#stiles stilinksi x reader
harrywavycurly · 1 day
Because I’ve seen him on your page lately how would Stiles text you when he can’t find you at a house party?😍🩷
Hiii babes!! This made me laugh writing it so I hope you enjoy it! I haven’t written anything like this for Stiles before so be gentle 😂💖
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59 notes · View notes
mxltifxnd0m · 1 day
i need fictional men so bad i fear im unwell
54 notes · View notes
okay-j-hannah · 2 days
Part 1: Her Broken Heart
Teen Wolf : Multishot
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Word Count: 10.1k
Warnings: series rewrite, start of season 1 {aka 2011}, slow burn, strangers to friends, friends to lovers, eventual pining, eventual NSFW, usual teen wolf levels of violence and gore, heart conditions, health problems, lightheadedness, fainting
Request: This just came from my own head 😊
A/N: Just a note that the reader will be in the dark for a while, meaning that lots of episodes/scenes will be skipped. Also, the heart conditions/problems the reader has comes solely from extensive research and isn't meant to be completely accurate - I did my best.
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You walk purposefully to your last class of the day, holding onto the straps of your backpack like your life depended on it. New school. Old town.
It was just so noisy.
The squeak of your sneakers was drowned by the bustle of the dozens of highschoolers weaving through the hallways. Side conversations rose in volume, laughter was piercing, lockers slammed metallically, and the morning bell rang with a sharp noise.
You avoid rubbing shoulders with your peers, but inevitably a lacrosse player rams into your side while chasing a ball. You put a hand protectively to your chest, a glimmer of pain dancing across your ribs.
Breathe, you remind yourself. Just breathe.
Walking into English, you eye the rapidly filling seats. You recognize most faces even if they don’t recognize yours. A few skittish steps forward and you spot the dark silhouette of Scott McCall.
The uneven beating of your heart seems to lessen at someone you could at least talk to amicably. He appears to feel the same as he finds your gaze and smiles crookedly.
“Hey, (Y/N),” he whispers encouragingly. “It’s nice to see you finally at school.”
You smile back, “Thanks, it’s good to be out and about.” You pick the desk beside him, closest to the window. “There’s a lot of people here.”
Scott laughs, “What did you expect?”
“Less than this,” you say, thumbing the syllabus in front of you. “I thought Beacon Hills was a small city.”
You hear a cough directly behind you, fingers drumming against the metal desk surface. You flit your gaze to Scott, but he merely rolls his eyes.
“(Y/N), this is Stiles. Stiles… meet (Y/N).”
You turn in your seat to see a closely shaved head, wrinkled hoodie, and widening brown eyes.
“Uh… hi,” he says.
You swallow hard, “Hello.” Your brow furrows, “You’re Scott’s best friend.”
Stiles nods, playing with his fingers, “Yeah, for years. And you are…?”
“Another friend,” Scott interjects, “Friend of the family.”
You feel warmth as Stiles leans forward in his seat, “A friend that I’ve never heard about?”
That made your stomach clench. Of course you didn’t have many close friends, more acquaintances than anything else, but it still scared you to think you’d be judged on that fact.
“We don’t talk much,” you say quietly, turning back around.
Scott had what you hoped wasn’t a pitying look in his eye when he got distracted by neighbors ruffling through papers; then to a pencil dropping; then to a charm bracelet clanking against a desk. With each new noise his head was whipping about.
You tried to read the first page of your syllabus when a gentle tap on your shoulder startles you. You contained the jump in your heart as you turned towards Stiles.
He spoke with a soft but urgent voice, “Are you new to the town?”
“No,” you answer shortly.
“Then how come I’ve never seen you at school before?”
“I was homeschooled until this year.” The anxious fist in your stomach continues to clench further. “I’ve lived here almost all my life.”
He continues to lean forward as the teacher rose to address the class. “How do you know Scott?”
“Our parents are friends.”
“How come he’s never mentioned you before?”
You give a breathy laugh, “Do you always interrogate newcomers or is this just your usual charm?”
He finally leans back in his seat, “I like a good mystery.”
Your smiling reply makes the corner of Stiles’ mouth quirk upward, just as the teacher declares:
“Stiles, are we really going to end the day with a detention?”
Stiles looks up, frowning, “No, sir – just welcoming a new face.”
“Yes, Miss. Westbrook. I’d suggest surrounding yourself with different company. We don’t want a tainted reputation now, would we?”
Scott put a hand to his mouth, stifling a laugh as Stiles lifted his arms in silent outrage. You are stunned but feel a giggle rise in your chest.
The teacher continues, “As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night.”
The laughter in your chest dies in a cough as you replay the teachers unfeeling words in your mind.
“And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester.”
There was a collective groan, but you had already started dating the semesters projects in your academic calendar. The different books you’d be reading were some of your favorite classics: The Scarlet Pimpernel, Jane Eyre, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Sense and Sensibility.
You could already see the outline for your midterm paper on the differences between loving with sense and loving with sensibility.
Then the classroom door opened, and a pretty girl walked in with someone from the office.
“Class, this is our new student Allison Argent.”
You silently thanked the heavens that you weren’t introduced like that to the entire sophomore class. But the introduction intrigued you. Perhaps you could befriend this new student as you were somewhat new yourself.
You met her quickly by her locker after class.
“Hello,” you say in your gentle voice, “I’m (Y/N). I’m new to the school too.”
“Oh, thank god,” Allison says, “Just when I thought I’d never survive the first day.”
You grin, “New kids on the block need to stick together. How are you feeling about the move?”
“I’m used to it,” she says, leaning against the wall of lockers, “What about you?”
“Oh, I’m not new to the city, just the school. I was homeschooled before this. Jumping into the school year in January isn’t preferable, but it’s better than listening to your mom lecture about the Pythagorean theorem while doing the dishes.”
Allison laughs just as another girl walks over to introduce herself and her boyfriend. This new face, Lydia Martin, was clearly a commanding personality. And you quickly quiet yourself as she speaks to Allison.
“So, this weekend, there’s a party.”
“A party?” Allison says, taking a step closer to you.
The boyfriend, Jackson, adds, “Yeah, Friday night. You should come.”
Allison clearly didn’t want to go, judging by how she closed herself off and turned towards you. She fumbles for something to say as you note how the two popular kids never acknowledged your presence.
“Actually, we’ve already made plans for Friday night,” you say quickly, the beating of your heart increasing as Lydia made eye contact with you. “I’m helping her finish setting up her room.”
“Who are you?” Lydia asks, surveying you with her wide eyes.
Allison interjects, “This is (Y/N), she’s new to the school too.”
Lydia seems satisfied in her findings, “Pretty.” She pulls on both of your sleeves, “Let’s go to lacrosse practice.”
You panic, “Oh, no – I actually need to head to the library. The first day came with a lot of homework.” You curse the lines of judgment creasing Lydia’s brow. “I’m sorry, I need to catch up.”
“You need to pick, sweetheart. Beauty or brains. You can’t have both in this school.”
You believe that to be blatantly untrue, but you apologize again as Allison gets dragged off. You sigh, steadying your heartbeats. Your mother will be coming soon to pick you up anyway.
It was another long evening shift at the hospital working in the clinic. You assisted with logging patients in, taking their medical histories, noting their blood pressure, and administering medications.
You were currently disposing of some items in the sharps container when Nurse McCall came around with a dirty gown and gloves.
“(Y/N)!” she says cheerfully, “How are you?”
You smile, washing your hands in the nearby sink, “Tired, but that’s not unusual.”
She gave you a motherly look, eyeing you like the nurse she was. “How’s your breathing? Have you gotten lightheaded tonight?”
“Nope.” That was a lie. “I’ve been doing great. I worked through the line waiting in the clinic. Now I’ve just got to clean up before heading home.”
She raises her eyebrows, impressed. “I wish your work ethic came in a bottle. I’d give a dose to my son.”
“Oh, you should give Scott more credit. He’s working hard on the lacrosse team, I hear.”
“Have you two… has he been…”
You give a soft smile, “He’s been talking to me in class, yes. He’s been very kind to me.”
“Good,” that seems to relieve her. “I know you’re not the closest of friends but starting school in the middle of the year can’t be easy.”
“No,” you say with a sigh, “But I think I’ve made a few friends. Scott and Lydia and Allison…”
“So are you going to the party tomorrow night?”
You give a weak laugh, “I don’t think I’m made for parties, Melissa.”
“I mean,” she laughs too, “Scott is taking Allison to that party – I figured if you’re all friends now then…”
“Oh,” you compose yourself, “No, I’m not going.”
“Shame,” Melissa folds her arms, “I would’ve liked a trusted pair of eyes on my son. I tell you he’s gotten all squirrely since coming back from winter break.”
You shrug your shoulders, “I’ll check up on Allison to make sure she’s alright.”
Melissa leans over and rubs your arm, “You’ve been working like a madman since the summer. We’re all very impressed with you, (Y/N). But you have a habit of doing too much and telling us too little. You have to promise me you’ll be honest about how you’re feeling.”
You brush her off, “How many times have we had this conversation?” You take a step back, “I feel fine. The summer tuned me up. I feel I can do anything now.”
“I like the confidence,” Melissa says warmly, but she still held worry in her eyes. “I’m just looking out for you. I promised your mom.”
You grimace, “Has she been bombarding you much?”
“Nothing I can’t handle.”
The pair of you share a laugh, “I wish she’d stop worrying.”
“We all worry,” Melissa sighs, grabbing a new box of gloves for the nurses station. “That’s what happens when you have people that care about you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you walk around her, “I gotta go before my dad waits in the urgent care drop off too long.”
“Hey, about that…” Melissa calls after your retreating form. “I was thinking about your carpool situation and maybe you and Scott could drive together. You know – so you don’t have to rely on your parents as much.”
Anything to get more independence from your parents. “I didn’t think Scott had a car.”
“No, he doesn’t. He gets rides from his friend Stiles. Maybe you could join them?” She watches your expression grow anxious, “Or you could ask your new girl friends?”
“Yeah, right,” you snort, “Lydia and Allison live on the other side of town in those big important houses with the four-car garages.”
Melissa shrugs, “Then ask the boys. Stiles is a little… odd. But he’s a good kid.”
“Thanks, Melissa,” you give her a tired smile, “I’ll see you over the weekend.” You pull out your phone as you head to clock out.
Your connected watch reports to you the steady heartbeat you’ve had during the day – just two rapid spikes. Swiping away the health report, you text Allison and wait for her replies as you head towards your father’s car.
“So you’re actually going to the party?”
“What can I say… Scott asked me.”
You smirk, “I saw that coming a million miles away.”
“Sorry about our hangout though, I was going to tell you at school tomorrow.”
“It’s alright. I’ll just get started on the chemistry homework for next week.”
“You don’t want to come with us?”
You scoff, “And be a third wheel? No thank you.”
Your dad continues a conversation about your workday as he drove out of the hospital parking lot. “Any big cases come in?”
“No, nothing particularly stressful. Maybe one guy who was nervous around needles.”
“Good,” your dad says. “I’m proud of you sweetheart. And not a single fainting in five weeks.”
You lean your head against the window, suddenly glum, “Let’s hope it continues.”
Friday comes and you’re on the couch enjoying another read of Harry Potter. You were just getting to the confession scene in the Shrieking Shack when your mother came in with a cup of herbal tea.
“You seem a little quiet today,” she says, nestling into the opposite end of the couch.
“No more than usual,” you say, sipping the honey and herb concoction. “I usually spend Friday nights reading, mom.”
She nods, stirring her tea in thought, “Yes, usually. But in the last few months you’ve been branching out. Going to public school, getting a job at the hospital, making some new friends.”
“And while that’s all terribly exciting, I still enjoy a quiet evening with my books.”
“Of course,” your mother replies, “How have you been feeling?”
“Mom,” you groan, “I feel fine!”
She sat straighter, “You have had two dizzy spells this past week. It’s not a crime to ask how you’re doing.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, “I started school this week, I’m bound to be a little stressed about that, aren’t I? When I started my job at the hospital there were a few dizzy spells in the beginning, remember?”
“Yes, but you don’t tell us about them anymore. I have to pull up your watch readings to find out.”
“What’s the point? I can’t control them all. Sometimes they happen out of the blue.”
“Precisely,” she says louder, “Which is why it’s important to monitor them for your doctor’s appointments.”
You open your book in a huff, “Can we not talk about this anymore? It always puts the house in a mood.”
Your phone buzzes with a text from Allison. Your mother peers over your shoulder to see if it was a notification from your health app.
“Allison is getting a ride home from the party,” you whisper, texting a reply, “I wonder what happened with Scott.”
“Weren’t they on a date?” your mother asks, relaxed now that she knew the cause of your phone lighting up.
You shrug, “I thought so. I’m going to check on her. I’m sure she’ll want to vent.” You get up with your book and find your sneakers. “Could I have a sleepover?”
Your mother battled the rebuttal of keeping you at home – to coddle you with her security. “As long as you have your medication I don’t see why not.”
“I can drop her off on my way to the firehouse,” your father says, adorning his firefighter t-shirt and cargo pants. It would appear he had another overnight shift.
Fifteen minutes later you were outside the Argent residence, Allison waiting by the front door to welcome you with her frustrations.  
The home was tall with big, open rooms full of chandelier light. It was rich with mahogany browns and beamed ceilings. Allison was guiding you up the stairs after a quick introduction to her mother in the living room.
“I just don’t understand why he left me there,” she says with an edge, “I thought he liked me.”
“I think he does like you,” you say as you enter a beautifully decorated bedroom. “We have to remember he is a high school boy.”
Allison quirks a faint smile, “But to leave me at a strangers house… he has to know I’m new to the town. I don’t know anybody well enough to get some help! And I was not about to call my parents for a ride. That would’ve been reputation suicide.”
You clear your throat, recalling every instance your parents have carted you around, refusing to let you drive yourself. “Who gave you a ride anyway?”
“Someone named Derek Hale. He said he was a friend of Scott’s.”
