this? “Uh, yeah.”
“Alright, cool. I’m down.”
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Truthfully, you should’ve known something was up with how easy it was to convince Seungcheol to go. 
He’s got a spare helmet in the space behind him on the bike, patting the leather spot reserved for just you while showcasing that dumb cheeky grin on his face. “Hop on.”
“I’m not riding that.”
“Oh come on, you’ve ridden other dangerous things. Take my dick for example.”
You clench your fists by your side but they mean no threat to him. “I’m not riding your stupid motorcycle, Seungcheol. It’s dangerous! What’s wrong with my car?”
He actually has to cover his mouth because he laughed so hard in disbelief. “Baby, that shit is an actual death trap in comparison to my bike. Plus, I’ve always wanted to drive on the road that leads to the cabin. I heard it’s got the freshest air this place has to offer.”
“Again, I’m not riding your bike, Choi Seungcheol.”
Seungcheol is usually a typical fuckboy. Girls, just girls as a whole, is the easiest way to convince him to do something. These days, even when his friends promise the sluttiest girls at the bar, he doesn’t go. Instead, he finds himself in the garage underneath the apartment, in hopes you’d be bored and come down in your little tank top and cartoon fuzzy pj pants and sit to keep him company. He’s gone soft, he sadly admits, but at the same time he doesn’t mind it.
But Seungcheol is still deep down some type of fuckboy. 
And when you cross your arms over your chest, pushing up your tits in that bra he suddenly has marked on his list of things that make him happy, he gets a sneak peak of your cleavage in that tshirt. 
He’s technically not a fuckboy anymore because he only sees you.
But getting rid of that side of himself that caves into the sight of tits would be hard. Especially when they’re yours.
He’s already packing up the helmets and parking his bike in the garage while snatching the keys to your shitty Toyota off the hook on the wall.
Candidly speaking, he isn’t entirely sure what to make out of this. He knows that whatever it is between the two of you at the moment is just a facade, despite that fact you know the feelings he harbors, but a part of him is perplexed at how easy it is for him to just… give you what you want. Seungcheol doesn’t do that. He’s not the type of guy who gives in without much of a battle. 
Everything with you is a new experience for him.
Even driving in a Toyota, for fucks sake, because he’d be caught dead driving in a piece of junk if his parents found out. Or even staying in some cabin on a weekend “getaway” by a lake, which by the way, he’s not even sure what a trip like that entails either. Do people swim in lakes? And if they do, why would they willingly want to bathe in dirty water?
However, the sight of you, so bright and eager when you spot your friends at the door of the cabin (which is oddly way bigger than he imagined), makes all the discomfort go away. It didn’t matter that mosquitoes were going to bite him fourteen times, that he was never going to get the smell of firewood out of his clothes for the next three months, and that if he agreed to swim in that swampy ass water, he’d probably get sucked in by some monster created from all the shit people dumped into the lake. All because his attendance makes you happy, he doesn’t mind it.
That is, until he spots the expression on your face drop and the culprit standing beside Yubin on the second floor balcony.
Seungcheol nudges your side gently. “Did they tell you he was coming?”
The stoic look gives the answer away before you say it. “No, they didn’t.”
Seungcheol slings the bags over his shoulder, trailing behind you and up the creaky wooden steps while praying he doesn’t fall into the abyss if any of the flooring breaks. He doesn’t complain, you note, but you’ll compliment him on it another time.
Namjoon is here, and he shouldn’t be.
“Okay,” Yubin calls out in the middle of the hallway that you’ve stomped your way to. She has her hand out like it would be some type of Captain America shield but it doesn’t do shit. “I know you’re mad, and you don’t want him here—but he made a hefty deposit for this weekend and we can’t just… uninvite him.”
“You could and I would’ve more than gladly covered it.”
“It’s not about that,” she sighs, running her fingers through her hair. “You know I can’t choose between my best friend and my brother. Can’t you at least be civil about it?”
You scoff, brows furrowing while shaking your head. “Did he even tell you that he punched Seungcheol?”
She licks her lips before sinking her teeth into the flesh. “I—No, he didn’t, but I’m sure he had a good reason.”
“Yubin, you realize what you’re saying, right? He swung at my boyfriend.”
“I know, and I—”
You don’t even let her finish. Turning around, Seungcheol stands there with your bags on his shoulder and his own duffle in hand. Abruptly, you grab onto his wrist and lead him down the stairs as Yubin follows behind. “We’re leaving, Cheol, go start the car.”
