#teen romance
koishiro · 11 months
☆彡 1 : 29pm
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : In which Megumi has a hidden crush on you and plans to keep it that way until a certain pink haired boy and 6’3 man-child take it upon themselves to help.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 : megumi fushiguro x gn!reader
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : The fluffiest of fluff
masterlist | jjk masterlist | anon masterlist
megumi fushiguro is not new to the feeling of embarrassment.
In fact, he’s quite used to it considering he’s best friends with Itadori Yuji and Nobara Kugisaki, who apparently can’t go a single day without causing some sort of a scene. As well as being raised by a certain white haired, 6’3 man adorned with a black blindfold.
“Stop it! Why didn’t you order your own if you’re just gonna eat off my plate?!” A certain pink haired boy screamed, slapping away the greedy hands of the ginger.
Nobara quickly whips back her hands to her chest, cradling them with a look of offence for one, being slapped and two, being denied food, replied; “maybe because I wasn’t hungry then?!”
Yuji stared at Nobara with a blank face, “go order now then!”
Now it was Nobara’s turn to stare at Yuji, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “No! cause it’ll take too long and I won’t be hungry by then!”
“Yeah cause you’ll have eaten all of mine!” At this point, Megumi wanted to slam his head onto the table as if to wake him up from this embarrassment. But he couldn’t, because if that were to happen then he’d gain the attention of a certain y/c/h sat just three tables away.
All Megumi had done since they arrived 30 minutes ago was sit in a corner booth, with his head turned towards you and stare at your angelic form while sat opposite the two loudest idiots he calls his best friends with half his face buried in his high collar.
That was until you turned your pretty head towards them. Their table. Him.
At this realisation, Megumi’s eyes widened and a blush crept up his neck and stained his cheeks as he quickly whipped his head in the opposite direction, conveniently towards the wall next to him.
Or maybe not so convenient considering he probably looked like an idiot staring at a plain wall. But what else was he supposed to do when the one person he actually liked was staring straight at him?
Well, maybe not at him exactly but he was grouped with these idiots considering he was sat at the same table so that counted for something.
This was certainly not the way he wanted you to notice him.
And this did not go unnoticed by a particular boy sat opposite him, suddenly forgetting the petty argument moments before as he he took notice of his friends red face hidden in the collar of his uniform. Also, why was he staring at a wall? He’d barely even touched his food?
Observing the repetitive way Megumi’s eyes would go back and forth from darting around the cafe to quickly look at something or someone across the room.
Confused, Yuji’s eyes slowly followed where Megumi’s went.
The next day, Yuji took it upon himself to help his best friend out. And who better to recruit than the one and (thankfully) only Satoru Gojo, who was very keen on taking part in this plan.
What kind of adoptive father would he be if he didn’t help his growing son find love. Just the thought brought a tear to his eye.
Sat behind the dark haired boy in question, Yuji, as inconspicuous as he could possibly be (considering he was sat next to Nobara), raised his hand in a thumbs up motion. A signal that the plan was ready.
Satoru took notice of this as well as the longing gaze Megumi held as he tried to discreetly take a glance at you every few seconds. How had he not noticed before?
With a very loud and very obvious fake cough, Satoru gained the attention of his students. Satoru went to stand from his chair when he accidentally knocked some books over which were conveniently (or not so conveniently) placed on the corner of his desk where the said books landed on his feet, perfect.
“Ak! I’m injured!! Man down!” Their teacher yelled as he dramatically fell to the floor with the back of his hand placed on his forehead as if he was in one of Nobara’s dramas. He probably took inspiration from them actually.
The students, clearly not fazed in the slightest, turned back to their previous conversations ignoring the cries for help coming from the floor. Except for you of course.
Standing up and making your way towards your “injured” teacher, you crouched down to eye level as he lay motionless on the floor as if already succumbed to his fatal injuries if not for him peeking from under the arm that lay across his face.
“OH! Y/n-chan! My saviour! I feel as though I may not make it…” the said teacher explained in an overly dramatic sigh. “I’m sure you will Gojo” you replied with a slight pat on his stomach. “But if I don’t… I want you to do something for me-”
Before Gojo could ramble on any further he was cut short, “I’m not buying you mochi” you stated with a blank face.
“I understand why you would think that but no” he started before quickly switching back into his role, “these books that just so happened to fall in unison onto my now clearly fractured foot, needed to be delivered to principal Yaga! Oh what am I to do now!” Your teacher explained in an almost pained voice while flailing around on the floor.
“Why doesn’t Y/n do it!” The pink haired boy popped up from behind Megumi, who had been watching the ridiculous scene play out. “What a wonderful idea Yuji! Oh could you Y/n-chan? Would you help an injured man like me deliver these urgently needed books for me?” Gojo’s voice now laced with faux desperation while you were left confused, did he owe principal Yaga something again? Is that what this was about?
“Uhm, I suppose so, sure.” You could barely get the words out before Gojo jumped up onto his feet, realising his mistake and quickly leaning against his desk, the “fractured” foot elevated in the air. “Megumi! Why don’t you help Y/n-chan out huh? Be a gentleman will you?”
Megumi, already figuring out what he was up to planned on declining before he set his eyes on you. He didn’t care if he came off as rude, but to you? Megumi didn’t want you to think he was some sort of high and mighty jerk. That was the last thing he wanted.
So with a huff, Megumi stood, stuffing both hands into his pockets as he made his way towards you.
“You didn’t need to help me. They aren’t that heavy anyway” you tried explaining as you both walked towards Yaga’s office, trying to fill the silence with something, anything.
“It’s fine, really.” Did you not like his presence? Why were you acting so awkward? “So… your friends are pretty loud huh” you chuckled out.
Megumi grimaced at the recent memory, “You remember that?” He prayed that you wouldn’t remember that time, or at least not remember him.
“How could I not, it was pretty entertaining. Especially the way you stared at a wall” so you did notice him. “It was better than listening to them squabble.” He grumbled out with a sour look plastered on his face until he heard the prettiest sound leave your mouth, reminding him of a soft melody.
You laughed. Sure it was at him but you laughed at him. He made you laugh!
“Squabble? What are you? An old man?” You managed to wheeze out, the previous awkwardness quickly forgotten about.