You feel your uneven heartbeats pick up, “Derek Hale? He’s back in town?”
“Do you know him?”
“No, it’s just…” your mind wanders to old police reports your mother talked about and past newspapers on the dinner table. “There was a fire that burned up the Hale House years ago. Most of his family died in that fire. He hasn’t been seen for years.”
Allison crosses her arms, suddenly giving herself a kind of protective hug. “You mean, he isn’t a friend of Scott’s?”
“Not that I know of, but I’m as much of a new friend here as you are.”
“But Scott said you’re a friend of the family.”
“Yes, I do work with his mom at the hospital,” you fight to keep the Hale memories at the forefront of your mind. “But that doesn’t mean that I’ve hanged out with Scott much.”
Allison nods, still gripping her arms as creases of worry etch her face. “Why would Derek lie about being friends with Scott?”
“He didn’t try anything in the car, did he?”
“No!” she says quickly, “He was really kind, even held the door open for me. He just asked about my relationship with Scott.”
You could feel the beats in your chest stutter. They were loud in your ears, “What did you tell him?”
“Just that I met him this week. I got help from him at the veterinary clinic – I accidentally hit a dog – and he asked me to this party.”
You sit on her bed, afraid that your heart rate was increasing more, “Did Derek seem interested in just Scott?”
Allison thought about it for a few seconds before sitting in her desk chair, “Yeah, it was the only thing we talked about.”
“Which would make sense if that was the only thing you guys had in common.” You put a hand to your chest, hoping to steady yourself with some pressure. “But I still don’t think him and Scott have ever been close friends.”
“That’s slightly concerning,” she says with a shaky laugh.
You return it, trying to take a deep breath without making it too noticeable. “Other than the abrupt departure and unfortunate ride home… how are you and Scott?”
A genuine smile returns to Allison’s face, “He’s so sweet. You can just tell how nervous he is and it’s so cute. After being jumped by Lydia and her friends it was nice to meet someone more sincere.”
“Lydia can be a little overbearing,” you agree, checking your watch to see your heart rate drop to a more acceptable number. “And Scott really is a sweetheart. He can be a bit of a worrier, but I find those are the ones who care the most.”
Allison likes the calming reassurance until the sound of her mother’s voice pierced the air.
“Allison! It’s for you.”
The loudness prompts the two girls to their feet. Up on the walkway towards the staircase, the pair of you had a perfect view of the door… and the boy standing out in the cold.
“Stiles?” you say confusedly.
Allison’s mother left the door open as she returned to her spot in the living room. Stiles stood awkwardly under the porch light, “Uh… yeah, hi.”
“What’s going on?” you ask, leading the way down the stairs, “Is everything okay?”
“Is Scott okay?” Allison asks quickly, following you to the doorway.
Stiles rambled, hands on his hips, “Yeah! Yeah, Scott is fine.” His eyes lingered on you as he paused. You had an instant suspicion that he was lying. “He asked that I check up on Allison since he had to run out.”
“Well, I got home all right, no thanks to him,” she replied with a huff. “But he seemed off, like he was sick all of the sudden.”
Stiles took hold of the sudden excuse, “Yes! That’s what happened. Scott just got really sick out of nowhere, like really sick – like find me a bathroom right now kind of sick.”
You wrinkled your nose at his lack of a filter, “But you said he’s fine.”
“I mean, yeah now he’s fine,” Stiles said loudly, as if that would cover up his little slip. “He met with his mom at the hospital and she gave him some… treatment.”
Your pulse was picking up again at his obvious covering up, “You know what… I told Melissa I would stop by the hospital late tonight to get my new schedule. You just reminded me,” you smile easily, putting a hand to Allison’s arm. “Raincheck on that sleepover, I don’t want to keep Melissa up all night, especially if Scott isn’t feeling well.”
“Yeah, of course,” Allison said instantly, “And would you text me if you see Scott there?”
“Sure,” you smile, “Stiles?”
He looked to you with wide eyes, “Hm?”
“Could I get a ride?”
Stiles’ jeep was old and clanky, but in an endearing sort of way. You sat with your back more against the door than the seat, arms wrapped around yourself. Your heart hadn’t stopped beating rapidly. Any faster and you were worried about another attack.
“I’m sorry the heater doesn’t work,” Stiles said with a hint of embarrassment. He smacked the dashboard, “You look cold.”
“It’s alright,” you say quietly. You try to focus on the beats of your heart, willing them to calm down before you started to get lightheaded.
“You know what…” Stiles started to flail his arms around the wheel, trying to remove his suit jacket. He banged his head against the door before straightening out, “Here.”
You look at the outstretched jacket with endearment before quietly taking it, “Thank you.” You were much more graceful putting the jacket on, smiling at how Stiles mistook your concentration on your heart rate for being cold and uncomfortable.
“Now you need to tell me where Scott really is,” you say in your gentle tone.
Stiles suddenly gripped the steering wheel, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, Scott isn’t really at the hospital. And I know something is going on with Derek Hale because he lied to Allison. And I have a funny suspicion that you know more than you were telling us.”
There was a twitch in his fingers as Stiles thought about how much to reveal, “You’re right. Something’s wrong with Scott. I don’t know exactly what, but I think he ran off and got lost in the woods.”
“He didn’t give you any hint as to why he would do that?”
“He’s just been acting weird the last few days,” Stiles continued, driving slowly. “When I saw him leave tonight and Allison get picked up… I went after him. But he ran away.”
You wrap the suit jacket closely around you, giggling at how the wide shoulders stuck out on your own frame. It smelled wonderful.
“This calls for a search party.”
Stiles looked worried and frantic again, perhaps still hiding parts of the truth from you. “You don’t mind wandering the roads by the woods? I could still take you…”
“No, I want to help,” you say against your better judgement. Your heart rate still hadn’t gone down. “Let’s start on the north side closest to where the party was at.”
It was already past midnight by the time you started scouting the woods. You kept your eyes out the window, tightly bound in Stiles’ jacket. Your heart rate remained high, the lack of proper oxygen to your brain was starting to make you feel woozy.
Your mother was not going to be happy when she checked your watch monitor.
“Hey, you alright?” Stiles asked, “You need to sleep?”
You shook your head, wincing at the slow motion feeling it produced. “No, I can stay awake.”
“It’s not a problem, really. I can drop you off at home.”
“That’ll waste time when we could be searching.” You sit up straighter in an attempt to expand your lungs. “I just need to take a breath.”
Stiles kept looking towards you just as much as he was looking in the surrounding forests. “How close are you and Scott?”
“Not very,” you say, “I’ve met him a couple times with his mom. Our parents are closer than we are.”
“And you’ve lived here most of your life and yet I’ve never met you before.”
You smile, trying to anchor yourself in your surroundings. It was another attempt to control your heart rate.
The smell of Stiles’ jacket. The rough road beneath the tires. The stale, cold air of the jeep. The sound of Stiles’ investigative voice.
“I don’t get out much.”
He laughed, “Then why the sudden change?”
“I felt like it.”
“Woman of many words,” he smirked, “You said you knew Derek Hale lied to Allison. What do you know about the guy?”
You sigh, “Just a little about his past with the house fire. My mom was a part of the dispatch call that handled the case.”
“Wait, did you just say a dispatch call?” Stiles jumped in his seat, “As in, your mom is a police officer?”
“No,” you laugh at his quick movements, “She works at the front desk helping transfer calls between civilians and officers. She hasn’t been on the active force in many years.”
Stiles had a comical scrunch on his face as he thought for a few seconds, “Your mom is Angela Westbrook? Front desk Westbrook?”
You nod, a strange furrow in your brow, “And you know her because?”
“Because my dad is the town sheriff!”
“You’re a Stilinski?”
Stiles had a shock of energy zip through him, “Yes, a Stilinski! I can’t believe our parents work together.”
“Your dad has been to my house a few times,” you say, amazed at the connections. “I wonder why he never mentioned me.”
“I guess I knew Mrs. Westbrook had a daughter, I just didn’t realize we were the same age.”
The hours ticked by as the pair of you searched the woods by the road. You both thought you’d seen some flashlights and decided to avoid them. Stiles came up with the idea to search by foot away from the woods for a mile or so.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Yeah, I’ve got a spare flashlight in the back,” he unbuckled his seatbelt.
You sit straighter, “I mean, wasn’t there a dead body found out there earlier this week?”
“The police are handling it.” He steps out of the car to grab his flashlight.
You stay where you are, uncomfortable with the idea of standing up when your heart rate was so close to an attack. You were lightheaded enough that the rush of standing would not bode well.
Stiles came around the other side with an exaggerated expression on his face as he opened your car door. “Forgotten how to use the handle?”
“No, I’m just…” you tug on the jacket sleeves. “I’m a little lightheaded to be honest.”
“What do you mean?” his face fell into concern immediately, “Is something wrong?”
You smile shakily, “Not at all,” you lie through your teeth. “Just be prepared to catch me if I fall.”
Stiles seemed to take that with the most seriousness as he backed up and held out a hand, “I got you.”
You struggle to breathe as you clamber out of the vehicle. You hold tightly to Stiles’ outstretched hand and wait for the inevitable feeling of the blood rushing to your legs. Your head felt empty, and stars started to twinkle in front of your eyes.
Stiles held onto your hand and put an arm around your shoulders as you swayed, “Woah, you weren’t kidding. You alright?”
After a few seconds leaning into him, squeezing his fingers with light pressure, your breaths started to come easier. Your head became clearer.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.” You let go of him, checking your watch to see that your heart rate decreased to an acceptable amount.
Stiles backed away quickly, rubbing his hands awkwardly down his pants. He was hesitant to look at you when he replied, “No problem. Does that happen a lot?”
“Oh, you know…” you start venturing towards the tree line, “People get head rushes when they sit too long all the time.”
“Right,” Stiles said faintly, jogging to catch up to you. He clicked on the flashlight and aimed it towards the trees. It was dark and misty and cold. The pair of you kept hearing rustlings between the tree roots and bumping into each other.
You could have sworn you heard howls and growls, but it must’ve been the wind.
“Can I ask why you weren’t at the party?”
“You can, but the answer is boring.” You cross your arms, the too long sleeves engulfing your hands. “I don’t go to parties.”
“Because they make me lightheaded,” you say with a smile.
Stiles tried to pick that apart, but smiled, nonetheless. “You know the more I try to get to know you, the more confusing you become.”
“I thought you liked a good mystery.”
“I do,” Stiles confirmed, shining his flashlight up through tree branches, “I don’t like not knowing things.”
“Sorry, I’m a pretty tightly sealed book,” you shrug, “I can be very evasive.”
“And I can be very persuasive,” Stiles mocked, using a silly voice.
You bump into him again, sort of on purpose and less because you tumbled on a stray twig. “You already know plenty about me.”
“Let’s check the list, shall we?” he chuckled, “You were homeschooled. Your mom works at the station. You suffer from frequent lightheadedness. You don’t get out of the house much. And you’re already a part of the pretty girls club.”
“Excuse me?” you laugh, “The pretty girls club?”
Stiles kicked at the leaves, “Yeah, you know Lydia, Allison… you.”
“Stiles Stilinski, did you just call me pretty?”
He comically puffed out his chest, “In a roundabout way, yes I did.”
You chortle, “See you know a lot about me already. We’ve only known each other three days.”
“You’ll find I can be very determined, (Y/N),” Stiles sighed, “I’ll figure you out soon enough.”
They continued their way through the woods until they came back to the car. It did not go unnoticed that Stiles went to help you open the door and climb into the tall vehicle.
The morning light was starting to peek over the horizon by the time they got back to the roads. The pair of them were starting to grow more worried by the minute. It wasn’t a friendly search party anymore.
“I hope he’s okay,” you say quietly.
Stiles looked your way before resting his hand against the stick shift between you. “We’ll find him. Or he’ll text me as soon as he gets to a phone.”
You lean towards the dashboard, “I guess we’ll find him first.”
Walking along the side of the road, pants covered in dirt and his shirt missing, was Scott. He looked ruffled.
“What happened to him?” Stiles murmured as he pulled over.
“What happened to his shirt?” you say just as quietly. Stiles shot you a look as you strip yourself of his suit jacket.
Scott came to the door and looked shocked to see you handing over the coat. “(Y/N)?”
“Scott,” you say with a smile, “Get in.”
You scoot over to be in the middle. Stiles immediately yanked his arm away as your thigh got in the way of how he was resting his hand on the stick shift. You rubbed shoulders again as Scott got comfortable.
“Long night?” you ask.
Scott rubs at his eyes, banging his head against the window, “You have no idea.” He suddenly turns to you, pressing into your side, “How is Allison?”
“She’s fine,” you say, “I’m a little more worried about you.”
“You know what actually worries me the most?” he grumbles.
Stiles licks his lips, “If you say Allison, I’m gonna punch you in the head.”
“She probably hates me now,” Scott frowns, turning to you with regretful eyes.
You take pity on him, rubbing his shoulder, “She’s upset with you, but she doesn’t hate you.”
“But you might want to come up with a pretty amazing apology,” Stiles says candidly.
Scott groans, leaning against the headrest. You sit scrunched between them, almost scared to lean into either one. “I hear you were really sick last night. Though I don’t see how that explains your lack of clothing.”
“Night sweats,” Scott mumbles, “When I couldn’t sleep through it at home I decided to take a walk through the woods.”
“That’s a long walk,” you say, “Don’t worry, I’ll put a good word in for you with Allison.”
“Would you?” Scott says, looking at you like you were the answer to all of his prayers. “Could you make sure she knows how sorry I am?”
You pull out your phone to send that update text you promised her. “As long as you apologize in person too, I don’t see why not.”
“You’re an angel, (Y/N), thank you.” He bows his shaggy head to your shoulder before pouting against the headrest again.
“Could you drop me off a few blocks from my house? My parents think I’m sleeping over at Allison’s.”
Stiles nods, “Protective parents?”
“A little,” you smile.
