#star crossed lovers
liberalk1tsch · 1 day
i’ll never shut up about the fact that peeta never stopped loving katniss when he was hijacked.
i’ll admit it’s a romantic notion that he fell in love with her twice, but he never fell out of love in the first place.
he was tortured and conditioned to see her as a threat, which is part of why when his instincts of fight or flight (fight in his case) were muted by the morphling in 13, all that he was left with was confusion.
because why would the girl that he loves—she who had been actively fighting against his wishes by intending to sacrifice herself for him in the quell—ever turn on him?
why does he remember her as a mutt, threatening his life, when he also remembers the softness of her skin, the sweet scent of her hair, the way her lips part ever so slightly when she sleeps in his arms?
why does he see this small, unassuming girl as a terrifying creature, when he also recalls when he’d wake up from a nightmare of losing her, only for an overwhelming sense of relief to wash over him when he realises she’s still pressed against his chest from the night before?
it obviously takes him time to sort through the traumatic memories he relates to katniss, especially when some of them are real (i.e. her dropping the tracker jacker nest, her drawing her bow on him when she panics and thinks he’s going to kill her when they withdraw the 2 victors amendment, her revealing her feelings weren’t what she’d portrayed them to be), but the memories are there nonetheless, along with the feelings.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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emiuli · 2 months
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" Kristen, we are, I am afraid, star-crossed" *ੈ✩
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texaschainsawmascara · 4 months
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The Dead Lovers by Edvard Munch / Vienna Cemetery / Lovers of Valdaro / The Lovers of Modena / Hasanlu Lovers / Monumento Rossi / Dave Navarro & Carmen Electra by David LaChapelle / A Memorial to Marriage by Patricia Cronin / Monumento Scarneo / Olavi Lanu / Bronze Age Scythian Couple / The Life & Death of a Relationship - Sue Law / Lovers of Turuel / New Orleans Botanical Garden / Etruscan Sarcophagi / Gravestone commissioned by widow for deceased husband - Mt. Macedon Cemetery / Eternal Love - Frank Kunert / Meant To Be - Bruno Caesar / Roman Sarcophagus / Sarcophagus of the Spouses
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lightasthesun · 4 months
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art by Chris Trevas/// Mhairi McFarlane, You Had Me At Hello/Holding On by Shane/ Lang Leaf, Twin Flames/ first eye drawing by Alice X. Zhang/ second eye close up art by Tony Pro/ The Song of Achilles/ to speak of precious evenings by littlekaracan/ battlefront ll stills/ Hamilton the Musical, who lives, who dies, who tells your story/mark z. danielewski, house of leaves/ 5000 letters/ Bastille, the Anchor/ fyodor dostoyevsky, the brothers karamazov/ Kote Darasuum/ Vode An/ street art/ The Arcadian Wind, envy green/ Margaret Atwood, There are better ways of doing this/ Power Politics Emily Dickinson, In this short life that only lasts an hour/ Maggie Smith, First Fall/ Carl Friedrich Lessing, "The Hermit" (art) + November by Margaret Atwood/ Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire/ The Bad Batch s2EP03 screenshot of Cody/ Alan Stephan Foster, "The Fall" (art) + poem by @erdarieldraws
a gift for my codywan besties cilly, tea, kasey, aixa and lauren🫶
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where-dreams-dwell · 4 months
*spoilers for One Day*
For people saying ‘it’s tragic, Dex and Em only got 3 years together’ no. They got 15 years together.
Glossing over the span of their life together to sum it up as ‘only 3 years together’ misses all the love and time they had together that wasn’t solely romantic.
Why is their relationship only ‘important’ or ‘counts’ when it’s a romantic one? Maybe there was always romantic love buried in there or growing steadily but there was a whole lot of platonic love there too.
For 15 years they were the most important person in the world to one another, they described each other as their ‘best friend’ and the person they reached out to at every high and low moment. And for the last 3 of those years they were also a couple.
There are loads of examples of Dex reaching out to Em when he’s at his lowest: the last birthday with his mum, then he’s reeling from his divorce, when he’s scared people will hate him on TV. And you *could* read that as pathetic and Em being his emotional crutch, with Dex latching into her. But you could *also* see that as when you’re struggling and low, you just want your best friend. Because they *get* you. And part of being a best friend is being there in those low moments.
And Em has done the same with Dex, just in different ways. That first year out of uni Em had no idea what she was doing; in a job she couldn’t wait to leave, a relationship that didn’t make her happy, not sure where she was going in life or what she was doing. Em writes to Dex often, and doesn’t need him to reply to her, just to read her letters and be *her* emotional crutch and person to vent to.
