#spread positivity
samijami · 9 months
I care about the person I reblogged this from's overall health and hope they have a good life.
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bamababygirl7 · 1 year
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you are doing a fantastic job and i love you very much
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inmyperfectworld · 2 months
It's NEVER too late to go after your dreams or the career that you want.
It's NEVER too late to go after your education or get one.
It's NEVER too late to heal.
It's NEVER too late to want better for yourself.
It's NEVER too late to learn things.
It's NEVER too late to change the things that you want to change.
It's NEVER too late to find your purpose.
Moral of this post: It's NEVER too late to do anything that you want to do in life, no matter your age or whatever you have going on in life.
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 7 months
Okay, I appreciate all the opinions, messages, support, etc. but I’m deleting this entire situation from my blog because I don’t want negativity filling it up. I really have seen all the lovely comments, though (and the negative ones) and it warms my heart that so many people enjoy my writing 🫶🏻
Taking a couple of days away from tumblr because I absolutely need it after all of this, but I’ll be back with the next part of POM.
Be kind to each other. Lots of love. 💕
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sarasakysunmoon · 7 days
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Colleagues from the former company came to see me. What a day full of laughter and love 🍀💚
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alexandria-alexis · 11 days
“People can get along and not hang out at every moment!”
Yes, I totally agree! A common reason why some people think Carlos and Charles are not friends is because they ‘don’t hang out outside work’. How do they know that they don’t hang out outside of work? Just cos they’re not photographed doesn’t mean they don’t hang out. We don’t know them personally and don’t know what they do or who they’re with 24/7.
Hanging out isn’t always the best/only indication of the closeness of a friendship. I see one of my besties only once a year cos we live in different countries whereas there’s casual friends I see more frequently.
there’s definitely a very narrow definition of close friendship in some toxic parts of the online F1 fandom. I do my best to stay away from that 😅
hope you have a good day ahead 💛
Exactly this! Like if they’re not hanging out outside of work it doesn’t mean that they hate eachother. They travel lots and are busy and aren’t obligated to demonstrate their likeness of eachother like it’s an episode of the crown or something. Again as you said they might hang out, just not documented. You know maybe they even text often. Whatever they do they definitely don’t hate eachother. All you have to do is watch any clip of them and see that they’re fond of one another and like eachother.
I feel like in a sport that’s so competitive it’s often that the drivers either hate eachother or are really close they will support one another on track. This is not correct. On track racing is where emotions and fondness leaves. These people have been raised to race and only think of the finish line, everyone on track is a target. It doesn’t mean that they despise one another off track or even on track. If off track they don’t get along then they don’t get along but Carlos and Charles do! Even mostly on track they get along, but racing involves challenging one another and that doesn’t mean that out of racing they see eachother as a target too.
Sure on track issues can effect friendliness sometimes but if Charles and Carlos have a disagreement on track it can hurt outside of it too. That doesn’t mean they hate eachother. All friendships have their down times and I can imagine that this is definitely the case in such a competitive sport. Pierre and Esteban’s on track fights made it out of just the sport and into their personal lives but that isn’t it for every driver pair. I mean think of Oscar and Logan. That fight for the F2 title was so tough and on track they were against one another in competition. Outside of the track they’re giggly and laughing and even sharing long plane journeys with eachother💀.
People are so fast to find the negatives in everyone and it’s just not really a good way to live. Seeing the negatives in others makes a person nervous that others see the negatives in them. It’s not a good cycle and why don’t people focus on how nice Charles and Carlos’ interactions are? I feel like focusing on the nice things will bring us more pleasure than the opposite.
Thanks for this message anon, I’m doing well! Uni is hard but almost over. Hope you’re okay too angel 💓💓💓
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yourlovelyspace · 1 month
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A bit of positivity 💝
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agirlunfilteredsblog · 2 months
Can you expand on how to create a Happy Routine? That's a new concept to me.
I would love to!!! And don’t worry, the idea of a “Happy Routine” is only something I started implementing as of recently too!!