“I’ll add that to the list,” he smirks. “I’ll have to open a full case file on you now.”
“That’ll be a dead end.”
Scott opens his eyes to peer at the pair of you, “Sounds like you two had as long of a night as I have.”
You yawn, “Stilinski here is trying to play high school detective. He’s on a role trying to figure out my criminal past.”
“Criminal you say,” Stiles drums his fingers against the steering wheel. “That’ll mean I need a corkboard and some red thread too.”
“What have you found out so far?” Scott muses, somewhat enjoying the change of subject.
“Not much.” Then Stiles points a finger at his best friend, “But you’ve known her longer than me – fess up. What do you know?”
Scott holds back a smile, “Did you figure out her mom works at your dads station?” After a swift nod he continues, “And that her dad is a firefighter?”
“Really?” Stiles says dramatically, “Any siblings?”
“Only child,” Scott continues, rubbing the tired from his eyes, “And she loves to read. Every time I saw her, she was always reading something.”
Stiles had a look of triumph on his face, as if it were a breakthrough in the case, “What book you reading right now?”
“Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.” You point the directions to your street, “I’m at the end when Lupin turns into a werewolf.”
“A what?” Scott says, shooting forward.
The friendly banter between you and Stiles suddenly shifts into surprise, “A werewolf. Haven’t you seen the movies?”
“Right,” he swallows hard, “It’s been a while.”
Stiles licks his lips again, “It’s ironic because last night was the full moon.”
“Oh, was it?” you hum, “That’s funny.”
You sleep off most of the weekend, having a lecture from your parents about the heart rate spike on Friday. You told them a night of rom coms and silly boy stories with Allison got you excited – that it was all fun and games.
You didn’t tell them you almost fainted because of it.
The next week was more enjoyable than the last. You excelled in your classes and spent your lunch periods reading in the library – you were already halfway through Sense and Sensibility for your midterm report.
Chemistry, History, and English were your favorite, most likely because your new friends were in those classes. Scott had become infatuated with Allison, especially after she had given him a second chance. Lydia was scheming something over her boyfriend being the captain of the lacrosse team. And Stiles was quickly becoming your highlight of each day.
He’d sit beside you during class and ask a personal question. “At least one a day,” he wagered, “I can ask at least one a day and get an answer.”
“As long as I reserve rights to refuse to answer any question.”
“I’m going to add those refusals to your case file.”
You’d roll your eyes, “Whatever you say, Stilinski.”
You were proud of the fact you hadn’t had another heart rate scare since the week before, meaning your body was adapting to the new stressful environment at school. That didn’t stop Stiles from insinuating you were going to have a lightheaded moment whenever you rose from your seat.
You never noticed how he prepared himself to grab you whenever you’d been sitting too long.
Chemistry had come around later in the week, you having arrived early to prepare the days experiment. Goggles adorning your face, you lit the Bunsen burner and tightened a flask of a chemical liquid above it.
Stiles skid over, sliding on his sneakers, “Hey, partner.” He threw his bag down and took the goggles you hand to him. He snaps them onto his face with a sharp, “ow.”
“I’ve started filling out the notes,” you say, observing how the liquid was starting to bubble with heat. “Why are you late?”
“I’m not late, you’re just early.” He sits on the stool beside you, resting his crossed arms on the tabletop. “Where were you at lunch today?”
You put a thermometer in the liquid, waiting for the right temperature, “In the library.”
“Is that where you always eat lunch?”
“You can’t eat food in the library, Stilinski.”
Stiles rubs at his nose fidgetily, “Scott and I were looking for you today.”
You pause, warmth filling your chest as you pour granules into the bubbling vial. “Sorry, I was reading for my book report.”
“(Y/N), book reports aren’t due for weeks.”
“Might as well get it done so we don’t have to worry about it,” you hum, writing down observations about the chemical reaction.
Stiles slumps a little, “Well, we missed you.”
“Scott just wants to gossip about what Allison thinks of him.”
“And what’s my excuse?”
You turn off the burner and remove the vial with tongs, “You’re trying to question me to continue your investigation.”
He sighs out a smile, “You’re right, of course. I haven’t asked you my question of the day yet.”
“I suppose I have no choice but to answer one,” you sigh with a smile on your face. “What do you have for me today?”
He was playing with his fingers when he asks, “Why do you spend lunch in the library rather than in the lunchroom with everyone else?”
You think about your answer carefully as you put away your supplies and let the vial cool down. “I don’t like being around a lot of people.”
“Why?” he presses.
You grab his goggles and snap them against his face, “Because it makes me lightheaded.”
He yelps and sways on his stool, “I’m beginning to think ‘lightheaded’ is code for something else.” He yanks the goggles from his face, and you snort at the deep lines they left around his eyes.
“Hey, there’s a science project that we need partners for,” you say as a way to change the subject. “Do you want to do it together?”
“(Y/N), we don’t have to do that project until the end of the semester.” He smiles at your antics of avoiding his questioning.
You shrug, “I like getting things done.”
He takes a deep breath, “Alright, at least I know I won’t fail the class if you’re helping me with the final project.”
After class the pair of you separate for final period, you heading to a different floor and running into someone at the bottom of the staircase. Someone tall and dark with light eyes.
That someone you recognize as Derek Hale.
You freeze on the last few steps, holding onto your backpack and feeling your heart beat unevenly again.
“You’re Derek.”
His face was cool and solemn, “What do you know about Scott McCall?”
“Why should I tell you?” Your arms erupt in goosebumps.
He steps closer, “Because I’m trying to help him. He needs to get it through his skull that I am not the enemy here. I need your influence in this.”
You hold back a scoff, fear overtaking that, “What business do you have with helping Scott?”
“Do you not know?” his eyes suddenly darken, “I thought you were one of his friends.”
“I am his friend,” you reply, “And I know people are suspicious of you.” A seed of doubt creeps up your spine, “I don’t like that a shady adult is creeping around the halls of a high school looking to make connections with students.”
He growls, actually growls much to your surprise. “I need you to tell Scott that I am here to help. I am innocent in whatever he thinks I’ve done.”
“What does he think you’ve done?” you ask quickly as Derek backs off.
“I can hear your uneven heart,” he says, turning around, “You should calm yourself.”
You put a hand to your chest, mouth agape at his retreating form. How the hell can he hear your heartbeat? A thrum of fear ripples through you as you run for your last class. You check the monitor on your watch until your heart rate was controlled before entering.
You didn’t see any of your friends until the next day. You were reading in the library over lunch again, finishing Sense and Sensibility and planning your report. You keep getting distracted by the whole situation with Derek and Scott.
What had the adult meant by befriending Scott? Why were you approached? What secret does Scott have that you didn’t know about?
You squeal as someone launches themselves over the library couch and sits beside you. Your cushion bounces as your heart leapt.
“Stiles!” you cry, “Don’t startle me like that!”
He nudges your shoulder, “Sorry, we were looking for you.”
Scott came around and sat on the arm of the couch, “It’s lunch.”
“Yes,” you say, “And I’m working on stuff in the library like I do every day.”
“No,” Stiles says, closing your book and stealing your pencil, “You’re going to join us for lunch today.”
You fight to get the pencil back, “I think I’ll just finish my report here.”
“(Y/N), there aren’t that many people in the lunchroom,” Scott says quietly, “And you’ll have us there.”
You stare Stiles down, “Did you tell Scott about my thing with lots of people?”
He shrugs sheepishly, “Come on, let’s go.” He waits as you stand, picking up your backpack for you. Scott led the way, nervous by how he wrung his hands.
“Has Allison talked about me lately?”
You shove his arm, “Scott, I can’t tell you everything we say during girl talk.”
“Girl talk?” Scott says in a panic, “I didn’t know about girl talk.”
“Yes, it’s where we drop all our juiciest secrets,” you snicker, “Including our thoughts on certain cute boys.” Scott points at himself, eyebrows raised, making you laugh. “Yes, Allison has been saying good things about you.”
Stiles matches your stride, “What about me?”
You look at him with a wide smile before leaning into Scott with another laugh.
“What? I’m a cute boy,” Stiles says, flabbergasted. “Aren’t I?”
They walk into the lunchroom that was still full of students. You spot Allison and Lydia sitting at the popular lacrosse table. Stiles, your backpack still on his shoulder, nudges you to one of the front tables.
Sitting down, Scott kept peering over at the back of Allison’s head. “See it’s not so bad in here, (Y/N).”
The patter of your heart would say differently, but you sit next to Stiles, nonetheless, pulling out your book report.
“I did mean to come talk to you guys about something that happened yesterday.” The boys lean in, eager for any strange story. “Derek Hale came to talk to me.”
Stiles slips out of his chair and crashes to the ground; Scott was stunned, “Derek Hale? Where?”
“On my way to my last class yesterday. He was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.”
Stiles crawls back onto his chair, winded, “He was inside the school? What did he want?”
You shrug, twiddling your pencil, “He wanted me to convince Scott that he was a friend. He said he was innocent, whatever that means.”
The boys share a look. You start outlining your report, “And I don’t know why but I think I believe him.”
“No, (Y/N), listen…” Stiles pulls on your shoulder so you would face him. “You cannot trust that guy. Whatever you do, do not be alone with him again, got it?”
“I don’t get it, why?”
Stiles licks his lips, urgent in the way he looks at you, “You need to trust me on this. If he tries to talk to you again, call me.”
“I would if I had your number,” you laugh. The boys pull out their phones immediately to exchange numbers. You snort at their seriousness, “If you wanted my number that bad you could’ve just asked instead of coming up with this elaborate Derek Hale story.”
“We’re not making it up,” Scott says, “That guy is dangerous.”
At the end of the week you were busy with your shift at the hospital. You had just finished checking on Jackson Whittemore who had a dislocated shoulder, and you were logging notes into the computer at the nurses station.
You were just updating a patient file when a hand slams onto the counter. You jump, clutching your chest.
“Jesus Christ, Stiles!”
Stiles was shocked at seeing you there, “Do you work here?”
“Yes, and for the love of god please announce your presence like every other normal human being and stop scaring the ever living daylights out of me!” It was a good thing they were in a hospital because your heart was about to give out.
“Sorry, sorry,” he says with wide eyes. He rubs at his face, hiding a smile, “This is how you know Scott’s mom so well.”
“Yeah, add it to my case file,” you wave a hand, fixing your scrub top, “Why are you here?”
His eyes linger at something on your chest, making him stutter, “Um… Scott and I were uh… coming to check up on Jackson.”
“That’s right, you’re all on the lacrosse team. I heard it was Scott that knocked Jackson’s shoulder out of place.”
“That would be correct,” Stiles laughs nervously, scratching at the back of his head. “Is he alright?”
You smirk, nodding towards the end of the hallway, “See for yourself.”
Lydia had come to pick Jackson up, and the pair of them were currently making out in the middle of the hall. You turn away, slightly nauseous, but Stiles keeps observing like he’s never seen a kiss before.
“She’s never been subtle,” you grimace.
His mind seemingly elsewhere, Stiles fumbles for something to occupy himself with as he waits. He picks up a pamphlet on the menstrual cycle.
“Where is Scott?”
Stiles was stuck on a diagram of the uterus, “Hm?”
“Scott,” you say again, staring at the pamphlet cover, “I thought you said you were both looking for Jackson.”
“He went to find his mom first.”
You squint your eyes, “Melissa’s shift ended two hours ago.”
“Could you explain to me the function of the fallopian tubes?”
You snatch the pamphlet away from him, “What are you two hiding?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Stiles says nervously, “Don’t you have other patients to see or something?”
“First Derek Hale is telling me that Scott is keeping a secret and then you’re here covering for Scott while he snoops…”
“Who said anything about snooping?”
You stand from your chair, leaning towards the counter and Stiles, “Listen, I’m glad we’re finally friends. I like you guys. But I won’t be lied to forever. I deserve better than that.”
Stiles feels his chest collapse a little, sinking in on himself. “I could say the same thing about you. You’re always keeping things to yourself and giving vague answers to my questions. What do you have to hide, hm?”
A pang of hurt hit your chest, “Stiles, I’ve never lied to you about anything. If I don’t want to answer a question outright because it’s too personal, I tell you so. I’ve never hid something from you deliberately by lying to you.”
Stiles bit his tongue, folding his arms defensively.
You let the hurt show on your face, “I think you and Scott have been lying to me for a long time. About the party that Scott ran out on. About why you checked up on Allison last week. About your trust issues with Derek Hale. About what you and Scott are doing in the hospital right now…”
The will to argue was gone in Stiles, he just looks defeated as he watches the hurt fill your face. “It’s been for your own protection.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” you whisper angrily.
Scott suddenly appears by the counter, out of breath. “Hey…” he saw your face, “Oh, hey what’s up?”
“Find what you were looking for?” you ask sourly before returning to your keyboard.
Scott shares a look with Stiles before muttering, “Yeah, uh… Jackson’s alright.”
“He left a few minutes ago.”
Stiles turns around to see that Lydia and Jackson really had left. He tugs on Scott’s arm and gave an imploring look towards you.
“I promise we’ll explain everything eventually.”
You keep looking at your computer screen, ignoring the words. Stiles flickers his eyes to what he noticed on your chest, just along the edge of your scrubs. Scott knits his brow as he listens to what was unmistakably the uneven pounding of your rising heart rate.
Stiles led the way to the elevators, cursing himself and smashing the downward button.
“What was that about?” Scott whispers.
“(Y/N)’s mad at me,” he rubs at his eyes harshly, “Mad at us. She knows we’re hiding stuff from her.”
“For her own good.”
“Yeah, but she sees it as us lying to her. I don’t blame her for being upset. We’ve been pretty crappy friends keeping her at arm’s length.”
Scott frowns, walking into the elevator, “You forget that keeping her in the dark keeps her safe.”
“Well, not anymore with Derek roping her into it.” He leans against the wall, holding tight to the railing. “Did you notice the scar on her chest?”
“No,” Scott says, “But I did notice her heartbeat. It was all over the place. She must’ve been really upset.”