“Y’know, with the way you’re teasing me and if I didn’t know any better, I might think you like me” what was meant to come out as a joke only started a chain of teasing on both parts. “I could say the same to you mr. Fushiguro” you retorted, a sly smile sneaking it’s way onto your face.
“And if I do? Would that be okay?” The sudden seriousness his voice held startled you. Slowing to a stop, you looked up at his tall frame and saw how genuine and truthful his eyes were causing a blush to quickly rise to your cheeks.
Averting your gaze towards the floor, you answered with a small smile,
“I suppose it would”
— 𝘒𝘰𝘪 𝘹𝘰
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geminithetwins · 15 days
Timeline 1: Sol doesn't know Sunjae knows her, still he remembers and loves her unconditionally
Timeline 2: Sol chases after Sunjae, he falls in love with her even harder
Timeline 3: Teenage Sol rejects SunJae, he waits for her 15 years, didn't waste a second when Adult Sol says she liked him too, confessing his feeling then and there.
Timeline 4: Sol keeps hiding from Sunjae, he finds out the reason and says he would die happily if means he could have memories with her.
Timeline 5: Sunjae forgets Sol's existence, but he fell in love the moment he sees her.
If they love you, they'll love you no matter what- flaws, traits, features, looks, races, classes, genders, or religions. SunJae is the living proof of that.
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chocsra · 10 months
"Gentleman, you say?"
15! Chuuya x reader
Reader is implied to be fem!, could still be gn!
Warnings: swearing, alcohol
Contents: your mafioso roomate being annoying, fifteen era, mafia! reader, pre-relationship, idiots in love, teen romance, fluff, ooc? chuuya (idk)
Sorry for grammar! Not proofread!
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Working in the Port Mafia wasn't so hard.
You were granted a new family, money and status. There were a select few members who were noteably young, as young as teenagers. This was mainly because of the gifted, limiting manpower into making criminal organizations choose children as their subordinates.
You didn't really mind it--being a kid in the mafia. It had it's ups and downs, yes, you did murder; but what would you have been really doing if you tried to live as a civilian as a gifted?
One thing you didn't like though--even hated, was the Port Mafia dormitory.
Constant parties, the overwhelming scent of alcohol and cigarettes in hallways, and don't start on the drama. Your only source of peace was the empty unit next to yours--at least that gave some sort of silence in the dreadful nights of Yokohama. Cramped in the tight apartment that secretly held mafioso teenagers, ones which the other residents thought of as school delinquents.
Until that asshole took it; the short ginger boy with a permanent scowl on his face, the boy who had the best style you had ever seen. And you hated it. Ever since you were fifteen, he and his smelly bandaged friend would storm into his apartment; have the loudest arguments--no, fights in the middle of the night.
Before, if you couldn't sleep, a nice cup of hot milk and basking in the night's breeze would do the trick. Now, there was a 50/50 chance he was there smoking on the balcony next to you, alone or with that annoying mummy boy.
It's been a few months since then, and you were sure that he hasn't even recognized you once as his neighbour; and it pissed you off, considering the amount of sleepless nights he caused you. It was safe to say you had one-sided-beef with the boy who used screaming as his fight or flight response.
And because finding someone absolutely insufferable meant asking numerous people about them, you asked a few of your subordinates who were into drama about said boy, eager to learn more information about him. Because he pissed you off, is why.
"Oh, you mean Chuuya? He like, used to be the King of the Sheep before he joined the mafia, I'm pretty sure." Your friend chided, you and a few other girls were standing in front the doorframe of Kouyou's office, all surrounded in a circle. "Really? That's wild." You scoffed, folding your arms over your chest. "Yeah, and the guy who recruited him is that emo guy; he's supposed to be Bosses successor, right?" She asks, twirling a strand of her hair. "His name is Dazai, and yeah. They're called 'Double Black' or something." Your other friend joined in.
Just as you were talking, a tall woman with ginger hair and pale skin stepped out of her office; her elegent hands clasped together under her pink kimono.
"What are you girls talking about?" The woman questioned, her hair tightly held up by long gold pins. "[Y/N] was just asking about Chuuya, sis." Your friend replied, you scoffed in response. "I was just asking because he's an annoying neighbour!" The other girls laughed. "Oh, Chuuya, I was recently requested to take him under my wing." Kouyou responded, revealing more information. "Actually? What do you think of him?" One of the quieter girls asked enthusiastically, the woman only chuckled in response.
"He's quite the gentleman, I'll say."
Kouyou's words only echoed in your ears as you lay in bed, a pillow ontop of your chest. "Gentleman.." You repeat, staring mindlessly at the ceiling. "Gentleman my ass!" You kick the wall next to your bed to no avail, tightly wrapping your arms around the pillow. "If he was, he would've seen how tired my eyes are from not sleeping.. and finally shut the fuck up.." You mutter with heavy eyelids. It was around 2 am. And it was one of those quiet nights, thankfully; but you still had trouble falling asleep.
As you were about to finally drift off to sleep, cradling your pillow in your arms; a loud strum of a guitar sprung you awake. It sounded like a electric guitar, and the person playing it had a shit ton of energy. A sultry voice sang melodically as loud waves of music crashed from his guitar. You had an idea of who it was.
Storming out of your cramped apartment, only in a thin t-shirt along with loose shorts, you scrammed over to Chuuya's apartment door angerly. "I swear to God.." You curse under your breath, the damn guitar still audible. Closing your fist, you firmly knock on the boy's door.
Knock, knock
The fast-paced strum of a rock song quickly stopped, light footsteps could be heard behind the steel shaft, before he finally unlocks it.
"Yeah?" The boy cracks the door open, he had his short ginger hair down; and he wasn't wearing the black fedora and choker like he usually did. A red and white electric base guitar slung lightly over his shoulder and stomach, the cord connected to the bottom, leading to what you assumed was his bedroom. Chuuya was wearing loose black sweatpants along with an oversized white t-shirt. Even though the boy was small and lean, you couldn't help but notice the exposed muscles on his forearms. 'Shit.' You cursed at yourself, before meeting his stormy blue eyes once more.