“But we just got here—”
“Now,” you demand sternly, and Seungcheol straightens his mouth. He wants to tell you to just enjoy the weekend without interacting with Namjoon, especially with how many people are here, but he respects your decision. It’s Namjoon you were trying to avoid, and the only place Seungcheol won’t try to inject his opinions on. “Get ready.”
Before he could step out, Chaeryong blocks him in. “No,” she looks at him then at you. “No,” she emphasizes a second time as she points her finger in your direction. “We’re not doing this. You’re staying. Don’t make Seungcheol drive the two hours back just because of Namjoon.”
“I don’t wanna fucking talk—”
“Then don’t!” she exclaims; it’s almost like she’s finally releasing the frustrations she’s been holding back. “Fuck that, you have your boyfriend right here, so just have a nice weekend with us and him. Sure, Namjoon will be around, but why’s that matter when Seungcheol is here?”
Although Chaeryong makes a good point, you can’t help but feel the blood in your veins boiling when you see him. He swung a fist at Seungcheol, the only person (despite his potty mouth) who actually seemed to listen and respect both you and your feelings all because Namjoon claims that he knew what was “best” for you?
You close your eyes. Inhaling in a deep breath, you release it slowly before easing your lids open to look at Chaeryong. “Yubin let him come, despite knowing how I feel about him.”
“Well,” Chaeryong begins with a forced smile. “That’s a fucked up best friend. Please stay. It’s my last trip as a single woman.”
You quirk a brow. “You’re engaged, Chae.”
“I know,” she jokes, nudging you. “But I don’t know what life will be like after I get married. People change, things change. And I want at least one perfect weekend with the people I’m closest with.”
It wasn’t just her words that sway you, but the look in her eyes. How those chocolate irises are filled with pleas, the fronts of her brows curling up as she says that key word one last time. “Please?”
It’s gonna be a fucking long two days. 
Yubin can feel the tension; she knows you’re upset, but what grinds your gears is that she can’t even be bothered to try resolving any of this. She doesn’t seem to understand how you feel, and how her actions only caused a strain in your friendship.
Was she even your best friend?
And what’s worse is that you were so angry, you almost missed all the things Seungcheol was doing that was definitely not something he’s used to.
For one, he mans the grill. He rolls the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows, exposing his flexed forearms with his veins popping, you almost lose your train of thought because of him. Truthfully, you’re not even sure if he knows how to cook anything other than a bowl of ramen, and you’re confident he only learned that just to get into a girl’s pants. 
Eventually, you realize he’s not that good at it when he drops a perfectly good piece of steak on the ground.
“We should just toss it,” he says, and four of your friends, including yourself, stare at him in astonishment. “What?”
“It’s a $30 piece of steak. We’re just gonna wash it and eat it—how do you just throw away $30 worth of steak?”
Seungcheol shrugs. “It’s… it’s not that much.”
You don’t know Seungcheol that well, but you know parts about him that you’re unsure are worthwhile. For one, he seems to not be able to understand the value of money. He doesn’t talk about his upbringing, but questions begin to flood in your mind on what his childhood was like because how do you think $30 is cheap? Yeah, you knew he had a crush on you and he likes the way you make ramen for him (boil the noodle first, drain the starchy water, add new boiled water with the powder packets in the bag, crack an egg, and add kimchi with two pieces of seaweed), but in actuality, you didn’t know the real Seungcheol. And you sort of want to.
Then again, he isn’t your boyfriend. He’s just someone pretending to be. 
But the urge to get to know him is beginning to be hard to swallow. Yet your consciousness remains reliable each time it hits you like a train to bring up one thing you seem to forget when he looks at you in that way: Seungcheol is and always will be a fuckboy. 
Maybe staying wasn’t a bad decision after all. When you lean against the railing of the terrace, the breeze flows through your hair coolly and soothes your burning skin temporarily from the summer’s wrath. The sun begins to set in the horizon, the lovely warm shades cast over the cabin’s property—it’s sweet, sort of reminds you of pouring honey in a cup of chrysanthemum tea, the petals infused with the water that boiled in the kettle over a soft fire. 
Chaeryong and her fiancé are exactly that.
You spot them a couple miles away, seated on a picnic blanket with Chaeryong’s head on his shoulder as he presses a kiss gingerly on the top of it. 
God, when will it be your turn?