Stiles takes a deep breath, “Did you find anything in the morgue?”
The next evening you drove with your mother back to the hospital. You were still aching with the argument you had with Stiles. You knew something was going on between him and Scott, but you still didn’t know what.
Your mother sensed your mood and said in a cheery voice, “We made an arrest today about that woods murder.”
“Did you?” you say in a quiet tone.
“Yeah, Derek Hale. He’s been back in town for a couple weeks. I guess there was evidence on his burnt property.”
You close your eyes, thinking back to the warning about Hale. “Good thing you got him.”
“And then I got a strange call on dispatch today from the Sheriff’s son.”
“Stiles?” you say.
She hums, “He’s one strange kid.”
“Does he call dispatch often?”
“He’s not allowed to anymore, but he did call today about a dog sighting.”
You shake your head, “You’re right, he can be real strange.”
“Are you sure you can’t make the big game tonight?” your mother asks. “Everyone is going, even the Sheriff.”
“I can’t. I’m helping on Melissa’s floor since she took it off to see the game.”
“That’s right,” she replies, “Shame. I’m sure your friends would’ve liked to see you in the stands.”
You turn in your seat, staring your mother down, “I thought you’d object to me watching a heart racing game surrounded by loud, rowdy people, standing in the frigid cold air.”
She shrugs, “You’ve been proving yourself capable of handling your heart rate, even when it’s the spur of the moment.”
A sudden warmth creeps up your chest. Your mother was starting to trust you despite the illnesses. It was just enough of a mood shift to prompt you to text Scott and Stiles good luck at the game.
The shift was long and grueling; you were exhausted by the end of it. Another medical assistant drove you home late, no doubt long after the lacrosse game was over. You made a mental note to commend Melissa for handling such a difficult floor of the hospital.
Your mom had been called away because of a case update and your father was on an overnight shift at the firehouse again. You were quick to shower the nights worth of patient grime off your body and throw your scrubs right into the washer.
You were just applying lotion in your pajamas when something hit the glass of your window. Startled, you stood from your bed and waited for it to happen again.
A small pebble flew through the air and pings against your window.
Peering through the glass, you saw a disheveled, sweatshirt-wearing Stiles holding a handful of your garden rocks. He waves at you shyly as you struggle to slide the window open.
“What are you doing?”
Stiles holds up his hands, “Seeing if you were awake.”
“And you couldn’t think to text?” you say incredulously, “Put those rocks back.”
He threw his handful of rocks on your mothers tulips, “My phone died like an hour ago.”
You stood there, leaning on your windowsill, regarding him with a soft expression. He looks tired and scared, eyes looking up and imploring as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.
“Then what’s up?” you ask.
He swallows hard, the cold air making his breath come out in icy clouds. “I wanted to talk… about what you said yesterday.”
“How did you know where I live? You dropped me off at the end of the street, remember?”
“Well, yeah,” he chuckles, “And I just watched you walk to this house.” He scratches the back of his head, “Or maybe I looked up your mom on my dad’s computer and found her employee records.”
You nod your head slowly, “That sounds about right.”
“Can I… Can I come up?”
You bite at your lips, hair still wet from the shower. “Sure.”
It was like letting a dog off a leash. Stiles frantically jumps to the garden trellis growing on the front of your house. He struggles past the vines and up the wooden ladder, ignoring your calls of disapproval. He was huffing and puffing by the time he made it to the roof and next to your window.
“Stiles,” you say in your gentle voice, “My parents aren’t home. You could’ve come through the front door.”
His mouth was dry from panting in the cold night air, “Right, but that wouldn’t have been as impressive.”
You watch his fumbling figure fall from the window and onto your carpeted floor, “Yeah, that was real impressive, Stilinski.”
There was only a side table lamp on, lighting the bedroom in a soft peachy glow. You went to sit cross-legged on your bed, patting the covers in front of you for Stiles to sit.
He fixes his shirt, taking your offer before looking you in the eye. “(Y/N), I wanted to say that I was sorry.”
You look towards your hands, playing with the edge of your comfy pajama shirt. You could smell the fruity scent of your lotion still on your fingers.
“I didn’t realize our covering up was so obvious to you. We just wanted to protect you, but I guess it does seem like we betrayed your trust.” He keeps his eyes on you, waiting for you to look at him again, “When I got your good luck text I thought maybe there was still a chance you weren’t super angry with me.”
“Just a little,” you say quietly, giving him a soft smile.
“I wanted to tell you some things that we’ve been hiding from you,” he holds his hands up, “As a peace offering.”
You shake your head, “How generous of you.”
“The body that was found in the woods… Scott and I found it. Us visiting the hospital? That was Scott and I trying to find evidence on the partial body. Derek Hale? He had been seen on the property where we found the other half of the body. He was also in the woods with the first half. We were suspicious of him, and he was basically stalking us because of it.”
You listen carefully, your heartbeat was loud in your ears. “And when he came to talk to me?”
“That terrified us. We thought he was a murderer, and he was talking to you… alone.”
“You thought? My mom told me he was arrested today for the murder.”
Stiles rubs at his face with a tired hand, “Not anymore. The coroner’s said the cause of death was from an animal attack. And the victim was Laura Hale – Derek’s sister.”
“Must be nice having your dad be the sheriff,” you smile. “So Derek’s innocent like he told me he was.”
“I still don’t trust him. He’s not telling us everything. And since we’ve gotten him thrown in jail, my guess is he’s not very happy with us.”
You nod, your head clearer than it was at the beginning of the week.
“Is that everything you’ve been hiding?”
Stiles licks his lips, a nervous habit you’re realizing. “Do you remember when you said you don’t lie, you’re just honest about not sharing the whole truth?” At your nod he continues, “There is one more thing, but it’s not fully my thing to tell. We want to tell you, but it’s not exactly safe at the moment.”
You take the cryptic words and stew with them for a while. “Apology accepted.”
He let out a deep breath, “Thank goodness. Scott would have never forgiven me if we lost our one connection to the pretty girls club.”
You punch his shoulder and laugh, “The one thing I’m good for… gossip from the girls.”
Stiles rubs his shoulder, “That’s not why we want you around.” He clears his throat at your sudden undivided attention, “What I mean is… you’ve been a good friend, and we like you.”
“You and Scott,” you smile.
“Yeah, me and Scott.”
“Scott and I,” you correct, brushing the wet hair from your face, “How was the game?”
Stiles sat more relaxed on your bed, “It was great, we won. And there weren’t any injuries like Jackson’s.”
“Good,” you smile, “And Scott had a pretty victorious after party, so I’ve heard.”
“Allison texted you?” Stiles questions.
You shrug, “Of course. She said you were watching like a little pervert.”
Stiles chokes on his gasp, “I am not…” 
“You were watching Lydia and Jackson too. There’s a trend I’m noticing,” you tease.
He shoves your crossed knee, relishing in your laugh, “Very funny.” He eyes the neckline of your pajama top, searching for the edge of the scar he noticed yesterday. “Can I ask you my one personal question of the day?”
“Fine,” you sigh, “Ask away.”
“Where did you get that scar?” he nods towards your chest.
You immediately clam up, covering the spot protectively. “I got it over the summer.”
Stiles raises his eyebrows, egging you on, “How?”
“I had a surgery.” You watch the concern begin to etch into Stiles’ face. “I don’t like talking about it.”
He bit the inside of his cheek, blinking rapidly as he tries to compute the information, “But you’re okay now. The surgery helped you be… healthy?”
“For the most part,” you say quietly, “The surgery did help me be healthier.” You could already see the cogs turning in his mind. He was going to head home and research what surgeries would leave scars like that on the side of the chest.
His eyes wander your room for a minute before landing on your nightstand. There were three different sized prescription pill bottles resting there. He returns his gaze to you, but didn’t ask further questions, “So I was thinking… how about I give you rides to school from now on.”
You let out an anxious smile, grateful he didn’t press you about your health problems. “Honestly, that would be great.”
“Good,” he seems pleased with himself, “And in return for gas money, you come to our lacrosse games.”
You outstretch a hand, “Deal.”
Stiles takes your hand to shake and instantly blurts, “You smell really good.”
You laugh, “I did just shower.”
He awkwardly lets go of your hand, standing from the bed, “No, you always smell good.”
“Thanks Stilinski.”
46 notes · View notes
itsjustrosee · 24 hours
Stiles Stilinski x fem!reader
Alright if I'm being so honest I just needed a lil break from all the Maze Runner fanfics and to do a small fic, (a bit of a pallet cleanser for me I guess), with Stiles Stilinski bc I love him
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Context: You and Stiles have an established relationship
Warnings: Nothing, just fluff
Wordcount: 868
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You woke up, groggy and tired in the middle of the night lying on top of your boyfriend's chest. Heat radiated off of him, keeping you warm as cool air blew through the open window beside his bed. His chest slowly moved up and down as he let out soft breaths and the occasional snore. His arm was wrapped around your shoulder, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing softly into your skin. You couldn't help but feel so safe and peaceful as he held onto you, even as he slept, as if you could just slip away at any moment.
But unfortunately, your peaceful sleep was interrupted by the dry scratchy feeling in your throat as you breathed in. You took your cheek off of Stiles's chest and glanced over your shoulder at his nightstand. The glass of water you normally kept there for situations such as the one you found yourself in currently, was empty.
You let out a small frustrated sigh as you buried your head into Stiles's chest. You were already dreading having to get up and go to the bathroom sink because it meant that you had to leave the warmth of Stiles and his bed, and you also ran the risk of waking him up in the process.
Quietly and subtly, you slowly snaked out of Stiles's grip and sat on the edge of the bed but before you could get up and make your way to the bathroom, you heard Stiles mumble.
"(Y/N)?" He asked, his voice soft and husky. You bit back a curse as you turned around to see Stiles's eyes fluttering open, sitting up on the bed with his elbows.
He placed his hand on your forearm, his grip gentle as he spoke again, "Where are you going?"
"Just to get a glass of water," You said, immediate guilt for waking him up settling deep in your stomach. He looked so peaceful while he slept, you hated to have interrupted it. "I'm sorry for wakin' you up, baby," You say softly, leaning in and cupping his cheek with one of your hands, kissing his forehead as you do so.
"It's okay," Stiles replied with a soft smile, as you pulled away, your eyes meeting his for a moment. Even half-asleep, he looked at you as if you had walked right out of his dream, like you were the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. Well to be fair, he looked at you like that and thought of you as that most of the time anyways.
As you got up, you grabbed the cup on his nightstand and brought it to the sink, filling it with water. You brought the cup up to your lips, taking a long sip before finally pulling the cup away, filling it up once more just in case you woke up again.
You walked back to Stiles's room and set the cup down on his nightstand and lied down. This time, Stiles wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest. You felt his warmth wash over you as he pulled the covers over your shoulders.
You let out a satisfied hum as you wrapped one arm around Stiles's waist, the other resting on his chest as you nuzzled your head into his chest, closing your eyes as you did so.
"No more getting up alright?" Stiles stated almost asleep already, his voice muffled against your hair as he buried his head into the crook of your neck. He inhaled, getting a whiff of your shampoo, a light floral smell that he had grown to adore ever since you both started dating.
"No more getting up, pinky swear," You mumble, slowly drifting off to sleep as well now that you are safely wrapped in Stiles's arms.
"Good," Stiles mumbled, pressing small kisses onto your neck as he stroked your hair.
Right as you were about to fall asleep once more, Stiles whispered, "Is it your turn to cook breakfast tomorrow morning?" He asked quietly.
"Mhm," You replied, not bothering to open your eyes as you replied.
"What are you going to make?" He asked again.
"Um, I'm not sure," You say, slightly more awake this time. "How do pancakes sound?" You ask, lifting your head to meet his eyes.
"Pancakes sound great," He replies, a small goofy grin spreading across his face that you couldn't help but return. You lean in, placing your lips on his in a gentle and passionate kiss.
You pull away and rest your head on his chest once more as he brings you a little closer to him this time. You shut your eyes in an attempt to fall asleep but before you can, Stiles speaks again.
"God- pancakes sound so good right now," He whispers, this time, fully awake.
"Stiles, you'll have pancakes in the morning, it's time for bed now," You say softly, placing your hand on his cheek as you look at him once more.
"Yeah you're right," He says, looking at you and placing a kiss on your forehead as you take your hand away from his face. "Goodnight baby,"
"Goodnight Stiles," You reply, and this time, there are no further interruptions, just blissful sleep.
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Alright guys, sorry if this was a bit bad, I just thought it was cute and I needed something to feed my delusions (I'm sorry 😭)
let me know if yall would wanna see more of this typa stuff
also ima start working on my requests soon I promise
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stvrlitsky · 7 months
Live, love and stan my jealous fictional boyfriends <3333
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xspeter · 3 months
do yall ever think about the jaw dropping fics that are probably sitting collecting dust in someone’s drafts rn.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 8 months
a little fashion show
kinktober, day four
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a/n: bro, the amount of time this idea has been in the notes app on my phone....
warnings: stiles stilinski x reader, smut, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, trying on lingerie, teasing, flashing, kissing
word count: 990
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
masterlist | join my taglist | kinktober 2023
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“Who was at the door?” Stiles asked as your giddy form appeared in the doorway to your room once more. 
“The mailman,” you giggled, unable to contain your excitement, “and look!”
“You got a package!” not getting as revved up in the excitement as you were, he nonchalantly pointed out the parcel in your palms, “oh, cool!”
“Not just any package, only the one I’ve been waiting about a billion years to arrive,” you shut the door behind you, gazing down at the bundle in your hands with heart-shaped eyes, “you don’t mind if I just try this stuff on right now, do you? I just don’t know if I can wait till you leave.”
Discretely readjusting in his comfortable seat on your mattress, he waved a hand, “no, no, it’s fine.”
“Really? Great!” you squealed, digging your fingers into the opening of the package, “you can help me see if any of it doesn’t suit me or fit right, give you a little fashion show and everything.” 