Even at that breakup-dinner, Em has things she ‘needs to talk about’ and she’s reached out to Dex to do it. We don’t see her discussing it with Tilly, we see her trying to talk about it with Dex. She’s at arguably her lowest moment (hates her job, hates her partner, hates her home) and she wants her best friend to listen to her. Just like he did when she was 24 and thinking about giving up and leaving London, and Dex convinced her to stay and keep going.
So they are emotional crutches *to one another*. That’s also part of being someone’s best friend.
And for all the low moments Dex also wanted to share his best moments with her too: when he’s excited about the TV pilot he calls Em to say ‘the only person I want to share this with is you’, and begs Em to find a way to be there. Yes this is also him dismissing and ignoring her achievements, yes this is self absorbed and rude and at the height of his egomania, but in that moment of triumph he only wants his best friend there with him.
When they see one another again at Tilly’s wedding Em is brave and self assured when she reveals she’s ‘thought of you every day, missed you every day’, and that even though they are friends again now the fact that Dex will have a wife and child ‘feels a bit like loosing you all over again. Because people with families have different priorities…’ That’s how close they were before.
The sentiment that ‘we grew up together’ is really true, for the both of them. They were very different people throughout their lives, and if they had tried to be a romantic couple earlier there is no guarantee that version of them would have lasted the course.
Would Emma have stayed with a peak-of-his-tv-fame Dex, partying and living life ‘to the full’? Or would they have explosively ended and decided they were too different for one another for it to ever work?
Would Dex have even tried for a career in TV or a full year of travelling if he’d become a couple with Emma after Uni? Or would he have done something else but grown resentful of what-could-have-been?
If they had sorted out their issues and apologised after their fight and Em had left Ian, would Em have found the strength to turn rock bottom into a spring board and finally write her book? Would she have even hit that bottom at all? Or would the hook have remained a pipe dream while she continued as a teacher, happy with Dex but professionally unfulfilled?
We will never know what could have been, and that doesn’t necessarily make those alternatives the ‘better’ option that they ‘missed out on’.
Maybe they would only ever have had 3 years together as a couple and getting it in their mid 30’s the way they did was their most mature and peaceful version.
So yes at times their relationship feels like it’s moving toward the inevitable conclusion of a romantic partnership. But the time before they get there wasn’t wasted or unimportant or unnecessary. And they were always together.
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onebug · 5 months
Can we get... some Krerdly?
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omg finish the heart
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cardboard-queen · 7 months
telepathically asking girls at the grocery store if they’re queer and also if they think I’m queer and if they’d like to get coffee sometime
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sillyanmurphy · 2 months
"i got a chance to hang out with him so how could I be sick of it doing that" Everybody moved on I, I stayed there (2017 nhl draft)
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His eyes are the same.
You should’ve known better than to think this time would be any different. You should’ve gone into a different career but your heart always belonged to helping others, to protecting others. You knew that no matter if you did go into something other than the military you would always end up here however, at the same moment where his fate was sealed forever.
You find each other, whether you intend for it to happen or not.
It’s fate. Destiny. He’d laugh at you if you said that to him.
“No such thing, bonnie. My choices are my own.” He’d tell you but you’ve met him enough times to know that it’s written in the stars you’re meant to meet.
He greets you with a smile every time, a twinkle in his beautiful blue eyes as he outstretches his hand for you to take. Recently he only gives you a shake, the other times he may have kiss the back of your hand or bowed to you.
“John MacTavish,” he stands proud and shakes your hand, introducing himself as if you have never met. “But you can just call me Soap.”
He doesn’t remember you, he never does despite the fact that he’s drawn to you every time.
To him you’re a stranger he eventually falls in love with, to you he’s the love of your life you get to fall in love with again and again even when you don’t mean to.
You can’t help it. Not when he looks at you with the same eyes that have bore into your soul, not when he has the same heart that has given you everything you desired.
Not when he leaves you so early.
You’ve tried countless times to stop it, you’ve tried to not fall in love. You hope this time it’ll work but deep down you know it won’t.
Especially as Soap grins at you and wraps an arm around your shoulders to pull you close, his eyes softening into an all familiar look as he takes in your features. He wants to kiss you but he hasn’t confessed yet, though you know he will eventually.
He makes it hard every time.
You hope this is the last time.
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sighcomics · 1 year
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For an eternal moment we gazed into each other, the next we were completely changed.
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yandere-writer-momo · 8 months
Yandere Lich x Afab Reader
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There was no such thing as magic or monsters. They were old tales once used to scare children… or so she thought.
What stood before her could not be described as a man… no. This was no man, but a monster parading around in the flesh of her lover. An undead monster with malevolent glowing ruby eyes in his pitch black eye sockets.
“You weren’t supposed to see me like this, my dear…” The creature’s husky voice whispers. He outstretches his hand to try to tuck a strand of hair behind her face, but she flinched away when some of the skin falls off his hand to reveal more skeleton. “This skin had started to decay too quickly… I don’t mean to scare you-“
(Your name) could only scream as she tried to flee, but something invisible held her in her place. Her feet now stuck to the ground like a tree as her body trembles like a leaf under his intense gaze.