"You're so damn loud all the time, can't you play that at another time of day?" You huffed, crossing your arms. "There are people trying to sleep." It wasn't the safest option to yell at a criminal who had possible connections you had no idea of, but you were also a criminal, and would definitely kick his ass if he tried anything, right?
Chuuya looked at you with a slight frown, but you were right in the end, so he sighed and ran his lithe fingers through his ginger locks. "My bad." He mutters, feeling a bit embarrassed. "That's all you can say?" You murmur, you felt a little bad, but he was the waking cause of your terrible eyebags. "You could be a little more quiet next time." You add on, looking off to the side.
"Yeah, I know. My fault." The redhead said, apologizing begrudgingly. You only sighed and assured it's okay now before you soon left. Knowingly storming off into your apartment as the boy watched you with guilt yet irritation on his face.
Although the next morning, you rubbed your eyes and opened the door to take out the trash. Only noticing a small box infront of your doorstep with a yellow sticky note on it, you crouched down to properly read it.
'Sorry we had to meet that way, neigbour. Take this as a peace offering.
- Chuuya N.'
As you opened the box curiously, it was homemade packaged bento, along with a small corgi made out of rice on the side. The stupidity of it made you laugh a little. Even though his handwriting made you question if he knew how to write at all before this; a smile still crept on your face as you took the box and note inside.
"Quite the gentleman, huh?"
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ritualdenoche · 8 months
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︎⠀⠀⠀ ︎⠀⠀⠀✿⬮⓵ ♡̵̼͓̥͒̾͘ I ⠀︎⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓪 ⠀ 𝓭𝓮 𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓻 ︎⠀⠀ ୁֵׄ⃜ ♥︎ ⠀⠀
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vivalarevolution · 1 year
𝓒𝓸𝓷 𝓛𝓪 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓪
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Neteyam x Omaticaya Reader
Request: „My god there isn't enough smut for the avatar characters. I cherish yours! I can't stop thinking about neteyam. Something where they are just yearning for each other. Making out till their queues are basically connecting without them having to put them together. I imagine it would be so intense.‟
A/N: Request written by anon. I hope that I have conveyed the behaviors and habits of the character well and you will enjoy reading it. Please remember english is not my native language, mistakes may occur. The work includes smut ,minors do not interact.
*Characters are aged up
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He couldn't stop staring at her, he wasn't able to.
When she got out of the water, she intoxicated him with herself, with her long ,thick hair that cascaded down her back, with her hands that she lifted up exposing her body even more and with the way her eyes closed again and again in a surprisingly sensual way.
But he wasn't the only one watching.
Her eyes, though only slightly open, saw Neteyam's actions. But like him, she just stared, making no other move. This type of dancing was all too familiar to na’vi’s because none of them wanted to do anything about it.
Till this day.
Because they were alone, Y/n wasn't afraid of the onlookers as she decided to turn around and go in a direction only she knew, just to stop and turn her head towards the boy. Her fingers beckoning him to her before moving again forward, knowing that he would obey her silent command without a word of objection.
Neteyam, enchanted, moved towards her, almost running to reach the girl who had so effectively befuddled his senses just as he had unknowingly befuddled hers.
-Where are we going? - he asked from behind her, but the only answer was a mysterious smile from her - Come on, don't play with me like that - he added, trying to grab her tail, but she escaped him at the last moment, turning to face him without stopping walking.
-It's you who decided to follow me - she pointed out playfully, nudging him with her tail, which he tried to grab a moment ago - We are currently going ahead, my Nete.
-I noticed that - he replied, rolling his eyes slightly, unable to stop smiling after hearing how she called him - You won't tell me, don't you?
-It's called a surprise - she stated, spinning around him in a frolicsome manner, still nudging him gently - I think you'll like it - she confessed more quietly, looking at him from under thick eyelashes, driving him crazy - Come on, my Nete, it's not far.
As she spoke, she grabbed his larger palm, dragging him behind her. Neteyam allowed himself to be led without objection, feeling pleasant warmth spreading over his body, when in his field of vision he could see their joined hands.
-So that's what you wanted to show me? - he asked, entering the cave with her.
-Not that, but what's at the end - she replied, releasing his arm to his dismay - Catch me if you can, my Nete - she added before fleeing as fast as a gust of wind.
It was as if they were children again. Chasing around the forest for an unknown purpose, for satisfaction unknown to anyone. But now they were older and the chase turned into something significant, something primal and the boy was ready to chase her even to the edge of the world, just to catch her in his arms. But just when he thought he had her, she disappeared around the corner, and he lost her completely from his sight.
-Y/n - he called, but got no response - I swear to Eywa that you will be death to me - he muttered, going even deeper until he reached the second exit, which faced the ocean.
The girl watched him in the shadows, waiting for him to pass by before she silently followed him, after a while grabbing his shoulders, gliding her lips over his ear.
-I see you - she whispered before kissing the skin on his neck to his surprise, sending shivers down his body.
He turned his head towards her, afraid that it was a cruel joke but she looked at him lovingly, thus soothing his nerves.
Her sudden movement startled him, but the desire was greater and in the next moment, his hands were on her hips, pulling her towards him. His golden eyes traced the structure of her face. The way her yellow eyes stared at him, the way their pupils dilated, or the way white marks began to appear on her face from the darkness that surrounded them.
-You're beautiful - he said, sincerity oozing out of his words.
-You look at me so that I dare not doubt, my Nete - she replied, rubbing her cheek against his.
-Cause I've got my mind on you - he added as an excuse, closing his eyes.
-And I've got my mind on you - she said softly, gliding her lips over his, slowly, gently, intimately.
They both drowned in each other. In their touches, in emotions that they denied for too long. The feeling of wet lips and tongues rubbing against each other was so intense that the couple tried to get closer, practically melting into one. Their moans grew louder with each passing moment, and each subsequent close-up, while their hands wandered in a desperate act, trying to memorize every bit of the other's skin with just their fingers.
-My Nete - she whimpered surprisingly loudly.
The boy looked at her from above, noticing only then what a mess they had become. Their clothes were rumpled, their skin marked, their hair disheveled and sometimes untangled from their braids, while their kuru practically fused together. They were so close yet so far.
-Y/n - he began, but fell silent as the girl's torso rose up and their breaths mingled with each other.
-Connect them, my Nete. Make us one - she whispered, all the while looking into his eyes the color of liquid honey.