“Alright, sure,” he agreed with a soft chuckle as you disappeared behind the wide bookcase that acted as a divider in the middle of your room.
After changing into the first item, you couldn’t stop yourself from springing back out, arms raised high above your head as you sang, “tada! What do you think?”
“Wow, oh, wow,” you watched Stiles eyes grow wide as they landed on the extremely short nightgown hanging around your form, “that’s-, that’s-…”
“It’s cute, isn’t it?” you turned your back to your stunned friend to glance at yourself in the mirror, “the floral pattern especially.” 
Gaze tracing your hands as they played with the tiny skirt, “y-yeah, it is,” you just barely managed to catch sight of his reflection discreetly move one of your pink pillows over his lap, “it’s good, you should definitely keep that one.”
You hadn’t thought that his blush could have gotten any worse, but evidently, as you soon pranced out clad in the next thing, it very much could. 
“What about this one?” you innocently observed the lingerie set in the long mirror, turning a bit to see how the high-waisted, black underwear hugged your bottom, “do you think it fits alright?” 
Looking like a broken PlayStation 2 game you’d have to pull out and blow on, Stiles simply hummed, “huh?”
“I just feel like if I jump around or bend over in this, the girls are just gonna spill out,” your nose crinkled as your fingertips ghosted over the cups of the matching bra. 
“I mean,” he blinked hazily, “you could test it out, if you want.”
Obliging twice, jumping gently in place, the squint to your eye didn’t fade away as not only you observed how your boobs jiggled in the cups, “hm, I don’t know, maybe one of the ones that has a different cut then this one…”
Peeping through the shy slivers of the bookcase, you bit down on your smirk as you watched the trouble you’d stirred up on the other side. As you slid off the black number, daringly arching your back and purposefully sticking your butt out far enough for him to catch a glimpse, you spotted how a string of your want clung to the panties as you dragged the down your legs. 
If this last one wasn’t gonna do the trick, make the guy you’d had a crush on forever fess up and make a move, then you didn’t know what would.
Pink, skimpy and sheer, your pebbly nipples weren’t the only thing on full display as the see-through thong also made your puffy pussylips no secret to anyone. 
Your pace as you returned to the mirror was purposefully slow, not looking to Stiles even once as you felt your desperation for him soak the pretty garments. 
“T-that-, yeah,” his fluttering eyes were trained on your bare bottom, “that’s nice.”
“Yeah?” you still didn’t dare to look at him, “you think so?”
“Mhm,” he nearly groaned. 
Grazing your touch ever so lightly over the elastic edges, you uttered, “you really think it’s pretty?”
“Stiles,” you sucked in a deep breath and gathered up the courage through the pumping adrenalin of being so exposed before your crush, “can I ask you something?”
“Anything,” flowed from his lips nearly instantly.
“Would you have sex with me?”
The room was dead silent a moment before Stiles choked, “what?”
“Would you fuck me?” you rephrased, still not looking back at him in the refection. 
“Would I-… I’m sorry, what?”
“Would you fuck me?” gnawing at your bottom lips, you finally turned to face him, “because I kinda really like you, like a lot,” your feet slowly carried you closer to where he sat, “and I don’t know, I’m sorry, am I being too forward? Is this too much? Do you not like me in that way? Because I totally get it if you do, I’m really sorry for everything. I thought you’d picked up on the hints I’ve been dropping for a while now and that you-”
“I do like you!” he rushed to cut off your concern, “I-I-, yes,” seizing your hand in his as he emphasized, “yes.” 
“Yes or yes?” you asked, eyes flickering to the pillow hiding his own excitement. 
“Yes,” he nodded, swiftly tugging you down in his lap before you could withdraw your proposal. 
An airy whimper escaped your lips as he then kissed you, your whole body feeling like puddy in his grasp. Drawing back a moment from his long-awaited pecks, you found yourself offering bashfully, “you know, I could also just give you a handjob or blow you or something if you’re not-”
Using his leverage, he suddenly flung you down against the mattress, effectively cutting your suggestion off as he scurried to hover above you, an earnest grin adorning his lips as he then exclaimed “oh my god, just shut up and let me screw my best friend.”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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silentmacabre · 9 months
man stays baffled
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dylobilysmomg · 4 months
Motel Fever
𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺: 𝗧𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗪𝗼𝗹𝗳
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝗦𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗦𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗸𝗶 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺!𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀: 𝟯.𝟭𝗸
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗡𝗦𝗙𝗪! 𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹 (𝗳𝗲𝗺 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴), 𝗽𝗻𝘃, 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀
𝗢𝗻 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗮𝘁: 𝗦𝗻𝗮𝗽 𝗢𝘂𝘁 𝗢𝗳 𝗜𝘁 𝗯𝘆 𝗔𝗿𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝗸𝗲𝘆𝘀
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗜 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝗮𝘄 𝗗𝘆𝗹𝗮𝗻’𝘀 𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗻𝗼 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗲. 𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀, 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴! 𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝘆 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 (𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗵 𝘁𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀!) 𝗠𝘆 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲. 𝗡𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗴𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. 𝗟𝘂𝘃 𝘆𝗮!!
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𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗴𝗶𝗳!
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I groan from beside Allison, taking a look at the disaster coach calls a motel.
“I’ve seen worse.” Scott says, and I scoff. “Where have you see worse?” Stiles replies, rolling his eyes. I pull my jacket closer to my body, trying to shield myself from the wind the storm brings.
The track team circles up as Coach speaks up. “Listen up! The meet’s been pushed til tomorrow.” There’s a groan that comes from just about all of us in unison at that. “This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of…degenerates like yourselves. You’ll be pairing up, choose wisely.”
Me and Allison walk up and grab a key from Coach, checking out the number and practically stomping to our room. Scott and Stiles close behind us.
“And I’ll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants, got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!” Coach shouts as everyone makes their way to their rooms for the night.
“I can’t believe this. How much you wanna bet we wake up to a cancelled track meet tomorrow.” I complain, approaching our motel room, which is oh so conveniently right next to Scott and Stiles’ 𝘖𝘩 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵.
I stop at the door, waiting for Allison to unlock it, but she’s taking her sweet time chatting it up with Scott. Stiles whips past me, brushing my shoulder.
“Hey Stiles, will you and Scott do me a favor and keep the moans down tonight. I would rather not listen to you two get in on while I get my beauty sleep.” I taunt him, leaning against the door, burning time while I wait for Allison.
Stiles halts his actions of unlocking his door to turn to me, “Didn’t you hear the coach, Y/N? ‘𝘕𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴.’ Or is that word too big for you? Need me to dumb it down?” He jabs and I scoff in his face.
“Oh I heard him all right. I just wonder if you did.” I counter, watching as he scoffs, tongue poking out to glide over his teeth.
“We’ll be quiet, Y/N/N. Besides, I don’t want to interrupt your beauty sleep; God knows you need it.” He says, and before I can come up with a comeback, Allison is coming up behind me and unlocking our door.
Scott passes us both and bypasses Stiles into their room, “Sleep tight, Y/N.” Stiles sneers before disappearing behind Scott.
I join Allison in our room, shutting and locking the door behind me. “I hope you don’t kick in your sleep, or someone’s gonna sleep on the floor tonight and it won’t be me.” I say, looking at the single bed in the middle of the dreary room.
“About that…” Allison says, her face already completely giving away what she’s about to tell me.
“Allison,” I warn her, and she trots in front of me with pleading eyes. “Would you do me a huge, huge favor and switch with Scott tonight?” She begs, and I’m completely and utterly in shock.
“You cannot be serious. You want me, to share a room, a 𝘣𝘦𝘥, with 𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴?!” I try to wrap my head around the idea of having to survive a night with Stiles Stilinski. Yeah right, 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺.
“Yeah, no, no way in hell!” I shout, hands flailing in the air. “Have you even met me?!” I ask, baffled that she’d even think that I’d ever agree to such a thing. “I mean? have you even met Stiles?! I can’t stand him for more than a few seconds, let alone hours!” I exclaim.
“Then don’t stand him, sit on him instead.” Allison says, the tone in her voice suggestive. I scoff, “Yeah right, me and Stiles? Never in a million years.” I say, the idea completely out of the question.
“Oh come on, Y/N! You could cut the sexual tension between you two with a knife! You guys just need to fuck and make up.” Allison tries to convince me, and I’m trying to deny the pit in my stomach that tells me she might be right.
“Allison you’re crazy. There’s no tension between Stiles and I.” I answer, rolling my eyes. “Oh please, Y/N! Please, please, pleaseeeee!” She begs, not backing down.
I groan out, “Alright! Alright! But you owe me big time for this.” I finally give in, and Allison pounces onto me to give me a tight hug.
“Y/N you won’t regret this, I’m texting Scott now.” She says giddily, and I change into my pajamas while we wait for Scott.
After a few minutes, there’s a knock at our door, and I open it to reveal a just-as-giddy Scott McCall. “Y/N,” He greets me with a tight lipped smile. “Scott.” I answer, brushing passed him and out the door.
It’s dark, rainy, and cold outside. I stand in front of Stiles’ motel room, shivering in my pajama shorts and matching t-shirt. I knock. No answer. I knock again. Still nothing.
“Stiles I know this isn’t the most pleasant arrangement but it’s freezing outside, please let me in.” I plead, my teeth chattering. Still nothing. Nothing but the howling of the wind and the drops of rain.
I sigh, sliding my back down against the door, sitting down on the cold cement. I pull my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around myself as I shiver.
Then suddenly, the door is pulled open without warning and I look up to see a half naked Stiles. “What’re you doing?” He asks, looking down at me as I scurry up and onto my feet. “Waiting for you to let me in, dumbass. It’s cold out here.” I chatter, pushing past his naked upper half and into the room.
The room is ice cold, not any better than outside in the elements. Stiles rolls his eyes coming back into the room and locking the door behind him.
I turn to him to ask why the heater isn’t on when he beats me to it. “Yeah, well, the heater is broken to shit so it’s not much better in here.” He answers my unspoken question. I shake my head, sitting on the bed, head in my hands. “This cannot be happening right now.” I complain, more to myself than Stiles.
“You wanna complain some more, Y/N? Since you’re so good at it.” He jabs, padding to his bag, digging through it. I scoff in response, and it’s then that I look up and take real notice of him frame. 𝘏𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦?
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” He says, pulling me out of my daze. “Whatever, get some other desperate girl to be your paparazzi.” I reply, digging into my bag for my phone charger, but it’s nowhere to be found.
Stiles goes into the dinky bathroom to change, coming out to me huffing and puffing. “What is it now?” He asks irritated, emerging from the bathroom in plaid pajama pants and a navy blue t-shirt. “I think I left my fucking charger at home.” I groan, checking my phone percentage. 12%
He chuckles, getting snuggled into the single bed and plugging his phone in, rubbing it right in my face. He turns his phone to the side, putting on some tv show. I grab my bag off the bed and drop it to the floor, “Make some room will you?” I push his feet from above the covers, and he scoots a millimeter to the side.
I curse under my breath, jumping into the bed and shoving him over some as he watched his phone. “Jeez, Y/N/N. If you wanted to get in bed with me that bad you should’ve just said so.” Stiles quips, and I pull at the cold blanket to cover myself.
“Oh please, get over yourself. You’re the last person I’d ever want to be in bed with.” I roll my eyes, getting out my phone to distract myself from him until it inevitably dies.
We’re laying shoulder the shoulder. He’s holding up his phone as he watches Supernatural, and before long my phone is dead.
I set my phone on the nightstand to my right, then turning over to lay on my left side and watch his show. My face is millimeters away from his broad shoulder, and he turns his head to me, peering down.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He asks, attention split between me and the phone. “My phone died, and I like Supernatural.” I say, my eyes flick from the screen to him.
“You like this? Scott hates it.” He says, turning his face back to his phone. Is he starting a normal conversation with me? What universe is this?
“Of course Scott hates it, he hates all things 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭.” I say, wiggling magic fingers in his face. He chuckles, “Yeah, guess it’s too close to home for him. I like it though, I like to think we’re like them.” He says, comparing him and Scott to Sam and Dean.
“So which one are you? Sam or Dean?” I ask, giggling. “Which one do you think I am?” Stiles ponders, his attention fully turned toward me by now. “Definitely Sam,” I answer confidently, “he’s my favorite.” I add, my eyes suddenly avoiding his own.
There’s an awkward silence for a moment before Stiles breaks it. “Awe, so you like me more than Scott?” He pokes fun at me, and I roll my eyes. “In your dreams, Stilinski. I wouldn’t be caught dead with you unless the situation was dire.” I counter, rolling over to my back, his phone long forgotten.
He turns it off, setting it on the nightstand on his side. “See that’s where you’re wrong.” He says, and the tone in the chilly room shifts. He sits up to almost hover over me. His face the closest it’s ever been to mine, and I can’t help but flicker my eyes from his to his lips and back again.
“I think you wanted this. I think you want me.” He says, voice huskier and hushed. “Stiles…” I can’t think of a witty response, I can’t think about anything besides his lips, and how impossibly close they are to my own.
“Say it. Tell me, Y/N.” He demands, a veiny hand dipping under the covers to slink down my thigh. My mind is running a hundred miles a minute, short circuiting.
“Awe, fuck it.” I whisper, more to myself than him, closing the gap between us. Our lips connect in a searing kiss, and my hands shoot up to his neck, pulling him down to me.
He growls into my mouth, moving to now completely hover on top of me, my legs instinctively opening to make room for him. His arms prop himself up over me, and my hands explore his body, moving to slide up and under his shirt. I slowly push up his shirt til his sits up, pulling it off in one swoop.
He’s so fucking hot. My hands dance along his slightly defined abs, speckled like his face. “Like what you see?” He taunts, leaning back down over me to assault my neck with his lips. “Oh, bite me.” I snip, and he nips at my throat in response.
Stiles trails his nimble fingers up my shirt, but I stop him, pushing his chest until he’s off of me. I push him over to his back, straddling his waist to be on top. I settle myself into his lap, his hands gripping my hips tightly. I pull my shirt up and off my body, revealing myself to him. The cold nips at my now half naked frame, nipples perking up and gossebumps cover my body.