You sigh. Chin resting against the palm of your hand, your shoulder drops. Watching them from a distance is just a reminder that you’re single and have been for quite some time. Tinder has been dry—not because your dms don’t get flooded but because you’re exhausted from seeing all those pictures of guys with their shirt in between their teeth while taking a mirror selfie with their abs out on display. Blind dates aren’t fun either. They’re blind for a reason—there’s so many fucking red flags, of course traits are going to be hidden from you. The last time you went on one, the guy claimed to be a surgeon. Turns out, he just loved taxidermy. Just because you know the workings of a knife doesn’t make you a surgeon, Will.
Bars are just for fucking—don’t forget clubs too. Friends of friends just doesn’t sit right—what happens if you break up with them? Wouldn’t that be awkward for the group to hang out again? Not to mention that it feels like the majority of the male population seems to not have a bone in their body with the etiquette and politeness that gentlemen used to have. (Not that you’re looking for an old fashioned man—you just want someone nice and caring).
You’ll continue to find it hard to believe, but speaking of the Devil, Seungcheol approaches from behind and leans up against the railing beside you. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you respond, not even realizing how down you sound. “What’s up?”
He furrows his brows, now concerned. “What’s wrong?”
Seungcheol hisses in annoyance. He reads you like an open book.
“I just—” you grumble midway, rubbing your face with your hand. “Am I ever going to find love, Cheol? Like I’m tired. Worn out. Fatigued. Weary. Drained. Exasperated. Bitter. Indignant—”
“Alright, thesaurus.com. I get it, you’re tired of feeling like you’ll never be loved. But what about me?”
You roll your eyes. “What about you?”
He clicks his tongue. In a moment like this, he yearns for the stick in between his fingers, the head of the cigarette in the corner of his pomegranate pink lips as he drags in a puff to relieve that annoyance you bring to him each time you reject his feelings. He misses the sensation that occurs when he releases the smoke, almost like his filtering the negativity within him while blackening his lungs. It’s a give and take relationship. More than he’ll ever have with you, it seems.
“Baby, how many times do I have to tell you that I like you,” he says irritably, different from the times he’s said it before. “It’s getting exhausting. Tiring. Draining. Fatiguing—”
“Okay, okay,” you wave your hand dismissively at him. “I get it, I’m being a little dramatic.”
“I don’t think you’re being dramatic. But I do think you’re being unreasonable when you think I’m lying when I tell you my feelings.” Oh, how badly he wants a cigarette right now. It’s like talking to the wall when it comes to you.
“Come on, Cheol,” you laugh, turning around to rest your back against the hard metal fence. “You don’t really like me. You like the idea of it—someone who rejects you because they want something more. You don’t get that often and it’s alluring to you.”
His mouth falls agape like a reflex; the apathetic attitude you had toward him when it came to his emotions plagues pain in his chest. It spreads like rapid fire—fist clenching and jaw tensing, it’s almost similar to the rage that heats up inside from when Namjoon’s knuckles aim for his jaw.
But that’s what it was. Just similar.
The fury in him blossoms instead of explodes. With you, he doesn’t feel the urge to be pissed but disappointed felt like a more appropriate term. 
Seungcheol scoffs, shaking his head. “I—You know what, I’m done talking to you for tonight. I’m so tired, you know, just trying to tell you straight up that I like you. I don’t know what shit I gotta spit out to make you see that.”
You puff your cheeks. He’s frustrated, you get that, but how do you trust someone who struts around with the label ‘fuckboy’ plastered across his forehead? “You don’t love me, Seungcheol. I think you like the idea—”
“Please, please,” he says in a pleading tone. “Cut that shit out. Tell me, do you wanna hear me tell you that I ‘love’ you before we even get together? That doesn’t go with your ‘love plan,’ does it?”
Heart tightening at his words, guilt suddenly washes over your face. “Cheol—”
“I get that falling in love with me is unconventional—we fucked without even a date, and I’m your fake boyfriend before being your real one. We’re backwards—that’s fine, and I know I’m not necessarily the boy-next-door type of guy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have potential either,” he huffs, pushing his hair back and away from his forehead before shutting his eyes. “Look, I’m gonna walk away now. You take what I say as you will, but I’m wishing, I’m hoping you’d believe me and listen to me just for once. I don’t feel like talking to you right now, so if you will, I’m gonna just—I don’t fucking know—I’ll go talk to the guys. See you back at the room, yeah?”
Fuck. You know you fucked up.