He couldn't say no, he just couldn't, he didn't want to. So he did as she asked. It didn't take much, just a light move, and the braids fully joined together, making a mates out of them.
The connection was something unfamiliar to both of them, something almost forbidden by how right and good it was. Their bodies trembled, flooded with pleasant warmth and an erotic sensation never experienced by either of them.
Neteyam's instincts started working for him. His hands, as if ruled by something foreign, slid down to the girl's waist, carefully removing the material from her body, revealing her womanhood. Only by looking at the naked flower of her femininity did he realize how he exposed her, but before he could ask, Y/n's legs spread involuntarily wider, inviting him.
Bringing his face closer to her clit, his ears involuntarily twitched, feeling her sweet scent enter his nostrils. His tongue slowly moved along her labia, collecting the fluid that had accumulated on them, and hearing the golden-eyed na'vi groans of satisfaction, he repeated this action, getting addicted to the feeling of being between her legs, feasting on the hidden source.
-My Nete - she moaned, not knowing what is what anymore, her orgasm mixed with the feeling of tsaheylu, creating a feeling of haze and thirst on her mind.
-How do you feel? - Neteyam asked softly, kissing her belly, the valley between her breasts, and finally her neck.
-Amazing - she confessed, knowing exactly that she wasn't the only one who felt pleasure, not when they were joined - How did you know what to do? - she asked, unable to stop herself.
-I just knew - he answered quickly, not wanting to admit about discovering the strange Earth books he had found with Lo'ak and Spider - How did you know what I was doing? - he said, trying to distract attention from himself.
The girl smiled innocently, nudging his thigh with her leg.
-I explored - she confessed, looking into his eyes - When you mature you are curious about your body, it's natural. Haven't you ever been curious about exploring your body? - she asked, slowly placing her hands on his shoulder to pull herself up.
-No - he confessed quietly - I was too busy...
-Do you want me to explore your body for you? - she suggested, turning them so that she was on top - Do you want me to touch you, my Nete? - she whispered into his ear, rubbing her fingers against the manhood hidden behind his clothes.
-Yes - he choked out, feeling moans wanting to come out as Y/n's hand rubbed his member, carefully peeking behind the fabric to touch it fully.
-You made me feel so good - she remarked tenderly, kissing the skin on his shoulder - Let me hear you, please. There's no shame in showing how good you feel.
At these words, the boy's mouth opened to let out the sounds that wanted to flow from the depths of his throat. His hands gripped Y/n's thighs as she sensually moved up and down his shaft, occasionally running her thumb over the head. Her lips found their place on his, tasting herself unconsciously.
-Please put it inside - he said, panting - Please. I need you.
-Of course, my Nete - she replied, propping herself up for convenient access and positioning.
Neteyam held her close as she pushed him into her tight, hot canal. Their foreheads touched each other as breaths, whines, growls and moans mingled into one.
-So good, so perfect - he whispered, eyes closed, wiping their faces together.
-I love you - she said, sitting fully on him, calming her pounding heart.
-I love you - he repeated, burying his face in the crook of her neck.
Y/n waited a long time, getting used to the feeling of bulging and a slight burning sensation, before lazily moving her loins back and forth, left and right, and around, driving them crazy. He wanted to help, to take control, but the sight of his beloved above him, her face focused and full of pleasure, he could only watch, trying to remember every detail, begging to find a way to shut himself up in this moment now and forever.
Opening her eyes, the girl smiled slightly at the sight of Neteyam and the way he looked at her as if she were a goddess herself. Her movements gained strength, but not speed, keeping a slow and intimate pace.
Not a word was spoken but their eyes said it all and the connection made them aware that they were one. Their thoughts, heartbeats, everything flew between them like the most beautiful of paths.
-So close, my Nete - she whispered, holding his face in her hands - I want us to come together.
-We will. I promise - he replied, unexpectedly lifting his own hips up -Give me everything, my Y/n. I want everything from you - he purred into her mouth, feeling how after these sweet words the girl's insides tightened tighter if it was possible, almost preventing him from moving any further.
-My Nete - she whimpered as a feeling of familiar warmth flooded her body and a constellation appeared before her eyes.
Neteyam growled, reaching his climax with her as he said, burying her in his arms before collapsing to the ground beneath them, dragging the girl's tired body with him. In response, she snuggled into his torso, wrapping her tail around his leg as he did the same.
Their eyes involuntarily closed, and a calming darkness engulfed their minds, putting them into the arms of sleep and dreams while their bodies and hearts were still connected , forever as one.
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Teen Simon and his best friend often spend their nights away from their respective houses because they found a home in each other…
teen!Simon x teen!F!reader
Content Warnings:
This fic gets dark. It references Simon's backstory (from '09), child abuse, domestic violence, child death, arguments, injuries, abandonment issues, drugs, sex, alcohol, youth homelessness, etc.
Check every chapters' tags/cw for specific warnings.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Canon Ending (Hurt/No Comfort):
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Non-Canon Ending (Hurt/Comfort):
Alternative Ending
Home: Moodboard
Home: Playlist
1st Attempt at a Happy Ending (I don't like it)
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bewitchedbywords · 1 year
Teen Romance Prompts
+ Sorry for being inactive. I'm trying, I promise. Send requests pls so I have something to write 🙏
1.) The classic jacket lending. Scary amusement park? Character A gave Character B their jacket and they look over at Character B, who's hiding their face in it. ADORABLE.
2.) After a party, taking care of drunk Character B. Character A takes off Character B's make-up, brushes their hair, changes them into something comfy, and puts them to bed.
3.) Acro-Yoga putting them in a very awkward situation (James and Anna, we love you)
4.) Characters A&B live in a small town, and they walk up to the lake together. Playful wrestling turns into pushing the other into the lake.
5.) Middle of the night with their friend group, dumbass Character B climbs a rock & falls. Character A quickly helps them up, checking them for injuries, which makes their entire friend group ship them.
6.) While sitting next to eachother in math class, Character A checks Character B's paper.
7.) Character A learns that Character B's favourite book series is (____) and proceeds to finish it in three days to be able to talk to Character B more. (I did this for my crush in 5th grade, btw)
8.) Midnight trip to Target and Character A pushea Character B around in the cart.