Honestly, I would say a big part of this concept is acting intuitively. Often times, we are so conditioned into doing what others expect us to do or implementing habits that don’t accommodate to our bodies. A Happy Routine is a routine that rejoices your body in all aspects: physical and mental.
Start incorporating habits that you enjoy doing. Reflect deeply on what actually brings you joy and things that you THINK bring you joy. Stop caring about what people have to say about the things you enjoy doing. All-in-all, I’d say a Happy Routine is simply implementing things that nourish your body, your energy, etc. Think of it as removing things in your life that actively drain you!!
I hope this helps and if you have any other questions do not hesitate to let me know!!
A girl unfiltered 🩷
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matchalilly · 1 year
So if anyone hasn't noticed the chaos going on within the Resident Evil community currently can we get a Lily Gao Ada appreciation reblog going on.
Lily Gao has been harassed to the point of setting her social media profiles to private and its honestly disgusting to see this behavior from fellow RE players within the Fandom.
This type of behavior is not okay and that also goes for anyone that decided sexually harassing Leon's voice actor was an A OK thing to do.
This toxic behavior needs to stop the VA's are human and do not deserve being treated so horrendously by people.
Please reblog this with your favorite clips or art of Ada and Leon and go show Lily Gao some support and positivity.
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hepbaestus · 2 months
To counteract a little bit of the sad stuff I've seen on my timeline today (both here and on X), I want to see one good thing that happened to you today, no matter how big or small.
Let's spread a little bit of positivity, yeah?
Mine would be that when I was getting off the bus today, after thanking the driver, my friend thought that I had fallen behind a man as the person's voice behind her was really deep. The serotonin that gave me as a trans-masc was immeasurable!
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there will always be better days.
im sorry if today was not what you were hoping for, or if you are sitting at home filled with unexplainable sadness.
this feeling will pass and you will be happy again.
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deeptrashwitch · 1 month
Spread positivity around 💖💖 tag the mutuals you apreciate and say a good thing about them 💙💙 paste this on other askboxes and let's make someone's day better 🤩🤩
Ayyy 😁😁 well, time to tag my lovely moots!
@snootlestheangel a great friend and an amazing writer! So creative and you're so supportive as well, you always make my days better ☺️
@stuffireadandenjoy my beautiful and amazing big sis! I really love you! You're someone I admire a lot 💕
@catterdraws we don't talk a lot recently, but you still really interesting and I love to scroll through your blog sometimes <3
@tapioca-milktea1978 can i cuddle with you? Can I? Can I? You're so sweet and happy :D I love you Tapi ^^
@alypink eres maravillosa, linda! Te quiero muchísimo 💕Your OC's are so great and your art makes me go brrrrr :3
@islandtarochips AYYY! Hi dear :D you're great creating OC's and I love reading all your posts and learning about the Samoan culture ^^ I wanna greet this life with open arms with you (sorry xd i had to do that reference)
@mctvsh we haven't interacted a lot, but you're so talented and you are so great 💓💓
@justasmolbard you're so funny and I feel like I can talk with you for hours just sharing ideas with you ^^
@midnight193 you're great, dude! I love you! It's amazing to look around your blog :D
@hookhearted your posts always make me laugh, and all the pictures you reblog are beautiful. Here, a rose for you 🌹
@mutantthedark you're someone so animated and creative, it's amazing to know you! I hope you have amazing days from here on :D
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Stfu!!! Literally, NO ONE has an ugly smile or ugly laugh!!
Your smiles & laughter are a manifestation of YOUR JOY & so incredibly beautiful no matter what they look like or sound like!!!
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sarasakysunmoon · 1 month
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Live, laugh and love 💚
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cgarttrailsandtails · 3 months
Spread happiness, not hate!
Petition to stop fights/any drama that can spiral into one. OPINIONS MATTER!
Signed, @cgarttrailsandtails
Sending to people under cut, if you wanna join, reblog with your name!
@r0tt1ngr4bb1t @voidbeau @asmodeus-682 @lunarthemexican @sillymusicsweets @artoutoftheblue -ik ur gone for now but for when you get back
@we-are-the-multitude @icarusticrat @type1dragonwolf -ur not a mutual but I think you may want to sign on
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