“W-who are you?”
“It’s me, Aeron.” The undead creature gave her a bow, his rotten hand now tenderly caresses her face. “I’m your lover of course-“
(Your name) fails to shift her head away, her body convulsing in sobs when he presses the teeth of his skeletal face in an attempt to kiss her. More of Aeron’s flesh fell off in the process, the soft skin now sat on her shoulder. Tears spill from her eyes in horror.
“This is quite a sight for your eyes, my dear…” ‘Aeron’ pulls back with a sigh, he peels off the rest of the skin off his face to reveal an entire skeleton save for his ruby eyes. “I sadly do not have the same appealing appearance I had a millennium ago… but I simply could not stay away once I sensed you were back in this world.”
Aeron grabbed her hands and held them up to his rotted chest. The black metal band on his skeletal ring finger terrifies her to her very core. This monster was not her fiancé… “My heart may long be gone but I swear it beat only for you. I had no reason to have flesh or organs once you ceased to exist…” Aeron pressed his teeth to her soft hands with a cry. “I miss being able to touch you… to feel you. I envy that man who was in my place for a brief time but he is no more. He hasn’t been for a few years now actually.”
Aeron then sat back, his terrifying face tilted to the side when her tears didn’t stop falling. “My dear why do you cry? Do you not remember me? My name? I… I don’t quite remember my name either so I borrowed your temporary lover’s.”
“W-what are you?” (Your name) stutters out. This monster has been by her side for three years and she never noticed… how could she not notice?
“Well I am what you would call a lich. I sacrificed my humanity for immortality so I could meet you again once you were reborn. I was once your lover over a thousand years ago.” Aeron threw his hands up in the air. “I eliminated all other magic in this world so nothing could ever harm you again. I didn’t want something as silly as priests to stop us from being together again. How lucky was I that you weren’t chosen to be the saintess again.”
(Your name) watches the lich ramble. She was lost and didn’t have a clue on what he spoke of. They were lovers a thousand years ago and he waited a millennium to be reunited with her? She was a saintess? Then what was he?
“My dear, don’t question it too much. You’ll hurt you head.” The lich snapped his fingers, the flesh flew back onto his body and repaired itself. A familiar handsome man with dark hair stood before her now. Aeron smiled at her. “We can just pretend this never happened again… just like he have for the last three times you found out.”
“The what?” A hand was waved over her face and (your name) no longer knew what she was about to say… or why she was upset in the first place. “Aeron? What happened?”
“You just had a bit of a headache my dear. How about I make you a cup of tea to help?” Aeron rubs her back in a reassuring manner, his red eyes filled with love. “Just sit on the couch okay? I’ll take care of everything.”
(Your name) nods her head and goes over to sit down on the couch. She plops her body down while Aeron fetches her a fresh cup of tea.
Aeron smiles at his reflection in the window. Yes… this human face will do for now. All he has to do is convince her to stay with him forever. He wouldn’t fail this time… he had her wrapped around his finger rather than on opposite sides during a war.
Aeron was no longer an enemy necromancer but her lover. Her fiancé.
He’d burn the whole world down again if he had to. Aeron would do anything for his love… he’s already sold his soul and waiting a millennium for her. What was another thousand years to a lich?
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sakurastarkey · 1 month
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Frederic William Burton (186-1900) "The Meeting on the Turret Stairs" (1864) Watercolor and gouache on paper Located in the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland The painting depicts the story of Hellelil, who fell in love with her personal guard Hildebrand. The story was taken from a medieval Danish ballad translated by the painter's friend Whitley Stokes.
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Teen Simon and his best friend often spend their nights away from their respective houses because they found a home in each other…
teen!Simon x teen!F!reader
Content Warnings:
This fic gets dark. It references Simon's backstory (from '09), child abuse, domestic violence, child death, arguments, injuries, abandonment issues, drugs, sex, alcohol, youth homelessness, etc.
Check every chapters' tags/cw for specific warnings.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Canon Ending (Hurt/No Comfort):
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Non-Canon Ending (Hurt/Comfort):
Alternative Ending
Home: Moodboard
Home: Playlist
1st Attempt at a Happy Ending (I don't like it)
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rainbowpiss34 · 3 months
I havent posted madoka magica in so long omg !!!! Heres your doomed yuri lol
It was so fun to draw Genderbend madohomu
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shipperboi · 2 months
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"A rose by any other name would be just as sweet"
I just think a play about star-crossed lovers fights our two favourite magical girls very well 🥰
(Also shout out to the very fashionable person at Geek Markets who told me that Madoka Magica was based on the play Faust, adds a whole new later to the show and also gave me the idea to make something this dramatic).
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