9.) Character B being closed off and quiet, and Character A is only calm around them as not to overwhelm Character B.
10.) Being good with the other characters' younger siblings, omfg, marry me, please
Love yall 🫶 no credit required, but still tag me bc I would LOVE to read your writing.
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ray-ray81 · 8 months
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starluvsx · 8 months
★𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬
𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Word count:1015
WARNINGS: insecure reader,kissing,kinda angst and fluff
A/N: this took embarrassingly long to finish😭
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"Okay so the next question is 'who was your first kiss' and what's the story behind it" Nick shouted over Chris and Matt trying to explain why fairies are and aren't real to each other.Everyone in the car immediately had their own separate reaction to this question.
Nick was smiling ear to ear, most likely because of the embarrassment that came with answering the question.matts head was down with a cringed face.me and Chris both looked at each other knowingly before my cheeks flushed and he looked away.
Once everyone had their stories in their heads we looked around for who should go first. "y/n i think you should go first" chris said with a cocky smile.
5 years ago
"ok so what do you wanna watch?" chris said as he sat down next to me on the bed.a good amount of distance between us for friends so it's too bad i wanted to be more than that.i played the lack of romance off by just ignoring it,refusing to look over at his side profile while he flicked through an assortment of movies.
"no clue, what are my options?" I asked while staring at the tv.
“Uhm maze runner ‘Nah’ nightmare before Christmas ‘ehh’ hairspray ‘YES OMG YES’ ”was how the interaction went before he clicked on the movie I wanted.
𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞
While watching the movie we had gradually moved closer together.not on top of each other but definitely closer than before.now I was slouched down slightly with our shoulders touching, nothing crazy i know but I’ll take what I can get.
Once we got about an hour into the movie I began to zone out.letting myself to wander in my own thoughts.watching the romance movie only made these thoughts worse. “Jesus” I muttered under my breath.
“What, what’s wrong?”he asked, looking down at me.
“It’s nothing, just movies like this always make me sad.” I replied truthfully.I knew what I was about to say but I was ok with it.he was one of the few people I didn’t mind sharing these thoughts with.
“Why?” He asked with a puzzled look on his face.just one word for him but years of insecurities,self hatred and yearn for love for me.
“Cause I know I’ll never have anything like that, nobody will ever love me like that, ya know”I answered hesitantly while still staring at the tv.I had now sat up a little from the previous position I was in.being at the same level as him made me nervous especially since the topic of conversation but I had to,my back was killing me.
“Why do you think that?”Chris said with a slight laugh,as if he couldn’t believe I thought like that.now although the thought he was shook I found myself unloveable was comforting,I knew he was only being nice.
I looked at him for a second before saying what I had been thinking my whole life. “Dude I’m like the ugliest girl at school.” I answered honestly. “I mean it’s whatever, I know everyone thinks that.”I continued with a shrug at the end of my sentence.it felt weird talking about this but also for some reason, reliving.
The look he gave me after I said that wasn’t one I could describe or replicate.he looked shocked and confused at the same time almost. “I don’t think that…”he mumbled.if I hadn’t tuned out the movie long ago I wouldn’t have even heard him to be honest
“What” was all I could say.had i misheard him?I must've, right?
"I don't think you're the ugliest girl in the school, you're...you're beautiful ''he said, making me feel like I was in a scene from a movie.although i wanted to keep up my nonchalant act of not caring about what others thought,i simply couldn't.
i was shocked he had said this.my lips were slightly parted due to me knowing i wanted to say something but not really knowing what to say.i mean how does one respond to that.his eyes flicked down to my lips before the one thing i never thought would happen, happened
Before I could realize what he was about to do, the boy in front of me who I had been crushing on for like forever grabbed my jaw and connected our lips passionately.I was shocked at first but slowly melted into the kiss I had been longing to have for most of my life.
our mouths moved in sync while both of our eyes were closed.it felt like we were the only two people on the planet.once we pulled away i took a moment to look at the boy in front of me.his disheveled hair,piercing blue eyes, pinkish lips, he was perfect.i then said words i don't think i will ever forget saying. "i-i think your beautiful too"
my face heated up as i finished the story. "You guys are too cute, it makes me wanna throw up."Nick said jokingly. Normally I would respond with something snarky but if I opened my mouth i think I would burst out laughing out of embarrassment and nervousness.chris's head was just down, most likely with the same expression as me.
"We were so corny" he said, laughing as he picked his head up.although i thought the moment was really cute,it was pretty cringe when i think back on it.
"We were like 15,"I said in my own defense.
"yea and you wouldn't even get with me till like 2 years later!" my boyfriend responded.
"ok ok next story"i started with a huge smile on my face still.
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chaoticbabyr · 8 months
I'm so in love with Tate Langdon, oh sweet tate, my sweet tate.
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I think he is the sweetest guy in the world and the most handsome. I want to be loved and love like Violet and Tate.
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pennyandjames · 3 months
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xblackreader · 2 months
Teenage Dream - SYDCARMY
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Enjoy :) <- <-
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her-majesty-horiko · 6 months
➹ʷʰᵉⁿ ʸᵒᵘ ᵇᵒᵗʰ ᵃʳᵉ ᵗˢᵘⁿᵈᵉʳᵉˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵃʳᵉ ⁱⁿ ʳᵉˡᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢʰⁱᵖ 「ⁿᵒʳᵐᵃˡ ᵃᵘ」
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જ⁀➴⋆˚✿˖°₊ ⊹ᝰ.ᐟ
Honestly it's suprise you both even confessed your feelings and were able to even get into relationship.
But I guess that's where Gon takes the credit. He may be obvious at sometimes but he is quick to notice the behaviour of your both towards each other.
Face to face all you both do is fight and blame things on each other. But when it's only Gon you both often let your 'rude' and 'I hate her/his guts' loose.
You guys literally pulled the "Love is War" after realising other one got the same feelings. You both were too prideful to confessed first. So this is where most flirting happened.
In comparison, you were most bold with your actions. Like introducing “The Pocky game” and playing it once in every week. Killua mostly tried to make you jealous with other girls, giving you smirk after seeing your expression.