I shiver a little, “It’s so cold in here, Stiles.” I whisper, and he snakes a hand up my waist and all the way up to my neck, pulling my face down to his. “Don’t worry, baby,” He whispers seductively, “I’ll warm you up.”
Our lips meet once again, tongues fighting for dominance. I grind down into his lap, his boner prominently poking me beneath his pants. He moans deliciously into my mouth as I do so, hands slipping into my shorts, groping my ass.
I moan as he rocks me in his lap, “God, why did we wait so long for this?” I whispers, looking up at me with those auburn eyes. “Because we hate each other.” I answer breathlessly.
“I could never hate you, baby.”
Then he’s forcefully pushing me back over, hands dipping into the waist band or my sleep shorts, pulling them and my panties down in one go. He places a palm on each of my knees, spreading my legs apart. I’m now fully bare and at his mercy.
I moan in anticipation as he methodically kisses up my thigh, getting close and closer to my dripping heat. He then brings a finger to swipe through my folds, my slick covering his digit as it glistens. “All this and I’ve barely even touched you.” He taunts me.
“Stiles please,” I beg, but he’s not ready to give in just yet. “Please what? Use your words.” He says huskily. “Please Stiles, please touch me.” I plead.
Stiles licks a stripe through my folds, sending shivers sound my spine. His mouth attacks my heat, his tongue working wonders. Stiles is like a starved man, feeding on anything and everything he can get his hands on. Feasting upon me. He sends me over the edge almost immediately. My hands shoot down to his head, gripping his hair til my knuckles turn white.
Stiles detaches his lips from my clit, sitting up to his knees and standing up off the bed. He drops his pajama pants to the ground, before zipping over to his bag to retrieve a condom from it. He rushes back over to the bed, pulling his boxers off in an instant, kneeling onto the bed in front of you as he rolls the condom into his think length.
My fists grip the bed covers, watching as he lines his swollen tip with my entrance, teasing me with it. “Stiles,” I moan, and he slides himself in completely.
He hisses as he does so, burying himself to the hilt. “Fuck, Stiles.” I moan out breathlessly. Stiles thrusts are hard, his rhythm unbearable. “Yeah, you like that?” He whispers, leaning down to me ear. His voice deep and husky, full of lust. His lips dip down to nip at my throat. “Yes, Stiles.” I moan, and I feel him smile against my kiss peppered skin.
“Awe, fuck.” Stiles drawls out into my ear, sitting up to his knees, still fucking me, his rhythm perfect. “Say my name.” He orders me, his hands gripping my hips as he pistons into me. I can barely take it.
Of course I do as he says. I moan his name, eyes rolling back, my mouth hung wide open as moans spill out of me. He slides a hand to my cunt, his thumb moving to circle my clit. He watches with hooded eyes where we meet as he fucks me senseless.
“Say it again.”
“𝘖𝘩 Stiles.”
“Yeah, you getting close? Do I fuck you that good? Say it.” He seethes, his dirty words rattling in my head. I’m breathless, the cold room now unbearably hot. “You fuck me so good, Sti.” I moan, the ball in the pit of my stomach tightening with every touch of his. His hand gripping my hip. His cock hitting that sweet spot inside me with every thrust. His thumb pressing to my clit.
“Yeah? You like that, baby.” I can’t take it anymore. “Stiles,” I moan, my limbs restless, I can’t stay still. “Tell me.” He says, leaning down over me to envelope my lips in a wet, searing kiss. I moan as he parts, “I’m gonna cum, Stiles.”
“Then do it.”
I obey his every word, my release washing over like a wave. My back arches into him, and Stiles buckles down, chasing his nearing high. I’m just about to tell him I can’t take it anymore when he cums, spilling into the condom. His brows furrowing and his mouth agape. He lets out the most beautiful sounds I’ve ever heard, I never want it to stop.
He pumps a few more times, riding out his high. “Oh, fuck.” He whispers, slowly pulling out of me. I moan as he does, partly in pleasure and partly in pain. I’m sore now, I can’t even imagine how sore I’ll be tomorrow.
Stiles gets up from the bed, he quickly discards the condoms and pulls his boxers on. He pads to the bathroom, and I lay there for a minute not sure of what to do. I close my legs and watch as he comes back with a damp rag.
He comes back to me, kneeling on the bed in front of my closed legs. “Open.” He says, placing a hand on my knee to pry them open once more. He cleans me up, and I’m completely and utterly in shock. Did he really just do that? What have I been missing out on?
When he’s does, I sit up so our faces meet, and I peck his kiss swollen lips. “Thank you.” I whisper, and he hums in response, kissing me once more.
As he goes to the bathroom to put the rag away, I gather my scattered clothes from the floor, and I’m slipping them on as he comes back, hopping back into the bed.
It’s at this point that I’m not really sure what to expect now. Are we never gonna talk about this again? Are we just gonna hate each other and fuck on the side? I’m nervous to get back in bed with him.
“Come here.” Stiles mumbles, laying his arm out for me. I crawl into bed, snuggling into him. “Do we still hate each other?” I whisper. He says nothing, reaching om his other arm over to his nightstand.
“Here.” He says, handing me his phone charger.
“Jesus Stiles, turn it off.” I grumble, his alarm blaring in my ears. Stiles is dead asleep, how he’s able to sleep through his excruciating alarm? No idea.
I reach over him to grab his phone, hitting the snooze button. But before I put it down I see a text from none other than Scott, at 12:31 AM.
𝙎𝙘𝙤𝙩𝙩 𝙈𝙘𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙡: 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙤𝙬𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙨
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xob1tchs · 8 months
〈 freaks! — stiles stilinski
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warnings; somnophilia (sex when one person is asleep), dubcon, handjob, minimal talking, slight dirty talk, squirting, unprotected sex, cream pie.
taglist; @normsdaughter-alt @f4yerite @skyesthebomb @love4ldr @slut4drudy @certified-stargirl @thievin-stealing @creepydollie
a/n; this was only edited once, so my apologies for the grammar and spelling errors bound to appear. hope y’all like 💞
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You sigh heavily, dragging yourself up the stairs to your boyfriends dorm room, backpack adding a weight to your already aching shoulders. Your eyes are heavy, sore from hours spent staring at your computer screen.
You smile at the students that pass you, looking equally as drained, exam season might just be the death of you.
Twisting the knob for stiles door, you slip in quietly, not bothering with the lights, letting your backpack hit the ground with a thump. You can hear sheets rustling as you creep towards his bed, blinking to see sleepy stiles smile up at you, you yawn quietly.
“Hi baby, don’t wanna wake you”.
You shimmy out of your pants, kicking them towards the over spilling laundry basket in the corner, reaching under your shirt to unclasp your bra. Stiles scoots over opening the covers so you can slip in — enveloping you in his arms and duvet. It doesn’t take long for you to drift off to sleep.
You stir sometime after you fall asleep, blinking groggily, turning beneath the covers. Sweat has caused your shirt to cling to your bare skin, legs squishing together with an uncomfortable heat — pleasure stirring in the pit of your stomach. You frown, chewing your bottom lip, squinting in the darkness at stiles side profile. Moonlight cascades over his face, peeking through the blinds, just enough for you to see his peaceful face.
You fidget, fingers trailing down your shirt, toying with the hem. Skeptically you ponder your options, peeking at stiles under the covers, eyebrows knitting together as you trail down his toned torso, to the waistband of his sweats. What would he do?
You’re careful as you reach over to his body, fingertips gentle, skimming over his abdomen. You watch his face for any kind of reaction, but he seems completely knocked out. Your knuckles slip into sweatpants, gasping at the lack of boxers, fingers immediately greeted by the thick base of his cock. You swallow thicky, drool pooling at the back of your throat. Heat stirs in the pit of your stomach, and you whine to yourself gently.
Shifting to your knees, you use your free hand to tug the covers down his body, tugging his cock free from the constraints of his sweats. You watch as his face shifts, lips parting in a tired huff, eyes still closed nonetheless. You jerk up his length, fist tightening around the head, precum beading out, slipping past your knuckles. Glancing to his face one again, you lean forward, trying your best to keep silent as you let spit gather on your tongue, before you spit onto his tip, flattening your palm against the slit, coating him in your saliva before you tug it down the rest of his length. By the third tug, he is hard in your palm, veins prominent as you continue to jerk him off. Wetness continues to pool in your panties, breath becoming heavy in your chest. Fingers curling around the thick base, you squeeze tightly, milking him, licking your lips as you cum dribble down his length, running over your knuckles.
Stiles whines under his breath, hips jutting into the air, pressing the side of his face into his pillow. His torso caves in. You flinch, glancing at his face, relieved to see his expression go lax again, eyes still kept closed. You let go of him, licking the drying cum from the back of your hand, humming under your breath.
Carefully maneuvering your legs over his, you place your hand on the wall in front of you, using your free one to tug your panties to the side, hovering over the tip of his cock. Nerves gather in the pit of your stomach, chewing your lip, you watch his face as you lower yourself down. The tip protrudes your hole, burning as you sink down, stretching with reluctance due to the lack of prep. The first noise stiles makes is a low and deep whine, eyes clenching together tightly, face winding up in pleasure. But he doesn’t seem to wake. So you settle comfortably on his length, doing your best to keep quiet, evening your breath despite the feeling of his cock stretching you open.
Your pussy is so wet that when you rise up, and fall back down, it squelches, wetness coating the bare skin above his cock. Splashing out with every move you make, you start to lose your strength, already so close to cumming. You tug your shirt up your body, stuffing the fabric between your lips, muffling the grunts and groans from your lips. Blinking down at stiles face you can’t help but whine out even louder at seeing his peaceful face twitch in pleasure, soft pants escaping his lips, fingers twitching by your knees on either side of his hips.
Trailing your free hand down your bare torso, you spread your labia folds wide, pinching your clit between your fingers, crying out at the feeling, knees buckling as an unexpected orgasm washes over your body, making you stumble forward as wetness spurts out around the base of his cock, covering your thighs and his sweats in the milky liquid.
This wakes him, a groan ripping from the back of his throat, hands clasping your hips, squeezing the meaty flesh, forcing you to stay in place.
“fuck baby, thought i was dreaming” he groans into your hair, hips jutting up gently, making you cry out from overstimulation. he smooths his hands over the skin of your back, before he digs into your ass, kneading the soft skin, rocking you back and forth on his cock just enough to have you clenching around him.
you place your palms on his chest, lifting your body up just enough to be able to look in his eyes, lips forming a pout “wanted you bad, sorry baby” squeezing your eyes tight in pleasure you let your body slump back into his embrace.
He hums thoughtfully, thrusting up into your cunt again, rocking his bed beneath your bodies. You whine into his chest, nails digging into the skin of his shoulders, spit staining his bare skin.
He continues his pace, ruthless, ignoring all the pleas you make, forcing you to babble nonsense into his chest, chuckling at your small voice inel between moans and crys of pleasure.
You can feel his cock pulsate, deep in your pussy, rocking against that spot that makes your eyes roll to the back of your skull. You shift your face to look up at him, tears welling along your lashes “stiles baby, im gonna cum again” you warn, clenching when he coos down at you, fingers tangling in your hair, massaging your scalp in a gentle manner compared to the pace of his hips.
He sits your bodies up, cradling you in his hold, cock buried deeper between your walls, wetness gushing down his balls. You limply wrap your arms around his shoulders, knee’s aching when you start to meet his thrusts, bouncing up and down on cock roughly.
Your pussy suctions around him like a vice, almost too tight to take him even still, but it makes it easier to feel every ridge and vein, the way he twitches and jumps inside of you, not as obvious on the outside but equally as gone as you from how his cock feels. He cradles your jaw, forcing your head back, mouth open wide, louds whines and whimpers filling the space of his dorm room. “Want you to cum baby, cream all over my cock” his voice is gentle, way too sweet despite the crude words. It makes you cry out, rapidly nodding your head, slurring a string of ‘yes’ out before your body goes limp in his hold.
Your mind completely blanks, a ringing in your ears causes your head to pound, orgasm your knees give out, sending both of you back down to the mattress with a loud thud.
The only thing that brings you back is the grunts and moans stiles let out, warm seed spilling inside your pussy. You smack your lips, panting like a dog as you support yourself on shaky arms, blinking down at stiles as his eyes flutter open.
“Shut the fuck up, freaks!” Comes from the other side of his wall, along with a pounding that makes the pens and other stationary on his desk rattle.
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stilessflannel · 3 months
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"stiles," you purr, sighing with lust as your boyfriend's hands pull your hips harder towards his own, arching your back as his hand rises to gently push you down against the mattress. he hums, leaning down to kiss your lips hard, thrusting into you as your back rubs the sheets under you.
stiles leans back and his mouth opens to murmur something to you, but a ringing noise makes you jolt. both of you turn to look at your phone, which has lit up with the call from someone. stiles sighs and you groan, arm reaching out to grope around for the phone as your other hand threads into stiles' hair, tugging him as he slowly eases on his thrusts.
"oh, god," you say, half moaning as stiles' strokes slow, changing angles as he looks down at you with mischievous eyes. "it's scott." you add, tossing your phone to the edge of the bed.
stiles hums, pulling out of you and grabbing the phone. you whine, looking at him, "no, please keep going, i can call him back later." you beg, desperate to feel him again. stiles raises his brows, "you know he'll just keep calling."
you lean back, sighing because you know stiles is right. "fuck you stilinski. fine." and then you snatch the phone, pressing the answer button. "hey, wh-what's up?" you ask, breathing slightly heavily.
"hey, i was wondering what your plans are later. we need to get some supplies for that party lydia’s having." scott says with a hint of boredom, and you swallow. god, couldn't he have called any other time? at least this will be quick.
you jolt but keep quiet as you feel stiles' fingers gently run through your slick folds, thumb teasing your clit. you let out a short whine and gulp, "oh, uh, yeah i can-can hang out later, just not now-" you swallow. your face feels on fire, excited by the idea of possibly being caught.