The fact that Seungcheol chooses to go talk to the men that don’t have anything in common with him (including Namjoon) over standing here with you meant more than it seems. He hates those types of guys—the ones that stand there with polo shirts, patterned shorts and gelled slick back hair with a beer in hand talking about work. They didn’t have hobbies outside of golfing and drinking IPAs, and most of the time, blamed their girlfriends for the instability of their relationships (also you will always side with your girls), never taking into account any of their faults. 
Seungcheol wasn’t like those guys—and as funny as it sounds, he wasn’t like the other guys.
Did he really like you? Truly like you and not that kind of stuff where you’d go through all the hurdles to get together only for him to get bored. Did he prefer the thrills of chasing or was he into doing mundane things with you like cleaning around the house or hanging up wet laundry? What about the whole thing with Namjoon? Does he need constant competition in order to value you?
What goes on in Choi Seungcheol’s mind?
You can’t really tell, but if you were realistic with yourself, you’d just ask him straightforwardly and he would do his best to answer. Instead, you choose this route instead—watch him from the porch as he tries to adjust himself in a group of people who weren’t like him and probably asked him questions like: “What stocks have you invested in?” “Does your girl like to ride you frontwards or backwards?” “Did you watch the game last Sunday?” and even the classic, “Have you done anal? With any girl?”
Discomfort is evident each time his face twitches; you could only imagine the topic of conversation at hand, and the subtle glances he makes in your direction only fuels the uneasiness that settles in your stomach. He’d rather be stuck in that than to stand here and listen to you turn down what he confesses every time, claiming he’s lying and nothing more or less. 
Then that’s when you spot Namjoon tug Seungcheol to the side.
Namjoon seems calm, despite the furrow in Seungcheol’s brow that makes it wrinkle in the spot between in a way you found so cute, but the volume of the words that come out their mouths remain low. You can’t hear anything they say nor decipher the motions of their lips, only their gestures toward each other. Quite frankly, it was the opposite of their previous exchanges. Cool, still slightly agitated, but remaining chill enough that a fight wouldn’t break out.
Even after a refreshing shower, underneath the covers with your back resting against the frame of the bed, that feeling in your gut doesn’t go away.
He hasn’t been back to the room yet. Ever since he came back for a bit to grab a couple of his belongings for a shower, you grow concerned and wonder if he’s going to stay here with you. Was he that mad? Did Namjoon say something? Was it worth bringing up the conversation again? Did he decide to sleep in the living room instead of in this room with you?
Maybe you should go check in on him.
Yeah. Sure, you might not know where you actually stand and if he’s still upset, but you should still check on him. He’s still your fake boyfriend after all.
You should, because what kind of fake girlfriend would you be if you just let your fake boyfriend sleep on the couch… right? Just fake. Not real—fake. Right. Fake. 
Maybe you wished it wasn’t fake.
Just as you’re about to toss the blanket off your leg, the door swings open.
You swallow.
He stands there, shirtless, with a towel slung over his shoulders as he ruffles it against his hair to get it dry. Why is he shirtless? Just… walking around the house with no shirt on, grey sweatpants hung low enough you could steal a glimpse of his hip bones. Fuck. Fuck! 
He sniffles and why your eyes trail down to his abs flexing instead isn’t something you could explain, then when he turns around to lock the knob, it’s almost like a turn on because your pussy clenches around nothing at the thought of something more based off the action.
But no. No. No. You asked for nothing more and you get nothing more.
“Hi,” you speak up, voice hoarse for some reason before clearing your throat and reiterating the greeting once more. “H-Hey.”
Why are you stuttering?
He only looks at you for a brief second before grabbing the pillow on the bed and throwing it onto the floor with a spare blanket. “Hey, baby.”
Baby. He used that pet name on you again. There’s a sense of relief that fans you, and suddenly you feel like everything is okay again, in spite of the fact that he’s shuffling to lay on the floor beside the bed after he switches off the lights.
“Are you still mad?”
“No, love.”
But his back is turned to you. 
“You’re mad.”
“I’m not, love. I’m just tired—the guys drained me out. Can’t be talking about stocks, work, and beers all the time. I don’t necessarily got a corporate job to be talking about.”
You’re silent.
He doesn’t say much, and his even breathing isn’t elongated enough to be asleep. 
What do you do? You can’t sleep like this. The regret in what you said earlier is gnawing at your insides, and you desperately have this urge to resolve this whole situation or else you’d be staring at the ceiling in the dark.
You gulp. Pushing down all the anxiousness that formulate in your throat, you inhale a deep breath. “Seungcheol?”
“Can you come sleep with me?”
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