Even when you both enter into relationship, your behaviour towards each other almost stay same. You still argue and Gon always have to interfere to stop you both.
You guys went as far as to even directly confessed your opinion on each other. Killua will go on something like “She is too sour to date anyways.” while you will respond how it's going to be his first and only relationship “With his arrogant mouth I doubt anybody will even date him again.”
As bad as it sound, you both eventually started to realise this yourself. You both will start to change some qualities of yours. Killua will try to compliment you more while you will try to respect his opinion without sarcastic comment.
At some point you may even try to change your personality or even some 'you part' of you but Killua will directly confront you about this with some lines of “That's literally part of you. Without it you aren't you. You won't be the same person, I had come to like and admired.”
Last part will make you both flustered as Killua will walk away saying, it was just to comfort you but you know him better and with the smile you will follow him, telling yourself to never let go of this tsundere boy.
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linadiaries · 4 days
When is something romantic going to happen to me, am I cursed or something?
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
loveliness by carmiemaybe (glazedlilies)
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by carmiemaybe (glazedlilies)
T, 1k, Wangxian
Summary: “Lan Zhan, you’re okay?” No, I am about to die, “Mn. I am… alright.” “You came here to punish me?” Wei Ying asks with an amused glint in his grey eyes. Lan Wangji pushes away every improper thought those words form in his, apparently, dirty mind. Ever since Wei Wuxian showed him that book, things have become… pretty distressing. Kay's comments: So cute!!! Just Wangxian being allowed to be awkward and soft teenagers, who are in love!! In this story, teen Lan Wangji gathers his courage and confesses to Wei Wuxian and he's very successful! No angst, only fluff! Excerpt: “Wait, wait! Lan Zhan, where are you going? You can’t just—“ he breaks off, evidently nervous. There’s a bright red blush spreading on his lovely cheeks. Lan Wangji does not know what to make of it. “You can’t just leave like that, Lan Zhan. Not when… Aagh, fuck, my heart. Hold on, I need a minute.” Lan Wangji panics, “Wei Ying, are you feeling well?” Wei Wuxian shakes his hand in the air, dismissing Lan Wangji’s worries, “Y-yeah, well,” he swallows. “I’m just pretty overwhelmed that’s all and like, my heart is about to beat out of my chest, and you know, I’m flustered down to my toes. Lan Zhan, you should warn me before you say things like that my poor heart, oh my God.”
pov lan wangji, canon divergence, cloud recesses study arc, fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, no angst, love confessions, first kiss, getting together, teen romance, pining, happy ending
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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vivalarevolution · 1 year
𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓐𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓐𝓻𝓮
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Dark Tyler Galpin x Siren Reader
A/N: Request sent by anon, I hope I used the ideas well enough and everyone will enjoy this. I warn you, it's not my best work. Be aware of mistakes, english is not my native language. Work contains smut, minors do not interact.
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Xavier and Y/n were each other firsts in almost everything. First friend, first love, first kiss. They were almost inseparable.
But something started to go wrong.
Maybe it was because it was first love and those were meant to fail. Not without reason this type was also called puppy love. Everything was approached with excessive excitement and an equal amount of expectations and dreams.
The girl, however, never paid much attention to it. She was in love and all that mattered to her were the feelings that the brunette had for her. What she didn't expect was that he would also give her the worst feelings known to human.
-Your coffee and a cinnamon roll - a new voice said, snapping her out of her thoughts.
Her teary eyes moved to the boy standing over her. Tyler with a warm smile put a mug in front of her, and a small plate on which lay a sweet treat.
-Thank you - she said, trying to sound normal but her voice was trembling anyway -Um, Tyler. I didn't order dessert - she remarked, looking at him expectantly.
-I know - he said, his voice like a woolen blanket on a winter's evening -But I saw my favorite girl had tears in her eyes, so I wanted to try to comfort her.
Favorite girl.
Those two words were etched into her mind like a permanent tattoo. Especially now, when her heart pounded with pain after the loss.
-It means a lot - she confessed, dropping her head to stop more tears from flowing.
-Do you want to talk about it?- he asked concerned.
-I don't know if I be able to do it - she confessed quietly, moving her gaze on the cafe window.
-If you would like, I can just sit with you, keep you company - he said.
-I would -the girl replied with a slightly ,tired smile.
Tyler sat down beside her. In silence, watching as she sipped a hot drink, occasionally picking at a sweet snack with her fingers.
He wanted to be worried, but all he could feel was unbridled joy. When his eyes saw the teenager, something in him snapped. His heart was flooded with an uncontrollable amount of obsession with the siren next to him, but since she was with Xavier he couldn't make a move, he feared he might have alienated her. But now, now nothing stood in the way, and he had come at the perfect time when Y/n was most vulnerable and susceptible on manipulation.
Grasping her smaller hand gently, he squeezed it in an act of silent comfort, and she immediately squeezed it back, looking at him as if he had saved her from all the evil in this world.
The boy smiled softly as his eyes darkened. He had her exactly where he wanted it.
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-Of all the people, you chose him?- a male voice suddenly said.
The girl turned on her heel, looking incomprehensibly at the teenager. Her brows furrowed and her face took on a colder expression.
-What are you talking about, Xavier? - she asked.
-Tyler -he replied shortly.
Y/n raised her eyes in disbelief, after a moment snorting like a cat.
-It's none of your business Xavier - said the siren - Everything related to me ceased to be your business at the moment when you trampled my heart without even thinking about the consequences.
Brunet came closer to her, trying to grab her hands, but she ran away from his touch as if burned.
-Don't you remember what he and his group of friends did a year ago?- he remarked, trying to show his point of thinking.
-I remember - she said -But I'm not going to write people off for their mistakes in the past. Tyler is good, Xavier. He was with me when you broke my heart, he picked up every single piece and put it back together, not you.
She felt like she could finally breathe. Letting go of the last rope that held her emotions in a firm grip.
-I did - he began, but couldn't finish.
-No, don't explain yourself to me - she interjected in a hard tone of voice -You've done enough. I loved you Xavier, I loved you more than anything in this world, and you just ruined it like it never meant anything to you. Tell me, was it ever real for you or was it just an illusion?
-It was real, of course it was real - he whispered, catching her face in his hands - I never knew that it would hurt so much to lose you.