"you okay, y/n?" scott asks genuinely, concern lacing his voice. you bite your lip so hard you think it may draw blood as you gasp, "yeah, just...not feeling good." you say, sharply inhaling as stiles quietly chuckles. you send him a glare.
"stiles and i are c-cleaning his room and there's... it's hard work." you mutter breathlessly as you go up on one elbow, eyeing stiles as he smirks, his hand trailing down to stroke his cock. you barely resist a moan as you watch him, biting your lip as you wish you could have him in your mouth.
"okay..." scott says absently, immediately dismissing your excuse as he launches into a conversation with you asking about what you're bringing to lydia's party. you're biting your lip as you fall back onto the mattress, heart racing as you think back to twenty seconds ago when stiles' cock was inside you. "-and, you know, i think stiles' bringing snacks and some games, but maybe if you still have your key you could sneak into the store and get us some-"
you accidentally cut off scott with a gasp followed by a moan as stiles suddenly pushes into you.
your eyes are wide as you stare at stiles, watching as he winks at you, finger going to his lips in a shush motion. you hate how immediate your shivers of lust flow through you, as stiles starts to slowly thrust into you again. you roll your eyes but your face heats up as scott's voice breaks the silence over the phone, "y/n, wh... -are you sure you're alright?"
you pull your hand off your mouth, "yes! yes, i just-" you cough to cover up a moan as stiles starts to thrust harder, "i stubbed my fucking toe." you mutter quietly, glaring up at stiles. he smirks darkly at your words, looking down at you as his large hand creeps up your body, splaying across your breasts and then to your neck, ghosting a squeeze before slipping a finger into your open, panting mouth.
his other hand finds purchase on the skin of your thighs and he winks at you, moving his hips and hitting the perfect spot inside you. the pleasure you feel has your eyes falling back, toes curling.
"oh. well make sure if it's bad that you ice it, don't want you missing any sport...," and then scott launches into a quick story and you hum along to make it seem like you're listening even though all you can think about is stiles and how his hand is tweaking your nipples, splaying across your sternum, as you suck on his fingers.
then he pulls his fingers out of your mouth and presses them to your clit, rubbing in a pattern that has you seeing stars.
"-wait, you said you're with stiles?" scott asks and you cough, throat rough after having stiles' hand on it, "yes, he's- he’s right here." you say breathlessly.
"can you let me ask him something?"
your eyes widen and you gasp a bit, making eye contact with stiles. "s-sure, here he is."
stiles' smirks as he grabs the phone from you, making you nervous, but you bite your lip as he mutters, "hey, scott."
it's quiet for a bit as scott's voice drawls along on the other line and suddenly stiles is pushing your legs up towards your shoulders and speeding up his thrusts, the deep angle almost making you scream in pleasure. his hand falls over your mouth, keeping you quiet as he leans over you, pumping into you and making tears of pleasure form in the corner of your eyes.
stiles mutters, “mhm? yeah, yeah.” to scott, but the sultry way he’s staring at you and the way your nails are raking down his back make you wonder if the words are also for you.
"yeah, she's helping me out, she's always so good like that." stiles says, voice shockingly even for the way that he's fucking you into your mattress. and yeah, that definitely is for you.
the desperation and pleasure creep up on you alarmingly quick and you can't help the whimpers that quietly escape you - you thank god for the loud fan in your room to cover your noises.
stiles hums to scott a few more times, then he slaps your thigh gently as you try to close your legs from the pleasure, knowing when you cum you won't be able to keep quiet. it makes you feel even closer, though. "yeah, scott, i can do that. now listen, i got something important to finish off here so i'm going to give you back to my girl."
you bite your lip, feeling warm as you squirm under his touch, hands shakily taking the phone back from him, then stiles is kneeling above you, fucking you down into the mattress and filling you up fully. "scott," you gasp, "i also have to go, i'll - i'll call you later?" you say, trying your hardest to hold off your orgasm as stiles leans down to kiss along your chest, leaving a purple mark to bloom in the same spot as he thrusts hard into you.
"sure, see you later" scott says as he hangs up.
and then the second your finger presses the off button you're a begging mess, eyes screwing shut as you reach up to grip stiles' neck. his hands push your knees up towards your head, hitting a spot that has you clenching around him, legs shaking as your chest stutters.
"stilinski, god, i'm going to kill you for that." you hiss, causing him to grin, "i fucking hate you, i hate you." you mutter, smacking his cheek lightly. the grin after you leave the smack makes you even closer to the edge, and his hands grip your tits as he leans towards your ear.
his strokes are hitting you deep and hotly as he chuckles, "you liked it. i saw it in your face. pathetic desperation. i can feel it." he whispers against your clammy skin, his fingers brushing against your slick heat as he mutters. your cheeks are hot in embarrassment, and you whimper in need.
you bite your lip hard, resisting a moan as a sharp cry falls from your lips, shaking as you beg, "stiles, just - please, let me cum. please."
"you're so pretty when you beg, look at you. talkin' on the phone to my best friend while i fuck you." he mutters, hand caressing your burning cheek as you whimper. "all mine, so eager and willing to do whatever i want."
you nod, "yes, i'm yours, just - please, please." you whimper. "please say i can cum."
he smiles as he kisses your nose, "would you do whatever i want?”
you stutter an exhale, “yes! fuck, stiles, yes, yes i would. i’m yours.”
he smiles, “cum, then." you do after the next three thrusts, shaking and gasping and calling stiles' name. the euphoria rushes through your body and makes your eyes roll back, chest rising and falling as stiles rides you through your high.
only a minute later, stiles pulls out of you, hand moving to pump himself. "my perfect girl." he mutters as you sit up slightly on shaky elbows, tongue out and mouth open as you pant, stiles' hand moving in quick movements as he chases his own high. then he's grabbing your neck and pulling you toward him, moans leaving his lips as he cums in spurts onto your open tongue and down your chin, a bit dripping onto your chest. his thumb caresses you, opening your mouth wider and smearing his cum on your lips, wiping it from your tits and slapping them lightly, pinching your nipples and making you grin up at him.
and his chest is heaving as he smiles down at you, shaking his head as you swallow his cum, "christ, you're perfect." you tug his arms so that he falls down onto you and you're both chuckling as you become a tangled mess of limbs and beating hearts and blushy cheeks, sticky bodies cuddling close.
"he's going to find out." you say after a few seconds. stiles hums, "what makes you say that, baby? it's not like you were all 'stiles, fuck me harder, please, yes!' while you were on the phone. that was only after." he teases, and you smack his chest lightly, "shut the fuck up, stiles. i hate you." you say through a laugh. he's laughing too as he pulls you even closer, kissing your hairline, "i love you so much, y/n." he says, smiling giddily.
you pull his chin to you, kissing him sweetly. "i love you too, stilinski. but scott's coming over later, he's going to see that we didn't clean the room."
stiles laughs, shrugging as he runs a hand through his ruffled hair, "let him guess. it's funnier that way." and then he's kissing you, rolling on top of you and tickling your sides as you scream and squeal.
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repost off my old a03 account
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mysticallystilinski · 6 months
FEELING [ stiles x fem! reader ]
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has : SMUT 17+, fingering, very clingy stiles, tit sucking, tit playing, sub!reader, heavy teasing, whimper!kink.
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“please stiles”, you moan out as he rubs against your body. it has been days since he has even came close to touching you. it was an understatement on how badly you needed him. his large hands run up and down your delicate body. he grinned in excitement at any little whimper that comes out of you.
“be patient”, he whispers in your ear. his heavy breath coming that close to you was enough to make you cum. you had no articles of clothing taken off you quite yet, but you knew soon enough he would have to cave in. you push off his torso and place your feet on the cold floor.
you lower your hands to the rim of your shirt, and proceed to pull it off in a quick flash. stiles sat on the bed, practically mind blown at this sudden boost of confidence. you walked closer to him as you heard his breathing pattern get quicker.
stiles had a certain feeling that you were putting on a false show. he tugged onto the waistband of your pants, and pulled you closer in between his legs. he looked up at you with those soft brown eyes. “why are you acting like this sweetheart”, he groaned out. your words got caught in the back of your throat as he slowly stood up and placed you to the side.
he looked down upon you in lust as you scanned his large figure. his brown eyes almost certainly turned to black as he grabbed your shoulders and sat you down upon the bed. he now stood above you while you were in the opposite position as before. he got onto his knees, and slowly ran his hands up and down your thighs.
“stiles please, don’t tease”, you practically whimpered. he interlocked his fingers into your waistband, and slid the soft flannel pants down your legs and to the side of the bed. he was now approached with your light red panties. he slowly moved his head toward your core, took his mouth and dug his teeth upon them.
he smirked as you looked down onto him in waiting. he lowered his head as the panties followed along with him intertwined in his teeth. he dug his fingers into your things as he made his away along your silky legs. he reached the bottom and discarded your sweet panties. stiles mind filled with all the things he wanted to do with you. he thought first about fingering you, then slowly moving onto other things.
he lifted his head up, and saw your facial expression. it was a mix of impression and excitement. your smile lit up the room as stiles started to giggle as he got closer to your heat. he used his large hands to spread your thighs apart, and lowered his head closer. his fingers untangled your thighs and moved to your throbbing pussy.
he slowly inserted one finger, then heard a gasp for air. you whimpered as his long finger headed deeper inside of you. he took it slightly out, and inserted one more finger. your head was thrown back in pleasure as he slowly pumped both fingers in and out. you felt him get closer to you as his fingers continued to glide in and out at the perfect speed.
your body filled with tingles as he increased his speed. one hand was gripping your boob, while the other was heading inside of you. you quickly moved and scrambled as his fingers hit just the right spot. he slowly used the hand on your boob to play with your nipple, slightly pinching it for a pleasurable feeling.
your body was feeling hot and heavy while stiles slowly talked you up to an orgasm. “you’re doing so good y/n”, he spoke. you gasped in shock and pleasure when he said those five words. “please cum for me”, he groaned out. you saw his eyes focused on your wet pussy when he looked up and smirked in a devilish way.
he held eye contact with you as he spoke softly, “baby you look so good taking my fingers.” your head filled with the things he was doing to you, and how good it felt. your core tightened as you felt the moment coming. he hit your g-spot one last time, and you collapsed. cum overflowed out of you as stiles latched his mouth onto your pussy.
he sucked up all he could, and gripped onto your thighs with both hands. you saw him look up at you with his lustful eyes. his tongue delved all around your area as he grinned. he lifted his head and moved his body so that he was on top of you. he lowered his head to your boob as slightly used his tongue to head around the area of your nipple.
stiles couldn’t help but groan as your body smelled sweet. his tongue clenched around your hard nipple, and you moaned out in peace. he slightly chuckled at your noise, but still was focused. he unlatched his mouth, and slightly placed his lips onto yours. he pulled back, “i want you to taste yourself.” your eyes widened but you complied as he stuck his tongue into your mouth. your eyes got heavier as he slid his hand up your bare body.
he made out with you to help you release some tension. you felt on cloud nine as your soft lips intertwined with yours. he removed his lips, and slowly smirked. “what are you up to stilinski?”, you groaned and rolled your eyes.
“round 2?”
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strangerstilinski · 10 months
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𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary; they say ‘showering together saves water’ or.. something like that.. right? otherwise known as, the one where sheer stupidity leads stiles into the shower with his very naked girlfriend. neither one of them is complaining about the turn of events.
warnings; no use of y/n, established relationship, explicit sexual content (vaginal fingering, handjobs, mentions of oral)
word count; +3k
a/n; i fear i'm going to be perpetually unhappy with this so i'm just biting the bullet and posting it and i'm camping so here it is an hour early!! — please be nice. if you’re interested in the original version cut from my Selenophiles series, you can find that here.
please think about leaving a comment/reblogging if you enjoy! i would appreciate either one to the actual ends of the earth.
Wrapped up in a softly hummed rendition of a song that had been rattling around in your brain all day, you didn’t even hear the bathroom door open or click shut again, not alerted to Stiles’ presence until his voice suddenly sounded just to the other side of the shower curtain.
It was a simple greeting. Your boyfriend remaining entirely unaware as you flinched wildly in surprise and nearly slipped in the shower on the other side of the thin sheet of plastic that separated you.
“You mind if I brush my teeth real quick?” He asked.
Your heart was still pounding away in your chest from the scare but you forced out a breathy laugh as you reached for the shampoo.
“No, of course not,” You told him easily, “Why would I mind?”
Fingertips scrubbed at your scalp, the sounds of him already beginning to brush his teeth meeting your ears over the rush of the shower as he finally responded.
“I dunno,” He said, words garbled by the toothbrush and foam in his mouth, “You’re all.. naked, so-”
“Well that’s very noble of you,” You smiled softly to yourself, “But you really didn’t have to ask.”
“Noted.” He said through a mouthful of foam before spitting into the sink.
As you began to rinse suds from your hair, you heard the telltale clacking of his toothbrush against the side of the sink as he flicked beads of water away from the bristles. You were awaiting Stiles’ quick words of goodbye when there was a loud knock at the bathroom door.
“Stiles! You in the shower?” His father’s voice sounded loudly from the hallway.
Your heart thumped quick in your chest with sudden misplaced adrenaline and you found yourself poking your head outside of the shower curtain only to be greeted by Stiles already looking in your direction with wide brown eyes.
“Uh, yeah!” He called back weakly, gaze darting around the small room as if he might suddenly find a perfect place to hide.
“Does he not know I’m here?” You whispered sharply, brows pinched together in confusion.
“No.” Stiles hissed back, “I’m kind of a little bit grounded-”
“What?” You interrupted, still whispering despite your incredulity. “You’re grounded?”
“It’s an unspoken kind of thing but definitely implied and- And I didn’t think he’d be home ‘til late!” Stiles defended in an equally hushed whisper.
