#summer squash
morethansalad · 28 days
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Baby Chick Onigiri with Wasabi Edamame Fillings (Vegan & Gluten-Free)
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sikfankitchen · 10 months
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Hobak Jeon (Korean Pan-Fried Zucchinis)
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ryanscabinlife · 11 months
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This poor unfortunate soul. This zucchini’s not very healthy to begin with but she managed to put out a couple flowers, one already in bloom. And now she’s flooded. Poor thing can’t catch a break. I kinda feel bad, I was well aware that this is a flood zone prior transplant. That water’s been there for more than 48 hours. I’m very curious if she’ll survive
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mossiestpiglet · 11 months
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[image id: various produce, mostly tomatoes, spread over a grainy countertop. The produce is mostly grouped by variety. Only the lemon cucumbers are in a bowl. End image id]
Haven’t posted any harvest photos yet this year because I don’t usually arrange them very nicely, but I put a bit more effort into this one from a few days ago. My favorite tomato of all time is the freaky yellow pear that looks like four grown together.
Varieties pictured (top to bottom, left to right)
Tomatoes- Black Beauty, Yellow Pear, Black Cherry, Pork Chop, German Johnson, Sungold
Beans- unknown variety of long bean
Eggplant- Millionaire, Japanese (by the bowl)
Cucumber- Armenian, Lemon (bowl)
Summer Squash- Zephyr, Zucchini
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petula-xx · 1 year
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White early bush patty pan squash. So many different shapes!
Can you guess which one I let grow to full maturity to seed save from?
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lauramariescorner · 11 months
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My garden is slowly coming along 🥒🍅🫑
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Made soup today (potato!) and yesterday made two different baked goods: lemon poppyseed squash bread and chocolate chip zucchini bread :)
My aunt keeps giving us huge squashes and zucchinis and I am getting desperate, hence the breads haha
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everydayhalfling · 2 years
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It's the very end of the growing season; the tips of the pumpkin plants were bitten by frost last night. We expect a freeze by the end of the month. I'm leaving everything until the last possible day, to allow what remains to ripen up. Despite all this, the squash are still putting out new fruit; fruit that will never even come close to being ripe.
something, something, the poetry found in everyday experiences
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eato · 1 year
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How to Make Veggie Noodles
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morethansalad · 8 months
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Hummus with Roasted Vegetables & Rice (Vegan)
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3rdeyeblaque · 11 months
🌱Root of the Month for July 2023: Squash Leaf 🌱
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Squash Leaf: Squash is one of The Three Sisters (the others being, corn & beans) to us indigenous folks native to this sacred land. The Three Sisters serve as the culinary centerpiece in indigenous cultures across Turtle Island for thousands of years. Waste not, want not; flesh, seeds, leaves - every part of each plant is used in one form or another.  Though Winter Squash comes to mind the most here in the Eastern Woodlands region, Summer Squash is also of use - particularly in warmer climates.
Of the Three, Squash is the Eldest Sister and is planted last among the three in a method presently called, companion planting. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Squash leaves serve a purpose in traditional rootwork/medicine work. While there is little to no information broadcasting the spiritual uses of this flora, we can look to the ancestral practicies as well as the physical & behavior prosperities of the plant to intuitively understand their mystical aspects.
Taxa: Cucurbitaceae/Cucurbita/Moscato, maxima, mixta, or pepo
Folk Nomenclature: Eldest Sister (of Three Sisters)
Native Locality: North & Central America
Phenotypic Traits: Squash leaves are medium to large in size and are broad and kidney bean-shaped. Bright green, roughly-textured leaves feature 5-7 lobes and grow on thick, hairy stems with curling tendrils. Grows as a trailing vine, either on the ground or on trellises and has vibrant yellow flowers when in bloom.
Parts Used: Leaf, Seed
Gender: Unknown
Planetary Ruler: Unknown
Elemental Ruler: Unknown; likely Earth
Traditional Usage in Rootwork: Given as offerings to First Nations ancestors, and certain deified spirits; particularly those outside of the Hoodoo Paradigm, before given back to the Earth. Keep in a bowl in home to draw an abundance of resources & prosperity.
Traditional Medicinal Usage: Leaves are a powerful source of Fe (Iron), K (Potassium), Mg (Magnesium), and Ca (Calcium) as well as Vitamins A-C; with immune boosting benefits. When cooked, Squash leaves have a toothsome texture and a mild, green, spinach-like flavor. THE LEAVES ARE TO NEVER TO BE CONSUMED RAW.
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balkanradfem · 2 years
First summer harvest!
I've been harvesting onions, greens and dill from my garden for a while, but I've been holding on to find the first zuchinni, to really start harvesting full meals. And there she is!
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Now that I have a zuchinni, I can collect everything else and make a good lunch! It's still early to get full-sized potatoes, but I will scratch a little underneath one to see if I can steal a few:
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I can! These are going to be soo sating. I'm going to thin out some carrots too!
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Tiny but they'll do great. Since the parsley is looking so fresh and healthy, I'm going to grab a bunch of that too:
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And, I'll take a pepper, and some onions as well:
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And now I have everything I need to make a great summer stir-fry! Can’t wait for green beans and tomatoes, and then I’ll have many meal options.
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lauramariescorner · 2 years
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thunnder-loves-food · 2 years
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Crispy skin chicken thighs on a bed of summer squash risotto and green beans 🤤
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everydayhalfling · 2 years
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This is the first year I've grown the greyzini variety of zucchini, and honestly? I'm just not too sure about it.
The fruit themselves have been fine, with very interesting skins, but the plant has really struggled and I've NEVER had that problem with zucchini. It was slow to grow, scraggly, and highly susceptible to squash beetles. They look cool, and they taste all right, but I'm not sure if I'll plant this type in future.
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katiajewelbox · 2 years
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The Zucchini or Courgette (Cucurbita pepo) is one of the most beloved and bountiful kitchen garden plants around the world. 
Although this is a familiar food, it has some surprises- for example, the zucchini is actually the same species as the 🎃 pumpkin. Squash is a cornerstone of Native American traditional diets but you would have not seen zucchini in an Aztec feast because this type of squash was only developed in northern Italy in the late 19th century. Italian gardeners discovered that certain squash could be picked at the immature stage and cooked as succulent fresh veg. 
As for the name, it is a “courgette” in the UK and the former British Empire and a “zucchini” in most of Europe and North America. If you let a zucchini grow to its full mature size it becomes a “marrow” which can be stored like winter squash. Certain zucchini varieties are bred with marrow production as the end goal.
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