-You're right Xavier - she stated quietly, and he smiled thinking that the girl would come back to him, oh how wrong he was - You lost me...forever.
With these words, Y/n pushed her ex-boyfriend's hands away, turning on her heel to prevent him from seeing the tears flowing. It was the fact that she knew that no matter what he did, there would still be a part that would love him. And that terrified her like nothing else.
Walking as far as she could through the city, she found herself in Weathervane, as if her feet carried her to the only source of comfort she knew. It didn't matter that Jericho didn't just stop at the coffee shop, something always drew her there.
When Tyler saw the girl, his face immediately lit up. He loved seeing her face, no matter when, no matter where, he just had to see her, it was as important to him as oxygen itself.
-Hello my favorite girl - he said, and seeing her tremble at his words, his eyes darkened unconsciously.
He quickly learned that Y/n loves compliments just like him. She loved being seen by the people she cared about, she needed that warmth just like Galpin needed her.
-Hey - she said, rushing into his arms as soon as she saw the opportunity.
Nestling into his chest, she inhaled his scent, which was actually muffled by the coffee, or maybe the boy always smelled mostly of this? It was hard to tell.
Brunet embraced her waist, pulling her closer, almost in a possessive and jealous manner, as if no one else could look at her, only himself. Even when the cafe was empty.
-I have something for you - he confessed after a moment, twirling a strand of her hair.
-Hmm, what is it? - she asked, her big doe eyes nearly drove him crazy.
Tyler reluctantly let go of her body as he made his way to the back room, from which he emerged a moment later, holding a bouquet of red roses in his hand. Y/n widened her eyes in surprise, a blush involuntarily appeared on her face.
-Rave'N is soon - he noticed, and seeing how the girl's face beamed, he knew he hit the jackpot.
-I'm the student of Nevermore. I should have invited you, not the other way around - she remarked, walking slowly towards him.
-I noticed you like old-school romance, so I thought I'd invite you. Even if it's kind of against the rules -he stated, watching her reactions -So, Y/n, would you like to come with me to dances?
The girl smiled broadly. Taking the flowers from the boy, she kissed him on the cheek, stroking his face with her free hand.
-I would love to -she replied, smiling after a moment, exhilarated.
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As Xavier's eyes landed on a particular siren, his heart involuntarily began to beat faster in his chest. She looked beautiful, like a living sculpture or a work of art brought to life. Her body was covered with a white silk material that hugged her body tightly, emphasizing every aspect of her figure, and the lace only added charm to the whole dress. Her hair, though pinned up, managed to find a way out, falling on her face in the form of a few loose strands, and her neck was decorated with a silver necklace that almost sank between the valley of her breasts.
Brunet shamelessly watched her until a man's hand came to her hip. Frowning, he shifted his gaze to the owner , who turned out to be none other than Tyler Galpin.
The teenager held her in an almost possessive grip, and in response she only fell on his torso, hiding her head in the hollow of his neck to be able to kiss the exposed part of his skin, which made him immediately shift his gaze to her, looking at her with adoration, later kissing her forehead tenderly.
-Will you dance with me? - he asked, practically purring in her ear.
Y/n smiled. Taking his hand that rested on her waist, she pulled him to the dance floor, for a moment her gaze was level with Xavier, who had not taken his eyes off her since her arrival, but this moment made her confidence diminish. Enough for her partner to notice the change in her expression instantly.
Sheriff's son sent him a warning look, turning the girl's back to the green-eyed boy, so that she focused only on him.
The teenager leveled her gaze with Tyler, and her mind immediately calmed down. Feeling his large hands on her hips, she almost melted under their influence, connecting their foreheads as they both swayed to the music.
-Can I kiss you?- he asked like a gentleman, even though his voice was low, almost dark, sending a shiver of excitement down the siren's back.
-I want you to wanna kiss me so bad that you don't even ask - she stated, looking at him through half-closed eyes.
Brunette looked at her with desire, after a moment connecting their mouth in a slow kiss. Their lips couldn't tear themselves apart, connecting almost instantly as one of them pulled away to breathe.
Boy's eyes wandered towards Xavier, who, if he could, would probably tear him apart. But he didn't care much, returning his attention to Y/n, which occupied most of his thoughts.
His hands, as if on cue, tightened on the material of her dress, involuntarily forcing her hips to move, and she allowed him to, moving as he wanted.
Y/n clung to Galpin's body, wrapping her hand around his neck to hold him even closer, even though there was absolutely no space between them. Putting her chin on his shoulder, she rocked with him, feeling him rest his head on her shoulder as well, kissing her bare collarbone.
It didn’t matter if the music around them was slow or fast, danceable, romantic or driving people completely crazy. They danced to their own rhythm, gliding on the dance floor in each other's arms, not leaving each other even for a step.
Suddenly, the girl felt something wet on her face. Opening her eyes, she lifted her face up, causing more drops to fall on her forehead and cheeks. Tyler straightened up, looking at her, wanting to know why she stood still, but seeing her face stained red, he ran his thumb over her skin, checking what had hurt her, but there was nothing under the blood. Only then did he saw that the liquid also adorned his clothes, painting his jacket scarlet.
Then chaos broke out around them. The Nevermore students crashed into each other, screaming and running to avoid the rain of blood, which turned out to be mere paint. Y/n grabbed Tyler's hand, trying to lead him away, but he ended up quickly grabbing her in his arms, taking her away from everyone, especially Xavier, who was fanatically searching for her.
-I'll take you to your dorm - he said innocently, and the teenager nodded thankfully.
-Thank you - she said, putting her hands on his neck- Do you know where to go? - she asked, slightly shocked that he hadn't asked her for direction yet.
-I figured I'd just keep walking straight - he explained quickly.
-Well, you're lucky - the girl stated, turning her head towards the corridor ahead -My room is at the end on the left - she confessed, and Tyler immediately started walking towards it.
-Can I come in? - he asked, setting her down.
-Sure. You'll be able to put on something clean, a few of your shirts are in my closet - she stated, looking away from him, slightly embarrassed by the confession.
-My shirts, hmm? - he muttered as he closed the door behind him.
-I may have borrowed one or two while I was at your place - she announced, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye.