“Alright, well.. You mind if I just come in and grab the Asprin real quick?” Sheriff Stilinski's voice asked loudly.
Stiles’ eyes seemed to widen even further with a small squeak of distress, “Um-”
You threw the shower curtain open just enough to to fist your hand in the front of his shirt, yanking him forward until he stumbled and was forced to climb over the lip of the bathtub. The shower curtain was tugged back closed just as the doorknob turned and Stiles’ father cautiously peeked into the room through a cloud of steam.
Stiles was now the one standing directly under the spray of warm water, his pajamas quickly soaking through and plastering themselves to his body.
He was unable to help the way his eyes immediately dropped to the wet skin of your naked chest, but somehow, your instincts seemed to know exactly what was coming next because your hand found its way up to cover his mouth just before a soft groan could slip past his lips, the sound of it smothered by your palm.
“Sorry, my head’s killin’ me.” The Sheriff apologized as the medicine cabinet clicked open.
You uncovered Stiles’ mouth slowly and with caution, narrowing your eyes and tipping your head in a silent urge for him to formulate some sort of response. Brown eyes flicked between yours, his tongue poking out to wet his lips enticingly before he responded to his father.
“Nah, it’s cool, dad. Uh.. No biggie.”
Stiles’ eyes found their way to your naked chest yet again, bouncing back up to your face for a fraction of a second only for his gaze to fall back down to your breasts as if drawn there by an unstoppable force. His mind was decidedly blank, suddenly equipped with only enough brainpower to attempt to memorize the exact shade of your pert nipples in the soft light of the bathroom. A few beads of water from your hair curled their way around your collarbone, pooling in the small dip in your clavicle before welling over and cascading down to the swell of your breast.
You watched him swallow hard, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as the shower continued to spray against his fully-clothed back.
“Right. Well. G’night.” Sheriff Stilinski called out as the medicine cabinet slammed shut again.
The boy’s eyes snapped up to yours at the sharp sound, a pink flush creeping up his neck from either the warm steam of the shower, the sight of your naked body, or most likely some combination of the two.
“N-night, daddio-” Stiles replied in an admittedly high voice, shaking his head at his you in warning as he watched you pinch your lips between your teeth to hold back a laugh.
The bathroom door finally closed with a loud click and you let your head drop forward onto your boyfriend’s shoulder as you released a quiet giggle.
“Oh my god.” You breathed out.
“Sorry,” Stiles apologized, “For, uh, invading your shower.”
You lifted your head, “I quite literally pulled you in against your will.”
Stiles nodded, “Yeah. I, uh, I guess you did.”
You snorted softly in amusement and watched his eyes flick over your face in a slow trail. His gaze eventually found something of interest behind you and he seemed to hone in on it with a determined focus.
“What are you looking at?” You questioned quietly, craning your neck to examine the shower products on the shelf at your back before returning your gaze to the boy in front of you.
“I, uh.. Well. Literally, y’know.. Anything but your extremely naked body.” He choked out weakly.
A smile pulled at your lips and you inched forward to drag your hands lightly over the soaked-through cotton of his shirt, “There something wrong with my naked body, Stilinski?”
You’d said the words with a teasing lilt to your voice, but Stiles’ eyes seemed to snap back to your own sharply, “No! No, absolutely nothing-” He denied immediately.
“Okay, well, you are allowed to look, y’know,” You told him softly, like you were revealing a secret, “It isn’t like it’s anything you haven’t already seen-”
“Well, yeah but, you- You’re trying to shower and.. If I’m being totally honest, if I look now I’m gonna get painfully hard painfully fast ‘cause I’m already barely holding on here-”
At his words, you shuffled back just a fraction so you could peek down in between you, your eyes catching on the wet, tented fabric of his pajama bottoms. Your hands twitched with the desperate need to touch and you hesitated for only a second before taking ahold of the soaked material of his shirt beneath your fingers.
“Maybe you should shower, too,” You interrupted, licking your lips as you gazed back up at your boyfriend, “I mean, your dad already thinks you are, and you’re already all wet, so y’know.. We should probably get you naked-”
The moment the word left your mouth, you tightened your fingers around wet fabric and stammered quietly, ridiculously nervous considering that you were already naked. And wet.
“-And clean. Naked, to clean your- To wash your body, obviously. I mean, it only makes sense, right?” You suggested eagerly.
The fabric of his shirt inched up his torso, your deft hands revealing his hips and the thick trail of hair at his belly button, but that was where you stopped, waiting for him to give some sort of approval before lifting it any further.
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s smart.” He agreed quickly, nodding for you to continue.
You stripped him of the wet article, dropping it at the opposite end of the tub with a quiet smack. When your eyes returned to his, Stiles barely held your gaze before he was cupping your face and dragging your mouth to his. He turned you back into the shower wall and you sighed in contentment as the spray of warm water finally cascaded over the side of your body once again, pleasant goosebumps erupting over your skin.
Stiles’ kisses were an enigma and they very nearly managed to catch you by surprise every time — the way he devoured your mouth with so much hunger yet was still somehow able to hold you as if you were the most precious thing in the world. His lips dragged over yours sickly sweet, thumb stroking over your cheek, fingertips digging into your scalp beneath wet hair.
You only managed to hold out for a few desperate brushes of his mouth before you were parting your lips beneath his in silent invitation. When his tongue teased against yours, you caught the taste of mint left behind from his toothpaste and you couldn’t hold back the groan that poured from your mouth into his. You suddenly found yourself craving the taste of it, prodding your own tongue between his lips on the next kiss to chase the lingering flavor in his mouth.
The wet drag of his pajama pants against your naked thighs beneath the stream of water was an immediate reminder that he was still wearing the wet article of clothing and you flicked at them idly, fingertips dipping beneath the drawstring waist. His stomach tensed beneath your hands and he pulled back from the kiss just enough to drop his forehead to yours, eyes raking over your face slowly as he attempted to catch his breath.
“What, um. What do you- I mean, do you, um..” His eyes pinched shut in frustration as his own inability to convey himself.
Your hand slid over his water-slick hip, arm circling around his waist until you could run your fingertips gently along his spine beneath the water, forcing a contented sigh from his kiss-swollen mouth at the contact.
You licked your lips in thought, “I could either jerk you off in here, or we could wait and I can blow you in your bedroom,” You offered quietly, “I’d blow you in here but I’m honestly not entirely sure how it would work with all the water in my face and-”
Stiles nearly whimpered, “You cannot say that shit and seriously expect me to not blow my load, like, immediately.”
Your mouth twisted up into a grin, “Sorry.”
You weren’t.
He dragged you just a bit closer beneath the spray, bare chests sliding against one another. A shaky exhale left his lips and cascaded across your damp cheek, his nose skating softly against clean skin as he craned down to push his face into your neck.
“No you’re not.” He shot back without hesitation.
You sighed softly, head tipping back of its own accord in an open invitation for his lips to find your skin. The soaked through material of his pajama bottoms did nothing to hide the warm, hard length of him pressing against your hip. You slipped your hand just a bit farther beneath the damp cotton until your fist found its home around him, beginning to move in firm jerks as a choked groan sounded in his throat.
“No, I’m not.” You agreed easily.
“Jesus Christ.”
“So?” You asked quietly, words spilling out toward the ceiling as your head rested against the shower wall.
“Huh?” Stiles articulated weakly, the sound swallowed up by the way his mouth was pressed into the skin beneath your jaw. A large hand slipped down the length of your spine, long fingers finding their way to your ass, merely resting there for a moment before a flick of your wrist seemed to spur him on, hand tightening over the soft flesh as he dragged you up against him just a bit harder.
Your ankle hooked around his knee easily, pulling yourself up a bit higher, warm, wet cotton still separating you as you continued to work his length beneath the material.
“Handjob in shower or blowjob in room.” You repeated the options stiffly, thoughts scattered from the feel of his fingertips digging into your backside.
“Shit.” He murmured against your neck, his hips jerking forward to meet your hand, making the movement of your wrist more difficult when it was pinned between your bodies. “I- Um.. I.. Shit-”
“It’s kinda looking like its gonna be handjob if you don’t decide otherwise pretty quick here-”
“But I-” A sharp sound was pulled from him when your hand slipped over the head of his cock, a delicious but quiet uh squeaking out onto the wet skin of your throat. “God, I really want your mouth but-” A quiet groan interrupts him but he carries on after only a brief pause, “If you stop I might die.”
He says the words so seriously that you can’t help the small laugh that pops out.
“Oh, so you want both? That’s what you’re telling me?”
“Uh-huh, yeah, fuck.. Please-”
“Seems a little-” Its your hushed words that are cut off this time, a small gasp of surprise falling from your lips when the hand on your ass creeps lower, hiking your leg up higher as two of his fingers find your wet entrance. “Little, um. A little greedy, don't you- Ah! Don’t you think?” Your teasing statement was tainted halfway through as he dipped his fingers inside, long and thick and pushing in to the third knuckle almost immediately.
He begins thrusting in time with the jerks of your hand, synchronized gasps and groans falling from your mouths for a minute before he thinks to respond.
“If you think I’m not gonna give as good as I get then-”
His words cut off with an unabashed moan against wet skin and you nosed at his jaw until he tipped his head up to meet your lips, your scolding shh silenced within the kiss.
“-Then you don’t think very highly of me, huh?” He continued as if he’d never paused at all, his words murmured between slick lips as his mouth slid against yours again and again. “It’d, uh- It’d be a fair trade-”
The whispered question was stolen from your mouth when he licked inside, hot and dirty as his nose pushed into your cheek.
His own utterance of the word was swallowed up by your gasp when his fingers crooked just so the next time he pushed them in deep. Your grip on him fell slack for only a moment before you recovered with newfound determination, matching his efforts as he sped up the rhythm of his hand.
Your thigh hitched up on his waist that much higher, all but consumed by the desperate hunger you felt to be closer. He returned the sentiment, pulling you in and crowding you back and devouring each of your sounds until it seemed as if he were everywhere all at once.
You traded kisses between stuttered breaths and heady gasps, bodies rolling into one another’s hands as you both chased after the tight pleasure coiling in your guts and building up, higher, stronger, closer–
Stiles came first, a soft whine against your tongue when your fist circled at the head of his cock, twisting and pulling his release from him in thick spurts beneath the wet cotton of his pajama bottoms. You worked him through it, taking control of the kiss as he went slack with his orgasm and finally pushing his pants to the floor of the bathtub with a wet thwack once his hips stopped twitching into your hand.
He fell back into the kiss urgently and you relinquished control without a fight, weak to do little more than throw an arm around his shoulders for support as he redoubled his efforts to make you come.
Thighs trembling, toes curling, your muscles tensed as you were worked closer and closer to your peak. His fingers hit a spot deep inside of you with every thrust and each time sparks danced up your spine with the impact, sharp noises of pleasure were dragged from your lips.
“Sti-” You whined softly, wet mouth falling against his cheek as you tried to alert him to your swiftly approaching release, “’m so close. Shit, I- ’m so close-”
“Shit,” He returned in an urgent whisper, “Shit, okay-”
He eased his hips back from your own, his free hand falling to the apex of your thighs. His lips covered yours again as he began swirling his fingertips around the swollen bud there and your whole body jolted at the sensation. Your mouth fell open with a soft cry as you came, the glide of his fingers both smoother and more sharp as he worked you through it.
As you came down you were panting, hot breaths mingling between your mouths. The steam of the shower felt almost cloying, both of you a little lightheaded from the heat and the exertion. You cracked your eyes open and found his gaze already on you, eyes hooded and heavy, the tip of his nose bumping your own.
“Holy shit.”
It came out as nothing more than a whisper against his lips, your chest heaving in time with his as you both fought to catch your breath. You loosened the tight grip your arm had taken up around his shoulders and neck, mouth slack as you tried to pull in enough oxygen to clear your head.
“That was-”
“Yeah.” He whispered in agreement, forehead falling against yours.
The tip of your thumb pressed into a dark freckle on his chest as your hand made its way down from his shoulder in a slow drag over slick skin. You swallowed around your dry mouth as your leg finally fell free from its place around him and provided instant relief to your muscles.
“You sure you can handle two more orgasms?” You questioned breathlessly, not entirely sure which response you wanted to hear as you swayed against him in the overpowering steam of the shower.
In lieu of an immediate response, his gaze fell downward and your own followed on instinct, catching sight of the long thickness of his cock, already fattening back up against his thigh with arousal.
Tongue feeling suddenly heavy, you were filled with the urge to fulfill your teasing promise, to work him toward his peak all over again with your mouth.
You voice was a breathless whisper when it finally sounded.
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sarcasm-and-stiles · 7 months
Y/N: sarcastic brunettes
Stiles, desperately, as Y/N bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE
Y/N: Oh! B positive.
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mxltifxnd0m · 8 months
i just need a dorky nerdy man with brown hair and big brown eyes to be my boyfriend PLEASE
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wife-of-all-dilfs · 8 months
✎ masterlist ✎
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this is a collection of all my one shots. more will be added as i continue to write. requests are closed!
[ key: ]
🌷 ≈ fluff
🍑 ≈ smut
🌪️ ≈ angst
💻 ≈ wip
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•finnick odair•
— the five stages » 🌪️
— hungry eyes » 🍑
— love(rs) and war » 🍑
— what friends do » 🍑🌷
— lionfish, seahorses, and dolphins, oh my! » 🌷
— beautiful mess » 🌷🌪️
— two souls, one heart » 🌪️
— nsfw alphabet » 🍑
— flower therapy » 🌪️🌷
— bad idea, right? » 🍑🌪️
— red wine: part 1, part 2, part 3 »🌷🌪️
— forbidden fruit » 🍑
— a darling and a virgin » 🌪️🍑
•bellamy blake•
— close call » 🍑
— bioluminescence » 🌷
— pretty fixation, wicked temptation » 🍑
•gally (the maze runner)•
— relationship headcanons pt. two » 🌷
— relationship headcanons » 🌷🌪️🍑
• (more characters to be added)•
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