-I don't mind - he admitted, walking toward her like a predator - I like knowing you wear my stuff. It's clearer that you belong only to me, no one else -he added, catching her chin in his fingers, lifting it up.
-Tyler - the girl whispered, blushing.
-You belong to me, don't you Y/n? - he asked, his eyes darkening -Tell me the truth, don't you dare lie.
-I...- she began, almost gasping for air as the boy's hand rolled up the material of her dress, resting on her womanhood, which was covered only by the thin material of her panties.
-Come on Y/n, you're my favorite girl, and favorite girls tells the truth - he stated, pressing down on her clitoris ,which made her moan softly.
-I belong to you - she said shyly.
- Good girl - the teenager praised her, grabbing her jaw with his other hand - You deserve a reward.
-Reward? - she asked confused.
-Of course - he said, stroking her dirty face with his thumb -I'll make you feel good, very good. It's up to you if you want my fingers, my tongue... or my member, or all three.
-Tyler...I never - she began, trying to hide herself.
-Don't worry. I'll be gentle - he said tenderly - Consider it my way of convincing you - he began.
-Of what? -asked the siren.
-That I’m better -he said.
-You already are - Y/n replied honestly.
-You're just telling me what I want to hear, sweetheart? - he asked -So I’ll fuck you?
-Please - she whispered, closing her eyes.
-You already asking. So polite - he remarked - Will you tell me what you want?
-I don't know - she admitted quietly -I don't know what I want.
-Oh, you're poor thing - he murmured, kneeling before her -In that case I'll give you everything, and you'll take it.
Before Y/n could fully process the words in her mind, Tyler began feasting between her legs. The girl felt embarrassed at being so exposed for the first time, but the feeling quickly disappeared, pushed out by lust and unbridled desire.
Unable to stop herself, various sounds fell out of her mouth. Moans, whimpers and screams that she couldn't stop.
-Ty...Tyler- she moaned, clutching the wall behind her in desperation - Stop...I'm going to pee...please stop.
But those words only turned him on more.
Grasping her thighs in a firm grip, he lifted her body up so that her legs hung over his shoulders, causing her to nearly fall from the sudden movement. And seeing him lift her body with ease made her reach her endpoint with a loud, uncontrollable scream.
-So sweet - the boy purred, his voice drowned out by the fabric of her dress as he slurped her juices that squirted straight into his face.
Y/n's face turned burgundy. Her mind screamed for her to hide away from everyone while her heart pounded, becoming addicted extremely fast to the feeling that overtook her body.
She was so conflicted, yet she stayed put. Waiting to see what Tyler will do with her.
After a moment, the boy got up from his knees, towering over her again. Her flushed and embarrassed face gave him more satisfaction than he could admit. Grasping her neck, he slid his hand up to her jaw, turning her head as he wanted.
-Are you ready for the main attraction? - he asked, and the tone of his voice, so dark and dangerous at the same time, sent her far beyond her body.
Y/n was scared as much as she was excited, but didn't want to disappoint Tyler, so she nodded obediently, not trusting her own vocal cords for the moment.
Brunet turned her back to him, pressing her body against the wall, while one of his hands pulled her hips closer to his crotch. The boy brought his mouth close to her ear, gliding gently on its lobe.
-Can you feel me? - he asked, pushing his loins against her bum -You made me so hard. You always do that when you're with me, but you don't realize it, do you? You are too naive and innocent.
-I'm sorry - she whispered, not knowing what else to say.
-You don't have to apologize - he said, stroking her cheekbone -I'll make you feel exactly what I feel -he promised, imperceptibly grabbing the fabric of her dress.
The first thing the girl heard was the sound of ripping, then she felt the silk material slide off her shoulders and breasts, hanging loosely from her waist. A shiver ran down her naked back, and as the Tyler's hands pulled her clothes up, revealing her ruined underwear, her body burst into flames.
-So ruined, you look perfect - he admitted, removing the last of the material protecting her from the teenager's eyes, even though she thought he had long ago gotten rid of them - Only tears are missing... but don't worry, these will soon be on your face as well.
Removing his belt and unbuckling his pants, he pulled out his member, not without reason stroking it a couple of times, knowing full well that a pair of eyes were watching him carefully.
-It won't fit - the mermaid confessed quietly - You'll tear me apart.
-You're so wet I'm going to enter you in one fluid motion -he stated, clinging to her back again -And when I do, I'll stretch you properly, don't be afraid - he added, directing his manhood to her entrance, which was tightening again and again - See? - he whispered as half of it disappeared into her tight and warm canal.
-Too big - she said, on the verge of tears, feeling her lower belly being filled.
-Shh- whispered the green-eyed boy soothingly -You take me so well, your pussy want me inside. Don't deny it and let yourself be carried away by pleasure.
As Tyler entered her fully, he growled as her insides gripped him, not letting go, sucking him inside. Y/n, on the other hand, had never felt so stuffed, so full.
Again, he didn't let her process the situation exactly, starting to move back and forth slowly at first, testing the waters. Changing pace quickly ,obsessed with wet sounds, skin slapping against skin and feeling the outline of his member under his fingertips.
The girl leaned her forehead against the cold wall, moaning and squealing, letting him use her to his heart's content. Even when the pain mixed with pleasure became too much for her, she dutifully accepted everything he gave her, losing track of time.
Galpin snatched one orgasm out of her after another. Hitting her harder and deeper with each climax until his Y/n was barely conscious. Her mind, long clouded by lust, was unable to function and he took full advantage of it.
Finally, the tears in the girl's eyes, her sore throat and the walls of her womanhood that tightened on him made him unable to stand it, coming deep inside her. She shivered as her latest orgasm mixed with Tyler's. A sticky substance flowed from her used inside, straight to her thighs. The girl wanted to be disgusted, but deep down she felt how her desire only grew stronger, although it shouldn't have.
Her eyes began to look for those belonging to the brunet, who did not stop watching her even for a moment. Caressing her lips extremely gently and tenderly, he smiled, and adoration returned to his eyes.
Y/n like an addicted of the feeling, tried to kiss his lips again, and he easily bent down, giving her exactly what she wanted, after a moment looking back.
The siren decided to follow him, confused, only to find Xavier in the doorway staring at them with envy and a hint of lust that he couldn't contain.
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